• Published 2nd Oct 2019
  • 516 Views, 17 Comments

DisHarmony: Genesis - -Pinkamena_Pie-

Mena escapes with two SCPs by her side, into a world torn apart by war.

  • ...

Chapter 14: Controlled

"Hey, Hey, Mena! C'mere!" somepony said.

I continued staring at the whimpering, sobbing lump that used to be a pony on my torture table. It was common for Factory Dash to call on me at this time, asking if I needed anything before leaving me to the high I always got from torturing somepony. I decided that I would give her a response.

"I don't need anything, Factory Dash," I said, continuing to tap the knife blade against my hoof, cutting myself a bit without realizing.

"No, this is actually important. Somepony calling herself Natuura wants to check on your work for Discord or something," she said.

My ears perked up.

"Excuse me? Natuura?" I asked to confirm.

"I can just send her off for you if you want," Factory Dash said.

"No, No... Send her in," I stated.

"Ooookay. Sure thing," she responded, retreating from the room and returning a few moments later with a familiar dragon pony in tow.

I was just about to open my mouth and greet her before I noticed the warning look in her eyes and the slight head tilt towards Factory Dash.

I adopted a more neutral expression before speaking.

"Hello, Miss... Natuura. What business do you have with the liege of Discord, Lord of Chaos?" I said, using the usual greeting that unlucky ponies who wandered in the castle got.

Upon hearing that, the whimpering lump of flesh on the table started begging me not to torture another victim. I rolled my eyes and shot some tranquilizer into the flesh lump, knocking it out instantly.

I turned back to Natuura, who had adopted a convincing look of nervousness on her face.

"Err... Is that... Your work, Lady Pinkamena?" she asked, adding a shakey tone to her voice.

"Why yes, lovely Rose here is indeed my work. Would you like to experience it first hoof?" I asked, adding a twisted smile at the end.

"U-Uh... No, thank you..." Said the goddess, and this time I could tell she actually was a bit scared. Understandable, what with having a mortal body and all...

I wonder what she would taste like?

No, no, don't let it control me now! Please...

Just one taste...

Just one...

"Oh. Disappointing. Oh well. Factory Dash?" I said, finally having to rest from fighting my instincts.

Factory Dash hit Valencia over the head.

I sharpened my blade with a maniacal smile on my face. She was strapped to the table with an inhibitor ring on her horn. I was excited to finally taste a goddess. Maybe I would finally become one myself, heheh...

My smile fades a bit as I feel like I forgot something. Was this goddess important...? No, I don't think so.

Valencia woke up at last, and immediately, her eyes contracted in fear. Imagine that. A goddess feeling fear... Her wings would look beautiful on my dress... And her Cutie Mark... Even her flawless horn... She was a perfect addition to my collection.

"P-Pinkamena... Th-this isn't who you are..." she said, attempting to convince me to let her go.

"Oh, this has always been who I am, silly! I just never listened to my instincts. I fought them for a long time! But not anymore, heehee..." I said, giggling maniacally.

"P-Pinkamena, you don't understand! If I die, reality itself will end! I'm the only thing keeping it together!" she begged.

"Oh, silly, once you're dead, I can take over! After all, I do plan on eating you. Just like Master Discord said to do," I reply, with a bright and cheerful smile.

"Y-You're g-going to do w-what to me?!" she squealed, her terror obvious.

"Well, firstly... I'm gonna cut out your horn," I giggle.

I adjust my blade.

Author's Note:

Be warned: Large amounts of gore in the next chapter. I have two warnings because it's that important. This one is for you guys who want to know what really happens in the basement. ;)