• Published 25th Sep 2019
  • 4,222 Views, 110 Comments

Little Dragon Daycare - TAD2

What do parents do when they need someone to look after thier kids? Simple, they take them to Little Dragon Daycare.

  • ...

They Leave Pt.1

One hour has passed and the whole of the daycare was cleaned up, the mess from lunch was hand washed and drying right now, Spike took a more detailed inventory of what they had in terms of food and drinks, and all three of the adults were taking a moment to rest. Spike sighed at the now cleaned back room. Normally it would take him and Cadance the whole hour to have the placed cleaned up, but now with Celestia, they got it done in half that. He looked at Celestia. "Celestia, thanks for staying today, even though you didn't need to." Said Spike.

Celestia smiled. "No problem Spike, the moment I saw what this place was and who the kids were, I had a feeling that you both had your hands full."

Cadance groaned. "You have no idea, if it’s not AJ or Rainbow getting into an argument, it's Yona, Smolder, or Ember destroying a wall, or Spike getting tossed through it."

Celestia looked at Spike. "Yeah, speaking of that, how have you been able to survive all that?" Asked Celestia.

Spike shrugged. "I don't really have a concrete reason, but I think it's because I'm a human that has absorbed some soul energy from the other worlds. When I get angry or protective, I've noticed that I take on some aspects of the dragon world. I'm springy and don't take much damage, aspects from the slime world. I have a great sense of smell, that helps me cook better, I got that from the wolf world. I'm magic resistant, from the pony world. But I don't have wings or four legs, so I don't think I have much in the way of harpy and centaur aspects." Said Spike.

Celestia looked at Spike in shock. "Really?" Asked Celestia.

Spike started to laugh. "No, I'm human, for the most part, but I'm also a quarter dragon." Said Spike.

Celestia looked at Spike, she wanted an explanation of what he was saying. "How?" Asked Celestia.

Spike looked at Celestia. "How what? My grandfather met my grandmother, Onyx, almost 60 years ago. They fell in love and had a kid, my mother, who didn't know her mother, because she looked human as well. She met my father in college, They got married, and then I came along. Ergo, quarter dragon." Said Spike simply.

"But Onyx was a dragon that helped your grandfather explore the mountains, you even said so yourself."

Spike nodded. "Yep, their honeymoon." Said Spike.

Celestia's brain shut down at learning this, but it quickly rebooted. "But wait, dragons live for thousands of years, and your grandfather died. That means your grandmother is alive as well."

Spike nodded. "Yep, she made her home not too far from the door in the dragon lands. She's very nice for a 40-foot-tall dragoness, and I visit her a few times a month just to check up on her for gramps."

"So, how do you know all of this?" Asked Celestia.

Spike smiled as he motioned for Celestia to follow him down to the basement, with Cadance following behind. She had seen what Spike was going to show. Spike opened the door and walked down the stairs. "Well, I kinda lied to you about this basement being only for the washer, FSPG, and storage." Said Spike as he walked to a section of the wall near the FSPG, he pressed the wall and a secret door was opened. Inside was a bunch of old films and a few projectors. "It's also my grandfather’s archive. Over the years, he took videos of what he saw, learned, who he talked to, and so much more. But he hid it away so if someone ever found out about the daycare's connection to the other worlds, they would be going into it blind." Said Spike as he popped a film labeled 'Spike' into an old projector. "Scorpan was smart, and I think he saw himself in me, so he recorded this during his last few years, right about when I graduated highschool." Said Spike as he turned on the projector.

"Spike, if you’re seeing this, that means you found my archives, I had a feeling it was only going to be a matter of time until you took over the focal point, but that also means that I'm no longer around to tell you stories. Listen, there is a story that I told you when you were very little, the story of the little dragon, and if you remember how I ended that story you should of figured it out by now. The reason I kept calling you my favorite little dragon every time we talked was because of your grandmother. Long ago, when I was still in my thirties, I went to the dragon lands to do some exploring. There I met a beautiful dragoness named Onyx, she was so kind and smart, and I couldn't help but fall for her. So, two years went by and I asked her to marry me. The only problem was even back then she was the size of a house, so I talked to Starswirl and he gave me a potion to change my race for a day. But instead of me taking it, she took it instead, and turned into a human, but she kept some of her dragon qualities. We got married that same day. At first, we were happy, I was living here at the focal point, and she had started to dig out a cave near the door to the dragon lands. Life was great, that was until Onyx found out that she was pregnant, which at the time I didn't think was possible, seeing as I was human, and she was a dragon. I ran to Starswirl and he told me that the potion was only meant to bring the two of us together, not for us to become a group of three. He also told me that if that happened then she would be permanently changed."

The film went black as it changed to a new scene. This one was of Scorpan in a large cave, he was standing next to a large black dragoness with deep red eyes. "So, the moment I told Onyx about what the potion did to her, she smiled, she was so excited to have our child, and after a long and nerve racking 9 months, a beautiful baby girl was born. We decided to name her Barb. But she was not able to survive in the dragon lands for a few reasons. First, dragons can’t produce milk like mammals. Second, dragons have sharp claws and teeth that could hurt a baby. And third, it was going to be hard for her to adjust to dragon society when she was a human like me. So, we decided that Bard and I would go back to the human world and live our life's there. That was the single stupidest mistake either of us had ever made. That is why I'm making this video, so you will not make the same mistake." Said Scorpan.

"Dear, let me talk to him." Said Onyx. Scorpan moved the camera back so Onyx was in full view. "Spike, I know you probably don't know me, but I'm your grandmother. Scorpan has told me so much about you. I'm happy to know that my daughter met a wonderful man and that she had a wonderful son. I have accepted the fact that Barb will be my only child, but I'm ok with that because I don't want to move on after it's time for Scorpan to pass on. That is why I'm asking you to come visit me after you see this video, I want to see you so much. But Spike, for the both of us, please do not tell Barb about me. She has believed that I died during labor for so long, and suddenly finding out that her mother is a dragon and that her father kept the truth from her for her whole life, it would devastate her. The only reason we decided to tell you was so that you would know the truth." Said Onyx.

The film went black again, and Scorpan was back on screen. "Spike, ever since you turned 16, I was planning on giving you the place, and I'm planning on writing you some letters to help you navigate around. But something that I can't write down is how to travel to the worlds without another person creating the link. For each world, there are two places you need to touch on the door to artificially create a link." Said Scorpan as the video cut out again.

Spike sighed. "Yeah, I'm thinking the film was damaged at this point, but give it a minute and it will pop back at the important one." Said Spike

And it did as Scorpan appeared again. "And the most important one is the way to the dragon lands. You need to place your hand on the top left corner right by the hinge, and your foot on the bottom right corner." Said Scorpan, he then sighed. "Spike, I want you to know that I never intended to hurt your mother, or you, by keeping this secret. I don't care if you come to hate me for it, but please don't tell Barb. It looks like I only have a little bit more film left. So, Spike, for the last time, you were always my favorite little dragon. I love you Spike, I leave the place in your hands, please grow old and happy." Said Scorpan as the sound of the film reel ticking was the only sound.

Spike sighed. "I could never hate my grandfather for what he did, granted I was very upset at it, but I understood why. But my mother still got to hear stories about Onyx as she grew up, and I got to hear them too." Said Spike as he turned off the projector. He looked at Celestia, she was crying. "But I kept my promise to both of them, my parents are aware of the daycare, but they don't know where it is or who the clients are." Said Spike.

Celestia looked to Spike. "Why are you showing me this?" Asked Celestia.

Spike shrugged. "I don't want there to be any barriers between us, I need to be able to trust everything you say, do, and see without question, and the only way to do that is to show by example. I showed Cadance this room and the film within her first week, and I found this room after a long night of cleaning up the basement, before I opened. Right now, there are only three people in this world that know about me, and I can touch all of them. I have not told the kids, the parents, my friends and not even my family about this. I have also learned from Onyx how to show my dragon side." Said Spike as his eyes changed to slits, his nails sharpened into claws, and his teeth grew slightly pointier.

He looked at Celestia. "This is the extent of my dragon heritage, but it also makes me stronger, and I have night vision as well." Said Spike as he changed back to normal. Spike laughed. "That's how I'm able to shrug off so much." Said Spike, but before Celestia could make a comment about all of this, the timer sounded. Spike sighed. "Well, it's time to go get the kids up." Said Spike. He looked at Cadance. "Cadance, let’s get AJ in first, I'll grab her brush and the hoof file." He then looked to Celestia. "Celestia, your pretty much a distraction for the others, they will get out the toys and start playing with each other. Your job is to interact with them, play with them, make sure nothing breaks and no one gets hurt." Said Spike.

Both women nodded at their orders as all three walked out of the basement. Cadance and Celestia walked into the main room and started to wake up the kids from nap time. While Spike went to AJ's cubby and pulled out her brush and hoof file. Spike then walked to the bathroom and opened the door. He left the door open and pulled out a little step stool he kept behind the medical cabinet.

Soon AJ walked in to the bathroom and smiled at Spike. "Hi Spike."

Spike smiled at AJ. "Hey AJ, do you want me to do your hooves first or brush your coat?" Asked Spike.

"Let’s do my hooves first, I think I got a stone in one of them on our way in from playtime, can you get it out?" Asked AJ.

Spike nodded. "Sure, but I'll need to go get the tool in your cubby." Said Spike. It wasn't uncommon for AJ to get a stone stuck in her hoof, and it was relatively easy to get out, but centaurs always needed help to do this.

AJ smiled as she showed the tool in her hands. "I grabbed it on the way in." Said AJ as she gave the tool to Spike.

Spike shrugged. "Ok, so any idea which hoof it's stuck in?" Asked Spike.

AJ nodded. "Yep, it’s on my front right." Said AJ.

Spike nodded as he moved to AJ's side. He looked at AJ. "Ok, AJ can you lift the leg up for me?" Asked Spike. AJ lifted the leg up for Spike to look, and just like she said, there was a stone right in her hoof. "Yep, you were right, I'll have it out it a jiffy." Said Spike. He carefully popped the stone out of the hoof with the hook end of the tool and let the pebble fall to the ground. "Got it." Said Spike as he handed the tool to AJ. He leaned down to grab the pebble so AJ wouldn't step on it again, he placed it into his pocket so he could toss it in the trash. "Ok, let’s start with this leg since it's right here." Said Spike as he pulled out a file and began to file AJ's hoof to a dull edge. Once that one was done he moved onto the other three, but when he got to the other side, AJ wasn't ready for the change in her gravity, and she almost fell on Spike, but Spike caught her and kept her from falling on him. Spike looked at AJ. "AJ, are you alright?" Asked Spike, he was worried that she might have hurt her leg.

AJ nodded her head. "Yeah, sorry Spike, are you ok?"

Spike smiled. "Yep, just fine." Said Spike as he continued to file her hoof. After all her hooves were filed, Spike pulled out her brush and cleaned her coat and hair, which didn't take long.

Once Spike was done he smiled at AJ. "Ok AJ, you’re done. Tell Cadance to get Rarity." Said Spike.

AJ nodded as she walked out of the bathroom. She met up with Cadance who was standing right outside by the cubbies. "Cadance, next up is Rarity." Said AJ.

Cadance nodded. "Thanks AJ, now go play for a little while, it's almost 4 and you know your parents are always the first ones to show."

AJ nodded as she ran to play with the others. Spike walked out the bathroom and placed AJ's tools into her cubby. He looked at Cadance. "Remind me to sweep the walkway to the playground, AJ got a stone in her hoof today."

Cadance nodded. "Sure, Rarity is about to come in, she wants her hair brushed like always." Said Cadance.

Spike nodded as he grabbed Rarity's brush. "Send her in." Said Spike as he walked back into the bathroom.

Cadance got Rarity to Spike moments later. "Hello Spike." Said Rarity.

Spike smiled. "Hey Rarity, you want the usual 50 today?" Asked Spike.

Rarity smiled and nodded at Spike. "Yes please."

Spike nodded as he motioned for her to take a seat on the step stool. Rarity flew up to the seat and let Spike start brushing her hair. "So, Rarity, your mother told me about Sweetie Belle, did you know that AJ has a little sister as well, her name's Apple Bloom."

Rarity hummed in thought. "No, I didn't know that, do you think Sweetie and her would get along?" Asked Rarity.

Spike shrugged. "No clue, but I've met Apple Bloom once, and she is a little ball of energy. What's Sweetie like?"

"I love her to bits, but she can be annoying, just last week, I made her a little bow to go into her hair, and she just chewed on it. I worked very hard on it." Said Rarity as she huffed.

Spike chuckled. "Well, she is only a few months old, give her a brake. But how is your relationship with her? Are you nice to her, do you play with her when she's bored, do you try and calm her down when she's upset?"

Rarity nodded. "Yes, sometimes, and as much as I can." Responded Rarity. "In fact, just yesterday, mommy was working from home and she had to take an important call, so she left me with Sweetie for 10 minutes, and for 9 minutes she was very upset that mommy wasn't holding her. I tried everything to calm her down, I grabbed her favorite pacifier, didn't work. So, I tried making funny faces to make her smile, nothing but crying. Then I picked her up and rocked her like mommy showed me, this finally calmed her down. So, I just kept doing it, then she started to giggle at me. I moved to the couch and took a seat with her in my arms. Completely unaware that mommy had finished her call and she was just watching us bond." Said Rarity as she smiled.

Spike smiled at hearing this. "Rarity, Sweetie is going to see you as a role model when she gets older, so you need to be patient with her, people come and go, but family is forever, so make that forever a good one." Said Spike as he finished brushing her hair. Spike leaned down and kissed Rarity's forehead. "Rarity, be a great big sister to her, you’re the only one she has." Said Spike.

Rarity smiled as she gave Spike a hug. "I will." Said Rarity as she flew out of the bathroom.

Spike sighed as he walked out to return Rarity's brush. "Cadance, call Shy in, we need to clean off her wings next." Said Spike.

Cadance nodded as she got Fluttershy out of the playhouse toy set.

Spike walked back into the bathroom and opened the cabinet, he pulled out a cue tip and a bottle of rubbing alcohol.

Fluttershy flew into the bathroom and took a seat on the sink, she moved her hair out of the way to show off her three-inch wings. "Hi Spike, Cadance told me that we're cleaning my wings."

Spike nodded. "Yep, hold your breath." Said Spike as he dipped the cue tip into the alcohol and started to clean her wings. Rubbing alcohol is anything from 70-99% pure alcohol, it is not dangerous... to normal people, but for someone who is as tall as a pinkie finger, this stuff was strong, so Spike had to be quick. It didn't take long for Spike to finish cleaning her wings, so he grabbed a tissue and wiped away any of the alcohol that was left on her wings. Spike smiled at his work. "Ok Flutters, your grounded until they dry off." Said Spike.

Fluttershy smiled at Spike. "Thanks Spike, after playtime they were really dusty."

Spike nodded. "Yeah, sorry about that Fluttershy, the weather forecast didn't mention how bad the wind was going to get, but I'm glad you're alright." Said Spike as he gave the little fairy a pinkie finger pat on the top of her head. "Do you want me to carry you back to Cadance so you can go play?" Asked Spike.

Fluttershy nodded. "Thank you Spike, but only if I'm not a bother."

Spike chuckled as he opened his palm for the little fairy. "Fluttershy, you are never a bother, and you will never be one. I love you, and so do the others, so when you ever need help, we will come and help you, no matter what." Said Spike as he walked over to Cadance.

Fluttershy smiled as she gave his thumb a hug. "I love you all too."

Cadance smiled at seeing this. "Well, let’s go back and you can get some more love Shy." Said Cadance. She looked at Spike. "Twi, Rainbow, or Pinkie next?"

"Let’s do Pinkie, I'll grab the PH paper and the Pinkie color chart." Said Spike, he looked down at Fluttershy. "Shy, your all clear to fly." Said Spike, Fluttershy nodded as she flew off Spike and onto Cadance's shoulder. Cadance walked into the main area and returned Fluttershy to her little mansion. Spike walked over to Pinkie's cubby, and pulled out a piece of PH paper, and a hand drawn color chart that was different shades of pink.

Everyday Pinkie was here, Spike checked her PH levels and her shade, this is how a person can tell if a slime is healthy or not. Normally a slime is around a 7 PH, which is perfectly healthy, when they eat, their PH drops to a 6 so they can dissolve it. But if its higher than a 7 they have the equivalent of the cold, and anything below a 6, and they have a fever. The chart was to see if her slime hasn't taken in any toxic materials, the darker the shade the more toxic they were, so it was normally good to see bright pink Pinkie.

Spike walked over to the bathroom and waited for Pinkie to do her thing and pop out of nowhere. But when Pinkie just casually walked into the bathroom, Spike knew something was wrong. "Pinkie, stay solid for as long as you can, ok." Said Spike as he quickly picked up the little girl.

Pinkie groaned. "Spike, I don't feel good." Said Pinkie as she was starting to puddle. Spike sighed as he put the stopper in the sink to keep her there.

Spike looked at Pinkie, she was darker than normal by about 5 shades. "I know, from what I can tell Pinkie, you must have rolled over a mushroom or two while outside. Let me check your PH." Said Spike as he dipped a strip of the paper into Pinkie. The paper turned a pale blue color. "Dang, sorry Pinkie, you’re at a 10 on the PH. I'm calling Cloudy to come pick you up." Said Spike. He walked over to the bathroom door. "Cadance, get a bucket, Pinkie's at a ten and she's 5 shades darker, I'm calling Cloudy." Said Spike.

Cadance nodded as she walked to the cleaning supplies closet and pulled out a metal bucket that couldn't be melted. She walked into the bathroom to scoop Pinkie into it. Spike sighed as he walked over to the phone and called the Pie household. "Yes, this is Cloudy Quartz Pie speaking."

"Hi Cloudy, it's Spike, I believe Pinkie might have rolled over some toxic mushrooms while outside today, she had a PH of 10 and she is darker by five shades. Could you please come pick her up?"

Cloudy sighed. "Calm thy self, Spike, Pinkamena did not roll across a mushroom, she has Slime Slake. She must have caught it from her father recently. She will be fine in a few days, but that means she will be unable to come for the rest of the week."

Spike sighed in relief when he heard Pinkie was going to be fine. "That's fine, I'll make a note of it and I'll wave this weeks cost and use the emerald for next week's, does that sound fair?"

"Yes, I'll be by in the next few minutes, Maud is going to have to watch her father while I'm gone." Said Cloudy.

Spike nodded. "Ok, I'll let her say goodbye to the others and I'll meet you at the front door."

"Very well." Said Cloudy.

Spike sighed as he hung up the phone. He walked back into the bathroom. Pinkie was in a bucket, and Cadance was smiling at her. Spike walked over to Pinkie. "Pinkie, it looks like you caught your father's Slime Slake. I called your mother and she is on her way to pick you up."

Pinkie rippled in the bucket. "Ok, can I say goodbye to everyone?" Asked Pinkie.

Spike smiled at the sick slime girl. "Of course." Said Spike as he picked up the bucket carefully and brought it to the front room. "Hey girls, come say goodbye to Pinkie, she's going home for the day and she won't be back for the rest of the week." Said Spike.

This stopped everything that was going on in the play area, as all the little girls rushed over to say goodbye to their friend. "Pinkie, are you ok?" Asked Twilight.

Pinkie sloshed side to side. "Nope, I caught Slime Slake from my dad."

"Oh, you poor thing, is there anything we can do to help?" Asked Rarity.

Pinkie sloshed again. "Nope, it'll take me a few days to get it out of my system, but the only thing I need is bedrest."

Spike smiled. "Well, how about a card? We'll let everyone sign it and I'll deliver it on Sunday." Said Spike.

Pinkie parted herself to form a smile. "Thanks Spike, that would be cool, then when I get back, I can throw a 'Yay, Pinkies all better, Celestia is the newest princess, we got a new friend and her name's Moondancer.' party.

Spike smiled at that. "I'll get the cake mix ready."

The door to the daycare then opened and in rolled Cloudy. "Pinkie, are you ready to depart?" Asked the blob of slime as she changed into her human form.

"Yes, mom. I'm sorry for getting sick." Said Pinkie.

Cloudy sighed as she rolled over to Pinkie. "It's fine sweetie, I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I'll take you to your room and let you sleep until Limestone brings home dinner."

Pinkie gave a weak smiled. "Thanks mom. Bye guys." Said Pinkie.

Everyone said goodbye to Pinkie as Spike walked Cloudy and Pinkie to the slime world. The location of the door in the slime world was in the middle of a large bolder that was shaped like an egg. Locals called it Holders Bolder, because it holds the door, but the surrounding area was lush forest. It was only a quarter mile from where the Pie's lived. Spike looked at Cloudy. "Sorry for calling you to come pick her up."

"Don't be, I was soon to depart our home to retrieve her anyways. I'm sorry that she's ill. But, Spike, may I ask, who was that new face I saw inside?" Asked Cloudy.

Spike sighed. "Right, remember when I informed everyone that I was looking for a new assistant last month?"

Cloudy nodded. "Yes. So that must've been her."

Spike nodded. "Yes, her name is Celestia Solaris, she is a high elf, 25 years old, and she has a degree in child development."

Cloudy nodded. "Very well, I wish to speak to her when we next have a chance, if that is acceptable?"

Spike nodded. "Of course it is, I was going to introduce her to all the parents when they came to pick up their kids today, but with Pinkie getting sick, we'll have to push it back for you and Igneous. Now I believe it would be best to get Pinkie home, so she can rest. Call me when you believe she is well enough to return." Said Spike.

Cloudy nodded as she began to roll home with Pinkie. Spike sighed as he watched Pinkie go, he hated it when one of the girls got sick, and he really hated to call parents out of the blue. But he still needed to take care of the others right now.

Spike walked over to the door, he placed the tips of both his feet at the bottom of the door's two corners and pushed the door open. After doing this for a while, Spike started to figure out the combination's to the worlds. There were only three he hadn't figured out, the Ogre world, the Abyssinian world, and the Elf world's combination still were a mystery to him.

Spike walked back into the main room, they still needed to finish up with the kids. Spike looked at Rainbow. "Rainbow, we can do this the easy way or the hard way?" Said Spike, he had done her talons before, but it always led to him getting cut and the need for Cadance to hold her while he worked. She really hated it when others touched her talons, but the moment she sees how they look she goes back to normal Rainbow.

Rainbow looked at Spike. "You'll never catch me." Said Rainbow as she started to fly above Spike's reach.

Spike sighed. "Really, we do this every time, you always like how I make them look, so why do you hate the process?"

Rainbow looked at Spike. "I don't like it when others touch my talons."

Spike groaned as he had two options now, both have been approved by her parents, but both are just stupid. First, he could bait her down with a piece of turkey, or he could grab the net he keeps under his desk and trap her. Spike preferred the first one, even if it meant she was technically eating a bird, this was the easy way. The hard way was the net.

Celestia sighed as she caught Rainbow in her magic and kept her locked in place. "Hey, what the heck?" Yelled Rainbow as she was lowered to the ground.

"Sorry Rainbow, when you’re finished getting your talons trimmed, I'll let you go." Said Celestia as she carried the immobile harpy to the back room.

Spike looked at Celestia walk away. 'Holy cow, my life just got 20% easier with her around.' Thought Spike. He looked at Cadance. "Cadance, you’re on main room duty until Rainbow is done." Said Spike as he rushed to help Celestia.

Spike opened the door to the back room and pulled out Rainbow's file and his glove from her cubby. He put the glove on and got the file ready. Once Spike was prepped, he walked into the bathroom. Celestia was up against the wall, while Rainbow was still immobile. Spike smiled at seeing everything was fine. "Rainbow, why do you do this, it takes me three minutes to do it?" Asked Spike.

"Because, Talonbolts don't get their talons trimmed, so neither will I."

Spike sighed at that logic. "Rainbow, they're grown up, and you're 5, they will grow back." Said Spike, he looked at Celestia. "Thanks for the help, by now I would have a few cuts." Said Spike as he began to dull Rainbow's talons.

Celestia smiled. "No problem, this is a basic spell that they taught us back in school. Normally it's used for parents who have to carry a lot of stuff with them and take care of a child, I just changed the target to a harpy chick."

Spike nodded. "But how is it different from basic levitation magic?"

"Simple, this spell is limited to the outer air around the object, instead of the object itself, technically Rainbow is able to move but only in a small area, she can still breathe normally, and she can still feel everything, but it makes it easier to keep her still, than by simply holding her."

Spike looked up to Rainbow. "Ok, you’re done, how do they look?" Asked Spike. Celestia dropped the spell so Rainbow could see.

Rainbow smiled at her talons. "They look great Spike, thanks for doing them." Said Rainbow as she flew out of the bathroom.

Spike sighed. "Celestia, I want to get her parents approval on that spell when they come and pick her up. I'm in favor of it, but she's not my kid, so I don't have the final decision, so until we get the ok, you’re not allowed to use that spell again."

Celestia nodded. "Right, sorry, you just looked like you were having a hard time."

Spike nodded. "Normally I would, but I have precautions for when something goes wrong, I just roll with it, and sooner or later I get it done, but I have gotten the ok from her parents to use the methods that I do. So, when they come in to get her, use the spell on me, not her, and show them the method."

Celestia nodded. "Yes sir."

Spike smiled. "Good, I just wanted to make that clear, now can you call Twilight in while I get her brush?" Asked Spike.

Celestia nodded. "Sure." Said Celestia as she and Spike walked out of the bathroom.

Spike grabbed Twilight's brush and waited in the bathroom for her to come back here with Cadance. "Spike!" Smiled Twilight as she ran into the bathroom and took a seat on the step stool. "We need to hurry; my daddy is outside with Shining."

Spike nodded. "Sure thing, Twi." Said Spike as he started brushing Twilight’s mane, so it would looked good.

3 minutes later, Spike and Twilight walked out of the back room together. Twilight ran over to her big brother, Shining Armor and her father Nightlight. "BBBFF, Daddy!" Cheered the little filly as she gave both a hug.

"Hey Twi." Said Shining, he was a 10-year-old white unicorn colt with a two-tone blue mane. "How was your day with Mr. Spike?" Asked the colt.

Twilight smiled. "It was fun, but Pinkie got sick and had to go home."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that your fairy friend got sick." Said Shining.

Twilight shook her head. "No that's Fluttershy, Pinkie is the slime." Said Twilight.

"Right, sorry." Said Shining.

Spike walked over to Nightlight, a dark blue stallion unicorn with an even darker blue mane. "Hey Nightlight, how are you today?" Asked Spike.

"Pretty good, unless Twilight tossed you through another wall that is, she didn't, did she?" Asked Nightlight, he was really hoping that his answer would be no.

Spike smiled. "No, she had a little moment right before lunch, but we're all good. Hey, keep an eye out when she goes to the park, apparently some of the other kids have been calling her names."

Nightlight sighed. "Yes, I'm aware, I talked to their parents, but I don't think they did anything about it."

Spike sighed. "I had a feeling, but I gave her some advice today, so maybe she won't let it bother her again."

Nightlight nodded as he smiled. "Thanks Spike. Velvet also told me that Moonlight dropped off Moondancer, would you like me to take her off your hands, I'll call her on our way home instead of making her come to the other side of town?" Asked Nightlight.

Spike sighed, he had been to Equestria before, and to Velvets book store, both were relatively close to the door there, but the door was in the opposite direction of the book store. Spike looked at Celestia. "Let me call her and ask, but first I would like you to meet Celestia Solaris." Said Spike. He pulled the woman in front of the unicorns and ducked to the back room to call the bookstore.

"Hello, Velvet Sonata book store, Twilight Velvet speaking, how may I help you?"

"Hey Velvet, it's Spike. Nightlight just walked in with Shining to pick up Twi, he wants to know if he could take Moondancer as well, is Moonlight there?" asked Spike.

"Sorry, she left about a half an hour ago to go pick her up, she should be there by now."

"Aunt Moonlight!" Cheered Twilight.

Velvet sighed. "Speak of the mare and she will appear. I'm closing up shop right now Spike, tell Nightlight I'll be home soon." Said Velvet as she hung up the phone.

Spike sighed as he walked into the main area. Moonlight was standing at the front door with Moondancer in her arms. he walked over to her. "I was just looking for you. But I guess this is quicker." He looked down at Moondancer to ask her an important question. "So Moondancer, do you want to come back again?" Asked Spike.

Moondancer nodded firmly. "Yes, I had fun, I liked the food, and my new friends are here."

Moonlight smiled. "Well, that's the answer. There's no way to change her mind." She looked at Spike. "So, how was she?" Asked Moonlight.

Spike smiled. "She was great, no magical surges, she did soak my shirt, but it was a noble sacrifice, if it meant helping her let her emotions free."

Moonlight smiled at hearing this. "Thank you so much for taking her today, we had so many things going on today I would have lost my head if she was around."

Spike smiled. "Well, that's why I do it, I help kids and parents alike." Said Spike.

Moonlight smiled at Spike. "Well you’re still a life saver." She looked at Nightlight. "So, you want to stay for dinner tonight Night, so you can pay me back for last night?"

Nightlight smiled. "Sure, just don't make your mom's casserole again, she'll go nuts if you screw it up again."

Spike dropped his jaw. "So, your related?" Asked Spike as he pointed to the two.

They nodded. "Yep. She's Velvets twin sister." Said Nightlight.

'Oh, that explains so much.' Thought Spike. "Sorry, I didn't know, but that explains so much." Said Spike as he looked at the two little fillies.

Nightlight shrugged. "Well, let’s get going Moonlight, Velvet should be heading home soon."

"Yeah, speaking about her, she's locking up right now so you better hurry." Said Spike.

Nightlight nodded. "Thanks for everything Spike, my offer still stands if you ever want to take a load off."

Spike smiled. "I'll keep that in mind, have a good night Nightlight, Twi, Shining, Moonlight, Moondancer." Said Spike as all of them walked out of the door. Spike sighed as he looked at the remaining 4 girls. 'Ok, they should be arriving any minute now.' Thought Spike as the door swung open again.

Author's Note:

I wrote this in two days, because i had a massive idea and I ran with it. Yes, I know that Pinkie got sick, but that happend to me just the other day and I'm most like Pinkie, I didnt even notice that i was sick until it was laste afternoon.

As for Spike being 1/4 dragon, I kinda hinted at it since the beginining, with all the little dragon jokes. But you guys thought it was just a thing, but nope it was because Spike and Cadance knew about it. But they both play it off like nothing.