• Published 25th Sep 2019
  • 4,222 Views, 110 Comments

Little Dragon Daycare - TAD2

What do parents do when they need someone to look after thier kids? Simple, they take them to Little Dragon Daycare.

  • ...

They Arrive Pt.2

Rainbow Dash was sitting on the floor of the play area pouting, probably, it was kinda hard to tell from underneath all of her molting feathers. As her mother Windy walked over to her, pulled her into a big hug, and gave her one last kiss on the forehead. "Rainbow, sweetie, mommy has to go to work, those clouds won't move themselves." Said Windy.

Rainbow struggled in her mothers grasp trying to get away from her. "Mom stop, my friends are watching." Protested Rainbow. Spike, Cadence, and all the girls giggled at the sight of the normally tomboy harpy getting all of her mothers love.

"I don't care, I want you to know how much I love you." Said Windy still snuggling her little ball of feathers. But the bell chimed again and in rolled a large light cobalt gray blob of slime with only a pair of bifocals resting on its top layer, and once the large blob was inside a smaller pink blob rolled in.

Spike sighed as he walked over to the blobs. "Good morning Cloudy." Said Spike as he looked at the large blob. He then looked down at the smaller blob giving it a big smile. "Hiya Pinkie." Both blobs started to jiggle as they both started to change shape. There were only three rules in the daycare and they were written on a plaque right by the front door, '1: no large magical spells for obvious reasons' then there was a picture of Spike with his normal hair color. '2: No arguing, yelling, or hitting others.' This would normally happen when Spike had to take care of dragon whelps who were having a greedy moment, but that only happened a few times. '3: All creatures must be in a physical form at all times and must be solid, Slimes especially.' This last rule was to insure that they were not accidently walked in, drunk, flushed, diluted, anything that deals with a liquid like substance like the body of a slime. The large blob shifted into the upper part of a human women while leaving her lower part like a blob of slime, moving the bifocals to rest right on her nose. The little pink slime changed into a little human girl with the majority of her excess slime making up a large head of puffy slime hair.

"HiyaSpike,aretheothershererightnow,dowehaveanycakemixiwanttobakecakestoday,arewegoingoutsidetoday,havewealreayhadstorytime?" Asked Pinkie.

Spike sighed. Pinkie was the only creature in his care that didn't need to breathe, so normally it was like listening to a run on sentence without spaces, but Spike has had a lot of practice with her. "Yes and no, We're still missing Rarity and a new friend that's going to be joining us today, sadly not we ran out last time we baked, yes, but after lunch, AJ and Rainbow are going to race each other, and we'll probably have it later." Said Spike.

Pinkie nodded. "Ok." She then looked over to the girls and in a feat that only creatures with no bones could ever achieve she ran straight into Spikes legs and phased around them, once she was around his legs she reconnected behind him and continued to greet the girls. Spike sighed at the pink blob, as she ran to her friends, he then looked to the woman shaped blob.

"And, how are you today Cloudy?"

"I am well Spike, but thy husband has fallen ill the past week, and with my other children, thy nerves are running low. Pinkie only allows for thee to watch her." Said Cloudy.

Spike nodded. "Well I'm sorry to hear about Igneous, I hope he gets well soon. Do you have Pinkies fee for the week?" Asked Spike.

Cloudy nodded as somewhere in her body she moved a single thumb sized emerald into her palm. "Yes, we have a emerald this week, will that do?"

Spike nodded, every world has a different currency, ponies have one ounce gold coins called Bits, centaurs are mostly trade focused so when Pear pays for AJ she would normally supply a large stock of the daycares vegetables. Fairies use seeds, so in exchange for Fluttershy's fee, Gentle gives Spike a few rare seeds every week, but when your daughter is only 3 inches high its not much of a problem, harpies are a avian species that are best known as scavengers, so Windy would find Spike a few little trinkets that he would later say he found in his grandfathers place and then sell them, slimes in general don't really have things, but Cloudy and her husband Igneous lived in a boulder field so occasionally they would find a gemstone that they would use as compensation for Spikes services. Spike took the gemstone and examined it, it was bright green, well cut somehow, probably due to the slime, and weighed about 4 or 5 carats. He placed the emerald into his pocket. "Its perfect Cloudy, what do you want me to feed Pinkie today?" Asked Spike. Slimes also don't really have a stomach per say its more like their able to dissolve what ever they want when they roll over it as they move.

"How about she eats a good chunk of granite today?" Asked Cloudy.

Spike nodded. "That's fine, I still have some granite slabs in the basement, but I only have enough for a few more meals, I'll buy some more this weekend, but I think the seller is getting suspicious, not many people buy over a ton of granite when they own a daycare."

"Tis life." Shrugged Cloudy.

Spike nodded. "Yeah, but Its should be fine, I'll see if Yona's parents could start supplying some rock slabs in exchange for a reduction in their fee, granite is a lot more expensive then you think in my world." Said Spike.

After letting go of her daughter Windy remembered that she still had Rainbows stuff. "Spike, I forgot to give you Rainbows stuff for the week." Said Windy as she walked over to Spike as she still needed to give Spike rainbows stuff.

Spike turned around to face the harpy. He realized that he still hasn't gotten Rainbows stuff for the week, after the whole molting issue. "First, here is her blanket." Said Windy as she grabbed under her wings and pulled out a rainbow blanket. "Here is her file, she's very picky about who touches her talons, and their getting sharp, could you try and file them down?" Asked Windy.

Spike nodded. "Not a problem, I still have a falconry glove my grandfather left me in the desk."

Windy smiled. "And lastly, me and Bow are still looking for one more thing, we'll bring them by when we come pick her up tonight."

Spike smiled. "That's fine, have a good day, but one last question, how long does molting last?"

"Oh not that long, she was starting to molt right after last time, and that was a few day's ago, so by the end of the week she should be back to normal."

Spike nodded. "Ok." Spike looked back at Cadence who was playing with Twilight as AJ was stretching trying to get ready for their race this afternoon, Fluttershy was talking with Rainbow and Pinkie who was talking nonstop to both of them. Spike then smiled, but then smirked. "Windy, Cloudy, I need to go store all this in their cubbies. Watch this." Spike then walked over to Pinkie and whispered something into her slime ear. Pinkie nodded as she slowly changed into a little version of Spike, as the real one went to the back room to store all the stuff. Both women giggled at Pinkie who was acting and sounded just like Spike.

Pinkie Spike walked over to Cadence. "Cadence I need to head to the back and store the kids stuff." Said Pinkie, Cadence nodded completely aware that it was Pinkie.

"Sure thing 'boss' but by the time I finish talking you will already be back." Said Cadence, so distracted by the slime Spike to notice that the real one was right behind her.

Pinkie fake sighed. "Fine, but can I get a hug?" asked the real Spike.

Cadence sighed still thinking that it was Pinkie, but nodded. "Its fine."

"Cool." Said Spike as he wrapped his arms around Cadence.

Cadence was shocked that Spike was giving her a hug as she blushed. "Spike?!"

Spike chuckled as he nodded and released his assistant. "Rule 74, never take your eyes off of anyone in the play area, kids are quiet and prone to hiding."

Cadence sighed as she facepalmed. "I hate your surprise lessons."

Spike smiled. "Rule 75, expect the unexpected, especially in our line of work, and even more so in this place."

Everyone giggled at Spike and Cadence. But Windy and Cloudy needed to go. "Spike, I need to go help Bow." Said Windy, she then looked at her daughter and gave her a goodbye wake. "Bye Rainbow, mommy and daddy will be back to pick you up later, be good."

Rainbow smiled as she waved goodbye. "I will mommy, love you." Said Rainbow. Windy smiled as she opened the front door and left.

Cloudy was needed to tend to her husband. "Pinkamena, I must depart, your father is still unwell, have a joyous day with thy friends. I shall return before sundown to retrieve thee." Said Cloudy.

"Ok, tell the others to have a good day as well." Said Pinkie back in her normal little girl form.

Cloudy nodded as she opened the door to her world.

Spike sighed. "Well now we're only missing 2 others. I wonder who will show first?" Asked Spike.

Cadence looked over at her boss slightly confused. "Yeah, you mentioned a new kid, why didn't you mention it earlier?"

Spike groaned. "Because I didn't know about it earlier, that was what the call was about, apparently, Velvet recommended us to her business partner Moonlight Sonata, and something came up, so as a favor to Velvet I let her bring in her daughter Moondancer on short notice."

"Why? You know we can't do that. It takes a while for a kid to get used to us."

Spike nodded. "I know, but if it helps Twilight knows her." Said Spike, he then looked down at the filly trying to levitate a small toy block. "Twi, by any chance do you know a little filly named Moondancer?"

Twilight gasped as she nodded. "Yeah, she's auntie Sonatas daughter, why?"

"Well, Ms. Sonata had to run some errands, and she needs to drop off Moondancer today."

"Really?! That's great, I can't wait to tell her all about you, Cadence, and the girls." She then looked at Spike. "And your going to like her, she's just like me."

Spike picked her up. "She is?" Twilight nodded. "Well, I know that's a lie."

Twilight looked sad. "I'm not lying."

Spike nodded. "Yes you are, and do you want to know why?" Twilight nodded, Spike smiled as he pulled the little filly into a hug. "Because, no one is like you. You are unique in every single way." Twilight giggled as hearing this as she wrapped her arms around Spikes neck.

Suddenly the front door was pushed open and in walks a tall unicorn mare and in her arms was a small unicorn filly wearing a black turtle neck, but the weird thing was they looked to be a exact copy of each other, both had yellowish fur, with amaranth, violet, and purple manes, and dark purple eyes the only difference was the filly had the exact same mane cut as Twilight. Spike released Twilight and walked over to the mare, but when he approached the little filly tried to hide. The mare sighed, but smiled at Spike. "Hi are you Spike Drake?" Asked the mare.

Spike nodded. "Yep, and seeing as your not trying to steal my soul energy, I'm guessing your Moonlight?"

Moonlight nodded. "Yes, I'm so so sorry for the inconvenience, here's a sack lunch I made for her, because I know its almost lunch time, and here is 6 bits like I promised." Said Moonlight using her magic to levitate Spike as sack lunch and a hand full of the bits to him.

Spike nodded, but then remembered that AJ had a food allergy. "Sorry to tell you this but we cannot accept the lunch you made." Said Spike as he handed the lunch back to the mare.

"But why?"

"I'm sorry but one of todays kids has a deadly food allergy, so we don't take the risk of exposing her."

Moonlight looked worried. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't know, I'll take it with me when I leave."

Spike smiled. "Thanks, sorry for not telling you but I thought Velvet might of mentioned it."

" Its fine, now I have a lunch, but what about Moondancer?"

"Well, believe it or not I am actually a trained chef, I needed some way to pay for college, books cost an arm and a leg, and I have always loved to cook, second only to taking care of kids. So I can probably make her anything she wants."

Moonlight sighed in relief. "Thank goodness." Moonlight then looked down to the little filly in her arms who was trying to hide from the stranger. "I'm sorry about her, she is very shy when she meets new people. Moonie mommy needs to go help aunt Velvet at the store today, but don't worry I'm leaving you with the person that Velvet lets watch Twilight." Said Moonlight.

The little filly turned her head to look at the stranger in front of her. "Really?"

Spike smiled as he nodded. "Yep, my names Spike, and what's your name sweetie?"


"That's a very pretty name."

"Thank you."

"I hear you might know someone here today, would you like to talk to them?" Moondancer nodded. Spike looked over at Twilight who was still playing with Cadence. "Cadence can you bring Twilight over here?"

"Sure." Cadence looked down at Twilight. "Come on Twi, I think your friend Moondancer is here." Said Cadence as she picked up Twilight. Cadence and Twilight walked over to Moonlight and Moondancer. "Hello my name is Cadence I'm Spikes assistant, but I'm more like his babysitter."

Twilight, Moondancer, and Moonlight giggled, as Spike groaned. "And there goes any chance of a new client respecting me." Joked Spike.

"I'm sorry, but really this guy is the big cheese, without him this place wouldn't exist." Said Cadence.

"Thanks." Said Spike. He then looked at the filly. "Moondancer, would you like to talk to Twilight?" She nodded.

Spike pointed to the floor, telling both women to put them down so they could talk. Both nodded and let the fillies talk. Twilight was happy to see her friend. "Moonie." Cheered Twilight as she pulled Moondancer into a hug.

"Twilight!" Cheered Moondancer.

"Let me introduce you to Spike, and Cadence then you can meet my friends." Twilight then pulled on Spikes pants leg. Spike bent down to their level as Twilight went into her explanation mode. "This is Spike, he is really cool, kind, funny, a little dorky..."


"A great cook, and I like him very much, but he doesn't like it when I use a lot of magic, so make sure you don't try a big spell." Said Twilight.

Moondancer looked full at Spike and became confused. "Spike, what are you? Are you a furless earth pony or something?"

Moonlight glared at her daughter. "Moondancer that's rude, say your sorry."

Moondancer looked down in sadness as she grabbed the hem of her turtle neck. "I'm sorry."

Spike smiled at her as he lifted up her head. "Hey, its fine, I'm probably the first and only human you have ever seen, but let me say I was completely wrong about something." He then looked to Twilight. "Your right, she is just like you." Twilight smirked in victory. "Well again, I'm a human, I come from a world we call earth, and by any chance have you heard of Scorpan the explorer?"

Moondancer gasped as she nodded rapidly. "He is my favorite legend ever, but how do you know him?"

"Well, I'm his grandson, and this used to be his old office, where he would plan his adventures."

Moondancer then latched herself to Spikes leg as she had stars in her eyes. "Oh my gosh. Please tell me everything, please, please with a donut on top."

Spike chuckled as he nodded to the little fillies joy. "Sure but not right now, we kinda stole twilights spot light and you still need to meet the others." Said Spike.

Moondancer nodded as Spike returned to his full height, as Twilight walked over to Cadence and pulled on her pants leg. Cadence bent down. "This is Cadence, she is the best at story time, she's funny, kind, smart, loving..." This went on for a few minutes. "And she's Spike's girlfriend."

"What?!" Yelled Spike and Cadence.

"What, aren't you and Spike friends and your a girl. So your his girlfriend, right?"

Spike sighed as he looked at Moonlight. "The only thing we do not do is teach them about romance." Moonlight giggled.

Cadence sighed. "Twilight."

Twilight shrugged not getting the problem. She then grabbed Moondancers hand and the two ran to the others. Cadence sighed. "I'm going to make sure nothing happens, it was lovely to meet you Ms. Moonlight."

Moonlight nodded as Cadence walked to the kids. "She seems nice."

"She is, took to this whole thing faster then I did."

"How so?"

"Well, when I got this place, a dragon that my grandfather knew walked in looking for him. but when I saw him I freaked out and hit my head, seeing a mythical creature walk in my daycare was at the time crazy. But when I hired Cadence she stared down a demon like it was nothing." Said Spike as he blushed slightly.

"So, can I leave Moondancer here?" Asked Moonlight.

Spike nodded. "Well, I don't think Twilight is going to let her go anytime soon, but by all means try and take her." Said Spike, Moonlight giggled.

"No its fine, Velvet is waiting for me, and I can tell she is going to like it here. I'll be back the same time as Velvet, I'll also make a list of everything you might need to know about her."

Spike nodded. "Ok, have a good day." Said Spike. Moondancer nodded as she went for the door, but when she tried to push it open it wouldn't budge.

"Spike I think somethings wrong with the door."

Spike sighed. "Nope, there's nothing wrong. It just means Rarity and Cookie are trying to come in." Spike pulled Moonlight from the door, it opened and in walks a pale fuchsia colored woman with a grayish indigo beehive hairdo, a long, thin spaded tip tail following behind, as a pair of bat like wings were folded up against her back. Next to her was a smaller little girl colored white with large purple curled hair, a shorter spade tipped tail, and a little pair of wings on her back.

Spike was pulled into a hug by the older demon, as she tried to kiss Spike, but Spike has had months of practice fending off the advances of the succubus. Spike was not blind, Cookie Crumbles was beautiful, and she could easily have any human man she wanted, the only problem is she wanted Spike. But Spike was a professional. Spike pushed himself out of the hug, as he glared at the demon. "Cookie, for the last time, stop it." Said Spike.

Cookie sighed as she wrapped her arms around Spikes neck, giving him puppy dog eyes. "But Spike, your so cute and I can't resist your soul, its so bright and warm." Just then the little demon flew straight in between Spike and her mother.

"Mom, stop it, he's mine." Glared the girl.

Spike sighed as he plucked the little demon girl out of the air. "No I'm not, Rarity, for one, you are way to young." Said Spike as he got free of Cookies grab. "2, I like to have my soul in one piece, and 3, I am terrified of Hondo." Said Spike. Hondo is Cookie's husband, 9 feet tall, a very possessive regular demon, making Rarity a hybrid, and to top it all off, he was ripped. Spike had some muscles from running around after kids all day, but Hondo could lift a elephant with one hand.

Rarity whined as she started to cry. "So you don't like me?"

Spike sighed, Rarity was very emotional and a drama queen. Spike wiped Rarity's eyes and looked into them. "I never said that. Rarity you are very cute, and I like you very much, but I don't like you the way you think you like me." Spike then pulled her into a hug. "But, I know one day you will find a guy or girl that will make me look like nothing." Said Spike.

Rarity shook her head. "No, your the greatest, and I don't care if your older, I love you." Said Rarity as she kissed Spike's cheek.

Spike sighed as he just let the little girl believe what she wanted. But then Spike pointed at the other girls playing with each other. "Rarity, how about you meet our new friend Moondancer." Said Spike. Rarity nodded as she released Spike and flew over to the other girls, who all smiled at the arrival of their last friend.

Spike sighed as he looked at Cookie and Moonlight. "Moonlight, this is Cookie Crumbles, Cookie, this is Moonlight Sonata."

The two women looked at each other. "I see we have another pony joining the club."


Spike nodded. "Somewhere in the last seven months of me running this place, it has become the interdimensional mothers gossip club, where mothers come to gossip about their lives/worlds/ and or husbands."

Moonlight nodded. "That's neat, I can't wait to meet everyone." Moonlight then remembered that she was running late as it was, she gasped, gave Spike a quick kiss on the cheek, waved to Moondancer one last time and ran out of the daycare.

Spike looked at Cookie. "Did she just?" Cookie nodded. "Ok just wanted to check." Spike sighed. "Do you have Rarity's stuff?"

Cookie nodded. "I do, here is her blanket." Said Cookie who pulled a small blanket with a diamond print. "Here is her brush, remember she likes her hair brushed at least 25 times." She pulled out a pearl brush in the shape of a diamond. "Cant forget about Opal." Said Cookie as she put a small stuffed cat plushy on the blanket, she then pulled out a vile of a pink liquid. "And here is her snack."

Spike sighed. "Who is it this time?"

"Oh its mostly mine, with a hint of Hondo's mixed in." The only race that Spike was unable to cook for were Succubae, but thanks to Rarity being a hybrid, she is able to at least eat some food, but she still needed to eat soul energy, and since Spike refuses to let her siphon off the other girls or himself, Cookie or Hondo prepare Rarity's snack every time they brought her in.

Spike nodded. "Ok remember next time I need Rarity's fee."

"On it." Said Cookie. Demons had a very weird currency, fire stones, stones that have been roasted in the fire pits of their world, where they absorb the energy of the fire.

"The one's you gave me last time are starting to dim, and I can't afford interdimensional electric bills."

Cookie nodded, She then pulled Spike into one last hug. "Fine, but only if I get a hug back." Said Cookie.

Spike sighed. "Fine but no soul sucking." said Spike, Cookie nodded as he returned the hug, and true to her word Cookie didn't try to siphon his soul, but he could feel her shaking as she tried to resist. Spike released his hold on her before she lost control. Spike knew that Cookie was one of the few succubus that had so much self control, unlike one of the older succubus he looks after. Spike knew from some notes that Scorpan left, that Succubi that provide their own soul energy for their young are always drained afterwards, and the only way they can bounce back quickly was to eat. Spike took a good look at Cookie and noticed that she looked very tired as a few of her hairs were sticking out from her beehive and there were slightly concealed bags under her eyes. Spike sighed. "Cookie, did you make Rarity's snack this morning?"

Cookie nodded as she yawned. "Yep, and with Sweetie Belle finally eating on her own, its leaving me really drained, that's why I needed to add some of Hondo's today, I'm running on fumes." Said Cookie as she yawned again.

Spike sighed. "You have a long day today don't you?"

Cookie nodded again. "Back to back meetings, no time for lunch, and only 15 minutes for a brake today." Cookie Crumbles was actually a very important demon in the demon world, she ran a business that was tasked with the distribution of clothing to many of the clothing shops in her world, and the fact that she now had a second mouth to feed was really draining her.

Spike knew he was going to regret this, but she was actually a good friend and she needed a pick me up. Spike looked at Cookie. "Cookie, I hate that you have to go through that." Said Spike as he gave Cookie another hug. "Take as much as you need, but leave me enough so I can actually walk afterwards, I still need to look after the kids." Said Spike.

Cookie was shocked, Spike had never let her feed on him, but from seeing how his soul reacted to what he said, he was telling the truth and he was worried about her. But Cookie was not one to just eat a meal without really knowing. She looked at Spike. "Spike, are you sure, you've never let me eat you?" Spike nodded.

"I'm sure Cookie, and besides my soul will reform later." Said Spike, it was true once some soul energy is taken from its host, the remaining soul will start gathering some soul energy of those who have passed from the area and replenish it's self, real creepy if you ask me, but it's better then the alternative, death. Spike then looked at Cookies face. "But this is only a one time thing, understand."

Cookie nodded as she hugged Spike back. "Thanks Spike, I promise I won't take much." Said Cookie as her body started to siphon some of Spike's soul. Spike groaned at the feeling, for ever second of losing some of his soul felt like losing an hour of sleep, but every second Cookie looked more energized. After a few seconds of Cookie eating Spike's soul, she released Spike from her embrace. She looked at Spike who was smiling at her, but it was all a front for her benefit, she looked at his soul that was easily half the size it was originally.

Spike continued to smile, even though he felt like he hadn't gotten any sleep the night before. "Are you full?" Asked Spike more worried about Cookie than himself.

In truth she wasn't, but she stopped when she noticed the state Spike's soul was in, but she was in a better place then Spike was in, so she nodded. "Yes, thanks Spike."

Spike smiled. "Good to hear, now you better get going or your going to be late." Said Spike as he placed his hands on Cookies shoulders, this was for two reasons, 1 he was actually very weak and couldn't stand on his own let alone walk, 2 Cookie was actually going to be late. Spike pushed her to the door, ignoring the sounds of her protest. "I'll be fine, don't worry Cookie, I'll see you around 6 like always, have a nice day." Said Spike as pushed her out of the daycare.

Now that all of today's kids were here, it was Spikes job to make sure everything runs smoothly, then Spike actually thought about what he just did. He let a succubus take a good chunk of his soul, he still has to watch 7 little girls for 8-9 hours, cook for them, and everything else that goes along with looking after the 6 different races. It was going to be a long day for Spike.