• Published 25th Sep 2019
  • 4,222 Views, 110 Comments

Little Dragon Daycare - TAD2

What do parents do when they need someone to look after thier kids? Simple, they take them to Little Dragon Daycare.

  • ...

Story Time

When Spike walked back into the daycare, he was full from lunch. He enjoyed a nice little sandwich from the stuff he had in his fridge. When he walked into the play area, he noticed that all the girls were still working on their artworks and talking to each other. Spike smiled at seeing that they were including Moondancer, sometimes it took a few days for a new kid to open up to the others, but something about this group of girls always brought that time down to the single digit minutes.

Spike walked over to Celestia and Cadance. They were watching over the girls and talking to each other. "Ok, the good news is my couch is still there and not in my stomach, but the bad news is, I'm going to need to head to the store after we close today if I want breakfast tomorrow. What's been going on and how can I make that happen while I'm around?" Asked Spike.

Cadance giggled. "Well, I'm just showing Celestia some of the kid’s older pieces so she can get an idea of who they are."

Celestia nodded. "Yeah, there are a lot of creative little kids you take care of, but there always seems to be a common figure and message in most of them."

Spike smiled as he looked at the picture they were looking at. It was one of Twilights pictures. Twilight being one of the girls who used to have an erratic schedule at first, had met many of the kids during her first month. Spike grabbed the picture. "Yeah I remember this one, you just started working here, Cadance, and it was when Twi was always coming in on different days." Said Spike, the crayon picture showed Twilight and all the kids playing on the playground outside in the human world together, with Spike playing with them.

When Spike first saw this picture, he knew he was making a difference and seeing it again just reconfirmed that idea. Spike looked at Cadance. "Cadance, do you want me to do Story Time or do you want to do it today?" Asked Spike.

Cadance hummed in thought. "Well I do have a few stories in mind, but they're some that I've already done."

Spike sighed. "Same, and I don't want to tell them another one of Scorpan's stories. As much as I loved them, they got pretty boring after a while. I didn't need to know that he and Onyx traveled the mountains of the dragon lands for 2 weeks straight, going up and down, down and up, step by step, inch by inch, eating rations every night and foraging every morning." Spike yawned. "Anyone else suddenly get sleepy?"

Celestia laughed. "No, but yeah that sounds kinda stale. Would you mind if I do it then, I have a load of stories that my mother used to tell us when we were growing up." Asked Celestia.

Spike shrugged. "Sure, but we try to make it interesting for the kids, and we try to make the message something the kids will think about afterwards. Accepting others as they are, supporting their friends in times of difficulty. Heck they loved the story about helping an old lady cross the street, granted I needed to add a car chase and a story about the old lady actually being a princess, but the message was still there...I think."

Celestia looked at Spike confused. "Ok, please tell me that story, it sounds so weird that it could be made into a movie. Second, can you tell me some things the girls like so I can change some things around?"

Spike smiled. "Well, Twilight is big into fantasy, magic spells and learning, normally she's the easiest to please, just throw in a magical spell or fantasy terms and she's hooked 9 times out of 10, but to make that a 10 out of 10, throw in a 'learned a lesson' trope as well. Fluttershy loves animals, but she will start to cry if anything happens to them. So, for example you tell the story about the ugly duckling, she will be crying for a while. The only way to avoid this is to assure her that the animal will be fine by the end, at the beginning, to make sure she understands. AJ loves stories about family or friends persevering a trouble, and honesty. Rainbow is an edge of your seat kinda harpy, stories need to have some action to get her hooked and she loves it when me or Cadance use explosion sound effects to give her a better idea what's going on." Spike chuckled. "Yeah, her and Fluttershy are like oil and water when it comes to story time, so it's a challenge. Pinkie Pie is hooked the moment she hears a joke, or feels like a party could have solved everything, so we try to throw in a joke or a celebration by the end of everything. Lastly, Rarity is interested in stories that deal with star crossed lovers having a happy ending. So normally stories end with a wedding or something." Spike shivered. "I think she sees herself and me in that sort of position." Said Spike.

Both women nodded. 'Yeah, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out.' Thought the two.

Celestia hummed in thought. "Well I might just know the perfect story then." Said Celestia.

Spike nodded. "Cool, then I dub you princess of Story Time." Said Spike. He looked at Cadance. "Cadance, help me in the back today? I'll start heating Pinkie's jar, can you gather all of the blankets and bring them back in, then place them down?"

Cadance nodded. "Sure, what about the stuffed plushies?"

"I'll grab them while the jar is boiling." Said Spike. He looked at Celestia. "Celestia, make sure you know what to say, anytime you mess up it detracts from the image that the girls see."

Celestia nodded. "I know this story by heart." Said Celestia.

Spike smiled. "Good." Spike looked to the girls, it was time for them to start wrapping up art time. "Ok girls, color in the last corners, finish shading, sign your name on the masterpieces and start putting up your supplies where they go. Anyone who is not finished, I will store their artworks in their cubbies until tomorrow." Said Spike.

There was a few groans at hearing that art time was over, but it didn't last long as they knew it was story time, so the girls started to put away their markers, pencils, crayons, and for Pinkie who was into finger painting most of the time, she just absorbed the rest of it into her body. Once all the supplies were stored, the girls gave Spike their artworks so he could store them. Pinkie handed Spike a little finger painting of a green alligator with big deep, purple eyes that looked like it was staring into your soul. "What a wonderful painting Pinkie, where did you get your inspiration?" Asked Spike.

Pinkie giggled. "Well, he's my new pet, his name's Gummy, I found him a few days ago when I was out with my dad near the mountains. I picked him up and he just started to swim in my slime, so I decided to keep him."

Spike smiled. "Wow, that's so cool, but remember to be nice to him and make sure he's happy with you." Said Spike, but he was trying to process her story. 'Ok, first how does an alligator get up into the mountains, second, slime is not something you should be able to swim in, its more sticky if the slime is attached to its body, and thirdly why does it look like it has found the meaning of life?'

Pinkie smiled. "I know he's happy with me, he gives me kisses and hugs, and he sleeps on top of me at night." Said Pinkie as she walked away.

Next was Fluttershy. Her preferred medium was carving wood, of all things. At first Spike thought it impossible too, but when Gentle brought in her tools Spike didn't argue it again. But since then, Spike only allows her to use a pencil that had lost all its graphite, a tooth pick that had been dulled, or a single grain of rice. "So, what did you carve today Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy smiled as she placed a single grain of rice into Spike's hand. To the naked eye it would look like just a normal piece of rice, and yeah to Spike it did. "Well today, I started working on a model of Oakington, I finished the trunk and the roots, I just need to add the animals and the city in the tree top." Oakington, was the largest tree city in the fairy world, 25 feet of wooden urban life. Fairies lived, worked, played, slept and protect this city, along with the animals that live in the tree. Spike had seen it only once before, after Starswirl gave Spike a shrinking potion, he was still a giant 8 inches tall, but it was a cool day to ride a squirrel, so it was a win win. That's when Spike found out that Fluttershy lived in the large network of tunnels in the middle of the trunk. Posey worked in the roots of the tree working to make sure it was healthy and well fed, while Gentle was up in the canopy working at the photosynthesis power plant, that provides the whole tree with power.

Spike smiled at seeing this. "Well, I know you'll make it look great." Said Spike as he gave Fluttershy a little rub on her head with his pinkie.

Fluttershy smiled as she flew off Spike. The next girl was Rainbow. "Spike look what I drew." Said Rainbow as she showed her crayon picture. It was a portrait of her in a Talonbolts uniform. The Talonbolts were a very popular group of harpies that do amazing stunts for charity events. Their uniforms were just a sky-blue jump suits with a cowl that went to the knees. Rainbow was obsessed with becoming one when she grows up, and in Spikes opinion she was a great flier already, all she needed to do was hit the age limit.

Spike smiled at seeing the picture. "Not bad, not bad, a little sad though, I expect more from you Rainbow." Said Spike.

Rainbow was shocked as she looked at her picture. "What's wrong with it, I got every detail in there." Asked Rainbow.

Spike shook his head. "Nope, you’re missing an important little detail right there." Said Spike as he pointed to the portrait’s chest. "I thought you said you wanted to be a captain, so where's the little patch on the chest?" Asked Spike.

Rainbow looked closely and Spike was right. She looked at Spike. "Your right, thanks for reminding me Spike, I'll add it tomorrow."

Spike smiled as he shook his head. "It's fine Dash, you did a great job." Rainbow smiled as she gave Spike a little hug and perched on a seat. Next was AJ, she was carrying a little landscape picture she made with markers. "What do we have today AJ?" Asked Spike.

AJ smiled as she handed Spike the picture. It was clearly her home, but Spike recognized it from the last time AJ was here, it was her family’s farm. Spike smiled. "So, you finished it today. This looks exactly like the view from the gate, but I don't see you or your family."

AJ smiled. "Well Granny is on the porch in her swing." Said AJ as she pointed to a little gray and green dot on the porch. "Ma and Pa are in the fields working." Said AJ as she pointed to a depiction of Pear and her wall of a husband Bright Mac. "Macintosh is feeding the chickens." She then pointed to a little red centaur with a bucket in his hands.

Spike nodded. "Ok, but what about you?" Asked Spike.

AJ shrugged. "It's from my view."

Spike shrugged as well. "Cool, I bet Granny Smith puts it in the middle of the fridge."

AJ Smiled. "You really think so?" Spike nodded. AJ pranced around for a moment in excitement, she had a smug look on her face.

Spike chuckled at the prancing centaur as she pranced away with her artwork. Rarity was the next to approach, but unlike the other girls, she was interested in making clothes, so after agreeing to buy her some fabrics and some thread, she would sometimes make a shirt, a skirt, or a dress for one of the girls to wear. Spike smiled at Rarity. "I see you made something today Rarity, what is it?" Asked Spike.

Rarity smiled. "It's a skirt." Said Rarity.

Spike smiled. 'Thank god it's not for me, but her work is still pretty good.' Thought Spike. "Who's it for?"

Rarity looked to Celestia. "I thought you might have liked a little gift for getting the job." Said Rarity as she showed the simple purple skirt to Celestia.

Celestia smiled at the gift as she took it from the little girl. "Thank you, Rarity, it's great. But what size is it?" Asked Celestia.

Rarity pointed to Spike and motioned for Celestia to lean down so she could whisper it. Celestia understood what she needed to do, and she leaned down to let the little girl tell her. Once she was done Celestia smiled. "That's exactly right Rarity, I'm impressed."

Rarity smirked and looked proud. "Well, I learned it from my mommy." Said Rarity, Celestia giggled.

Next was Twilight. She walked over to Spike and handed him a little folder, it was something she had been working on for a while now, but she didn't want anyone to see it until she was finished. Not even Spike knows what it was. Twilight looked at Spike. "Remember, don't peek, it's not done." Said Twilight.

Spike nodded. "Don't worry Twi, I won't, but how far did you get today?"

Twilight shrugged. "I'm about half way done with it now."

Spike smiled. "Great to hear, I can't wait to see it."

Twilight smiled as she ran off to get ready for story time.

Lastly up came the newest little minion of the dragon, Moondancer. Spike smiled at the little girl. "So, did you draw anything today Moondancer?"

Moondancer nodded. "Yeah, I drew my mommy, my daddy, and me together." Said Moondancer as she handed Spike the picture. It was a picture of Moondancer, Moonlight, and a tall earth pony with green hair, who was probably Moonballad. "I can't wait to show mommy it." Said Moondancer.

Spike smiled. "Well, I bet she'll love it, Sweetie, now are you ready for story time?" Asked Spike. Moondancer nodded. "Ok, Celestia will be telling the story today so let’s see what she's got." Said Spike as he showed Moondancer where the others were sitting down.

Spike looked at all the girls. "Ok, my little minions, today we have a special tale, one of action, romance, family, magic, animals, and cake...probably." Said Spike as he shrugged. This earned a light giggle from all the girls. "But seriously, Celestia is the one who will be weaving this tale for you all today. So, let’s hear a round of applause for Celestia." All the girls cheered for Celestia.

Celestia walked over to the group of girls and cleared her throat. "First off, no animals, or creatures were harmed in the telling of this story." Said Celestia, she remembered to take that into account for Fluttershy. "Long ago, there was a land ruled by 3 kings, each king had a daughter that they loved very much. There also lived a magical beast that lived deep in the heart of the kingdoms in a forest so thick that none ever dared explore it. For you see there lived a massive dragon."

Spike seeing that everything was getting handled, looked at Cadance and pointed to the back room, she nodded and followed Spike to get the girls stuff ready.

"Dragons were feared by all because of their size and strength, but this was all a lie, dragons are kind, intelligent and magical beings, but sadly none would listen to them, and long ago many just disappeared into the sky. But one stayed, he thought he could show the world that dragons were not monsters. This dragon was a noble soul who saw the understanding of others view of him and did not judge them for his kinds leaving. But one day, it was decided that all the kings would come together and discuss issues that plagued their kingdoms, and it was decided that to hold this meeting in a neutral ground. That ground was determined to be an ancient castle in the heart of the forest, and the long-forgotten home of their ancestors. But they were unaware that this was the current home of the last dragon in the lands. This is where our story begins."

In the early dawn of a new day, a large purple dragon started to stir awake from his slumber. He yawned after enjoying a great sleep, but as great as he wished to enjoy his 100-year nap, he knew it was not his time just yet. The Dragon lumbered off his make shift bed of leaves and cloth to greet the day and procure breakfast for himself. Many years of living in this dilapidated castle, the dragon was able to quickly make his way to a large room, deep in the heart of the structure.

"I think an emerald and a few sapphires would be a good way to start the day." Said the dragon as he arrived in a large room with piles of gold and jewels scattered around the floor and piled so high it dwarfed him. The Dragon sighed at the treasure as he walked to a large pile of gemstones on the ground. The dragon scooped out a few of the smaller gems that he desired and quickly made his way to the main hall, he was expecting a guest today.

The dragon popped all the gems into his large mouth and continued walking down the large halls of the castle. "I hope today's knight can give me some idea of how the kingdoms are faring." Said the Dragon.

When he arrived at the ancient hall, the dragon curled up so he could comfortably rest until his weekly guest arrived. "200 years I have been in this castle, 200 years of knights looking to tame me for fame." The Dragon sighed as he rested his head in his claws. "Maybe my kind was right, maybe we are forever destined to be misunderstood?"

Suddenly a little white bunny ran through one of the cracks in the stone work. It was looking for his friend and protector. For years the dragon had been the protector of the forest and its animals, and to show their gratefulness to him, the animals of the forest do everything they can to provide for him and inform him on what is going on. The bunny ran over to the dragon and started tapping on his leg. "Dragon, please, something's wrong!" Yelled the bunny.

The dragon looked at the rabbit and opened his palm for the small mammal. Once the rabbit was on the palm, the dragon brought it to his face. "Good morning, Angel. Have you spotted this week’s knight?" Asked The dragon.

Angel nodded. "I have, dragon. But today it’s not just one, there are many."

"Angel, please call me Spike."

"Celestia, why is the dragon named Spike?" Asked Twilight.

Celestia shrugged. "Well, I don't remember the dragons actual name, but I think Spike would be a good substitute."

"Oh, ok." Said Twilight.

"Celestia how can Spike talk to animals?" Asked Fluttershy.

Celestia smiled. "Well, dragons are magical creatures, who are thought to be the oldest living beings in the world and are the most connected with nature."

"And what do you mean, there are many?" Asked Spike.

Angel nodded. "There are a lot of people right outside of the forest, what do we do?" Asked Angel.

Spike hummed in thought. Normally the kings would send one knight a week to try and deal with him, but normally all the animals would drive them off with their shenanigans. Spike looked at Angel. "Angel, find out what they want, and report back to me with the details." Said Spike.

"That is what I am here to do. My mother was the first to spot them, and we learned what they want."

"And that is what?" Asked Spike.

"They said that the kings are going to have a summit here." Said Angel.

Spike groaned. "That's right, It's that time of the year." Spike looked at the little rabbit. "Angel, we are going to confront them now." Said Spike as he placed the bunny onto his snout.

"What!?" Yelled the rabbit. For generations, Spike had not left the castle unless it was of the upmost importance. In fact, the last time Spike left the castle was long before Angel was born. There was a forest fire and in hope to save all the animals and their homes, Spike created a fire line to stop the fire from spreading.

"Exactly what I said, I'm going to confront them and get some answers." Said Spike as he walked through the main gate of the castle. Spike looked at the blue sky above and opened his large pair of wings. Spike chuckled. "I hope I still remember how to fly." Said Spike as he leapt up and flapped his wings. Thanks to his large wings and magic, Spike, despite his large frame, was soaring in the sky looking out for a large group of people.

Angel pointed at the edge of the forest. "Right there, Spike."

Spike looked in the direction the bunny was pointing and noticed that there was indeed a large group gathered at the edge of the forest. But what the bunny didn't mention was that the group was made up of multiple banners each showing a different kingdom. Spike gulped. "Ok, I'm guessing that the kings are with them."

Spike decided it would be best not to fly above them, so he landed away from the tree line, and watched as every knight drew their swords and readied their bows upon seeing him.

Spike took a deep breath as he thought about what he could do. 'Ok, if I roar, they'll probably run, thinking I'm going to attack them. If I walk out the forest, I'm going to get attacked. I think I have a compromise.' Thought Spike. "KINGS OF THE LANDS, I KNOW THAT YOU HAVE GATHERED FOR THE YEARLY SUMMIT OF THE KINGS." Yelled Spike. "I HOLD NO I'LL WILL WITH YOUR KINGDOMS, BUT IF YOU STEP FOOT INTO MY HOME I WILL RETALIATE."

"Celestia, what does 'Retaliate' mean?" Asked Rainbow.

"It means to fight back." Said Twilight.

Celestia giggled. "That's exactly right Twilight."


The area fell silent so a common answer could be reached, when it had, all 3 kings followed by the 3 princesses approached. The Eldest of the kings was the first to speak. "Dragon, I am King Malik, we know that you have been residing in the ancient castle that lives at the heart of the forest. We wish to use the castle for our summit. We ask for you to leave on your own accord, or we will be forced to take it by force. We are only giving you this curtesy because you have not slain the knights that we have sent to deal with you."


"HOW DARE YOU!" Yelled Malik.

"Malik, perhaps a calmer approach is required?" Asked the youngest of the kings. Malik nodded and allowed this king to take over negotiations. "Dragon, my name is King Theo. Please forgive Malik’s words."


"Yes, it is true, I have only been the king for a few years now. But I try and follow my father’s footsteps as best as I can." Said Theo. "I feel like diplomacy is more effective than anger, and I make my thoughts known, much to the ire of my little baby girl."

"DADDY?!" Yelled the youngest of all the princesses. A short 8-year-old girl with long red hair.


Theo nodded. "Yes, I hope that we can come to some compromise with you, Dragon, in hopes that we may use the castle."


"What do you ask, I'm sure we can compensate for you."


The kings conversed amongst themselves. Theo was the one to answer. "Very well. But what of food and sleeping accommodations for us?"


Suddenly the middle king took the stage. "And what of you Dragon, how do we know that we aren't walking into a trap?" Yelled the middle king.


King Aaron grumbled as he nodded. "Very well." Said Aaron. "May we see our host for the foreseeable future?" Asked Aaron.

"Very well." Said Spike as he walked out of the forest, each step sending echo after echo. Soon the image of thick purple scales could be seen moving amongst the trees. With each echo more and more of the dragon’s body could be seen. First was his large head, then his large neck with a row of green spines that ran down his middle. Next came his large legs, each of them as long 3 men and as thick as a carriage. Lastly, his long and powerful tail dragged on the ground behind him. Spike bowed to the kings. "Greetings, I am the guardian of the forest, protector of the animals, and the last of my kind in these lands. But please, call me Spike."

The kings bowed to Spike. "Thank you for agreeing, Spike." Said Theo. "Please allow us to introduce our daughters. My daughter, princess Samantha."

The little 8-year-old stepped forward and curtsied in her yellow dress. "Greetings Lord Spike."

Aaron introduced his daughter next; she was a tall teenager, had blue hair, and she was wearing a light green dress. "This is my daughter, princess Evalyn, she is 13 years old."

Evalyn curtsied in her dress. "It's an honor to meet you Lord Spike."

Malik was last. "Lastly, my daughter, Princess Sophie."

Sophie was the oldest of the princesses at 18, she had long blond hair and was dressed in a royal red dress. She curtsied to the dragon. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lord Spike."

Spike smiled, showing his large mouth of sharp teeth. "The same to each of you." Said Spike, he looked to the little bunny still on his snout. "Angel please go tell your mother and the rest that they can come out of hiding, I'll have Doe and Buck keep an eye out until we're done." Said Spike.

The bunny nodded and scurried down the dragon’s body. Once he was on the ground, he started thumping his large feet, signaling to his family it was time to go. Quickly, hundreds of rabbits popped out from a lot of random places, like barrels, wagons, and for one rabbit, the inside of a knight’s shirt. Spike laughed at the shocked looks on the people’s faces. "Yeah, you know what they say about rabbits."

A large brown rabbit hopped over to Spike and nuzzled his leg. "It's good to see you getting out of the castle Spike."

Spike smiled as he used his free claw to scratch the rabbit. "You guys did a great job today, Ella. Why don't you take your kids home and get some rest?"

Ella nodded. "Sure thing. Want me to talk to Harry and Brinda on the way back?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah, but check to make sure Brinda's piglets are safe first, I don't want them to run off."

Ella nodded as she signaled for her borrow to leave. They did and disappeared into the forest.

"How did you do that?" Asked Aaron.

Spike shrugged. "Magic, dragons are connected to the earth and all of its creatures, so I can talk to all animals. I also have a great sense of smell." Said Spike. He looked to the princesses and smiled. "Samantha has a dog, Evelyn has a cat, and Sophie has a horse that lives in the stables. But he's right over there." Said Spike as he pointed to a horse that was pulling a wagon. Spike moved his head to the horse to get the lowdown on the princess. Spike nodded repeatedly as he was getting the horse to talk about her owner. "Ok, thanks ma'am." Said Spike.

He moved back to the group. "Sorry, just wanted a quick chat with the mare. Her name is Tammy, she's 3 years old, loves her owner by the way, but she doesn't like it when you give her apples time after time." Said Spike. "My recommendation is a carrot or two." Said Spike.

Sophie nodded. "I'll get her some next time." Said Sophie. Tammy whinnied in cheer.

Spike smiled at hearing this. He draped one of his wings to the ground. "Now, please allow me to carry you all to my home, the trails are littered with rocks and roots that have taken some knights by surprise."

Samantha gasped as she ran straight for Spike. She climbed on to his wing, and up to his back where she sat in between his spines. She was followed by the other two princesses who took a seat on Spike. Theo sighed as he walked over to Spike. "Please forgive her, Spike. She has her mother’s energy and the impulse control of a badger."

Spike laughed. "No worry, it actually reminds me of my children."

Everyone looked at the dragon in shock. Theo gulped. "You have children?"

Spike nodded. "Yep, I had a small clutch of 27 with my mate about 400 years ago. They're all grown up and are probably about to start looking for their own mates soon, if they haven't already." Spike sighed at the memory of having his kids running around, playing with him.

Aaron walked to Spike. "So, how old are you then?"

"Well, I don't really remember, last I checked I was around 2750 years old, but that was long before I started living here. So just to make it simple let’s just say I'm 3000." Said Spike. "Dragons can live for a very long time." Said Spike.

"So, if you have a family, why are you here and not with them?"

Spike sighed. "Dragons are able to live on their own by the age of 50, and my kind left these lands over 300 years ago. As for my mate, I lost her due to sickness soon after my family left." Spike smiled as he wiped his eyes. "In fact, I used to live in a cave in your kingdom Malik, my mate's grave should still be there. I might just go visit her soon." Spike shook his head. "Sorry, please climb aboard, it will take me a few minutes to walk there. If everything goes according to plan, we should be there by noon." Said Spike.

All the kings nodded as they carefully climbed aboard Spike and sat next to their daughters. Spike nodded as he started walking back into the forest.

As Spike was walking, he felt someone poke his spines. "Yes?" Asked Spike as he looked back to Evelyn.

She blushed as she stopped poking Spike. "Sorry, I'm kinda bored."

Spike laughed. "Really, you’re riding a dragon through a forest, and you're bored?"

Evelyn shook her head. "No, I mean your great an all, but I'm just not excited."

Spike nodded. "I get it, you remind me of my mate, Onyx. She loved to see new things, and she had a wild spirit that she couldn't control most of the time, but she had too." Spike laughed. "When she was carrying our eggs, she wanted to fly in the sky, when she had to sit in for her father in the council of elders, she would ditch it to go swim in the underground reservoir. Heck, when she met me, we were barreling down a cliff. I was screaming my head off, but she was smiling and laughing. I think you two would have gotten along well."

Evelyn smiled. "Hey, sorry for poking you."

Spike smiled. "It's fine." Spike then turned his attention to Sophie. "Well, Samantha is like my kids, Evelyn is like my mate, then that means you’re going to be like my mother."

Sophie giggled. "Well, am I?"

Spike shrugged. "Are you kind, but short tempered, smart, but childish, witty, but in a good way?" Asked Spike.

Sophie smiled. "Yes, yes and yes."

Spike laughed. "That is exactly what she would have said. All you have to do now is tell me to go to my nest and you're her."

"So, Lord Spike, why are you the last dragon in the lands?" Asked Sophie.

Spike's mood quickly changed. "I'd rather not talk about it right now." Said Spike.

Sophie winced; she knew she hit a sore subject. "Very well then, may I ask you to tell me about yourself?"

Spike smiled. "Yeah, we're still a way away from the castle, but nothing personal."

Sophie nodded. "So, I've read that Dragons can breathe magical fire, and that each dragons fire is different, is that true?"

Spike nodded. "Yep, dragons have two fires that we can produce, the normal kind." Said Spike as he puffed a small bit of normal fire into the air. "And a special fire, that we discover soon after we hit our 20's, but the part about it being different for each dragon is wrong. It's more genetic, I can use my fire to teleport objects. Onyx could breathe a thick smoke stream, and most of my kids could send objects with smoke. Granted two of them got special fires from somewhere in our bloodlines, but most of the time it’s from the parents. Trust me, dodging Ruby's lava and Gales ice shards was difficult."

Sophie giggled at the thought. "So, what kind of animals live out in the forest?"

"Well, we have a few bunny burrows, a few bear dens, four deer herds, boars, wolves, cougars, badgers, and so many birds I lost count, but they're all good spirited, and I protect them."

"So, what made you want to stay in the castle, why not stay in your old cave?"

Spike shrugged. "I just felt alone there, I wanted to spend more time with my mate, probably have a few more clutches with her, but after she was gone, all it was to me was an empty hole in the side of a mountain, besides I never liked the cold wind."

Sophie nodded. "Would you mind telling me more about yourself later, Lord Spike?" Asked Sophie.

Spike nodded. "Sure." Spike then noticed that they were close to the entrance of the castle. "Ok, we're here." Said Spike as he looked at his home. "Could everyone please got off of me, so I can shrink down?" Asked Spike.

Everyone looked at Spike questioningly. "Wait, shrink?"

Spike nodded. "Yep, dragons can control their size and form. This isn't my normal size, but I can get about 3 times larger than this, as well as half this size in this form." Said Spike. Everyone quickly got off the dragon. Soon Spike's body started to change shape, his legs shortened along with his wings, tail, face, and back.

Once Spike was done, he stood only 4 feet taller than Malik and he was now walking on two feet instead of his normal 4. Spike groaned as he tried to stretch. "Man, it's been a long time since I was in this shape." Said Spike. He looked back at his guest and smiled at them. "So, yeah, this is me." Said Spike as he motioned to himself.

Theo cleared his throat. "Spike, can you please refrain from any more surprises, it's a lot to process." Asked Theo.

Spike shrugged. "Sure, but there's not much more about me that's shocking." Suddenly Spike's stomach growled loudly causing the dragon to blush in embarrassment. "Heh, sorry, I forgot that it takes a lot out of me to change, I'm starving." Said Spike.

Theo smiled. "Then by all means, don't be shy around us, we'll understand that you need to go out again to hunt."

Spike smiled but shook his head. "Yeah, we don't do that either. While yes, we can eat meat, most of us are gemnivores, myself included." Said Spike. "Follow me to my pantry." Spike then started to walk down the castle's halls.

As they were walking, Samantha was looking around in awe, Spike smiled at the little girl's behavior. "Samantha, maybe later I can show you around the castle."

Samantha gasped as she smiled at Spike. "Really?"

Spike nodded. "Sure, it would be fun." Spike looked back at Theo. "Is that ok with you Theo?" Asked Spike.

Theo nodded. "I'm fine with it, but you don't have to do it."

Spike smiled. "Wouldn't offer if I didn't want to." Said Spike. He looked to the other two princesses. "You two are free to join us."

Sophie smiled. "Why thank you Spike, I would love to join you."

Evelyn shrugged. "Might as well." Spike smiled at hearing the answer.

Samantha then found an old portrait hanging on the wall of the castle. It showed a tall man with green hair and green eyes dressed in a royal robe, next to him was a beautiful woman dressed in purple, with dark black hair. "Wow, who's this?" Asked Samantha.

Spike smiled. "Well, that was the original owner of the castle." Said Spike. "I'll tell you about him later." Said Spike as they continued to the pantry.

They soon arrived at the pantry. "I'll only be a minute, please have a look around." Said Spike. "I think the emeralds are in the corner." Said Spike as he started to dig around for an emerald. Spike smiled when he found what he was looking for, an emerald the size of Samantha, he placed it under his arm and walked back to the group.

Spike smiled at the group; they hadn't taken anything. "Let’s go to the main hall, Harry and Brinda should be arriving soon with your stuff." Said Spike, hearing no arguments the group started walking.

When they reached the main hall of the castle, Spike motioned for the group to take a seat on some old furniture that he didn't bother getting rid of but kept in good condition. Spike used his strength to crack the gemstone in to smaller manageable pieces. Once it was small enough for him to eat them, he took one into his mouth. With a loud and very painful sounding crunch, Spike was ready to ask a few questions. Spike swallowed his gem bit and looked at the kings. "Malik, Aaron, Theo, I am not as well informed on the details of the yearly summit, normally how long do these last?"

"A few days at most. We normally talk about trade, common problems, our wives, that sort of stuff."

Spike nodded. "What made you think that the castle would be a great place to hold it?"

"Well in the past kings have tried to hold it here as well, but the dragon has always stop them from coming. Spike, why did you do that?" Asked Theo.

Spike sighed. "I see, I guess that's nothing new for me. The truth is you are the first people to step foot in my home that I have granted permission. Every generation of kings always have the idea to hold the summit here, but unlike the kings of the past, you three decided to meet my conditions, instead of attacking me on the spot. I am impressed to know some prioritize inaction over action. So, if you follow my conditions you are free to explore the castle as you wish. But please stay out of my room, just down there, I believe it was a ball room. There should be a meeting hall close by for you three to talk." Said Spike as he looked at the three kings.

Malik nodded. "Thank you, Spike." The summit is an important meeting that needed to be held in private to make sure no one could influence what they talk about.

"So, with all of this, I can smell Harry and Brinda coming, after that I'll show you all to your rooms." Said Spike. "Harry, Brinda we're in the main hall."

The next thing everyone saw was a sleuth of bears and a singular of boars, walk up to them, they were hauling a large stack of crates on a little wood sled.

"Ms. Celestia, what's a sleuth and a singular?" Asked Rarity.

"Well Rarity a sleuth is a family of bears and a singular is a group of boars." Said Fluttershy.

Celestia smiled as she nodded. "That's right, but back to the story."

A large brown bear walked up to Spike and smiled at him. "Wow, I haven't seen you in this form since I was a little cub." Said the bear.

Spike laughed as he stood up from his seat, he walked over to the bear and gave it a hug. "Sorry for dragging you out of your den, Harry."

Harry smiled as he returned the hug. "Think nothing of it, Spike. But I'm going to need some time off soon, Brandy is about to have our next set of cubs. But I talked to Matthew, he's willing to take over until his brothers and sisters are old enough."

Spike laughed. "Cool, Matthew is a good bear. But dude this is your fourth set of cubs, are you trying to take Ella's top spot?" Asked Spike.

Harry laughed. "Dude come on, Ella is the top mama around here, Brandy is nowhere near that level." Harry looked at the kings and princesses. "So, this is what's happening, you sure this is a good idea Spike?" Asked the bear.

Spike shrugged. "Well they didn't attack me on sight like the last ones, so I think I'm making progress." Spike looked at the supplies Harry and Brinda brought in. "Harry can you and the guys take them to the rooms upstairs while I talk to Brinda?"

Harry nodded. "Sure thing Spike." Harry looked at the group of bears. "Ok guys, we're taking these upstairs."

"Yes sir." Said the bears, soon the group of bears carried all the things away.

Spike looked at the large boar and her family behind her. Spike scratched the lead boars head. "Thanks for hauling the stuff Brinda."

Brinda smiled. "No thank you Spike, Barry is back in the hole with the kids, and mama needed some quiet time to herself."

Spike chuckled. "Well then why not send the kids over here for a while, I don't mind taking care of them."

Brinda looked at Spike. "That's how they came about last time, remember."

Spike chuckled nervously. "Right, I forgot about that. Hey, why don't you just go run around for a little while, and if Barry asks, just tell him I needed you a little longer than normal."

Brinda smiled as she gave Spike's face a small lick. "Thanks Spike." Said Brinda as she and her boars left the castle.

Spike smiled as he took his seat again. "Sorry about that, I'm really close to her, she's a good boar." Said Spike.

Theo smiled. "No need to apologize Spike, they are your friends, and they were doing us a favor by bringing our stuff here."

Spike smiled at hearing this. "Well Harry and the bears have left the place, meaning that your stuff should be near the rooms. Please allow me to take you to your rooms so you can get settled in." Said Spike.

Everyone smiled as they followed their host up the stairs to the old rooms.

Once they reached the second floor, they noticed that by each door there was a pair of crates marked with their kingdom’s emblem. Spike motioned for the kings and princesses to come see the first room. "Ok, so every room is basically the same, the only difference is the view from the balcony. I also have some squirrels that take care of cleaning the castle twice a month so the dust shouldn't be too bad. Each room has a single bed so unless the kings or princesses are going to be sleeping on the floor, they can use one of the other rooms. Aside from that each room has a desk, chest of drawers, fire place, wardrobe and bed side tables." Said Spike as he showed the room. It was very clean, and all the furniture was well maintained, not like one would think an ancient castle's rooms should look like.

Aaron was surprised. "Wow, I was not expecting it to look so nice."

Spike chuckled. "I'm not sure if I should be insulted or proud... So, I'm going with the latter. Thank you, King Aaron. Please take as much time as you need to settle in. I will be downstairs in the bath." Spike sneezed. "Sorry, when I grow so does my inner fire, normally I'm warm all year round, but since I'm in this form I'm freezing my tail off."

Malik nodded. "Very well, please forgive us for your condition?"

Spike shook his head. "No need. I knew the consequences of the change, and I'm 3000 years old, I can handle a bit of cold." Said Spike, but then he sneezed again. "I think."

All the princesses giggled at the comment as Spike walked away from the group. Malik and the other kings looked at Spike walk away. They all were thinking the same thing. 'We need to fix this.'

Two hours later and Spike was sitting in a large marble bath in the deep parts of the castle, but unlike before, Spike was back in his larger form. Spike sighed in relief as he blew a large gout of fire over the water to warm it up even more. "Awe, that's the stuff." Said Spike as he felt like falling asleep.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door to the bath. "Yes?" Asked Spike.

"Lord Spike, may we join you?" Asked Theo.

"Sure, I've got nothing to hide from you all." Said Spike.

Theo, Aaron, and Malik walked into the bath and rested in the warm waters. Spike looked at the kings. "So, have you all settled in?" Asked Spike.

Theo nodded. "Yes, the rooms are perfect, thank you for allowing us to reside here until the summit is over."

Spike shrugged. "It's fine, I rather enjoy the company." Said Spike.

Aaron sighed. "Lord Spike, listen, we know why you are the last dragon in these lands."

Spike tensed up. "Aaron, it makes no difference, my kind decided to leave on their own."

"But it does Lord Spike. I will be the first to admit it, our forefathers were closed minded bigots, who were unwilling to hear anything other than the sound of their own voices." Said Aaron. "And I'll admit, I had the same reservations about dragons as they did. But seeing you in the flesh, and talking to you, I can see that we have done your kind wrong. We are no fools Spike; we have been told the truths by our fathers. We know that our kind used to hunt yours for sport."

Spike growled. "Yes, that is how I lost my mate, she died due to illness brought onto her by a poison arrow. My kind had survived for generations, living side by side with yours. We never ate meat, let alone children, and those who did only took wild game. The stories of dragons attacking villages, all wrong. My kind saved those villages from fires, but that meant nothing when the first thing people see is a large lizard breathing fire onto a crop field." Spike sighed as he needed to control his anger. "We are not perfect, no creature is, but dragons have laws just like you. We in the council of elders upheld these laws strictly. If something happened that violated our laws, we would deal with it, but our most important law was to keep the peace between our kinds. I stopped so many dragons who wanted to rule over your kind by force, I did this for 2000 years."

Malik nodded. "And that's why we want to make amends for the actions of our forefathers."

This took the wind out of Spike's sails quickly. "Wait...What?" Asked Spike.

Malik nodded. "Yes, we want to make amends with you and your kind."

"We agreed to it before we arrived. Which is why, after we are finished with the summit, we will leave this land in your possession to do as you wish, as well as giving you free reign to travel. You will not need to keep yourself hidden from the world any longer, but we do ask that you stay in your normal form until our people grow accustomed to your presence." Said Theo.

Spike laughed. "Sure, that's a simple condition."

Spike looked at the kings. "Now, I must tell you all the truth about something I haven't told anyone." Said Spike. He then started to change his body into that of a person. He lost all his scales, his tail, wings, claws, sharp teeth, and spikes. Spike looked almost like them aside from his reptilian eyes. "Yeah, your fathers were kinda jerks to their great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather." Said Spike.

All the kings dropped their jaws at the sight of Spike, he looked just like the man from the portrait. "So, your...."

Spike nodded. "Yep, the names Kenbroath Kilspotten Heathspike, I am the king of the forest and these lands, and to a degree your grandfather, but really down the line."

Aaron was confused. "But what about your kids?"

"They’re out there somewhere, Ash was here just last month to check up on me, she was always the kind one." Said Spike.

"What about your mate?" Asked Theo.

Spike smiled. "She's down stairs asleep, she just entered her second 100-year nap about 40 years ago. I could go wake her, but she might kill me for interrupting her beauty sleep."

"What about us?" Asked Malik.

Spike shrugged. "Well, some of my kids wanted to live like your kind, they fell in love, had kids of their own, and each generation, more and more blood came in, but that also brought fear and hate into the family. It got so bad that my great great great grandkids had forgot about their heritage and started to try and hunt dragons. But it was so long ago, that right now you're more people than dragon. In fact, the first kings have been staying in the mountains for a while now watching over them to make sure nothing happens."

"So, our kind hunting you for sport?" Asked Aaron.

Spike shrugged. "Lies, no one died, it was just a simple way to make it look like you got rid of dragons. Ever wonder why they never came back with the pelts or anything? Well that's because most of the time the one who was sent to deal with a dragon was a dragon born or at least in the early years, but by the time the truth was forgotten, I was the last dragon around in our lizard form." Said Spike.

Spike sighed as he returned to his scaled form. "But not everything was a lie, these are our normal forms, we do have a connection to the world that allows us to talk to animals, and we do live for a very long time." Said Spike.

"So, you've been lying to us this whole time?" Asked Theo.

Spike shrugged. "More or less, I was the one who pretty much set everything in motion though, I set up the summits long ago, with the condition that once a generation, the kings should gather here so I could judge them and see if we could trust our descendants and their people."

Malik raised an eyebrow. "So, the fact that you’re telling us all this..."

Spike nodded. "Yep, for the last 15 generations or so, all the kings have decided to attack me on sight, you three are the first to try diplomacy." Spike looked at Theo. "Theo, your father was close, but he had decided to attack at the last moment." Spike shrugged. "Meh, it makes no difference, swords, spears, arrows, nothing really can hurt us, aside from magic. That's why you three are even around, I could have killed your fathers long before, but I knew that one day the dragon inside of you would show."

Malik, Aaron, and Theo sighed as they tried to take all this news in. "So, you’re the ancient high king?"

Spike nodded. "Yep, been that way since I was about 200."

"Your mate is not dead; in fact, she is underneath the castle right now?" Asked Aaron.

Spike nodded. "Yep again. And before you ask why I don't sleep with my mate, she is a very aggressive sleeper, so I sleep in the ballroom most of the time while she's in her long naps."

"And you've been hiding away in the castle for the last, god knows how long, just to see if you and your kind could come out of hiding?"

Spike shrugged. "Pretty much, but I wouldn't call it hiding, it's more like optional seclusion. Dragons have been walking around for a while, but they change into their people forms while they're out. Heck just a few hours ago, like 80% of the knight’s you guys brought were dragons or at least part dragon. Heck all those knights that have come to take care of me, really have been coming to take care of me. They inform me of what's going on in the world and how the kingdoms have been doing." Spike sighed as he got out of the warm water, he then blew some fire onto his body to dry off.

Once he was dry, Spike looked back at his grandkids. "Ok, I get it, this is a lot to take in, but it would probably be better to process all of this out of the water. Skin prunes, scales don't." Said Spike.

All the kings quickly got out of the water and got clothes on. Once they were ready, Spike wanted to go show the kings around his home. The first point of interest was a large meeting hall with seven seats around a circular table. "Well first this is the meeting hall for all the elders of the dragon council to discuss matters around the world. I was one and technically still am, along with Onyx. Our next meeting should be in the next eighty years or so. That's where I came up with the summit. You three are free to use this room as you wish for the summit." Said Spike, then he showed them to the library. "If you ever want to talk or are looking for my opinion, I spend most of my days in here, granted I've read all these books, but sometimes my kids bring me some more." Lastly Spike brought them down stairs to the basement of the castle to show them their grandmother. Spike smiled at seeing his mate. "She's still as beautiful as the day I met her, and she still has another few decades until I can talk to her again." Spike sighed as he looked at the kings. "She really is something else, and I'm happy to know she will be happy to know that we can finally return." Said Spike.

"Dear, you know I've been awake this whole time, so why egg them on?" Asked Onyx, as she turned to see her mate, and the kings with her red eyes.

Spike shrugged. "I only speak the truth my love." Spike then walked over to Onyx and kissed her. "Sorry for waking you up."

Onyx yawned and stretched out her body to get the blood flowing again. She looked at Spike. "It's fine, I was thinking of getting up in the next few years or so anyways, just to make sure you hadn't burnt down the castle again."

Spike groaned. "Oh, get over it, it was one time and I was sick, and where do you get off thinking you were perfect, I still have nightmares of the two of us free falling off that cliff."

Onyx giggled as she gave Spike a kiss. "You call it a nightmare; I call it a dream." Onyx looked at the kings and smiled. "I see, I was wondering when this day would come. Tell me young kings, do you know who the true king of these lands is?"

All three nodded and pointed to Spike. Onyx smiled, she looked at Theo and smiled at him. "I see that you take after your first king, he was always a good boy, a little shy and weak, but strong where it counted." She then placed a claw on his heart and his head. "I'm sure Tetro would be happy to see you." She looked to Aaron. "And you are someone that leaps first and gets things done. Your grandfather will be glad to have someone as strong willed as him, that is if Mantel is not fighting that Yeti again." She looked at Spike. "What made you think that letting him keep that yeti was a good idea?"

Spike shrugged. "In my defense, I was powerless under that cute little guys eyes, besides they're both ok, they caused an avalanche a few years ago so they're still around."

Onyx sighed as she looked at Malik. "Smart, kind, short temper though. You definitely have Sarton’s blood." Said Onyx, she then got a good smell of the air. "I smell three females as well, daughters of you three."

Spike nodded. "Yep, the next generation of our bloodline. Theo's daughter is Samantha, she acts just like the kid’s when they first hatched. Aaron's daughter, Evelyn acts just like you, as scary as it sounds...." This earned Spike a punch to the arm, but he laughed at it, because that is how she says, 'I love you.' "And Sophie is Malik's daughter, she's just like my mother."

Onyx laughed at the thought. "I must meet them." Said Onyx as she walked up the stairs to meet her grandchildren.

Theo looked at Spike. "Are you going to stop her or anything, she's going to scare our girls." Asked Theo.

Spike shook his head. "Nope, female dragons are way tougher than the males, it shows that they can protect their eggs. If I tried to stop her, she would turn me into a pretzel." Said Spike as he followed his mate up the stairs.

Theo sighed as he looked at Malik and Aaron. "I guess this is happening then." Said Theo, the other two nodded as all three walked up the stairs.

Once they all were upstairs, Spike came up with a plan. He looked at the kings. "Go gather your daughters and bring them to the sitting area. I'll go distract Onyx with some food." Said Spike. All three kings nodded and ran off to gather their daughters. Spike smiled at Onyx. "Dear, how about we go grab a few gems from the vault, you haven't eaten in a while, you must be starving?"

Onyx stopped on a dime and when she did, her stomach growled loudly. Onyx sighed as she couldn't deny Spike's words. "Do we still have some topaz?" Asked Onyx.

Spike smiled. "Yep, I always have some for you Onyie."

Onyx giggled. "I did miss you Spikie."

Spike nodded. "So did I." Said Spike as he kissed Onyx.

So, after gathering a topaz for Onyx and the kings gathered their daughters, both groups met up in the same sitting area as before. All the girls were shocked to see another dragon sitting in front of them. Onyx giggled at the sight of them as she finished off her topaz. "So... yeah, my names Onyx, you three must be Samantha, Evelyn and Sophie?"

All three princesses nodded. They all looked at Spike. "Lord Spike, what's going on? Isn't she supposed to be dead?" Asked Sophie.

Spike shrugged. "Long story short, I kinda lied to you all about me being the last dragon in the lands. Also, that is no way to speak to your grandmother." When the princesses heard this bit of news, they all went silent.

Onyx sighed as she gave Spike as swift slap to the head. "Spike, explain things to them right now." Demanded Onyx.

Spike chuckled. "Sorry, but yes, she is your grandmother to a degree, and I am your grandfather. She did not die due to illness, but instead she was asleep in our nest for the last few decades. My three eldest were the original three kings of the land. Many years later and many kings and queens down the line, and we come to this point in time." Said Spike. "It wasn't just words when I said you three were like my family."

Samantha gasped with wide eyes as she was so excited to learn that she was part dragon, she jumped off the couch she and the others were sitting on and started running around, flapping her arms like they were wings, imagining she was a dragon. Onyx giggled as she started playing with the little girl turned dragon. Spike sighed at the action of his mate, he then looked at Evelyn. "Wild spirit, can't sit down to save her life, now go stop your grandmother from catching the dragon." Said Spike. It didn't take long for Evelyn to join in the fun. Spike sighed at the three. "Yeah, he was just like her when he was growing up." Spike then looked to Sophie. "Sorry you can’t meet your great grandmother, she died about 1000 years ago."

Sophie smiled at Spike. "It's fine Spike, King Spike, Grandfather....Um what do I call you now?"

Spike shrugged. "Don't really care, so just keep calling me Spike."

Sophie nodded. "So, Spike, what will you do now that we all know the truth?"

Spike shrugged. "Well, I was going to call my kids and tell them all to meet here and depending on how many generations have passed all the other dragon families can be summoned at my call. Then I and the kings can talk about making peace between our kinds. If you wish, they can be here as soon as tomorrow?" Asked Spike.

Theo, Aaron, and Malik nodded at the idea of making peace between both races. "Spike, please send word to your kind, it's time for everything to be told." Said Malik.

Spike nodded. "Thank you." Said Spike.

"The End." Said Celestia as she finished the story. She looked at all the girls and frowned when she noticed that they were all asleep in their blankets and Pinkie was in a mason jar. Celestia sighed as she worked hard on that story for the kids.

She looked at Spike and Cadance, both were smiling at Celestia with 'Yeah welcome to the club' faces. "So, what did you guys think?" Asked Celestia.

"I liked it, really cute and I loved how Onyx wasn't dead. But I got confused with all the time differences. You said Spike had been in the castle for 200 years, while he had been there for much longer." Said Spike.

Celestia shrugged. "Yeah, I never really understood that part myself, but I think it shows how long Spike had been alone."

Cadance nodded. "Still I say it was a great success, the girls are out like a light, and now we have time to pick up the mess." Said Cadance.

Spike nodded. "Yep, I'll go start the timer, you two go around and start picking up where you can. We have one hour until we wake up the girls and clean them up."

Author's Note:

Ok, story time has come and gone, now it's time for the girls to get cleaned up for thier parents to pick them up.

Thanks to those of you who posted ideas for the story, I hope this worked to satisfy everyone.

Note that this was the longest chapter by far and it took me a while to get it done. With that said, I will be slowing down on this story for a while, probably a month or two, to work on my other stories.

Like always, tell me what you liked, what you didnt, and where i can improve. Also before anyone asks, I made the race of the kings vaige for a reason to show that no race is perfect, and only through talking can we understand one another.