• Published 25th Sep 2019
  • 4,222 Views, 110 Comments

Little Dragon Daycare - TAD2

What do parents do when they need someone to look after thier kids? Simple, they take them to Little Dragon Daycare.

  • ...

They Arrive Pt.3

With the start of the day, came the start of the daily greeting of the kids. Spike walked into the main area to see who was going to be the first one of the day. "Good morning." Said Spike, but before he could get another word out, his face was wrapped into a little white demon hug that sent him to the ground.

"Nummy." Said a little demon succubus hybrid baby.

The next thing Spike heard was the sound of Cookie screaming. "Sweetie Belle, no!" She ran over to Spike and pried her baby off Spike before she did any damage to his soul. "Bad, Spike is not food."

Sweetie looked at her mother. "No, Nummy." Said the little baby.

Then there was another gasp in the shop as Hondo walked in with Rarity. "SPIKE?!" Yelled Rarity as she flew out of her father’s arms and rushed over to Spike. "Darling, speak to me."

Spike sighed. "Good morning, everyone." Said Spike as he got to his feet.

Cookie looked at Spike. "Spike, are you ok?"

Spike shook his head to focus. "Sure, I'll be fine, but I'm very sure Rarity's vocabulary is more developed." He then looked at the little demon in Cookie's arms. "Ok, either I hit my head and I'm seeing a mini Rarity or that is Sweetie Belle?"

Cookie nodded. "Number two, Spike. Me and Hondo wanted to expose Sweetie Belle to the world, so we're going to make a day of it. But we still need to work later, so Rarity needs to stay today."

Spike nodded. "That's fine, did you bring them?" Asked Spike.

Hondo nodded. "Yep, twenty-four Firestones, want me to take them to the basement like always?"

Spike nodded. "Thanks, Hondo." Hondo nodded and walked into the back room, and down to the basement. Spike looked at the little she-demon that tried to suck his soul energy. "Well, hello there, Sweetie Belle, it's a pleasure to meet you." Said Spike as he carefully wrapped his hand around hers.

Sweetie Belle giggled. "Nummy." Said Sweetie.

Spike smiled at the little girl. "Well, I guess your family has a thing for my soul?"

Cookie giggled. "Well, your soul is warm like the fire pits and as bright as Rarity and Sweetie."

Spike smiled at hearing that. "Well, I'll take that as a complement."

Cookie smiled. "Well, I think it's time we go to the park." Cookie looked at Rarity. "Sweetie, have a good day with Spike."

Rarity flew up into Spike's arms and gave him a hug. "I will." Spike brought her down to Sweetie's level. She gave the little baby a kiss on the forehead. "Bye, Sweetie Belle, have a good day with mother and father."

Sweetie huffed. "No, Nummy." Said Sweetie as she tried to reach for Spike.

Cookie smiled. "Sweetie, are you hungry?" Right on cue Sweetie's belly growled in hunger, making Cookie giggle. "I'll take that as a yes." Cookie looked at Spike. "Spike, do you mind if I feed her here?"

Spike shook his head. "Not at all, would you like to use the bathroom to do it?"

Cookie shook her head. "No, she got some of my milk this morning, she needs some of my soul now, but thank you for the offer." Demons are in many ways like mammals, they do have breasts, and they do feed their young. Succubae are no different, female succubae become wet nurses, or in the case of a demon, a fire nurse. It was still milk but heated up to five hundred degrees. But when dealing with a hybrid, like Sweetie and Rarity, it was important for them to learn to eat both soul energy and fire milk. Cookie brought Sweetie near her heart and released some of her soul for the little baby, who immediately latched herself onto her mother. Cookie looked at Spike. "So, Spike, I'm sensing a new soul in the place. Is that the little Spike snatcher Rarity was talking about last night?" Asked Cookie.

Spike nodded. "Yes, and Rarity, you know better than to call people names."

Rarity huffed. "No, you're mine, and she called you cute, she's trying to take you away from me."

Spike sighed. "Rarity, I'm not going anywhere, and Celestia is not going to take me away." 'Cadance on the other hand might.' Thought Spike. "Now please, do not call Celestia any more names."

Rarity sighed. "Fine, but just in case." Said Rarity as she wrapped her tail around Spike's arm.

Cookie giggled and Spike sighed. When two Succubae wrap their tails around the other's left arm near the heart, it's a sign of love and leaves a bit of the other's soul energy on their partner. Thankfully it only works if the two are Succubae and more importantly only if they both have tails. Spike looked at the little girl. "Rarity, you need to stop doing that, you're a little girl, and I'm 25."

Rarity shrugged. "Age is but a number, when love is involved. Mommy told me that." Spike shot Cookie a glare.

Cookie shrugged. "What, it’s true, I'm only seven hundred and thirty, Hondo is one thousand five hundred and sixty-two."

Spike nodded. "Yes, but I'm only going to live for around ninety years, not three thousand,” whispered Spike. He didn't have the heart to tell Rarity the truth; she still thought that all creatures lived to be the same age, which was untrue. Demons and Dragons live around three to four thousand years, Ponies live around one hundred and fifty years give or take, Humans live only eighty to a hundred, Spike might get a little more, but he wasn't sure. Slimes just kinda don't die and are born when they just drop off their parents. Centaurs live for a hundred years if they are healthy. Harpies aren't as lucky, only getting seventy years. Fairies are long living to the ripe old age of two hundred and fifty years, and the longest living creature in Spike's care was Yona; golems only die if they are smashed or if they erode. Heck, she was seven thousand years old, and still a baby.

Cookie nodded. "Yes, I know." Said Cookie.

Spike sighed. "Hey Rarity, do you mind if me and your mother have a grown up talk really quick?"

Rarity huffed. "No, I wanna stay."

Spike sighed. "Cadance, Celestia, can you come here?" Asked Spike.

Celestia was the only one to come out of the back. "Right here, Spike, Cadance is helping Hondo load up the FSPG. What can I do for you?"

Spike nodded. "Well, first, I’m glad you got to meet Hondo, this is his wife and Rarity's mother, Cookie Crumbles."

Celestia smiled. "It's nice to meet you, my name is Celestia Solaris. Ms. Cookie, you do know that there's a little thing on your chest, right?"

Cookie nodded. "Yes, this is Sweetie Belle, she's just eating right now, and it's lovely to meet you dear."

Celestia smiled. "Thank you." She looked at Spike. "So, what did you need Spike?"

Spike pointed to Rarity. "Can you get her off? I need to talk to Cookie about some stuff."

Celestia nodded. "Come on, Rarity. Besides, what they're going to talk about is probably boring, and might I say, that skirt you made me yesterday was fabulous! I showed it to my sister, and she was so jealous."

Rarity looked at Celestia. "Really?"

Celestia nodded. "Oh, I swore she was green with envy. What other ideas can you make?" Asked Celestia.

Rarity smiled as she flew to the ground to show Celestia some of her other designs. "Well, I'm pretty good with shirts, maybe I can make your sister a shirt?"

Celestia smiled. "Well, that would be great." The 2 then walked off to the play area so Rarity could show some of her fabrics to the elf.

Spike sighed at Cookie. "Cookie, I need your help."

Cookie was a little taken back by his change in tone. "Ok, Spike, calm down, I'll do my best, just tell me what's going on."

Spike smiled. "I have a date with Cadance tonight, and I'm pretty much going into it blind."

Cookie was surprised. "Ok, wow, I was just waiting for it to happen, but I thought… Never mind, tell me what you have planned."

Spike nodded. "Ok, we're going to dinner tonight in the pony world."

Cookie nodded. "Ok, Spike. I'm going to tell you something that will help you in life. First, compliment her dress, her hair, heck if she suddenly turns into a chicken, you compliment her feathers. Second, don't do the cliché and order for her, she's smart and can order for herself. Third, if it comes down to it, be the guy that pays for dinner. She will try and offer to pay for some of it, but don't let her, that's how my first boyfriend got a glass of magma wine tossed into his face, cheapskate. Fourth, can you dance?"

Spike nodded. "Yes, but only a little, nothing too fancy."

Cookie nodded. "Good, if they do have music, and she seems interested, don't be a coward and say no, she's already agreed to a date, five minutes of dancing isn't going to change anything, and if it does, she isn't right for you. Next, what about after dinner, do you have plans?"

Spike shook his head. "No, we were just going to call it a night there."

Cookie nodded. "Good, I know you two know each other very well, but don't jump into that, it's best to take your time, and make sure you both are ready for it. But I recommend that you take her home, can you do that?"

Spike shook his head. "Cookie, my place is linked to the doors, Cadance has a key as well, but hers is a spare that can only go to her place and only lasts for 15 minutes. She normally drives to the door’s location in our world."

Cookie sighed. "Ok, what about letting her stay at your place for the night?"

Spike nodded. "That I can do. Rainbow had to stay last night, and she stayed in my room, while I took the couch."

Cookie smiled. "Good, you took the couch. Ok the last thing I'm going to tell you, and this is the most important, just be yourself, don't try to be a romantic guy. If she wanted that she wouldn't be on a date with you. Just make her see you, not someone you want her to see."

Spike sighed. "So, just do what comes naturally?"

Cookie gasped. "My word, a man that actually figured it out, there is hope."

Spike smiled. "Thanks, Cookie, you and Hondo are one of the best couples I know, so…"

Cookie placed her finger on his mouth. "Spike, I'm not going to lie, our lives are not perfect. We work all day, we have two wonderful children that are too young to do anything without our help, and we don't always see eye to eye on matters, but that is what a real relationship is, ups and downs, happy and mad, give and take, but a long happy relationship is built on going through all of that together."

Spike nodded. "Hondo is lucky to have someone like you in his life."

Hondo smiled as he placed a hand on Spike's shoulder. "Yeah, I really am, but a little advice, Spike, from a guy that's been married for three hundred years: if she's mad, just shut up, let her vent, and if she's mad at you, just nod and say, ‘I’m sorry,’ and truly mean it, they can tell when you don't."

Spike chuckled. "No, I knew that, my dad did teach me something."

Hondo chuckled. "Good, and she's a good girl, you two should be happy together."

Spike smiled. "Yeah."

Hondo looked at Cookie. "Well, shall we, my lovely little sweet?"

Cookie giggled. "Hey, what about me?"

Hondo smirked. "What, you know how strong she is, she's not letting go until she's done." Hondo then used his long tail to pull Cookie closer to him. "Besides, it's not like I'm going to ever forget you, my she-demon."

Cookie smiled. She then looked to Rarity, who was showing Celestia some of her designs. "Rarity, Daddy and I are leaving, have a good time."

Rarity nodded and gave a little wave. Hondo smiled. "That's the best we're going to get from her." Hondo smiled at Spike. "Have a good day, Spike."

Spike nodded as he watched Hondo, Cookie, and Sweetie leave. Spike sighed as he turned to see Cadance standing in the back door and he walked over to her. "So… How much did you hear?" Asked Spike.

Cadance smiled. "I'm going in blind."

Spike blushed. "Ok, and any objections?"

Cadance nodded. "Just one, if I do turn into a chicken, don't do my feathers, do my beak?"

Spike smirked. "I'll compliment the whole bird." Cadance blushed now, she wasn't expecting that answer. But before either of them could comment, the door opened, and Pear walked into the daycare looking for Spike.

"Spike, where are you?" Asked Pear.

Spike gulped. "Cadance if I die, you're stuck with the place." Said Spike as he ran over to Pear. Cadance smiled at hearing that Spike trusted her enough to take ownership of the daycare.

Spike walked over to Pear and AJ. "Good morning, Pear, AJ. How are you two doing today?" Asked Spike.

Pear smiled as she pulled the slightly shorter man into a tight hug. "You are an Apple, I don't care, you're part of the family from now on."

Spike was confused, and thankful that Bright Mac wasn't here to see this. "Pear, air?" begged Spike. Pear gasped as she let Spike out of the hug. Spike took a few deep breaths and once his lungs were no longer on fire, he looked at Pear. "Ok, why did you almost kill me?"

Pear looked sheepish. "Hey AJ, can Mommy talk to Spike in private?"

AJ nodded. "Sure Ma, I'll go talk to Rarity." Said AJ as she walked over to her little demon friend.

Pear looked at Spike. "Spike, last night was the first time since Apple Bloom was born that I didn't stay up half the night with sore…" Pear blushed as she didn't think how quickly this was going to go into personal territory.

Spike sighed and grabbed Pear’s hand. "Cadance don't die, I'll be in the back." Cadance nodded as she waved at Pear, who waved back as she was getting pulled by Spike.

When Spike and Pear got into the back room, Spike looked at Pear. "Ok, none of the kids are listening."

Pear sighed. "Last night was the best night sleep I've gotten since Apple Bloom was born. She did wake me up to feed her, but she went straight for the formula you gave me. I didn't stay up all night because of sore nipples, I didn't have to worry about her teeth, and this morning, I actually didn't have to be in the room to feed her, Bright Mac did it."

Spike smiled at hearing that. "Great to hear. That bucket should last you a month or so, but just in case, I'll go buy a second one this weekend. How is everything else going on the farm?"

Pear smiled, because she could remember this morning. "Well, Granny is actually going to see some relatives in the south, Bright Mac is watching Bloom until I get back, but then he's going to the fields to start plowing. Macintosh got a little over eager yesterday and Mac found him passed out in the orchard. He's fine, but he was dead tired from all that practicing. As for me, I'm going to find a nice book, get a large glass of iced tea, and put Bloom down for her nap, and enjoy the first ounce of me-time I've had since Macintosh showed up."

Spike smiled at hearing that his friend was doing so much better after one good night of sleep. "Well, that's great to hear. Seriously, if any one deserves it, it's you. But Pear, may I ask you one question?" Pear nodded. "Why didn't you ask for help from your mother?" Asked Spike.

Pear looked away. "I don't talk to my family much anymore."

Spike figured out rather quickly that he was treading on glass. "Ok, say no more, but if you ever need to talk about this, I'm pretty sure I can get Cadance to not destroy the place for a little while."

Pear smiled at Spike. "Spike, please stop me if this sounds weird, but would you have dated me if I was younger and didn't have kids?"

Spike looked at Pear. "Ok, is there some really weird centaur thing I'm missing?"

Pear sighed. "No, I'm just wondering, I love Bright Mac, almost as much as I love my babies, but if I was single, about 30 years younger, and I just happened to walk into the place, would you have asked me out?"

Spike blushed. "Ok, I'm not really sure if I should answer that question. But hypothetically, yes, without a doubt, you are beautiful, kind, and funny, and Bright Mac is a lucky guy."

Pear smiled. "Sweet, Bright Mac owes me a hoof rub."

Spike was confused. "Centaur say what now?"

Pear smiled at Spike. "Well, Spike, lately I’ve noticed that I'm not the same young mare as I was before the kids. But Mac kept saying that it didn't matter to him, he still loves me. So, I told him that if I could get a guy to agree to a date with me, as a joke of course, that he would have to give me a hoof rub, and I won." Said Pear smiling.

Spike was still confused. "Ok, and what would have happened if I said no?"

Pear shivered. "I would have to walk into town and do a pig call until the cows came home."

"Y'all are some weird centaurs,” said Spike.

Pear shrugged. "Yeah, but we're happy." She then leaned down and gave Spike a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for being truthful,” said Pear, she then opened the door and said goodbye to AJ, before walking out of the daycare to enjoy some her time, leaving Spike confused, but he didn't have that much time because the sound of growling echoed into the daycare.

Spike sighed as that was Sunset and her parents, he needed to make sure nothing happened.

Spike ran into the daycare with a spray bottle in his hand. It was filled with water and wasn’t for Sunset, but for her parents, Solar Glare and his mate Horizon. Both six and a half feet tall when standing on their back legs, Solar Glare had a dark red coat and tail, with cyan eyes, and a foot long muzzle full of teeth. Horizon was a little smaller, but no less dangerous. She had black fur and deep blue eyes. And whimpering behind her daddy was Sunset Shimmer, a 4 year old pup whose fur was more like her father’s, but the tip of her tail was just as black as her mother’s. She also had heterochromia, leaving her right eye blue like her mother's and her left like her father’s.

Spike walked over to the adults and sprayed them in the face. "No, I told you both this was going to happen on Monday, and you said you would behave.”

Horizon whimpered as she snapped out of her pack protective instincts. "Spike, we're sorry." Said Horizon, she shot her mate a glare and bit his neck. "Solar, snap out of it."

Solar Glare growled, but soon came to his senses, he groaned. "We did it again didn't we?" Asked Solar, Spike nodded. "Spike, please forgive us. We’ve been working hard to control the instinct, but it's hard."

Spike nodded as he walked over to the male and gave him a scratch on the back of his head. "Don't worry, Solar, no one got hurt, and I'm not trying to wrestle you to the ground, so I call that a win." Solar was wagging his tail. Spike had an interesting relationship with the Shimmer Pack. He wasn't the alpha; that was Solar's father, Solar Flare, with Solar coming in second and soon to be leader. But Spike wasn't a beta either; that’s why he could do what he just did and not have his arm torn off by Horizon. The best way to explain it is Spike was accepted into the pack by Solar Flare as Solar's brother, which is weird seeing as he wasn’t either a wolf and only met the old gray wolf once. Spike looked to Solar. "Solar, are you ready to try this again?" Asked Spike.

Solar nodded as he had his tail in-between his legs. "Yes, Spike, look, I’m really sorry about what happened."

Spike nodded. "Like I said, it's all good." Spike looked to Celestia. "Celestia, come meet Solar, Horizon and Sunny." Said Spike.

Celestia gulped and walked over to the family of wolves. "Hello, it’s nice to meet you." Horizon got close to Celestia and started sniffing her, with Solar doing the same. "Ok, this is weird."

Spike nodded. "Oh, trust me, it gets worse." Said Spike.

Celestia was confused, but quickly understood what Spike was talking about when she felt someone lick her neck. "What was that?"

Horizon glared at Solar. "Solar, Spike told you to not lick the nape!" Yelled Horizon.

Solar gulped. "Right, sorry." Solar looked at Celestia. "Sorry miss." Said Solar as he licked Celestia's face. "Ok, she's clear. Welcome to the pack, you have permission to mate with Spike."

Horizon smiled as she pulled the new member of the pack into a hug. "Oh, Spike is a sweet guy, you'll love it here."

Celestia was now beyond confused and straight into 'where did that bus that hit me go' territory. She looked at Spike for some clarification. He shrugged. "Yeah, I'm not sure how it works myself, but I'm kinda his brother and the daycare is kinda my pack, meaning I'm the alpha, and you get the rest." Celestia blushed as her world had wolves and she had learned how the hierarchy of the pack worked. "Told you it was going to get worse." Spike then noticed that his sorta niece was now hiding behind his leg. "Oh, right, sorry Sunny." Said Spike as he bent down and hooked his thumbs under her front legs, making sure to avoid her barrel. "Don't worry, Sweetie, she's part of the pack now." Said Spike as he rubbed his nose on hers. Normally a member of the pack would lick to greet others, but that wasn't going to happen, so he found the best substitute.

Sunset stopped shaking and looked at Spike. "But, she's so big, she's bigger than Daddy." Said Sunset.

Spike smiled as he let the little girl sit in his arms. "Well, that's no reason to judge someone, she's actually very nice. Would you like to say hi to her?"

Sunset shook her head as she buried it into Spike’s chest. "No, I don't want her making fun of my eyes."

Spike sighed as he scratched the wolf girls back. "Shh, don't worry, she would never do that, she's not like them." Two years ago, when Sunset was 2 years old, some of the other members of the pack were making fun of her eyes, so she ran away from their den, but she wasn't paying attention to where she was running and ran off a cliff, and on the fall she got a nasty cut on her barrel. At this time Spike was doing some exploring around in the wolf world because why not, he just got a magical place that can teleport you to a bunch of worlds, so yeah. But while Spike was exploring, he ran into Sunset, she was on the ground, bleeding, and hardly breathing. So of course, Spike carefully picked her up, and ran his ass back to the door to do what he could for the little girl.

"Shh, it'll be alright sweetie, I got you." Said Spike as he got into the back room and grabbed the first aid kit. "Ok, first, I need to stop the bleeding." Said Spike as he pulled out a large gauze pad and carefully applied pressure to the little pup's wound. This made her yell in pain. "Shh, it’s ok, I'm here to help, but I need you to stay calm and bear with it."

Sunset struggled, she didn't know where she was, who Spike was, and she wanted her mommy and daddy. "No, let me go!" Yelled Sunset, then she bit Spike's hand. But when she looked at Spike, he didn't do anything; he didn't yell, he didn't cry, he didn't look angry at all. All he did was just smile at her. "Why are you doing this?" Asked the little girl, but it was muffled because she was still biting Spike's hand.

Spike smiled. "No reason not to. You were hurt, and I was nearby. What’s your name?"


Spike smiled. "Spike. Now Sunny, can you move your legs?"

Sunset moved all four of her legs and nodded. "Yes."

Spike sighed. "Good. Now this next part is going to hurt a little, so if you need to, bite me again." Said Spike. Sunset nodded. "Ready, go." Said Spike as he started stitching the cut with the needle and thread. Sunset howled in pain and bit Spike's hand to help her deal with the pain. "Good girl, almost done, just a few more seconds." Said Spike. Two more stitches and Spike was done. "Ok, Sunny, you’re going to feel a little pressure, it's just to make sure that you're not going to bleed anymore. Can you stand up?" Asked Spike.

Sunset nodded and got to her back paws. Spike smiled as he wrapped some medical tape around the little pup’s barrel. "Good, you did a great job." Said Spike as he scratched the girl’s head.

Sunset looked at Spike. "Thank you, Spike."

Spike smiled. "Don't mention it, sweetie."

"SCORPAN, I need your help!" Yelled a loud voice.

Sunset smiled. "Grandpa!” Yelled the girl as she ran past Spike and into the main room. Spike quickly followed behind.

Standing in the middle of the door was a large gray wolf with a scar on his eye. "Scorpan, please tell me you're here."

Sunset ran to the old wolf and smiled. "Grandpa!" Cheered Sunset as she licked her grandfather.

"Oh, thank the pack, you're ok." Said Solar as he licked his granddaughter. "But if you're in here, then where is Scorpan?"

Spike walked into the room and sighed. "It's nice to meet you, you must be Solar Flare."

Solar Flare growled at the unfamiliar face. "You, what did you do to Scorpan, and why did you take my granddaughter?"

Spike gulped as he threw up his hands. "I didn't take her, I helped her."

"Lies, where is Scorpan!?" Yelled Solar Flare.

But Sunset wasn't going to let her grandfather be mean to Spike; she started growling at him and even grabbed his throat in her jaws, snapping Solar Flare out of his instincts. "Sunset, what is the meaning of this?" Asked the wolf, confused that his own granddaughter was willing to bite him for this stranger.

Sunset let go of his throat. "Grandpa, Spike saved me, please don't hurt him."

Solar looked at Spike, who was still worried about dying. "Truly?" Asked Solar Flare. Spike nodded. Solar Flare took a deep breath and his eyes went soft. "Please forgive me, I didn't know. So is he gone?" Asked Solar Flare.

Spike sighed. "Almost a year ago, but if it helps, he was surrounded by family and friends when he passed."

Solar nodded. "A fitting way to pass on the honor of alpha. Scorpan was a great friend to me, and without him I would not have become alpha. Please tell me about him and you, Spike?"

Spike nodded. "That sounds nice, but first we need to get Sunset to the Vet. She got a bad cut on her chest and I did some basic aid, but she needs professional assistance."

Solar nodded as he dropped to all fours and placed Sunset on his back. "I agree, please stay. I will inform her parents and take her to the vet. When I know she is fine, I will return to give you my thanks." Said Solar as he ran out the door.

Spike cleaned up the mess from his impromptu medical treatment, and then sat around in his chair going over the cost to add a few basic things for the future daycare. Spike did this for around two hours, but it was worth it, as Solar Flare, Sunset, and two other wolves walked into the building. "Spike, are you still here?" Asked Solar Flare.

"Yes, I'm in the back, I'll be there in a moment." Said Spike as he got the papers in order and stored them in the desk. Now that his paperwork was stored, Spike got out of his chair and walked into the main room. "Is everything ok with Sunset?" Asked Spike.

Solar Flare nodded. "Yes, she is going to be fine, they had to sedate her a little though."

Sunset giggled as she looked at Spike from her mother’s arms. "Hi, Spike, you look funny." Said Sunset as she giggled.

Spike smiled at seeing that Sunset was out of it but fine. "Yeah, I've always looked weird." Spike then looked to the two wolves that must be her parents. "Hello, my name is Spike, you must be Sunset’s parents."

Horizon carefully gave Sunset to Solar and walked over to Spike. She looked deep into his eyes and he saw that she had been crying. Horizon pulled Spike into a hug and started nuzzling his head in her neck. "Thank you for saving my little pup." Said Horizon as she gave Spike a lick to the lips. "If you need a mate, my husband has agreed to let me join your pack until…" Spike closed her muzzle before that got even weirder.

"Ma'am, there is no need to do that. I'm not saying you are not beautiful, but I only did what a good person would do. I'm just glad that Sunset is going to be ok." Said Spike.

Solar Flare looked at Horizon. He had learned from Scorpan about the humans and their family dynamic, it wasn't all that different from a wolf pack, but those few differences were big. "Horizon, I should have told you, but normally humans do not offer to mate with another."

Spike nodded. "But it was nice to meet you Horizon." Said Spike.

Horizon pulled her tail in-between her legs. "Can we just forget that I…" Said Horizon as she blushed, but her dark fur hid it well.

Spike nodded. "Sure." Spike looked to the last wolf in the room. "It's nice to meet you, my name is Spike."

Solar nodded as he handed Sunset to his father, he walked over to Spike and nuzzled his head on Spike's. "Solar, the next alpha of the pack. Thank you for saving my daughter."

Spike smiled. "Like I said, I'm just glad to know she's safe." Said Spike as he, out of curiosity, started scratching Solar's head. Much to his happiness, his tail started wagging.

Solar Flare smiled at seeing that Scorpan's family had helped his once again. "Spike, I deem you as a member of our pack. If you ever need help, do not hesitate to ask."

Spike was surprised, but he nodded. "Sure… Actually, I've been needing some help getting some stuff ready for this place."

Spike looked down at Sunset. "Sunny, do you remember what I told you about others making fun of your eyes?"

Sunset nodded. "You told me that the only opinion that is important is mine, and even if others make fun of my eyes, it doesn't make them better than me, it makes me better than them."

Spike smiled at hearing her remember that. "A great alpha in the making right here." Said Spike as he rubbed the little girl’s back. "Sunny, I want you to meet Celestia, and I know she won't do anything mean, just like how Cadance didn't make fun of your eyes."

Sunset nodded as she carefully looked at Celestia. "Hi, it's nice to meet you." Said Sunset as she hid her face from Celestia.

Celestia smiled at Sunset, she had a feeling this was going to happen. Most of the kids had known Spike and Cadance for a long time, and she just showed up. Of course the kids would be a little wary. Spike motioned for Celestia to get closer, so she did. "Well, it's nice to meet you Sunset. My name is Celestia Solaris. You know, where I'm from, Solaris means sun, meaning in a way we're both connected to the sun."

Sunset looked at Celestia with more confidence. "Really?"

Celestia nodded. "Yes, in fact, I actually have a small trick to prove it." Said Celestia as she used her solar magic to make a little sun in front of Sunset. Sunset had seen Twilight use magic, but nothing this cool, so she was in awe of it. Celestia moved the little sun and let it phase into Sunset's body. "And now, everyone knows it." Said Celestia.

Sunset smiled at Celestia. "That was so cool." Said Sunset in awe.

Spike smiled as he placed down Sunset who ran over to Celestia and started nuzzling her leg. Spike looked to Solar and Horizon. "So, how is the old wolf doing?" Asked Spike.

Solar sighed. "His time is soon."

Spike nodded. "I'm sorry to hear that. He was a great alpha, but I'm sure that you will do a great job as well." Said Spike.

Solar smiled. "I just hope I can live up to his legacy." Horizon nuzzled her mate to help comfort him.

Spike smiled at the loving relationship between the two. "Just stick together and I'm sure the pack will stay strong."

Solar smiled. "I'm sure." Solar looked to Sunset. "Sunny, me and Mom are going hunting and then to work. Please be a good girl."

Sunset smiled at her parents as she ran over to them and licked both their faces. "Bye, Mommy, bye, Daddy, I love you."

Horizon smiled. "We love you too, Sunny." Said Horizon as she and Solar walked out of the daycare.

Spike sighed. "Ok, that went better than I thought." Said Spike, he looked down at Sunset. "Hey, Sunny, Rarity and AJ are here already, why don't you go play with them?"

Sunset gasped as her tail was wagging, she then sprinted off to go play with her friends. "Spike, about what Horizon said?" Asked Celestia.

Spike sighed. "Don't worry, I don't take it to heart, or at least not that part of what she said, and neither should you." Said Spike. Celestia nodded, relieved that she didn't need to take Horizon's words seriously. "But, get your head in the game Celestia, that's only three of the kids, we still have seven kids coming in today.

Celestia nodded. "I’m ready, Spike, let’s do this." Said Celestia as she put her hand on her bicep.

Spike chuckled, but then he took a sniff of the air and his eyes shrank to pin pricks. "Ok, Celestia, go to the back, grab the tranquillizer gun from Ember's cubby and bring it to me." Spike looked over to the girls and Cadance. "Cadance, get the girls in the back of the room and make sure they cover their eyes, Ember is coming in."

Cadance nodded. "Right, you heard the boss, everyone into the back." All the girls smiled and got into the back corner of the room. This was because of the heat from the dragon lands, and sometimes the winds would blow ash and smoke into the door when it was opened. But it wasn't a bad heat, only being around 120 degrees, but kids with fur can get really overheated fast if exposed for too long.

Celestia gave Spike the tranquillizer gun and he placed it in his back. "Celestia, a little warning, Ember is a little emotional about being called cute, so don't call her that. Also, she normally comes in alone, but her father is right outside. I need to talk with him for a moment so introduce yourself to her." Said Spike. Celestia nodded in reply.

Soon enough a sapphire blue dragoness with small spikes curled down her back, and little blue wings on her back opened the door. "Hey Spike." Said the little flame thrower as she walked over to Spike and gave him a hug.

Spike smiled at Ember and returned the hug. "Hey, Ember, is Torch outside?"

Ember shook her head. "No, my mother is." Said Ember with a big smile.

Spike looked down at Ember. "She woke up, that's great! You must be so happy to see her again?"

Ember nodded. "Come on, I want you to come meet her." Said Ember as she started pulling Spike into the Dragon Lands.

Spike sighed. "Celestia, false alarm, take it back." Said Spike as he pulled the gun out and Celestia took it with her magic.

Soon Ember and Spike were in the dragon lands. The door to the Dragon Lands was located at the base of a mountain. The mountain didn't have a name per say, but it was called The Mountain's Hold by the locals. Most of the Dragon Lands were mainly forests and mountains, with a large ocean to the east. Onyx's cave was right above them, but when Spike and Ember walked out of the door, she was talking to a very large blue dragoness. "Mom, come meet Spike." Said Ember.

The large dragoness walked over to Spike and looked at him with her amber eyes. "Greetings, my name is Sapphire, it is lovely to meet you." Said Sapphire as she stretched out a claw for Spike.

Spike smiled at Sapphire and took the single claw into his hand. "It's wonderful to finally meet you Mrs. Torch, but I must ask this: Torch, has he always been such a loud mouth?"

Sapphire giggled at how forward Spike was. "Oh, you have no idea. I think his brain only has the ability to speak, not think sometimes."

Spike chuckled. "Well, I'm glad to know Ember is much more like you than him, though she does have a mean right hook." Said Spike as he rubbed his jaw. Spike looked over at Onyx, and he greeted her with respect, making sure not to let others know about his relationship with the dragoness. "Lady Onyx, a pleasure as always to see you."

Onyx shook her head at Spike. "Spike, there's no need to keep up the charade, at least not here." Onyx smiled as she walked over to Spike and Sapphire. She nuzzled his cheek with her head. "Hello, Spikie, how are you doing?"

Spike sighed as he returned his grandmother's love. "Well, I kinda got big news."

Onyx gasped as she wondered what happened. "Um… Did your mother finally get that promotion, did they finally go on that second honeymoon after postponing it for 30 years? Oh, please tell me I’m going to be getting some great grandwelps."

Spike chuckled. "Ok, pull it back a little, Grandma. No, she did not, she quit her job because I used some of the gems you gave me to pay for the mortgage. Yes, they did, they’re in England right now, and I finally asked Cadance out, we're having dinner tonight."

Onyx gasped as she was so excited to see her grandson go on his first date. "Oh, I'm so happy for you my little dragon." Said Onyx as she started nuzzling his head even more.

"Grandma, not in front of Ember." Said Spike, he could hear Ember giggling that he was getting so much love from his grandmother.

Onyx smiled as she pulled her head back from Spike. "Right, sorry, but this is really big for you. I remember when Scorpan told me about how nervous your mother was when Patrick asked her out." Onyx sighed. "I wish I got to tell her to calm down and tell her that everything would have been fine."

Spike sighed as he rubbed his grandmother's leg. "Hey, don't worry, I'm here, meaning that everything went ok." Said Spike.

Onyx smiled at her little dragon. "Yeah, but I wish sometimes that Star Swirl finished that changing potion so I could have stayed with you all."

Spike nodded. "Speaking of that old horse, I saw him this morning, he's just as grumpy."

Onyx giggled at hearing that. "Well, some things are hard wired." She looked down at Spike and saw so much of Scorpan in him. "Well, you need to get back to work. Saph and I are going to the lava spas to get makeovers."

Spike smiled, but then became confused. "Wait, Saph, did you guys know each other before Sapphire went into the sleep?" Asked Spike.

Onyx looked at Spike. "Wait, Scorpan didn't tell you?" Asked Onyx, Spike shook his head. Onyx looked at Sapphire. "Seriously, why didn't Torch tell him?"

Sapphire shrugged. "What, I love him, but he's a bolder head." Sapphire looked at Spike and Ember. "Well, Ember, meet Spike, your cousin."

Both Spike and Ember looked at their family. "EXPLAIN!?" Yelled the two.

Onyx shrugged. "Spike, didn't you wonder if I had any family before I met Scorpan?"

Spike hummed. "Oh, actually, no, I never did."

Sapphire looked to Ember. "Ember, surely your father has talked about my sister?"

Ember nodded. "Yeah, but he called her the black sheep of the family, so I thought she was someone we didn't talk about."

Onyx giggled. "Well, I'm black, and I was a little out of control in my youth, but didn't you ever question why Torch would fly you out so far just to send you to the daycare?" Ember shook her head. "Well, aside from seeing you off, he always came to check up on me."

Spike and Ember looked at each other. "So, we're related?" Asked the two.

Onyx and Sapphire nodded. "Yep, now run along, Sapphire and I had to pay out the nose to get this appointment."

Spike sighed as he looked at Ember. "Come on, Ember. There's someone I want you to meet." Said Spike, trying to wrap his head around the fact that Ember was his cousin.

Ember nodded and grabbed Spike's hand. The two walked back to the door as the two large dragonesses took to the sky heading for the spa.

Spike looked at Ember. "Ember, can you open the door?" Asked Spike. This was the only problem with the dragon door, if you weren't the size of a full grown dragon, you're pretty much stuck there. Normally Onyx would open the door for Spike, but since Ember was here, they should be able to open it.

Ember and Spike used all their strength to open the door to the daycare and the door opened. But the person standing on the other side was not who he expected.

Author's Note:

Who could it be?

Sorry for updating so little this month, with finals coming, and the transition to online classes, I'm trying to relax, but I have found a ton of time to work on chapters, currently I have around 10 chapters that just need to be edited, around 6 more chapters that are kinda half way, and 3 that are in the planning stage, but hopefully I get all those 10 out before I start my summer classes.