• Published 25th Sep 2019
  • 4,222 Views, 110 Comments

Little Dragon Daycare - TAD2

What do parents do when they need someone to look after thier kids? Simple, they take them to Little Dragon Daycare.

  • ...

They Leave Pt.2

Spike turned around to greet the next adult to walk into the daycare. But when he did, all he saw was a large sack with bird legs standing at the door. Spike still smiled at it. "Hey Bow, let me take that for you." Said Spike as he took the sack out of the male harpy's arms.

"Thanks Spike, we got a great haul in today." Said Bow. Spike smiled as he carefully placed the sack onto the ground.

Spike looked at Bow, he was a tall, grayish blue male harpy with a buzz cut rainbow hairdo. His legs were a darker tan color than Windy's. Male harpies are very different from the females, they are slower, but that is because of the second layer of feathers they have. This second layer of feathers are called the shield feathers. They need them because 60% of harpies live in little out coves near the coast lines in their world, living there creates a large updraft that allows the harpies to reach high altitude quickly, but it is home to strong and very dangerous waves and constant storms. So, while a female harpy is keeping their egg warm, the male is to stay at the entrance of the nest and keep the heat in while keeping the cold winds out. Second, they are much stronger than the females. They need to be, considering that the average temperature for the harpy world is 40 degrees Fahrenheit all year round. Lastly, male harpies have talons that make a sickle look like a toothpick. Spike smiled at the harpy. "I can tell." Spike looked around for Windy. "So, where's Windy?" Asked Spike.

Bow shrugged. "She clipped her wing on a branch while coming to pick Rainbow up. I told her to head home and rest."

Spike gave Bow a dead pan look. "And going off the fact that she's right behind you, I don't think she was listening to a word you said." It was true, Windy was right behind Bow, her wing was a little red and her feathers were messed up. Spike sighed. "Come on into the back Windy, I'll patch you up." Said Spike, he looked at Bow. "I need you both to stay for a minute so we can discuss something important."

Windy nodded at the medical help. "Ok Spike, what happened today?" Asked Windy.

Spike sighed as he opened the door to the back room. "Well, you know how you wanted me to trim her talons today?"

Windy sighed. "She cut you again, didn't she? Spike, please forgive her."

Spike chuckled. "No, she didn't cut me. But I'll tell you after I look at your wing." Said Spike as he motioned for the harpy to come into the bathroom. Windy nodded and followed him in. Spike pulled out the step stool and Windy took a seat on it. "Let me see your wing." Said Spike.

Windy winced as she extended her wing so Spike could look at the damage. "Ok, it's swollen, but I don't see any cuts. Can you give me a strong flap?" Windy nodded as she gave Spike the hardest flap she could, which was little more than a breeze. Spike sighed. "Ok, something's not right." He looked at Windy. "Windy, I'm going to apply some pressure to your wing, tell me when it starts to hurt. Also, I'm going to need to pluck a few feathers to see how bad it really is, are you ok with that?" Asked Spike.

Windy nodded. "I am Spike." Spike sighed as he grabbed the area where he saw the problem. He moved his hands up her wing and added more pressure to see the extent of the damage.

It took Windy a moment to cry out in pain. Which made Spike smiled. "Ok, well that's good, I was putting a lot of pressure on it, so it's definitely not broken. If it was, you would have struggled. I'm thinking you only got a bruised bone, but I'd recommend going to the Aviary after you get Rainbow home, or you guys can leave her with me for a little longer?"

Windy shook her head. "No, I'm fine, I don't need to go to the Aviary." Said Windy. The Aviary is the closest thing harpies have to a hospital, but it was more like a well-stocked clinic. Spike sighed as he grabbed the place she hurt, with the same amount of pressure as before. This made Windy cry out in pain again.

"Windy, I have a feeling that the Aviary is your best choice. The damage is right at the joint, so it would be very painful for you to fly back to your place. I'll patch you up for now, but I can't in good conscious let you fly home like this." Said Spike. He then started wrapping the harpy's wing in medical tape to the point she was unable to flap it.

"Hey, Spike, take this stuff off of my wing!" Yelled Windy.

Spike sighed as he looked at Windy. "Windy, stop struggling, the more you move the more you might hurt yourself." Said Spike, he then put up the medical tape. "Windy, Bow is strong enough to carry you back to the Aviary on his back. But I have a feeling that you will try and struggle so, forgive me for what I'm about to do next." Said Spike as he pulled out a backup tranquillizer gun from the back of the cabinet. This was where he kept some of the other tranquillizers for the less dangerous races incase of emergencies, it was mostly for when a dragon went on a rampage, something he was glad that he didn't have to worry about, and he had shots for as many races as he could find, horse tranquillizers for when AJ hurt her leg and she was struggling, Spike needed to keep her from freaking out. A few darts with different douses for the dragons, some dog tranquillizers for Sunset is she ever needs it, and a special little gift from a harpy doctor, a concentrated extract of harpy muscle relaxant. All of them had been diluted to work on kids but they should still have a effect on adults. Spike slid the dart into the gun, he knew he was going to get an ear full from the woman after she was better, but he was ready for it. Spike looked at Windy and shot her in the leg with the dart.

Windy looked at the dart, then to Spike. "Oh, the moment I'm able to move again, I'm going to..." Said Windy as she lost all control of her body.

Spike smiled at seeing that the dart worked. He walked over to Windy. "Windy, I care about you, you are a dear friend, and if it makes you feel any better I would do it for anyone else." Said Spike as he picked up the harpy in his arms. He carried her back to the play area, and he walked over to Bow, who was shocked to see his wife in Spike's arms. "Bow, take her to the Aviary, I'll take care of Rainbow until you get back, and I'll wave the fee, seeing as I had to use a dart on her."

Bow looked at Spike. "You had to dart my wife?"

Spike nodded. "I did, the injury is close to her joint, and she is too stubborn to go to the Aviary on her own. So, please forgive me for my actions."

Bow groaned. "Thanks Spike, I was going to suggest that when we got back to the cove, but then I would need to get our neighbor, Stormy Flare to watch her and that is a big hassle." Said Bow.

Spike understood. "No problem, but I want you to meet my new assistant." Said Spike. "Celestia can you please bring Rainbow over to the front?" Yelled Spike.

It didn't take Celestia long to arrive with Rainbow on her shoulder like a little parrot. "Yes Spike?" Asked Celestia as she smiled, she then looked to the 2 harpies. "Um... Hi." Said Celestia.

Bow smiled at the woman. "Hello, my name is Bow Hottalon, and the one in Spike's arms is my wife, Windy Whistles." Bow looked at Rainbow. "Hi, Sweetie." Said Bow.

Rainbow looked at her father. "Dad, why is mom not moving?" Asked Rainbow in concern.

Bow sighed. "Sweetie, Mommy hurt her wing on her way to pick you up today. Spike patched her up so I could take her to the Aviary. I need you to behave for Spike, while I take her to see the doctor, can you do that?" Asked Bow.

Rainbow nodded. "Is mom going to be ok?"

Spike smiled. "Yeah, she'll be fine, I had to use a harpy dart on her, to keep her from getting worse." Spike looked to Bow. "Bow, I'll take good care of her tonight, and I'll keep the door unlocked until you show up, I should have some fish in the fridge for her dinner." Said Spike as he thought for a moment. "And, I might just have something special for us to watch until you show up." He looked at Rainbow. "Rainbow, I remember seeing an old film of a talon bolts show in my grandfather’s stuff, do you want to watch it tonight?" Asked Spike.

Rainbow gasped, as she latched herself onto Spike's head. Spike sighed as he now had a feathered head dress. "I'll take that as a yes." He looked at Bow. "One last thing Bow. Celestia is a High Elf with a type of magic that might make trimming Rainbow's talons a lot easier, I want to get your approval of it first." Said Spike. He nodded at Celestia who encased Spike in the magic. "Celestia will explain how it works."

Bow looked at Celestia. "Well, it traps the air around a target, Spike is perfectly fine, he can breathe normally, and technically he is able to move in the area that is not frozen, I can just make that area very small to trap the target."

Spike nodded. "Yes, she is also able to lower it to certain parts so they can move freely." Said Spike, he nodded again at Celestia. She dropped the spell and smiled at the harpy. "So, do we have your permission to use it on Rainbow while we do her talons?" Asked Spike.

Bow looked at Rainbow. "Sweetie, are you ok with it?" Asked Bow, he knew it was ultimately up to her, but then he remembered something. "And not having them done is not an option." Said Bow, trying to cover all the bases.

Rainbow groaned at her father’s word choice, but she nodded, she always felt horrible when Spike got cut by her talons, and this was the first time everyone walked away with the same amount of blood in their bodies as when they walked in. "I'm cool with it, I know I'm a pain to deal with when it comes to my talons and I hate it when I accidentally cut Spike. So, if this is the only way, so be it."

Bow smiled at Rainbow. "Very well Sweetie." Bow looked at Spike. "Thank you for taking care of her tonight."

Spike shrugged. "No problem Bow, I like spending time with the awesomest harpy in the world." Said Spike.

Bow smiled. "Well, let me get going then, the faster I make it, the faster I can come get her." Said Bow, Spike nodded as he handed Windy to Bow.

Rainbow smiled. "Bye mom, bye dad."

Bow smiled. "Love you Rainbow."

Windy groaned as she was starting to move again. That was the draw backs to the darts, Spike had diluted them to work on the kids. So compared to a full-grown harpy, the dart would only work for about a fifth as long. Windy looked at Spike, who in her vision was just a green blob. "Spike if that's you, I just want you to know, I really hate you." Said Windy.

Spike chuckled. "Love you too, I hope you get better." Said Spike.

Windy looked at Rainbow, who was a multi colored blob. "And Rainbow, I love you."

Rainbow smiled. "Love you too mom." Said Rainbow.

She then looked at Celestia. "And you, whatever you are, it was nice to meet you."

Celestia looked confused, but she smiled. "You too."

Bow nodded as he and Windy walked out of the daycare and headed to the Aviary. Spike sighed. 'It looks like another long night, but at least I'm ready.' Thought Spike. He looked down at Rainbow and gave her a smile. "Sorry about your mom Rainbow."

Rainbow shrugged. "Trust me, we Dashes are reckless, prone to danger, and we have a wing at the Aviary named after us."

Spike nodded. "Yeah, I know, the Aviary's Spectrum Dash Wing." Spectrum Dash was Bow's grandfather, the fastest male harpy to exist and founder of the greatest Talonbolt team in history. Scorpan was great friends with Spectrum back in the day, that's how Scorpan had all the Talonbolt videos.

Rainbow nodded. "Yep, my great grandpa was a great harpy, so great that they gave him a wing at the Aviary, I don't know why they did though." It was because he visited all 12 Aviarys in the harpy world in his time as a Talonbolt, because he broke every bone in his body 4 times over, earning him the nickname Splint Dash.

Spike sighed, he knew the truth, but he had a feeling that if he told her, it would make Rainbow a lot more danger prone. "Well that's a question for another time, go play with the others, I have a feeling that they're about to leave." Said Spike.

Rainbow nodded as she took her spot on Celestia. "Ready Capitan." Said Rainbow giving Celestia a salute.

Celestia smiled. "Great job, Rainbow." Said Celestia as she walked back to the girls.

Spike sighed. 'I think I have some salmon in the fridge back at the apartment, and I think Rainbows show is on tonight so after were done cleaning we'll head over.' Thought Spike. Then he noticed that there were a pair of arms wrapped around his neck. "Firestone for your thoughts Spike?" Asked Cookie, in Spike's moment of unawareness, Cookie had walked into the daycare.

Spike turned around, looked at Cookie, gulped, and quickly escaped from her, because standing right behind her was Hondo. "Cookie, Hondo, how are you guys today?" Asked Spike, hoping he wasn't going to need to call a contractor to fix some him sized holes in the wall.

Cookie smiled at Spike. "Well, after this morning, everything went great, we just got a new dealer that wants to sell our stuff." Said Cookie.

Spike smiled. "That's great to hear. I hope they're going to do a great job." Spike then looked at Hondo. "And how were the Lava pits today Hondo?" Asked Spike.

Hondo shrugged. "So so. Still hot, still flowing." Said Hondo. The Lava pits were the equivalent of a steel mill in the human world. Hondo was the manager of the production of building materials for the demon world, which included demon scale steel, magma stone and ash roofing.

Spike nodded. "I'll go grab Rarity." Said Spike, but before he could run away, Hondo stopped him.

"Spike, hold on a second, I want to have a word with you." Said Hondo. Spike gulped and started to pray for his life. Hondo sighed. "Spike, listen, I know what you let Cookie do to you this morning." Said Hondo. 'I'm dead.' Thought Spike. "And I really appreciate that you helped her when she needed it. I know ever since Sweetie Belle was born, she's been giving her more of her soul energy, more than what she's willing to take from me. I was starting to think she was going to go in to a Fury Hunger soon." A Fury Hunger was no joke. It's when a Succubus has drained themselves too much and for too long that they go drain anything and everything around them. It was a serious crime in the demon world, and if it happened to a mother, it was even worse, they would either drain the child, or if they were captured while in the state, the courts would find them ill fit to raise a child. Their mate would be charged with negligence for letting it happen in the first place, and the child or children would be taken away until it was deemed that the parents were ready to have them again.

Spike sighed. "Hondo, I care about everyone that walks through that door, kid or not. I have gotten to know all the parents and they are all my friends and my role models. I saw Cookie struggling and I knew that she was running herself on empty. So, I just was helping my friend." Said Spike, he knew that sometimes a child doesn't go back to their parents. "Rarity loves both of you very much, and I think Sweetie Belle feels the same. I refuse to let Cookie go through a Fury if there is a way I can stop it." Said Spike.

Hondo smiled at Spike. "Thank you Spike."

"No problem. Let me go get Rarity for you guys." Said Spike as he walked away.

Spike found Rarity playing with a doll. "Rarity, you’re up." Said Spike.

Rarity smiled as she flew up to Spike's arms. "Bye girls, I'll see you next time." Said Rarity. The remaining girls said their goodbyes to Rarity.

When Spike returned with Rarity, she jumped into Hondo's arms. "Daddy!" Cheered Rarity.

Hondo chuckled. "Hey Rarity, are you ready to head home?" Asked Hondo.

Rarity nodded. "Yep." She looked at Spike. "Goodbye Spikie, I'll see you soon." Said Rarity in a way that was not appropriate for someone her age.

Spike sighed. "Have a good night Rarity." He looked at Cookie. "Cookie, get some rest and maybe start taking a little bit more out of Hondo."

Cookie sighed. "I know, but I don't want to take too much."

Spike nodded. "I understand, but he's massive. No offense." Hondo shrugged. "And he has a larger soul than you think, he can take it. You on the other hand are small. You could easily get full on him without hurting him too much." This was uncertain. There have been many studies on soul energy, but the most common answer on how much a single body has is based on a lot of stuff that Spike or Scorpan couldn't understand. But from what Cookie has said, Spike's soul is warm and bright, while Hondo's is large and hot but dimmer. But Spike was hoping that his message got through.

Cookie nodded. "I know." Said Cookie, she looked at Hondo. "Sweetie, I love you, so would you mind letting me have a little more than normal tomorrow?"

Hondo smiled as he gave Cookie a kiss, letting her have a little appetizer. But Rarity on the other hand was grossed out. "Mommy, daddy, stop that, it's gross." Said Rarity.

Hondo pulled away from the kiss. "Cookie, all I ask is for you to take as much as you need, no matter where we are, from the Lava rivers in the south, to the burning valleys to the west, the lava tube forest in the east or the magma oceans to the north, because for you, I would go to the four corners of the world." Said Hondo.

Cookie smiled as she kissed Hondo. When she pulled back, she looked him in his eyes. "That was just as cheesy as it was during our wedding. But at least you remembered your vows."

Hondo smiled. "Well, of course I remembered them. I said them to the best demon in the world." Said Hondo.

Spike sighed. "Ok, I get it, you two love each other, but don't you have an infant to take care of?"

Cookie smiled. "Fine, we're going. Take care Spike." Said Cookie as she, Hondo and Rarity walked out of the daycare.

Spike smiled. "5 down, 2 to go." Said Spike as he walked over to the group of three girls that remained.

Soon the bell to the front door rang, and Posey flew in. Spike smiled when he barley saw the figure and knew it was Fluttershy's turn. He looked at the little fairy who was still having tea with one of the dolls. "Fluttershy it's time to go." Said Spike.

Fluttershy looked saddened. "Oh, ok." She looked to the doll she was having tea with. "Thank you for having me, Madam Depumpernickel." Said Fluttershy as she flew out of the doll house and onto Spike's shoulder. She looked at AJ and Rainbow. "Bye girls I'll see you tomorrow." Said Fluttershy.

AJ smiled. "Bye Shy."

Rainbow smiled. "Bye Flutters."

Fluttershy smiled as Spike walked to greet Posey. When they got to the front Fluttershy smiled at her mother. "Mommy." Cheered Fluttershy.

Posey smiled. "Hi Sweetie, did you have a good day?" Asked Posey.

Fluttershy nodded. "Yeah, I started a new carving today, I played with Rarity outside, and Spike cleaned my wings." Said Fluttershy.

Posey smiled, she looked at Spike. "Spike, I'll bring in a few seeds Friday, if that's ok with you?"

Spike nodded. "That's fine Posey. Have a good night and take care of yourself." Said Spike.

Posey nodded. "I will." She looked at Fluttershy. "Sweetie, daddy is stuck at work, so I brought Harry today, want to go for a little ride?" Asked Posey.

Fluttershy gasped as she flew straight for the door. Harry was the family squirrel, and the closest thing to a vehicle in the fairy world. Normally Gentle took him to work in the canopy, but sometimes Posey would take him to pick up Fluttershy. Posey giggled at her daughter. "I'm coming Fluttershy." Said Posey as she opened the door to let the little girl out. That was something Spike will never understand. Each door is fitted for each world. The door to the dragon lands is 30 feet tall for dragon adults, but the fairy door is 8 inches, and all the doors open a standard 8-foot door.

Spike smiled at the last of the little girls that will be going tonight. "AJ, get ready." Said Spike.

AJ nodded, she had her finished picture in her hand, her hat on her head, and her hooves were buffed and filed, she was ready to go.

Three minutes later and Pear walked in to the daycare looking a little worse for wear than normal for a farmer after a long day of work. She yawned showing how tired she was. "Spike, I'm here for AJ." Said Pear.

Spike smiled but then he noticed her state. "Man, what happened to you?" Asked Spike.

Pear groaned as she shot Spike a glare. "Apple Bloom happened. She's a walking disaster zone on four hooves. She refused to eat this morning, because I'm trying to ween her off me, she didn't like that at all. Then Granny found out that the Zap Apple harvest is about to start, so I've been running around getting ready for that, Mac is in the fields all day with Bright Mac to learn how to buck the trees, and on top of all that, I've had a stone in my hoof since this morning." Said Pear.

Spike whistled. "Dang, that's a lot." Said Spike. He looked at Pear and grabbed her hand. "Let me help you for a moment." Said Spike as he pulled her to the back room. While they were walking past the girls Spike stopped. "AJ, give me a few minutes then I'll have her back to you." Said Spike.

AJ looked at Pear. "Ma, what's going on?" Asked AJ.

"AJ, right now, I don't really know." Said Pear.

Spike pulled Pear into the back room and closed the door; he was going to need to ask some questions. He looked at Pear. "Pear, I'm going to help you, but first I need some information, simple questions, that you don't have to answer if you don't want to."

Pear nodded. "Um... Ok."

Spike nodded. "First, how long have you been breast feeding Apple Bloom?" Asked Spike.

Pear blushed as she covered her chest. "Spike!" Yelled Pear. "What is the meaning of this?" Asked Pear.

Spike sighed as he started pulling out a few things from the cabinet. "How long?" Asked Spike. "I need to know so I can give you the right set of steps to help you."

Pear was surprised to learn that was what Spike was doing. "Well, ever since she was born, but I just started to wean her off this week, her teeth are starting to come in and it’s kinda hurting now."

Spike nodded. "Ok, did you just cut her off?" Asked Spike.

Pear shook her head. "No, I try and feed her baby food first but if that doesn't work, I don't really have a choice."

Spike hummed. "I should still have some in the pantry." Said Spike as he ran over to the pantry. He opened the door and smiled when he found a tub of powder. He brought it out for Pear. "Pear this is a product that we have in the human world, it’s a formula-based drink that best simulates that nutrients and fats that help a foal grow. It's for foals that have lost their mothers or are separated from them." Said Spike.

"Um... Spike, why do you have that?" Asked Pear.

Spike shrugged. "I'm ready for most children up to the age of 8 and as young as a few months. I keep most things just in case as well, I got this mare milk formula when I met a centaur for the first time. I didn't know about all the worlds back then, so I ran out to a large pet super store near a horse farm and I bought a bucket of formula in case I ever got a foal that wasn't ready for solid food." Said Spike. He placed the bucket in front of Pear. "How big is Apple Bloom?"

"Well, she's around 300 pounds." Said Pear.

Spike nodded. "And how many feedings a day?" Asked Spike.

"About 3, maybe 4 if she's up all night."

Spike hummed. "Ok, there is a 3-quarter cup scoop in the bucket, give her 3 scoops for every meal with twice as much water. I'll give you a large bottle and nipple. Use warm water and let it cool to simulate your body temp. Next you must create a disassociation between her and nursing. I learned that if you hold a baby differently it helps, but I don't think that applies to your situation, so try to avoid bringing her into places you've nursed her before, your room, the living room that sort of stuff. Then use substitutes, when she's too old for the bottle, give he a sippy cup, and slowly give her less formula and start adding more food during meals. But to start off with, I recommend that you shorten her nursing sessions and start giving her the bottle." Said Spike.

Pear was shocked. "Spike, how do you know all this?" Asked Pear.

Spike shrugged. "Mammals all have similar basic ideas of child development, that just occurs at different times. Female has child, mother protects child, feeds it, loves it. When it’s time, child needs to live on its own, so mother leaves. You’re in the middle of stage two and three, and she's not sure about stage three which is why she wants to stay at two. The fact that you have been giving into her stubbornness needs to stop as well. I know you love her, but if she's hungry, you need to show her that there are alternative food choices aside from you."

Pear shook her head. "No, I got that part, how did you learn about all of this?" Asked Pear.

"Oh, my world has a few classes to learn stuff like this, I know how to provide the basics for lizards and birds, many mammals including horses, dogs, cats and rodents. But I also took a geology class to help with Yona, a marine biology class for Sand Bar, my grandfather’s stuff for dragons, ghost, and demons, and for all the others I just ask the parents, in case I ever get another client. Plus my degree required me to go through a few classes about early child development, so I know a lot about babies." Said Spike, he then pulled out AJ's tool. "Now, let me get that stone out of your hoof." Said Spike.

"Oh, wow, um it's on the back right, if you don't mind?"

Spike smiled. "I'll have it out in no time flat, just don't kick me or fall, I like life." Said Spike.

Pear giggled at the little joke. "I'll try my best."

Spike moved down to the hoof in question and Pear lifted it up to let Spike look. "Ok, the good news is I can get it out, the bad news is it's stuck in the frog and it's deep. This might hurt a little." Said Spike.

"Spike, I've had three foals, this is nothing compared to that."

"And I've been tossed through a wall, burned by a dragon, cut by a harpy, turned into a chicken, bitten by a wolf, crushed by a golem, drained by a succubus, stabbed, possessed, and I still cry over a hang nail." Said Spike, but then he smiled. "And there we go." Said Spike.

Pear was confused. "Wait, you got it out?" Spike nodded. "But I didn't feel anything?"

Spike shrugged. "That's the point, I'm betting that everything I mentioned made you think about how much pain that would bring. So, when I popped the stone out, you felt like I pinched you. My mother used to do the same thing when I used to get a shot. She made up stories about how the doctor got kicked in the jaw, punched in the face, broken a tooth, and it distracted me enough that I didn't even notice I got the shot." Said Spike. "But the best part was, the doctor was an old female boxer so all of that really happened to her." Said Spike.

Pear looked at Spike. "Spike, you humans are weird."

Spike shrugged. "You’re in a magical daycare with links to the fifteen known worlds, talking to a human that has survived all of that. Pear, weird doesn't even describe my life." Said Spike. "But I think it's time for AJ to get home. Remember 3 scoops per meal and double the water. Also try getting one of the others to feed her, if you’re not there, she just might have to eat food." Said Spike.

Pear nodded as she took the bucket of formula and the horse bottle and nipple. Spike opened the door and let Pear go first. She looked at AJ. "Sorry about that AJ. I needed to get some help from Spike, I got a stone in my hoof."

AJ nodded. "Yeah, that stinks, but Spike got one out of my hoof today too."

Pear gasped. "He did, that's so great. Come on, let’s go see everyone. Granny's making her apple cobbler and Pa's making tomato soup with hay."

AJ gasped as she ran for the door. Spike laughed at AJ. "Bottomless pit that loves food." Said Spike.

Pear nodded. "Yep. Thanks for the advice Spike, Apple Bloom is something different, AJ just ate everything, and Mac didn't struggle when I cut him off, so having a better idea is a great tool."

Spike smiled. "Don't worry Pear, you’re the tool for 99.9999% of problems. I'm just the last .0001%."

Pear smiled as she opened the door to the daycare and walked out with AJ.

Spike sighed as it was time for another long night. He looked at Cadance. "Cadance give me five minutes to get everything ready for tonight and then we can talk."

Cadance smiled. "Sure, but didn't you need to introduce Celestia to Pear, Posey, and Cookie?" Asked Cadance.

Spike groaned as he felt like an idiot. "See this is why I pay you; you remember stuff when I don't."

Cadance giggled. "Oh, and here I thought it was for my looks and personality."

Spike laughed. "That's like the fifth reason why I hired you." Said Spike. Cadance blushed when she heard that. 'Holy cow, did I just say that?' Thought Cadance. Spike shrugged. "Well, just remind me tomorrow, ok?" Cadance nodded. Spike smiled. "Cool." He looked to Celestia. "Celestia, head down stairs, grab a projector for me and the canister titled Talonbolts SD. Me and Cadance are going to pick up the place." Celestia nodded.

"What about me Spike?" Asked Rainbow.

Spike looked down at the little harpy. "Well, first I'm thinking we get you something to eat. Then we have two choices, we head to my place and use the screen, or we stay here and use the wall to watch the film."

Rainbow Dash hummed in thought. "Will you make popcorn?"

"Only if you eat all your dinner." Said Spike.

Rainbow smiled. "Let’s go to your house then." Said Rainbow.

Spike nodded. "Ok, I'll leave the door open, so your dad knows where to go." Said Spike. He looked at Celestia and Cadance. "Your both free to join us, I make a mean salmon." Said Spike.

Celestia shook her head. "Sorry Spike, Luna should be home soon from class and I need to get our dinner ready."

Spike nodded. "Ok, get the projector and once everything is done your good to leave." Spike looked at Cadance. "What about you Cadance?" Asked Spike.

"Sure, I don't mind." Said Cadance.

Spike smiled. "Ok, that's the plan then. Do you want to head home and grab something before I shut the link down?" Asked Spike.

"Yeah, I'm going to go change really quick once we're done." Said Cadance.

Spike nodded. "Ok." He looked at Rainbow. "Rainbow, give me like 5 minutes to make sure everything is in order in the back and then we'll head to my place." Rainbow nodded.

It took everyone five minutes to have the whole daycare ready for tomorrow. Spike smiled at his life's work. "Ok, we're all done for the night." Said Spike.

Celestia smiled. "Cool, then I'm going home, have a nice night everyone." Said Celestia.

"Night Celestia." Said Spike.

"I'm going to head to my place really quick, I'll be right back." Said Cadance as she got out her key and turned the head till home showed up, she opened the door and showed a teenager’s bedroom. She walked in and closed the door. How you may be asking did Cadance's key do that, well Spike kinda upgraded his spare and linked it to Cadance's bedroom door. But the key is not as powerful as Spike's, because of the impromptu connection break from Spike, the link only works one way, from the daycare to the room and it only lasts for 15 minutes. If she stayed in her room for longer than that, she would be stuck there without her car. So, she drives home every night but uses the key when she forgets something, or she needs to change.

Spike smiled at Rainbow and picked her up. "Come on, let’s get your PJs on." Said Spike as he carried her to the back room. Spike pulled out a pair of leg warmers for Rainbow and helped her slip them on to her legs. Being covered in feathers had an advantage, but harpy legs are very sensitive to cold, so they needed a way to cover them, so leg warmers. But Spike always let her have a warm blanket as well. Once she was ready, her and Spike did one last check of the back room and walked out into the play area. Spike closed the door and used his key to send them back to his apartment.

Spike placed Rainbow down on the couch an grabbed the remote. This wasn't the first time he had brought one of the kids to his apartment, and after blocking some of the more graphic channels, Spike always let the kids watch something nice while he cooked for them. "So, Rainbow, what do you want to watch while I cook?" Asked Spike.

"MythBusters!" Cheered Rainbow. Spike smiled as he changed the channel. Each of the girls and all the kids that have had to stay late, liked a show or channel. Rainbow liked explosions and action so MythBusters is her favorite show, while Fluttershy, Sunset and Sandbar like Animal Planet. AJ likes family comedies, Rarity loved drama's or QVC, Twilight like the Science Channel, Pinkie loves to watch cartoons. Both Ember and Smolder love to watch the cooking shows, of all things. Sunshine and Moonlight were into cartoons and soap operas, respectfully, and Yona liked to watch National Geographic's. So, Spike being the responsible one, kept up to date with all the shows to make sure they were appropriate for younger viewers.

"Tonight, on MythBusters, we see if swearing helps distract from pain." Said the announcer.

"Nope." Said Spike as he changed the channel to National Geographic's.

"As we see here, the male lion mounts his-Nope." Interrupted Spike as he turned it to a cooking show. "And this is how you prep a chicken."

Spike groaned. "Tonight, on Battle Bots, we have Lock Jaw vs Minotaur."

Spike looked at Rainbow. "Rainbow. I'm sorry but this is the best thing on tonight, but it should be cool to watch." Said Spike.

But she wasn't listening, instead she was looking at the battle bots in the ring. "So cool." Said Rainbow.

Spike shrugged. "I'll start dinner then." Said Spike.

Author's Note:

I like how this happened, Windy seems like the one to get hurt, Pear would have her hands full with 3 kids, Zap apple season, and life in genreal. I liked the idea of squirals as cars in the fairy world, and Spike isnt dead because of Hondo, so win win.

Comment what you liked, what you didnt, but now about what you want to happen next. I'll save you the trouble. Dinner, sleeping Rainbow, Cadance asks Spike out and asks about Safron.