• Published 17th Jun 2019
  • 6,725 Views, 358 Comments

S.P.A.R.K.S. - Cardinal Dan Productions

Created from a magical experiment to help Twilight around the palace, Sparks is an all-knowing hard-light entity in everything but her social skills, at least until she meets Spike.

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Part 8: Calculated Trust

As Spike finished eating his breakfast, Twilight entered the kitchen while waving into the hall outside. “Bye, Pinkie Pie! Bye, Applejack! I’ll catch up with you girls later, alright?” Then, out of sight, he heard the main doors to the palace open and close. She then pulled herself a glass from a cabinet above the sink and filled it with water from the tap, before joining him at the island and sitting on the stool next to his.

“Spike, I wanted to let you know that I’m going on another trip today, and Starlight is coming too. I promise we won’t be gone long, but we won’t be back for a couple of days.” She offered him a warm smile and ruffled the spines on his head. “Since you did such a wonderful job while I was away last time, I don’t feel bad about leaving you in charge around here.”

The news came as a shock to Spike. Twilight had just gotten back from another day trip to Canterlot, and now she was taking off again. There was a small problem, though. He could easily manage by himself, and there were always other friends in town he could visit, but his thoughts turned immediately to Sparks. “What about your work? Are you taking that with you too?”

To his great relief, Twilight actually shook her head. “No, Spike. This isn’t that kind of trip. While I was in Canterlot, Princess Celestia noticed how exhausted I was and offered us some tickets to attend a stage play with her in Manehattan, so If anything, I’m taking a few days off to get away from my project. She’s been driving me crazy all morning...” Spike knew what she meant, but Twilight didn’t know that he knew, and she immediately realized her slip up. “I mean... I’m just really tired of working on it, and I need some time out of the palace.”

Spike got up from the island and took his bowl to the sink, all the while avoiding Twilight’s gaze. Outwardly, he had to appear composed and disinterested in her ‘boring science project’, but internally, he was excited at the prospect of spending more time with Sparks. Without Twilight around, they could see all of Ponyville!

Twilight glanced towards the clock on the wall. “It’s probably about time for our ride to be here. Celestia said she’d send us a carriage.” Down the hall, Starlight was already waiting by the door with their bags. Twilight then planted a quick kiss on the dragon’s cheek. “Mmmmuah! Be good, Spike, and stay out of trouble. I’ll be back in a few days. Write me, if there’s any kind of problem, okay?”

From the door leading into the kitchen, he watched as Twilight and Starlight grabbed their things and exited the palace, shutting the doors behind them. Now, he was alone in the grand, empty structure, but he wasn’t about to let it stay that way for long. When enough time had passed for him to be sure that Twilight wouldn’t come barging back in as though she’d forgotten something, he made his way into her office.

At first glance, it appeared to be cleaner than it had been before. The desk was in much better shape, and wasn’t covered in stacks of papers and blueprints for artificial mares. The core was missing as well. Panic set in, but it quickly subsided as he remembered that Sparks had told him Twilight left her core inside the desk. He began pulling open drawers left and right until he found it.

The little device sat on a purple cloth in the top left drawer, subtly blinking its usual orange glow. Carefully, he pinched the core between two claws and lifted it out of the drawer and onto the desk. “Hey, Sparks, are you in there?”

At the sound of her name, the core began to shine brightly as an orange essence began to pour from it, gathering on the floor behind him and building itself into the shape of a pony. Spike couldn’t see the transformation, having to shield his eyes from the light, but when it faded away, Sparks was standing before him with a wide smile on her face. “Hello again, Spike… Are you in need of assistance?”

He grinned back at her, happy to be able to see his friend again so soon after their last conversation. “You bet I am, Sparks. I was just about to head out, and I was wondering if you’d like to come with me.”

Her visor flickered as she appeared to be thinking his request over some. “Head out… Meaning to leave the palace?” Then, she beamed and nodded her head. “Affirmative, Spike. I would very much enjoy accompanying you. What is our destination today? Will we be visiting more of your friends? Meeting them could lead to most interesting findings and data to add to my stores.”

Spike shrugged his shoulders. He wasn’t sure where exactly he wanted to go with Sparks, only that wherever he went, she was with him. “Do you have any ideas?”

Sparks nodded her head. “I have considered visiting Rarity again, but after overhearing conversations between Twilight Sparkle and Applejack, I have decided that traveling to Sweet Apple Acres would be more enlightening.”

He thought about it for a bit. Applejack’s orchards were quite a ways away. He then remembered that Sparks’ body had a limited operational range from her core. “I don’t know, Sparks… It’s pretty far. What about someplace here in town?”

The synthetic mare’s eyes shifted to the little device sitting in the desk, and she frowned. Then, she turned back around to face him and picked it up into her orange cloud. “Here, Spike… You can carry this with you. Twilight Sparkle has forbidden me from taking possession of my own core, but you can.”

Spike didn’t want to take her core. It looked far too fragile. It was hard enough for him to move it from a drawer to the top of the desk between his claws. He hated to think what might happen to it on the way to Sweet Apple Acres. “Sp-Sparks, are you sure? It it gets damaged or broken, you could be ruined.” Then, he envisioned the princess coming home to find he’d destroyed her work. “Twilight would be devastated…”

Sparks negated his worries with an unusually kind smile that caused his stomach to twist itself into a knot as she coaxed him into taking her core. “I have no worries that you will be gentle with me, Spike. You are my friend and my family. I trust you to carry my core.” There was something about the look in her eyes, a certain sparkle, that gave him pause. Feelings similar to those he felt at Rarity’s place came flooding back, when he first saw Sparks sporting her new black gown. “I am certain that you will not let any harm come to me.”

The dragon nodded his head as he took the core from her grasp. He cradled it in his hands like an egg that was ready to hatch. The light on it was dormant, but there was a subtle buzz emanating from it that warmed his hands. It seemed to respond to his touch, almost as though it was happy to be held and comforted. Holding onto his precious cargo, he reluctantly agreed. “Alright, Sparks… Let’s go.”

She beamed at him and nodded her head. “Affirmative, Spike. Let us, as you say, head out.” Sparks giggled as she said the words aloud. “Oh, this is most exciting!” Spike couldn’t help feeling happy for her. It was strange, seeing her so joyful at the prospect of getting out of the palace to explore the world, but at the same time, he could sort of understand. All around her was a world of unique ponies with attitudes, wants, and needs far different from her own, and she felt the need to experience all of it. She had told him that her programming kept her from ‘wanting’ things, but what he saw in her was a clear violation of that rule. To him, when she said that her needs had to be fulfilled, she was really telling him that it was her wants that needed to be fulfilled. Part of him wondered if Twilight knew about this, but he had to drop the thought as Sparks was already pulling him out the door. “Come, Spike. There is much ground to cover, and it would be unwise to remain far from the safety of Ponyville after night has fallen.”

He clutched tightly onto her core as they exited the palace, holding it with both hands for maximum stability and security. Sparks, on the other hoof, looked completely carefree as she stared off in every direction while they walked. Every so often, she would utter the word ‘Scanning…’ before saying something else that he couldn’t catch. It was really cute, in a weird sort of way. ‘Innocent’ would be a far better word to describe it. Though she had the appearance of a full-grown mare, Sparks acted very foal-like at times. Perhaps that’s what Twilight meant when she said her work had been driving her crazy, but at their current pace, Spike didn’t mind one bit.

***Up Next: Apple Pulverizing***