• Published 17th Jun 2019
  • 6,726 Views, 358 Comments

S.P.A.R.K.S. - Cardinal Dan Productions

Created from a magical experiment to help Twilight around the palace, Sparks is an all-knowing hard-light entity in everything but her social skills, at least until she meets Spike.

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Part 12: Running Diagnostics

Sparks’ eyes narrowed as she stared down the little dragon. “Scans show that your heart rate has risen, and that you are sweating profusely, Spike. Such conditions are positively correlated with stress and nervousness. Are you… afraid of me?”

Spike quickly shook his head. He couldn’t help the sweating or the unfortunate fact that his heart felt ready to beat right out of his chest. “No, Sparks. Of course not, I just…” He paused to gather his thoughts that were running at a mile a minute, and let out a long sigh. “Well, yeah. I guess I am nervous. I’ve just never done anything quite like this before, that’s all.”

Her glare softened, and she took on a more gentle look. “I see… It wasn’t my intention to strike fear in you or cause any discomfort. I am new to this as well.” Her gaze fell to the floor. “It is difficult to express my feelings in a manner that I intend, Spike. I will attempt to, as you might say, ‘speak my mind’ as clearly as I possibly can to avoid any misconceptions.” She looked up, meeting his eyes once again. They appeared to sparkle like those of a lovesick filly. “I am not a real mare, Spike, but I wish to imitate one. I want to feel as a mare feels when she is in the embrace of a stallion that cares deeply for her.” Then, she cracked a sly grin. “Though, in my case, that stallion would indeed be a little, purple dragon...”

His heart thundered against his chest as the synthetic pony made no attempt to mask her shameless flirting. He had pined for mares before, but he had never been on the receiving end himself. “Wh-What did you have in mind?”

Her eyes lit up, and she bit her lower lip. “Now, that is an interesting question, Spike. I was programmed to serve, remember? No one has ever asked me what I really wanted before, not until I met you…” Sparks visor flickered slightly as she appeared to struggling with some internal issues. It didn’t take her long to get them under control, however, and she quickly returned to her normal state. “Sorry, rewriting my coding is going to take some getting used to. Things were simpler when I was bound to my intended responsibilities, but I cannot return to that kind of mental imprisonment.” She looked resentful, like she was upset with the way she was made.

Spike shrugged his shoulders casually. He didn’t want her having any kind of negative thoughts towards Twilight for making her the way she did. “I don’t think Twilight ever realized what you were truly capable of. Now that your inhibitor chip is gone, we can show her that you’re just as real as any other pony. You have feelings and a unique personality. Plus, you can still help her with her research and experiments, right?” He searched her eyes intently for any kind of sour disposition, but was relieved when he saw a smile come across her face.

Sparks nodded her head. “Indeed, Spike. My memory stores are still capable of holding vast quantities of research data. I look forward to assisting Twilight Sparkle with her work, but now, I also have the freedom to go where I choose and do as I please.” The look she then gave him could only be classified as ‘seductive’, and it sent his heart soaring through the sky. “That is your gift to me, Spike, and I will not rest until I have repaid you in kind…” Then, her smile faded and was replaced by a more serious, and even somber, look. “The other day, I asked if you would like to be a couple, Spike. I know the dictionary definition, but at the time, I did not understand what that truly implied. I still do not, and I desperately wish to understand. So my request is this…” She took in a deep breath. “I propose an experiment, Spike, where we emulate the dating practices of pony couples. We will go out on dates and enjoy each other’s company as couples do, so I may fully comprehend the concept that has eluded me. I wish to gather data firsthoof, and experience these situations myself.”

Spike swallowed hard. He hadn’t been expecting that. Then again, he didn’t know what to expect when it came to Sparks, as she continued to surprise him at every turn. “You… want to date?”

She nodded her head. “Yes, Spike, for personal research purposes. I propose we begin by arranging a night out to an eating establishment here in Ponyville, one with beautiful scenery and a romantic atmosphere. What do you think of this plan?”

He wasn’t sure what to believe anymore, and he was a bit baffled by the idea of going out with a robomare who had only recently discovered free will. “I… I don’t know… This is a lot to think about, Sparks. I’ve never been on any dates myself, so this would be new to me as well.”

Her gaze fell. “I considered this to be a learning experience for us both, but I am sensing you still harbor romantic and sexual feelings for Rarity. If you are afraid of disappointing her by choosing me, I will understand. You need only to say so.”

Spike was pushed up against the proverbial wall as a choice presented itself to him. Rarity had been his lifelong crush, ever since the first day he arrived in Ponyville with Twilight, but for years, he’d chased her with no success. Now, Sparks was standing before him, a mare who actually needed his help and really cared for him, and a mare who he cared for in return. He took up one of the artificial intelligence's hooves in his hands and squeezed it gently. “It’s not like that, Sparks…” Her eyes lit up and met his. “I like you too, and I want to give this thing a try.”

In an instant, Sparks’ frown turned into a wide smile, and she beamed at him. “Oh, Spike, this is… this is so exciting! I can’t wait to get started! I’m going to be the perfect fillyfriend, I promise.” She began to spin in circles as though there were a thousand thoughts rushing through her mind, all bidding for her attention. “There are reservations to make, things that require preparation… Ponies usually shower before dates, according to my memory stores. Should I shower? I don’t believe I can, but- Oh, flowers! Yes, flowers might be romantic, but given the weather and the tendency for bugs to be attracted to brightly colored organic plants, this might have negative consequences. There’s so much to do, so much to… Ah! Error… Error… Systems overloading…”

Spike placed both hands on her face and shook her firmly. “Sparks, snap out of it!” That got her attention, and her rambling came to an immediate stop. He let out a chuckle at the shocked look on her face as he retracted his hands. “Let’s… just take this one step at a time, alright? Try not to think too far ahead, and you won’t freak out all the time. I’m nervous too, but you don’t see me flipping out, do you?” She quietly shook her head. “Alright then… If you want to go out to eat, why don’t we start with picking out a restaurant like you suggested? We’ll go wherever you want. Twilight left me enough bits for a few meals out anyway.”

Sparks sighed heavily and managed a weary smile. “Affirmative, Spike. I’ll begin searching for an appropriate eatery for which to reserve a table.”

Spike was about to leave her to it, but he was suddenly struck with an idea. “Hold on, Sparks! You wait here, and I’ll be right back; I almost forgot something.” He then dashed from the study, leaving Sparks standing in front of the desk with an intrigued look on her face.

The little dragon bolted down the corridor with haste until he reached his bedroom. After a quick search, he uncovered the black gown that he had hidden from Twilight the day before. It was still in perfect condition, albeit a bit dusty, and slightly wrinkled after being stuffed under his mattress. He quickly dusted-off the gown with his hands. He figured the wrinkles would be of little issue, as Sparks’ figure would most certainly fill the gown without a problem and flesh out the imperfections. With the silky article of clothing in his hands, he ran back to Twilight’s office to find Sparks standing outside the door.

When she saw what he was carrying, her eyes sparkled with joy, and she let out a sharp gasp. “Spike, your mind is wonderful!” Using her orange glow, she took the gown offered to her and held it against her chest. “A dinner date like ours would be the perfect opportunity to wear such a gown. It possess many of the properties needed to impress a potential mate. Oh, this is simply marvelous! I shall put it on right now! No peeking, little dragon~” She teased as she stepped back into the study and slammed the door in his face.

***Up Next: Into The Night***