• Published 17th Jun 2019
  • 6,727 Views, 358 Comments

S.P.A.R.K.S. - Cardinal Dan Productions

Created from a magical experiment to help Twilight around the palace, Sparks is an all-knowing hard-light entity in everything but her social skills, at least until she meets Spike.

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Part 16: Crushed

Spike awoke to the smell of frying eggs and pancakes. It was something Twilight often cooked early in the mornings, one of her specialty dishes and something she liked to share with him. The aroma caused his stomach to growl, reminding him of his hunger, but a second later, a sense of panic set in. Twilight was the only pony he’d known to make such a breakfast, and she wasn’t supposed to be back yet.

He turned over in his bed in search of his friend. “Sparks... Hey, Sparks, what’s going on in the-“ His voice fell silent. Sparks wasn’t there, and the sheets were cold. His eyes shifted to the core sitting on the bedside table which still glowed softly.

Eager to get to the bottom of the mystery he’d awoken to, Spike slid out of his bed and grabbed the core. Lead by his nose, he entered the corridor and followed it towards the kitchen where the sound of sizzling pans grew louder. After a quick glance into the kitchen from behind the door, his fears melted away.

Sparks stood at the stove, humming a tune he couldn’t make out as she worked. He could have sworn that she hadn’t seen or heard him, but her ears perked up, and she looked at him over her shoulder. “Oh! Good morning, my darling! Don’t be alarmed, you can come out now. I detected your presence on my motion sensors as soon as you got out of bed.”

Carefully, Spike entered the kitchen and took a seat at the island. “Remember that talk we had about privacy, Sparks? That goes for motion sensors too.”

She flashed him a silly grin. He wasn’t sure if that meant she agreed or not. “Of course, my sweet dragon. I was only eager to see you awaken, but I did not wish to disturb you to force an early end to your slumber.”

The dragon felt a warm feeling in his chest that caused him to smile. It made him feel good knowing just how much he meant to the robomare. From the island, he tried to get a look at the food she was preparing. “What’s that? Did you get hungry, or something?”

Sparks turned to face him with the pan in her orange glow and a smile on her face. “Don’t be ridiculous. Need I remind you once again that I don’t require sustenance, Spike? This is for you.” She placed a plate, a fork, and a knife in front of him before lowering the pan to reveal scrambled eggs. “The pancakes are in the oven keeping warm. I’ll get them now.”

Spike was impressed. “Whoa... When did you learn to do this? Is this your first time cooking?”

She retrieved the pancakes from the oven and placed them before him. It was a stack of six golden-brown discs that smelled heavenly, and got his mouth watering. “I am always learning, Spike. When Twilight created my personality, she used some of her own memories to create a foundation from which I could build upon. Most of the memories are just fragments, and I am unable to process them, but this...” She gestured to the food. “I was able to piece together her love of cooking breakfast, particularly pancakes. Do you desire anything to drink?”

Spike shrugged his shoulders. He was still captivated by the spread in front of him. “Isn’t that something your sensors should be able to tell you?” Sparks frowned, and he immediately realized just how rude he must have sounded. “I... I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, I-“

To his relief, her grin returned, and she leaned on the island counter across from him. “I thought it best to respect your privacy and simply ask rather than scan your body myself.” She leaned in close, her snout grazing against his cheek. “As I said, my love, I am always learning.” Sparks pushed her lips into him, leaving a kiss on his cheek. “Now, you must finish everything I have made for you before it grows cold. I can’t have my favorite dragon going hungry, can I? Now, answer my question as to what you would like to drink.”

Spike smiled up at her and let out a sigh. “Well... Some orange juice would go pretty well with this stuff. Twilight usually has some in the fridge.”

Sparks beamed at him. “Of course, darling.”

A moment later, she was pouring him a glass of the cool, orange liquid, and under her watchful gaze, he finished his breakfast. The artificial mare moved with speed and a frightening sense of efficiency, taking up his plate and glass and moving them into the sink to be washed, using her orange aura to hold the plate while she scrubbed it with a sponge. Spike was about to offer to help, but before he could open his mouth, he heard a knock at the main entrance. Without looking up from the sink, Sparks’ synthetic tail swished with agitation. “Spike, could you see to the door while I finish this? My sensors tell me that Rarity is outside. Given that we are the only two occupants of the palace, it is likely that you are who she wishes to see.”

Spike nodded his head and made a dash for the corridor. “You got it, Sparks. I’ll be right back.” He entered the hall and began the long walk to the door, wondering what reason Rarity would have for coming over. It was early in the morning still, and Twilight was still in Manehattan. He opened the door, and sure enough, Rarity was standing on the other side with her hoof raised as though she were about to knock again.

Rarity looked surprised for a moment but quickly lowered her hoof and smiled. “Oh. Good morning, Spike. May I come in?”

He nodded his head and stepped aside as she entered the palace, closing the door behind her. “Uh, yeah... Of course, Rarity. It’s always great to see you, but what are you doing here? Is everything alright at your place?”

She waved her hoof dismissively at him. “Everything is fine, darling. I appreciate the thought, but I understand that Twilight is not back from her trip with Starlight yet, and I thought you might want some company.” Then, her eyes met his, and she let out a gentle sigh. “Living in a place this big all by yourself must be pretty lonely.”

Spike shrugged his shoulders. “I guess. Things haven’t really been so bad with Sparks around, though.” He thought back to their date and the moment she kissed him by the fountain. “She’s... quite a handful.”

Rarity pursed her lips. She looked to be on the edge of asking him something, but she couldn’t find the strength to say it. “Indeed. I remember Sparks from her time at the Carousel Boutique.” She swallowed hard. “Spike, I’ve had a thought since then, since you and your friend last visited, and I’d like to treat you to breakfast this morning. I could take you someplace in town if you’d like?”

Spike looked up at her, puzzled by her request. “You want to take me out? Why?”

Her face looked hot, like she might be on the verge of breaking into a sweat. She opened her mouth, but before she could say a word, she was silenced by the sound of approaching hoofsteps. Sparks had emerged from the kitchen and was heading their way with a wide smile on her face. “The dishes have been cleaned and sanitized, Spike. Greetings, Rarity! Would you care do something to drink? I have just put away the orange juice that Spike is fond of, but I would be happy to retrieve it for you.”

Rarity politely declined, shaking her head. “No, darling. That’s quite alright. I was just about to ask Spike to join me in town for breakfast.”

The smile on Spark’s face vanished. “I see…” She then looked down at Spike. “I hope he did not waste your time and informed you that I have already provided him with sustenance this morning. It will take some time before he is ready to eat again.”

Spike looked up at Sparks, and he was worried by what he saw. She had a dangerous look behind her visor, the same look she had when she stood between him and the timberwolf, protective and ready to fight. He quickly put himself in between the two mares, hoping to defuse what could potentially be a disastrous situation. “She’s right, Rarity. I just ate, but if you still want to go into town, I’d be happy to go with you.”

The white mare smiled kindly at him. “That’s a remarkable suggestion, Spike. We should stop by my place first, so I can put on something a little nicer for the occasion.” Sparks appeared to be struggling internally. She looked as though she wanted to speak, but was unable to put the words together. “Shall we walk together, Spike?”

The synthetic pony snapped into action, and as Rarity put her hoof around Spike, Sparks was in between them like a wall. Spike looked up at her, baffled by her reaction to Rarity’s touch. She blurted out strange, robotic sounds and temporarily lost her composure before righting herself. “I wish to come with you.”

Spike looked back and forth between the two mares, not wanting to disappoint Rarity but also wanting to keep Sparks happy.

Luckily, Rarity gave in and nodded her head. “Of course, darling. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

***Up Next: Spike’s Dilemma***