• Published 17th Jun 2019
  • 6,726 Views, 358 Comments

S.P.A.R.K.S. - Cardinal Dan Productions

Created from a magical experiment to help Twilight around the palace, Sparks is an all-knowing hard-light entity in everything but her social skills, at least until she meets Spike.

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Part 17: Spike’s Dilemma

Author's Note:

This chapter has been long overdue and gone through draft after draft of rewrites. I hope the wait was worth it and y’all enjoy what I’ve written for y’all. This story is nearing its end, so stay tuned for the rest.

When they finally found a place to sit down at an outdoor pavilion, Spike made sure to place himself squarely between the two mares. Tensions were high, so much so that he could feel the pressure crushing down around him.

They were seated at a round table in the middle of the pavilion, near a water feature that flowed peacefully in contradiction to the conflicting ponies. Rarity was to his left, now sporting a white, silky gown and sun hat to match, and Sparks was to his right. Dark and light, yin and yang, machine and flesh. They were polar opposites in appearance, but both had in common an affinity for him.

Rarity adjusted her hat slightly, casting shade over her eye before letting out a sigh of content. “What a beautiful morning. It’s been too long since I’ve had the opportunity to exempt myself from responsibility and relax with my friends. Wouldn’t you agree, Spike?”

Spike wasn’t really paying attention to the weather. There were other things on his mind than small talk, but nodded his head anyway. “Yeah... It’s fine, I guess.”

Sparks cocked her head to the side, and her visor flickered subtly. “Scans read the temperature at a modest seventy-three degrees fahrenheit with a wind chill of five degrees fahrenheit. Spike, you should have allowed me to bring you coat. The wind chill could lead to mild discomfort.”

The little dragon was far beyond mild discomfort. Sparks should have been able to figure that out with all of her advanced gadgets, but if she did know, she was keeping that information to herself. He shook his head and offered the synthetic mare a half smile. “I’m alright, Sparks. What about you, though? Do you get hot or cold?”

Sparks beamed at him. “Your concern for my well being is appreciated, my dear dragon. I am capable of functioning at peak efficiency in a wide variety of environments and climates. Only the harshest of weather can hamper my abilities, and even then, the drop in functionality is minimal.”

Spike’s eyes widened, and even Rarity looked impressed. “That’s remarkable, darling, truly. Just what exactly are you made of that makes you so... resilient?”

The artificial mare looked confident, maybe a little smug. “That information is confidential. Only my creator, Twilight Sparkle, can disclose the details of my construction if she chooses to do so.”

Spike wasn’t sure if that was entirely true. Without the inhibitor chip that had bound her go her core programming, she was free to speak her mind and pursue her own desires. It then occurred to him that Sparks was keeping secrets on purpose. He figured she could be trying to impress or intimidate Rarity. To Sparks, Rarity was competition, and robomare intended to win.

The white mare cleared her throat and averted her eyes so she wasn’t looking directly at her. “I see... Regardless, such marvels are nothing to scoff at. Twilight must be proud of her work.”

Sparks beamed at her, seemingly forgetting about Spike entirely. “Undoubtedly. Twilight Sparkle is a genius, and I have her to thank for giving me life.” Then, her smile changed, losing some of its excitement and making her look more embarrassed. “It was Spike, however, who allowed me to truly live. He is the most important being in my life, and I owe him everything.”

The dragon felt hot and uncomfortable under the compliments, but the feeling was fleeting. Beside him, Rarity’s look soured. The spiritual embodiment of generosity looked jealous, and she had a dangerous, fiery look in her eyes.

She cleared her throat, never taking her eyes off of Sparks. “I’ve tolerated this for long enough. Spike, I’d like some time alone with your friend. There is something I need to get off my chest.”

Spike’s heart plummeted in his chest, leaving a sickening feeling in his gut. The very last thing he ever wanted to happen was happening right before his eyes, and he didn’t know how to stop it. He looked up at Sparks, hoping she would have the decency to turn Rarity down politely and not make a scene, but those hopes were quickly dashed.

Sparks’ eyes too were fixated on Rarity. “Yes, Spike. Leave us. There are things I wish to share with Miss Rarity. This should not take long, darling.”

Her calling him ‘darling’ seemed to be targeted towards Rarity, and it worked, extracting a harsh glare from the pony. Spike stared back and forth between them both, unable to believe that this was really about to happen, and what made it worse was the feeling that it was his fault.

Something deep down began to stir within the dragon, something that had been festering since he first hatched, his inherent desire to poses and covet. It was not within him, though. Instead he saw it with his very eyes before him in the mares that were now fighting over him. He had been told to leave, but Spike new better. Instead, he stood up swiftly, glaring at Rarity and Sparks. “No! That’s enough!”

Spike had snapped, caring not for what others might think should he be heard. Both mares stared at him in disbelief with stunned looks on their faces. “This has gone too far. I’m not going to sit here and let two of my closest friends fight like this any longer. I’m not worth this kind of trouble, so there’s no reason for it.”

He truly hated the idea of his friends fighting over him, but he wasn’t an object to be sought after. This time, Spike knee he couldn’t pick a side as both mares seemed like they wanted a piece of him.

Sparks’ opened her mouth meekly. “Spike, you’re displaying high levels of-“

“I don’t care, Sparks! I really cannot be bothered to care at this point. I’m not some toy to be cradled and protected. You... You just think I’m some sort of experiment. When we kissed, you just wanted to know what it felt like.”

Rarity’s eyes widened, nearly bugging out of her head. “You ‘what’?”

Sparks shook her head in protest, not paying Rarity any attention anymore. “Spike, no... You must calm down before you get hurt...”

He didn’t want to hear anymore. He almost couldn’t, anyway. His own elevated heartbeat thundered in his ears, making it impossible to hear anything else. “No, Sparks, I’m not doing this anymore. I’m...” His vision was fading too, darkening around the edges and fading fast. He felt dizzy, having exhausted the energy given to him by his angry rant. The world around him became distant as he felt the sensation of falling backwards. The last thing his eyes saw before fading to black was Sparks as she reached out to catch him.

***Up Next: In The Open***