• Published 17th Jun 2019
  • 6,726 Views, 358 Comments

S.P.A.R.K.S. - Cardinal Dan Productions

Created from a magical experiment to help Twilight around the palace, Sparks is an all-knowing hard-light entity in everything but her social skills, at least until she meets Spike.

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Part 15: Accidentally In Love

The palace was as dark and still as the rest of Ponyville when Spike and Sparks returned late in the evening. Upon stepping through the doors and over the threshold, the synthetic mare stumbled a little, earning her a surprised look from Spike, but she brushed it off as being of little concern. When he came back several steps to offer her assistance, she extended a hoof to keep him at bay. “Negative, Spike. I will be alright. Dedicating the majority of my hardware to processing so much data at once is interfering somewhat with my basic motor coordination, but it is nothing major.” She let out a tired sigh as her visor flickered on and off. “I would like to sit down, though. All of this excitement has drained my energy reserves.”

Spike glanced towards Twilight’s office out of the corner of his eye. “What about your core? Do you need to recharge, or something?”

Sparks managed a smile and shook her head. “Negative, Spike. At least, not for some time. Once my energy reserves are depleted, I will enter an emergency lockdown state that will require my body to be moved within a close proximity to my core so that it may be transferred back inside for charging. At my current rate of energy consumption, I should have many more hours of full operational capabilities.” Then, her eyelids closed halfway, and her smile curled upwards. “Speaking of such activities…” She then moved in for a kiss, startling the little dragon and causing him to reel back. When she saw his reaction, her expression changed and became puzzled. “What is the matter, Spike? I was under the impression that you enjoyed kissing me.”

He felt as though he was in a sensitive situation, backed into a corner as he tried to think of how to best deny Sparks her wish in the nicest way possible. “I do, Sparks. I really do, but we can’t do it all the time.” He absentmindedly rubbed the back of his head. “I mean, I don’t know much about it myself, but from what I’ve learned by watching older ponies, you should only kiss on special occasions. At least, that’s the way I thought it should be. If we do it too much, then it might not be as fun anymore. Does that make sense?” Spike searched her face for any sign that she didn’t like his answer, but luckily, there was no such change.

Her visor blinked several times, and she nodded her head. “I believe I understand, Spike. Kissing too often will have an adverse effect by diminishing each kiss’ value. Reserving such an intimate activity for appropriate intimate situations would not only save the value of each kiss, but also heighten the value as well. I have updated my data stores and programming with this new logic, and will apply it accordingly.” Sparks then put on a wide smile as she stared into his eyes. “Tonight has been the greatest night of my existence, Spike, thanks to you. Now that I’ve shared with you my feelings and desires, we can go out on more dates.”

Spike returned the smile as his heart fluttered in his chest with excitement at the thought of dating Sparks regularly, but there was another issue. He was, quite plain and simply, exhausted. The day had been long, especially with the excitement from their trip to Sweet Apple Acres; he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d had the chance to sit still. Right now, he wanted nothing more than to just fall asleep. As much as he enjoyed spending time with Sparks, he needed to tell her ‘good night’ and retire to his own bedroom where he could get the rest he sorely needed. “That’s… a great idea, Sparks. Maybe we can talk more about it tomorrow.” He then let out a huge yawn to make his point clear. He needed to be alone, if not to sleep, then simply to collect his thoughts from the day. He was feeling drained, both mentally and physically.

Sparks’ ears folded back as he turned and began to leave her behind, making his way down the dark corridor towards his room. From behind, he heard her take several steps after him, but she faltered and stood in place. Once he reached the door to his room, he stopped and looked down the hall, but Sparks was nowhere to be seen. “Good night, Sparks…”

Then, he opened the door and made his way inside, landing on top of his bed in a heap. It didn’t take long for him to black out completely and fall into a deep slumber.


Spike didn’t know how much time had passed when he opened his eyes again. A quick glance towards the window confirmed to him that it was still dark outside, and that it was likely very early in the morning. Something had woken him up, a sudden noise that had shook him awake. The sound hadn’t been very loud, but he suddenly found himself very alert all the same. His eyes scanned around his room, finding nothing out of the ordinary except for his door. The little dragon was certain that he had closed it when he had gone to bed, but now, it was hanging open into the pitch black corridor outside.

It had been a long time since he’d been afraid of the dark, but old fears began to resurface as he searched for any signs of intrusion. He slid out of bed, hitting the floor gently as he moved to close the slightly open door. As he shut it closed, he heard a gentle humming behind him, and he spun on his heels just in time to see a shadow move past the window, only visible in front of the moonlight coming through. “Wh-Who… Who’s there?!” He managed to stand as bravely as he could, but he was sure anypony could hear how scared he was.

Spike was about to start breathing fire across the room to ward off the shadow, but a familiar orange glow flashed in front of the window, and a pair of beautiful eyes opened up, looking straight at him. “I apologize, Spike… Please, do not be upset with me.” A moment later, Sparks materialized before him, seemingly coming out of the shadows as she took on her pony form.

He looked at her with disbelief. “Wha- What were you thinking, Sparks?! What are you doing here?! Do you have any idea of what was going through my head before you showed yourself?!”

Each question caused her to wince, but she remained stationary by the window. “I was scared, Spike. Once you left, approximately four hours and twenty-three minutes ago, I became overwhelmed with a feeling I had not yet experienced. I began to stress and become anxious until the desire of your company superseded my desire to respect your personal space.” Her eyes fell to the floor, and her ears folded back. “Spike, I must ask of you… May I stay with you tonight?”

His frustration towards the artificial intelligence evaporated in an instant, and he let out a sigh. “You were just… lonely? Is that it?”

He was surprised when she nodded her head. “Affirmative, Spike. I- I do not wish to be alone tonight. I would like to stay with you, in your room.”

Spike was surprised by her request. His room wasn’t terribly large, for one thing, leading him to believe that it was never really meant for two individuals to inhabit, but other than that, he couldn’t figure out how to turn her away, so he agreed. He sat down on his bed and motioned for her to sit anywhere in the room she liked. “I don’t have any extra comforters, but I can give you some pillows or-“

In a flash, she appeared beside him, sitting on top of the bed as she shifted her hooves to rest more comfortably. Spike looked on in awe as she gently began to lay down on the opposite side of the bed, mimicking a position any pony might take when preparing to sleep. That hadn’t been what he imagined when she told him that she wanted to spend the night with him. He thought Sparks wanted to simply stay in the same room with him, not his bed! “Um… Sparks, that’s not… I mean, this wasn’t what I…”

She turned over to look at him, offering him a grin as she slid her metallic legs under the covers. “Yes, Spike?”

He paused, biting his tongue. Everything he wanted to say in protest immediately left his thoughts. He couldn’t even remember why he was baffled by her sudden appearance in his bed in the first place. She wanted to be by his side, and there she was, as close as a mare could possibly get. Spike let out a sigh and shook his head as he moved under the covers himself as he had been before he’d woken up. “N-N-Nothing… Good night, Sparks…”

Her smile only widened as she turned back onto her side, facing away from him. “Good night, Spike.” Then, her soft orange glow began to dim until her lights were out completely, leaving her body totally still and dark.

It was at that moment that Spike noticed the core sitting on the table by her side of the bed. Before, it had been dark and easy to miss, but now it took on her signature orange glow, pulsing softly in the dark and providing a sense of warmth and comfort to the room. He smiled and turned his back on the mare’s empty body as he wriggled his way further into the covers and returned to sleep.

***Up Next: Crushed***