• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 23,091 Views, 4,506 Comments

Sunset's Isekai - Wanderer D

Somewhere, out there, there's a bar with a familiar yin-yang sun on the door.

  • ...

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An Unlikely Visitor (Fallout 4 - PT. 1)

Sunset's Isekai
An Unlikely Visitor (Fallout 4 - PT. 1)
By Wanderer D

The group settled down on the beach close to the Nakano family. There was little to be said, their young daughter had been replaced by a Synth, who had somehow figured out she was not the real Kasumi Nakano (or at least that's what she convinced herself) and had ran away without an explanation rather than hurt her not-quite-parents.

She was alive and well, but she'd be staying with the Synths in Far Harbor for some time, figuring out her place in the world, and also whether she'd be visiting her parents or not… and telling them the truth.

"Hey," Piper called, bringing over a container with several Gwinnett stouts and some snacks. "Where's Blue?"

"Back to exploring the Wasteland with Dogmeat," Cait muttered. "Never wants to take the rest of us with, it seems. Hancock also headed back over to Goodneighbor, something about needing to get the Silver Shroud on a case once he figured out where the damned robots were coming from. Sill," she said, "I could've used some personal time."

"I'm sure there's plenty of things we can do on our own to better the Commonwealth, Cait."

"Yeah, I'm sure and that's just grand, tin can, but some of us enjoy the company and cuddles."

"Some more than others," Piper piped in, sitting next to Cait and elbowing her with a grin.

"You said it, girlfriend."

"I'm still surprised that worked out between all of you," Nick said, poking the flames of their camp with a long stick. "No offense," he immediately added when both women gave her glares that could've melted his innards. "Polygomous relationships weren't acceptable back in the day before the vault. It was one partner or be judged."

"Barbaric," former Paladin Danse muttered just loud enough to be heard.

"Well, thankfully Blue is more open minded than the rest of the 21st century."

"Very true," Danse said, sighing. "I never met someone like that… someone who could look beyond what I had built around myself, later discovered was a lie, and still be there for me." He paused, staring at the bottle he had just grabbed. "Before, I had the Brotherhood and I thought—" He stopped, sighing.

Cait softened her frown, reaching over to pat the armored arm of the other synth in the group besides Nick. "Hey, we are all here for you. All of us."

"What I'm surprised about isn't so much learning that single partners was the rule back when," Piper said, "I mean, I've read the old magazines and their idea of women's place and roles was not… the best. But that doesn't matter anymore. What I want to know, and what surprises me is that you are surprised by anything at all, Nick."

Nick leaned back, giving her a look. "You don't say."

"With all due respect, Valentine, I think she's right," Danse admitted. "We both know synths can be surprised, or scared but, when we were in Far Harbor and all those creatures appeared, you were hardly fazed at all."

"I guess nothing impresses Detective Valentine," Piper said. "Even by the time we arrived in Far Harbor and those things appeared, the worst thing you did was shout out warnings whenever you spotted anyone in danger."

"Heeey, that's true," Cait said, leaning her head on Piper's shoulder. She passed the journalist an open beer and took a sip of hers. "Spill it, Valentine, how come nothing shakes you?"

"Well, I wouldn't say nothing does," Nick replied, thinking about DiMA, but simply sighed. "I've just seen worse, that's all."

"Worse than the Gulpers, Fog Crawlers and Anglers?" Piper asked. "Do tell."

"Sitting around a campfire seems the perfect place to share a story," Danse added, taking a swig of his own beer.

"You've really mellowed out, you know that, Danse?"

"Thanks, Cait."

Nick chuckled, looking around the camp. "Alright, alright. I'll tell you about the weirdest thing I've seen."

It all started back in Diamond City.

Diamond City.

You've all been there… a city where the grime of the wasteland becomes an afterthought. Where the rich still live above us all in the rafters of a bygone era, and the unsavory still make their way down to the underbelly of society. And yet, it's still better than 'out there'.

Neon signs, merchants, the smell of cigarettes, oil and black powder mix with the exotic cuisine prepared by an automaton chef that can only speak in broken Japanese. Muddy floors covered with wood mats and cement.

Never try to explain what baseball really was to them. It will not go well.

Ellie had just started working as my secretary and we had just closed up a case; a young man by the name of Derek Pacion was looking for his friend Ralph, who had become a merchant and supposedly traveled to the Commonwealth. Long story short, he didn't make it. Got ambushed by some Raiders. But at least we found out and Derek could bring some closure to his family.

I thought that was it for the day and was about to send Ellie home when the door opened and this kid walked in.

Now, I've seen all sorts come through Diamond City from all walks of life, but there was something about this young woman that was very different. It was like seeing a movie in color for the first time, and the world around her just shone a little more whenever she was there.

At the time I didn't understand how. I just thought I was imagining things, and that I was due for a checkup. That my old sensors had finally got the RGBs mixed up. She was dressed strangely, in a gray-navy blue uniform of some sort with sleeves and pants of different colors, green, blue, red and purple. She had a hood covering her head, which she removed as soon as she entered, revealing a short mop of brown hair, and expressive brown eyes.

At first I thought it was a dare from some of the kids in the city, but then again, I had never seen this one before. So I thought it might be a case of missing parents… I was close, but I never expected things to go the way they did from that point on…

"Um, heeeey, I read outside that this was a detective agency and…"

Nick sighed. That was a typical reaction for newcomers, who were still terrified of Synths. He could already see Ellie half-rising to reassure the young girl that everything was fine…

"Ay, Dios mio! Un robot!" the girl squealed excitedly, a wide grin flashing across her face as she dashed forward to check Nick up close.

He wasn't sure what was more surprising. The fact that the girl was not scared of him, the fact that she was so enthusiastic, or the fact that half her conversation was in Spanish. All the way to Diamond City?

That was very strange.

"Okay, Luz," the girl muttered once she had poked and prodded enough at him, "calm down. You have a mission." She straightened up. "Um. Yes."

Nick and Ellie watched as the girl clasped her hands behind her back and walked self-importantly in front of them back and forth. "I heard that this place here is a Detective agency. Is that right?"

Nick exchanged glances with Ellie then turned to face the young girl, falling down to one knee so he could be more even with her when he responded. "That is correct, young lady. This is Ellie, my secretary, and I am Nick Valentine. This is my agency."

"Oh my gosh! A robot detective!"

"Synth," Ellie corrected without much heat in her voice. The girl was too excited to really have meant any insult.

"Oh! So sorry, I have just never met a Rrrr-synth Detective! Yeah! I'm sure it's totally normal in this woooor-place!"

Nick chuckled. "No offense taken, miss…"

"Luz! Luz Noceda," she said, offering her hand for him to shake, which he did.

"So what can I help you with, Miss Noceda?"

"Well, it's um, complicated."

Nick stood up and motioned for her to take a seat, which she did. "Why don't you tell me about it and let me decide if it is?"

"Alright, I see how it is, and I like it, Mr. Marlow!" Luz said, winking, snapping her fingers, and pointing at him with a confident grin.

"His name is—"

"It's alright, Ellie," Nick interrupted, eyes widening a little. "It seems Miss Noceda is well-read."

"Aaww, thanks! I really liked the movies!" Luz said, but then blinked. "Oh yeah! So, Mr. Valentine—very cool name by the way—I'm here to hire you!"

Nick chuckled. "I gathered as much. But what, or who do you need me to find?"

"Well, we, that is my friends and I, need you to find um, someone for us."

"What thing? And are you a part of a caravan?"

"Uh, no, we take classes together."

"Classes." Nick repeated, then nodded. "That's unusual, I am not aware of that many schools in the Commonwealth."

"Well, yeah… uh, it's not exactly here that she teaches us… but um, the thing is I can't give you too many details about it until you have agreed to work for us." She paused, tapping her chin as he thought. "So there are a few things I can say, obviously… The first thing is… that it's going to be dangerous. The second is that we are going to need your word that you'll not freak out when you meet the rest of us, or judge us by our looks… and finally, if you decide halfway through the investigation to quit, that you agree to not say anything about us to others for at least a few years."

Nick leaned back. "I'm not sure I can agree to that without more information, Miss Noceda. It's suspicious enough as it is. It wouldn't be the first time someone tries to use underhanded means to catch the single obvious synth in Diamond City, and I've made plenty of enemies."

Luz bit her lip and drummed her fingers on the table. "I-I'm not supposed to really show you anything yet but… well," she stood up and took one of his pens, scribbling something on a small piece of paper.

Nick couldn't make out what it was exactly, figuring it was an address of some sort, but she simply put the pen down on the table and held on to the paper. "If you're interested, we'll be outside Diamond City, near the Parkview Apartments."

"Okay, now I know you're up to something," Nick said, frowning. "That place is a breeding ground for Raiders. There's no way a group of kids could be hanging out there."

Luz had already stood up and opened the door. "Well, I guess I'll let you think about it. We'll wait until tomorrow."

And then she clapped the hand holding the paper against her chest. And she was gone. Literally.

"What?!" Ellie ran over to the door and stared at the empty space for a moment before leaning out and scanning outside. "Nick! She's gone!"

"Now, miss Noceda," Nick wondered, standing up and walking to the door. "How did you do that?" he muttered. His sensors hadn't detected any radioactive emanations, so it wasn't one of those fabled Stealth Boys that the army used to have. "Huh."

"Nick," Ellie's tone had a warning to it. "Don't you dare."

He grinned, shrugging. "It's too tempting," he said as he walked out of the door. He needed to ask around and see what he could find before heading over to the meeting point.

Whether she was an agent of his enemies or something else, she had certainly captured his attention.

Nick Valentine titled his fedora as he walked through the Diamond City market. "Lois, always a pleasure."

"Hi Nick!"

Most people in Diamond City greeted him now-a-days with a smile and a wave, although there were still some that glowered or muttered under their breath, but those were far fewer than before. For better or worse, Nick the Synth was pretty much part of the city now, and an upstanding citizen according to Mayor Roberts.

Turned out, saving his daughter and not making a nuisance of himself had put Nick firmly in the Mayor's "good citizens" list, and that had swayed public opinion in his favor. Plus, it was always good for a city to have its own unique quirks and characters, he supposed.

He couldn't really feel it, but his sensors told him that it was a cold day today. The sun was mostly hidden behind some clouds and although it didn't look like it would rain, it gave the whole place an eerie look that brought back memories of misty mornings, music, the smell of peanuts…

Nick shook his head. Not his memories. Just… echoes. And right now he didn't have time to indulge them. Instead he hummed to himself and started making his way around the agency, checking for clues.

"Hey Carl," he greeted the barber that had just set up shop nearby. The man had come from somewhere further West, but hadn't been very clear about where exactly. Not that it mattered, he was here now, was clearly not a Raider and had settled down quite nicely.

"O-oh! N-Nick! H-hello! A-are you here for a haircut?"

Unfortunately he was one of those people that still hadn't got used to the sight of Nick's robotic eyes and silicone face.

"Not this time, Carl, but thanks. Say, you wouldn't happen to have seen a young girl in a gray-blue hood running around, would you?"

"O-oh! N-no, Nick, I-I can't say I have."

"Anyone speaking Spanish? Heard nothing?" Nick probed. "This is the only way they could've come."

"S-sorry, Nick. I-I really haven't…" he trailed off. "W-well, I did h-hear someone running, and then felt some wind, but when I looked there wasn't anyone around… is that…?" he trailed off, giving Nick time to consider what to say.

Telling Carl, or anyone for that matter, that there was some invisible kid running around would just not help matters. Either they'd think he was crazy, or worse, they'd believe him and they would start a manhunt at best or set the city ablaze at worst.

"She was short, so you might've missed her," Nick said instead. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure I'll find her. Have a good one, Carl."

He could hear the relief in Carl's voice once he had turned around and walked away. "A-anytime, Nick!"

It was a bit empowering for some people there to talk to Nick. He was the robot man. The synth of Diamond City, an unintentional celebrity that bridged their fears with a healthy dose of polite friendliness. They could confront their fear and walk away. It was a quiet service of sorts that helped curve the hate that he would otherwise face, Mayor's endorsement or not.

He followed the diamond towards the home plate, keeping his eyes peeled. Even if no one thought Luz's clothes were strange, there might be some indication that she had passed by. Grumbling guards or merchants muttering about kids running around, or something, but by the time he had reached the stairs… nothing.

He sighed. There was nothing else to do but see it through. Despite what he had said, and his guest's apparent confidence, he had seen in her eyes she actually was looking for help. "Hey Mike," he called out as he stepped down to the mechanical door that blocked out the rest of the Commonwealth from the city's entrance. "Did you let in or out any kids today?"

Mike, a heavily built man wearing an umpire's mask and a mix of metal armor and other baseball equipment, looked up from where he was perusing an old magazine that had somehow survived the test of time. "Valentine? No, we haven't let anyone through today, merchant or otherwise," he answered. "'sides, you know we wouldn't allow some kid to run out into the Fenns."

"I figured as much, but I thought I'd ask anyway," Nick responded amiably. "Mind opening it for me? I'm working on a case."

"Eh, sure why not, you know what you're doing."

"Thanks." Nick didn't say anything else, waiting patiently for the heavy doors to open for him to step outside. He raised his hand to lower the glare of light as the door was lifted, allowing him to clearly see the fortified plaza outside.

"Be careful out there, Nick."

He didn't let the surprise show. Mike hadn't been a big fan of his when they had met, but he had at least been polite. How time changed people. Instead, he nodded. "See you around, Mike."

What was once Boston greeted him in all its collapsing glory. The few guards outside nodded at him amiably enough, but didn't engage him in conversation. Not that he blamed them. They needed to be ready. Not only for things in front of them, but attentive enough to hear any incoming parties, or even if they were lucky the sounds of battle that might hint at merchants being possibly attacked.

They watched him in silence as he made his way around the barricade into the city ruins proper. In the distance, he could see the Parkview Apartments, poking above other smaller, crumbling buildings.

The streets of Boston were covered with debris and dying vegetation. It was funny how no matter the time of year, it always seemed like whatever attempted to grow there (other than murderers and mutants) was constantly dying or about to die. He supposed the radiation would cause that, but the levels here were negligible enough to be comparable to pre-war life.

Upended, rusting cars, collapsed walls and knocked down street lamps buried the walkways and street under them, creating little holes and artificial caves providing good hiding spaces for radroaches… or feral dogs.

He paused. He had heard a growl of some sort. It didn't sound like the normal mongrels that lived near the cities. But also didn't sound like a Deathclaw.

He slowly pulled out his gun, checking the barrel to make sure it was fully loaded before sticking to the side of the street so that at least he wasn't standing out there in the where cover more of a suggestion than anything else. Raiders, mutants, mongrels, feral ghouls, and even giant crabs had been spotted around the Boston area and it wouldn't do for him to be caught empty handed.

He allowed his instincts, such as they were, to guide him. Slowing down to a stop every so often to listen carefully before moving ahead. Far, in the distance, a firefight started, but it didn't seem to come from his destination, and it was too far away to threaten to spill all the way to where he was. He just hoped it was a group of Raiders meeting some Super Mutants or Gunners.

He was more than content to let them take care of each other, as long as they didn't put innocents in danger.

He was almost at the apartments when something told him to dodge. His intuition had saved his life—or the original Nick Valentine's life in any case—several times during investigations, and it proved to be just as reliable now.

Without questioning it, he rolled just in time to avoid the window he had been standing next to exploding out and a huge canine of some sort smashing through it, Before he could lift his gun, he had to roll back again as the massive dog, no… wolf, tried to catch his leg with its jaws. One massive paw still managed to step and hold his trench coat in place, and Nick cursed when he had to hastily slide out of it while still turning to face the creature.

He raised his gun, but before it even got high enough to aim, something smashed into it, just missing his thumb, sending it clattering. In a second, the wolf had it's paw right smack in the middle of his chest and he was pushed back with significant force until he was flat on his back on the street, the massive reddish-brown wolf growling at him.

"We told you lot not to come by anymore," a young female Irish voice said. "I thought it was very clear myself, didn't I, Mebh?"

The wolf growled in apparent agreement, shifting just enough for Nick to stare at another young girl, this one blonde and blue-eyed wearing a dark green hood. Impossibly, what had knocked the gun from his hand (and almost taken his thumb with it) had been an arrow, just like the one she was aiming straight at his face right then.

"Alright then," the girl drawled, glaring at him from under her hood. "What should we do with you?"

The wolf growled and the girl smirked. "Aye, that sounds about right, Mebh, but eating those metal pieces can't be good for your stomach."

The wolf snorted and rolled its eyes.

If Nick didn't know better, he would have sworn they were actually talking to each other.

"Wait!" a distant, familiar voice said. "Stop! Robyn, don't kill him!"

Twisting a little and earning himself a warning growl, Nick turned around enough to stare at Luz hovering down to where they were. She was riding some sort of staff with an owl on it, wings extended. When she landed, the owl wrapped its wings around itself and seemed to become solid wood.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Language!" the other girl, Robyn, snapped, then turned to face the new arrival. "What do you mean, Luz?"

"This is the detective we heard about! His name is Nick Valentine, I was going to tell you about it, but when I got back to the camp you and Mebh had gone scouting."

Robyn straightened and lowered her bow, blinking in his direction. "This mechanical man is a detective?"

"They call them synths here," Luz replied, as the big wolf stepped back and allowed Nick to sit up. Then the wolf picked up his trench coat and trotted back to him, offering it back.

Nick took it gingerly, nodding cautiously at the smarter than expected creature.

"We got it from here, Mebh," Luz said placing a confident hand on Robyn's shoulder. She gave the wolf a thumbs-up. "Can you tell the others we're coming in with the Detective?"

The wolf grunted in reply then turned to give Nick what looked like a mischievous look. Nick almost fell back flat again when the wolf jumped over him and turned into a golden mist that quickly floated away.

"Well, Mr. Marlow…"

"Didn't you say his name was Valentine?" Robyn asked.

Luz sighed. "Anyway, Detective, I'm glad you took me up on my offer." She grinned. "Come on, let's introduce you to the rest of the gang!"

To Be Continued…

Author's Note:

Part 1! Nick has to be IMO one of the best characters in the Fallout series. There's so much character development from the moment we meet him, it's hard to imagine what the game might've been like without him. Certainly not better.

I've wanted to write a Nick Isekai for a while, but I wanted to make sure to make it unique, and what better way to do it than a detective story?

Cast so far (and links to first appearances in the Isekai:
Luz: Protagonist from "The Owl House"
Robyn & Mebh: Protagonists from "Wolfwalkers"

Also! Remember R&R (read and review!) it helps encourage the authors!

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