• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 23,019 Views, 4,506 Comments

Sunset's Isekai - Wanderer D

Somewhere, out there, there's a bar with a familiar yin-yang sun on the door.

  • ...

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An English Wolfwalker in Night City (Wolfwalkers/Cyberpunk 2077)

Sunset's Isekai
An English Wolfwalker in Night City (Wolfwalkers/Cyberpunk 2077)
By Wanderer D

Note: Cast in Author's Notes. Also, might have some Cyberpunk spoilers.

Robyn's thoughts were a mess. Just a few hours earlier, she and the others had roamed the new forest as wolves, joined by their pack. They had gone deep into them, and so far away from society that there were no scents of human cities, or even signs of them. It was like, at some point, they had stepped into another world.

And they sort of had. And they didn't know.

Eventually they had found the stone circle. It was ancient, and there was power there. She hadn't known it, exactly, except that it had made her hair stand on end. Her father, also new at wolf-walking, was equally uncomfortable, but Moll and Mebh had immediately reacted. The sky had cleared enough for the moon to cast its light over the stones, which had started to shine with silvery wisps of energy.

Suddenly, giant claw-like appendages had sprouted from the tallest columns, and before they knew it, they held Moll and Mebh in them. The pack tried to attack, but their claws and bites were as ephemeral to the claws as they seemed to be themselves. That's when her father had jumped in, biting at the one holding Moll and making it release her for a second before another claw grabbed him and dragged him back.

A last claw shot towards her, but before she could move, a white shadow knocked her out of the way. She rolled with it outside of the circle, and watched in shock as the misty claw slammed against an invisible barrier when it tried to follow them out.

She stood up, ready to attack them, when two slender, but surprisingly strong arms wrapped around her neck. "Stop! Ye can't go back in! They'll trap ye and take ye away!"

"Let me go!" she barked, but a cloud passed over the valley, and when the moonlight illuminated the circle, they were gone. "Oh no! Father! Mebh! Moll!" she whined, running into the circle, this time unimpeded as the pack of wolves howled in sorrow. She could see the scent trail of each of them going into different columns. "Oh. Oh no. What should I do?"

"Nothing." The young voice made her turn, finally focusing on the slender girl that had stopped her earlier. She smelled… not human. "Ye can't run in there, just like that! Ye don't know where ye'll end up, and that'll be yer last chance to bring them back."

"But my father!" Robyn shook her head, turning to face the stone. "I need to help them. I can't stay here a-and do nothing!" Not again. She was not going to stand by until the last moment. She wasn't going to risk everything like that again.

Just as she was about to head over to the stones, the girl grabbed her. "Shh. Do you feel that?"

Robyn did. It was that sense again… that something was coming.

"That's not normal," the girl said again, jumping into the mist. A second later a white wolf raised her head. "Go on. Don't just stand there! Come hide!"

"Are you a wolfwalker too?" Robyn asked, bouncing over to the other wolf as the sense of inevitability grew around them and mist swirled in to envelop everything.

"A wolfwalker?" the white wolf asked, blinking. "Oh! That explains so much! No wonder ye four were able to get through the Hawthorne gates! I was wondering if the magic had faded."


"Shh! Quiet now, spirit wolf. We have guests."

They watched as the three new creatures appeared. Well, two humans and a rabbit creature. But they didn't smell like any humans Robyn had smelled before. And neither did her companion, for that matter. Was she also a wolfwalker? But where was her human body then?

She turned her attention back to the new visitors, who—unlike the claws from earlier—didn't seem to be interested in capturing anyone. When one moved over to touch one of the columns from earlier, her companion jumped out, shouting: "Stop!"

Robyn barely followed the discussion after that. Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Ori and Aisling could have been talking another language for all that mattered to her. She could see the scents. It was like it was summoning her to go help her father, or Mebh or Moll.

That's when she heard Aisling. "Who knows? Gates open only for a few nights every couple o' centuries, but whoever goes through, never comes back."

She approached the closest of the standing stones and whined. "But I have to do something!

"I've told ye, if ye go through, yer not comin' back, and your family will be stuck together away from each other."

Robyn grimaced. Aisling had said that but… but… nothing ever got done by being afraid and holding back. She thought back on her own life, on how so much pain might have been avoided if she had been sure of herself. This was no time to hesitate.

As soon as Aisling turned, Robyn dashed into the stone.

The world around her exploded into lights, colors, smells, sounds… she could hear wind howling, distant popping sounds, a cool breeze, and suddenly she was barging out of mid-air, falling inexorably towards a strangely-dressed woman, who gaped at her in growing horror.

The woman had quicker reactions than Robyn would have thought possible, as just as she was about to smash into her, she raised a gun of some sort and shot her. She felt the bullet graze her front left leg, thankfully missing, but she couldn't allow the woman to shoot again.

The momentum carried her straight into the woman and she bit hard on her arm, when she raised it to shoot again, tasting a little blood before they were both tumbling down, rolling on the rough, dry ground, and she smacked her head hard on something.

The world went dark.

Panam Palmer sat up in her bed, blinking at the roof of her tent in confusion. "How the hell did I get here?" she muttered, rubbing her head. She winced when she felt a sharp pain in her forearm. She studied the bandage in confusion before the image of the… coyote? Dog? Came back to her mind. "Great. All I need is to get rabies."

"You won't."

The voice made her realize she was not alone, and she quickly sat up, taking in her guests. She cast one a questioning glance before turning to the other. "Mitch. What happened?"

"We don't know," Mitch said, rubbing the back of his head with his prosthetic hand. "We all saw you get hit by something large and furry, I almost wanted to say it was a dog or a wolf but… well, those breeds have been extinct in the wild for a couple of decades now." The war-veteran shrugged, bending awkwardly to sit on a nearby stool. "By the time we got to you, you were unconscious, and there was no sign of the beast. Not even prints. I dressed the wound, injected you with everything known to man to prevent infections and viruses, just in case, and we dragged your sorry butt into your tent."

"Right," Panam sighed. "So who's the kid?" she asked, nodding with her head at the young blonde girl sitting miserably on the floor in the corner of the tent like someone had just sent her to her room in punishment.

Mitch followed her line of sight, then turned to look at her with confusion. "What kid?"

"Come on, V, come on!" the woman she had been bound to (apparently) when she had appeared in this world muttered, hitting some sort of glowing contraption.

Robyn slowly raised her head as things started to click. The woman kept glancing at her. That meant that… "you can see me?"

If anything, the woman became more desperate. "V, where the hell are you? I have a problem! It's big! Johnny Silverhand big! Come on!"

Robyn slowly stood up. When she had found herself a human, surrounded by humans, she had panicked at first, but then felt relief when she had discovered she wasn't tied up or caged, and a bit confused when she had looked down and seen her human form. They didn't seem to know she was a wolf.

However, that soon passed when she realized she had no idea where she was, and that this place… the humans here… it was all wrong. Many of them had strange body parts, made of metal. They had carriages that moved without horses, made completely of metal that could race faster than even her wolf pack. They even had one carriage that simply floated in place.

And they had guns like she had never seen before. And they dressed strangely, the women wearing very revealing, tight-form clothes. She had no preconception of what was really a woman's dress code. Her father had allowed her to dress like him when they went hunting, and dresses were common enough that she'd wear them, but this… this was closer to what the two strangers that had arrived to the standing stone circle had been wearing, only rougher.

There were also a LOT of guns. Too many, in shapes she had never seen before, and they could fire more than one round before needing recharging. Even with her speed as a wolf, it wouldn't take them long to kill her if they decided to.

The place seemed to be full of magic. The chariots, both wheeled and hovering, the smaller flying devices, the weapons, the magical armor… and yet it all felt… cold. It wasn't like her wolf magic. It wasn't like Aisling's magic. Not even the magic of the stones.

It felt dead inside, for all the miracles it could produce. It wasn't something that could grow and transform, or live and nurture. As intriguing as it had been, she'd wanted nothing more than to go back home. To find her father and Moll and Mebh and just roam the forest.

But none of that had been helpful, because no matter what she said or did, they were not able to see her. She'd go right through them if she tried to touch them, and she found herself unable to move too far from the unconscious woman she had smashed into when she had arrived.

Panam, was her name, she had a tanned skin, and wasn't homely like most of the women in England. She seemed like a warrior, an amazon like in her books. Women here were not soft and too motherly, obviously used to a harsh life in the desert.

"Panam?" the man, Mitch spoke up.

Robyn liked him. She hadn't been able to speak to him, but it was clear that he cared deeply for Panam. While everyone she had seen had been worried, he was the one that acted the most like her father would. The others listened to him, and quickly got things together for some sort of medical procedure she hadn't really understood.

"Mitch. I see a little girl right there. Tell me you see her? Dressed in some sort of green suit with a black cape and hood?"

Rather than answering, Mitch picked up something flat and metallic that had numbers running down through it. He scanned it, flicking his finger over the surface a few times. "I didn't find any viruses in you." He looked up. "You didn't happen to find some weird shard and slipped it into your head?"

"Mitch, this isn't funny, and I can't get through to V!"

"Hm." Mitch sighed. "Probably still in space."

"Of all the times to leave Earth…"

"Excuse me," Robyn finally interrupted, "if you can see and hear me, could you tell me where I am, please?"

She watched Panam glance at Mitch with an almost desperate look before turning to look at her. "Y-you have an English accent."

"Well, I am from England," Robyn said. "My name is Robyn Goodfellowe, pleased to meet you."


"She talking to you?" Mitch asked, shaking his head. "Whatever it is, Panam, you shouldn't be talking back and encouraging it. You don't have a chip so that means it's all in your head, you know?" Mitch cleared his throat and glanced outside, making sure there were no other people around. "We don't want the family to think you're going cuckoo."

"If it's not the same as V's, what is it?"

"I dunno, maybe whatever it was that bit you has some sort of disease!"

"I certainly do not!" Robyn said, aghast that she'd be accused of… oh. Oh no. "I bit you," she muttered, covering her mouth in horror. "Oh nononono. I bit you and I didn't heal you!"

"Mitch? The imaginary girl is now panicking because she says she bit me."

"Okay, look Panam, I'll uh… reach out to Vicktor, he worked with V, right? He might have some ideas." He raised his hands. "Don't worry, I'll keep it on the downlow, but maybe you shouldn't stay in camp for now… if you can't stop talking to your ghost friend and the others catch wind of it, we might be in trouble."

Panam grimaced. "Fine. I'll head over to that old place V and I took Saul to. Should be far enough from anything. We'll tell the others I'm scouting." She glanced at Robyn. "Hey girl."

Robyn looked up, meeting eyes with Panam. "I don't know if you're real but you're coming with me. You can tell me all about why you bit me and why that's bad on the way."

"Ooooh…" Robyn groaned as she followed the older woman out. "I'm in so much trouble."

Sunset groaned and rolled her shoulders, standing up on top of the building she had landed on. "And this is why I prefer my own interdimensional traveling methods."

A shrill cry made her look up. She raised her arm and allowed the hawk to land on it. "Oh, you're the bird from earlier. What was your name? Merlyn?"

The hawk crooned and gave her an almost imperceptible nod, which was enough for her. She glanced around at the even taller buildings, the flying vehicles, the holograms that scrolled into the clouds. The noise, the gunfire, the smells.

It was almost too much, having just arrived from a fairy world. "You know, I think your wolf friend is going to have a really tough time here."

It was then that she felt something else. Glancing down, she blinked as runes and lines formed around her feet and suddenly a barrier shot up around and above her, encasing her and the hawk in a semi-transparent dome of energy.

"I have you, intruder," an unfamiliar voice growled.

Sunset blinked when an Elf stepped out of the shadows. She rubbed her eyes, then looked at the city, then looked back at the elf. "The hell?"

"Silence! I will ask the questions—"

Sunset shrugged and stepped through the shield, watching the elf's face pale when pieces of light fell and crashed into the concrete floor before dissipating into mist with some amusement. "You were saying?"

"Foul creature I will—"

"That'll be enough, Avallac'h," another person said, stepping out from behind a large generator. It was a familiar young woman with long white hair tied in a ponytail, and a scar on the side of her face. "This is not someone you want to antagonize."

Sunset chuckled, shaking her head. "I should be surprised, but somehow, I'm not." She stepped forward to grasp the woman's forearm. "It's been a while."

"I could say the same. I certainly didn't expect you out and about. Usually people go to you," Ciri responded, grinning. "So what brings you to Night City, Sunset?"

To be Continued

Author's Note:



Robyn Goodfellowe: Protagonist of the movie, she is a young huntress who is forced to move to Ireland with her father. There, she meets Mebh, a wolfwaker that soon became her best friend and family.

Cyberpunk 2077:

Panam Palmer: Panam is a Nomad, one of the Aldecaldos; a tight-knit family of roving free-spirits—though by adoption, not birth. Panam’s left the family behind and taken on work as a mercenary, the kind of entanglement with rotten-world corporations and cyberpunks the Aldecaldos deliberately shun. 

Mitch: Mitch is a member of the Bright family, a group of nomads in the Aldecaldos nation.

Witcher 3:

Ciri:  Also known as the Child of Destiny, Ciri is described generally as a weapon that has the potential to destroy the very world that she inhabits. Along with this there are ties to her being an apprentice to Geralt when she was younger. Her Witcher training, coupled with the magical abilities, mark her as one of the most powerful individuals in the world. 

Avallac'h: An Elf Wizard that helped Ciri hide from the Wild Hunt in several worlds.

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