• Published 23rd Jun 2019
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Sunset's Isekai - Wanderer D

Somewhere, out there, there's a bar with a familiar yin-yang sun on the door.

  • ...

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Isekai Shenanigans: The Mando and the Butterfly Pt. 1 (Secret of the 327th - Fanfic)

Isekai Shenanigans: The Mando and the Butterfly Pt. 1 (Secret of the 327th - Fanfic)
By Wanderer D and Fergus Flamacron

Sabine Wren considered the temple she had found in the wilderness of Peridea. Run-down, half-buried in rocks and plants, it seemed to bore deeply into the depths of the planet.

Needless to say, it did not look promising, and yet, something, perhaps the Force, was telling her that great possibilities within its hidden chambers. She was careful to analyze the sensations going through her.

Was it the Light Side? Was it the Dark Side? Simply the Force? They hadn't seen any sign of Skoll or his apprentice since Thrawn's escape, but despite the fact that she and Ahsoka were hot on their heels, it was still no excuse to give up on her own training.

So the question remained: What to do now? Explore? Return to check on Ahsoka? She didn't know, and it was very frustrating for her, as her pride would not allow her to simply ask Ahsoka for help, since she was in the middle of training.

Still. "I'm procrastinating," Sabine muttered, narrowing her eyes. Despite caution and patience, her instincts were telling her to go in there. Could this be a part of the test? She didn't know. She wasn't a jedi.

"Gah." With a heavy sigh, and a glance over her shoulder, she made her way in, activating the night-vision in her helmet once it was dark enough to be needed. She slid down a short slope, easily keeping her balance, allowing her senses to stretch around her as Ahsoka had taught her.

She supposed she could turn off her night vision and train her senses more, but really, her training wasn't just about the Force. Right?

Scoffing, she went deeper and deeper. Her route was not that complicated; most of the ancient structure was blocked off, with few rooms having enough space for her to crawl into, and there was nothing of interest in those.

The main hall, however, continued further underground, and as she reached steps taking her down, the damage of time slowly faded, until the place remained ancient, but at least not half-buried.

At last she reached the bottom of the stairwell, which opened into a large room with massive carved columns with depictions of strange creatures in them. The air seemed different, and Sabine turned off her night vision when she discovered that the room had an unexplainable source of light that illuminated everything in a moonlight-like blue-white aura in the form of some sort of black hole that irradiated energy all around her.

Her sensors didn't indicate any dangerous levels of radiation, so she felt confident enough in taking a look around before investigating the strange light later.

Sabine paused to study the carvings and murals. The style was certainly unique, as the creatures represented were depicted with very square edges and light variations of colors to indicate shadow, or more drastic changes to indicate different materials.

The pictures showed creatures of all sizes and sorts, building communities or inhabiting the lands around, and if the sizes of some of them were accurate, she was glad that they were not around any—she frowned, leaning in to study the pictures.

They looked familiar somehow.

She tilted her head, trying to figure it out, but just as the thought was coming up in her mind, she heard a noise and whipped around, ready for battle… only see what appeared to be a young humanoid with the upper half of their body stuck inside the black hole-like construct in the middle of the room.

Concerned, she quickly made her way up to the proximity of the trapped person, and, seeing them kick and struggle, quickly made up her mind. It was clear that whatever that thing was, it wasn't safe, so she took hold of the clothes around the waist of the person trapped in it, and pulled as hard as she could.

The person trapped in the energy hole cried out as they were pulled out very easily, so much in fact, that both of them fell backwards with startled yelps. The moment the human female popped out of the black hole a sudden bright flash overwhelmed the sensors in her helmet.

"Whoa!" Terriermon cried out of the blue.

Henry watched his partner roll off his sleeping mat and crash onto the floor, meanwhile Lopmon and Renamon sat up, eyes wide and alert. Instinctively the fox Digimon turned her head in the direction of what seemed to have bothered the others.

"What happened, Renamon?" Rika asked, rubbing her eyes as she fought back the urge to yawn and drop back into sleep. Next to her, Suzy was also tiredly sitting up, although she didn't even make an attempt to really even raise her hands. She simply stared at Lopmon in a half-asleep daze.

"We felt something," Renamon replied, her eyes narrowing as if she could see through the wall, past the camp, and into the distance where the disturbance had originated. "I think it was Digital."

Henry was more alert now. "Parallelmon?"

"Or maybe another Digimon egg?" Rika suggested.

Renamon shook her head. "No. Definitely not that. It felt similar to Parallelmon, but less…" she shook her head again. "I'm not sure how to describe it."

"Hm." Henry considered her words. "'I'll check in with the others. Rika, could you watch over Suzy?"

The redhead glanced over at the younger girl, who was already swaying and nodding in her sleep. Lopmon gently helped her Tamer lie back down again. "Sure thing."

It took a minute for Sabine to feel able to sit up with a groan. The world seemed blurry around her, but finally settled after a few moments and she stumbled up to her feet, looking around. Something had changed, but she wasn't sure what.

There was a nagging feeling… like something was missing too. But what?


The voice reminded her that she was not alone, so she turned to look at the person she had saved. "Wait… I know you."

The girl rubbed her head and looked up at Sabine with obvious annoyance. "Well, you didn't know me well enough to leave me alone."

"Hey!" Sabine crossed her arms defensively. "I pulled you out of that black hole!"

"It's not a black hole, it's a dimensional distortion, and—" the girl gasped, looking down at what appeared to be a thick piece of cable that was at her feet. "Oh, no! Oh, nonononono…"

"What? What happened?" Sabine asked, worry creeping up her spine despite her efforts to keep calm.

Normally, she would have simply a panicking girl in stride, but this was not a normal, panicking girl.

Sabine hadn't lied when she had said that she knew her. This was Erika Mishima, an incredibly gifted splicer, but more than that, definitely not human despite her appearance. Erika was also a Digimon known as Hudiemon, and although Sabine hadn't witnessed the crazy power of the creatures Erika shared species with, she had seen what their basic level forms could do, which was destructive enough.

Not only that, but Erika worked for Sunset Shimmer, the owner of the interdimensional bar known as Sunset's Isekai. Few things could ever truly bother those that lived and worked there, as their own power was so outlandishly crazy that she had heard from Ahsoka entire pantheons of gods would welcome Sunset if she stepped into their world just to see what her intentions were.

In that light, Erika panicking was certainly concerning.

The girl was currently scrambling around the platform where the dimensional rift had been earlier, muttering to herself and cursing before turning to face Sabine herself. "Do you realize what you have done?! We've been moved to a different, random dimension!"

"Geez, calm down," Sabine groaned.

"I am calm. Do you know how long I've been doing this?" Erika sighed, giving her an unamused look. "It's just inconvenient, and a lot of work, but we deal with universe-destroying problems all the time. This is really nothing."

"I'm sorry I messed up your work, okay? I'll be more than happy to help you fix everything. I'm pretty handy when it comes to technology, so I'm sure I can follow your instructions, but getting into a fight won't help."

Erica gave her a dirty look. "Right. Anyway, bring out your card. I wasn't expecting my rift to collapse, so my key is still at the Isekai."

Sabine felt a cold sensation descend into her stomach. "I—"

"Come on, I… or rather we do have work to do!"

Sabine sighed. "I don't have it."

"You don't have it?!" Erika all but shrieked.

Sabine flinched.

"How did— Why?!"

"I… gave it to Ahsoka some time ago, when we had a fallout," Sabine confessed. "And I never asked to get it back."

After taking her in as an apprentice, Ahsoka and Sabine had explored the galaxy together, training… and failing at establishing a proper relationship. Ahsoka had a heavy weight on her shoulders that, despite her best efforts and Jedi training, she could not get rid of, and her expectations and demands wore Sabine's patience thin.

It hadn't taken too long after meeting Erika the first time, in fact, for them to go their separate ways, and Sabine—not wanting to have anything to do with Ahsoka—had given her the business card that allowed her to travel to the Isekai.

After Thrawn's escape from Peridea, Ahsoka had returned to train Sabine with a much more clear mind.

Something had happened between losing that fight against Skoll in Corvus, and her arrival in Peridea, something that had awakened the old Ahsoka she had remembered from before they had thought she had died in her battle against Vader.

Now they could talk again. Now they could even visit the bar, if Ahsoka ever felt like it, which didn't seem about to happen any time soon. Sabine had given her her own card in a moment of spite, and had regretted it since.

However, she didn't feel like she deserved the card back... yet. She had felt like she had disappointed everyone, and although the rational part of her brain told her it wasn't like that, there was still a part of her that felt otherwise.

Sabine was aware of it, and so was Ahsoka, which is why their communication had improved so much. She still had work to do on that front, but at least they knew where to focus and on what.

By the end of her explanation, Erika was rubbing her temple. "I-I understand. I'm not happy about it, but I understand." She glanced up at Sabine, not even attempting to hide her annoyance. "I don't have the tech on me to contact anyone that can take us back. We're stuck here for now."

"But I need to get back!" Sabine said. "Ahsoka—"

"Can take care of herself," Erika interrupted. "And even if she's somehow in a bind, once we get to the Isekai we can drop you off exactly the moment after you left." She smirked. "Plus, you could probably use a drink."

"Tell me about it." Sabine sighed then worked the kinks on her shoulders and neck before taking a deep sigh. "Well, so what do we do?"

"We'll have to figure where we are and what kind of technology is available. Depending on that, our options and timeline will be decided by how near is the next Digiworld."

"How will that help?"

"Well, Digiworlds are very unstable, dimensionally speaking," Erika said, picking up her whale keyboard as they started walking up the stairs to exit the temple. "It is extremely easy for one to overflow into the regular dimensions, like what happened the last time we met."

"That wasn't the Digiworld overflowing on its own," Sabine pointed out, "you and Ori punched through the dimensions with a giant root."

"Yeah, well, the point stands," Erika grumbled. "Anyway, Digiworlds being so unstable are very easy to use as jump-points into other Digiworlds or dimensions."

"I hope you're not expecting us to jump from one dimension to another," Sabine said. "Because I might not be an experienced interdimensional traveler myself, but that sounds like we'll be dust before we even get close."

"Of course not." Erika sniffed in disdain. "Think of it as the command prompt we need in order to get root access. We can type all we want on the word processor, but it's not designed to grant us what we need. That is the physical world. The digital world is where we're running things with admin rights all the way down. So, if we do things right, we don't only get to trace our dimensional route; we get access."

"Hmm." Sabine nodded as they reached the beginning of the hallway. "Well, I hope the tech is compatible then."

"If it isn't, we'll just need to make it so."

As they stepped outside the temple, Sabine sighed. "Well, I hope you can make cables with some vines."

"So, did the general actually say what we're looking for here?" Boil asked.

"No, but with our track record it can't be anything good," Waxer retorted.

One of the others snorted at the comment. "You can say that again."

The five clones carefully made their way through the jungle of Anaxes. Just because there had been no reports of Separatists in this area, it didn't mean it was without its dangers. In the recent months they had to deal with their fair share of problems in Felucia, and returning to a jungle planet to investigate was not on the top of the list of things they wanted to do.

"Quiet," Boil ordered. "There's a structure up ahead."

The group immediately stopped talking and slowed their speed, approaching more carefully, and keeping within cover as much as possible until they had a clear view of the entrance to some sort of ancient building.

They were about to move forward to investigate when two voices made them hesitate and stay hidden.

"A mandalorian?" Waxer muttered. "What's she doing here? Are they both mandos?"

"I don't know," Boil replied, a hint of anger in his voice. "But I like that less."

The other clones focused on where he was pointing. At the hip of the Mandalorian woman was a lightsaber.

"A trophy?"

"What else? You remember the Death Watch, right? Enemies of the Jedi the lot of them."

"What should we do? Is that girl with her a padawan hostage?"

Boil shook his head. "She's not resisting, and she's not secured. They act like friends, so I imagine she's with the mando."


"I've sent the signal. Keep an eye on them, I'll contact Commander Bly."

"Hm. Or maybe you won't."

Boil's head snapped up in time to take a knee straight to the face. He had been lucky: the movement had prevented the full force behind the attack from hitting him, and his helmet protected him from the worst of it, but it had come in with enough force to stun him.

If he had taken that directly, his neck might've been snapped by the force behind it. The others reacted immediately, shooting at the Mandalorian, who dodged their shots with uncanny skill. The mando found herself in the middle of the group, with Boil down, a kick to the sternum took Max down, although a stray shot hit the armor on her shoulder.

Boil cursed when he noticed it didn't slow her down, in fact she seemed enraged and pulled out her guns, but instead of firing, she jumped back suddenly, just in time to avoid being cut in half by General Secura.

She had sensed the clones as soon as she had stepped out of the temple, and it hadn't been reassuring. Not only was she familiar with what happened between Clones and Jedi, she was also familiar with how Clones and Mandalorians saw each other.

Knowing that she was in another universe, she didn't want to risk being captured or killed, and her senses told her the group had been preparing for an attack. She had felt anger directed at her, and had quickly sliced her way into their comms in order to assess their intentions.

She hadn't expected it to be that easy, but it made sense. Her software was already decades ahead of theirs, and their codes and encryption were easy to cross-reference. The moment she heard the clone say he'd be calling in reinforcements, she had to act.

After signaling to Erika to take cover and hopefully take action if needed, she had Force-rushed the group of clones with the intention of taking them out as quickly as possible without killing them. She had no idea what point in time she was currently in, after all.

But just as she was about to disarm and finish off the rest, this Twi'lek had arrived. The green lightsabers indicated a Jedi, but Sabine had met former Jedi before… the type that were not quite with the Dark Side, but definitely not on her side.

And she didn't know this one.

Sabine hesitated for a second, but it was enough for the Twi'lek to swing her lightsaber in an attempt to destroy her guns. The move, however, was known to Sabine, and she instinctively she side-stepped the attempt, surprising her newest opponent.

"Not bad," the woman said. "But I'm afraid you're coming with us."

"I don't think so," Sabine said. "Quite honestly I couldn't care less about the lot of you, and I was trying to just knock them out before they called in anyone else. How about you leave and I go on my way?"

The Twi'lek narrowed her eyes. "I don't think so. You have much to explain."

"Yeah," Sabine sighed. "I thought you'd say that."

The flame thrower seemed like a good choice, and the Twi'lek's eyes went wide in surprise for barely a second, but with the skills she had displayed from the moment she arrived, and the obvious strength in the Force she had, it barely managed to do its job of giving Sabine more space.

She fired both of her blasters at the presumed Jedi, who simply dodged the first, then reflected the second.

Without missing a beat, Sabine raised her arm and blocked the blast with her armor, not even thinking twice about shooting another blast at the Twi'lek, which was predictably batted out of the way by the lightsaber.

"I see you have battled Jedi before," the Twi'lek said as their exchange turned into a wary circling of each other. Her eyes narrowed. "I'll give you another chance to surrender."

"Sorry," Sabine said, "I appreciate the thought, but I'm afraid I have other plans already. There's an old scrap convention in Tatooine and I have a bunch of Jawas waiting to swindle me." She shrugged. "Can't cancel that. The party wouldn't be the same."

She thought she heard a snort, but kept her eyes on the Jedi. Whoever was out there was content to just watch for now, so there was no reason for her to freak. Besides, Erika was here too, and since the Digimon also had invested interest in getting out, she expected her to step in if things got out of hand.

"Snarky," the Twi'lek said with a short-lived smirk. "But you have something that doesn't belong to you, and if you have it, then it means you took it from someone and that means you're coming with me."

'Crap. The lightsaber.' Sabine grimaced.

"I see you know what I'm talking about."

"I know what you think you're talking about," Sabine countered, "but you are mistaken. This is mine."

The Twi'lek grimaced and braced herself, allowing a second for Sabine to get ready, and once more their dance started again.

Aayla Secura dodged the blaster shots with ease, but the Mandalorian was ready for her, and she had to quickly put in added effort to clear the explosion from the mini-missile that exploded at her feet.

In her defense, it seemed the Mandalorian woman was not trying to kill her, which was what had held her back from going all-out. It was unusual for a Mando to not go in for the kill. Unusual and confusing.

The lightsaber on her belt, as well as the ease of movement, the familiarity with fighting her, and the confidence on display were all clear indicators of not just an experienced fighter, but a fighter used to fighting Jedi.

Could this be some sort of mercenary? It wasn't unusual for Mandos to take that role, but then why wasn't she more ruthless? Why not bring that up? Why claim the lightsaber was hers?

Not many Jedi were used to fighting Mandos head on, and Aayla was certainly not one of them. But she knew enough about the armaments she could see this particular one carrying to know that the deadliest of them were not being used to their full capacity, or at all.


No. If this was someone fighting a Jedi for the first time, that would be a possibility, but her opponent showed too much competence. She was intentionally holding back. Whether it was to avoid any real harm or setting up a trap was anyone's guess, and either way she was not going to allow her to get away.

The Mandalorian was a conundrum, but if she wasn't willing to come with them, Aayla saw no other option than to take her down for now and force the issue. A quick swipe of her blade was dodged, but that wasn't her objective, hidden within her spin, she focused her will and with a sudden push, she used the Force to throw the Mandalorian back.

The woman was quick to regain her footing, but the few long seconds it took was enough for Aayla to swipe her hand to the side, ripping both guns from the Mandalorian's hands.

"I think this has gone long enough," she said to her opponent. "Boil, escort her to--" she trailed off as the Mandalorian took the lightsaber in her hand and switched it on with an almost resigned look to her body language.

Aayla raised her own lightsaber. "This is not the type of fight you want."

The Mando warrior shook her head. "We can agree on that," she replied, then crouched lower, taking a familiar stance.

Aayla's surprise was enough for the Mandalorian to suddenly Force-rush her in a pattern she was very familiar with. The shock of the attack cost her, as she was only able to barely defend herself from the very tight Djem So moves, putting her immediately on the defensive.

"General!" Boil shouted, probably horrified at seeing her at such obvious disadvantage.

"Stay back!" she ordered. The Mando's attack had been a surprise, as well as her Force ability, but it was clear she was not near her own level of expertise, nor was she truly proficient in Djem So itself.

But if that wasn't the case, why was there such a familiar feeling to this rushed attack? Had she met this opponent before? She mentally shook her head and focused back into the battle, jumping back to gain some space and resume her own attack.

But that seemed to be what her opponent had been waiting for. With a final, sweeping swing to ensure the distance remained, the Mandalorian's hand shot to the side in a familiar motion, and Aayla watched as one of her discarded blasters flew straight into her waiting hand.

As soon as that happened, Boil and the others wasted no time in shooting at the Mando, who blocked two of the blasts, endured the one that hit her in the armor chest, and Force-pushed them off their feet.

Her opponent's style changed as well. Dropping the Djem So into a more comfortable,position, she used her lightsaber and blaster to maneuver the recuperating clones into the space between Aayla and herself, getting them in the way of Aayla's potential attacks. With quick movements, the Mando holstered her blaster and recovered the other one. "Nice chatting, but I gotta go!"

"Wait!" Aayla warned as the clones tried to rush their opponent, only to have a smoke grenade explode in front of them.

Sabine smirked as her strategy played out just as intended. With the Jedi and Clones distracted, it was time to head into the jungle and lose them.

Or it would have been if not for the sudden appearance of a humanoid fox-like creature right in front of her. She barely managed to cross her arms in front of her as it punched her. The beskar resisted, but she felt like her bones were about to break as she flew out of the smoke and crashed onto the floor, rolling several times before stopping.

"Ugh." She shook her head, trying to clear her vision as he pushed herself up. "What the hell are you?"

The creature smirked, and Sabine noticed the Twi'lek doing so as well. The Clones all looked at ease, as if the new arrival guaranteed their victory.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" the creature responded, jumping high into the air, spinning once and shouting: "Diamond Storm!"

Sabine force-jumped out of the way just in time, but it was getting harder to keep up. Her training had only gone so far, and her breakthrough was too recent for her to really get used to using Force powers. She needed to get out of there! And where the hell was Erika?

"Renamon," the Twi'lek called, "don't kill her!"

"I think she'll survive," the creature replied, but it was all Sabine needed.

"So, a Digimon," she said, sliding to a stop where she could face all of her opponents. "All things considered, I should have expected that." Immediately her opponents became decidedly less friendly. "Or maybe not?"

"Where have you heard of Digimon?" Renamon asked with a threatening growl. "Answer me!"

"I'd rather not," Sabine countered. "But you know what I could use? A helping hand!"

"Ugh." Erika's voice echoed around them, making the clones and Renamon look around warily. "Fiiine. Infinity Dream!"

Glittering dust fell from the sky, covering the area where their opponents were, and the moment it touched them, they stopped moving altogether. Little electric-currents seemed to criss-cross their bodies, as they struggled to move.

"Couldn't you have done that earlier?!" Sabine asked, turning to walk away.

"Wait!" the Twi'lek called out, still struggling to move, but only managing to fall to her knees.

"Sorry," Sabine said. "But it was never my intention to hang out."


Sabine turned to see Hudiemon flutter down to the floor, holding her head in pain as two short, rabbit-like creatures landed next to her. Sabine was familiar with at least one of them. "Seriously? A Terriermon took you down with one hit? And not even a special move?"

"It hurts!" Hudiemon growled, massaging her head.

"There, there." The other Terriermon-like Digimon said. "It's not that bad."

"Serves you right for paralyzing Renamon!" Terriermon said, crossing his ears like they were arms.

Sabine shook her head. "You've been part of the Isekai for how long? Don't you fight universal threats?"

"I'm out of practice alright? I'm a hacker, I don't do the actual fisticuffs!"

Terriermon snorted. "Did you seriously say 'fisticuffs'?"

Sabine sighed and glanced at the now-recuperating Clones, Jedi and Digimon. "So much for not interfering," she muttered, walking over to offer her hand to the Twi'lek. "The name's Sabine."

The Jedi gave her a considering look, then glanced at Hudiemon before nodding and taking her hand. "Aayla Secura."

Aayla didn't know what to think, and for that matter it was clear Renamon and the other Digimon were also confused. A Force-trained Mandalorian with a lightsaber traveling with a Digimon was not a normal sight.

Now that the fight was over and Sabine seemed to have resigned herself to come peacefully, it was time to get a few answers. She watched as Sabine proceeded to help Renamon, then the clones up before speaking up just as she was helping Boil.

"That's an unusual fighting style you had. Was that Form VI?"

Sabine snorted. "Almost. It's based on Ezra's—"

"Sabine…" her Digimon partner said in a warning tone.

The Mandalorian hesitated, then sighed. "Almost. I'm not quite proficient enough in any form to call it such."

Aayla frowned. She could sense no ill intent from the young woman, but that hesitation and the warning of her Digimon didn't inspire much confidence. "Was… is this Ezra your teacher?" She didn't know any Jedi by that name. Maybe they were a Green Jedi?

Sabine shook her head. "No. He's taught me a lot, but he's more like a brother. My Master is someone else."

"Sabine, you're really pushing it here. Do you know when we are?" the Digimon said.

"Of course I do," Sabine replied. "But we're stuck here for now, and they have Digimon, it's clearly not the same—"

"We can't say anything that would endanger them," the Digimon countered, getting to her feet.

"They're our best bet to get home, unless you want to risk your chances with the Em—the Separatists."

The Digimon looked away. "Fine. But remember to not get too attached."

Pretending not to hear them, Aayla went over to Renamon. "What kind of Digimon is that?"

"That's Hudiemon, she's a full level above us so I'm surprised that Terriermon's smack on the head was enough," Renamon replied. Her eyes grew distant, and Aayla quickly realized that she was conferring with Rika. "The Digivice says that Hudiemon is said to be like a backup of the Digital World, accessing records throughout the world and storing vast amounts of recorded data within itself. Even if a strange phenomenon occurs in the Digital World and records and memories are lost, the lost data will be restored if Hudiemon is around."

"That is impressive," Aayla said. "And it does sound like something you wouldn't see every day."

"Hudiemon is also supposed to be cheerful and carefree, but this one seems…" Renamon shrugged. "Jaded." She paused, studying their unexpected guests. "What do you think?"

"It's a conundrum. On the one hand we have a very unusual padawan, and on the other a very rare Digimon. They don't seem to be victims of Parallelmon like you and the others are, and they are very guarded about sharing information."

"What's so unusual about her being a padawan?"

"She's not very strong in the Force," Aayla said. "She uses it effectively and sparingly, which makes up for her lack of power, but the reality is that she would have not stayed long at the Temple. I also don't know any Jedi in their right mind who would take a Mandalorian as a padawan."

"So she's a Sith?"

"No. There's none of that anger within her. She's… definitely on the Light Side, but not Jedi."

"If what we felt was them arriving, then they're taking things very calmly for being transported somewhere else, and it wouldn't explain their familiarity with each other."

Aayla shrugged and indicated to Renamon to join her as she approached Terriermon, Lopmon and the other two. "So, are you Hudiemon's Tamer?"

She sensed confusion.


"Oh, so you come from that type of Digiworld," Hudiemon muttered.

Lopmon and Terriermon looked at each other with some confusion before turning back to Hudiemon. "There's other types?"

Sabine elbowed the Digimon. "Who's saying too much now?"

"Hm. Anyway, she's definitely not my Tamer, we're just… old acquaintances. "

Terriermon tilted his head. "How old?"

"Depends on who you ask."

"What does that mean?"

"It's about the difference between two centuries and…" Hudiemon looked at Sabine.

"Two years?"

"That long huh?"

Lopmon head one of her ears to her head as if she was suddenly feeling a headache, which Aayla was beginning to as well. "Wait, how is two years 'that long' and two centuries not?"

"It's complicated," both Sabine and Hudiemon replied in tandem.

"I'm really not following this conversation, Sir," Boil said. "But we should probably head back to camp."

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea," Aayla said. 'Guys, we're headed back.'

Aayla saw Sabine straighten her back and look around in surprise. She and the clones looked around to see what had spooked the Mandalorian, but there was nothing around them.

After a moment, Sabine visibly shook herself off and went about her business.

'Okay!' Henry replied through their mental link. 'I'm looking forward to meeting Hudiemon.'

'I think it's nice we have another badass girl in our team,' Rika added.

'Aww it seems you had all the fun, Aayla,' Ahsoka jumped into the conversation. 'Skyguy and I just got into the system. We'll be heading down to you guys soon.'

'Sorry Ahsoka, maybe next time,' Aayla responded with a mental smirk, which faded when Sabine suddenly turned to face her.

'Ahsoka?' Sabine's voice echoed in the shared link only the Tamers, their Digimon, and their closest Jedi friends could ever hope to access.

End Part 1

Author's Note:

Secret of the 327th is a long fic, but a fun one. I hope you enjoy it if you go read it!

Fergus hasn't been around for a while, but a couple of years back I reached out and got permission to use Secret of the 327th for an Isekai chapter. I had already done my Ahsoka chapter by the time I heard back, so I postponed it, and now it seems like the perfect time to do this.

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