• Published 23rd Jun 2019
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Sunset's Isekai - Wanderer D

Somewhere, out there, there's a bar with a familiar yin-yang sun on the door.

  • ...

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Wednesday As Usual (Stargate SG-1 — Pt. 3)

Sunset's Isekai
Wednesday As Usual (Stargate SG-1 — Pt. 3)
By Wanderer D

"So what have we learned so far?" Jack asked from where he was sitting in his small cell. Throwing pebbles at the wall had long lost its replay value, and now he was just idling time away the best way he knew how: complaining. His back was to the door, so he could hear everyone as clearly as possible.

Sam cleared her throat. "This species of horse-like creatures seems to have an impressive ability to harness energy and use it to—"

"They do magic, or are super advanced with tech, got it," he interrupted. "What else? Anything useful?"

"They keep us in separate holding cells, much like your own people on Earth, and unlike Goa'uld tradition," Teal'c observed.

"These locks have no panels, and no keyholes. Short of ripping them off the wall, I don't think they're the way out," Sam said.

"Can we do that?" Jack asked. "Y'know. Rip them? Off the wall?"

There was a moment of silence, then the slight grinding of metal on rock. "The gates are very sturdy, and I cannot bend them. I believe this means they are not underestimating us, Colonel O'Neill."

"Okay." Jack threw another pebble. "Thanks, Teal'c. Anything else we learned from our horse overlords?" He glanced around warily. "The cells seem clean, you don't think they just stand there and… poop, right?"

"I don't believe they would sir, being an advanced, sapient race," Sam said, "but cultural taboos are—"

"Okay, so watch where you step."

"I didn't understand what they said exactly, but I could understand from the context of the situation that Lieutenant Shimmer and the horse in charge had some sort of prior history," Daniel pointed out. "It wasn't too different a reaction than whenever one of the System Lords sees Teal'c for the first time."

"So, the usual, 'what the hell are you doing with them' spiel," Jack summarized. "Yeah, I got the same vibe."

"But sir," Sam said, "how is that possible?" He could picture her in his mind. Frowning, even shaking her head in bewilderment. "There's no reasonable explanation for how she'd be able to speak their language."

"What," Jack drolled, "you don't believe she took 'magical horse 101' in school? Color. Me. Surprised."

"What color would you like to be painted, O'Neill?" Teal'c asked. "I was not aware of this custom."

"You know what the worst thing is, Teal'c? The worst thing is, that—since I can't see your face—I don't know if you're joking or not." Jack shifted in place, getting more comfortable.

"Have you ever been able to tell?" Daniel asked.


"Yes, Jack?"

"Have I ever told you how endearing I find your wit?"


"Good. Because I don't. At all." Jack sighed, dragging a hand down his face before leaning back. "Anyway, Teal'c, that is just a way of saying that I am actually not surprised that she lied."

"Is that so?" the Jaffa said, "I did not think she was lying."

"Yeah, well, some people are really good at it," Jack growled. "She took 101 on an ancient language our resident nerd has never heard of? Yeah, right. How long have we been in here anyway?"

"A little over three hours," a familiar voice replied, making him stand up immediately. He looked out of his cell and noticed Lt. Shimmer herself walking down the stairs into the cell block.

"Lieutenant. Have I ever told you that you're a sight for sore eyes?"

"Actually, yes, you have," she replied, smiling as she stopped in front of Sam's cell and did something to the door, which opened.

That… was not the answer he was expecting. "I have?"

"Well, not this version of you, yet," she clarified as she proceeded to release Daniel and Teal'c, before walking over to his door, "but, who knows? Once this is all over with, you might."

"I'm not too sure about that," he answered, stepping back a little. The door opened by itself and he stepped out. "What, no guards?"

"I convinced the princess that you guys were not enemies."

"So." He made a grand gesture of their surroundings. "Where's my stuff?"

"They have all of the equipment upstairs, although I don't think they'll give us any guns back quite yet."

Jack looked at her askance, studying her up and down. "Good. That is good. Right?"

She nodded, and gestured for them to follow her, taking the lead. "I'm sure you have a ton of questions, but I'll try and cover the basics. Yes, I am Sunset Shimmer, no, I am not your Lt. Sunset Shimmer. Yes, I do speak the language of Equestria, and did actually study Ancient Equestrian while I was in school as an elective."

Jack made a conscious effort to not acknowledge the smug smirk on Teal'c's face. "And I suppose this was in an alternate Earth?"

"Nope," Sunset said, "an alternate Equestria. I was once a unicorn."


"Guys?" Jack said, wincing. "Really? You're standing next to me."

"Sorry," Sam and Daniel chorused.

"Anyway, I cleared things up with Princess Celestia, who is the immortal ruler of this land, and she's eager to meet you all."

"Well, that's just… great. So how come you were in Lt. Shimmer's room?"

Sunset's smile faded into a frown. "My bar dropped me there. I'm not sure why. I ended up just rolling with it, since it wouldn't be the first time I've gone on missions with you… I just didn't expect to come here."

"And these missions," Jack clarified, "were not exactly with…" he motioned at himself and the others.

"Alternate versions of you. Not the robots though."

"Of course."

Once they emerged from the prison block, he had to blink a few times to clear his eyes and fight the glare of the sun. As he grew accustomed to sunlight, he took in the marble-like quality of the walls of the castle they were at.

All around them unicorns and horn-less ponies walked by, talked to each other, or stared at them. Above, the pegasus flew, some wearing armor like the guards around them, but most of them without anything on.

"Welcome to Equestria, SG-1," Sunset said. She started walking, so he and the others stepped in line behind her, while some guards loosely surrounded them as an escort. "This is the capital of the pony lands, Canterlot."

"Is that a griffon?" Daniel asked suddenly, pointing up at what looked to be a mixture of cat and bird flying in the distance.

"Yep! You'll discover that most of the legendary creatures of Earth inhabit this world. Unicorns, pegasi, hydras, cerberus, satyrs, hippogriffs…"

"But that can only mean that there's some sort of shared history."

"That's right, Sam. But no one is entirely sure how that works, since all the 'mythological' creatures are here, but none can be found on Earth. It could really just be cosmic coincidence, or Starswirl throwing things into other worlds more often than he would admit."

"So, Lieu—" Jack bit back the word. "What should I call you?"

"Sunset is fine."

"So, Sunset. What can you tell us about this princess we're meeting?"

"Princess Celestia is the ruler of Equestria and has been for… several thousand years in this timeline. In some universes she's been at it since the world was created." Sunset rolled her shoulders. "She's generally less pleasant in those."

"You seem to be very familiar with alternate realities," Teal'c pointed out. "Tell me, Sunset Shimmer. Is this something you do frequently?"

"Ha. No." Sunset shook her head and stopped, facing them. "Well, not exactly. I own an inter-dimensional bar. I stay there for the most part. I'd rather make sure my guests have a good time, or have an ear to talk to. My business partner is the one that insisted I get out, and it usually ends in adventures."

Jack glanced at her. "So, a bar, huh?"

"Yep, with the best selection of beer you could hope for."

"Any chance we can skip this and go there?"

"Jack, our mission here—"

"I know, Carter," Jack interrupted, "but no one said we couldn't have fun, right?"

By then they had reached the castle itself, and were walking through to a pair of large, heavy doors. There were less creatures around, and the few horses he could see remained quiet and walked around businesslike and with purpose.

"Unfortunately, the bar is currently under maintenance, so we're not going anywhere," Sunset grumbled, and Jack found himself silently agreeing at the implied injustice to it all.

The guards opened the doors as they reached them, revealing a large hall, with a throne at the end of a steep set of stairs, where the horse Sunset had called 'Princess Celestia' sat, her horn glowing and reading a parchment.

Next to her, sitting on a small red and gold cushion, was a small purple unicorn, who had her face stuffed in a book it was presumably reading.

He stood in the middle of the room with the others while Sunset stepped forward and to the side. "Princess, allow me to introduce Colonel O'Neill, Captain Samantha Carter, Dr. Daniel Jackson, and Teal'c."

Jack glanced at Sunset. "Is she going to, y'know, understand us?"

"I do," Princess Celestia said, making him blink. "And it's a pleasure to meet you, Colonel. I apologize for the way you were greeted, but I feared you were here to attack my people."

"But I thought you recognized Sunset," Daniel spoke up.

Celestia's smile became a bit strained. "Yes. As I said, Doctor Jackson, I was afraid you were here to attack my people."

Jack glanced at Sunset, who shrugged sheepishly. He grimaced, raising an eyebrow, and using his best non-verbal expression to carry on the unspoken message: Really? He then turned to look back at the Princess with a more neutral expression. "Well, we're all glad it was sorted out," he said.

"Princess?" the tiny purple unicorn asked, with an all-too-adorable voice. "Why did you think they were going to attack if you recognized her?"

Celestia blinked at the question, then gave Sunset a side-glance. "Well, you see my precious student, my daughter didn't leave home with the best of intentions. In fact, she promised revenge."

Jack immediately zeroed in on Sunset who had covered her face with a hand and was muttering things under her breath. 'Her daughter?' She looked so mortified he couldn't help it. He looked over to Celestia, then back to her studying her up and down. "I can see the resemblance."

Sunset dragged her hand slowly down her face to glare at him, then growled something he didn't quite catch before glancing at the princess. "I don't know who's worse, you, or Rarity."

"Don't be like that," Celestia countered. "After our discussion, it was easy to warm up to the idea." She levitated a book from behind her, and showed it to Sunset. "I already wrote to her. I'm hoping she'll answer soon."

While the others talked, Twilight had made her way unsteadily down the stairs—her book hovering next to her—and trotted over to look up at Daniel, who was looking at her with a mystified expression. "Are you really a doctor?"

"Um, yes. My name is Daniel, and this is Sam," he awkwardly knelt down so she wouldn't have to look up too much, and the filly quickly jumped onto one of the steps at the base of the throne to look at him in the eyes. "I have a doctorate in archaeology."

"Oh, wow!" she exclaimed. He didn't just look smart, he actually was! "That's amazing! I hope to learn a lot about the history of Equestria and ancient civilizations from the Princess! Since, y'know," she scratched the hard floor with her hoof, "she was there, and all."

"Um, excuse me," the other visitor, what was her name… Sam, spoke up. "Can I take a look at your book?"

"Hm? Oh! Sure, here…" the tiny unicorn levitated it up so the visitor could take it. She watched with interest as Daniel joined her in taking a look. "Do you understand it?"

"Well, I can't read the words," Sam replied, "but I can sort of follow the equations here. These are surprisingly advanced!"

"I'm ahead of the curve," Twilight said, feeling her cheeks grow warm. "The princess said I was very smart."

"Well, you definitely are if you're impressing Sam," Daniel replied. "She's also a Doctor, but a different kind."

"Oh, really? Are you a medical doctor?"

"My doctorate is in Astrophysics," Sam replied. "It's the branch of astronomy concerned with the physical nature of stars and other celestial bodies, and the application of the laws and theories of physics to the interpretation of astronomical observations."


"Twilight?" Celestia spoke up, distracting her. "Don't forget to introduce yourself."

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" She gasped, turning to face their visitors again. "I'm not used to meeting other po—um, creatures. My name is Twilight Sparkle."

"Very nice to meet you, Twilight."

After the round of introductions had properly come to an end, and the little bundle of adorkableness that was filly Twilight Sparkle was once again sitting next to the Princess, Celestia spoke.

"Sunset mentioned that you were seeking allies in your war against the Goa'uld," she said. "I'm afraid the way of war is not something we embrace in Equestria, and it would be remiss of me to simply accept an alliance with little evidence but the word of Sunset here."

"But if you have the power to move planets and stars, why can't you assist us?" Sam asked. "You fought them before, so you know how dangerous they can be. The energy and knowledge required to do something like that is almost impossible to imagine, surely you can at least help us get closer to being able to fight them."

Celestia sighed. "I'm afraid it's not that simple. This system is unique, and the powers that allow me to set the sun or rise the moon are not feats I can easily do in other worlds. Our magic and artifacts can be dangerous if used incorrectly… our initial study of your weapons also suggests that your race is well experienced in war." She locked eyes with Jack. "My experience has been that cultures that embrace it so readily usually tend to look into ways of being stronger and more dangerous." She took on an apologetic air as she continued, "we will need a longer relationship before any sort of military support can be discussed."

"Princess, I promise you that Stargate Command is not the type of organization that seeks to start wars, or to arm their world," Sunset said, "In fact, most of their teams are for exploration or scientific study."

"I understand that, Sunset, but you have to remember this is an alternate reality, I am not cutting off any future engagements, but some time would—" the princess stopped suddenly when the magical diary buzzed. "Excuse me."

Jack leaned over to her. "What's that?"

"It's a magical diary that's connected to the one my alternate from this universe took with her when she crossed a magical mirror."


"You asked."

"Oh. Oh no," Celestia whispered, drawing their attention to her. She was now standing, wings slightly open and eyes wide with worry.

"What is it, Princess?" Twilight asked.

"Sunset… my Sunset… she's safe, but the world she's in is controlled by the Goa'uld. Like you, she has shape-shifted to look like what they call a Tau'ri, and avoided capture so far, but she says her encampment has had some close calls the last few weeks."

"Well, this sounds familiar," Jack muttered.

"You're becoming too genre savvy, Jack," Sunset said, then turned to face Celestia. "But I am also surprised. In my universe, Sunset ended up on Earth. In this one, her counterpart is obviously older… and she didn't go there, if she's being threatened by Goa'uld."

Celestia winced. "I shouldn't have let her go. I fear my s-daughter is lost forever."

"Maybe." Daniel said, stepping forth. "Your highness, we can help. We've dealt with the Goa'uld many times, and I'm sure we could bring your daughter back home."

"We can?" Jack asked, glancing around at his team, who all gave him unamused looks. He turned again to face the Princess, with a fake, pleasant smile on his face. "Of course we can." He glared at Daniel.

The archaeologist shrugged apologetically.

Celestia closed her eyes. "And in return, I'd open an alliance with your government, is that right?"

Jack seemed to give it some thought. "Well. Yes. The Goa'uld are a threat to everyone, as you well know. Let us help you, and then you do what you can to help us."

Celestia sighed. "It seems I have little choice, if I want her back." She looked at her, then at Jack. "Bring back my Sunset. Then you will have your alliance."

End Part 3

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