• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 23,089 Views, 4,506 Comments

Sunset's Isekai - Wanderer D

Somewhere, out there, there's a bar with a familiar yin-yang sun on the door.

  • ...

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Bar-hops, Chasers, Sunsets (DuckTales 2017)

Sunset's Isekai
By Wanderer D
Bar-hops, Chasers, Sunsets (DuckTales 2017)

"I'm telling you; he's acting weird."

"Oh, come on! It's probably something stupid. The investors giving him a hard time, or something equally pointless. We've seen him pacing in this hallway plenty of times."

"With a highly-advanced chest of some sort that is marked with several warning signs, as well as chains wrapped around it?"

"... okay. I will grant that—that specifically—is not normal."

"So what are we doing about it?"

"Gah! What are you doing here?!"

"We could hear you all the way down from the other side of the mansion."

"...I still can't get over seeing her here. Like. Wow. Suddenly you're resurrected."

"Thanks? Also, I have a name, you know?"

"Hey boys, what's going on? Oh no. Is that what I think it is?"


"Come on kids! I have a score to settle!"


"Come on! Before the door closes!"

The silver bell chimed and Sunset looked up, seeing no-one for a moment, then she heard it: grumbling and the sound of something heavy being dragged in, followed by more grumbling, until she could see an old duck in a vest and a tophat dragging in a large chest into the middle of the bar's floor and letting it down with a thump. "Curse me kilts! That thing gets heavier every time!"

"If it isn't Scrooge McDuck," Sunset said with a grin serving up a couple of shot glasses and placing them on the table. "I've missed you, you old quack. It's been quite a few jumps since you were last here. Why don't you have a drink on the house?"

"Ah, Miss Sunset," Scrooge replied, smiling back. "Always a treat to see you, lass. You'll have to forgive me, things have been a wee out of whack lately." He stretched his back, making it crack, then gave Sunset a bemused look.

He was about to say something else when, quite suddenly, the door to the bar slammed open and a bunch of much younger ducks landed in a heap on the floor, one of them even rolling past the others to smack against the box with an "oof!" while the last young duck rolled under Scrooge himself, making him trip and fall with a surprised quack.

There was some grumbling and pushing until the children were separated from the adults, but then the young duck in blue saw Sunset and he scampered back to the wall, screeching out, "ALIEN!"

"Gah!" The others also backed against the wall, all except…

"I guess I was right."

Sunset's eyes narrowed. "Della Duck."

"Sunset Shimmer." Della made her way to the bar and slammed her fist on it. "You've got some nerve showing your featherless face here."

"This is my bar, Della," Sunset hissed, leaning over. "If anything, you're the one that shouldn't be here."

Without breaking eye-contact, each very slowly and deliberately picked their respective shot glass and downed the contents in one go.

"That'll be two bits," Sunset growled.

Della crossed her arms. "I heard you say to Uncle Scrooge it was on the house."

"Yes," Sunset said, "for him. You, on the other hand…"

"I don't have gold on me!"

"Big surprise!" Sunset snorted.

The younger ducks stared at the stare-off for a few seconds, and then looked at each other.

"I feel like I'm missing something here," Huey said.

Dewey shrugged. "Mom knows a lot of people."

Huey smacked his brother. "But she's not even a known species!"

"Does it matter?" Louie asked, glancing around excitedly. "Can you imagine how much money you can make with a bar that appears anywhere you want it to be at any point in time?!" He rubbed his hands together, a grin spreading on his face.

"Kids!" Scrooge hollered when he finally managed to get back on his feet. "What the blazes are you doing here?!"

"Ordering a drink!" Louie stated, smiling pleasantly at Sunset as he casually jumped onto one of the seats at the bar and grabbed a menu. "What's a Moloko Plus, and can I have two?"

"You are NOT drinking any alcohol," Della snapped, removing the menu from Louie's hands.


"So…" the younger of the two girls in the back ventured, approaching the bar, "What is this place? I'm Webby, by the way! Is this really an interdimensional bar?! How many universes have you visited? Are you an ex-high-level-adventurer that put down her sword for a quiet life after saving the universe?" She gasped. "Can I get a job here?!"

Sunset blinked. "I don't think—"

"Easy there, Webby," the slightly older girl said, placing a hand on her younger friend's shoulder. "You're a little too young to work at a bar."


The elder girl that had spoken shook her head, glancing around warily. "Plus I feel weird here, like Duckworth is about to jump out of the walls or something."

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Duckworth?"

"Oh," Webby said, "Lena just means Mr. McDuck's ghost butler."

"Good instincts." Sunset laughed, smiling at Lena "but there is— currently—no ghost in here."

Lena narrowed her eyes. "Are you saying that at other times—"

"According to the Junior Woodchuck manual, page 415, there is no such thing as interdimensional bars." Huey interrupted, jumping onto one of the seats and showing the page to Sunset, who blinked and leaned in to look at it for a second before he turned it around then glanced at the bar, and back to his book. "Even though it has a deceptively specific example about a place that looks just like this one, and even a drawing that looks kind of like the bartender here, but in duck version," he admitted lamely.

"Sorry kid," Sunset said, tapping the top of the book with her finger. "But you can't trust everything a book tells you either. I've never been a duck."


"Wow!" Dewey said, "Look at all these pictures! So many horses! And more whatever you are! And bug horses!"

"They remind me of the Kelpies!" Webby said. "Oh! I bet they even sound the same!"

Louie leaned in with a frown. "Huh. Now that you mention it…"

"Ponies," Sunset hissed through gritted teeth. "Ponies and Changelings. And Humans."

"And there's another you!"

"Yeah." Sunset served herself another shot and downed it. "Yeah. That's another me."

"Can I meet other me's?"

"Not on this trip."


"Better get used to disappointment, kids," Scrooge grumbled, shaking his staff for emphasis before pointing it directly at the younger ducks. "The multiverse is NOT a place where you want to go adventuring unprepared!" He ignored the looks Sunset and Della gave him and leaned in, motioning with his hand at one of the tables in the corner. "Now, I want you five to go sit at that table over there. You can get non-alcoholic drinks if you want. But Sunset, Della and I need to talk about a few things before my business partner arrives."

"Yes, about that," Sunset said, "am I smuggling the essence of more dead elder gods into other dimensions? Because it turns out there's actually quite a few multi-dimensional governments that might have an issue w—"

The box Scrooge had dragged in shook in place until Scrooge kicked it.

"What is in there?" Huey asked. "It did not look friendly. Or healthy."

"You know, my Pa has managed to live for almost a hundred years," Scrooge said, glancing at Huey.

The young duck frowned. "Dragging shaking and growling, highly advanced boxes into interdimensional bars?"

"No. By minding his own business," Scrooge replied, turning back to Sunset. "And yes, I'm aware of that, but Rarity has given me her personal guarantee that this one shouldn't be a problem. In fact, it's community service."

Sunset didn't look convinced, but then glanced at Della and frowned. "So she's with you?"

"Yes," Scrooge said, narrowing his eyes. "And I do wonder how you two met."

"She tried to steal gold from my bar."

Scrooge rounded on Della. "You what?!"

"I was stranded on the moon!" she exclaimed. "How did you expect me to get back?!"

"You could have said that before you attempted to remove vital components from my Bar's management system! It was a pain to repair!" Sunset countered. "I gave you booze, food, and listened to you talk about some alien chick, and you escaped before paying the bill!"

"You're an alien—oww!"

Scrooge smacked Della on the back of the head, then sighed, rubbing his temples. "How much does she owe you?" he growled.

"Oh, I have a tab. I'll grab it for you."

"You kept it all this time?!" Della asked, rubbing the back of her head.

"You bet I did!" Sunset countered, passing Scrooge a piece of paper that unrolled into a long list of items.

"Oh, phooey."

"I see you didn't hesitate to splurge on having fun," Scrooge muttered, going over the item list.

"Uncle, I thought this was a Moon-based restaurant/bar and that I could pay with—"

"Chewing gum," Sunset interrupted. "Which is not a valid form of payment in any dimension."

A chime interrupted them. "Well, I wouldn't say that, darling," a voice said, "there's certainly at least one world I can think of where we could trade some bubblegum for other things."

The door opened fully to allow Sunset's business partner into the bar proper. Rarity was wearing a single piece white dress, a purple scarf and a wide-brimmed hat.

"My, my, Rarity Belle," Scrooge laughed, moving forward to take Rarity's hand in his and kissing it gently. "Can I say, lass, it's always a pleasure to do business with you."

"Oh, Scrooge McDuck, old charmer, you're always such a gentleman," Rarity replied, giggling. "and you know the pleasure is indisputably mine."

"Alright then," Scrooge said, his smile fading as he glanced at his family. "Listen up, by the time I come back, I expect you lot to be ready to head home. This is NOT a place for you to run around and get into trouble, am I clear?"

"But Uncle—"

"No buts!" Scrooge interrupted. "The last thing we need is you all ending up in different places of the multiverse." He turned and smiled at Rarity. "If you will?"

"Of course, darling," Rarity said, waving her hand. To the amazed eyes of the boys—and the narrowed, wary eyes of Lena—the strange chest levitated up into the air, enveloped in a blue-white aura and followed them into the room behind the bar.

"What was that?!" Webby asked.

"Magic," Sunset and Lena said at the same time.

"Huh," Sunset glanced at the tall girl, "I guess you can tell, but you don't sound very enthusiastic about it."

"Nothing good ever comes out of magic," Lena said in a low voice, making the bartender blink.

"I don't know," Sunset said, "I've found it very useful, even if I had to make do without it for a while."

Lena leaned onto the bar. "Don't you realize how dangerous magic is? Webby and Violet played with magic and they almost died!"

Sunset blinked. "I'm a unicorn. Magic has always been part of me. And you have a pretty solid amount of it yourself, you know?"

"Wow! You're a unicorn?!" Webby asked, jumping on the one seats of the bar. "Unicorns must be very different where you come from! Over here, they're just horses with a horn on their head!"

Sunset chuckled. "Well, I wasn't always human. In my original form, I look a lot like them," she said pointing at the picture of Twilight and Nyx. "Just without the wings."

"You have a lot more pictures in here now," Della said, standing in front of the wall. "Looks like you've been having fun."

Sunset glared at her before closing her eyes and sighing. "It's been—"


The girls looked over to the corner where a table had collapsed on top of Huey, Louie and Dewey, who were guiltily trying to get away from the jukebox.

"Right, that goes on your tab," Sunset hissed.


"Sorry!" Huey said, "sorry! We're just… you know… bored."

"We already explored the bathrooms."

"And we might have tried accessing the storage room."

"Turns out, it has some sort of repulsion field..." Dewey muttered, showing his singed shirt.

Sunset silently turned to glare at Della, who shook her head in dismay and walked over to her kids, kneeling down in front of them. "Boys, you have to make sure you don't destroy things! If you're trying to sneak into the storage room and it has a repulsion field, then you must find the correct sequence to—"


Della smiled nervously at Sunset. "Ah. Yeah. Uh… I'm uh… yeah, you shouldn't do that."

"Oh, stop it," Sunset growled. "If you tried any harder to give them advice, I'm afraid you'd have some sort of stroke."

Huey raised a finger. "But she barely—oof!"

"It's called 'sarcasm'," Louie said, elbowing his brother.

"Right," Sunset said, "I'm dropping you lot back in Scrooge's mansion—"

"Nooo!" Webby cried, grabbing Sunset by the waistcoat. "Please! This is my first time in an interdimensional bar!"

"It is kinda lame that we have to get kicked out because they acted up," Lena said. "And I… really don't have anyone to talk to about magic back home."


Lena smirked, punching Webby on the shoulder. "Except you and Violet, dork," she said with a smile. "But it's a bit different."

"Oh, it's fine, I wasn't offended," Webby shrugged.

"So, the question is… what to do with you?" Sunset asked, turning to face the trio of boys.

"Please don't send us back!" Huey begged. "I just want to experience and learn about new technology!"

Sunset blinked. "New tech, huh? I might have an idea." She walked over to the side of the bar and summoned a screen. "Hey Swip, Sunset "Isekai" here. Think you could do me a favor?"

“Extending greetings protocol!”

"Are you sure this is safe?" Della asked, glancing dubiously from the filly robot-unicorn across from her, and into the expanding world beyond.

"It is," Sunset said, "Bot here promised she'd watch over them, and she's more than capable of protecting them."

The little filly robot saluted.

"Do we really want to hang out with a unicorn?" Louie asked.

"It's another dimension!" Huey whisper-shouted.

"This is the adventure of a lifetime, Louie!" Dewey said urgently. "Besides! She's a robot! That absolutely trumps the unicorn part!"

"Anticipation levels rising," Bot said, a small smile playing on her face. "Assessment: three troublemakers. Theory: Celestia City will have an eventful day. Conclusion: I can handle them for a few hours."

"See?" Sunset said as the three kids ran out. "Perfectly safe."

"Do you always talk like that?" Huey asked.

"Nope," Bot replied, motioning for them to follow her out of the bar, "but it's always good for first impressions to appear like a predictable machine."

"Be good, boys!" Della said, giving them a hug.

"See you soon, Bot, and thanks!" Sunset said, waving as the foursome walked away. She closed the door behind them.

"Aww, I wanted to go with them," Webby said.

Lena rubbed her arm. "Well… if you want to—"

"Nah." Webby patted her arm. "I'm sure I'll get another chance, besides, you need to talk, right? Let's do it now that the boys—and granny—aren’t around." She grinned, gasping. "You know what this is?! IT'S A GIRL'S NIGHT OUT! ONLY IT'S NOT NIGHT! AND WE'RE NOT OUT!"

"Right," Sunset said. "Come on, you three."

Lena smiled gratefully and followed the others in, taking a seat at the bar alongside Della and Webby, while Sunset walked around it.

"Are you sure they'll be fine?" Della asked Sunset again.

"Of course they will," Sunset replied. "Bot has enough armaments to take over a planet on her own, and they're in the multi-dimensional capital of a law-abiding conglomeration of Sweetie Belles and their allies. What could possibly go wrong?"

Della gave her a look, then sighed and nodded. "Fine."

Sunset dug around behind the bar and whipped up two strawberry daiquiris for the girls. "No alcohol in these," she said, sliding the drinks to the pair.

"So why didn't you go with them?" Sunset asked, looking straight at Della. "You looked like you had hit adventure jackpot."

Della cringed slightly. "Alright, alright. Look… I just wanted to bury the hatchet, alright? When I saw you last time, I was in a bad spot. I desperately wanted to fly back home and I didn't ask for help when I should have." She looked down. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to cause you problems… I just wanted to be home in time to see my kids hatch."

Sunset's frown lessened and she sighed. "I wish you had just said so!" She shook her head, grabbing a few bottles and dropping measurements into a shaker, followed by a large piece of ice. "I'm not heartless, Della, I would have helped you get back home if I had known you weren't really just a thief."

Della chuckled weakly. "Yeah. It did cost me my one chance… I was really angry with you for a while. You left me and I…" she shook her head. "Well, here I am now." She blinked when a short glass filled with some sort of golden liquid and with two crystal-clear ice cubes, and decorated with a lemon wedge and a maraschino cherry was placed in front of her.

"On the house," Sunset said, raising her own glass. "To burying the hatchet."

"Heh, to burying the hatchet," Della echoed, taking a sip and humming in appreciation of the quality bourbon in it. "This is very nice."

"So…" Lena spoke up hesitantly, glancing at Della and Webby out of the corner of her eyes before settling on Sunset. "Magic?"

"Oh, yeah!" Webby said excitedly. "It's too bad Violet is not here, she'd love this!"

"Maybe next time, Webby," Sunset said.

"Hey, Webby," Della spoke up suddenly, “how about I tell you about how I met Sunset the first time? It involves a giant acid-spitting bug, zero-g shenanigans, and the secret entrance to—" she trailed off when she saw Sunset's glare. "...the moon base!"

Webby blinked, then her smile grew. "Really?!"

"Really. Come on, let's sit over there, out of earshot, and let them talk for a bit."

"Sure!" Webby said, "I mean, if you're okay with it Lena?"

"Yeah, don't worry about me," Lena said.

Sunset gave Della a smile, watching the pair head over to the corner of the bar.

"It all started when I was setting up my base on what was left of the Spear of Selene…" Della started saying as she led Webby to the farthest table.

Sunset let them walk and sit down before turning back to Lena, who was holding her drink in both hands and looking down at it. "So. It seems your experience with magic hasn't been the best, huh?"

Lena looked at her warily. "Look, no offense, but even if Scrooge knows you, I don't, and it's kinda personal."

Sunset nodded. "I understand, but think about it this way… I'm a magical being too. And one that is trusted by your friends. You could just not tell me anything… I'm not going to force you, but it is a good chance for you to talk to someone that might understand what you're going through."

"I don't think you can," the teenage duck said, glancing up at Sunset. "unless you know what it's like to dream constantly about becoming a monster."

Sunset reached out and patted Lena's hand, her smile twisting a little. "You'd be surprised about how much I can relate on that front."

Lena studied her face for a moment before she sighed and glanced away. "What's your story?"

Sunset hummed, but shrugged. "In a nutshell? I was the apprentice of the ruler of my land, Princess Celestia. Eventually I got greedy and studied things I shouldn't have, did things I shouldn't have done, and when things didn't work out, I ran away into a different world… only to do even more things I shouldn't have. I ended up becoming a literal demon for a few minutes before my friends had to use very powerful magic to bring me back."

When Lena stared at her with her mouth slightly open, Sunset smiled. "You asked."

"Y-yeah," Lena replied, looking down and rubbing her arm. "I guess I did." She took a deep breath. "I… started the other way around."

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Does that mean that yo—"

"But never mind that!" Lena interrupted. "Look, Magica De Spell is my... aunt, alright? She's—or was—a very powerful sorceress in my world. Scrooge's number one enemy and all that." She rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively. "And she's an awful person that used me and magic to hurt everyone I love. Even the whole city of Duckburg."

Sunset grimaced. "Yeah… that doesn't sound like positive magical exposure right there."

"That would be because it isn't," Lena said, her hand tightening into a fist. "Aunt Magica convinced me that I would have a family, that we would be all set if I used magic and trickery to help her—at the cost of Webby and the others."

Nodding, Sunset kept quiet, patting the young duck's hand encouragingly.

"I went along with it, you know…" Lena said, looking down at her drink with a frown. "And Aunt Magica… she used her magic to—" she clamped her beak shut and took a deep breath. "She abused me through her magic. She did things to others through me. Every time she and magic come up, there's something dangerous related to it, be it a shadow invasion or some crazy, deadly shenanigans."

"Have you thought that maybe you hate magic right now only because you were unprepared for it being used against you?" Sunset asked gently. "Bear in mind that magic does have variations in power and function across the Multiverse, but it seems to me like you have a lot of talent for it… and very little training."

"That's one way of putting it." Lena snorted and sipped her drink, still unwilling to look up. "Magica used me… possessed me and made me do things I would never do. Then, when she had gotten what she wanted, did she fulfil her part? Did she try to welcome me at all into her family? No. She simply threw me away. She dismissed me into the Shadow Realm and almost killed me and Webby!"

"But you managed to beat her, right?"

Lena smiled, looking up. "Yeah. Yeah we did. I was able to stick with Webby after that, and Violet later helped her get me back."

Sunset smiled. "Well, they do say friendship is magic."

Lena snorted. "In my world, friendship hates magic. It's the only thing that's kept it from getting us all killed."

Sunset chuckled. "Or maybe it's just a different type of magic?"

The young duck took a moment to consider her words, before shrugging. "I mean… I guess. I can't say that everything about it was bad."

"In the end, how did things work out?" Sunset asked.

Lena smiled a little. "Well. Scrooge promised I could be part of his family. But I still feel like I did them wrong, and even though they're very kind, I still feel like I'm imposing."

"I get it," Sunset said.

"How?" Lena asked, glancing up at her with a frown. "No offense, but being an animated shadow that gained sentience and rebelled against her creator is not something most people can get." She gave Sunset a doubtful look. "Even demons."

Sunset barked a laugh. "This is true, but hear me out. You see that bugpony over there? The changeling with the weird horn?"

Lena gave her a look. "They all look weird to me."

"Right, anyway, the one that's… more armored. Her. Yeah. Anyway, she sort of brought up something important… when I was Princess Celestia's pupil, I wanted more… from the beginning. I didn't just want to be her chosen apprentice—I wanted to be her daughter. I wanted to be the head of the school of magic. I wanted to be a princess. But most of all, I really, really wanted her to acknowledge that I was as great as I thought I was."

"You sound like you were a blast," Lena pointed out. "The type that blows the wall, I mean."

Sunset smiled, drinking a bit. "Pretty much… but like you, it ended up with me making a lot of bad decisions that only got worse, and it took other people blasting me so hard with magical rainbow lasers that I created a crater and being made to confront all of the things that I knowingly dismissed to get it into my thick head that I had a problem and that I needed to work very hard to make up for everything I'd done." She glanced up and patted Lena on the head. "You, on the other hand, learned that on your own. In my book, that puts you on the right track," she added. "Magic—in my experience—is a means to an end. Sometimes it's within us, sometimes it comes from an outside source, but magic itself doesn't make us what we are, magic in our lives is shaped around who we want to be, in one way or another."

Lena hummed, glancing at Sunset. "So you do magic?"

Sunset smiled. "A little. I stopped being able to cast spells like a unicorn when I left home, and until I got my bar I was a bit limited on sources, so now I'm re-learning different ways on my free time." She frowned. "And I need to do it a bit faster in case Rarity decides to visit one of those places again."

Lena raised an eyebrow.

"Not important," Sunset said, clearing her throat. "The bottom line is, I am who I am—and you are who you are regardless of the magic. Magic can sometimes change you for better or worse, but in the end it's directed by something or someone. Magic doesn't hate you." She shrugged. "I can tell it's an integral part of you, and I think it would be worse in the long run if you don't accept that and learn from—and of—it."

"Right. And who's going to teach me? Scrooge?" Lena rolled her eyes. "Webby and Violet almost got killed by experimenting on their own. I don't expect them to quit—I know them too well—but they can't rely on me for real advice. Magica is not someone I would ever trust to teach me, and most of the gods we've met are… of dubious nature."

"You'll find that seldom changes regardless of what dimension you're in," Sunset muttered, eyes narrowing.


"That might be true," Della said, "but that doesn't mean all hope is lost!"

Both Lena and Sunset scrambled back in surprise, just now noticing Della and Webby were both grinning at them.

Sunset slowly lowered the arm she had raised to ward off any sudden attack. "What?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. "I don't like that smile, Della."

"Oh, don't mind me…" Della said, her grin growing. "Webby's the one you should be worried about."

Sunset and Lena slowly turned to look at the younger duck, who's smile would have made Worf take a nervous step back. "I have an idea!"

"Oh boy," Sunset muttered. "I might not have known you for long, but you strike me as someone that doesn't think things through in terms of consequences."

"And you would be right!" Webby said, standing on her seat. "Here's how I look at things," she said, putting down both hands on the bar and grinning at Sunset. "You are a unicorn!"

"Well. Yes?"

"And you know magic! You said you were the apprentice of a princess and you're even retraining yourself!"

Sunset's eyes narrowed when Webby pointed at Lena. "And you! You're Lena!"

"Hey there."

"You're MADE of magic! And you can learn more!" Webby continued unaffected by Lena's raised eyebrow. "So you both should work together!"

Sunset blinked. "What."

"Work! Together!"

"Hey, don't give her that look, Sunset," Della said, smirking. "She's a bit excitable, but she's got a point. If there's anyone that could help Lena learn to use magic that we can trust, it's probably you."

"I'm a bartender."

"But with magic!" Webby said, making a fist.

"And experience," Della added, smirking.

Sunset and Lena looked at each other. The young duck shrugged. "I've got nothing better to do."

Sunset opened her mouth, but they were interrupted by the office door opening, and Rarity and Scrooge walking out of it, coughing. Sunset raised an eyebrow at Rarity's white-blue cutiemark-themed armor, and Scrooge's slightly-singed and irritated look.

"I told you we shouldn't have activated the magical defibrillator before the slime escaped," Scrooge said, glancing at Rarity with a disapproving frown.

"Darling, please," Rarity huffed, checking the back of her gauntlets. "The results speak for themselves."

Scrooge seemed to be about to say something, but held back, nodding reluctantly. "I guess they do."

Then the pair started laughing.

"I feel like I missed out on something pretty epic,' Lena said.

"You get used to it," Sunset and Della said in unison, then turned to look at each other.

"Aww. Friendship!" Webby clapped.

"Right," Scrooge said, turning around to face them. A frown slowly developed. "Where are the boys?"

"I dropped them off in Celestia City," Sunset said. "Sweetie Bot was taking care of them."

Rarity's smile froze. "Oh dear. Oh well." She turned around and shook Scrooge's hand. "Always a pleasure, Scrooge, but I should get going."

"Right, right," Scrooge said watching her go. He sighed. "That lass is going to one day get herself into a situation she can't handle." He glanced at Sunset. "Good thing she has you to keep tabs on her."


"Anyway, let's pick up the boys, shall we? I don't like the idea of them being in a different universe without supervision."

"Eh, they'll be fine," Sunset said. "They're with Bot, she can destroy planets. I'm sure she can handle those three."

"Right. So let's go save her."

Sunset considered the newest picture she had framed. All of her latest batch of visitors were there, except for Rarity who had insisted she had something to do when they had picked up the boys. Huey, Louie and Dewey stood posing next to a slightly bedraggled-looking Sweetie Bot.

There was nothing necessarily indicative of Bot being stressed. In fact, she looked perfectly fine, for the most part, but there was an air about her when she had returned the trio, which just… seemed to indicate she was a bit stressed. To Sweetie's left, Lena and Webby were leaning against each other and smirking at the camera, while Dela and Sunset gave each other wary looks.

"What a group of crazy ducks," Sunset chuckled, her eyes going to Lena for a moment before she hung the picture. Was it her, or was Lena slightly translucent?

She headed over to the bar, glancing over her shoulder back at the frame and sighing as she dragged her fingers down her face. "Great. Now what am I supposed to do?" she moaned into her hands.

End Chapter

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Mono, Jaxie and Petri for taking glances at this as it was being worked on!
Bot and League of Sweetie Belles appearing courtesy of GMBlackjack

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