• Published 11th May 2019
  • 7,751 Views, 880 Comments

Knowledge Brings Change - hydra30

What will happen when the Elements of Harmony team up with an eldritch horror from another realm?

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33 Thu'um's for Tots


Books can do a lot of things...

They can teach and educate you...

They can take you back in time...

They can take you to a world where the only limitations are that of the imagination...

...Or they could be the first friends you ever had.

Twilight Sparkle's eyes glistened as they beheld the interior of the Golden Oaks Library.

Nothing in comparison to the grand collection housed in the realm of Apocrypha, but these books held a special place in her heart. With her experienced librarian eyes, Twilight spotted Mare in the Moon in its proper place on the shelves. That book had been the cornerstone to the beginning of her new life.

Another section housed Elements of Harmony, a Reference Guide. That book was just as important as the previous. Without it, she would never have ventured into the Everfree, accompanied by this very town's best inhabitants, to eventually form the strongest bonds she had ever known. Despite the ups and downs of said bond, Twilight still felt lighter than air whenever she recalled the defining moments that formed the bond she shared with her fellow Elements.

What happened in Canterlot wasn't going to change how Twilight felt. Friendship wasn't always easy (like the fiasco with Discord proved) but it was worth fighting for. And if you thought about it, it wasn't even the first hurdle.

Like how Sleepover 101 reminded Twilight of her first ever sleepover.

"You've done a wonderful job, Amethyst," commented Twilight to the light purple unicorn that stood beside her.

"I have tried my best," said Amethyst Star. "But I am afraid I am not as organized as you."

"Or as paranoid," commented Spike, "You should have seen this place after one of Twilight's study sessions."

Twilight shot her number one assistant a glare, but quickly dropped it in favor of a more polite expression as she faced the pony who had stood in her absence. "Regardless, you have done a good job of keeping the library organized while I was away."

"It was my pleasure," said Amethyst proudly.

"I hope it still is," said Spike.

"Oh yeah," said Amethyst sadly as she remembered what Twilight had told her when she arrived. "You aren't fully free of that terrifying creature's clutches yet."

"Not permanently," said Twilight regretfully.

"Well, don't worry," said Amethyst reassuringly. "I will continue to run the library in your absence."

"I really appreciate it," said Twilight gratefully. "Especially now, considering I have no time to lose."

"I can take care of things here," said Amethyst. "You go on ahead and continue the preparations for your brother's wedding. Those two have waited long enough."

Twilight nodded in understanding and headed upstairs to her old bedroom, Spike trailing behind her. Amethyst watched her with sympathy before returning to running the library. She could not imagine how the little filly felt being forced into the employment of that terror, Hermaeus Mora.

The temporary librarian still had nightmares about wriggling tendrils and creepy eyes.


"Alright Spike, we've got lots to do and little time to do it," said Twilight with a drill sergeant's tone. We will need quill's, parchment, ink, extra ink, extra extra ink..."

So lost in gathering what she deemed essential, Twilight didn't notice her younger brother had veered off course from their somewhat joined effort upon seeing their old room, unchanged since they had seen it last. Spike plopped down into his old basket, nuzzling into his old quilt for the first time in three years... even if it hadn't felt that long from his perspective while basking in infinite knowledge in Apocrypha.

"Oh, how I have missed you, my bedtime buddies," moaned the baby drake to his loyal bedding.

After getting reacquainted with his comfort zone, Spike made his way to the nearest shelf installed in the room's walls. While normally reserved for the most essential things, like checklists, to do lists, and calendars, Twilight had gifted Spike this drawer for his own personal use. And he put it to good use.

With a heave to a drawer that was easily twice his mass, Spike's eyes swam with joy at seeing his most prized possession exactly the way he left it. His prized collection of Power Ponies comics sat inside the drawer, still sorted by issue. He only had a limited time back home, so he had better make the most of it.

"I know Hermaeus Mora's thing is knowledge, but seriously," complained Spike as he selected a comic and sat back in his basket. "How can someone own so many books, yet not have a single comic book?"

Twilight was picking out quills and holding them up to a ruler when she finally noticed Spike wasn't assisting her. She looked over to find him reading one of his beloved comic's, and one would think the fact that he was doing that instead of helping would annoy her, but she only felt relief. At least Apocrypha hadn't robbed Spike of his love for those colorful graphic novels.

"Is it a good one, Spike?" Twilight asked.

"Huh?" Spike inquired as he looked up from a comic that presented six ponies in colorful costumes battling a crazy eyed mare with a mane of thrashing green tendrils with a variety of superpowers on the cover. "Oh, sorry Twilight. I'll come help in a minute."

Twilight giggled,"Take your time, Spike. I can handle this part on my own." Spike smiled gratefully and went back to his comic, while Twilight continued to gather supplies. Though a thought did occur to her.

"Though, I don't think anything you will find in those comics can compare with anything you've experienced yourself," Twilight said as she grabbed her saddle bag.

"Huh, what are you talking about?" asked Spike in confusion, "The Power Ponies are awesome."

"Oh?" said Twilight as she stuffed scrolls into her bag. "Have they ever been to a dimension of knowledge ruled by a primordial horror of infinite form? Did any of them travel to a world plagued by a storm that turns people into zombies?" Now she affixed Spike with a mischievous expression. "Did any of them speed off daringly after a power mad mortal turned God and trip him up so as to prevent him from stopping the person that could destroy him?"

As Twilight listed off the things Spike had experienced along with the Mane Six, he could not help but stare at his comic book with uncertainty.

"Uh, maybe?"

"Please Spike," said Twilight, "You actually faced Dagoth Ur himself. Hand to... claw. Do you have any idea what an accomplishment that is?"

Truth be told, Spike hadn't given it much thought. He was only interested in helping his friends at the time.

"No matter how you look at it Spike, you are just as much a hero as those ponies in your comic book, if not more so," said Twilight as she continued to prepare.

Spike was actually moved by what she said. But still, one did not drop being a fan of something just like that, so he continued with his comic. Until he turned the page to find it blank.

"Huh?" he mumbled in confusion. "What gives, they haven't even faced the Mane-iac yet?"

Looking down, Spike saw a tiny inscription on the corner of the last page. Raising an eye ridge, Spike reached over and grabbed Twilight's magnifying glass.

"Okay Spike, all ready," announced Twilight, heading to the door with bulging saddle bags. "We had best see what progress the girls have made."

"Gotcha," said Spike, dropping his comic and adopting his number one assistant persona.

As Spike and Twilight left they didn't notice the seemingly innocent comic book glistening magically from within Spike's basket.


Twilight and Spike stood before the familiar sweet shop Sugarcube Corner, transfixed.

"This is the right place, right?" asked Spike as he stared questioningly at the structure, quill and scroll in claw.

It was an unnecessary question.

Sugarcube Corner still looked the same as it always had, what with its resemblance to a gingerbread house. But changes had happened, what with an entirely new wing having been added to the right side of the structure. And it was quite different from the original part of the building.

Whereas Sugarcube Corner was pink in color, with a roof resembling frosting, to showcase it as a sweet shop, the new wing was orange in color with floral designs. Large windows decorated in canopies that shared the same yellow color as the roof dominated both sides of the oddly shaped door. And the most eye-catching characteristic was the flower shaped sign that adorned the front of the building, a picture of an elephant holding a spoon in its trunk stamped in the center.

"Well," began Twilight,"The Princess did mention that Mr and Mrs. Cake had partnered up with some other ponies, and were receiving more varieties of clients than before."

"Yeah, but I sure wasn't expecting this," said Spike as he examined the new addition to Ponyville's favorite spot to satisfy a sweet tooth.

"Me neither," admitted Twilight. "But we have spent enough time admiring. We best see how far Pinkie has come with planning the wedding celebration."

"Right," agreed Spike, but paused when he beheld Sugarcube Corner again. "Huh, which door should we use?"

Twilight opened her mouth to respond, but suddenly found herself lacking a suggestion. Which door was the primary entrance now?

"Well," started Twilight, tapping her chin and pondering the two doors. "We're here to see Pinkie, and she has always worked at Sugarcube Corner."

"Works for me," said Spike as he and Twilight entered through the door that led into Sugarcube Corner's original structure.


The interior of Sugarcube Corner was thankfully the same colorful atmosphere as Twilight remembered the last time she was here. The slightly plush earth pony mare Cup Cake was minding the counter, taking the order of a pony Twilight recognized as Pokey Pierce, while her husband, Carrot Cake was obviously hard at work in the kitchen. Eventually, he emerged carrying a paper bag in his teeth, which he then hoofed over to the customer.

"Thank you so much," said Pokey around his purchase as he turned and made his way to the door.

"Any time, dearie," said Mrs. Cake. "And please come again."

Twilight and Spike parted to let Pokey through and approach the counter themselves, while Mrs. Cake looked up to see who had visited their establishment.

"Welcome to Sugarcube Corner," she greeted. "How may I..." It finally registered to her who was standing before her. "Twilight, Spike, it's you!"

"It's nice to see you again, Mrs. Cake," said Twilight.

"Ditto," said Spike.

"Oh, it's wonderful to see you too, dearies," said Mrs, Cake tearfully. "When Pinkie returned, she told us that you had come back, but it's still so good to see you."

"That's actually what we're here for," said Twilight, looking around expectantly. "Is Pinkie around? We need to check on her progress."

"Oh, I saw her a second ago," said Mr. Cake, sticking his head out of the kitchen. "She was working so diligently on her responsibilities for the new wedding I felt she should have a break. She had something neat to show the twins, so she and Saffron took them out on a walk through town."

Twilight didn't know what to think of that. This wedding was extremely important, but at the same time, she didn't want her friends working tirelessly. After all, weddings, despite their importance, were a time for celebration and enjoyment.

"Saffron?" commented Spike,"That's an unusual name."

"Now Spike, that's rude," scolded Twilight, but then turned her attention back to Mrs. Cake. "So Saffron is the pony you and Carrot have partnered up with?"

"Why yes..." answered Mrs. Cake, but was interrupted when the kitchen door opened and somepony who wasn't Mr. Cake stepped out.

"Coming through," said a rather stout unicorn stallion with a goldenrod coat and dark brown hair as he trotted by, levitating a plate of food in his purple magic. He trotted by Twilight and Spike, who looked at him with curious expressions.

"Ah, Mr. Cumin," greeted Mrs. Cake warmly. "You're just in time to meet our good friend Twilight and her little dragon assistant Spike.

"Nice to meet you," said Twilight, Spike grinning politely.

"Yes yes, nice to meet you, Coriander Cumin's the name," he said in his thick, foreign accent. He made no effort to stop whatever it was he was doing while he spoke, but did pause a second when he saw Twilight's Cutie Mark, and the depiction of Hermaeus Mora it sported. "So you are associated with that demon, same as the pink one?"

"Oh," said Twilight nervously. "Well, yes, I'm afraid so."

"Well, I will tell you the same thing I told Mrs. Pie," he said in a slightly impatient tone. "Please give him my thanks."

Before Twilight or Spike could get over their shock, Coriander Cumin continued his delivery of the order he was holding, disappearing behind a wide, colorful curtain that Twilight and Spike hadn't noticed before, but which must lead to that new extension.

"Okay you had the extra spicy curry and vinegar grass sandwich," they heard his irritated voice sound from beyond the curtain.

"YEAH!" said the unmistakable voice of Ponyville's infamous bodybuilder. Bulk Biceps.

"Splendid, enjoy your meal," said Coriander Cumin as he headed back to the kitchen. "Who cares?"

The kitchen door shut with a slam.

Twilight and Spike exchanged uneasy looks.

"Oh, please don't be too hard on Mr. Cumin," said Mrs. Cake. "The poor dear and his daughter have had a rough time."

"We know," said Spike reassuringly.

"Princess Celestia informed us about what transpired in Canterlot," explained Twilight, then shared a disappointed look with Spike. "Whenever I hear about Canterlot ponies behaving so horribly, it almost makes me ashamed to be from Canterlot myself."

"I know," said Spike, crossing his arms. "Who would sink so low as to ruin another pony's dreams and livelihood just out of spite for their own misfortune?"

Twilight then arched an eyebrow, "But what could he want us to thank Hermaeus Mora for?"

"Oh, the channelings are just as responsible for Mr. Cumin and his daughter's restaurant failing just as much as that nasty critic Zesty is," explained Mrs. Cake, much to Twilight and Spike's confusion. "Saffron told me. She and her father had been planning and preparing to open a restaurant in Canterlot's Restaurant Row for years, and even made reservations at one of its prime locations. But before they could move to Canterlot, the changelings invaded Canterlot, and during their rampage several of the restaurants on Restaurant Row were damaged." Mrs. Cake gained a sour look. "One of the proprietors, rather than fixing his damaged establishment, decided it was cheaper to just sell the damaged building and then outbid Coriander Cumin and Saffron Masala for their new property, which hadn't been damaged. When they finally got to Canterlot, they had to settle for a location that was at the end of a shadowy ally. So you can hopefully see Mr. Cumin's gratitude for the queen getting her just deserts."

Twilight looked deeply disgusted. "How could anypony be so petty?"

"Heck, even I think Hermaeus Mora deserves a pat on the back," said Spike, but then tapped his chin. "Huh, wherever that may be."

"I admit, my husband and I were terrified at first, but even we are somewhat grateful for his arrival," said Mrs. Cake. "Even if Pinkie has had to leave us for a while because of him."

"How do you figure that?" asked Twilight.

"Oh, don't get me wrong,"said Mrs. Cake hurriedly and reassuringly. "Nothing is worth what you poor dears have gone through, nor was this worth what happened to poor Saffron Masala and her father, but having them here with us in Ponyville has been wonderful for business. With their unique style of cooking they have brought in many more types of consumers. Now we get customers with more than just a sweet tooth, and it would not have happened if what went down in Canterlot hadn't transpired."

Twilight and Spike exchanged uneasy looks. Gratitude towards a Daedric Prince possibly won't end well. But they had decided not to try and resist anymore.

Besides, it seemed like Mrs. Cake had lots to be grateful for. And whatever was good for their business was good for their little ones.

"So that's with the new extension to this place?" asked Spike, pointing a claw to the curtain behind them.

"Oh yes," said Mrs. Cake cheerfully. "Business became so good for us after Saffron and Mr. Cumin joined us, we decided to have a place for them built. Though we do still share the kitchen"

"Aw, that's so nice," said Twilight, though Spike stuck out his tongue and pointed down his throat. "So when do you think Pinkie will be back? There's things we need to discuss with her."

Mrs. Cake opened her mouth to respond, but before she could...


The sound was accompanied by a loud whoosh noise.

"What was that?" asked Mr. Cake, he and Coriander poking their heads out of the kitchen.

"I don't know, dear," said Mrs. Cake, looking confused herself.


The sound reverberated again.

"Okay, something weird is going on," commented Coriander.

Yes, that summed it up, and Twilight and Spike had a pretty good idea what.

"You don't think Pinkie is...?" stuttered Spike.

"I do, Spike," answered Twilight with an irritated look.

"But why would she...?"

"It is Pinkie, Spike," said Twilight simply as she trotted to the door.

"I don't understand, dearies," said Mrs. Cake, "I admit, I have seen Pinkie do a lot of things since I've known her, but I have never heard something like this. Even from her."

Twilight was going to respond but was struck by a mortifying thought.

"Wait, you said she was showing something to the twins?" She asked worriedly.

Mr and Mrs. Cake nodded, though they grew slightly nervous.

"She wouldn't..." gasped Spike.


"She would," said Twilight, dashing out the door, Spike hot on her heels.

The three culinary ponies exchanged looks before hurrying to catch up.

"What is going on?" shouted Mr. Cake. "What is Pinkie showing the babies?"

"My friends and I acquired new abilities while we were in Apocrypha." The three pursuing cooks looked confused. "Hermaeus Mora's home."

"Okay, so what are they?" asked Mrs. Cake.

"This," said Spike.

The little dragon jumped into the air, looked up, opened his mouth, and:


They all watched as a great cloud of luminous blue mist raced out of Spike's mouth at a fast speed, jutting into the air and colliding with a low hanging cloud, shattering it to bits.

Twilight caught the baby dragon on her back, the Cakes and Coriander looking up at the destroyed cloud with looks of bafflement, wonder, and a slight hint of fear.


Then the trio of older ponies with food talent looked ahead with looks of horror.

"Pinkie Pie has abilities like that now?" said Mr. Cake in slight panic, "You all do?"

"And she's using it around our babies?" asked Mrs. Cake, tripling her speed, but with her puffy build she only managed to break even with Twilight's stride.

"And my little girl is with this nut job," said Coriander, working his little legs as hard as he could.


Back at Sugarcube Corner, Bulk Biceps was sitting in a lounge decorated in loud, foreign coloring, guzzling his curry.


"YEAH!" he said in response before diving into his meal once more.


They eventually found Pinkie standing in one of Ponyville's many grassy parks, a bright orange unicorn mare with a poofy, brown mane standing next to her. They still had a fair distance to trot to her, but from this distance they noticed something.

"Hey, where are the twins?" asked Spike.

"WHAT?" shouted Mrs. Cake in terror. "Where are my...?"

Then the Cake twins, Pound and Pumpkin Cake (who had grown considerably over the course of three years, but were still little enough to be considered babies) suddenly emerged from a nearby bush and ran towards Pinkie Pie and levitated before her, Pound using his pegasus wings and Pumpkin shrouding herself in her unicorn magic. They flailed their forelegs at her with exited smiles, almost as if they were asking her to do something again. Pinkie looked to the pony standing next to her and rolled her eyes with a slight smile, her company nodding.

"Wait, she hasn't been..." Spike was cut of when Pinkie suddenly took a strong inhale and:


Before all their eyes, a miniature tornado flew from Pinkie's mouth and swept up the little foals, swirling them around in it's vortex and carrying them away.


Mrs. Cake sped ahead of the group and was hot on the trail of the spiraling wind that carried her children, and with agility unbecoming of a pony of her stature, leapt into the spiralling wind. A moment later, the cyclone dissipated and Mrs. Cake landed on three of her legs, the fourth carrying her children, who seemed to be too preoccupied with laughing their little heads off in joy to notice the presence of their mother. Mrs. Cake's eyes were spinning, her normally frosting-shaped mane disheveled.

"Oh, hi Mrs. Cake," said Pinkie Pie, completely oblivious to her employer's current frazzled appearance. "I was just showing Pound and Pumpkin the Thu'um.

Mrs. Cake shook her head and scowled at her. Saffron was clearly growing nervous beside her.

"Pinkie!" glared Mrs. Cake, slowly trotting up to Pinkie. "What in Celestia's name is wrong with you?"

"Like I said, I was showing Pound and Pumpkin the Thu'um," repeated Pinkie, Saffron growing more nervous as a vein appeared on Mrs. Cake's forehead.

"Pinkie, how could you be so irresponsible?" asked Twilight as she, Spike, Mr. Cake, and Coriander finally arrived at the scene. "Using the Thu'um out in the open like this. And I can't believe you would use something so dangerous deliberately towards baby ponies!"

"Oh Twilight," said Pinkie, "You know I would never do anything to hurt the Cake Twins. And what would be the point of concealing our Thu'um? What with what a show off Rainbow is, all of Ponyville will probably know about our unique gifts by the end of the day."

That... was actually a good point.

"Why would you use them on our children?" asked Mr. Cake, joining his wife and scowling at Pinkie.

"Well, I hadn't intended for them to ride in the Cyclone at first, honestly," said Pinkie, somewhat embarrassed.

"It's true," said Saffron, her accent just like her father's.

Mrs. Cake scowled at her too. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I was curious about this Thu'um ability when Pinkie was explaining it to me," explained Saffron, somewhat guiltily. "So I asked her if I could watch when she demonstrated to your children."

"But when I was showing the little rascals Cyclone, they suddenly jumped in and began riding in it of their own accord," explained Pinkie, seemingly finally coming to terms of how serious this looked. "I only meant to show them one of the more showy of the Shouts, I never meant for them to ride in it.

Mrs and Mr. Cake exchanged looks. From the sound of things, Pinkie hadn't intended for the babies to ride this bizarre magic at first, but they saw her deliberately aim the latest vortex at their babies a second ago. And they had heard several of the same supposed Shout multiple times on the way here.

"If that's the case, why were you continuing with it?" asked Mrs. Cake. "After the first time, you should have told them it was a bad thing to do."

Pinkie and Saffron exchanged somewhat embarrassed looks.

"Well, Pinkie tried after the first time," explained Saffron. "But then..."


Suddenly, the Cake Twins started fussing within their mothers grip, and before she knew what happened, Pumpkin teleported herself and her brother out of her hooves, reappearing before Pinkie and taking flight in front of her through their own respective methods. They flailed their hooves expectantly, making garbled baby noises, but it was obvious they were trying to signal 'again'. Pinkie giggled nervously at Mr and Mrs. Cake.

"Now now," said Pinkie, "I know you think it's super fun, but it looks like Mama and Papa don't approve of this game. Sorry.

There was a moment of silence.


Then the Cake twins burst out crying so loud all present cringed and had to cover their ears. At a nearby bench, a mother was bottle feeding her filly when she was suddenly assaulted by the supersonic noise. Suddenly, the baby bottle shattered, none of the dangerous shards landing on the foal thankfully, but it did cause her to start crying as well. The mother looked towards the source of the first crying irritatedly.

A pegasus stallion flying above looked towards the source of the crying, just in time to crash into a tree top. He fell through the branches, and when he arrived at the bottom and slammed his rump into the ground, a bird's nest housing three baby chicks was tangled in his mane, all of which began peeping in a bird like way. The stallion looked up at the noisy nest, then threw an annoyed look in the direction of the first crying, just before an angry mother woodpecker landed on his head and began painfully pecking at his temple.

A mare jogging on the path looked towards the sound of babies crying, and failed to notice the jump roper ahead of her. Both mares collided, became tangled in the jump rope, and rolled over a nearby slope. They hit the bottom, landing in a sandbox, collapsing a sandcastle.

Two fillies looked, wide eyed, as the castle they had painstakingly built came crashing down, and burst into tears. The tangled mares looked up with exasperated expressions, then both shot an annoyed look at the source of the original crying.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake could only watch as their childrens' crying caused one catastrophe after another throughout the whole park, mostly resulting in somepony, or something, crying. They gave Pinkie a confused look.

"Yeah, that happened," she said simply.

The Cakes looked to their babies, to the chaos erupting around them, then back at Pinkie.

"SHOUT!" they both shouted together. "QUICK!"

Pinkie smiled apologetically and faced the crying twins.


A vortex flew from Pinkie's mouth, sweeping up the Cake Twins, who immediately ceased crying and started laughing hysterically as they twirled around and around. When the vortex dissipated, the Cake twins flew back over to Pinkie and began doing their 'again' dance. She looked at her employers, who only face hoofed, but nodded.

Pinkie smiled and continued to allow the Cake twins to ride her Thu'um.

Twilight and Spike looked at each other, but the whole craziness of the scenario led them to giggling.

"You know," said Spike as he watched the Cake twins twirl through another tornado. "Now that I think about it, this is probably the least destructive thing those two have ever done."

That was true. With the destruction those two caused around the bakery on a daily basis, this was nothing in comparison.

"Our long lost coworker is crazy," said Coriander to his daughter.

"I agree, father, but her knowledge of baking is unparalleled, if the Cakes are to be believed," she said. "And she's such a nice pony."

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