• Published 11th May 2019
  • 7,758 Views, 880 Comments

Knowledge Brings Change - hydra30

What will happen when the Elements of Harmony team up with an eldritch horror from another realm?

  • ...

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26 Azura

Tink tink

"Come on!"

Tink tink tink

"I know you are in there!"

Tink tink tink tink

"Come out and face me!"

Pinkie's voice echoed through Akulakhan's chamber as she tapped her hoof against the Element of Laughter.

After Dagoth Ur's defeat and Akulakhan's destruction, the party of weary travelers had settled down to try and solve the mystery of how and why the Tools of Kagrenac had just appeared upon the Element of Magic. Sarian, Spike, and Princess Luna watched from the sidelines. Do to the synergistic nature of the Elements of Harmony, it was obvious that whatever effects the Tools of Kagrenac had on the Element of Magic was channeled into the rest of the Elements too, so each pony had taken up the task of examining their respective Elements too see if anything has changed. So far, the Elements hadn't appeared to be altered in any way.

Heck, even Pinkie Pie's behavior was no stretch away from the norm.

"Pinkie, darling?" inquired Rarity, looking up from the Element of Generosity. "Exactly who is it that you are talking to?"

"Whoever it was that jumped out of the Toys of Kagrenac and into our Elements," said Pinkie, her left eye jutting out of her head and splatting against the Element of Laughter's balloon shaped gem like it was a peephole. "I know it's in there, and it's just too scared to come out."

Rarity shared a worried look with Twilight, who just huffed in annoyance. Why did she always have to pull Pinkie back on track with the rest of them when the pink pony began to stray from normality?

"Pinkie," she said, the pink party planner sucking her eye back into her skull to look at her studious purple friend. "We aren't looking for some sort of parasite or trespasser. What happened between the Elements and the Tools was some kind of magical exchange, and we are trying to figure out what it is that the Tools passed on to the Elements."

"But what if something creepy crawly did slip into the Elements?" rebutted Pinkie Pie, shaking her Element like a foal would shake a Hearth's Warming present. "These bizarre doohickeys are unlike anything we have ever seen, who's to say they don't have some kind of contagious magical flu?"

"That's not how it works, Pinkie," Twilight shot back, "as powerful as they are, the Tools of Kagrenac are still just artifacts. They aren't alive."

"At least Pinkie Pie is coming up with something," said Rainbow Dash irritatedly, "You and Princess Luna spent hours scanning the Elements with your horns and found nothing."

"But that don't mean that nothing ain't there," said Applejack, "as Twilight said, the Tools of Kagrenac ain't like nothing anypony ever encountered before. Who knows what they did to the Elements?"

"And it's not just that," said the delicate voice of Fluttershy, who looked as if she had just realized something really important. "Remember, the Elements of Harmony are the only things that protects us from Apocrypha's effect on the mind. If... this has rendered them unable to do so...?"

"We can't help Twilight repay her debt to Hermmy!" finished Pinkie Pie frantically.

That was something that hadn't occurred to them until Fluttershy brought it up. Twilight was unable to perform the task Hermaeus Mora had set before her on her own, and only those who shared in her abilities could assist her. Twilight's friends had gone above and beyond to make themselves that assistance, but if their protection against that wretched place Hermaeus Mora calls home was now nullified...

"There, I believe, lies the solution," said Luna, her sudden appearance snapping them out of their panic. "Hermaeus Mora, he might know what has occurred here."

They exchanged looks with each other.

Hermaeus Mora, if there was someone who could shed light on this mystery, it would be him. After all, he is the Daedric Prince of Knowledge. But to put even more faith in him then they already have, was it worth the risk?

"Do you really think that varmint would help us?" asked Applejack.

"It is very risky to involve a Daedra with anything, as I have said before," said Twilight.

"I agree," said Rarity, "from what we know of these Daedra, they only look after their own selfish interest."

"That is what I am counting on," said Luna. "Hermaeus Mora has something to gain from all of this, just as you all are to gain your freedom from him when all this is done. If something threatens to interfere with that, I am almost positive that he will intervene himself."

"I still don't like this," said Twilight, something in her gut telling her this could backfire. "The Daedra are unpredictable, and although Hermaeus Mora has cooperated with Equestria so far, he can still be a dangerous threat, if we somehow invoke his wrath."

"That may be true, but I don't see what choice we have," said Luna, turning to Sarian who was standing not too far away, the Tools of Kagrenac in her possession. "I believe we are unable to find any alterations within the Elements because the Tools of Kagrenac are indeed unlike anything we have ever encountered, and their power is beyond our comprehension. But from what I know, that may be true for anyone but a Daedric Prince."

The Mane Six exchanged looks again.

"Why do you say that, Princess?" asked Pinkie.

"The Tools of Kagrenac, from what I understand, were designed to channel and/or mimic the powers of the Daedra," explained Luna with a look of deep contemplation. "And from everything we have experienced, only the Daedra themselves understand such power, and can make sense of how it functions. The Tribunal and Dagoth Ur are prime examples of what happens when someone other than a Daedric Prince taps into this power and I don't think I need to tell you what kind of risk that could pose for all of you."

They were beginning to see the logic in Princess Luna's conclusions. The Tribunal and Dagoth Ur had been utterly consumed by the power of the Divine when exposed to it, unable to grasp how much of a risk dabbling in it was, and that, in turn, brought another concern to the Mane Six. If the Tools of Kagrenac transferred some of this addictive power to the Elements of Harmony, and they have to use them again...

"You're right, your Majesty," said Twilight, gathering up the Elements in her magic and slipping them into Luna's Infinite Dimension pouch. "If Hermaeus Mora can discern what has happened to the Elements, then we must ask him, even if it means relying on him more than we already have."

"Then let's not dawdle here any longer," said Luna, turning up the winding path before them. "We have unfinished business here as well."

They still needed to find that medicine for Fleur, and now that the threat to their home world had been vanquished, they needed to resume that journey. Gathering up the party, plus shedding their armor and stowing it, no longer seeing a reason to wear it now that the danger of Dagoth Ur's minions and his Blight storm had passed, the nine of them began ascending up to the door that led them to this place. Though, while Sarian seemed to be solely focused on leaving the place, the Equestrian party occasionally looked down into the heart of the crater to the frothing lava below.

It was hard to fathom that such powerful forces once occupied this place, and now there was little to nothing left, nothing but ruin.

The trek back up to the platform was mellow compared to when they first arrived, the lack of attacking Ash Creatures providing a welcome stillness to the volcanic chamber. The door was barred by another bizarre gate, but the lever that opened it was easy enough to track down, being attached to the only network of pipes in the vicinity, and before long the revolving doors opened. Sarian stepped out first, having not reacted too much since the demise of Dagoth Ur, but Twilight and the others stayed a second longer to survey the battlefield they were leaving behind.

In the distance, they could see the destruction left by the duel between Dagoth Ur and Nightmare Moon, some of the craters where Nightmare Moon pile-drived Dagoth Ur multiple times into the ground still smoldering. Piles of Ascended Sleepers' ashes and corpses of Ash Ghouls, Ash Slaves, and Corprus Stalkers littered the platform they stood upon, frail and as lifeless as the ambitions they once stood for. It was an unexplainable feeling for them, to see something that was so horrible, and practically unstoppable now reduced to nothing at their hooves.

Twilight and her friends defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord, Spike was involved with the incident with the Diamond Dogs, and Princess Luna had defended Equestria to the best of her abilities for centuries, but none of these past experiences compared to the grand scale that this recent threat that now was only a memory for them had posed. They had succeeded, but now something so powerful no longer exists because of them, and while they in no way felt sympathy for their fallen foe, they were contemplating what would have happened if they had failed. It was a concept that they would have to become accustomed to, if they were to move past this.

"Come, let us leave this place," said Luna, coming out of her musings first.

They left Akulakhan's chamber in Sarian's wake, all of them hoping that they would never face a threat of this magnitude ever again.


Dagoth Ur Facility Cavern.

The room where they first bore witness to the terror that had been Dagoth Ur was still a long stretch of jagged stone walls, and that creepy steam producing shrine. Sarian was already halfway to the exit when the Equestrians finally stepped through the ancient Dwemer door, shivering slightly, since this place was technically were the confrontation had begun. They were about to try to catch up with Sarian, when the Dark Elf suddenly looked over her shoulder and gestured for them to stay back.

They were about to question, but then noticed that the air before the exit was rippling with what appeared to be heat waves.

"Oh, now what?" asked Rainbow, taking up a defensive stance.

Suddenly, the silhouette of a humanoid figure emerged from the rippling air, another Dark Elf materializing before Sarian, clad in an elegant blue gown.

"Hey, who is that?" asked Rarity, tilting her head. "Someone Sarian knows? A friend maybe?"

"If she is, she's kinda late to..." Rainbow Dash was cut off when violet magic sealed her mouth shut.

Suddenly, all members of the Equestrian team found themselves dragged back towards the ancient Dwemer door and pressed back up against the stone wall before it. They all looked to Twilight, who was undoubtedly the culprit responsible for them being pressed into the wall, and found her expression to be one pure of horror. Their irritation was quickly replaced with worry as color drained from Twilight's face until she was white as a sheet, clutching a hoof to her chest in what was no doubt an attempt to still her rapidly beating heart.

"Young Twilight, what...?" Princess Luna fell silent when Twilight frantically gestured with her hooves for them all to not make a sound, which they complied, but with growing confusion. Not that Twilight needed to tell her to be silent, for at the same time, an unexplainable sensation awakened within Princess Luna, so overpowering she almost fell off her hooves.

"You no longer bear the burden of prophecy. You have achieved your destiny. You are free."

They all stiffened up when those words resonated through the chamber.

"The doomed Dwemer's folly, Lord Dagoth's temptation, the Tribunal's seduction, the god's heart freed, the prophecy fulfilled."

Involuntary trembling overtook the seven ponies and baby dragon, the words carrying such power that the air was practically palpable with it.

"If you have pity, mourn the loss, but let the weeping cease."

One by one, they leaned around the corner of the wall to see that Sarian was kneeling before the elegantly dressed Dark Elf, one of her hands on her bare shoulder honorably, before slipping back behind the obstruction of the wall again.

"I think Sarian knows her," commented Pinkie.

"Twilight..." Luna actually whimpered, the presence of this new woman making this new feeling within her almost unbearable. "Who... is this?" She deduced Twilight knew something, otherwise she wouldn't have reacted to the appearance of this Dunmer like she had, and while just as intimidated by the voice as the rest of them, she had a hint of recognition in her eyes.

"The Blight is gone, and the sun's golden honey gilds the land. Hail savior, Hortator, and Nerevarine. Your people look to you for protection."

Twilight could only nod in response to Luna's question.

"Come on now, Twi," said Applejack in as quiet of a whisper as possible, keenly aware that Twilight felt they need to be quiet,"if you know who that is, please tell us. Is she dangerous?"

Twilight could only nod again, having no air in her lungs to speak with.

"Monsters and villains great and small still threaten the people of Vvardenfell."

"She seems to just be congratulating Sarian for defeating the villain," observed Rarity, her voice steadily climbing higher as annoyance at being forced to hide from something that didn't appear to be dangerous began to override her unease at the sheer force behind this woman's words. In fact, all of Twilight's friends were beginning to feel slightly irritated at being held in this position. After all, whoever this person was hadn't done anything even remotely threatening, so why were they hiding from her?

They all felt this way other than Princess Luna, who, for some reason, was shaking to her very core the longer she remained so close to this newcomer.

"Then we should introduce ourselves," said Rainbow Dash smugly, her voice almost normal, much to Twilight's terror. "We helped after all..."

She was gagged by purple magic, they all were, much to their ever mounting irritation.

"Girls, please keep quiet," said Twilight finally, her voice croaky do to being deprived of air for so long. "That's no Dunmer. Girls... that is Azura!"

The looks of irritation became just as panicked as Twilight's upon hearing her say that. They took another look around the bend at the individual who stood before Sarian and now contemplated her in a new light. They immediately hugged the wall just as tightly as Twilight, their fear now escalating as well.

"Enemies and evils abound, yet indomitable will might rid Morrowind of all its ills."

So this is Azura.

The Daedric Prince of Dusk and Dawn. The Mother of the Rose and Queen of the Night Sky. Her sphere is the period of transition and change, her realm of Oblivion being Moonshadow, a realm of constant change. Known to be the most benign of the Daedra, but with a wrath, that when roused, was matched by none.

They should have known.

The only other person they knew of that of that spoke with such power was Hermaeus Mora, and Azura was of the same power, the power of a Daedra. They stiffened up like statues, hoping against hope that their presence remained unnoticed. One of the greatest risks of this endeavor was contact with another Daedra, and therefore alerting them to their existence and the existence of their home.

They had the wristbands made from the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal, and they were modified to mask their presence even from the Daedra, surely if they just remained discreet, they would escape notice.

"And you little ones...

Or perhaps not.

"Why do you attempt to conceal yourselves? This triumph over Dagoth Ur is just as much yours as it is the Nerevarine's... come, receive the glory you so richly deserve."

Every single one of their pupils shrank to the size of pinpricks when the Divine voice became directed at them.

"She... she's talking to us!" gasped Rarity, trembling so much that several strands of her elegant mane, that had stayed straight and even throughout the entire battle, came loose.

Fluttershy became so scared that she went as stiff as a board and fell over with her legs jutting out towards the ceiling.

The rest of the party were keeping themselves together much more successfully, but it might just be the fact that they knew panicking would do no good at this point.

"Twilight, what do we do?" asked Applejack, her country accent cracked by her trembling.

"Do not be shy. Come, stand in the grace of God."

"I don't understand," said Twilight, looking at the wristband on her hoof. "Hermaeus Mora said that these would mask our identity from everyone, even his fellow Daedra."

"Well, he was obviously wrong," said Rainbow, trying her hardest to act tough, but her wings trembled with the urge to flee. "These Daedra guys aren't unfoolable, just like you explained to us. Maybe Azura fooled Hermaeus Mora somehow."

That was true, if Azura could be fooled by a slight of hand trick it was possible Hermaeus Mora could have miscalculated, for whatever reason.

"Twilight," everypony (plus Spike) turned to Princess Luna, who despite always being the most unphasable person they knew, was obviously trying really hard to keep herself together like the rest of them. "I...I think we had better go out there."

All seven of them gasped.

"But Princess, what about preventing other mean Daedra from finding Equestria?" pleaded Pinkie. "Twilight might have said it is inevitable to stop them eventually, but we have to try."

"As she also said, it's too late for that," said Luna, closing her eyes in resignation. "This 'Azura' knows we are here. If she doesn't know about Equestria already, she will most likely divine the truth from us shortly."

"We would never tell her anything about Equestria!" said Spike with a scowl.

"I have a feeling Azura won't need us to talk," said Luna, opening her eyes and giving them all a regretful look, "just by being in her presence is most likely enough for her to know everything about us. She is a Divine being after all, reading minds or even souls could very well be one of her abilities."

They all knew that was more than likely to be the case, they had all studied the Daedric Princes after all. It would seem that they had no choice but to go introduce themselves to yet another Daedra, something they dreaded more than anything.

"There is still a chance these things will conceal our identities," reassured Twilight as she gestured to her wrist band, though it was obvious that she was only trying to convince herself. "Same with Sarian and that Argonian child, maybe once we leave her presence, she will forget."

It was a flimsy hope, but it was their only hope.

"We had best get it over with," said Spike, taking a deep breath and solemnly stepped away from the wall. "If we have no choice but to go meet Azura, we best not keep her waiting. You know what she is capable of doing to those who annoy her."

Indeed, they did.

One by one, the ponies dropped to all fours, their backs dusty after being pressed so forcefully to the cavern wall. They took a moment to try and slow their breath, what was about to transpire was without a doubt going to be stressful, so they tried to calm themselves as best they could. Afterwards, Rarity took it upon herself to deal with the only remaining problem that needed to be addressed before they went out there.

"Fluttershy," she bent over her still friends petrified face. "Fluttershy, my dear, I know that this is truly terrifying, but you need to pull yourself together. If we have to bring you before Azura in this state she might consider it an insult."

Fluttershy only blinked.

"Come on, Flutters, please," said Rainbow Dash worriedly, joining Rarity at her oldest friend's side, strangely not resorting to just telling Fluttershy to suck it up like usual. "We can't afford to upset Azura. You remember what happened to the Dwemer and Dunmer when they rubbed her the wrong way? If she directs that wrath towards Equestria..."

Slowly, Fluttershy became limp again and Rarity and Rainbow Dash helped her to her hooves, though they remained by her side with supportive hooves over her shoulders. After all, with as sensitive as Fluttershy is she is going to need extra support.

With a steady shared breath, the Equestrian party stepped out from behind the false safety of the wall and began to walk forward, though they somehow managed to walk with a strong, respectable gait.

Azura stood before them, Sarian having stood up from her bow and moved to the side to let them through, but regarded them with a look that told them not to be afraid and to be strong. Azura stood tall, towering over even Princess Luna, her Dark Elf features becoming clearer as they approached, her every air rippling with unfathomable power. Her expression was surprisingly soft, carrying no hint of unfathomable magic or wrath, and betraying not even a hint of the malevolence they all knew her to be capable of.

For what felt like an eternity to them, but was only a few seconds, the Equestrians finally arrived at Azura's intimidating presence and stood before her, slightly huddled together.

"Greetings, little ones," she said in her resounding voice, regarding them all with piercing crimson eyes, but while wearing a gentle smile. "And salutations for your efforts in aiding the Nerevarine in the vanquishing of Dagoth Ur."

They all involuntarily swallowed.

Somehow, being in Azura's presence could only be described as heavy. She had an air about her that demanded respect, and also projected the feeling that the lack of that respect will only lead to disaster. It was nothing like being in the presence of one such as Celestia or Luna, who had an air of power about them, but at the same time provided a feeling of comfort and protection.

Luna herself was growing more and more anxious the longer she stood before Azura, something about her causing something deep within her being to stir again, though she knew not what.

"Oh, uh," mumbled Applejack, giggling uncomfortably as she rubbed the back of her neck. "It was nothing, Miss... Miss Azura."

Azura giggled softly (though her voice carried no less power) and spread her arms out, levitating off her feet before them as ribbons of ethereal light began to dance around her body. They could only stare at the sudden display in awe, involuntarily huddling closer against each other for protection. All in all, it could not be denied anymore that Azura did indeed deserve her title as one of the all powerful Daedric Princes.

"It was most certainly not nothing...," she said as she levitated one or two feet off the ground before them, "... Applejack..."

Whatever resolve they had managed to scrounge up crumbled in an instant as they all gasped in shock.

"You... you know my name?" asked Applejack in a barely audible whisper.

"I know far more than that." answered Azura, looking down at the trembling form of Spike. "Spike...The Dragon."

Spike jumped back so hard he collided with Twilight's chest, who immediately draped her hoof over him protectively.

"Twilight Sparkle..."

Twilight almost choked Spike upon hearing her name next.


"EPP!" Fluttershy looked about ready to take off in fear, if it wasn't for the fact that Rainbow Dash and Rarity were by her side in an instant to offer support once again.


Rarity instinctively brought her magic to bear, but reined it in before she fired a shot, though she still trembled.

"Rainbow Dash..."

Rainbow Dash was, as expected, less affected by the sound of Azura addressing her by name, but was unable to prevent her eyes from flinching for a second.

"Pinkie Pie..."

If the balloons on Pinkie's flank had been real, they most certainly would have burst inside the grip of the images of Hermaeus Mora's tendrils as a jolt a fear passed through her.

"And Princess Luna..." finished Azura, looking the dark blue alicorn up and down, then regarding her with what appeared to be fascination. "Equestria's Princess of the Night, and Steward of its Moon."

They couldn't suppress a gasp of surprise at hearing Azura speak the name of their home.

"So you know of our home," stated Luna, trying to build up the royal demeanor that a Princess of Equestria should show when meeting someone important, but felt her unease increase even more.

"I know of your world," said Azura, smiling as they became even more unnerved. "You all hail from a realm that is completely separated from Mundas. You have come here because a fraction of Dagoth Ur's influence had infiltrated your world, and if you didn't stop him, he would have subjugated you all to his will."

It would seem that their worst fears had been realized.

'It would seem that Princess Luna predicted true, Azura was able to surmise everything about us just by being in our presence,' thought Twilight, flashing a nervous look to the band on her foreleg. 'I just hope that these things work when we get out of here, and are no longer in proximity of her.'

"Your assumptions, though wise, are incorrect, little one."

Twilight felt her breath catch in her throat as Azura regarded her with her red eyes, "I... I don't know what you are talking about, Azura..." Twilight gulped and decided to bow her head respectfully. "Mistress of Changes."

If Azura was flattered by Twilight's attempt at humility, she didn't show it."You assume that I am aware of your presence because I have read your minds and have only learned about Equestria here and now, and you hope that memory of you will leave me when we part ways." Twilight gulped along with the rest of her friends. "This is untrue. I have been aware of your presence in Morrowind since your arrival here several days ago."

She looked to each of Twilight's friends and their horrified faces, regarding each image and Hermaeus Mora that was part of their Cutie Marks, "Though it is regretful that it was due to the aid of Hermaeus Mora, who no doubt, now has a strong presence in your realm."

Twilight and the others didn't hear her say this.

Once Azura told them that she has been observing them from the very beginning it could only mean one thing. The wrist bands had failed. They hadn't shielded them from the Daedra like they were supposed to, and if Azura knew of their existence, it was likely that the others did too.

"WHAT DO WE DO?!" panicked Pinkie Pie, trotting in place with shaky hooves, her mane corkscrewing. "WHAT DO WE DO? We have invited the other big powerful baddies right to our door! If they get to Equestria..."

Twilight and the others were in no shape to console her or reprimanded her for spazzing out.

They were just as panicked about that fact as her. If the other Deadric Princes infiltrated Equestria, it would spell disaster, maybe even doom for them all. Multiple beings that match Hermaeus Mora in terms of raw power, and several of them extremely maniacal, they had no defence against something like that.

"Calm yourself, little ones."

Azura's words actually managed to curb the panic that had spread throughout the group, though it was more akin to someone following orders given from a superior, rather than consolation.

"I mean no disrespect, Mistress of Dawn and Dusk," said Princess Luna respectfully. "But this is a very serious matter for us. If you are aware of our existence, the others of your kind surely are as well. Equestria can barely accept the existence of Hermaeus Mora, if Molag Bal, or Mehrunes Dagon find their way to Equestria..."

"Very legitimate concerns, I agree," interrupted Azura, her voice actually carrying genuine compassion. "But you are jumping to conclusions. My awareness of your existence isn't due to the precaution you took before coming here failing."

Twilight's breathing slowed slightly as she held up her foreleg to examine the grey band. "You mean... these work?"

"Correct," said Azura reassuringly. "They have indeed shielded you from the other Princes, only I have taken notice of your presence."

Relief... sweet relief passed through the ponies and their baby dragon companion.

It had never been completely confirmed until now, but if what Azura said is true, the other Daedra were still oblivious to their presence and the existence of Equestria. It was gratifying to finally be relieved of the worry that they might have put Equestria at risk for the sake of one pony, despite how tragic what had befallen Fleur was. Now they could continue with a clear conscience.

But for one of them, something didn't add up.

"I don't understand," said Spike, walking slightly closer to Azura. "If these magic bands are keeping the other Daedra from noticing us, how come you weren't affected? How did you notice us?"

"Spike, don't!" gasped Twilight, horrified that her number one assistant had just casually walked up to Azura, Daedric Princess of Dawn and Dusk, and asked such an abrupt question. "Get back..."

But Spike suddenly gasped as he began to levitate off the ground, making his way up the length of Azura's body.

"SPIKE!" shouted all seven ponies in unison.

"Be still," said Sarian, suddenly reminding them she was there.

"Don't tell us to be still!" said Rainbow Dash, spreading her wings, "she's about to hurt Spike."

"Maybe, maybe not," said Sarian, "but do you really want to risk instilling Azura's wrath by provoking her?"

They all fell still at that, it might be possible Azura didn't intend to hurt Spike, but who knows what she might do if they attack. But they remained vigilant in case Azura did threaten to harm Spike.

Azura was apparently oblivious to this exchange between the ponies of Equestria and the Nerevarine, her attention solely on Spike as he arrived at eye level with her and she regarded him with her intimidating gaze.

"Hehehe..." Spike giggled nervously and waved his claw at her in timid greeting. "Hello..."

Azura's only response was to continue to smile gently and to bring her arm up before her and gesture slightly with her hand. Spike's own arm came up and judging by his expression, he hadn't commanded it to do so. The ponies were about to retaliate, but soon realized that Azura had only done so to get a better look at the band upon Spike's scaly wrist.

"The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal," she said, running her fingers along each luminous red rune upon Spike's wrist. "Divided among each of you, its power to render its wearer incognito amplified by the essence of Akotosh himself." She lowered her arm and Spike levitated back down to his friends, who embraced him protectively.

"A valiant effort, and it has successfully masked you from the other Daedra. However, while concocting this strategy, you were unaware of one simple fact, which allowed me to be aware of your existence, once you entered my world."

Twilight swallowed nervously.

"And what is that?" She asked, though she didn't know if she really wanted to know the answer.

"That I have a relationship with Nocturnal more unique than any of the other Daedric Princes," replied Azura, her smile gaining an edge of smugness. "She and I are sisters."

Surprise appeared in the eyes of all the Equestrians.

"You... you and the Queen of Thieves are related?" asked Pinkie, tilting her head.

For the first time since she appeared before them, Azura actually appeared surprised, but then great amusement flowed into her expression. "I have never heard my sister described like so, but it is surprisingly fitting. I may have to try that one on her and see how she reacts."

"Amazing!" gasped Twilight, approaching Azura and looking up to her with awe. "It has been hypothesized by Nirn historians for several millennia whether you and Nocturnal are sisters or not, but there's never been any legitimate proof. It is true, then?"

"Indeed it is," said Azura to the estatic purple unicorn, "Nocturnal is indeed my younger sister."

An excited grin split Twilight's face as she giddily jumped in place.

"I hate to break up this touching moment of discovering the answer to one of this world's greatest mysteries," said Rainbow Dash, her voice snapping Twilight out of her excitement and reminding her of who she stood before. With a nervous laugh, Twilight backed up amongst her friends, Rainbow taking her place. "But I don't understand why you being the sister of this creepy mask's creator makes you immune to its magic while everyone else is still affected."

Twilight wished Rainbow would rein in her hotheaded attitude. Azura could just blink and they would be gone if she wants, and if they make her mad...

But Azura was showing a surprising amount of patience, despite her reputation.

"It's not so much that Nocturnal is my sister..." began Azura, her expression unchanged. "It's more due to my relationship with her. Nocturnal and I have been at odds with each other for longer than recorded history, and as such, we have both taken precautions against each other. I made myself immune to her ability to shield identity long ago."

The Equestrians' jaws dropped in shock. They had failed to hoodwink Azura because she had been immune to Nocturnal's power? How could they have ever seen that coming?

"What... what will you do know that you know of us?" asked Fluttershy, trembling greatly. "Will you... tell the other Daedra?"

That was something all of them wished to know.

"You need not fear, little ones," said Azura in an almost motherly voice. "I have no intention of sharing your existence with others of my kind." She looked down at their flanks again. "It is already regretful that Hermaeus Mora has found you."

They didn't know how or why, but they knew Azura was being sincere about not telling others of her kind about them. Maybe it was because they knew that the Daedric Princes had a less than stellar relationship with each other.

"But I don't understand something," said Applejack suddenly to Azura, something about what she had learned so far stirring up something within her nature she needed to address. "If you went so far to protect yourself from Nocturnal that even her most powerful artifact doesn't affect you, it seems you don't get along with your sister."

Azura didn't appear to be phased by Applejack's almost accusatory tone, "Indeed little one, she and I are no less than rivals."

Applejack was taken aback at Azura just blatantly admitting this. Family meant more to her than anything, and the thought of showing hostility between siblings was a foreign concept to her. If her relationship with Apple Bloom or Big Mac ever became like that, she didn't know what she would do.

"But family shouldn't be like that," said Applejack, sitting on her haunches and looking at the ground. "Family members should value each other above anything else."

"Yeah," said Pinkie, pulling a portrait of the Pie family out of her tail and looking at it with glistening eyes. "I know I would be super miserable if I didn't have a good relationship with my family."

"Girls, don't!" warned Twilight. "Remember, the Daedra have a completely different view of morality then we do. They have a different view of life in general."

Applejack still appeared to be disturbed by what she had heard. "But... family should matter to everyone. Even the Daedra."

"That fact is more true than you realize, little mortal," said Azura, smiling as she focused her attention solely on Princess Luna. "You..."

Princess Luna flinched when Azura stretched her arm up and beckoned her to approach.

"Approach me, little one, so I can get a better look at you."

Again the sensation that had stirred within Luna since Azura's arrival fluxed within her body. She didn't know what it was, for it wasn't fear or apprehension, it was unlike anything she had ever felt in her life, and it wasn't entirely unpleasant either. And now that she focused on it, she now realized that she had had a feeling similar to this since Twilight first told her of the Daedric Prince of Dawn and Dusk, but had never realized or noticed it until she saw Azura and it became amplified.

She could not deny she felt a connection to this strange entity, maybe due to their almost identical roles that they play in the balance of their respective realms.

But it was not wise to test the patience of a Daedra, so with a deep breath, Princess Luna began to trot forward. The closer she got to Azura, the more the feeling within her increased. When she was but a few feet away, it felt like whatever was within might come to life.


Rainbow Dash was suddenly between Azura and Luna, scowling up at the Mother of the Rose. "Now wait just a minute!"

"RAINBOW, NO!" said all her friends, as well as Sarian.

"Rainbow, are you out of your mind?!" said Twilight, her look of horror mirrored by the others. "You know who you are talking to!"

"Yeah yeah, Daedric Prince of Change, and all that jazz," said Rainbow, her blasé tone making the others tremble. "But I also know who else I am talking to."

"Oh? Do tell little one," said Azura, Rainbow Dash having to fight from trembling at being personally addressed by her powerful voice.

"An egotist who is easy to rile up," said Rainbow as she stood in front of Princess Luna protectively, Twilight and the others gasping in terror at the insult, Rarity going limp and falling to the ground in a dead faint. "We know all about you, Azura, and while your reputation isn't as bad as the other Daedra, you aren't exactly innocent of doing bad things to people if they annoy you."

Azura just smiled through Rainbow's rant, she almost appeared amused.

"And my friends and I know it's more than likely that you might see Luna's existence as an insult because she moves the moon in our world, like you move the moon...er moons here," continued Rainbow Dash, blowing steam out her nostrils threateningly. "And I don't care if you are an all powerful Daedric Prince, you do anything to harm the Princess..."

Azura suddenly gestured with her arm and Rainbow Dash was levitated off the ground like Spike had been.

"HEY! HEY CUT THAT OUT!" she shouted as she futilely flailed about in protest.

Azura continued to smile, and with a wave of her hand, sent Rainbow back over to the others, who piled on her to hold her still.

"Girls, let go," she said, trying to shake them off.

"Dashie, please stop," begged Pinkie.

"But we can't let her hurt Princess Luna," rebutted Rainbow.

"I agree with you," said Twilight, regret in her eyes. "But this will only incur Azura's wrath."

"And besides, darling," said Rarity, stroking Rainbow's mane to try and calm her. "If Azura wanted to hurt the Princess, don't you think she would have done so by now?"

Rainbow shooed her hoof away, but took her point and stopped struggling. But she didn't drop the threatening scowl she was aiming towards Azura. In fact, they all watched her with trepidation.

It seemed to only amuse her further.

"Your loyalty to your Princess is commendable, mortal," she said, her voice still carrying no anger, despite Rainbow's defiance. "I find myself wishing some of my own faithful had such resolve, especially here in Morrowind."

She brought her attention to Luna, who now stood not a foot from her, unphased by the incident with Rainbow Dash as well.

Luna was so transfixed by the sensation in her body that her entire being had become centered around her standing before Azura. The elegant Dark Elf woman towered over her in a way that only her sister could, and despite the fact that her eyes were as red as freshly spilled blood, Azura's gaze somehow instilled tranquility in Luna. She would not have been surprised if this turned out to be her life from now on, nor would she care.

Suddenly, Azura reached down and laid her hand on the side of Luna's face. It was the first time in her life someone other than her sister had touched her cheek, and the sensation was almost electrical. Her eyes closed involuntarily, and she released a calm breath as the five digits on the dark palm traced her facial features, the sensation in her body seemed to almost purr.

Even though Luna didn't even know this creature, her touch was so soothing to her she almost felt like she could melt.

"As for your accusations," said Azura as she looked up at the other Equestrians, who were watching her stroking their Princess's face with disbelief, then back at the relaxing alicorn. "Why would I abhor my own daughter?"

Just like that, Luna's tranquil feeling shattered like glass, her eyes flying open and her pupils shrinking to pinpricks.

A bolt of lightning passed through her mind, that then transferred to Twilight and her friends as those words echoed through their very beings.

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