• Published 11th May 2019
  • 7,751 Views, 880 Comments

Knowledge Brings Change - hydra30

What will happen when the Elements of Harmony team up with an eldritch horror from another realm?

  • ...

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19 Oh, bite me

Author's Note:

It's a little shorter than recently but I guess it sounded longer in my head.


Crimson winds pelted the expanse of Azura's Coast.

It had sprung up in the early hours of the evening and persisted through the night, and through the following day, finally clearing up enough to reveal the setting sun... at which time a regal tent flashed into existence. Twilight and the others exited their shelter and looked around, not a trace of the red storm remaining. There wasn't even a trace of the oddly colored dust being swept around in its current.

"It would appear that the enchantment you put on the tent worked, Princess," Twilight said to Luna beside her. "The Blight storm passed right over us and nothing happened."

"I am relieved," said Luna, squinting to see the distant clouds of red dust being swept away. "Such malevolent magic permeates those clouds...I feared even my magic would not be enough to protect us."

They all agreed to stretch their legs for a while before turning in again. They had a late start yesterday because of that business with the Argonian child, and the Blight storm fell upon them shortly after they had resumed their journey, so with night falling again, it was best to rest now and hope to be able to resume tomorrow. Eight figures rested as the sky above Mundus revolved.

One stirred in her sleeping bag before the others, gradually sitting up and rubbing her eyes... and a frilly sleeping mask fell to her lap.

Rarity yawned and looked to the entrance flap to her tent, noting that the lack of sunlight meant it wasn't even dawn yet, and sighed softly in frustration. Trying to slip back into the realm of sleep, Rarity put her mask back on, and rolled onto her side, wondering how she had woken so early, for it wasn't like her to be up at least without a hint of the sun beginning its journey over the horizon.

The answer was what prevented her from going back to sleep.

Her horn started strobing lightly, a tingling sensation spreading from the tip to the edges of her forehead. Quirking an eye under her mask, Rarity pulled her mask off again and looked up at her horn in confusion. This light tingling her magic was sending through her was nowhere near new.

It was how she got her Cutie Mark after all.

Her magic was telling her that there was a gemstone nearby, and judging by how excited her magic was it was very near. Under normal circumstances, Rarity would be thrilled, but now it was slightly irritating. They all needed sleep for the following day and she was no exception.

"Hmph!" Rarity rolled back into her sleeping bag, trying to ignore the pulsing that strobed in her head.

It wasn't long before she lost her patience and looked up at her own horn with a scowl. Try as she might, she could not get her horn under control, it kept nagging her to seek out whatever was in the vicinity it was detecting. It was the most intolerable thing her horn had done since it had slammed her into that huge boulder when she was a little filly.

And that should not be possible.

It had taken years, but after finding her calling in fashion, Rarity had gotten herself accustomed to every manner of gemstone Equestria had to offer, and since then she has never had her horn go overly finicky again. She worked with them practically every day, so it was only natural to get used to them. Emerald, ruby, amethyst, sapphire, diamond, she knew them all.

But not this one.

Now she realized why her magic was so frantic. She hadn't come across a gemstone like the one she was sensing before, it was completely alien to her other experiences.

A familiar excitement chased away any lingering lethargic feelings at the prospect of finding a new gem...

... but then she remembered the current situation.

They had not come here to treasure hunt, a pony's life hung in the balance. She should be focusing on the more important things, instead of personal indulgence. With disappointment, Rarity moved to set up her sleeping bag again and get some sleep.

But as she did so, she caught Twilight's sleeping figure, lying not too far from her.

She didn't know what caused it, she didn't know what stirred these feelings, but Rarity stopped what she was doing and looked down at the sleeping studious purple unicorn as her chest rose and fell with her breathing. Throughout all of this, Twilight had urged them, begged them even, to not let whatever encounters that were bleeding over from Nirn change them in any way. The poor dear was obviously very worried for all of them, worried that they might be altered by what they had been exposed to, same as her.

The Twilight that Rarity met in Ponyville town hall would never have struck down countless lives, with a violent lightning storm she deliberately conjured.

If she just blatantly ignores every unique gem she comes across, even in these dire situations, how long till it becomes second nature? When she finally gets to return home, how can she resume her passion for fashion if gemstones cease to sparkle for her? How can she still be Twilight's generous fashionista friend if she can easily disregard it?

She could, and that is precisely what Twilight does not want.

Rarity stood up, determined to follow through with her instincts of fashion, just like the good old days. The gemstone wasn't far even, less than a yard away. But if this was going to be like the good old days she needed one more thing.

"Spike," whispered Rarity, shaking the slumbering baby dragon by the shoulder. "Spikey Wikey."

The little purple dragon's first response was to yawn involuntarily in his sleep, pulling his tail up and suckling on the spike at the tip.

Rarity couldn't help but giggle slightly. "Come on, Spikey Wikey, I need your help."

"Huh, what?" Finally, Spike's green, reptilian eyes opened and he looked up to see Rarity's smiling face. At first he thought he was still dreaming, and his first hope was... well it was Spike's dream after all.

Luckily, he managed to realize that he was awake before he could pucker up.

"Rarity?" moaned Spike, rubbing his eyes. "What... what time is it?"

"Some time before dawn. Quick, I need your help."

Spike sprung to his feet and put a claw to his forehead before her. "At your service, my lady."

That never got old for Rarity. "I sense a gemstone nearby, a unique one that I have never come across before."

Spike's enthusiasm was dampened by a slightly confused look. "Rarity... is now really appropriate?" He cast a look to the others.

"I thought so too, Spike. But it's not far, it's practically outside of our tent." She batted her baby blue eyes at him. "Please, for me?"

Anypony who says dragons are fireproof has never taken emotional fires into the equation. Spike melted like butter as his cheeks became redder than the Blight storm they had taken shelter from the previous day. "Very well, my lady, Spike at your service."

Squeeing, and trotting in place with excitement, Rarity led her young cohort out of the tent quietly. Putting her head to the ground, she let her horn do it's thing and as she predicted, she wasn't even led halfway around the bend of a nearby hill before grabbing a stick in her telekinesis and scratching an X on the ground.

"Right here, Spikey Wikey."


Balancing on his tail with practiced skill, Spike began undulating like a jackhammer, sending a fountain of dirt up into the air. His spines vanished beneath the surface as he sunk all the way under the ground, Rarity looking on worriedly. She hadn't counted on it being so deeply buried.

Then the digging stopped, the only noise through the early morning being the echoing squawk of birds.

Slightly apprehensive, Rarity peeked over the edge just as a dirt covered claw grabbed hold and Spike pulled himself up, dirt clinging to his scales. He was clutching something in his claws. "This it?"

Rarity tilted her head and lit her horn. The object levitated before her, and she scrutinized it with her skill and experience. "Odd...I have never come across an emerald like this."

The crystal was light green in color, the edges extending to frizzy points.

"Let me see it," said Spike, Rarity levitating it before his face.

He squinted at it with one eye, sniffed it, then ran his tongue over it. "Oh, this is not an emerald, Rarity."

"Really?" Inquired Rarity, trying to remember what other kinds of gemstone could have the color green.

"Huh uh," replied Spike, tapping the crystal as it hovered before him, "this is glass."

Rarity gave him a dumbfounded expression.

"Not the kind of glass that windows or drinking glasses are made of. Glass that is found here in Tamriel," explained Spike, "or Malachite. It's what Pinkie's armor is made of."

"Ooh," swooned Rarity, as she examined the chunk of Malachite closer. She had been enthralled by the crystalline set since she saw it and might as well have picked it if the Golden Armor had not 'spoken' to her in a certain way.

The bit of glass twirled in the air as Rarity examined every inch of it with keen eyesight, noticing how different it felt from other crystal she was experienced with. She began to wonder what shape she could mold it into. Rarity had everything necessary to be a standalone fashion designer, including a spell that shaped crystal into any attractive shape to offset any outfit she could concoct.

Said spell had different effects on gems, depending on their makeup or integrity.

And what an effect it had on Malachite. Before Spike and Rarity's eyes, the green stone went from solid to liquid in appearance, molding and flowing in Rarity's magic.

"Oh my!" she said in surprise, "my gem molding spell has never reacted like this! How come Pinkie's armor didn't react while w we're testing it with our magic?"

"This chunk of Malachite must still be unrefined," said Spike, "it's still 'raw' one could say."

Still baffle, Rarity looked to the wad of flowing crystal in her magic. Experimentally, she lifted her forehoof and stuck her hoof in the green substance, molding it around her fetlock. Her magic dissipated, and when Rarity tapped the object now on her hoof it was as solid as a rock.

Rarity grinned with excitement.

"Oh, superb," she said, her magic surrounding the Malachite bracelet, which then spiraled up her leg in an elegant spring pattern. "Never before have I encountered a crystal so flexible." Her magic then molded green bracelets that resembled a growth of vines, complete with tiny, but highly detailed leaves. "I wonder if there is more around here?"

"Wouldn't count on it Rarity," said Spike, sorry to disappoint her. "Malachite is usually only found in certain regions, usually mines."

"Then where did this piece come from?"

"Hard to say, it was probably stolen..."


Rarity and Spike looked up just in time to dodge the barbed tail of a huge avian creature as it was thrust between them.

"WHAT THE...?!"



A large bird-like creature with leathery wings and fins extending from its chest and back was thrusting its barbed tail at them, producing a threatening squawk as it attacked.

"Ooh!" grumbled Rarity as she stumbled while trying to dodge the next strike. "You knock that off, you..."

Her voice halted as she saw a glistening spike sailing for her throat.

"RARITY!" Spike reacted without thinking.


A purple blur intercepted the sharp tail and Spike emerged between Rarity and the Cliff Racer in time to take a boney Spike to the chest. It wasn't enough to penetrate his hard dragon scales, but it did send him flying. "SPIKEY WIKEY," screamed Rarity as her little gent landed a good distance away with a scraping thud.

She gave the Cliff Racer a murderous scowl. "You'll pay for that, you ruffian." She took a deep breath and exhaled:


A blast of blue mist sent the Cliff Racer boomeranging into the sky.

"Spike, are you okay darling?" asked Rarity as she frantically struggled to get up.

Spike had already picked himself up and was dusting off his scales, "I'm fine, are you okay Rarity...?"

The rest of his words were drowned out as his vision was obscured by the itchy material of a burlap sack, which then hoisted him off the ground.

"SPIKE!" Rarity screamed as a shadowy figure sped from around the bend of one of the surrounding hills, scooped Spike up into a bag and went off into the shadows of the dying night, a red outline bleeding over the horizon. "Unhand him you brute..."


Rarity turned in time to dodge another thrust from the Cliff Racer, having recovered from the Thu'um Rarity had blasted it with.


"LET ME OUT!" screamed Spike as he struggled against the confines of the sack he was forced into. "LET ME OUT OF HERE, RIGHT NOW!"


Spike saw stars as something hard struck him in the temple, and he fell limp in a daze. The next thing he knew he was hurled to the floor, still within the sack, blinking as he tried to clear his thoughts. He finally became coherent enough to understand what was being said by whoever it was who abducted him.

"My Lord, I have returned with fresh prey."

"What is it you have brought? It must be miniscule if it can be carried so."

"I believe it to be an Argonian infant, my Lord."

"Ah, that explains it, and how fortunate." The bag sealed in around Spike as it was once again picked up. "It has been many centuries since I have tasted such unique, young blood."

That last sentence was enough for Spike's eyes to open fully in panic as what little lingering drowsiness drowned out by primordial fear. But before he could fully react, the mouth of the bag opened and something reached in and pulled him out by the scruff of his neck.

"Hey put me..." Spike felt something close around the left side of his neck, two sharp objects pressing to his scales.

Reaction came in the form of instinct. Spike spewed his green dragon fire out of his mouth, scraping the dark hair adorning the head that was pressing it's mouth to Spike's neck, catching it ablaze. Whoever it was so engrossed in trying to pierce Spike's scales that it took a full minute before he noticed his hair was on fire.


Spike was tossed across the room, landing in a stone basin that was filled with some foul smelling liquid. "Aaaaghaah," Spike scurried to remove himself from the pool as he noticed the bones floating along with him. Breathing heavily, Spike felt his neck.

Two tiny holes had been punctured into his scales, but no blood was drawn. Scowling, Spike looked up to the one who bit him, still struggling with his blazing hair. "What's the big idea?"

The bipedal figure clad in armor finally managed to put out his hair, looking at Spike with a dumbfounded expression.

"What in the Nine Divines is that thing?" he asked the four people in the room that contained multiple giant urns with him, all sharing his figure and build. "I could not bite through its scales."

"How did an Argonian cast fire from its mouth?" asked one of the others.

"Argonian?!" inquired Spike, "I'll have you know sir, I am a dragon." He looked up at the individual who bit him again. "You're stupid if you think you can just bite through a dragon's scales. They're as hard as iron."

"What's a dragon?" asked one of them.

"Who cares!" said the one who bit Spike, obviously the leader, and obviously not pleased with being called stupid. He turned to the one standing next to him. "Peel the scales from its neck!"

Spike's heart seized up in fear as he heard that then was instantly towered over by someone who was holding a dagger. He had no room to flee, and the door was blocked by four others. That left one option.

Diamond dogs, fellow dragons, changelings, now this? He was too young for this.

"You don't scare me!" said Spike, remembering what he had learned in Apocrypha and conjuring a sword made of blue flame in his claws.

His use of magic seemed to surprise his opponent for a second, but then they were both staring each other down, brandishing their weapons.


"KNOCK IT OFF, YOU RUFFIAN!" shouted Rarity, jumping up to dodge a slash to her legs. "THIS IS NO WAY TO TREAT A LADY!"

She had been pinned down by this flying abomination for who knows how long, long enough for the sun to finally bathe the morning landscape with its morning rays. Poor Spike was Celestia knows where now, and it didn't take Starswirl the Bearded to know he needed help now. But Rarity wasn't a violent pony, and even still, this creature was so evasive it had dodged whatever she had thrown at it.

Her Thu'um was still recharging after her Unrelenting Force, and she lacked Twilight's skill to recover it faster. She needed to come up with something, or her and Spike would be in an awful lot of trouble. Fortunately, this is where friendship comes in, when no other answers seem available.

"HEY, FEATHERBRAIN!" Rarity looked up just in time to see a rainbow blur crash into the Cliff Racer and send it skidding across the ground. "PICK ON SOMEPONY YOUR OWN SIZE!"

The Cliff Racer took to the air and faced Rainbow Dash with a threatening squawk.

"Ha, you'll never catch me, slowpoke," Rainbow sped off into the distance, her avian enemy hot on her heels.

"RARITY!" Rarity turned just in time for a face full of pink bubbliness as Pinkie plowed into her, "ARE YOU OKAY!?"

"We heard the screeching of that horrible creature all the way from our tent," said Fluttershy worriedly, as she Applejack, Twilight, and Princess Luna arrived on the scene.

"Oh girls!" Rarity moaned as she fell into as many of them as possible. "Thank you, thank you for coming to save me."

"Of course we did, sugarcube," said Applejack comfortingly. "We would never leave..."

"YOU CALL THAT FLYING!" shouted Rainbow as she sped by, the Cliff Racer right behind her. "I'VE MET HOUSEFLIES MORE SKILLED THAN YOU!"

Despite her bravado, it was clear Rainbow could not keep this up forever, her stamina slowly but surely waning. The Cliff Racer, on the other hand, seemed to be capable of prolonging this fight until Rainbow tired out. A creature that possessed wings, but no other limbs whatsoever, had to spend its entire life airborne, and such, was evolutionarily equipped for an aerial relay.

"What the hay is that thing?" asked Luna with disgust.

"A Cliff Racer," answered Twilight. "Another traveling pest from Morrowind. And there is only one way to deal with them. Applejack," she pulled her farmer friend close and whispered in her ear.

Applejack backpedaled, "Twi, are you sure?"

"It's the only way."

"But..." Applejack looked to Fluttershy uncomfortably.


They looked forward to see Rainbow hovering in place...a thin stream of blood flowing from a cut on her left shoulder.

"RAINBOW!" they all shouted worriedly.

A red spark formed in Applejack's pupils as she stared at the Cliff Racer that was climbing higher and preparing to dive bomb. "Let's do it, Twilight."

Twilight nodded in determination, but stole a quick glance at Fluttershy. Then regretfully turned in the direction of Rainbow Dash. "RAINBOW, LEAD IT THIS WAY!"

Rainbow stopped cringing and turned to look at them, "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND, EGGHEAD?"

"JUST DO IT!" shouted Twilight and Applejack together.

The Cliff Racer was closing in, leaving no time to argue. Deciding to trust her dear friends, Rainbow made a beeline for them, the Cliff Racer close behind her. Closer and closer she closed in on them, the color of their nervous eyes growing larger with each passing second.

The others did not know what Twilight told Applejack, but trusted her as well. Still, that didn't stop a nervous bead of sweat from appearing on their necks as Rainbow and her vicious pursuer closed in on them.

"Twilight?" asked Fluttershy, unable to remain quiet. "What exactly are you...?"

Rainbow had to dive up, or she would plow into them.


Applejack thrust her hoof out...

Twilight, pointed her horn...

The Cliff Racer was struck in the chest by dual ice spikes. With a splash of bodily fluids it flew backwards, rolled on the ground three times, and lay still in the dirt. For a few seconds, nothing happened.

Rainbow hovered to the ground next to her friends, looking wide eyed at the grisly scene, Pinkie noticed her slashed shoulder and immediately bathed it in her golden Restoration.


The screaming Fluttershy made to rush to the fallen animal's side.

"Fluttershy, no!" Twilight flashed into the yellow pony's path and grabbed her around the shoulders, trying to subdue her frantic friend. "You can't do anything for it now."

"No... it can't be... we shouldn't have... to...!"

"I am sorry, Fluttershy, there wasn't anything else we could have done," said Twilight gently.

Eventually, Fluttershy broke down in Twilight's arms, a purple hoof stroking through the pink locks of her mane.


Until a yellow hoof collide with her muzzle.

"FLUTTERSHY?!" said the others.


"You saw what it did to Dash," defended Applejack, "and it was prepared to do worse to us all."

"But you could have let me talk to it," blubbered Fluttershy angrily. "Equestria or Nirn, animals are my specialty."

Twilight fought to keep the hurt from her voice. Fluttershy wasn't going to be proud of herself when she calmed down. "Not this time, Fluttershy."

"Oh don't you start!" snapped Fluttershy. "I know what you are going to say, Cliff Racers are aggressive and dangerous, I read up on them too. But Dreugh are just as dangerous and I tamed the one we encountered. I could have done the same with this Cliff Racer."

"Yes, if it had been a healthy one, Fluttershy."

They all blinked in confusion.

"What do you mean 'healthy one'?" asked Fluttershy.

Twilight gestured to the corpse. "Look."

Fluttershy did and her breath left her.

Rather than normal blood, the Cliff Racer was sucreeting a green sludge from its wounds and mouth.

"What... what's wrong with it?" She asked.

"It's diseased, Fluttershy," explained Twilight sadly. "Infected with Blight."

Fluttershy teared up. "It... it was..."

"Already worse than dead," said Twilight, "I noticed the symptoms when it attacked Rainbow."

"Oh my gosh!" said Rainbow, frantically looking at her shoulder.

"Have no fear, Miss Dash," said Luna, "you haven't been outside the tent long enough to be susceptible again."

They all breathed easier.

Fluttershy looked at the Cliff Racer regretfully. "I'm sorry, Twilight."

"It's okay Fluttershy, your caring for all things living is part of the reason I love you," said Twilight, Fluttershy smiling gratefully. She should have known her friend wouldn't deliberately take a life without good reason.


The sudden outburst from Rarity almost made even Princess Luna jump out of her skin.

"Something grabbed Spike when that... thing attacked me!"

"WHAT!" screamed Twilight, grabbing Rarity by the shoulders. "What happened, where is he?"

"No time to go into detail," said Rarity, taking off. "They went this way."

They followed her, finding footprints in the dirt in the early morning light.


Spike should have been terrified.

Somebody was bearing down on him with a knife, while his only exit was blocked by four others, and what they all had in common was that they wanted to eat him. But Spike felt no fear, just unparalleled excitement as he ducked under a thrusting blade, retaliating by jumping up and making a horizontal slash at his opponent. It was dodged, but Spike's enthusiasm for the moment didn't diminish.

He didn't know how he was moving, or reacting. Maybe it was Rainbow Dash and Applejack's influence, or maybe he had just read to many Power Pony comic books, but he was doing fairly well, considering his lack of experience. Not that he was completely oblivious to the severity of the situation.

If he had any hope of making it out of here, he knew he would need some diversion or help.

"I love it when food fights back," said the one who had bitten Spike as he sadistically watched his henchman bring his blade that much closer to Spike’s neck as if it was quality entertainment.

"Oh, hungry, huh?!"

Before anyone could react, the door wasn't just opened, something hit it so hard it disintegrated into splinters.

To the denizens of this ancient place it appeared like two equine figures stood in the doorway, orange and blue, the orange one having obviously struck the door. To Spike, he saw his beloved friends coming to his aid, to his great relief. How he loved his pony crew.

Rainbow popped open Luna's Infinite Dimension pouch and pulled out hooffull after hooffull of puffy clouds from Equestria, and soon the whole room was filled with thick fluffy mist.

"What is this madness?" shouted one of the creatures that had abducted Spike.

"Then eat lightning," said Rainbow, spitting on her hooves, rubbing them together, and slapping them against the nearest wad of cloud.

Spike barely had enough time to cast a barrier spell.



Bright blue bolts of electricity arced through and streaked from the clouds, multiple bipedal figures flailing around in pain as lightning coursed through them, their skeletons visible in-between flashes. A purple aura scooped Spike and his oval shaped bubble up and dragged him out the door. He landed on a petite purple pony back, that then carried him towards a long flight of stairs.

"Come on, Pinkie," said Twilight as she passed her pink friend who had been charged with ‘subduing’ the guard.

"BOINGY BOINGY BOINGY," said Pinkie as she bounced on the stomach of a Khajiit who had long since lost the ability to grunt in pain. "Oh, okay Twilight. Thanks for playing with me J'ari."

J'ari could only gesture weakly between pants.


"SPIKE!" squealed Rarity happily as Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Spike exited out the door surrounded by a huge stone double arch. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Rarity," said Spike, wiggling out of her embrace.

"What did those ruffians even want from you?" asked Rarity.

"Oh, they wanted to eat him," said Pinkie nonchalantly.

Rarity went even whiter and fell back on a couch that was suddenly there.

"It came from Raviro Ancestral Tomb."

"How could those monsters conjure such powerful lightning?"

"We've tolerated them long enough, it's time we put them in their place."

The voices in the distance were growing louder. Their skirmish had obviously drawn the attention of someone, and from the sound of things it wasn't just an investigation headed their wayThey all turned to Princess Luna.

They obviously were hoping she had a solution.

She blinked,"RUN!"

They didn't argue, taking off up the steep hill off to the side, Spike absentmindedly rubbing the two pinpricks on his neck as he ran, his scales tickling slightly.

No one in Molag Mar ever knew where the couch fit for the Septim came from, but Dilami Androm was always grateful for being allowed to keep it, since she found it first. Being a Silt Strider caravanner was a stressful job.

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