• Published 11th May 2019
  • 7,753 Views, 880 Comments

Knowledge Brings Change - hydra30

What will happen when the Elements of Harmony team up with an eldritch horror from another realm?

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17 Suit up

Fluttershy gaped in surprise at the completely understandable voice that sounded from the creature before her. While talking to animals was indeed her specialty, it was very rare for them to speak with such clarity, even if his monologue was a bit strange. Still, it at least made one thing clear for Fluttershy, resulting in a wide grin spreading across her face as she turned to all the others behind her.

"It's okay everypony," she said, "He does talk. Now all I need to do is reason with...."

She paused as she took notice of their expressions.

Twilight was standing directly behind her as they approached the mudcrab, and from this close, Fluttershy could see that her pupils had constricted to a quarter of their usual size, her mouth dropped open in shock. The others wore similar expressions behind her, their slack jaws hanging open as far as they could. It was actually starting to make Fluttershy uneasy.

"What's wrong, everypony?" she asked nervously, trailing her worried eyes over each member of their party.

"Fluttershy..." whispered Twilight shakily, "I... I heard him... I... UNDERSTOOD him."

Fluttershy threw a hoof over her mouth. "You mean... you understood what he said just now?"

"We all did, Maiden Fluttershy," said Princess Luna, she and the others walking forward to get a better look at the mudcrab. "He... spoke quite clearly."

Fluttershy turned to look at the creature behind her, her eyes wide with shock. "But... how is that possible? I'm the only pony I know of that can actually communicate with animals. If all of you can understand him, it can only mean..."

"He's some kind of bizarre 'talking' mudcrab!" said Pinkie, still wearing the same shocked expression as the rest of them.

They all exchanged a look with Pinkie before giving the mudcrab some more flabbergasted looks, Twilight and Fluttershy more than the others. They both knew quite a bit more about this animal than the others, and to hear it 'actually speak' was something they hadn't expected. Especially considering that not even animals from Equestria could talk.

Finally shaking off her shock, Twilight walked forward to stand next to Fluttershy before the dark grey crustacean, having decided that their next course of action was the simplest one.

"Is it true?" she asked the mudcrab directly. "Are you some kind of talking mudcrab?"

"Whaddaya think?" it replied sharply, its squeaky voice causing them all to involuntarily jump in surprise again. "Sheesh. I'm a mudcarb... crab. Shure. A mudcrab. Thas me. Pretty sure. I LOOK like a mudcrab, right? Mush be. Thish IS me talking, right? So? I mush be... A talking mudcrab. And I sells stuff, right? So? I mush be a talking mudcrab merchant. Stands to reason, don't it?"

That final statement was what finally wiped the surprise from all their faces, to be replaced with a tilted expression of confusion.

"Did..." began Rainbow Dash, turning to Rarity who was standing next to her. "Did it just say... mudcrab merchant?"

"Sure. Thash what I said?" replied the mudcrab. "Did I stutter or shomethin? Talking. Mudcrab. Merchant. Read my lips. Ehr. Mouthparts? Read my mouthparts? Shomethin ain't right. But never mind. Jush one-a life's little myshteries."

Rainbow grew an annoyed look, taking wing and hovering over the mudcrab, staring into its beady eyes, "Buddy, mystery doesn't even begin to describe you."

If the mudcrab was offended by this it didn't show it."So. You gonna buy shomethin? Or sit here jawin' all day."

Rainbow grew another confused look. "You... actually have merchandise that you sell?"

"What, you hard of hearing, or shomethin?" replied the mudcrab."I say 'm a merchant. And 'm a mudcrab. Mudcrab. And merchant. Sells thingsh. Yesh I do."

"Who are you calling hard of hearing, you shelled chump," said Rainbow, scowling as she struck her hooves together threateningly.

"Rainbow," said Fluttershy scoldingly, pushing Rainbow back with a hoof to her chest. "Don't be rude. We... have been asking him the same thing over and over."

"Well, can you blame us?" asked Pinkie, "he's a flipping talking mudcrab."


The gentle clearing of a throat brought their attention to Princess Luna, who strolled forward and stood before the mudcrab.

"Excuse me, sir?" she said in a calm but regal voice. "But it is my understanding that you do not want to attack us?"

"Attack? I?" Inquired the mudcrab. "Course no. Be real bad for bushiness if began attacking clients. Beshides, mudcrab not best at fight. Have hard shell, but mouth parts not do much damage."

Luna smiled and bowed her head respectively. "Then we apologize for disturbing you." She turned to the rest of the group. "It's best we get back to bed. We will likely have a long day tomorrow."

The words from their princess finally brought them all back a sense of normalcy. Yes, this turn of events was quite unexpected, but they had other things to worry about. Very important things.

With a nod of confirmation to Princess Luna, they all turned in the direction of the unseen tent and began to head off to prepare for a good night's rest.

"Hey, come now," said the Mudcrab Merchant, skittering forward slightly. "Shurly there is shome deal we can make."

Luna sighed and turned towards their unusual new associate, the others halting to wait for her. "Look, we appreciate the offer, but we did not come here to shop for trinkets."

"I not merchant of trinkets," said the Mudcrab Merchant. "No...my merchandise useful, very useful."

"I am sorry, but we have no time," said Luna, "we have important business that can't be put off."

"I knows," said the Mudcrab Merchant. "You on quest. Really important quest. Lives hang in balance. Many lives."

Again, their mouths dropped open in shock.

"How...how do you know about that?" Asked Rarity.

"Good merchant mush know client," said the Mudcrab Merchant. "And I has jush the thing that can aid you on you're journey through dangerous Morrowind."

They all exchanged looks. This mudcrab knew an awful lot about what was going on, despite them not having told it anything. With slight anticipation, they all looked to Princess Luna, for one of the reasons she had accompanied them was to offer her insight. She rolled her eyes and once again approached the mudcrab.

"Very well," she said sternly as she stood before the chittering creature. "You claim to have something that can aid us on our journey, so what is it?"

"Armor," said the Mudcrab Merchant. "Yes, you need fine armor. Many dangers on the journey ahead, need good, reliable armor to protect oneself."

"We already have armor," said Princess Luna with a glare.

"I see your arrival to island," said the Mudcrab Merchant. "What you wear no armor, that merely toys. Not protect from even Nix hound bite."

"Hey!" said Luna, slight irritation in her voice. "That armor was forged by the best armourers in our entire kingdom."

"It still inferior to armor I know," said the Mudcrab Merchant.

Luna's scowl could melt steel. "What makes you such an expert?"

"Take not my word for it," said the Mudcrab Merchant, "ask purple companion, she know it true as much me."

Luna arched an eye and turned to Twilight. "What is... 'he'... talking about?"

Twilight tapped her chin in thought. She didn't actually know what the mudcrab was referring to, for she had yet to see this armor, none of them had. Yet, while in Apocrypha, she had studied the different unique minerals that could be harvested from the earth in Nirn, and the many types of material that could be sown from...

"Wait," gasped Twilight, walking up to the Mudcrab Merchant, "are you referring to Ebony, or Daedric?"

"I has many types of armor," replies the huge crustacean.

"Princess," Twilight turned to Luna with a look of intrigue. "I am sorry to say, but if he actually is referring to the armor that I think he is, than it is indeed vastly superior to our own."

Luna arched an eye. "You know this to be true?"

"Yes, your Majesty," replied Twilight, "from what I have learned, the armor from this world has been known to protect its wearer from even the most brutal of attacks. Some of them can even take extensive amounts of damage without the need for repairs for long periods of time."

Luna blinked and contemplated what she was being told. She had extensive experience in matters involving armor. As said before, during the beginning phases of Equestria's budding history, she and her sister were constantly needed to protect their kingdom from multiple threats, especially during the time before the discovery of the Elements of Harmony.

She remembered servants and squires wheeling cart loads of battered and broken armor from their different brigades after a battle, many of which had only been forged less than a week prior. It wasn't lost to her that Equestrian armor had changed very little in that time, and one of her worries so far was that the armor Shining had given Twilight and her friends wouldn't last long enough to protect them throughout the entire journey. If this was indeed a better option...

"Mudcrab," she said, looking forward and locking her eyes with the foreboding creature. "Do you have enough of this armor to suit all my companions?"

"I always prepared," said the Mudcrab Merchant. "Never know when potential client shows up, so mush be ready to meet unexpected needs at all tines."

"Uh, Princess?" inquired Twilight, tapping her flank to get her attention. "I can't say the thought of utilizing the armor I have heard so much about isn't intriguing, but remember the physical differences between us and the inhabitants of this realm. We won't be able to wear any of it."

Luna smiled almost coyly. "I actually have a solution for that, young Twilight."

Twilight tilted her head. "Really, how?"

Luna smirked in the direction of their invisible tent, "The armor Shining Armor gave you might still be of some use to us." She turned back to the Mudcrab Merchant. "Alright, let's talk business."

"Music to mine ears... Uh...antennas."


With a slight heave, Applejack and Rainbow Dash set the last pieces of armor along with their respective sets.

"Gotta admit, this is some hardcore looking coverage," commented Rainbow as she hovered above to admire the seven sets of helmets, greaves, boots, gauntlets, and cuirasses.

"It had better be after what we just spent on them," said Princess Luna with a slightly sour look, shaking her little blue pouch pouch next to her ear. "I brought those bits from the royal treasury in case of emergencies, but I never imagined I would spend this many in one go. I don't know how I'm going to explain this to Celly."

"Yeah," said Pinkie, Luna arching an eye as she pushed her aside so she could put her ear to the shaking pouch too. "For a mudcrab, he sure drove a hard bargain."

"I must admit," said Rarity as she trotted around each set of armor and examined each piece. "Despite the barbaric purpose it was made to serve, they are elegant in their own way." But then she grew a look of worry as she scooped up a gauntlet in her magic and flexed its fingers.

"But... I have to agree with what Twilight said earlier. This obviously wasn't forged with pony physiques in mind, so how are we supposed to use them?"

Everyone else agreed with her, and Luna flashed them a smirk. "Everypony, please put on your pony armor."

"Hey," moaned Spike, crossing his arms.

"You too, of course, Spike."

They all did as instructed, and soon they all bore the armor of Equestrian royal guard, standing before their princess. "Now, please, each of you stand before the set of armor you respectively chose."

When the Mudcrab Merchant had shown them his wares (though they knew not from where, but it amused Pinkie to no end to see so much stuff appear out of thin air) it was revealed that they had multiple types of armor to choose from. Even though they had to work around the fit, they had all picked armor that looked and felt right. Said armor was laid out in assorted piles before them.

"Alright," said Luna as they each stood in place before different piles. "For what I have in mind, you all need to remain perfectly still."

That, of course, spiked a little unease among them, but before any could question it, Luna's horn lit up. Her magic started out her normal blue, but soon morphed into a solid sheen of white light that wrapped around her horn. A second later, the armor before each of them was coated in a similar light, and before their eyes, the individual parts began to flatten and recede, like they were melting into pools of liquid light.

Twilight's friends couldn't help but gasp in fascination, but Twilight herself gawked with recognition. "Starwswirl's spell of conglomeration, why didn't I think of that?"

Then the individual pools of light suddenly leaped up off the floor and formed glowing, hovering orbs that then flew up in an arc and impacted the person in front of them, wrapping them in a similar light. Luna ceased her spell, for she had done her part, and then watched the shining silhouettes of her friends, and the shapes of the armor they wore flexing, extending, or receding. It only lasted for a second, then they were all revealed in a shower of sparkling particles of white light.

...Which showed the new and improved armor that now covered their bodies.

Applejack lifted her left foreleg up to examine it closely, then lifted a hind leg and kicked it in and out experimentally.

Being a muscular earth pony, and being even stronger than was the norm for her kind, Applejack had chosen the strongest, but heaviest of the armor available. The greaves stretched up her hind legs, jet black with red highlights, ending at her thighs in three thick ridges that jutted out in wicked spikes. The cuirass and gauntlets covered her upper body in sinister black, red runes seeming to glow at the seams. Three long tassels of crimson hair extended from the top of the helm and down the back of Applejack's neck, the black metal shielding her cranium, but left her face exposed.

Applejack continued to flex in her full Daedric, a smile forming on her muzzle when she discovered that she could still move quite easily, despite the added weight.

Rarity was, of course, the most elegant of them.

The helm framed her face with glittering gold adorned with fine crafted patterns, the back of her head guarded by tough, but beautiful purple fabric. The gauntlets more resembled decorative bracers at the base of her forelegs, golden and with patterns of their own. The cuirass too was gold and adorned with patterns, the shoulder pads extending out in a wavy up and down form, the base crafted to resemble a skirt.

Rarity had to fight to keep from swooning as she examined herself, admiring the elegance of her Golden armor that now covered her hindquarters.

Rainbow hovered up and tested her mobility, thankful that her modified armor still retained the holes for pegasus wings.

Rainbow had actually chosen her armor for familiarity rather than anything else, for she had already come across some of it in Apocrypha.

It was a kind of a rusted bronze color, thick and heavy as the open faced helm ended in a cone shape.

The greaves were thick and bulky, guarding Rainbow's fetlocks with metal that she moved with ease, despite the weight, punching the air as she practiced moving in her new armor. The thighs of the cuirass had arched pipes at the hips, thick metal forming the greaves below.

Full Dwemer was indeed a heavy armor, but Rainbow appeared to be having no trouble, mostly due to her athletic experience.

Pinkie Pie trotted in place excitedly as she admired her own new armor.

Hers had to be the strangest of all, with her poofy mane poking out from under a glistening green crown like helm with a single larger spike extending up from the center. Several similar smaller spikes adorned the rest of the armor, interwoven with a dark colored metal as it covered Pinkie from head to hoof.

This full Glass had better be prepared for a long relationship with Pinkie.

Fluttershy had a deep blush on her face as she looked herself over.

She had not wanted to participate particularly, but knew it was pointless if it was to be believed that they were going to need superior protection. Still, it was slightly embarrassing that hers was so... tight. But it was the only one she could wear that was light enough to still allow her to fly.

Fluttershy appeared to be wrapped in nothing but a skin tight jumpsuit, jet black as it covered her frame. A tight hood guarded Fluttershy's head, leather straps wrapping around her temples and stretching over her skull a little to the right, connecting to some type of eye wear that guarded her eyes, the right eye covered by a tiny lens, while the left was covered by a lens at least eight times the size. It didn't appear to be able to protect from much, but Luna had tested it herself and found it to be more durable than it first appeared.

What made it more uncomfortable for the timid pegasus is what the armor represented. Twilight had told her what it was, having decided keeping it a secret wasn't a good idea. Who would have thought that Fluttershy would one day come to rely on the armor of the infamous Dark Brotherhood?

But comfort was soon to come as Fluttershy felt a supportive hoof on her shoulder, looking up to see Twilight giving her a smile that said everything is alright.

Twilight had found great difficulty choosing armor that felt right, being as everyone else had at least partially chosen in regards to their personality. But in the midst of her frustration at finding nothing that felt right, Twilight had for some reason thought about the tale Hearth's Warming is built around, and it immediately reminded her of the set of armor she had seen while ruffling through all the different types of armor available. And it was the only one not made from metal, or some other type of materials pulled from the earth.

Pure ice adorned Twilight all over, glistening light blue in the light of the tent. It was a shock to all of them that this ice never melted, and was so durable that only a process known to a very select few knew how to shape it to make this armor. Twilight wondered if maybe some type of parallel version of windigo was behind the creation of Stalhrim.

Even Spike had the privilege to pick new armor. Of course, with his never ending struggle to win the heart of a certain fashionista, he had gone with the most dashing armor he could find. He was now decked out in smooth, black armor, trimmed with gold.

Maybe with full Ebony, he would finally pull off some heroic deed that would sweep Rarity off her hooves.

"We look awesome," said Rainbow, mimicking more fighting stances as she hovered above.

"I must admit, while I will never have a fondness for violence," said Rarity, admiring herself from all angles. "This armor has a charm of its own that even I can't deny."

"Boy howdy, don't I know it," said Applejack. "And to steal Rainbow's signature word, I gotta say, I find the colors of mine awesome."

"Hey..." Rainbow started, but relented when she took in how Applejack looked in her full Daedric. "Alright, I admit it. You do look awesome, AJ."

Applejack grinned with slight smugness.

"I, for one, am glad they retained the free faces of the Equestrian helms," stated Luna as she approached them. "Several of those helms covered the face entirely, and it would not be prudent to have something obscuring your vision."

"While I wholeheartedly agree, your Majesty," said Rarity with a slight pout, "I must admit, I did find the mask of my armor to be quite attractive."

"Only you, Rarity," said Applejack with an eye roll.

"Though I don't understand why you didn't want a new set yourself, Princess," said Rainbow.

Luna looked to her own midnight blue armor with a slight smirk. "Mine has no need, Rainbow."

Fluttershy looked up with slight concern.

"Are you sure, your Majesty?" She asked. "You said yourself that this armor is vastly superior to anything you had seen before."

"Yes, but my armor is different," explained Luna, "it was forged by alicorn magic. Not even a mountain collapsing on it could damage it."

"How come you didn't bring more of it?" asked Twilight.

"Not enough time," said Luna, "My sister had to have been working on it even before I returned from exile for her to have had it finished in time to embark on this quest."

They admired the armor for a little while longer before finally bedding down for the night, having no more interruptions. However, Twilight lay awake for a few more minutes as one by one the sounds of her sleeping company filled the tent. She was still contemplating the fact that she was on Nirn, during the Third Era, in Morrowind.

A part of her felt guilty about this, after all, this had all been set into motion the moment she stumbled upon that Black Book beneath Canterlot.

But she had decided to not dwell on it too hard. What's done is done, and no amount of sulking or self pity would change it. But, it was intrigue that truly kept her up.

This was the Third Era...

The time when mortals obtained the power of the gods. Twilight had read up on several matters of magic, from both Equestria and Mundus, and even though the feats of beings like the Daedra were horrifying and disturbing, it could not be said that they were not incredible. And this was the one point in the History of Nirn that magical limitations were pushed to the ultimate brink.

'Vivec, Dagoth Ur, The Tools of Kagrenac. I have read so much about them, but here and now, they actually exist,' thought Twilight. 'What it would be like to study them.'

Of course, Twilight was only fantasizing. She was intrigued by such powerful magic, but she knew the calamity and suffering such things had already caused. Still, she could not help but be intrigued.

"Twilight?" She felt a gentle caressing on her shoulder and turned to barely make out Fluttershy's unique mane style in the pitch darkness of their tent.

She yawned a little, but wasn't irritated in any way. How could anypony be annoyed at such a gentle, loving soul. Especially if you were kind of expecting this reaction from her, given the current circumstances.

"What's wrong, Fluttershy?" Twilight whispered into the dark.

Fluttershy fidgeted a little. "I... I hope I didn't wake you..."

"I was still awake anyway," said Twilight. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh, well... its just..." Twilight heard scraping in the dark and knew Fluttershy was rubbing her foreleg nervously.

Twilight put on a gentle smile, illuminating her horn just enough to shroud herself with enough purple light to reveal her lifting the hem of her sleeping bag, patting the floor next to her welcomingly. Fluttershy shed a single tear of relief as she gently slipped in next to Twilight, the light fading as she was pulled towards a warm chest. It only took a second for Twilight's breathing to lull her to sleep.

Twilight herself stayed awake for just a few minutes longer, feeling the gentle rhythm of Fluttershy's heart.

Her last thought before giving into the embrace of slumber was how relieved she was that Fluttershy had decided to come join her before she herself was asleep...it wasn't entirely unexpected that she would show up eventually.


Being the early bird she was, Applejack was the first to stir awake, even long before the sun had even risen outside.

Her grandmother had always told her the 'the early bird gets the worm', and so far she caught every worm she had worm she had been charged to get. With a slight yawn, she rose from her sleeping bag and stretched out the kinks, surveying her dark surroundings.

Normally, on the farm, she would grab a lantern to help her see and start her chores, but seeing as the current circumstances had left her in a position that had quite removed her from what was normal, that wasn't really an option. For starters, her friends still needed their rest, so lighting a lantern wasn't an option, it would surely disturb them. But be that as it may, she did have a 'certain' self appointed chore she wanted to start and with her new abilities a lantern was no longer necessary.

With a flourish of her hoof, Applejack cast one of the spells she was able to cast now.

The room around her came into focus, the shadows receding from her vision as Nighteye made seeing in the dark much simpler. A touched smile spread across her muzzle as she saw the purple and yellow figures bundled in Twilight's sleeping bag. She herself, wasn't the least bit surprised that Fluttershy wanted somepony to cling to during this time, it would be scary for even the most tough of ponies.

Even she felt uneasy.

Scooping her hat up and plopping it over her blonde mane, Applejack made her way over to Princess Luna's infinite dimension pouch and began rummaging around inside, scooping out different foods for their breakfast. It had always been her duty on the farm to make breakfast, and since she was up, she might as well carry that responsibility here. She made sure to bring out a few of Pinkie's selection just to appease the party pony when she woke, but made sure most of it was food that would maintain health and energies.

You don't fool around with breakfast, after all.

A bitter scowl crossed Applejack's muzzle as she pulled out a jug of her family's apple cider.

'I wish I had some of that sujamma,' she mused to herself, 'I hate to admit it, but the stuff has sure can give a pony a kick. It's just the thing we need to give us an energy rush in the morning.'

She looked up as Rainbow floated by on her cloud, snoring like a dragon as she passed. She definitely needed something to jumpstart that power napper in the morning. Unfortunately, there had been no time to get more sujamma from Apocrypha before they left, and with the incognito nature of their mission, it was unlikely that they could just walk into a store and buy some.


With a slight jingle, one of the bags of bits the princess was using to haggle with the Mudcrab Merchant tumbled out. Applejack looked to see if anyone had been disturbed by the noise, and was relieved to see none were. She picked up the bag of bits to return it back to were it belonged, but suddenly had a thought as she looked to the entrance of the tent.

That mudcrab claimed to sell all types of wares.


Morning sunlight filtered in through the entrance flap of the tent and Princess Luna was the first to rise, also waking the others with a flash of magic.

"Good, you're all up," they turned to see Applejack laying out food for them across the room, pouring cider into cups as well. "We had best eat something, we will need our strength."

They all agreed, sitting in a circle and started to casually fill their stomachs.

Twilight noticed the uneasy looks Princess Luna kept throwing out the tent flap as she munched on some toast, "Is something the matter, Princess?"

Luna turned to Twilight with a reassuring smile. "Nothing to worry about, just old habits. Usually, I would be turning in at this time, after guarding the dream realm for the night."

"Oh, we understand, your Majesty," said Rarity, wiping her mouth with a handkerchief as she enjoyed some eggs. "It isn't pleasant to have to change one's routine."

"I almost lowered the moon this morning out of habit."

Twilight blinked and threw Luna a worried look. "I would advise against that, Princess. Remember, Nirn has its own guardian of day and night, Azura, and if one were to try manipulating the heavenly bodies of this world, she would surely notice."

"But I thought these things would protect us from being noticed by the big Daedra meanies," said Pinkie, snapping the dark gray band on her wrist.

"It's best not to try our luck, especially here in Morrowind." She turned to Princess Luna. "Princess, it would be best if you try to suppress your habit of controlling the moon, it is more than likely Azura would notice us."

"Have no fear, young Twilight," said Luna, "I fully intend to reel in my instinct, the moon of this world is not mine to manipulate, after all."

"Especially considering the moons here are technically the semi-dead bodies of the powerful beings that created this world," said Pinkie with a grin.

They all gave her a look.

"Still," said Luna as she brought her attention to Twilight, "what you said has troubled me, young Twilight. Why is it more likely I would draw this 'Azura's' attention here in Morrowind?"

"Because she, along with Boethiah and Mephala, are worshipped above all others here in Morrowind," explained Twilight. "She has more influence here than anywhere else on Nirn."

Luna grew a look of concern, "Twilight, I think it might be best if you tell me more about Azura, since it is her that will take notice of us if I use my control of the moon for whatever reason. You gave me and my sister a brief description of the Daedra, but I feel it is important to know more about Azura."

They all gave her their undivided attention.

"Well," began Twilight, tapping her chin. "Azura is the Daedric Prince of Dusk and Dawn, but she is far more than that. Her Sphere of Influence is over change, any change... though she uses the transition from dusk to dawn as the primary example of her power."

"You once told us she has a reputation as being one of the more benevolent Daedra," said Rarity. "Would it really be such a problem if it was her that found us out?"

"Azura is still a Daedric Prince, Rarity," said Twilight. "She may not have such a sinister reputation as the others, but her people have incurred her wrath in the past, remember what happened when the Tribunal obtained godhood."

"But we aren't here to steal her thunder," said Rainbow.

"Perhaps not," said Twilight, looking back to Princess Luna. "But the fact is, Princess, your very presence might be seen as blasphemous to her. You have powers no one else in our world possesses, and that only one here in Nirn possesses. It's also entirely possible she would see you as a challenge to her rule."

"She would be so petty?" inquired Luna. "She with the reputation as being the more benign of these Daedra!"

"Like I said, she is still a Daedric Prince," replied Twilight. "It's not the fact that they are good or evil, they simply don't have the same sense of morality that we do. Their idea of right and wrong is just not the same as ours."

Pinkie shivered. "If ma and pa caught me doing the kinds of things these Daedra get up to, I would never leave the timeout corner."

They all gave her a confused look.

"Hey Twilight," said Spike, "has anyone ever questioned the power of the Daedra?"

Luna looked up at that, "That is actually a good question. I find it doubtful that every single person in history would blindly follow such petty beings, no matter the power they possess."

Twilight smiled. "It's funny you should ask, there is an old story I came across that tells of a time when someone actually decided to test the powers of the Daedra, and ironically, it was Azura who they tested."

They all paused in eating so as to give her their undivided attention. "The story is that long ago, a Dwemer scholar decided to test the limits of the upper levels of magic, so he gathered his students to witness as he and an old friend of his, who was a high ranking Chimer priest, summoned Azura and asked her to prove that she was all knowing. Willing to prove her divine power, Azura agreed to his challenge, and the old dwarf placed an unassuming box at her feet and asked her to tell him what was inside. Outraged at such a trivial test of her powers, Azura begrudgingly told him that the box held a single red speckled flower."

"That's it?" asked Rainbow, with a tilt of her head.

"They summon an all powerful deity, and ask her to simply tell them what's in a box?" inquired Applejack.

"Seems an awful waste of time," said Pinkie. "She wouldn't even have to use her power to know what was in the box if she could smell the flower."

Luna grew a worried look. "I get the feeling that guessing what was in the box wasn't the actual test of Azura's might."

"You would be correct," continued Twilight. "For when the Dwemer opened the box, it was empty."

They all gasped.

"So she did guess wrong," said Fluttershy.

"Ha, some all powerful deity," commented Rainbow smugly.

"I bet she didn't like that," said Rarity.

"You would be right Rarity," said Twilight, continuing. "When the dwarf looked up, Azura had vanished, and it was then that he laughed giddily, because his theory had been proven true. Though the gods had unrivalled magical power, they were not all knowing, they could be fooled.

"But not all were overcome with joy about this breakthrough, the Chimer priest who had participated had fallen to his knees, absolute horror and fear coursing through his soul. Only he had seen Azura before she departed and her expression had turned his knees to water, for he had just slighted one of the Deadra lords his people worshiped above all, and the look on her face haunted him for the rest of his life. But as he lay kneeling the dwarf's students carted their still laughing teacher to his chamber; and as they did, a single red flower petal fell from his robes."

Hooves flew to muzzles.

"He... he pocketed the flower," said Rainbow in a quiet tone.

"When he removed the lid," finished Applejack.

"I figured as much," said Luna. "The true test wasn't whether Azura could divine what was in the box, but whether or not a mortal was capable of fooling her."

"But... isn't that dangerous?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Yeah, these guys don't sound like the kind of people who can take a joke," said Pinkie, then remembered Sheogorath. "At least not when it's directed at them."

"Yes, Pinkie," said Twilight. "It was not long after that that the events leading to the Dwemer's demise took place."

"I thought they winked themselves out of existence?" Inquired Spike.

"Yes, but think about it, Spike," explained Twilight, "after thousands of years of shining brilliance, the most accomplished people in all of Nirn suddenly decide to dabble in things never meant to be dabbled in, after slighting a Daedra."

"Twilight raises a good point," said Rarity, "It wouldn't be the only time she punished a whole species for the actions of a few."

"You speak of how she robbed the people who share the same race as the Tribunal of their beauty?" asked Princess Luna.

"Yes, Princess," said Twilight, "and imagine what could happen if something from Equestria drew her wrath?"

Yes, if what Twilight said was true, it was more than possible for Luna's existence alone to draw her ire. Luna had raised the moon in Equestria for a long time, so it was going to be a hard habit to break, but if she slipped up once and sent her alicorn magic to raise the moon of Nirn it could spell disaster for them all. She had no doubt she could do this though, she had volunteered to accompany them.

They finished breakfast in relative silence, though they got a surprise when their cider suddenly gave them an almost uncontrollable energy rush, while Applejack just smiled smugly.


They exited the tent just as the invisibility spell wore off, and they collapsed the thing as quickly as possible, stowing it back in Luna's unique pouch. The island they were on looked even smaller in the day, but the surrounding land had a more appealing quality than the previous night, now that all was clear in the morning light. It was almost too similar to a morning in Equestria...

...Until Rainbow pointed out something a few kilometers away from them.

"Hey, check it out," said Rainbow, the others following her hoof to the decrepit metal towers, some billowing steam. "Is that what I think it is, Twilight?"

"Yep, it's a Dwemer ruin," replied Twilight, "according to the map, it's called Mzahnch."


Fluttershy hid behind Twilight and trembled. Twilight knew the last time she had experienced a Dwemer ruin was less than enjoyable, so couldn't fault her for her unease. But all she could do was pat her reassuringly.

"It's so... repulsive," said Rarity as she took in the rusted towers of distinct sizes and shapes.

"Its caretakers have been gone a while, Rarity," said Twilight.

"All the better chances for there to be treasure," said Rainbow, taking flight and dashing in the direction of the ruins.

"RAINBOW!" shouted Twilight, dragging the pegasus back by her tail in her magic.

"Oh, come on, egghead," she said with a pout.

"We are here for a reason," Twilight scolded. "And it isn't to plunder ancient ruins."

"Besides, young Rainbow, we mustn't meddle," said Luna, "need I remind you we are in the deep past?"

Rainbow scowled a little, but ultimately relented. "Can I at least explore those towers from the outside? We're headed that way anyway."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Fine, but try to stay where we can see you. It's best we not get separated."

Rainbow saluted and flew up to zip around the towers of Mzahnch, weaving through them, landing on the roofs, or flying into the steam streams to be carried up before flying out of them. Twilight shook her head with an amused smile at Rainbow's childish indulgence before turning to the rest of the group. They were all looking at the mainland a short distance away, Rarity scrunching her muzzle in disgust at all the water that still stood between them.

"Ugh... we have to cross this?" She moaned.

"Hey, it's only a bit of Inner sea water," said Pinkie, diving off the small island and doing backstrokes in a circle. "A little swim never hurt anypony."

"While that may be true, Pinkie, there is no reason for us to get wet," said Twilight, her horn shooting out a shower of blue sparks that then cascaded over her body. She herself leaped off the island, but unlike Pinkie, she stood on the shifting surface as if it were solid ground.

"Amazing!" said Princess Luna, taking flight and examining Twilight as she stood upon the water.

"Oh, I really need to get better at this," said Rarity, her horn casting the same spell.

The others followed, casting a walk on water spell and beginning the trek to shore, though Pinkie only decided to do so because walking on water looked fun.


The sudden shout from above found them all looking up in time to lock eyes with Rainbow Dash as she zoomed in from above. Her expression was uncharacteristically shaken, her face as white as a sheet. It immediately brought worry to all of them.

"Rainbow, darling, what is the matter?" asked Rarity nervously, knowing Rainbow wasn't easily frightened, let alone to this degree.

"COME QUICK!!!" She sped off back in the direction of the Dwemer ruins, the others trailing after, skirting around it to the opposite side.

When they rounded the bend, they all stopped in their tracks, white invading their complexion as well.

Limp bipedal figures lay strewn about all over, at least a dozen in number, floating in the water, or lying limp on one of the nearby tiny islands. The ones on land leaked little crimson streams that flowed from deep lacerations that adorned their bodies, flowing into the sea to mingle with the crimson halos that surrounded the bodies floating in the water. They were all scaly from head to toe, their reptilian complexion still and lifeless.

Fluttershy burst into tears at such horror, the others surrounding her protectively, but looking no less disturbed than her to see such carnage. Luna flapped her wings slowly as she took in the scene, though she was handling it better due to her extensive experience with warfare. But Spike had to look away, joining the pony huddle as he trembled from his spines to his tail; never in his young life had he borne witness to such a massacre.

Eventually, they all composed themselves enough to dare getting closer, deciding it would be best to try and figure out what happened, despite every inch of them telling them to flee from here as quickly as possible.

"What... what in Equestria is this?" whimpered Rarity. "These... these poor things... what... what happened?"

Twilight, having spent so long in the company of so many of Hermaeus Mora's servants, and often practicing her destruction on them, was the first to recover from the mortifying scene enough to begin deductions. She recognized these people as Argonian, she knew that for sure, and something on one of the nearby islands drew her attention. Trending on the surface of the water, she made her way over.

"Girls, over here!"

Following her lead, the others arrived beside Twilight, and found she had discovered a corpse that wasn't like the others. It had smooth hide, rather then scaly like the others, dark gray skin and black hair made up its face. Unlike the others, it didn't appear to have died from stab wounds. Its skull had been caved in in multiple places, its dark red eyes sitting limply in their cracked sockets.

But the most notable difference between the Argonians and this Dunmer was the extravagant clothing it wore, while the others were completely bare.

"I..." Twilight couldn't suppress a shiver before she continued, "I think we've stumbled across where some Dunmer caught up with runaway slaves."

They all gasped.

"Are you sure, Twilight Sparkle?" asked Princess Luna.

Twilight forced down some bile as she began rummaging through the Dunmer corpse's pockets with her magic, a key suddenly lifting from the hem of its extravagant tunic. She walked over to a nearby Argonian, fitting the key into a glittering silver gauntlet on its right hand, fitting it into a keyhole built into the metal. With a subtle clink, the gauntlet snapped off, and Twilight presented it to the others.

"This is a slave bracer," she explained sadly, "Morrowind slave markets used these to hinder an Argonians strength during the Third Era. They have an enchantment on them that weakens the wearer."

They all looked at the hovering bracer with revulsion.

"How barbaric," commented Rarity.

"These Argonians must have fled their captors," hypothesized Twilight, "only to be intercepted, and rather than be taken, they chose to fight, even though they were outnumbered and had no weapons." She looked down at the Argonian and noticed the rock it had in its hand, then to the bludgeon wounds on the Dunmer. "And from the looks of things, this Argonian managed to take down the Dunmer slaver in charge, before being struck down."

"How horrible," whimpered Fluttershy, her kind soul howling in agony at seeing such suffering. "To think they would rather die this way... then go back to a life of captivity."

Spike had completely lost his composure at this point. He ran from the rest of them over to the nearest land, falling to his knees and clutching his head, shaking as tears flowed from his eyes. Never in his young life had he seen such an atrocity... or so much blood.

He had never known such evil existed.

All coherent thought left him as fear invaded every corner of his mind...

"Spike." Hooves enveloped the baby dragon and pulled him to a purple chest. "Spike... I never wanted you to see something like this. Listen... We aren't far from the portal. If you would rather go back..."

It was tempting, Spike had never wanted to go home so badly in his life. But then he recalled Twilight wrapped in changeling goo, willingly dousing herself in his dragonfire to get free. He never wanted to see that again.

Shaking his head vigorously, he gently pushed off Twilight and stood up straight, "I don't need to go home. I can take it."

Twilight looked at him worriedly. "Are you certain, Spike? If you need to..."

"You brought me along because you need help," said Spike, "I have just as much firepower as you and the girls do, thanks to my time in Apocrypha. It's right for me to be here with you."

Twilight smiled with pride and gratitude she hugged her number one assistant.

And when they separated, Spike noticed something out of the corner of his eye, and turned to look.

"Hey Twilight, check this out," he said, pointing to the ground.

Twilight followed his claw and saw footprints in the mud... leading up to the round double doors of Mzahnch.

"Those footprints match these poor people's feet," said Fluttershy as she suddenly appeared.

"Then... one of these Argonian guys must have escaped into the ruins," said Rainbow.

"And I don't see any other footprints," stated Applejack. "I don't think anyone else, friend or foe, went in there."

"Yeah, no one else went inside the big scary place," said Pinkie.

Twilight suddenly leaped in front of them with a desperate look. "Girls, I know what you're thinking... but there is nothing we can do."

They all collectively gasped.

"Twilight, what are you saying?" Asked a distraught Rarity.

Twilight hated the looks they were giving her, but she knew it would come to this eventually. Even if they did agree with her at the start, it was entirely different when in a situation like this.

"Girls, remember what we talked about last night," she said. "If we alter something here, it could have dire consequences, for both Nirn and Equestria."

They all exchanged looks.

"Twilight, you can't be serious," said Applejack almost hysterically, gesturing behind her at the senseless bloodshed. "After what you see before you, you wanna just look away?"

"How can you not want to help what could be the only survivor of a party of slaves that escaped the chains of their cruel masters?" asked Fluttershy, tears leaking from her eyes.

"Please don't say that, Fluttershy," said Twilight desperately, reaching out to her, but had her hoof shrugged off. "Of course I want to help, but what about the risk? What if this action changes things?"

"Uh, I don't have your crazy book smarts,Twi" said Rainbow, "but... from what I see here... only one of these unfortunate guys is left. You told us before that hundreds of Argonians were forced into slavery here in Morrowind, and every day hundreds escaped or were smuggled out. How is us helping 'one' to freedom that big of a deal?"

"Don't underestimate time, Rainbow," said Twilight. "One small alteration in the past could snowball into a giant cascade of disaster." She looked over her shoulder at Mzahnch nervously. "And even if it were otherwise, you all know what dwells within a Dwemer ruin. Even if they did make it inside, it's unlikely they are still alive."

Fluttershy shivered again, but suddenly grew a look of resolve and approached Twilight. "Twilight, I know it's not likely... but there is a chance that whoever went in there is still alive."

"Even if the place is full of bad robots," said Pinkie.

Twilight went to argue, but Rarity cut her off, "Darling, we understand your reason, we know that there is a risk we could alter history... and we have agreed." Her lips trembled as she looked to the massacre behind them, "but... is this the cost?"

Twilight stopped in her tracks."Wha... what cost?"

"I think I know what Rare is trying to say," said Applejack, "who knows how long we could be here to retrieve this potion to cure Fleur's disease... and... if in all that time, we ignore every person who is in trouble that we can help with, how long until we become numb to it? If we try so hard to preserve the future by ignoring every little life in need... what would happen if we become so used to it, we just ignore whatever problems arise in the future? Our future?"

"And it's not just that, Twilight," said Rarity, taking the Infinite Dimension Pouch from Princess Luna and pulling out the Elements of Harmony. "What about these? How can I be the Element of Generosity if I just ignore every person in need I come across? Past, present, other world, or otherwise?"

"Rare bear is right," said Pinkie, "how can I be the Element of Laughter if I ignore everyone who needs a laugh? Whoever is in there is definitely not happy now."

"How can I be the Element of Honesty, if I just believe anything that might not be true?" said Applejack. "It's not definitively true that aiding whoever is in there would result in... what do you call it... time paradox?"

"How can I be the Element of Kindness if I do something as cruel as turning my back on a poor creature in need?" whimpered Fluttershy.

"And how can I be the Element of Loyalty if I leave someone hanging for such a lame excuse like a time paradox?" said Rainbow.

There was nothing lame about paradoxes.

But Twilight wasn't focused on that. In all her planning, she never once considered not turning a blind eye to everything but the mission to collect this potion. She had tried so hard to remain herself under Hermaeus Mora's teaching, and she had pressed the same into her friends, but what if just ignoring situations like this did change them?

Despite all that had happened, they were still the protectors of their kingdom, and what her friends had said struck a chord. How could they exemplify their elements if they changed too much to represent them?

Just like how Discord had wanted long ago.

She caught her reflection in the Element of Magic. Would they still remain themselves if they continued to ignore innocent people in distress? Her heart told her unequivocally no.

Slowly, her resolve to remain adamant here was dwindling.

But it was not just what her friends had said. No, her resolve to not meddle had begun dwindling the moment she decided to try and keep Equestria and Nirn separate had lessened the moment she even contemplated the notion, and to this day, she knew not why. But she needed to make a decision.

She saw Princess Luna off to the side in the reflection of her Element.

"Luna?" inquired Twilight, deciding to ask the one pony who had not yet added her piece. "What should we do?"

The Princess had obviously been expecting to be addressed. "I agree on all fronts, but I believe this is an opportunity we can't pass up." She lifted a hoof to show her wrist band. "This would be a perfect chance to test these."

They all looked at their wrist bands.

"Our magic glowing things that hide us from the big bad meanies?" asked Pinkie.

"What do you mean test them?" asked Applejack.

"From what I understand, there is only one survivor of this atrocity," said Luna. "It would be the perfect time to test if they truly hide our identity from the people of this realm, for if by any chance they don't, it's doubtful that a runaway slave would tell anyone about us."

"But they worked when we used them back in Equestria," said Twilight.

"Young Twilight, you above anyone should understand the necessity to test unknown magic," said Luna. "The Cowl of Nocturnal has never been used to guard 'pony' identities, and therefore may very well not hide us if we come across people who dwell in this realm."

Twilight knew she was right, never assume magic has no limit, no matter how powerful. Yes, this was an ideal time to see if they could indeed be hidden if they encounter someone here. As well as help someone in need.

But there was one thing she felt was best.

"If we are to do this I have one condition," she said, "not all of us should go in."


"Why not?" said Rainbow.

"Twi, it could be dangerous in there," said Applejack worriedly.

"Princess Luna brings up a valid point," explained Twilight. "If it turns out that we are indeed not hidden from people who live here, it would be best they not know how many we are in number. Then we will retain some form of advantage."

"Twilight is right," said Luna, "it's best we not risk exposing our strength of numbers."

They all seemed to admit she had a point.

"Alright, so who gets to go with you?" asked Rainbow.

"I believe you, Applejack and Princess Luna will suffice," replied Twilight.

Rainbow and Applejack smirked at each other while Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Spike actually looked relieved, having been staring at the foreboding structure with unease.

"And I know what we should do while they are in there," said Fluttershy, looking back behind her then giving the three who would be staying outside with her a guilty look. "I'm sorry to have to ask... but... they deserve a proper place to rest."

Rarity looked behind her and her eyes welled with pity. "We understand, it's the least we can do for them."

"Fluttershy," Twilight levitated the slave bracer key to them. "Remove the shackles while you're laying them to rest. I think they would have wanted that."

With a nod of understanding, Fluttershy and her group made their way back towards the tragic bodies of the Argonians, while Twilight's group approached the doors to Mzahnch.

"Why do you wish me to accompany you, young Twilight?" asked Princess Luna.

"If they have survived the ruins, they will most likely be terrified out of their mind," explained Twilight as they were pulling their armor out of Luna's bag. "You help soothe the nightmares of people, so I figured you would be best suited to calm them if they are too scared to be reasonable."

Luna had to credit Twilight for her quick thinking.

When they all had dressed in their armor Twilight gripped the doors of Mzahnch in her magic and they opened with a groaning screech, rusted metal stairs sinking into darkness only to reveal a dim yellowish light below.

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