• Published 11th May 2019
  • 7,758 Views, 880 Comments

Knowledge Brings Change - hydra30

What will happen when the Elements of Harmony team up with an eldritch horror from another realm?

  • ...

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28 Might as well jump Go ahead an' jump

Author's Note:

This chapter is for those who play Morrowind and just can't help but cheat when it comes to long distance travel

For you, our thanks and blessings; our gift and token given. Come; take this thing from the hand of god." Azura, now returned to her Dunmer form, garbed in an elegant blue gown, stretched out her closed fist to Sarian's open palm, depositing a glistening ring into her hand.

Sarian lifted her left hand, adorned with the Moon-and-Star ring, and compared the two bands. 'One ring a testament to me being the Nerevarine, the other a symbol of my Divine quest's conclusion.' She had been preparing to confront Dagoth Ur since her fated (if forceful) arrival in the besieged land. Now that she had laid her relentless foe low, Sarian was overwhelmed by multiple sensations: relief at finally being relieved of the burden of having the entire world's fate on her shoulders, gratitude that the people of Morrowind no longer had to suffer under the tyranny that was the Sixth House, but most of all, she felt a sense of loss.

Dagoth Ur's demise had been her goal for so long, now that that endeavor, as tedious as it had been, was concluded, she didn't know what to do next.

"Excuse me, Miss Azura?" Rarity's chiming voice brought Sarian out of her musings as the light grey pony approached the hovering Daedric Prince. The little equine appeared to be dredging up all her confidence just to speak to Azura. "I am sure you are a very busy wom... er... Daedra and have other obligations, but before you go, may I ask you something?"

It came to a great surprise to Rarity that Azura didn't appear to be vexed, she just continued to stare with an almost motherly smile. "Through the gallant efforts of you and your friends, you have at least earned that much."

Rarity smiled with gratitude. "I simply must know what your dress is made from. If I can duplicate it, I would be the envy of the entire Equestrian fashion market once I get my career going again."

Hearing Azura laughing for the first time since her appearance was a unique experience. It sounded like a laugh, but carried such melodic sounds it could lull even the most savage of beasts into a tranquil stillness.

"That may prove to be quite problematic for you, little mortal," said the divine being, "I weaved this garment from the sky itself."

Before Rarity could inquire further on how a dress could be made from something so incorporeal, Azura suddenly vanished, leaving not a trace of her presence.

"Oh. Well, that's disappointing," said Rarity.

But now that her flare for fashion no longer had a lifeline to hold her up, Rarity sunk back into the heavy shroud of emotional pain that had settled over her and her friends since they learned what they had.

Sarian pushed aside her inner thoughts on what she would do now that her quest was at an end, slipping Azura's ring on, and brought her attention to her Equestrian allies. A sullen atmosphere had settled over the group as they sat in close proximity to each other, occasionally nuzzling. No words were spoken, and Sarian could not blame them.

Nor could she contemplate what they were going through.

If anything could amount to an existential crisis, it was learning that the very world you call home was 'crafted' by malicious beings bent on ruling the world they created with tyranny and cruelty, not to mention the fact that if not for the tiny miscalculation on Kagrenac's part, ponykind as a whole would never have come to be. To learn that your origin was born from malice, especially for creatures who value peace, love, and friendship above all else, was probably almost too much to bear. Especially for Princess Luna, who had received the most shocking and burdening facts of all.

The people of Nirn always knew it was the Aedra that crafted Nirn, but from what Sarian understood, ponies had never known what had brought their world into existence, and to have it all dumped on to you in one sitting could only be overwhelming. It was harrowing for Sarian to see her friends, who were usually so chipper and outgoing, reduced to sullen wrecks.

But she knew she could not do anything but wait for them to assimilate what they had learned and accept it. Azura had assured them that their origin didn't affect who they are, and Sarian believed that. She also believed her friends were strong enough to come to terms with even something as staggering as this.

She took a seat on the floor before them, sitting on her legs as the ponies and their baby dragon cohort continued to nuzzle and cuddle with each other, pulling strength from their bond in the hopes that everything would become clear again.

Surprisingly, yet unsurprisingly, it was Princess Luna who was able to come to her senses first. With one last shake of her head to clear her muddled thoughts, she stood up to her full regal height and faced her companions.

"Alright everypony, it's time we resume our journey," she said, but in a gentle, reassuring tone.

The rest of them seemed to come up from their stupor, but only enough to regard their Princess with varying reactions.

"Princess... how can we continue?" asked Fluttershy in a voice more demure than usual (and that is saying something).

"Yeah," said Pinkie, her usually grinning features overcome with a disgruntled scowl. "We just learned that our whole world was made by a bunch of egotistical meanie pants, and not only that, but we are the descendants of those meanies!"

"Who even does what they did?" asked Rainbow. "I admit that I sometimes have a problem reeling in my ego, but what these Dwemer guys did really crossed the line."

"Not to mention all the suffering that they caused before they decided to create our world," said Applejack, remembering how warped the Dwemer became before their legendary disappearance.

"I know it's a lot to bear, I now find myself with a burden I could never have imagined, and quite frankly, if I'm being honest, could have gone without," began Luna sympathetically. "But what my... mother... says is the truth. It matters not where we came from, we are who we are because of the choices we've made throughout our lives."

Though the burden wasn't his to bear, not being a pony, Spike had been affected by what he had learned as well. "But the Dwemer created our world, and they technically created it so they could play with it like a toy." He clenched his claws and scowled at the ground. "And creatures like me were created to act out a specific job. How do we get over that?"

"By remembering that we have shaped our own path, regardless of what the intentions of those before us were," said Luna. "The Dwemer ultimately failed in their nefarious plot to create a world that they could hold under their boot. Our world is just that, ours."

The ponies and dragon exchanged a look.

"We hear you, Princess, but... we still don't know..." stammered Rarity.

But Luna did.

It may be considered taking a shortcut, but now was not the time to leave them to 'fend for themselves'. Channeling her unique alicorn magic, a flare of blue light filled the chamber, and when it passed the ponies and Spike could only stare in confusion. Their coats, which had become dull in their distressed state, were now as prismatic as ever, and their eyes had regained their shine.

They were still encumbered by what they had learned from Azura, but now it was much easier to accept it. Not that that was a bad thing, but how had it happened?

"What... what was that?" asked Pinkie, her mane back to its normal flamboyant poofiness.

"I have relieved your woes," said Luna, continuing when she was met with confusion. "It is my duty as Princess of the Night to relieve the strain nightmares have on a pony's mind, doing so in the waking world is within my capabilities as well." She turned to face the door. "Now, come. Our subject, Fleur, needs that medicine post haste."

That's right.

They were here to retrieve medicine that will treat poor Fleur's condition. They were her only hope, and they couldn't do anything more from here. Existential revelation or not, an innocent pony was depending on them.

And Luna's soothing spell helped them regain focus.

"Right," declared Rainbow, taking wing and punching one hoof into the other. "Destroy the bad guy, learning the reason you exist after-break over. Time for us to get on the move."

"Yeah, let's get this cattle drive back on track," said Applejack, whipping her trademark Stetson back onto her head with a look of determination.

Everyone got ready to move forward, Sarian joining them, for she had her reasons to leave this place too. But before they could leave she noticed something.

"Wait," said Sarian, the others looking to her as she glanced behind them, "I think we have forgotten something, or someone, to be more accurate."

The followed her line of vision, and were shocked to find Twilight hadn't moved from her spot. She just sat there, her face a blank mask, as if her mind were million miles away. It was concerning.

One pony reached her before the others.

"Twilight?" asked Pinkie worriedly as she popped up next to her studious friend. "Twilight, are you okay?"

Twilight didn't respond, she just stared ahead, not even registering Pinkie in front of her.

Pinkie's frown deepened as her worry grew. Extending her right hoof, she brought her left hoof up to her muzzle and violently blew into it. Once by one, four little, stubby fingers popped out from her hoof.


"Nirn to Twilight!" said Pinkie, snapping her new digits in her friend's face.

Twilight gasped as if coming up for air after a long dive, blinking profoundly as a relieved Pinkie put her hoof back to the ground (now devoid of digits.) "Huh, what happened?"

"You alright there, sugarcube?" asked Applejack worriedly. "You kinda zoned out on us there."

"Oh..." Twilight blushed deeply. "Sorry, I was kinda lost in thought."

"No sweat, egghead," said Rainbow Dash. "We all know how you get when it comes to learning."

"I can attest to that," said Spike, "I lost count on how many times I had to re-sort the library after one of her study binges, both in Canterlot and in Ponyville."

"If we have 'all' regained our bearings, it's really time for us to get moving," said Luna rather impatiently, forcing the door open and ushering them out.

"Oh, right," said Twilight, her and all the others following in the Princess's wake. "Sorry... it was just... too much to take all at once."

"No need to apologise, darling," said Rarity reassuringly over her shoulder as Twilight brought up the rear. "It was a lot for all of us."

"Yeah, not only did we learn that our Princesses are the daughters of an all powerful god-like entity from another realm, but our realm itself was crafted by a bunch of megalomaniacs, who in the end destroyed themselves," said Pinkie in her hyperactive, rushed voice. "Not to mention that the first ponies to ever walk Equis were once those same megalomaniacs."

"Yeah, I definitely didn't see that coming," said Applejack.

"I was... surprised at how gentle Azura was to us," said Fluttershy. "After everything I heard about the Daedra, and experiencing how cold and apathetic Hermaeus Mora can be, I didn't think they were capable of compassion in any sense."

"She does have the reputation for being the most reasonable of the Daedra," stated Spike, remembering all he had read about Azura while in Apocrypha.

Twilight smiled as that absorbing conversation she found herself participating in as the party continued through the ancient facilities of Dagoth Ur. Without all the mutation and resurrected minions, it was eerily quiet. Especially when considering they now knew they were traipsing through the halls of their predecessors.

"It's not just that," said Twilight, taking an opportunity to get what was bothering her off her chest as well. "Things that I have been wondering about since Hermaeus Mora took me under his wing... er... tendril, make so much more sense now."

"Oh?" said Rarity, looking at Twilight expectantly, as were the others. "What had you stumped before?"

"Well, the ether for starters," explained Twilight. "I never understood how a being as powerful as Hermaeus Mora had to expend so much time, energy, and effort to reach our plane, when he and his kind jump back and forth between the other Planes of Oblivion at will, and completely effortlessly. Now it all makes sense, the ether was erected to specifically keep the Daedra out."

The others could only agree.

"It ultimately failed in the end," said Applejack. "Old Mister Tentacles found a way in eventually."

"Well it comes as no surprise, really," said Twilight, "like I said before, the Daedra are the most powerful beings in existence; even more powerful than Discord."

"Hey, that raises another question," said Rarity, "if the Dwemer created everything in our world for a specific purpose, what were they thinking creating that abomination?"

"Hey, that's a good question," agreed Rainbow Dash. "The only thing that guy was good for was being a colossal pain in the flank."

They... actually could not come up with a logical reason why a creature like Discord was brought into existence. But it was Discord. Origin of the Universe (at least theirs) explained or not, trying to explain anything involving Discord was like trying to mix oil and water.

It can't be done.

Though they did find amusement in coming up with outlandish theories on how the draconequus came to be during the trek to the surface, ranging from him being a botched experiment of Kagrenac, being the psychotic scientist he was, to his existence being a complete and total accident in general. Discord had several laughs at their expense, it was only fair they had a couple at his. They were amusing themselves with the notion that if Discord was created intentionally by Kagrenac for some reason or another, he would serve a better purpose as a bookend for the long gone dwarves' expansive library nowadays, when they finally reached the entrance to this subterranean terror and exited into daylight.

All was clear.

Were there had once been violent, blood red clouds and whipping winds strong enough to rend flesh off your bones, there was a clear blue sky. Even in a barren landscape like the Red Mountain region, such a sight had a tranquil effect on the weary travelers, for it was a testament that the Blight was gone. As well as the malicious entity that had conjured it.

Luna looked up at the sky, more specifically to the sun, and felt an unfamiliar sensation in her chest. Not only was the mystery of her parentage finally concluded, she never imagined it would connect to a being that commands the heavens of another world. It was reassuring in a way. She now longer felt so different from other members of her kind.

Yes, she was technically different, her sister too, but having it solidly confirmed brought a sense of closure, for she was different for a very good reason. After all, if anything would set you apart from your peers, being the child of a god definitely qualifies.

But she once again reminded herself that there was a more pressing matter.

And one other thing needed to be done first.

Nodding her head in dedication for what must be done, though it pained her greatly, Princess Luna turned to her Dark Elf companion... no... friend. "Sarian?"

Sarian, who had been admiring the daytime sky herself, turned to the Princess of the Night. "Yes, your Majesty?"

"No, none of that," said Princess Luna humbly, bowing her head in respect so far that her nose touched the volcanic soil beneath her hooves. "As far as I am concerned, you and I are equals. I can not thank you enough for assisting in our kingdom's... neigh... our world's plight.

"Without your aid, Equestria would have fallen to Dagoth Ur's mad subjugation. You have my eternal gratitude. Equestria's eternal gratitude."

Twilight and her friends all voiced their agreement, they would not have vanquished Dagoth Ur without her help.

Sarian felt honored by their praise. Yes, since she had retrieved the Moon-and-Star ring, she had received similar praise from just about anyone she came across, but this was different. The people of these lands had been taught pretty much since birth to respect and revere the Nerevarine Prophecies. These ponies showed her a respect that wasn't born from expectations of a centuries old prophecy, they appreciated her involvement in their quest.

"You all show too much respect," said Sarian with a respectful bow, albeit a short one to not undermine Luna's respect for her. "You had just as much reason to destroy Dagoth Ur as I did, it would have been foolish to not combine forces against such an adversary."

"Oh, most definitely, Dagoth Ur was definitely a bad guy we couldn't face on our own," said Pinkie goofily, slightly alleviating some of the seriousness of the conversation. "I have never met anyone who could stomach my cinnamon strawberry swirl cupcakes and not hurl, myself included."

That got a few raised eyebrows.

But Luna just rolled her eyes and bowed to Sarian again. "We thank you for your assistance Sarian... Nerevarine... we shall always remember how much you helped us in our hour of need."

Sarian was humbled by her words, even for the title that she never asked for, but could feel a deeper meaning as she spoke. "It seems to me that you believe that our time together has come to a close, your maj... Luna."

Luna turned her head away with a sad nod. "Our joint forces have been successful, our mutual foe laid low. I believe this is were our journeys diverge."

"Awww," said Pinkie with a sad pout. "But I never got a chance to throw a 'We Killed A God Together' party!"

It was strange to have heard that come from the party planner, and it left Twi and the others speechless.

"We knew that this was going to happen, Pinkie," said Twilight, also sad, but also understood that their and Sarian's paths went in separate directions from this point on.

"You really believe that it's time for us to part ways?" repeated Sarian.

"It's unfortunate but it's true," said Rainbow, flapping up to be level with Sarian. "Believe me, I would like nothing more than to hang out with a hardcore woman like you, maybe even have a little friendly competition, but we have other obligations in Equestria that can't be put off."

And the Equestrians were also regretful deep down. Once they parted ways, Sarian would fall under the influence of the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal, and forget them forever. They hadn't known her for long, but it was like saying goodbye to a long time friend forever.

Sarian frowned at them.

It seemed that they all believed they had indeed come to the crossroads where they would part, judging from their saddened looks, Fluttershy and Rarity even shed tears, but Sarian knew there was one thing that could keep them together at least for a little bit longer. She was loath to admit it, but she had grown strangely attached to this group of misfits in a way she had never thought possible. What was it she heard Twilight say to Dagoth Ur... the magic of friendship?

Besides, there was one last thing she could do for them.

"I understand that your ultimate goal is to find a cure for Corprus, correct?" They all nodded in confirmation. "I believe I can help you."

They all gasped in shock.

"What?" asked a flabbergasted Spike.

"How?" asked Twilight.

Sarian smiled as she answered. "I too had to seek out the remedy you are here for. I too came down with Corprus."

"Oh yeah, that's right," said Twilight, innerly berating herself for forgetting that little details. "You have met Divayth Fyr?"

"Regretfully," said Sarian in slight disgust, remembering the ancient Dunmer. "And I believe I can get you to him fast, faster than you would be capable of on foot."

The Equestrian party exchanged looks.

"How could you do that?" Asked Rarity.

"Do you have a Mark spell placed at Tel Fyr?" asked Twilight hopefully.

"Unfortunately, nothing that convenient," answered Sarian regretfully, "but I believe I can do the next best thing."

The prospect of not having to trek for so long was an alluring proposal, but Luna, being of sound thoughts, had an objection.

"Sarian," she began, standing on her hind legs to place a hoof on her friend's shoulder. "It is appreciated, but you are under no obligation to aid us now. This is our task, and our task alone, you don't need to help."

"Don't I?" replied Sarian. "I would not have succeeded in my quest without you, it would be only right for me to assist yours."

"But if you do that, who will stop Almalex..." Rainbow was silenced by lavender magic and dragged to Twilight.

"That hasn't happened yet, remember?" she hissed in her athletic friend's ear.

"You really don't need to, darling," protested Rarity to the Dark Elf woman. "Surely there are other tasks that require your utmost attention."

"My quest is at an end," stated Sarian, "I see no reason not to donate a little of my time to your cause."

They all looked to each other.

They were reluctant to accept Sarian's help because they knew this was not the end of her adventure; more trials were to come over the course of her life, and diverting from it might result in a change to the future. But they all could see what direction Sarian was coming from.

As far as she was concerned, she had fulfilled her role in the prophecy, and saw no reason not to assist them, friends she had fought along with through harsh trials. It was only logical she would want to help them, they would do the same. If they keep denying her offer to aid them she would no doubt become suspicious.

Divert her journey by a couple of days, or less, judging by what Sarian was offering, or tell her about all she had yet to accomplish in order to justify why they were reluctant to accept much needed help.

Very well...

They may have decided not to dwell on what Nirn would send their way, but they were far from stupid enough to risk causing a time paradox.

"I... don't know what to say, Sarian..." said Luna with genuine gratitude. It was not lost on her or any of them how beneficial a speedy way to their destination would be.

Sarian only smiled as she looked to the Infinite Dimension pouch tucked under Luna's wing. "That carrying device, it can store things well past its own size, correct?" Luna nodded. "How about yourselves? Can you yourself enter it?"

They all shared a look again.

"That is well within its capabilities," said Luna, much to her company's shock. "If I teleport us inside, we would be safely secure within its depths, but why do you ask?"

Sarian smiled, "If you all were inside, I could carry you to Tel Fyr."

Now confusion really took the group.

"And how is that any different than us just walking ourselves?" ssked Spike.

Sarian gave the small reptile a mischievous look. "Over the course of my journey, I found myself traveling to isolated locations across Morrowind that Silt Striders and boats don't go anywhere near. I knew the Blight would continue to claim lives the longer my journey dragged on, so I had some of my connections at the Mages Guild come up with something that would hopefully speed up my progress."


The inside of the Infinite Dimension pouch was an experience in itself.

They, and all the equipment they had brought along, floated in an endless expanse of what could best be described as fog that luminesced like Aurora Borealis. It was a tranquil, beautiful sight, one that anyone would find extravagant to behold. If it weren't for the fact that the Equestrian audience had other things on their minds.


Seven ponies and Spike bounced around inside Luna's powerful force field she had erected around them as they were flung around the small dimension, rations and other supplies bouncing off the protective spell's round surface.


They all turned, and sure enough, all seven suits of their armor were on a collision course with their barrier. With one last collective gasp, they all braced themselves as best they could, suspended in a protective bubble. All the hard coverings impacted the shield, propelling it in the opposite direction.

"THIS IS INTOLERABLE!" shouted Rarity, her hair haggard because Fluttershy had just passed through it.

"You're... telling... me..." said Rainbow as she twirled through the air like an airborne spinning top.

The shield passed through a field of Pinkie Pie's comfort food.

"Ooh, funnel cake!" said Pinkie, her hoof passing 'through' Luna's force field, grabbing the twisting, powdered sugar treat and shoving it into her mouth.

Applejack arched her eyebrow at her fellow earth pony. Not only was it unethical to eat something while going through what they're going through, she didn't recall funnel cake in Pinkie's stack when they were arguing over what food to bring. But she stopped thinking about that when something knocked the hat from her head.

"Hey, give me back my hat!" she protested.

"I don't want it," said Spike, his stubby legs and tail sticking out from the hat's head hole.

Another jolt changed the direction of the hat, sending it into Applejack's hooves as she tried to pursue her favorite article.

"You okay there, partner?" asked Applejack as she pulled Spike from her hat.

"Peachy!" he replied, before his cheeks puffed up and turned slightly green. It was a good thing Applejack pulled him from her hat when she did.

"What in Equestria is Sarian doing?" asked Twilight as she sailed past.

Spike looked at what he held in one claw.

Infinite Dimension or not, it was still a pouch, and therefore, had an opening that led in and out of its insides. When Luna had teleported them inside, she tasked Spike, being the only one of them with gripping digits, with holding onto it so they wouldn't have to search this place for it when it was time for them to get out. And with what they were going through, that time could not come sooner

Holding the little fabric slit in space in his claws, Spike peeled it open, revealing a little hole to the outside world, and stuck his slitted eye up to it.


Sarian looked down as the little pouch in her hand opened to reveal a green eye and smiled. Clouds sailed overhead, and when Spike looked down, he realized they were so high up that he could not see the ground. Great stony mountain tops sailed by beneath them as Sarian's feet struck open air.

Suddenly a great descent came over them, and Spike watched as the ground approached beneath them, coming up fast. Spike wanted to tear his eye away, knowing what would happen if Sarian struck the ground at this speed, but he just could not look away. At the last second, purple ripples appeared beneath Sarian's feet, and she gently drifted the last few feet to the ground as if she weighed nothing.

A shower of blue, twinkling stars suddenly cascaded down Sarian's body, and Spike looked up in time to see Sarian take a running start. She jumped after a few feet, but rather than a normal jump, they left the ground and kept climbing until it was once again obscured by clouds, and suddenly they were in the sky again. This explained the violent shifting they were experiencing from inside.

Sarian was somehow leaping across all of Vvardenfell.


Spike pulled away from the opening of the pouch and gingerly closed it, his posture stiff, his eyes wide. He looked up at the others, who were looking at him expectantly.

"Ever heard the phrase leap of faith?" was the first thing he said to them.

Before they could inquire further, another jolt sent them careening into Rarity's inflatable tent, which inflated on impact, the rush of air blowing them in the direction of Applejack's jug's of modified sujamma.


A boat dock that seemed to have been made from the roots of a great tree...

A wiggling, root-like bridge connecting two small islands...

The island with the dock dominating its part of the bridge with a grand wooden archway...

The other island housed a great spiraling tower...

But it was hewn not from brick, stone or rock...

The structures that made up the tower appeared as some form of mushroom...

Tel Fyr was one of the few settlements in Vvardenfell that was constructed with this architecture. It was the Great Dunmer House Telvanni that used this method of constructing their place of residence, only few others knew how to harness and manipulate the great towering fungi only found in Morrowind in such a manner. And it was here that Divayth Fyr had his base of operations for his extravagant research.

Sarian dropped from the slightly reddening sky as evening approached, landing on the root bridge between the islands with practiced precision. Having moved from place to place using this Far Jump spell for several months, she had become quite fluent in how to make a safe landing, Slowfall or not. It never ceased to amaze her how much more tolerable a journey could be if you have some form of advantage over the distance between you and your destination.

Stretching out her arms and back to relieve the strain of constant leaping, landing, reapplying the spell, and leaping again for hours on end, Sarian turned and looked up at the extravagant height of Tel Fyr.

"Hasn't changed at all," she said as she took in the fungus building that housed the most accomplished Dunmer wizard to ever live. Bringing up the Infinite Dimension pouch, Sarian spoke softly into its open mouth, "We have arrived."


Inside the Infinite Dimension pouch, the living occupants should be thrilled at the prospect of reaching their original goal at last, but the only response was for multiple eyes to be spinning in their sockets and a weak, "Oh wonderful, now the world can stop spinning," from Rarity as she lay at the bottom of a pile which consisted of her friends within Luna's barrier.


Sarian took that as the best response she could expect at the moment. She had explained to them the implications of what using her ideal method of travel could result in this, but they had agreed it was worth it if they could finally get their hooves on the medicine that they had come here for. Besides, they would recover, it was only motion sickness.

Seeing no point to be standing around here, Sarian walked up to the other end of the bridge and entered the rounded doors into The Onyx Hall of Tel Fyr.


Inside were round tunnels that acted as hallways to different parts of the building, and across the entrance Sarian spotted a Dunmer woman standing in a small den.

"You are a fool to walk around like that," said the woman in disgust when she noticed Sarian and her practical nudity.

"Nice to see you too, Beyte," replied Sarian, seemingly indifferent to the fact that she was practically without any form of attire. "Is Divayth around? I must speak to him."

"He's in the tower, as usual," said Beyte with annoyance and impatience, as she went over to a nearby bookshelf and began cataloguing its contents.

Unaffected by the brash greeting, Sarian made her way down the corridor in the direction she remembered that the tower was to be located. After formulating this plan, Luna had asked Sarian if she would retrieve the potion for them. In light of recent events, she and her cohorts could attract much unwanted and definitely unneeded attention.

Sarian was not only a Dunmer, and therefore, a local, but she had met Divayth before, so it wouldn't arouse too much suspicion.

The only thing eventful that occurred on Sarian's trek was how winding it was to have to climb slanted ground at an upward angle, but that was no different than last time.

The Hall of Fyr had not changed in the slightest either. A long hall leading to multiple rooms... and a great, vertical tunnel in the ceiling, leading up up up into the higher rooms of Tel Fyr. Sarian rolled her eyes.

Power wizards like Divayth like to levitate to higher places, so they opted for these ridiculous tunnels in the ceiling when they built their compounds. It had been such a headache the first time around where Sarian had to go all the way back to the nearest potion shop for a Rising Force Potion.

"If anything, that experience left me prepared." Extending her hands, Sarian cast a levitation spell on herself, and soon she was rising through the tunnel and found herself on even ground above.

"Divayth Fyr," said Sarian to a figure standing in an extravagant room at the end of a long corridor connected to several others. "Just as I left you, I see."

A tall figure sporting a full set of Daedric Armor turned from a gigantic nine foot, opalescent, clump of Rose Quartz, and watched as Sarian entered his study. He was a Dunmer, just like her, but his ashen grey face carried a number of years that were insurmountable by most standards, his crimson eyes virtual windows to the well of knowledge no doubt contained within his mind. His face was stoicism personified, as if emotion had become unnecessary to this person long ago.

"Hello, Nerevarine Sarian," he said, his voice heavy, carrying a type of wisdom only someone of great age is capable of. "How are you doing? Bit of bad news, I'm afraid. The potion doesn't seem to work on others. Tried it on two hopeless cases. Killed them outright. Deader than a garlic snail. But is there anything I can help you with?"

Sarian processed this, though she had already heard from Twilight that they knew that the potion had lethal effects on most, but believed they could make it work for them with the resources from their world. They need this potion.

"I am doing fine Divayth," said Sarian, trying to strike up conversation before making her request. Divayth wasn't the type to offer service without compensation, last time she had been given a rare Dwemer artifact by Vivec to get on his good side. She lacked anything of the sort now, but maybe she could figure something out if she talked to him for a while.

"And I would like to extend my thanks for your assistance with my Corprus. Without the potion you developed, I would not have been able to triumph over Dagoth Ur."

"I see, so at last the false God has fallen," said Divayth.

Sarian didn't like the gleam in his eyes as he began to circle her, like a predator stalking prey. Every nerve in her body was telling her something wasn't as it seems. She couldn't tell if it was good or bad, but Divayth was acting like he knew something she didn't.

"All for the best, I'm sure," he said as he rounded her front side again slowly. "I have more than enough subjects in my Corprusarium to study the Divine Disease to continue my research for quite some time, and I can rest easy to know that no more patients will interrupt my work by knocking on my door." He rounded Sarian's front again, and this time, he stopped and looked into her eyes.

"But what I can't figure out is why you would return for another dose of the potion, when you have been cured of the disease already."

Sarian could almost hear collective gasps coming from somewhere around her waist.

"My reasons for needing more of the potion are my own," said Sarian, trying to hide her unease, but she really shouldn't be surprised. Divayth was a wizard without rival in this world, it should be no stretch that he would discern what she was here for. "And since you already know why I am here, we can come to some sort of arrangement. The sooner we do, the sooner I will leave you to your studies."

"Indeed," replied Divayth with that same glint in his eyes. "However..."

For the first time since she lost her armor, Sarian felt self-conscious about her partial nudity when Divayth knelt down to one knee near her navel. It would have been conceived as lewd, but Sarian somehow knew he was focused on the pouch at her waist. "Of course it would help if those that actually seek my potion would come out and talk face to face."


Twilight and her friends let out yet another gasp within the depths of the Infinite Dimension pouch, Spike dropping the detached entrance to the pouch.

"Oh my gosh!" said Applejack, trembling. "He... he knows..."

"Calm down girls," said Twilight reassuringly, "he most likely just thinks Sarian has been sent by someone else in Morrowind. With all the victims of Corprus, several of them would no doubt seek even the barest chance at a cure."

"Do not take me for a fool, Twilight Sparkle," said a masculine voice from the pouch entrance at their hooves, the undeniable sound of Twilight's actual name echoing through their ears.

Fear began to envelop them, even Princess Luna. They all knew this guy's reputation and how powerful he was, and now that he was aware of their presence, who knows what he had in mind for them.

"Don't be shy, only one of you is known for such behavior," said Divayth's voice. "And you have no need to be afraid. Come on out of that fascinating carrying device, let us talk like civilized beings."

A panicked stillness settled over the group. They had already revealed themselves too much, first to Sarian, then to Dagoth Ur. One was dead, the other would forget, but how had Divayth known Twilight's name?

"Twilight... What do we do?" asked Fluttershy, looking as if she wanted nothing more than to just disappear on the spot right then and there and not have to deal with this.

Twilight herself was at a loss. Even at this point in the deep past, she knew Divayth was several times older than even Celestia. She had read of his power, and knew they would be next to powerless to stop him from doing whatever he pleased in regards to them.

With no recourse, Twilight did the one thing left she could think of, she turned to Princess Luna.

Luna knew what to do."We had best do as he says."

"What?" gasped Applejack.

"But Princess..." Luna silenced Rarity's rebuttal with a raised hoof.

"If Divayth wanted to do something nefarious to us, he could have simply grabbed the Infinite Dimension pouch from Sarian and teleported away before she could stop him," said Luna, though you could tell by her tone she was hoping that was correct. "He has politely welcomed us to greet him, and this is his house, that we are technically trespassing into.

"If we even have a chance of gaining his assistance, we had best, at the very least, show him some humble behavior."


Sarian could only watch as Twilight and the others materialized in a flash of blue light.

"I am sorry, my friends," she said regretfully, "I was unable to shield your presence from him."

"It isn't your fault, Sarian," said Luna reassuringly.

"Magnificent, simply magnificent!"

Even as he regarded them with undeniable intrigue, there was little emotion to Divayth's reaction as he scrutinized the Equestrians that suddenly appeared before him. The look in his eyes gave them an uneasy feeling, and Twilight recognized that look on herself whenever the Princesses assigned her to a new subject to study for the first time, back when she was a filly. It was unnerving to be examined by someone as though you are a subject on a slide under a microscope.

"Most intriguing," said Divayth deeply, suddenly teaching out and stroking the flapping wing of the always airborne Rainbow Dash.

"HEY, PAWS OFF BUDDY!" shouted Rainbow, flapping out of his reach.

Divayth actually blinked at her outburst, but that was the extent of his reaction. "My apologies madam, I am finding it hard to remember that you are indeed sentient."

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean?" reprimanded Pinkie.

Rather then reply, Divayth turned to Sarian once more. "If you will forgive me, Nerevarine Sarian, I would like a private word with my unique guests."

Sarian didn't like the look in his eyes either. "With all due respect, Divayth, I would rather not leave their side."

"Your loyalty and concern for your comrades is commendable," replied Divayth, bringing up his hand and pinching his thumb and middle finger. "However, it wasn't a request."

A snap of his fingers, and Sarian vanished in a flash of blue light.

"SARIAN!" the others screamed as their friend disappeared.

"YOU MONSTER!" shouted Rarity, all of them rounding on the Daedric clad Dark Elf before them.

"What have you done to her?" demanded Luna.

Divayth responded as if he was a school teacher being asked a humble question by a beloved student. "Fret not, I have not harmed her. A simple time displacement spell that slightly altered her existence in the flow of time."

"Bring her back this instant!" demanded Twilight while the others looked slightly stumped at Divayth's description.

"She will return in due time," said Divayth casually, taking a seat at a table that sat before the large clump of crystal. "But only after we have concluded our business."

"You will return our friend, or there will be no business to be had," said Applejack abruptly.

Divayth didn't appear convinced.

"I find it hard to believe that you would jeopardize all you have gone through now, especially considering that I have in no way harmed the Nerevarine, at least physically," he said, the barest hint of a smile on the left side of his mouth. "And besides, isn't it for the best? If she had stayed, she would have discovered that as soon as you part ways with her, the Nerevarine will lose memory regarding her friends."

Twilight and the others looked at each other guiltily.

"Surely you do not wish for the little time you have left together to be burdened by her resentment at being deceived in such by those she has come to call her allies."

It left them with a bad taste in their mouths, but they knew Divayth was right, it was for Sarian's own good that she was not aware of the fact that they were shrouded in the magic of the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal.

And on that note, the subject of the matter needed to be brought up, and it was best Sarian not be in the room during the discussion, they all agreed on that silently.

Luna approached the seated Divayth, holding up the foreleg adorned with her band. "How did you even know we were here?"

"You mean, why was I not affected by Nocturnal's most coveted artifact?" Luna could only nod in confirmation bitterly. "I have lived a long time, Princess Luna, and I have devoted that time to the study of many subjects, the Daedric Princes included."

He shot a brief glance at Luna's wrist band, and for a split second, a look of admiration, but at the same time triumph, crossed his features. "And as extraordinary as the feats of the Daedra are, even they have weak points in even their most powerful of magic. I have learned to exploit these weak points long ago."

"Don't let Azura hear you say that," said Pinkie momentarily forgetting the heavy situation, "She already took your gold skin, who knows what else she would do."

"Ah, you refer to the Chimer's punishment," said Divayth off handedly, "Didn't care much about it when it happened. It didn't affect my research any."

"That doesn't explain how you know mine and Princess Luna's names," said Twilight, trying to steer them back on track. "Even if you somehow know how to counter the power of the Daedra; and given your reputation with magic, that is no surprise, but how did you know my and Luna's names?

"Applejack." Applejack almost dropped her hat when Divayth pointed to her.

"Spike." Spike hid under Twilight when his name was called.

"Rarity, and I must say, your name suits you to a T." Rarity didn't know whether to be flattered at the praise, or terrified that he knew her name too.

"Rainbow Dash, and I once again apologize for laying my hands on you without your consent." Rainbow was too freaked out to even be aware of his apology.

"And Pinkie Pie, and I must say, you have piqued my curiosity in a way that hasn't happened in several millennia."

"Aw shucks, I bet you say that to all the fillies," said Pinkie with a blush.

The others' reactions were a lot less subtle.

"How do you know this?" gasped Luna, the others mirroring (except Pinkie, who was still blushing behind her mane) her shock at this person who they had just met called them all by name perfectly.

"Well, to be frank, you lot haven't exactly been discreet," said Divayth calmly. "Leaving your plane of existence in search of medicine for a disease that your realm has no experience with, regardless of the fact that you are risking everything dear to you in the process for the sake of a single individual, and along the lines, you discover that the most powerful force of evil this world has ever known has now set its sights on your world, and without hesitation, you team up with the only one who can vanquish this evil, these aren't exactly small feats you have accomplished. But if you're wondering how I know so much about you individually..."

The flabbergasted Equestrians could only watch as Divayth lifted his hand at the giant Rose Quartz and suddenly a ball of blue light shot from his hand.

They gasped as arcs of blue electricity danced over the crystal, its light purple surface becoming pitch black. Other colors began to blossom over the surface of the crystal, and before long a cornucopia of color almost unbearable to witness was flowing across the smooth surface. Then, almost instantly, it all solidified and became clear, several images refracting in the facets of the dark crystal.

The ponies and Spike became unable to resist walking up to the tall crystal growth and stood not a foot before it, Divayth watching them with intrigue.

"Rare bear is right, how can I be the Element of Laughter if I ignore everyone who needs a laugh? Whoever is in there is definitely not happy now."

"Tell me. How would you like to fly?"

"And if that is the case, so be it. Let them come. But we will not stand idly by and just let the horrors of Nirn run rampant in Equestria. Very well, let's do it. Let's find Dagoth Ur and teach him a lesson, courtesy of Equestria's strongest group of friends!"

'You're wrong, Dagoth Ur. You may have stripped us of our own individual magic, but in Equestria that isn't the only magic we believe in."

The moving images upon the crystal came complete with sound as each facet reflected a different league of their journey, from their endeavor in Mzahnch to rescue that poor baby Argonian, to their defeat of Dagoth Ur. Trembling, while the others were still lost among their own journey being replayed before their eyes, Twilight and Luna turned back to Divayth.

"How... how..." Luna was at a complete loss for words.

"As I have said before, I am old, your highness," said Divayth, seeming to have no need for Luna to finish her question. "And with each passing century it becomes increasingly difficult for me to find meaning in my existence. My experimentations have always been my main focus, but with each new triumph I make in my research, is one less thing to keep me occupied, so long ago, I set up certain methods that will alert me when something interesting is happening and show it to me, such as the crystal you see before you."

"You... have been watching us all this time?" asked Twilight, overwhelmed.

"You used an Elder Scroll to get here, it was pretty easy to detect you," stated Divayth, but then looked down at Twilight's cutie mark and smiled at the intertwining tendrils. "And once I had my sights on you, I was not only shocked at the new creatures I now bore witness to, I was delighted to realize that they were affiliated with an old acquaintance of mine."

Twilight looked from Divayth to her cutie mark and back. "Hermaeus Mora? You know Hermaeus Mora?"

"Young Twilight, I am Divayth Fyr," replied Divayth with almost smugness. "You are familiar with my work, and from what I understand, even more so than me myself at the moment. Did you honestly think that the Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Memory would not invite me into his fold?"

That... was obviously a good point.

"Oh, I haven't seen the old Woodland Man in centuries," said Divayth, seemingly distracted now. "When this business is concluded I should dust off my Black Book and visit old Apocrypha. A nice nostalgic vacation might be just what I need, to walk my old study ground."

Twilight thought he sounded like an old college grad remembering his old campus.

Luna, on the other hoof, was drawn in by something else.

"And what business is that?" she asked almost nervously. "If you have watched us since our arrival, then you know why we are here."

"Ah, yes, my cure for Corprus potion," said Divayth, finally standing up. "When I first learned of what it was you sought I had been racking my brain for what I could ask you in return. It was only after your incredible conversation with Azura that I realized what I would want."

"And... that would be...?" asked Twilight with an involuntary gulp.

"I wish to study you," was Divayth's answer.

Twilight and Luna's eyes grew wide.

"I beg your pardon?" Asked Luna.

"I can't describe it any simpler," replied Divayth, "I wish to study you academically, for I have waited centuries for this moment."

"But you only learned about us when we got here," argued Twilight.

"Have you forgotten, Twilight?" said Divayth. "You and your kind are the product, no, the Progeny of the long lost Dwemer. I have studied their disappearance since the very day of the faithful event, and lo and behold, the answer is plopped into my lap like a present."

They... didn't like how this sounded.

From what they could understand, Divayth wanted to make them into lab rats.

"I have no idea what you mean by lab rats," said Divayth suddenly. "But judging by what you are imagining, it would be quite unpleasant."

"Hey, stay out of our heads," said Luna angrily.

"How do you intend to stop me? But let me relieve you of your fears," said Divayth, Twilight and Luna unsure of what he meant. "Dissection, months of intense study, painful experiments? Please, those are the practices for an amateur."

As great as a relief as that was, Luna and Twilight could only share a confused look.

"Wall I will require from you all is a couple of samples of say, your hair, feathers, and maybe some blood; to cross reference with some samples of your Dwemer predecessors, as well as to cast a spell of my own design on you," explained Divayth. "Comply, and I will provide you with the medicine you desire."

It was quite the acceptable exchange from the start, but Twilight had one last thing to cover. As a pursuer of knowledge herself, she knew the kind of potential such rudimentary things can hold. And in the hands of someone like Divayth Fyr...

"If we comply with your requests, and give you some samples to experiment with. What would you do with anything you discover?" she asked, regardless of whether or not this is what they had come here for, she had to be sure of potential risks that might be involved.

"You are worried about what I might find and what it could mean for the future," said Divayth, seeing what Twilight was getting at. "This is not the first time I have dealt with things that involve time travel and future events. Nothing I discover from my research of this will leave my tower, nor will it be known by anyone but me. Nor will I tell anyone about my encounter with you here today."

"Then... why go through with this at all?" asked Luna, confused as to why someone would put so much time and effort into something and not share it with anyone.

"It proves to be quite the interesting endeavor," said Divayth. "I relish the thought of the challenge."

Twilight turned to Princess Luna. "What do you think, Princess?"

"Sounds like the best scenario we could have hoped for," replied Luna. "I say we had best take Divayth up on his offer."

Twilight could only agree. If her and her friends...

That was when Twilight and Luna noticed they were the only ones participating in the conversation with Divayth, and turned to find the others still watching Divayth's enchanted crystal replay their journey, the looks on their faces of entertainment, instead of shock.

"Aw yeah, watch me kick major robot butt!" said Rainbow as she watched herself battle those Dwemer Sphere's.

"Dagoth never saw me coming," said Spike excitedly as he watched himself trip Dagoth Ur into Red Mountain crater.

"Is that really what my rump looks like in my armor?" asked Rarity, tilting her head. "Maybe I should rework it."

All of them were at different parts of the crystal, and from the looks of things they were deeply enthralled by what they were seeing. Twilight rolled her eyes, she loved her friends, but they sure had some quirks. She could have just shouted, but she took a different approach.

Telekinetically grabbing their tails, Twilight whacked them all with their own tails.

They all eeped simultaneously.

"Twilight, what the hay?" said Rainbow Dash, but her and the others' eyes grew wide when they saw Divayth bring out some sort of scalpel. "Huh, did we miss something?"

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