• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,614 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

Turtle Titans part 2

Back at Titans Tower, after Twilight and Donnie had helped Cyborg fix his arm, the whole groups were seated on and around the big couch as both the Ninjas and the Titans got to know more about each other. First the Titans told the Turtles and Rainbooms how they met and formed their team and about all the villains they faced and new friends and teammates they made. Then the Turtles told them about the Mutagen, the Kraang, the Shredder, the Foot clan, and their many battles with them. Then the Rainbooms told them about their many adventures with the Equestrian Magic. Finally both the Turtles and Rainbooms told them about how they all first met and all the adventures they had since.

But then one little fact about Beast Boy made Raph and Casey burst out laughing, "Your name is Garfield?!" They exclaimed, as they roared with laughter.

Beast Boy frowned and Nightwing got out one of his batons, "Want me to tase them?" he offered.

"Nah, I got this," Beast Boy morphed into a t-rex and snorted at them, "Yah got a problem with Garfield?" He growled, threateningly, and the two instantly stopped laughing.

"Nope," Raph said, quickly, "No problem here!"

"Garfield's a total metal name, yo!" Casey commented.

Beast Boy changed back and grinned, "I'm glad you agree," he said, cheerfully.

April looked to Starfire and Raven, "So you two fought a living puppet?"

"While trapped in each other's bodies?" Fluttershy added.

"Yes," Starfire said, "At the time, I wanted to do the getting to know of Raven. I tried talking her into the girl activities like venturing the Mall of shopping or visiting the store of books, but Raven wanted to be alone."

"I have my reasons," Raven informed, "There are some things about me you don’t wanna know. But in order to save our friends and return to our bodies we helped each other with using our powers. Afterwards, we did activities together. In a matter of speaking."

"Well, we know how you feel," April said, "One time, Raph switched bodies with a Kraang. During that, I briefly switched bodies myself."

"Who had to house in your body?" Starfire asked, and April pointed to Casey.

"Now that’s just creepy." Raven remarked.

"You know," Mikey spoke up, "That Puppet King story reminds me of the time I fought the evil mutant Pizza Face."

"That never happened!" Leo, Raph, Donnie, and April said.

Mikey frowned then spoke to the Titans, "It totally happened! They don't remember cause they were all mind controlled."

"Anyway!" Donnie said, annoyed by Mikey, "So, Starfire, how did you learn English, if Tameranians don't speak it?"

"Well..." Starfire said, a little hesitant, "In order to explain, I must ask if anyone of you can speak another language?"

Rarity stood up, "Look no further, Kori, darling," she said, "I speak fluent French. Comme vous pouvez le voir (as you can see). And I'd be more than happy to help you demonstrate."

"Very well," Starfire walked up to the fashionista, "Now, Miss Rarity, for what I am about to do, please try not to do the freak out."

"Freak out?" Rarity was confused, "Darling, why ever would I-" Before she could finish, Starfire held her face and pressed her lips against hers.

"Gah!" Applejack gasped, in shock. She wasn't the only one. Everyone, but the Titans, all stared in bewilderment.

"That was unexpected," Fluttershy said.

When Starfire pulled away, Rarity gasped in horror and pointed a shaking figure at her mouth, "You kissed... you kissed..." she stuttered, completely stunned.

Nightwing put his hands on her shoulders, "It's alright, Rarity, calm down." he eased.

"She kissed!" Rarity said, still freaking out.

"Yes, she did," Nightwing said, "But it's not what you think."

Starfire turned to the shocked Turtles and Rainbooms and spoke "Et maintenant je parle le français (And now I can speak the French)."

Mikey whispered to his brothers, "Glad Spike wasn’t here to see that." he said, and got smacked again by Raph.

"Whoa," Casey said, "Wicked!"

"Yeah, we found out that way too," Beast Boy informed, "You should have seen Dick's face when she did that in the old days. Kind of like that look on Applejack's face." He pointed to the cowgirl, who was still staring in shock.

"Koriand'r," Rarity exclaimed, finally snapping out of her stupor, "Would you kindly explain as to why you just VIOLATED MY DELICATE LIPS?!"

"In the fairness, I did tell you not to do the freak out," Starfire pointed out, "You see, my people can learn any language in the universe through the form of lip contact, or as you would call, the kissing. When I came to earth, I learned how to speak English by kissing Nightwing during our first meeting."

Turtles and Rainbooms looked at Nightwing with wide eyed looks, "Really?" Twilight asked.

"It's kind of a long story." Nightwing said, a little embarrassed.

"Short version: It was that first time the titans came together to save the world from alien lizard men." Beast Boy explained, and the Turtles and Rainbooms looked at him blankly.

"Really...," Casey said, intrigued by Starfire's ability, "Well, I speak New Yorker, girl."

"That's still English, Casey." April noted.

"I speak Italian!" Mikey butted in.

"No you don't!" His brothers said.

"Yes, well..." Rarity said, blushing, "That was an unexpected moment."

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking when it happened to me." Nightwing stated.

"Among other things." Cyborg teased.

Meanwhile, Mikey and Casey noticed Applejack was now frowning and crossing her arms. They grinned mischievously then leaned in near the cowgirl.

"You okay, A.J?" Mikey asked, coyly.

"Why'd you ask?" Applejack grumbled, not looking at them.

"Cause you look jealous!" Casey teased, making her eyes widen.

"Yeah, cause Starfire kissed Rarity!" Mikey added, laughing.

Applejack blushed before face palming, "Can we please change the subject?" she asked, as Raph bashed Mikey and Casey's heads together.

Mikey frowned and rubbed his head, before speaking, "Well, there's something I think you Titans should know about the the Rainbooms here. They play in a band!"

"Whoa!" Beast Boy said, "You girls have a band?!"

"Uh, yeah we do!" Rainbow Dash confirmed, "And we're awesome!"

"I'll believe when I see it." Raven stated, dryly.

Pinkie Pie popped up next to her, "Then prepare to be amazed!" She reached into her hair and pulled out a CD, "This is a little something we sang when we were raising money to save our summer camp!" She took a radio out of her hair, put the CD in, then pressed play. An upbeat pop song filled the room, as the Rainbooms stood up and sang along...

[Twilight Sparkle]

I used to think that stories were just that

Set in stone, concrete as a fact

It didn't dawn on me

That I could change history

[Sunset Shimmer]

Now I know I'm writing my own song

Fight my way to the ending that I want

I'll turn a tragedy

[Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle]

Into an epic fantasy

[The Rainbooms]

Hey, hey, hey

You can be a hero (hero) too


Take my hand, I'm here for you

Come away with me

Be the legend you were meant to be

You'll always be Everfree

Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah

To be the legend you were meant to be

Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah

To be the legend you were meant to be


There was a time when fear would hold me down'

Cause I let it chain me to the ground

[Rainbow Dash]

Look at me now, I'm soaring high

It's never boring in the sky


When I know I've got friends on my side

Whatever trials, I'll take them all in stride


Together we will shine so bright

A radiant brilliance in the night

[The Rainbooms]

Hey, hey, hey You can be a hero (hero) too


Take my hand, I'm here for you

Come away with me

Be the legend you were meant to be

You'll always be Everfree

Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah

To be the legend you were meant to be

Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah

To be the legend you were meant to be!

When the song ended, the Titans stared.

"Catchy," Raven said.

"That was very good!" Cyborg admitted.

"Si." Blue Beetle agreed.

"Oh, yes," Starfire exclaimed, "It was the most wonderful!"

"That was awesome!" Beast Boy cheered.

"Told yah!" Rainbow Dash smirked, and crossed her arms.

"But wait till you see this!" Beast Boy whipped out a DVD with the words, "Battle Remix" on it.

One look at it and Nightwing face palmed, "Please, not that old thing, Garfield."

"What's that?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"Just a little rap we did, during our early days," Beast Boy explained, "With an animated Music Video that yours truly supervised." He inserted the DVD and a video came on. The ninjas watched cartoon-like versions of the Titans fight a giant robot...

(Go, Teen Titans, go!

Go, Teen Titans, go!

Go, go, go, go)

Beast Boy: Beast Boy I can turn straight up into an animal

Cyborg: Animal?

Starfire: Animal?

Beast Boy: Yes, any animal!

Boom, pow! Yeah, I'm a kitten now

(Awwww) Check out my kitten, meow

Starfire: The Star, the Fire, the live, the wire

The alien princess in my alien attire

The energy blast, the sonic speed

(Is she down with the Titans?

Is she down with the Titans?

Is she down, is she down?)

Oh the yes, indeed!

Cyborg: Booyah, booyah! Got my canon blasters

Cyborg woo baby, Mr. High Tech Master

(W-W-W-W-What, what?) Mr. Meatball Disaster

(W-W-W-W-What, what?) Mr. Boom Boom Blaster

(Teen, Teen Titans, the Titans, the Teen Titans

Teen, Teen Titans, the Titans, the Teen Titans

Teen, Teen Titans, the Titans, the Teen Titans)

During the song, Nightwing covered his face in annoyance, "Please, just turn it off," he said to Beast Boy.

"Shhh!" Beast Boy hushed him, "Here comes you're part!"

Robin: Boom with the smoke, bombs and birdarangs

Bo staff hitting, steady doin' my thing

Robin Robin the leader, Robin Robin in charge

Cyborg: Show 'em your baby hands!

Robin: Nah, Robin Robin's are large

"Baby Hands?" Robin looked at Nightwing.

"Don't ask." Nightwing grumbled.

Raven: Raven is here to drop it on you even harder

There's no darker than me, I'm dark as can be

Check it, Azarath Metrion Z-Z-Zinthos

Teleport and magical powers, we adios

(Teen, Teen Titans, the Titans, the Teen Titans

Teen, Teen Titans, the Titans, the Teen Titans

Teen, Teen Titans, the Titans, the Teen Titans

Teen, Teen Titans, the Titans, the Teen Titans

Teen, Teen Titans, the Titans, the Teen Titans

Teen, Teen Titans, the Titans, the Teen Titans)

Teen Titans GO!

After video ended, Beast Boy turned to the ninjas, "So whatcha guys think?"

Everyone, except Mikey and Pinkie Pie, were shocked.

"Uuuuuh," Leo started, "That was uh-"

"Interesting." Twilight Sparkle finished.

"Yeah. What she said."

"Wow." Sunset Shimmer said.

"I’m speechless." said Rarity.

"It was okay." Donnie admitted.

"I agree with Sunset on Wow." April stated.

"Ditto." Casey put in.

Rainbow Dash raised a brow, "Interesting."

"Um, woo hoo?" Fluttershy said, in confusion.

"No comment," Raph answered in deadpan.

"Me neither." Applejack agreed.

"I liked it!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Me too!" Pinkie Pie added, and everyone looked at them.

"What?" They both asked.

Leo looked at Blue Beetle and said, "So... Blue Beetle? How long have you been in the Titans?"

"About a couple years," Blue Beetle explained, "My biggest goal is to be in the big leagues."

"Which is the Justice league?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Yep!" Blue Beetle nodded, then his backpack blinked and gave off a hiss. The Blue Beetle sighed, "After I get this under control."

"So that backpack and your suit are alive?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"It's called a scarab," Blue Beetle corrected, then the scarab's eyes glowed and it hissed, "Alright, I'll tell them!" He sighed, "And it's called Khaji Da."

"Wait, did it just talk to you?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Yeah, and I'm the only one it can talk to," Blue Beetle said, "Long story short, it was sent here, thousands of years ago, by these alien conquerors called the Reach. It was meant to attach to a host's body and take complete control over them so the Reach could use them to enslave the Earth!"

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy cried.

"But thanks to some ancient earth magic, this scarab was cleansed and went off mode," Blue Beetle continued, "Then years later, it was discovered by..." he looked back at the scarab and asked, "What was his name again?" The scarab blinked, "Oh, yeah, Dan Garrett. The scarab attached itself to him and he became the first Blue Beetle. Since he found it in an Egyptian temple, Dan thought the scarab was magic. Eventually, Dan passed away and gave the scarab to his student, Ted Cord. Ted soon figured out it was actually alien technology, but he did not trust it so he locked the scarab away."

"From personal experience," April said, recalling her Aeon crystal incident, "I agree with him that certain alien things should stay untouched!"

"I guess," Blue Beetle shrugged, "He did, however, become the second Blue Beetle in his own right. But the Reach wanted the scarab back. So they sent two guys to take it. Ted fought back and his lab blew up, in the process," Blue Beetle glanced down, "He didn't make it."

"Oh!" Fluttershy covered her mouth in horror before giving him a hug, "I'm sorry!"

"So was I," Blue Beetle sighed, "But thankfully, the guys never got the scarab, because it was sent flying out in the explosion. And that's when I found it and it fused with my skin, then I became the third Blue Beetle!"

"Okay, are we done telling origin stories now?" Raph asked, impatiently, "We have a job to do!"

"Raph, if we’re gonna work together, it would be best to get to know each other before rushing in without a plan!" Leo said, sternly.

"We should be focusing on the Kraang and getting home," Raph argued, "But Instead we’re cleaning up messes!"

"Need I remind you Raph," Donnie started, "Red X stole mutagen from us and is planning to do who knows what with it!"

"Yeah, whatever!" Raph grumbled, and walked off.

Beast Boy looked to Mikey, "No offense, Mikey, but your brother's a total hard case!"

"Dude, I can tell you stories," Mikey said.

"And how!" Pinkie Pie chimed in.

"Should we go after him?" Raven asked.

"Just give him time to cool off," Leo assured, "Trust us, this happens a lot more often than you think."

"And he's not so bad, once you get to know him." Sunset Shimmer said.

"He is right about one thing, though," Twilight Sparkle noted, "We have to focus on the problem at hand. Which is stopping Red X!"

Suddenly, she was interrupted, when they all heard Raph scream in terror. "Raph!" They all rushed over to find him on top of the fridge, cowering inside his shell.

"Raph, are you okay?" Leo asked.

"Yo, what's wrong?" Casey said, confused.

"Yeah," Sunset Shimmer added, "You usually only freak out like that whenever you see a..." she looked down and her eyes widened.

The others looked down as well. A large worm-like creature, about the size of a small dog, stared up at them with a big toothy smile. Both the Turtles and Rainbooms, minus Fluttershy, yelped and jumped up onto the counter in surprise.

Fluttershy held her cheeks and let out a gasp of joy, "Oh. My. Goodness!" She scooped the little worm up and snuggled it, affectionately, "Who is this sweet little thing?!"

"That is Silkie," Starfire introduced, "My little Bumgorf!"

"That's a giant moth larva!" Twilight squeaked, in shock.

"He’s so cute!" Fluttershy continued to cuddle the worm.

"He kinda is," Rarity admitted, "Eh, for a giant worm."

"He’s not so bad once you get used to him," Nightwing said, then spoke to Silkie, "Hey, Silkie. Remember me?" Silkie looked at Nightwing and cooed at him, "I missed you too," Nightwing grinned.

"So how did you get Silkie?" Rainbow Dash asked, as she and the others got off the counter.

All the Titans looked at Beast Boy, who scratched the back of his head and smiled sheepishly, "Uh... well," he said, nervously, "I can explain that, actually. You see, it all started when our archenemy Killer Moth made an army of mutant moths and forced Robin to take his daughter Kitten to prom and he was like "Bleh!" and Starfire was like "Grrrrr!" And Robin was like "Awww!" But then we found Killer Moth, and I was like, "Dude!" and Raven was like "Bzzzzz!" And Cyborg was like "Boo-yah!" and we kicked his butt, and the mutant moths turned back into these cute little wormy things. And even though they told me not to, I secretly brought one back as a pet."

"Just like Mikey," Raph remarked, getting down from the fridge, "Always wants to adopt every pet he sees!"

"Aw, come on, Raph!" Mikey said, holding Silkie out in front of him, "Gotta admit, he’s so cute!"

Raph took one look then screamed and fell back in fright. Beast Boy and Cyborg couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Mr Big Tough Turtle is afraid of a little worm!" Cyborg teased.

Beast Boy chuckled, "Man, that look on his face! I wish I had gotten that on camera."

"Already did!" Cyborg pressed his mechanical ear and projected the whole scenario on a screen, then he and Beast Boy laughed as he replayed the part of Raph screaming.

"That's my favorite part!" Beast Boy said.

"You both wanna see my favorite part?" Raph asked, then he grabbed and hurled them onto the counter, making them bounce off and crash to the floor on their heads.

Mikey peeked over it, "I've been there, dudes." he sympathized.

"Do you have the pet of household too, Michelangelo?" Starfire asked.

"Yeah!" Mikey replied, "Her name is Ice Cream Kitty. I think she’d get get along with Silkie." He cuddled with the worm.

Twilight Sparkle smiled at the sight, but her smile soon disappeared and was replaced with a look of sadness.

Raven took notice of it "You okay?" She asked.

"It's just," Twilight Sparkle said, "All this reminds me of my dog Spike," She showed Raven a picture of her and Spike on her phone, "We left him behind when we were transported here."

"Nightwing will do whatever he can to get you home," Raven put a hand on her shoulder, "And you'll be with your dog again. Back when he was Robin, he never let us down. And he won't let you down."

Twilight wiped away a tear, "Thanks, Raven." she smiled, and wrapped her in a hug.

"I'm... not really a hugger." Raven said, feeling uncomfortable.

"So any ideas on who Red X could be?" Applejack asked aloud.

"Whoever he is, He's just as skilled as Nightwing," Leo noted, "Even when he got outmatched by Robin."

"And from what I learned from Tim, that kind of training isn't easy to come by." Sunset Shimmer added.

"Like one part in the bat cave, I tried using a cable on X," Pinkie Pie recalled, "But he was able to cut it before it wrapped around his ankles!"

"Then there's his blades." Robin put in.

"What about them?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"You know how many blades could cut our lines?" Nightwing quizzed.

"Not many?" Donnie said.

"No. Not many." Nightwing confirmed.

"Could somebody have cloned you?" April inquired.

"Or made a zombie clone?" Casey guessed, and everyone looked at him, flatly, "Just saying."

"We once thought of that when Slade forced Dick to serve him," Cyborg recalled, "Thing is, my scanners would know a clone from the genuine article."

"And I would have sensed if he was a zombie or mind controlled." put in Raven.

"Well, I totally think Red X is this good dude gone bad," Beast Boy said, rolling out a chart with a picture of Red X with smaller pictures of different kinds of Robins, "But since everyone here has ruled out that possibility, then Red X is absolutely, undeniably... A bionic monkey infused with Dick's DNA!"

"Really?" Donnie said deadpan.

"Dude, that's exactly what I was thinking!" Mikey exclaimed, "We're so alike, brah!"

"Yeah, boy!" Beast Boy agreed, and they fist bumped.

Twilight Sparkle and Raven looked at each other with dry expressions before they used their magic to make the chart spin, catching Mikey and Beast Boy, and flinging them across the room with a crash.

"Now you're both really alike!" Raph remarked.

"So Red X has stolen this mutagen you have spoken of?" Starfire asked.

"Yep," Robin said, "Broke inside the cave and took the mutagen."

"Dude, isn't the Batcave, like, supposed to be harder to break into than Fort Knox?" Beast Boy asked, as he and Mikey got up.

"That's the scary thing," Batgirl stated, "He snuck in without tripping any alarms. Which means he knows where the cave is and what it's systems are."

"I believe Red X being able to get inside the cave," Raven said, then she looked at the Turtles and Rainbooms, "But I'm not so sure about them."

"Hey!" They said, offended.

"But why would Red X want the mutagen stuff?" Cyborg wondered, "I thought he needed xenothium for his suit."

"XENOTHIUM?!?" Donnie, Twilight Sparkle, and Sunset Shimmer exclaimed, in complete panic and shock.

"You powered... that suit... with XENOTHIUM?!" Donnie shouted at Nightwing, "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR HEAD?!"

"WHAT. WERE. YOU. THINKING?!" Twilight Sparkle shook Nightwing, "That stuff is dangerous and unstable!"

"Please tell us you weren't dumb enough to actually mess with that stuff!" Sunset Shimmer asked, in a panic.

The rest of the Turtles and Rainbooms just stared in complete confusion, "Could someone please explain to us exactly what xenothium is?" Leo asked.

"Duh! Didn't you hear them, Leo?" Pinkie Pie popped up next to him, "Xenothium is a really dangerous and unstable chemical compound." She grinned while Leo was annoyed.

"Wait, so you mean this Red X guy is running around with a suit that's powered by something that could blow up if played with?!" Raph asked.

"That's about it, yeah." Blue Beetle said.

"Why in tarnation would you use that stuff if it's so dangerous?!" Applejack asked Nightwing

Nightwing pushed Twilight off him and answered, "I needed something very powerful for the suit to work and every other thing I could think of wouldn't cut it."

"Then why didn't you get rid of it when you had the chance?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"You can't get rid of xenothium like you're taking out the trash," Nightwing explained, "The only safe way to dispose of of it is to let it decay naturally."

"And Red X found it," Robin stated, "But how? How could he have possibly known about the suit?"

"Doesn't matter," Cyborg noted, "What matters is what Red X is planning to do with this Mutagen."

"So that stuff is what made you guys who you are?" Blue Beetle asked the Turtles.

"That's right." Mikey answered.

"And the Kraang have been using it to mutate the criminals back in Gotham." Donnie explained.

"We gotta stop Red X from mutating another city or anywhere else," Nightwing stated, "That's why I thought about you guys. Care to get the one that got away?"

"Oh, yes!" Starfire said, "We would very much enjoy capturing the Red X once and for all."

"I'm in, dude!" Beast Boy added.

"Let's get him this time." Raven declared.

"Booyah, baby!" Cyborg pumped a fist, "The OG Titans are back!"

"Booyah? That kinda sounds like Booyakasha." Mikey noted, and was hit in the head by Raph.

"Alright, let's head back to Gotham and tell Batman that we got the Titans," Leo ordered, "Then we'll go after Red X and-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down a minute, Turtle guy," Blue Beetle interrupted, "Since when are you the one in charge all of a sudden?"

"He always does that." Raph noted.

"No I don't!" Leo denied.

"Dogpound and Fishface." Mikey reminded.

"Sal Commander and Mona Lisa." Donnie added.

"The Mutanimals and Fugitoid." Raph put in.

"Us and your dimensional counterparts." Twilight Sparkle grinned.

"Not mention the students at our school and Crystal Prep." Sunset Shimmer finished.

"So Leo puts himself in charge of everyone he meets?" Nightwing inquired.

"Yeah." the ninjas and girls answered.

"That's not true!" Leo insisted.

"You just did 10 seconds ago." Robin noted.

"I'm going to go on a guess and say it's a reflex or something, right?" Batgirl asked, humorously.

Leo face palmed, "Ok, fine!" he admitted, "I guess I'm so used to being the guy in charge it's like a force of habit."

"At least you're accepting about it," Robin said, "A.J and Raph are more than enough."

"And just what is that supposed to mean?" Applejack raised a brow.

"You guys not letting go on Batman pulling a gambit on you." Batgirl noted.

"Batman pulled a gambit on them?" Cyborg asked.

"Yes, and they are still complaining about it." Nightwing answered, in annoyance.

"He used us as pawns!" Raph said, in anger, "He just looked at us and manipulated us into doing what he wanted!"

"It almost got us killed!" Applejack added, sternly.

"And?" Beast Boy asked, as if expecting something.

"What do you mean "and"?" Raph frowned.

"He's Batman," Cyborg noted, "I would've been more surprised if he DIDN'T do it on you at least once. Besides, he wouldn't have done it if he didn't know for sure if you could do it."

"I'm more surprised you guys were expecting to face these guys and win with out any problems." Raven stated.

"Uh, yeah. Because we're so awesome!" Rainbow Dash smirked.

The titans just looked blankly at them, as Blue Beetle asked Batgirl, "How are they not dead yet?"

"We're still figuring it out." she replied.

"Excuse us?" Rarity said, offended.

"Okay guys, enough fooling around," Nightwing ordered, "Let's get back to Gotham, the sooner we stop Red X, the better."

"We'll get to the T-ship and follow you," Cyborg stated.

"T-ship?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Our mode of transportation." Starfire explained.

"What? You guys don't have a T-car?" Raph remarked, making Rainbow Dash and Applejack snicker.

Grinning, Cyborg pressed a button on his arm and the TV screen pulled up a security camera footage of white car parked in their garage, "We do, as a matter of fact." he grinned, smugly.

Raph frowned, "Let's just get back to Gotham, already!" he grumbled.

With that they all headed out, but just then, Pinkie Pie heard Raph make a muffled sound from behind them, which was immediately followed by a clang, "You say something, Raph," she turned around and gasped, "Guys, Raph's gone!"

Everyone looked and saw Raph's sai laying on the ground, and the Turtle was nowhere in sight.

"Oh, no!" Sunset Shimmer cried.

"Raph!" The rest of the ninjas and girls exclaimed.

"Where'd he go?" Cyborg asked, "He couldn't have just disappeared!"

Mikey looked up and froze, "Um, guys," he said, nervously, "I think that Red X guy got Raph!"

"Mikey, we know Red X is good, but I don't think he could've gotten Raph without us knowing," Donnie rebuffed him, "I mean, he can't be that good."

"News flash, genius," said a voice. Everyone looked up and saw Red X crouched on the ceiling rafters, "I'm better!"

"Red X!" everyone shouted.

"Told you." Mikey said.

Red X jumped down and stood before them, "Nightwing!" he said, "It’s been a long time, kid."

"Not long enough!" Nightwing glared, "But this time I’m bringing you down!"

Red X wasn't threatened, "You’re welcome to try. And to think I was afraid you were gonna just hide behind these so-called ninjas."

"Why don’t y'all come over here and say that!" Applejack challenged.

"Sorry, made plans."

"What have you done with our brother?!" Donnie demanded.

"Catch me and I'll tell you." Red X challenged.

"Get him!" Leo called, and the Ninjas, Rainbooms, and Titans all leaped at Red X. Only for the thief to teleport away at the last second, causing them all to crash in a heap on the floor.

"He can teleport?!" Twilight Sparkle asked, in surprise.

"Yeah," Leo confirmed, "That's how he escaped from the Batcave."

"How far can the suit teleport?" Donnie asked Nightwing.

"Pretty far," Nightwing said, "So he could be anywhere."

"He's in the garage!" Pinkie pointed to the TV screen, that was still playing the footage of the garage. Red X was there. He waved at the camera, before taking it out with one of his throwing Xs.

"He's in the garage? With my baby?!" Cyborg knocked everyone off and raced for it, "He better not lay hand on my baby!"

"A real car person, isn't he?" Sunset Shimmer said, dryly.

"Pretty much." Raven said.

They all burst into the garage to find the door wide open and Red X sitting on his motorcycle.

"Catch me if can, kids." he said, and sped off.

Cyborg opened the door to the T-Car, "Let's hurry before he get's away!"

But before he could get in, Rainbow Dash zipped up and stuck Fluttershy in the driver seat, "Let Fluttershy drive." she said.

"Excuse me?!" Cyborg asked, appalled.

"Trust me," Rainbow Dash said, coyly, "If you wanna catch Red X, then you totally need Fluttershy behind the wheel."

"No way, Dash," Cyborg refused, "Nobody drives my baby but-"

"We don't have time for this, Cyborg!" Nightwing interrupted.

Cyborg sighed, "Shotgun..."

"We call backseat!" Mikey and Pinkie Pie hopped in.

Nightwing, Leo and Donnie, Sunset, Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack followed after Red X in the three Batmobiles. Batgirl and April, Robin, and Casey followed on their cycles. Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy in falcon form, and Blue Beetle flew, while Rainbow Dash ran with her super speed.

But the T-Car was held up, due to Fluttershy's driver's rhyme.

"Start your trip with seat belt time. Nine and three is where you'll be," she resided, "Adjust your mirror to see things clearer. Check your little engine light to make sure that the trip's all right. The coolest drivers will admire—"

"All right!" Cyborg said, irritated.

"...properly inflated tires." Fluttershy shrunk down in her seat.

"I don't know what Rainbow Dash was thinking, but Red X is gonna be long gone by the time you even pull out of-"

A sudden wild grin appeared on Fluttershy's face as she slammed her foot down on the gas and the T-Car raced off at full speed!

"And I'm gonna shut up now!" Cyborg panicked.

"WEEEEEE!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

The T-Car zoomed past the others with Cyborg screaming in terror.

"Is that really Fluttershy driving?" Robin asked, in surprise.

"Oh, yeah," Rainbow Dash ran along side, "Fluttershy can really put the pedal to the metal when it counts.

"And to think I got driving lessons from her!" Sunset Shimmer said, to Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity.

"Yeah...," they all agreed at once.

Soon they were chasing Red X along a cliff roadside.

Robin rode up next to him and got out his staff, "Remember me?" He asked, "Round 2, X!" The two clashed, Robin's staff against Red X's blades, then he quickly blocked Rainbow Dash's spear.

"Mind if I cut in?" She asked, running on the other side of Red X.

The three clashed blades, until Red X lunched two Xs. One knocked Robin off his bike and the other wrapped up Rainbow Dash's legs, making her fall.

The T-Car came up behind him, as Cyborg leaned out the window with his canon arm, "Hey, Red X? Eat this!" He tried blast Red X, but the thief zigzagged to dodge the shots, then he pulled his cycle back and knocked Cyborg out of the car with a kick.

"Cyborg!" Mikey, Pinkie, and Fluttershy cried.

"Aaahh! You'll pay for that, Red X!" Cyborg called, as he went tumbling back.

April quickly used her telekinesis and caught Cyborg. Then after she had placed him back in the T-Car, she used her powers to throw random things at Red X, but he dodged every one.

"If he’d stop moving around I could lift him!" April complained.

"I’ll try to get closer!" Batgirl said, and sped her cycle up.

Meanwhile, the Batmobile, Leo and Donnie were driving, caught up and after Donnie took the wheel, Leo jumped out and onto Red X’s ride, with a katana in hand, "Give. Back. My. Brother!" Leo growled, as he tried to hit the thief, who blocked and deflected his sword strikes with his X blades.

"Family," Red X said, "What can you do?" After dodging another swing, Red X threw a sharp kick and knocked Leo off his bike and over the cliff.

"No!" Twilight Sparkle used her geode power to grab Leo and float him back onto the Batmobile.

"Thanks, Twilight." Leo said.

Red X saw everything. "Heh," he said to himself, "She’d be perfect for him." Then he noticed that everyone was getting closer, but he had been counting on it, "Been fun, kids. But here’s the bus."

Right as he said that, a city bus appeared from around the bend. The driver and the passengers screamed, as did the heroes. They all swerved to avoid the vehicle, while Red X slid his bike underneath and flipped up and ran across the roof before dropping back down on his bike.

"Okay, normally, I don't say this about villains, but Red X is kinda of awesome!" Rainbow Dash said, impressed.

"But since he's a bad dude, that makes him like 40% less awesome," Mikey said, "Or does that secretly make him more awesome?!"

"Not the time, you two!" April interjected.

Starfire and Blue Beetle tried to hit him with their energy blasts and sonic waves, but he easily dodged those as well.

"Y'know! This Red X fella is really starting to annoy me!" Applejack gripped, and started to get out the Batmobile she and her friends were in.

"Here!" Rarity generated a diamond disk and Applejack jumped on.

"Thanks, Rarity," she called, and surfed the disk straight at Red X. But the thief threw one of his throwing Xs, knocking the disk and causing the cowgirl to lose her balance and fall, face first, on the windshield of the T-Car.

"Take this, Punk!" Casey said, "Goongala!" He launched an exploding puck at Red X but Red X deflected it and it hit Blue Beetle instead.

"What the heck, man!" Blue Beetle shouted at Casey.


"That Red X is more slippery than a rattlesnake!" Applejack commented.

"It's like he's leading us somewhere?" Twilight Sparkle thought out loud.

After a long chase, the heroes arrived at a large abandoned building and found Red X's bike parked outside.

"He must be inside," Rarity said.

"Let's move team!" Leo was about to go in, until Nightwing stopped him.

"Hold it!" He said, "Red X is obviously leading us into a trap."

"He's got Raph," Sunset Shimmer reminded, "We don't have a choice."

"Alright, but we go in on caution," Nightwing warned, "Knowing how crafty Red X is, we can't take any chances."

They entered the building, armed with their weapons and powers, looking all over the place and keeping eyes peeled for any surprises. A loud clang made them all jerk in its direction, ready to attack. Only to see it was just a random pipe that had fallen on the ground.

They pressed on, keeping an eye out for Red X or Raph, "It's quiet." Leo spoke.

"A little too quiet." Nightwing noted, "And that's never a good sign. So, stay sharp. Red X is around here somewhere."

"But where exactly am I?" Red X's voice echoed from everywhere, "You wanna find Raph and the mutagen? You're gonna have to find me first." He laughed.

Beast Boy pointed down a passageway, "He's that way!"

"No, he's this way!" Rainbow Dash pointed down another.

"I think he's that way." Blue Beetle pointed to one up ahead.

"We're gonna have to split up in order to find him!" Leo stated.

"Agreed," Nightwing nodded, "But we'll do it in groups, we still can't take any chances."

The teams nodded and each split up into groups of five: Raven, Batgirl, and April were group 1. Cyborg, Donnie, and Rarity were group 2. Robin, Casey, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were group 3. Beast Boy, Blue Beetle, Mikey, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were 4. And Nightwing, Starfire, Leo, Twilight Sparkle, and Sunset Shimmer were group 5.

Then they all ran down the passageways, following Red X's laughter.

Batgirl and April ran around taking precautions while Raven just walked forward. All seemed good, until both April and Raven got a vibe, "Girls we got company!" April alerted.

"Is it Red X?" Batgirl asked.

"No," Raven replied, "There’s two of them!"

"Duck!" April shouted, and all three barely missed a blast from See-more. When they got up, they saw Billy Numerous was with him.

"Well, would you look at this," See-more said, "There’s two of us and three of them."

"Then allow me to even the odds!" Billy said, and duplicated himself.

"I really hate that guy!" April griped.

"Not a big fan of him either." Raven agreed, and the three prepared to fight.

Robin, Casey, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash walked around in their section looking for Red X, while keeping their weapons ready.

"Everyone stay close," Robin cautioned, "No telling where Red X might turn up."

"We’ll find him." Rainbow Dash said, confidently.

"Then clobber him Casey Jones style!" Casey pounded his hand with a bat.

"Well, sooner we find him, the sooner we get home!" Applejack said, walking past him.

"Yeesh," Rainbow Dash whispered to Casey, "A.J is more stubborn than before."

"Got that right."

"I think she just wants to get away from Batman," Robin said, "She still hates him for his gambit."

"I heard that!" Applejack looked back, "And, as a matter of fact, yes I still am! And while we're on that subject, I'm also annoyed that you, Rainbow Dash, aren't with me and Raph on this! Cause if I remember right, you were just as mad at him as we are."

"Well, yeah," Rainbow Dash didn't deny, "But that was before I learned how awesome he is! And you and Raph need to lighten up and see that."

"Me and Raph will lighten up once we find him, stop Red X, get the mutagen back, and get out of this here dimension!"

"Wow, you really aren't going to let that gambit go, are you?" Robin frowned, "In case you're wondering, the villains in Gotham aren't people you can just walk away from. They're dangerous and deadly!"

"We've faced plenty of dangerous and deadly bad guys ourselves!" Applejack argued.

"Well, news flash, the bad guys here, are ten times more deadly than anything you've ever faced!"

"Try us..."

"Allow me to try you!" said Mammoth's voice. Then the four were all punched into a wall and got up to see Mammoth and Shimmer.

"And we'll show you just how deadly we are!" Shimmer raised her glowing hands.

"Aw! It’s just these guys!" Rainbow Dash moaned.

"Just us?" Mammoth growled, "I’ll make you regret that!"

"Not likely," Rainbow Dash scoffed, "Last I checked, we kicked your Hive butts!"

"I’m going to rip you apart!" Mammoth charged at her and socked her into the air. And when she came back down, he knocked her into the others, sending them crashing into a wall, before falling into a heap.

"Ok, I regret it!" Rainbow Dash groaned in pain.

Author's Note:


  • Blue Beetle's origin is Young Justice version.
  • Casey and Mikey's attempt to get Starfire to kiss them, after learning about her language learning ability is, although not intentioned, a reference from Teen Titans the Judas Contract movie
  • The part where Fluttershy drives super fast is based of a scene from the EQG fanfic "Sunlight" Chapter 5 written by the Albinocorn.

The part with Applejack getting jealous of Starfire kissing Rarity is a shout out to Equestria Girls Specials director K. Hadley who admitted in Rollercoaster of Friendship they were Rarijack Shipping.