• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,614 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

Game of Riddles Part 2

April and Batgirl were walking through the passageways, following the green question marks, as Riddler instructed. But neither of them were happy to have the other around and at one point they squinted their eyes at each other before they quickly turned away.

Eventually they came to a fork in the passage. And there were no green question marks on each path.

"Over there!" Batgirl pointed to the right, "This way."

"What makes you so sure?" April rebuked.

"Wanna go another way?" Batgirl shot back, "Be my guest!"

"Maybe I will!"

However, before either of them could go down any of them, two walls closed them off and third blocked the way they had come.

Riddler appeared on another screen, "Tsk tsk," he said, "Don’t make me separate you two."

"Might as well, Nygma!" April said.

"The point of this is to work together!" Riddler noted "And you two are clearly not! But perhaps a little game can get you girls to behave..."

"What do you mean?" Batgirl asked.

As if answering her, two wired helmets dropped down and attached to each of their heads.

Riddler chuckled with glee, "I really love the Kraang's technology. They’re almost as smart as I! Ah ah ah!" he turned to April, "Don’t even think about using your little Psychic powers, Miss O’Neil. Now it’s just a little game I like to call Truth or Electrocution! I'll ask each of you an honest question. Fair warning, if you lie or refuse to answer, then you'll be zapped with 10 gigabolts of electricity!"

April tried to pull her helmet off, only to receive a shock, "Aargh!"

"Auh, auh, auh," Riddler waved his finger, "The helmets will shock you even if you try to take them off."

"I take it we have to play your game to get them off?" Batgirl asked.

"Right as rain, Batgirl! So I'll start with you: Do you think that Donatello is cute?"

"No!" Batgirl answered, and got shocked.

"Liar!" Riddler said, "You're turn, Ms O'Neil: who do you like more, Donatello or Casey Jones?"

"How am I supposed to know?" April said, and also got shocked.

"Naughty girls! Didn't your mommies teach you not to tell lies?" Riddler said, before turning to April, "But you know, the Kraang told me some very interesting stories about you, Ms O'Neil. Tell you what, I'll ask you one more truth and if you get it right, I'll release you from your helmets and lower the walls."

"You're bluffing!" April accused.

"No no, my young friend, I riddle. I don't bluff," Riddler retorted, "Now let's ask that question: Are you jealous of Donnie's affection for Batgirl?"

That question got Batgirl's attention. Was that the reason why April disliked her?

"No!" April said, bitterly, and she was shocked again. But this time, the helmet kept on shocking her.

"Really, April? Is it that hard to admit it?" Riddler asked.

"That’s enough, Nygma!" Batgirl called "Stop it!"

"Wait your turn, Batgirl! Maybe if I recall some pointers the Kraang told me. Oh, my! Donatello was able to rescue your father, who the Kraang had kidnapped. But then, he and his brothers had a little mishap and some mutagen fell from a Kraang ship and your father ended up mutated. When Donnie confessed and promised to cure him, what did you do? You turned your back on him and said you never wanted to see him again! Talk about ungrateful."

April struggled against the shocking, "Stop it!" She didn't like being reminded of that.

Riddler ignored her and went on, "And what’s this? You were possessed by some little crystal and Donnie was only trying to help you, and how do you repay him? You disintegrated him! How disappointing."

"Knock it off!" April said, struggling harder. That was something she really didn't like being reminded of.

Batgirl began to worry, noticing how touchy April was being.

"What an ungrateful lover. Now that I think about it, maybe he would be better off with Batgirl, you sweet little chinchilla."

"SHUT UP!" April yelled.

"Then tell the truth, Miss O'Neil!" Riddler demanded, "Are you jealous?"

Finally, April couldn't hold it in any more, "YES!" she screamed, and released a massive psychic wave that destroyed the helmets and the walls around them.

"Oh, dear!" Riddler said, in worry, "I really pushed it too hard there, didn't I." His damaged screen fizzed and went out.

After that, April dropped down in despair. Although shocked at first, Batgirl knelt down beside her.

"You really were jealous, weren't you," she said. April didn't respond. Batgirl looked away for a moment, before she said "Is... is everything Riddler said true? Did you really turn your back on Donnie, because he mutated your father?"

"It was an accident," April said, "But I was too angry to see that! And when me and Casey were attacked by Mutagen Man, I blamed the Turtles for that too. It wasn't until Casey told me about how his old friend turned his back on him because of an accident, nearly getting offed by Karai, and captured by the Kraang again, did I realize that I shouldn't have walked out on the Turtles because of one mistake. I should have known better."

"And the part about the crystal?"

"Apparently, there was an evil Aeon elder living inside my crystal. And slowly she was corrupting me, until she finally took over my body and... made me disintegrate Donnie!" April shuddered from the memory of seeing her best friend literally fall to pieces by her own hand, "Maybe Riddler was right! Maybe you are better for Donnie!" April was close to tears, until Batgirl held her face.

"April, look at me," she said, "I... I do think Donnie's cute. And funny. And awkwardly charming, but I never wanted to steal him from you! Ever! And I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that way. And you're not bad for Donnie just cause you walked out on him or disintegrated him, you just made mistakes, we all do. And from what the Turtles told me, you apologized and forgave them for what happened to your dad, especially to Donnie. And you restored him after you defeated the Aeon elder. You are better for Donnie, April, not me."

April thought about this for a moment.

"Riddler was right about one thing," Batgirl said, standing up, "We have to work together if we're going to get through this. What'ya say?" She offered her hand to April, who looked up and stared for a minute, be for she smiled and took it.

Applejack pounded on the door with her fists. Rainbow Dash kicked it with her foot. And Casey tried ramming it with his shoulder.

They had found a female hostage bound and gagged inside a room. The only problem was that the door was sealed shut. And to make matters worse, the room was filling up with water. So naturally, without their weapons or the girls' geodes, they decided to try and bust it open. Nightwing, on the other hand, just stood there and watched, unamused.

"You're embarrassing yourselves, you know that, right?" he asked.

Casey frowned, "Well we don't see you doing anything!

"We gotta get her out!" Applejack stated.

"Yeah, before she drowns!" added Rainbow Dash.

"The Riddler always has some ingenious way with these kinds of doors so brute strength won’t open it." Nightwing noted.

"How right you are, Bird Boy!" Riddler appeared on a screen above the door, "The only way you can free this innocent is to answer this simple riddle. But then again, I doubt even Casey Jones could be able to answer this. One answer per person. Attempt to help another and I reset the lock and it looks like the poor woman can't last a second try."

"Just tell us the riddle already!" Applejack said, impatiently.

"Hold your horses, cowgirl. Genius can’t be rushed," Riddler said, "Riddle me this: What kind of keys do not open locks?"

"Oh great!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

"Keys that do not open locks?" Casey repeated, "What the heck could that be!"

"Um, a car key?" Applejack guessed to Riddler.


"A piano key?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I don't think so!"

"A key note?" Nightwing said.

"Good, but not good enough!" Riddler looked to Casey, "Looks like it's all up to you, Mr. Jones. If you need a minute, that's fine, but I don't think she has a minute!"

The water was up to the hostage's neck.

Casey grabbed his head, trying to think of an answer, 'Ah, man!' he thought, 'How'em I supposed answer this?! I wish Donnie were here! Or Twilight, or Rockwell... wait? Rockwell...' he had the answer, "That's it! I got it!"

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Riddler said, "Spit it out!"

"Oh, no!" Applejack groaned, thinking Casey was gonna get it wrong.

But Casey didn't, "The answer is... a monkey!" he said.

Riddler was shocked, "What?!"

The door opened and the water came flooding out.

"Ah, yeah!" Casey pumped his fists, "In your face! How'dya like that for stupid?"

Riddler growled, "You just got lucky, Jones! But the last hostage won't be so easy." his screen went to black.

Batman, Twilight Sparkle, and Donnie had found a hostage. But he was strapped to a table with a bladed pendulum swinging dangerously towards him.

"Batman! Help me!" the hostage cried.

"We'll never stop the pendulum!" Donnie said, in worry.

"Our only hope is to free the hostage!" Batman stated.

"But the closer we get, the pendulum could get us." Twilight Sparkle pointed out.

"Sounds like a win-win there," Riddler said, appearing on another screen, "There's no way to stop the Pendulum. However, the cuffs can release if you answer my riddle correctly. And it looks like you only get one try before this fellow is sliced salami! Listen carefully because I despise repeating myself. You can't touch me, but I can touch you, I'm not love, but sometimes I'm all about it, what am I?"

Batman turned to Donnie and Twilight, "You two answer the riddle while I prepare to grab the hostage the moment is free!"

"Right," Twilight Sparkle said "No pressure. Again!"

"Can't touch it, but it touches you," Donnie repeated, to himself.

"What could it be?" Twilight Sparkle pondered aloud, then she crossed her arms and began tapping her foot in frustration.

"Think Faster!" Batman called.

"Don't rush us!" Twilight shot back.

"I'm not. But that is!" Batman pointed to pendulum which was inches closer to the hostage.

Donnie kept thinking, "Not love, but can be about it..." he looked to Twilight and noticed her foot tapping. Usually, when he saw her do that was whenever she was singing with the rest of the Rainbooms. And that was when it hit him, "THAT'S IT!"

"Really?" Riddler said, amused, "Care to share?"

"The answer is..... MUSIC!"

Riddler screamed in frustration, as the cuffs release the hostage and Batman pulled him away just before the pendulum slices the table in two.

"Lucky guess!" Riddler grumbled.

"Well, I had a little help." Donnie motioned to Twilight Sparkle, who looked down at her foot, then smiled bashfully.

"Beaten by teenagers. How humiliating!" Riddler held his arm to his forehead before the screen shut off.

Soon, everyone regrouped and had finally reached the end of the labyrinth, where found themselves in a large room where they the last hostage was hanging by a chain.

Riddler appeared on a large screen that was bigger than the last ones, "Congratulations! You've all made it to the last hostage. Well, he's right there, just waiting to be rescued," No one moved, "What are waiting for? There's an innocent that needs to be saved."

"What's the catch?" Applejack asked, suspiciously.

"It's never this simple!" Donnie noted.

Riddler flashed a wicked smile, "And you're right, it is far from that!"

The floor slowly began to open up, revealing an giant acid pit underneath.

"Did any of you really think I save an easy one for last?" Riddler asked, rhetorically.

"Uh, I kinda of did..." Rainbow Dash admitted

"One last riddle will set this hostage free! But this time, there's going to be a little change in the game."

"What kind of change?" Nightwing raised a brow.

"I'm going to pick a wildcard to solve this riddle. And the wildcard will be..." before he could answer, medal clamps and bracelets latched themselves on to Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl, Donnie, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash then magnetized them onto the chain with the hostage, "You, Ms O'Neil!"

"Me?!" April said, in surprise, "Why me?"

"Since you destroyed my Truth or Electrocution game, it's only fitting that you answer a proper riddle. And the clamps and bracelets on your friends is to keep them from helping or interfering, as well as raises the stakes. And for extra precaution." A metal collar lunched out of a wall and locked itself around April's neck.

"What the?" April tried to pull it off, "What is this?!"

"An inhibitor collar. It neutralizes your psychic abilities, so you won't be able to use them," Riddler explained, "I got it from an old acquaintance of mine: Amanda Waller. Of course, I tweaked it a little so it will only release if you answer my riddle correctly. And since I'm feeling lucky, if you get it right, not only will the collar release, but the floor will close up and your friends and the hostage will be released as well."

"Alright, fine!" April said, "What's your riddle?"

"Oh, it's a tricky one, Ms O'Neil," Riddler rubbed his hands together, "Riddle me this: I cost nothing, but I'm worth everything, I weigh nothing, but I last a lifetime, one person can't own me, but two can share me, what am I? Oh, just to make things interesting..."

Everyone began to lower toward the acid.

April's eyes widened at the sight of that. She had to think fast!

"Okay, stay calm, April," the kunoichi told herself, "Cost nothing but worth a lot?"

"Better hurry!" Riddler urged.

"C’mon, red!" Casey said, through his clamp, and bumped into Rainbow Dash as he struggled.

"Don’t do that again!" she shoved him back.

"Everyone remain still!" Batman ordered, "We can’t do anything but hope April answers correctly."

April was still thinking, "Weighs nothing but lasts a lifetime?"

"April, please!" Twilight Sparkle panicked.

"You can do it, Sugarcube!" Applejack said.

"We're with you until the end!" Donnie declared.

"Which hopefully isn’t soon." Nightwing said, as everyone gazed down at the acid.

"Not one person but two can share?" April said, before groaning, "Oh, now I regret not playing that riddle game with Trixie at Camp Everfree!" She glance up at her friends, who were struggling to keep out of the acid pit, when she landed her eyes on Batgirl who looked right back at her.

"You got this, April," she whispered, through her clamp, "I know you do."

Staring up at Batgirl, triggered a memory inside of April. And she recalled a moment she had with Batgirl, earlier...

"You know it's ironic what Riddler said about our mothers teaching us about not lying." April told Batgirl, as they walked down the passage.

"Why's that?" Batgirl asked.

April looked down in sorrow, "Because I don't have a mom..."

Batgirl was surprised, before she said in equal sorrow, "Me too."

April looked up, another question on her mind, "Do you have an overprotective dad?"

"You have no idea," Batgirl replied, "He's half the reason I became Batgirl."

"Huh. You know, Barbara, we have a lot in common, you and me." April stated.

"Yeah," Batgirl agreed, "We're both redheads."

"We both have overprotective dads."

"We both fight to protect our cities."

"And Donnie fell in love the minute he saw us both."

There was a moment of silence before the two girls burst out laughing.

"Wow," Batgirl said, composing herself, "The way we're sharing things, it's almost like we're friends..."

"Friends..." April breathed, before shouting, "That’s it!

"Better say it now or you're friends will be taking a very unpleasant bath!" Riddler said.

"The answer is........ FRIENDSHIP!"

"NOOOOO!" Riddler hollered, as the acid pits closed up and everyone was freed from their cuffs and clamps. Even the collar opened as April took it off.

"You know, Nygma," she said, "I should thank you for helping me get over my jealousy with Batgirl! And realize just how much alike we are." She smiled at Batgirl, who smiles back.

"Grrrrrr!" Riddler growled, "I am the craftiest criminal in Gotham! I once made pawns of all the villains of Gotham and even Superman! How could I have been outsmarted by a turtle and a bunch of teenagers?!"

Twilight Sparkle gave him a smug look, "We may have under estimated you at first, Riddler, but you under estimated us too!"

"The game is up, Riddler," Batman said, "Time to go back to Arkham!"

"The game may be over, detective. But you'll never escape my labyrinth, for there's no way out! Riddler laughed out loud.

April grinned, "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Riddle me this: Who's hiding much closer than we think? Answer: you!" she used her physic blast to blow open a hidden door, revealing the Riddler himself, much to his surprise.

"What's this?!" Riddler said, as everyone stormed into the room.

Casey chuckled, "Anyone order a special serving of beat down?"

"Get back! I’m warning you!" Riddler said, raising his cane and backed up. Only to turn around just in time for both Batgirl and April to punch him right into his chair.

"Enough games, Riddler!" April said.

Batman soon found everyone's weapons and the girls geodes. He handed Batgirl her utility belt and April her tanto and tessen, "Nicely done." he said to them, and they smiled.

Everyone else soon collected their stuff back. And Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash got their geodes back.

"Am I glad we have these back." Applejack said.

"I’m just glad this riddling shebang is over." Casey said, collecting his sports gear.

"You and me both." Rainbow Dash agreed.

Riddler got up, "Okay I’ll admit it," he said, "You've bested me. Congratulations!"

"First you’re gonna tell us where the Kraang are," Batman said, "Then you’re going back to Arkham."

"Oh I would, Batman, if I wasn’t a sore loser and planted explosives around this place!"

"You What?" Donnie asked in shock.

Before anyone could stop him, Riddler had jumped onto his chair and pushed a button. The chair rose off the floor, revealing that it was a Kraang floating device. A part of the ceiling opened up and Riddler floated up through it and out one of the factory's smoke pipes.

"I’ll tell the Kraang you said hi!" Riddler called, as he flew away.

Donnie checked the monitor, "He wasn't bluffing," he said, in horror, "The whole labyrinth is set to explode in less than a minute and I can't disarm them!"

"We need to get the city council out of here!" Batman stated.

"We'll never find the exit in time!" Twilight Sparkle pointed out.

Applejack took hold of her geode, "Then we'll just make our own exit!"

Later, Applejack had pounded a hole out of the wall of the factory. Then the team escaped, along with the council. They all got out just in time to as the whole factory exploded and everyone was thrown clear by the shockwave. After that, they looked up to see the building engulfed in flames.

"Great!" Rainbow Dash frowned, "Riddler got away and all we're left with is a burning building!"

"At least we saved the city council," Batgirl stated, "That's all that matters."

"Still would have been great to know where the Kraang are!" Casey grumbled.

"I'm sure we'll find the Kraang eventually." Donnie assured.

"We will." Batman promised.

Twilight Sparkle glanced at the people they had just saved, "Right now, let's get the council somewhere safe."

"And the fire department can take care of the burning factory," Nightwing said, hearing sirens approaching.

April walked up to Batgirl, "Batgirl, I... I wanna apologize for the way I acted back at the cave. I was jealous and too stubborn to admit it. Rarity and Fluttershy said so."

"Yeah, I kinda figured." Batgirl said.

"Well, I'm sorry. I don't want that jealousy to get to me again, or it just might turn me into Raph and that's a scary thought. Do you think maybe we can start over?" April held out her hand.

"I'd like that." Batgirl smiled, as the two shook hands.

After making sure the city council was safe, the team returned to the Batcave.

"We're back," Donnie called, as he, Twilight Sparkle, and Batman exited the Batmobile, "And-Holy Chalupa!"

Everyone in the cave was pinned and bound by Xs. Leo was pinned to a cliff wall. Huntress was on the floor all bounded up. And unfortunately for her, Pinkie Pie was bound to her back. Robin was still pinned against the cave wall and Fluttershy was still bound up.

"Hi, guys!" Pinkie Pie said, cheerfully.

"Well, it’s about time you guys return!" Huntress complained.

"Hey, Robin!" Casey said to the Boy Wonder, "Hanging out?"

Pinkie Pie chuckled while Huntress scowled.

Batman freed Fluttershy, "What happened?" he asked.

"Some meanie intruded and ambushed us!" the shy girl explained.

"He had a skull mask and was all decked in black," Leo described, as Twilight Sparkle helped him down, "He called himself Red X."

Hearing that name, Nightwing's eyes widened in shock, before he gritted his teeth and punched a wall in silent rage.

Twilight Sparkle looked around, "Where’s Raph and Sunset Shimmer?"

"Sunset still hasn’t fully recovered from the fight with Bane," Robin said, as Batgirl freed him, "So Alfred is with her upstairs. And according to Mikey and Pinkie, Raph's in a closet."

Huntress and Pinkie Pie had managed stand up, as the heroine struggled to break free, "C’mon! Get free! Will you!" she grunted, while unaware that Pinkie Pie had slipped out of the binding.

"Does this help?" she asked.

"Yeah, thanks," Huntress said, before she paused, realizing that Pinkie was free, before she whipped around and glared at the party girl "You mean to tell me you could’ve gotten free at ANY TIME?!"

"Not anytime," Pinkie Pie retorted, "Just when it was convenient."

"Why you little!" Huntress tried to lunged at Pinkie, but Batgirl quickly held her back, "When I get out of this!"

"Easy, Helena!" Batgirl tried to calm her, when she noticed someone missing, "Wait, where's Mikey?"

"Uh, down here."

Batgirl looked down and saw that Mikey was glued to the floor, on his belly, in some kind of red goo.

Once Applejack had freed Robin, the two went over to free Mikey.

"How did this Red X get in?" Batman asked Leo and Fluttershy.

"No idea," Fluttershy said, "He just showed up out of nowhere!

"And he seemed to know this place like the back of his hand." Leo added.

"We're back, darlings!" Rarity's voice called.

She and Black Canary rode in and stepped off Canary's motorcycle.

"Freeze escaped," Black Canary sighed, and removed her helmet, "But wait till we tell you- what the?!" The pair had noticed the scene and all Xs everywhere.

"Did we miss something?" Rarity asked.

"You could say that." Robin replied.

"It's gone!" Donnie cried, standing before an empty lab table.

"What's gone?" April inquired.

"The mutagen I took from the Kraang! I left it right here!"

"We're sorry, Donnie," Fluttershy apologized, "Red X stole it!"

"Red X?" Twilight Sparkle was confused, "Why would he want the-"

Before she could finish, Rarity let out a piercing scream! Everyone rushed over to her. She was standing by the costumes, trembling with her hands on her cheeks. A look of horror on her face.

"Rarity!" April said, "What’s wrong?"

"You broke a nail?" Huntress asked, dryly, expecting it to be something unimportant.

"Look!" Rarity pointed a shaking finger at one of the Robin costumes: a red torso shirt, with green short sleeves and gloves, and a short cape that was black on the outside and mustard on inside. A yellow utility belt, green legging, and black boots. It's case was smashed open and it was covered in big yellow graffiti letters that read "Always One Step Behind, Kid." Nightwing stared hard at the words and clenched his fists.

Rarity put her fist to her forehead, "Who would ruin a perfectly wonderful outfit?!" she exclaimed, as she dramatically fell into an annoyed Applejack's arms.

Alfred walked into the cave with Sunset Shimmer, still a bit sluggish, but not far behind.

"We heard miss Rarity shrieking," he said, "Is everything alright?" he noticed the suit, "My word."

"Who did that?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"Probably that Red X guy." Leo said.

"You know him, Tim?" Casey asked Robin.

"First time I heard about it," the Boy Wonder replied, "Besides, this one of Dick's old suits."

Everyone turned to Nightwing, who hung his head low in shame, "It’s not one of my highlights." he said.

"What do you mean?" asked Sunset Shimmer.

"Who is this Red X guy anyway?"

"At one point... Red X was me."

"You?!" Batgirl said, in surprise.

"You never told us that." Robin noted.

"It was mistake," Nightwing said, "One I regret to this day."

"Care to explain this Red X fella?" Applejack said, "Cause some of us here, have no clue what's goin' on."

"Back when I was Robin, I led a team of young heroes," Nightwing began, "When we were faced with our greatest enemy, Slade, I became Red X as a means to get close to him. But I didn't tell my teammates, cause I thought they would botch my cover if I did."

"So basically, you didn't trust them," Donnie noted, "Where have we seen this before?! He, Mikey, and April all glared at Leo, reminding him of how he didn't tell them about his meetings with Karai, when she was with the Shredder.

Leo groaned from the memory of how he and his brothers suffered a humiliating defeat by Karai because he had trusted her and never told his brothers, which ended with him losing the trust of them and a very painful jab in the foot by Master Splinter.

Nightwing continued, "I thought I had Slade fooled, but he was on to me from the start. When my friends found out, they weren’t real happy with me."

"Considering they were still your friends after that." Applejack said, and got nudged in the arm by Sunset.

"Look. I told you I’m not proud of it," Nightwing stated, "Anyway, after a while, I put the suit away only to find out someone had stolen it and was posing as Red X. For a while, he’s been a thorn anywhere I went. After I became Nightwing, he went off the grid. I never found out who was behind the mask. But one thing I did learn, was that he’s no pushover."

"You never found out who he was?" April asked.

"He was that good at staying hidden. And annoying the heck out of me! But enough about that," Nightwing spoke to Donnie, "You said he stole the mutagen you guys took?"

"That's right," Donnie confirmed, "And there's no telling what he might do with it!"

"One problem at a time," Batman stated, then turned to Rarity and Black Canary, "You two were about to said something about what on your encounter with Freeze?"

"Yeah," Black Canary nodded, "We ran into an old friend of yours, on the way."

Rarity put a finger to her chin in thought, "I believe she called herself, Catwoman..."

Back at Arkham, Subprime was not too pleased with the Riddler.

"OF ALL THE COLLECTIVE INCOMPETENCE!" he shouted, "You said you could handle the bat and brats with your superior intelligence!"

"Well, I would have defeated them if those meddling kids weren’t so resourceful! And Lucky," Riddler said, bitterly, "Plus, it was your so called technology that failed as well!"

"I’m not interested with your EXCUSES!" Subprime snapped, "I want those do gooders history. Kaput! ANNIHILATED!"

Riddler frowned, "Riddle me this, Subprime: What is the smartest insect who also has a terrific vocabulary?"

"Kraang hates, that which is known as, riddles." a droid said.

"A spelling bee!"

"Gag me!" Subprime said, in annoyance.

"Now now now, Subby, don't be too hard on him," Joker said, "The point was to keep Batsey distracted, and Eddie did the job, perfectly. It's almost been a week and Dr. Khan has the portal nearly done. We just keep Batman and those Turtles and Rainbooms running around, just a little longer."

"You wanna know somethin', Joker?" Subprime said, "You're beginning to ware my patience VERY THIN!"

"You know you really need to lighten up a little."

Subprime frowned, "I'm not satisfied with distraction, I want those shell-backs and girls destroyed!"

"I can do both." came a voice.

The three villains looked up and saw a figure crouched on a rafter. Then the figure flipped down, landed on his feet and hand, and stood up. The figure wore a black suit, grey gloves and utility belt, and a skull mask with a red x on it's forehead.

Riddler looked at him with curiosity, "Well, hello there! And just who might you be, stranger?"

"None of your business, Foxy Loxy!" the figure replied, dryly.

"Is that so," Riddler leaned in close, "Because the way you just landed reminded me of a naughty brat who hit me in a naughty place."

Subprime's Shredder droid sucker punched Riddler to the side to shut him up, "Just what I need," he grumbled, "Another lackey! And who are you suppose to be?"

"Call me Red X." the masked man said.

"Well, whatever. We’re not hiring!"

"You need me," Red X dryly insisted, and held up the canister of mutagen he had stolen, "You wanna know where I got this? I infiltrated the Bat cave, immobilized three of those flunkies, even Robin and Huntress, and took the only canister of this gunk without breaking a sweat. Wanna see me take on all those Turtles and Rainbooms? All I request is more of these canisters, plus a couple of your drones."

Subprime was appalled, "REQUEST DENIED!"

"Subby please!" Joker pulled him off to the side and whispered, conspicuously, "This X has promise! And I don’t think he needs a mutated makeover."

Subprime frowned, before shoving Joker aside spoke the thief, "Very well," then he moved closer to Red X and threatened, "Make no mistake. If you fail to succeed, ILL TERMINATE YOUR SORRY X MYSELF!"

Red X wasn't intimidated one bit, "And you make no mistake. I’m not asking you to pitch in. I’m telling you."

Subprime growled at the threat then turned to the nearby drones, "You mooks go with him!" he leaned in and whispered, "And keep your eye on him. I don’t trust him."

"Confirmed," a droid nodded, "Kraang will watch the one known as Red X." Then the droids all stood before him.

But as Red X turned around, there stood Joker, looking at him in a suspicious way.

"You know, Mr. X, I can't help but think that maybe old Riddly wasn't off about you," he grinned, "In fact, you remind me of a very certain someone I once knew."

"Looks can be deceiving," Red X said, before he punched Joker off his feet then teleported himself and the droids away.

Joker got up and then started laughing.

"And what are you laughing about?" Subprime asked.

Joker turned to his partner, with a gleeful look on his face, "I know who Red X really is!" he said, astonished, "And Nightwing's in for the shock of his life!" Then he threw back his head and laughed maniacally.

Author's Note:


.The friendship riddle is from the Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald: Scared Silly.

.Mikey being glued to the floor in red goo is a reference to Greg Cipes character Beast Boy, who had the same fate when the Titans first fought Red X (who was Robin at the time).

.When Riddler speaks to Red X, he mentions a scene from Batman: Under the Red Hood, where Robin (Jason Todd) kicked him in the crotch.