• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,562 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

Thrill Seeker Or Hero?

In the Batcave, Donnie was on the bat computer with Rarity, April, and Batgirl, while trying not to feel awkward by both the red heads' presence. Twilight Sparkle was at the science work table with Robin. Leo, Sunset, and Rainbow Dash were sparring with Huntress and Nightwing. And Mikey, Pinkie, and Casey were rocking out with a boombox.

"You're good, Grayson," Leo said, as he fought Nightwing and they reach a stalemate, until Nightwing managed to knock him down.

"No offense to your ninja master, Leonardo," Nightwing said, as he helped the turtle up, "But I was trained by Bruce Wayne. And it's kind of hard to top that."

"Somehow, I believe it," Leo said.

Raph and Applejack watched everything from a bench and frowned. To them no one seemed to care that the Kraang were about invade their dimension and that they would be trapped in Gotham. They glared and gritted their teeth as they watched everyone doing nothing to get them home.

Alfred took notice of the two. "Mr. Raphael and Miss Applejack, is there something bothering you?" He asked.

Before the two could give their reply, the Batmobile pulled in and Batman stepped out.

"Got anything out of Penguin?" Batgirl asked.

"He sold the Kraang a resident engine." Batman answered.

"WHAT?!" Twilight Sparkle gasped, dropping a test tub.

"Not good!" Donnie panicked, "If they get the resident engine working with all the equipment they stole..."

"They'll be able to finish their portal soon," Batman finished.

Raph and Applejack could only stare in shock. Then their shock turned to burning anger. They had had just about enough of all of this and they couldn't stand it anymore.

"So? This is what we're doing, huh?!" Raph asked in sarcasm, "Just sitting around while the Kraang are probably invading our world right now?!"

"While you guys are just sparing, listening to music, AND EATING PIZZA?!" Applejack added in anger.

"Girl, don't bring pizza into this!" Mikey said, hugging the boxes.

"SHUT UP, MIKEY!" Raph and Applejack snapped.

"Raph, Applejack, calm down!" Leo eased them not liking their sudden blow up.

"No! We're not gonna calm down!" Raph rebuffed him.

"The Kraang are gonna mutate and enslave all our friends and families," Applejack said. "And we won't be there to stop'em! Or did all that just slip your minds?!"

"We are worried about getting home!" Twilight Sparkle argued.

"And we're doing everything we can." Leo said.

"Really?" Raph retorted, "Cause it sure doesn't seem like it from our end!"

"Yeah, all we've been doing is running around and getting nowhere closer to finding the Kraang!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Well, you two haven't exactly been much help on the matter!" April pointed out not wanting them to act so innocent.

"Ever since we got here, all you two have been doing was being resentful to Batman, while he's been trying to get us home!" Twilight Sparkle noted.

"Yeah, your whole "We Don't Like Batman thing" is really bumming us out!" Pinkie Pie said as several of the others nodded in agreement.

"Well, excuse us for telling the truth!" Raph yelled.

"What is your problem with Batman anyway?" Sunset Shimmer asked finally having enough of them.

"I'll tell you exactly what our problem is: This so called "hero" is anything but one." Raph said, pointing right at the Dark Knight.

"He brings in anyone he can to deal with his problems and sometimes tricks them into doing it," Applejack put in, "And he keeps us in the dark about things that could be useful and is acting like he's the big guy of the city."

"You guys may see him as a hero, but all we see is a rich guy with fancy toys looking for a thrill that doesn't care about anything other than himself! Not people! Not families! Nothing!"

"Not to mention, following his lead kept us all distracted from the Kraang so they could build their portal right under our noses!"

"Well, need I remind you, that the both of you not following Batman's lead nearly got us all killed by the Joker!" April reminded them.

"Yeah," Applejack admitted, "But maybe we wouldn't have, if Batman had told us WHY Joker was so gosh darn dangerous in the first place!"

"We wanted to tell you about him," Batman said, "But you seemed so confident in yourselves it would've been talking to a wall."

"And we weren't sure if you'd believe us or have what it takes to listen to them." Nightwing added.

"After seeing Joker beat us with a baseball bat, we can believe that." Twilight Sparkle said, rubbing the multiple bumps on her head.

"And don't be surprised, Batman is the king when it comes to keeping secrets." Robin stated.

"We almost died by that maniac's hands because of that!" Raph angrily pointed out, "And none of you are taking any of this seriously!"

"What are you talking about?" Rarity said, "We do take the current situation seriously!"

"Really?" Applejack raised a brow, "Like when you abandoned a mission just to chase after a thief who stole your bracelet?!"

"Can't deny that part." Black Canary agreed.

"That bracelet was exquisite!" Rarity argued, "A one of a kind beauty! I wasn't about to let Catwoman steal it from me."

"Selena let you keep it," Batman noted, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have it."

"Oh, please," Rarity huffed.

Raph turned back to Batman, "You may have everyone else fooled, but not us! We see right through you!" He said, "All you are is just a rich boy playing the hero game!"

"And that ain't someone were gonna put our faith in!" Applejack said.

"We're done!" Raph declared. "With all of this!"

"We're gonna actually work on getting us home!" Applejack added.

And with that the two stormed out of the cave.

"Raph, Applejack, wait!" Leo called, but the two ignored him.

"You know, this wasn't the first time Raph's quit the team," Donnie said to Batgirl, "But this was first time someone's actually joined him."

Nightwing sighed, "I kind of know where they're coming from." he said.

"What do you mean?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"Remember when I told when I quit working for Batman?" Nightwing inquired.

"Yeah," April recalled, "You said it was because you got tired of Batman treating you like a kid."

"Well, that wasn't the main reason I quit," Nightwing noted, "You see, you may find this hard to believe, but Barbara and I used to date."

"You two used to date?!" Donnie asked Batgirl in surprise.

"Yes," Batgirl admitted, "But at the time, we didn't know each other's secret identities."

"And that lead to a very big issue," Nightwing began, "After I graduated from Gotham University, I was celebrating with my classmates and Barbara, when Batman paged me for a mission to foil one of Joker's schemes, but he escaped. I trailed one of his goons, Connor to his home and was ready to interrogate him, when I discovered he had a family. Unfortunately, Batman burst in and interrogated him in front of his family, ignoring me telling him not to."

"Not one of my finer moments." Batman admitted dryly.

"I wasn't happy about that and started to disagree with Batman's methods," Nightwing went on, "So I literally went to Barbara to complain about my troubled relationship with Bruce and left without even explaining why."

"That got me worried," Batgirl took over. "So I went to Bruce to find out what was wrong. So he took me here, where he told me that he and Dick were Batman and Robin. He also revealed that he knew I was Batgirl. But then Joker broadcast a message, demanding a forty thousand dollar ransom or he'd use a radar jammer to cause mayhem. And since Alfred was unable to a hold of Dick, I volunteered to help Batman. But as we were fighting Joker and his henchmen at the top of a building, he knocked me right off the roof!"

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Yes, but luckily, Dick soon discovered everything that happened and arrived in time to save me," Batgirl said, "And after we stopped the Joker, Dick and I had an argument about how we didn't tell each other about who we were. But when I told him that Batman knew I was Batgirl, he turned his anger on him."

"I said that he pulls strings and manipulates people to get what he wants," Nightwing continued, "Like how Raph and Applejack just did. Anyway, Batman said that he thought we had an understanding, but I told him that people change and so did I. And then I quit, right then and there. And Batman tried to stop me, I punched him."

"Dude! For real?" Casey asked.

"Not my finest moment either." Nightwing admitted.

"Nightwing told me about it, after we beat two pick-pockets." Robin chimed in.

"More like me bailing him out, when one of them dumped a trash can on him and hit him with a plank." Nightwing corrected, much to Robin's ire. Especially when Casey burst out laughing.

"Anyway..." Robin continued. "At the time, he still hadn't forgiven Batman, claiming that he would never change. Until we discovered a wallet they stole belonged to Conner. And when we returned it, we discovered that he now worked as a night watchman at Wayne Enterprises. He explained to us that his encounter with Batman was a wake up call. It inspired him to turn his life around. So Bruce gave him a job as the night watchman and would regularly ask how his family was doing."

"It was there that I realized, I was wrong about Batman," Nightwing finished, "So, yeah. I know what Raph and Applejack are going through. And if I can change my view on Batman, maybe they will too. Eventually."

While that was going down, Batman just stared off in the spot Raph and Applejack had gone. He had an idea of how to make the two see sense. It was a long shot, but worth a try.

A rain storm had started as the Turtle and Cowgirl were trudging through the rain when the Batmobile pulled up.

"Get in," he said.

"I thought we made it clear we were done with you, Bats!" Raph glared at him.

"I want to show you both something," Batman said, "And after that we can go our separate ways."

Raph and Applejack looked to one another before they reluctantly climbed into the Batmobile.

"Beats walking through the rain." Applejack admitted.

"Can't you live closer to Gotham?" Raph asked. Batman didn't answer, and just drove off.

Meanwhile, back at the cave, Donnie had noticed something on the Batcomputer. "Hey, guys!" He said, "I've got something."

"What is it?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"We've been trying to look for any energy traces that would hopeful lead us to the Kraang." Batgirl explained.

"I've been going back and forth with Cyborg on it." Donnie put in.

"But of course, Joker's little distractions kept us from finding any." April added.

"Looks like there was an interdimensional energy pulse let out just a few moments ago." Donnie stated.

"Really?" Leo asked.

"Good." Nightwing said.

"How is that a good thing?" Sunset Shimmer asked, "This means the Kraang have finished up their portal!"

"Exactly," Batgirl said, "Now all we need to do is get it from them and send you home."

"Robin and I have also just finished this retro-mutagen to cure all the villains in Gotham," Twilight stated, holding up a canister of the orange cure, "Unfortunately, we only have a single amount. So if it's going to work, we'll need a way to give it to all of them in one shot."

"Okay," Rainbow Dash said. "But how are we going to find the portal and the bad guys.

"If the villains have allied themselves with the Kraang, then there is a chance that they are at the portal," Nightwing said, then he asked the smart turtle, "So where are the coordinates, Donnie?"

"Well, according to these reading, it looks like it came from..." Donnie pulled up a picture of an eery looking building, "A place called Arkham."

"Of course it had to be Arkham." Batgirl said dryly.

"What's Arkham?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's where the Gotham Villains we defeat get sent." Robin answered.

"Yeah, it's where I was gonna suggest we send Killer Croc." Donnie chimed in.

"Arkham's a mental hospital, where the villains are meant to be rehabilitated," Nightwing said, "But I would surmise that the Kraang are there, and more than likely have the place under their control."

"Yep," Donnie agreed. "That would be the most logical summary."

"Hey, what's that?" Pinkie Pie interrupted, pointing to one of the smaller screens, showing something from one of the camera feeds."

Donnie enlarged the screen and they saw that what looked like a large light shining in the sky over the city. And what was strange was that it had Batman's symbol.

"What the heck is that?" Leo asked.

"That's the Bat Signal," Robin said, "Which means Commissioner Gordon's calling."

"Your dad?" April asked Batgirl.

"That's right," Batgirl nodded, "That's mostly how he calls Batman."

"With a giant flashlight?" Rainbow Dash asked rhetorically.

"Couldn't he used a bat-phone or something?" Pinkie Pie inquired.

"He's got at least a dozen other ways." Robin said.

"Then why this?" Sunset asked.

"So everyone knows." Batgirl said making the Rainbooms and Turtles surprised.

"We better head over there." Black Canary said.

"I'll contact, Master Bruce," Alfred added.

Nightwing turned to the ninjas, "But if you guys are gonna tag along, I should warn you that Detective Harvey Bullock will most likely be there."

"The man who let Mr Freeze escape?" Rarity asked.

"The same," Black Canary answered, "So if he says anything, try not to punch him. I've had to stop Huntress from doing that twice."

"Why would we wanna do that?" Casey asked.

"Because, aside from being an incompetent idiot," Huntress stated, "He's an obnoxious, pig-headed jerk, who thinks Batman's a menace. And anyone with him."

"But, he's not so bad once you get to know him," Nightwing put in, "More or less. Anyway, let's go."

As they headed out, April spoke to Batgirl, "I know this is a rhetorical question but, aren't you worried your dad will recognize you?" She asked.

"Don't worry," Batgirl replied, "My father's a great police commissioner, but he's not exactly a detective. He usually leaves that up to Batman."

Soon the Batmobile pulled to an alleyway and the Caped Crusader and the two ninjas stared down it.

"So what's this place?" Applejack asked.

"Crime Alley." Batman answered.

"Friendly name," Raph said in sarcasm, "What's so special about it?"

"This was where I watched my parents die," Batman replied, simply. Raph and Applejack stopped right in their tracks, with looks of shock. The Dark Knight looked back at the two, "That's what Sunset saw, when she looked into my memories," He stopped near a spot in the alley and stared down at the ground. The place where his parents' bodies were, "When I was eight years old we were leaving the theater and took the alley as a shortcut, back when it wasn't as bad as this. I was reminiscing about the movie when a thug came out of the shadows with a gun, interested in my father's wallet and my mother's pearl necklace. My father tried to disarm him, but was shot in the process. My mother screamed before she was shot," There was a silence before Batman looked back at the turtle and cowgirl. "From what you all told me, you and your brothers lost your father in a similar way, Raphael. Only you were right there when it happened. And out of all your friends, you know that feeling better than any of them. Don't you, Applejack?"

Applejack Knew what he meant and looked away, with tears in her eyes, thinking back to the hallucination she experienced while under Scarecrow's fear toxin.

"I'm... I'm sorry," Raph said, in regret. "I didn't-"

"I didn't bring you here to guilt trip you," Batman rebuked, "I brought you here to make you understand why I do this. I spent years to recover from that loss. Finding ways to cope with it. And in that time, I realized something. To grow into the kind of person you needed as a kid. So I swore on the spirits of my parents to avenge their deaths, by spending the rest of my life warring on all criminals. Call it selfish if you want to, but this is something I must do. For this city. For everyone. So no one ever suffers the way that little boy in the alley did. I know you don't like me, you're not the first ones and most likely won't be the last either, but I know that you would do anything for your family. And if you don't let go of that, you and your family will be torn apart. I won't let that happen. So, please. Let me help you and your family."

Raph and Applejack looked down in thought. But before they could give and answer, Batman heard an incoming call on his comlink.

"Master Bruce?" Alfred's voice called.

"I'm here, Alfred." Batman responded.

"It would seem that Commissioner Gordon has requested your audience, sir," Alfred said. "In a manner of speaking."

As Alfred spoke, Batman looked up and noticed the Bat Signal shining in the sky.

"Understood," Batman said, "I'm on my way." Then he turned to the two ninjas, "So? Are you two coming?"

They looked at each other and nodded. "Lead the way," they said.

"I still say we don't need him," Bullock said, "We can take care of this just fine on our own."

"We know, Bullock," Mantoya rolled her eyes, "You only said it l30 times in the past 10 minutes!"

"That's 23 minutes, Miss frou frou doll." Bullock retorted, while reminding her about what happened with Mad Hatter.

Montoya glared. She did not want to be reminded of that, "How was I supposed to know Tetch had Sportsmaster under his control?" She exclaimed, "And you're one to talk! You're the one who lost Freeze and got on probation because of that!"

"Why I oughta-"

"That's enough, you two!" Commissioner Gordon broke them up, "The last thing I need right now is having to babysit my own officers." Then he turned back towards the city.

"We've been here for two hours, straight!" Bullock said, "Where is the gosh forsaken Bat?"

"Keep you're head on, Bullock," Gordon ordered, "He'll be here, soon enough. And when he does show up with his guests, don't start anything like you did twice this night."

Pinkie Pie popped up behind the three officers. "What did he start?" She asked.

The cops jumped and pull their guns.

"Freeze!" Bullock shouted.

"Who are you?" Gordon demanded.

"Wait," Mantoya said, recognizing her. "She's one of those meta humans I saw with Robin."

"She's with me." the officers turned to see Batman standing behind them with the rest of the Bat Family.

"Glad you could make it, Batman," Gordon said, putting his gun away, "Hope you don't have any more headaches tonight?"

"That depends," Raph said, as the rest of the ninjas arrived, "Do we look like headaches to you?"

Both Gordon and Bullock stared.

"Looks like you were right about the giant turtles, Montoya," Gordon said, not taking his eyes off the mutants.

"They're with me also." Batman explained.

"Right." Gordon said.

"I know this must be surprising," Leo said, "So allow me to introduce ourselves. I'm Leonardo and these are my brothers Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo."

"What up?" Mikey asked.

"And these are our allies, April O'Neil and Casey Jones." Leo continued, as the two teens waved.

Sunset spoke next, "I'm Sunset Shimmer. And these are my friends, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and you already met Pinkie Pie."

"Commissioner Jim Gordon." Gordon introduced.

"And Detective Harvey Bullock," Bullock budded in, "And just so we're clear, we got enough freaks in this city!"

Raph noticed that Bullock was sporting a black eye as well as a few bruises, "Nice shiner," he smirked, "Get that from the last guy you bad mouthed."

"Watch it, bub!" Bullock warned.

"Anyway," Gordon said, while pushing Bullock back, "I take it all of you know about these brain robots that've been robbing all these science labs?"

"They're called the Kraang," Leo said, "And they've been a problem for us in our dimension as well."

"And they've been using this chemical substance to mutate all the Gotham Villains." Donnie put in.

"And their leader, Kraang Subprime, has teamed up with the Joker." Twilight Sparkle added.

"Well, that explains a lot," Gordon said, while looking like he was about to have a migraine, "The Joker's bad enough, but the Kraang is a whole new ball game."

"We're working on stopping them," Batman stated, "Now what's the situation?"

"Well, I assume you know that the Penguin recently sold these Kraang a resident engine?" Gordon inquired, and Batman nodded. "Well, we got word of that, so I sent Bullock and Montoya to Iceberg Lounge to investigate."

"But of course, Bullock went in without waiting for me!" Montoya added in annoyance.

Earlier, in the loading bay, the Penguin and Subprime were watching as the Kraang droids were carrying the engine onto a truck, when Bullock kicked one of the doors open.

"Freeze, ya wads of chewing gum!" He shouted, aiming his gun, "GCPD, you're all under arrest! Hands behind your head!"

The droids did as they were ordered, while Subprime just laughed at the detective's words.

"You and what army, fatso?!" He asked, rhetorically.

"This army, spanky!" Bullock answered, and fired his gun.

Subprime closed his cockpit and Cyber Shredder rushed at Bullock, dodging the bullet shots, then he swatted the gun away and struck Bullock hard in the face three time, before hitting him in the gut, knocking the wind out of him. Then with a sharp kick, he sent Bullock crashing into some crates, knocking him out.

Raph, Casey, Rainbow Dash, and Mikey burst out laughing.

"Hey! I could've taken that guy!" Bullock insisted.

"Yeah, I'll bet." Rainbow Dash chuckled

"Better than you and your glee club!" Bullock retorted.

"That's enough, Bullock!" Gordon said.

Montoya spoke next, "After I arrived and woke up Bullock, we received a distress call from Arkham," She began, "And when we pulled up at the gates, I couldn't believe it, but we found Doctor Khan! He was with a young man, and unfortunately, Bullock here, decided to shoot first and ask questions later."

"I wasn't taking any chances after that scene at the Iceberg Lounge," Bullock said, "And besides, I could'a taken that punk too."

"And he still knocked you out, in five seconds flat."

"Knocked out twice in one night?!" Casey laughed even harder.

"Zip it, gappy!" Bullock sneered.

"When we brought him in for questioning, he claimed he was from their world." Gordon motioned to the Turtles and Rainbooms.

"We do know a lot guys." Sunset Shimmer stated.

"What's his name?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"You tell us," Gordon said, then called back, "Okay, bring him out!"

Two officers brought out a teenage Filipino boy in handcuffs while a third held on to a pair of sparing sticks and a black mask with red markings. The boy was dressed in black suit with home-made armor.

Turtles and Rainbooms were surprised. This was someone they never expected to turn up, "Keno?!" They asked in shock.

"Hey, guys," Keno greeted, "Crazy weekend, huh?"

"So he is with you?" Gordon asked.

"Yeah, he’s with us." Leo assured.

Gordon turned to the officers, "Alright, let him go."

The officers unlocked the handcuffs and the third handed Keno back his weapons and mask.

"Thank you for your lovely hospitality." Keno said, while rubbing his wrists.

"Keno!" Both Mikey and Pinkie wrapped him in a tight hug.

"I'm happy to see you guys too!" Keno grunted from the hug.

"Keno, what are you doing here?" April asked.

"More importantly, how did you get here?" Donnie added.

After getting free of the hug, Keno began, "Well, it's like this... Spike came back to the Utrom Council and told Bishop about Subprime posing as Shredder and everything. Took them a while, but Rook and Fugitoid found you guys’ coordinates, right when another portal opened up. So Bishop sent me because Karai wanted to make sure her Foot clan was ready for anything and she also needed Shinigami for that as well. So I got here, and wouldn’t you know it? I find the Kraang before I found you guys. They were with this guy who looked like a clown in a tuxedo. Then the next thing I knew, I was fighting my way out of a mad house, through these mutated baddies, while also rescuing this Dr. Khan guy. And you know the rest."

"Sorry to interrupt, but can we get some enlightenment here?" Nightwing asked.

"This is Keno," Leo introduced, "He's an allie of ours from our dimension."

"I also go by the name: The Nightwatcher!" Keno said, pulling down his mask.

"He's also a pizza delivery boy!" Mikey noted.

"A pizza delivery boy?" Robin echoed, humorously.

"What? We all gotta have our day jobs," Keno replied, "So who are these guys?"

Raph introduced the Bat Family, "That's Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, Black Canary, Huntress, and Mr Tall, Dark, and Brooding here is Batman."

"I can see that." Keno said observing the hero.

"This boy's arrival isn't the only reason we called," Gordon said, "Dr. Khan wanted to discuss something with you, Batman," Then he looked back and called, "Let him come up."

Two more officers escorted Dr. Khan out to them.

"Batman!" Dr. Khan said in relief, "Am I ever glad you came. I trust you found out what the Kraang have done, right?"

"They abducted you and forced you to build them an interdimensional portal."

"Yes," Dr. Khan nodded, "And they tried to mutate me like they did the villains, but this young man stopped them before they could," He motioned to Keno, "Before we escaped, I manged to get a reading on the portal. It's become unstable! If they keep it open for more than ten hours, it'll destabilize our dimension! You have to stop them Batman!"

"I will." Batman promised.

"We all will!" Leo added.

"It's kind of what we do." Rainbow Dash put in.

Dr. Khan stared, having finally noticed the ninjas, "Am I the only one who sees the giant turtles? And the pastel color skinned teenage girls?"

"We'll prep ourselves and meet you at Arkham," Gordon said to Batman, "We'll show these Kraang what happens when they mess in Gotham!"

"Ah, yeah!" Mikey said, then shouted in a random direction, "Look out Kraang Subprime, the Ninjas are coming at yah! Booyakasha!"

Gordon turned to his officers, "Have squad cars posted at ever corner of Arkham," Gordon then looks to see Batman and family mysteriously gone, "And just like that, they're gone." But then he noticed the ninjas were still there, "You didn't go with him?"

"Well, we have our own method." Leo said, looking at Mikey and Pinkie.

"See ya, officer dudes!" Mikey said.

"Catch ya later!" Pinkie added.

And they both threw down smoke bombs, covering the roof with purple smoke, causing the officers to cough. Once they regained themselves, they noticed that the ninjas were gone.

"You know what," Gordon coughed, "I think I prefer Batman's method of leaving."

"Yeah, I think I got some of that smoke up my nose!" Bullock complained.

"YOU WANT US TO WHAT?!" Subprime screamed at Joker.

"We need to wait until Batman and his sidekicks show up." Joker said, having had repeated it to the Kraang.

"That's it!" Subprime growled, as he backed up the Clown Prince Of Crime, "First you failed to destroy those interfering Turtles and Rainbooms and then you let that Nightwatcher fellow escape with Dr. Khan! I've had all I can stand of you and your high falutin plans, Joker! Give me one good reason not to blast you where you stand?!"

Joker just laughed, "Oh, Subby-Subby-Subby! From the very day we partnered up, I knew Batman was going to find out what we were doing and where we were held up. I mean, he's the Batman, for goodness sakes! So knowing that Bat Breath will undoubtedly show up here, I've set up a little surprise for him and those Turtles and Rainbooms. And it begins..., with this!" Joker reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a canister of mutagen. Then he pulled the top off and dumped the green glowing substance all over himself, "Ooooo! It burns!" He agonized with delight. Then he began to mutate. His body grew long and green, his teeth grew into sharp fangs with a forked tongue.

Subprime could only stare in shock and horror as he and some droids watched the Joker mutate.

At last, one of the droids spoke. "That is, that which is known as, messed up!"

Author's Note:


  • Nightwing, Batgirl, and Robin tell the Turtles and Rainbooms about the events of the episode "Old Wounds".

      • Like in the Batman/TMNT comic, Raph and Applejack walk out just like Raph did. And Batman later shows them the alley where his parents were shot.
      • In Batman VS TMNT, Batman and Raph's roles were reversed.
      • Nightwing's statement on Bullock is a reference to the more friendly relationship they had in the early comics.

I know there's been a lot of gripe with so many of you hating on Raph and Applejack for being so resentful over Batman. But now that they know why Batman does what he does they have changed minds now.