• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,614 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

Turtle Titans part 1

A large green gorilla was sent hurtling and smashing into a car, startling some people who then ran away. The gorilla groaned before it morphed into a teenage boy with skin the same color. He had short green hair and wore a red sleeveless shirt with a white neck and broad white rectangular stripes along each side, matching red pants, and white gloves and running shoes.

He shook his head back into focus and growled as another teenage boy lumbered up to him. This boy was older, bigger, and, much, much more muscular. He had long brownish red hair, long sideburns, and a tuft of hair at the chin. And the only clothing he had on was some black shorts.

"You're gonna have to do better than that, Green Bean!" Mammoth remarked.

"Oh, yeah," Beast Boy said, jumping off the car and running straight at him. He morphed into an elephant and rammed into Mammoth, sending him crashing into a building. Beast Boy morphed back and called out, "How's that for better! Aaargh!" But before he could hear Mammoth's reply, he was punched away by a stout girl with short flyaway hair and with hands that had just turn into solid rock.

"Mammoth ain't the only strong one here, critter boy!" called Rock.

Starfire was flying around, avoiding See-More's eye beams, while he was also dodging her energy attacks. Until he finally blasted her, sending her tumbling back in mid air. Starfire recovered and shot him back with her own eye beams.

Raven faced against Billy Numerous, who multiplied into dozens of copies and dog piled on her "Yee-haw!" he hollered. Until he and his copies were blasted off by her magic.

"Yee-haw, yourselves!" Raven said, dryly. Suddenly, she was grabbed by a pair if enlarged hands. They belonged to a girl with long blonde hair. She smirked as she slammed Raven on the ground twice before smashing her against a wall.

"You're not gonna beat me so easily!" Paper said.

"Wanna bet!" Raven's eyes shot open, glowing white, as she chanted, "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" A black aura shrouded around Raven and shaped into the form of a raven and blasted Paper off her.

Blue Beetle was fighting Kyd Wykkyd, firing his mini missiles at him, only for Wykkyd to teleport away with them and reappear behind him, basting him with his own ammo, "Sneaky move," he said, "Let me show you one of my own!" Blue Beetle quickly whipped around, revealing that he had morphed his arm into a canon and blasted Wykkyd with a sonic blast. Then he turned and saw a teenage boy with short spiky purple hair and two band-aids on his face running straight toward him, as his fingers grew long and sharp. Blue Beetle quickly morphed his arm into a claw and began sword fighting against Scissors' claws.

Cyborg was facing Gizmo, while flying around in a small hover chair, firing small laser blasts at him, while the half robot tried blasting him with his cannon arm.

After dodging another barrage of lasers, Cyborg looked up at the kid, "Yo, didn't we leave you guys on ice?" He asked, recalling how the Titans had them frozen along with the Brain and the Brotherhood, "And where'd you get that hover chair?"

"I don't know, Bot Breath!" Gizmo retorted, rudely, "It was just laying right in front of me, when I unfroze. Of course, I tweaked it a little, and now it's my awesome new Hover Module. And to answer your first question, yeah, you did. Don't ask how, but now we're back and badder than ever! Especially since we brought in Rock, Paper, and Scissors!"

"In case you haven't noticed, but your little group is losing," Cyborg pointed out, "You guys ain't so tough without Jinx."

"Ah, we don't need her," Gizmo scoffed, "Besides, we've already got her replacement!"

"Who? Rock, Paper, and Scissors?"

"No, me!"

Before Cyborg knew it, a glowing red hand grabbed hold of his cannon arm and melted it. "What that?!" He turned just in time to get struck in the face, two times, and knocked off his feet with a powerful kick, sending him crashing into Blue Beetle and Beast Boy.

Starfire and Raven looked back, "Friends!" Starfire cried. But that left both her and Raven open to get punched and knocked into them by Rock.

As they all got up, Beast Boy took notice of Cyborg's melted cannon, "Dude, what happened to your arm?" He asked.

Blue Beetle looked back at the Hive and pointed, "Uh, I'm gonna guess that she might have done that?"

The Titans looked to see a girl with hair, the same color as Mammoth's, completely shaved on one side of her head. She wore a black tank top, a strap on her left elbow, grey cargo pants, combat boots, and black fingerless gloves.

"Say hi to my sister." Mammoth said.

"The name's Shimmer!" She said, smugly, "Here's a clue why!" She raised both her glowing hands and slammed them on the ground, creating a sinkhole beneath the Titans. They quickly scattered, before any of them fell in.

They stared down into the hole as Beast Boy said "Dude..."

"Oh, and I'm not the only one they brought to this fight!" Shimmer noted.

Right after she said that, the Titans were suddenly shocked by a bolt of electricity. When it stopped, they looked to see it came from none other than the electrical villainess Livewire.

"Ah, man!" Cyborg moaned, "You got Livewire too?!"

"Dat's right, Tin-Man!" Livewire said, and zapped them all again.

"Not so tough now are you, Titans! Heh-heh-heh!" Gizmo taunted, and he and the rest of the Hive laughed.

Suddenly, the Batmobile raced out from an alleyway and swerves toward the Hive, knocking Mammoth off his feet and onto See-More and Billy Numerous.

Then Batgirl came riding in on her motorcycle with April on the back. The girl threw out her hand and blasted Gizmo, Kyd Wykkd, Rock, Paper, and Scissors away with a psychic wave. And then Robin sped in on his cycle, with Casey on the back.

"Goongala!" Casey shouted, and whacked both Shimmer and Livewire onto the rest of the Hive with his hockey stick, as Robin drove past them.

Both Batgirl and Robin parked their bikes next to the Batmobile. And flipping out of it came Nightwing, "Hope we're not late," he remarked.

"Robin!" Starfire exclaimed, in joy.

"That's me!" Robin stated.

"She was talking to Nightwing!" Batgirl corrected.

"Right on time!" Cyborg said.

"Sorry I couldn't be here sooner," Nightwing apologized, "Had a little trouble in Gotham."

"Yeah. We heard you and Batman got your hands full with some inter-dimensional visitors." Cyborg noted.

"Who I'm assuming are these two?" Raven guessed, while looking at April and Casey.

"Oh, it's more than just us." Casey said.

"But let's save that for after we handle these guys." April said, motioning to the Hive as they were getting up.

"Right," Nightwing agreed, taking out his batons.

"Rrrrr, Nightwing!" Gizmo growled, "If you think you and those losers will even the odds, then think again!"

"Hmm? You know, you actually got a point there, Gizmo," Nightwing said, "I probably should have brought in some extra back up. Oh, wait... I did!"

"If you're talkin' 'bout those two newbies, then we've got you in the bag!" Livewire said.

"He didn't say we were the only back up," Robin stated.

Just then, two more Batmobiles pulled up and out of one of them sprang the Turtles. And out of the other came Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Rarity.

Then a Batcycle pulled up, driven by Pinkie Pie, with Fluttershy on the back.

And finally, Rainbow Dash zipped in with her super speed.

All the ninjas stood armed and ready, as Leo spoke "He meant us too!"

Both the Hive and the Titans were surprised.

"What the?!" Gizmo asked, in shock.

"Are those...... Turtles?" Billy Numerous asked, in confusion.

"Who’s your tailor?" Livewire called.

"Uh? We don't wear clothes." Mikey said, for him and his brothers.

"If you were talking about me and my friends, darling," Rarity said, "Then that 'tailor' would be moi."

Livewire smirked, "Should'ah figured. Only a girly girl would make clothes as stupid as that!"

Rarity's eyes widened before she shot a nasty glare at Livewire, "Oh, it is so on!" she fumed.

"Well, whatever you are, you’re dead!" Mammoth roared, and charged straight at them, both his fists raised. Only to have them caught by Applejack.

"We ain’t got time to deal with the likes of you!" she said, and whirled him around, throwing him into a truck.

"Whoa!" See-more said, "She's strong."

"Just wait till you see what the rest of us can do, Cyclops!" Raph challenge, raising his sais.

"Get'm!" Gizmo shouted.

"Ninjas, take'm down!" Leo called, and they all went into battle.

Gizmo hovered around Donnie, trying to blast him with his lasers and mini missiles. Donnie flipped and dodged them all before he pulled out his bo-staff.

Gizmo laughed, "A stick? You're gonna face me with a stick, Shell Head? That stupid twig's no match for my module!"

"In the hands of a genius, it can do a lot more than you think!" Donnie contradicted, "I also happen to know that module is actually a Kraang hover drone and that it's weak spot... is right here!" He slid underneath Gizmo's module and extends the blade of his staff, piercing the bottom.

"My module! Gizmo cried, as it started flying uncontrollably, "Crud!" The module spiraled out of control and crashed to the ground.

Donnie leaned against his staff, "Never underestimate the staff."

Rainbow Dash was racing around See-more while the one eyed villain tried to blast her.

"Too slow!" Rainbow called, as she zipped past him

"Just what we need," See-more said, "Another Kid Flash!"

"Can your Kid Flash do this?" Rainbow Dash rammed into See-more, creating a Sonic Rainboom. The villain tumbled backward and landed flat on his back. Rainbow Dash smirked, "I didn't think so!"

The Titans were still staring in shock at what they were seeing.

"Am I going crazy?" Cyborg asked, "Or am I seein' four giant turtles?"

"And what's up with those girls' skin color?" Blue Beetle added.

"Nightwing, who are the four strange Turtle Men and odd colored girls?" Starfire asked.

"We'll explain that later," Nightwing said, "But right now, how 'bout we give them a hand in taking down the Hive!"

Cyborg grinned, "Couldn't agree more!"

Nightwing raised his baton "Titans-"

"Hold on!" Robin interrupted, "Let the current Robin say it. Titans, Go!"

And the Titans rushed in to help the Ninjas. As his friends were helping some of the Turtles and Rainbooms fight off the Billy copies, Beast Boy charged right at the real Billy Numerous, then he morphed into a cat and attacked his face with his claws.

"Yeeow!" Billy hollered, and pulled him off, "Y'ah Fleabittin' varmint! I atta-"

"YOU!" Billy looked past Beast Boy and saw a very livid Fluttershy, "Let that sweet little kitty GO!" she yelled.

Billy Numerous pointed at the cat, "But this ain't a-" he didn't get to finish, as Fluttershy nailed him with a drop kick him, making him drop Beast Boy.

Fluttershy caught the green shape-shifter and nuzzled him, "Oh, you poor thing! Are you okay?"

Beast Boy changed back, surprising her, "Uh, yeah" he said, "Thanks for the help." Then he ran off, changing into a gorilla, leaving Fluttershy at a loss for words.

Twilight Sparkle was fighting Paper, while Leo battled Scissors. The turtle leader kicked the sharp nailed boy away, when he noticed Livewire was about to ambush Twilight, "Twilight!" he shouted, "Behind you!"

Twilight Sparkle turned just as Livewire shot a bolt of electricity at her. Twilight screamed, when at the last second, she was shielded by Raven's magic. Then Raven used her magic to rip off a fire hydrant and directed the jet of water straight at Livewire.

Livewire dove aside before it could hit her, "Ha! Yah missed!" she said, grinning.

"But I won't!"

Livewire turned just in time for Rarity to windmill kick her off her feet, sending her into the water, electrocuting her, "Never insult the fashion, darling!" Rarity said, with a smirk.

"Thanks." Twilight said to both Raven and Rarity.

"Hold that thought!" Raven pointed to Rock, who tried to ram them when Pinkie Pie jumped in and threw her sprinkles at her, that exploded in her face.

"Sprinkles always win!" the party girl cheered.

Rock shook off the dizziness, and said, "If you think that's gonna stop me, you're crazier than you- what the?" Before she could finish, Twilight Sparkle lifted her off the ground and sent her crashing into more Billy copies.

"Like I said," Pinkie Pie continued, "Sprinkles always win! For a distraction!"

Paper attacked Leo and coiled her body around him, while the turtle struggled to break free, "Struggle all you want!" Paper said, "You ain't getting out of this!" Suddenly, she was hit with exploding hockey pucks, causing her to recoil her body and drop Leo. She stretched her neck to see it was Casey who had done that.

"Yeah! How's that!" Casey called.

Paper frowned, "Allow me to give you my response!" she said, and stretch punched him.

Raph and Mammoth charged at each other. But before Raph could land a blow, Mammoth threw his fist down, smashing the turtle onto the ground. Then he grabbed him by his legs and swung him into a lamp post.

Mammoth grinned, "Not to brag, but I fought Bane once. And beat him!"

"I believe that," Raph groaned, then he smiled mischievously, "But let's see if you're as smart as him."

Mammoth rushed at him, but Raph flipped over him, and he ended up ramming into the lamppost, bending it. Then he turned to see Raph standing in the middle of the street.

"Hey, Mammoth!" Raph called, "I'm over here, come and get me!"

Mammoth charged at him, throwing a punch, but Raph dodged at the last second, leaving Mammoth open for Applejack to punch him, sending him flying up into the air and crash landing onto Rock.

"Looks like he's not as smart as Bane." Raph said.

"As Big Mac would say, Nope." Applejack agreed.

"I hope you haven't forgotten about ME!" Before the two knew it, Shimmer had spin kicked them both in opposite directions.

"I haven't!" Sunset threw a kick that Shimmer blocked and the two fought hand to hand, until Shimmer knocked Sunset down with a drop kick.

"Turning everything I touch into mush, isn't my only skill." Shimmer stated.

"And you're not the only multitasker!" Sunset countered.

Shimmer turned around, just as April knocked her back with a psychic blast.

Shimmer skidded to a stop and tried to attack April, but Batgirl jump her and they too fought hand to hand, until Batgirl jumped to avoid Shimmer's strikes and spun kicked her in the face, knocking her down.

Shimmer got up and growled. But before she could attack Batgirl, Sunset dove past, throwing two of her kunai at her. Shimmer caught and melted them in an instant, "You think this will stop me?" she asked.

"No but it will distract you!" came April's voice.

Before Shimmer knew it, she was blasted from behind by April's psychic wave. Then Sunset leaped up, grabbed her, and body slammed her on the ground, knocking her out.

The she, April, and Batgirl did a three way fist bump.

Scissors rushed at Mikey and the the turtle quickly flipped to the one side, just as he slashed another lamppost with his claws, cleaving it in two

"Whoa!" Mikey said, in surprise, "Those things are sharp!"

"Allow me to show you how sharp!" Scissors offered, and tried to slash Mikey as the party dude desperately tried to dodge his claws.

After getting punched again by Paper, Casey dumped out his regular hockey pucks. "Taste some of these, stretch girl!" he said, and launched them at her, "Goongala!"

But Paper stretched past all of them before she grabbed Casey and slammed him on the ground two time, before she spun him around and smashed him down on the hood of a car. "Did you really think hockey pucks could hurt me?" she asked, right before she was blasted aside by Starfire, "Aargh!"

"No, but the energy blasts do!" Starfire said, and turn to Casey, "Are you the all right?"

Casey stared up at her, "Yeah..." he said, mesmerized by her beauty.

"Then let us continue the battle," Starfire declared, and flew off.

Casey hopped off the car, "Whatever you say!" he happily agreed, then skated at more Billy copies, whacking them with his hockey stick.

Blue Beetle fired a sonic blast at Kyd Wykkd, who teleported behind him and tried to slash him with his sharp cape. But Blue quickly turned his arm into his beetle warblade and deflected his attacks. Rarity jumped in, swinging her sickles, which Kyd also deflected with his cape, until he teleported behind her and tries to slash her but missed and ripped her tutu instead.

Rarity gasped in horror, then glared at Wykkd in rage. "You... just... cross the line!" she fumed, then attacked him with three sharp kicks and knocked him into a wall with her diamond disk.

Blue Beetle looked at Wykkd then at Rarity, "Remind me not to get on your bad side, chica," he said.

Mikey was still dodging Scissors' claws, then he dropped down onto his, "Booyakasha!" he shouted, spinning around, he slid forward, knocking Scissors off his feet, then Robin whacked him back with his staff.

Cyborg had just nailed a Billy copy with his melted arm, when he heard what Mikey had shouted, "Wait a minute?" he did a double take, "Did that turtle just say Booyakasha? That sounds like my catchphrase!"

After tossing Rock away in his elephant form, Beast Boy morphed back and turned to his buddy, "Nah, Cy, yours is Booyah."

"Kasha." Cyborg said, simply.

"Huh?" Beast Boy thought out loud, "When you put it that way, it does kinda sound like your catchphrase. But it also sounds fun to yell!"

"Retreat, retreat!" Gizmo shouted, as he was picked up by Mammoth along with the unconscious Shimmer and Livewire and took off running.

See'more, Kyd Wykkd, Rock, Paper, and Scissors got up, Billy Numerous pulled all his unconscious copies back into him and they all followed.

"Curse you, Titans!" Gizmo called back to them.

The Titans, Turtles, and Rainbooms watched the Hive flee until they were out of sight.

"Oh, yeah!" Rainbow Dash said, "We're awesome!"

"Yeah, girl!" Mikey agreed, and they hi-fived.

"It’s good to see ya again, Nightwing," Cyborg said, before motioning to the newcomers, "And I see you brought some new faces."

"Sure did," Nightwing confirmed, "Titans, allow me to introduce you to the Ninjas and the Rainbooms."

Robin named off the Turtles and their two allies, "This is Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo-"

"What up!" Mikey said, and got smacked in the head by Raph, "Ow!"

"And the one and only Raphael," Robin continued, "And those are their allies. This is April O'neil and Casey Jones."

Batgirl named off the Rainbooms, "And this is Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash."

Twilight Sparkle adjusted her glasses, Pinkie Pie waved, Applejack tipped her hat, Rarity did a flip of her hair, and Rainbow Dash did a dab.

"Those girls got's some weird names." Beast Boy murmured to Blue Beetle.

"Not to mention their skin and eye colors." Blue Beetle added. But then Raven smacked the both of them in the head to tell them not to be rude.

"Nice to meet y’all," Cyborg said, "Names Vic Stone. But you can call me Cyborg."

"I gotta say, you look cool, Cyborg." Donnie said.

Cyborg shrugged, "Eh I grew attached to it."

"Your hand can become a cannon?" Rainbow Dash pointed to his melted arm.

"You bet."

"Awesome!" she exclaimed.

"And I am Princess Koridann’r of Tameran," Starfire introduced herself, "But I also go by the name Starfire."

"Whoa!" Mikey bowed, "Your Majesty!"

Raph pulled him up by his mask, "Get up."

"And I'm Beast Boy!" the green shape-shifter struck a superhero pose, "I'm like the whole Animal Kingdom wrapped up in..." He noticed Fluttershy was staring at him, "Uh, why's that girl lookin' at me like that?"

Fluttershy stared for a minute, before a huge smile spread on her face, her eyes sparkled, and she let out a long squeak of joy.

"Fluttershy, are you o-" Robin started, before Fluttershy sped past him and wrapped Beast Boy in a tight hug.

"You... are... so... lucky!" Fluttershy squeed.

"Ow! Ah! Okay, yeah, it's a sweet power. Let go!" Beast Boy cried, and tried to push her off, but the girl had a strong grip.

"Uh, what's up with her?" Raven asked.

The Turtles, April, Casey, and Rainbooms all laughed.

"One thing you ought to know about Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash stated, "Is that she totally loves animals, period."

"How 'bout that, BB," Cyborg said, humorously, "You got yourself a fan girl."

"Yeah!" Beast Boy grumbled, still struggling against Fluttershy's hug, "And just my luck, she's a clinger!"

"My name is Raven," Raven said, dryly, "I do magic. That’s all you need to know about me."

"Wait. That’s it?" Casey asked.

"All. You need to know." Raven repeated, more sternly.

"If she doesn’t want to tell her story then let her be, Casey." April said.

"And this is our newest recruit, Blue Beetle." Cyborg introduced the new comer.

"Hola! ¿Cómo estás?" Blue Beetle spoke in his Latino language, "Nice to meet you all."

"You a Cyborg too?" Applejack asked.

"Oh no, It’s actually alien technology." Blue Beetle corrected.

"Well, it's awesome!" Mikey said.

"And the coloring is divine!" Rarity added.

"Well, I’m sorry but, this isn’t a social visit," Nightwing said, "We've got an old problem."

"One he created." Applejack pointed out, making Nightwing glare at her.

The other Titans looked shocked, knowing instantly what or who they were talking about.

"It’s him isn’t it?" Cyborg guested, in concern.

"You don’t mean?" Beast Boy started.

"Red X!" Raven finished, her eyes wide.

"This is the not good!" Starfire exclaimed.

Blue Beetle had no idea what was going on, "Who?" asked.

"We'll fill you in when we get to the Tower," Nightwing stated.

"Wait! A tower?!" Mikey asked, in surprise.

Later, the Turtles and Rainbooms were standing in awe, as Beast Boy announced, "Welcome to Titans Tower!"

"Holy Chalupa!" Mikey cried, as he and Pinkie Pie began looking all over the place.

"Nice place!" Leo said.

"Very nice!" Sunset Shimmer agreed.

"It’s a complex I could only dream of!" Twilight Sparkle marveled.

"Really cool." April admitted.

"Thanks," Cyborg said, "Programmed it myself."

"WOW!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, looking out the large windows, "What a view!"

"You think we could make a place for us?" Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Yeah!" Mikey said, "But what should the initial be? R for Rainbooms? N for Ninja?"

"Mikey!" Raph hit him in the head, "Will you stop messing around?"

"We have a job to do, remember?" Applejack put in.

Blue Beetle turned to Casey, "Straight to the point kinda people, aren’t they?"

"You have no idea." Casey responded.

"Stop talking!" Mikey interrupted them, in excitement. He had spotted the Titans large TV, "I've found the mother of all media!"

Beast Boy slid up next to him and pulled out a remote, "And you haven't lived until you've seen Clash of the Planets!" He flipped on the remote and the two hopped onto the couch, with huge smiles.

"Just what I need-" Raven said, before both she and Twilight spoke in unison.

"Another Beast Boy/Mikey!" Both of them double taked and looked at each other as if they were feeling a sense of dejavu.

Donnie was checking out one of the computers, "Fascinating!" he gushed.

"Make yourselves at home, guys," Cyborg said, "I've got get to my lab and fix my hand."

The word "lab" caught Donnie and Twilight's ears. They both looked at each other and smiled giddily

"Say, Cyborg, you need some help?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Perhaps we can assist?" Donnie offered, "I am a wiz at engineering."

"And I know a thing or two about robotics." Twilight informed.

Cyborg thought about it, "Huh, why not?" He said, "I might need an extra hand or two. Follow me." Then he led the two off as they silently pumped their fists 'yes'.

"Typical," Raph said, dryly.

April looked at Batgirl "You ever visit here before?" she asked.

"Not really," Batgirl replied, "But I had met the Titans before one time with the exception of Blue Beetle."

Sunset Shimmer watched them, "Nice to see April and Batgirl getting along just fine." she said to Fluttershy.

"And it looks like Mikey made a new friend too." Fluttershy pointed to Mikey and Beast Boy, who were happily watching Clash of the Planets.

Meanwhile, in an old warehouse by the docks, the Hive were moping around, angry about their failure at the battle.

"Rrrr!" Gizmo growled, "Stupid Nightwing showing up with freaks and pastel colored girls!"

"Bad enough we got beat by the Titans," Billy Numerous grumbled, "But now we got beat by four turtles and a bunch of girls!"

Livewire turned to him and held up a sparking fist, "You gotta problem with girls, farm boy?" she asked, threatening him.

"Yeah," Rock added, as she, Paper, and Shimmer glared at him, "You gotta problem?"

"No ma'am!" Billy backed away and hid behind Mammoth.

"So what do we do now?" Mammoth ask, "It’s obvious those newcomers aren’t pushovers."

"If they’re with Nightwing, then they’re our enemies too!" Gizmo clenched his fist, "And we will defeat them as well as the Titans!"

"They’re more annoying than dangerous." Paper scoffed, recalling her fight with Casey.

"All the more reason we will defeat them." Shimmer said.

"Yeah, they're goin' down!" See-more agreed, and Kyd Wykkd nodded.

Livewire rolled her eyes, "I can’t believe I left Metropolis for this."

"Well, no asked you to come, Spark Plug!" Gizmo shot back. But then Livewire grabbed him by his shirt and held him up.

"Watch it yah little snot!" she warned, "And as mattah a fact, you asked me join up with you losahs."

"No I didn't." Gizmo denied, pushes himself off.

"Yeah yah did," Livewire held up a note, "You sent me this note, promisin' me that I'd get revenge on Cyborg for helpin' Supergirl put me behind bars!"

"What the? Gimme that!" Gizmo snatched the note and read it, "I didn't write this! This isn't even my hand writing!"

"Hold, on," Livewire grabbed the note back, "You didn't send me this note?"


"Don't look at me," Mammoth said, "I can't even spell."

"Wasn't me!" Billy added.

See-more and Kyd Wykkd shrugged.

"Don't look at me." said Shimmer.

Rock, Paper, and Scissors each shook their heads no.

"Hey, I just realized somethin'," See-more said aloud, "We all got frozen in our fight with the Titans, how'd we get unfrozen?"

Each of the Hive thought about for a minute. How did they get unfrozen, anyway?

Shimmer spoke, "Anyone else think we just got set up?"

"Oh, this isn't a setup," came a voice. The Hive looked up at a platform and saw a tall figure in the shadows, "More like a meeting."

"It's Nightwing!" Scissors exclaimed, attracting his claws.

"We ain't done nothin'!" Billy Numerous insisted.

"Now we all know that's a lie." the figure said, coming out of the shadows and leaning against the guard railing. It was Red X.

"Red X?! What're you doing here, barf brain?" Gizmo demanded.

"I'd watch my mouth if I were you," Red X warned, "You should thank me for thawing out you losers and for giving you that Kraang hover device. And yes, I did send you that note, Livewire. So, listen up, all of you. I have a favor for you to do for me."

"Pass!" Billy Numerous rebuffed.

"We have more important things to deal with!" Shimmer added.

"You mean those Turtles and girls, that just kicked your butts?" Red X stated, rudely, "Just do my little favor and I'll handle them as well as The Titans."

"And why should we listen to you?" Mammoth asked.

"Besides owing me one, for thawing you guys out," Red X started, "I have a plan that will not only destroy the Titans and their new friends, but humiliate them as well. You follow my plan and you'll all get to have your sweet revenge on all of them at once, and have the honor of finishing them off. Interested?"

The Hive looked at each other for a moment, before Livewire looked back at Red X with sinister smile, "We're listening..."

Author's Note:


  • Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, and Blue Beetle are wearing their clothing from Justice League vs Teen Titans, while Beast Boy, Mammoth, Shimmer, and Livewire are wearing their clothing from Young Justice Outsiders.
  • The part where Cyborg says that Mikey's catchphrase sounds like his is from the sort of crossover Teen Titans GO episode "Truth, Justice, and What..."
  • Gizmo had a hover chair in the comics. In this fic, it's a Kraang hover devices.
  • Rock, Paper, and Scissors are from the original 2003 Teen Titans GO comics.
  • Mammoth mentions to Raph that he fought Bane once. This happened in Young Justice episode "The Drop Zone."