• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,620 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

Joke's on you

After looking at the image of the Joker on the computer monitor, the Turtles and Rainbooms burst out laughing.

"Seriously?" Raph chuckled, "The most dangerous guy in Gotham is a clown?!"

"Of course he is!" Rainbow Dash said, "I bet he's got a threatening pie to hit us in the face with. Which would be bad for me since I hate pies."

"Or a squirting flower to trick us into smelling them." Sunset Shimmer joked.

"And I thought you didn't have a sense of humor." April said to Batman who scowled.

"Okay, what's the plan to handle this guy?" Leo asked, as everyone ceased their laughter.

"The plan is that you are all going to stay here while we handle him." Batman stated, and went to his work table to gear up.

"What?!" The Ninjas exclaimed.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Casey said in disbelief.

"Benching us over a plant lady, a crazy wrestler, and a living pile of mud is one thing," Raph said, "But now you're benching us over a clown?!"

"Yes." Batman said, still gearing up.

"Trust us," Nightwing said, "Joker is way more dangerous than you can possibly imagine."

"Had it be anyone else, we would be okay. But not him." Robin stated.

"So, out all the dangerous villains in this world we've encountered, the one you don't want us to fight is a clown?" Donnie asked rhetorically.

"We've taken on way more dangerous looking guys than someone with a face like that." Twilight Sparkle noted the Joker's appearance.

"Yeah," Mikey added, "What's so dangerous about that Joker guy, anyway?"

Batman slammed his hands on the table, startling the ninjas. Then he whipped around and shouted, "EVERYTHING! Joker has done very very bad things! Things you don't even want to know about! Things you wouldn't even understand unless you saw it up close! Heed my word, Joker is not someone you want to face!"

The Turtles and Rainbooms remained silent after that as Batman went back to gearing up.

"Don't take it personally," Nightwing spoke up, "Batman and Joker have been at each other's throats for years."

"Figures the arch-enemy of a guy that dresses like a bat would be a clown." Raph remarked.

"You guys have no idea what the Joker is capable of," Batgirl stated, "And I hope you never have to find out."

"Just listen to Batman's words," Robin said, then he looked at A.J and Raph. "Especially you two."

Before either one could retort, a message sounded on the Batcomputer. Batman quickly answered it and video popped up on the screen. A pair of blue eyes, covered by a black mask, were looking all over the place.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Then the eyes finally rested on the Dark Knight. "Oh! Hello, Bats!"

"Harley Quinn." Batman squinted.

"I didn’t think I was barking up the wrong tree!" She stepped back to reveal she had been mutated into a dog, "Get it? Bark?!" She laughed like crazy. The ninjas were shocked at the new mutant, particularly Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

"Where are they, Quinn?" Batman demanded.

"What? You’re not gonna ask me what big teeth I have?" Harley asked, "Oh you’re always have to be a wet blanket!"

"Where. Are. The. Kraang?" Batman repeated, "What kind of deal did Joker make with them?"

"Aren’t you gonna ask about the brainiac with me?" She turned to reveal Dr Kahn was being held by Bud and Lou. The hyenas were mutated as well and dressed in matching purple suits.

"I’m sure ya familiar with Dr Kahn? Of course you are. The top scientist about interdimensional things and stuff. Mister J has no more use for him so I think about feeding him to Bud and Lou here! Unless you wanna hurry over here and get 'em! I’m sure he can help your ninja losers get home, right, Pinkie? I know ya there!"


"Ooooo! Somebody's still mad!"

"WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, I'M GONNA CUPCAKE YOU SO BAD YOU'LL BE CREAMED FILLED FOR-" Pinkie kept yelling, as Sunset pulled her away.

"Okay, I think we get it," she said. Then turned to Harley, "But we’re gonna make you sorry for using our friend!"

"Ooh, I quiver with FEAR!" Harley Quinn mocked.

"I take it the Kraang did that to you, Quinn?" Nightwing inquired.

"Actually, Mr. J did this to me," Harley Quinn noted, "He wasn't too happy about me spilling the beans to Pinkie there."

"That figures," Robin said, "Don't suppose you can tell where you guys are held up?"

"Huh huh huh, Boy Blunder!" Harley waved her paw, "I promised Mr. J I wouldn't spill any more beans. But let's just say what with we've got planned, old Khanie here's gonna get a real BANG outta it!" She laughed while showing her mouth on the screen.

Then the hyenas moved in on the screen.

"And we hope you hear this too, Fluttershy!" Bud said finally being able to speak human due to the mutation, same as Lou.

"Yeah cuz when we see you again, you’re KIBBLE!" Lou threatened.

They both chuckled as Fluttershy hid behind Alfred.

"Let’s see your stare save you now! AHAHAHA!" Lou laughed.

"Anyway..." Harley Quinn continued, "If you want Dr. Khan back, you better get here soon. Or else!" Then she burst out laughing as the video ended.

"Being a mutant don't make her any less annoying." Huntress said.

"We gotta get there and save Dr Khan." Leo stated.

"You're not coming!" Batman refused. "End of discussion!"

"Why can't we help?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"You are not ready," Batman said, "As I said Joker may not be a mutant like Clayface or strong as Bane, but even he has ways of threatening the whole city when he gets his hands on something or someone."

"Look, we don't know what your deal is with Joker." Sunset Shimmer said.

"But you saw the video: Harley Quinn got mutated and so did those two hyenas." Donnie continued.

"You do know we went up against way worse than that, right?" Nightwing asked rhetorically.

"Well, WE have experience when it comes to fighting mutants," Twilight Sparkle stated, "As you witnessed before outside Raph and Applejack acting without thinking." The two grumbled, as Dinah spoke to Batman.

"She brings up a good point." Batman just continued to scowl not wanting her to encourage them.

"Look we just want to help," Sunset Shimmer said, "And if there's a chance that-" Batman raised his hand to signal her to stop and she did.

"Fine," Batman relented, "But you play by my rules. Understood? You do as I say and you don't do anything that could cause more complications." He looked straight at Raph, Applejack, Casey, Rainbow Dash, Mikey and Pinkie Pie.

"Why do I feel that last part was directed at us?" Raph asked in sarcasm. Before Donnie could bring it up, Raph quickly said, "Don't answer."

"And none of you are to face Joker under any circumstances, understood?"

Mikey and Pinkie Pie saluted. "Yes sir, Mr. Batman, sir!" They said collectively.

"This is gonna be a long night." Nightwing said in annoyance.

They arrived at old abandoned amusement park and slowly began to look around, "It's like when we fought Bebop and Rocksteady at Coney Island." April said in a quiet voice.

"Not a sound. Anyone," Batman ordered.

Mikey looked around only to hit a garbage can which caused some noise causing everyone to look deadpan him, "Heh heh," he chuckled nervously.

Nightwing face palmed, "Next time we'll just tell you to make noise. Maybe then you'll be quiet."

Suddenly, lights turned on all over the park and everyone's attention was diverted toward a large stage. The curtains open up and there he was! the Clown Prince Of Crime himself. Then loud music began to play as Joker whipped out a cane and flat hat then he started to sing...


When the world is full of care

And every headline screams despair

When all is rape, starvation, war and life is vile


Then there's a certain thing I do

Which I shall pass along to you

That's always guaranteed to make me smile


I go... Looney

As a light bulb battered bug

Simply... Looney

Sometimes foam and chew the rug

Mister, life is swell in a padded cell

It'll chase those blues away

You can trade your gloom for a rubber room

And injections twice a day!

Just go... Looney

Like an acid casualty...or a moonie

Or a preacher on TV

"Really? He’s singing?" Raph said. "What? He thinks we’re here for his tour?"

"It’s how he messes with you," Robin stated, "And apparently it’s working." Raph growled from that remark.


When the human race... wears an anxious face

When the bomb hangs overhead

When your kid turns blue, it wont worry you

You can smile and nod instead

When you're... Looney

Then you just don't give a fig

Man's so puny

And the universe so big

If you hurt inside, get certified

and if life should treat you bad

Don't get even... Get Mad!


After Joker finished his song, Mikey and Pinkie applaud.

"Bravo! Bravo!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"Encore! Encore!" Shouted Mikey.

Everyone glared at them and they quickly stopped.

"Wow! First time I didn’t have to threaten for an applause," Joker said. "Anyway, Hello, Batsy! And a big greetings to the Turtles and Rainbooms!"

"Skip the pleasantries, Joker!" Twilight Sparkle frowned, "We know you’re helping the Kraang!"

"How could you? Spoiling my surprise," Joker said in faux shock. "What next? The Olympics? Seriously, what do you see in her, Lame-onardo?"

"Where's Dr. Kahn?" Batman demanded.

"Dr. Kahn? Oh! He’s right over there!" Joker pointed over to said man that was bound to a chair and had a bag over his head, "Or is he over there?" He pointed to another location, "Or is that him over there?" He looked to another spot. "Or perhaps he's right there!" Pointed to another spot, "I had so much fun making impostors, I forgot which was the real one!"

Joker laughed, "Looks like you're all going to have to split up if you want to find the real Dr. Khan! And you'd better make it snappy. Because each one of them will be getting a little surprise that they'll be just dying to find out what!" He laughed maniacally, as the curtain closed. Batman ran and threw them open to find that Joker had disappeared.

"We need to find Dr. Khan, and fast!" Batman stated. "Nightwing, take Robin, Michelangelo, Pinkie Pie, Casey, and Rainbow Dash! Batgirl, with Black Canary, Huntress, April, Rarity, and Fluttershy! The rest of you are with me! And be on the lookout! No doubt Joker has all kinds of twisted traps waiting for us! Now let's move!

And with that, they all split up to search for Dr. Khan.

All the teams were making their way through the amusement park. Soon they each found a bound Dr. Khan with a bag over his head. But they waited in case it was a trap.

"Be ready," Batman cautioned, "Joker could have the entire park ready to explode and we wouldn't know it."

"You really think that?" Raph said.

"Yeah," Applejack agreed, "The guy gives a musical and you're still acting like he's the most dangerous thing possible."

"I have to agree," Twilight Sparkle admitted, "I haven't seen the slightest evidence that Joker is as big a threat aside from the whole hostage thing."

"Maybe a threat to clown reputation." Sunset Shimmer remarked.

"I wonder how much he had to pay to get this place?" Leo inquired.

"Oh, it wasn't much," Joker's voice came over an intercom and could be hear by all the groups, "I just gave the good fellow a deal he couldn't refuse, it made him quite happy judging by the smile he had on his face."

"Be quiet!" Batman shouted.

"Oh, Batsy. My friend. My foe," Joker retorted, "You should know by now that even if you manage to get me back to the asylum it won't matter. The Kraang are nearly finished with their little toy to get back home. Maybe if I ask real nice, they'll let me go to your world and say hi to your families, they must be so worried for you."

"You stay away from them!" Applejack yelled.

"Then why did you come here, huh?" Joker asked coyly.

"Because we we're stopping the Kraang before they could take over our world." Leo explained.

"We'd be home a lot sooner if SOMEONE would stop wasting our time!" Raph said, looked right at Batman, only for Leo to elbow Raph to shut him up.

"Really, Raph?" Leo asked rhetorically.

"Wow, I must say that I am surprised at you, Bats," Joker said, "This fatuous hothead is completely ungrateful towards you, and yet you still do what you can to help him."

"Fatuous Hothead?!" Raph growled, "Listen to me well Bozo: When I get my hands on you, I'm gonna knock you so hard that it'll knock the white clean off of you and turn that stupid smile upside down."

Joker laughed hysterically, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just that Subby told me your thing was to be ridiculously temperamental and make these stupid macho lines, but I never thought you'd make one like that." He resumed laughing, making Raph growl in anger.

"Stay focused." Batman ordered the turtle.

"Yes, better to listen to the grown man dressing up like a flying rat," Joker said, "He's clearly the sane one. Not to mention the only competent one out of all of you," He chuckled, "And I see Batgirl is still getting along with April O’Neil. Done fighting over Donatello, girls?"

Donnie blushed at that.

"Seriously?" April frowned.

"Ignore him," Batgirl said, "He’s just trying to get on your nerves."

"Well, you have the ones called Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy to thank for getting on MY nerves!"

"What did we do?" Fluttershy asked.

"You terrorized my boys while Pinkie ruined Harley’s fun!" Joker answered, "That's MY job!"

"Well, she was stealing and using me!" Pinkie Pie pouted.

"And you call yourself a party girl. Party pooper is more like it," Joker said, making Pinkie gasp at the accusation, "You're as clueless as Michelangelo."

"Oh, thanks," Mikey said. Then turned to see Pinkie glaring then he realized the insult, "Hey!"

"Tell us where the Kraang are, Joker!" Leo demanded.

"Gee I would, Lame-onardo, except none of you will be going home." Joker said.

"And why’s that, clown?" Casey asked.

"Because, Jonesy, you’ve been walking into my trap!"

Suddenly, goons surrounded each of the heroes.

"Aw sewer apples!" Donnie groaned.

Batman looked and saw at the front of goons stood a baboon dressed in a suit that was split down the middle with one half black and the other white. His face was half deformed and he was pointing two guns.

"Evening, Batman!" The baboon said.

"Two-Face!" Batman frowned.

Sunset Shimmer stared oddly at the mutant knowing he had to be like that even before becoming a baboon, "Okay, I'm not even gonna ask about him."

"He's... was a friend, before..." the dark knight explained.

"Before the mob caught up to me," Two-Face noted, "The one you, Gordon and I promised to take down."

"Oh." Sunset said.

"What have they done to you, Harvey?" Batman asked.

"It's Two-Face!" Two-Face growled, "And now I’m gonna waste ya this time, Batman! You and your new friends!"

"You’re not the first to underestimate us, Two Face!" Leo said.

"Did they use these, turtle?" Two-Face asked, as the Goons held out machine guns, "Boys, open fire!" And the men fired their guns.

"Lookout!" Leo shouted. Then Batman and ninjas scattered.

Harley Quinn stood in front, carrying her mallet.

"Well, look who it is!" She said, gazing at Pinkie, "Long time no see, Pinks! Miss me!"

"NO I DIDN'T!" Pinkie Pie growled.

"Wow!" Robin chuckled, "You look even mangier up close!"

"Laugh all you want, Bird Brain!" Harley Quinn rebuffed, "I’ve been hungry for some fresh meat recently!"

"Sorry to say you’re going on a crash diet!" Casey said, brandishing his hockey stick.

"Yeah! After we clobber you for using Pinkie!" Mikey said.

"Still a little kicking, huh?" Harley tilted her head. "Time to chop up the meat! Ladies!"The goons held up and turn on the chainsaws.

The Birds of prey and the three girls stood back to back as the goons surrounded them.

"Surrounded by circus freaks," Huntress said, "Nothing new here."

"Except us!"

Bud and Lou emerged from the group.

"Hiya, girls!" Bud said.

"And especially hello to you, Fluttershy!" Lou said, baring his teeth.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy quivered.

"Aw! She don’t seem happy to see us!" Lou said to Bud.

"Probably because Bat Pup ain’t here to save her now!" Bud grinned.

"Maybe so," April said, as she and Rarity stood in front of Fluttershy, "But she has us to back her up!"

"That’s right!" Rarity said.

"Aww, they're sticking up for her!" Lou said in fuax sweetness. Then he and Bud laughed, "In that case, you two can share the little gift we got for her!"

Then the hyenas whipped out a pair a sprayers and fired a green substance at the three. Realizing what it was, the Birds Of Prey quickly tackled them out of the way as the substance hit a tent and dissolved a huge hole in it.

"Is that?" April began.

"Acid!" Rarity gasped.

"That's right," Bud confirmed, "Just a little gift from the Joker! At first he was just gonna let me and Lou play with these, but then he thought, why leave everybody else out!"

All the goons each held up an acid sprayer.

"Not so confident now, are yah, girls!" Lou grinned, "Let's give 'em a real hot bath!"

And the hyenas and goons fired acid at the girls and Birds Of Prey and they quickly scattered.

Batman and Leo threw some batarangs and shurikins, knocking the guns from the goons hands or causing them to blow up. Then Batman and the ninjas started fighting them off. While they were fighting, Twilight was suddenly hit in the back of the head by one of the goons. Then he picked her up along with Dr Khan and ran off with them.

"Twilight!" Leo cried, when he took notice.

Two-Face looked back at the turtle, "If you want your girlfriend back and Dr. Khan, you'll have to catch us!" Then he rushed off following the goon. Then Leo bolted after them followed by the others.

"Guys, wait!" Batman called.

"We can’t!" Leo retorted. "Twilight’s in trouble!"

"And the sooner we follow them, the sooner we can go home!" Raph said.

"Like we should have from the start!" Applejack added.

Soon they all left while Batman just glared.

With Nightwing and Robin's group, they were all dodging to avoid the chainsaws. While Pinkie Pie and Mikey were fighting Harley Quinn. The mutant dog swung her mallet at the turtle and party girl who jumped and flipped to avoid the hits.

"What no party favors?" Harley Quinn asked.

"I got your party favors right HERE!" Pinkie throws sprinkles, disorienting Harley. But when Mikey jumped in, Harley swung her mallet like crazy at him to land a hit.

As Harley swung her mallet down, Pinkie Pie dropped to her back and kicked her legs up, rebounding the mallet right into Harley's face, distorting her long enough for Mikey to kick and pinned her down.

"Gotcha!" Mikey said.

"Who's got who?" Harley Quinn rebuffed, and she sunk her teeth into his arm.

Mikey hollered as the mutant canine tossed him off her and into a pole. Then before he could react, Harley nailed him in the head with her mallet, pounding it into his shell. He popped his head out all dizzy before he fell to the ground.

"Mikey!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. And she rushed forward, but Harley swung her mallet down again, this time nailing her to the ground.

"Stay down, Pinks!" She said, "Your turtle friend's mine now!" Laughing, she grabbed Mikey and scampered off with him. While goon grabbed Dr Khan and followed. Unfortunately, while carrying Mikey she had trouble dragging him, "Ugh, what has this guy been packing?"

Pinkie Pie sat up and called out, "Guys, Harley Quinn's got Mikey! And Dr Khan!"

"What!" Rainbow Dash said in shock, before she raced off after the mutant dog, "Not on our watch!"

Casey electrocuted a goon before joining the chase, "Goongala!"

"Guys, wait!" Nightwing called after them, as he knocked out two goons with his batons, "You're playing into Joker's hands!" But they had already ditched them.

"And they ignored you." Robin said. Then a goon swung their saw, chopping his staff in two, "Aw man, I just fixed that!"

Huntress fired an arrow at a goon, only for him to fire some acid to disintegrate it, "You wanna play huh?" She said coyly. Then flipped over and jump kicked the goon in the face.

Fluttershy uses her darts to sabotage the acid guns from some of the other goon,. "Sorry," she called. But then she backed up into something. Or two someones! She looked up into the grinning faces of Bud and Lou. Then before she could react, the two hyenas hit her in the back of the head with their guns knocking her to the ground.

"Oh, no!" April cried, when she noticed.

"Fluttershy!" Rarity exclaimed.

"That was easy!" Bud said, as he picked up the unconscious girl.

"The joker will be pleased!" Lou said, as he grabbed the Dr Khan, "Let’s take her along with him." Laughing, the hyenas took off.

"They got her! And Dr Khan!" Rarity gasped, "We got to help them!" And she ran after the hyenas.

"Rarity, wait!" Black Canary shouted, as she dodged another acid shot.

"That's our friend!" April said, joining the chase, "We have to help her!"

"April!" Batgirl called. But she and Rarity had already hurried away, "...it’s a trap."

Huntress turned to her, "Let’s hurry and beat these guys!" She said, and they lept up and kicked the goons.

Two-Face, Harley Quinn, and Bud & Lou stopped by a funhouse and dumped the youngest turtle and the two Rainbooms in a heap with the Dr Khans. The three woke up and froze as the villains aimed their weapons at them.

"Say good night, kiddos!" Two-Face said.

When suddenly, they were all knocked down by a speeding Rainbow Dash as the girl stood between them.

"Leave our friends alone!" She said, as the rest of the Rainbooms and Ninjas showed up.

"You ninjas are a real pain in my side!" Two-Face growled, as Harley, the hyenas, and goons aimed their weapons again, only to have them yanked from their hands by April's telekinesis.

"Oh, no you don't!" She said, tossing them away.

"Ninjas, take 'em down!" Leo called as they went on the attack.

Two-Face fired his guns, but Raph disarmed him with his ninja stars and punched the mutant baboon across the face, knocking him out.

Harley Quinn tacked Pinkie Pie, pinning her down, and tried to bite her.

"Hey, Harley!" Pinkie said, pulling a ball from her hair, "Have a ball!" And she promptly shoved the ball into her mouth and flip kicked the mutant dog off her.

Harley Quinn spat out the ball and looked up just in time to see Pinkie and Mikey leap at her.

"Yeah, eat it, Quinn!" Mikey hollered, as he and Pinkie Pie spun kicked Harley in the face, knocking her out.

Rainbow Dash ran circles around the two goons before Casey distorted them with his exploding hockey pucks and Donnie leaped in and knocked them out with his staff. Bud and Lou swung their fists at the rest of the Rainbooms and Ninjas, while they dodged their attacks. Then when they both threw a punch, Applejack caught their fists before she lifted them up and spun them around before tossing them.

"Give me a boost, Applejack!" Fluttershy called, as Applejack knelt down and used her hands to toss the shy girl up in the air. When she came back down, she nailed the hyenas in the heads with her feet, "Who's kibble now?" She asked them slyly.

"Aw yeah!" Rainbow Dash cheered as she Casey hi-fived.

"And that takes care of that." Raph said.

"Twilight, are you okay?" Leo asked.

"I'm fine," Twilight Sparkle replied, "Thank you."

Just then, Joker appeared on the screen on the funhouse, "Note how the mutated turtle fondles over his partner," he said, imitating a wildlife narrator, "The protective instinct of a male are important for a mate."

"Oh, just shut it, clown!" Casey griped.

"What? I am just saying how beautiful these two love birds are together."

"We're not love birds!" Leo and Twilight exclaimed in unison.

"Oh, please!" Joker scoffed, "You might as well have it written on T-shirts that flash in neon."

"Quit now, Joker!" Applejack shouted.

"Yeah, it's over!" Raph said, "We got Dr. Khan!"

"Got Dr. Khan? Got Dr. Khan!" Joker burst out laughing.

"And just what do you find funny about that?" Rarity demanded.

"Um, guys!" Mikey said, getting everyone's attention. Then he and Pinkie Pie lifted the bags off each of the Dr Khans and the Ninjas could see that all of them were in fact dummies with words written on their faces that read "Gotcha!" "Fake Out!" And "Sucker!" They all stared dumbfounded.

"Why my dear young, amateurish, naive freaks... and turtles..." Joker chuckled, "It hasn't even begun. We're still in the prelude. The road to. The previews to opening night."

"Not if we got anything to say about that!" April declared.

"Oh, very well. If you are so anxious to face me just come on in." The screen shut off and the doors opened.

"Let's go!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Hold it!" Leo stopped her, "Shouldn't we wait for Batman?"

"Yeah," Sunset Shimmer agreed, "This has "trap" written all over it."

"So what if it is!" Applejack asked rhetorically, "That never stopped us before."

"And this may be our one chance at finding the Kraang and getting home!" Raph noted.

"And there is no way Casey Jones is waiting up." Casey added.

"Besides," Rainbow Dash continued, "Just how dangerous can he possibly be?"

"I'll admit, I thought he was a joke at first," Leo noted, "But after seeing what his henchmen are capable of, I'm starting to have second thoughts now."

"Yeah," Sunset Shimmer, "Not to mention, Batman told us not to face Joker."

"True," Twilight Sparkle admitted, "But Raph and Applejack do have a point. And even if Joker is dangerous, we can face him together."

"I don't know?" Leo still wasn't sure.

"Fine!" Raph said, "You and Sunset can wait for Batman! We're going to put the whoopie cushion on that clown!" Then he, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Casey ran inside.

"Wait!" Sunset called.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey and Pinkie called as everyone else followed after them.

Leo and Sunset sighed before they too went inside and the doors close behind the. As the ninjas walked through the funhouse, they heard Joker's voice over the intercom.

"So, you got some spine and came," he said, "Honestly I'm not surprised. You've been doing this a lot lately. Fighting Ivy, Clayface and Bane, showing the Titans what you've got, spooking Scarecrow, taking down Roulette's little ring and now you come after me."

"Do you ever shut up, Joker?" Leo called.

"I'm just saying what I'm thinking," Joker retorted, "Like how the cowgirl and temper tortoise are more cranky then the rest of you since they just want to get home."

"Don't worry," Raph said, cracking his knuckles, "I'll make sure you get a souvenir from me before I leave."

"Oh, I'm sure I will," Joker replied, "It's about the only thing you're good at."

The ninjas unknowingly tripped a laser and a unnoticeable amount of gas was let out as they walked right through it.

"I've been thinking," Joker went on, "What if you intentionally got transported here? I mean sure, it was all an accident, but would it be possible if you somehow damaged the thing that brought you here by accident and it was on purpose? Subby has told me how calm things are in your world. Not a single earth threatening thing going on. It's gotta make you hungry for action. If I had to guess: you want to stay here because of all the things happening and just how much bigger you'll get. Only you won't admit it. You keep finding ways to convince yourselves that all you're doing is for the sole purpose of getting you back home. You make me want to puke. You want to know how I came to be? I had a bad day. Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another. If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choices. My point is..." The group open a door to see Joker in a room holding a mic as he turned to them.

"I went crazy!" He shut off the mic and tossed it aside, "And I'm smart enough to admit it. Why can't any of you?" He stood up as the ninjas began to surround him, "By clinging to reality, you're denying the reality of the situation! I mean, do you even know what the Kraang have been doing while you were running around like little rabbits beating up thugs while pretending that it was all just so you could get home? Silly rabbits, it's all a joke! Anything anyone has ever valued to struggle for, it's nothing more than a monstrous gag! Why can't you see the funny side? Why aren't you laughing?!"

"Because it's not funny and you are wrong," Twilight Sparkle declared, "I don't know what it was that turned you like this, but you're not the only one who had a bad day. We all had bad days. And we have each other when one of us has them. You will never beat us, Joker, for we are strongest when we are together! And our friendship is more than enough to defeat someone like you."

"Someone like me?! Sweetheart, I haven't even begun showing you what kind of person I am," Joker rebuked her, "You think all those things were tough? Please! I was going easy on you because this is what it was all about to begin with!"

The ninjas were confused.

"What are you talking about?" Raph asked.

Joker made a dramatic preparation, as if he was about to do something massive... all he did was the taking off his finger and then re-attaching it trick. Raph bursts out a short laugh, before stopping at what he just did. Then suddenly everyone else started laughing. But they soon realized something was horribly wrong. They couldn't stop laughing!

"What's... what's going?!" April chuckled.

"I can't... I can't... I can't stop laughing ing ing ing!" Pinkie Pie cried through her giggles.

"I'll say this kiddies, you are pretty good..." Joker said, "But I have been going against Batman for years. And I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid. I knew there was no way for me to beat you all in a straight up fight. So I thought I'd give you all the experience of my happy gas. You like? Of course if you're busy laughing... you can't fight! And since I'm feeling a little nostalgic..." Joker said pulling out Casey's bat from his holster, "Now don't you all worry, I'm not going to kill you, I'm just going to hurt you... a lot!"

Then one by one he began beating the Ninjas and Rainbooms while they were powerless by the gas to fight back! "Big Olde Ninjas' Fallen Down!" he sang as he whacked Leo, Twilight Sparkle, and Sunset Shimmer. "On The Ground!" He hit Raph, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Casey, "Mind And Sound!" He whacked Donnie, April, and Rarity. "Big Olde Ninjas' Fallen Down!" He hit Mikey, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy, "I'm So Happy!" He whacked each one of them one more time, knocking them down to the floor, laughing in pain!

"Oh, this brings me back to the time when I killed Batman's second Robin!" The Turtles and Rainbooms looked up at him, shock hidden behind their laughing, "That's right, kiddies, I was the psychopath who murdered Jason Todd! But I guess Batsy didn't tell you now did he? That's always been his problem, keeping one too many secrets! Even from the ones closest to him!"

He raised the bat for another whack, only to have a batarang knock it from his hand. Then Batman burst in and punched him left and right across the face and kicked him to the floor.

"Oh, why Batsy!" Joker said, "Always arriving just in the nick of time!"

Then the rest of the Batfamily stormed in, "Hope were not late!" Nightwing remarked.

"Actually, you're just in time!" Joker pulled a sparking bomb and threw it making the Bats duck, however it just blew into confetti. Then while were temporarily distracted, Joker burst out a backdoor and escaped.

Deciding that Joker could wait, Batman took out some syringes, then he and the others injected the Turtles and Rainbooms and they soon stopped laughing.

"Uuuuh," Pinkie Pie groaned, "I don’t think I laughed so hard in my life!"

"That could have been the LAST laugh of your life." Huntress stated.

"What happened?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"You were affected by Jokers gas," Batman explained, "It’s a special chemical he uses on all his victims. They die with a permanent smile on them."

"Whoa!" Mikey groaned, "Talk about knocking them dead."

"YOU DON'T GET TO JOKE!" Batman scolded, "I gave you all specific orders to NOT fight the Joker and you almost would’ve ended up how we last saw Jason!"

"We can save the lecture later," Nightwing stated, "Right now we need to see where Joker is keeping Dr. Khan!"

"Actually, Joker never had Dr. Khan," Leo noted, "It was a set up!"

"No surprise there." Robin said.

"Holy chalupa!" Donnie cried, while looking at the monitors.

"What’s wrong, D?" April asked.

"We need leave, now!" Donnie exclaimed.

"Why?" Sunset asked

"You know when Batman said that Joker could've rigged the whole park to explode? Well, that's exactly what he did!"

"WHAT?!" The Turtles and Rainbooms gasped.

"And they're set to go off in five minutes!" Donnie exclaimed.

"Let's move! Now!" Batman ordered.

Soon they all bolted through the back door and ran through the park as rides and stands began to explode. Once they reached the entrance, the final charges went off and they were all thrown forward by the explosions. Then they all looked back as the entire park went up in flames as Joker's maniacal laugh echoed all around. The Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms stared in silent horror.

"Still think Joker's not a threat?!" Batman asked rhetorically.

All the ninjas collectively turned to the Dark Knight with looks of horror, "No..."

"Well, that's just great," Robin said, "No Joker, no Dr. Khan and no idea where the Kraang are!" He looked to the turtles and Rainbooms. "Thanks a lot, guys!"

"What did we do?!" Raph asked.

"You mean besides disobeying orders, letting Joker play you like chumps, nearly getting yourselves killed and destroying any leads to finding you guys a way home?" Nightwing noted.

The Turtles and Rainbooms lowered their heads, realizing their mistake.

"They're right," April said, "It was our fault."

"And now we have no clue how to get home!" Twilight Sparkle said sadly.

"Don't be so sure." Batman said.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked.

"While you were playing into Joker's little game, I got information out of one of his thugs before I went to find you."

"How did you find us?" Donnie asked.

"I activated the locators I put in your phones the first day you got here." Batman said.

"What?!" The ninjas exclaimed.

"Don't you trust us?" Leo asked.

"No. But mostly it was to make sure you don't get any ideas of going behind my back in my city."

"Has anyone told you you have issues?" Sunset Shimmer inquired.

"I dress up like a bat, Miss Shimmer," Batman rebuked, "I don't need anyone to tell me I have issues."

"Anyway," Applejack broke in, "What did you get out of the guy?"

"He mentioned that he overheard something that involved the Penguin." Batman said.

"Then let's go!" Raph said.

"No. I'll go alone," Batman refused, "You get back to the cave and get Alfred to check on you."

"What?!" The Turtles and Rainbooms said.

"But-" Sunset tried.

"End of discussion!" Batman got in his Batmobile and drove off.

"Just who does he think he is?!" Raph snapped.

"You did walk into an obvious trap without realizing it." Nightwing reminded them.

"We knew it was!" Casey noted.

"And your plan was what exactly?" Batgirl asked rhetorically, "Spring the trap and beat your way out of it?"

"It WAS a pretty bad plan." Fluttershy admitted to her friends.

"You can say that again." April agreed in embarrassment.

"Well, we probably wouldn't have, if two certain someones hadn't just rushed right in!" Leo said, as he and the others glared at Raph and Applejack.

"Let's just get back to the cave," Nightwing broke in.

Raph and Applejack just frowned as they walked off with the others.

At the Iceberg lounge, Penguin was in his office counting his money when...

"I shouldn't be surprised," he said as Batman emerged from the shadows, "It was only a matter of time before you came here."

"Where are the Kraang?" Batman demanded.

"I'm afraid I haven't got the slightest clue of what you are talking about?" Penguin replied.

"You sold an engine to them!" Batman stated.

"Ah, yes! A resident engine," Penguin said, "I must say that was quite an odd demand. I don't think anyone would've been interested in something like that."

"They're aliens from another dimension and they are going to take over the world with it!" Batman scolded.

"Will they? I must say I am shocked," Penguin pretended, "I couldn't possibly know about something like that since they told me it was none of my concern. Although, I will say this: their speech pattern was quite peculiar, but mostly obnoxious. This wouldn't happen to be related to anything with the series of enhancements on Gotham's villains or these new methumans, hmm?"

"Stay out of this, Cobblepot," Batman ordered, "I don't need you to get a new look that includes a beak and flippers."

"I wouldn't worry about that Batman," Penguin said. "I am a businessman after all. I must stay presentable."

At Arkham, Dr Khan had just hooked up the engine and was testing the portal.

"Hurry up!" Subprime ordered, "We've got a dimension to mutate!"

"Just one more test run and it should be operational!" Dr Khan said, nervously.

"The sooner the better!" Subprime gripped, "Since Joker failed to annihilate those meddlesome Turtles and Rainbooms, I'm not taking any chances!"

Dr Khan flipped a switch and the portal opened up.

Subprime turned to three droids, "You guys, go check and see if it's working!"

"Understood," a droid said, "Kraang will, that which is known as, investigate." The droids walked up and peered through the portal before looking back, "The portal has indeed reached, that which is known as, our Earth!"

"Excellent!" Subprime grinned, "Thank you so much for your help, Dr Khan. And to thank you for your co-operation..." two droids seized the scientist, "I think we'll make you our first mutant slave!" He held out a canister of mutagen.

Dr. Khan screamed and struggled against the droids in vain, but just before Subprime could pour the mutagen on him, a sparing stick flew out of the portal and knocked the canister from his hand.

"What?!" Subprime shouted.

The three droids standing by the portal looked back and were whacked and knocked down. Then a figure emerged out. The figure wore a black suit with custom built armor and a black hockey mask with red markings and a big letter N on the front.

"I know this is a rhetorical question," the figure said, "But I don't suppose you've seen four giant turtles and seven teenage girls by any chance?"

Author's Note:


  • Besides the song, Joker also monologues like he did in The Killing Joker. And before he beats the Ninjas he said his quote from the Suicide Squad movie. While he's hitting the Turtles and Rainbooms with the baseball bat, he sings his twisted version of "London Bridge Is Falling Down" from the JLU episode "Wild Cards Part 2".
  • Two-Face get's mutated into a baboon in the comics. Harley Quinn get's mutated into a dog like in the comics and the movie. And Bud & Lou get mutated into big goons like they did in the Batman TMNT Adventures comic.