• Published 3rd Apr 2019
  • 3,260 Views, 218 Comments

A New Brand of Freedom - Spettro138

The First Avenger discovers an adorable explosive infant in one of Hydra's hidden labs and decides to raise him as his own.

  • ...

Extra: Tribute to the Man Who Started it All

While dream walking along the winding paths of Vanaheim's capital, Firebrand met many strange people with many different stories. All of them bowed their heads in respect when they caught sight of the golden laurel placed upon his head. A sign of his apprenticeship to their lady and an official induction to being honorary royalty. The colt didn't think much of it, but he bowed back to all as a sign of equality with the people. He did as his father had told him and knew that he must never arrogantly prop himself up to being better than anyone else. While at the same time respecting the gifts and powers he was blessed with. Whether or not the people of Vanaheim recognized his intentions, he did not know.

An interesting denizen of the kingdom, in particular, caught his interest. An elderly man sitting alone on a stone bench covered in moss overlooking the river. A simple slick black shirt with pearly white buttons and a pair of khaki slacks fit him neatly. He was wearing darkened aviator glasses but the colt could see how his eyes twinkled at everything he looked at. His hair was grey and whitened, a sign of his age, if the only one. Such a man to the untrained eye was neither seen nor heard by most. Normal, ordinary, uninteresting.

Something about him gave Firebrand the impression that he did not belong in this place, but he treated everywhere like it was his own sandbox to amuse himself in. This man's spry movement seemed to suggest that he was still youthful in spirit. Taking a chance, Firebrand decided to approach this man.

The old man spotted the colt almost immediately, his thin grey mustache curling into a giddy smile.

"Well hello, there little friend! You must be new around these parts!" he greeted.

His voice was rather fitting for him, ragged, but still playful and so full of joy that he might jump out of his chair and start dancing a merry little jig.

"Yes sir. The Queen just started training me to be her Paladin of Devotion."

"Oh! You must be Little Freya's new prodigy! Good to meet you son! That girl needed something to catch her attention," he exclaimed. "She's been moping around so much that I might have started hitting her upside the head!"

'Little Freya?' Firebrand thought

He reached his hand out and Firebrand allowed him to grip it firmly as they shook for a few seconds. His grip was still strong, a testament to the spirit and strength this older fellow still had.

"What's your name son?" the old man asked.

"Firebrand Rogers sir, or...Josh apparently."

"Josh huh? I'll call you that for now, seems like an important name."

The colt didn't know how to respond to that statement.

The man motioned for him to hop up onto the bench, which Firebrand did quickly, not wanting to miss a second of time with this enchanting man. His eyes were fixed on the river for a few seconds before turning back to Firebrand in an instant.

"You aren't from around here are ya Josh?" he asked.

"No, sir. I'm from Earth." Firebrand replied.

"Not quite what I mean son," he chuckled. "You aren't from around any place here are you?"

Firebrand lifted his head and widened his eyes in realization as to what the old man was inferring.

"But how could you possibly--" he started.

He laughed again mischievously and tapped his nose.

"Let's just say me and my best friend Jack knew all the ins and outs of every realm and universe we...had a part in."

"Had a part in what?" Firebrand reached for an answer.

The old man's eyes twinkled.

"You'll find out soon enough. Normally, something like you shouldn't be here, but I don't mind letting you stick around. Just keep an eye on your dad for me, won't ya?"

There was something obvious about this old man that Firebrand was missing and it was driving him crazy. He clearly knew a number of things that Firebrand did not, and had knowledge of things that he currently had no dream of knowing yet. The only thing he could think of doing was agreeing with his request, never knowing whether the old man's intentions were for good or bad.


"I can't tell you much about what's gonna come in the future Josh, that's up for you and your Dad to figure out. I don't know why you were sent here, but I'm glad you were," he stated. "But, you being here, just might give any new friends you make in the future a certain...advantage that they didn't have before. Had you not arrived here to begin with."

So something was going to happen that he and his father needed to be ready for. That was unsettling to say the least. Especially since there were too many unknown variables. The old man saw Firebrand begin to worry and just smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Eh, don't worry about it too much just yet. You'll have plenty of time to prepare for anything. But before you wake up again, can you do me one little favor?" he asked.

The colt could have said no, but his conscience was telling him that felt wrong somehow.

"What kind of favor mister?"

He took out a piece of parchment paper and a pen that clearly didn't belong in Vanaheim and drew what looked like a bug of some kind. A spider.

"Go to Queens and find the young man who wears that. He'll need you and your Dad's help from time to time."

Firebrand agreed and stared at the image for a long time, burning it into his memory. Never knowing the importance it would have in his future.

"Just remember. Any kind of impact you have from here on out, make sure it's a positive one. Do what the best of humanity would do for their fellow man. Treat everyone equally even if they may not treat you equally. Blessed are the pure in heart."

The old man thanked Firebrand and shook his hoof firmly one last time before standing up. He began walking off down the road before Firebrand remembered something.

"Wait, mister! I never got your name!" Firebrand cried out.

The old man turned around with surprise and chuckled, walking back to the colt and knelt down to eye level.

"Stan Lee."

"It was nice to meet you, Mister Lee. I...hope I see you again."

"Oh, you can bet on it. I'll always be watching. Excelsior Josh, Excelsior."

Away Watching, but Never Gone

Stan Lee
1922 - 2018

Jack Kirby
1917 - 1994

Author's Note:

I'm BACK!!!! Did you miss me? I took a bit of a hiatus for the holiday season, but I'm confident 2022 will be filled with more content than ever.

Thought that this little bit of extra content in this was a good heartfelt warm-up to come back to Fimfiction with.

Comments ( 6 )

Right on, Mr. Lee goes where he pleases, yeah?

Very nice.

Well Done!

Welcome Back, my friend

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