• Published 3rd Apr 2019
  • 3,260 Views, 218 Comments

A New Brand of Freedom - Spettro138

The First Avenger discovers an adorable explosive infant in one of Hydra's hidden labs and decides to raise him as his own.

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Found by the Wrong People (updated: 7/22/19)

Location: Tønsberg, Norway
Time: March 1942

In the dead of night, a young Norwegian man can be seen running across his quaint little waterside town, being careful as to not trip and fall on the slick cobblestone road. It had become quite wet from the first downpour of the spring season. Everyone in town was holed up in their houses for the night until the storm passed by. This young man however had an urgent matter to attend to. He had overheard the Germans and their plans to invade his friend's church in search of an artifact of almighty power. At breakneck speed, he ran towards the medieval age church in question to warn his old friend and hide the artifact. He came up to the tall wooden doors and entered the church.

As he came inside, he barred the door and called for the priest of the church who ran down the steps.

"(De har kommet for det! ) They have come for it!" the young man exclaimed to the priest.

"(Det gjør de alltid. ) They always do," he replied assuredly.

"(Du må komme deg ut herfra med det før de kommer hit!) You must get out of here with it before they get here!" the young man screamed.

"(La dem komme. De vil aldri finne det) Let them come. They will never find it." the old priest replies to the boy.

All of a sudden, the entire building began to shake violently for ten solid seconds as something enormous was approaching from the outside. They thought it was all over when the shaking stopped for a moment. Unfortunately, it did not last long as a giant tank wrecked the entrance of the church and collapsed on top of the boy, killing him almost instantly. The priest removed one of the fallen stones from the boy's head and stared down at him in sadness.

It seemed though that it was not nearly over at all as the tank backed up and moved over to the other side of the street to make way for an approaching vehicle with six headlights. From his limited experience with cars, the priest identified the car as a Duesenberg. The prized automobile of the Germans. The priest narrowed his eyes at the car as he gazed upon the emblem adorning its hood: a skull with tentacles reaching out from it. Unfortunately, the priest didn't get a chance to ask himself any questions as a group of Nazi soldiers and an officer entered the church and knocked him to the ground.

The officer pointed to the sarcophagus in the middle of the room and signaled his men to open it to reveal its contents. Unfortunately, the lid proved to be too heavy for them to handle.

"OPEN IT!" he barked to his struggling men. "OPEN IT!"

Suddenly, over the chatter and yelling of the officers, heavy footsteps from outside echoed throughout the church. The footsteps gradually got closer and closer, causing the troops to tense up.

A pale figure stepped into the light of the church and entered the now destroyed doorway. All of the soldiers stood at attention, recognizing his authority.

"I will admit to you sir, it has taken me a long time to find this place," the tall man said as matter-of-factly.

The pale man walked towards the old man, bringing with him a thick atmosphere of fear and tension.

"I think...you should be commended. Help him up." the man said quietly.

Two of his soldiers helped the old man onto his feet who brushed dirt and dust from the rubble off of himself.

The tall man stared deeply into the old man's eyes as if he was searching for something.

"I think...you are a man of great vision. ...In this way I think we are very much alike--

"I am nothing like you," the old man replied defiantly.

"Oh, of course....of course, but...what others see as superstition....you and I know to be a science....." the pale man inferred.

The priest gave an annoyed sigh as he tried to dissuade his aggressors.

"What you seek is just a legend."

"Then why make such an effort to conceal it?" he asked politely.

The tall man walked over to the sarcophagus and handed his hat over to one of his subordinates. With a single push, he effortlessly knocked the lid off of the coffin revealing the skeleton inside. He picked up the cheap crystal cube inside and examined it, obviously not falling for the ruse.

"The Tesseract...was the jewel...of Odin's treasure room," he started slowly and deliberately.

He then dropped it to the floor, allowing the fake to shatter into thousands of pieces.

"It is not something that one buries." he punctuated as he walked close up to the old man. "But...I do think...it is very close...yes?"

The old man kept an unwavering look of defiance upon his face as he looked back into his eyes.

"I cannot help you."

"No......but...I think you can help your....village." he said coldly. "You must have some friends out there? Some little grandchildren perhaps? I have no need for them to die."

The tank outside pointed in the direction of the town, which caused the old man to change his tune very quickly.

With his head, he pointed the tall man in the direction where he needed to look. He turned around and smiled, pleased with what he saw. A carving of a giant tree covered in various animals and fantastical creatures adorning one of the walls of the church. In the center of the tree's limbs was the image of a grand city floating in the clouds.

"Yggdrasil......the tree...of...the worlds," he stated in a teaching manner. "Guardian of wisdom."

He then looked closely towards the bottom of the carving and found the shape of a snake's head disguised among the roots. Looking closely, he found a striation in the carving that did not belong there.

"And fate...also," he whispered to himself.

Reaching out, he pushed in the eye of the snake, which released a wooden box hidden in the wall. Taking it out, he opened a door at the top of the box, revealing the powerful artifact inside. The entire room was illuminated in ethereal blue light as the cube expelled an otherworldly groan.

He stared down at the artifact with a sense of great accomplishment.

"And the Fuhrer digs for trinkets in the desert," he mused to himself. "He searches for black magic and demons to win his battles and yet the greatest power of the nine realms hides under his very nose. Rasputin and Krohnen's little red ape will look like a common pet compared to this magnificent treasure."

He slowly reached out for the object inside, and as soon as he made contact, it began to spark and crackle. Startled by the reaction, he dropped the artifact onto the ground where it sparked faster and faster until finally, it unleashed a beam of blue wind and light through the ceiling of the church and into the sky above. For a brief moment, he could see the entire cosmos within that beam of light as if it was being revealed to him alone. Then, the beam collapsed and exploded outwards, temporarily blinding everyone present in the room.

As the man's vision began to return to him, he could see a small red form huddled against the wooden box that was holding the Tesseract. He slowly leaned over and carefully picked up the little body with his gloved hands. It appeared to be a small red unicorn foal with a gleaming golden blonde mane and unusual proportions. It did not seem to be conscious as it was breathing in and out calmly as if it was sleeping. The pale man attempted to be as gentle as he could with the tiny creature as to not harm it in any way. The old man gasped with fear and vague excitement as he laid his eyes upon the little animal.

"Et barn av Sleipnir! (A child of Sleipnir)" the old man said breathlessly.

"Fascinating," he mused as he gently examined the colt. "So you have seen it too? I don't suppose you have seen the cube?"

"It is not for the eyes of ordinary men," he replied sternly. "And neither is that foal!"

"Exactly." the pale man agreed.

He then reached down with one arm and closed the wooden box to pick it up more properly.

"Give the order to open fire," he coldly said to his officer.

"You fool! You cannot control the power you hold, nor the wrath of the one who will come for that little one!" he exclaimed angrily. "You will burn!" the old man roared.

"I already have," he simply retorted as he pulled out his pistol and mercilessly shot the priest.

As the cannons of his tanks began to fire on the helpless town, he looked down at the little red body he carried with him and whispered in one of his little ears.

"You and I will accomplish grand things together mein klien pony."

Author's Note:

Another chapter out of the way to one of my experimental fics. Tell me what you guys think of it so far. I will make changes as they become necessary.

Forgive me if anyone here speaks Norwegian or if they can help me with the translations here, I don't know the language.

Slipped in a reference to another famous comic for you nerds

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