• Published 3rd Apr 2019
  • 3,259 Views, 218 Comments

A New Brand of Freedom - Spettro138

The First Avenger discovers an adorable explosive infant in one of Hydra's hidden labs and decides to raise him as his own.

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Super Soldier: Keep Your Powder Dry (Updated: 1/23/21)

Firebrand found himself once again in a dark, frightening place. He tried his best to convince his immature mind that it couldn't be real, but his senses would not cooperate with him in the slightest. He was in a deep dark cavern, running from something that his little mind could not fathom. He had not known how long he was running, nor did he care. The grotesque cackling and the thunderous heavy footsteps pounded his way as his lungs seared for the sweet taste of fresh oxygen. All he knew was the voice of the creature sounded eerily familiar. Like a demon that had been with him since his birth. If the demon caught him, he might never see his new daddy ever again. The floor beneath his feet felt viscous like honey, dragging his forward movement into a slow crawl. As his hope began to fade, he could see the steady glow of light coming from the entrance to the cave. The mouth of the cave came closer and closer until he finally reached the outside. Before him was a wintry dark forest illuminated by the cool blue light of the moon. A thick layer of ice and snow covered every branch and blade of grass. When he thought he was finally safe, he tripped over an unseen obstruction and fell right on to his muzzle.

He flipped himself on to his back where his face stared back into the cave. Aside from the pitch black darkness, there was two glowing green eyes staring back at him. The foal never felt more afraid in his entire life than in that moment.

Suddenly, the eyes pounced out of the cave, revealing a horrifying Madame Hydra. Her teeth were sharp and glowing white, her skin was cracked and distorted. Her hair was white long, and spindly, snapping at the air every which way. Her uniform was still the same, except for her gloves which resembled more like the talons of some Harpy. When she spoke, her mouth frothed and drooled like a hungry beast desperately waiting for its next meal.

"Hello sweeeet little rat," Madame Hydra's silky smooth voice said. "Why don't you come back with me? I'll Take care of you ffffffforever...."

Before he could respond, he felt a stinging pain going up one of his hind legs. Madame Hydra had stuck her talons in to his legs and was trying to pull him back into the cave. Firebrand hooved at the ground for dear life, trying to hold on to any stray rock or root he could find. When he started going back in, he felt despair and sorrow take hold of his whole being. In a last ditch move, he tried screaming at the monster to startle her into retreating.

Suddenly, as he inhaled, something else did the job for him. Out of the dark was a guttural roar that shook the whole forest, followed by a large person that tackled Madame Hydra to the ground and struck down onto her throat, forcing her to let go of Firebrand. In a puff of slithering black smoke, Madame Hydra disappeared into nothing, as if she had never existed in the first place.

Firebrand didn't know what to think as this large beastly figure silently stepped toward him. He felt himself backing into a boulder, waiting patiently for his end. He could feel cold tears streaming down his face that gleamed in the moonlight overhead. He simply closed his eyes, not wanting to see what was happening next. What he didn't see, was the true form of his would be attacker, as it softly stepped out of the dark and into the moonlight.

He heard a small sound come from this large figure, like the coo of a dove. It was a sound of interest, like what one makes when they come across something new in their lives.

Confused, he opened his eyes to stare into a set of beautiful blue eyes. As well as the large female they belonged to.

Firebrand's new guest was elegant and beautiful, covered by a thick golden head of hair that positively glimmered in the moonlight. It was a woman. This one though, didn't feel normal by any standard. She gave off a frighteningly powerful presence. Her skin was pale and pure, like the sunrise. She wore a golden winged tiara across her forehead that seemed to merge into the thick locks of her hair. Her upper torso was covered by a silver plated cuirass that seemed to enhance her feminine form. It was connected to a royal blue tunic that flowed down to her thighs and split off into four strips. Each strip was covered by an ornate plate of armor that seemed to provide extra protection.

Ancient and almighty, wise and graceful. Her lips curled up into a smile. Not an evil, malevolent smile, but a kind, compassionate smile one might associate with a loving mother.

"Peace be with you young Firebrand," the woman said in a commanding voice. "I do believe that it is time that you rejoined the waking world. You and your father have much to do, and very little time to do it, I'm afraid."

Before he could ask any further questions, the woman blew out a long cool breath that washed over the foal. It was a soothing sensation, like being covered by a gentle meadow breeze in Summer. Firebrand felt his eyelids grow heavy as the scene of the dark forest and the mysterious woman disappeared into the darkness of slumber.

Darkness clouded his vision, and his whole surroundings changed. He began to stir back to consciousness as he felt himself being laid on something soft and malleable. It felt cool against his fur as he rolled around in the comforting substance. It smelled fresh and earthy, like the soil from a clean open meadow. He thought that he could vaguely hear familiar voices, but he didn't care. After a few minutes, the larger figure, carrying something big and long with both arms receded off in another direction. Though he froze suddenly when he heard the sound of approaching footsteps drawing near. His eyelids slowly opened to a blurred environment all around. The constant extreme temperatures of the cold cavern and the hot interior of the castle irritating his large eyes. Though one humanoid shape seemed awfully familiar to him, but he was unsure why. It stepped closer and Firebrand was able to make out familiar colors.

Red.....and blue....

The figure pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the foal's eyes clean, instantly improving his vision.

What Firebrand saw made his heart leap with joy.

"D-Daddy?" the foal asked tearfully.

"Miss me buddy?"


The foal jumped into his arms and started sobbing with joy.

All Steve could do was hold the foal tightly and try to avoid crying himself as he did his best to calm down the hysterical foal. His tiny hooves gripped his body armor firmly, desperately holding on to Steve for dear life. As if he thought that he would lose him if he let go for so much as a moment. The soldier didn't mind too much. It relieved Cap greatly to have his traveling companion back in his arms.

"I'm here, I'm here," was all Steve could say.

Though the third time in only a few days, Steve was regretting allowing Firebrand to sneak into his duffel bag and into an active war zone. Blood and Death were not things that a child should be seeing, let alone experiencing. It pained Steve to think about the kinds of horrors Madame Hydra subjected Firebrand to. Upon closer inspection, he found tell tale signs of wounds. Pieces of his mane were ripped out, multiple scratches were around his muzzle, and he could feel holes on his back that seemed tender and painful whenever his hands strayed too close.

Rage towards all of Hydra began to bubble within Steve, threatening to explode at any moment. Though he knew if he didn't keep his head cool and his senses sharp, they may never make it out of their current predicament alive. Steve knew that in time, while these experiences may be painful now, they would eventually come to make both of them stronger in body, spirit, and in mind.

"Hey buddy, I know you're upset, but we've gotta hurry. Falsworth is in trouble and we need to help him. He doesn't have a lot of time." Steve said.

"Uncah Fally in trouble?" he asked clumsily. "The bad green lady took him Daddy. I tried to help him but..."

Firebrand started to cry again, but reassurance from Steve helped his mood tremendously.

"Hey, don't you ever blame yourself alright? You couldn't have helped him alone. The fact that you at least tried is enough and I think Falsworth knew that. I need you to be strong for him and for me alright? We're gonna see things that are really
scary, but you are going to have to be brave. Just remember, I'm right here with you."

Firebrand sniffled a couple of times, but he tried his best to swallow his tears and steel himself. It felt unpleasant, but if it will help to save his new friend, he would do it.

"A-alright Daddy. I'll try."

"That's all I can ask for," Steve said with a smile.

The two shared a hug and Steve pulled out Firebrand's harness which Steve had recovered. It was beat up quite severely but it still seemed to be in one piece. He felt weak, but Firebrand did his best to crawl back into the soft straps as Cap picked him back up and gently tied the harness around his back. The straps dug into sore spots of his flesh, sending soft waves of pain through his tiny body, but Firebrand did his best to ignore it.

Looking around, Firebrand got a better view at their new location. Steve had called it an estate, though at the time, Firebrand had no concept of what that was. It appeared to be a large home of some sort. Its entrance hallway oozed with wealth as the first thing he noticed was rows of statues on either side. The gleaming white marble statues were shaped like praying women as their heads were bowed and their hands were clenched together. The hallway went upwards a hundred feet, ascending with a couple of rows of steps every so often. The floor was adorned with a maroon red carpet with gold accents stitched into the edges. In the main stair well, he was able to make out a massive indentation in the opposite wall at the end of the hallway. There were three large statues of angels each with a different size and made with very different materials. The largest was made of white marble, the middle one was made of silver granite, and the final smallest one was made of pitch black onyx. Their placement made it possible for them to be seen all the way from the entrance. The significance of the statues puzzled Firebrand to say the least.

The stairwell itself was half the size of a ballroom as stairways led up and down the floors of the estate. What drew their attention however, wasn't the broken glass covering the floors, but the gaping hole in the ceiling where a sky light dome used to be. It was barely covered by the large ornate chandelier that hung from the ceiling. The duo could make out fire and smoke billowing out from somewhere nearby outside of the building.

"Hmmm...the invaders plane must have crashed near here." Steve said aloud to himself.

A chilling cackle from nearby sent Firebrand into a fit of shivers, bringing back the memory of his most recent dream.

"Ah, I absolutely love a persistent suitor. Perhaps I can make an exception for you Captain. Under certain circumstances...." Madame Hydra said in a sultry voice nearby.

"Sorry, sweetie, but I have my eye on someone else," Steve said confidently as he carefully inched towards one of the hallways.

"Yes, the Agent. We have crossed paths before. Perhaps I can convince you of my superiority to her? I will admit that you are strong Captain, not as strong as my master, but adequate."

Steve circled around another corner and found his way into a larger room, which must have been a ballroom at one point, from the beautiful tiles that were laid across most of the center portion of the room. Steve couldn't help but think that the entire castle must have been beautiful before Hydra came in and destroyed most of it. As they walked in, Steve could hear the sound of unenthusiastic clapping coming from one of the balconies. Turning around, they saw that it was Madame Hydra, taunting them from afar. Steve couldn't see it, but he could tell that the sight of Madame Hydra was scaring him. The foal had frozen still, as if he was trying hard not to let the evil woman see him.

"Where's Falsworth?" Steve demanded.

"Where we all are!" she replied. "Where he's most useful to Hydra."

"You're used to speaking to us when we're restrained, or behind bars, or on an operating table," Steve growled, putting an emphasis on the last thing. "But things are different now. I'm not one of the helpless prisoners you enjoy toying with....and I will ask again before I break your pretty nose with my shield. WHERE...IS....FALSWORTH?"

The woman simply gave the two of them an enraged deathly glare and pulled out two large pistols.

"He'd say that he's in hell!" she shouted. "Let me send you to him!"

Before they could react, she threw four gas canisters at each of the exits, preventing the duo from escaping. She quickly followed up with constant volleys of rapid fire from her pistols, barely giving Steve enough time to hold up his shield.

"Why don't you just give up now Captain? You are only delaying the inevitable!"

Madame Hydra proved a much better shot than most of the grunts and soldiers he had previously encountered as she followed his every movement and wouldn't give Steve so much as a single moment to let down his guard.

"I see that your runt survived the slaughter of the Screamers! It may prove even more useful to my master's plans than I thought. I'll gun you down quickly and retrieve my prize."

After ten seconds of constant firing, the Madame stopped to quickly reload, giving Steve a few seconds to enact his new plan.

Watching her hand movements closely as she reloaded and aimed back at him, he waited until the moment her trigger finger moved. When the crack of bullets leaving their barrels went off, he swung his shield horizontally, sending the bullets right back into Madame Hydra. The bullets flew right threw her shoulders, making her shriek in pain.

"Dodge that," Steve spat.

"TO MY SIDE! QUICKLY!" she barked.

Suddenly, more Hydra soldiers wearing breathing masks emerged from the clouds of gas blocking each passageway.

"Don't allow him to reach the mistress!" one of them cried.

Their attempts to stop him proved completely ineffective as Steve mowed through the first wave of soldiers in record time.


She soon sent out a second wave of better equipped soldiers wearing more armor in an attempt to distract Steve. Three soldiers rushed in at Steve and began to grapple with him, trying to pull him to the ground and subdue him. While this was happening, Firebrand saw Madame Hydra circle around the room and take aim right at Steve's head while he was distracted. He was deathly afraid of the woman, but he was even more afraid of the thought of someone hurting his new daddy. He knew that he would have to act quickly if he was going to help Steve succeed.

Mimicking his actions once again, Firebrand held his hooves up to a ready position and watched Madame Hydra's movements carefully. When her trigger finger twitched, Firebrand reacted as soon as her pistols fired off another volley of rounds. He crossed his horse shoes together and swung horizontally, blocking the bullets and sending them flying right back into the Madame. This time they impacted into her legs, causing her to collapse in pain temporarily and scream curses in german.

"Thanks little buddy," Steve wheezed out as he pushed off all three soldiers and started finishing them off.

As soon as the last wave was defeated, Madame Hydra scoffed at the duo's efforts and escaped out of the room through a different passage.

"This is beneath me," she growled.

"Running when things get tough huh? I'm starting to sense a pattern." Steve retorted watching the Madame run off.

"Where'd the nasty lady go?" Firebrand asked angrily. "She tried to hurt you daddy!"

"Gone...but she couldn't have gotten far." Steve replied with a chuckle to the foal. "Looks like she was heading to the East Wing of the estate. Which means that is where we are going too."

Looking around the room, Steve found a set of doors which were thankfully untouched by the constant volley of gas canisters Madame Hydra was throwing around before. He went up to the doors and kicked them in, allowing them to pass through. He was led through another hallway and into a lavish lounge area. It was accompanied by lavish chairs and loveseats sitting in front of a roaring fire. Above the hearth were two coats of arms, presumably belonging to the Zemo family and another. Off to the side was an imposing statue of a german knight, fully dressed in armor. He was holding his sword downwards in a ceremonial manner. Off to the left was a table displaying various urns and vases that looked very rare and exceedingly valuable.

"Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly," Steve recited knowing full well they were most likely walking into another trap .

They found another set of stairs that led to another long hallway. Through one of the nearest double doors, they could hear somebody running.

Steve broke the doors down and found Madame Hydra running, clutching her shoulder in pain. She turned back to shoot at Steve, but Firebrand launched his horse shoes at her and knocked one of the pistols out of her hand. She sprinted through a doorway as Steve tried to pursue her.

"GET BACK HERE!" Steve shouted.

"Quickly you idiots! Seal the door!"

Steve was fast, but unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough to get through as the security door clamped down and shut off their route. The duo did their best to try to break through the door, but it remained sealed, forcing them to look for an alternative route.

Searching through each of the rooms in the hallway, they were met with dead end after dead end, unable to find any other route into the East Wing of the Estate. Along the way, they pocketed a number of treasures and documents that they stuffed into their ever growing bag. Room after room, they searched, until they came to the room closest to the security door.

Giving Firebrand a break, Steve did most of the searching himself as he scanned each of the bookshelves in the room for any sign of something suspicious.

For the first few minutes, Steve found nothing of particular note or significance, until he felt something strange coming from one of the book shelves. It was a light breeze of air. It smelled of oil and gunpowder.

Following the breeze, he came to a smaller shelf that stood up against the wall adjacent to the door. Feeling up the sides of the bookshelf, he soon found a switch near the bottom. Pushing it, something inside clicked the shelf, and pushed it aside as across the floor. Revealing a dusty old hidden passageway.

"I bet this leads into the East Wing Trophy Room. The Madame probably doesn't know about these," Steve said mischievously.

"Why is there hole behind books?" Firebrand inquired.

"Some really old houses and castles have secret passageways. People installed them if they needed to make a quick get away. Things were a lot more violent back then even more than they are now buddy. Perhaps when you're a bit older, I'll fill you in on some of mankind's less proud moments. Unfortunately, we are living through one of them."

Leaving Firebrand to ponder on that thought, Steve made his way through the old passageway. It was clear that it hadn't been used in quite a long time. The floorboards were covered with dust and every corner was coated in cob webs.

The passageway pointed them around several corners until Steve made it to the end where he found the backside of another book shelf. Activating the mechanism, the book shelf slid off to the side, and the duo emerged into the Trophy Room where Madame Hydra and the rest of her troops were waiting. They appeared to be preoccupied with watching the sealed security door, unaware that they were there in the room with them. However, this time she came more prepared with more heavily armored grunts and multiple Wardens that filled the room.

"Keep your eyes on that door!" Madame Hydra commanded. "It won't hold the two of them for long!"

Steve knew that after their display in the West Wing, Madame Hydra was going to be smarter with her tactics. He would have to play his cards right if they were going to catch her and her men off guard.

"Firebrand. I have an idea, but its a little risky. Do you trust me?"

"Yeh!" Firebrand said excitedly.

"Alright, hop out on to the floor. I have a little surprise planned for Madame Hydra's goons here."

Pacing back and forth across her balcony, Madame Hydra waited anxiously for the arrival of Captain America and his equine companion. His interference in their plans was beginning to prove troublesome, and her master was not going to tolerate any delays. The Captain however proved formidable as he mowed through many of her troops. So she took the extra precaution of laying a trap for him in the event that he found a way to blow down the security door.

Suddenly, the most awful gonging sound rang through the entire room. It vibrated everything, including the floor beneath her feet. She and her soldiers tried covering their ears in an attempt to block out the horrible sound. It was like being under a giant church bell as it was swinging back and forth.

The shaking became so bad that parts of the floor caved in, sending most of her heavy armored Wardens falling down to the floors below.

A familiar shield came out of no where as it bounced from one soldier to the next, decimating most of her force in only a few seconds.

Cap came out into the open and finished off a few remaining stragglers that were in the room. Picking up one of the smaller grunts, Steve picked him up and tossed the grunt over thirty feet, nearly hitting Madame Hydra.

"Where the hell did you take Falsworth?"

"You will soon see him...in hell! TROOPS! TO MY SIDE!"

More soldiers swarmed into the room as Madame Hydra threw another set of gas canisters to prevent Cap or Firebrand from escaping.

Steve and Firebrand had an even harder time dodging both Madame Hydra and the three Wardens as they constantly had to switch between blocking blows from either opponent. The only openings they were given were when Madame Hydra was forced to reload.

Getting an idea, Firebrand ran away from the Wardens and gazed up to where Madame Hydra was standing. He saw she was carrying a number of gas canisters that were hanging around her waist.

Concentrating carefully on the canister, Firebrand grabbed the canister within his magical grasp. Madame Hydra, startled by the display, stopped only for a moment, giving Firebrand the opportunity to act as he squeezed the canister, causing it to activate.

The smoke clouded her vision and stopped her volley of gunfire as she tried to get away from the noxious gas.

The opening allowed Steve to promptly take care of the rest of her soldiers before moving on to the Madame herself.

"K-Kill them y-you c-cretins!" she coughed out. "They are only a man and a pony! YOU ARE HYDRA!!"

Steve just smiled as he saw the state she was in, coughing violently as her reddened eyes watered profusely.

"A man and a pony that you are obviously afraid of....unless you care to prove otherwise." Steve slyly said.

Madame Hydra hissed at the duo and leaped down off of her balcony.

"Gladly," she growled.

Time moved slowly, as soon as Madame Hydra landed on the floor below, Steve felt adrenaline rushing into his blood stream as he dashed in. Punching her in the abdomen she felt the air out of her lungs as she was uppercutted in the chin so hard, that she would flip backwards on to her feet. Each time, she tried countering with a shot to the head, but Cap would push her arm to the side as he closed in. Steve repeated this three more times, not allowing her to have so much as a split second to defend herself. Uppercutting her for the fourth time was the most powerful by far as she was sent flying into the wall. One of the bookshelves was completely wrecked as Madame Hydra quickly got back up on her feet, spitting a big glob of blood out of her mouth.

Steve tried to subdue her, but she quickly pulled out a smoke bomb, and tossed it to the ground, covering her movement across to the other side of the room.

"Give up Captain!" Madame Hydra called. "Your friend is lost!"

Picking up Firebrand and putting him back in his harness, he ran up another flight of stairs to where Madame Hydra was waiting for the two of them.

For the final time, she blocked off their escape with another volley of gas canisters as two Juggernaut Flamers and two Wardens marched out of the only other passageways.

"We shall deal with the both of you accordingly Captain," she said sinisterly.

Soon, Steve felt his muscles scream for relief as he dashed through the small room, getting in hit after hit to each of the soldiers, all the while blocking close range rapid gunfire from Madame Hydra. Even Firebrand was unable to see anything clearly as he was shaken around, hanging off of Steve. Two of the Wardens tried double teaming Steve, but he quickly saw an opportunity as he pushed their claws into each other. The two Wardens were locked up, like two dueling stags as he clubbed both of them with his shield and sent them tumbling down. Madame Hydra tried to quickly gun down the duo multiple times, but thankfully the immense size of her Wardens made great cover for them, weaving around the room every time she got too close.

When the last of her troops had been finished off, she retreated back up to the safety of another balcony and began pelting the duo with a barrage of napalm grenades.

"Stay still you mongrels!"

She kept Cap and Firebrand on their toes by switching back and forth between lobbing grenades and using her rapid fire pistols, all the while dodging everything that they tried to throw at her.

Steve ended up moving in the wrong direction and had the misfortune of getting shot by three stray bullets he failed to block. Thankfully, they merely impacted into his shoulder and missed all of his vital organs. Things were looking pretty grim for the both of them as they were almost quite literally backed into a corner as all they could do was defend.

However, when Firebrand saw the case of munitions behind Madame Hydra, he came up with a wild idea.

"Daddy! Throw frisbee and toss me!" the foal shouted over the explosions. "I'll make green box go boom!"

"What???" Steve asked the foal.

When he saw the munitions crate behind the Madame, the wheels in his head began to turn as he smiled.

"Ahhhhhh, alright. But we play this my way alright? The last thing I need is Peggy blasting me with her rifle for getting you shot."

Firebrand agreed as Steve waited for when Madame Hydra switched back to her grenades. When she went to toss one, Steve launched it back, watching as it blew up in her face. He then held out his shield like a tray as Firebrand hopped on. Pushing it upwards, Firebrand jumped higher than normal, clearing forty feet. Madame Hydra regained her footing and tried to shoot the foal out of the air, but was once again stopped by a throw from Cap's shield.

Having a clear view, Firebrand looked inside himself, and felt the familiar sensation of magical power. This time though, it was fueled by many strong emotions. A tension built up inside his horn and grew more and more until he forced it out, sending a bolt of red energy right past Madame Hydra.

"HA! Did you think that would--" she started, but realized what he was aiming for instead.

"KA-BOOOOOOOM!!!!" the foal shrieked with glee.

The munitions crate was struck by Firebrand and exploded in Madame Hydra's face. The entire side of the building was blown clean off, and the outside was completely visible.

Steve caught Firebrand in one hand and nimbly dropped him back into his harness. The foal laughed in excitement, feeling a lot better than he was before.

All she could do was scream in pain and anger as she grabbed the side of her face that had been scorched.

"You....You...." was all she could say.

"I suggest you surrender Ophelia. If you come quietly, I can get you medical attention," Steve said calmly.

Her eyes widened in surprise for a moment, but quickly reverted back to full of rage.

"I don't know how you got ahold of that information Captain, but I assure you. THIS is a badge of honor!" she cried defiantly referring to her new injury. "I would gladly sacrifice my life to give the master the time that he requires!"

"If you are seriously calling Zola "master", than you're sicker than I--"

"Zola? No, I answer to a greater power Captain! The one who will lead this world into a glorious new age!" she proclaimed.

"The Red Skull? He's here? Tell me where! NOW!!!"

She looked out of the opening the explosion made by Firebrand and started backing up.

"Farewell Captain and red mongrel. May your deaths be agonizing."

Steve held up his shield as she gave them one last volley of gun fire before escaping the area.

"HAIL HYDRA!" she cried.

The duo were left once again to themselves, feeling all of the aches and pains associated with a tough battle. This time though, they were properly facing through it together as father and son.

"Nasty lady got away," Firebrand pouted. "I wanted to blow her up for hurting you daddy!"

"Don't worry, we'll get her soon enough," Steve reassured. "We should follow her anyway. She will probably be heading right for the skull. Then after that, we should get to looking for this "Sleeper" we keep hearing about. Its gonna drive me nuts if I don't get some answers on that."

Making his way through the last of the passageways and out of the estate, Cap came across another journal entry from the mysterious Baron Zemo, detailing his meeting with Arnim Zola. Apparently, even the Baron thought that Zola had far pushed the boundaries of technological advancement when it came to his recklessness with the subject. It made Steve wonder just exactly where Zemo's true allegiances lied if he was never satisfied with his partnership with the Skull.

However, it would have to be a concerning thought for another time as they finally found their way to the hole in the wall where they leaped out of Zemo's private estate and into a heavily guarded field of mines, mortars, and tanks....

Author's Note:

I hope you guys all enjoyed this one. It took quite a while, but I rather enjoyed writing this one. Being the longest chapter of the bunch so far, I had a lot of things to talk about.

As always, I hope you are enjoying the story Josh! I wish you and Aramau the best.
Sheva Brachot and L'chaim to the both of you.

Let me know folks if you find anything majorly grading.

MAJOR UPDATE: The Narnia plotline attempt is gone. I've replaced it with more fitting Norse mythology that actually coincides with Marvel

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