• Published 3rd Apr 2019
  • 3,250 Views, 218 Comments

A New Brand of Freedom - Spettro138

The First Avenger discovers an adorable explosive infant in one of Hydra's hidden labs and decides to raise him as his own.

  • ...

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Regroup and Respite

As soon as they made their way to the forest, snowflakes had already begun to fall from the skies at a rapid rate. Firebrand was completely enthralled with them as he batted away, trying to catch one on the tip of his forehoof. Steve was focused on the path ahead through the trees. The sound of grass, twigs, moss, and toadstools crunching beneath his boots. His Howling Commandoes following closely behind. Silence for the moment was suiting them just fine. Focusing on the sounds of the woods and the weather happening all around was unsettling, especially after two days and two nights of violence, overstimulation, and pain. Steve's healing factor was still weak from Zola draining his blood and it only contributed to the extent of his injuries. Dugan and Falsworth he could only imagine needed medical attention after what Madame Hydra had put them through.

Steve's only desire was to load up and go after the Skull as soon as possible, but tending to his squad and Firebrand's health had to take precedent over everything else. His men had to be in top condition before they could begin their campaign. Their mental condition had to be put under a fine tooth comb after the horrors they were subjected to. Any distraction would be deadly for them. Things weren't all bad though. Now with the men they had rescued, they had a treasure trove of intelligence. Every potential advantage had to be utilized against men like Zola and Schmitt who could think a thousand steps ahead of their enemies.

"So, what's next up on our agenda Cap?" Dugan asked to break the silence.

"Where are we going next?" Firebrand asked eagerly.

Steve let out a sigh of annoyance and sympathy.

"I hate telling you all of this and I wouldn't do it if it wasn't absolutely necessary, but we need to regroup back at London HQ. Debriefing those men and all of you getting checked out by a doctor is my top priority right now." Steve breathed out.

Dugan and Bucky tried to protest but Steve held up a hand and stopped.

"I know how you all feel. I want to go after Zola and Schmitt the most. Four of you including my new son were captured and tortured, experimented on. But I want you all at 100 percent before we go at Schmitt with full force. Nothing can hinder or distract us."

"Fair enough Captain," Falsworth said solemnly with a nod.

"Its your call pal," Bucky replied.

"I don't like it but, I guess a pint would do me some good." Dugan added.

"Just make sure we get back out fast." Gabe urged.

Firebrand tapped his forehooves together nervously and his eyes darted back and forth in thought.

"What about me?" Firebrand asked.

"What about you?" Steve repeated.

"Can I...come?"

Steve was silent for a moment as they walked along.

"You know, if I remember correctly, you were supposed to be grounded when we got back young man." Steve said in a sing song voice. Your...mother wouldn't like it if I just brought you along everywhere."

Firebrand just slumped down sadly and went back to twiddling with his hooves. After a moment, Steve let out a small chuckle

"I guess all the timeouts in the world isn't going to keep you from following me. You've been a great help during this whole thing. Besides, I think Peggy knows that sadly, the safest place, despite the risks...is with me. I'd rather not let you out of my sight again. Schmitt and Zola's goons could be hiding anywhere."

"He sticks to you like glue," Bucky added.

"Furry glue with metal shoes that can knock your block off," Gabe noted humorously.

"Just all part of the fun eh Cap?" Morita asked.

"You guys aren't gonna make this any easier for me are you?" Steve asked rhetorically.

"Nope!" Dugan replied with a big grin.

The others just laughed as Steve rolled his eyes.

A half hour later, they made it to the rendezvous point where they were to meet up with the rest of the POWs. Steve thought it was a good idea to keep Firebrand covered with his shield to avoid the reactions he had gotten from the 107th the first time they all saw him. He didn't want to risk the chance that one of the POWs might spill the knowledge of the colt's existence to the public. Or that one of them might have gone under mental reprogramming in Hydra's torture chambers. Firebrand complied, albeit reluctantly as he remained silent and tried not to make any sound.

Most all of the POWs greeted Cap and his commandoes with zeal and enthusiasm, glad to be back out in fresh air for the first time in months. They went to the front of the group to lead them down the mountain and into the valley where the transport planes were all waiting for them to return.

There was no lack of talking from the men, especially with how stir crazy they must have been. He could tell right away that a few of them were rather fragile, despite how upbeat they were trying to present themselves to the others. He shook the hands of the ones that were close to the front of the group, hoping to break some of the tension they might have been feeling.

Snow was accumulating on the ground as the hours went by, creating a thin sheet of white over the mountain range. The sky was turning a pale pink, a sign that dawn was closing in. It would still be night back in England, but at least they could enjoy the sunrise that much longer. Steve looked out over the mountain ranges, thankful that they weren't walking down any of the steep drops that the mountains of the Bavarian Alps provided. Out in the distance far to the West past a few mountains, Steve could make out the jagged saw like peak of Zugspitze, the highest mountain in Germany. Its snow capped peak was like a mighty beast peering over a hill to get a good look at its prey. He had heard that part of its summit was blown up by the Nazis only a few years prior to make way for the construction of a flight tower. It was rather a shame that such a natural wonder was defiled in such a way. Part of him would have loved to have seen the mountain in its prime.

Deer and rabbits ran across their paths every now and then, startling a few of the more delicate men. Once or twice, Dugan had to straighten out a man who tried doing some impromptu hunting as they went along their way. If any enemy forces were still in the immediate area, they wanted to err on the side of caution and stealth just in case. Most of the men were at poor physical condition, including Steve's friends. The past three days had done bad things for their health and they were on their last legs, despite putting up a strong face for the others. Steve was the only one who was recovering faster thanks to his healing factor.

It didn't take too much longer for the group to wind their way down the mountain as the sun began to slowly peak over the horizon and shine through the clouds. The land started to open up and the trees began to part as they approached the valley down at the bottom. The valley was much more open and clean, but still just as covered with blankets of snow as any mountain top in the range. Only another mile later, and they finally came across the makeshift rendezvous point where the C-47 planes had been waiting for them to escape.

Boarding was slow and arduous, but it gave Steve and the others a chance to personally meet each soldier. The three planes that had waited for the group had just enough room for everyone. Dugan and Bucky kept a watch on the surrounding entrances into the valley in case they were followed. Once everyone was on, Steve went in, but gave a last look to the sky, watching the black smoke from the ruins of castle Zemo rise above everything else. Just knowing that things weren't going to be any easier strengthened his resolve. The coming days would tell if he was ready to lead his men to victory, let alone raising a magical infant.

Once they were seated near the front, away from the other POWs, Steve allowed Firebrand to come out to breathe. Being strapped in, with Firebrand on his back would have made sitting down impossible without hurting the colt.
Though Firebrand had to keep his shield on in the seat next to him at all times to prevent any unexpected encounters.

"I'm gonna want some real food when we get back," Dugan groaned.

"I know a good little place by the water. Wilton's. Best oyster bar in Westminster." Falsworth replied. "Owner is an old friend."

"I didn't take you for a seafood guy. I'll bite."

"Sure, count me in." Morita added.

Gabe relayed to Jacques Dernier, the silent, but passionate Frenchman of their team and he enthusiastically agreed. The next hour was spent with them talking about different kinds of food their families made for them back home. It all sounded so mouthwatering that Firebrand himself was finding himself getting hungry too. Firebrand tried asking to come along, but Steve wasn't entirely certain how much of human food the colt could eat. Until he experimented, he didn't think an equine eating meat of any kind was a good idea. Perhaps that would be a prudent question to ask Howard Stark once they returned to base.

Once they did, many of the soldiers were unloaded to be debriefed and placed under medical care. Steve's team mates in particularly were given multiple once overs to ascertain their condition and provide the right treatments. Dugan and Falsworth had to get their blood checked out after the SSR was made privy to their tortures at the hands of Madame Hydra. The SSR was the only military organization during the war that had access to specialists of the relatively new practice they called "psychiatry" and a few of the more at risk men were ordered to seek counseling from them.

A day later after hours upon hours of debriefing and a long, loud mouthy lecture from Peggy with many curse words and shouting, Steve woke up to another bright and early morning at the SSR office in London. Firebrand was sleeping under the crook of his arm, curled up like a cat. Not caring in the slightest that both were smelling terrible from their previous venture.

"A hot shower for me and a bath for you is definitely gonna be on the itinerary today," Steve commented.

Steve gave a whiff of the air around him and coughed. A sour odor was radiating off of Firebrand and permeating through the whole room.

"Whoo! You more than me. I didn't think you could eat scallops, let alone that many."

Steve grabbed the colt with a single hand and leaped down off of his bunk,


"We both need a shower, and I have a meeting with the Colonel at noon today." the human said sternly. "Then we need to talk to Howard. I'd like to know what or who snuck into your head back in Bavaria."


After a quick flash rinse with some gritty soap, Steve quickly put his uniform back on and ran into the map room where Colonel Phillips and Peggy were patiently waiting. Firebrand followed closely behind, adequately cleaned and dried off. The cool air of the intelligence office circulating through the corridors made him shiver from head to hoof. A group of intelligence officers were going through stacks and stacks of documents Steve had siezed from Castle Zemo before it was destroyed.

"Well, if it isn't the star spangled man with a plan?" Phillips said with a raised eyebrow. "I thought you turned into Sleeping Beauty on us instead when you didn't arrive on time."

"It was my fault sir, I will be sure to be up earlier next time," Steve said stiffly as he stood at attention.

"Well, see that you do Captain. Regardless, we have decoded and discovered quite a lot from the men and documents you brought back from the Castle." Peggy explained.

"After cutting through all the garble, we've managed to pinpoint the exact locations of every Hydra base on your map." the Colonel continued. "After your little escapade over there in Bavaria, Hydra is pushing their plans faster now. Intel suggests that they are pushing out more and more weapons every day."

"Is Mr. Zemo with them?" Firebrand asked. "He could help."

"Zemo? The owner of the Castle?" Peggy asked.

"The latest Baron Zemo provided his Castle to Hydra willingly, but if those journal entries were any indication, he got tired of Schmitt and Zola really fast." Steve explained. "He was with the Skull every step of the way. If we can put tabs on him and bring him in, we might be able to find that last Hydra base a lot faster."

Phillips nodded and had one of his subordinates send out a bulletin to their allies to look for the lost Baron.

"Anyone in Hydra we can capture before they take one of those bloody cyanide pills will do for me." Peggy remarked dryly.

"First things first, we have more lights to fire and feathers to ruffle. Are you still up for it Rogers?" Phillips asked seriously.

"Yes sir!" Firebrand squeaked out with a hoof raised in salute

"Yes sir"

"At least someone here answers immediately." he replied with a half grin before going back to a stern expression of indifference. "Now, if that report from those pencil pushers in the cryptology department can get here faster, we might just be able to get you out faster Captain."

A middle aged officer with a tall, pale face, twinkling eyes and oaken brown hair came to the map table with a stack of papers and handed them off to Philips. Steve didn't know why but he had a feeling that there was something special in this man. Firebrand could see it too. A sort of merry jovialness one might see from a school teacher.

"The intelligence for the Baltic Base sir." the officer stated. "I certainly hope it is to your liking."

Phillips eyes scanned across the pages as he flipped one after another over the corner, by its paperclip binding. He looked to the officer in question and shook his hand.

"That's the best german to english translation I've seen. What's your name lieutenant?"

"John Ronald Reuel Tolkien sir. Always a pleasure." the man replied happily.

The man turned to Steve and Firebrand and his eyes almost seemed to alight even brighter. He politely asked to shake Steve's hand, to which the man quickly obliged.

"Captain Rogers. It certainly is a great pleasure to be working with you as well. I hope our humble work here can help your efforts to beat Hydra."

"Every little bit helps John," Steve replied with a smile.

He looked down at Firebrand and kneeled down for a quick pat after getting Steve's permission.

"Quite the charming little fellow."

"Yeah, he has his moments."

Firebrand relished the attention as he pushed his head into John's hand. Locks of his mane went through his fingers like golden waves of grain.

"You smell like books and ink," Firebrand said. "I like you Mr!"

"Oh! So you do talk!"

"I can say lots of things!"

"If we can get back to business, I believe you should be getting back to your own work lieutenant.", Peggy said firmly.

The middle aged man stood back up and coughed awkwardly as he gathered his materials.

"Oh, quite right. My apologies maam. Sir." Tolkien replied as he gave a quick salute and went off somewhere.

They watched as he walked away, he started quietly singing a small tune.

"The road goes ever ever on, over rock and under tree..."

Turning their attention back to the map table, the Colonel began to spread out the intelligence.

"Nice guy." Steve commented.

"Yes, he was quite accomplished in the last war and he's one of the best linguists we've ever seen." Peggy said. "Created his own language and even published his first book a few years ago. Haven't had time to pick it up myself, but I hear good things."

"With those talents, we've been able to discover the routes and supply chains going in and out of Hydra's bases. How about it Rogers? Ready to cut off some more heads?"

"Yes sir. I can leave as soon as I hear my team has been cleared for combat."

"Good. Now get your little imp over to Stark's lab on the double. I want to know what made him go berserk." the Colonel concluded. "I read your report and while I didn't believe in magic before, there's a lot coming to light that's way above my pay grade. I'd rather keep him as an asset and not a liability. Get me?"

Cap saluted and sped out of the room with Firebrand following closely behind. The colt could tell that something was wrong and he had a good idea as to what. The tense feeling in the air that Steve was starting to give off only made Firebrand feel guilty. Whatever had possessed him and however it did, had scared the super soldier intensely. For as short of a time as he's really known his adoptive father, he didn't like the idea of Steve being afraid of him.

"Did I do something wrong?" Firebrand asked sullenly. "You look angry."

Steve looked down at him and shook his head.

"Of course not buddy, but someone is trying to hurt you from the inside. We're just being cautious. That's all. Uncle Howard and his friends are gonna give you another look."

Just around the corner, Howard Stark and his scientific team were experimenting with more of Hydra when the two entered the room. Howard was in a pair of head mounted magnifying glasses examining what appeared to be a dead Warden. Taking a pair of pliers and tweezers, they watched him carefully take apart the plating of the Warden's large claw arm. On a table to the right was a Scorcher. One of the Scorchers that had been recovered in France at the Hydra Maginot Line factory. Just like its own namesake, it was completely burnt from head to toe. The flamethrower arm was no longer attached.

One of Howard's aides spotted the duo waiting patiently in the doorway and tapped Howard's shoulder. He turned off the lamp illuminating his workspace and turned around towards Firebrand and Steve. Both had to resist the urge to snicker as the magnifying glasses mounted to his head made his eyes look almost as big as the pony.

"Yeah, Yeah, laugh it up, but you did us a great service. These specimens were shipped in late last night." Howard said as he took off his spectacles. "Once we reverse engineer a lot of Hydra's machines, we'll be able to better combat Zola's creations with my own."

"Can we ask you something?" Steve asked.

"Anything my friend."

"I'm sure you already read my report. Something tried to worm into Firebrand's head back at Castle Zemo and I need to figure out what. I don't know the first thing about magic."

He got up out of his chair and brushed his silky brown hair back in thought.

"I unfortunately don't know the first thing about magic either." Howard admitted. "But I do know how to read brain waves and energy signatures. Let's see if we can find us the source of his insanity."

He pulled Steve and Firebrand over to an operating table where he had a lab assistant pull an electroencephalogram to hook the foal up. Firebrand was interested in everything that was happening as they hooked wires up to his tiny head. Howard instructed the foal to lay back and try sleeping. Firebrand was unsure, but after getting a nod of affirmation, he curled up on the operating table and tried going to sleep. Howard helped the process along with a low powered sedative that placed the foal into a deep REM sleep. He made a slight grunt of discomfort at the needle but then his eyes started to flutter and close.

"Now what?" Steve asked.

"Now, we wait and see what he dreams about."

The two just stood there with Firebrand's chest slowly rising and falling, allowing himself to be taken to his dreams.

Little did they know, that an ancient power had already foreseen this effort to detect his presence and adapted accordingly...

Next Time: War Horse

Author's Note:

A bit of a pleasant filler chapter. I might modify this chapter as time goes on.

This reference thankfully is in the realm of reality. Yes, J.R.R Tolkien was rumored to be a cryptologist or code breaker during the second world war. Also yes, during world war 2, most military organizations didn't have immediate access to organized psychiatry yet, so many soldiers were unfortunately left without any mental care.

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