• Published 3rd Apr 2019
  • 3,260 Views, 218 Comments

A New Brand of Freedom - Spettro138

The First Avenger discovers an adorable explosive infant in one of Hydra's hidden labs and decides to raise him as his own.

  • ...

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Super Soldier: Icarus and Daedalus

Author's Note:

Here we go. I hope you guys like this one. I worked pretty hard on it and I'm hoping to get back into a groove with popping out more chapters of this story.

Let me know what you think in the comments below and like if you like XD

He could barely think as he focused on his fighting. Dozens of prison guards seemed to be popping up everywhere, forcing Steve to put more power into his attacks. The constant onslaught began to wear on his stamina and endurance. He still hadn't had ample time to properly heal from his fall from the radar dish despite being out for close to an hour. Many of his bones and torn muscles had still not properly had the chance to heal. Each punch and kick made his entire body burn like fire. He knew that he would have to find a moment at some point in the near future to at least sit down and take a small breather. Sprinting through the long corridors of the detention center made his lungs scream for more air. Around every corner, he came across more and more small groups of guards trying to ambush him. A Warden even tried sucker punching Steve with his massive claw. Leaping off of the wall, Steve brought his elbows down on to the Warden's helmet like a hammer and then threw him over his shoulder. The action made his arms hurt all over to be sure.He found a staircase leading up to the second level where he checked all of the cells in the area for any signs of Bucky, Dugan, Falsworth, or Firebrand.

The next level up, he found a bridge that had been pulled over to the other side, most likely leading to a monitoring station for the entire cell block.

'I'll have to find the controls to get that to extend so I can cross', he thought as he continued.

Finding another staircase, he ran up to the third level of the cell block where he found a ledge above a previously locked out part of the prison. Launching himself over the railing, Steve landed down thirty feet into another security checkpoint. Five more soldiers were waiting for him as he maneuvered through two more floors, trying to avoid as much attention as possible. Soon enough, he heard a very familiar voice just around the corner that filled his heart and mind with joy.

"I'm giving you guys a chance. Let me go and I'll take you both on unarmed. It's the best offer you are gonna get from me. I'm actually trying to help you dumbasses. You hear that alarm? You are gonna want to deal with this kid by the time HE'S done with you."

They heard a solid clang behind them, forcing all three to turn around. Bucky smiled mischievously as he recognized the familiar disc. The two soldiers turned back around to come face to fist with Bucky and Steve who double teamed them. Finally getting a chance to take a breath, Bucky leaned up against the wall as Steve inspected him.

"Bucky! Are you alright?" he asked concerned.

"Ahh, don't worry about me. I used to get worse from that fat kid on Delancey. Big as a brick house and twice as dim." he chuckled weakly.

He knelt down and stripped the soldiers of some of their gear while Steve inspected the immediate area.

"What about the others Buck? Are they--

"Still alive last time I saw them. That dame Madame Hydra took Falsworth and Dugan. That direction." he pointed. "And Cap, shouldn't somebody be hanging off of you? Where's the kid?"

"....They...they took him Buck. That chunky little fart Zola plucked Firebrand away from me while I was strapped to a gosh damn table and I was completely powerless to stop those bastards."

"Oh no....have...you found any leads yet? Is he alive?"

"I called Peggy, she said that Zola wouldn't compromise a chance for getting more power or learning something new, so I at least know that he's still alive for now. I need to find him Buck. NOW."

Bucky could tell that it was seriously messing with his head, losing Firebrand. Especially after only a few days of being pronounced his official foster father. He gave Steve a sympathetic look as he placed his hand on his shoulder and stopped him for a moment. He needed Steve's head in one piece if everyone was gonna make it out alive.

"Steve, I love the little guy too and I promise that I will personally come along to help you find him and beat Zola to a pulp, but we are not the only ones trapped here. They've got POWs from everywhere pal. Americans, Russians, Brits, Scots, Irish, Free French, Latverians, you name it." he pleaded. "Cap, they've been tortured..starved. They need medics and fast. If we don't help them now, they are gonna die. Its impossible to ask you this, but we have to save these guys first."

Steve continued down the path with Bucky walking with him side by side.

"They'll...They'll get them. I'll notify Peggy and have her send for extra transport." he replied reluctantly.

They heard two soldiers running around searching for him. Steve pushed Bucky and himself up against the wall to avoid detection as they watched the two soldiers move on.

"No one on this level," one of the soldiers reported. "Check sector seven."

"Listen, there's a railway tunnel running west out of here. Ends in a bridge. They use it to bring in supplies. Its our best shot of getting that many men outside." Bucky explained. "I can bust them out. If you can take care of those snipers in the guard tower."

"A-Alright. I think I can handle that," Steve said reluctantly.

"Look. We'll find him. After all of this, we'll go home together and I'll personally pay for the biggest pie from Luigi's that we can split and devour."

After a few seconds of silence, Steve smiled and then nodded as they continued their game plan of rescuing all of the captured Allied soldiers.

"Here--courtesy of Stark," he said as he pulled a small device the size of his palm out of his pocket. "Its a miniaturized short range radio receiver. So the Invaders can keep in touch."

"Wow! Look at the size of it," Steve quietly mused as he put the device up against his right ear.

"I'll be impressed when it picks up Fibber McGee and Molly. Now when I get the prisoners out, I'll come back inside and help you find Fire--"

"No. You rendezvous with the others and head to the extraction point," he commanded.

"When hell freezes over!"

"Buck, if what you told me is true then these men will never make it out on their own." he calmly responded.

Venting his anger, Bucky picked up a stray grenade from one of the Hydra soldier's belts and threw it across the prison chamber, watching it fall into a small platoon of guards and detonate. The blast engulfed an entire security checkpoint leaving it and all of the people there in ruins.

"Damn Rodgers, you always gotta be a killjoy for me huh?"

"Take care of yourself okay?" Steve asked as he gave Bucky's hand a firm shake and vaulted over the railing.

"You too Steve," he quietly replied out of his earshot.

Landing down in front of one of the retracted bridges, Steve looked across the chasm and saw a mechanism on the other side by the railing most likely used for retracting and extending the bridge. Suddenly, he heard Bucky's voice coming through the device on his right ear.

"Cap, keep those snipers busy while I help free the men here." Bucky said through the device.

"I'm on it."

Slinging his shield across the chasm, he hit the switch on the other side, which caused the bridge to extend over to him and fold out, finally allowing him to quickly cross over. As soon as he started across, Steve could hear explosions and opening cell doors coming from all over the prison. Tossing his shield at the power box on top of the security door, it was instantly demolished, allowing him passage inside. Over a dozen prison guards were waiting for him inside the main security station.

Before they could react and aim at him with their rifles, Steve launched his shield at the communication units on either wall. The resulting explosions knocked out each group, allowing him to continue up the ladder in the center of the room. On the second level of the security station, he could hear the snipers getting into position.

"The prisoners are escaping! Keep shooting!"

The sound of rifles firing echoed through the station as Steve pulled himself up as fast as he could. He kept a stiff posture so as to not let his shield on his back bang into anything and alert the guards of his presence. When he made it up to the top, he looked all around the viewing room and found eight snipers all around. Two were posted at each sector; north, south, east, and west, presumably to cover more ground. Three regular guards were posted there as extra protection for the snipers, which Steve went after first.

Chucking his shield at one of them, he bounced the shield in between the trio which stunned them for a few seconds. Giving him the opportunity to go in for three consecutive knock out blows to the jaw, stomach, and neck. The snipers were far too distracted by Bucky and the escaping Allied soldiers to even notice Steve, giving him the chance to take them all out one by one. He went for a ricochet, bouncing his shield between three of the snipers, knocking them out while he knocked out three more of them and sent the other two over the railing.

Looking around the room, he spotted another rolled up schematic hiding under one of the tables. Unrolling it, he found that it was another blueprint for the Scorcher juggernauts that were beginning to pop up. The blueprints provided him with more of an idea on how to deal with their flame throwers.

If he managed to find Firebrand, it also gave him the beginning of an idea for creating a suit to contain the foal's explosive powers.

"Okay, we're all clear and heading for the train. "We'll see you there," he heard Bucky say through his comm device.

He found a large lever on one of the walls of the station, which opened one of the main cell block doors in the prison when he gave it a solid tug.

Once again, he could hear the angry voice of Madame Hydra bellowing through the inter com.

"Attention all security staff! This is Madame Hydra! It seems my little pets are escaping their pens. All long range units, converge on the eastern rail bridge. The rest of you...KILL THE SUPER SOLDIER!!!!"

Steve wasted no time sliding back down the ladder and sprinting back across the bridge towards the unlocked door as he made his way out of the prison.

Outside, he found himself in another moist, humid tunnel where he could hear water dripping from pipes, machinery whirring and the fearful cries of men somewhere close by. Steam was billowing out from the surrounding plumbing, fogging up Steve's shield. At the other end of the short hallway, a damaged power box was sparking. He didn't know why, but for some reason the atmosphere of this tunnel made him freeze in his tracks. Now that he had a somewhat peaceful moment, a million disturbing thoughts came careening back into his head. Far too many thoughts to keep track of, his mind just turned into a blur of information, completely intelligible even for Steve himself to understand. Thoughts of home, his parents, his late mentor, his best friend, his new love, his recent failures, but most of all, his newest son that had wormed his way into his life. So many things have happened in the past few weeks alone, that it forced Steve to reflect upon everything. The mix of emotions was overwhelming to say the least. So much so that Steve had to force himself to remember the people who were counting on him. Especially his newest family and friends most of all that needed his help now more than ever.

Running around the corner, he dropped down twenty feet into another maze of maintenance tunnels. Soon he came into a massive railway tunnel where an unusual hi tech train was waiting. On the far left side was a massive circular door blocking their only way out of the castle. Three glowing lights could be seen lining the train's spine, from the back to the front. Most likely the power source of the gargantuan jet black vehicle. He could see Bucky on the other side of the rusted tracks helping more men on as they prepared to make their escape from the castle.

"We're all aboard Cap," Bucky said through his communicator. "I almost got the controls unlocked."

"Good going. Is there a way to open the bulkhead door? We need to get you guys out of here and fast."

"Not from here, we'll need your help with that. There should be a control panel on the observation deck above you."

Looking down the walkway, he found a large stack of wooden boxes which helped him to launch up and grab ahold of the broken pipes lining the walls. Swinging upwards, he made it to the observation deck where he found another large lever. He pulled and pulled on the rusted piece of machinery with all of his might, until it scratched against the metal of its casing, making an awful screeching noise. Now that it was a bit more loose than before, he tugged it back which activated the door mechanism. The opening began to crackle with electricity as it slowly but surely began to slide downwards, revealing snow crested Bavarian mountains against a golden evening sky. Fresh cold air blew into the tunnel as the door completely opened, finally allowing the train passage outside.

"The way's clear Buck. Now get going! NOW!" Steve barked.

As if almost by command, another door opened up beside the tunnel door out on to a balcony, where Steve could see everything that blocked the train's way to freedom. Two bunkers on either sides of the tracks were waiting for the train, completely overflowing with Hydra soldiers of every shape and size. A sniper tower on the east side was completely lit with activity forcing Steve to stay low and out of sight.

"Cap! They've got a welcoming committee outside!" Bucky yelled.

"I know, I see them! I'll handle them. You keep going and don't stop for anything."

Turning off his comm, he turned his attention to the obstacles that were laid in the train's path.

"I'll need serious firepower if I'm gonna breach those bunkers. I sure wish Firebrand was here...."

Scanning his immediate surroundings, he found a stable rock wall with all manner of vents, pipes, thick electrical cables, and ledges which helped him greatly as he scaled the building and climbed his way up to the balcony above him. Up there, he found a Hydra grunt on the far side of the balcony operating what appeared to be an oversized missile mortar turret. Nearest to him, was what appeared to be a morse code radar locker. Howard Stark had shown him the basic mechanics of them to Steve only a few weeks prior. All he would have to do was aim at a desired target and once he was ready, he would have to pull the lever and the nearest Allied bomber would be there to blow up whatever he wanted. Giving a look between the device and the railway bridge, he knew what he would have to do.

Hearing the train begin to move, he put his plan into effect as he quickly snuck up behind the grunt and knocked him out with his shield as Steve took control of the turret.

Everything else was all a blur as soon as Steve started firing. Everything around the tracks lit up like fireworks as the bodies of Hydra soldiers began flying everywhere. Splintered wood and bricks exploded in every directions, leaving both the bunkers and the sniper towers in complete ruin.

Soon he spotted the train beginning to make its way safely across the tracks and away from the castle as Steve once again heard Bucky's voice congratulating him.

"We made it Cap, that got hairy for a while," Bucky stated tiredly.

"And it could be again if they come after you. So I'm gonna make sure that they don't," Steve said with absolution. "I can't risk you getting captured again helping me find Firebrand."

"What are you talking about? Don't you dar--"

Steve turned his communicator to a different frequency as he moved to the radar locker and began aiming at the bridge..

"Rogers to Morita do you read? Peggy told me you boys have artillery stationed just outside the boundaries of the castle. I could really use some of that right now."

"Rodger Wilco Cap. Just give me the coordinates," Morita's chipper voice said over the radio.

"There's some kind of range finding radar device up here. I'll see if I can't get it working. Stand by."

"Copy. Standing by."

Steve went over to the device and found a reticule to look through, which he aimed right at the middle support beams of the bridge.

"Rogers to Morita, prepare to receive coordinates by Morse Code."

Once Steve locked on to the bridge, the device's circuits fried, sending the coordinates to the other side of the mountain where the Artillery Division was preparing their payload. The last thing the device did before it shut down completely was the sound of beeping and sputtering wires.

"Coordinated received. Get clear Cap. All right, Gabe. Stand by for initial fire order."

Four consecutive mortars were launched into the air and then exploded dead center in the railway bridge, sending pieces of it all over the canyon. Smoke billowed out from the ruined bridge, no doubt sending a clear message to Hydra's forces.

'Now my next step is to find Firebrand, Falsworth, and Dugan, and get them out of here.' he thought frantically. 'The only problem is that I have no idea where to start looking.'

Suddenly, his communicator activated and Morita's voice chimed in. He was breathing fast as if he had been running a lot.

"Cap? I have a message from Bucky." he said.


"He says screw you and he's gonna kick your ass later." he chuckled nervously. "He's pretty pissed. I definitely recommend you treat him on our next leave."

The man just chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"I probably deserve it. I know he wanted to help out. Anything else?"

"He says he may have a lead to where Zola is keeping your little guy." he replied with certainty. "One of the POWs overheard a code cipher Zola used to get deeper into the labs. Its Delta, One, One, Seven, Foxtrot."

"Copy. Thanks Morita. Now help Bucky get those men clear. I'm going back in to find the others."

Turning off his communicator, he turned around and found another bulletproof security door with another keypad which he cracked within only a few seconds. The door clunked and slowly slid open as Steve went back into the complex to find his son. The first thing he heard after a few steps into the building was the sound of Zola's voice over the loud speaker.

"Attention all security and laboratory personnel. There is a code 12 evacuation in progress. Several experiments have escaped. Reinforcements are on route."

Firebrand could still see or hear very little, as he was still in a lot of agony. Everything around him was a complete blur to his senses. Tears streamed out of his eyes, nearly blinding his sight. The back portion of his fur was soaked with something smelly and viscous. Water and various other substances dripped from the ceiling, sometimes falling into his mouth, which tasted vile and toxic. He could feel something nearby was billowing out copious amounts of steam and various other gases. Over his own whimpers and groans, he could faintly hear other screams and the sounds of rapid footsteps going in multiple directions.

Suddenly, he heard a slow set of footsteps enter the room, forcing him to turn his head towards the door. He began to feel faint again, but the last thing he saw before slipping back into unconsciousness was a horrifying dark figure, disfigured in multiple places, and covered in barbaric machinery that seemed to be grafted to its skin. And it just kept approaching the foal with a hungry look, despite the clear lack of eyes...

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