• Published 29th Jan 2019
  • 6,547 Views, 376 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Legacy - Little_Draco

Spike awakens and his time to return to world has come. With added family, grown body and new challenges to face, Spike will find the world has changed without him and he must adapt, even if pain must come from it.

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The Dragon Lord’s Legacy


Canterlot had been saved as was the rest of Equestria and possibly even the world. With the powers restored to the Princesses, the Celestial bodies were returned to their wardens and the magic that could spell great catastrophe, was in control of those who wielded it with absolute and just.

The recovery of Canterlot was to say a bit more easier with the magic restoration and… surprisingly the help of both dragons and yeti alike. At first, the ponies were apprehensive to allow those that invaded them a helping hand so to speak, but when the princesses vouched for them, it was a quick turn of events.

Apparently, with the defeat of the Storm King, they had no current ruler, hence no leadership or role to play in. Of course, it fell upon the Princesses to ask them to help rebuild and free the citizens. Not long after that, did the remainder of their ships become a vessel to take those that remain back home. There are a few that refused to settle but when confronted with the dragons, did they opt to wait in the ship's holding cells. And in an isolated cell, deep within one of them, was the statue of the Storm King himself.

The four Elders stuck around to help with what they can, holding buildings for repair, freeing more citizens and even keeping the young ones entertained for the moment to lessen the burden of those that needed to work. Garble more or less was just to clean up and help the ponies around, his punishment starting with that. Shadescale oddly disappeared, though Eliyinsa stated she was off to reap the first part of her reward in Ponyville that involved Spike’s gems.

While they wished that that was all she sought, it was only a matter of time and when Spike would become older and taller she would reap her second one. The dragons went all to help what they could.

Saphira, to her absolute delight, was swarmed with foals, allowing them to play on top of her, using her wings as slides or climbing to her head. Watched by the parents(those who haven’t passed out or run away) and the guards, Torch had never seen her this happy being surrounded by the young in decades.

Twilight, Celestia, Luna and Cadance also helped around, trying to assure the citizens that the regime occupation had ended and those that were part of it, were now aiding them. A pardon for those who wanted it, it was also given to those who wished to stay as a permanent citizen. Few did, though accommodations were to be established such as a room with a cold temperate climate could be accessed since they were creatures of ice. Three wanted to stay and personally serve, including the one that Spike saved and the Yeti Commander who had attacked them. He believed that they were better worth serving under then the Storm King himself.

Tempest Shadow, former captain of the regime, had waited for her punishment. She was not free without sin and in the eyes of the many, as unlawful no gooder that deserved to be locked up behind bars forever. Yet, it was the Princesses who pardoned her, if she were to travel around and spread the Storm King’s defeat and help with recovery with the places they had attacked.

This part was met with expectations that she would do so without hesitation. Standing before the Princesses, Tempest stood firm and rigid, mostly out of habit but with full attention.

“If and when you have completed your goal of restoring those you've wronged, can you be allowed access and citizenship of Equestria once more,” Celestia said firmly but without the stern voice.

“And… will my return give me another punishment?” She was a bit hesitant.

“Far from it, Tempest,” Twilight answered modestly. “Maybe you can find a calling back here or something else. After you told me you have been gone from pony kin for a long time, you could come back to a better role.”

“Like what?” Princess Luna, Celestia and Twilight looked towards one another before Twilight gave a warm smile. “Perhaps a personal guard or a new division under my watch.”

A humble honor to be given this and perhaps a reward worth more than regaining her horn back. A place to come back to, maybe something close to home. She gave a nod and for the first time, a smile in turn.

“I’ll do my best Princess! Now, where do I begin?”

“Oh… I have a few ideas if you don’t mind my input?”
From behind her, did the princesses and Tempest see the form of Queen Novo, queen of the Hippogriffs and Sea Ponies. Surrounded by her were two guards and her daughter, Princess Skystar, who seemed upset with red cheeks, most likely from trouble she was in. The queen was as tall as Celestia and seemed more imposing than her.

Tempest swallowed nervously, especially seeing a slight, dark grin of the beak of the queen. Still, she would do her best to own up to her troubles and remain with her head held up.

“I-I will do what I can to make it up… for all the trouble I have caused,” She restated.

The hippogriff queen lifted her head, giving her a small stare. She studied the mare to see if she was telling the truth and willing to keep her word.

After a moment, her grin grew. “Good, though I hope you don’t mind working both above and below water, hundreds of feet below the surface now, right?”

The main six were helping where they could, trying to calm everypony down, even a certain celebrity, and continue the festival. The giant dragons roaming around did have its flaws but it became tamable for a while as they learned anything they could of modern Equestrian culture.

There was a bigot, not Canterlot noble oddly enough, going around and trying to convince the dragons were going to eat and set the city ablaze. Yet, it went unheeded and ignored, right up until they ran out of the area. Twilight felt an odd sense of disturbance from the pony, but none more so than Eliyinsa who had peered into their mind.

This would have to be discussed later.

And speaking of dragons, Twilight had yet to notice Spike, Ember or their hoard since the whole debacle earlier.

“Hey, anypo- anyone seen Spike or the others?”

Her friends and the princess shook their heads, but it was Eliyinsa who merely pointed with her snout up. High above on the tallest peak of the highest tower, Ember and Spike were seen sitting. At first, she was worried that they were having a possible heated discussion on their relationship, which was voiced out by Rarity.

“Oh, I do hope that this whole incident doesn't affect their love. I would hate to see such a beautiful and wonderful pair break up.”

Eliyinsa looked down at her and shook her head. “No, Ms. Rarity and while it seems like this would destroy it, their love for one another remains strong. They just need to assess how they will tackle their problems and roles in the future together without crossing one another.” She looked back up. “This staggered them, proving that even the most devoted hearts can have struggles, but they are eternally bonded. Not even death will rip them apart.”

Spike and Ember watched from high above as the repairs of Canterlot continued, with the help of the Elders and the Yeti. A few ships already headed out, to return back home, along with the frozen form of the Storm King.
They had been there since the end of the fight, but no words had been shed. Instead, they opted for a comfortable silence with Ember resting her head on his shoulder and claws in grasp.

He was, to say the least, content with it. They already knew they would face troubles more ahead, but this showed that they could weather anything and hopefully come out stronger.

As they watched Sol slowly reach the horizon, a pair of familiar forms soon joined them. One in particular came zipping up to them and all too eager. Without any hesitation, they welcomed Smolder back with open arms. The smaller dragoness all but rammed into both of them, tears leaving her eyes as she was sorely welcomed back.

The final member of their hoard joined and as a whole, hugged each other with tears, warmth and love. A kindle went around them as each one gave the love and care they deserved. Spike apologizing profusely much like Ember did to him, about doing what he had to do. Smolder’s forgiveness was that of him to Ember. For such a small dragon, she had a huge heart, and another reason why he felt like didn’t deserve all this. After their reunification, they separate and Ember pulls up the Bloodstone Scepter for Smolder.

No words or permission needed, she grasped the handle and was welcomed back with the familiarity of warmth from joining the hoard once more. It truly cemented the forged, strong and beautiful bond that should have never been broken.

After rejoining, they sat together to watch the world below them. Smolder sat on Spike’s lap, wrapped in his arms, while Amy sat behind Ember, arms wrapped around hers. Each pair had their claws or tails wrapped with one another; treating this as a silent promise to one another that they were to never let go.

Come nightfall, the Friendship Festival resumed and the world seemed to allow peace once more. The celebrity herself even did her ‘Song’ to the crowd once more to celebrate the peace. Tempest Shadow, or as Pinkie later blurted out to the world, Fizzlepop Berrytwist, created fireworks. For now, she was staying to help with the festival, but come tomorrow, she would be in the air and back to restoring and fixing all the damage done.

As the party commenced, a certain entity decided to pop in right about…. now.

In an explosion of confetti and jellybeans, Discord made his re-entrance. “Oh! Hello everyone, every creature and everything here!” He said excitedly. “So, what did I miss?”

A grunt of annoyance left everyone present but the only ones truly happy to see him was Spike. “Discord! Glad your back, though we really could have used you!”

He gave a small nod. “Well, I would first like to apologize for my absence but… due to budget cuts, like I established before, have prevented me from really joining and not to mention, there was an old problem I had to deal with.”

Eliyinsa, Zynthia, Torch and Saphira, first to encounter the Chimera of Chaos, turned weary and remained guarded. Eliyinsa being the first to think little of him.

“So much for a reformed spirit, surely you could have prevented all this?”

The chaos god turned and suddenly, summoned up a yellow floating wheelchair with a helmet up and ascended. “Well forgive me, ‘Ms Professor Xavier’ but I am a very busy draconequus. Besides, surely you all have learned some kind of valuable lessons without my interference?
I mean, even if I were to have helped, what progress wouldn’t have been made if I were to just… make this all disappear, hm? Afterall, life’s greatest problems can’t all be fixed by magic now, can they?”

A half smirk and condescending tone left him as he eyed the telepathic dragoness. “No matter how much we wish we could, especially our pasts.”

She wanted to desperately dive and rip into his mind, but all that got was a chuckle from him. “Oh, please do!” He ripped the top of his scalp to reveal his brain and all its messy glory of cotton candy, bubbles and other tiny versions of himself running amok inside. “Read my mind and tell me what wonders you seek!”

“Mother, don’t!” Spike warned, “It would be best not to.” His mother did stop, mostly out of fear of the horrors she would find before he turned to Discord. “And Discord, please leave my mother be, it's already been a tiring day.”

The draconequus popped his scalp back on and gave a mocking bow to her. “Of course. Wouldn’t want to strain any further ‘relationships’ now. But I will be you all adieu and go complete my after movie credit cameo and move on. Tata!” He exploded in a cloud of words that said something about some movie credits and such.

None of the dragons were pleased though Amy chuckled. “I love that dude! He is so funny!”

Everydragon gave her the stink, with her giving an innocent, “What?”

Garble, after cleaning, was forced to take his punishment, which only annoyed Smolder as to what he did now. A simple, ‘He got a lucky hit,’ from Spike came the reply but that was it. So he opted for something idle but still grueling for him.

“As for your punishment,” Spike began, somewhat in a mock authoritarian voice, though he couldn’t help cracking a grin at the wilting red drake. “You are to spend two… make that three weeks with ponies and learn about their customs, traditions and values on Friendships. I expect a report at the end of the week.”

This had the red drake blink in small confusion. “And who or how do I report this to you?”

“Oh, you’ll be with Twilight in the Castle, so you’ll report to her and be living with her.” An oddly familiar squeal could be heard in the distance. “And you’ll be doing house work to earn your keep.”

The red drake grumbled but simply nodded, though it was pleasing to the trio of females to see him like this, Spike did give him a bit of a hope at the end. “Though I did hear from Fluttershy that her best friend Tree Hugger, would be staying a bit longer, to help remove the negative energy from her with this recent invasion and such.”

Hearing that had the drake instantly perk up, but soon turned to a blush when he saw the cheeky grins from the four dragons in a teasing manner.

Clearly the drake was quite smitten with the harlequin coated mare…

Though the only good thing from his small fight with Garble, was his new scars across his face that gave him a dignified look, at least in the eyes of his hoard.

“I like them, they make you look edgy.” Amethyst remarked.

“Yeah, though I hate how you got them, it still beats the spear going through you,” Ember stated, rubbing where the spear had cracked a few scales but no real lasting damage.

He gave a small grunt in agreement. “I guess nothing can really harm a dragon, huh?”

“Other than another dragon and maybe the Bloodstone Scepter,” Ember gently rubbed where he nicked himself. A soft reminder to both of them of the choices that can affect them both. Speaking of the Scepter, ever since he accidentally called it, the adult dragons seemed… off, to put it lightly.

“Where did they go?” Smolder had asked.

“Perhaps to discuss and deal with any issues that this may have brought with my mom, Celestia.”

Smolder hugged his sides. “Are you ever gonna get used to having so many moms?”

A small chuckle left him. “Used too, no, but happy with them nonetheless. Besides, no matter where I go, I will always have family with me.”

That night, with the party in full swing, Spike and his hoard joined in, soon followed by the others. The city celebrated, with both victory and allies gained. They were introduced to the pirates, the abyssinian, the queen of the hippogriffs and her daughter, as well as the hedgehog that tagged around Tempest.

Today, he would enjoy what he could with whom he could. Tomorrow, he would return back home to the Dragon Lands and help guide her and the rest of the dragons there into an era of peace and friendship. He would make it so that ponies, dragons and even other species could coexist with one another in Harmony. His role would be that of a ‘Guardian’, a protector and a preserve of knowledge, wisdom and ideals to a better future. Not just to dragons but to keep it between dragons and other species.

It looked to be a challenging future and perhaps a heavy one, but with his hoard, his mate, his friends and all of his grand family, he would push through. After all, what is anyone without a family?

Deep inside the Canterlot mountain, away from prying eyes and the world, Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence along with Shining Armor sat around a table, where in front of them were the four elder dragons of Eliyinsa, Zynthia, Torch and Saphira.

“I am glad this whole invasion is over with and we were able to help Princess Celestia.” Torch began. “I would hate to see what would become of you and the ponies if this ‘idiot’ succeeded.”
“As are we, Lord Torch,” Celestia thanked him.

A chuckle left him. “A Lord am I no longer, that belongs to my dear daughter.”

“Once a Lord, forever a Lord,” Celestia, Luna and his mate echoed, earning a warm chuckle all around. But then a seriousness took over and Celestia took on a more regal manner.

“Though I imagine that with what has happened between us, Spike is still the center part of something that you wish to discuss now?”

They all nodded, with Eliyinsa pulling forward. “Yes, and while I am glad to know he and the others are safe, it comes to our attention that he is now far more than what we have anticipated, including his past.” A small squint left her. “With you and the others we can piece it all together and reveal something forward about him.” A pause then she turned to the area where they arrived. “I believe we also have our guest here. Enter!”

From around the corner, a deep green dragon came, about the same size as Shadescale, standing taller than Celestia and walking on his hind legs. He had red eyes, two lined horns on top of his head with small fins as his ears. A pointed black snout along with black membrane wings adorned his body with a yellowish green blend underbelly.. His green scales made him look like a walking emerald without the gleam. Appearing before all present, he bowed right away humbly.

“Elders, Prince and Princesses alike, thank you for allowing me to come. I am Blacktip, the Archivist, Scholar, Historian, and record keeper for dragons.” He then lowered his head with a soft somber tone leaving him. “I apologize I wasn’t here to aid in the invasion of Canterlot, but I am no ‘seeker’ and have just mastered enough of my ‘Firebreaking’ to hone it to my liking. Coming from Manehattan was difficult, even at top speed.”

“No apologies required, Blacktip.” Celestia said curtly. “This has caught us all off guard and no one was prepared for. As is, we are sending aid to those affected by this.”

“I heard that you are sending the mare who caused this havoc itself to repair the damages?”

“We are. Though it may take some time to repair it all, we are confident that she will make up for her crimes.”

A simple nod left him but said nothing more.

“Forgive our ignorance, but may we ask what his role in recording this will be?” Princess Luna queried.

Eliyinsa gave a small nod. “Blacktip records anything related to any Dragon matters that may or will become relevant, including Spike’s role in the future. He will help guide him in the years to come, along with providing current affairs of dragons not just at our home but those of dragons in other areas. He was sent as an advisor from me years back to the dragons living in towns and cities like the ones located in Manehattan. But now, he will help with new recordings, including drafting up any partnerships, business and more between us.”

Then the mood slowly turned and she turned to the Elders, who gave her the support she needed to continue. “But first, we have to understand that while Spike’s future role will be assessed and aided, we must turn to the past to deal with a possible threat to him. A burden that may be too heavy for him to deal with.”

A sigh left her and she gave a short nod to Blacktip. The dragon snapped both of his claws where flames ignited over them briefly and conjured a large scroll and a large quill made for his claw size and ready to begin recording. “Whenever you are ready.”

Eiyinsa quickly started with a small segment and establishment of what was to be discussed. “This first half is to keep Spike’s name in the clear, in case of any retaliation of his heritage being discovered or announced. He is, up to now, happier to not know who he was sired by nor his connections to the one who laid his egg.”

A nod from Blacktip, licking the tip of the quill and giving it a small kiss of fire at it before writing this down, instantly burning into the paper that sealed a magical signature. “And will we now or ever have to address his heritage that may come to affect his role?”

A grumble and soft mutters circled the Elders with Torch shaking his head. “Spike is his own dragon. Should the day he comes across it, he will not lose his status. He is a drake that has no evil in him that would warrant him to lose it. After what we have all witnessed today, he is a dragon worthy of everything he deserves.”

Another nod from Blacktip, with more writing before looking up at them. “And while I am obliged to keep writing about everything that may transpire here, including the involvement of the Princess of the Sun, the Moon, and the Prince and Princess of the Crystal Empire, my knowledge of this will not be discussed to Spike at all, correct?”

Torch gave a firm tone to him. “We ask that you swear upon your namesake, your title and your life that unless we deem it necessary, Spike will never know who his sire and dam are. That his past remains there and to never speak of it.”

With a flick of one of his claws, the scroll vanished in flames but the quill remained. He raised it up, holding it with his thumb and index claw with his free claw held out in the open. “I, Blacktip, Archivist, Historian, Scholar and Record Keeper, swear to remain silent and tame. No words of what has been discussed here or written, will be made known to Spike Sparkle, unless given permission by the Elders and Royalty here today.”

With that oath spoken, Eliyisa reached out, touched his claw with her own and it was sealed. Both of them retracted then re-snapped back his scroll and readied to write once more.

The past was coming up and now, they were here to discuss how to keep a drake from knowing his horrible birth to a cruel dragoness. Eliyinsa felt sick, for the dragoness to give a small shake of her head and took a deep inhale before exhaling softly. “In order to understand why we feel this threat is relevant is because of who his mother was. While we were unconcerned for his father, due to possibly having no connection other than the conception of Spike, his mother is perhaps a threat like any other that we dragons have not faced in our history.”

“From what we have gathered between you, our stories together and possibly smaller other sources, Spike’s mother had forced a male into providing her with an egg against his will.”

A concerned look came from the Princesses but they remained silent. Blacktip said nothing but wrote on.

“You see, when we exile a dragon, we do it with the intention of removing every trace of them, every name or story of them, as if to make it so they were to have never existed. Their families are either forced to disown their blood with them, to the point where shunning the exile is mandated or encouraged. The worst thing to a creature of long living, like us, is to erase them from history, from the minds of those after and to make them less than what they are. No ‘scales or shell’ to their namesake, making them less than nothing. They leave the lands and never return.”

“Spike’s mother was… to say a stronger case. She was mad with her abilities and the most dangerous dragoness in the lands. We not only exiled her, but using the Scepter, prevented any male from ever touching her to provide her with an egg, to forever be barren from ever laying a clutch and possibly passing on her abilities. We tried to suppress them with bracers like mine but were only successful in binding one of them to her. Most of her powers are still fully accessible.”

Celestia softly chimed in. “Powers, abilities like your own?”

A nod and her face sank further. “Identical in every way,The black dragoness squeezed her eyes tightly. Her whole body shook, to have it briefly cease as her larger scarlet mate wrapped her in her wing in comfort.

Feeling her support, she gave a shaky exhale, then inhaled to speak once more. “Spike’s mother is and forever will be… my sister… Xilarya. And now, you all will know of our past and what led up to the events of her exile, my bracers, his possible birth, and right into her giving her egg to you.”

“Spike’s origins are the greatest kept secret but now, they may be the greatest strength to help secure the peace between pony and dragon alike, for he will succeed and become the Dragon Guardian.”

Author's Note:

Coming this Summer witness the final story in the Dragon Lord books. The sequel will be called the Dragon Lord's Guardian. Witness the ending tale of Spike as he will be part of a role that has not been tackled in genrations. With the cliff hanger at the end, we will learn who was his birth mother, what became of her and what may lead the dragons into a different age.
New Dragons will be brought forth, many OCs, comic dragons and more! A shorter story line for the next one but one I hope is just as memerable.

Thank you all for sticking to book 2 of the Dragon Lord series. Now, know there are many mistakes but I hope during the course of the summer leading up to the final book, I can hire editors to rework the series and make sure it looks crisp. I plan to expand this to other sites and bring more readers to my series.
With that, I will tackle a few problems that have come up and I wil try to address them as best as possible.
1. Dereain name. I have gone back and have mis spelled my own characters name. It always got me confused since he was based off another character that I had with the letter placing mixed. It got pointed out, so again, waiting for editors to redo the series.

2. The SUDDEN mention of Eliyinsa's sister and Spike's mother. Truth be told, I had given so many hints throughout the series, only one person, ONE PERSON!!!!! has come so close to solving it, I am surprised they didn't blew it up in the comments. The many, many clues can be found since the end of The Dragon Lord's Consort and most of this book as well. To say the least, her sudden introduction could be seen from far but it shouldn't have been a total surprise. This will be established in the sequal series.

3.Inclusion of other dragons from different media will be more so in the sequal. You will notice names, mostly because if you know of the dragon, you already know what they look like and I don't have to describe them as much. I will even provide visiual examples. Blacktip being mentioned through the final chapters. Along with that is the class of dragons like 'seekers' 'brawlers' and other types.

4.Powers and abilities will also be seen more however, they will not be treated as magic based. One complaint that did come up was how dragons were or were not affected by magic. In truth, through most of history, dragons have always been sort of immune to magic in some form. While in the show the only one who didn't seem to get really effected by it was Spike or Smolder (Showdown between Cozy Glow and student six) as well why Rarity and Twilight didn't attack Garble at the Guantlet of Fire episode. You get the jist of it. Powers and magic can compete with one another and hopefully won't be to difficlt to understand.
5.This ending did get rushed but that is because I already was late with my otherr stories and this one needed to be done as a focus. If it was not as blockbustery as you thought or short for its mane premise, I apologise but as my time it coming to a close, I wish to finish this all before this years end.
6.how soon will we get the sequal? Truth be told, I had to push back everything by a month. The blog post will be here for that explaing that --------> HERE
Summerish is the goal, but not early unless I kill the others storiies first(highly unlikely without aid.)

Thank you all again for sticking with this series until the end and I hope that it brings you much joy as it does to me to write it. I welcome critiscms and such

Sequel can be found here!!!Dragon Lords Guardian

Comments ( 15 )

Tree hugger.


Her and garble would work well

Well if this is truly end to this story - you forgot to change it from "Incomplete" to "Complete".

I must ask who did the cover art for this?

:twilightoops: Thanks! Done, it's been awhile since I set that setting.

This was quite the enjoyable read, hope to see the sequel to this! Celestia knows a lot of good stories end on pieces that could move into a sequel.

Keep up the awesome work and hope to see more stories from you!

The forward looking ponies look like chipmunks on the cover art.

No chipmunk covers guaranteed but glad you liked the stories.

I can't wait for the sequel and to find out more about Spikes past like who exactly his mother is and what's her story along with his father.

Comics dragons will be in the sequel ehh. Awesome, sounds like Mina will be making an appearance.

And more then just simple appearance :raritywink:

What an awesome story, can't wait for what happens next

That Was Awesome. Also, what a pot twist. It has been a wild ride and I can't wait for the sequel. When will it be ready?

Comment posted by Little_Draco deleted Sep 11th, 2023
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