• Published 29th Jan 2019
  • 6,547 Views, 376 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Legacy - Little_Draco

Spike awakens and his time to return to world has come. With added family, grown body and new challenges to face, Spike will find the world has changed without him and he must adapt, even if pain must come from it.

  • ...

Eye of the Storm

The Dragon Lord's Legacy

Eye of the Storm

The air from Equestria's pleasant and cool one to the slow warmth of the desert was upon them. The updraft of heat that would normally bring in good feelings to them, was tempered by the ill faded mood of what had been lost.

Canterlot was now under control of a rogue army, coming from who knows where. They captured Princesses Celestia, Luna and Cadance. They were now trying to capture the final one, that being Twilight.

All dragons were forced to retreat due to the Scepter's recall back home and this was a defeat that no one could have prepared for.

Each one was carrying a different emotion, a different burden that made this flight much more painful to do.

Spike was an emotional mess, his face contorting between stunted rage, terrible sadness or roaring whines of pain. He couldn't even properly speak out loud, though the howling winds that had them flying through didn't deter it from being heard.

Ember was in disarray herself, her heart squeezing tightly upon itself, as her actions had cost them so much. Between Spike being possibly infuriated with her, to the disconnection from Smolder leaving her group, to the guilt of the state she had left Canterlot. This was only aided by the fact that Spike had refused to meet her eyes once since they left. Her tears were carried by the winds that sped by them and it hurt not knowing what was the worst one to feel.

Garble was only feeling pure anger right now. His anger was at Ember and Spike, making them not only abandon his sister to those creatures, but also separating from them in order to save Spike's pony family. His anger was justified by the fact that now, he wasn't even sure if his sister was safe because those that were originally keeping her safe, are flying back home without her. His eyes leering over Spike was making this flight much more unbearable.

Amy was a mix bag. She felt horrible for leaving her favorite little hoard mate, but it was worse since she was forced to stay behind and help Twilight. She understood why he asked for her to stay but it still hurt, the feeling that disconnection from her. But now her worry was on Spike and Ember. They hadn't spoken to one another and by the way Ember was looking, it didn't take all of her smarts to understand that Spike was more than crossed with her.

But she knew that they would pull through. They had to, for Smolder's sake. For their sake.
He couldn't hate her for doing something so selfless… right?

The pull had continued long and hard for all of them, pushing past their limits, leaving them almost exhausted by the time they reached the changing of the plains to the desert. The Scepter finally easing a bit once its primordial grounds began to inch closer and closer. The eternal flame within is no longer forcing them in haste to its creation.

They settled into a slow glide and allowed the heated winds to keep them aloft as they were less than 50 leagues away from home. The tension now audible as the winds no longer were loud from their velocity.

"I can't believe you left my sister back there," Garble growled out loudly. While he was tired like them, he flew ahead before turning to them and hovered in front of them.

Spike gave a low growl in return but paid him no mind. Ember gave Garble a tired look, one that stated 'That this could wait until they got home,'

Garble was having none of it and shot forward. "HEY!" He roared at them. "Answer me! Why did you force Smolder to stay back there!?"

Spike, who was already angered beyond anything, gave a hot reply with fire wisps leaving his maw. "I told you Garble! She needed to stay with Twilight and keep her safe! They needed to keep out of arm's reach of that crazy mare and her army! What more do you need to know?"

Garble crossed his arms and glared dangerously at him. "Why her?" He demanded. "Why not separate yourself, or Amy to do it?"

Spike glared back at him, his stance now hovering in place and looking back at the red drake, with the other two doing the same. "I trust her to help Twilight. Amy was helping fight them off alongside you, remember?" A snarky tone leaving him. "And she needed all our help for us to escape as well! Take what you will of all of this. I made the call, I demanded she help Twilight. She is safe with them if she sticks by them."

Gable snorted at that answer. "And what's your excuse then?"

"I am mated with Ember, Garble!" Spike retorted with a snap. "I can't leave her side no matter what." He gave a brief glimpse to Ember before looking back. "I couldn't leave her if I wanted to." A visible hard flinch from her.

Garble didn't like the reply but nor did he demand another. Instead, he gave a low growl outloud and gave a burst of flame to the skies.

"Ugh! I should have stayed with her then! I could have protected her!"

"And then both of you would be targets!" Spike countered hotly. "Are you willing to put your sister's life at risk? Can't you trust that she will be more beneficial with them, then us?"

"How!?" Demanded Garble, smoke leaving his nostrils as he hovered dangerously close to Spike. "And why risk her life to protect them!? What makes them so freckin important!?"

This time Spike got dangerously angry and pulled close to Garble, closing the gap. Ember and Amy quickly pulled close, trying to keep them apart.

"You both need to stop!" Ember commanded, though her strength was not in it. Spike and Garble continued to stare at each other. "None of this is helping! Look, we are almost home and we can talk there but right now you need to-"

"You are one to talk, Dragon Lord!" Garble challenged hotly. "You caused this problem and forced us to retreat with our tails between our legs!"

"GARBLE!!!" Spike instantly got in front of Garble's face, inches away from his face. "You better choose your next words carefully!" His very nature changed as wisps of flames were leaving his mouth and smoke leaving his nostrils. "That is your Dragon Lord that you are talking to! You need to calm down or you will regret it, so back off… NOW!"

While the threat coming from him shouldn't have come off as threatening, it did. Garble had feared little from Spike due to his kind nature and timidness towards violence in the past, even when he became as tall and as strong as him.

Yet Garble knew that threatening his mate did trigger something that most males would do if their loved ones were in danger. Ember herself was caught off but this attitude of his though she remained focused on him.

Begrudgingly, Garble lowered his head and stood down, pulling back. Taking a few meters away, Spike watched him lower his anger and he gave a grunt. "I know that you are pissed off that we left Smolder but right now, we need to get back home so we can find a way to help Equestria!"

Garble didn't reply, but he didn't look back at him. Spike sighed. "Look, I know what I did to Smolder was wrong, especially after the night we spent together, so it hurts me too for doing what I did."

Garble turned his head slowly to Spike with an unreadable expression. "You… you mated with Smolder last night?"

Spike lowered his head in turn and nodded. "It was her choice but that doesn't matter now we- ooph!" Garble sucker punched Spike across the face. Then when the drake was still reeling, he tackled Spike out of the air taking them both down.

"Garble!" Ember cried out as they plumbed out of the air. She and Amy were caught off guard but quickly gave chase, though the Bloodstone Scepter was making it difficult.

Garble continued to throw punches at Spike as they fell, each punch making him roar out words. "You!" Punch! "Don't!" Punch! "Touch!" Punch! "My!" Punch! "SISTER!" Both drakes crashed into the ground with Spike on the floor and the red drake on top.

"Garble stop!" Ember roared out, trying to command him yet, her voice was weak and her will wasn't there. She was tired, she was scared and an emotional wreck, as she along with Amy tried to stop him from hurting Spike.

Garble continued to beat on Spike, unrelenting in his punches and claws on him. A good claw strike had damaged his scales on his face, leaving a claw mark of damaged scales. Just as he was about to deliver a heavy blow, his fist was caught by Spike's claw, a claw which was now inflamed and holding the punch at bay.

This surprised not just Garble but Amy and Ember as Spike held the fist in his ignited palm and slowly pushed back. The red drake grunted and tried to pull back but found Spike's hold firm and strong. Then Spike forced himself up and was now glaring at the drake with restrained rage, pushing back and now down on his fist. Garble's growl turned into a groan as his arm was being twisted and bent.

Spike continued to push down, hearing the red drake's discomforting pain as he held it down. Finally, he brought Garble to his knees, causing him to roar in pain as Spike pulled it further where he might have broken it, but held firm.

In the moment, neither Ember nor Amy could get a word out, surprised by Spike's sudden strength and calmed anger. Garble was finally on his lower knees, his eyes shifting up towards the purple and green drake, as fear began itching its way into his mind. He expected the drake to lash out, even the score as he had just attacked him unprovoked.

Yet Spike did none of that, it was not his nature, nor his intent. He was not about violence or revenge, he just wanted peace and while fighting off that mare was violent, he had no intention of killing them. He would keep his peace if it meant keeping that part of him down and getting hurt in the process.

Instead, the purple drake continued to leer down at him, still tightly holding his arm. Garble finally accepted his loss, knowing that whatever Spike could have done, he would have done it, regardless of what he would have said or done. He allowed his anger and emotions to get the best of him once more, this time, he felt that the grace of his sister wouldn't save him now.

He relaxed his arm, showing his sign of defeat and hung his head in shame. Sensing his loss, Spike let his arm go, his palms extinguishing themselves and they were left in silence.

No one made a sound, outside the heated air that breezed past them. The mood was far from gone but the malice was still stagnant around them. Considerably, no one knew what was going to happen and it didn't help that none of them were trying to help one another, even Ember.

She was trying to desperately say or do anything but her heart was still in turmoil with everything happening. She was leaning on Amy for support and even then she felt weak to her knees and sick to her stomach.

Finally after moments of silence, did Spike walk past Garble and open his wings, taking flight. The red drake flinched when he passed but otherwise made no moves nor comment. Both dragonesses looked at Garble then at Spike, before following suit. Hearing their wings, Garble fell on his tail in a sitting position, reflecting on his insurrections against both Spike and Ember once more. He wasn't even sure what to feel right now, especially since Ember had given him one final chance before she left. Now the question remained what was to be his punishment.

Exile or something worse.

The trio dragons flew fast, as the glow continued from the Scepter indicating they were almost towards home. Ember kept trying to meet Spike's eyes, trying to gauge or see what he was thinking but his determination to get back home was his only emotion.

They were not far from the Dragon Lands. Upon seeing the first stacks of volcanic plumes in the air, a feeling of both relief and discomfort came for them all. Spike felt some comfort in returning but it was consumed by the anger that it was not of his own free will.

Upon reaching the edges of Dragon Land, did Ember finally speak. "Spike…" She began but he quickly cut her off.

"Go get your father," It was almost a demand from him to get into action. "We need to gather every dragon and go back to Canterlot.

"Spike," She tried again. Once more he ignored it.

"I'm going to my mothers and see what we can do. Maybe we can-" Ember snatched his palm and pulled, stopping his flight. This caused him to pull back in forward motion, yet he refused to meet her gaze. Ember was desperate, trying to do anything and everything at this point. She turned to Amethyst. "Amy, can you give us some space?"

The pink dragoness looked worried for the two, as if they were going to start arguing or something worse. Normally, she would try and help defend or support her hoard maker in every way possible but Ember looked defeated. She was an emotional wreck and Spike was not giving her much comfort like a mate should be doing. This was a battle she could not participate in. Silently, she nodded and flew on ahead, leaving the two.

Once she was a distant away, Ember pulled close and spoke softly. "Please land, we need to speak."

Spike wanted to do everything else but talk, but the fragility of her emotions and his own forced him to obey. Both slowly hovered down, descending in pace to the ground by the edge of the Dragon Lands, further away from others and isolated from any unwanted attention.

As soon as they touched down, Spike pulled away and continued to stare out towards the lands. Ember felt her heart was breaking and she wasn't really sure how to be comforting her life mate, especially after what she had done. Swallowing, she spoke. "Spike, I-I-I am sorry for what I-I did at Canterlot, but I had to…" The last words came out as a whisper, her voice breaking. "...I had to." She repeated. "But she left me no choice a-and I would do it again, for you."

Spike said nothing, his eyes refusing to meet hers. Her eyes shed tears as she squeezed them shut. "Please… Please don't hate me. I love you, I-I did it for you!" A soft sob left, followed by the 'clang' of the Bloodstone Scepter dropping onto the floor.

Hearing her sobs, Spike sighed, his stature and form slumping, yet he still didn't meet her eyes. The tears and her whimpers wash over him, feeling the weight of his silence hanging on him. He tried to remain stoic but he couldn’t. Not to her, not to his soul mate.

Finally his voice reached her. "I-I could never hate you Ember, never in my life will I hate you." His voice was devoid of any true anger or lies, but he did sound tired like herself. The defeated tone was strong in his voice that was added to his earlier beating. "But… I am angry. I am beyond angry that… you had to do what you did to save me." He sniffed, shaking his head. "I told you before, I am not worth the sacrifice, even if it means breaking your heart by losing me. Others come before me and in that moment, you nearly destroyed my home and its ponies just to save me."

His palms squeezed tightly and a small wisps of flame left him but not directly at her. His inner fire burning but being tightly controlled by his heart’s heart. "It doesn't help that you used our time there to do it. If you have thought it through, we could still be there dealing with the threat!" A tearful growl left him. “I-I-I could have saved my family!”

Ember began to break, feeling like she was losing him. She covered her face with her palms, trying to hide her sorrowful look as tears fell from her eyes.

Spike watched from the corner of his own teary eyes. His own heart broke but he tried to remain firm yet he couldn’t. Again, they were joined in hearts, her’s beat with his own and he could feel her guilt and pain just by their connection alone. Failing to keep his stance strong, he turned to her and hugged her in a quick session, not meeting her eyes and instead pressed his head against hers.

Feeling his embrace, she finally broke and hugged him tightly, letting her tears fall. She sobbed softly against him, apologizing profusely to him, keeping him tight and hoping to never let go.

Spike remained silent, letting her emotions consume him as if not to become a cold and dejecting monster. A feat that he never ever wanted to achieve. His heart cared for her far more than he truly let on in that moment, but it was plagued but the anger and rage dwelling within, swimming with the guilt of betrayal, pain and the possible loss of his family.

"I won't hate you, but right now… I-I can't look at you without being angered. I know you love me, I truly and honestly know you do, but… our love shouldn't cost the lives of others. Especially if it meant destroying a city where many, many more could have gotten hurt or worse."

Ember sobbed softly, hearing his words, each one striking her heart. "I will never regret saving you!" She growled firmly, squeezing him against her. "Losing you is worse than death itself and I hate knowing that you will never understand that!" An angered but remorseful growl left her. "You mean everything to me and you can't put the feelings of others before yourself and I hate it! I would burn the world for you, yet you would allow yourself to die before I could even allow a flame to ignite it!"

He sighed once more, still hugging her and knowing that her anger for his selflessness was justified but it burned his mind and heart to even conceive the notion of throwing the lives of others. Fearing that this would lead nowhere else but more pain and anger, he brushed his head and spoke softly.

"Then for now, please… leave me be. I-I need to be by myself for the time being-"

"No! Please don't leave me!" She begged, holding him tightly and sobbing uncontrollably. Spike held on hearing her pleas. "I-I'm sorry! Please don't leave me! Please no, don't!"

As she continued to cry, his anger and frustration was boiling but his heart ached with unresolved pain through the conflicting turmoil within. The penalty of being a big hearted drake like himself was the burden of what others inflicted on him to the point where he felt weak, tired and heavy.

He didn't leave Ember, nor did he say anything else. Staying in this tight embrace, he allowed Ember to cry her heart out, needing her to release it all in one go.

The sun was just boarding the horizon and a big wonder came to him if it was Twilight lowering it or… some other force behind it.

It did take awhile for him to finally Ember to settle down and just remain docile enough for him to speak without her reacting negatively. He spoke in a calm and soft tone, one that had almost whispering implications.

"I will never leave you, I will never hate you and I will never ever destroy the love we have. My love for you is eternal Ember, that was my promise, our promise… to one another and I will never break that willingly. Every burden, every pain, every turmoil we will face or deal with, we will endure it together. You, me, Amy and Smolder, we are in this together forever."

There was a pause as his words sank in. As it settled into her mind, he added. "But as far as the world burning before me… it wouldn't be a world worth trying to live in if it must burn just so I can live." He swallowed and allowed a particular amount of truth to come through. "And… and I would do the same for you, but I would do everything possible to find another solution to make sure it wouldn't burn. That no lives are lost or given up or harmed, that way, in the future, some time in the future, we could all enjoy it together and as a family. Our… family, pony and dragon alike."

Those sweet beautiful words flooded her heart, making it beat with warmth once more. The serenade of hearing about what their future may hold kept her inner flame aloft and burning, yet she could still hear the inner conflict under the surface. As she prepared for a change in tone, he loosened up and gave her a kindle across her face, just barely out of eye contact. "And I would face the world together with you and them, knowing that sacrifice wasn't just another act but something that could be avoided if we can work together in Harmony. So please, My Ember, My Love, My soul… let me settle for today. Then… tomorrow, we hold each other once more and speak properly with our hearts."

She wanted, more than anything, to deny him that request, to demand it from the Scepter itself to make him stay. Yet… she couldn't nor would she. For now, this was her punishment, a pain that was only temporary that would be quelled by the promise of tomorrow.

"Am I being punished?" She asked, her voice hoarse.

Spike gave a brush of his head, thinking for a moment before responding.

"For now, this is just a brief time apart for us. At least, until we can assess our situation and gather as many dragons as possible. I need to consult with my mothers and… figure out what to do."

His eyes met hers briefly from the corners but full contact remained impossible. "I love you Ember, never doubt that and when we are back together again, we will speak."

Ember could only nod as he pulled away and turned towards his home… his first home here. Her knees felt weak, her heart was beating slowly and she felt… colder. He pushed buttons that she never knew she had and he broke her will with little words. That was the power he had on her, that was the strength of their love and their greatest hope was with each other.

She would remain strong, she would keep her head high and she wouldn't let her mistake cost her the love she had with him. And she was going to make sure that the one responsible for all this… would be held accountable!

With struggle, she opened her wings, grabbed the Scepter off the floor and took off to her cave. She needed the support of Amy to help her carry her, at least… physically.

Spike flew to the cave of his mothers with conviction, albeit with a heavy heart. He needed to say everything to Ember or he would never be able to forgive her. Was it over the top, maybe but he knew that he needed to be firm on his stance with her and what he was willing to deal with. For now, he focused on getting to his mothers.

Upon reaching the cave entrance, he felt great… change from afar. It was as if something had been altered in this home, in this cave.

He approached, slow in hover and with announcement. "Mothers?" He called out.

A sudden surprised gasp. "Spike?" His momma Zynthia responded. That was an invitation to enter, taking a quick flight through the mouth of the cave to see both his mothers there, though only his momma of scarlett was awake. Eliyisa was otherwise asleep though something seemed off about it.

His momma smiled briefly at seeing his arrival though a questionable gaze was upon her. "Spike, I thought you were not to return until tomorrow?"

Spike withheld a growl of anger and annoyance but he quickly approached. "Canterlot was invaded by a foreign power! They took out my mother, Celestia, Princess Luna and Cadance! They almost had Twilight but she got away!" He spoke in quick succession and felt himself riling up once more. "We tried to fight them off but… I was incapacitated and we were forced to retreat back here."

Zynthia was in awe at what he just told her but more so, the darker change in his tone stirred something in her, a motherly instinct to comfort her son. She quickly stood up to notice his bruising and cracked scales. "You are injured!"

He shook his head. "Nothing I can't handle." She approached and scooped him up in her claw, with grace and care, though he tried to loosen from her grip. "Mom! I am fine!"

She didn't relent, for it was her duty as a mother to be overbearing. The larger dragoness pulled him up to her face, eyeing his damaged scales. "These were done not by ponies but by dragons," She stated, noticing the claw marks and damage. "Who did this to you?!" She demanded.

"I am fine!" He yelled. "This didn't come from Canterlot. We need to go back and-"

"Spike!" A motherly growl left her, aiming at him. Holding him firm in her claw but not enough to further cause harm, she leaned close and in said motherly tone, she spoke evenly. "I need you to speak calmly and truthfully. What happened, what is going on with you and why… why are you without your mate?"

Spike flinched at hearing her tone. While he wanted to avoid details, his mother knew truths from lies. The obvious reason was they were able to keep secrets and lies. He gave a small exhale and spoke slowly to his momma.

For the next twenty minutes or so, he explained everything. His momma listened intently while her facial expression morphed from anger, to sadness to appall then… dropped to sympathy when her son hugged her claw in defeated tears. Even retelling her what he told Ember hurt her own heart.

"While I have no doubt you regret what you told her son," She said reassuringly, "-know that you did so because she needed to understand what lies within your heart and reasoning. Her actions put the risk of many for your safety-" Zynthia paused and swallowed as she spoke the next words with a touch of sorrow leaving her tongue. "And… like you told us before, the lives of the many do not need to die or be harmed just for you to live."

That left a bile taste in her mouth but, repeating his own words to him would settle part of the matter that she herself knew to be true as well. Spike held firm on his claw, feeling her comforting thumb rub his head. He was an emotional mess now too, having revealed everything to her.

Almost Everything.

"Though you didn't answer the question on how you got attacked by another dragon."


He gave a small sigh as he rubbed his bruised face. "I… when we were on the way back, I told Garble that I felt terrible for leaving her, especially after…" He mumbled the last part.

"What was that?"

He grumbled more.

"That is below you son, don’t mumble!" She chided him.

"I said… after I spent the night with her." He rubbed his face. "He struck me and said that I shouldn't touch his sister."

His momma frowned. "She was willing?" She questioned him.

He nodded. "She wanted it more than me." He confirmed.

Zynthia gave a small growl of annoyance. "I should be lashing that drake in turn!" She snapped, though before Spike tried to defend him, she settled just as quickly. "Though… I understand that a sibling is only doing that because they care for one another." Spike agreed.

"Yeah, but now comes the part where we have to rally every dragon and storm Canterlot and take it back!" His vigor and eagerness to return made her jerk her head back as he bounced in her open claw. "We have to get back and force that army out of Canterlot so we can save my family!"

Zynthia blinked and gave a more sympathetic understanding towards him. "Spike, I know you wish to save your family but we can't go flying in with dragons! What would the nation think of if we came in force?"

"Me and Ember can lead them!" He stated with utmost conviction. "We have been there and they know who we are! And once we get there, that army will have no choice but to surrender when giant dragons take them all down!"

While she saw his need and perhaps duty to return back to save his family, there were still a lot of unknown factors that contributed to the problem. He wasn't thinking about the collateral damage that could take place or how other nations that were allied with Equestria could see this as another invasion. Not to mention that they may take part as the saviors but not everyone would see the dragons as such.


"We need to leave right now so Twilight and the others can get back!"

"Spike-" She tried again.

"We can do this mom! We need to go back and save them!"

"Spike!" She finally snapped, ceasing his speech. The boom in her voice was strong, but not enough to stir her mate. Her leveled and calm stir didn't faze him like before, but it was still a look only a mother could give. "I know you want to save them son, truly I do. But we cannot rally every dragon and fly to Canterlot!"

"But… I-I-"f

"And even if we were to go, you have already stated that Ember used the energy of the Bloodstone Scepter to help you escape! The energy to recover it and allow itself for her and you to leave will be days. The earliest would be two days, especially after the amount of energy she used to create a massive tremor to shake the mountain."

Spike slumped, crest fell and felt his chest compressing itself, a whimper leaving him. "Bu-But my family…"

His mother cooed and brushed her head against his smaller frame. "I am so sorry my son, but for now the ponies and your family will have to fend for themselves. Even if we were to go ahead in your stead, who knows what they might do upon seeing a mass of dragons coming for the city."

His will shattered and he finally began to sob, crying in her palm and pressing himself against her head. All the hope and need to help save his family was delayed and hurt knowing that there was little to be done but wait.

His sobbing echoed the cave for a while, Zynthia allowing him to spill his heart out for her. Each cry was a stab to her own but for now, she could only comfort him as a mother could.

As he held himself against her, he noticed that his mother, Eliyinsa, had yet to awaken and greet him, even with all the noise. She continued to sleep but this felt different.

"Why isn't my mother up yet?" He asked, sniffling as he looked towards her form.

She slowly turned her head towards her mate, staring at her with low worry but reassured him. "She had overextended herself the other day using her powers and is recovering."

Spike blinked, seeing her slow rising and falling of her chest. "Was that… what did she do? I felt her… the day after in Ponyville."

Zynthia gave a glance at him, feeling that a lie would ease him, but their promises to be truthful came forth. She opted for a partial truth.

"She was trying to find someone using all of her abilities at their maximal potential. However, due to the time she hasn’t used them to their full extent in decades, it has taken its toll on her mentally and physically. Brief times she has awakened in the days before but only to eat and sleep once more. She should be fully recovered soon,"

'At least I hope so,' She silently thought.

But Spike was just as wise as her, just as quick to find flaws and notice things that stand out. Like the new scars on his mother's shoulder and the new fresh wounds on her body.

"Those wounds are new," He said, pointing to the healing and still tender shoulder. Zynthia gave him a look of a placid authority but the pain in the eyes spoke more than her face did.

"Some things can only be resolved through pain and through rage, I just ask that you never allow them to consume you to the point where you may hurt the ones you love."

Her eyes briefly went to her mate and returned to him. Spike's eyes went wide as he realized what was implied. "Why would she-"

"Because if you truly love someone, you will allow them to hurt you, before they hurt someone else to calm down. You will share their pain, you will bear their burden on your shoulders and withstand any torment together."

Spike’s eyes moistened, his voice sounding like a hatchling once more, looking at the sleeping form of his mother. "Was… it because of me?"

His mother didn't answer but brushed her larger head against his whole frame. "You do not deserve the pain of your past."

"But you and her do? You… are hurting because of me and you deserve it?"

“We make mistakes for the ones we love, Spike…”

“But they are not your mistakes or your pain to share!”

A twitch of her features, her voice solemn but with the love and adoration of a mother that would warm any heart of a young one to reassure them. "...We love you more than you can know and we are willing to take that pain for you so you can live your life to your absolute fullest. You are wise beyond your years, you have a heart that can reach many and you are without a doubt, the most important dragon in our lives. What pain we endure, what knowledge of the past we must face, and how upsetting it makes you, is worth it all, just so your life can be full of love and joy.” She lowered herself next to her mate, laying a large wing around her and set down Spike in front of her claws where he used to sleep with them before. “So yes, my son… for your sake, for your happiness, to keep the past behind, we do."

He pressed himself against her, letting more tears leave his eyes as the feeling of hopelessness seemed to be washed away with guilt. While the words of her describing how much they would do for him was amazing to hear, the fact that his past was still a great pain for them hurt all the more.

As the night began to settle, he noticed that the sun and moon, even from within the cave, had fallen and risen. Whether Twilight’s doing or someone else’s, he was just thankful that sleep took him and he was within the warm comforts of his mothers once more.

Author's Note:

A somber note, two hearts on a verge and an unlikely future of worlds colliding. What is the end result?
This one was easier to write because its always been on my mind but not the dialogue. It falls short and I tried to rewrite in so many ways but couldn't find the right words, so for now, I give you this.

Only two chapters remain on Legacy.