• Published 29th Jan 2019
  • 6,547 Views, 376 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Legacy - Little_Draco

Spike awakens and his time to return to world has come. With added family, grown body and new challenges to face, Spike will find the world has changed without him and he must adapt, even if pain must come from it.

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Spike’s Week: Day 5. The Promise of Eternal

The Dragon Lord Legacy

Spike’s Week: Day 4-5

The Promise of Eternal

Spike watched from the high part of the cliff, as the sun was beginning to set. Having ‘endured’ the brutal and almost graphically lewd explanations of Ember’s parents on mating.

The two parents went back and forth with one another on how to proceed, best position and so on until it left him and Ember embarrassed. It got to a point where Ember began to pull him out of the cave just as Saphira told them that their ‘teardrop’ was created on a very passionate night.

While she was horrified, Spike couldn’t help but feel a bit… saddened that he would never get to hear about his parents. His biological parents that is… The way Torch and Saphira held each other, the way their eyes danced in tune, even as they went into details for more than they should have, Spike wondered if all dragons were like this or if they were the few that actually put their hearts and souls for one another.

Ember was saying her farewells to her parents, trying to break the awkward tension and stating their mission was to go to Equestria the day after. Ember would have loved to take her mother but Torch insisted that she wait a bit longer before she moved.

The pink and orange hues of the skies were slowly turning and Spike has longed to see it from Equestria. Despite this week ending, he was happy that he was going to go back home. He had fallen for the Dragon Lands, yes but the fresh green air that the valley had provided yesterday stirred up the longing for Equestria’s air.

Though he would only be able to visit for a limited time, he would try to savor it as much as possible.

“Spike?” Ember along with Torch and Saphira popped out of the cave. “Are you ready?” She asked, pulling close.

He gave a small nod before turning to the elders. He gave a small bow towards them both. “I thank you for inviting me home and… um…giving some lessons.” A blush formed on him. Torch gave a grin while Saphira leaned down to meet his eyes.

“Oh, it was no problem young Spike, though I do apologise for making things a bit uncomfortable. I hope that you understand that I just want to relive the joy of being with my daughter again. A decade was a blink of an eye to me but for her, it was a long time and I cherish every moment I can with her.”

Spike nodded, understanding that. A small pause came before he spoke. “Did you dream when you went into your sleep?”

The sapphire dragoness gave a small hum in thought, studying his question for a moment before responding. “I suppose that one can say that ‘yes’, I did dream but unlike a normal dream, it's more of lucid colors and everything is ambient. For the life of me, nothing made sense, yet I still knew I was comfortable and safe.” She then turned to Torch and brushed her snout against his giant head. “He was always by my side, speaking to me and I could hear his every word, feel his touch and… more.” The blush was there and Spike nor Ember dared comment on that, but Saphira just gave her mate a lick before turning towards Spike.

“May I ask why you wished to know that?”

Spike responded with a small shrug. “I just… wanted to know if it was the same as me going into a coma. I had… nothing there, no thoughts, no lights, nothing. All I could hear was my mothers’, their words and… that’s it.”

Saphira gave a small sympathetic nod. “While comas and deep sleeps can be considered the same to many, I believe that one is caused by something done to you while the other is your body trying to rest.” She cocked her head to the side. “I am surprised that your mother, Eliysia, hasn't used her abilities to try and wake you.”

Spike was also confused by this, about to ask the same to Torch or Ember but he wasn’t given time to finish the thought as Torch quickly spoke out. “It was best that he remain untouched by any magic or abilities from ‘any’ being.” He emphasized the word ‘any’, giving a small glance to his mate. The glance was not unnoticed by Ember or Spike.

“So they did try something when I was asleep?”

Torch gave a small nod, though a terrible sigh left him. “After the first few weeks, we noticed that you were not responding to anything. Eliyinsa noticed that you had nothing in your mind. No real thoughts, no emotions and such, so she wanted to keep it like that and didn’t want to disturb your mind.”

“And there was no way to do anything about it, father?” Ember asked, putting her own input.

“Not without hurting him.” He answered solemnly.

Silence surrounded them, other than the winds from this high. Spike gave a small sigh. “Too bad there aren’t other dragons out there that could have helped me or help other sleeping dragons.” No dragon around him made a comment, which only furthered his frustration and it showed.

A small grunt left Torch, his mate pulling under him. “Spike, while I know your past is difficult, I can only hope that should the day come and you must confront it, that you are ready to deal with it. We can’t afford to lose you, let alone to what tortures you have endured.”

Spike gave the giant of a dragon a bewildered look “You make it seem like I've been through Tartarus and back. I am sure there are others who have been through worse than me-”

Torch gave a shake of his giant head. “Not as young, not as painful… not as innocent.” A sympathetic look passed over the former Dragon Lord. “A thousand years, I’ve seen much pain, much loss and much more horrors that I would dare not admit.” He wrapped his wing over his mate. “Keep what you love close to you, for they may be the only thing that still binds your mind to your world. Your mind can only take so much before it snaps. The fact that you stand before me, Ember and many other dragons, goes to show you that you are beyond a doubt, the bravest and I dare say, luckiest dragon to have graced the lands.”

Saphira nodded, adding her own words. “While I explored the lands far from here, I too have yet to see one who has endured what you have. The trials, the coma, your life by the ponies, and… your discovery without your birth family is truly disheartening. Yet you continue on without it affecting you too much. You had won the Gauntlet of Fire, you took my daughter’s claw despite some dangers it came with-”

“Like the trials?” Spike asked.

“Like me.” Snorted Torch, though a quick grin was seen on his face, it disappeared just as it came. “-And while the pain was unimaginable, your mind recovered from it all. Though, we are unsure of what will surface later in your life.”

Spike took in all the words, each one impacting him in some way or form. He then looked to Ember who also seemed affected by the wisdom her parents laid before them. He then looked over himself, seeing all the vast changes he had gone through in the last year before looking up at them.

“Will I be a danger later on?”

There was an uncomfortable silence that lingered between them before Ember responded, though she herself seemed hesitant to speak. “I don’t believe you are Spike, my parents are just unsure how to grasp what you have been through and not come out unscathed so to speak.”

Spike scoffed, almost a bit insulted at that, which showed to the others. “Unscathed? I've been through Tartarus and back, you all said it yourself, and yet you think I haven’t come out without marks?”

“It's more than just marks or scars, Spike,” Assured Saphira. “Your mothers would tell you themselves that it is all been no easy feat for one as young as you. The fact that you remain uninhibited by what you’ve been through is a testament to what others could not. Many would bask or prolong their effects or illnesses of such things, but yet you brush it off.” A frown crosses her features. “While not directly, perhaps your lineage is a contributing factor to your survival and will. From what I’ve gathered, your mothers are responsible for why you still stand.”

Spike blinked at that. “My mothers?” This time he frowned. “They have been manipulating me from the start.”

Torch let alone grumble, while Ember grew angry. “Is that why you haven’t really been around them?”

Spike gave a sigh. “Yeah, but I forgave them, though I told them not to bring up my pony family. Mother said she hadn’t been using her abilities but they have been trying to stray me away from my family.”

“While I believe that is not the whole case,” Saphira quickly assured, cutting off Torch’s sudden urge to speak against the two mothers, she gave both of her loved ones a small glare. “It is best to understand it from their perspective.”

“You mean ‘selfishly’ or ‘manipulative’, mother?” Ember asked her mother, a small bite in her tone.

Saphira focused a small glare at her daughter but it softened. “How do you think I would behave if I knew something had been done to you to make you ill or be harmed?” Her gaze then turned to Spike. “While I don’t fully condone what they've done to you Spike, I will admit that they were doing what they believed to be best as mothers, not as ‘manipulators.’ To add to it, you said it yourself, Eliyisa hadn’t used her ‘mental manipulation’ on you.”

Spike did say that but it still felt that it was a part of it. He then turned to Ember, whose amber-colored eyes met his. “Would you have noticed if I was changed or manipulated?”

Ember inhaled, not sure how to answer. Once she exhaled, she lowered her head, shaking it. “I am not sure what the full extent of your mother’s abilities is but, if she wanted to help you become a better dragon or learn to be like us, maybe it wouldn’t be so forward.”

“Spike?” Saphira leaned down closer to him. He looked up at the dragoness. “Did they try to do anything specific? Try to make you change any of your habits? Did they force anything into your head?”

Spike nodded almost immediately. “Yeah, yesterday they wanted me to hunt. They told me to forget my life with ponies when it came to hunting. To let my instincts take over.” He shook his head in disappointment. “I can’t let that happen if it meant I would lose control when I got home.”

“But do you believe that if it was never brought up? Has any point in your life, come up where you felt like you would lose control and hunt your pony friends and family.”

Spike thought about it, long and hard. In all of his life, never had he really had the instincts to turn and attack another pony. His greed growth as a result of his actions to defend himself and his ‘hoard’, but beyond that, no ill had been planned or even imagined on a single pony. Well… maybe a few villains come to mind.

Shaking his head, he looked up at the sapphire dragoness. “No.”

She nodded and leaned up. “While you may think that it was a plan to let your instincts run, it's also something that you ‘can’ control. Your intelligence would override your need to ‘hunt’ or ‘kill’ or anything else harmful. Eliyinsa and Zynthia are the smartest of dragons around us, so they know what is in the best interest of many dragons.”

Spike gave a glance over at the older dragoness. “You speak so highly of them.”

Saphira gave a smile that held something more. “Well, you should not forget that they are both elders. One was a Successor to the Dragon Lord before Torch and the other, outside of her strong abilities, is regarded as the smartest dragon to date, hence her role as an Advisor.”

While he didn’t forget that, something did stir him to bring up a subject. “They said that there are other dragons with abilities. Why aren’t they well known or more spoken out? Why only Eliyinsa?”

“That is their reasoning and their choice Spike,” Torch cut in almost immediately. Saphira gave Torch a look, something that seemed to irk her about being cut off. He steadied his look towards Spike, though in his peripheral he kept his mate in mind as he spoke. “Your mother revealed her’s on her own and it cost her. She was one of the few that did and when other’s heard what I had done to her with that bind, they all hid themselves, trying to not reveal themselves.” A frown returned to him that was all too familiar to Spike since the first time he saw the giant of a dragon. “With what you learned from them, I am sure you know why no dragon is seeking to help others out.”

Spike didn’t like the reasoning nor did he believe that is fair. He crossed his arms in a huff, looking down. “Well that sucks, if I were Dragon Lord, I would have made sure that they wouldn’t have to endure any ridicule or punishment just because they are gifted.”

A silence followed with Spike turning away from them towards the setting sun and the rest of the Dragon Lands. He wasn’t aware of the faces of the trio of dragons looking at him with their own different views on him.

If he had not let go of the Bloodstone Scepter the first time around… Ember’s look of surprise, Torch’s look of deep thought, and Saphira’s look of curiosity.

“If I had something that special,” He continued, keeping his eyes over the Dragonlands, “I would use it to help dragons, anyway I can, regardless of what they may think of me.” He brought his claw to his snout, rubbing his snout in frustration.

“You are not other dragons, Spike,” Saphira answered. “Nor can Ember demand that they reveal themselves. Just accept that your heart can only do so much.” A small grunt with a puff of flame left his mouth, igniting his palms.

“What good would it be to have something special, if it meant being cut off from it?” He asked bitterly out loud, throwing his claws down, unaware that they remained lit with his flames, dancing in grace without being extinguished. He hadn’t realized his palms were on fire until he saw the flames reach his elbow.

The flames reached all the way up, all the way up to his chest, and then slowly danced across his body.

The four dragons watched in silent awe at the display, none knowing that was happening as Spike was covered in his own flames. It was only until Ember slowly reached out and touched his scales, did the chain reaction happen and the flames danced on to her. The flames changed from green to blue upon her touch and it only remained in the palm. It didn’t scare her but it did startle her that Spike did this by accident.

The fires lasted for a few moments more before they slowly died but the warmth that was there remained.

They were in awe so much no one spoke; Torch not daring to speak and Ember not sure how to respond. It was Saphira that lowered her head near him and spoke softly. “It seems as though you are open with your abilities and are able to use them.”

Spike blinked, unsure of what to say or how to answer. “I-I-I… don’t…”

“While others see it as something as simple as ‘Firebreaking’, you do so while you are young and untrained.”

Ember pulled in close, wrapping herself around him. “I didn’t learn that for years,” She then held her claws in his. “You did something far more amazing this young. It can be used for something great…” She then frowned a little. “Or others can see it as something evil.”

“Imagine how your mother must feel?” He turned to see her larger head next to his. Their eyes met. “Imagine that she is bound to only use a little of her abilities. Now, the only way she could express her gifts is by doing something else? Her intelligence, her wits… her love for you and trying her best to raise the only dragon she could. While she uses her abilities, she would dare not do so on the ones she is trying to love.”

She shifted her form and sat on all fours, motioning her head towards the lands. “We are different Spike, we are not all as your ponies are. We are brash, we are quick to anger, greedy, prideful, and full of powerful emotions that sometimes we do not understand ourselves. But… if there is one thing that would outlive any of that is the love we can have for either our hoard, our mates, and our hatchlings.”

Spike gave a frown, still coming to terms on his ‘Firebreaking’. “Then why was I abandoned then?”

Saphira, a mother herself, did her best to comfort the young drake, leaning in close. “I can’t answer that, but you should know that you were not fully abandoned. Your egg was found, your life was raised by loving creatures and even now, you have expanded your life and your love with many. Who out there, can you say have a family as large as yours. hmm?”

Before he could answer, she quickly added on. “Gifts aside, those who do have them may have families and loved ones they dare not put in harm's way. Those that are hiding are perhaps the ones with the biggest of hearts but do not wish to lose them. As is, you already have a gift of bringing a usual amount of creatures into your heart, without knowing it.”

Spike blinked, unsure of that. But something struck him suddenly as he was reminded a day ago by the deer king Styr.

‘Your magic exceeds far more than our kin normally carries, and that is for you to find out, young Spike. Your future is very peculiar and uncertain, with claws in two different worlds, perhaps it is up to you to unite them.’

“So… it's not just ‘Firebreaking’ that I have?”

“Perhaps not,” Torch finally added his own piece, laying by his mate, wrapping a larger wing around her waist. “Again, we know nothing yet. Perhaps you have something we know nothing of. Females have been known to only have abilities, not males.”

Another snort left Spike but this time, he let it go and sighed. “I swear, it feels like the universe keeps holding everything back from me. Every time I ask a question about myself, I hit a brick wall, or secrets are kept from me.”

Saphira was nuzzled by her mate; she nodded and kept her head close to the young ones. “Perhaps… that is for the best, Spike. Draco and Wistala only know your future, your past, but only you know your present. Don’t let that deter you from enjoying your days. I would only ask that if and when you find out, you do not let it tear at you. That you would not let it consume you or change your heart.”

Spike looked at her with curious eyes. “You make it sound bad? What if I want to learn? Maybe it would help me deal with myself.”

Saphira opened her mouth, wanting to say something. However, she thought about it and slowly found the words to reply with. Not answering directly, she responded with low somber in her tone. “I would like to know what happened to my lost sibling. But if I knew what or who took them, would I be so angry to go after them? Would I be replaced with bitterness and hate, to know they took away family?” This really changed the mood and this time, she made serious eye contact with Spike’s eyes. This was where he saw her true emotions, even Ember was surprised by this.

This close, he saw the sadness, the pain that dwelled within her, but the hidden anger and venom that somewhat lingered in her heart. “If I even found a clue to what took away my sibling, to give back hope and love to my sire and dam, to know that they were still out there and alive, would I do anything?”

Spike swallowed, feeling her emotions pouring from her soul onto his, despite the fact that Ember was holding him, he shook. The sapphire dragoness blinked, a single tear running from her ducts. “I chose to not let it tear at me, Spike.” She swallowed, though she gave a comforting nuzzle to his head, letting him feel the warmth radiate off of her. He allowed it, not feeling any discomfort coming from the dragoness. Once her comfort was settled, she pulled away and settled on his eyes once more. “When or if you find out, don’t let it ruin your future.”

For the remainder of the hour, the four dragons sat, watching the sunset hitting its horizon. The silence was welcomed though it did feel uneasy with all that was discussed. In truth, Spike didn’t expect his views and life change to happen from Ember’s parents. Saphira was truly something else and yes her intelligence definitely reminded him a lot of Twilight and Eliyinsa but her wisdom and experiences made him think of his mother Celestia.

With their time there coming to an end, Spike and Ember decided to head home.

“I ask that you take care of yourselves, my young ones.” Saphira nuzzled the both of them, Ember welcoming her mother’s warmth and words while Spike… embraced the feeling of having another wisdom-filled motherly figure in his life. “Your journey to Equestria may lead to something interesting.”

“I’m sure it will, mother.” Ember held onto her mother a bit more before turning to her father. She quickly hugged the giant oaf. “You're going to stay here with mom?”

The giant of a dragon nodded. “Until she has recovered. Perhaps when you return from Equestria she will have made a full recovery, my teardrop.”

He then looked towards Spike, giving him a look only a father could give towards males courting their daughters. That look was approval. “You show my daughter the best Equestria has to offer, young Spike. While I trust you, I am still wary of the ponies.” He gave the young drake a small, barely any strength, a small pat on the back, which almost sent him stumbling but he managed to give the dragon a forced smile of appreciation. “Take care of her and return back to us in one piece, both physically and mentally.”

Spike wanted to say something along the lines that ‘there was nothing to worry about from them,’ but he knew that there was a lot more to worry about. His scales itched at anything staying normal or sane in Equestria, not to mention all the vague warnings that come from everywhere was not helping.

As Ember was about to pick him up, he stopped her. “No, if I want to do this right, especially if I am going back home, I want to show them how much I have changed for the better.”

Ember gave a slow nod, though hope and fear did fill her eyes. She would fall alongside him when he did.

Spike looked at all of them, feeling something he hadn’t had before when trying to fly. Hope.

Hope that he would prove something to Ember, hope that he would be able to make his friends and family in Equestria happy. Hope that he could be the drake he needed to be when the time came to fulfill his role in the future.

He inhaled deeply and held it. He then looked over the edge, this time not with fear but with purpose. He jumped over the ledge and spread his wings, while Ember jumped right after him. Both parents watched their young ones jump, feeling their hearts drop with them, hoping that something goes right.

Spike felt the wind rushing past him at incredible speeds, almost not taking in any air. He used his wings to glide down the sloped mountain, doing his best to angle it away from it. Ember was right behind him but he dared not look back at her.

No, he was determined to do this. He used what he learned this morning with focus and determination. Pressing through any doubts, any distractions, he flared his wings upward to an immediate updraft and used his muscles to flap hard up, causing him to immediately falter his rapid descent and sharply shoot him back into the sky. Despite the pain and strain that came, the moment he felt his body rise and set him on a corrected path to the sky, the pain left him but vigor and righteousness soon filled his body.

A half startled laugh left him and he saw the ground leave his view, he felt his shoulder muscles come to life and he used them like any other muscle through memory and instinct as he flapped and kept his body airborne.

He felt his airways open up, taking a breath of rushing air into his lungs, feeling almost weightless and pushing his body to the limits. The drake flapped once more, seeing the ground at heights that never would be dreamed of at such an age without assistance. He turned his head towards Ember, who looked at him with pride and joy, happiness danced in her eyes as she watched him enjoy his first flight.

He laughed and began to bop in the air, turning or twisting his body to move in his own way. Ember moved around over him, keeping up with him and the two danced in the sky in almost close unison as they headed back towards their home.

Torch and Saphira watched the two young dragons fly further away, but their hearts filled with love and joy for them. As their forms began to get further away, Saphira leaned towards her mate.

“They are going to be wonderful for each other.” She said happily.

“They are wonderful together,” He agreed, brushing his giant head over hers. Watching their shapes get smaller, Saphira sighed.

“So since he won the trials, did you decide what he’s going to be in the future for her?”

Torch hummed in denial. “We gave him options and the one he chose it’s quite interesting.”

“How so?”

A chuckle left him. “He is choosing what you wanted to be and what hasn’t been seen in centuries''

She looked up at him with curious but surprised eyes. “Truly?”

He nodded his giant head. They remained quiet, letting that sink in before she responded. “Then… perhaps I can see if my father still resides at the ‘High Gates’.” She watched as the traces of the young ones disappeared at the horizon and a pleasing smile was placed on her features. “It would be wonderful to have Spike fill the role. It’s been centuries since any dragon has sought to try and become one. With Spike’s heart and success, as well as the honor of being a mate to the Dragon Lord, dragons everywhere would welcome a new ‘Guardian’ to the lands.”

Evening came quickly for the two and while they loved to continue their dances in the skies, Ember and Spike knew that tomorrow would be their last day here in the Dragon Lands, at least for the time being and Spike would return back home.

Pulling close over her cave where her hoard mates awaited, they hovered high enough to see Luna's moon cast a beautiful light over the Dragons Lands, only gently out lit by the streams of lava below.

He lifted her arms to his own, keeping each other in line of sight. “I know tomorrow is the last day for me here, but I want you to know that when we leave for Equestria, I will make a vow to you that this will not be the end, but the beginning.”

Her heart burned with his words in mind, knowing that he spoke the truth. Yes, he would return home, but just for a little bit, after that though, he would come back to her love.

“Would it be too much to ask…” He started, looking into her eyes. “That it can be just me and you tomorrow at the end?”

Ember gave a half nod. “Just me and you? Not the others?”

“I want it to be special and while I know that you need them for your connection, I want to spend it with you for the time. When we return to Equestria, I want it to be together as a whole. I can’t say I know Smolder and Amethyst yet, but I want to spend time with you properly and then understand our hoard together.”

She brushed her snout against his. “I will ask them, though I know for sure Amethyst doesn’t mind. Besides, maybe before you leave tomorrow, you can spend a few moments with them. As Dragon Lord, I have to keep a check of the nesting grounds before we go, so right after that, we can do what we want.”

He licked her snout in affection, holding her close while keeping themselves in hover. With the evening drawing to a close, both knew that this was their last days as separate dragons, and tomorrow bringing them closer as mates eternal.

With a ‘kindle’ goodnight, both retreated to their homes to await their ever longing bond eternal.

Morning came with Spike leaving his mothers, giving them a brief description of what he was going to do and left on his way.

He flew towards Ember’s cave at speed, just as the trio of dragonesses had prepared for take off.

“I want to do it early in the morning, just so we can have the rest of the day,” She admitted. Amethyst gave a small wave as she went to settle some family affairs before she would return quickly. Smolder would go with Ember to cover more ground.

“So, what are these nesting grounds then?” He asked. “All the dragons go and lay their eggs there or something?”

“Most do,” She answered as they made their way over to the grounds in flight. “While few have their own lava flows in the cave to warm the eggs, most lay their eggs on the nesting grounds due to the fact there are large magma rivers underneath. And while they do, when the eggs hatch, they want to have their hatchlings instantly interact with one another, already starting their inner nature to stay on top of one another.”

Spike’s nose wrinkled at that, disrupted lightly by that. “Well, aren’t the parents worried that they might get their hatchlings mixed up or hurt?”

“Getting hurt when your young builds character, Spike.” She answered adamantly with the workings of dragons, “-And parents won’t forget the scents of their hatchlings. On instinct, both hatchlings and parents would recognize each other’s scents. It’s bonded to them when the eggs lay.”

Spike gave a hum in thought, wondering if he already had a scent or recognized the scents of his mother. “Would that work with me and my mothers?” He asked her.

A small falter in her flight had her quickly adjust before giving a sigh, which was lost in the wind. “I-I think so Spike. Usually, when parents adopt hatchlings or dragons, they immediately mark them until both of them recognize their scents forever.”

“And… how many hatchlings get left behind and then adopted?” He asked her.

Ember kept her focus forward, approaching the nesting grounds quickly. Upon landing, the trio found a few dragons, mostly large females beginning their searches for the proper area to nest. Smolder went to scout ahead, leaving the two of them alone.


She sighed, looking at the grounds that would one day be littered with hundreds of eggs. “You're the first one I have heard of getting adopted long after you’ve been laid or hatched by another dragon.” From the corner of her eyes, he saw her sadness and pity echo through her voice. “It’s been centuries since eggs have been reported missing or left behind.” She gave him a look. “As far as I know, you are the only one. Anydragon that had forgotten their eggs or abandoned their eggs, either had died or were heartless.”

“Any eggs not wanted are told to the Dragon Lord so that there could be an announcement made to take care of the hatchlings right away. A dragon has to be born with a name, they have to be hatched to a family so that the dragon could grow up knowing that the world was not always cold. That despite what we are, we can still feel warm and love.” A pause then she added. “The cold can kill us, Spike.”

Spike stared at her, hearing her intently, though something about names really stirred her. Given that he was a special case, he asked. “And… what becomes of the dragon who abandons their eggs? What are they to others?”

A snarl appeared over her, with her eyes flashing red quickly, staring out towards the lands. From the corner of her eyes, she gave him a look of anger, though not directed towards him. “Egg-Breakers!” Her hackles raised greatly as she spat out the word venomously. “To leave an egg, to not care for those that have just hatched, not giving them to any dragon to be taken care of, is to be an ‘Egg Breaker’, a dragon unworthy of any name. It not only goes out for dragons, but to any creatures that tried to take or kill eggs from dragons, could be labeled an ‘Egg-Breaker’ as well.”

Spike had never seen her so roused up and somewhere in the back of his mind, he also felt a small flare inside at the word, almost an inner anger. “It’s… something we’d hate to lose.” He answered solemnly. “To be taken away from your parents or being given up on.”

A nod left Ember, though she kept her look of anger. “Anyone labeled an ‘Egg-Breaker’, it's almost guaranteed a death sentence, Spike. They would be torn apart if one was labeled ‘Egg-Breaker’, so it's best not to say it so easily or casually.”

After that, she remained silent, having Spike really witness something that stirred even the most tamed dragons. ‘Egg-Breaker’... it stirred something within him and he felt that perhaps, it’s because of his mysterious origin.

“And what do you call dragons like me who are abandoned by ‘Egg-Breakers’, Ember?”

Ember stiffened. She dared not look at him and answer, for already her explaining the term ‘Egg-Breaker’ had her angry and stirring so much her tail flicked back and forth. Yet, when he asked that, her whole body froze and she was not sure what to say.

A wave of sadness washed over them both and he knew, perhaps that it was bad. Instead of letting her answer, he gave a shake of her head. “You don’t have to answer. I’ll let you finish off here and I’ll meet you when you are done, okay?”

She didn’t answer verbally but a shaken nod left her and she steadily walked forward, not showing her face to him. Spike opened his wings and gave a glance back then took off. He left her and let her process what was just asked.

He flew away from the nesting grounds and decided to head towards the pits. There he found a spot to watch from a high without hopefully interacting with other dragons so it was here that he would settle. Spike sat by the rocks, watching the dragons below mingle in their own way.

As his thoughts came to what his future would hold from here on out, since tomorrow he would head back to Equestria, we were jumbled. He wasn’t even sure what would happen but he knew that with Ember by his side, with his mothers to the other, he would be okay.

“So… you're not gonna join them?” A voice interrupted his thoughts, causing him to jump. He turned and saw Amethyst standing behind him with a grin. “I figured that you would always be by Ember’s side.”

Spike blinked and gave a small shrug. “I thought the same of you.”

She gave a nod before pulling close and saying it to him. “Ehh, usually I would but today, I needed to let my family know I’ll be gone, not that they would really care,” She shrugged, then added. “It sounds bad when I say it, but I want to avoid any typical stereotypes by saying dragons don’t care for anything, right? I know how… ponies are around us.”

Spike gave a half laugh. “Yeah, they tend to be sensitive.”

Amethyst nodded, giving a small grin. “Yeah. Speaking of, when are you and Ember going to start slamming bedrocks and causing volcanoes to burst?”

Spike gave her an owlish look, confused by her words. “Huh? What are you talking about?” He saw her grin and re-registered the words before his cheeks blushed and he slumped a bit. “Oh.”

The dragoness kept grinning. “Oh come on, you seriously can’t tell me that you aren’t thinking about mating with Ember? I mean you do realize down the line you're gonna have to please that ‘ness’? I mean I did and I only did it when you were…” she slowed down and her grin faltered and got a bit nervous. “Uh… you know…”

Spike nodded, used to it by now. However, he did give her a prolonged look. “I know I will be with her, but what about you?”

“I told you I already did.”

“No I mean… uh, am I going to have to… with you?”

The pink dragoness regarded him for a bit, seeing a blush on his cheeks that sorta looked cute. In truth, she saw no interest in males, let alone ones that saw a hoard as an opportunity to get with as many ‘nesses’ as possible. However, if there was one thing that she didn’t see in Spike is anything that made him a typical male dragon.

She looked towards the pits and took a seat next to him.

“Look, I ain’t into males, that should have thrown you off the first time we met as well as Ember bringing it up before you took your trials.”

A brief relapse had him remember that fondly when Ember said she would have chosen Amethyst over Garble. It was funny but also… reminded him that she ‘kissed’ Ember to prove it. Surprisingly, that made him feel relief in acceptance. “Right. And I guess that means I don’t have to worry about me and you… well you know?” He blushed at the taller dragoness. Amethyst in return pulled closer, causing him to shrink expecting some sort of negative response.

“Well… while you are probably the best drake to grace the lands, I do find a part of you a little attractive.”

This sent Spike reeling as he looked at her incredulously. She kept her grin but she pulled back not to scare him. “Oh come on! You fainted at the thought of me and Ember going at it, why would me being with you worry you anyway?” Then her grin slipped into a frown. “What, you don’t think I’m pretty enough for you?”

Spike quickly shook his head in denial, trying to reassure her. “What no! I-I-I mean yes-s! You are pretty! Very… Pretty I-I-I just thought that you…” A grin had reformed on her mouth and he realized he had been played. She gave a small cackle at his expense, seeing the redness on his cheeks.

The dragoness pulled much closer, practically pressing against his slightly smaller form, causing him to sputter in response. “Thanks, I appreciate that and yes, I know that you do find me pretty because you would not have fainted at the thought of me and Ember going at it now, would ya?”

Once more Spike was flustered and couldn’t respond. Yet the dragoness continued on with her relentless teases. “Though I want you to please Ember more than me. I think that watching is better and while I have no interest in mating with you directly, my heart will be with you as a ‘hoard member’ and that is all.”

That was nice, it helped to know that she was alongside him. Though his next thoughts went to the other hoard member. “What about Smolder?”

“Oh yeah…” A pause then she shrugged. “Ask if she wants to bend over for you and then go from there?” It was so nonchalant that just like with Ember’s mother, he was caught off guard. He felt like he would never get a straight answer from a female. “I mean, she and you are practically the same age, so it would stand to reason that she wouldn’t want anything to do with mating, let alone with males… yet.” He really wished she would stop trying to make things worse. “Best case, you would have to try and please three dragonesses with one or three of them wanting to bear your eggs.”

This time, he stared at her both in apparent surprise, her eyes remaining out to the pit but her snout held a devious grin. From the corner of her eyes, she gave him a glint. “And that could mean today or tomorrow.” Not giving him time to digest those words, she gave him a quick lick across his snout and jumped off the ledge, leading into a glide down to the pits.

More confused than ever Spike didn’t know what was wrong with that dragoness. Heck, he didn’t know what any dragoness in his life was truly about.

Two mothers, both powerful in their own right with one having telekinetic powers and the other a physical juggernaut. His mate, the Dragon Lord, leader of all the Dragonlands. Her mother, a confusing loveable but nonchalant female with unheld enthusiasm. And now, an Amethyst in his ‘hoard member’, who loves females but has a thing for him? He hoped that Smolder was at least normal as can be when it came down to being a dragon.

When he felt that there could be no other interruption, a low taunt came from an unexpected source. “Well, well, look who finally decided to wake up and join us with his grace.”

Spike didn’t have to turn around to see who it was. Giving a sigh, Spike turned to see the red dragon Garble, along with his group. “Hey Garble.” He didn’t want to deal with this right now, but he felt eventually since he would live here, he would have to.

The teenager gave a half sneer at him. “What, not going to join us true dragons down at the pits, or are you still a wuss like your pansy ponies?” This caused his group to laugh but Spike already knew what he was dealing with. Instead, he shrugged.

“Nah, just not feeling it now. Maybe in the future I will, but for now, I’m relaxing.”

This irked the red dragon. “What, now that you are the Dragon Lord’s hoard mate, are you too good for us?!” It came out as an insult but Spike didn’t take heed.

“No, nothing in that reasoning. Just don’t want to.” He waited, expecting that to be the end of it but the Dragon and his crew remained. “Why are you here, Garble? Don’t you have a ‘King of the Hoard’ to win or is bugging me on your to do list?”

Now the red dragon was getting irritated and it showed. Puffing a small jet of flame, he growled. “I want to know why you are still here? What makes you think that you're any good to stay here in the lands? Why not go back to your stupid ponies and stay there?”

This had Spike snap his attention to him. What was his deal? Did he really hate him with all his fiber or was it something else? He stood up and turned to face the dragon. While he had grown quite a bit, he still hadn’t reached Garble’s height yet, only meeting him just at chin level. It was still enough to somewhat mess with Garble’s sense of how much Spike had really grown. The red dragon saw this as a challenge.

“What’s your deal, Garble?!” The younger drake was not intimidated by Garble, not anymore. Standing up to him, he glared at the taller but not smarter dragon. “I haven’t done a thing to you, yet you continue to harass me for no reason!”

Garble snorted, allowing smog to leave his nostrils and a growl to rip through his mouth. “You have no reason to speak to me in any kind of way! You are not a real dragon, not one worthy of being an Elder! You only got lucky that they went easy on you!”

Easy? Spike thought credulously. “How was it easy?!” He growled back at Garble. “I have never had it easy! You were the first dragons I’ve encountered and you thought that I was weakling. I decided to defend something smaller than you from you and still managed to get away. I entered the Gauntlet of Fire and won it because I was small and able to get out of the obstacles that would have killed me! I won the Gauntlet but chose not to keep because I already had somewhere else to be. Then Ember chose me to be her consort, but I had to complete the trials!” At this point, Spike was huffing and his palms began to heat up. “I went through the trials with all the strength of a hatchling and you still think I had it easy? I got tossed around, nearly killed, and had my mind broken! What part of any of that is easy?”

The older dragon couldn’t refute this, but he was really itching to claw his face off. However, he wasn’t really sure what to say or do, just that his anger, pride, and jealousy was getting in his way.

Spike kept his glare at the taller dragon, though he knew not what was pushing it. He wanted to really teach Garble a lesson, but he knew that he didn’t need to prove anything anymore.

The blessing of anything escalating anything more came from Ember, Smolder, and Amethyst flying fast. “Garble!”

The red dragon turned and saw his little sister coming to them. His gaze softened and so did his posture. Upon seeing them, his crew saw this as an immediate sign to leave and so they did with rapid intent, leaving Garble to face the fury of the Dragon Lord and perhaps his own sister.

Ember landed hard, almost cracking the ground below her while Amethyst and Smolder landed with a bit more caution. Spike gave her a small glance but he focused back on Ember.

“You say I have it easy, but you were already born with everything you got. You're right, I may not be a real dragon to you.” He huffed and then pointed at Smolder. “You were lucky to be born with a sister, you know your mother and father, and you knew how to be a dragon long before I did. I didn’t have any of those, so again Garble… why do I have it easy if you had it easier than me before I was even born?”

That really brought down the mood and once more, Garble’s idiocy made him forget Spike’s origins. Let alone he knew nothing of being a dragon until he came here. He remained quiet and it was Smolder that approached her brother.

“Garble… why are you messing with Spike? He hasn’t done anything to you.”

Her voice was hurt and it showed yet it made it worse knowing that he was caught doing it. Ember crossed her arms at Garble’s silence.

“Well Garble?” she growled. “Why are you messing with Spike? Last I checked, he was my hoard member and you mess with any of them, you are dealing with the Dragon Lord.”

Garble deflated and kept silent, averting his eyes away from anyone. Smolder moved closer until she was right under his head. Looking up at her brother with hurt eyes, she spoke.

“Gar-Gar?” Amethyst hadn’t laughed and the tension was tense to do so.

Growling out loud, Ember gave a huff. “Garble if you don’t answer right now, I’m gonna use the Scepter to make you speak and it will make you! So speak or be made too!”

Finally, Garble relented and he looked up a bit angrily and shamefully at her.

“He doesn’t deserve to be here.” It came out slowly but with venomous respite. “He wasn’t even born here and he still gets to be an elder and your mate? He doesn't even have a name to his scales or shell from his parents, so why is he with you?”

A sudden ripple of emotion fell upon them all. Smolder withdrew from her older sibling in shock. Ember felt her blood boil with rage that seemed to echo with Amethyst. To say something so low and so vile, it was almost poisoned with envy. To say that any dragon had no name to their scales or shell to their parents, was to call them nothing, below nothing, not even worth mentioning, yet Garble did so out of pure spite.

Spike seemed to be out of the loop of what any of that entailed but he knew that something else stirred from all of this. Garble was envious of Spike’s life. Not so much that he was an orphan raised by ponies, but the fact that he had gained favor amongst the dragons that mattered. The elders who have challenged him were now within arm's reach, especially since two of them were his adoptive mothers and another was his future… ‘father-in-law?’ He was sure that applied here but it was close enough. He also was the right claw of the Dragon Lord, as well as her mate. Having gone into a coma for almost a year, Ember took on a hoard of females, one of which was Garble’s own sister.

Having a name under a sire and dam could mean something to dragons here, but for Spike, he already earned his name. If Garble was jealous because of how Spike ‘got it easy’ on how he achieved or was given all of this, then Spike was a damn ‘Marey Sue’ and this was all a novella in someone’s head.

Ember wanted to explode with anger and slash Garble across his face. It was through little effort however, that Spike simply shrugged off the insult once more and waved his claws in the air. “So… what you're saying is that you're jealous of my life, that’s it?”

Once more, the three females were left in shock; looking towards Spike at how he casually waved off the insult. Smolder was flabbergasted, still finding no words on what to say. Amethyst had grown newfound respect for Spike’s attitude towards the insult as he brushed it away. Ember was caught between anger and disbelief at Spike, at Garble’s harsh inexcusable insult.

Garble looked up at Spike, wondering why Spike was angered or wanting to tear him limb from limb. If anything, Spike almost gave him the look of pity, which bothered him alot.

Continuing on, Spike began to pace in front of him, shaking his head. “Garble, I get that you're jealous of what I have but you should honestly know, I don’t care for titles. I really don’t and like you said, I am not a real dragon, according to you, so by you telling me that, your saying that I should showboat my titles and flash them around, right? Stand on top of the mountain and scream to the winds, “I AM SPIKE THE GLORIOUS!!!! HEAR ME ROAR!!!!” He said all of that in loud exaggeration, which wasn’t meant to be humorous but it did make Amethyst give a small chortle and Smolder to really look up at Spike in a different light.

Ember was still struggling from trying not to lash out at Garble but she knew the kind of dragon Spike was. He wasn’t like any other dragon here, he was his own dragon and that mattered.

Garble remained silent, staring at him bewildered and annoyed but no longer angry at him, as he ranted on. “I just won the trials! I managed to beat all the elders! I suddenly gained status as a winner!” He strutted and skipped at certain words, mocking himself in a weird voice and his tail kicked back and forth. “Look at me, I am Spike the great!” He suddenly turned and turned to Garble with a serious look and pointed a claw at his face. “Is that what you wanted to hear?”

Garble blinked at the sudden intrusion of the claw at his face. Smolder and Amethyst looked at him with astonishment while Ember seemed to cool off a bit, knowing that Spike was working his words around Garble… that may or may not make sense to him.

Spike pulled back and sighed. “Look Garble, for whatever reason that you think that you deserve to be Dragon Lord, or an Elder or have some grand name to yourself, then by all means, take it because I don’t care for it. All I ever cared for was being me and that someone can accept me for it, not just names and titles.” He gave a small snort and shook his head. “I had to deal with that at Canterlot with a bunch of ponies that are so snobbish that it makes you look modest compared to them. I’ve had to deal with that since I was born, with somepony tossing their name and title like it meant they were born into greatness when in reality… they were not. It was their ancestors or somepony before them that had done and just because they were born under their name, everything that they did or had done, they had also done it but not applying it to themselves.”

“I was raised by several ponies who had names but they never strutted or taunted others because of who they were. My mother is the alicorn Princess of Equestria. My secondary mother is a great granddaughter to one of the most prestigious scholars in all of Equestria, while my sister and my brother are heros of their own right.”

The words that didn’t fly over their heads, they understood the emotion that was coming from Spike; neither of them wanted to or could interrupt him, especially Garble.

Spike gave a small turn to Ember and the other two females. “They treated me like family while other ponies thought I was a pet to Twilight or to Celestia, not even giving me the respect of an intellectual creature. I grew up being scolded at or looked down upon because I wasn’t a pony. I was just… a thing.” Ember’s eyes went a bit wide as she finally understood Spike and his lack of caring for the insults Garble threw at him. He had already been through worse before he had even stepped a foot into the Dragon Lands.

Garble’s insults were nothing new to him nor hurtful. While she believed that Twilight a few were good ponies to him, others didn’t treat him well because he wasn’t one. Being told you were nothing before you were anything at all, must’ve been a reminder of what Spike had to deal with growing up. However, Spike knew that many had become jealous of him because not only was he not a pony, but the adopted son of the Princess of Equestria and Twilight Sparkle.

“I was told growing up that if you had a title but did nothing to live up to it and tossed it around like it meant something, then it meant nothing. I didn’t get a title until I saved the Crystal Empire. It wasn’t even me all alone yet they respect me for it. I stopped carrying it soon after. I get accredited…” He saw a few confused looks on the word and he sighed. “I get ‘praised’, on saving Equestria when in truth, all I really was a sidelined character.”

“Titles shouldn’t mean much until you continue to live up to it and when you stop, so should the title. You don’t think I deserve it, well sometimes I don’t either but I have them and I don’t need to flash them around all the time to say who I am. The world will always try to find a way to push you down, even when you are at the height of your fame or glory.” He began to pace again. “The only way you can be happy in this world is by making the most of it and by only giving meaning to yourself and perhaps the ones you love and care for, that’s it. You're never going to impress everyone no matter how hard you try, so do it for yourself and only yourself.”

He sighed and turned at the red dragon who remained silent the whole time, his eyes focusing on the purple drake. He didn’t look angry but he seemed a bit annoyed at how some words flew over his head or that Spike didn’t care for titles. He really was something else. “I told you a while back that I never wanted to be your enemy, even now, I still don’t want to be. I am hoping that we can still be friends and leave it at that. Especially since I am going to be here for my life, I can’t stand the idea of having to look over my shoulder everytime, so whatever you have to say or do, just get it over with so I can go back to living my life.”

Once he finished, Spike and the others looked and waited for the red dragon to respond. Ember waited, silently hoping that he would do something stupid so she had an excuse to punish him severly. Smolder hoped that her brother would apologize and take back what he said, she wouldn’t have even minded if he just left it at that and left him alone. Amethyst just waited to see if she got a chance to pounce and help Ember beat the ever living crap out of Garble, or… pounce on Spike for being so amazing and giving her a huge…. something for being who he is.

Garble remained silent, trying his best to understand his situation and what Spike had said. In truth, most of it was just something he wanted to wave off, but what stuck out to him was the fact that he said all of that with no sarcasm… outside of his mocking tone about screaming or yelling his name, although he felt that he was unused to long words and even longer explanations.

Spike didn’t care for the slur he spoke of him, going so far as to try and regain his friendship; which in truth was laughable at best to Garble, yet it was true that he had no inclination to do so. Spike had earned his respect and more, but his own pride wouldn’t allow him to do so, even if it was something other dragons have been known to do. But why should he care for him?

His eyes flickered to Smolder, still seeing the hurt look after what he said to him. He hated disappointing his sister, let alone saying something harsh in front of her. She was everything to him, he would brutally fight for her, defend her from any dragon and make sure she was safe. He loved her with all his heart and although he would never say it in front of his group, he would do so when they would hold each other at nights when they slept or when they were alone where others couldn’t see them. Sibling love wasn’t viewed ill, but you don’t get all mushy around them because of that. You had to show that you were amongst the best dragons around and have them look up to you with pride and joy. That is why he always got into his groups and fought other dragons, to have her see her older brother as a powerful and strong drake.

Right now though, she didn’t see any of that and he was starting to regret saying it. He knew for sure Ember would have slashed him or beat him down if it weren’t for his sister right in front of her, so he decided to not say anything about it. He moved or avoided and let loose a half growl and sigh.

Swallowing his pride and ego, he let loose and spoke, meeting his eyes. “I… am angry that you grew up with ponies and that… you have gotten the best that most dragons would kill for. To earn respect at such a young age just burns me up.” He snorted and gave a nod. “I’ll admit that I am jealous and that… I can admit I was… loose in my words.”

Both Amethyst and Ember snorted while crossing their arms while Smolder just held onto the hope he was not going to say something more stupid.

He spoke on, though it looked like it physically hurt for him to continue. “What you have, you deserve.” He then looked at Smolder and he was crestfallen a bit. “It’s not fair you didn’t grow up knowing your sire or dam, it sucks knowing you were… abandoned until those wampy…” He paused, reconsidering his words before spitting out lightly, “-Ponies, took you in. At least you had someone to look after you.” He shook his head and stared at Spike with seriousness. “I hate the idea of hatchlings or eggs getting abandoned. If I ever heard of a dragon or a dragoness abandoning their eggs, I would lose all respect and hate them for it.” He softened once more. “I can’t blame you for that.”

His tail switched lightly and once more looked at Smolder. “I care for Smols, more than I would ever say around other dragons and I just want to make sure she is around the best dragons out here.” He then looked to the two females and shrunk under their harsh gazes. “I was wrong thinking that they would be better off without you.”

“Damn straight!” Amethyst snarled with a puff of smoke leaving her nostrils. “If anything we are the best dragons around for her to be that doesn't include an idiot like you trying to ruin things for her!”

Okay, he deserved that and a small grunt left him that he knew was away from stopping him from saying something back but he just nodded and remained silent.

In that silence, Ember continued to study him for any signs of lies or hidden malice but all she could see was that he was not. He was an idiot, that’s for sure but he was also with a heart and that heart was just sometimes covered up in greed and pride. His sister was the one that could pry it apart and show it off. No less that she was his catalyst for not becoming something far worse.

Spike, who had listened to the red drake, actually felt for him, as he was reminded of Shining Armor and how he would defend her from others that wanted to bully and her bookish, nerdy ways. Yeah, sometimes he became hot headed and did things that would have her mad at him, but in the end, he would say he did it because he wanted to protect her and make sure that she was safe. That is the biggest reason why he joined the guard in the first place, not just to protect her from threats but to protect so many others from the various threats that could be imposed around.

Spike gave a cock of his head. “So… does that include me?” He asked. Garble looked at him, raising a suspicious eyebrow. Spike gave one back. “Do you trust me around Smolder?”

The red dragon didn’t answer right away, for he wanted to yell an immediate ‘no!’ at him but the more he thought on it, the more it actually made sense. Spike’s very nature was timid and trusting, to the point where he saved Garble from dying as well as Ember, despite what both of them had done to him before the trials ended. He also risked his life to save the world, yet he was perhaps only a decade or so in age and not even the oldest of dragons could say they saved the lands.

Yeah, his pony loving nature and sappy pampy ways of ponies and friendship was such a groaner and laughable on so many levels, but in a way, he knew that that Spike painstakingly was aware that he was better to be around Smolder than any other male, besides himself, out there. He’d go as far as to say, he trusted Spike… better than their own father and that was saying something.

He dared not say what he really thought, he just gave a loud grunt in agreement. “While I don’t like that you are probably gonna fill her head with niceness and cuddly stuff from your pony family, I can agree…” He flashed him a grin. “That your timid and soft nature would be better for Smols than any male out here. Plus I think that if you did try anything, she could still take you down with ease or I know enough that Ember and Amethyst would do it for her sake.”

At least four different responses came back to Garble. Spike deflated a bit, not exactly expecting that kind of response but accepting the slight positivity that came from it. Amethyst gave a snorted laugh in agreement. Ember actually had a look of agreement though still keeping her inward thoughts to herself. Lastly Smolder, who was put in the spotlight, couldn’t help but agree with her brother but she didn’t respond back because she was still cross with his earlier insult.

Still not receiving an apology or any sort of insurance that Garble would, Spike gave a half nod and exhaled. “Well then, can we at least be on friendlier terms, you know that if I step out of line with your sister or that if I start acting out, I got three females that can and will kick my tail if I do? I want to at least know that you can see or visit your sister without us getting into conflict with one another.”

Garble gave a small snort at this and crossed his arms. “We’re dragons, we live, breathe, eat and sleep in conflict.”

“Garble!” snapped Smolder. “Enough! Either you leave Spike alone or I won’t see you until you get your tail out of hole and grow up!” The orange dragoness had practically exploded in anger at her older sibling, finally snapping out of her stupor.

Garble flinched at her reaction, not the first time hearing it but… not liking the reaction she gave. Again, he loved her and he would hate to lose any chance he could on seeing her. He deflated immediately, surrendering his pride and doused any sign of annoyance or malice towards Spike.

“Fine… I’m…” He was visibly struggling trying to apologize, which looked a bit painful. “...S-Sorryyyy… at what I said to you.” He gave a pause, saw the Smolder waved her claws to motion him for more. He gave a grunt, trying to think and weaved to continue it. “I shouldn’t have said that you are nothing. I also… will… not bother you or try and attack you.” The red dragon thought a bit more before adding. “You are not a loser dragon in any way. You have more than earned any of your titles and the family you have now.” He then gave a bow of his head. “I ask for forgiveness.”

In truth, that was way more than Smolder, Spike or Amethyst was expecting to get. Still, it was amazing to them at how painful it looked for Garble to let that out. Knowing it wasn’t as convincing but couldn’t stand to see him suffer, Spike gave a shrug and accepted. “Apology accepted.” he then offered his claw out to him.

Garble lifted his head and saw the claw. It meant alot to receive or give out a claw to shake. There was a respect that came from it and it only meant that one could trust another not to stab that dragon in the back later. If other dragons were to have offered it to him, he would deny it. But since it was Spike’s claws, he actually believed him not to do it.

He reached out and held his claw with Spike. The dragon shook it and Garble shook back. Not like dragons with the way they do it up to the elbows, but it still worked nonetheless.

Once it was settled they seperated. Ember, who had stayed quiet at this point, finally spoke up. “Is there anything else you need to say?” Her voice was unsettling flat, a hidden tone dwelled within but couldn’t be heard audibly. Garble shook his head.

Ember kept her face neutral and turned to Smolder. “Smolder?”

The second youngest of the four looked at her Hoard Maker and then to her brother. Her brother looked apologetic but she still didn’t quite find herself ready to be near him. She gave a small sigh, her voice sounding hurt as she spoke. “I hate knowing you used those words Garble and especially to Spike who is the nicest dragon I have ever met. Yeah… that includes you. I’d rather we stay apart until I can come to forgive you.”

The blow was almost physical and he flinched at her words, yet he couldn’t blame her fully. In some… no, he should drop his pride and ego and allow her to be angry with him. He accepted her resentment towards him and although they both knew it wasn’t going to last, it still tormented his heart that he did anything to warrant his sister’s separation from him.

Smolder felt like she too would break but she already shook her head and turned away. Meanwhile Amethyst laid a comforted claw upon her shoulder to show sympathy for her. Spike felt for her and it truly showed.

Ember had kept her face neutral and didn’t want to break it yet. She gave them a small wave. “Why don’t you three head back to the cave and have a snack, I need to have a few choice words with Garble here.”

Smolder gave a worried glance at her brother before looking at Ember. Her Dragon Lord merely gave a small assuring nod. “I won’t hurt him or anything, however I do want to make some points.”

Smolder gave another glance back at her brother, worried for him but trusted Ember not to do anything too harsh. While it was not an order, it was more of a firm request that they did so. Smolder and Amethyst took flight without another word while Spike wondered if he too should be worried.

Ember just motioned her head to follow the hoard members back. Spike wouldn’t claim he could read the eyes of many individuals, let alone how to deduce what they had in mind. Ember was netruelic in her features, but her eyes carried something else. He didn’t like the edge that it held and he wanted to stop her from saying or doing anything but, he respected her wishes and left, following the two females back to the cave.

She waited until they flew back to her cave and made sure there were no other dragons around. She then waited, staring at Garble who had lowered his head and refused to meet her eyes.

He could feel her amber eyes boring into his skull though he continued to remain focused on the ground. The silence was tense; it was starting to scare him to the point he was struggling with himself.

After a few minutes, she finally spoke. Her voice was stoic but full of bitterness. Not angry but held a heavy tone of authority. With a small click of her tone she spoke only for them to hear.

“You are lucky-” She emphasized on the word ‘lucky’ heavily. “-that Spike is one of the nicest dragons here as well as the most forgiving. His heart is bigger than most of the adult dragons here and that is why I chose him to be my mate. Not including the trials nor the need for the Bloodstone Scepter to share, he is undoubtedly the best dragon by miles on what a good dragon should be or look like.”

She then took slow and deep footsteps, beginning to approach and circle the red dragon, who continued not to look up at her, letting her speak. She crossed her arms behind her and continued to monologue. “Spike had won the trials where so many others have failed in the past, where other dragons only dreamed of coming close to where Spike had been. Remember, he had no idea what to do, who to turn to and how he could be helped. He had no wings, didn’t have iron in his scales or height. He used what he learned from the ponies to the point where not only did he win the trials, but did so at great cost.”

She stopped right behind him where his back was towards her. She could easily smack him or do anything without retaliation yet she kept her anger in bay. She continued her circle around him, with each step heavy that matched with his beating heart.

“He nearly lost both his mind and his life, but instead went into a coma. In that year, he went through changes quickly and without his notice. Once he woke up, he had no memories other than what his mothers gave him. Mothers who were only the ones who gave him the trials but also protected him as he slept.” She stopped, looking away from him as her voice gave a small choke, not trying to deny her sadness now. “When he lost his mind and struck me, I thought I lost everything and would lose him. I thought that I would lose someone who went through pain and suffering for me and it tore my heart.”

She sniffed once before regaining her composure and continued to circle him. “He wakes up with no memory and doesn't remember me for any reason, which broke my heart further than ever before when he didn’t recognize the one he loved.” She paused, taking in a deep breath, trying to hold back another sob before exhaling and counting on. “I prayed to Draco and Wistala that they would give him back to me or I would curse their names in hate if they didn’t.”

“He got his memories back and told me with his heart that he loved me. That he would be with me forever.” She then gave a glare to the side of his head. “I doubt that you would understand something like that, outside of your sister. You would never find someone that could love you like me and Spike.” Garble flinched but said nothing. She eyed him for a moment more then spoke louder. “He had done far more in his short life span than any other dragon in history. He saved an empire, he befriended his enemies, he saved the stupid bloody world! A world which quickly forgets and doesn’t give much recognition or care for!” Her voice spiked rapidly and she began to fume heavily.

“A world where they care little about him or the ponies that saved it! They should be worshipped as heros, yet they remain compassionate and humble in their deeds. He does not brag of the empire he saves or the damn world that continues to throw him to the sides! He doesn’t care for titles or wealth nor hoards or any of that!” Tears of rage left her eyes as she snapped to the dragon, who flinched at her voice.

She stood in front of him. His eyes saw her legs in his vision but continued to stare down, waiting for the physical pain. He couldn’t stop her if she did strike, he couldn't fight back because he would lose, not just because she was the Dragon Lord but because she was his better.

A sudden growl left her. “Look at me!” She demanded. He tried his best to remain defiant and continued to stare down. A snarl left her. “LOOK AT ME!” She commanded.

He winced at the sudden boom in her voice, his ear canals ringing. Slowly but surely, his eyes made their way up until he was staring directly at her eyes. The eyes of anger, of pain, of sadness, of rage and more. There was hate, so much of it was focused on him, staring deep into his eyes and going past to look into his soul.

He had never felt so small in his life with the power she wielded. Her rage was just, her hate was strong and her pain was visible. Even as tears ran down her scales cheeks, she didn’t care what he thought of them or what he would say, she wanted him to remember everything.

Trying to keep her breathing steady, she growled and leaned in dangerously close to him. “He has suffered more than any dragon out here and the world continues to try and push him down. He was abandoned as an egg! AN EGG! To be left alone! To die and not be recovered! To be without a sire or dam! You are gods damn lucky you had both! He had none! Yet ponies took him in and made him family and treated him like one. He got treated like a pet or animal by other ponies. He was teased, harassed and much more from creatures not his own species but he remained kind and loving!”

Garble was trying his best to look away, yet her eyes remained locked on him, daring him to try and do anything. Even as her tears continued, she yelled, screaming at his face. “He would have died many times to save others! So many others, not because of glory or hoards but because he cared for the family he had already and ponies that wanted to live. We didn't give a flying scale about what happened to the ponies, so long as we were left alone, yet he helped those ponies save the world! He didn’t demand anything in return, no name, no title! And you have the audacity to say he didn’t earn any of that!?”

Garble didn’t respond, he couldn’t because he was too visibly shaken and could feel the remorse and pain dripping from her mouth and soul. How could he think of no else but his sister and himself? If it weren’t for Spike, would the other creatures or vilianes come for them?

Ember leaned out, her tears had finally dried but she remained focused on him, her glare still locked on his eyes. “He finally got something he wanted instead of titles or any of that! He got a dragoness that would love him, he got two dragon mothers already on top of the ones he had in Equestria! He has friends as ponies and perhaps other species too! He has an Empire that worships him, but he does not care if they do or don’t! He was just happy that he could save those he could, that was all that mattered! He hasn’t dropped to your level of patheticness of demanding anything!”

She stopped, panting heavily as she exertered herself and had to regain her breath. She let loose half sobs, trying to contain herself while not wanting to lose total control of herself, especially in fron to him. Garble had managed to tear away his gaze and she moved away to catch her breath. His eyes stung and his heart was in flux, perhaps a huge weight of guilt on himself. Most of what was being yelled into him, starting to build in a heavy load he was not ready for. It pained him to an extreme amount and he wanted her to stop.

Yet… Ember was not done, at least, not without some final words that would really burn into his mind. She finally eased her breathing, letting loose any and all tears before turning back to him. This time, she allowed his head to remain lowered. With a growl, she spoke low but such venom, it sent shivers down his spine.

“Spike is more dragon than you. He is better in every way and you better remember that. When you said those words, he and your sister were the only things that stopped me from lashing at you and breaking your face on the ground! To make you scream and beg for your life as I ripped your scales off!”

He cowered, knowing she could still do it. She didn’t but she emphasized her power restraints.

“Your sister is what also saves me from doing something terrible Garble! You should thank Draco and Wistala for her because she is another dragon that I care for. She has a heart that could almost match Spike’s. She doesn’t want to be in my hoard because of my gems or my title. She did it because I asked if she wanted to surround herself with kind dragons that wouldn’t judge her heart! Smolder has never been happier than to be surrounded by two dragons that respect her for who she is, not for what others demand she be! She is better off with us!”

She snorted heavily, blasting a puff of smog down at him. He didn’t react but the gesture said it all. She was done with him and she would make him regret it. Leaning down over him once more, she growled. “If you ever say something like that to any dragon, not just my hoard members but to other dragons, it will be your last mistake! Your sister won’t be able to save you. No dragon would dare stop me and not even Spike will deny me. I will exile you from the lands and make sure no one will know the name of ‘Garble’.”

The dread of that sent a terrible cold feeling over him and Garble nearly collapsed to his knees at her tone. His body quaked in dread and fear as she continued to berate him down to the lowest level.

“You think that a dragon who was born with no name to their scales or a shell to their parents was having nothing, well I will make sure that you have no name, nor shell to anything, not even Smolder. You will leave these lands with nothing and I will make it so that you are never to be recognized or remembered. No mate would ever want you, no creature to sympathize for you and nothing to give you another thought! You will die a sad lonely death, I will make sure of it!” She snorted a puff of smog to his face. “For now, stay away from Spike, stay away from your sister unless I approve and keep your mouth shut. Final warning Garble!” Even without the Bloodstone Scepter, her eyes glowed dangerously red, flashing her command at him. “AM. I. CLEAR?!”

What could be considered a meek nod by many, did not serve Ember. “Answer me! Am I clear, Garble?!”

Swallowing and looking fearfully into the eyes of his Dragon Lord, he responded. “Y-Yes… Dragon L-Lord Ember…”

With a snort she stood back; she flashed open her wings and with a single hard flap, launched herself into the sky, cracking the ground below her in her powerful launch, making a sharp turn and headed straight back to her cave along with the others.

At her exit, Garble’s will finally broke and he dropped to his knees in a shaky fit of pain, sadness and frustration. His claws balled into fists as he shed tears for the first time in a long time. He was angry at himself for losing control of his mouth, he was angry at Spike for making him feel foolish and he was angry that he nearly lost everything due to his pride. It was because of that, he nearly lost his heart too, seeing his sister hurt by his words.

The way she removed herself from him, those blue eyes that showed shock and betrayal, the anger she had when he still continued to be his hotheaded self and the fact she took off without a second thought.

He had been rejected by females before and he would brush them off. He has fought a lot of dragons and was fair to say he’s lost his share in them. He has even taken a few beatings from his… well, he felt like they were all nothing compared to this pain on this emotional level. He would give up everything just to make sure he kept the love of his sister. For now, she was upset, but she didn’t say it out loud or even looked like she hated him. Just disappointed.

This was a blessing he didn’t deserve and for the first time in many years, Garble wept to himself.

“Ugh! Why does my brother have to be an idiot at times?!” The young dragoness yelled, punching one of the big pillows in Ember’s cave. Amethyst held it up as she used it to unleash her anger at it.

She in return gave a shrug, holding the pillow up as the young dragoness ranted and vented her issues out on it. “What do you expect, Smols? Most males are idiots.”

Spike cleared his throat and she gave him a turn of her head with a quick wink and a grin. “I said most males, you are not most males.”

“Thanks? I think?” Was that insult or a compliment?

Smolder stopped and stared at the taller dragoness. “Okay, first off, only Garble can call me Smols.”

“Just like only you can call him Gar-Gar?” She teased back in reply.

Smolder snorted. “Yeah! And secondly, while my brother is an idiot…” She stopped mid-punch, deflating and letting her arms fall to her side in defeat. “-he has a heart, it’s just sometimes covered by a bunch of male ego and… stuff.”

“It would help to know why he does what he does.” Spike inserted into the conversation. “Most ponies and this applies to other creatures, are not born evil or egotistic; you’re either led or molded into it by a source. Either family, friends, nature and so on. Did you… two have a rough foal...err hatchling-hood?”

Smolder thought of their upbringing and she gave a small shrug. “Not anything outside of the ordinary for parents to do. They taught us the normal things like how to dig for gems, sharpening your claws, how to fight and how to take a hit and keep going.”

Spike gave a small wince and mentally kept a small blessing for being raised in kind capacity. Still there was something there that Smolder was missing in their lives. “What about before you were born? Was anything different according to him after you were born?”

Smolder paused and looked up at Spike. “What are you trying to say?”

Spike hesitated in his response but before he could reply, their Hoard Maker flew into her cave and landed with a heavy stomp. The cave echoed at her landing and silence rang.

Their gazes looked at her and Ember stared back. She looked tired, almost physically exhausted and it was not the flight. Her eyes were stained red from tears and even if she tried to deny it, Smolder gazed at her in question for her brother’s predicament.

“I just gave him a warning,” she responded, a slight crack in her voice, a sign of fatigue with dryness at the back of her throat. “And that he would regret it if he said something like that ever again.”

Smolder gulped, now fearful for her brother and fearful of her Hoard Maker. Though she knew that she could trust Ember to hold restraint, there are worse things that could be done to another dragon besides showing physicality towards them.

“Ember… I-I know that Garble could be an idiot, but you have t-to know that he has a good heart, right?” Her own voice carried fear and it showed. Ember felt guilty, showing her this side of her emotions but as Dragon Lord, she had to show her authority, especially those who threatened her hoard.

“Smolder, I do believe that Garble is a good dragon, but even then it should not excuse what he said to Spike or how he has treated him before. He should have already long let go of his greed or jealousy since Spike has been absent.”

“I’m right here you know,” He answered with a grunt, this being the second time he was sidelined. “And while I know he is not the best, he can at least admit himself for his wrongs, Ember. I don’t think there should be any hostility from him in the future.”

She huffed and crossed her arms. “I made sure of that.” She responded darkly.

That sent a chill down Smolder’s spine and now concern really spread across her face. “W-What did you tell him?”

Ember turned to her sharply, almost making her wince. “What he needed to hear. Don’t mess with any of you, don’t say those words to any other dragon and he won’t be punished severely for it.” The tone she left made Smolder cringe in fear and worry. She was about to ask what else she said but Ember cut her off. “I don’t want you to go near him, not unless I allow it!”

“Ember!” Both Spike and Amethyst yelled to her while Smolder’s will broke, causing her to drop to the floor in tears. Amethyst quickly went to hug her in comfort while Ember winced at her words but turned away and went to her gems.

Spike quickly followed her, attempting to negotiate. “Ember, you can’t stop Smolder from seeing her brother! They’re family!”

She brushed off his words and continued to her mountainous hoard for a quick bite. “I can if it stops her from becoming an idiot like him.” She replied bitterly.

“Ember, she is not going to turn out like him. If anything, maybe her being around him will make it so she can turn him around for the better.”

“No Spike! I'd rather she stay away from that dragon until he can think about what he said.” She grabbed a claw full of gems, ready to stuff her mouth. “The last thing I want to deal with is another dragon that thinks that you have no name or title. You far more earned your status than any other dragon in the land.”

“That is no excuse to prevent Smolder from-”

“There is an excuse!” She nearly roared back at him. Anger filled her face but pain was plastered in her eyes, the red returning to her beautiful eyes. “I had to watch as you endured pain and suffering for me! I nearly lost you when your own mother broke your mind! And for almost a year, I suffered because I didn’t have part of my heart with me!” She continued to hold onto the gems, despite her need to eat, though her mood had soured any real want to feed. She began to squish them in her claws.

“Then you wake up and I hope that everything will be better but… it hasn’t. No dragon outside of us cares about you! Not your accomplishments, not your suffering, not your pain… and you continue to be treated like you're nothing special!”

“And that is because I am nothing special!” This time he raised his voice, almost making her flinch. He fixed her with a stare that made her quench her anger and switch to regret. “I already told you that, I can’t tell you how many times I get tired of saying it! The more you say it, the worse I feel. I get that you think I deserve status and whatnot but it should only matter to you and my family, that is it!”

He pulled her close, with his claws on her shoulders staring intently at her. “You keep bringing it up well I am begging you Ember… please stop! I don’t need the status of Elder or anything else, I just want to know why it would mean so much to you if it meant making you upset or angry that others care not for it!” She was about to retort but he quickly shut her down. “Stop! For once, stop! I don’t care! Stop making it bigger than what it is! This will never stop if you keep going on with it. If it means so much to you, then keep it that way but others shouldn’t have to care. Celestia would have sent ponies to go and retrieve me but that would have been pointless time, resources and more wasted for some like me, same could be said with dragons. No amount of titles or names or a legacy could be worth daming someone’s familiy memeber because of a stupid title!”

Ember remained quiet, unsure of what to say or do. It still left her in disbelief that Spike was like this. Everything that has ever been done to him, everything that he has suffered or endured, every pain, every test and more, he cares not for it. The value of a creature's name meant more to dragons than anything but it was only if they were worth trying to respect. Perhaps that is why she tried so hard to establish or keep most of Spike’s title or rise to a higher standard. It just set her heart with fire and rage that many already forgot what he had been through.

But he was right. It should only matter to her and her alone. His family, her hoard, her parents are the only ones that should know his name. Right now, many still believe that he just got lucky, that was all. But the true prowess of his titles and status would have to come at a time when he really lived up to it. His role as what he chose and perhaps beyond. However, she still felt there was no excuse for what was said.

“I just wanted him to understand what his words could mean. I didn’t want him to think that he had any right or reason to-”

“That’s his opinion, Ember!” Spike cut her off immediately. “Not everyone is going to agree with you or anything that you say as a Dragon Lord. How many times have dragons ignored or hated what your father had implemented during his reign as Dragon Lord? How many challenged his status or disliked his choice of mate or daughter?”

A flare of anger filled her soul but it was just as easily extinguished as it had risen. The question was a good one. How many went against her own father? How many didn’t like the way he did things? He didn’t change much in the land, had he? Her status meant little to others, seeing as she was just as targeted as any other for potential mates or rivals for other females who thought because she was the Dragon Lord’s daughter, that she could choose whoever?

Moments would pass and she stayed silent. In a fit of relent, she turned away and began to nibble at her gems, while the soft sobs of Smolder could still be heard in the back. What was this coming down to? What did he have to say or do to make her change her views?

Spike remained upset at her silence, even as she ate. Though nothing seemed to get through to her, he did want to try something that could potentially change her mood and perhaps this conversation. It was way too early, it was a huge gamble and he felt like this would be the wrong time to really bring it up but it felt like it would really disrupt this tension between them. What he would do to make things better or worse?

It took all of his will not to blush or whisper what he was about to say to Ember despite the tense situation. He even said it loud enough that the two other occupants in the room heard.

“Is this what you want our hatchlings to understand? That their father was nothing more than a title?”

Both Smolder and Amethyst had instantly quieted at what was just spoken. This was a borderline topic of mates.

Ember stopped mid-bite, turned and looked at him incredulously, almost flabbergasted at what he said. It was as much of a shock, an unsurrel surprise that he said it. “W-What?”

He gave a small nod, pulling up close to her and grabbed her claws in his. “Is this what you want? For our hatchlings? Is that why you are behaving this way? I mean, I would give it all up for you if it meant that they could grow up without the expectation of trying to achieve Dragon Lord status or Elder. I am not saying now but in the future? Is this what you want for them? To see me with a title?”

“N-No… I want them to see you as kind and smart-”

“Then I hope that when we have them, you don’t flash my titles around so they don’t think I am nothing more than a title or some trophy to flash around. I hate the idea that you want me to have the titles just so that they have some kind of expectation to live up to.”

She steadied a look into his green eyes, trying to find any signs of deceit or anything that was trying to mislead away from their topic. She found none, only the compassionate and truthful eyes that radiated from him. It inflamed her heart to hear him say something like that, yet she really had to be sure.

“How many?” She dared ask. This time, he blinked in surprise and responded the way she did.


She pulled in very close but gave him a serious but optimistic look. “How many hatchlings are you willing to give me? If you want me to stop, then I want to know how many you are willing to give me?” A small tone of desperation into her voice.

“Oh Baka,” Was what left Amethyst's mouth, her eyes going wide in both surprise and interest. Smolder’s sorrow had slowly resided and was now turning into a shade of red that matched Spike’s that hindered to something most females wanted.

Spike was already deep into it, but he knew that without a doubt he loved Ember with all his heart and would do anything to keep it. But to show that their future together meant more than just titles and or anything, he wanted their young to be raised by a great dragon with kindness and love, then one who only cared for titles and names.

Swallowing, he responded easily. “As many as you want.” He licked his chops and pulled really close until their snouts were inches away. “Whatever you’re willing to bear or how long you can stand being with a dragon like me, I will be there with you for each and every one of them.”

Bakaaaaaa….” Is what left Smolder’s mouth. Her blush turned seriously red and before anyone could scold her for the use of her language, Ember’ eyes focused on the other two and a grin formed on her snout.

“What about them? If they asked for eggs, you gonna be there for them? Are you going to treat them the same way as you do to me? Give them as many as I ask, maybe more?”

He froze at this. Now he was really caught red and if his scales could sweat, they would be bullets by now. Smolder was as red as him at the sudden entanglement of the conversation while Amethyst had a grin on her snout and her claws on her hips. “Yeah Spike? Are we gonna get the same treatment as her? I’m getting kinda hot from all this talking about eggs.”

Spike stumbled a response that was both incoherent and rambles of trying to please two females, let alone three. With his words still not coming full, Ember’s features softened and she sighed.

“I’m sorry… for acting this way Spike. I know that you don’t like to deal with your titles and such, but I guess for me, it’s born with us and I can’t help knowing that everyone else ignores it.”

Spike listened in, glad he didn’t have to respond to the females but he was also delighted that she was starting to understand now. Brushing his snout over her head, he pulled her in for a hug, tightly wrapping his arms and wings around her, making the other two outside of the hug, gush in adoration.

“I forgive you Ember, I always will but I am not the one you need to apologize to.” He pulled away and Ember immediately looked towards the smaller dragoness and gave an apologetic look.

“Smolder… I’m sorry about what I said to you. While I don’t regret what I said to your brother, I will allow you to see him again and hopefully… make him less idiotic.”

Merit and hope returned the orange dragoness’s eyes. Amethyst pulled her in for a quick hug in joy and Ember gave her a warm smile before focusing back on Spike. “I hope just to keep you happy.”

He nodded. “I am as well.” Though the shade of red remained on his cheeks. “Please don’t make me answer that earlier question.”

A genuine laugh left her but Amethyst had decided to continue to press her hoard mate. “You know… while I may like the idea of being with Spike, the idea of having the hatchlings from one of the most carrying and kind dragon around… could ruin my cred for being the toughest, meanest, most hardcore dragoness out there.”

Ember looked over to her with a cocked brow and a half playful grin. “Excuse you?”

Amethyst gave a snort of flames, unintimidated by her Dragon Lord. “Yeah, yeah, you may be the Dragon Lord but even you have your soft spots and now that we have Smolder here with us forever, she and Spike are gonna make you sappier and frilly, so one of us has to keep up the tough female act.”

Ember was about to retort in snark but Smolder cut it all off with a simple question. “I’m staying with you forever?”

It wasn’t so much as a fearful or a negative question, rather a one that was in between hope or concern in her tone.

Ember cast her eyes towards the smallest member. “What do you mean, Smolder? D-Did you not want to stay with us?” A pang of sadness left her voice.

Smolder twiddled her digits before her eyes met her hoard maker. A low response came from her. “I-I just thought that… with Spike coming back to you, that… when you and him got back together, that you would let us go and… I didn’t want to leave. I do like staying with you. All of you.”

A wave of emotions covered the other three dragons. Spike felt sympathy for her while Ember felt shame on her end for implying anything that may relate to that notion for her. Ember pulled away from Spike and made her way towards the smaller orange dragoness.

“While I am more than happy that Spike is back,” she began, laying a claw on Smolder’s shoulder in response. “-I wouldn’t just let you go because of him. Not even if he demanded it.” There was a pause as Spike approached alongside her.

“No, I would never,” He affirmed. “You are as much part of Ember’s life as I am. Though you probably have a better connection to her than I do for the time.”

“You two,” She nodded to both her and Amethyst, “-have been the better part of my life for the last year without Spike. Because without him, I felt lost and alone, and while he is no doubt the biggest piece of my heart, you both are also part of it. I would hate to lose you both just because Spike came back.”

Amethyst had lost her earlier tough demeanor right away and was trying so hard but failing so hard, not to cry at the words that left Ember or Spike. Smolder was also overfilled with emotions, shedding tears too but not as much as the pink dragoness next to her.

Ember pulled Smolder for a hug, which the smaller dragoness quickly accepted. “You are forever part of my hoard and can leave whenever you want-”

“Never!” She hiccuped into Ember’s breast. “This is the best and happiest I have ever been around dragons, I don’t want to lose it!” Ember was relieved and thrilled at the response, holding her tighter but the moment was cut short however, as she was quickly smashed harder into the hug by a now wailing Amethyst as she surrounded them in a tight, bone crushing hug. Somehow, her arms pulled Spike to the hug, which had his chest to Ember’s wings.

“Awwww,” She continued to cry in joy and happiness. “I-I-I Love you all so much!!!”

The other trio felt awkward for their situation but slowly and surely, they allowed themselves to enjoy their forced group hug. “So much for being the toughest dragoness around,” Ember said lightly.

“Shudddaaapppp!” The other dragoness wailed. “It's a mommennnnnt!” Spike couldn’t help but agree and he just wrapped his arms around the females he couldn’t wait to spend his life with.

As the group finally settled down from their ‘moment’ as Amethyst called it, Spike thought about how to proceed from here. He wanted to proclaim his eternal undying love for Ember but he wanted to do it right. How? The trio was planning something amongst themselves, so he had to do something for her.

Well, he wanted to take her somewhere special and perhaps give her something for it. Like an engagement but… without the paperwork and the need to give up half of something in the court of law if things went south. Thankfully, the laws of Las Pegasus don't apply here.

No, if he was going to give something that held any kind of meaning, it had to be something not just like a pony tradition like a gem or diamond. She would just think of it as a snack. At the same time, it would be hard to think of what to get some dragon who literally almost had everything! She had a giant hoard, her own lair, two extra hoard members and pillows that would make a fort castle! Flowers would be weird for dragon standards, chocolate wouldn’t arrive safely through his breath… he didn’t think.

His mind literally racked for anything to do for today! It sucked that he could only think of pony based things to do like the usual! Food, jewelry, receptions, friends, dancing…

Dancing… Wait, didn’t dragons at some point sky dance for their lovers? Or was it a mating ritual? Buck, he couldn’t remember which was which, and if he did it wrong, he could possibly humiliate not only himself and Ember. Perhaps he should have tried to listen in on Saphira when she explained the courting rituals or matings or stances and such. He only endured a minute or two before his mind shut down out of sheer redness or possibly shock. It also didn’t help that Torch also added details on his side. Again, it would have been embarrassing but he would have learned a lot more.

Then, perhaps he should take up the lessons from his mothers. He also ran or flew out of that conversation quickly enough but he knew that it would come up sooner or later. That moment had just come up.

It was still early and he knew that he could still do something for Ember at least by the late noon and evening. But he had to learn fast and now to prepare everything.

“Ember, I’m gonna go to my mother’s for a while. I kinda need something to talk to them about.”

She gave a questioning look. “Is… something wrong?”

He quickly shook his head.

“Far from it, I just need a few lessons and I kind of wish to keep it a surprise.” A pause before adding. “I want to make today special and make sure that when we unite, it can be memorable but I don’t want to spoil anything; at the same time, I want to be as accurate as possible when it comes down to dragon customs. all I have is pony ones and I know they won’t be good here.”

This seemed to agree with her but she still added her input. “You know I won’t mind whatever you have planned. Perhaps it could be something unique, I don’t care.”

“I know but… it would still help to know what I can do to make it better, plus I think that if I learn at least something from customs, I could combine them and make them truly memorable.”

She gave a warm smile and that and gave him a small kindle across his face. “Go ahead then.” With a kindle of his own on her face, she watched as he walked out of the cave and took off with the sound of his flapping heard after.

Whatever he had planned, Ember knew it would be special and she knew that it would be a worthy member.

“Hey uh, Ember?” Smolder’s voice had her turn to the smaller dragoness.


The lithe dragoness gave a small twiddle of her claws, redness had bloomed at her face while her voice was shy and timid. “D-Did you mean what you said earlier about Spike taking care of us”

Ember cocked her head, again unsure if she was really unclear on how much Smolder meant to her.

“Yes? Why do you like Spike or not?”

Smolder gave a pause and her cheeks grew darker in red. “I-I-I kinda want what you… what he gave you right now…”

Ember blinked at that and saw how shy or embarrassing it may have been for her to ask. In truth, it wouldn’t really bother her if someday… just not anytime soon, but maybe when they were older, bigger and wiser, that they would ask to bear his eggs. That besides Amethyst, she would really want to carry eggs with Spike being the sire and their family/hoard would grow exponentially. Large hoards weren’t common, but a famous hoard would be something worth trying to achieve.

He was the best of the males out there and while Spike felt intimidated at the fact that he may have to try and please three females, this was a big question mark on Amethyst since she played coy about her preferences, and would live up to their expectations.

A simple kindle or him hugging or even laying with them all at the same time was no trouble for her. The fact that Smolder did have some want or interest in Spike did let her know that unlike Amethyst, her future with Spike would exceed far more than what she had planned.

With a warm smile and a nod, she responded. “I will ask him to give you one if you really want. You can ask for anything without fear, Smolder.” She paused before giving a grin. “Anything.”

Spike arrived at his mothers’ cave albeit slowly. He really was already starting to find it difficult to bring up. While he knew how mostly mating worked, the differences between ponies and dragons were vastly different. Not to mention what went into the process before… the actual process.

He read what he could prior to his coma, but what stayed with him was miniscule or it lacked details because whoever wrote the scrolls, it was the mere basics. No, in order to impress the love of his life, he had to know everything properly.

Even the ones where it left him red faced.

Sighing and pushing past his nerves, he flew into the cave with as much muster as he could. Upon his approach, he saw that his mother Eliyinsa was reading some scrolls while his momma Zynthia was taking a nap, or hadn’t woken up yet. Eliyinsa was using the scarlet dragoness’s head to place the scrolls to read on without having to bend down on the floor. Her horns kept them open and spread.

She became alert at the sound of his wings which distracted her from her reading. A small smile covered her face. “Oh, hello son. I thought you were going to spend your last day with Ember.” Zynthia snorted, causing some of the scrolls to fall off her head and clatter on the ground.

Eliyinsa looked down before focusing back up at him.

Spike landed in front of her and gave a nod, though already his face was starting to blush. “Yeah… I was. But I uh… wanted to learn some stuff. I wanted to make today special for her and before I rejoined her, there was something I wanted to do with her.”

“Oh?” His mother cocked her head. “Well, if it is something special, I am sure that whatever you want to do, it would be special no matter what. But I will teach you what I can.”

Spike gave a small sigh and steadied himself before looking up at her with a blushing face and unsteady voice. “I want to learn how to properly court Ember as well as how to mate with her the way dragons do.”

A quick visible swish of her tail caught his eye movement. Her eyes showed interest and curiosity since he declined to have this discussion before. However, unlike the teasing from Saphira and Amethyst, his mother actually looked pleased that he brought it up.

She ignored her scrolls and lowered her head to meet his level. “Oh my son, you have nothing to be shy about. While I am pleased to know that you want me to help you, I do ask what you know of first before I can help with any issues you may have or any questions you want to be answered.”

He sighed in relief at his mother’s intellectual and eased nature that it prompted him to settle a bit. He pulled in close and sat by her arms, her head staying close to him. Zynthia continued to snore which eased him a bit more, he did not know why though.

“So, you want to know what I know about it?”

She nodded. “While I understand the ponies may have taught you well, I don’t think they would understand the proper nature or adequate responses to how courting or mating between dragons works.” She then cocked her head. “Unless a book on dragons was made regarding our matings?”

He shook his head. “No.” He then somewhat grumbled lightly under his breath before sighing, like a heavyweight was placed on top of him. “What I learned was a lot more… detailed on how mating works between species. Twilight… my sister,” He gave a small groan and placed a palm on his head. “-She gave me, what is essentially the details of mating between species, down to the point where I actually learned everything that goes into the process… but not the experiences nor the courtships. She was as shy as me on that aspect of the subject.” She had no experience with any kind of relationship outside of her friends. Also, he probably got a better chance of losing his virginity than she did, but he didn’t say any of that out loud. His eyes looked up, not directly at her but in thought, gazing more into memory.

“I then tried Celestia, but she felt that Twilight did enough damage.” His mother held a small smile but her eyes held merit that would be considered tittering or at best a chuckle. He waited before responding with a groan. “I then tried Twilight’s mother and she was… more passionate and I ran away from that disaster.”

“That seems to be a common theme around you.” She teased.

A blush formed and he covered his face to hide his red shade, not wanting to bring it up but still felt like he had to. From his covered face, he then said half muffled, “And yesterday, Ember’s mother told us how everything is done… and Torch added way too many details”

He expected his mother to have a negative reaction upon hearing that or laugh hysterically at it, yet this time his mother did give a small chuckle and brushed the bottom of her jaw over his head to soothe his shame. “Oh my dear son, the struggles you endure.” She chided with light amusement that seemed to easily soothe his body.

He pulled away, looking into her deep purple eyes. “Is it that bad?” He asked innocently.

She gave a small shake of her head, though the gleaming warm smile remained on her face. “No son, though I am surprised that you turned away from Saphira’s talk on mating. I figured that since we are your mother’s, that you hearing it from another mother, a different teacher of sorts, would help ease your mind about mating and such. And…” A small tint appeared on the cheeks of her face, though it was a light purple instead of red, something Spike was not seeing. “-maybe you can tell me what she told you so we can… evaluate or compare our notes to you.”

Spike blinked, looking up at his mother, wondering if she was joking or not. The way her eyes sparkled, the way a small grin had formed and hearing her tail giving a small swish, said everything. But before he could begin to comprehend what was asked, she spoke in a calm, professional manner that reminded him so much like Celestia. “So my son, do you wish to begin?”

A small nod came from him. “Good, then let’s start with the basics, shall we?”

Hours later, Spike came out of the cave with a feeling of oddness that now intertwined with his mother’s and his draconic nature. While the lessons were vastly different from the ones he learned in the past, he got a real feeling, literally, on what could be done to ensure that he would do everything he could to do Ember right.

A small shiver left him and he knew that while that was a real experience, he was holding out that it would be much easier and better with Ember. He shook his head at the recent experience, not to shake it off but to instead ready himself and hope that it would be enough.

His mothers followed him out of the cave. “So then son, know that you know what to do, what do you have planned?” His momma Zynthia asked.

Spike wasn’t completely sure yet, for he was still seeing his mothers’ in a new light right now. He quickly shook his head and gave a small shrug.

“I don’t know yet. I mean, I want to do the courting dance but not… out here. I wish to do it somewhere special, you know? Somewhere I can really express to her how much I love and care for her.”

The two females thought for him, so intrigued by his effort to make things right but at the same time, trying to please her like no other.

A place where he could take her flying, a nice area where they can just dance and not worry about anything. A scenery where it wasn’t just the desert lands and volcanoes but far beyond and somewhere wonderful…

Zynthia’s eyes lit up in thought and she lowered her head near his. He saw her head come to view and turned, seeing her eyes dance with a sparkle. “Perhaps we can show her the valley where I took you?” Spike’s eyes lit up almost instantly at the idea.

“You mean-”

She nodded and smiled. “She would love it there and perhaps, I can see to find you a nice area for you to either rest or eat. I will go ahead to let the deer know.”

“Momma, that would be wonderful, thank you!” He reached over and gave her a big hug on her head. She gave a draconic purr with merit at the hug, enjoying whenever he gave one and gave him a quick lick across him.

“Anything for my son, now it must be a surprise. So I suggest,” She lifted her head to turn to Eliyinsa. “-that you cover her eyes until you arrive. You think you can give them a flight over?” She asked her mate.

The black dragoness nodded with enthusiasm. “I shall love, but I will take my time to make sure that they are hopefully welcoming to more dragons.”

Zynthia gave a positive nod. “If I tell them what it’s for and perhaps a simple catch for you and I, along with Ember and Spike, that should be enough. I will alert them that the one who is coming with us will not know of the location. That should ease their thoughts and allow safe passage.”

It still astounded Spike how powerful these deer were to the point where they can make powerful and strong dragoness like his momma, who almost matched Torch in height, bend on a whim when she entered their territory. Though as she had explained it before, now it was just a matter of respect.

Eliyinsa gave her mate a nod. “Good then. I will see you soon then love.”

A quick nod and she turned around before the giant of a dragoness opened her massive red wings and with a few flaps, was airborne and heading east.

As she flew away, Eliyinsa focused on her son. “Are you ready to fly for your mate, son?”

In truth no, Spike was not ready because he wasn’t sure himself on how mating dances and rituals work, yet he felt that within his heart, that something was going to go well. He may not have been raised as a dragon to know all the customs and born outside of having birthday parents, but he would be damned if he wouldn’t try to make his current family proud.

“I think that… when we get there, I will be, mother. I am terrified but I know it will go well, at least, my heart tells me that.”

She brushed her head against him in a loving and calm manner, a draconic purr leaving her throat. “I know it will, son. You have done so much in your life that for all the wrongs, all the ills you have suffered, your choice, your life with Ember will be the greatest feat you will accomplish. Many challenges await you in your future, many mistakes may come and you will feel the burden of the world upon you, but with her by your side, you will overcome them."

Spike’s heart swelled with warmth at his mother’s praise and guiding words, though he gave a small snort. “And where does that leave you and momma?” He wrapped his arms around her head as much as possible, easier since she was smaller than his momma but still bigger than him. “You are just as much part of my life as Ember.”

The black dragoness pulled her arm closer, leaning him in deeper into the embrace. “I know son and despite that all that I have done to you, I don’t feel like I deserve to be a part of it-”

“I forgive you for all of it!” He tightened his hug on her, affirming his words. “I know that you did what you thought was best, but despite everything, you are still the only two parents I have out here that care for me. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

The two of them held each other for a while, both having shed tears of their own. While it felt like this was the end of something, in truth it was just the beginning. Tomorrow, he would head back to the place of his birth, then a week after that, come back here and spend his life with not only his mothers’ but his hoard and ascend into his role later down the line.

With their hearts to hearts set, Spike flew towards Ember’s cave where he hoped that the love of his life would be ready to fly with him. The sun was hitting its early noon and he had hoped that with their flight time, he would have time to truly spend time with her.

Upon arrival, Spike saw that Ember and the other two were chatting and eating gems. His arrival alerted them and when his eyes met hers, he knew that this was it. That this was going to be eternal.

Spike gave her a smile, a warm one. Something that would let her know that this was it. That he was going to go far and beyond for her.

“I am ready, Ember.”

Her heart beat faster and almost as soon as he said it, she felt their connection growing. Without missing a beat, Smolder and Amethyst knew what was about to happen and walked towards the two. Smolder first quickly flew over to the Bloodstone Scepter by the wall and grabbed it, flying back to them quickly.

When she handed the Scepter to Ember, Spike felt like he did a week ago, feeling the power radiating from the staff. But unlike before, this was it. He would be bonded to her forever and he knew of nothing more rewarding or nothing coming close to a moment like this.

She held it out in claw so he could reach it. Without missing a beat, without the hesitation of before and without daring to give her a chance of denying her his love, he grasped in claw.

Time slowed for them both as they were wrapped in a glow of reddish hue. A warmth, unlike anything before rushed into him. The closest he could describe it was the warmth of his mothers’ love; only this was more personal. A flame that surpassed the hottest of lava, yet more invigorating than his first flight, filled his mind, his body, and his soul. Their perception of time and reality faded away.

Two souls bonded for the first time in a long time to the point where for a moment, their heart’s stopped, then just as they stopped, they beat once more, but in unison. In perfect harmony; together united by their love, Ember and Spike were whole once more. For them, it was long moments as their souls and hearts intertwined.

For Amethyst and Smolder, it was only a quick flash and a burst of magical feedback before Spike and Ember felt the Scepter’s power reside and their reality returning.

“Woah,” Was all that the two hoard members said, as the glow from both Spike and Ember that had shortly encompassed them ceased.

Spike and Ember opened their eyes and found themselves staring deep into one another with love so strong, they could feel each other. Their hearts beat in perfect unison, their warmth and love spread evenly between them.



“... I love you.”

“And I love you.” He then pulled her close and tightly, their mouth touching, almost to a traditional pony kiss, though instead, they brushed against one another. With a soft kindle, he whispered to her. “And I want to show you how much.” Pulling away, he looked into her eyes with her claws in his own. “I have a place for us to go and I… want to take you there, but I want it to be a surprise. Do you trust me to take you there, with your eyes closed?”

She squeezed his claws on her own with trust. “I do Spike, now and forever, I do.”

Spike held Ember tightly against him and used his wings to shield her vision completely, yet she didn’t mind. The way he held her with her head on his chest, the way he made her feel safe as they rode on the back of Eliyinsa in the skies, she loved it. Despite the rushing wind passing them, she could feel his heart beating, matching her own and it burned so good to have this feeling again.

She loved her hoard members, that was for sure. However, they were asked to stay just for the night, with Spike returning to her, they didn’t need to be around her for the duration. They were forever part of her lives but Spike was… her heart. The physical manifestation of her heart. She was without the whole of it for almost a year and she never felt complete. With Smolder and Amethyst, they were there to keep her warm, safe, and with a small piece of mind that everything would turn outright.

Yet Spike wasn’t there and the world meant little to her outside of him and her hoard members. With him here now, she felt her heart complete, her mind was in calm and peace. The once fractured piece that broke off her almost a year ago, was back and she would have him here… forever.

Spike held onto his mother’s spines as they cruised at high speeds, for he wanted to dance with her just as the sun was setting. They had perhaps a few hours or less to enjoy it so, he would make the best of it.

From up high, he saw the grounds going from desert brown to yellowish shades to finally turning green with grass and forests. The smell of green in the air had indeed reached Ember’s nose.

“W-Where are we Spike? Did we travel to Equestria?”

While that would have been a good guess, a day and a half’s worth of travel would it take to even get close to the borders of Equestria. He gave her a brush of his jaw on her head.

“No, my love. We are going somewhere secret. It’s like Equestria but closer to home.”

The way he said ‘home’, made her feel more absolute than before to him. Home is where the heart is and while his heart would belong to Equestria, it would also be here in the lands with her.

“Why is it secret?” She asked through the wind.

He gave a comforting rub to the back of her spine.

“When we land, I can tell you but worry not, it is a safe place.”

She trusted him and she knew that just by the calmness of his voice and the love he carried, she felt safe wherever they went, so long as they were together.

Eliyinsa looked below and found her mate out in a small clearing. Taking a gentle descend, she saw her mate giving her a smile of confirmation.

She began to hover, flapping her wings to continue her descent with her wings, causing massive gusts of wind to blow the area around her.

Once she landed, she turned her head. “We have arrived.”

Spike unfurled his wings and Ember blinked, having her eyes unfog for the past hour or so in flight. The green hazes around her slowly adjusted and she found herself in a forest clearing.

The smell of green and luscious vegetation flooded her nose with different flavors. It was for the most part, beautiful with just the clearing. She unfurled herself more and turned to the other two dragonesses.

“Where are we?”

Zynthia pulled in close to answer her. “We are in a distant part of the lands, Ember. Dragons know not of this land because it's too far or it is out of the way of anything worthwhile. I had Spike bring you here because the dwellers and keepers of the forest want to keep this land safe from hunting or being destroyed.”

Ember looked around them, seeing nothing but the green. “And why here?”

It was Spike who answered and pulled her close. “I brought us here because it was the most beautiful place I can think of. I wanted to do something memorable for us.” His mother used her wing as a makeshift ramp, where Spike escorted her gently off her back.

The ground felt soft, not hard like the Dragon Lands, it felt moist but not muddy. The wind that blew through the trees was cool and carried the scents of the forest. The flowers, the trees, the wildlife, and more.

Once off, Zynthia pulled close to her mate and met their eyes. “I told them that it was just us, that you were here for your courting, and that you were shielded from this location. If you want to eat, they still allow you, but just remember the rules, Spike.”

“Of course mother.” Ember was confused.

“Rules? Them? Are there… creatures living here?”

Spike nodded. “Yeah, Deer. But they are very smart and have powerful magic, so they will defend themselves if they have to. So we just stick with what they have for us and that is it.”

She sniffed the air, trying to find a whiff of deer but found none, just more forest scents. Still, if Spike said they were here, then she would best follow the warnings.

But here is where Spike wanted to court her? She knew he was going to court her but didn’t imagine it to be a place like this. Instead of questioning further she looked at him and gave a warm smile.

“Well I guess it’s certainly different Spike, but I trust you.”

He nodded and held her claw up and began to pull her into the forest. “I promise you, that it will be wonderful Ember.”

A slow walk into the forest caused a moment to pass as she watched the colors of exotic nature fill her eyes. Then it felt like something changed in the wind and as Spike led her through the forest, she felt a magical feeling wash over her




Spike held her and began to lightly speak to her about the deer of the forest, the protection they need, and so on. As they walked, she felt the sensation fill her with warmth like before but this one was just around them.

Their walk continued deeper into the forest but not heavily, for soon there was another clearing only this one led to the outskirts. She heard the soft chirps of birds, the sound of a running river and the feeling of peace in the air.

His voice quieted but it was because he was enjoying the peace now, knowing that they were not going to do anything brash. He was just here to show her the world unlike she has ever seen it before.

Upon the clearing, Ember’s eyes went wide, for she found herself in a valley of sorts, where two large hills east to west were spread. Maybe a few miles apart, where green clearings could be seen as far as visually possible.

The open also gave her a few clear blue skies, though it was turning into wonderful soft purple hues with the setting sun towards the west.

Rivers could be seen flowing from the valley’s top where she also saw wildlife basking around unhindered by outside forces. It was so beautiful and so perfect, it made her now appreciate all the vibrant colors of the world around her.

Clearing the forest, Spike leads her through the soft green grass and the bend to their scaled feet. The fact it felt soft around her made her feel a bit weird but adjusted quickly. The wind was soft and it caused the grass and trees to sway with ease, giving a nice, soothing sound around them.

Nature was beautiful and the fact that he had chosen to do this for her, made her love for him swell. Spike saw her face and knew he had done well by bringing her here but this was just the beginning for them.

He led them to a field of flowers and soft grass where he almost threw himself on it, pulling her with him, earning a small yelp in surprise. She landed on him but found him laughing in joy, spreading his arms and legs, waving them side to sides at the wonderful feeling. Ember was confused at this action, thinking him being odd.

Yet Spike never looked so happy on the grass and she wondered if magic was at play. She reached out to the grass and despite having scales, the texture and smoothness breached her scales and tickled her senses that it caused a wide smile to fill her face.

She turned over and laid on her back too, spreading her whole body too at the feeling. The ticklish feeling ran over her, a sensation she hadn’t really felt in a long time. It was its own euphoria on her body and it felt wonderful to experience this feeling.

They laughed in joy as their bodies twisted and turned to let that feeling consume them. Claws couldn’t come close to the feelings they were experiencing and it helped that she was enjoying this with her mate for the first time.

From his eyes, Spike saw the pure innocent joy Ember was having here. The way her eyes were closed in happiness, the joy and pleasure of the grass that fed her body, and the oh so wonderful laugh that left her, made him feel like he had accomplished a lot just by doing this.

But he was not done. Not by a long shot. With her distracted enough, he turned over to his front and began to slice away most of the flowers around him with his claws. Suffice to say, the deer may not like it, but he was doing this just around him to make a demonstration.

Then once he did so, he turned to Ember, giving her a quick, ‘Wait here’ gesture with his claws. He didn’t need to say anything for they were already past communicating verbally here. She turned over to him, earning a quick smirk and wink as he spread his wings and did a rapid take off.

Instinct or love told her to follow but he did fly far, instead, he rose high above and over her, circling. She watched as he did this for a number of rounds until he flew outwards for a few yards before he turned around and flew back down and towards her fast speeds.

As he did, he picked up any loose flowers past him and below, until he landed to a skid on the grass, pulling Ember up into his arms and twirled her around, causing a small yelp of surprise but her eyes going wide as the flowers he had just cut, jump from the updraft then fall around them, where he used his wings to flap once and twice to keep them in the air, as he spun her around.

They fell gracefully around them and cascaded over them like slow beautiful rain of different colors. The display was so… breathtaking, that she couldn’t find the words of how amazing this was. Their eyes met, their hearts sang and the world was gone from their minds.

He did a small dance with her, swaying lightly with the continuous rain of flower pellets until they stopped. When a single blue flower landed on her head and between her horn, it was like it was meant for her and the beauty transcended her beyond anything.

The sun was almost setting but he still wanted to make the evening right. He danced her around the field, swishing with the wind, splashing over the rivers that passed by or jumped in the air in swirls of passion. He did this for the remaining moments of the sun before the sun hit the edge of the horizon.

That was when he knew that this was it. That he was going to do so much for the one he loved. Carrying her bridal style, he launched himself upwards into the sky, where he let her go and she spread her wings.

Their eyes met once more and soon, love and instinct took over. With the sun slowly setting, the skies changed to light pinks and oranges with little clouds that gave it a variety of other colors too. The purple of the night creeping over the east was slow but it was enough to give a sense of beauty over time.

Their dance began.

Spike and Ember flew next to each other, flapping their wings in unison, their tips just near each other but never touching. They rolled and spun next to each other, feeling their movement in sync that made sure they would never collide.

Yet if they did meet, it was when they drew close to one another and held each other in claws. As they met, their claws entwined, their muzzles nearly touched and their eyes met each other.

Together, they spun in slow circles, letting the wind rush past them, with the valley below and the sun basking them in wonderous, harmonic light. As they danced in the air, their bodies fell but kept their wings open to keep them floating, in which strong winds from the valley did so.

Never did they separate and they always kept their eyes on one another. Joyous laughter rang beautifully from Ember while pure innocence of happiness and love left Spike, as they danced in the air, their love keeping them a lot.

Then when the air died, they dropped but confidently as they pulled close to one another and spread their wings once more to ascend and begin gentle glides together. They allowed themselves to glide slowly down, not letting it be a rapid descent until Spike saw that the sun was almost gone.

Leading them down to the top of a small grass field on one of the hills, they landed gracefully and safely entangled in each other’s arms. Then Spike sat down and gently laid her on top of his legs, where she sat comfortably into his arms.

The sun was setting, the colors of the skies changed and the setting so romantic, it was quiet for them both. As the light continued to fade, Spike held his beloved in an embrace, leaning his head close to her.

“I love you so much Ember, with all my heart.”

Tears of joy of the moment as well as the experience had formed in her eyes, yet she still couldn’t believe what she had just experienced. Leaning so closely, she dared not let him go, almost whispering in merit as tears left her eyes.

“Spike, I love you, with my heart. This was beautiful!” She sniffed and gave him a kindle across his face. “I have never experienced this and I love it all. I can’t tell you how much this means to me.”

“Neither can I,” He whispered into her ear. “And I make my vow here and now,” He pulled just far enough away so that his emerald eyes met her fiery orange ones. “I, Spike the Dragon, swear my undying love, my unending spirit, and my whole soul to you Ember. I will be with you until the end, until we leave this world together and maybe even beyond that. You are my greatest hoard, my other piece of my heart and I will forever and eternally be bound to you and only you.” Tears left his eyes and he gave a kindle of his own to her face. “My Ember, my mate, my love… am I yours?”

Happy tears ran down her face endlessly and she laughed. “Yes! Yes Spike! You are mine and I am yours!” She chanted it to the skies and wrapped him into a fierce, but loving hug. In that moment, she pushed him down and licked his face with love from her heart.

Spike in return did the same and held to the love of his life dearly. With the sun fading and the night starting, the final dance of Ember and Spike truly began with a passionate night and the flames of eternal love burning into the skies, signaling the eternal union of two souls.

Author's Note:

Huge thanks for the editing and prereading from [color=#9426af]Badwolf1175[/color].
oh.... wow, this took since November of last year to even get close. In truth, I wanted to split it but because I delayed myself four times over, I felt like it needed to be done. I almost split it back in Feb again but... it became to large and to well thought of to just publish half now and the other half later. It needed to be complete in order to make up for the long long longgggggggggg.... time in between. Now, this is the final time we will be in the dragon lands and head to Equestria where Spike will reunite with his family.
This was hard, it made me cry on certain instances, I almost developed carpaltunnel with the writing and I wished to truely thank each and everyone of you who have stook by for this one.
25,000 words and I am proud of how it turned out. The music choice for the end was yours and I could only think of those two songs for when I wrote the ending. Please, enjoy it and i while I tried my best, I will push forwards for the other chapters. At least two chapters are ready for publish but I need a middle ground for them, so expect multiple released with them.
Right now, for those who read the clops, I will soon be releasing two chapters attatched this one, so keep an eye out for dragon tales.
Thanks for sticking with this and I hope I met some expectations.