• Published 29th Jan 2019
  • 6,547 Views, 376 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Legacy - Little_Draco

Spike awakens and his time to return to world has come. With added family, grown body and new challenges to face, Spike will find the world has changed without him and he must adapt, even if pain must come from it.

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Storm Fall

The Dragon Lord's Legacy

Storm Fall

The vast swirls of colors, of unfiltered and vivid shapes came to and fro, never making any sense. However, the first thoughts and signs of something making sense were the voices, the gentle cries. Those she recognized.

Spike, her son, the reason she pulled off the stunt to find that creature that dared called itself ‘mother’. And despite the warning, despite the effort she put into finding her… Nothing! No sign of her other than the imprint she left on Spike decades ago! It's either she found a way to hide herself, or is so far out outside the borders of abilities or… she finally has died.

The last one was a bit of a stretch, for she was too strong and powerful to let the world end her life.

Despite this, it was not her that pierced through the veil of her dreamless landscape but of their son. The cries, the pain, the anguish, both physical and mental. But… he was across Equestria, was he not? He felt so close, like if he was right next to…

Violet eyes slowly peered open. Eliyinsa let the warm confines of her home and the natural light of the nearby lava pools bring up the illumination. As she looked towards to her left, she saw her mate sleeping peacefully against her. A true tribute and care that she was, laying there, a familiar form laid between her fore rested their son, Spike! What was he doing here? Wasn’t he supposed to come by tomorrow? Unless… She overslept and has been sleeping for days? Perhaps longer?

A brief scan of her mate’s mind told her that no, he had come early. Why? She then slowly looked towards her son and gently probed his mind.

… In a flash, everything since their departure came to her mind. The first four days of his time there were absolutely beautiful. She could feel the happiness within his mind, including giving Smolder something special. They were physically mated, bonded like Ember was but as his secondary mate. The other days, joyous, wonderful and euphoric days of bliss with his hoard and his family. It warmed her heart to the core…

But then… came the pain of the last day. What was that? An invasion?! By who?

His scream to save Twilight and his mother, Celestia. Failing, he witnesses his mother and the other princess get turned to… stone. Was it stone? No, it was something else. Then… cold. Why was it cold? He was freezing over? No… not freezing, stone… He was encased in stone now! The void! The horrible void of emptiness encapsulating him.

Then the moment lasted briefly, followed by relief from Ember, then… anger. Why? …Destruction, chaos, innocent injury; his home and their homes crumbling.

Oh Ember… why? You could have done more… or she couldn’t? The Scepter… the recall. Energy spent, now they had to travel back, but not by choice. His anger, his pain, pointed at his soul mate.

Then he was forced to make Smolder stay and help Twilight. Oh… the pain that burned as he had made her his own and now to give it up so quickly.

The pull began.The painful pull back home, rage, pain, regret, all rolled into one as the anguish became almost physical as they flew back, forcing them to abandon hope.

Tears fell from eyes as she felt her son’s emotional state was over her, but… there was more.

Complications on the way home. Garble, the red drake… attacked him?! The nerve! The marks across his face, physical pain but… nothing compared to what he had just lost or had given up.

But Spike didn’t retaliate. He just let him go. Then they return back here. His heart bearing to Ember, his need to remind her that he… was not worth the many lives.

Not worth the sacrifice!” He reminded her…

Her begging, her pleads of forgiveness… He did, but he needed time.

Their love remains, but it is in question who would do what for the other. Ember’s need to burn the world for him, or his need to save it, even if it cost his life.

Then it leads right before her awakening… Her mate explained to him little that could be done and now… now her poor son suffered in his sleep.

…Oh Wistala, my poor son! What the world tries to rob of you!’

While she sided with Ember to a degree, she felt that Ember’s brash action did nearly cost a great amount of pain not just for Spike but possibly the relations for dragons in the future.

But the problem remained and his pain was grand. He wanted to take back Canterlot and use every dragon disposable. Well… that won’t work, but just a claw full of large dragons would suffice. Then there was the recall of the Bloodstone Scepter, the recharge it would take to get it back. A couple of days? And then they would have to return the day after regardless for a one time assault or reclamation of his home?

No, they needed to work through this properly. A plan of action. What she has seen, the attack was only centered on the Capital and their warships could be dealt with by the larger dragons while the others dealt with the invading armies.

More so, they needed to free the Princesses for the sake of the country and their ponies. A pause…

A sniff from her and a glance on the outside told her it was night. If the princesses, heralds of the sun and moon were imprisoned, who controlled the celestial objects?

That was in of itself a problem but not a catastrophe since they were still in motion. But the problem of freeing the Princesses remained. Capturing them meant either to use them or to take something from them.

A question that could only be answered if they were to go to Canterlot. But now, she had to deal with the one currently next to her and that was her son. The pain that still plagued him was there from the loss of his family and the others there, along with the ache of hurting his mate and forcing another to stay to keep his family safe.

Were they safe? Was Smolder safe or keeping them safe? Or was she just along for the ride? Or will she be a burden?

Wistala was to know if any of that was true. His heart was burning, his dreams were filled with Nightmarish scenarios of losing everyone. A cruel twist of fate of him losing his family…
… Her mate told him of her actions and why she injured her lover…
…His fault? Never! Far from it!
… They suffered for his origins… and they would do so if it meant giving him a happy life.

Yet that didn’t stop his heart from believing otherwise, especially if it involved a past he could not remember, nor be aware of the damaging implications that it held over him.

She pushed that aside for now and instead moved her head closer to where her son laid. Breathing in his scent, she bared in the weight of his distress and the ever increasing stress that consumed his whole being. Her snout pressed against his back, gently assuring him everything will be fine. A gentle wave of calmness she mentally sent into his sleeping mind, soothing that inner turmoil and restless heart.

While she knew that a certain Princess of the Night would be crossed with doing part of her job, she felt like with her current capture, she could allow this to be done. Even then, her son needed to feel the warmth, the calm, and love of his mothers to ease him.

The night terrors were now background noise but that was something outside of her full control. Adding nothing more than that, she remained where she was and stayed, closing her eyes but not allowing sleep to take her once more. She had slept enough.

Ember hadn’t gone straight to her father when Spike and her separated. She went straight to her cave and collapsed in her pillow mountain, feeling the immediate embrace from Amethyst as she broke down hard.

Harder than she has ever felt, even worse when Spike woke up from his coma and didn’t remember her. She cried until she passed out from exhaustion and even then, her dreams were plagued with thoughts of Spike leaving because of her failure to comprehend her actions. Despite him already stating that they would come together once more, doubts and horrible echoes of unknown nature tortured her.

Amethyst felt so horrible to be in a situation like this. Where she struggled to hold her hoard maker tightly and tried to comfort her, trying to whisper to her that ‘Everything will be alright,’ and ‘Spike just needs time,’
She truly and honestly believed that Spike wouldn’t abandon her, nor hate her. She knew that at times, even the best relationships had small hiccups and they needed space.

Unlike her parents where their settlement involved a giant hoard of gems and her father being tossed through the mountain, Spike was probably the most easy going and best dragon all around. He was kind, he was sweet, and had the biggest heart she had ever known. There times she wished other males could take cue from him and behave a bit more like him.

He was like some urban legend of a dragon, where it only comes once in a thousand years, and is never confirmed. All that hope, all that love and all that care, rolled into a single being. He broke the rules of what it meant to be a dragon and would break many more when he grew. She actually had come to liking Spike in the short time they had interacted and grew more so when they were in his original home. Out of all the males that entered her life, he was the only one that captured her heart… through Ember and Smolder.

That is why she knew in her heart that he would not stay mad at Ember forever. He would take her back, he would forgive her and… would bang her again with the same love she gave her their first night. Her life bet on it, though hopefully not literally.

Holding Ember even long after she fell asleep, the pink dragoness cooed gently into her ears, whispering assurances and promises of them returning back together. Though it wasn’t his voice she wanted to be reassured by, her body did calm down enough for Amethyst to fall asleep with her.

However, Ember was plagued by night terrors of that mare taking Spike away, as well as the Princesses. The world plunging into darkness, with storm clouds covering up the skies and the obsidian covering her form. Her last image being of Spike reaching out to her in frozen fear of stone, only for the mare to shatter is body to bits and a sinister grin on her face

Spike slowly awoke to hear the gentle whispers of his mothers talking in discussion about what had happened.

“-and what would you think would be best?” Zynthia asked her mate.

“We do what we need to and that is to aid Equestria through any means.” Eliyinsa responded with certainty.

“And risk the lives of other dragons?”

A pause. “... If it means that they do not use the powers of the Princesses, then yes.” Her mate seemed to have looked shocked but Eliyinsa gave a shake of her head. “Don’t look at me like that. Who is to say what they plan to do with that power? Use it on their enemies? Us? The three of them, with their powers given to Twilight, had her facing the Prince of the Centaurs and that battle was heard from here.” A sigh left her. “Is it not worth the sacrifice?”

That word sent a powerful surge of remorse on Spike, as he recalled saying that he wanted to rally every dragon to go and help fight back. He didn’t even consider the calamity or loss they might face. Even if they were to only bring big dragons, whose to say those warships wouldn’t be able to harm a dragon? With the four of them being present at Canterlot, no doubt they are now preparing for their return or more dragons. Not to mention that even at best possibilities that no dragon died… what of the ponies? If they got caught in the crossfire?

What was the goal now? Where was the strength to return with force? And if they were to take back his home, would Twilight and friends, including Smolder know? He was sure she didn’t have her journal with her and Smolder didn’t know of dragon mail.
Oh Smolder… how I wronged her.

There was a mental presence…
“Spike? Are you awake?” Hearing that, reminded him of the first time he had woken up from his coma almost two weeks ago. The feeling of just understanding the world coming back to focus and how you are part of it.

He roused awake, having long ignored trying to get any more sleep, he looked up towards his mothers. Two eyes looked down on him, not with pity but with love and care, a look that stated that they were here for him.

“What do we do, then?” His voice almost but a whisper. Both females leaned down, pressed their larger heads against him with ease. He trembled, feeling like a hatchling again as he wrapped both arms around their snouts, their foreheads against him. “Wh-what can we do?”

“Pray,” His mother whispered to him. “Pray that whatever deity watches over the ponies, that they will succeed in their endeavors to secure peace and harmony. For now, we cannot do much, not unless we ruin any chances of good graces by storming Canterlot.” Spike tried to add his plan but Eliyinsa beat him to it. “While I have no doubt that you and Ember leading it will help, it still will do no good unless the Princess herself welcomes our presence in mass or that the ponies will understand first and foremost ahead of time that we are there to aid, not to attack.”

She gave a small bump of her head on him. “That includes the days it will take for the Bloodstone to recharge.”

An annoyed sigh left his momma. “I swear that is some sort of failsafe or implemented by Draco or Wistala just to annoy us.”

A half grin formed on his mother. “What makes you think that?”

Zynthia gave a cocked brow with a scoff leaving her. “Come now, you of all of us know that the Scepter having to return back to its origins when drained doesn't sound like some half written rule in it or something that is a story lore that needs to have a reason for something to happen in order to continue.”

Spike pipped in. “I think that would be too meta and an annoying one at best, something I think Discord would like to be part of.” A pause. “No wait, that is something Discord had possibly had hinted at before.”

A snort from the scarlet dragoness. “The chaos chimera? Of course he would love to prank or pull off some stunt like that. Thankfully, it's immune to his magic.”

Spike pressed his mouth together, as if he had lips. “I uh… Ember said that she used the Scepter on him to calm him down and it worked. So if he can use it or not, it's up for debate.”

“But he is not…”

“He is part dragon and even stated it himself.”

“That shouldn’t make sen-” Eliyinsa paused, as if fate daring her to finish that on a creature of chaos. Spike saw this and just nodded, as if understanding his mother’s plight.

“It's best not to think about it, mother, but back to focus.” He slumped and pulled away from them. “If we have to wait for the Scepter to recover from the energy, then we have no choice but to wait. Maybe in the meantime, we can at least ask for dragons willing to come to aid us?”

“Asking is the best we can do Spike, instead of rallying or demanding as well.” She then raised her head and her eyes glowed a brief violet before dimming and then returned to their normal colors status. “Though a few would be willing to do it, they just want some reward or to cause as much havoc as possible.”

Spike cocked his head to the side. “You’re freely using your abilities now?”

“Yes,” she responded almost right away. “-But I am trying to restrain myself, for the sake of those around me.”

“Why? I thought you would like to use your full abilities.”

“The last one to use her abilities without restraint caused a turmoil of great disturbance that it is still being felt to this day,” Her voice, while calm, held an edge at her tone that he recognized from before. “I enjoy using my abilities Spike, but there are limits that should be placed, especially since those in power without restraints, are more than likely to cause problems.”

“Like the foreign army that invaded Canterlot?”

“Exactly,” She stated sharply. “Whoever they are, clearly have power but they seek more.”

“And just as likely,” His momma continued. “They will use it against those who oppose them.”

“Then how do we go about getting Canterlot back? If they have the power of Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadance, shouldn’t we try to find some way to stop them? What happens if they suddenly wish to start attacking other nations?”

Both mothers knew the answers and understood the implications of that dilemma. Even Eliyinsa with her powers fully unlocked, couldn’t stop a blast of celestial energy, let alone from three alicorns.

“Perhaps we can send an enhanced to witness or check on the views of Canterlot?” Zynthia offered.

Eliyinsa gave a small nod but there was a pause. “They are already wary of dragons; any that are seen or spotted can be seen as a threat or may act hostile.” She then squinted before her eyes lifted to her mate. “Shadescale?” She pondered outloud.

The scarlet dragoness agreed with a bob of her head but Spike was left out of the loop. “Shadescale?”

His mother looked down at him. “One of the few dragons with abilities here in the lands. She has the ability to camouflage in the day and is practically invisible at night. She is an absolute silent creature, a smaller class of dragon and can even use the shadows themselves to attack.”

“Why bring her up? What can she-” He paused mid-speech, as he realized what his mother just proposed. Excitement bordered his tone but he remained cautious. “You want her to spy on Canterlot!”

“At least, a temporal one,” She added, “-Somedragon that can at least keep an eye out on anything that may cause trouble.”

Zynthia chimed in. “But she will only do it for a price worthy of her leaving here and something beneficial in the long run.” She then gave a small wisp of flames. “We need to consult with the others and ask to allow an ‘enhanced’ to leave.”

“What price does she want?” Spike asked.

Both mothers turned to him and he suddenly felt a bit weary upon seeing their looks. At first Zynthia wanted to speak but she paused and turned to her mate, a mental squabble between them. She then slumped when Eliyinsa gave her a mental chat and shook her head. Once more out of the loop, he asked, “What?”

“That… is something we have to wait until we can get approval from them and… her own.”

Spike felt like something odd might come from this but he brushed it off with an ideal payment method. “If she wants gems, I have at least half a hoard at Ponyville, I am willing to part with if she is willing to help. Some of them come from elsewhere in Equestria, so she they are not your typical gems.”

Eliyinsa seemed to like that more and lowered her head close to his. “May I see if this is to her satisfaction, son?”

He blinked and realized she wanted permission to look into his head. A nod. Her eyes briefly flashed and he felt her in his mind but unlike before, this was comforting and it tickled. Perhaps now that he understood her or allowed it, maybe it would be easier from here on out? After all, while they may have lies and secrets, he had nothing that he wanted to hide, especially if it meant helping his family and friends.

When the flash ended, she frowned and her lip snarled a bit but she pushed that away and nodded to her son. “Thank you, Spike. I hope that will suffice, but for now, we need to summon the rest of the Elders.”

He gave a nod though he felt a small amount of ache in his stomach as he realized he needed Ember here too. It still lingered in his mind what she did and it still hurt but he also knew that without her, he would be encased in stone and perhaps… there would be no plan to stop these invaders and save Canterlot. Her selfish act still clashed with his selfless views but he still loved her with all his heart and he knew that this was the moment to reconcile and allow them to mend their hearts.

“If you summon the Elders, can you summon Ember too? She needs to be here if we formulate a plan, mother.”

Sensing his inner distress, but needing to reconnect with his heart, she cooed to him. “Of course, son.” Saying no more, she lifted her head and once more, her eyes glowed violet. She sent a mental command to all the parties needed, though Spike quickly added. “-Oh, can you also get Garble too.”

This caused a great pause for her and his momma. A frown worked its way to both though Zynthia was the first to voice her displeasure. “Son, why would you need to bring him here? He attacked you without restraint and-”

“He did so because I did something to his sister that would anger any older brother, especially saying something intimate in front of them.” A small nod of understanding came from him “I know what that is like. Shining Armor would always swear that if any stallion went after Twilight in that way or even think of her as such, he would bury them half way through Canterlot mountain. He also said before that, every stallion got ‘one’ free for that.”

“That seems highly unlikely,” Eliyinsa tittered. “-but an acceptable form of dealing with someone who mates with their younger sibling.”

Zynthia grunted, a sharp click of tongue. “While I don’t like it, why bring him here? I would rather not have him here in our cave.”

Spike gave a half nod. “Okay, well speak to him outside when we finish forming a plan.” Both mothers agreed and with a flash of her eyes, Eliyinsa sent the mental message.

As they waited, Spike asked, “So, will you keep using your powers like this freely? Will you put your tail braces back on?”

“I will,” she answered truthfully. “I don’t want other dragons to think I have gone back on my word about keeping them on.”

He winced, looking at the permanent marks that those bracers left on her tail. “Aren’t they painful or uncomfortable?”

She gave pause for a moment to answer. “They will be replaced in a few decades, to adjust to my growth, but for now, they are merely an accessory to me. The same way ponies wear piercings or jewelry on their bodies.”

“Growth?” he asked. “You are not fully grown?”

His mother smiled briefly, though there was a bit of pain behind it. “No son, I am still growing and believe it or not, my bracers slow my growth.” She lowered herself close to the floor so as to not talk to him. “My abilities, being suppressed for a century, had slowed my age regression.”


His momma also lowered herself to the floor. “We know not, but perhaps an innate ability of sorts. Much like the abilities you carry, we don’t know the full extent of them, even after using them for years.”

“Huh,” He was briefly reminded of certain comic book characters that have abilities that they gain over time or don’t discover for years after their first appearances. “I feel like that is a story or comic that I could write about.”

His mother hummed in amusement. “Perhaps you should Spike. If a dragon has done something grand in life, something that inspires or accomplishes a tale worth being written or remembered, it should always be taken to heart. While we remain long lived, a story is worth telling a hundred times to hundreds of generations that are born from here until the end.”

He liked that idea, the feeling of being so grand and amazing that those after you depart from the world, should view you as a positive figure. A hope or an inspirational character that will lift the spirits or bring out the imaginations of so many. Perhaps as his role comes into fruition, he will help change the Dragon Lands by introducing more dragons here to friendship and more.

As they conversed on, the approach of giant footsteps were heard just outside. “Enter,” Eliyinsa called out before they could announce themselves.

Once more, four large dragons entered the cave, though this was the first time Spike saw all Elders here and their mates. Seeing Dereain and his mate, a male silver dragon by his side was new, but seeing Saphira moving up and about was heartwarming. Though, his heart fluttered when on her shoulder was Amethyst and Ember. Both had their eyes locked on him and him there, with an air of distance and unknown between them. They remained apart for now while the heart of the matter came forward.

Fortunately the Elders seemed to bring up the problem ahead and skipped the greetings. “So what brings this meeting to fruition other than a siege in Canterlot.” Torch asked, nodding his head towards his daughter upon his mate’s shoulder. “Ember filled us in but I feel like this should have nothing to do with us?”

“Quite the contrary, Elder Torch.” Eliyinsa started with firmness. “The princesses being captured could have dire consequences for us if their magic is taken from them. Suffice to say, Spike believes we need to act and take Canterlot from the opposing army.”

Dereain bobbed his head. “While I feel that this would help, there is also the retaliation that may come from this if we were to go and fight them.”

Eliyinsa agreed. “Which is why I first want to send a dragon to report what the situation is currently. We do not need to cause panic and have them harm the civilians.”

Both male Elders cocked their heads. “You mean a scout, a seeker?” Torch asked. Spike’s interest briefly lit up, hearing that name before. It was one of the few roles he could choose as part of completing the trials that was outside of the ‘Elders’ role. He remained quiet however.

“Of sorts, but we have none in the current area with the closest being near the northern seas.” Zynthia provided. “Instead of sending them, we send in one special dragon to assess and report anything of value to us.”

Dereain lifted his head, feeling like he knew the answer. “You already have one in mind then?” It came as a statement more than as a question.

Both females nodded, though Eliyinsa responded with hesitation. “Yes, but she is ‘enhanced’ and I know that while we don’t wish for them to leave the lands, she is the most qualified to do it.”

Saphira finally fed in, with Amy and Ember also leaning in with curiosity. “Who is it?” She asked.

Eliyinsa met their questioning gaze. “Shadescale.”

While Torch and Dereain jerked their heads back, Saphira was indifferent with the option. “Yes, she may be a valuable asset.” Torch gave his mate a perplexed look at her agreement but remained silent.

“What makes you think that she is a good asset?” Dereain asked, not just to Saphira but to Eliyinsa and Zynthia. “You know that she is not one to indulge in something as spying or information gathering without some high cost. The last time we used her was in the battle between the Princess and the Prince of the Centaurs fight.”

Now this was news to Ember and Amy about Shadescale but the actual spying of Twilight’s battle with Tirek was a twist. While the tremors and fighting could be heard hundreds of kilometers away, the witnessing had to be something dangerous. How did they even know to send her?

“She nearly got hit by their attacks and demanded half a hoard from each of us and a cave built for her. Even then she said she would recall for a future payment.” Dereain finished with anger, though his mate was quick to ease him. “It took a year and half to replenish that loss of gems and time.”

Eliyinsa turned and motioned towards Spike. “Spike has offered a large percentage of his hoard he has acquired from his pony family.” A small whine came from Amethyst at the thought of losing all of those gems they were talking about, but Ember and Spike were indifferent. Then the mood turned sour. “But she wants something else,”

Dereain and Torch snorted. “Of course she does, this was her future payment she has requested?”

Saphira cocked her head. “What does she want?”

Eliyinsa’s upper mouth twitched in anger but she withheld it from fully being repelled. “I told her no, and to try and find an alternative when we bring her in.”

Torch gave a grunt. “Well, what was the original price?” He demanded.

A small glance towards Spike, earning every other pair of eyes to look at him. Feeling it, he blinked. “What?” Innocent enough but not to those around him, earning a growl from Torch.

“Of that, I will deny her! Spike is already mated!”

“WAIT WHAT?!” The young trio of dragons exclaimed at once. This was enough to warrant Ember to fly off her mother and land in front of Spike. “She wants to be Spike’s mate?!” A venomous growl leaving her.

Spike didn’t register the fact that she was in close proximity and her flare of anger, but rather why she wanted him. Before any more anger could rise from the Dragon Lord, Eliyinsa clarified. “No so much as mate, Lord Ember.” A small grunt left her. “Rather she wants him to only to be a surrogate for her first egg batch-”

“NO!” Ember all but bellowed out. It was enough to warrant every dragon to remain silent at her. She was seething now, smog leaving her nostrils. Her anger was justified and being told this in front of her didn’t help. While Spike felt confused by the situation, he saw that the rest of the adults seemed off put by this.

“Why me?” He asked, more confused than upset like the others.

Eliyinsa shook her head. “Not for the reason you think, Spike. Rather, later down the line when you are older as you are the first male ‘enhanced’ in almost a thousand years. She would only have you just to ensure a ‘blessed’ clutch of eggs.” She then turned to Ember. “She knows you are already mated and part of a hoard, so I asked her for alternatives.”

Ember was still breathing hard with restrained anger, however she was almost instantly calmed when she felt the gentle wrap of Spike’s tail around her own. Blinking as she was pulled out of her angered haze, she felt Spike’s close proximity. While he didn’t look at her directly, the knowledge and the affection tail wrap was enough to warrant a restraint on her anger.

Deciding to deflect that topic, he asked, “Then is there something else? I mean, I… don’t want to have that hanging over my head in the future, but maybe something that is achievable or something that even can be given?”

Eliyinsa’s brows furrowed and a flash of her violet eyes came. She swallowed and her eyes dimmed. “For now, she agrees to the gems but there is still a high price demand.”

“What more can she want?” Demanded Ember. “Is it not enough that she wants to take Spike away from-”

“Again Lord Ember,” Eliyinsa heavily restated. “She Will Not… take Spike away. But, her demand is high because she risks more by going.” A click of her tongue. “She nearly got killed when watching the battle of the Titans from afar and this only adds to her price.”

“Then we seek an alternative after she completes her mission.” Torch announced with a stomp of his foreclaw. “Her abilities should shroud her from harm since there will be no active hostilities, providing she is not seen.” He noticed the non-enrapture between his daughter and Spike. While he was aware of what Ember had done, it still didn’t look good that they were not as close as they should be. This tension with Shadescale didn’t help.

Dereain chose to move past this. “So, once we find alternatives to her payment, what can we expect from her report? Is she simply spying and gathering information or is there something else?”

Spike managed to add input this time. “That and we need to see if Twilight and friends have returned. Equestria should have outside reinforcements or allies that they could rely on in case of situations like this.”

Ember’s mother cocked her head and responded with a curious, low optimistic tone. “Young Spike, what makes you think that anyone will have the excess armies to return and aid them? If this army came from out of nowhere and besieged Canterlot without your forces being alerted, who's to say others have not been attacked by these forces as well?”

While he wanted to deny that there was no hope or that other allies were invaded, he also had no proof that this army had been to other countries. Remaining optimistic, he countered, “We know nothing of them other than the creatures and their warships, but that doesn’t mean anything. We were caught off guard because…”

He paused as he was about to repeat what she stated, earning a sad nod. “If you were caught off guard and Equestria had allies, why weren’t they warned ahead of time?”

Fear slowly began to seep into his heart once more and it pained him to know that, perhaps Twilight was on a wild goose chase. Would the inevitable happen if she found no allies for support?

No! She would not fail and even if she found no help- “-Equestria still has us.” He stated firmly. “Even if they think we are the enemy, we will push them back. I won’t let my home and family be taken.”

All eyes were laid on him, his conviction didn’t show bravado about wanting to prove something but a dire need to save those without hope. While their silence was deafening, he remained optimistic and secure with his decision though it was Saphira who broke it with a heartbreaking, “And what of the cost?”

His mind thought of a million scenarios of how many would be impacted if they tried to fight them. Firmly, he huffed and straightened his chest out. “If I have to do it alone, I will. No one else should have to die or suffer for the ponies but I will.”

A brave dragon he was in the eyes before him and he even felt Ember’s tail tightened around his own. By now, he already had their support, though a small problem remained. “Then before ‘we’-” He motioned for the dragons around, feeling their agreement to join Spike’s support to reclaim Equestria. “confine to aiding the ponies, I must repeat what Saphira has stated. ‘What of the cost?’ and I do not mean just your life or our own. We still have no idea what we are fighting or what kind of army inhabits the area. To fight or even protect the ponies, we have to know thy enemy and in order to do that, we need… information.”

A sharp grip came to him at what he and Saphira meant. A sudden tighter squeeze on his tail let him know that Ember was angry but a small, just above inaudible whine left her.

Shadescale was still needed and she only wanted one thing more from them.

Correction, from him.

Slowly, he turned to his mother and asked with some hope, “Is she-” He didn’t get to finish before a small shake of her head. That was it. He was locked into something that he wasn’t even sure he could get out of or even handle, especially in the view and eyes of the ones he loved.

The absolute sheer terror of choice he was about to make had him shaking. This not escaping the adults, Dereain was the first to let out a growl and snap. “The young drake does not need this hanging over him in the future!” His smaller mate didn’t stop his rant, “He is mated! That ‘ness’ has no right or demand to ask that of him! If she won’t do it out of gems or something that can be easily given, we will find another dragon that will do it!”

“And who do you suppose has the stealth or ability to hide and gather information?” Torch asked, a bit of snark leaving him. “We have no ‘seekers’ here and there aren’t many dragons with a low enough profile to get close!”

“And we can’t persuade any of the younger dragons to do it?” Asked Zynthia.

“Most are not even smart enough to remember their own hoards from their tails!”

As the adults argued back and forth, Spike felt his heart racing and icy cold crawling down his spines, as he felt the tension and weight of the world on him. Others have to put their lives before him, suffering or dying unless he gives up something… perhaps small in the view of others, but grand to him and his hoard. A promise that he would have over him in the future, the same future where he was supposed to spend time with Ember, Amethyst and Smolder. What was he, a loyal dragon to those around him, supposed to do?

“...Spike?” He heard Ember’s voice next to him, at least, it felt like it but he had walked a few steps forward. His tail had unwound around her own and he left her behind. He couldn’t look at her, he didn’t turn to her and as much as he felt like there should be something said to her.

But what? The reality was, little to no choices were given, in a short time. Either send one dragon to scout ahead, pose little to no threat and observe safely, or send dragons with unknown consequences or let fate decide if Twilight would succeed or not.

“...Spike?” The voice, her voice, began to tremble and even through the bickering of the adults, he could hear the cracks. “Please… tell me you-”

“I’ll do it.” Not a scream, not a shout, not a demand nor a promise. Just words. Enough of a voice where all the adults instantly were silenced and stared down at the young drake with their own version of shock. His own eyes couldn’t even meet their own but he could feel their stares down at him.

“Spike-” His mother became instantly distraught upon hearing him. “You don’t have to-”

“We have no choice!” His claws were balled up and he was trembling, but his head remained lowered. “Saphira said it herself. If Equestria had allies, where are they? Why weren’t we warned about these creatures? How did they get so close so quickly?” He shook his head, eyes held tight and his voice cracking. “I refuse to let those I care for go down. If Twilight fails, we need to be there to help free the ponies and the Princesses!” A pause, a very hard and heartbreaking pause. Then… “No matter the cost, as my cost… is small compared to the lives of millions of others. Those of the needs of the many, outweigh those of the few.” A shaky exhale. “I am the few, the only one,” He turned away and walked towards the exit. “Tell Shadescale, I’ll meet her outside near the borders.”

“Spike!” They all called out, but one. He opened his wings, flapped quickly and flew out the cave in quick succession, unable to look back. As he exited, he heard the rapid movement of bodies with Saphira crying out, “Ember!”

The cold feeling of separation was upon him yet he knew that they could be a distance away for a time. But each flap and every second that he left behind his heart again, made it feel like the line between them would snap. If he went back, he would never be able to commit to helping his friends and family. He would be heartbroken and a mess, even beg for a chance to explain himself, but he was thinking about everyone else. Those that needed him.

He just forgot to think about his own heart though. His heart and Ember’s.

Squeezing his eyes tight to hold back tears, he flew outward and onwards, to hopefully talk to this dragoness and hope… pray for an alternative solution. One that would not break the hearts of his hoard now… or in the future.

He knew that his mother would locate him and then relay that information to Shadescale. All he needed to do was find some kind of payment that she would like.

Outside of himself, surely a dragoness wanted something more? Maybe something from Equestria, like food? Something she could add to her hoard? Or perhaps show her the best of what ponies could offer? He did show Amy, Ember, Smolder and even Garble something they liked.

Speaking of, that was also another problem he may have to deal with. Ember’s threat prior to them leaving for Equestria remained and it didn’t help that Spike cared enough to not break Smolder’s heart to allow something to happen to him. Oh, and he also had to make sure that Smolder didn’t know what happened.

He began pacing, trying to find something, anything for her. As he did, he turned in one direction, seeing the endless desert of the north, then he turned back, seeing the dragon lands. He turned around and walked forward, once more the desert, he turned back around and saw the lands.

Over and over he paced as his mind tried to find anything for his dragoness and her proposal of…

Hello, Spike.”

His face suddenly met hers. His will power to not jump up and yell was tame compared but his heart jumped hard with a sharp shiver of goosebumps running down his spine.

The face of said dragoness, was to say… sharp. Her head was a lot more angular, more prone to sleekness that seemed to match the rest of her body. Her overall color on her scales is an onyx black or… was it a charcoal one, on top while he could see that most of her underside was a shift of blues, from the color of the skies to the deepest navy blue.

Unlike his mother, she was indeed smaller and thinner in stature, perhaps only four or five meters tall. She had lowered her body to all fours but even at this angle, he was able to deduce her height. She was maybe eight or nine meters across, tail included. Her spines, while tall, were flexible and seemed to rise and fall with her breathing. Her wings were incredibly thin with her skin membrane almost seeming hollow with its changing colors. It is almost like a shifting prism of sorts where they change colors seamlessly but on the darker shades. Only two long but thin horns adorned her head where he met her near translucent white pupil less eyes met his own.

Was she… was she blind?

A flash of her pearly white teeth may have said otherwise. “Are you… admiring my form, young Spike?” Her voice tickled his ear canals while her breath made him shiver. It almost came out like a purr, which only made this situation that much more akward for him.

A mere blink and he noticed that the outlines of her pupils could be seen but he wasn’t sure. Trying to make this not as awkward as possible, he took a step back and kept his composure.

“Shadescale, I presume.” He kept his good will nature at play, hopefully to sway her.

“As I am, as I will always be,” Her voice is chipper but unlike that of a young dragon. Her scales vibrated with shades and colors of the darker spectrum, sticking out openly against the desert floor. “And you, are Spike. The one I heard so much about and the only ‘gifted’ or ‘enhanced’ male, as the Elders call us, around.”

Her voice was giddy but there was a sharp underline in her tone. A bounce that sounded so wrong but there was no real way to place it.

Spike swallowed and his mouth went dry as he spoke. “I-I am no one special, no one worth speaking out in a crowd-”

A sharp bark of laughter left her, making him a bit uneasy. “Oh, don’t sell yourself so short, young Spike! Why, I dare say you stand out and above the crowd! But please, let us skip the major details of how you completed the Gauntlet of Fire, The Trials, fought off the Elders and awakened from a coma that would leave most to their fate at the end!” She began to circle around him, each step with a bounce. “Now, that was just your grand accomplishment. Skipping the fact that from up close, you managed to achieve ‘Fire-breaking’ in so short of a time.”

Spike wanted to refute any grand claims but she was just listing off his accomplishments that he found minor. She continued with her light dance. “You are mated with the Dragon Lord, are part of a hoard, raised by ponies, the Princesses no less and are a decorative hero!” Her face suddenly shot close to his, almost making him jump back at the inches apart. Eyes half lidded and the slight, playful growl that lingered at the back of her throat. “You are Far… from just special. The few instances where I have seen you from afar or listened up close, I know that you are perhaps the most gifted of us all.”

He blinked and tried to pacify himself. “I-I-I get all that, but if you know I am mated, then why do you want me? I am the Dragon Lord’s life mate, along with the mate of two other dragonesses. I will not abandon them or leave them!”

A small click of her tongue. “Oh, I am aware of all that. And I dare not… cross the Dragon Lord, both former and current.”

“Then why ask?”

The upper back of her mouth slowly turned up.

“Well, you are gifted, perhaps the most gifted and I would love to bear hatchlings from a male such as yourself.”

Spike frowned. “Even if I agreed to this, I would never be part of their lives.” Something he never thought he would ever say out loud, but this situation was different.

“Oh of that I have no doubt,” she stated nonchalantly. “You have three mates after all and I am sure they can’t wait to bear your young as well.”

He remained silent. She cast her gaze to the lands. “But now you wish to learn why I asked this?” A slow nod. “Well, as the price of me leaving my home and spying on another country comes at a great price. You know the hazards that come with that. Invasion or spying on foreign countries, possible deniability, ponies finding dragons under their noses and what not.” He frowned but made no comment. She then closed her eyes, twisted her head back and a small, inaudible moan of pain left her, like a distant memory. “When they told me to go and see why the sun and moon were being played around like toys, I flew as fast as I could. I was eager to leave, see new sights and even try and find some trinkets to add to my hoard.”

“And… they only sent you, not seekers?” He asked incredulously.

A ripple in her scales made her briefly camouflage against the backdrop of the word, where only the whites of her eyes could be seen. Like a wave, each scale became almost translucent and blended around them so that it looked like a weird cut out of the sky and dirt below, shifting in front of him, with only the whites of her eyes seeming to be visible. “They admired my gifts far more than others.”

Spike shifted a bit uncomfortably as she winked at him.

But then, her attitude then changed, as her eyes narrowed and a frown formed. Curiously, he watched as her scales shifted back to her normal colors. “I had arrived at the moment when the Pony Princess and that Centaur freak were fighting it out. Bright blasts of magic and energy that I could feel from miles away. At first, I thought they were simply dueling, a fight of sorts as mountains were leveled, giant holes in the earth itself and waves of energy destroying everything… their attacks collided and the explosion was…grand, to say the least.” Her head turned to the side and her eyes looked deeply into his own pushing close to him. “The blinding light by their magic collision, it was so… strong that even at the distance I had hid from was so powerful, I temporarily went blind and crashed hard.”

He winced but remained silent, feeling sorry for her. The upper part of her mouth twitched. “I was blinded, injured and couldn’t find any heading. My eyesight hadn’t returned for about three days and by then, I was tired, hungry, and screaming for help. Even after the battle had finished, I was terrified as I was alone and had no aid.”

A shaky sigh left her as the memory abided and she turned away from him, looking back at the lands where the dragons were. “I returned a few days later but I had told them what my demands were.” A scoff left her. “Shocker that they were only going to give me so little of a hoard for compensation. I demanded that I would not tell them anything until a cave and half their hoard was given!” Snarling, she turned to him. “And they dare say that I demand too much after nearly losing my life and being nearly blinded, no less in a hostile environment!”

This was a different tune and he truly felt sorry for her. A low hiss from her, voice lowering to calmer tones. “And as you can see, my eyesight is… applicable at best, having to struggle just to be outside with the sun blaring overhead. Though shadows can show me where an individual or area is, it still discomforts me greatly.”

She seemed fine to him but perhaps, she was silently suffering and didn’t want to say anything else to the Elders.

“I-I am truly sorry for what had happened, though why didn’t you tell them you were left out there? My mother, she couldn’t send help or find you?”

A small incline of her head. “And what? Tell them to heal my eyes or demand more? As for help? Your influence to help others hasn’t come in yet Spike, lest you forget that in your year here, the lands have changed outside of your coma. To say the least, your kindness brought the best of them out… but not before.” Another scoff. “And while you may think so highly of them, they think very little for those ‘gifted’, especially if only to serve their purposes.” Spike wanted to debunk those claims but she cut him off. “Why have you not heard of me until now? What of the others that live here with gifts that could be utilized but are told to hide their abilities just to keep our species safe? Hmm? What about your mother? Is she not confined to limit her abilities, only to use the full extent of them until now? What dire situation had her binds removed? Perhaps a coming threat or a possibility of yours or somedragon’s else?”

He didn’t doubt the reason why Eliyinsa removed her binds, but he also couldn’t explain why the other dragons should hide their gifts. Still, he felt worse knowing that she was making good points. She was about to continue but then she twitched hard and a small audible groan left her. Confused, he asked, “Are you well?”

“No,” A small snarl left her. “A major migraine suddenly came up.” A draconic growl mixed with pain escaped her teeth. “It’s coming in waves.”

Spike frowned, having heard or witnessed this before. Pulling close, he gently reached for her head, uncaring for her twitching and looked into her eyes. The contact made her lock onto his own and saw the frown on him. With a small grunt, he spoke sharply. “Mother! Get out of her head! This is between me and her! Do not hurt her!”

It surprised Shadescale that he knew that it was her causing this and as soon as he did, the migraine slowly vacated her and she blinked. Spike released her and stood back. For a brief moment, the small comfort and caress of his actions to prevent his mother from doing something harmful, truly touched her. The care in his eyes didn’t just extend to those he loved and known of but to others as well. The tale of his heroics or benevolent nature had been witnessed to her own eyes. A powerful reminder that he had control like no other that he could even tell his mother to undo a harm.

A genuine smile greeted him. “My thanks, Spike. I would never have known…”

“She wants to push you away from me.” Growling lightly, he shook his head, looking towards the area where their home lay. “I hate when she does that.”

Shadescale cocked her head. “Not the first time?”

He didn’t answer. Her form lowered so that she was now at eye level, causing a sort of equalizer between them. “Then perhaps we can come to an understanding, Spike.” He briefly engaged in eye contact, a look of vigilance as he silently hoped for a good alternative. “I will gather information, see what Equestria has become and…” A pause as her tongue flicked. “I will hold onto my bargain… for now.” He slumped and a dejected look came about him. “Ah ah!” A small tsk left her, a shallow smile upon her face. “Worry not, I said for now,” she re-emphasized. “-and as I said, I prefer no animosity between your mates and the Elders.”

“Then what do you want for right now?”

She gazed into his eyes and she pulled the distance between them closer, though he did not retreat this time. “Freedom without fear,” She stated firmly.

Spike blinked. “Freedom? Freedom from what?”

A small sniff from her. “Your mate is now in charge of the Dragon Lands and hence, ruler of us all. She can make changes and demands that the other rulers have not.” She then slowly turned her head. “I want freedom for us!” A small wisp left her, pushing to his ear. “I want us gifted, to be free without fear from other dragons. I want us, dragons like me and you… to be allowed to fly! To leave the lands and to willingly spread across the world!”

Spike clasped at her exhorting. While he had never felt the chains or binds of those with gifts, was it because of his inheritance by ponies? The privilege of being raised outside of the lands, which showcased how controlling the Elders were?

Perhaps… that explained why they never made arguments or defended those with abilities here. At one point, each Elder made it seem like they couldn’t leave, not that they shouldn’t leave. But was the true harm? More dragons like the ones that have caused damage? Ones that could harm ponies?

Ones like the mother who birthed him?

He gave only a half hearted nod. “I think you are right, the ‘gifted’ shouldn’t be confined here, to not be allowed to explore the world, though I can imagine that the rule was placed because of somedragon in the past?”

“Indeed,” She mused. “Something along the likes of your mother may have-” A pause, she squinted and he knew that his mother had reinvaded her mind.

“Mother!!” he barked once more. “Leave her be!”

Shadescale continued to squint, still receiving more mental projections but no pain. Her eyes danced, like if reading or gathering information before they stopped to settle, giving a small nod as if agreeing. Then she turned to Spike. “If you agree to our freedom and our pact for a clutch, I will leave for Equestria now and reach it by nightfall. No delays, no further demands.”

Spike gave a small glare towards the dragoness. “What did my mother tell you?”

A pause, as if mentally debating but not with his mother. “Something that can affect, not just you but all of us.” She then gave him one of those sad smiles that every adult would give to the young when something amiss was coming but they hid it with that faux mirth. “For what it's worth, I am happy to know that you changed the Dragon Lands for the better. You are special, Spike. A hundred dragons could not match your uniqueness and I pray that if you get what you need, then perhaps, the future of our species and the ponies will forge a grand bond. And remind the Elders that we will not be shackled no more, we want freedom! Your future role can be the greatest gift for the gifted… Guardian.

Before he could say anymore, she gave a small brush of her head against his own, throwing him off guard. Not enough to mark, but enough to show… affection. “Tell your mother to contact me by the dying light.” No other words, she quickly turned and ran towards the north before opening her wings and taking flight, creating a small gust of wind in her wake.

He watched as her form slowly flew towards his home, to hopefully bring him some much needed information. True to her nature, she blended into the skies and disappeared immediately from view.

Once gone, he gave a disgruntled sigh. “What did you say to her mother?” He demanded, knowing full well she could hear him.

For a moment, he got no response, as if testing whether she was within his thoughts or not. Then…

“What she should not have shoved her teeth into, Spike.” While it didn’t come out strong, he felt the power behind her voice, though it softened almost immediately. “I am sorry son, but this involves my past that I refuse to let her expel to the others.”
A snort as he paced in a small area. “The same past that you told me you would keep from me like when we went to the forest?”

“Yes, but know this. I also wanted her to understand that she was asking for something so…”

“Serious?” He finished out loud for her.

“...complicated, especially since you are already mated, can ruin your future with your hoard.” A pause. “What did she ask?”
“She wants those with gifts or that are enhanced to be free to roam. To leave the lands and be able to interact with other dragons without fear or ridicule.”

A ripple came about, though whether through agreement or anger or confusion, he couldn’t relate. A moment to return. “Will that prevent her from asking for a clutch from you?”
“No,” an audible rumble came to his mind, a growl from his understanding. “But it may be a start. Or maybe she could find another male that is gifted out there to bond with.”

Silence for a few moments, perhaps her talking to the Elders. She then responded. “While the others do not like it, perhaps it would help if we can loosen the restraints or rules we have placed for the other ‘enhanced’ then.”
He frowned. “Why hide them? Why treat them like they are dangerous?”

“Because they can be, Spike. You above all should know-”
“-that nothing is more dangerous than a caged dragon!” A mental growl, echoed by a physical one. “They are not allowed to leave or roam or make friends! Did you give most of them a chance to try?”

Once more silence greeted him and he became far more upset. With a lowered growl to her, “Does that mean if I lose control or I can’t control myself again, will the other Elders lock me up too? Maybe not today but tomorrow? Bind chains around me like they made you.”

The voice soft, solemn, almost hallowed response. “My case was different, my past is much worse than those of the others and yourself. I would die and fight them off before I would allow a single brace to touch your scales.” He felt a pulsing wave of echoes that vibrated his whole frame, as if her past was trying to surface and project onto him. She had meant that, though there was a huge underlining or this.

His eyes narrowed. “Mother… what are you hiding from me?” Silence. A low growl. “What are you afraid of me knowing?”

More silence, though this time, a powerful wave of emotional sadness came to him and he knew that he had triggered something. He didn’t say anything else and just stewed in his anger.

About ten minutes of silence, a mentally saddened impression came to him. “Will… will you return to us?”
He didn’t want to respond but willingly did so in a lowered, tame tone. “No, not yet. Shadescale said to contact her by night and I… I need time to myself.” He gave a sharper end reply. “That means leave my mind… please.”
“As you wish,” And just like that he was left alone with his thoughts.

A small hiccup left him, a feeling of being so isolated plagued him but he needed it. At least for the moment.

His posture and pose faced north where Shadescale left, wondering and praying that this time, she would get there without any complications.

It was not even noon yet and he felt really drained already.

The sun moved normally over him, like nothing had affected its normal ‘Celestia’ run course. Which again, begged who was controlling it.

Ignoring the gnawing hunger in his belly, he hadn’t moved from his spot since he had left and didn’t wish too. For now, the swirl of emotions that bellowed in his mind was like a storm that never ceased. A cyclone of harrowing sorrow, anger, annoyance, pain and so much more that he couldn’t categorize it all.

It wasn’t until he heard the gentle flap of wings coming close that he stirred. He didn’t have to turn to see who it was, nor did he acknowledge it. Upon landing, Ember, who had recovered earlier, spoke to him.


He kept his back turned but not out of hate. “It’s okay, you can come closer. I-I just don’t know what to say yet, so can we just sit in silence until I do?”

“Okay.” It was low, tempered and the solemn response was a bit brighter. To make it easier for them both, he opened his claws for an invitation to hold them.

She approached and the immediate contact made his heart rise with a beat, almost syncing once more to her own, as if it had been missing it for this whole time. Once in grasp, he held it tightly and pulled her down with him. She didn’t fight him and sat on the floor with him, though to really cement his need for her, he wrapped his wing around her and pulled her close. He noticed the Scepter was with her too carried on her left with a dull glow faint but pulsing in its core.

This had the immediate effect of her content look at the prephial of his vision but he didn’t acknowledge it yet. They were close once again and he felt like things may come easier in a bit.

Ember remained content enough to sit by him and not make a sound, though he knew she was silently begging to speak to him. To say or do anything, but he wouldn’t allow that, at least, not before he said his piece about how terrible he has felt since yesterday.

It would be a long silent half hour of him staring at the northern horizon of organizing his thoughts, words and even prayers to a coherent functional process of what was needed to say. Nothing mattered at the moment other than what he needed to say to her and what their feelings were at the moment.

A deep inhale, filling his lungs with as much oxygen as possible, holding it in for a moment before gently releasing. Finally he spoke.

“Before I start, I just want to say everything I have to say before you do. Everything I want to tell you is for a reason and for the better and worse, I never, ever want you to think that I will stop loving you.” He swallowed and he blinked as small moisture buildup in his eyes. “That is an unbreakable hold we have and with all my heart Ember, you will always be in life. From here until the very end, you are my heart.”

He still couldn’t lack at her, but his claws squeezed her own and she squeezed back. “Eternally, forever and even beyond death, we are together.”

A shake of his head. “But… I am sorry Ember, for what I did earlier,” She opened her mouth to speak but a knowing glance kept it shut quickly. “I ran out because I was scared, I was desperate and I wanted to make sure that those I care for are safe or not being harmed. My family, my friends, those ponies I grew up with… I-I-I could only think of them at that moment, though doing so made me make a pact with some dragon in the future.”

“I didn’t think about how much it would affect me, as it would affect you or the others. My anger of what you did threw that off but… it shouldn’t have, especially to you and Smolder. She probably has it the worst, after giving something to her the day before.” A sniff leaving him. “I-I know you want me to be less selfless but… I can’t Ember, I honestly can’t.”

Her own heart swelled with emotions as well, as he bared his own here and now before her, yet she remained silent. “Ever since my greed growth, I never wanted to be selfish again, to lose control and cause pain or grief for those I love. Even if it meant me getting hurt, I would throw myself to protect them so I never lost control again.”

Her tail wrapped around his and he welcomed it by coiling it around her own. “Every time I imagined what would happen if I lost control, would I be able to be stopped.” A shake of his head. “Could I be stopped? If three Elders couldn’t stop me when I snapped, who could?”

And there it was, his truth bared before her, a blinding light of unimaginable burden of selflessness that would either hurt him or kill him. He was afraid of his own power, of his anger that could lead to a doomsday like scenario in his mind. Everyone has their rages, their points of pure anger where they felt like they couldn’t or wouldn’t stop. But Spike, he was a literal dragon with a power of rancor like proportions if left unchecked. Fire Breaking could be seen as a front for him to set anything on fire with just a simple touch, but untampered eruptions with abilities that could ignite the world could be devastating…

He continued on while she had been pondering this. “-I know you want me to think about myself and I can try but… you need to know I will think of others first. The ponies, all of those who raised me and are my friend; they will come first before me because I will not fail them again. And yes, you three and every dragon that I know and care for here too, I will do the same for.”

“I couldn’t ask that of you though, for I know that you care for me, but there are times when you will have to think about the others. You are the Dragon Lord, you are supposed to care for the dragons here and keep peace between them. If you were to choose between me or the dragons here, I would be devastated if you chose me. What about your parents, Smolder’s family, Amy’s? My mothers? Would you give them all up for me? That’s what you need to understand. More so, that the need of the others, of the many of others, come first before a single one dragon.”

A surge of denial warped into her mind like so many other times before. To not allow those disgusting thoughts of him bending down and dying or becoming harmed for the sake of others, but she bit back the bile taste from resurfacing. Her and many other dragons did come before him, not just because they were there first, but because they deserved to live as much as he deserved to choose to give up his life for the others.

She tried to meet his eyes but they stayed focused forward, though tears fell free from his eyes. His topic then changed. “What comes next, I don’t know and I am… scared because of that. If Twilight and the others fail, what comes next? Do we try to help Equestria and take over? Would ponies even accept it, let alone me? I may be Celestia’s son but they would never allow a dragon to rule them.”

He wiped away his tears and continued on, despite her own heart breaking at seeing him like this. “I am tired Ember, I am so tired that it feels like so much revolves around us that I don’t feel like I should keep going. Since the start of the Gauntlet of Fire, I felt the pain from the Trials, my year in a coma, waking up with amnesia, my mothers’ manipulation, my abilities, having a past that is hidden from me and all the way up to Equestria, now leading up to the invasion, I feel… drained. Those times where I felt like Equestria would come to an end, I didn't feel as bad because I always put my faith into Twilight and the Princesses.”

“Saving the Crystal Empire, or Twilight from Discord and those other times seemed less so, because I always had them or was always near them. All these other times I dealt with issues, it felt personal and exhausting. I have never wanted to give up on a day or myself until this all started.”

This hurt… this hurt her so much that she felt so powerless. Where… where did this feeling of pain come from? Why did he… when did he start to fully give up?

He started to massage her palm with his claws, tears still coming, though a smile did eventually form on his mouth, indicating a change in his spirit. “But then… I wouldn’t have gotten to experience the best of it. I wouldn’t get to experience my greatest moments of life because of all of that.”

The hearts beat in unison and she felt a smile tug on her maw for the first time since their return home with her own tears falling. “The week here?” She finally managed to speak, hoping to light within her own growing heart beat.

He nodded, the smile growing. “Yeah, the week here, spending time with you, Amy, Smolder, my mothers and… yeah, I have to admit, even your mother and father.”

“Even though she tried to teach you about mating?” A half laugh came from her, which he responded with his own.

“Yeah, even that too.” A smile at the memory before he inhaled and then inwrapped his claws in between her own. “And those days in Ponyville. Those wonderful, beautiful days at home with my friends and family, Ember. Those days have felt so… complete to the point it felt like an everlasting dream. Just the atmosphere, the love, the friendship and all those that surrounded me. Even with the addition of Thorax and the changedlings, or Sunburst being part of our new little group for O&O, it made me feel like the world was so complete.”

His smile dipped and then his solemn return though a serious tone slightly came into play. “That is why I need this to happen Ember, why all of this needs to happen. I need to know what is happening over there, I need to know that they can be saved and that we can help. But I will not allow others to be harmed if it can be avoided. Choosing Shadescale was our only option at the moment and I… I am willing to let you be angry or worse at me, if it means knowing that I could keep everyone safe. I should be biting my own words for not thinking it all through but… time is against me in the worst of moments.”

With that, he exhaled and for the first time in what felt like excruciating hours of long standing betrayal, his emerald eyes fixed towards her orange ones.

“When this is all over, I hope that I can make it up to you, Amy and Smolder. Whatever it takes and no matter how long it takes, I will do whatever I can for the four of us, together. As mates, as lovers, as a hoard and… as a family.”

Ember said nothing, she couldn’t say nothing but she didn’t have too. All she did was throw herself at Spike, becoming a sobbing mess. He was caught off guard and fell back, as she cried onto him, incoherent words flowing from her that didn’t fully register but he knew what she was saying in her heart. For the moment, he simply held her as they laid on the floor of the desert, trying to comprehend their emotions and hope that their future wasn’t too fractured.

Back at the cave, Eliyinsa had relayed everything to the others, through the eyes of Ember, with permission of course. Her eyes settled back to their normal colors, as tears fell from her face while the other Elders seemed just as affected.

“He has suffered a great deal, yet his heart remains… strong.” Eliyinsa stated, as her mate brushed against her in comfort. “We… have not dealt with that much pain in such a short time in our lifetimes, nor have we recovered that rapidly either.”

“That’s because of the family he has now,” Saphira answered, a small smile on her face. Still resting on her shoulder was Amy, who had come to feel happy being with her, despite not being with her hoard. “The ponies that raised him, the ponies he befriended, the dragons he loves and those that support and care for him throughout the lands.”

“And now comes the part where he will not continue to suffer,” Torch stated firmly, getting a nod from all the adults. “His pact with Shadescale will hold in the future unless we allow the ‘enhanced’ to roam free and not be ridiculed.”

Dereain gave a small snort, something his mate mused in reminding him that he does alot. “And they expect us to remove almost a century's worth of hate or opinions on those with abilities? Even if we were to do so, how many actually have become used to the isolation or become so disconnected from the dragon lands that they would never wish to expose themselves?”

No one had an immediate answer, but Zynthia offered a partial solution. “Perhaps we can feed Shadescale her own words and have her stand out amongst them.” Earning a careful glance from all the others, she confirmed her solution “If she wants them to be free, then she needs to stand out and show them they will hide no more.”

“Spike would assist or partake in that, no doubt about it.” Eliyinsa admitted with a slight pause. “Though something from this will probably further their pact in the future. If she provides information or insight properly, at best, their future will remain amicable at best.”

“And is that the best course of action for Spike and his hoard?” Torch asked dubiously.

“If he is doing it for his family, then baka yeah!” The smallest and youngest member of the group of dragons finally speaking out. All eyes turned towards Amythyest who had remained on Saphira’s shoulder. Her attitude showed her resoluteness, her stance straightened. “While I have no problem with it, Spike is putting a lot of faith into somedragon who can give him what he needs and if she gets something like a clutch out of it, so be it! Ember may not like it, but she knows that Spike will always come back to us! We just have to show him our support if and when we need to save those ponies! We can’t make him feel guilty about his choice, we need to show him that we will be behind it every step of the way so he can be stronger for it!”

While they knew from experience that this particular teen dragoness was not of the bright caliber, her devotion to Spike and Ember was enduring. Suffice to say, she did provide a powerful insight of words and that they should be showing him that they support him.

Each Elder mulled over her words though Saphira vibrated at her speech and defense of Spike. “She is absolutely right,” A glow came from Amethyst as she was commended. “For now, the accord between Shadescale and Spike can be debated for a later time. We must wait and see what she witnesses with the ponies and then plan to provide either a counteroffensive for them or support in any way possible.” The saphira dragoness turned to Eliyinsa. “If she said to wait for nightfall, that is all we can do for now.”

Agreeing, the Elders conversed on with Dereain querying, “And what do we do should she fail?”

“She won’t, Dereain.” Eliyinsa asserted with a nod. “Just getting the possible approval of a clutch and the promise of word to allow the ‘enhanced’ their freedom, she has pushed her persistence to complete this without failure.”

“Then let us pray that this is worth the cost for Spike and his hoard,” Torch resolved. “For now, let us retire and wait for her to provide her findings.”

The rest agreed and the four Elders left the home of Eliyinsa and Zynthia. The two mothers wanted to speak to their son, but with his peeved outlook towards Eliyinsa’s meddling with Shadescale, they opted to wait for his return of his freewill.

Spike and Ember had settled not long after that, opting not to return home yet but instead casually flying around the lands. Their chatter was idle or lacking but they remained content with just being around one another.

From flying over active volcanoes, to the dragons hanging around the lava pits to even checking on the remaining eggs.

When they were met up by Amy, who brought gems, the meal did warm them up enough to talk. Not about what had happened today, nor about any problems at all, rather… Amy’s turn to bring out the brightness in spite of everything, was a welcoming change.

“When we get back, we are definitely getting those giant burgers again.” The pink dragoness stated as she chewed on her gems. “You spoiled and possibly ruined gems for me with that food.”

A much hearty laugh left the other two, voicing their own agreement. While they would never fully give up gems to one another, it was still fun to imagine the scenario. To the credit of Amy, she did her best to drastically change the attitude of both Ember and Amy by bringing out the best of both of them. She reminded them of their flaws and weaknesses, but at a pace that would make Pinkie Pie proud.

She put her heart into making things right again, going as far as to openly mock them on their odd love making… rather a lack of it and even their choice in preferences to their hobbies. This started a wholesome shouting match between the three of them, that broke all their tension for the time. That lasted for the rest of the day.

By the evening, the dragons had almost completely forgotten about the world and its troubles. It was a true blessing that had the three of them back at their home cave where they laid in the giant pile of pillows that served as their bed though Amy did file a complaint on that.

“And now this bed sucks compared to those beds in Equestria.”

“Ah, did I spoil that for you too, Amy?” Spike teasingly asked.

“YES!” She whined loudly as she tried to get comfortable as much as possible. She kept shifting and twisting with an endless fidgeting to gain that feeling back. “Baka! It's like my body adjusted to those beds faster than these pillows!”

“Don’t talk about my pillows or you’ll sleep on the hardrock floor, Amy!” Ember playfully warned, though it fell on deaf ears.

“Hey, you know I’m right! You were practically snoring your tail off the first night we got back up! I almost had to wake you up by throwing water at you!”

“I do not snore!” She defended with red cheeks.

“Like a dragon during their century’s hibernation!”

“Take that back!”

“And you know that the bed was so good when you begged to bring one back so even you admitted your pillows sucked!”

With a growl, Ember tackled Amy into her pillow mountain and began to fight with her. It wasn’t a real fight compared to draconic standards, no flames involved, but it did involve a lot of playful biting, tossing and scratching. A draconic cat fight in Spike’s eyes, which was both amusing to watch and… a bit of a turn on, especially when Amy, being the heavier and stronger of the two, was able to easily overpower Ember and pin her inside of the pillows. The manic whining yell was met with an equally playful growl of dominance. “Admit it, these pillows suck!”

“You are sleeping on the floor tonight!”

“But the next time, I will be sleeping on that luscious bed while you sleep on these pillows.” Ember growled as she struggled. “And I know Spike will join me.”

Said dragon froze at being called out and had both females turn to him. Okay now that turn on feeling left him, though he couldn’t deny that the position they were still in didn’t push it fully down. “Well, aren’t you going to agree with me, Spikey!” Amy teased. “That a bed is much better than just a bunch of pillows.”

“And he would agree that pillows are better because you can move them exactly the way they want to be!”

Well both had solid arguments and feeling that he could be called out on it(like he had a few times before) he opted to settle for the simple answer. “Why not both?” He asked with a shrug.

“Huh?” Both females drawled out.

Draco and Wistala interfered that evening before he could explain, as he got a mental call from his mother.

“Son, Shadescale has made contact with Canterlot.”

The trio of dragons quickly flew to the cave of Spike’s mothers, where not long after, had been joined by the other Elders. Upon immediately landing, Spike practically flew to Eliyinsa who was in a trance of sorts, eyes glowing the same bright violet hues. Upon Spike’s approach, they dimmed and she turned to look down at him. “She has reached the mountain and is investigating the damage. So far, she says that she has counted five air-ships docked and most of the inhabitants imprisoned.”

A whine left Spike upon hearing that, not liking it at all. His mother wanted to give him some good news but there was nothing in the mind of Shadescale that indicated anything. “I am sorry son, but you will see nothing worth liking if you were to go.”

Ember had wrapped her claws with his own in comfort, though how small it was. “And that pony that attacked us? Is she there?”

“The one you described is nowhere in the vicinity, Spike. As for Twilight and her friends, the same is with them. I can’t find them within the borders of Equestria, that is to say, they are not captured or worse, but I have no idea where to look.”

Spike slumped, supported only by the strength and care that was Ember. He felt her tight embrace, with her whole frame. Amy contributed as well to help him.

Torch, feeling sympathy for the drake, looked at Eliyinsa. “What of the other three princesses? What is their status?”

Said Elder’s eyes briefly glowed for a moment, her head turning and twisting to the side as she received information before they dimmed. “Shadescale says they have been moved into the center of the Castle, though they are still frozen. All guards or police personnel are also caged and confined, though no signs of a resistance movement.”

A small sob left Spike as he held onto his mates, trying to remain strong but failing. Each Elder felt for the young drake, as the information got worse and worse. The evening was just starting but no good night would come from this.

During the night, Shadescale continued to provide small bits of information. The caging of arch mages, foals and young ones used as bait to hold the adults in contempt. A few coups did try to arise but none withstanding or lasting.

Then came a devastating heartbreak . “Shadescale is reporting that they sent one ship down to the local nearby town.”

Spike all but panicked, “No! Why Ponyville?!” He frantically began to pace, his heart beating with each stressful revelation. Even the adults were stunned to hear of this piece.

Torch being the first to voice his concerns. “Why attack or invade a smaller village? What is there to gain?”

“Everything!” Spike all but stated fearfully. “There are so many important things in Ponyville! If my friends are being chased, they could use their families to get them to force Twilight or themselves to come back! Or worse, the magical artifacts that we have confiscated!” He then flew up to his mother directly to her face and all but yelled. “Tell Shadescale to protect the town! Bring down the ship or something! Please! They can’t be allowed into Ponyville!”

The desperation and plea in his voice was so strong, it broke her heart to see him in this distress. Like before his coma, those horrible feelings returned only worse now that she considered him her son. This would possibly expose Shadescale if she were to attack or do anything to them.

“Spike… I don’t think that she could-”

“Tell her that she will have her pact made!”

A deafening silence though it was expected, especially by his firm and harsh response. His eyes broken with tears but filled with undying anger of what he was doing, he looked at his mother steadily. “Tell her that she will get what she wants, both things, if she helps keep them safe or try to delay them!”

Knowing that all eyes were on him, he felt truly horrible for doing this again, but felt so terribly low at this point. His heart was beating a mile a minute and it didn’t help that he had just broken out of his low state earlier. He thought that things would be going strong but… he hadn’t realized how much worse things can get.

She saw his desperation, deep and strong in his eyes, but there was also the fear, the pain, the silent guilt and the remorseful feeling that was consuming him. She hoped that this would not end in a hardship between his hoard and himself.

Ember seemed to answer that herself as she hovered next to him, grasping his claws on her own. Upon feeling this, he turned and regret consumed him thinking that she would be affected by this, but there was serenity and understanding to her eyes, as she felt true sorrow for Spike and his predicament. Their love remained strong as the day they joined together but they knew that his family would be his priority to defend and protect them. As much as he could even from far away, he would do this to protect them all.

She gave him a nod of approval, easing his heart a bit, though the guilt remained. Another grasp of his left saw that Amy had also hovered nearby and she too approved of his decision as well. He had never felt this amount of love and support in the moment and all present could clearly see that this was their strength and bond to one another.

“For his family,” Ember responded, a tone of acceptance but understanding. Amy nodded and repeated, “For his friends,”

The tears returned but now, they were of happiness. He didn’t deserve this love, nor did he feel like their forgiveness or anything else, but he was grateful for it all.

Getting approval from them, Eliyinsa relayed her message immediately to the dragoness across the lands. Upon sending it, her eyes went wide and a small bit of her lip came up. A smile? A snarl?

“She is going to defend the town, though she may need a place to lay low in case.”

“Tell her Twilight’s castle.” Sike immediately provided. “The cart of gems, if she gets hungry, is located towards the back of the castle. If she needs a place to hide, there is a balcony that leads to a room.” Eliyinsa sent forth the information, getting forth immediate responses. “She is flying by the ship’s side, though she isn’t sure if she can damage it or direct it fully. It's fully armored and protected by electric magic of sorts.”

She then began to silently speak, as if communicating but no words leaving. As she did this, Spike, Amy and Ember settled back on the floor, with Spike hugging both of them real hard, giving them ‘kindles’ across their faces in thanks. He still felt unworthy of their love but he knew that he still had it.

The continuous communication between Eliyinsa ceased and her eyes dimmed. “She says they have chosen to stay in hover over the town, though no active engagement yet.”

“Perhaps the town has some defenses of some type or they are checking to see if it would be worth invading,” Dereain assessed. “Though aren’t the Princesses usually the ones that do that job, young Spike?”

Said drake gave a small nod, “Yes, but if not them, our friends too, though the town always has something crazy going on since it's next to the Everfree Forest. THey will either hide or try to fend them off.” A small smile graced his face. “Ponyvillians are a tough crowd and when banded together, they can be a force to be reckoned with.”

“Are the creatures native to Equestria?” Torch asked.

A shake of Eliyinsa’s head echoed by Spike, though he answered first. “I have never seen these guys before, outside maybe books or heard of legends.”

His mother also added her bit. “They dwell outside of the lands of Equestrian borders. They are called Storm Creatures though what kind of creature they are, I am unsure. They seemed to follow a certain leader though Shadescale hasn’t gotten close enough to gain intelligence yet on them.”

Saphira seemed to be a bit in the know. “Storm creatures you say? Yeti?” She asked for confirmation.

Torch gave a lifted brow look. “Have you heard of them?”

His mate shook her head lightly. “Not much, but the local area around the mountains have dealt with them. In my travels, I have heard of creatures such as these, though when Ember described it, I couldn’t be sure. However, this matches up with the description when I passed in the area. These ‘yeti’ are bipedal creatures that live high up in the mountains, constantly surrounded by storms. Some of the nearby locals at the time believe that their magic is based on them being able to control the storms, hence why their ships and perhaps cloaking is based on it.”

“And their leader?” Dereain asked.

“No known alias other than the ‘Storm King,’ though it is just the one that leads, that tribe but of the others, I know not.”

The words ‘Storm King’ flowed into Spike’s mind, trying to conjure an image of some mad Yeti who wanted nothing but power, using a pony as his hound or commander.

Though, he himself wasn’t sure what to think of the mare that attacked them. Why was she attacking her own kind? Did he do ‘that’ to her horn or did something cause it to happen and then… he demanded or promised her something in turn? Revenge? A replacement? Maybe that was why they wanted the Princesses power. To replace her horn, but then why invade a peaceful country instead of asking for help?

All these thoughts twisted and turned until they threatened to give him a migraine. His only hope was now that they would gain enough info to stop them or at least provide aid to Twilight and the others when they returned.

For the next half hour, there was low talk amongst them all, with Shadescale providing little feedback. At this point, the Elders left to sleep and would be alerted of any changes. Spike didn’t want to leave yet, but he didn’t want to leave Ember and Amy, especially after talking and asking for so much.

“Go with them son, I will alert you first thing in the morning or if anything else happens overnight.” His mother affirmed with a gentle nudge towards them.

“Please do so, mother. I hope that if we can, we will make it to Equestria and be ready to aid them tomorrow if possible.”

“It will only be for the day, son.” Zynthia warned softly. “If the recovery time is as small as it is now, you will only get one day, if even the whole day.”

“Then it's the one we will have to make count,” The dedication in his voice unwavering and just as resolved as ever. Both mothers agreed, though his mother gave a small squint as a small pulse of purple passed her eyes.

“Oh, I see an unlucky dragon just outside the lands wanting to enter but… can’t.” A small bit of snark leaving her.

“Oh Fuuuuuu…. Baka!” Spike half swore, “-I totally forgot about Garble!”

“I didn’t!” Ember, Amy and even Zynthia replied at the exact same time. They all glared at the mentioned dragon but Spike ignored them and turned to his mother.

“Tell him to return home and we'll talk in the morning! We can deal with whatever we have to with him until then?”

A small wisp of flames left Amy. “You sure we can’t just leave him outside for one night?! I mean, he did sucker-claw you and I really hate that you didn’t kick his tail!”

Spike gave a shake of his head. “Any sibling that is told that their younger sibling is mated or is laid with someone they can’t remotely like, is guaranteed to get smacked or punched.” A small half smile on his mouth. “If Shining Armor ever heard of which guard or stallion was even hitting on Twilight, I know for sure he would have at least a line of guards ready to beat them up one at a time.”

“So I can’t summon a group of dragons to knock him down a peg?” Ember asked ominously as she twirled her scepter in claws.

“Whatever for, Lord Ember? We are right here.” Eliyinsa said with a cheshire grin. “Will we not suffice?”

“Not if we want to make an example of him.”

“I could probably make him punch himself in between his-”

“Alright already!” Spike half yelled, half groaned. “I know he did it! Get over it! I’m over it and let's just go!” As he started walking out, he called over his shoulder. “And you all got some twisted sense of humor!”

“And who said it was for humor, son?” His mother said almost too cheerfully, echoed only by the titters of the other females.

Spike waved them off and left the cave. Ember and Amy gave waves to both older females and quickly followed after. While it wasn’t ending on a high note, their spirits did lift with just a bit more merit.

When Spike and his hoard returned to their home, they all but forgot their earlier argument and went straight to bed. Amy didn’t complain about the pillow and Ember didn’t kick her onto the floor, while Spike was just happy, he was sleeping between them with their love still intact. While it felt so good to have it, to him it was still missing one important dragon and that was they all wished they had.

Ember, having had night terrors before, had found comfort enough to not receive them tonight, as she embraced the body of Spike. Sleep surprisingly came easy though for all of them…

Spike felt dazed as he woke. It felt like he had woken up but fell back asleep. He wasn’t sure how much he had slept in, but he knew that had. A small tickle in his mind.

“Forgive me son,” His mother responded gently into his still waking mind. “But I wanted you to be as well rested as possible. I made sure you had as much sleep so you can wake up refreshed and less stressed. It is almost noon if you wish to know. Shadescale has reported nothing yet, so I hope this eases your mind.”

Huh. Should he be mad or thankful, especially when he had established rules about his mind being probed without consent?

“... it's fine mother,” He said softly to himself, as yet not to wake up the two loves to either side of him. “I think I am getting… accustomed to it… I think. It’s a comfort for the time being.”

“I promised that I wouldn’t, yet I have done so since you've been here,” A visible wave of anger came but not for him but for herself. “I have been very active now that my abilities have been fully unrestrained, however I have been using them without hesitation. Quickly gathering the thoughts of many in seconds, as before I had to focus on a few individuals through effort.”

“The bracers really limited you then?”

“Imagine bearing a weight on you all the time, a single piece of your body being held down. Flight being plausible but slow or constrictive. Being able to walk but not without that piece getting caught or tangled in almost every step.”

He felt horrible but he knew her reason.

“I know you wish to understand but… I am not ready son. It will be too much to add onto you, with your current predicament.”

“But… I thought loved ones share the pain with others, to help them understand, to help them feel that they are not alone.”

An emotional wave of love, comfort and warmth vibrated throughout his body as he felt her pleased by this. “And I appreciate you for understanding that, my son. My love for you is grand and ever growing as you become smarter everyday. But I am not alone, for having my mate, your momma by my side everyday eases this weight. The help from the Elders also makes it more bearable and even almost intangible to where I forget about those horrible moments and choose to live these glorious ones. Like spending time with you, your hoard and feeling happier than I have ever been in my life.”

His eyes closed as he felt the powerful, pulsing waves of love and joy, as if her mind truly was showing home much that she was embracing it all. It was almost indescribable yet, so possible to have every positive and wonderful emotion all at once, cascading over his mind that echoed into his body. A state of blissful moments that crashed gently into his mind. Yes, he could sense there was some moments that they didn’t share equally but overall, the love she had for him, her mate and even extending to his hoard and the others elders, it made it so possible if-

-It stopped and he was suddenly trusted back into reality as a sudden rush forced back into his body. It was such a punch that it became physically jolting, causing him to wake up both Amy and Ember.

“Mhmmff… what?” Ember’s incoherent babble was understandable.

“Mother?” Spike asked out loud, feeling a sudden daze on his mind. “What happened?”

Amy also woke up, brushing her eyes and sitting up. “Huh? Breakfast time already?” She half mumbled.

Ember saw Spike staring forward but not at anything in particular. “Spike, what’s wrong?”

He turned to her. “I am not sure. I was just talking to my mother and then she just… left.” He then called out again. “Mother?”

No response. He slowly sat up and began to stretch. “I’m gonna go see what has happened.”

“Alright, let’s go.” Though he would have asked her to stay, perhaps it would be best if she came. Amy however had different plans.

“You two go!” She fell back into her pillows. “Gonna get more sleep.”

They were tempted to do that but then a second later a massive wave of alertness came to the three of them, causing the pink dragoness to shoot up and exclaim, “WHAT THE BAKA!?”

Ignoring her, Ember and Spike rubbed their heads upon the blaring warning. Practically in a yell, Spike called out. “Mother! What’s going on!?”

An immediate response. “Spike, Shadescale has made contact and she said something is happening!”

Wasting no time, Ember, Spike and even Amethyst quickly jumped up in action and flew out of their cave to head to Eliyinsa’s cave. Thousands of thoughts and scenarios already plagued his mind and worry consumed him, this evident on his face and Ember witnessing this even as they soared to the cave.

Upon entrance, they saw Eliyinsa in her trance state, eyes glowing violent and bright while Zynthia remained by her side. Hearing them, she turned to him. “Spike!”

“Momma!” He rushed over and landed in front of them flanked by Ember and Amy. “What’s wrong?” Panic filled his voice as he began to pray for something good.

Zynthia shook her head. “I am not sure but she said that Shadscale is hearing of a return to Canterlot.”

Retreat? Aid from the allies? A hope in this darkness? Not long after, Torch, Saphira, Dereain and his mate entered. “What is the status of Shadescale?” Torch practically demanded.

“She is fine but a withdrawal has been called to the Storm Legion.” Zynthia provided. All eyes then went to Eliyinsa. She was squinting a lot, though from her perspective, she was scanning by allowing her mind to briefly leave Shadescale and went to the Storm creatures. She didn’t want to explore the mind of an unknown creature, especially if they were either idiot goons, ill mannered or just… pure evil. That could leave lasting impressions on her.

Upon entering, she saw through the eyes of one of the creatures very easily. As she did so, they were watching through some kind of magical vision orb of sorts, that showed… was that the Storm King?

Unsure, she listened in on his message. “Attention! Attention! All personnel, return back to Canterlot! The final Princess has been captured by Tempest Shadow! Return to witness the glorious rise of my power!” The yeti all began to cheer as the news hit them.

Shock was not close to the emotion she felt and perhaps, it would be worse for Spike. As she retreated back to her physical form, she turned to Spike, with much worry and heartache. “The fourth Princess has been captured!”

All present froze but the absolute dread and horror consumed Spike more than ever. A powerful ice cold chill ran down his spine and he couldn’t move or breathe.

‘They… they managed to capture Twilight?’

Even those not fully affected understood the dire consequences of this. Torch was the first to let out a growl. “This should not have happened so soon! They were supposed to acquire allies.”

Eliyinsa spoke as she continued to prob. “Nothing else is being told other than the Storm King and Tempest Shadow will be arriving in Canterlot before the day’s end.”
Outloud but using her mind as well, she refocused on Shadescale. “Keep hidden but make your way towards Canterlot. We will make our way there!” She ended her link there and her eyes refocused to everyone staring at her.

“Now is the time to act!” She confirmed sharply. “If they harness the power of all the princesses, this could spell disaster for all of us!”

Spike couldn’t agree more and now, he felt like this was it. This was the help and aide that would help not just Equestria but his friends and family. Torch stepped forward and stomped his claw. “Agreed. We head out towards Equestria and try to help the ponies and the Princesses!”

Each dragon gave a roar of approval, causing Spike to feel lifted at finally getting the full support from those around him, even getting Amy and Ember to agree. But first a plan…

“We need to first make sure that they won’t use any of the ponies as shields or harm them in any way.” Spike announced. “To either push these Storm Creatures away from harming anyone else and outside so we can shove them back.”

“And what of the captured princesses?” Zynthia asked. “Can we undo what they have done to you or them?”

That was a problem, but something he was sure other ponies would be willing to figure out quickly. “We can worry about that after we have them secured and safe. Though that mare that captured them would have some sort of method to release them.”

“And if not, we’ll force it from her,” Ember let out a venomous tone of said mare. While it was a dark thought, the other dragons had no quarrels with it, except Spike.

“We don’t want to kill anyone! Despite what they have done, they shouldn’t be killed because they are following orders.”

Torch gave a snort. “In a time of war and occupation, young Spike. You must realize that no ‘good’ comes from those who follow orders. Even if it's against their will, a choice must be made that you will do what’s necessary to keep the ones you love safe from others, that may include ending the lives of others.”

A defiant stare at the larger, older and much more… an angrier dragon. “I refuse to believe that, even if they have no choice, all lives are worth saving if it can be helped.”

‘Stubborn but with a good heart,’ Was what Torch immediately thought. “Then do so if possible, just don’t ask for others to do the same.” As he said, he noticed the darker look his daughter had, for he knew that Ember’s goal was not to keep it peaceful, especially to the mare that nearly took her heart away. The Scepter was clutched tightly in claws with a sharp gleam at the tip, her night terrors only fueling her need to go after the mare responsible for them.

That mare should pray to her maker when Ember comes for her…

Moving past that, the forest colored drake piped in. “I and my mates will remain here to keep sure that there is no retaliation or some secret invasion if the powers go awry. Eliyinsa will have permission to communicate with me from afar.”

The Elders agreed and began to leave. Spike and Ember were first to leave the cave. As they did, they saw not that far from them was a single lone drake, familiar red scales in colors wandering close. An almost immediate growl left the dragons but Spike quickly intervened and flew towards him first.

Garble, who had been in complete despair at what might happen to him, hadn't immediately noticed Spike’s approach.

Spike gave a small grunt at close proximity. “Garble!” He barked, causing the red drake to jump out of his state.
Worry consumed the drake at the approach, ready to take any kind of beating or exile he was about to face. Though it was made worse when all the dragons, including the Elders were approaching.

…Well this was the end for him… ‘Goodbye Smolder, I love you.’

Trying to muster any courage, he tried to speak. “Spike… I uh-”

“Shut up!” Spike snapped. He held one claw up. “You get one!”

Garble blinked at that in confusion. “One? I don’t- I mean-”

“You got the one shot for hitting me because no one should say you are mating, bending or banging another dragon’s sibling in front of them.” A small whimsical snort left him. “You get the one for that. After that… good luck.”

Garble was still a bit confused but just simply nodded. Spike gave a sharp nod. “Good, now we are heading back. Twilight’s been captured and we need all the help we can get, now! So your punishment can come after we take back my home and how well you do, got it?”

Another nod from him, though his gaze weakened when he felt the glares of all the larger dragons around him. Spike did notice but remained neutral as he flared his wings and walked past him. “Now… let’s go take back Canterlot!” With a roar, he shot up into the air, along with a roar from every other dragon as well. Garble followed without complaint as they flew north.

Four teen dragons and four adult dragons flew towards the northern Equestrian borders at their top speed. The adults were slower then the young ones but that was expected as they remained forward.

A half part plan but something that they can focus on in order to save his friends and family. With what they can do together to help would show not just these invaders, but with Equestria as a whole, what friendship and alliances can do. That no matter the creature, no matter the distance and no matter how different they were; anyone can be your friend. Because that was where true power lied in.

Just behind him, Ember was formulating her own plan on how to deal with this ‘Commander’ for the Storm King. Nothing but rage and hate for this mare dwelled within her mind. She would make sure that her first and final mistake was harming Spike and possibly nearly ruining their lives together. That mare will suffer her wrath!

Despite the speed they were going, it still felt like they were not getting any closer to his home and to his family. His mind was plagued with thousands of worst case scenarios and images, and even Eliyinsa had a hard time trying to fully deceiver his thoughts. His storm of emotions didn’t allow him to fully focus, slowly tearing at him from the inside out. She also had a sense to note that this was greatly affecting his health, in that he had eaten very little since his arrival here or the fact that he was pushing his stress level beyond what should be acceptable. His body was reaching its limit now and despite the rest he had gotten, it was quickly burned away by his stress.

A mental message she made sure to spread amongst her peers that when this is all said and over, the young drake must eat, rest and perhaps sleep to recover. No other ailments should affect him, no other troubles. Just peace.

‘Agreed,’ Was the same exact response that vibrated back to her.

As they reached the borders of what would be south of Equestria, passing the lands of Appleloosa, they knew that they were getting close. Less than a hundred miles away, would be Canterlot and the-

The sky suddenly turned to night and then… to day again. All dragons stopped mid flight, as they thought that they had lost the perception of time. For a moment, only the flapping of their wings could be heard around them, as the sun stayed briefly where it was at, then it fell back down again and the moon rose.

‘Oh gods no!’ Utter dread and fear consumed Spike as he witnessed a small replay of what Discord had done with the moon and sun way back when, but he saw there this was not for fun but rather… a show of control.

Were they too late?

“Spike!” His mother barked, snapping him out of it. Eliyinsa suddenly pulled right in front of them and grabbed the four younger dragons in paws. “I will get us there faster, they will catch up as soon as they can!” As she said this, she angled her body to be narrow and her wings and tail ignited. Spike realized what was about to happen and pressed himself tightly against her, same with the others. His giant of a mother began pushing her speed, flapping faster and harder, using her flames to increase their velocity.

The air began to go faster around them, her claws trying to flatten against her scales with them also trying to flatten themselves between her belly and palm. As she became more and more aerodynamic, the lands below were slowly beginning to blur and then… the powerful crack of the sonic boom was heard around them. The air behind her was ignited with her flames propelling them at high speed towards Canterlot. While Ember, Garble and Amy were not used to these high speeds, Spike was known to focus not on the ground but forward, to always look forward.

In what would have taken them longer on a normal flight, they were already over the greens of the Everfree Forest and passing. As soon as they did, Eliyinsa slowed her speed and quickly allowed the others to be free from her gasp. “We are here!” She yelled through the winds, though the sun and moon continued to play overhead. “All the ships are docked at the Castle.”

They all took wings and shot towards Canterlot where a gathering of all the Storm creatures were at. Knowing they were no longer going to have the element of surprise, Spike pushed himself. “We have to get there and stop the Storm King! Garble! You and Amy keep the Guards from entering the palace and try to rescue the civilians caged or trapped! Mother! Try to get rid of the ships along with the Elders when they come! Make sure they don’t get any reinforcements and keep us all close in contact! Me and Ember will try to get into the throne room and free my family!”

Without any hesitation or objections, each dragon took off to complete their mission. He and Ember went straight towards the palace, while the other began to engage the enemy. Time was against them today, as both the literal clock of the Bloodstone Scepter and the prevention of Armageddon was upon them.

Garble and Amy immediately began to attack and fight off the groups of guards. The guards were caught off guard by the sudden appearance of dragons and cried out as jets of fire reign down on them. Meanwhile, Eliyinsa attacked the first docked ship by tearing through the ship’s weaker hulls and the blimp part of it.

There was soon a massive uproar as the guard began to scramble off the sudden invasion of dragons. Though that wasn’t the first invasion as it was not far behind, a group of individuals burst through the gates and began to attack. As they converged, the group turned out to be… the mane six minus Twilight. However with them were pirate parrots, an Abssyinian and a Hippogriff, all engaging the enemy as well.

Pinkie Pie screamed out with excitement. “They brought the dragons! We got reinforcements!”

Those that came with them, seemed at first hesitant but saw them attacking the Storm Guard, charged forward with energy.

Spike and Ember arrived at the castle, only to encounter a smaller but elite group of Storm Guard who were armed. They stayed protective of the entrance and immediately pointed their spears at them in hostility. While Spike was a bit hesitant to fully engage, Ember had no quarrel with openly attacking, as she fired a fireball from her maw at them, something he was still trying to learn, and hit the group directly.

Few were lucky only to jump out of the way in time but the main force got hit and sent flying back. With a roar, Ember charged them and began to strike the yeti, with viscous vigor or hate filled fury, with claws or with her Scepter.

Spike felt worried as he saw his mate lashing out towards them. While no strike was lethal, she was hitting or clawing at them hard, breaking their weapons or smashing their faces, to the point where a few were trying to retreat.

In his moment of weakness while watching his mate fight with brutal intentions, he failed to see one yeti sneak behind him and about to attack him. Spike didn’t react in time as the Yeti jumped and was about to bring down a bludgeoning mace on him. The drake only had a second to look and then… the yeti was stuck in the air. It almost seemed cartoonish that he was frozen in the air, as if gripped tightly by some unseen force. Even the yeti was confused at what was going on, before suddenly the air shifted around him and he was held in claws by… Shadescale!

As she uncloaked, the dragoness grinned as she tossed the yeti to the side, earning an un-yeti like scream as he was thrown onto the ground. “Hello Spike.”

“Shadescale! You're here!” Spike exclaimed half in surprise but was just happy she was safe. “I thought you wanted to avoid conflict or injury.”

A snort left her. “Well, outside of your mate, you need to have somedragon watching your back. Besides, I never said I wanted to avoid fighting or pain, I just prefer not to get blasted out off the sky again.” Saying that, she immediately vanished and began to take down the yeti in almost unseen stealth attacks. “Now go!” She yelled in her camo state, “I can help down here.”

With a nod, he turned and saw Ember deadlift one yeti overhead with her bare claws, and with a mighty roar, tossed the creature to a group of them and knocked them down like bowling pins.

He had never seen this side of her before so it was so surreal and perhaps a bit intimidating. Pushing past that, he quickly pushed for the door towards the entrance. Upon contact, the doors flew open with a bigger, badder Yeti to come out. This one easily towered over him and Ember by a few feet and he had muscles. He also was completely armored and showing little of his true form, like something that shouldn’t fit the frame off him but did and behind the mask, he knew he saw hatred.

WIth a growl, the yeti readied a large spear, with a sharp pointed tip and dagger like edges, and charged towards Spike.

Spike managed to jump out the way as he swung and tried to stab the drake, missing by inches but unrelenting in a pursuing attack. He jabbed and swung, thrusting and slammed the spear towards the dragon. Yet Spike was more agile and had more movement.

“Hey, we don’t have to fight you know!” Spike tried to speak to the larger yeti. “We can be fri- woah!” The spear missed his face by inches before the yeti repelled and tried again. ‘Okay, maybe he doesn’t want to be friends.’ Spike thought. With a grunt, he unleashed a jet of flame to knock him back, yet the flames did little to deter the larger yeti, especially with its armor.

He actually pushed forward, roaring and tried to impale Spike in the chest. The drake used his flames to propel himself back, just as the spear nearly missed his chest.

Before the yeti could deliver another stab, Ember came in fast and hard, shooting towards the larger yeti and tackling him away from Spike. Despite the size on her, her momentum and speed was enough to send him reeling back though he used his spear to embed it in the ground and slow his stop.

“This one is not getting the hint, is he?” Spike exasperated loudly, preparing for another standoff with him. Ember snorted with a small wisp of flames leaving her maw.

“Then we finish him off once and for all!” With that she charged him once again, launching fire attacks and sweeping her claws at him. This worried Spike greatly, never seeing this side of her, this type of rage that seemed almost… poisoned. Even the yeti were scared of this amount of fire poised by the dragoness

The armor that the yeti wore barely held against claws that could dig through stone and diamonds with ease. She even used the Bloodstone Scepter to either stab or maim them greatly. Those that laid around them were covered in deep marks or their armor torn to shreds with gashes of red seeping through their fur. Ember didn’t seem to be holding back and perhaps she was not ending them because he was here.

Or perhaps… they were not the ones she wanted…

Ember was growling with each swipe, a roar at each fire expelled and desperate attempts to end the fight no matter the cost. The largest yeti was getting worn down, armor already at a percentage of what he had and by now, his spear was mostly for blocking.

In her haste to rip his head off, he ducked, backhanded her, sending her down and got the upper hand. However, instead of going after her, he saw a very vulnerable Spike trying to go after his wounded warriors.
In Spike’s eyes, he was trying to help them, knowing that they were just following orders and wanted to make sure they were okay. In the Yeti Commander’s eyes, he was trying to finish them off.

Neither side knowing the full story, the larger yeti readied his spear, pulled it back and with a roar, launched it at Spike, who was helping one of the warriors up.

Ember just witnessed the spear leave the hands of the larger yeti and fly in the air towards her mate. “SPIKE!” She yelled.

Said drake barely saw the projectile coming as he helped one warrior up, before shoving him back to prevent impact.

The spear hit its mark dead center of Spike’s chest and launched him backwards, sending him sliding down the floor.

Ember clutched her chest where her heart was, her voice leaving her.

Elsewhere, Amethyst grasped her own chest, with Garble there to hold her as she stumbled.

Eliyinsa sensed a sharp stop in her son’s activities and feared the worst.

Shadescale’s eyes froze upon seeing the body of Spike slide and slump on the floor.

All this happening in seconds, the moment feeling like eternity but the time became fleeting as reality slowly returned and…

Spike gave a grunt and turned over as he had been thrown back onto the floor. With a small gasp, he got to his knees and looked down to see the broken piece of spear tip on the floor and a slightly cracked scale on his chest. “Okay, that one kinda hurt a bit.” A small groan leaves him.

Ember’s heart continued to beat once more, Amy felt relieved as her small ache eased, Eliyinsa heard the emotions of her son return and Shadescale felt… happiness consume her as she saw him alive.

The larger yeti however was… both confused and to say the least stunned, as the drake slowly rose, standing up from a powerful launch of his spear. In that moment he realized that he could not fight them, even if they were young. To survive a spear impalement with nothing more than a scratch, told him they were outmatched.

He has impaled countless foes like that against walls like that but clearly, this was not like enemies before. He also noted that the drake was attempting to help his fellow warrior instead of injuring him further. Perhaps he did not agree with his mate’s fury but he did care for the lives of other creatures.

In the end, he surrendered and told the others that could still respond, to do so as well. He dropped to his knees and rested. Upon seeing their commander doing this, the others did the same, if they were able to, bringing the fighting to an end.

Ember and Shadescale saw this, staying alert but seeming to understand the ceasefire. As it did, Ember quickly flew towards Spike to check on him.

“Spike are you alright?” Of course worry consumed her but Spike gave a nod.

“Yeah, just a cracked scale or two,” He sighed as he looked at the damaged scale on his chest. “Hrrr… thank ‘Draco’ and ‘Wistala’ for scales tougher than diamonds, eh?”

Ember felt relieved once more as his humor returned, but it quickly dropped when she noticed the larger dragoness known as Shadescale approach. Upon close proximity, the taller dragoness gave a small bow. “Lord Ember, Prince Spike, are you both well?”

A kind of pseudo-peace vibe to drop any and all tension at the moment. Ember wanted to tell the dragoness off but remained partly neutral.

“Shadescale I presume?” Teeth bared on her tone, unlost to the bigger dragoness.

A curt nod, “As I am, as I always will be.” A tense moment between the two, which Spike felt unease more than the fact that they were literally on the verge of an apocalyptic scenario of sorts. “Oy! Finish the squabble later, we gotta rescue my friends and family!”

Just as he said this there was a sudden boom, as a massive storm was summoned out of nowhere and began to summon lightning bolts out of the skies. “What’s going on?” Ember yelled, as the storm surged.

“I don’t know!” Spike panicked, feeling cyclone-like winds beginning to affect them. “Come on, we have to get inside and stop him!” Without hesitation, Spike ran through the doors along with Ember and Shadescale.

Running through the halls, he noticed no staff or no guards were in here, possibly still rounded out. He led them through the halls and rooms to reach where the Princesses were being held.

His mother entered his mind, “Spike, the others are here but they cannot get past this storm! It’s too windy and I cannot fly without getting tossed!”

“Mother!” He yelled out loud, pushing faster through the halls. “We’re trying! We’ll stop him!”


With a growl, he took turns sharply, flew through halls, each one feeling like a maze that he should have memorized by heart by now, but his stress made this confusing.

By now the storm pounded outside against the walls, shaking the very structure. A loud boom was heard outside but it sounded nothing like thunder, perhaps a part of the building was hit?

Finally, through the endless turns and halls of the Castle, did they end up in the upper rooms of the castle where a balcony was located. He busted open the doors, Ember and Shadescale to his side, just in time to witness… Twilight and the Storm King being sucked up into the cyclone!

“TWILIGHT!” Spike cries out, as he sees her disappear in the sky. He ignored the others that had just arrived, including Tempest and quickly shot himself forward to help her. Ember, fearing for him, quickly followed, along with Shadescale, though in the brief moments she flew after him, Ember caught sight of Tempest and her anger flared but she pushed past to follow Spike.

As they neared the balcony, Spike felt the powerful gusts of winds hit him and was unable to lend him the strength to fly after her. Fear consumed him as he couldn’t reach Twilight as of yet, but then… the storm ceased and for a brief moment, the air seemed to dissipate. From the parting clouds and a halo of light, Twilight came down from the clouds, holding a staff in hooves, gently floating down towards them.

Tears fell from his eyes as he witnessed this. “Twilight!”

Her own violet eyes met his and she burst into tears as well. “Spike!”

She glided down and was instantly in his arms, where both of them held each other tightly. “I’m glad you are safe!” Both of them said at the exact same time, getting a tearful chuckle from each.

All their friends cheered at the safe return, happy that Twilight had survived, though it was short lived. From the balcony’s edge, did the Storm King climb back up onto the balcony and with him, he held an Obsidian orb! “I will not lose to some pansy, pretty ponies!” He yelled, chucking the orb at the duo.

Ember, having seen him climbing, managed to jump forward in time and just like before, used the Bloodstone Scepter as a bat and smacked the orb back at him, striking him and making the orb trigger. Unlike Tempest, he was not as quick to react and suffered a grueling fate of being turned to obsidian. A final scream of anger mixed with terror left him as he froze over in place, his legs and arms freezing over in shock and entombing him like he has done to so many others. The statue of obsidian now consumed the Storm King, forever entrapped.

The terror and reign of the Storm King had finally been vanquished. The storm was over. For a moment, no pony or creature spoke, for the battle had finished.Twilight let out a soft sob sigh of relief and happiness as this was over.

“It’s over, it's finally over.”

Tempest, unaware of the new danger that was arising, let her guard down. “What do we do now?”

“We rebuilt-”

Yet before anyone could react or do anything, Ember launched herself and Tempest with a roar and smacked the mare so hard, she sent her flying across the room.

Shock ran through everyone as she did this and Spike had been caught off guard, feeling that peace had returned only to see that Ember was not at ease yet. She still had a score to settle.

Ember, after punching the mare, roared and leaped towards the mare with Scepter held up ready to end her life.

Time slowed as everyone else witnessed this, with Spike moving faster than he thought possible. Claws igniting, he used them as a jet propulsion to launch himself after Ember.

Tempest barely landed on the floor with a thud before sliding up against the wall where she was dazed and trapped against the wall. Her recovery only lasted for seconds as she saw the fast approaching form of Ember, her scepter lifted and ready to strike.

Fear gripped her as she had felt the end coming. Yet in the same moment, Spike had managed to come flying; he twisted onto his back, landed on the floor and slid towards her. The end of the scepter came down on Tempest with Ember’s righteous fury pulling all of it down onto her face.

Everyone gasped in shock…

…An inch of space between the pointed end of the Scepter and her face remained, if not for Spike getting in the way and grasping the end with both claws.

Ember roared at being denied her vengeance. “Spike! She needs to die!”

Spike struggled as she continued to push down against the mare, pinned between him and the wall.

“No she doesn’t Ember! She has done wrong but she doesn’t deserve to die!”

“SHE NEARLY TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME! FROM YOU!” A roar tearing at the walls.

“Under his orders!” He fought back, defending Tempest. “They were his orders, not hers! And not personal!”

“SHE MADE IT PERSONAL! AND I WON’T LET HER GET AWAY WITH THAT!” she forced more of it down towards her but Spike was fighting harder than ever.

“Ember please, she doesn’t deserve-”

“Stay out of this, Princess!” Ember snapped at Twilight, but her focus remained on Tempest. “She nearly ruined my life, yours and the lives of others! How many lives would be lost if she succeeded!?” She demanded.

Tempest understood her anger, understood the pain she had caused and despite the fear in her eyes, she would have accepted her fate. But he prevented it.

Spike didn’t recognize this side of her, but he has seen her pain. The tears that ran down her eyes, the burning rage to end someone that nearly ended his life and the possibility of it all coming to a finish. Her words of ‘I would burn the world for you,’ echoed into his mind. If it started with her, when would it stop? And would she actually carry through with it everytime? How many lives would she take to keep his safe?

The pulsing glow from the Bloodstone was warm, her anger carrying over but it was not as bright as it should be, since her mate was preventing it from reaching its target.

Something else stirred within…

No… he knew that if it started with one, it would never end. Dragons are stubborn creatures and are hellbent on getting their way. Stories and talk about them leveling mountains or villages, setting areas on fire… for their loved ones, for their eggs… Saphira’s lost sibling and the rage her father went through. Ember’s vengeance would be no different and it would not stop…

There was no end to her rage but he had to redirect it. Despite all he has taught her, he could only prevent so much from her losing it all and he would rather lose his life then let her succumb to that force of nature. With a grunt, he slowly and forcefully pulled the tip of the Scepter away from Tempest until it hovered over his face where the gap was closer to his eyes.

Ember froze. Spike stared up at her, fully determined to make his point. His eyes showed understanding to her blight, compassion to her rage and sympathetic to her cause, but he also wanted her to see it from his view.

What if he was in this position? What would it be like to be here when you have the life of another in your claws? Not of choice but because they were forced to do something? To reach an ultimate goal of self preservation or restoration? Tempest made mistakes but was her life forfeited because of her ambition to restore what she had lost?

No pony made a sound, as their eyes were wide with fear and awe. Not even as the Elders, who had finally made it onto the scene, entered their heads to the balcony only to see the pose they were in. On top of Eliyinsa’s head was Smolder, who was just as shocked to see the sight before her. A few tried to voice their concerns but Eliyinsa mentally silenced them, reading into Spike’s mind.

It was here and now where his true character was shown, where it could be seen. The type of dragon he was.

Ember struggled, her claws shaking hard, gripping the Scepter so tightly her bones showed through her scales. She tried to pull it back towards Tempest but Spike held firm and he even pulled down more until it made contact with his forehead, a slight nic grazing his scales that it seemingly sliced and marked him with its touch. That caused everyone to panic with pure alarm and paralyzing fear for the elder dragons. Yet the dragon most torn was Ember, who finally stopped her aim against trying to end Tempest.

Said mare’s fear hadn’t dropped but she did sense the tension slow down as Spike continued to hold the pointed tip of her Scepter away from her face.

After more moments of stunned silence between Ember and Spike, did the pain and realization of what Spike would do to keep this mare safe, and her need to gain vengeance, slowly die. Her will was broken, her mind was shattering and her heart was in turmoil with the weight of guilt that she had.

She softened the grasp of the Scepter until her claws left it, with Spike being the only one holding it. She stumbled back until she fell onto her knees, weak, tired and so utterly lost. Spike sighed and allowed the Scepter to fall down before he half crawled to Ember, who began to openly sob out loud. His resolve to comfort her more than anything pushed him to hug her.

She openly cried now and hugged him, trying to speak but nothing coherent came out. Though it was once more asking, begging him not to hate her. Like a situation before, it rested on him to do or say something. It was anger and pain that made him not say anything prior at first, that had made the situation worse. But now, he could only say the thing that he knew for sure was an absolute for both of them in life and that was their love.

“I, Spike the Dragon, swear my undying love, my unending spirit, and my whole soul to you Ember. I will be with you until the end, until we leave this world together and even beyond that. You are my greatest hoard, my other piece of my heart and I will forever and eternally be bound to you and only you.”

His vow to her on the first night they became mated by life, repeating every word, meaning every sentence and whispering it to her ears alone, but knowing they would be loud enough to break through her storm.

Upon hearing the end, she pulled away, eyes red with tears. Emerald eyes meeting her own, a plea to get her to stop in the name of love. “My Ember, my mate, my love… I am yours.”

He would never leave her. He would never break her heart and despite the harsh and perhaps heavy impacts that may have impacted them severely within the last couple of days, he was bound to her, eternally and forever.
He was hers.

“A-And I am yours…” She finished. With a smile, he grasped her claws on his own and helped her rise up with him.

Everyone present didn’t realize they had been holding their breaths for so long until Spike had settled with Ember. The Elders, who had been silent, all but felt relieved at the tension leaving the room.

Tempest Shadow felt safe enough to slowly rise onto her hooves and move away from them. Twilight, still holding the Staff of Sacanas, brought it over towards the center where the frozen princesses remained and placed it on the ground. “As I said before, we rebuild.”

All the magic held within was released and distributed amongst the trio and spread across the Castle. Gasps of joy left the ponies as Celestia, Luna and Cadence became alive once more. All present companies, including the dragons were relieved to see restoration and peace return to the appropriate company.

Spike felt relieved and happinesses returned to him as held Ember in claws, knowing that while this was a heavy hit for them, it wouldn’t deter their future together.

He was about to reach down for the Scepter… only for it to glow and suddenly fly towards his claw in grasp, startling both him and Ember as felt a sudden warmth consume him and the Bloodstone pulse in his claws.

While the ponies remained a bit absent towards that, focusing on the Princesses and their reunion, all four Elders were speechless, turned alarmed to the point where even Spike and Ember were caught off guard by this predicament.

At first, no one was sure if it had happened or not, for it was not even a second that the Scepter left the ground to his palm. However, the pulsing glow, the faint warmth and the power that radiated around it, told them all… something happened.

“I-I d-don’t even…” Spike was speechless, clueless as well at what just transpired. Up to this point, he thought the Scepter was a tool, a mere magical item that could be welded by the Dragon Lord only. An unimaginable feeling coursed through him as ‘it’, the Scepter itself stated now, more than ever, it was much more than a tool. It was something more than just what had been witnessed before.

The Elders knew that and a glance from each one of them told them that Spike has become far more than just a simple dragon. His side by Ember, his charismatic and kind nature to view the world in the best light possible, has earned him the worthiness of the Scepter’s Grace. Its power would be able to be wielded by him.

Spike, the Dragon Lord’s Consort turned mate, would wield her power evenly or more so to benefit and protect those around him and those he loved.

Spike, adopted son of Celestia, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Eliyinsa and Zynthia, adopted siblings of Shining Armor and Princess Twilight Sparkle would be a representative to pony and dragonkin alike.

Spike the Dragon would be known well and far throughout the lands, through stories and through history as a dragon worthy of his title.

The Dragon Guardian…

Author's Note:

All will be explained on the Epilogue for any notes, Thanks for readying.