• Published 29th Jan 2019
  • 6,547 Views, 376 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Legacy - Little_Draco

Spike awakens and his time to return to world has come. With added family, grown body and new challenges to face, Spike will find the world has changed without him and he must adapt, even if pain must come from it.

  • ...

Storm Havoc

Dragon Lord’s Legacy

The Storm's Shadow

The weather was beautiful, the sky sunny and warm with the atmosphere of joy filling all of Canterlot. The festival had not even fully begun and yet ponies were walking around like it was in full swing. Street vendors were selling merchandise or goods for the festival.

Those decorating were in good cheer and those already partaking in early activities spread the word of the fun experiences.

It was a grand day to have a festival indeed.

The mane six split off to do their part, each taking a different task to the entertainment. Spike and his hoard headed to Canterlot central. Garble had somehow got roped into a store of weird music, funky smells and the poetic screams into a mic. It showcased a photo of Tree Hugger who had been there the night of their arrival.

Yeah, they lost him back there but that was mostly due to the fact that the others were in awe at Canterlot. The large buildings, the sophistication and the sights truly were a wonder that it left them almost speechless.


Amy was the first to break the silence with a loud, "MOTHER BAKA! IT'S HUGE!" She practically bellowed out. Her shout was loud enough to draw attention from the populace, though thanks to Spike's appearance, they were not as frightened at the arrival of dragons.

Spike nodded, smiling at their dropped mouths and awe struck faces. The tall and sculptural buildings beat anything Ponyville held, as well as the amount of shops.

There were no real street vendors but actual shops, many which carried a sense of pride and sophistication. Many of the ponies, a majority of them being unicorns, gave barely glances at the dragons.

Smolder noticed this and pointed. "Hey, how do they know where they're going if they have their heads lifted like that?"

Spike snorted, a half grin on his face. "Because they evolved to have eyes in their noses." He then pulled in close. "They believe because they are high above in mountains, they make themselves believe they are above others."

As Spike and his hoard moved forward through the city, a few actually were in aghast dragons were in the city, though when they saw that Spike, it just made the remarks come out.

'-can't believe is a royal-'

'-walking around thinking he is truly Celestia's son-'

'-a dragon? As a prince? Why I never-'

Ember, Amy and Smolder were growling to themselves upon hearing their words while Spike remained uncaring. He did hear their low growls and pulled them all close. "Hey, don't worry about them, they talk the talk but in the end their words mean so little."

Ember wanted to set fire to one of the mares. "They talk about you like that, even if you are Celestia's son?"

He nodded. "Yep." He grinned. A duo most famous in Canterlot, thinking they were high and mighty, passed him by, muttering 'Ugly Lizard!'

Spike, not flinching, flipped them the bird and laughed. "Hey brown-nosers! How was the last Grand Galloping Gala in the V.I.P section?" He paused and mocked a thoughtful expression. "Oh yeah, you weren't invited, but I was!" He then laughed at their agape and angered expressions.

Both ponies were about to bellow out and yell back at him, but were met with growls by the three females around him, causing them to scream in horror and quickly run off, creating a scene. Once they realized who screamed and who caused it, they went ignored, especially those two. Any more gossip almost immediately disappeared.

Spike sighed happily. "Ahh, that felt good in here." He then wrapped them up with wings and arms. "Come on, let's go. I need to show you a great place to eat and trust me, it will be a royal treat!"

Leading them through the back sections of Canterlot and towards a more modern and low-tier end of it, he pulled them up to a small building where the smell hit them first before the name did.

As they stood in front of it, Spike's eyes moistened and his mouth drooled. "I-It's been so long since I have been here and I am so happy to be back." His hoard stared at the building and then at him.

Amy asked, noticing the strong and greasy scent from within "Is it really that good?"

"It will make what we ate the last couple of days tolerable compared to what they serve here." A pause, "Just don't tell the chefs I said that."

Smolder could smell the food and could only imagine what they served. She noticed that his tears were genuine, compared to when he came home. "They must be if they got you teary eyed."

He nodded and wiped his tears. "Yeah it is and now that I am no longer afraid to show this side of me, I can enjoy the best of the best!"

Bringing them close in wings and claws, he hugged them tightly and laughed as more tears came. "This… my lovely nesses is the true and high quality of living when it comes down to food!"

The pony in front of the counter pulled open the window and with a warm smile, greeted them.

"Hi! Welcome to Royal Burger! Home of the Royalty Burger! What can I get for you?"

Hearing those magic words made it all worth it of waiting a week to return back to Canterlot. They didn't have a Royal Burger in Ponyville or anywhere this close outside of Manehattan, Las Pegasus and Coltifornia, where they originated from. Royal Burger was a chain restaurant with a high quality in greasy foods and notorious amounts of fattening ingredients.

He also knew that they stayed employed here in Canterlot because a few certain Princesses enjoyed burgers as well as a few nobles who sent others to buy it for them.

With a gleeful smile, he pulled up and carefully but eagerly delivered his amazingly well pitched order.

"Hi! I would like a triple deluxe hay-bacon burger with triple stacked chicken patties with extra sauce, extra pickles, ketchup and mayo." A pause as he briefly was reminded of his hoard and held up four claw digits. "Make four of those actually, each with their own french fries styles!" He immediately pointed with each claw. "I need animal style fries with extra grilled onions! I need garlic and habanero style coated in spicy and sweet sauce. Another with chili cheese and haybacon bits. And the last batch will be just regular seasoned fries but have extra Bar-B-Q sauce, Ketchup, mustard and honey ranch on the sides. Next, I need two orders of your giant onion rings deep fried and about four containers of ranch on the side. Lastly, I need four of giant gulps, one Cola, one Lemony-Lime, one Dr. Pop, and Canterlot Dew, all with little ice in each and lastly, I need four frosty waffle cones coated in chocolate, cameral, vanilla and strawberry, please!"

The cashier furiously scribbled down everything with haste and despite the slow and maintained order he gave her, she tried to quickly write everything. Those that worked in the back already tried starting the orders, with a griffin working on the chicken and the others trying to rush the rest.

She did need to do three papers worth and sweated a bit at the large order. When she finished, she gave a small smile. "Will that be all?"

He paused, giving them each a look and nodded. "Yes, please." Before she could give his payment total, he dropped two sapphire gems and a diamond on the counter, causing her to pause in mid-speech and her eyes to bulge out. Her eyes seemed to try to figure out how to count the change she would have to give him.

"Keep the change, consider it your tip." He winked at her, "We'll be over by the larger table." He then pulled the others away to go sit on the circular table with a large sitting, an obvious indication of those that ate here.

Those working behind the counter, peeked over to the cashier, where she showed the generous ‘tip’ to them all, earning a loud cheer before working vigorously to earn their tip payment.

Ember heard their cheer. "Was… that a lot?" she asked as she sat next to him on the table.

"More than what they make in two weeks." He commented lightly. "They are only here because of the few that have a hidden desire for fast food and don't want to be seen in public."

"Why is that a problem?" Amy asked, when just in that moment the first thing to come out was the drinks. A tray holding all four large drinks pulled in close, and where dropped off. The waiter happily commented, "Your food will be out shortly though a few items might take longer than most."

"That's no problem, though if possible keep bringing it all at once?" A curt nod was given and Spike 'thanked' her as she left. "Anyways, few nobles here only eat something that has a certain reputation of sorts like an approval. 'Zesty' something along those lines decides what restaurant has good quality and styles and such. This however causes their food to lose flavor and touch."

"They really follow the approval of a single pony that much and easily?"

Snorting, he nodded and gave a twirl of his claws. "Like flies to a pile of dung."

Amy gave a small grunt. "That sucks," She then took a sip of her drink, noting the lemony flavor. "Huh, you figured a pony can make their own choice in flavor and taste without having the need or approval of others."

"Yeah," Smolder agreed, drinking her Dr. Pop. "Why do you need to have someone decide if a food is good enough for you to eat based on the standards of another?"

"Or why is there a rating system made by one pony instead of multiple ponies that are not tied to some political or hierarchy position that influences this place alone? Why not have others from different areas try it as well?" Ember finished as she took a swig of her Cola.

Spike shrugged and took a chug from his Canterlot Dew. "No clue but all I can tell you is that some don't believe in this system and don't like it, hence why this place-" He pointed with a thumb claw behind him to the building. "-Is here. It has a worst rating amongst the Canterlot nobles, yet it is secretly the most popular restaurant on the underside. They don't get good pay because it's a franchise restaurant," A blank look from the three females. "It means that a corporation gives them a set pay in all their locations no matter where, so in order to compensate for that pay, they were given a tip system to help with their pay."

"That's stupid," Amy commented with annoyance.

"That's corporate Equestria at its finest," Spike joked with a half grin. "Anyways, this place gets good rep when 'what's-her-face' isn't around or when the Princesses stop by to get a burger."

"Speaking of, what exactly did you order for us?" Ember asked.

Spike all but contained his excitement with a cheshire grin. "Only the highest quality in food that will blow your minds away!"

And true to his word, as soon as their food came, it was truly a sight to behold. At least four servers came to deliver a tray each, stacked with what he ordered. Large burgers, a pile of fries, ice cream and a side of onion rings.

The massive food order did bring in a heavy presence to them for the smell was heavy and stank of high grease, burning onions and the sweet mixes of spices and herbs that blended into the air.

Spike heard Angelic Choir singing from up above, the choir of a thousand voices sending a light from the sky, as the burger, THE BURGER! …was inching closer to him, a halo appearing over the food and the light getting brighter.

His mouth drooled once more, his eyes moistened and his heart pounded heavily at the inhalation of fumes of heavenly goodness flooded his lungs.

Upon the tray being laid before him, the choir died and a smile was given by the pony waiter.

"Can I get you anything else, then?"

Spike shook his head, wiping away his tears and just gave a warm, "Thank you," The waiters all nodded, giving their own 'thanks' and 'enjoy', walking away with both parties happy as they left the dragons to their meals.

The female trio seemed also stunned with the amount of food provided, yet none of them complained, especially since the giant of a burger was before them.

Spike knew what he ordered and he had made an effort to impress his hoard with the food, especially since he knew what true quality was compared to the rest of the food in Canterlot.

"Dig in!" He invented them as he immediately took a large chomp of his burger. New spices and smells flooded their food and each one took experimental bites of everything.

A wave of moans came from all of them, as the savory, salty, greasy and mouth watering food flooded their taste buds. Explosions of flavor filled their mouths creating a new euphoric pleasure on their senses, nothing ever coming this close.

Well only one thing but that was a different feeling…

Each dragon tried a different fries style, drowning it with different condiments, different flavors and so on. They discovered what came close to food heaven and it showed, especially by casual walking paterons. Their faces were full of grease, bits of food and so on. Gorging on food considered to be taboo by many, they let their bellies be the one to judge them and their appetites to be the one true care in the moment.

There were no leftovers, no sauce untouched, no fries left and every food that was dropped on the table had been scraped up. Moans of satisfaction left the dragons as they reveled in their full bellies.

“That… was… delicious!” Ember moaned as she laid her head against Spike’s shoulder.

He pressed against her, licking the side of her face where some greasy bits lingered. “Worth skipping breakfast?”

“Baka yeah!” Both Amy and Ember cheered. Smolder looked too full to answer, as she was leaning on Amy. Her belly, probably due to her size, looked bigger than themselves. She grumbled for a moment before she belched out a long, strong burp that echoed in the small area. It's the kind of burp only a creature of a large stature would be able to release and it was loud. It blew away some off the napkins, shook the trays and made Amy shake with just the pressure itself.

She quickly covered her mouth in slight shame, cheeks tinted red. A moment passes with the area silent.

While the locals seemed downright appalled and disgusted, she got cheers from the burger joint staff, a shocked look from Ember and Spike but nonetheless both impressed from the savage belch. Amy had a manic grin and hooted loudly. “I TRAINED YOU RIGHT!” She laughed and gave the young dragoness a tight hug, deepening her blush.

Once their meal was done, the four dragons cleaned up, thanked the staff once more and proceeded to explore much of Canterlot.

The trio females were still flabbergasted at the structure and the culture. While they did encounter some nasty ponies, a majority of them did look at them with their own awe, especially with tame dragons. Some young ones like foals were excited to see dragons amongst them, walking calmly and coolly.

As they explored more, they noticed the decorations and the banners of the Festival becoming more vibrant and alive. Some even were non-local decorations, as if outsiders had come. That is where Spike saw a familiar wagon, though he couldn’t help but be sure and pulled forward towards it.

Upon further glance, Spike walked closer and saw that the wagon did indeed belong to the showmare. Hearing her ruffling around in the back, he called out. “Trixie?”

“Eeeep!” A yelp, followed by a hard thud. “Son of a-!”
She grumbled as she stumbled out of her wagon with a few bottles or potions falling out. “Who dares, disturb the Great and… Powerful…TRIX-” she paused mid monologue to see four dragons in front of her, especially Spike.

Her heart stopped and for a moment, she wondered if she had been discovered. However, they were not angry nor looked ready to pounce and that gave her a bit of a chance to recover.

Clearing her throat, she calmly and with a half hearted smile spoke to them, “Excuse me, how can Trix… err, I help you… Prince Spike?”

Spike gave a roll of his eyes. “Not you too, I thought that you of all ponies would hate to use someone’s status title like that.”

Trixie was quick to bounce on his nonchalant nature of his status. “Normally, Trixie would ignore it, however it has been established locally by Princess Celestia that your name and title… are to be emphasized due to your upbringing and the fact that you are considered an envoy and her…” She pointed at Ember. “-are ambassadors for the Dragons.”

“That should have been obvious,” stated Ember, joining the conversation. “You are my Hoard Mate and the son of Princess Celestia, not by blood but the title remains nonetheless.”

“So… does that mean we get special privileges?” Amy asked a bit too gleefully.

Both Spike and Ember turned to her and in unison stated, “No!” She shrunk at hearing this, earning a giggle from Smolder.

Refocusing on Trixie, Spike asked. “Well, what are you doing here? I heard you managed to befriend Starlight, Thorax and even Discord when you saved Equestria from Chrysalis. Then after, you went traveling a bit more.”

The showmare brushed her hoof against her chest in smugness. “Yes, yes! Trixie did and it has always been in Trixie’s best interest, she has saved Equestria!”

A mental sigh left him as he heard of her boasts of spreading the word of her heroism, but then she slowed to the moment why she was here. “-and as for arriving at Canterlot, well Trixie’s best friend Starlight invited her to give them the best show yet! In my travels I have strived to continue my magical prowess by finding special ingredients that will enhance them!” A pause and her ego slightly took a dip. “And no, no magical amulet and such. Though potions are just the beginning of Trixie’s grand endeavors to improve her magic and spell casting!” she slammed her hoof on her wagon.

As for her ingredients, Spike and the others saw a few potions that she dropped. One rolled into view from her wagon when she hit it. This one had a strange looking texture to it as it swirled from side to side, causing every dragon to slowly cocked their head to the side at its contents.

Trixie looked down, blanched and turned a bright red color. In haste, she scrambled to pick it up and the others and throw it in her wagon. A yelp as one of them broke but calmed as it wasn’t one she needed… or the one she wanted to keep safe. “Sorry to cut this short but I- err… Trixie! I Have to get prepared for a show soon and I… Trixie must get going, BYE!” With that, she shut her wagon up, and threw a smoke bomb down.

Spike and the others watched as the smoke temporarily made her disappear and then a vacant area. At least, until Amy looked to her left and saw the mare halfway down the street with her cart. “There she goes,” Then she grinned. “I like her! She’s funny! You think she can perform at the Dragon Lands?”

It took a hot second for him to reboot and shook his head. “Ehh… well see. Let’s just hope that whatever she is using is not going to cause her to go evil or something again.”

“Is there a story behind that?” Ember asked.

“Eeyup,” An emphasis on the ‘P’. “-And one that still bugs me to this day is how she didn’t get into trouble.”

Smolder finally inquired. “Hey, did anyone notice that potion bottle looked… weird?”

A silent pause before Spike waved it off. “Best not to ask.” With that he continued on his tour.

The more he introduced, the more in awe they became, especially with the shops, much more extravagant then Ponyville. Of course, he showed them his favorite, like the comic book shops that he also sold his O & O games, but also some books. He showed the bakeries, the shops, even briefly showing them the house he grew up in with Twilight and Shining Armor.

His tour ended with him showing them the Castle interior. That was the best for the last show.

Dwarfing Twilight's Castle, Canterlot Castle held a vast array of size, length and overall, grand case of showing off. It also held more history than anywhere else in Equestria.
Some would argue the Castle of the two sisters, but most if not all of that history was either gone or been brought here.

At the entrance, the guards saluted upon seeing Spike. “Prince Spike!” Said dragon knew how his brother trained them to be respectful to everypony, especially dignitaries, ambassadors and V.I.Ps. Not annoyed by his title, he saluted back to them. They opened the doors and allowed them to the main hall of the Castle.

Again, nothing the Crystal Castle had, could compare to this grand hall where even Torch would be able to fit in. Seeing their dropped maws made him smile. Without restraint, he showed them more within, explaining relics, portraits and even areas where he explored as a hatchling.

The tour had to be quick however, as he knew the festival was going to start soon. He showed them all the main areas, dining, kitchen, rooms, the ball area and so on until he reached the balcony where the Princesses could speak to their citizens from atop. The vast and open area showcased Canterlot in its entirety.

“Wow,” Was all Amy could really say, which was enough for Spike.

“Right?” He added, as if he still didn’t believe it himself.

“You… certainly grew up with an interesting life, Spike.” Ember commented lightly, still in awe at the beauty of not only seeing Canterlot but also beyond the horizon.

“Yeah, you got the highlife and the best of everything.” Amy remarked. He bristled with their praise, pulling up to them and watching as down below, the festivities began and the ponies cheered.

As they watched, Smolder couldn’t help but notice a black cloud of sorts approaching. It looks like a living storm of sorts, coming to them. Pointing at it, she commented out loud, “Hey what’s with that weird black cloud? I thought the ponies controlled the weather or something here?”

All dragons focused on the approaching cloud. Spike’s brow furrowed and something unsettling came from it. Feeling that this might lead to something, he motioned for the others. “Come on, let’s go check this out, something's not right with this.” Without question, the others opened their wings and took flight over Canterlot.

It was like some odd nightmare came true. One moment, the world was right, the atmosphere was perfect and happiness reigned.

Then the black clouds of a storm engine arrived over Canterlot. The crackles of lighting sparking all over. Spike and his company had watched as the ship emerged from the black clouds. From the ship's front, a ramp extended and it revealed… a pony?

Even from this distance, Spike saw that it was a pony but an earth pony. At least from this far. They were a maroon color but they wore… some kind of body armor. A little, smaller creature came out and announced the mare.

"What's going on?" Ember asked as they flew towards the mass of ponies and the mare.

"I don't know but I don't think they are friendly…"

Sure enough, as soon as he said that, an attack commenced and large creatures in armor emerged from the ship. This caused a panic and he saw the Princesses trying to fight and secure the citizens.

"What the-?" He was surprised, then he bellowed out. "We're under attack!" Each dragon was caught off guard but quickly prepared themselves. Pushing faster, they entered the space above where he saw the mare in armor, run then throw a ball of something at Celestia.

Spike watched in horror as the ball hit her and then… she was being encased in obsidian stone!

Twilight and everyone else watched as the princess of Equestria was taken out. Terror gripped at Spike's heart and he yelled.

"MOM!" He flew down and quickly landed.

"Spike!" Ember followed after.

The mare turned up and heard the cry. Her eyes went wide. "Dragons?!" She was caught off guard. What were dragons doing here?

Spike landed where the frozen form of his mother was. "Mom!"

The mare flinched at this. 'Mom?' She mouthed before shaking her head as the other dragons landed and stood between her and the frozen princess. A snarl left her. She turned to the storm creatures. "Get rid of them! I'll go after the other Princesses!"

With that, she ran off and a small garrison of creatures came charging after the dragons. Spike was unaware of the approaching threat as he tried to find some way to break Celestia free, her face frozen in surprise and fear.

Ember and Amy took a defensive stance between them while Smolder stood behind.

"Spike! What do we do!?" she asked, readying her Scepter. The creatures came charging at them. Spike had never really been in a combat situation before but he knew that Amy and Ember had, though he wasn't sure with Smolder. He pointed at Celestia's frozen form. "Protect Celestia! I gotta find Twilight and the others!"

With that, he flew off, leaving his hoard and despite the pain knowing he did, he had to make sure that Twilight was fine.

Ember and Amy quickly drew on the offensive and began to fight against the storm creatures, repelling them away from Celestia. Smolder meanwhile, having no combat experience, did as they did and covered their backs.

Spike flew high over to try and find them. His eyes scanned for purple or blue or pink and hoped that…

A flash of green and his eyes caught sight of the form of Princess Luna falling from the sky! No!!!

He flew down towards her, only to see her covered in a violet magic slowing her fall. Turning, he saw Twilight not that far from him.


She turned to the voice and saw him. "Spike!"

He quickly landed and hugged. "What's happening?" He asked, pulling away.

"No time to explain! A crazy mare came to try and take away the princess! They already got Celestia, Cadance and Luna!"

Spike looked around, seeing that the city was in panic and the guards were somewhat M.I.A. "Where are the guards?"

Twilight shook her head. "Shining was supposed to be with them but… I think they took them out first from within and then attacked us. It was a coordinated attack!"

"But how did-"

"Look out!" Someone shouted as a ball of green came after them. Spike, out of instinct, threw himself and Twilight down, the magical sphere missing them by a foot and splashed harmlessly over them.

A spark of electricity filled the air and the mare leading the attack was on them, rushing to them. Spike growled and defended Twilight. "Run Twilight! She's after you!" With that, his attitude turned he bellowed a powerful flame towards said mare, who quickly dodged and back tracked a bit. "Get the Princesses out of here!"

"What?! No, I'm not leaving you here!"

The mare launched a powerful blast of electricity from her… horn?! Twilight quickly created a magical barrier in front of them.

"She's a unicorn?!" He asked, somewhat caught off guard. At a closer exam, her horn was half gone, where her raw magic was able to be unleashed.

"She is," Twilight explained though she was slowly starting to struggle against the mare's powerful blast. "And I am not leaving you or Canterlot!"

Spike growled. "Twilight, she is after you. If she gets you and the Princess, who knows what she'll do!"

Twilight struggled more as the mare powered her power into the blast. Meanwhile, guards that came with her started to approach from the sides. "You need to go, now! Me, Ember and the others will hold them off! Go get help, maybe the changedlings or other allies can help."

Twilight overheard Celestia about seeking the queen of the 'hippos' to Luna. She dropped the shield when the other mare tired herself out. In that moment, Spike released a powerful jet of flames at them, though he didn't want to hurt them, he did make it hot enough to make them duck or jump out of the way. The mare growled and tried to bypass him but his focus remained on her for the moment. He quickly ignited his palm and sent bursts of flames there too.

"Twilight! Go!" The alicorn hesitated but knew that this was the only way. Without another word, she turned and ran to find her friends.

Meanwhile the mare known as Tempest Shadow, watched her target running away. With a shout, she pointed. "Don't let her get away!"

She sent a blast of electric magic at him but he countered back with a fireball that caused an explosion in the air. Spike was briefly blinded by the blast but unaffected while the mare had to shield her eyes and herself from the blast, giving Spike time to run off too.

Once the blast and smoke cleared, she saw an empty area. With a loud growl, she turned to the remaining storm guard. "Find them! We will not fail the Storm King!"

They ran off to scout for the mare and drake, leaving her behind. A spark left her horn. "I… mustn't fail him." Without another word, she quickly chased off.

Spike tried to find any help he could, even returning back to where the Princesses were encased in that weird stone.

Upon arriving, he saw that Ember, Amy and Smolder remained unharmed with several storm creatures on the floor unconscious or beaten. "Are you all alright?"

Ember nodded, along with Smolder but Amy seemed to be beaming with joy. "Oh yeah! I get to beat some creatures up and not get in trouble!"

"You and me both!" A roar from the air indicated Garble approaching and landing close by with a stomp.

"Gar-Gar!" Smolder cheered as she ran to her approaching brother. He instantly hugged her back.

"Glad you're okay, Smols." A smile briefly appeared before he frowned and looked towards Spike, a growl leaving him. "Alright, I'm angry now, give me something to smash!"

Spike was about to deny him that action, but then, he noticed that there were still some storm creatures trying to round up citizens and their ships hanging out.

He pointed at them. "Destroy everything not bright, colorful and pony!" He then looked at Amy. "You too! We have to send these guys back where they came from!"

Both taller dragons grinned, looked at each other and with unifying roar, took to the air and began to terrify the Storm Creatures and wreak havoc on their ships. He then turned to Smolder.

"Smolder, I need you to fly up high, avoid the enemy and find Twilight and our friends. They still have to be in the city."

Terrified but knowing she had to be brave for him, she nodded. In a few flaps, she was airborne and flew high above.

Once gone, Spike turned to Ember. "We have to stay here and protect Celestia until we can-" A flash from his peripheral instincts had him shove Ember out of the way.

The sphere of stone hit and struck him. The instant cold of stone forming over his body was fast and almost painful. His whole body froze as he tried to reach towards Ember. A cry of anguish stopped as his mouth covered over and his eyes glazed over, darkness consuming him.

Ember shook her head and looked up, only to find an absolute horror, that Spike had been frozen over. "Spike?!" She quickly stood up and ran to him. "SPIKE!" Her cry of terror was true as Spike was stoned in place, his face showing horror and pain at the seal over his body.

Tempest smirked with two guards by her sides. "Now that he is taken care of, you may want to run now, little dragon." She taunted.

Ember felt tears run loose but she quickly turned to rage and turned to Tempest. She pulled the Bloodstone from her back and pointed it at Tempest. The mare paused, looking at the Scepter, both in curiosity and intrigue.

"Turn him back now!" she roared at her.

Tempest met her roar with a snarl. "Leave here first and let me have the princesses! If you want him, then don't make me wait!"

She summoned forth another sphere of stone.

Bursting into an angry roar, Ember released a powerful fireball at her. Tempest ducked along with her guards and kicked the sphere at her. Ember’s reaction matched the mare's and she quickly summoned forth the energy upon the staff and used it like a bat, smacking the orb back at Tempest. The energy wasn't magic, so it didn't break and coat her in that stone magic.

Tempest gasped and rolled harder out the way, the sphere missing her by inches and striking one of her guards, freezing him in stone in seconds. She hissed at this retaliated strike and decided to avoid throwing them anymore. Her mind then went to the Scepter.

'Another magical item that he could use,' She thought and made a mad dash towards Ember.

Said dragoness saw her approach and spewed more fire at her, trying to burn the mare to cinders but she was fast! Tempest ran around, kicking up dirt and launching it at Ember, hitting her in the eyes. She screeched at being blinded, as she quickly tried to clear her eyes. That was all the time Tempest needed as she struck fast and hard, drop kicking Ember and knocking the Scepter away from her.

Ember was thrown off, another cry of pain as the Scepter left her grasp, landing a few feet away. The clang of it was heard loud and landed right by Tempest's hooves. A grin of confidence and victory over a dragon, the mare reveled in it as she reached down for the Scepter.

Upon instant contact, a powerful shock of heat caused Tempest to pull back and cry out from the burn. She growled as the fiery shock burned her hoof and had traveled up to her fetlocks, leaving a small area of red tightness and smelled of burnt fur.

'An item ponies can't touch or was it just her?' She thought, now wondering if it was worth the small setback.

Ember managed to clear her eyes and fired more flames at her, causing Tempest to jump back and retreat, as Ember quickly flew and grabbed the Scepter back. Eyes stinging red from tears, she gave a deeper roar towards her. "RETURN SPIKE TO ME, NOW!!!"

Tempest gave no indication that she would. "Leave me to my business then, I have no quarrel with you!"

"You´ve made it my quarrel when you did this to him and Celestia!" Ember responded viciously, pointing the glowing Scepter at her.

Tempest snorted and sparks flew from her broken horn. "So be it! You want to fight, you'll get a fight!"

Ember, not taking the bait this time, pulled a drastic move. Something that a Dragon Lord was not supposed to do except in dire situations.

This one called for it. With a roar, she lifted the Bloodstone Scepter over head, making Tempest and her guard take defensive stances. Ember slammed the bottom of the Scepter into the ground, embedding it and creating a large crack around the area.

At first, nothing happened, but then slowly… the ground around them began to tremble. The rumble was like a distant thunder, but slowly approaching. What came next now was the full shaking of the mountain and buildings, the strength slowly increasing.

Tempest looked up in panic at what the dragon was doing. Ember was full on enraged with the stone on the tip glowing bright red, unaffected by the massive land shaking. Buildings around began to sway and crack. Both ponies and her own guard were now screaming as the foundations of Canterlot began to crumble. "What are you doing!?" She yelled to Ember. "You'll bring this whole city down!"

"Not unless you free Spike!" Ember countered, tears still steaming down her face and holding the Scepter's power steady. "You will lose the princesses if you do not undo the harm you have! Now, FREE HIM!!!"

Tempest felt the ground slowly cracking underneath her and even under the frozen forms of the Princesses. She knew that if she lost them, she wouldn’t not get what 'he' promised and to her heart's content. She glared at Ember with venomous leer, trying to call her bluff.

Yet, the dragoness remained unflinching, even as a nearby building began to crumble and break. Ponies were nearly getting crushed by falling debris and this did little to deter her. Her fellow dragons quickly joined her and she knew that she had to make a choice.

She stared at the face of enemies, brought down and made ponies before her quiver in fear. She has faced unbeatable odds and conquered nations and kingdoms. Her feats have included beating great beasts… but none so a dragon. They were powerful, they were unpredictable and with the strength she currently wielded, she was untouchable.

Fearing no choice but to lose the Princesses, she quickly charged her horn and fired a powerful blast of electricity towards Spike. Those spheres were designed to respond only to her magic. Ember was about to retaliate but then saw Spike's stone casing fall around him.

A gasp left Spike as fresh air filled his lungs once more. Once mobile and free, he shook himself, earning Ember a teary eyed sob of relief and she pulled the Scepter from the ground, causing an immediate cease of the earth's rumble.

Ponies still continued to run or hide but most of the structure of Canterlot had survived though she might get an ear full from 'him' later. Tempest withheld a sigh but remained focused on the dragoness, trying to dictate her next plan. Clearly she was dealing with a wild card and this was not playing in her favor. For now, all she could do was stall. A nearby guard quickly came, muttering close to her ears and when she received the news of the departure of the other Princesses from Canterlot, a growl left her.

Spike shook the rest of the stone prison, just in time to be hugged tightly by Ember. His soul mate wept against him, though Spike was quick to comfort her by hugging her.

As he recovered his eyesight, he saw the remnants of cracked buildings were crumbling, ponies were either trying to find haven outside of the walls or were trying to rescue others from the destruction. This alone was only made worse by the occupying army.

He then realized that the large crack on the floor not far from him was from the Scepter and that Ember had caused it. A strong fear gripped him and he pulled her away from her, his heart assured of the scene before him.

"Ember, what… did you do?"

She blinked, confused that those were his first words.

"W-What? I-I-I did what I needed to save you."

Spike swallowed and he knew that but… what was the cost? He wanted to say more, berate her for putting him before others but then, all four dragons suddenly felt a strange pull against them. Ember grunted as the Scepter began to pull them.

"What's going on?" He asked. Amy and Smolder began to feel it too.

Ember now became fearful and tried to hold the Scepter from pulling but it was fruitless. "It's pulling us back home! We are supposed to return it back to its origins."

Spike's eyes went wide and he felt full on dread at the implications. "I thought we had until tomorrow to return!"

Tears slipped her eyes and she shook her head as the pull continued. "I used the energy to intimidate her from taking the Princesses and saving you." As she shut her eyes tightly, she whimpered. "I'm sorry, I used up our time here."

The pull became stronger and now all the dragons minus Garble remained affected. "What do we do?" Smolder asked, trying to stay close to her brother.

Spike realized if they were forced to go back, they would lose his mom, the princesses and possibly Twilight as well! They couldn't protect them! Growling with anger, he turned to the others and realized that Garble remained unaffected and while he had no doubt the red drake could fight, he couldn't hold back an army!

Ember was now trying to desperately command the Scepter to give more time but it was in vain and now, she was dragging on the floor with her claws leaving gashes on the floor. Same with Amy, Smolder and himself.

Tempest watched with mild curiousness and realized they were retreating without choice. The Scepter was pulling them away from Canterlot. A dark grin formed on her face. "They are falling back!" She shouted to her guards. "Not by choice! Bring the rest of the army and take control of the castle! Get them to leave the area, I'll go after the last princess!" Tempest quickly ran towards the direction where the princess was reported going off a cliff due to the quake.

Spike felt the pull get stronger, with Garble trying to fend off the attacks of the guards. He realized if this mare got a hold of Twilight, it would spell doom not just for Equestria but for other creatures across Equus. Whoever they were working for, they had evil intentions.

Thousands of thoughts sprung on how to deal with this but none that would allow them to leave unless he separated or… someone else did.

He snapped to Smolder who remained fearful of the situation. "Smolder! You need to go and stick with Twilight!

The dragons all turned to him. "What?" She asked frightfully.

His eyes turned into a look of plea. "Please Smolder! Twilight needs all the help they can get! If you can separate to help them out, we could still prevent them from getting the Princess's magic!"

"You want to separate her from us?!" Amy asked as she still felt the pull but was also trying to repel the guards. "You are forcing one of your own to stay-"

"Equestria and so many are at stake!" He countered angrily, the focus remaining on Smolder. "We need them to rally our allies!"

Ember didn't like it, more so the pain in Smolder's eyes showed as well. Spike however pushed past it, not because he didn't care but the need to make sure that there would be an Equestria for tomorrow.

"Smolder! Please!" He begged, reaching for the Scepter in Ember's claw. Smolder froze, not knowing what the disconnection would mean. The pain of her young heart would be great. For almost a year, she was with them, treating her and loving her with all their might which would make this all the worst. Yet this was one of the moments where sacrifice meant for the greater good and the pain in Spike's eyes meant that he knew that too. He was asking for something grand from her but for the safety of others to protect many more.

With tears and a whimper, she quickly nodded. "O-Okay." The pain hurt her as she reached for the Scepter, the ache harsh on her little heart and the words somberly low.

Spike quickly pulled close enough to her and gave her a kindle across her face. "I promise, you will return to us."

Her heart fluttered and just like the promise he had made for Ember, she understood he meant it. Sniffing, she gave a small nod. "Okay." Again, this time some heart into it.

Ember was in mental turmoil at everything happening yet she pushed some of it back and managed to get the Scepter up long enough to have Smolder grab it. As they held, time froze for them, the battle non-existent, the world in chaos turned stoic and the air still. Ember looked into the tearful and saddened eyes of Smolder. Heart ache with a burn only to worsen, she whispered, "I release you from the hold, the bond as our hoard and one with us no longer," A pause, she then gave a firm grip, she growled the last words to the Scepter as a promise. "And you will return to us once more to our hearts!"

The scepter ignited and the link between Smolder and hoard was gone. A bright flame around them both then her then… cold.

Smolder felt the pull and the call gone. A cold feeling came upon her and she clutched her chest briefly as if something was taken, then a fire briefly re-ignited as the final words carried through. 'Return to us once more to our hearts,"

Ember and Amy felt the disconnection that had been with them for almost a year and to say it felt wrong losing it was an understatement. It was like losing a part of something more than a friend, it was like losing a piece of your family. And despite knowing that she was alive and well, the connection still hurt.

But most of all, it hurt Spike, for he had just given her something precious yesterday and this felt like a betrayal. He took a part of her, something she had long claimed before himself, and ripped it away. Selfishly, he knew that he could have done with the other two, but he trusted Smolder to do her best when it came down to Twilight and their friends.

Swallowing, they pulled away, though a sudden blast nearby pulled away their focus. As Spike and Ember refocused to their area, another strong pull from Scepter finally had them airborne. Wings forced upon three dragons, minus Smolder, the Scepter glowed and pulled harder south.

"Spike, we have to leave!" A growl left him, of anger, pain and of loss, as he was forced to rise higher from the ground. His focus was not on here or there, but Twilight, his mom and the rest of Canterlot. With the peace gone, with time now over, he was left with nothing.

With a roar of anguish, he pulled higher and flew with Ember and Amy. Shouting to Garble, he bellowed out, "Keep them off us, Garble! Smolder needs to get to Twilight!"

The red drake shoved off a storm creature and looked up. "What?! I am not leaving my sister!" He roared at him.

"We have no choice! Cover her retreat and fly back with us!" Another pull, forced Spike to strain his words.

"I'm not leaving without Smolder!" The red drake demanded.

"Garble, just do as he says!" Ember ordered. "We have to give her and us time to escape!"

Garble, unable to disobey, let loose another roar, this time of rage, but did as he was told, letting loose a powerful jet of flames, forcing many to retreat or jump out of the way of the rampaging dragon.

The trio watched as Smolder quickly took off during the commotion, taking after Twilight's last known location. Meanwhile another airship came and docked, releasing more troops while the one Tempest was on took off in search of her.

"Garble she's clear! Retreat!"

Hearing this, the red drake grabbed a nearby storm creature and spun him by his leg, twirling him around until he threw him at the approaching calvary, causing them to topple like pins before taking flight.

The trio reached height and with Garble quickly approaching, they shot south fast though none of the storm creatures could pursue. They heard the war cries of victory, shouting at the fleeing dragons. As they flew further away, their chants slowly softened and the city of Canterlot grew further and further away.

Spike let out a whine of anguish as he left all those ponies behind, especially his family. Shining, his parents, Luna, Celestia, Cadence, Flurry and Twilight. He was forced to abandon them, a retreat unfitting for a dragon like him. The pull only amplifies the pain in his heart and the powerful emotions it was stirring.

As they flew further away, he saw below Ponyville and many of its inhabitants preparing for a possible invasion in town as well. The image of seeing his beloved town in chaos, many hiding in their homes as the warning bell could be heard far below. Many did not know what was going to happen but they were trying to prepare for the worst.

The defeat was grand and the pain weighed heavy on their hearts. The dragons all feeling the emotional impact of betrayal, anger, sadness and pain was amplified by the strong pull of the Scepter. A final look back had black storm clouds covering the rest of the city and hiding it from view, signifying the Storm had arrived.

Canterlot has fallen.

Smolder, having recovered from her separation quickly, flew with corrupted vigor towards Twilight, gauging her last whereabouts.

Knowing only they fell off the cliff, she proceeded to hopefully not find a pile of bodies at the bottom. Her flight allowed her to easily move through the area of those storm creatures and that mare couldn't. She flew down the mountain and saw that sure enough, there were pony tracks from the river and were heading through the forest. She counted at least six different sets, gauging them to be the mares.

She gave a final look up at Canterlot, seeing more ships coming. A silent prayer went to those she and the others were forced to abandon, she quickly followed the tracks to hopefully reach them in time.

'For Spike,' She whispered to herself. 'For Equestria.' With ease, she flew after them, hoping that nothing bad would happen to her hoard.

Author's Note:

So for those who are wondering how these series is going to be played out, read my blog ---> Here.
Now for the first half, it is meant to be light hearted to kind of throw you off. Yes, you knew what was about to happen but now how it happens. While the movie will play out the same minus Spike but add Smolder, it won't change much in the background so to speak. The movie continues but without Spike.
Now, I won't be following Smolder since in the movie itself spike himself didn't contribute much and Smolder won't add anything to really help out do to how little she was involved with the mane six to begin with.
next, we only have to image two different scenrios in how we the reader view and how others will view it in the story. one or another, the answer is not always simple or right.

Lastly, as for tthe Trixie bit, if you read Dragon tails, you'll get it. if not, its just a comical bit. Thanks.