• Published 22nd Sep 2018
  • 3,609 Views, 367 Comments

Ponies in Hogwarts [Edited] - KittyrinnAiko

A pony stranded in the past must go to another dimension and learn the ways of wizards before she can return to her own time.

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Chapter 52: School on a Caribbean Island Part one final.

“Coco, you need suntan lotion!” Hermione called. They were part of a large gathering of people and ponies who’d congregated down by the large lagoon that protected that portion of the island from the ravages of the sea which was further to the west beyond a treacherous reef. Large enough that it was also ideal for seaplanes to land and take off from. Though truth be told concerning the people on the beach, the majority were actually ponies.

Leading down to the beach were several sections of well-worn marble steps that showed signs of recent repairs, and beyond that could be seen clusters of white-washed buildings with wide overhangs and slender columns. Many of the structures reflected the English colonial style with tall windows that could be opened to allow the air to flow through or shuttered against storms. There were buildings that showed signs of repairs and a number of buildings in outlying areas that had collapsed long ago by earthquakes. And nearly every building had at least one tower built on which intended more for generating an updraft to pull heat from the buildings then as places to look out over the small city. In fact, one might even go so far as to say the community was stacked. Notwithstanding the occupants all of which looked fit as horses. On a peninsula to the south stood the remains of an old fort which had been built atop the base of a pyramid, and to the east, there was a large complex that had been turned into a learning institution covering all grades. Beyond the village set in the scarcely tamed jungle could be found a large temple complex that included three large step pyramids and a large Parthenon which had only partially been restored. In front of this structure was an avenue that was flanked by statues of winged unicorns. Beyond the Parthenon could be found an even older structure made of massive rectangular stones so finely crafted and fitted it was impossible to find any cracks large enough to fit even so much as a hair into. A good deal of the structure had collapsed long ago and within could be found the portal where the sacred sanctuary once stood. It was also heavily guarded and warded so that no visitor to the island who was not Equestrian nor having come from Equestria could get near it. And should anyone find their way through the portal there would be a welcoming party waiting. Pinkie was always up for a surprise party.

Technology abounded as well. On the roofs the tiles all had solar collectors cobbled together from bits and pieces. There were battery storage locations which supplied an underground grid. Every building had equestrian built variations of all the latest technologies and convenience items, and all designed to work seamlessly with magic while having the look of coming from different eras as though they’d been scavenged from wrecks. Anachronism was the name of the game with a number of odds and ends looking like they either belonged to the Steampunk or Diesel-punk genres. A number of items even had the appearance of being more advanced then what could be found in the human community. Perhaps somewhere? As to why create what ponies themselves didn’t use in their daily lives it was intended to hide magic in plain sight should anyone who does not know about magic find their way to the island. Crystals were also in heavy use so as to satisfy those who might expect such a thing. As to where the technology had come from, there was any number of ancient sites on the island that created the impression of a society that had at one point been far more advanced, a few of which were found to still have functional equipment that could easily be thousands of years old. None dating any newer than ancient Greece save for what looked like an attempt at a shipyard that the ponies restored and put to good use. And of course, there were all the wrecks. Of which many had been salvaged of anything of value, a few of which did have some valuable materials such as vast quantities of gold from a Spanish treasure fleet that had wrecked on the reefs. And of course, a cruise ship that had been recently stripped and the passengers returned home – their memories wiped, each believing they’d simply missed the ship.

“Come on Coco, you and I need sun block more than the others,” Nova called and laughed at the girl’s antics as she dashed in and out of the surf. The difference between Coco the girl and Draco the boy who’d first stepped foot on Hogwarts grounds was like night and day. The girls all had modest two-piece bathing suits and light wrap around skirts were the fashion of the day. For those who chose to wear it. As for the fashion of the island, the designers had intentionally gone with an interesting fusion of modern warm climate attire, British colonial, and shades of the Golden age of pirates so as to impart history to their clothing that suggested they’d only evolved their fashion when influenced from the outside world. Add to that the tendency of the portal to dress the ponies in whatever outfit their counterpart typically wore. But the Caribbean was hot and ponies being ponies they had a tendency to strip off whatever garments the portal gave them and go with as little as possible. Subsequently, it wasn’t rare to spot men wandering about with not but a loincloth with a wraparound over the shoulders to keep the sun off. The mares were just as bad until they discovered that sunburns in sensitive areas were a bad thing. As for the apparent ethnicity of the population, their natural bright colors subdued to human hues created the appearance of a very diverse population that would later be explained in terms of outsiders becoming stranded and choosing to stay indefinitely rather than attempt to brave the reef and treacherous waters beyond.

Harry was looking much better as well, though he’d likely always be a bit smaller than his Equestrian twin. The two of whom were having a blast looking for seashells while in their human forms. Of the two it was decided to explain Airry as a younger brother. If for no other reason then to hammer home how badly Harry had been treated by the Dursleys.

Nearby Alya and Scootaloo were keeping an eye on the foals and Luna was talking with a group of wizards under a pavilion where chairs and little tables had been arranged and they were being served tropical drinks by young women dressed no better than those out in the surf. Luna was dressed in a light airy skirt with a floral print and a white blouse that save for a camisole underneath left little to the imagination. The wizards included three men from England, two from France, and two from America. All of whom were horribly overdressed save for the odd Englishman who wasn’t actually a wizard. He had on khaki pants a loose-fitting safari shirt and had even brought a pith helmet. The other two English wizards had on the typical heavy black robes of English wizards, the French pair had on gray robes that were perhaps a bit lighter in weight, and the Americans had on what looked like 1950tys styled suits. And with the exception of the man with the pith helmet the men were all looking rather uncomfortable for more reasons then the heat of the day.

“Well, I must say that save for Mr Abercrombie the new Ambassador from England, the rest of you look like you’re about to expire from the heat.” Luna offered with a smile just as a flock of phoenix flew past.

“Those were…” asked one of the overheated English wizards as one of the serving girls turned on fans that were in the canopy of the pavilion. Each fan had at the intake a pipe that ran down the legs of the pavilion into the ground where it drew up cool air.

“Yes, phoenix.” Mr Abercrombie offered. “I dare say I think that as magic users you’d be more accustomed to such sites?” To be true the islands abounded with all manner of colorful birds not found anywhere else.

“Don’t tell me you’re a…” An American began and had his sentence finished by the other English wizard.

“No maj – Muggle?” He offered with a smile.

“His parents are squibs, as is his wife.” Luna offered. “He’s well placed in English society, and has several degrees to include one in Ornithology.” Luna offered.

“The study of birds. Though to be honest, I’m not sure I want to tell anyone about this place.”

“And we suspect his children will be able to use magic,” Luna added as she continued her explanation as to why Mr Abercrombie was there. “After consulting with the Prime minister of England he was chosen as the best person to fill the role.”

“There simply aren’t any flocks.” Offered one of the French delegates.

“And for that reason, I’m going to put through a motion to be sent up to the United Nations to declare these islands a protected conservation zone.” Mr Abercrombie offered.

“We want to strictly limit who is allowed to come here.” Luna offered. “These islands are for the most part as they’ve been for thousands of years and while our culture has obviously been contaminated, the natural habitat is as it has always been. Plus there is the issue that we’ve never had to hide who we are.”

“Yes, I think I can understand.” One of the Americans offered. “On the one hand, you’re coming out of hiding while on the other hand, this being a community where you never had to hide magic there’s a need to control who can come here and you wish to control not what people see but how they see it.”

“That and the danger of exploitation.” Mr Abercrombie offered. “It’s not so much a matter of keeping people out who can’t use magic. I can assure you that from my perspective if I was not aware of magic, I’d have assumed that every wonderful thing I saw was the product of technology I simply did not understand. No, the real issue would be dealing with individuals who can only think of their own personal gain.”

“Fortunately the islands protect themselves for the most part.” James Potter offered as he approached. He was presently attired in canvas slops that is to say slightly below the knee baggy seaman's pants, an oversize cotton shirt, an extra-long waistcoat no sleeves on that, and a tricorn hat.

“Ah, James, were you going to join us?” Luna asked. A slight smug smile formed on her face at the gobsmacked looks on the faces of the wizards.

“Don’t mind if I do.” He offered shortly as a chair materialized out of thin air for him to sit in followed by he and Luna laying out their plans regarding how Eques intended to interact with the rest of the world. Which included numerous restrictions concerning who would be allowed on the island. Number one of which was a restriction on purebloods who exhibited Blood Elitism. No person who’d supported Voldemort either willing or unwilling would be allowed with the same restrictions falling on anyone with extreme views or notions be they of the magical community or not.

“You see, the thing is, people with extreme views tend to be easily manipulated. Our reasoning for that restriction is because we found that the Imperius curse simply can not compel an individual to do something that isn’t in their nature. Those claiming that as an excuse could have thrown off the effects save that deep down they wanted to do what they’d been told to do. It was deeply ingrained in their belief system that what they’d been tasked to do was actually a good thing, and they’d have that ready-made excuse should they be found out.” Luna offered. “Worse yet is when reality doesn’t line up with everything such a person believes in. Both valid reasons as to why Salazar Slytherin didn’t want muggle-born in Hogwarts. Such individuals were prone to manipulation and had a tendency to use what they learned not for good but to betray the very community that had taken them in. Likewise, extreme views among the wizarding community lead to the rise of Grindelwald and Voldemort. Both individuals caused more harm to the community than anyone none magical person ever could. Add to that the fact that you’ve allowed yourselves to become ignorant of the achievements of the non-magical world you are headed for disaster and potential extinction if something doesn’t change.”

“The non-magical community learned alchemy.” James offered. “With that knowledge, they created science which gave birth to marvels that you can not even begin to comprehend. They also know where nearly every hidden wizard community can be found now thanks to that technology. At least those who are allowed to know as leadership of the non-magical world wishes to keep certain things secret that is best kept from the common muggle who would turn on each other for daring to be different. - And they have harnessed the very power of the atom.” He paused but a moment before continuing. “Nor will I have my sons ignorant of either world.

“Professor Dumbledore’s efforts to meet our requirements for Harry’s education have fallen far short of what needs to be done and I fear it may take generations to undue the damage the Statute of secrecy has done.” They looked at him with shock in their eyes.

“Would you tell the muggles that magic is real?” One asked.

“In time.” Luna offered. “Make no mistake that we will abide by the spirit of the International secrecy accords. But, we have no intention of being bound by them.”

“You will have little choice.”

“Do you dare threaten us? Have you not heard of the fall of Azkaban. It was our allies in the Far East who laid low the dementors and trust me when I say that those who fled will be dealt with. One ... by ... one.” Luna offered in a tone that gave away no emotion. And to be honest she was perhaps the most frightening when she spoke thus. “But fear not. You see the plan is to introduce magic a little at a time while telling the muggles it is a form of technology.”

“The thing is, the technology of the non-magical community has become so advanced that it’s impossible to tell the difference between technology and magic.” James offered. “Can you begin to understand what that means? If the worst of the muggles don’t know it’s magic, they can’t point a finger at it and call it evil.

“Harry, along with other select individuals will come here to the School that we have here and learn about both worlds from confidant teachers.” James finished with a confidant smile.

“We are offering scholarships to those who meet our criteria.” Luna offered. “We will bring in students from all over the world and they will travel here by airship.” Equestria was no stranger to the use of airships and thanks to information gleaned from the human world plus a few leaps in technology thanks to some interesting artifacts they’d discovered on the islands they now had airships the likes of which looked like futuristic space yachts. In fact, in theory, at least, the latest prototypes were capable of space flight.

Author's Note:

As this has run longer than I wanted I'm breaking it up.

The fall of Azkaban is along the lines of a Bleach anime cross over which I may or may not tackle at some time in the future. Otherwise, if someone else wants to write it, go for it.

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