> Ponies in Hogwarts [Edited] > by KittyrinnAiko > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Green Goats [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A quick note for the sake of clarity: From time to time expect multiple quotations within a single paragraph. It's a bad habit of mine and I'm trying to reformat, but there is no guarantee I will find them all. Assume all quotations within a paragraph are the same speaker. One more thing before you begin. This story is intended to be a comedic parody seasoned with satire. Yes, there is a good deal of drama, but that was never intended to be the main focus. Attempts to write comedy, comedy fills with angst. A young woman in her early teens stood gazing into a mirror, her expression careworn. She’s wearing a skirt of midnight blue with ruffles at the hemline, a white blouse, and a puffy-sleeved tight-fitting jacket that matches the skirt, her white hair put up in a bun, and a large wide-brimmed hat festooned with ribbons and silk flowers rests upon her head. The hat doing a fairly good job of camouflaging the vermilion and purple stripes in her hair. An ivory-colored winged unicorn with the image of a sun on her flank walks slowly up to the girl who’s head doesn’t even come up to the horse’s withers. The girl’s complexion is light-skinned, nearly as light as the horse, but thanks to her heritage she could be easily mistaken for someone from Japan. She’s not. She’s not even human. The girl is a pony, a very special pony, a fox pony with a difficult journey ahead of her. “Nova, you aren’t having second thoughts are you?” asked the winged unicorn. Nova turns around and gives her a hug. “Aunt Tia, of course I’m having second thoughts. Humans are horrible. Not all, but many are beyond redemption. They kill for the pleasure of it. They’ll even prey on their own kind. Many are equally as bad as King Sombra in the height of his madness, and they commit their madness in cold calculated sanity.” She took a breath and let it out slowly. “Sure I’ve done some horrible things myself, but because I wanted to save lives, not take them. I only kill out of necessity. - Bringing an end to a sentient life is reprehensible to me, that’s why I only eat animals like fish or chickens.” Nova refused to believe a chicken could ever be sentient simply because they tasted so good. Nova gave Celestia a tight squeeze, she’d been having nightmares about her time fighting against King Sombra, possibly due to her anxiety about going into a world dominated by humans, but that was in another world. Nova was presently in her correct dimension, but she was in the past. Her best course of action to get home was to go through that portal to take advantage of the way the timelines flowed. Her teacher, Miss Oukitsune Aiko, had done her best to help her by teaching her as many survival skills as she could. Aiko was presently standing a short distance away, she, a simple white pony by all outward appearances. “I know, but you’ll be safe at Hogwarts.” Celestia consoled. “I’ve added your name to the enrollment book, you know where the school is, all you have to do is get there from the portal. - First stop, the Leaky Cauldron, you should get your acceptance letter shortly after arriving, it’s summer there now, but the new school year will be starting soon. - The people at the Inn will look after you, and I’ve told you more or less what to expect. On top of that, your ability to transform yourself has been a great asset.” "Transform myself," Nova said softly. "Considering my native state in that world is a small white fox with wings like an owl, I had little choice, but to learn that spell." Nova looked up into Celestia's eyes and remembered Rarity had said that that was where the fun is. Celestia and Rarity would laugh, but Nova just didn't understand the adults. “It was so generous of you to have the royal seamstress make me some outfits.” A smile formed on her lips. “And that suitcase you’ve given me is nothing like anything I’ve ever encountered.” The suitcase was a small alabaster sided suitcase with the Equestrian blazon on a small medallion on the side of it. Inside, depending on how she opened it, was either a simple suitcase, all the way up to a copy of Princess Luna’s apartments complete with an absurdly large greenhouse. “It actually originated from the world you are headed to. I did fix a few things and made some modifications. It’ll serve you well, and give you a little piece of home to retreat to.” Celestia had actually completely rebuilt it, but modesty kept her quiet regarding how extensive the rebuild was. Nor was it truly from the world Nova was about to step into. “Thank you for everything.” Nova offered. She then went to Aiko and gave her a hug putting her arms around the much smaller pony. “Take care, Tsukinokazoku Kitzumi-hime.” Aiko offered. “I’ve let my contacts in that world know to be ready to provide back up to one Miss Nova Moon any time she needs it.” “Thank you, teacher,” Nova replied. Let go, picked up the small suitcase, and walked over to the mirror. She looked back one last time and stepped into the mirror-like walking into a pool of water. The surface of the mirror rippled a few times and subsided. “I should probably get onto my counterparts to let them know to expect Miss Nova in the future.” Aiko offered. “I did a reading on Princes Nova, and she seems to have been going back and forth between a lot of different dimensions. - I hope she makes it home this time.” “She’s been very tight-lipped about how she ended up in her present situation, but I can’t help but feel Discord had something to do with it.” Princess Celestia stated. The two were still looking into the mirror as though they could see Nova on the other side of the portal. But then, perhaps they could. “And will you act on that impulse?” Aiko asked. “I dare not.” Celestia's tone was bitter. “I fear that Discord may have some important role to play in the future otherwise I suspect Nova would have told me.” “She as likely didn’t tell you because she has come to understand that the moment you know what the event is, the event becomes a fixed point in time. It’s already happened, and you’ve already made the decision that has brought us to this point.” Aiko pointed out. “I suppose so. Still, though, I’d do anything if it meant she’d not have to drink from the cup she has partaken from.” “Even so, she doesn’t wish to lose those experiences.” Aiko pointed out, and then let out a small sigh. “Freezing her in stone would have been the easiest thing to do. She’d lose her magic, and her memories, but then she’d get to grow up all over again unaware that her misadventures had ever happened.” Celestia offered though the idea of doing such a thing to a pony who'd done nothing wrong was most distasteful. “Many of those memories weigh heavy on her, and yet, they are precious, and she’s unwilling to give them up,” Aiko replied. “There are a few that she needs to let go, for her own sake.” “She’s gone now,” Celestia announced, her tone resigned to Nova's fate. “Would you like some tea?” “Yes please, if I may?” Aiko replied as the two turned away from the mirror and headed for the door of the room they were in. “Well, I can’t keep treating you like a maid now that the cat is out of the bag.” “Indeed. - It never occurred to me they’d out me during an official visit like that.” Aiko had to laugh as the memory crossed her mind. Princess Celestia hadn’t been completely surprised by the announcement of the delegation that one of her maids was their High Priestess. Princess Celestia already knew by that point. No one else knew outside a small circle of ponies, so when the delegation respectfully requested she be returned to them, quite a few jaws dropped. “There is one thing that’s been pestering me,” Celestia continued as they exited the room, “how is it you have nine tails?” 🚪 Nova stepped out onto a cobbled street in a seldom-used alleyway of London, and even though she’d just stepped from a wall, not a soul marked her sudden appearance. She had to fight back the overwhelming urge to gag as the pungent atmosphere assailed her. This was Nova's third time through the portal. Her first was to check to see what would happen. Sure enough, she’d transformed into a small white fox on her first go-round. On the second go through she found that if she transformed herself first, she’d stay that way. The downside being she’d need clothing. Her transformation into a fox had to have something to do with her mixed heritage. When other ponies went through, they’d turn into humans who were fully clothed with most taking on the form of their counterparts, which often proved interesting. One pony might end up in rags while another would be richly adorned in the finest silks. And the tight corsets would send many a pony scurrying back across the portal as quickly as they could. Nova never transformed into a human, clothed or otherwise, and had little choice but to master her transformation spell in the little time that she had before the portal closed. She was also taking a big gamble coming here, even with her ability to traverse dimensions, her home dimension was going to be too far away for her to return any time soon if anything went wrong. Nova took in her surroundings, memorizing the location right down to the geomagnetic position, and then headed for the bustle of the main boulevard. The air hung heavy with the acrid smell of coal smoke, and animal waste. It was nearly enough to make her gag. The street itself was packed with carts and carriages, and all manner of wagons, all being pulled by the most pitiful examples of horseflesh she’d ever seen. Many were malnourished and overworked. Nova suppressed a shudder at the sight and walked down the side of the street in search of the establishment of the Inn she needed to go to. As she walked along the street a most perplexing sight caught her attention, her curiosity getting the better of her she just had to have a look. She’d actually heard the contraption long before she could see it, it made a horrible racket, and many of the horses shied away from it. Why it was a carriage, Nova realized on catching sight of it. A horseless carriage of all things. She watched in fascination as it chugged, and belched smoke from a pipe in the back of the thing as it passed by on the busy street. Nova could imagine her mother disassembling the thing just to figure out what made it work. It was gone now, back to finding the Inn. Nova looked about in confusion. According to her Aunt Tia, it should be around here somewhere… Of course, it was hidden. Nova wasn’t too sure how she was to find an inn that had been hidden though. Her keen senses caught sight of a tall blond man with a redheaded man, both of medium build wearing long black robes of all things. No one seemed to be paying them any attention so Nova figured it was a fashion that Miss Liberty Belle, the court seamstress, had missed on her expeditions through the portal. And they were gone. How very odd… hold on… Nova walked briskly for the place the two had been, and marveled at the shimmering light as she approached the spot, the Leaky Calderon Inn was revealed. Her heart leapt in joy as her first quest was completed, and she pushed the door open. However, on entering, the hush that fell over the place made her feel a bit on the nervous side. No matter, she made her way to the bar ignoring the odd looks the patrons were giving her. Celestia had said she’d be safe enough once she was inside, but right now she wasn’t too sure. Why the very way the majority were dressed made her think she'd just walked into a hive of parochial schoolmasters. “Excuse me, I’d like to make a reservation for tonight?” Nova inquired of the man behind the counter as another patron entered the shop. The man just stood there polishing a glass scarcely looking at her. He cast a glance at the person who’d entered behind Nova. “Little Japanese-san!” called the woman who’d followed Nova. “What?” Nova asked. She could feel her ears go up, and was grateful for the hat. “Oh you don’t need to stay here, you’ll be coming with me.” The woman proclaimed. Nova glanced at the woman, she was elderly in appearance and dressed in the oddest way having on an assortment of odd clothing to include the undergarment of a kimono worn like a robe. “I most certainly am… mmmf!?” Nova began but was cut off mid-sentence. The woman clutching at Nova with strong bony hands, one hand going over her mouth. “Now why in heaven’s name is there a horse in here?” the woman asked bewildered. The black beauty with wings of night, a mane that looked like a person could fall into it, and a long spiraled horn let out a snort while eyeing the woman most intently as if to say, back off bitch. The woman clutched at Nova more tightly and started pulling her away. A blast of magical energy emanated from the horn of the Night Mare hitting the woman square in the face. She let go of Nova who immediately pulled away, the Night Mare spun, the two men who Nova had seen earlier rush to open the doors to the establishment and stand clear. The night mare’s hind hooves moved so fast that had anyone watching blinked, they’d have missed it. A moment later the woman was out in the street where it was assumed she’d walked out into traffic, and had been hit by a passing streetcar. “I say, I do like her style.” The tall blond man offered. “Is it even legal to have a pet Nightmare?” Asked the redhead. The barkeep pulled Nova’s hat off to reveal two very pony-like ears. “Hey!?” Nova protested grabbing her hat and pulling it back down. “It’s alright lads, she’s one of us.” The barkeep proclaimed. He was answered by a cheer, followed by boisterous chatter. Nova relaxed for a moment and then turned on the Night Mare. “Moonie, that was an unnecessary use of excessive force!” Nova chastised followed by the Night Mare bowing her head, and nuzzling her charge. Nova didn’t care for humans, but still… “Now, don’t be so hard on her.” Offered the tall blond man as he approached. The redhead was right behind him. “That Muggle did seem set on kidnapping you.” “A rather bold one too I might add. Name's Henry Weasley." “My Name is Thomas Malfoy.” The blond man offered. “That’s quite the impressive... um, creature you have there. I hesitate to call her a horse though.” “Rather cute for a Nightmare.” Mr Weasley offered. “But tell me, aren’t you rather early to be traveling to Hogwarts?” He paused a moment. "I'm assuming that's why you are here." “Perhaps she doesn’t know about the train?” Mr. Malfoy offered as he sat at one of the bar stools. “A shot of some of that American paint thinner if you don’t mind.” “One shot of Kentucky whiskey.” The innkeeper replied. “Been a hard day has it?” “Getting everything ready for the inaugural run of the Hogwarts Express has been a nightmare.” Mr Weasley offered as he took a seat. “No offense to present company mind you.” “She only takes offense if you threaten me.” Nova offered. “I have come a long way, and I’m afraid I know nothing about the Hogwarts express.” “It’d be in the letter letting you know that you’ve been accepted.” Mr Weasley offered. “But you haven't gotten your letter yet, have you? - I do say, I think we may have put the cart before the horse. Might be a good idea to send out a notice detailing the plans for the train. I mean this secrecy thing is going a bit far." “I was to wait here till it came.” Nova offered. “I’m going to need a place to stay until it’s time to go as well. That is assuming I don’t need to start out right away?” “They won't even be sending the letters out for a while yet.” Mr Malfoy offered. “Oh, you’ll get one. Anyone who can get a nightmare as a pet is sure to get a letter.” “Oh, she’s not really a pet.” Nova offered. Granted that Moonie was actually a spell attached to Nova's moon amulet hidden under Nova's jacket. And while she could be thought of as a pet, she was so much more. Moonie was intelligent, could learn, and was semi-autonomous. “I suppose in a way she kind of is," Nova admitted. Her very own Nightmare Moonie. "She’s bonded to me. My Mom’s idea. She’s to keep me safe.” “Ah, must be a powerful witch, your mother.” Mr Malfoy mused. “I’m surprised she sent you by yourself though. - What’s her name if you don’t mind me asking?” “Princess Luna Moon. Mom’s in exile, it was my Aunt who sent me here. - I suppose you could say I’m in exile myself.” “Don’t tell me they threw you out?” Weasley asked astonished. “Not exactly. Just can’t go home for a while.” “Join the club kid.” Mr Malfoy offered. “His family kicked him out for his involvement with the train.” The innkeeper offered. “Here, have some juice, on the house.” “Thank you, very much,” Nova replied accepting the offered drink. “So what’s the big deal with the train? I’ve ridden on plenty of trains. They’re slow, but a great way to get a large number of, well just about anything moved across the country.” “Including students.” Mr Weasley offered. “And including the children of families that otherwise couldn't afford to make the trip, and muggle-born.” Mr Malfoy added. “My parents.” He downed the drink he’d been contemplating. “Sweet mother… that there is one thing muggles are good at.” His comment garnered some good-natured laughter. “What I was saying is that people like my parents don’t like the idea of magical education being made available to everyone. They’d much rather it remain an exclusive club. - Now I despise muggles as much as any, but I do believe that those who are born with magic deserve a chance. Many are in need of rescue, and I've even taken in a young lady myself. Ergo, I’ve involved myself with the Hogwarts Express program. - So, what did your mother do that got her, and apparently yourself, banished?” Nova thought about it for a moment, she’d been warned that wizards could tell if a person was lying and that she should always tell the truth. Granted she didn’t have to tell the whole truth. “Mom number one attempted to commit regicide.” Nova offered. “I’ve two moms. Things are complicated, and to make a long story short, here I am.” “I’m going to need another.” Mr Malfoy said putting his glass back on the counter. “Ya, I’ll have one too.” Mr Weasley said, and a few moments later he is gasping for his life while Nova gently pats his back. Malfoy is laughing along with several other patrons. “Dear God, how do you drink that stuff?!” Weasley choked out. “So, you’re a dispossessed princess then,” Malfoy said after containing his mirth at his friend's discomfort. “By the way, where’d your nightmare go?” “Oh, she usually just vanishes once she’s satisfied I’m safe,” Nova informed them. “Mr Weasley, are you going to be alright?” “Just, give me a moment.” “Say, why don’t you take in our little princess here until it’s time for her to go to Hogwarts, then she won’t have to stay here?” Mr Malfoy suggested. “Oh, I couldn't.” Nova protested. “I think it sounds like a splendid idea.” Mr Weasley offered having finally managed to straighten out. “But I couldn't.” Nova protested again. “Frankly I think you’d soon grow bored staying here.” Mr Malfoy offered. “Just out of curiosity though, did they send you out with any money?” “I have a little on me, but I need to get to Green Goats, I believe it was the bank.” Nova offered. “I was provided with a vault key, oh, and I’ve got a partial list of items I’ll need for school.” “That would be Gringotts.” Mr Malfoy corrected. “I should have enough for school as well as my room and board.” Nova offered. “Well then, as a member of the Ministry of Magic, allow me to welcome you to the United Kingdom, and escort you to the bank. - Malfoy, you coming?” “Sure why not. It’ll be a nice diversion.” He offered, and a moment later they are in a barren courtyard out behind the inn. Two grown men out in an alley behind a pub with a young woman. Nothing unusual here. “Oh, I’ve got it,” Nova announces, and without even bothering to count, presses the brick that causes the wall to open up. The two men eye her with curiosity. “I’d memorized which brick to press.” The truth was she could see which brick was charged with the activation spell. “I see, well come on then.” Weasley offers, and a moment later they are stepping into Diagon Alley. Being it was the height of Summer, midweek, and late afternoon, there was as yet only a handful of people here and there. The owl shop looked inviting, and it was all she could do to not dive into the book shop. After all, she was her mother’s daughter. The apothecary gave her the willies at the site of unicorn horns. Nova had to remind herself that unicorns here were just dumb beasts and not anything like the ponies of Equestria. Still, though, it looked absolutely horrid to her. Despite that, the shops in the alley reminded her of some of the more unique shops in Canterlot. The ones in the back alleys she wasn't allowed to go to. “So what exactly is a muggle anyway?” Nova asked after a while. She’d always assumed all humans were of the same species. “Don’t you have muggles where you are from?” Mr Weasley asked. “No, not a one so far as I know,” Nova replied. “Perhaps it’s just a language barrier.” Mr Malfoy offered. “Closed-minded people who have no magic, don’t believe in much of anything, and can’t abide by anyone being different from themselves. -Though to be honest I can think of a few wizards and witches who can fit into at least three of those categories.” “And if a person in the magical community can’t do magic, they’re called a squib.” Mr Weasley filled in. “Do you have anyone like that where you live?” “No, not really. Magic is fairly common. We Have three basic types, earth magic, atmospheric magic, and of course there’s the sort of magic that requires casting charms and such.” She wasn't about to say earth pony, pegasi, and unicorns. “And what type of magic can you do?” Mr Malfoy asked. “A little of everything.” Nova offered. “Well, that’s what going to school is for, to refine your talents.” Mr Weasley offered having completely misinterpreted what Nova had told him. They had assumed Nova was only eleven, and just starting, but Nova was closer to fourteen, at least that was her presumed estimate, and she had been studying magic long before she could even do it. She didn’t know it, but her skill was far above what she’d be learning in the first-year class. “And we are here.” Mr Malfoy offered as he held the door open to a large building. Nova had been so engrossed in the conversation she’d completely missed climbing the steps up to the snowy white building. Standing by the door was a little man pale in complexion with a long beard, bald head, pointed ears, nose, and long spindly fingers who bowed to them as they entered. He looked to be a bit on the grumpy side as well. Nova returned the bow prior to entering. Inside were more of these odd-looking grumpy little men, and a fair number of witches and wizards inside. The trio joined a line to see a teller and waited, and waited, and waited… oh, and waited some more. “Ah, Mr Malfoy and Mr Weasley, I was told I might find you here.” Said a man coming up to them. “There have been some issues regarding the train.” “Well, that didn’t take long.” Mr Weasley moaned. “Mr Brown, I’ll look into it first chance I get.” Mr Malfoy offered. “Next!” called the little man at the counter. It was Nova’s turn. “Your key.” “Yes sir,” Nova replied and retrieved a gold key from her pocket, and laid it on the counter. It had no number, only a crest. The Crest of Equestria to be exact. “Also I have some gems and gold to… convert? Are you alright?” The little beady man’s eyes had grown as big as saucers. Meanwhile, another little man who was patrolling the floor with what looked like a spectacle at the end of a stick was looking at Nova with a similar expression. “Um, hello, sir?” “Whatever has gotten into him?” Asked the wizard who’d come in search of Malfoy and Weasley. “Can’t say I’ve ever seen a goblin act that way in my life,” Malfoy remarked. “Did I do something I shouldn't have?” Nova asked starting to sound concerned. Meanwhile, another goblin had gone to the one with the monocle, took it forcefully, and he too was transfixed. Kitzumi Nova Nightfoal Moon wasn’t like other ponies. She was a fox pony. That is to say, she was part kitsune, and it was the enchanted, or divine, kitsune that was her default form in this world. Now the spectacle was charmed to see through hidden cloaks and the most elaborate of disguises, and by rights, they should have been seeing Nova as a little filly. An alicorn filly, though pegacorn was perhaps a better description being she was nowhere near being on par with her Aunt. That’s not what they were seeing. Thanks to the interplay of the different magics and how kitsune magic worked in that world, the monocle was showing Nova more or less as she was, with massive amounts of magical energy rippling off her. Had she been a full-blooded kitsune the monocle would have shown her as an anthropomorphic fox, and Nova only had one tail at that. The goblins were at a complete loss having never encountered a kitsune, let alone a hybrid the likes of Miss Nova. Meanwhile, the teller had recognized the vault key as one belonging to royalty. A vault that hadn’t seen use in over a hundred years. Another teller took a look at the key, and before long goblins were rushing about muttering frantically to each other, and no one in particular as not a one seemed to know what to do. A short time later, Nova, and the now three wizards had been directed to a very nice room. There was a large oval oak table with one large oak chair on one side and four large chairs on the other. A guard stood in each corner of the room, the room has five corners, with two at the entrance, and two more at a rear exit. Five sides because the room also doubled as a trap. “Your Highness, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ragnok.” He offered with a bow. “You’ll forgive me, but the protocol requires a token before granting access to that specific account.” “May I put my bag on the table?” “Why yes, by all means.” “Do you have protective eyewear?” Nova asked as she sat the suitcase on the table. “I don’t expect I’ll need any,” Ragnok replied. “Suit yourself then,” Nova said as she opened the case. Light flooded out. “Phenik? What are you doing in there?” Nova asked sounding exasperated as a young phoenix climbed out of the bag. “Honestly what am I to do with you now?” “That’s not the token,” Ragnok stated flatly. “I’m well aware of that.” Nova countered. She then pulled out a box that was about three hoofs in width, a quarter of a hoof in-depth, and no less than seven horns in length. By rights, it should have never fit in the case. She set it on the table, and then retrieved, and put on a pair of sunglasses of all things. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Nova cautioned. Ragnok gingerly took the box, and slowly opened it. The occupants in the room were forced to squint their eyes as one of Princess Celestia’s primaries was revealed. “It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn’t so poorly lit in here,” Nova said softly. Princess Celestia truly shone as bright as the sun, and her little ponies had evolved over the millennium such that it didn’t really bother them. In fact, it was normal for most ponies to shine brightly with their pastel colors. Even Nova’s true form was equally as bright as a harvest moon, and when ponies spoke of some pony brightening up a room by their presence, they meant that quite literally. “Now that’s a token,” Ragnok whispered. His normal facade of disinterest had crumbled as he looked at the feather with awe and delight. “I have a letter as well.” Nova offered while pulling out a scroll with a wax seal on it. “We weren’t really sure if the account even still existed. I’m to understand it’s been a while.” Owing to the mentality of goblins, they never closed out accounts being they truly believed it all belonged to them anyway. The only loophole, one which Celestia had learned long ago, was to sell the goblins things of value that had been crafted. Princess Celestia had amassed a fortune simply by providing cut gems. Gems that would have been next to worthless in Equestria. “I’m to understand that if the account is still available I am only to have as much as needed for necessary expenses to include school expenditures, room, and board, clothing, travel expenses, legal expenses if needed, plus the proceeds of the value of the items I provide you to be used at my own discretion.” Nova began pulling small gold bars out of her suitcase and stacking them on the table. “If I am unable to access the funds from my Aunt’s account, then I’m to open a new account to be at my discretion.” Ragnok broke his eyes from the primary, reached across, and pulled a gold bar over to inspect it. The bar was stamped with the Equestrian winged unicorns representing night and day, Eques, Canterlot mint, point nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine pure, one stone. Each bar weighed fourteen pounds when put on a scale, and Nova had stacked up one hundred bars. Now if that wasn’t enough, Nova began pulling out little square boxes. As she opened the boxes and placed them on the table, a large gemstone was revealed in each box. Now it’s important to remember that in Equestria the large stones were really only useful to dragons to be hoarded up, and eaten. To the ponies, the big ones were next to worthless because, they were fairly common in Equestria, and they couldn't be used for anything other than dragon food. Nova wasn’t sure why Princess Celestia had insisted she bring such large gaudy next to worthless stones, but the expression on the faces of the goblins and human’s in the room spoke volumes. One being’s junk is another's treasure, Princess Celestia had explained with a wink. “Who is this girl?” Whispered Mr Brown. “I’m from a very old family in the far east.” Nova offered. The explanation was an answer her teacher Miss Aiko had told her to say. It ensured no one asked too many awkward questions and provided her with a ready answer. She’d also been told to call the country Eques being that’s what was stamped on the bars. No point in telling anyone the country was called Equestria as that might lead to more awkward questions. Ragnok told a guard to summon a gem appraiser. “The gold will, of course, have to be appraised as well, though I’m to understand if this is indeed gold from Eques, it will fetch a high value due to its purity, and rarity.” Equestrian gold was often sought after simply for the stamps on the gold bars. “Eques?” Mr Weasley asked. “My country, the Kingdom of Eques. I’m a member of the royal family.” “What are you doing here?” asked Mr Brown. "Sorry, but we haven't been introduced properly. Name's Brown." “It’s illegal to execute members of the royal family,” Nova offered. “Come again?” Asked Mr Brown. "It would seem there was some kind of family squabble resulting in various members of the family being kicked out,” Mr Malfoy offered. “My mom tried to kill her sister. They had a difference of opinion, and it resulted in a knockdown drag-out fight.” Nova supplied. "I'm Princess Nova Moon of Eques." “Well, I’ll be,” Mr Brown mused. “Normally that kind of behavior would be considered domestic violence and no big deal. Happens all the time, that it does.” “Tell me about it,” Mr Malfoy drolled. “My family fights like cats and dogs.” Mr Weasley offered. “No one ever gets seriously injured though.” Meanwhile, Ragnok, having looked at the scroll had frozen. The guards suspecting something brought someone in to check him, they looked at the scroll and they nearly froze. “Why the signature is identical to the one on file, and the primary is certainly proof enough that it’s no clever forgery.” “Why bother forging this anyway. It only allows the child to take out a small fraction, plus she’ll be adding a small fortune of her own.” Ragnok said as he looked over the document. “A small fraction?” Nova asked. “Not to worry, so long as you’re relatively frugal, you’d be able to live the life of the idol rich for the rest of your life.” Ragnok supplied with a smile. “And to think, you’re related to Celestia. The Celestia. Princess of the sun. How old is she?” “She’s my Aunt. No idea how old she is.” Nova offered. “I do know she dates back to the fall of the Arcadian Empire of antiquity.” “Arcadia? - She doesn’t have a philosopher's stone does she?” Asked Mr Brown. “A what?” asked Nova. “To the best of my knowledge, she’s just naturally immortal, or fairly near. Her magic is so powerful she simply doesn’t age. - I used to be afraid of her when I was little.” Nova made a mental note to find out what a philosopher’s stone was. “I can see where such a person would be intimidating.” Mr Malfoy offered as the gemologist entered. The gemologist pulled up a chair that had come from thin air, sat down, and began inspecting the gems via a magnifying glass fitted like a monocle. The room remained quiet until he came to a box containing a smallish pink stone. Small in comparison to the others, but otherwise considerably large. “I’m not sure if that one is really worth much. It’s one that was given to me a while back. It’s got a flaw in it that looks a bit like a pony sitting in repose.” “Looks like a panther to me.” The gemologist offered. “It’s a Mogok stone. Can’t say I’ve ever seen a gem quality stone this large. They are usually found in Burma, though some lesser quality ones are sometimes found in Canada.” “A panther you say. May I have another look?” Nova asked. The gemologist gave Nova a pained look, placed the stone back in its box, and slid it over to her. Nova then picked up the stone and peered into its depths. Sure enough, the pony was now a panther. The position was the same, sitting in repose with its head held high in a most regal fashion, only now the mane and bushy tail was gone replaced with a long cat’s tail, a cigarette at the end of a cigarette holder in its mouth, and a monocle over one eye. What’s more is the tail was slowly flipping, and for the briefest moment Nova was sure it had winked at her. “I see, it is a panther now. It must have changed when I went through the portal, and it seems to have picked up an enchantment.” Nova put it back in the box and pushed it back over to the gemologist. “Watch the tail.” The gemologist picked up the stone once more and looked at it with his magnifying glass. “Aaa, the tail is moving. That’ll bring up the price considerably.” “So you got here by a portal?” Mr Weasley asked. “Like a port key?” “Beats traveling by ship.” Nova offered. Admitting to having come by way of a portal didn’t seem such an odd thing to admit being these were wizards, and it solved the issue of trying to explain by which route she’d come. “It was a mirror enchanted by a wizard known as Starswirl the Bearded. The portal would be closed now.” “Now him I’ve heard of.” Malfoy offered. “Always thought it was an odd name. If I remember correctly he did a lot of work with mirrors. It was the mirror of Erised he was most famous for. It has the most interesting enchantment I’m told, as it’ll show a person having the one thing they most truly desire. - Never understood why someone would want to do such a thing though.” “Indeed,” Nova replied thinking she could guess. Starswirl in his travels to other worlds must have gotten stuck here, and made the mirror to get home again. The mirror showing wizards what they most desire was nothing more than a distraction to keep the human from discovering its true function being he’d have to leave the portal open. “I’ve no doubt it’d show me shaking hands with new backers.” Mr Brown offered. “Oh don’t tell me that’s what it was that was so important?” Mr Weasley asked. “Mr Ragnok looks like I’m going to want to invest in a railroad. Let's call it a school expense.” Nova offered. 🚂 And that’s how Princess Celestia became the primary backer of the Hogwarts Express. > Chapter 2: Nova goes shopping. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova walked away from the bank with a small purse with a strap over her shoulder and then stopped to survey her surroundings. It was a new addition to the small suitcase. In it was an odd assortment of bits… wizard money actually, and a never dry stamp that was to be used for large purchases. As a safety measure, she was to turn the stamp from square to a diamond if she was ever under duress. Mr Malfoy and Mr Brown had returned to the Ministry to inform their people that they’d found a new backer, whose name was to be withheld for security reasons, and if anyone were to press they’d only get Celestia Solaris of Eques. Roomers of a foreign girl with a phoenix only helped to muddy the waters. Mr Weasley had remained at Nova’s side, and Phenik, having refused to go back into the suitcase, not like it was a crammed tight space, she’d a whole deluxe apartment to explore, was presently perched on top of Nova’s hat engaged in pulling apart the silk flowers. Nova let out a sigh as a hoof-full of silk petals drifted down, people were staring at her. To make matters worse the hat was enchanted to be self-repairing which meant Phenik had an endless supply of silk petals to scatter. The hat delighted the young bird to no end. “What say we get you some proper wizard robes.” Mr Weasley offered. “Maybe they won’t stare so much.” “Something tells me that a phoenix is not a common pet,” Nova stated as another hoof full of petals cascaded down. “Are they in your home country?” Mr Weasley asked curiously. “Not especially, no,” Nova replied. “My brother Spike raised one but released it to the wild. Otherwise, the only other Phoenix I’m aware of is bonded to my Aunt. Phenik is one of the fledglings from a recent clutch.” “I see. - Well, no point in hanging about, we’ll just draw a crowd.” Their path leading to a shop called the Witches Wardrobe was all too easy to follow as a plethora of silk petals trailed their every movement. Why they’d chosen that specific shop was simply because Nova liked the presentation in the window. “Welcome to the Witches Wardrobe.” Called the friendly voice of a woman in the shop. Nova took one look at the long elegant deep violet hair and said... “Rarity?” “Oh darling no. Though my friends often say that I’m a rarity.” Her wizard robes were light alabaster with floral designs around the base and looked more like a kimono than a typical wizard robe. The embroidered heraldic blazon of three blue diamonds on a silver shield boldly placed above the heart wasn’t helping Nova’s confusion. Nova had noticed that a lot of witches and wizards had these little shields, and filed it away wondering if it had anything to do with cutie marks. “Name’s Anastasia, but you may call me Ana. What can I do for you? Oh, and I must say that hat is divine. How’d you make that phoenix look so real.” “Unfortunately, Phenik is real and very determined to destroy my hat,” Nova replied just as Phenik scattered more petals. “Oh my... - He is quite determined. - He or she?” “Being that a phoenix is capable of self-reproduction, I’d say both.” Nova offered. “But I usually just say she if I must be pinned down to a standard pronoun. - What with the egg-laying and all. - Be a while before this one lays any eggs.” “I see, I see, well come on in, and tell me how I can help you?” “I’ll be needing some robes, thank you please.” Nova offered as Miss Ana showed her to the fitting area. Nova set her suitcase down, climbed up onto a step ladder, and Ana moved Phenik, hat and all, onto a hat stand. Nova's ears were still slightly poniefied showing a bit of a point, and plenty of fuzz. “I’ll have to ask Madasin if she can duplicate your hat complete with a mock phoenix.” Miss Ana said as her eyes strayed to Nova's ears. “She’s a hatter, quite mad, but then all the best people are.” A moment later tape measures are whisking about taking measurements. Nova couldn't help but giggle. “I can see the speculation about you was all wrong. Most muggle-born would start to panic about now.” “What, from a few tape measures?” Nova asked, honestly perplexed. “Indeed. They’d never experienced objects moving about seemingly on their own.” Ana offered. “My Aunt Rarity is a fashion designer. You should see the things flying about in her shop when she’s feeling inspired. It's an experience that has inspired panic in the stoutest magic-user. - My present outfit was designed by a relative of hers, named Liberty. - I knew I’d have to travel through some, um, muggle areas, so the outfit was to help me fit in.” “I see, I see. - So they’re travel clothes.” Travel clothes were about to become all the rage. “Will you be attending Hogwarts this year?” “We expect she will be.” Mr Weasley offered. He’d been standing off to one side to stay out of the way. “The letters haven't been sent out yet, but no harm in being prepared.” Princess Celestia had said she’d entered Nova’s name, so Nova just trusted that her name would be in the enrollment. How this was accomplished Nova couldn't know, but she suspected that the enrollment book was a dimensional diary. “Being that she’s not here with family, is this going to be the usual deal paid by the ministry?” Ana asked. “Oh, I can pay my own way.” Nova offered. “Seems I’ve been provided with a rather substantial allowance.” Nova smiled at the memory of the ride down in the cart, she’d been leaning over the front of the cart, face to the wind, while Mr Weasley held on to her jacket pleading her to please sit down. They’d had to go past captive dragons and even a sphinx who’d asked the easiest question she’d ever heard. Who raises the sun, and who raises the moon. Of course, the answer was Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Granted that would have been a wrong answer for the world she was in, but the Sphinx smiled, because the Sphinx was from Equestria, and then to the surprise of the goblin driving the cart, and Mr Weasley, the two struck up a conversation in a language neither had ever heard. Old Ponish it was, which is related to the ancient Arcadian language as the Sphinx was more accustomed to the older language during which Nova brought the Sphinx up to date to include the time she'd raised the moon and that even though Luna had been banished, she would be restored on the longest day of the thousandth year of Luna's banishment by the Equestrian calendar. The vault itself had marble tile on the floor, and the walls and ceiling were lined with alabaster stone with ornate designs inlaid with amber. It was very much like any typical vault in Canterlot castle and was piled high with gold, jewels, and a variety of precious objects. “She’s an heiress. Her circumstances are a little unusual, and it seems I’ll be looking after her until it’s time for her to go to school.” Mr Weasley informed with a smile on his face. "I haven't told anyone at home yet." “Seems I arrived in England too early. - What with the train being put through. - Otherwise, I was to wait for my letter and then procure transportation to the school. - Standard school robes, and something nice in case I have to go anywhere where I’ll need to dress up.” “So how’d you like the ride in the cart?” Miss Ana asked. “She loved it, and seems to be old friends with the Sphinx we had to pass.” Mr Weasley offered. “Oh now your just teasing.” Miss Ana replied. “All done with the measurements. “Now, let's have a look at some robes.” Miss Ana levitated out several examples of school robes from the most basic, anyone can afford, but no child would want to wear it, to a few robes that Nova was sure only spoiled fillies like Diamond Tiara would wear. Nova decided it would be best to be sensible, and picked something in the middle. After all, they were school robes, and it wasn’t technically her money. As for the nonschool robes she decided to get three for casual wear, two for dressier occasions, and one extra nice one just in case she found herself being invited to a fancy party. One never knew, and if word got out that she held the purse strings to a not so small fortune, even ponies weren’t above a little flank kissing of anyone who had lots of bits. “I’ll need a signature and payment upfront, and where do I send the robes,” Ana said once they’d finished. “I guess I’ll be staying with Mr Weasley.” Nova offered as she got out her stamp, she thanked her, and a short time later they were on their way to the next store. In this case, Nova had decided she wanted to go straight to the book store she’d seen earlier. She quickly vanished into the shelves of books, the only clue to her whereabouts being the occasional excited squeak and a trail of silk blossoms. At least that was until Phenik got excited, and started flying about the shop singing a most joyous song. It was a book store full of books Nova had never seen, and after some of the hardships she’d had to endure, it was like she’d ascended to a higher plane of creation. Granted there’d been the library in the citadel of Arcadia, but she’d been too pressed for time. Assuming Discord hadn’t moved it somehow, or it only existed in that one dimension, she hoped to return someday. Here and now, she was free to explore the shelves until they kicked her out. Not only that, but she could buy as many as she wanted. “That’s quite the customer you’ve brought me, Mr Weasley.” Squee! Trill trill trill... “Indeed she is. Mr Flourish. Indeed she is.” Squee! Trill trill trill... Both men had a tear trickling down their faces do in part to the song of the phoenix. Curious passers-by had begun to gather at the door as well. Squee! Trill trill trill... “By any chance do you have the first yearbook list for Hogwarts yet?” Mr Weasley asked. Squee! Trill trill trill... “A prospective student then?” Squee! Trill trill trill... “Indeed she is.” Squee! Trill trill trill... “The list just arrived the other day, and I’ve already started getting the books ready to go. You weren’t planning on getting a jump on buying the required books were you?” Squee! Trill trill trill… “Might just as well. Something tells me I’m not getting out of here without at least two dozen books.” Nova rounded the corner with a stack of books on top her suitcase, and another stack trailing in a light blue aura. How’s she doing that without a wand, someone in the crowd asked softly. Nova heard, became self-conscious, and dropped the books she’d been levitating with a loud thud. Accidental magic was the verdict, though the truth was that Nova had simply been using her pendant as a focal point for her magic. A moment later Phenik landed on Nova’s shoulder and peaked out from under the hat. “So, um, how do you plan to carry all that?” Mr Flourish asked. “Hang on,” Nova replied, and slid the stack on top her suitcase off onto the counter. She then turned the suitcase upright again, slid a panel, pressed a button, which was followed by legs dropping to the floor. With the case thus supported, she then pressed another button resulting in the back side of the case along with two of the four legs scooting out to reveal a book rack. Her travel case was now a book return cart. “Now isn’t that clever.” Mr Flourish mused. Phenik dropped down onto the shelf and ducked under a flap at the end that still resembled a suitcase. “Oh now you want to go back in,” Nova said with a snarky air. As for the books, Mr Flourish selected several books that were required for the first years and then started going over the books she’d selected. Nova started going over the required school books, and let out a sigh. The books looked like primers to her. “Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it.” Mr Weasley offered. Mom number two, Nova’s birth mother, was Twilight Sparkle. Nova knew all the basics of magic theory by the time she was four. Her magic hadn’t manifested until she was six, and she had been a late bloomer. Most unicorns started to learn about and use magic in magic kindergarten. Nova had been born a pegasus with a button horn. It was feared she’d be a false alicorn, which meant she’d likely never fly. Without a proper horn, she’d never do magic either, but shortly after her horn began to grow, her magic started to manifest. Shortly thereafter, Discord decided to boot her across dimensions. The wibbly wobbly nature of time and relative dimensions only made matters worse. Not to mention a bit awkward at times where Twilight and Luna were married in her world, but mother and daughter in another. Despite all that her education in magic seemed to be at a considerably higher level then where she was presently expected to start in the world she was presently in. Nova’s thirst for knowledge was rivaled only by Twilight Sparkle and had managed to further her education by one means or another regardless of the dimension, or hardships she might be in at any given moment. “Miss, I can understand the books from the young adults' section, but you’ve picked out a number of books that are way beyond what is expected of a first year.” Mr Flourish cautioned. Nova let out another sigh. “You’re probably going to want to put some of those back.” Mr Weasley suggested. Nova’s ears poniefied once more, lay down, and with hat in hand she looked at him with the most pitiful puppy dog eyes. “For god’s sake, let her have the books!” Someone in the crowd outside the shop shouted. A short time later a happy Nova, with suitcase in hand, can be seen headed for the next shop trailed by a rather defeated looking Mr Weasley. Nova having satisfied her book lust, thought it’d be best to go to the pet store to get supplies for Phenik. Something she and Princess Celestia were completely remiss in that they never would have dreamed that one of the fledglings would stowaway. Nova hoped there was only the one in there. “You do not.” Replied the blond wall-eyed sales witch at the pet shop with a smile. Nova had just informed her that she needed supplies for a phoenix. “I do, her name is Phenik.” “Sure you do. Besides who names a phoenix after a small fox anyway?” “Pardon?” Nova asked perplexed. “Fennec. It’s a small phox.” “No, Phenik, her name is Phenik, and she’s a phoenix, not a phox. - There’s a phox called a Fennec?” “Didn’t you see us walk by earlier?” Mr Weasley asked. “I got hexed this morning. Can’t see a thing beyond the shop. And I don’t care if that witch’s husband is filthy rich, I’ll not sell her one more animal. - Animals are not fashion accessories to be discarded the moment you get bored with it. - If Miss Shy had been here, she’d have given her a right piece of her mind, that she would.” “Miss Nova, why don’t you just retrieve Phenik.” Mr Weasley suggested. “Easier said than done,” Nova replied. “Well, I’m not going to believe you own a phoenix until I see one.” “Phine.” Nova retorted tersely, set her suitcase on an open space, and in a few swift motions, the floor now had what looked to be a large steamer trunk mimicking a raised hatchway into the cabin of a small boat. She opened the top, and then a door on one end, and descended a staircase. “Phenik!” Now when opened thus, it opened to the back of the apartment so that all a person from above could see was a very large sitting room at the bottom of a staircase. If anyone were to poke their heads down into the hatch they’d see, a bedroom, a library, another bedroom to the left with a greenhouse to the right, a large arch at the far end which provided access to two stairwells, and another large room. “Phenik?!” Nova called as she walked through the sitting room. “Wow.” Mr Weasley said looking in the hatch. Hearing Nova utter what sounded like a four-letter word, he called out, “No phowl language young lady.” Granted it could just as easily been a five-letter word. “Horsefeathers!” Nova shouted. “Horsefeathers?” the sails woman repeated. “Must be cultural.” Mr Weasley replied. “Phenik, come here.” Nova’s voice could be heard from somewhere inside. She returned a short time later with said phoenix who looked quite pleased with themselves. “Do you believe me now?” “Yes, that’s definitely a phoenix.” The sales clerk had an expression of delight on her face. “How can I help you?” “I was going to just get food and a perch, but it looks like I’m going to need a number of things to keep my fine fabulous fiery feathered friend occupied when I’m not watching her,” Nova replied while giving Phenik a dirty look. A short time later Nova was putting her stamp on yet another large purchase. Much of it toys for Phenik along with an owl for sending messages. Allegedly it was possible to teach Phenik to deliver letters, but Nova wasn’t quite ready to push her luck on an untrained bird who thought destroying draperies was a good idea. Fortunately the drapes were self mending. Nova had no way of knowing for how long, and it created quite a fluff problem. “What say we see about getting you a wand next.” Mr Weasley offered, as they walked across the street. Nova had Phenik on her shoulder once more, her suitcase in her left hand, and was happily nibbling on a muffin. “Oh, and what you have in there is not an apartment, not a deluxe apartment, it’s a royal suit.” “Well I figured as much, but I’m not about to go running around telling people I’m carrying around a suitcase with a displaced aria inside bigger then most people’s houses, and some smallish castles.” “Even so, you need to be extra cautious that doesn’t go inside a smaller displaced space. - Castles?" “That would be a bad thing?” “Ohhh, that would be a very bad thing.” “I’ll ah, keep that in mind,” Nova replied timidly. It was going to be a difficult thing to do in a community that thrived on displaced space. “How exactly am I to know?” “How…? - Well, don’t take it into any other cases, storage lockers, or tents. - I swear you’ve likely got the largest one I’ve ever seen. - I should probably get onto the Ministry about adopting some kind of standards, and some way for people to know so they don’t walk into something, and have the whole thing implode.” “OK, imploding is bad. Quite possibly my least favorite thing to do. - I imploded a tree once. - Mine will attach itself to a blank wall and become a door. Is that sort of thing common?” “Perhaps we should consult an expert.” Mr Weasley offered. Nova's interesting injection into what she'd been saying caused a raised eyebrow. “How exactly did you implode a tree?” Nova hesitated to say anything, but on seeing someone trying out a broom at a nearby shop, she’d formulated what to say based on what she’d seen in a book in the bookstore, and overheard. The people there had all assumed her levitating things was some sort of ‘accidental’ magic. “Well, I was flying...” “On a broom?” “I kind of lost control, and I guess it was accidental magic.” She said bending the truth quite a bit. “Instead of splattering on the trunk of the tree, I sort of went right through it.” It’d been a panic teleport at rain-boom speed. “I’m afraid I shredded it along with the individuals who were chasing me.” “That isn’t part of the reason you’ve been banished is it?” “Oh no. I wandered into another country,” It’d been a dimension where Queen Moon was at war with King Sombra, and it had been Sombra's mind-controlled drones after her. “I’d been drafted, they were enemy agents, and I got a commendation.” “You got drafted? At your age?” “They were using me as a message runner. - All the message runners were minors. We were small, fast, and every last one of us thought we were indestructible. - That was last year, and I’m the only one of my group that made it out. I have nightmares about it now.” She had to take a deep breath. "Sometimes I'd arrive at my destination, and there would be wounded, and no medic. I start helping as best I could. After a while, they decided it might be best to start teaching the runners how to do basic battlefield first aid." Mr Weasley reached out, perhaps to place a comforting hand in Nova’s shoulder, only to get a painful peck from Phenik. He pulled his hand back wincing. “To be honest I thought they’d blown up the tree. I’d been hit by flying splinters, and got put out of action for a while. - Right in the plot." She couldn't help but roll her eyes. The few times she'd been wounded it had always been in the plot. “I’d have never known what actually happened if not for a scout patrol that had witnessed it.” “Wow, that’s...” “I got the scars to prove it too. - Want to see?” “Um, no, that’s quite alright.” Mr Weasley replied, perhaps a bit too quickly. “And we're here.” Nova looked at him curiously. Ponies in general certainly wouldn't have balked at looking at a few scars. She was pretty sure the CMC would think they were awesome… having a few of their own that is. The line, ‘yep, that’s gonna leave a mark’, was fairly well ingrained in her memory. Nova looked at the shop, curious as to what a place that sells wands looked like. It wasn’t much to look at, there was a door, a window in which a single wand rested on a cushion, and a sign that proclaimed the establishment Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. in gold lettering. Nova had no idea what the number meant though she thought it likely to be some notable event. The modern Equestrian calendars were dated to Night Fall, but the lettering looked to be fairly new, so she figured the shop probably hadn’t been around all that long. “What’s BC?” Nova asked at length. “It means before Christ.” “And who or what is that?” Mr Weasley thought about it for a moment. “I’ll have to admit that I’ve no idea. I’m a government minister, not a historian. - Come on now.” He offered as he opened the door. Nova stepped through the door into a tiny shop that was wall to wall shelves filled with small long boxes. The place reminded her a bit of some hobby shops she’d been in, what with all the stacked boxes. She could feel the magic in the wands radiating out and tickling at her senses. “Welcome to our shop.” Said a young ginger-haired man with a shop apron on over a wizard robe. There was a certain eager anticipation to his tone. “The old man is out right now, so I’ll be the one to help you. Is this your first wand?” “Yes, I’ve never actually used a wand before,” Nova admitted. Nova smiled as she looked into his steel blue eyes. “You’re first...” The young man repeated sounding put off just a bit. “Tell you what, have a seat, I’m in training, but I’m sure I can help you out. Names Harold. So which hand do you favor?” “Hand?” Nova asked as the boy got out a tape measure and began holding it in various odd ways as though trying to measure some aspect of her. The fact that the tape measure wasn’t levitating worried her. “Right hand I guess?” “You guess?” He offered as he looks over some boxes. He pulled out a box, opened it up, and handed it over to Nova. “Here, just give that a flick… the other way round, you’ve got a hold of the wrong end. Have you never seen someone use a wand? I swear, if not for that phoenix I’d think you were muggle born.” “She’s a foreigner.” Mr Weasley offered as he sat down on a stool that sat in a corner. “We expect she’ll be attending to Hogwarts this year.” As he was saying this Nova gave the wand a flourish. It responded by going pift as acrid smoke erupted from the end of the wand. “Is it supposed to do that?” Nova asked. “Ahh, no, not really,” Harold replied. He’d never seen a wand do something of the sort either. He took the wand back, gave it a wave, blanched, and stuffed it in a pocket in his shop apron. He then looked through the boxes once more, pulled out another box, and handed it to Nova. The results were about the same. “Maybe we should come back when your grandfather is here?” Mr Weasley offered after the fifth wand had gone out with a mighty whimper and a puff of smoke. “No, that's OK, I can do this.” Harold implored, grabbed a box at random. “Ah, dogwood with heartstring, that’ll do it.” “Are you sure?” Nova asked cautiously. “Absolutely positively…" “Bam!” This time the wand had exploded with a loud bark and ignited. “Ahy!” Nova cried out in pain as she dropped it. Her own built-in pegasi force field had kicked in, but not quite fast enough. She'd been saved from serious injury but had still been scorched. “Idiot boy!” Shouted a silver-haired old man with a long beard, having entered the shop from somewhere in the back. “I thought I told you to tell people they’d need to come back? - Now go find yourself a switch, and wait.” “Yes, sir.” Harold offered apologetically. “I’m so sorry, I thought I could do it.” “Git!” The old wizard ordered. “Are you burned?” Mr Weasley asked. “Just a bit,” Nova replied. “I’ve had worse.” “I’m so terribly sorry.” Mr Ollivander offered with a polite bow. “Thank you, I hold no grudge or blame.” Nova offered while returning the bow. “I gather you’re trying to beat the rush before school.” “Yes, I’ve never used a wand before, and thought that as long as I was down here, I might do a bit of shopping.” Nova replied. “I do believe I’m right-handed.” This time the tape measure took measurements on its own. Mr Ollivander put on a pair of hexagonal glasses and studied Nova for a bit. “Interesting, most interesting.” What he was seeing was unlike anything he'd ever seen before as the girl seemed to have multiple reserves of magic. “I think we’ll start you out...” He went to some boxes on the other side of the room, and picked out a long box. “Ash with unicorn hair.” Nova tried it. At least this time it didn’t blow up. He quickly took it away and presented her with aspen, and then alder, and then he tried blackthorn eleven inches with unicorn hair. Nova was delighted when a colorful shower of sparks came out. “The wand does choose the witch or wizard.” Mr Ollivander offered. Nova held up the wand and decided to try that light spell in her lesson book. “Lumos.” The two men looked on in shock as the wand lit up with a bright light, delighted that she’d managed the spell so well on a first try, followed by dismay when the wand went out like an over-amped light bulb. Nova looked at it thoroughly disgusted by this point, set her suitcase down, held the wand up, and produced a sort of magical heads up display in mid-air that she looked through to examine the wand. The two men were stunned as Nova manipulated arcane figures with her left hand. “So that’s the problem,” Nova said more to herself then the two men. “What’s that?” Mr Weasley asked. “The cores can’t handle my magic. It’s too wild.” Nova offered. "I need a mixer." "That, that, how did you do that thing you just did?” Mr Ollivander asked. “Magical device diagnostic spell.” “But how are you casting that spell?” Mr Weasley asked. “Oh, right,” Nova said realizing she’d need to show what she was using to do magic, undid the top two buttons of her jacket, and pulled out an amulet. The amulet itself was made out of a highly polished material he assumed to be ebony, but blacker then any sample he’d ever seen. Set into the disk was a crescent moon made from opal, a small blue crystal cut in the shape of a star directly below the reach of the moon’s overhang, and a much larger precious stone of blue also cut into the shape of a star about halfway down on the far edge from the crescent moon. The moon itself was tilted so as to reach over the first gem with the tip directly over the second. Around the edge were a series of arcane symbols derived from the Arcadian script known as liner B, which were cut into at the point where they intersected with the larger gem. Nova knew the language as ancient ponish. “I see. But, to do such magic at such a young age?” Mr Ollivander asked. His eyes scanned the letters which read Kisumi Naowa Mune Rokaqaos. When adjusted for the linguistic shift, and translated, it read Captain Kitzumi Nova Moon, which was a most curious thing being she was only an Ensign. “My biological mother is what I think you might refer to as an arch mage. I’ve had magic lessons drilled into me since I was as young as I can remember. As is I’ve been able to do magic since I was six.” She explained while leaving out the fact that cutie marks had the effect of turning ponies into borderline savants. She could do some really crazy stuff and yet was unable to do quite a number of things that would be considered mundane by wizards. There were also a number of gaps in her education. “And here I thought you were joking when you said the first-year book looked like a primer.” Mr Weasley said. “Any chance they’ll let me go at my own pace?” Nova asked. “Not likely, but they might jump you ahead once they’ve had a chance to see what you can do.” “Should I get second-year books as well?” “Might be advisable.” Mr Weasley mused as Nova put the amulet back, and buttoned up her jacket. “I’m at a bit of a loss as what to do about the wand though.” Mr Ollivander offered. “I think I know the solution.” Nova offered. “Though you might find this to be a bit unorthodox.” Nova handed the wand back to Mr Olliveander, took off her hat handing it over to Mr Weasley, undid her hair bun, her hair draping down to her waist, and plucked three strands of hair. One white, one vermilion, and one purple. She held out the three together by the ends and twisted them together into a spiral. “I think you’ll find my own hair should do nicely for a wand core, and it’ll be compatible with my magic.” “Do people use their own hair very often where you come from?” Mr Weasley asked. Meanwhile, Mr Olliveander was having a closer look at the hairs Nova had handed him. “My amulet has hair in it from each of my mothers.” Nova offered, hoping to bypass the question. It was also an out and out lie, but she wasn't about to tell them about the stones. The amulet did at least contain magic from all the Lunas she'd met. Wands were virtually unknown in Equestria being that ponies didn’t need them. The amulet itself had originally been a means for Princess Luna’s personal guard to be able to access restricted areas of the castle. “This will do, yes, this will do nicely.” Mr Olliveander said softly. On close inspection, he’d discovered that the strands the young woman had given him were from the mane of a winged unicorn. Add to that the hairs had some rather unique properties he couldn't quite put his finger on. The girl was a winged unicorn under some kind of enchantment. “It will?” Mr Weasley asked as Nova tied up her hair again, and put her hat back on. “Miss Moon, could you wait outside?” “Yes, I guess, I suppose that’s alright,” Nova replied. “I should be able to get the wand to you in about a week. It’ll be on me for the trouble my grandson put you through.” Mr Olliveander offered. “Are you sure, I can pay,” Nova questioned. “It’s quite alright, It’s the least I can do.” “Well, alright.” Nova offered and stepped outside to enjoy a bit of sun. “You aren’t seriously thinking of putting human hairs in a wand are you?” Mr Weasley asked dumbfounded at the idea. “On the contrary, I’ll be doing nothing of the sort.” Mr Olliveander replied with a smile. “Oh, alright then...” Mr Weasley replied. “And her wand?” “Ready in about a week.” Mr Weasley stepped out into the alley convinced he was missing something important. On looking about he discovered the something important he was missing was Miss Nova. He felt a moment of panic as he looked about, but the small gathering of amused witches and wizards outside the book store was rather telling. Sure enough, Nova was on another book splurge. Once retrieved from the book store they went to a general mercantile and wizarding supplies shop where she purchased a Britannia pewter cauldron, scales, standard weights for the scales, and an assortment of measuring devices. Nova simply could not bring herself to go into any of the apothecaries as every time she tried she could picture herself being sliced up, dried, and or cured in whatever fashion seemed appropriate for her various parts, and sold in the shop. Pony potions to include Zebra potions were mostly plant-based and seldom if ever took parts of creatures in such a way as to cause harm. Why even glue could be made from hoof clippings alone, and pedicure shops provided the glue industry with plenty of clippings. “You should probably wait until you get your letter anyway.” Mr Weasley offered. “No, this is a challenge I must face...” Nova stated, started to walk into a shop, turned right around, and added, “but not today. I think I’m good for now.” A quick note about Nova’s cutie mark. Her cutie mark was as described on the amulet minus the arcane symbols, a crescent moon tilted to overhang, and two stars under the overhang. Her fur being white the crescent moon had manifested in deep violet, and the stars outlined in violet. Regarding the events prior to her receiving her cutie mark, Nova had been fired out of a catapult by a group of bullies who wanted to see her fly. Unable to do so she somehow managed to teleport to safety. Straight to Princess Luna’s chambers in the next dimension over. The chamber was destroyed by the force of air created by a filly teleporting in at flight speed. She landed safe enough on the bed but sank far enough into the springy cushions that she was bounced up to the ceiling along with the bed bouncing with a mighty thump. Guards rushed in, and not knowing who she was, attempted to apprehend her. This led to a chase across the palace in which Nova teleported every time they thought they had her. Now to the surprise and bewilderment of all, Nova went straight to Princess Luna, and even though this Luna had no clue who Nova was, any filly seeking sanctuary from her was going to get sanctuary. The cutie mark appeared a short time later. As to meaning, being a typical unicorn cutie mark, the meaning was anything but clear. Obviously, it signified magic, but it could potentially mean one who is protected by the moon and one other. Another interpretation has to do with the tilt of the moon, and the placement of the stars in that it was a stylized moon gate. Nova was really good at teleporting. Once her flight feathers came in at the age of twelve she became an excellent flier mixing her magic with her flight capabilities to do what few others could do, but teleportation was top. Now, back to the Leaky Cauldron. They’d done all the shopping they could do, and Mr Weasley was explaining to Nova how to use the floo network. “Now it’s important to keep your arms and legs tight, don’t panic. All you have to do is take the floo powder. Throw it in the fire, you step in, and to get to my home say Weasley Abbey, and you're off. - You got that?” “Easy Peasy.” Nova offered while Phenik bobbed her head up and down from Nova's shoulder, stepped into the fire, cast the powder into the fire, spoke the name Weasley Abbey, and vanished in a green puff of smoke. Did I mention she could project a body shield about herself? Hers was the pegasus body shield that normally only kicked in at high speed. Unlike the spherical unicorn shield, the pegasus shield held tight to the body with the exception of a cone that formed in front of them at near supersonic, and supersonic speeds. It was this shield that allowed pegasi like Rainbow Dash the ability to walk if off after leaving a crater in the ground, and Nova had figured out how to activate the shield at will. Mr Weasley stood there stunned, sure that his charge was now at the other end seriously injured. There’d been several gasps from the patrons who’d seen what had happened. Mr Weasley quickly grabbed a handful of floo powder, but before he could cast it into the fire Nova burst out in another puff of green smoke with Phenik appearing a moment later. “Sorry, did it wrong, going to do it again.” Nova announced while Phenik circled overhead, cast the powder in the flames, stepped in, said ‘Weasley Abbey’ and was off again shortly followed by Phenik. The flow powder slowly trickled from Mr Weasley’s hand. “This is fun!” Nova announced bursting out again. “Quit wasting floo powder!” Called the innkeeper, as Phenik swooped out of the fireplace yet again. “Sorry.” Nova replied sheepishly. “Just wait for me at the other end.” Mr Weasley said sounding just a bit put out. “Alright, sorry.” Nova replied, and then dove into the fireplace with another green flash closely followed by Phenik. To Nova, the floo was just another form of teleportation. To her the main difference was that instead of the FTL speed of teleportation, Floo travel was closer to the speed of sound which allowed her to see momentary glimpses inside the homes of others. It was all quite fascinating, and downright fun. “Blimey, you see that, she didn’t even use any powder that time.” A patron said in disbelief. “What have I gotten myself into?” Mr Weasley said softly as he took up another handful of the powder. He cast the powder into the fire stepped in, and to his dismay found himself being buffeted about, twisted around, and even turned upside down till he came flying out into the Floo parlor at Weasley Abbey where he took a tumble and found himself sliding across the floor, passing by Nova, and continued to slide until stopped by a sofa. Phenik let out a happy warble, and a moment later a card flew out of the floo stating that the floo network was being shut down due to unexplained turbulence and apologizing for the inconvenience. The fire promptly went out with a mighty puff of smoke that filled the room. The CMC would be proud. > Chapter 3: The Weasley fox > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What in blue blazes?” called a woman of undetermined age. She was old, perhaps in her seventies, and yet still held a youthful look about her. Her hair was graying with highlights of soft blonds and a hint of ginger yet remaining. She is tall, thin, and likely very beautiful in her youth. “Henry, is that you?” She asked while peering into the haze of ash and smoke. “Who’s that with you?” Astonishment replaced confusion. “Is that a phoenix?” “How astute of you, grandmother.” Henry Weasley offered as he got up off the floor. Mrs Percival Weasley, Laurel to her friends, Lady Laurel to everyone else, produced a wand and cleared the smoke from the air. The room itself was a sitting room where guests waited to be acknowledged, and sneak thieves were trapped, it was a room set aside from the rest of the house. Such rooms were common and fairly mandatory to keep the more unsavory from entering the house via the floo network. “Out with it, who is she? Not an illegitimate child of yours is she?” “Grandmother, please?!” “Can’t keep the sword in the sheath is it?” Nova asked with a rather cheeky smile. “Now hold on?! I do not!” Henry protested. “Allow me to introduce to you Her Royal Highness Nova Moon of Eques.” “What?” Lady Laurel was stunned. “What’s she doing here?” “She just sort of fell into my lap.” He offered. “She’s here to attend Hogwarts, but arrived too soon.” “Well, she can’t have gotten a letter yet. Can she?” “They haven't gone out yet.” He supplied. “Then what makes you think she’ll even get a letter. She’s dressed like a muggle?” “These are my traveling clothes.” Nova offered. “If it’s going to be an imposition I could go back to the Leaky Cauldron.” “The Leaky Cauldron?” Lady Laurel asked with a hint of horror to her tone. “Yes mam, I was to stay there till my letter arrived.” “Well you’re not going anywhere till the floo is fixed.” Henry chastised. “The floo is for transport, not for playing.” “I’m sorry.” Nova offered sheepishly. “Now don’t be blaming her just because the floo broke down.” “You just had to be there.” Henry offered. “She burned out seven wands at Ollivander’s as well. “Seven wands? “Burned them out?” “Well the first six was because young Harold was showing off, and they were wholly unsuited for her.” Henry offered. “I overcharged the last one.” Nova supplied. “Mr Ollivander is going to do a custom build for me. Something that can handle my power surges. I got burned a little too, see?” Nova held up her hand. “Oh my. Why didn’t you say something sooner? Come on, let's get that looked at.” And with that, Lady Laurel escorted Nova into the house and called for a servant. "Someone call for Mrs Haldisa." Nova’s hat was taken and placed in a wardrobe, and they were about to place the suitcase in the same wardrobe when Henry called out, “Stop, don’t put that in there!” It went in anyway. Henry cringed fearing the worst. “Mr Weasley, that’s...” Nova began as fear of impending doom began to set in. The suitcase suddenly popped out and skidded across the floor. It remained upright. “What just happened?” Lady Laurel asked looking at the case. “Must be a fail-safe built-in.” Nova offered with the air of one relived at having just escaped death. “I’m just glad we didn’t all just die a horrible death,” Henry replied sinking to the floor. “Fail-safe? Die a horrible death?” Lady Laurel asked as a woman about Henry’s age entered the parlor they were presently in. “Henry, whatever are you doing on the floor?” the woman asked perplexed. “I was told you’d brought home an injured princess. Though for the life of me I can’t understand why? You really must stop bringing strays home.” “Well she was on her own, I couldn't really leave her at the Leaky Cauldron until school started, and that suitcase is her apartment. And more than likely the reason the floo is down.” The maid who’d attempted to put the suitcase in the wardrobe let out a squeak, followed by Phenik flying over and landing on her head. “Phenik, she’s not a mouse,” Nova informed the bird. “So hard to tell sometimes.” Henry offered. “Now Henry, don’t be teasing the girl.” scolded the woman who’d just entered. “And do get up.” Lady Laurel scolded. A moment later Henry got up off the floor and introduced Nova to his wife Clara. “Please just call me Nova." Nova offered, clasping the woman’s hand and wincing. Her hand was starting to hurt now. “I’ve the medical kit.” Offered Mrs Haldisa, a heavyset woman in a nurse's uniform, as she entered the room. She then pressed a button on the case followed by legs popping out, and the small box opening into the size of a camp desk. “It’s just a mild burn,” Nova said looking at the case. Phenik having finally registered that Nova was in some mild distress, flew over to her, landed on her shoulder, climbed down her arm in much the same way as a parrot would, and rubbed her face on the burn. When she’d done, she climbed back up to Nova’s shoulder and cooed softly. “And now I’m good.” Nova offered. A slight redness remained, but her hand was otherwise much improved. “Thank you Phenik.” “I’ll put the kit away.” Mrs Haldisa offered, folded the kit back up, and retreated from where she’d come. This followed a brief discussion of where Nova was to stay. Obviously being a princess precluded her from the children’s section of the house up on the third floor. “You could just give her a blank wall.” Henry offered. “Blank wall...” Clara asked. “I was under the assumption she had, what, one room and perhaps a bath in there?” Lady Laurel asked. “How much of an apartment can she have in such a small case? - Though if she’s comfortable with it I suppose we could just give her a corner somewhere.” “The case expands, and can be set as a door against a blank wall.” Nova offered. "Otherwise it can be configured to the size of a large steamer trunk with steps down into it.” “I see.” Lady Laurel mused. Well, there is a blind hallway on the third floor, if that’s to your satisfaction?” “It will be more than enough. Thank you ever so much.” Nova replied with a polite bow. The maid, Mimi, was elected to show Nova upstairs. Henry wanted to go up with her, if for no other reason then to get a better look, but was advised to leave the poor girl be by Lady Laurel. Nova had to carry her case herself because Mimi was a bit afraid of it, and she wasn’t too sure just how much banging about it could take before things got upset inside. “Is Mimi your given name?” Nova asked as they climbed the stairs. “Oh no, your highness, it’s a shortened form of Williamina, but no one calls me that. Not unless I’m in trouble, then it’s Miss Williamina Mous.” Something about Mimi’s name just made Nova smile. Once they’d reached the top, Mimi directed her to a short dark hallway that didn’t really go anywhere, though on closer inspection she could see what looked to be a large cupboard door on the side of the hall. It also made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. “Phenik, be so kind as to fly down there, and chase off whatever it is that’s hiding in the shadow?” Nova asked. Phenik thought about it for a moment and then launched herself into the air lighting up the hall. Sure enough, something nasty had been there, but it was no match for the light of an Equestrian Phoenix. Phenik went back to Nova, landed on her hat, and went back to pulling silk flowers apart. Nova walked forward, placed her suitcase against the wall, pressed a button, and stood back. A moment later the suitcase had transformed into a fairly large door made of rosewood, with alabaster stone framing it, and around stained glass window depicting the Equestrian blazon of two alicorns representing day and night. Light now flooded through the window, and the loose petals on the floor truly made it look as though it had found its way there from a storybook. “Will you be needing anything?” Mimi asked as Nova opened the door. “Wow.” The sight of the rotunda that had been configured to mimic Princess Luna’s tower room was breathtaking. Plush red carpets, rich velvet draperies of midnight blue, silver cords, plush furnishing of every sort, mahogany tables, banners of silver trees with seven phases of the moon on a field of midnight blue hung here and there. Also on display on the ceiling was a fresco of two winged unicorns, one depicted as the goddess of the night, the other as the goddess of the sun orbiting around each other in perpetual harmony. To the right, there was a large balcony that appeared to look out over the Abby grounds, and to the left an archway that provided access to a staircase upstairs under which was a small pantry and bar. Also through which could be accessed a staircase down into the arboretum and lower level of the structure as well as providing access to the section Henry Weasley had already seen. The centerpiece of the room was a fabric mannequin shaped like a horse, only small like a foal with some sort of armor on it black in color emblazoned with a crescent moon and two stars on the flank. A bat wing-like shield hung from it was emblazoned with a horse skull and wing. Under the armor was dark blue-gray long underwear with gold lightning trim. But what kind of a person dresses a foal in long underwear, Mimi pondered? “I’m good, thank you,” Nova replied to the stricken maid, went in, and shut the door. Nova had objected to the size of the structure, but then Princess Celestia had quoted go big or go home. She’d gone huuuge. She’d also pointed out that the large greenhouse that was adjacent to the apartment would give Nova a safe place to exercise her wings. It wasn’t open sky, but it was at least room to get in a bit of exercise. Meanwhile, Mimi went outside to see if she could spot the balcony. She could not but had no way to know if what she’d seen was an illusion or if the balcony was, in fact, being hidden from prying eyes. Elsewhere the floo network being down was causing havoc as wizards who were otherwise unable to apparate to their next destination had to come up with some alternate transportation. For some that meant taking muggle mass transit and cabs. Nova was blissfully unaware of the chaos she’d created. Nova was sitting in the rotunda looking over periodicals to glean information that would help her to better fit in while thinking of names for the owl she’d bought. Her hat hung on a hat rack near the door. Owlvis Presley, no, Owlprah, maybe, Owlgelina, Owldrey Hepbarn… now that one had a nice ring to it. The owl being a big barn owl it just fit. “Owldrey!” Nova called. Owldrey and Phenik had been playing tug-o-war with one of the new toys. The owl somehow seemed to know the new name was for her, let go of the toy, which sent Phenik tumbling, flew over to Nova, and landed on the back of the lounge she was sitting on. “Hey, OK, for now on your name is going to be Owldrey Hepbarn.” Owldrey chirped approval. Nova decided it’d be best to introduce Owldrey to her fox form, being Barn owls were known to eat fox cubs if they got the chance. Nova transformed into a white feathered winged fox, wriggled her way out of her clothes leaving them and her amulet behind, and climbed up to the top of the sofa. Owldrey made an inquisitive chirp. Nova stretched out her wings to give them a stretch, and Phenik flew over, landed next to her, and started preening Nova’s wing. “Yes Owldery, it’s still me.” Owldrey made a happy chirp as Nova snuggled up to the big owl. The three made an interesting trio, Owldrey with her white face chest, belly, and sandy back and wings, Phenik in bright reds and golds, and Nova who was almost all white save for purple and vermilion stripes on her head, and feathering at the intersection of her tailbone, black legs, ears, and the tip of her tail was black. Also, unlike an ordinary fox, she’d long hair yet on her head in the fashion of a maned wolf. Nova kicked off the top of the sofa and soared up towards the ceiling with Phenik, and Owldrey joining her in a sort of areal ballet as the three flew about the room. Nova missed the knock on the door. “I’m telling you it’s enormous,” Mimi said as the door opened. Mimi walked in, looking about cautiously, followed by another maid, and what looked to be a footman. “Oh look at the phoenix… oh my, what kind of bird, or animal is the white one?” The other maid asked. Nova had turned to see who it was who’d entered unbidden, and slowly glided, her owl-like feathers making not a sound. “I don’t know, I’ve never seen the like, and look, it does open to the outside. - That animal kind of gives me the creeps, what with just hanging there like some kind of apparition.” The footman offered. “There must be some very sophisticated enchantments that make this place work. I’ve never seen the like.” Nova looked at them, then down at her clothes. Nova was not an Animageus and was using a kitsune transformation spell that didn’t transform the clothes. She quietly swore under her breath. Would they see the clothes, her amulet, worse yet would they continue to explore where they’d no business being. She also wondered if the avatars of Princess Celestia and her teacher Miss Aiko might show up? The avatars were a bit like Moonie and had been created as surrogate chaperons to keep watch over her while within the suite. Maybe she should just have Moonie chase them out. “Now what ave we here?” The footman asked. He’d found the clothes. “Looks like she’s running about in her underwear.” ‘Underwear?’ Nova thought to herself. ‘What’s underwear?’ “Typical of the young these days, just throw everything on the furniture,” Mimi commented just as the footman found the amulet and picked it up. “Oh ho ho, lookie what I found?” The footman said looking at the amulet. “This might just fetch a pretty penny.” “No, you can’t.” Mimi protested. “And why not?” The other maid asked. “It’s just a trinket owned by a little foreign girl with more money than she knows what to do with.” “Because it’s wrong.” Mimi implored. “That and I’m wondering how far you'll get before that girl’s protector comes after you.” Offered the voice of a man Nova had yet to meet. “Cousin Henry says she has a pet nightmare in addition to the Phoenix, and whatever that white animal is.” “Mr Weasley. We were just...” The footman began but stopped on noticing the muzzle of a shadowy creature inching ever closer to his face. The horse was like nothing he’d ever seen while awake. He dropped the amulet. “Downstairs. Now.” This Weasley’s voice was cold, but then the circumstances warranted it. The four went out into the hall and closed the door. “Lock.” Said Nova, dropped down and transformed back into human form. Her cutie mark was visible on her upper thighs, and the outline of her wings showed on her back. There was a satisfying click from the door. She then picked up her clothes and carried everything to her bedroom. Once there she decided to put on one of the yukata kimonos Aiko had prepared for her. She hung up the clothes she had been wearing, and then Nova got out an underskirt and put it on followed by a nagajuban which goes on under the kimono. Once that was on she got out a white yukata kimono with a floral pattern on it. It was a warm day, and the yukata was preferential to the traveling outfit she’d had on. She adjusted the length, tied it up, followed by putting on an obi sash. Since she was by herself she tied the obi in front and then rotated the bow to her back. The obi gave her the feeling of having her wings bound, but she’d just have to put up with it. She located her slippers, human feet were so tender, put her amulet on, and headed downstairs, the two avians following. The maid and footman were receiving a serious dressing down, that is they were being chewed out. Mimi was standing off to one side along with what looked to be a fair number of the household staff. A moment later Henry walked in with an elderly gentleman wearing a fairly nice business suit, and an older woman, who had that I’m very disappointed, look on her face. By her dress, Nova took her to be the head maid. “Tremayne, we’ve found a number of items in their rooms,” Henry informed the other Weasley. “Well, it seems we'll be calling the Aurors as well as sacking you two,” Tremayne informed the pair. Nova sat down in a nearby lounge, and on spotting some books on shelves she forgot all about what was going on out in the hallway. She got up, found one that looked interesting, sat down again, and started to read. Nova’s ears perked up a short time later at the sound of her name. “Excuse, I’m right here.” Nova offered as she got up. Two more wizards had arrived, and by their uniforms, Nova took them to be part of some sort of guard force. The uniforms were dark blue with black stripes down the legs, and black piping and filigree on the sleeves of the jacket over which was worn a great coat similar in style with a row of silver buckles, midway on either side running down two-thirds of the way with horizontal silver bars of ribbon stitched to the jacket. Each jacket had shoulder boards with three chevrons each over which was a pair of laurel wreaths bracketing the letters MP for magical police, but could easily be mistaken for military police. On their head, they wore a wheel cap with a silver pin that had a scroll on which was printed Special Services, over which was a crown with a lion over the top of that. If anyone asked them who they were they had but to give the person asking a card with a phone number on it that rang up a contact in Military Intelligence, level five. If anyone pressed the issue, they were level six, and you’d better stop asking silly questions. Level six personnel would be told they were a dark ops unit and not to get in their way. Those who had encountered them in missions just seemed to know that certain things just needed to be handled by the dark ops section, and you really didn’t want to know. “Um… hello.” Nova offers beginning to get nervous. “These are Sargents Steed and Keel, and they’d like to ask you a few questions.” Said a man of middle age, perhaps more. Nova wasn’t too sure how to judge age. He was definitely a Weasley by his fading red hair, and he wore a luxurious dark purple wizard robe with a white lace cravat. All the Weasley’s seemed to have red hair. “You are Miss Nova Moon of the family by the same name?” Mr Steed asked. “I think it best to inform you that as a foreign national, who failed to enter the country by legal channels, your rights are limited, and could face deportation.”Mr Keel cautioned. “Gentlemen.” Cautioned the elder Weasley. “She’s been confirmed as a princess of Eques by the Goblins at Gringotts. There is an irrevocable law on record that’s nearly a thousand years old, giving her all rights as a citizen of England, immunity to prosecution from all save the most heinous of crimes, and her place of domicile is to be considered the sovereign territory of Eques.” “Eques? I thought that was a myth?” Mr Keel asked dumbfounded by what he’d just been told. “Eques is a former satellite of the ancient empire of Arcadia now remembered only in myth and legend.” Nova offered. The news regarding her status in the kingdom was a welcome surprise, and Nova presumed that Princess Celestia must have set it up so she could visit without having to worry about entanglements with the local government. “I entered the country by portal being that’s the only way to and from the kingdom of Eques being in a space set apart from the world as you know it. There are many such places still in existence in the far east such as the fabled Shangri La.” Nova’s education had included a wealth of information concerning secret fabled places in the world of men. Many of which may very well still exist, accessible only by secret passages and portals. “I am an Equestrian. Princess Kitzumi Nova, she who brings hope, daughter of Twilight, and Daughter of the Celestial Princess Luna shepherd of the Moon. - But Miss Moon will be fine.” Nova knew she was laying it on thick, but at the moment, it seemed the right thing to do. “If you’re so high ranking, why are you here, and unaccompanied?” Mr Keel asked. “Mom had a knockdown drag-out fight with her sister who just happens to be the ruler, and here I am.” There was certainly something to be said for omitting unnecessary details. The two officers looked like they were either about to have an aneurysm or were already in the process. Nova continued. “Regarding the improper entry to my rooms, and attempted thievery of my amulet, I don’t wish to press the matter. I really don’t wish to get tied up in any unnecessary entanglements.” Her expression indicated that she was honest in this desire. “They wouldn't have gotten very far anyway. It’s got a tracking charm on it so my family can find me if I should become lost, and if it gets separated from me, Moonie will fetch it.” “Moonie?” Mr Steed asked having regained his composure. “The Night Mare,” Henry offered from the doorway. “About that?” Mr Keel asked. “Not illegal. There’s not a law on the books that says she can’t have it.” The elder Weasley offered. “Even if there were, she can’t be touched.” “Not illegal?” Mr Keel asked. “I’m to understand the beast ejected a muggle out of the Leaky Cauldron, across three lanes of traffic, and into the side of a passing streetcar. How can it not be illegal?!” “No one’s ever managed to make a pet of one before.” The elder Weasley offered with a smile. “And as you can see, she’s also got a phoenix.” “Is the woman going to be alright?” Nova asked, hoping to direct the conversation away from Moonie. “She was taken to hospital, and I’m told she’ll recover.” Mr Steed offered. “She’s had certain memories removed so that she doesn’t find her way back. - She’s what we call a collector. A hoarder of things exotic.” “So to her I was nothing more than a thing perceived to be exotic.” Nova offered. “Father's family is from Neighpon. Never been there myself.” “From where?” Mr Steed asked. “I think she means Japan.” Henry offered. “Must be a variant in the language.” “Well, she does speak good English, despite the odd accent and occasional word I can’t make out.” Mr Keel offered. “English?” Nova asked. “I’m speaking Equestrian.” Nova couldn't help but wonder if it might be bleed over through the portals. Maybe even individuals going back and forth. In every case where a portal leads to a human world, they all seemed to be speaking Equestrian. The theory that Twilight had put forward is that all the worlds she’d visited all spoke the same language, more or less, must be because they were parallel worlds. Nova was fairly sure there had to be more to it. There really should have been a greater variance between languages. “Extraordinary.” The elder Weasly offered. “Two languages worlds apart developing along such similar lines it’s near impossible to tell the difference.” “Well we’ve enough evidence on those two we won’t need Miss Moon to get involved, there is one more thing though...” “The white-winged fox I gather,” Nova said wondering how she was going to explain the fox. “Do you mean you’ve got a giant bat up there, a white one?” Weasley senior asked. “Bat?” Nova asked, and then looked down at the book she had been reading. It’d been a book detailing various Animageus forms, and theories as to why certain wizards took the various forms they did. “A celestial fox. They have wings like an owl’s and have a good deal of magic. Muggles have even been known to worship them. When they weren’t killing them to near extinction that is.” “And you have one as a pet?” Mr Keel asked. “It might be necessary to put it in quarantine.” “Quarantine?” Kitzu asked perplexed. It was the county shelter all over again from the first time she’d ever gone through a portal. She’d found herself at Canterlot High at the age of four, having turned into a fox after going through the portal. Back then her wings had yet to manifest on her fox form. She’d wondered about, got picked up by a girl, oh the ear scritches were divine, and then surrendered to animal control officers. Fortunately, Fluttershy’s counterpart had rescued her and got her back through the portal once she’d realized who the little fox kit was. Nova had to throw them the proverbial bone along with a half measure of truth. “I’m sort of an Animageus.” Nova offered timidly. “I’m the fox.” “Are you now. You wouldn't mind showing us, would you?” Keel prompted. From his tone, Nova gathered he didn’t believe her. “There’s a slight issue with my transformation.” Nova offered. “Can’t do it, and you’ve another exotic creature up in your room.” Keel accused. Nova let out a sigh and transformed. Seeing the impossibly cute fox sitting in the middle of a pile of clothing wasn’t quite what they expected. “PUPPY!” Nova cringed as an eleven-year-old girl rushed over and snatched her up. “Wings! Watch the wings!” Nova yelled. The girl promptly dropped her, and Nova made good her escape. She flew up to the top of a cabinet, landed, and started preening her mangled feathers while giving the girl a dirty look every so often. “Puppy?” The girl asked sounding disappointed. “You nearly mangled my wings. How old are you?” Nova asked crossly as Phenik and Owldrey join her. “You could have broken my wing. Do you know what happens if I get injured? I can’t change back!” “Maggie, what have you been told about grabbing animals?” Weasley senior scolded. “I’m sorry, but...” “No buts.” Weasley senior scolded. “You can change back now, I believe you.” Keel offered. “Oh, you’d like that, wouldn't you?” Nova said in an accusing manner. Sure ponies seldom wore clothes, and then only as an accessory, but she was fairly sure humans were seriously into modesty, and it was considered improper for a strange man to see her in her human form without clothes. “Keel, her clothes didn’t change with her.” Steed pointed out. “Change… they’re supposed to change too?” Nova asked as if she didn't already know. “And you shouldn't be able to talk while in 'beast' form either,” Steed added. “Just because I take on the form of a beast doesn't make me dumb like one,” Nova responded. There was a mild accusatory tone to her voice. To Nova’s mind, it was the humans who were the beasts. “Miss Nova, there’s one thing bothering me.” Weasley senior asked. “The nightmare?” “Moonie, go on, show yourself.” Nova requested in a much softer tone. Light shimmered a short distance away, and the Night Mare appeared. She was looking extra floofy and was laying down with her snout between her legs looking at Maggie. “It’s a pony,” Maggie said softly. “May I pet her?” “Go on, you can’t hurt her.” Nova offered. “Is it safe?” Mr Keel asked. “She has a week spot for little ones.” Nova offered as Maggie slowly walked up to Moonie. Moonie held perfectly still, her ears twitching as Maggie dropped down and gently touched her snout. “The most she’d do is temporarily immobilize them if she had to.” “Soft… and warm,” Maggie reported. “She can make herself solid for a brief time.” Nova offered as Moonie shimmered and vanished. Maggie stood back up and looked about with a smile. “I think we’ve asked all the questions we need to.” Steed offered and left the room motioning for Keel to follow. “Sorry about that. My name is Arthur Weasley. I’m sort of in charge here.” “Thank you for welcoming me to your home, Mr Weasley.” Nova offered sitting up straight to address the man. “It’s actually Sir, not Mr, but we won’t hold to formalities.” “Oh good. Titles can get so cumbersome.” “I’ll leave you to it then.” Sir Arthur offered, asked Maggie to come with him. Once out in the hall, he sent Maggie to go on outside and play. He joined the two Aurors, and a moment later, Nova the owl-winged fox, flew out of the room carrying as much of her clothing as she could manage with Phenik and Owldrey bringing the rest. The three continued down the hall, and up the stairs. “Poor kid,” Steed said softly. “I wonder if she even knows she’s a maledictus?” “You sure about that?” Henry asked walking up to them. “I’m assuming that was her?” “When she transformed, her clothes didn’t transform with her.” Arthur offered. “Short of she’s really screwed up the Animageus spell, that’s a blood curse.” Nova went up to her rooms, transformed, hung up her clothing, and being everyone was bound to know about her fox form by now, transformed back, and shot out through the open doors leading to the balcony. A moment later she was high over the estate reveling in the joy of flight in the open sky, twisting, turning, looping, and just generally being squirrelly in the air. Phenik joined her, but Owldrey had decided to just sit and watch. “Dear, what…?” Arthur’s wife Eliza asked looking heavenward. “Our guest,” Arthur replied. “Our guest?” Eliza asked as Henry and Tremayne came out to have a look. “Said she had been a message runner in another country for a while.” Henry offered. “I’d assumed she meant by broom.” “If she’s a princess, why would she be used as a message runner?” Tremayne asked. “Told me she wandered into the wrong country and got drafted,” Henry replied. “Yep, that’ll do it.”Arthur offered. “Did some time in the Queen’s navy when I was young.” “How is it you never said anything?” Eliza asked. “I’d been pres-ganged. Took me a bit to get away. To the muggles, I’m a deserter. Officially they weren’t doing that sort of thing anymore but they still did it. They dropped a gold sovereign in my beer, and I swallowed it because I was too drunk to think straight. Then they wanted it back, and they wanted it back right now. - I woke up onboard a ship at sea. - I ended up in India.” “So you’re the reason the Ministry of Magic frowns on alcohol,” Tremayne stated. “Eh, father?” “Well, that and all those darn fools who got drunk and broke the secrecy act.” Arthur offered. “She looks happy up there. Brooms just aren’t quite the same.” “So how do we get her down, it’s nearly time for tea?” Henry asked. “That’s easy,” Arthur replied, got out his wand, pressed it to his throat, and cast the Sonorus charm. “If you want vittles you’ll need to come down from there.” He canceled the spell and put his wand away. Nova hung in the air for a moment, and then dove for the roof. “She’s going to hit the roof?!” Eliza said with fear and concern. Nova vanished followed by Phenik and Owldrey. “You know, that’s right about the same area of the roof Mimi was looking at right before our two former employees decided to bully her into taking them up to miss Moon’s room,” Tremayne informed them. “I had to apparate home, and had decided the lawns were close enough.” “You don’t say. What did you think of the greenhouse? Looked like she had a good-sized arboretum in there.” “Greenhouse?” Eliza asked astounded. “Hang on, all I saw was a large rotunda. I’d assumed it was a globe by the size of it. There were stairs going up to another level, and an archway, but I couldn't see where it led.” “A large lounge area, a library, what looked to be two bedrooms, and the arboretum is what I saw.” Henry offered. “I’m definitely going to want a tour,” Eliza stated, turned, and then went back inside. 👘 Nova arrived downstairs a short time later in her yukata once more. Maggie was waiting for her in the hall. “Hi, I’m Maggie. - Umm, sorry about the wings. I thought you were a puppy. Honest.” “Alright, I’ll forgive you. Give us a hug.” The two hug. “Now do try to remember that even if I had been just an ordinary puppy, puppies are fragile. They are like babies and break if not handled properly. - Now, where’s the food.” “Oh, it’s not quite time to go in yet, but everyone is starting to gather.” Maggie escorted Nova to where the family was gathering. Once there Maggie took to introducing Nova as though she’d just brought Nova home from primary school. Maggie was fortunate enough to attend a private primary school made for and run by the magical community. After all, no one wanted their child going to a muggle school, or to Hogwarts not knowing anything about magic. The school itself was named Saint Brutus, and the local muggles all thought it was a nuthouse for the incurably insane. Nova was reintroduced to Lady Laurel, her title mostly honorary since the death of her husband Sir Percival Weasley the year before. He’d been succeeded by his eldest son Arthur who was now lord of the manor. Arthur’s wife was Eliza, and their son was Tremayne. Tremayne was married to Abigail the two having a four-year-old named Trevalan. Nova was told that Tremayne had two sisters, but they were married and out on their own now, but could be expected to drop by from time to time. That left cousin Henry. Henry, Nova was informed was from a branch of the family in America. Nova had the odd suspicion Henry was also Arthur’s son by another mare, but couldn't for the life of her understand why they’d hide such a thing. Henry was married to Clara, and Maggie was their daughter. They were shocked to hear Nova had two mothers plus a father. “Oh, it’s fairly common for a stallion to have many wives.” Nova offered as they went in to have tea. Nova was delighted to find that ‘tea’ did indeed mean they were having a meal. She’d also forgot to say, man, making her statement sound very odd indeed. Good thing she hadn’t said mares. “The ratio of...” Nova had to think for a moment to make sure she had her terms correct as she was directed to a place to sit, “women to men are fairly even in the cities, but in some of the rural areas it can be as high as twenty to one.” “You’re kidding?” Tremayne asked as he sat down. Nova had waited to see if they were following any kind of protocol regarding sitting, but as they didn’t seem to be holding to any, decided to go ahead and sit. “It’s fairly common for landowners as well as the nobility to have multiple wives.” Nova offered. “Sounds like my kind of place.” Arthur quipped, and then winced as a shoe found his ankle. There was definitely a proverbial elephant in this room, and his name was Henry. The topic then switched to various other points of interest. Specifically, Nova wanted to learn as much as she could about the wizarding world while deflecting questions about her own. Granted the idea that one man might have as many as twenty wives give or take, had gone a long way towards keeping the conversation away from Equestria. Mostly because the women weren’t too sure they wanted their men getting any ideas. After all, it was 1903, and the free love movement wasn’t supposed to start until the nineteen sixties. And yet, the seed had been planted. After dinner, the Weasley’s had insisted on visiting Nova’s apartment. Nova stalled. She begged off insisting she’d need a little time to straighten things out, and rushed upstairs once they’d agreed. Nova didn’t want them to have access to any of the books from Equestria. Especially the ones that would make it all too evident that she was anything but human. The easiest solution, set up bookshelves in the lounge area in front of the library with the books she’d recently purchased, along with a few ‘safe’ books, and lock the library. Later she’d have to set up ‘restricted’ sections, and she was going to lie through her teeth about not being allowed to access many of the books until she was older. She needn't have worried though as the Weasleys were so overwhelmed by the size and scope of the place. The fact that all the portraits were of pastel ponies had been completely lost on the Weasleys. “Just one thing...” Arthur began and thought for a moment before continuing. “..lets never take this thing through the floo ever again.” The next few days were fairly mundane. Nova spent her time between studying, rearranging her library, exercise, which included time flying on and off a broom, and time spent with the Weasleys. Specifically, Maggie, who Nova had decided was woefully behind in her studies. Maggie didn’t really want to study, but then Nova did have the ultimate carrot. If Maggie did what Nova asked, Nova would let Maggie pet her, along with the occasional ear scratch. It was a win-win so far as both were concerned. The arrangement also meant that Maggie quickly learned that Nova didn’t have any underpants. After all, ponies didn’t wear such things. Well, maybe some did. Wink wink nudge nudge. Mrs Haldisa, the Nursemaid, on learning this little detail fainted dead away. Nova had never worn underpants in her life, and they were going to take some getting used to. At the end of the week, Mr Ollivander arrived at the house to deliver the new wand in person. With grandson in tow. Mr Ollivander’s son was married to Arthur Weasley’s sister, so their delivering the wand in person wasn’t seen as that special. Harold was Arthur’s nephew, and once the usual pleasantries were out of the way, Harold was given the task of presenting the wand. “I’d like to say, once more, how sorry I am about what happened at the shop. Your Highness.” Harold said, presented Nova with a box, and bowed. “Thank you,” Nova replied as she took the box. She returned the bow and then opened the box. The wand was white, and the scorch marks at the end had been polished away. When she picked it up the wand responded by immediately becoming enveloped in a soft violet glow. She gave it a flourish and was delighted by a rainbow of colored sparks emanating from the wand. And this time the light spell didn’t burn out the wand. “Almost as good as my own horn,” Nova whispered. “Pardon?” Harold asked, only to get slapped in the back of his head. “Ow, what was that for?” “Just because.” Mr Ollivander senior offered and gave Nova a wink. He knew. “I said thank you. Thank you very much.” As thanks, Nova gave Mr Ollivander two tail feathers from Phenik. > Chapter 4: The Nova Broom and Platform 9 and three quarters. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova and Maggie received their letters a couple of weeks after Nova’s wand had been delivered. Nova checked off the items she already had, and the two were off to the Leaky Cauldron the next day accompanied by Clara Weasley. Nova had also brought along an oddly shaped backpack that looked more like it had been designed for a pony than a human. She had to reassure them that it was only slightly larger on the inside than the outside. Maggie was wearing a girl's light blue wizard robe with lots of lace, and Nova had on a robe that closely matched the Canterlot Academy robes of cyan blue with gold trim, with the equestrian coat of arms on it. It was something Celestia had thought to provide her with. Under that, she’d put on a simple gray skirt, and a white blouse. Clara had on an emerald green wizard robe. “Who’s Ensign Nightfoal anyway?” Maggie asked as the two waited in the floo parlor. “Your pack has Ensign Nightfoal embroidered on it.” “Just someone in my past.” Nova offered. “Now, cast the floo powder into the fire, walk-in, and say, Diagon Alley, you first Maggie.” Clara directed. “If we are going to the Leaky Cauldron, why not just say Leaky Cauldron?” Maggie asked. “Just do as you’re told.” Clara scolded. “Yes, Mother.” Maggie cast her powder into the fire, walked in, said Diagon Alley, and vanished. “You next dear.” “Yes, Mrs Weasley.” Nova replied, walked into the fire, and said, “Diagonal silly!” And vanished. Clara’s eyes grew as wide as an MLP the movie pony, turned pale, grabbed a handful of powder, and quickly cast it into the fire. Meanwhile, in the Leaky Cauldron, Maggie had already stepped out, and stood aside for the next person, to be momentarily followed by Nova who popped out going fast enough to land a good five feet away, landing with both feet together, with arms stretched out. “Nailed the landing, how many points do I get,” Nova asked. She was followed a moment later by a frantic Clara. “Nova?! What the hell?!” Clara began checking Nova for burns and then took hold of her shoulders. “You just walked right into the fire. You didn’t say the right place name. You – didn’t – even – use – any – powder!” “I was told not to waste any,” Nova replied as though what she'd just done was nothing out of the ordinary. Somewhere in the pub, a hand began to thump down on a table. “That’s her, isn’t it?” someone whispered, and then Phenik flew out of the fire. “It’s her.” Laughter began to spread through the pub. “It’s not funny!” Clara insisted. “Calm down, Mrs Weasly. That their little princess you’ve got there figured out how to activate the floo without using floo powder.” The innkeeper offered. “She what!?” Clara exclaimed. “And Miss, you really shouldn’t do that. It worries us adults something awful.” The innkeeper said to Nova. “We were mighty worried the last time you went through, and the whole system shut down.” “I’m sorry.” Nova offered. “Apparently it was my apartment that was the cause, what with me racing back and forth. I guess it just overloaded the floo.” “Don’t you ever do that again young lady!” Clara scolded. She was forced to back off when Maggie popped up between the two glaring at her mother. “It’s alright Maggie.” Nova offered while giving her a hug from behind. “I was being antagonistic. - I’m sorry Mrs Weasley, I’ll be much better behaved from now on.” “You’d better be.” Clara chastised. Once Clara had managed to calm herself down, the three went back to the Witch's Wardrobe where Nova had gotten her school robes. Nova had been quite delighted, they were definitely up to Rarity's standards, and the prices had been reasonable. She’d also failed to get the required conical hat. Nova thought the hats to be rather funny and old-fashioned, especially being the only time she ever saw such hats was when being worn by Twilight on Nightmare Night, and Starswirl who was an old duffer. Still though, if required… She was also going to have to get better fitting underpants as Maggie’s old ones kept riding up with wear. Why humans were so insistent on such garments made no sense to her. Not to mention that strange constricting halter contraption they made her wear around her torso and shoulders. It didn’t even hardly do anything. After Maggie had finished putting in her order, they were off to the book store for Maggie’s first-year books. Nova dove into the store once more. When she’d emerged she had several books on Animageus, both the how-to, and theory behind the spell. From there it was off to the supply shop. Nova balked at the idea of dragonhide gloves. She wanted nothing to do with the things and insisted on having gloves that had not been made from a sentient creature. The people in the shop just gave her odd looks. Dragon’s, sentient? They accused her of being a naive little girl behind her back. Naturally, her keen hearing picked up every word of it, which didn’t make her feel any better. Maggie to her credit gave Nova a supporting hug and insisted on having the same sort of gloves Nova had. There were a couple of other things Nova had missed on the first go-round, such as vials, and a telescope. Nova decided she’d get the best telescope they had and bought the crystal vials as they’d hold up better. Maggie had wanted a gold cauldron for herself when another first year had bullied their mother into buying one, but then Nova cautioned that her potions might not work right. Some potions could easily be dependent on the type of metal being used to make the cauldron, and if the school was telling students to purchase pewter, that meant the potions were calibrated for pewter. They were nearly done, just one place left, and that was the apothecary. At first, Nova still couldn't bring herself to go in. Maggie put her arms around her. “I’m guessing they don’t have shops like this where you’re from?” “If any existed, it’d be in a back alley behind a closed door, and the proprietor would be arrested if they were found out,” Nova whispered. She suppressed a shudder, and with Maggie’s support, Nova found the fortitude to go in. Fortunately, the supplies required for first-year students had already been bundled up, and all she had to do was pay for it and put it in her pack along with everything else she and Maggie had purchased that day. They’d finished up earlier than anticipated. Now at first, they’d intended to go right back home, but as the soda bar was doing a brisk business, it was decided to go on in. Nova was delighted by a treat made from clotted cream mixed with shaved ice and fresh berries and had dished out a little for Phenik, while Maggie had some of the same. Clara had coffee with cream. “Balmy on the crumpet, would ja look at that. A phoenix.” Said a boy at another table. It was a group of three, and they like many of the others at the small cafe had been so engrossed in their treats, they’d not noticed the bird. “Aw, come on Newt, what would a phoenix be doing here?” One of the other boys offered. “I swear, you and your exotic beastie obsession.” “No, look. There really is a phoenix.” offered the third boy. “That girl is giving it some of her iced-cream.” “Gorblimey, yer right.” Nova’s ears were in danger of ponifying being she could hear every word. “Excuse me.” said the boy who’d been called Newt as he approached. “Something we can do for you Mr Scamander?” Clara asked. “Is that a real phoenix?” Newt asked. “Is he yours?” “Mr Scamander was it?” Nova asked. “Aye, that is yes, I’m a third year in Hogwarts. - Oh and those are my mates Fergus Potter, and Cygnus Black. They're fourth years though.” “Go away Newt,” Maggie said giving him a sideways glance. “Aww, you can’t mean that I thought we were pals. And me never having seen an actual phoenix, let alone up close.” “The young lady is...” Clara began, but Nova cut in. “Nova Moon.” Nova had feared Clara might slip and announce a title. Titles could be such a drag in a setting such as the one she was in. One moment she’d be enjoying herself, and the next ponies would be falling all over themselves to please and or ingratiate themselves into her good favor. The vast majority of whom she really couldn't do a thing for even if she’d wanted to. “This is Phenik.” “Fennec?” He asked. “Like the fox?” “Ah, no. Phenik.” Nova replied fearing a repeat of the last time. “She’s bounded to me. So in the sense of ownership, no I don’t own her. It’s not possible to own a phoenix, they have to choose to stay with someone. They can teleport, so it’s impossible to keep one captive against its will.” “Teleport, you mean like apparate?” Newt asked as he grabbed a chair from another table, pulled it over, and sat down in it back to front. “I guess. I’m not really familiar with the term. - I’ll be starting first-year.” “Aren't you a little old for first-year?” Newt asked. Nova looked at him perplexed. He was the first human she’d met who’d realized she wasn’t an eleven year old. Assuming Equestrian and English years even matched. “Well, either way, it’ll be my first year.” Nova offered. “What’s that you have in your pocket?” There was a small twiggy like creature that looked a great deal like a plant.” “Oh, that’s a Bowtruckle.” Nova’s sharp ears picked up the voice of the creature correcting Newt. “I am Groot.” “So how do you know Phenik is a she, and not a male?” Newt asked. “It’s just the way Phoenixes are built. The term male and female doesn’t really fit. They can all lay eggs and don’t require a mate to do so. They use parthenogenesis, subsequently, it doesn’t matter who their partner is. And will always lay one last egg at the end of their life, their magic goes haywire, and they burst into flame. The new bird that emerges will often have the same memories as the old, but it is open to a new partner.” “How do you know so much?” “My aunt has one. Phenik is from a recent clutch.” Nova offered. She looked over at the other two boys. “You can have a closer look provided you don’t crowd her. If you’d like?” The other two lads came over and pulled up a couple of chairs. “She is right pretty.” Potter offered. “The bird or the girl?” Black teased. “Lay off will ya, I was talking about the bird.” Potter protested as a slight blush came to his face. Nova smiled, Potter wasn’t the most remarkable human boy, but he did have nice eyes. Or so Nova thought. “Miss Nova, are you done with your iced-cream?” Clara asked. “I think we’re just about ready to start for home.” “Oh yes, just about. It’s very good.” Nova replied. “Must you go so soon?” Newt asked. “I wanted to get some flying in.” Nova offered. “Which reminds me, Mrs Weasley, we really should stop off and get a new broom to replace the one I destroyed.” “You broke a broom?” Clara asked having been unaware of the incident. “She pushed it too hard, and it sort of disintegrated.” Maggie offered as she finished up her iced-cream. “You any good at quidditch?” Potter asked. “We’d love to come by.” “That would be up to Mrs Weasley,” Nova replied looking at Clara. A short time later Nova was out on the lawns of the Abbey with a new broom and a new outfit. She had on a sailor top in dark blue, with dark blue puffy pants that tied up just below the knee, black stalkings, and a pair of lace-up shoes. All of which she’d purchased at the Quidditch shop. With her skirts, she’d been forced to ride side-saddle, but now with the poofy pants… “I need to go back to the shop, my new broom went to pieces.” After shredding her third broom Nova decided to get a bunch of books on broom construction and build her own. The shop, on the other hand, was convinced there was nothing wrong with their brooms. That is until the three boys started coming in with damaged brooms. The boys, having seen the maneuvers Nova was doing, were making a concerted effort to reproduce those same moves. By the end of summer, Nova had finished her new broom, and Cygnus had become a very proficient flier. “Blimey, that’s a right pretty broom you’ve made,” Cygnus said in a hushed tone on seeing the new broom. Fergus Potter announced her to be quite the broomsquire. His voice echoed softly through the rotunda of Nova’s apartment. Instead of using a straight shaft of hickory or oak as was common, Nova had reasoned that a custom broom made especially for her might work best if she used the same wood as her wand. The smooth white wood shimmered as though it was emitting its own light. “But it’s not even straight?” Maggie asked. It was something that had puzzled her for a while. “Makes it easier to grip while riding.” Potter offered as an explanation as Nova passed out copies of her notes on how she’d gone about making it. The branch itself had come from a blackthorn tree on the property. The straw was barley, fresh from the field, and soaked in a solution of spring water and twenty-year-old scotch to keep it from drying out prematurely or molding, had been intricately woven together where the straw was strapped to the end of the broom handle, and the cording holding the straw on the shaft had been Nova’s own hair. “Where’d you get pegasus hair, and a feather?” Newt asked astounded. “Hair and a feather?! From a pegasus?” Potter asked picking up the notes. “How, Where? Holly, you could cast magic with this thing!” “Wait, I thought you used your own hair?” Maggie asked in honest confusion. The boys looked back and forth at both girls, and then Newt’s eyes locked on a portrait of a white pony with black ears, legs, a mane that matched Nova’s, a crown, and Nova’s locket. His jaw hit the floor, melted, and sank into the cracks of the tile. “Why exactly does that pony on the wall looks exactly like your Celestial fox form?” Cygnus asked as Newt started motioning for the others to look at it. “Because that’s her,” Newt said softly. “She’s a pegacorn.” “You’ve got two Animageus forms?” Cygnus asked confused. “Would that even work? I mean if you used your own feather and hair...” “Nova... guys, I think it might be best not to tell anyone about this,” Fergus said softly. Nova had a stricken look on her face. “Hang on, does that mean you’re not blood cursed?” Maggie asked. “She’s not even human.” Newt offered. “I’m guessing her human form is the second form. That’d explain why it’s not complete.” “I won’t tell. Promise.” Cygnus offered. “I guess that explains why the instructions say the pegasus is not to be harmed or even frightened in any way.” Fergus offered. “I won’t tell. Promise.” “Wait, you’re a pony?” Maggie asked as excitement began to bubble up. “Show me.” “Will you all promise to never give up my secret, that you will never betray me.” “I don’t understand why?” Maggie asked. “Maggie, remember the apothecary?” Nova asked. “Oh...” Newt said looking back at Nova. “Maggie, I’d say she has plenty of reason to be afraid. Horns don't shed. Antlers shed.” “Will you all swear by the most sacred oath of my people?” Nova asked. They nodded that they would. “Very well, state your name...” They all said their names. “No, you’re supposed to say the words ‘state your name’. They smiled and said it. “That I do solemnly swear this Pinkie promise that I will never in any way surrender Miss Nova Moon’s secret, or betray her trust in any way, cross my heart, and hope to fly...” “What?” Fergus asked. “Just say it, it’s a Pinkie promise. - Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” They all said it and laughed because it was the silliest sacred oath they’d ever heard. “Umm, what happens if I break the oath, and sort of accidentally tell someone?” Maggie asked. She sounded a bit like she really wanted to tell some of her friends, but then the room grew dark. The room became bitterly cold, and a disembodied voice resonated throughout the rotunda. “Nobody breaks a Pinkie promise.” Nova was perhaps more shook up than the others. “There is a practical reason for not harming the pegasus.” Nova offered once they’d regained their composure and the rotunda was back to normal. “Fright will trigger the fight or flight response and be transferred to all parts leaving a magical charge that could make the broom useless. - Otherwise, my method here is simple enough you’d be able to make brooms unlike any presently on the market.” “Can we see what you look like as a pony?” Newt asked. Nova looked at their expectant faces. “Oh, alright.” Abby and the three boys looked on in surprised delight at the sight of a small pony now sitting in their midst. She’d also finally figured out a way to solve her clothing issue. “Those have got to be the most amazing wings I’ve ever seen.” Cygnus offered. “Next to my own, that is.” Maggie was presently doing an impersonation of squeaky brakes. “Thanks – come again?” Nova said. “I’ve got a confession too.” Cygnus offered. “I can turn into a black swan.” 🕊 Meanwhile downstairs Sir Arthur Weasley is entertaining a guest in the smoking room. The man in question was dressed in a cyan-blue wizard robe trimmed in white. On his head a mess of long curly blond hair and a beard to match. “Arthur, this damnable train is costing me my good name, I sure hope it’s worth it,” he said with an air of exasperation to his tone. “What with the damned lies the opposition has been spreading about me.” “Well, there’s no going back now.” Arthur cautioned. “Aye, if not for the Princess of Eques investing in it, the whole project would have died a month ago. It makes it too easy for mud-bloods to attend Hogwarts. My own family's sentiments. Not mine. Cygnus and a few others in the family support the project, but the rest can all rot in hell for all I care. I just wish the ministry would listen to me, and get the children with magic born into muggle households away from their idiot relatives.” “Phineas, I’m afraid that sentiment could apply to some wizard families as well. And it’s their own fault they’ve so many squibs showing up in the pureblood families. Anyone who knows anything about animal husbandry can tell you what happens when we don’t bring in new blood now and then.” “Aye, you don’t have to tell me twice. And a good number of those mud-bloods are coming from squibs. And the squibs, some of them are the worst muggles I’ve ever encountered. They can’t do magic themselves, so they turn around, and, and become some of Wizarding kinds worst enemies. That is why I think there needs to be interventions. Many of these kids have been brought up thinking magic is a product of the devil, as opposed to the natural thing it is. Salazar Slytherin wanted them kept out of Hogwarts because they were the ones going bad, and the worst of the lot always seemed to end up in Slytherin's house for some unknown reason.” He slapped his hand down, and grumbled, “That or Ravenclaw.” “Funny that. - But that’s not why you’re here though, is it? Phineus.” Arthur stated rather than asked. “Well, you got me there.” He paused a moment to collect his thoughts. “I was curious about that Moon girl you’re keeping here.” His tone was now more cordial. “Do tell.” “Headmaster Scrimgeour is mighty pleased to have her attending this year.” “And yet he’s never met the girl, and likely knows little about her. Not to mention that ‘Moon’ is a fairly common name. Why then would he be so keen on her of all the new students?” “It’s the enrollment book.” “What about the enrollment book?” “Well as I’m sure you are aware when a child is nearing the age of eleven and has a satisfactory level of magic, their name appears in the book.” “Yes, and if they are found wanting or end up going somewhere else, their name gets scratched out by the quill.” “What most wizards don’t know is that there are five samples of handwriting in the book. Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and one other who had been an unnamed adviser to the founders. Names written in Salazar Slytherin’s handwriting almost always go to Slytherin's house. It’s about the same for Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Rowena’s picks tend to be about eighty-percent going to Ravenclaw with the majority of the remaining twenty-percent going over to Slytherin.” “I must confess, I never knew that.” “Well, those of us who know, are seldom surprised by the sorting hat’s choices.” “I think I may be out some money on a bet I made.” “Only if you bet Scrimgeour or one of the other heads of house. - On the other hand, if you’ve bet on your little miss, you’ll likely win the bet. After all, you know your own granddaughter best.” “And what of Miss Nova Moon?” “We have got a four-way split on her.” “Hang on, how’s that?” “For the first time ever, and we’ve looked through the book at all the previous names, a name was entered by the fifth individual behind Hogwarts.” “Are you telling me that Nova Moon’s name was entered by this fifth individual? - Any idea who this person was?” “Oh yes we do, there are records and correspondences. Her name was left out of history because she’d requested it. She was a powerful enchantress of unsurpassed beauty by the name of Celestia Solaris of Eques.” “You don’t say,” Arthur replied with a smile. “So what’s she like?” Phineas asked. He'd meant Nova. “Well I haven't actually had the pleasure of meeting Princess Celestia, but her niece is a genius. At least she appears that way when compared to our children. And I’m not being self-deprecating about the ability of our children. Apparently, she’s been doing magic since she was six, and she told us she was a slow starter. We might even be doing our own children a disservice by not teaching them how magic works at a younger age.” He had to stop to collect his thoughts before continuing. “She’s fastidious about her studies, and has brought Maggie’s understanding of magic up to a level where she’ll be at a considerable advantage over the other first years, and Maggie can already do several of the first year charms. As for Miss Nova, she’ll need to be evaluated once she gets to school as I suspect she’s leagues ahead of her peers. She’s even making her own broom because the ones being sold couldn’t hold up to her ability to fly.” “You don’t say?” Phineas replied not sure what to make about the comment about Celestia, and presumably Nova, being her niece. “Does it work? - The broom?” “Afraid I don’t know yet. It looks impressive enough.” “I’m thinking we might set her up with an at your own pace curriculum in addition to her regular studies.” Phineas offered. “There’s a lot of ill feelings about outsiders right now, might not do for her peers to be out-shined too much.” “I’ll be sure and caution her not to be too outstanding. However, she says she’s fourteen despite her diminutive frame. That may be due to the blood curse though.” “Blood curse?” “She’s an Animageus. It doesn’t seem to bother her, but she can’t quite become all the way human anymore.” “Dare I ask what she’s turning into? - Is she safe?” “She’s perfectly safe. Unless you’re a chicken.” “Pardon?” “She transforms into a small white fox with wings like an owl. She says it’s an animal native to the far east. She has a healthy appetite, but prefers not to eat steak, and is adamantly opposed to eating horse of any kind. Won’t eat it even for pudding.” Arthur Weasley let out a sigh. "I made the mistake of saying I was hungry enough to eat a horse, and she locked herself in her room until Maggie could coax her out." “Must be one of those eastern religious things. - Anyway, if she does well enough I might be able to bump her up a year. - I’ll have to consult the headmaster on this.” Meanwhile outside, Nova is back to her human form, and Fergus Potter is presently trying out Nova’s broom. “Woooohooooooooooo!” Fergus shouted as he went flying by so fast he’d gone plaid. 🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃 September first Getting to Kings Cross station had proven to be an adventure of its own. Being in part because no one wished to risk sending Nova’s suitcase through the floo again. A hansom cab had been procured the night before, Nova in her traveling clothes, and everyone else wearing outfits inspired by what many of the locals wore. Nova was grateful to Maggie for insisting they procure healthy animals that had been taken care of properly, but aside from that and herself, the rest of the party looked like sheep ranchers she’d picked up off the side of the lane. They loaded up first thing in the morning and headed down a cattle track out in the country there being no actual roads out to the Abbey. Nova couldn't help but wonder how they were to get to London in time for the train at the rate they were going. Turning down into a secluded glen wasn’t helping. “Alright everyone out,” Henry said as the cab stopped. It was a very secluded location, and they really hadn’t been going all that long. To Nova’s surprise, he pulled Maggie’s trunk out. Nova got out and pulled her suitcase out not quite sure what to think, and when everyone was unloaded, he thanked the driver who continued on without them. “Am I missing something?” Nova asked. “We’re right on schedule, come on,” Henry said, and lead everyone into the center of the small clearing, and stood next to an old shipping crate with Maggie’s trunk. “Gather round, gather round.” Nova, Maggie, and Clara went over to where he was standing. “Grab on to each other, Miss Nova, don’t drop your bag, you might lose it. We are on time...” Henry said as though expecting something to happen. “Any moment now...” Nova’s heart sank as the sensation of being sucked through a straw overtook her. Was this a teleport? Panic started to grip her as the fear that something had gone horribly wrong. Her instincts took over, she overrode whatever it was that was forcing them through space and time in such a chaotic way, locked in on the one point in London she knew she’d be able to hit… “Where are we?” Henry asked as he looked about the alley where Nova had first entered this world. “I thought we were all going to die,” Nova said softly as she tried to regain her composure. “I hate port keys,” Maggie announced. “The last part wasn’t so bad.” “We’re in the wrong place,” Henry announced. “We’re in an alley a short walk from Diagon Alley,” Nova announced. “Well just have to get a cab from here,” Clara announced. “Come on then.” So they went out to the boulevard where all the traffic was and attempted to hail a cab. No one would stop. “Excuse me miss, are you all right?” Asked a man in a blue suit with a tall helmet. Attached to his belt was a long black club, and he was wearing a badge. “Oh yes, I’m fine. We’re just trying to hail a cab.” Nova offered on realizing the man was talking to her. She looked about and discovered there were quite a few of these oddly dressed men. “Umm, they lost a bet.” Nova offered. We’re trying to get to Kings Cross Station. - We kind of got off track.” “Indeed you are.” The police officer replied. “Lost a bet was it.” “His father’s in the Ministry.” “Is he now.” “My uncle actually.” Henry offered. “Mr Weasley, I know he’s your father, no point in pretending otherwise,” Nova replied. She then looked at the police officer, and said, “Apparently having a wife on the side is frowned upon. - Any chance you could help us get to the station?” “Tell you what, there’s a call box down the way.” The officer offered and directed them down the street. “What’s going on?” Clara asked Nova in a whisper. “You’re dressed like sheepherders, and I’m a young lady of means.” Nova offered loud enough for everyone to hear. “So what’s wrong with the way we’re dressed?” Henry asked. “We’re in London City,” Nova announced as though they didn’t already know. “And you are dressed for herding sheep. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just that people in cities dress differently. You’re as out of place as if you’d shown up in your housecoat and slippers. - You needed to dress more like a businessman.” “I see, I see. I never realized there was a difference.” “Oh for the life of the idle rich.” The officer muttered as they approached a large blue box with a light on top marked police call box. “If only it had been bigger on the inside, my life would be so much simpler,” Nova muttered as she looked into the box. “Pardon?” the officer asked as he picked up the phone. “I was just commenting on how small it is in there.” A short time later, they were on their way to Kings Cross station in the back of a police wagon. 🛤🏗 “Weasley, I thought we’d lost you.” Thomas Malfoy said on approaching the wagon as everyone unloaded. He’d been sensible enough to wear a suit. “Whatever are you wearing?” The officers driving the wagon shook their heads and drove away. “Come on, we seem to have a bit of a problem.” “A problem?” Henry asked. “They did such a good job hiding the platform, no one can find it,” Malfoy announced. “Do you remember which one they used?” Henry asked as he placed Maggie’s trunk on a cart. “Well, that’s the problem. They gave us a number of nine and three quarters, but the secrecy protocol has been so tight, not even wizards seem to be able to find it.” Malfoy informed him. “Come on then.” Henry offered, and a moment later the small party pushed through the doors into the station. On entering they were presented with a number of open platforms under a long arched roof with light flooding in through a multitude of windows in the ceiling. Nova made sure to stay with the group as they walked. After they’d walked past platform nine, Nova noticed an odd thing, people would stop talking walk a short distance passing a barrier of stone between platforms, and then continue talking as though they’d never stopped. There was at least one girl who looked as though she was right on the verge of figuring it out. She’d stopped in right about the right place and was presently staring at the barrier as though willing herself to see through the illusion. Of course, it was an illusion. Nova went over to her, closed her eyes, and allowed the rest of her senses to do the work. Her ears told her where the trains were, her nose told her where the trains were, and then there was the geomagnetic navigation common to pegasi and foxes. Nova’s geomagnetic sense was also what gave her the ability to see the aura of things, and it was fine-tuned to the point that she could find a target completely blind. “I am Beatrice Lulamoon the great and powerful. I will not be denied an education in magic!” The girl next to her shouted, and then quite possibly out of sheer frustration, closed her eyes, and pushed her cart straight at the barrier. Nova kept her eyes closed letting her other senses tell her what was happening. Her mind's image saw the girl push her cart, and then for the briefest moment, it was as though the cart had hit a veil of some kind. The veil ripped open, and her mind could see the whole platform while Beatrice pushed through. Nova opened her eyes, signaled to the others, closed her eyes again, and ran right at the barrier. Again there was a moment’s hesitation as though pushing against something, her right shoulder slammed into it, and she was through. She opened her eyes just a few paces away from Beatrice. Inside was a bright red locomotive with sleek passenger cars to match, and by the looks of things they had indeed been the first to gain entry to the platform. On the sides of the cars was printed Great Western Railway. “Come on, we’d better get out of the way. There’s going to be a flood of people, just as soon as they figure it out.” She offered while giving her shoulder a rub. Next time she’d have to remember to use a cart to breakthrough. “Ha, I’m the first one to figure it out! - I beat the challenge those purebloods couldn't figure out. I am truly great and powerful, and someday I’ll be the strongest witch known to wizardkind!” “Come on Trixie, we need to get out of the way.” “Trixie? My Names Beatrice.” “I’m going to get to the train before you.” “Not if I can help it.” Beatrice protested as she pushed her cart out of the way as others began to flow in. “Nova, we made it!” Maggie called as she pushed her cart up alongside the two. “Why are you dressed like a shepherd girl?” Beatrice asked. “My father thought we’d blend in better while on the road.” Maggie offered as her trunk was loaded onto the train. Beatrice rolled her eyes heavenward and slapped her hand to her face. “Excuse me miss, is this bag all you’ve got?” a porter asked Nova. “Yes, sir,” Nova replied. “We’ll need a red card on that bag.” Mr Malfoy instructed. He then got out his wand and projected his voice across the platform. “If anyone has a bag or trunk that is larger on the inside, let the porters know. It needs a red card so that it doesn’t get placed inside a smaller displaced space at the other end. Thank you.” His announcement had created an additional buzz and flurry of activity as Nova’s wasn’t the only bag in need of a red tag. There as likely wasn’t a one anywhere near as large on the inside as Nova’s, but then again, as many of the bags were going to be placed in carts with a displaced space inside to make it easier to move the luggage it was feared that dozens of handbags might collapse the whole thing resulting in a catastrophic implosion. Another likely outcome is that they’d create a small wormhole acting much the same way as a port key, depositing the hapless victims, harmony knows where. “Did no one see you off?” Nova asked Beatrice. “Beatrice’s parents are too important to take any time out of their day,” Beatrice responded, and then suddenly found herself getting hugged by Clara. “In that case, I’ll just have to do it for them.” Clara offered. She then gave Nova a hug, followed by giving Maggie a hug. “Now off with you, on the train before it leaves without you.” “Yes, mother.” Maggie and Nova say at the same time. They laugh, each gets in another hug, and then they board the train. “Do you need another hug, Miss Beatrice?” Clara asked. Beatrice hesitated for a moment, hugged Mrs Weasley, and then climbed aboard the train. “Miss Nova!” Newt called from a compartment. “We saved you some space.” “How good of you to do so, Mr Scamander,” Nova called as she made her way down the passage through the train. Maggie followed, and a moment later Beatrice asked if Beatrice could join them. “Come on in Beatrice.” Nova offered and sat down with her suitcase in her lap. “This is Mr Fergus Potter and Mr Newt Scamander. Of course, you’ve already met my alleged sister, the wee little shepherd girl Maggie. Gentlemen, may I introduce to you, the great and powerful Beatrice Lulamoon.” Beatrice bowed with a flourish and then attempted to hoist her trunk up into the luggage rack. “Let me get that.” Potter offered, taking hold of the trunk, and jamming it into a space that looked to be far too small. A small sign stated that no red card items were to be stowed there. “Here, let me get that,” Potter said turning to Nova. “No, that’s quite alright,” Nova replied. “It says no red tag items. Looks like it’ll be safe enough to put it under the seat though.” “No red tag items, now why… Oh, I think I get it now.” Potter replied, and then sat down again. Trixie, or rather Beatrice sat down next to him so that it was Newt, Nova, and Maggie on one side with Potter and Beatrice on the other. “Ehem!” Said a girl standing in the doorway. “Mr Potter.” “Beatrice.” Nova hissed motioning with her eyes. “Fergus Potter, I’ve been looking all over for you, and here I find you with a bunch of firsties. Girls even.” “Daisy! It’s not like that. - She’s Newt’s girlfriend.” Potter protested. “I don’t even know him.” Beatrice protested as she moved away from Potter. “It’s not like that!” Newt protested. “I think he means Maggie and myself.” Nova offered. “By the way, is Cygnus going to join us?” “He might stop by later.” Newt offered as Daisy sat next to Fergus. “He’s in Slytherin, so he usually hangs out with the Slytherins. “Oh, you didn’t tell me you were in a different house?” Nova asked. “We generally don’t tell people he’s a Slytherin. They’ve kind of got a bad rep. Though for the most part, the rivalry between houses is more for fun.” Potter explained. “Most of us just pretend to hate each other.” “I see,” Nova replied. “He seemed a trustworthy person though.” “Oh, he is.” Newt offered. “The Blacks and the Potters go way back even if they don’t always see eye to eye. Cygnus and Fergus are in fourth-year. They were lab partners in potions last year.” His tone switching to one of caution, “His sister Belvina is a Prefect. You’ll want to keep well clear of her.” “Oh, open the window,” Maggie said as the train started to move forward. Outside families were waving their last goodbye until Christmas. “Goodbye mom, bye father!” Maggie shouted out the window. They shouted back, remember to write, see you in Christmas. Mr Malfoy shouted good luck to Beatrice. “What’s Christmas?” Nova asked as she waved. “You don’t know what Christmas is?” Daisy asked. “Why it’s the most wonderful time of the year.” “Not hardly.” Beatrice countered. “You don’t like Christmas?” Daisy asked confused. “Beatrice’s family are all Roman Catholic. For them, Christmas is a time of reflecting, and sitting in church for one mass after another. - When they found out Beatrice could do magic they tried to get rid of it by having a priest do an exorcism on Beatrice, and when that didn’t do it, they tried to beat it out of … out of me.” There was stunned silence. “Beatrice ran away, and was found by Mr Thomas Malfoy.” “You are among friends now.” Nova offered. The idea that someone would beat someone for having magic was as foreign as this Christmas thing. More so considering ponies did have their winter holidays. But to beat someone for having magic? “Wow,” Newt said softly. “Anyway, to be honest Wizards don’t really celebrate Christmas, we just got into the habit of calling it that for some reason. It’s the end of the year celebration coinciding with the Jul festival and New Year's which originally marked the longest night of the year.” “Oh… right. We have New Year's right about the same time, only our holiday is called Hearths Warming.” Nova offered. “We’re past the station, do you think it’s safe enough to let Phenik out?” “I don’t see why not?” Newt offered. Nova looked out the window as the train rolled on past some of the seedier parts of London, and then turned her attention to her suitcase. Nova opened the suitcase. “What is that?” Beatrice asked as Phenik climbed out. “You have a phoenix?” Daisy asked as Nova pulled out a book with a crescent moon, and two stars on the cover. 🌌 Dear Aunty Tia, Princess Celestia read in an identical book. I am on my way to Hogwarts today. There is something I should tell you first that I hadn’t said anything about earlier. When I first arrived, the students by rail project was floundering due to a lack of backers. Afraid I used a sizable amount of your money to see to it that the project could be completed. The train is now full to capacity with students on their way to Hogwarts. I’d say that’s a good return on our investment whether we ever make any money on our shares or not. “I see you’ve picked up that book again.” One of Celestia’s court mares says. “One of my students on a special assignment.” Celestia offered. “Princess, are you alright?” The teacup Princess Celestia had been holding in her magic had pulverized. “A new friend I’m told has had a difficult time. A pity the filly’s parents are so far out of reach.” She replied grinding her teeth. Fiery prominences flickered off her mane. > Chapter 5: Sausages and ghost balls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the train rolled down the track, the curious would stop by to see the phoenix, and when the food cart came by, Nova was glad for the distraction. Even if she couldn't touch half the things on it. Nova had found out at the Weasleys that she could not eat chocolate. She’d been horribly sick for several hours and took three days to recover. The doctor had pronounced it a manifestation of her blood curse. Nova picked out a pile of goodies, mostly tarts. Everything had so much sugar in it, it was nearly too much. Most of what she’d bought went untouched, and she let the others have it. She just wasn’t accustomed to that much sugar. “You aren’t eating anymore?” Daisy asked with a touch of concern. “It’s too much sugar all at once.” Beatrice offered. Having had extremely thick, or rather strict parents, Beatrice was in much the same boat as Nova. “Beatrice hasn’t seen this much sugary sweets in her entire life. Beatrice wouldn't mind some bangers right about now.” Nova pulled her suitcase out, opened it up, “You don’t mind a leftover banger do you?” She then produced a plate full of bangers from breakfast, took one, and handed the plate over to Beatrice. Even cold from the cooler, to Nova it tasted much better than all the sweets combined. “Nothing like a good banger to get a girl going.” Nova offered and took a bite. She then ripped off a bit and offered it to Phenik. “Beatrice loves a good banger now and then.” “You know, I wouldn't mind a banger,” Daisy said taking the plate. “Oh, can have a banger?” Maggie asked. “Guys, want a banger?” Daisy asked holding the plate out.” “It’s not all dried out is it?” Fergus asked. “Just suck on it a bit.” Daisy offered. “Never thought I’d be getting a banger on a train,” Newt said taking one. “Alright, what’s going on in here?” asked a stern-looking woman at the door. “We’re just eating sausages.” Maggie offered. “Hello, Professor Marchbanks.” Potter offered. “What can we do for you?” “Somehow you lot have convinced half the train that you’ve got a phoenix in here. Out with it, how’d you do it?” “But we do have a phoenix. Her name is Phenik.” Beatrice offered. “Miss Moon is feeding her bits of sausage.” Nova held up the gold and red bird for professor Marchbanks to see. On spotting Phenik her eyes opened wide. Phenik was only slightly larger than the average-sized chicken but her plumage was far too bright to be taken for anything other than a phoenix. “Say hello to my little friend.” Nova offered. Phenik bobbed her head up and down, and then turned her focus back to the sausage. “Alrighty then.” Professor Marchbanks said real slow-like. She took a moment to recover. “Well, I guess you do have a phoenix in here. - We’ll be arriving soon. Make sure you have your school robes on by then.” Professor Marchbanks turned and went back in the direction from which she’d come. “So, where is Beatrice supposed to change?” Beatrice asked. “I suppose we could just kick the guys out,” Daisy suggested. “Why don’t we just use the room across the hall.” Nova offered while getting up. “What room? That’s the other side of the carriage.” Daisy said sounding just a little bit annoyed. “Wait for it.” Maggie offered as Nova placed her case against the outside wall. A moment later there was a door on the side of the train. This time the door had no stained glass window and was relatively plain. She opened the door to reveal a small room in which were a number of cupboards, built-in wardrobes, a day bed with blankets that looked like a golden sunset, two large sturdy chairs that were upholstered in rich velvety gold, and a window at the far end that looked out onto the passing scenery. The cabinetry was stained and polished in rich shades of golden oak, the carpet looked as though it was a slice out of the sky from a warm summer’s day, and the curtains were the most intricate lace in a golden alabaster color. Nova walked in and whispered the words, ‘lock configuration’. Maggie smiled knowingly, got up, and went in. “Beatrice, Daisy, care to join us?” Nova asked. “Isn’t that her closet?” Fergus asked Newt in a whisper as Daisy and Beatrice retrieved their robes from their trunks. Maggie already had a robe waiting for her in the closet. “Oh, I bet she’s configured it so that that’s all anyone will see if they insist on having a look,” Newt whispered back. Come on then, let's get our robes out.” “This is nice,” Daisy said as she walked in. “I have got to get one.” A moment later the door shut behind them. Cygnus Black and a couple of his cohorts from Slytherin came by about an hour later with their robes on. “Hey, Potter, where are the girls? I thought you’d have at least one with you. They in another compartment?” “What’s with this door?” One of the other Slytherin’s asked looking at the closet door on the outside wall of the corridor. “It’s Miss Moon’s closet. That’s her luggage.” Fergus offered. “They went in to change, and still haven't come out.” “Girls, go figure. - This is Mr Crab and Mr Goyle. They were hoping to see Phenik.” Cygnus offered. “So who all is in there besides Nova?” “Maggie, Daisy, and another firsty named Beatrice Lulamoon.” Fergus offered. “I thought the Lulamoon family died out years ago?” Goyle asked. “Powerful dark wizards, but there was too much inbreeding.” “My guess is her family are descended from the squibs,” Fergus suggested. “From what she’s told us they went full muggle.” “Aw man, never go full muggle.” The Slytherins chimed. “She’s kind of messed up, so if she ends up in Slytherin, go easy on her.” Newt cautioned. “How messed up.” Crab asked. “Refers to herself in the third person,” Fergus told them. “She seems nice enough though, and Nova seems to like her. Still, though, I can see her going to the dark side.” “And why not? After all, we have cookies.” Goyle offered. “So is it true, does Nova Moon actually have a pet nightmare as well as a phoenix?” “Wouldn't she have to be some kind of dark wizard to get a pet Night Mare?” Crab asked. “Ah, but that’s where you’d be wrong.” Newt offered. “You see, this specific Night Mare, likes kids. All you really have to do is not be afraid of it.” “That’s it?” Crab asked. “Hang on, let me see if I’ve got this straight.” Goyle began sounding a bit incredulous. “What you are suggesting is that instead of going into a blind panic on encountering one of those things, just be nice to it?” “Ya, that seems to be about it.” Fergus offered. “Blimey.” Crab and Goyle chimed. It went against everything their parents had told them regarding the treatment of magical creatures. “So what house do you think Miss Moon will be in?” Crab asked. “To be honest, she could easily go either Slytherin or Gryffindor.” Fergus mused. “True, but we did try our best to warn her off,” Cygnus informed the other two Slytherins. “Now why’d you go and do that for? Anyone who can tame a Night Mare belongs in Slytherin.” Goyle protested. “Because she just wouldn't be a good fit.” Cygnus countered. “She’s a horrid bookworm when she’s not in the air. - My bet is she’ll be in Ravenclaw.” “She made her own broom,” Newt announced. “She made her own broom?” Goyle asked astounded. “Sweetest ride I’ve ever been on,” Fergus said wistfully. “Rides like the wind, and can undercut the nimblest snitch.” “I’d love to see it.” Crab said. “Except first years can’t bring brooms.” Cygnus reminded them. “Pity that.” “I would have gladly smuggled it in.” Fergus offered as the door to Nova’s closet opened. “Gentlemen,” Daisy said with a cold air to her tone. “Oh lay off would ya, we aren’t even at school yet.” Fergus scolded. “Oh, that’s a nice closet.” Goyle said looking in. Phenik could be seen sunning herself in the window. “Not having to climb down a ladder is a plus too. My sister is going to be green.” “She’s a Slytherin, she’s supposed to be green,” Daisy informed him and stepped out into the hall. The girls now had their school robes on. Daisy had the nicest, and Beatrice had the plainest, but none were exceedingly gaudy or shabby. “And a window, there’s actually a window.” Crab announced. “And I see the phoenix.” Outside the window, the weather had grown rather gray, and Phenik was presently brighter than the sun outside. Or at least it seemed that way. “Just the closet then is it?” Cygnus asked as Nova exited. Nova had been the last out. “Just the closet,” Nova replied, closed the door, and folded it back down to a suitcase. She wasn’t exactly telling the truth, but she wasn’t exactly fabricating either. The train whistle gave warning that they were approaching their destination. A moment later a voice echoed through the train informing them they’d be in Hogwarts soon. Nova wondered if she’d even be able to see it in the gathering gloom. “Not so sure I like the idea of just leaving my suitcase on the train,” Nova responded after the announcement to leave the luggage on the train. “It’s what they want.” Newt offered. “Maybe they figure it’ll just be more efficient this way.” “Still, I really need to physically hand it over to someone to prevent the security spell from triggering,” Nova replied. “Well then bring it with you, and if someone says anything, you can hand it off to them then.” Newt offered as the train began to slow down. A short time later the train had stopped at what was little more than a platform in what looked to be the middle of nowhere. That or the highlands of Scotland. Nova wasn’t really sure which, or if there was even a difference. She waited along with the others and climbed down onto the platform when instructed to do so. Here, and there, lamps bobbed in the air that reminded her of the little mini lamps she liked to make for dispelling the gloom and anything of draconequus origins. “You there, you were told to leave your luggage on the train.” Shouted a man in a thick Scottish brogue. “She needs to hand it off to someone or it’ll eat them,” Fergus explained. “Ach isn’t that just lovely. Hand it here then lass.” The man instructed. Nova offered it up to him, he turned and walked off with it. A moment later another voice was calling for the first years to gather and follow them. “Good luck,” Newt said to Nova giving her a hug. “What about me?” Maggie asked. “We know you’ll be in Gryffindor.” Daisy offered. “It’s Nova he’s worried about. - Now best get going, you don’t want to be tardy on your first day.” “Come on Maggie,” Nova said, and the two were off in the direction of the voice while the boys and Daisy went the other way. “First years, this way.” “Take hold of my arm,” Nova whispered to Maggie as the first years were led down a steep path in the dark. Nova found she could see just fine, her unique fox pony eyesight transferring to her human form, but poor Maggie was near blind, and could barely see the students, let alone the forest they were going through. What’s more, it had rained recently, and the path was slick. “I’m glad I’ve got you,” Maggie whispered. They heard a squeak and a thump as someone slipped and fell. “Beatrice is alright but would appreciate a hand,” Beatrice called in the dark. “Wait for me,” Nova said, and a couple of moments later she’d returned with Beatrice in tow. They started up again with Nova in the middle supporting the other two. They made their way around a bend in the path, and by the sound of hushed voices, they knew they were about to see something wonderful. “That must be it?” Maggie said as the lake had come into view first for Nova, but now they could see a massive black castle, dotted with lights high on a promontory and reflected in the lake ahead of them. It gave Nova the shivers bringing up memories of Queen Moon and everything she went through before finally being ordered by Queen Moon herself to go home. Nova had done more in the few months she’d been in that dimension, than in the rest of her life. Meanwhile down at the lakeshore the first years were being directed into small boats without any apparent means of propulsion. The students would get in, and the boats would start drifting across the lake. Nova, Beatrice, and Maggie got into a boat sat down, and waited. “Is it a current do you think?” Beatrice asked as the boat began to move. “I don’t think...” Nova began while eyeing a tentacle that had come up over the top of the gunwales on the starboard side of the small boat. Nova lunged at it, holding it fast with her hands, and took a bite out of it – or at least attempted to. The moment her teeth started to sink in, it jerked loose and vanished into the now extremely inky depths. The other two girls looked on in horror as the momentum of the boats just stopped. “What, I’m hungry.” “Nova, honestly!?” Maggie scolded. Beatrice busts up laughing. “Why’d we stop moving?” asked another first year in another boat. No one knew. Meanwhile, their guide who had no idea what had happened was at a bit of a loss. Not knowing what else to do people just started pulling the boats forward by rowing with their hands. Those that weren’t afraid to put their hands into water that turned their hands noticeably darker. Maggie and many of the other girls had no desire to put their hands in that water. There was definitely a watcher in the water. Granted that the watcher was presently cowering in a corner of the lake nursing a fanged bite wound, but it was there. “So what did it taste like?” Beatrice asked once she’d regained her composure. “Humm, squid actually. - Raw squid is a Neighpon delicacy.” “Ya, I think I’ll pass,” Maggie commented. About a half-hour later, someone came down to find out what the delay was. Shortly thereafter a small boat was rowed out to the boats so that they might pull them the rest of the way. One by one the boats were pulled into a cave at the base of a cliff, and, the students unloaded onto the gravel shore in a cavern in the face of the cliff. Quite a few needed to be dried out, and many were scattered across the lake as they’d no idea where to go. It all ended up taking the better part of an hour. By the time everyone was unloaded it was quite late. “Something tells me that was all for show.” Nova offered as they were led out through a tunnel to a grassy area. They walked around to the front of the castle and up the steps where huge oak doors awaited them. Inside was an enormous entry hall. Nova couldn't help but feel the place had been designed by some lord with more money than sense. Who puts a door that big on a castle with no bailey, and have it go right into the main hall. Even Canterlot’s main keep had a bailey, and you had to go through two gates, which required a sharp tight turn to get at the second gate. The first years were directed to a small chamber off the front hall where they were crowded in quite tightly. “Beatrice is not sure how she feels about this much togetherness,” Beatrice complained. She and most of the others were getting weary and were quite ready for an end to the games. Professor Griselda Marchbanks walked up to the front, asked for everyone’s attention, welcomed them to Hogwarts, informed them that the opening banquet would be starting momentarily. They would, of course, need to be sorted into their houses first. Once sorted, they were to go to the appropriate house table and wait quietly. There was a brief introduction to the houses, and the instructions regarding the houses being their homes while they were at Hogwarts. Nova got the feeling they were getting an abridged version of a well-practiced speech. From there they were led back out into the entry hall and through a set of double doors into a grand dining hall filled with worn-out impatient people who’d been sitting there for at least an hour if not more. “Bout time.” Someone said, only to get hushed. To the human first years the thousands of candles lighting the hall floating in mid-air, and the ceiling that looked as though it continued right on into heaven was perhaps the most amazing thing they’d ever seen, their weariness forgotten. To Nova, it wasn’t that different than the palace of the two sisters, and kind of made her homesick in an odd sort of way. That or she was just hungry. Most likely just hungry. Having read the history of Hogwarts already, she and Maggie already knew about the various bewitchments. Nova and the others watched as an old bar stool was brought out, set in front of the head table, and brought out an old conical hat that looked like it’d seen better days. They placed the hat on the stool, a rip opened up, and it began to speak. “Oh I’m the sorting hat, I tell you where to go, and I had a date with a pretty blue bonnet an hour ago, so let's get this over with.” There was stunned silence. Nova let out a stifled laugh, which seemed to echo through the chamber as other students did their best not to laugh. From there the new students were called forward one at a time, the hat placed on their head, and then the hat called out the name. The house would applaud, even cheer in a few cases, and then the new student would go find a seat at their house table. “Beatrice will be in Slytherin!” Beatrice shouted shortly after having the hat put on her head. “Fine, go join the Slytherin, see what I care.” the hat retorted. Nova put palm to face. Several Slytherins echoed her motion. Nova was beginning to get nervous. How exactly did the hat work? Was it reading minds, or just somehow judging character. Was it perhaps simply talking to the new students, and most importantly would it be able to tell she was a pony? Would it tell anyone else? Maggie was called forward. She put the sorting hat on, sat there for a moment or two, and then the hat called out Gryffindor. The Gryffindor table applauded generously. Nova continued to wait. There didn’t seem to be any real order or logic to when the names were called, and she was beginning to wonder why she hadn’t been called. She got really nervous when she found herself standing all by herself. The next name had to be hers, it just had to be. She’d no idea that there was a lot of money riding on which house she’d be in, or that they’d intentionally saved her for last. “Princess Nova Moon of Eques.” Oh for harmony’s sake, did they have to throw in the title? The hall had grown deathly silent. Nova gathered up her dignity and walked forward. The hat was lifted up as she sat on the chair. She looked up at the hat as it was lowered on her head, and noticing regularly spaced threads attached to the brim looking as though something had been sewn on at one point in time. “Well well well, what have we here.” The hat said more in Nova’s mind than her ears. “Did you perhaps have bells attached to your brim?” “We are about to decide your fate, and you are worried about our missing bells? Look… things happen when you get old.” “You just reminded me of Starswirl’s hats.” “Starswirl?” The hat’s voice had changed to Celestia, and the next thing Nova knew she was standing on a flat surface in a dark room of indefinite expanse. The floor seemed to be the source of light, and Nova was back to being a pony. It reminded her of the dreamscape but it was something else, not quite a proper dreamscape, but more of a daydream. “Oh for the sake of the gods, she’s not even human!” Protested a voice. “Oh stuff it up your pie hole Slytherin.” Said another voice. “You, you’re a pony. A young alicorn by the looks of you.” Said Celestia’s voice. The image of Celestia appeared a short distance away. Moonie appeared standing next to Nova. “Luna?” “She’s a simulation.” Nova offered. “As are we.” Offered another voice. One by one the founders of Hogwarts appeared. “This could be interesting. I think we let her attend.” Rowena Ravenclaw said. “Oh, you can’t be serious. I see in her great darkness. She’d be a threat to the school.” Salazar Slytherin cautioned. “And I see great light in her.” Godric Gryffindor offered. “I see Loyalty.” Helga Hufflepuff added. “Tell me, young… young filly. If you are allowed to learn, will you seek power? You could achieve much.” Slytherin asked. “I am a Princess of Equestria and have great wealth at my disposal. By accident of birth to be true, but I am nonetheless already in a position that others look up to and aspire to. What’s more, is I already know a great deal of magic and have achieved quite a lot. I have no need for your kind of power.” Nova informed him as if his offer was a trifle. “And what of knowledge?” Rowena Ravenclaw asked. “My thirst for knowledge is insatiable.” Nova offered with a smile. “And what of your fellow creatures?” Godric Gryffindor asked. “I can answer for that.” Moonie offered. Nova was perhaps more surprised than the others. Especially being Moonie seldom spoke if ever. Granted this being like a dreamscape Moonie was in her element. “Miss Nova is generous to a fault, kind, honest, she brings hope to others, she has integrity, bravery above and beyond what any her age would be expected of. Often have I seen her rush headlong into danger for the benefit of others. As her protector, she’s made my job difficult.” “Miss Nova Moon, can you name for me the five elements of harmony?” Celestia asked. Nova smiled. “You’re a little behind the times. There are seven elements.” Nova offered. The first is comprised of honesty, strength, and sincerity. The second is comprised of kindness, healing, and compassion. The third is comprised of Laughter, hope, and integrity. The fourth is comprised of generosity, beauty, and honor. The fifth is comprised of loyalty, bravery, and duty. The sixth is magic, sorcery, and respect.” “Respect?” Salazar scoffed. “Without respect, your magic will never know its full potential,” Nova informed him. “You said seven?” Celestia asked. “Heroic courage and redemption.” Nova offered. “Above these the greatest power you can have is the power of friendship.” Celestia stomped her hooves in excitement. “Friendship?” Slytherin scoffed. “Was it not your friendship that gave birth to Hogwarts?” Nova asked. “How much more have your students achieved since then?” Salazar Slytherin let out a sigh. “I fear that many have not lived up to our expectations. - I’ll say yes, but not in my house. - If they ever found out, I fear they’d use her for potions.” Everyone in the hall waited expectantly. When the hat finally spoke the verdict was Gryffindor. The Gryffindor table erupted in applause and cheers along with applause from many of the other houses. Nova went to the table and found a seat next to Maggie. “Oi, Nova,” Cygnus called from the Slytherin table. “Did you really bite the squid?” “OMG – Phrasing!” Someone whispered. Nova laughed. “I did no such thing.” She replied in a haughty manner and a wink. “Bite the squid?” asked a girl at the Gryffindor table as laughter erupted over at the Slytherin table. “There might have been a tentacle that came up over the side of the boat, and I might have grabbed it, and I might have bit it.” Nova offered sheepishly. There was a bit of a delayed reaction followed by uproarious laughter from the people who’d heard what she’d said. “Students...” called a voice over the din. Despite the long wait and late hour, many had gotten their second wind. Nova looked up to the head table to see an unimposing wizard in plain black robes, conical hat, long gray beard and sported a long thin handlebar mustachio that looked more like feelers than facial hair. “Who’s that?” Nova asked in a whisper. “Brutus Scrimgeour senior, the headmaster,” Newt whispered back. “Welcome to Hogwarts. A hearty welcome back to the returning staff and students, and welcome to the new students after their adventure on the lake.” the headmaster offered. “Despite a few hiccups, it seems most of us have made it. Most of you will find your luggage in your rooms. Some of you will need to see us after dinner concerning the anti-theft spells on your luggage. As a matter of fact, I’m to understand several porters have been eaten.” This news elicited several barely contained laughs throughout the student body. “I had a speech, but owing to the late hour I thought it best to forgo it.” This news generated a considerable amount of enthusiastic applause. “And now without further adieu or delay, let the feast begin.” More applause erupted, only to be cut short by the appearance of a veritable smorgasbord appearing on the tables. Nova quickly filled her plate with a variety of delightful dishes, and if anyone noticed that certain dishes were avoided altogether, no one said a thing. All the more for them. She and a few others paused only just slightly as a group of silvery individuals entered through the hall. To Nova, they looked more like they were made of clouds than actual people. And perhaps in a way they were indeed made of cloud material. “Who or what?” Nova asked. “Oh, those are the school's ghosts. Not all mind you, just an assortment.” Newt offered. “Oh right, I’ve read about them,” Nova said as one broke away, and glided on over. He looked quite the poof to her, what with the tights, and puffy shorts. He’d even had a collar about his neck that seemed most impractical in its rolled layers of starched linen. “So, I see the new students finally arrived.” The ghost offered as it drifted right into the center of the table. “Sir Nicholas de Mimsy – Porpington, at your service.” “Hey Nick, we’ve got an actual princess.” one of the boys offered. “Oh yes, I’d heard something about a princess,” Nicholas said. Nova raised her right hand, he bowed, “Ah, your royal highness.” Old habits kicked in, he reached over as he would have in life to take her hand, and she has been through this same odd ritual herself more times than she cared for, offered her hand up to him. Nicholas took her hand in his and just froze. To Nova, it was like having her handheld by a cloud. Nova reasoned that it was her pegasus magic reacting to him, and didn’t think twice about it. As for Nicholas, it was the first time he’d actually touched anything since his death. What’s more, is he could feel her warmth. “Good sir, what will people think, you linger so?” Nova asked at length with a blush. Nicholas blushed. He actually blushed. His face lit up as though a shaft of light from the setting sun had eliminated him, and slowly pulled his hand away. “What just happened?” Newt asked. The exchange not having gone unnoticed, quite a few people were looking on in something akin to shock. “I don’t understand?” Nova asked. “You, he, actually touched.” Fergus offered as though it was a really big deal that confused Nova all the more. “Oh don’t tell me you two are jealous?” Nova asked. “It was just a cordial greeting. - Even if he did linger a might too long.” “My most humble apologies, your highness.” Nicholas offered. “No need hold to formalities, please.” Nova offered. “Miss Nova or Miss Moon will do. I appreciate it if my friends and classmates just call me Nova.” “Yes, of course.” Nicholas offered. “It’s just that, I haven't been able to touch anything since I died.” “Nothing?” Nova asked. “Nova, he’s a ghost. Ghosts can’t touch anything.” Fergus informed her. “Nothing?” Nova asked again. “Nothing.” Newt emphasized. “Hang on.” Nova offered, held her hands as though she was holding a ball, blew into the cup of her hands where a little bit of mist formed as she blew. She then started packing, added a bit more, and packed some more until she’d a little cloud the size of a snowball. “How about this?” She tossed it to Nicholas who out of reflex caught it. His eyes lit up in delight. It’s really easy, it’s simple wand-less magic that doesn’t require any spoken words, pretty much anyone can do. - It’s one of the first spells I ever learned.” “Did you just seriously make a ghost ball?” one of the boys asked. “It’s water vapor given form with magic.” Nova offered. “Cup your hands, direct your magic into the center, and think snowball. Blow into it, and pack the vapor.” “Hey, I did it!” Daisy announced triumphantly. “What should I do with it?” Nicholas asked. “Can I keep it?” “It’ll dissipate after a while so I suggest you just have fun with it.” Nova offered. He smiled as a mischievous gleam twinkled in his ghostly eyes. “Hey, Barron!” Nicholas shouted, took aim, and launched the ghost ball at a ghost over at the Slytherin table. The Barron, a bald apparition wrapped in chain and covered in bright silvery splotches turned just in time to get hit right in the face. The ghostly snowball dribbled down his face, which presently had the most perplexed expression man or ghost ever had. Daisy hurled hers at one of the boys only to have it bust apart in a big poof. “What… what was that?” The Barron asked. He seemed quite astonished. “Catch!” Nova said tossing a ghost ball to him. “Oh, you didn’t just give him one?” Nicholas protested. “Only fair.” Nova offered. By now several of the Gryffindors had figured out how to do it. “How are you doing that?” Cygnus asked having snuck over to Nova. “What exactly am I looking at?” Professor Marchbanks said as she looked out over the student body. “I’m not entirely sure.” Said the instructor sitting next to her. “It looks like the ghosts are having a snowball fight, and a number of students seem to be providing the snowballs. - Darnedest thing I’ve ever seen.” “Perhaps they’ll settle down once the dessert is served?” The headmaster offered. “Being the Barron himself is involved, I’m not sure I want to interfere. - I mean, he actually looks like he’s having fun.” Sure enough, as soon as the desserts were served the students lost interest in making the ghost balls in favor of the delights in front of them. “Don’t be giving her chocolate!” Maggie scolded as the desserts were being devoured. “I do so appreciate the offer.” Nova offered apologetically. “I simply can’t touch the stuff.” “Made her really sick when we treated her to chocolate,” Maggie explained. “And it was so good too.” Nova offered wistfully. “Which likely only made things worse because I didn’t hold back.” “So was it worth it?” One of the older girls asked. Nova leaned back and thought about it. “Totally. - But if I eat any now, I’ll be sick all night, and miss my classes tomorrow and possibly the next.” “I hear that. - My Name’s Luyif, but you can call me Caydence. I’m the Gryffindor Prefect on the girls' side. Halbert is the Prefect on the boys' side. If you ever need anything, be sure to come to us first. “Last name’s Armor.” Halbert offered. “My ancestors made armor, that’s where the name came from. - What’s Moon from?” “My mom raises and lowers the moon every twenty-nine days with one day off.” Nova offered about as deadpan as anyone could be. Armor just looked at her. He could tell when someone was outright lying to him. Even if they were just pulling his leg he’d be able to tell. Miss Nova Moon had just told him the biggest whopper he’d ever heard, and his instincts for the truth was telling him she’d just told him the truth. “Alrighty then.” Armor said not sure what to think. Nova just smiled. She liked these two prefects. They also sort of reminded her of her aunt and uncle Shining Armor and Princess Cadence for some reason, but she couldn't quite place her hoof on it. “Your attention if you please?” Headmaster Scrimgeour called out. Once more he was standing to address the student body. “Before we send you off to your dorms there are a few things we must address. - First off, those of you who have security spells on your luggage you will need to check with your heads of house to see if you need to retrieve your luggage. - And if you’ve an apartment in a trunk you are required to sleep in the beds we’ve provided so that we can do headcounts. - Second item. We are in the process of refurbishing an old laboratory on the second floor to be used as a lady's toilet. It’s not quite finished. Some of the stalls are ready for use in desperate need, but the sink doesn’t work as of yet. Don’t go behind the curtain as there is a pitfall, and we won’t go looking for you because no one is willing to go down there. Thirdly, please stay out of the forest on the edge of the grounds. It’s not safe. There are things out there that will eat you. And I’m not talking about wild luggage either.” He had to pause a moment for laughter. “Thank you and have a pleasant evening.” It’d been a long day, and Nova was actually looking forward to going to bed early. She couldn't help but wonder if her human form was causing her to become diurnal. Just one thing. “Excuse me, Caydence, who’s our head of house? I need to see if there was an issue with my bag.” “That’d be Professor Marchbanks. She’s right over there.” Caydence offered. “Hopefully I won’t be but a moment,” Nova said and hurried over to Professor Marchbanks who was presently gathering a small number of Gryffindors who were on a list she had. “Excuse, Professor, any chance my luggage made it to my room?” Nova asked approaching her. “One moment...” Professor Marchbanks looked over her list. “You’re not on the list so you should be good. Hurry up, and catch up with Miss Luyif.” “Thank you,” Nova replied, turned around, and rejoined the first-year Gryffindors. “Do we have everyone that’s coming?” Halbert asked. “I do believe so.” Caydence offered. “Alright then, I’ll take the lead. Follow me, first years.” Halbert said and escorted the first years out into the grand entry hall, they all following like little ducklings with Caydence bringing up the rear of the train. They made their way out of the hall into a grand staircase, and up a flight of stairs that moved from one floor to another. Once it had stopped Halbert told everyone to get off as quickly as they could. Moments after Caydence had stepped off, the staircase moved to another floor. Suddenly an object came hurtling through the air at them. Nova reacting instinctively placed a shield spell between her group and the projectile. It bounced off the shield with a powdery puff of chalk. She then quickly retrieved her wand from her robe pocket so it would at least look like she used the wand to cast the spell. “Not bad for a first-year student.” Caydence offered. “You’re nearly as good as my Halbert.” “Nearly, I’d say that was pretty good considering it was an ambush,” Halbert commented. “Peeves, I’m warning you!” Nova looked about until she spotted a wire trash bin full of blackboard erasers hanging over the stairwell. “Ten O: clock, about twenty paces out,” Nova said softly. “Can’t see anything in the dark, and he’s likely invisible,” Halbert said in a growl. “How are you even able to see anything.” “I have an idea.” She put her wand away. “Everyone who can manage a ghost ball, get one ready. I’ll throw in the direction I think I see who or whatever this Peeves is, and everyone else aims for that area.” “And your shield?” Halbert asked. “It’ll hold long enough.” “It might just work.” Caydence offered as she balled up a ghost ball. “Ready?” Nova asked. When everyone was ready, Nova rushed ahead and cast that magic missile right at the poltergeist. Unlike the others, she could make out the faint aura created by the convergence of energy that made Peeves what he was. It was a direct hit, followed by a half dozen more of the ghost balls. Counting Nova’s only four had hit, but it was enough for Halbert to spot where Peeves was hiding. Quick as a wink before Peeves could move he cast a spell trapping Peeves in a sphere. Unfortunately, the results weren’t quite what Halbert had hoped for. “Look out little firsties, here I come!” Peeves shouted. He no longer cared if he could be seen or not and started rolling the sphere like a giant hamster ball. The only saving grace is he was having difficulty keeping on target and started to drift towards the wall. It looked like with luck Peeves would hit the wall, maybe do some damage to the painting, but hopefully, bounce off in the other direction… Everyone readied to flatten to dodge the ball. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, the ball approached the painting, the hind end of a Night Mare came out, the basket of erasers exploding in dust turning the insides of the ball a chalky white, the ball shot out over the stairwell, dropped into it like a pinball bouncing off banisters and stairs. On a few bounces, moving stairs would even send him flying right back up again. With each bounce, Peeves would let out a squawk followed by a stream of curses. What’s more is the lights were set to light up every time they sensed movement, it truly did give the whole spectacle the look of a massive pinball machine. “You know I almost feel sorry for Peeves,” Caydence commented as she looked over the railing. “Can’t say he hasn’t had it coming.” Halbert offered, a wicked grin on his face. Nova looked back and forth at the bouncing ball ricocheting back and forth up and down in the stairwell, and Moonie who was poking her head out of the painting like it was just an ordinary window. Nova went to her and gave her head a hug. “You know that apparition?” Halbert asked. “Ya, that’s Nova’s Moonie,” Maggie replied with a big smile on her face. “Be a cold day in Tartarus before any pony out ambushes me,” Moonie whispered to Nova. “So, you have a pet Night Mare?” Caydence asked as they continued on. From the stairwell, they went down a hall, through a secret passage, and into another hall where they approached a painting of a large woman in a pink dress who asked for a password. Nova had noticed the paintings with people and animals moving about. She’d grown accustomed to the paintings at the Weasley Abbey, though a painting she was sure had to be Celestia bed down with pegasi foals made her horribly homesick. “Sweet flower, upon the canvas sublime, where never comes the blight of time.” Halbert offered. “Sweet talker. You may pass.” The fat lady said, and the painting swung open to allow egress into the Gryffindor common room. Inside were a number of chairs, some bookshelves, and a fireplace. Nearly everything was upholstered in red and gold, the rug was red and gold, and the draperies were red and gold. “Is this a schoolhouse, or a sports team?” one of the new girls asked. “A little of both I think.” Nova offered as the girls were separated from the boys. The girls went up one flight of stairs, and the boys another. Nova was getting rather weary of stairs, especially being it would have been so much faster if she could have just flown up. Her shared room also just happened to be at the top of Gryffindor tower. “That looks like an awfully small suitcase.” One of the girls who’d be sharing the room with Nova and Maggie commented. She looked like she wasn’t too sure about this princess, but if she was placed in Gryffindor, well then she must be alright. “It’s big...” Maggie let out a big yawn. “bigger on the inside.” “But it’s so small.” “Things you never say to a boy. - Hi, the name’s Nighy, Ruth Nighy. My father is an officer in the Dragoons. Looks like we’ll be bunkmates.” Ruth was a dark-haired girl with brown eyes. Nova couldn't help but think she’d be pretty if only she was a pony. “Your father is a dragon?” Nova asked figuring she just wasn’t hearing right. “I’ve got a brother who’s a dragon.” “Not dragon, Dragoon. You have a brother in the Dragoons?” “Um, ya, he’s in the Dragoons… can’t really tell you much about what he does though.” Nova offered. She didn’t have a clue what a Dragoon was, so decided to fold out her suitcase to its trunk configuration. “Oh, and this sleepyhead is Maggie Weasley. Her family has been my sponsors while I’m in England.” “Hi,” Maggie said as she pulled out a flannel nightgown. “Nova, it looks like they only have the one bath for all the girls, let's use one of yours.” “One of? - Name’s Florence Portendoffer.” “That’s an interesting name.” Nova said trying to figure out what ‘port end offer’ could pertain to. She opened up the trunk, and Maddie stepped down into it. A moment later Phenik and Owldrey flew out, landed on the bed, and looked at Nova expectantly. “Alright, alright. - Sorry, I have to feed them.” Nova's statement was followed by her going down the steps into the depths of the trunk. “Oh wow, your apartment is huge,” Florance called. The Phoenix clinched it, despite having a Night Mare as a pet, she also had a phoenix, and apparently an owl as well. “Might I use one of your baths?” “Use the one in that suite, clean up after yourself, and let's keep this quiet. I don’t want the whole dorm in here.” Nova called. “Suite?” Ruth asked, and looked down. “Oh, my word. She’s got a whole palace in there. - And her own park to boot!” “So what is a Dragoon anyway?” Florance asked. “Her Majesty's army, he’s an officer in a horse regiment known as Dragoons.” “Is that a Muggle thing?” “Mom and dad are magical.” Ruth offered quickly. “Truth is they were poor as church mice in the wizarding world, so dad got himself a commission in the muggle army. He’s even got a couple of Aurors on staff because they never know when they might run into something the muggle troupes can’t handle.” “I had no idea that sort of stuff went on.” Florance offered. She then grabbed a few things out of her trunk and went down into Nova’s trunk. Ruth followed shortly after. “Isn’t that sort of thing against the secrecy accords though?” “Do you think wizards in places like Africa, the Philippines, or India give a rat’s patooty about the secrecy accords?” “Africa? The Philippines? India? I must confess I’ve never even heard of those places. - Is it really that bad?” “And I never even knew about Eques until Princess Nova showed up. - I swear the Ministry of magic is keeping us blind to the outside world, and it’ll lead to disaster, mark my words. There’ll be some big blow up, and we’ll get drug into it not having a clue what happened.” “I fear you may be right. I mean look at this place. It’s enormous. She’s got a whole palace in a suitcase. I’d no idea magic on this scale was even possible.” “How’s everyone doing in here?” Caydence asked as she came up the steps. “Must have missed them.” Caydence turned around and went back down the steps. “Has anyone seen Ruth, Florence, Maggie, or Miss Nova?” “I’ve looked everywhere. - I can’t find them?” Caydence informed Professor Marchbanks yet again. “Well, the Fat Lady said no one has been in or out so what say we have another look in their room.” Griselda offered in a calm voice as they climbed the stairs. Sure enough, everyone was in bed, including a sleeping Phoenix curled up on top of Nova looking like a chicken on a nest. A chicken that glowed like a night light. From a nearby painting, a Night Mare watches. “They’re in their beds, sound asleep. What say we do the same.” That night Nova dreamed of exploring the portraits with Luna. > Chapter 6: First week at Hogwarts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Nova made her way down to breakfast the next morning she was struck by two things, the way down wasn’t the same as the way up, and she was now surprisingly knowledgeable of the corridors that would lead down to the dining hall. “Are you sure you know where you are going?” Maggie asked. Maggie and the two girls who were sharing the room with her were following along. “Oddly enough I do.” Nova offered while casting a glance at Moonie walking along within the paintings on the wall. Moonie had a pie-eating smirk on her face. “Come on, this way.” “Are you sure?” Florence asked, but then they turned a corner and found themselves walking into the great hall. “Oh, we’re there. This place gets me so turned around.” “I think it does that intentionally.” Nova offered as they went into breakfast. Despite having been one of the last to leave the dorm, they were now among the first to make it to the hall. “We did have Moonie shadowing us in case we got turned around, that and I suspect she took me for a walkabout last night.” “Walkabout? You don’t mean sleepwalking do you?” Ruth asked. “What if you get caught out of the dorm at night? - They’ll not likely take sleepwalking as an excuse.” “Not sleepwalking, spirit walking.” Nova offered. “As in my astral form. - I’ll need to have a few words with her. What if someone had tried to wake me and panicked? I can just picture my body getting moved, and me wandering the halls of Hogwarts for eternity trying to figure out what they did with it.” “Ya, that wouldn't be good.” Maggie offered, and as they found their places to sit, Phenik came swooping in to circle around the room. “So, how do we get something to eat?” Nova asked ignoring Phenik. Sure she’d looked, but on seeing that what everyone was so excited about was just Phenik, she and her roommates just went right back to what they were doing. Interesting what familiarity does. “A nice English breakfast would be a great way to start the day,” Ruth said sitting down. Suddenly a profusion of delightfully scrumptious mouth-watering delights appeared on a plate in front of her. “Oh me too,” Nova said sitting down. No sooner then she’d sat down then servings of bacon, poached eggs, grilled tomatoes, fried mushrooms, oatcakes, baked beans, sausage, and a potato pancake of sorts with cabbage and last nights leftover vegetable mixed in with a sort of dark brown gravy over the top of it appeared before her. “Oh, hey… so long as there’s no bovine or equine, I’ll be happy as a Little Sky Fox in a KFC.” “What, what the what?” Florance asked. “Cultural thing.” Maggie offered as she and Florance joined the other two at the table. “It’s common for people in India to not eat meat, especially cattle.” Ruth offered. “I can understand not wanting to eat horse either. - My father, and the men in his command, their lives depend on their horses while on maneuvers. Father says eating a horse is akin to cannibalism.” “Any chance you can get me a book about these Dragoons? I’d love to know more about them,” Nova asked, and then took another bite of her breakfast. “How is it the four of you can just sit there talking, and stuffing your faces when there’s a phoenix flying around in here?” Asked one of the other Gryffindors. “Right, hang on.” Nova held up a sausage. “Phenik!” A moment later, Phenik had landed on her arm and was happily nibbling at the sausage. Nova maneuvered her to the table so she could go back to eating. This was followed by the sound of silverware and cups being dropped. “You’d think they’d never seen a Phoenix before,” Fergus said sitting down. “How’d you four get down here so fast?” Daisy asked as she joined them. “Luck I guess.” Nova offered. “What about classes, how do we know where to go?” “Don’t worry, someone will gather up the first years according to houses, and make sure they get to class. Newt offered as he joined them as well. “No one expects new students to know anything.” 📜 No one expected new students to know anything was right. For Nova, her first class was like sitting in magic kindergarten. Introduction to magic it was. Still, everyone was diligently taking notes, so she figured she’d better take notes too. Just to make things more interesting she decided to practice her calligraphy while she was at it. “Three points from Gryffindor for using an enchanted quill.” Announced their instructor snatching Nova’s quill. She was a stern woman with a nose like a beak and eyes that made Nova think of Griffins by the name of Krasnodar. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t aware I couldn't have an enchanted quill,” Nova said apologizing. “I seem to be without a quill now.” “Another two points for not being properly equipped.” “Professor, I have the same type of quill.” Maggie offered. “You don’t seem to be using a self-writing quill, so I doubt that very much.” Two points for fibbing. “Fibbing, but it’s the truth?” Maggie offered taken aback that someone would so readily assume the worst. “And it’s not a self-writing, just a never dry quill.” “Is it now.” Their instructor scoffed, went to their desk, got an old battered quill, an ink bottle, brought it to Nova, and put it on her desk. “Alright, if our little princess wasn’t using a self-writing quill, let's see this quill stand on its own just like the one I just confiscated.” The instructor stepped back and crossed their arms with a triumphant smile on their twisted face. Her smile slowly collapsed into a look of astonishment as the lid of the inkwell came off by itself, lowered into a cup by the inkwell, followed by the quill standing, hovering, dipping in the ink, and then waiting over the parchment. “Would you like me to write 'I will not use none spoken magic to manipulate objects and write with a quill without touching it in front of my professors' a hundred times?” Nova asked having figured out what the issue was. “Why I never...” “Well maybe you should, it might help your disposition.” Nova shot back. The other students looked on in horrid fascination well seasoned with mirth. Professor Krasnodar just glowered at Nova and snatched up her notes sending the ink well sprawling in the process. Nova walked out of that class having lost an additional twenty points, but at least she’d done something to deserve it. Making her stand in a corner for the remainder of the class seemed pointless. “Perhaps you should try handwriting for now on?” Maggie offered. “You know how bad my handwriting is.” Nova protested. She let out a sigh and reluctantly agreed. When it was time for lunch Caydence came and got Nova saying only, you need to come with me. She then escorted Nova to a tower and knocked on a door. “I’d sure like to know what you did. And on your first day even.” The door opened. “The headmaster wants to see you. Just keep climbing until you get to his office.” “All I was doing was writing notes the way I always do,” Nova said with a sigh. She went in, the door closed, and she began climbing the spiral staircase. It didn’t take her long to realize that for every two steps, one more was being added. Weary of stairs, she transformed into her fox form, kicked in the magical afterburners, and spiraled up past the enchantment, and out into the headmaster’s office. Nova transformed back into human form, did the superhero landing, and then stood at the position of attention. “I understand there is an issue?” Nova asked. The old wizard looked on curious. “I’m afraid there is. - Now before I tell you what the accusations are, would you like to tell me what happened?” “Would you like a written statement?” “Parchment, quills, use as many as you like. Use them all if you want.” Nova smiled, an aura formed about the parchment lifting it into the air followed by every quill on the desk going to work like a flock of blackbirds chasing a hawk. A few moments later, the pens went back to their places, and the parchment floated back down to the desk. It had been filled with one simple sentence, ‘I was taking notes’ in the most elaborate and stunning script he’d ever seen to include beautiful line art filling in a good deal of the white space, but not so much it was cluttered. Nova let out a sigh. “I know I was told to be careful not to stand out too much in class, but it never occurred to me that writing in the manner I’m accustomed to would be an issue. I should write with my hand more I suppose. Celestia knows I need to practice my handwriting.” “Why are you standing like that?” “Sir? I… I always stand like this when I’m called on the carpet for my insubordination.” “Oh? Well, relax a little.” “Yes, sir.” Nova offered and loosened up a little. “Do you have your notes?” “I’m sorry to say they were wadded up and thrown in the dust bin. - The class was a little slow, I was doing my calligraphy, to take notes, and my instructor seemed to think I was using a self-writing quill, and then got affronted when I proved otherwise. - I found the situation frustrating.” “You thought the class a bit slow?” “Sir, I’ve been learning magic my whole life practically. Or at least the better portion of it, and have been able to cast spells since I was six. I did pay attention, in case there were differences in the basic method, but so far the basics seem to be exactly the same, save for an emphasis on the use of a wand.” “That snowball fight?” “I’m afraid I was the instigator, I’ll not deny it.” “Show me how you create those ghost balls. - If you don’t mind?” His tone was kindly and patient so as to let her know she wasn’t in trouble for that at least. “Well sir, I cup my hands like this with a gap, direct my magic to the center, think snowball, blow and pack,” Nova explained, and demonstrated. A moment later she had a nice little puffball. “One of the first things I ever learned.” “Well, I’ll be.” Headmaster Scrimgeour said, tried it, and quickly had one of his own. He smiled, and tossed it up and down. “This could be a very useful learning tool. - Tell you what, you did defy your teacher in class, so I’m not restoring your points, but I’m going to give you ten points for that beautiful calligraphy, and another twenty for bringing this little skill to my attention. - You may go.” “Thank you, sir.” Nova figured a net gain of three points wasn’t too bad. “Sir?” “Yes?” “Might I use the window? I’m afraid I’m going to miss lunch.” “Do you play Quidditch?” “I’m learning. I’m told I’m rather splendid at it.” “I imagine you might be, what with having a flying Animageus form.” “Afraid I kept destroying brooms, and decided to make my own.” “Is it any good?” “It’ll hold up to my reflexes.” “I’d love to see it. By any chance did you smuggle it here.” “Sir, I would never so blatantly disobey the rules.” Nova protested in mock shock. “But it is somewhere nearby, isn’t it?” He said with a wink. “Well, being the inside of my luggage has been declared the sovereign territory of Eques by the Ministry of Magic, I can honestly say that my broom is not technically on school property.” “Sovereign territory?” “It’s in the charter. Apparently as a confirmed Princess of Eques, any place that can be considered my abode becomes the Sovereign Territory of Eques. As I’ve got a sizable apartment, they decided to define it to my luggage less I end up being your boss.” Nova gave him a smile. He thought about it for a moment and laughed. “Window?” “It’s rather small.” Nova transformed back to her fox form. “I think I’ll fit.” “Well then, have at it.” He offered and laughed again. Nova was out the window quick as a wink, flew out over the castle, down to the front door, one of which was opened flew into the hall, and then into the dining hall. The appearance of the Celestial fox had quite a few people looking on in astonishment. “Nova, wherever have you been?” Maggie called on spotting her. To everyone's astonishment, the mystery animal flew down to Maggie, landed on the seat, and let her scratch behind the ears. “She’s my pet.” “OK, that’s enough ear scratches, I’m hungry,” Nova said turning back into a human. The remainder of the day went without incident, mostly because Nova was being cautious not to do anything her classmates could not. Well, that and it was History of Magic with Professor Binns. Now while it did rankle her that she had to hold back, she wasn’t too sure Professor Binns would even notice as he was quite dead. A ghost to be exact. Such a thing would never stand in Princess Celestia’s school. Or would it? To be honest Nova couldn't say for sure and reasoned that being a ghost might not be an automatic disqualification as a teacher. It was just that Princess Celestia preferred her staff to be a bit more lively. Interacting with students in a meaningful and engaging manner so as to inspire a love of learning was what Princess Celestia expected of her teachers, and Binns failed on all counts. Of course, Nova told Princess Celestia all about her day via her diary. Nova was astonished when she was answered by both book and the painting of Princess Celestia. The verdict, the woman would have been fired a long time ago if either Celestia had any say in the matter. Regarding Professor Binns, neither was quite sure how they’d address that. Tuesday was charms followed by an introduction to herbology. Both of which were held in classrooms consisting of introductory lectures. About the only thing Nova really got out of it aside from some new terms and names of plants she already knew by different names, was more practice with her handwriting. “How am I to cast spells with a wand if my hand is all cramped up from writing?” Nova asked at the end of the day. Hers was a sentiment widely shared even if the other students couldn't use the same writing technique. They’d even gone so far as to ask her to show them how to do it. To everyone's surprise, she insisted they all master ghost ball making first, and when they’d learned how to manipulate the ghost ball into different shapes without touching it, only then would she attempt to teach them how to do writing without touching the quill. There was one other thing of note, aside from the oddity of needing to go by a different route every time they went somewhere, Nova thought it to be most inefficient, it was the presence, or lack thereof, of Peeves. Peeves was out and about, pestering students, harassing first years, and yet for some odd reason Peeves was keeping well clear of the Gryffindor students. No one was quite sure what to make of it until a rumor concerning what had transpired on the night of the sorting made its rounds. There were more than a few who delighted at the idea of catching Peeves in a bubble and sending him down the grand stairwell. Wednesday was Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Astronomy which ended at midnight. Nothing like filling young minds' heads full of everything ghoulish and nasty, and then sending them to a dark creepy tower late at night. Astronomy at least had not been a disappointment for Nova. Nova had before her a brand new sky that was truly alien. Stars she’d never seen prior to coming to this world, and a moon that Luna and Celestia had never known. And the sun, the sun didn’t even rotate around the planet, but the planet around it. Nova was astounded. The other students had laughed when Nova had confirmed that the planet did indeed rotate about the sun, and not the other way round. Could she… Nova wondered, could she touch this moon with her magic? She waited till the end of class, and the Astronomy teacher ushered everyone downstairs from the astronomy tower. She hung back, and when the last person had stepped down she looked to the moon, closed her eyes, and reached out with her magic. She knew that even if she could, there was no moving it, she hadn’t the strength, and so far as she knew there was no Cosmic clock of the Arcadia to assist in the effort as there was in her Equestria. Nova opened her eyes and looked up at the moon, her eyes had a cast of silver, her hair billowed-out shining with the light of the moon, and stars seemed to dance about her. She touched the moon, there was power there, but it was a cold power that had never known love. She broke the connection, her eyes went back to normal, her hair back to normal, and turned to look face to face with her instructor. “It’s so cold, so lonely,” Nova said softly. She looked down towards the steps. “I should return to my room.” She walked past her instructor, and down the stairs. They watched her pass by and said nothing. 🌑 On the next day, Nova got up as she had the day before, gone down to breakfast, and then off to Transfigurations. If the Astronomy instructor had said a thing about what they’d seen the night before, nothing was said of it. Their Transfiguration's instructor was Professor Griselda Marchbanks who started out the class with a lecture on how dangerous transfiguration magic could be, and if anyone was caught fooling around they would be permanently banned from the class. Nova dutifully took notes and made sure to do no better or worse than anyone else. That afternoon was spent turning twigs into twine. Something Maggie could already do as well, but like Nova, she too held back, and somehow managed to fail to do the simple task until she saw that someone else had done it. It was all Nova could do not to turn her twig into a whole spool of twine. On top of that, the entire morning had been lectures. Her hand was killing her, and she suspected that the lingering effects of having a wand blow up in her hand just made it worse. Friday was potions with the Slytherins, and the instructor was none other than Phineas Black. Professor Black had a rather interesting teaching method in that he liked to pair up students with a student from the other house. “Some of you may not like it, but you’ll do it none the less. You will work together as a team, or you will fail together. There will be no sabotaging your own efforts so you can blame it on your partner.” Nova cautioned Maggie to do the instructions exactly as written. There could be no holding back here, it was due it right the first time or risk disaster. Potions seldom had any in-between. “The great and powerful Beatrice is in need of a partner,” Beatrice called out boldly. “I would be honored to partner up with the Great and Powerful Beatrice.” Nova offered with a curtsy. Nova had a good idea of what she was getting herself into. Beatrice reminded her so much of Trixie personality-wise, she was sure teaming up with her would be a challenge for even the most seasoned potion master. “For the love of Harmony no!” Nova was heard to say at several points during the exercise. Professor Black had at first thought that Miss Lulamoon was intentionally trying to sabotage their potion. After Nova had slapped Beatrice’s hand for the seventh time telling her to follow the directions, it’d become painfully obvious the girl was a complete nincompoop. What was worse is that Beatrice was technically from a pureblood family… except in that, there was a rumor that her parents were squibs who’d gone muggle. Professor Black was quite adept at spotting who had received instructions prior to coming to school. Slytherin students almost always came in with a basic knowledge of magic. That’s if they were part of one of the larger more upstanding families. Ravenclaws often came in with lots of book smarts but little practical magic, Hufflepuffs were seldom destined to be potions masters, and Gryffindors were often a mixed bag. Beatrice had all the earmarks of a muggle-born who’d been given a crash course on how to blend in and wasn’t even trying. Maggie Weasley, on the other hand, was performing every bit as well as the more accomplished Slytherins. This despite the Weasley propensity to adhere strictly to the Ministry of Magic’s rules about not teaching children under the age of eleven any magic. And then there was Princess Nova Moon. Nova, in her desire to prevent any disasters within her sphere of influence, had abandoned any notion about not standing out and was presently demonstrating all the skill of a Prefect, and the patience of a saint in regards to Miss Lulamoon. And then it happened, that moment every potions master dreads, something happening that’s not supposed to happen. “Sweet mother in heaven.” Professor Black said in a soft whisper. There was a phoenix in the rafters. The potion itself was fairly benign but add one phoenix feather. Nova, without missing a beat, pulled out her wand, directed a spell at the bird encapsulating it in a globe, levitated it to the door opened the door with a flick of the wand, rolled the bird gently down the hall, and closed the door with the command, "Out, and stay out." After which she went right back to impressing upon Miss Lulamoon the importance of following directions. “You’ve all done moderately well.” Professor Black announced at the end of class. “Fortunately no disasters this time around, and I would hope this becomes a trend.” “Miss Moon, tarry a moment if you will. The rest of you may go.” “Sir?” Nova asks as she stood by her work station. She was just sure she was about to be scolded yet again. “I’m terribly sorry about Phenik.” “True a phoenix in a potions lab is dangerous indeed, but you did manage to deal with the bird. - What spell was that.” “Just a simple bubble spell. A phoenix is not the sort that’ll let just anyone catch them. As such, it won’t matter what spell that’s used if the bird doesn’t wish to be caught.” “I see, I see. No special Phoenix catching spell then.” “To catch a phoenix one must find one either still in the egg, newly fledged, or anywhere between. If the bird takes a liking to you they will stay until such time as they’ve had enough of you or until you die. The only exception I know of is one my brother raised from an egg but released to the wood so that they might find another of their kind.” “They are still good friends though.” “Indeed, indeed.” Professor Black said. “I can’t but help feel you don’t belong in this class.” “Sir?” “First year. - Your skill is well above the first-year standards. How skilled would you say you are? And tell me true.” “I know a few potions by memory, mostly healing drafts. I can manage most basic potions provided I’ve got a good set of instructions. My schooling has been sporadic so don’t ask me to do anything complex, or create my own.” “Well, you’re still well above the rest of the first years. I’m going to see what I can do about getting you bumped up at least a year. How old are you?” “I believe that I can honestly say that I’m fourteen now.” Nova offered. “You’re not sure?” “It is my luck to have missed a few birthdays having been away from home longer than I care, and you use a different calendar. Though I’ll say I’m at least thirteen years of age by your calendar, though I’d rather say fourteen. - I’m afraid we count our days differently. - I may even be a year or two older for all I know.” To be true in Equestria, Nova’s Equestria, the twelve months each had thirty days, the year three hundred sixty days, and not the three hundred sixty-five days, or the three hundred sixty-six days that occurred on a leap year of the human world. In Equestria, the years always had the exact number of days with no need to adjust the calendar due to wobbling planetary rotation around an uncaring sun. “And if asked you’ll insist on fourteen is it?” “Yes, sir.” “Tell me, what do you think of muggles, and muggle-born?” “Some are good, some are bad, and I doubt there is such thing as a true muggle-born.” “Mud-bloods you mean.” “If that’s the word you feel is appropriate, though it does seem harsh.” Nova offered. "The sin of the parent should never be placed on the child." "Unfortunately the sins of the parents weigh heavy on their children. - But tell me, what do you think of Miss Lulamoon?” “She needs kindness and understanding, she is clever but impatient. - Yes, I knew what I was getting myself in for when I chose to partner up with her. She alone solved the puzzle of platform nine and three quarters before any of the learned wizards could, and I dare say it was out of pure stubbornness. - She’ll need a lot of patience to undo what her parents did to her, and I would also call her friend despite her unbridled ambition.” “And you’ve no ambition?” “I need not ambition. From my perspective, to attempt to attain heights beyond that which I already possess, in haste and or lack of caution, would be pure folly. I have but to use that which I have already, wisely and generously. - Might I go now?” “Yes, by all means. - Off with you.” Phineas Black watched her go puzzled by this student. He’d much to discuss in tonight’s weakly staff meeting concerning new students. He'd a mind to test all new students and segregate according to the skill they had coming in the doors. Nova found Phenik still in the bubble out in the hall. She was racing about inside the ball rolling along the floor, and when she’d enough speed she’d lay down in the ball and go tail overhead round and round till she was quite dizzy the ball having come to a stop. She’d lay upside down until the world stopped turning and do it again. “Are you having fun in there?” Nova asked bending down. “You going to let her out?” Maggie asked. Maggie had waited. “She can get out anytime she wants. It’s just a bubble.” Nova explained. “I’d say she’s rather enjoying this new toy. 🐣 On Saturday Nova got to sleep in. Unfortunately, she couldn't sleep in as long as she’d like. The headmaster had invited himself over for tea. Nova wasn’t too sure she liked the idea, but couldn't think of a plausible excuse as to how to refuse him. Granted it was the girls' dorm, and knowing about the enchantment on the steps graciously accepted. If the stairs let him pass, there wasn’t a lot she could do to refuse him. Nova got up sometime before nine disappointed with herself for not getting up sooner, folded down her suitcase, placed it against an outside wall, and pulled it up to its front door, or I should say rotunda entrance, configuration. “Headmaster Scrimgeour will be here at ten.” She told her dorm mates. “You might want to make yourself presentable.” They were still in bed. She then opened the door to the rotunda and went in. “Excuse me Kitzumi-hime.” said a likeness of Miss Aiko dressed as a human maid, appearing to Nova as she entered. “There’s a number of uninvited guests in the holding cell.” “What? - Oh for harmony’s sake.” I need to get ready, I don’t have time for this.” Nova went to the stairs that lead down to the bottom floor, down a hallway, down another set of stairs to a basement, and then down a hallway, and opened a door. Inside there were three holding cells. All three were filled with house-elves. None of the cells were locked, and yet there they were. “Who?” Nova asked confused at the sight the little elf-like creatures clothed only in pillowcases. A spoke’s elf explained that they were the Hogwarts house-elves and that it was their duty to tidy up after students, and that usually included student’s trunks as well. They were at quite a loss as to how they’d ended up in the dungeon… nice though it may be. In fact, they all agreed it was the nicest dungeon they’d ever been locked up in. “Well if I can’t stop you from trying, I guess I’ve no choice but to allow you access. - However. As punishment for entering our apartments without permission, the Headmaster will be arriving shortly for tea with guests, you are to prepare a tea in the greenhouse upon the patio, it’s upstairs, you can’t miss it. I’d also like to remind you that these are royal apartments, and I expect you to dress appropriately. - Doors are unlocked.” Nova turned, and without another word, went back upstairs to get ready where she found Maggie getting dressed, all the while thinking, how very convenient. “Well, you didn’t think I’d want to miss the looks on their faces when they see this place?” Maggie offered. So the two made themselves ready and somehow managed to meet their guests at the door when they had come knocking. Maggie opened the door to see Headmaster Scrimgeour, Professor Marchbanks, and a wizard the girls had not yet met. The three looked through the entrance with astonishment. Beyond them, Ruth and Florence watched with big smiles on their faces. “Gentlemen, Professor Marchbanks, do come in,” Nova said from a short distance away. Both girls had on one of their nicer robes. “How is this even possible? Is it even safe?” Professor Marchbanks asked looking in. “I’ve had cabinet makers look at it, and they proclaimed it pure genius. I’m assuming that means it’s got their stamp of approval. My Aunt Tia modified an existing piece of luggage, and I’m told she managed to correct several issues that ordinarily limit the size a displaced space can be. - Please come in.” The three guests slowly entered as though their very presence might cause the whole thing to collapse. “Is that a balcony?” The headmaster said on spotting the large opening that looked out over the school grounds. “How is that even possible?” “It’s a twisting of space and time.” Nova offered. “It’s not visible from the outside, nor is it accessible without knowing where the sweet spot is. - Now if you’ll come with me, tea is being served in the greenhouse.” “The greenhouse?” Nova showed them downstairs to a landing that went through a set of large french doors with another landing in the greenhouse that looked out over the park-like setting. There on the spacious landing was a table and five chairs. The table itself was elegantly arranged with five place settings, tiered platters loaded with little sandwiches, cakes and other goodies, and a delightful little teapot. Standing nearby is Miss Aiko the maid. “Surely this is as large as the Chrystal palace.” Offered the man who had yet to be introduced. And no, he's not talking about the Crystal Empire, but a magnificent greenhouse of epic proportions built for the World's Fair in 1851. It lasted until 1936 when it was destroyed by fire, or so the muggles believed. It's still there you know if you know how to find it. “Headmaster Scrimgeour, you haven't introduced us yet?” “Oh, right, right, I brought along Professor Dietrich Flieger. - He’s the Quidditch instructor. He and I were hoping to get a look at your broom if that’s not too much.” “This way please, masters.” The maid offered, pulling out a chair. “Who’s she? - How is it you have a maid, don’t tell me you have her locked up in here?” Professor Marchbanks asked the presence of the maid finally registering. “Miss Aiko is an avatar spell. She’s a very sophisticated bit of spell work that is way beyond my ability.” Nova explained. “Shall we sit?” “Hang on, did you say broom, as in she’s violated school rules, and you knew?” Professor Marchbanks asked as she sat down. “I’m to understand, and it’s been confirmed by the ministry, that the moment we stepped through that door, we were stepping onto Eques sovereign soil. - Though by the looks of this place I wouldn't be a bit surprised if we hadn’t stepped through a portal to her country.” “I wish that were true, but I’m fairly sure none of my doors connect through to Eques.” Nova offered. Nova sat down, followed by Maggie, and the two men. “You’ve multiple doors?” The Headmaster asked. “In addition to the balcony yes.” Nova offered. Though I seldom use more than the one at a time. I can as I did on the train, open doors to specific rooms, or even just a single cupboard. I could if there was a need, set a spare door to open in a different location, within reason I’m told, and come and go that way. - Do not fear, I’ll not abuse it. Not without permission.” She flashed a winning smile. “I’ve heard tell you to seem to be able to find your way around better than even some of the more seasoned students, and a few of our instructors.” The headmaster said in an almost accusing tone. “Well, I’m not taking shortcuts. It takes time to set a second location properly.” Nova explained as Aiko poured the tea. “The balcony is automatic but only shows if there is a place for it. Otherwise, I’ll just get a generic skyline of the local I’m in. - No, my secret is as plane as the painted black pegacorn that follows me around. Interesting how no one notices her when she’s in a painting, but instantly remark on the Night Mare I own if she’s out in the open.” “She can interact with the paintings?” Professor Flieger asked. “Truth is she’s not a true Night Mare. She’s another avatar spell. She’s been scouting out my routes for me. All I have to do is look for her in a painting. How she figured out how to interact with the paintings is beyond me.” Nova explained. “Have a sandwich. They’re quite good.” “You mean she, or rather it, is just a spell?” Professor Marchbanks asked astonished. “And yet you speak of her as though she were a living thing.” The headmaster commented. “Hardly just a spell. - That spell has been tinkered with by several very powerful witches. - Including Princess Celestia herself prior to coming here.” Nova offered. “I suspect my Moonie has exceeded her original intent and has become a sentient creature of pure magic. - She’s gone beyond simply providing me with the original service intended to something of a companion who is keenly interested in my well being.” “Astounding. - Say, these are quite good. Where’d you get them?” The headmaster asked after trying one of the sandwiches. “No idea, you’ll have to ask your house-elves. I found quite a few in my dungeon for attempting to straighten out my footlocker without permission. I told them that they’d have to prepare the tea as punishment. - Oh, and I told them they’d have to dress more appropriately for a royal apartment.” “Please tell me you didn’t give them clothes?” Master Scrimgeour asked dropping a sandwich. “No, I didn’t. Have I aired?” Nova asked concerned. “Should I have? I mean, all they were wearing was pillowcases.” “That’s all they ever wear, and if you give them clothing, they interpret that as being sacked.” Professor Marchbanks explained. “Sacked?” Nova asked. “Fired.” “Oh, then we should be good. After all, I didn’t give them anything.” Nova replied sounding relieved. “Seems a strange custom though. - Really I was just giving them a bad time for trying to get in here without permission. - I must confess it worked out rather well for tea. Afraid I slept in a bit too late.” “I can’t help but wonder how all this is even possible?” Master Scrimgeour asked. “I gather from the reaction of most of the people who’ve seen this that it’s anything but typical,” Nova replied. “Ruth and Florence just seemed to accept it as typical for royalty.” “I’ve seen quite a few, and I’ve never seen anything anywhere near this scale.” Master Scrimgeour offered. “Miss Aiko, would you know anything about this specific cabinet?” Nova asked “I’m to understand from the memories I was allowed, that it’s a type forty-two luxury cabinet that was presented to Princess Celestia by one Doctor Whooves. The thing that makes it work is known as the Eye of Harmony.” “Eye of Harmony?” Nova asked as a twinge of excitement hit her. “Not related to the elements of Harmony so far as I know.” Miss Aiko offered. “I’m to understand it belonged to a dark wizard who called themselves the Master, but they abandoned it.” “Why ever would someone abandon something like this?” Professor Flieger asked. “My understanding is that while the chameleon circuit is quite possibly the best ever built, the propulsion system is, what was the word, oh yes, slag.” Aiko offered. “Propulsion? You don’t mean to say that this cabinet could move on its own?” Professor Flieger asked in astonishment. “At one point in relative time and space, yes, but being the propulsion system is function non-operational, it has to be carted around. - Other than that, the primary systems are in excellent condition. - Princess Celestia also did a complete sweep prior to reconfiguring it.” “Remarkable.” Master Scrimgeour said in quiet contemplation, not really understanding. “Hang on, I’ve heard of this Master. They’re on the very top of the most wanted list.” “Wouldn't surprise me in the least,” Miss Aiko replied. “Um excuse me, I do so hate to interrupt,” Ruth said approaching the table. “Is something amiss, Miss Nighy?” Professor Marchbanks asked. “It’s concerning Prefect Caydence Luyif.” Ruth offered. “She tried to sneak in. The door did this strange revolving door thing, and she vanished.” “Well that’s done it,” Nova said. “She’ll be in the dungeon.” “You have your own dungeon?” Professor Marchbanks asked. “It’s a very nice dungeon.” Ruth offered. "Lots of fun toys." "Ruth hush." "Toys?" Professor Marchbanks asked. "She's mistaking the exercise room for a dungeon. - I’d rather the whole school not know too much about my apartments.” Nova offered. “Would you mind too terribly if I left her in there until after tea?” “Serve her right for poking her nose into other people's business.” Master Scrimgeour offered. “And I can certainly understand not wanting people traipsing about in here. I can just picture having to form search parties to find lost students.” “Well, hopefully it’ll never come to that.” Nova offered. “Even if anyone does find there way in, there are clearly marked paths, and nothing dangerous. - With the possible exception of my broom.” “You have your own broom?” Ruth asked. “Yes, it’s right over there,” Nova said pointing towards the entrance. “Professor Flieger wished to see it. Ruth, could you fetch it, and don’t try to ride it.” “I can ride a broom.” Ruth protested as she went to get it. When she returned with the broom a moment later she had an expression of reverent awe. “I’ve never seen the like.” “Since I built it for myself, I tailored it to myself.” Nova offered as Professor Flieger took hold of the broom so that he might inspect it. "And Ruth, I don't doubt you, it's just that the broom will take off like a bottle rocket, and you'd as likely find yourself being quickly acquainted with the ceiling." "Duly noted," Ruth replied looking at the ceiling high above. “It’s got a nice shape to it, Blackthorn if I’m not mistaken.” Professor Flieger remarked. “The wood is well-favored for the use of enchantments.” “Same as my wand. - I reasoned that being my wand was blackthorn, a blackthorn staff for a broom would respond to my magic better.” “Why is it white, and not black though?” Professor Marchbanks asked. “Only the outer bark is black.” Professor Flieger stated. “Strip the wood of the bark and what you have left is a nice clean white shaft. After that, the color is dependent on the varnish used. - Ah, is this unicorn hair?” “Pegasi.” Nova offered. “It’s some I had. - The trick to getting pegasus hair that can be used for a broom is to get the hair without stressing the pegasus.” “Yes, of course, that would make sense. Trigger the flight or fight response, and the magic in the hair would be too erratic for use in a broom. - And you’ve done some mighty fine charms too...” “Might I have a look at the broom?” Professor Marchbanks asked. Ruth took the broom over to her, and she inspected it. “Miss Moon. Quit holding back in class. And that goes for you too Maggie.” “I’m sorry, it’s just that...” Nova began. “You’d be scolded for being too good, is that it?” Master Scrimgeour asked. “Scolded for being too good?” Professor Marchbanks asked astonished. “No, don’t tell me, Professor Krasnodar.” “I have had formal training in Princess Celestia’s own school in our land of Eques from an early age.” Nova offered. “My own parents have passed on such additional knowledge they felt best. - To be measured against the least of your new students having known nothing of magic, and to be found at fault for knowing too much.” Nova left off that which was in her heart. “I can provide a letter, though I fear its words may be without standing in this land.” “So is she the only one we need to be wary of?” Maggie asked. “For the most part yes.” Master Scrimgeour offered. “You’ve already made a believer out of Professor Black, which isn’t easy to do mind you. - As for Professor Merrythought, your defense against the dark arts teacher, do as your told in regards to practical work, but feel free to provide detailed reports with plenty of verifiable references.” “You’ll need to do exactly as told in my class as well.” Professor Flieger emphasized. “Not that I want to hold you back mind you. The issue is that I always get a mixed bag in first-year. Some can ride, and some can not. And there are those who think they can, but can’t. - I’m more concerned with beginners trying to copy advanced fliers. - I already know you can. Furgus Potter and Daisy Dartford have vouched for you, and they are on the Gryffindor quidditch team. - They also proclaimed you to be the best ride ever. - They quickly rephrased concerning what they meant.” He added the last with a smile and a wink. Nova blushed and laughed. “I’m to understand you have a riding outfit as well. Be sure to wear it to class.” “Thank you, sir, I will.” That night a meeting was held in a small room with a single large oval table that would have looked very much at home in a corporate board room save that the center was open with a hearth in which coals of a fire long-burning glowed quietly. On the walls were great works of art, presently filled with the subjects of many, interested as they were to the proceedings at hand. There gathered were the instructors of Hogwarts. The Headmaster sat in his place with a letter in front of him. They’d gathered to speak of Nova’s future, and to the surprise of many, Phineas Black was her staunchest supporter. Of course, Nova’s performance over the week had been that of an average student save for in potions. But this was explained by the headmaster while producing an additional parchment. Professor Krasnodar objected refusing to acknowledge what her own headmaster bore witness to. “We will give her another week.” Headmaster Scrimgeour said at last. “Then if her performance has not improved then nothing more be said on this matter. But if it has improved, then we should set her such tests as would be needed to properly evaluate her skill so that she might be placed with her own age group, or as close as may be appropriate. - All those in agreement say eye.” One by one the witches and wizards said eye until there was but one hold out. That’s when a peculiar thing happened, out from one of the paintings stretched out the head of the Night Mare. Those gathered all saw it, all that is save the one who assumed they were looking at her. The Night Mare stretched ever closer, stuck out her tongue with a goodly bit of spit on the end of her tong, and stuck it in Krasnodar’s ear. 👅 “Eyeeeeeeeeee!” Krasnodar cried. “Well then, it’s unanimous.” Headmaster Scrimgeour said with a cheerful tone as the midnight blue mare retreated to the painting. > Chapter 7: Witches Brooms and secrets. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova looked at the brooms laying in the turf of the quidditch pitch with disgust. Not only did the school brooms look like they’d be lucky to fly, but the sweeps were in such bad condition they wouldn't even make a decent snack. It was Thursday afternoon, the day now split between Transfigurations and the broom riding class. Aside from the condition of the brooms, Nova’s week had been going well. Here teachers, with one exception, were encouraging her to excel. She’d also been bolstered by Moonie’s news that if she could demonstrate that she was worthy of advancement, she’d be given the opportunity. Every moment not in class or not doing after-class assignments was spent studying, along with making a list of possible topics that might be presented to her, followed up by the additional targeted study. Her study notes had reached epic proportions. Back to the subject at hand, which Nova reasoned, might also be on a test as well. “I’d like you all to pick out a broom.” Professor Flieger instructed. Nova walked over to a broom that looked like it might hold up a little while longer and looked about to see what the others were doing. Most of the boys had picked out decent brooms as well. Of the girls, Maggie and Ruth had also picked out decent brooms. The three girls were also the only girls in the combined class who had on the prescribed riding outfit. The boys had trousers and a shirt on under their robes with the robes opened from the waist down. “Sir, how is it that Gryffindors and Slytherins must be in the same broom class.” One of the Slytherin girls asked. “Because it’s been my experience that Slytherins and Gryffindors more often than not, tend towards catching on fairly quickly when it comes to riding a broom.” Professor Flieger offered as a seventh-year boy flew over on what could only be his own broom. Then he added with a wink, “Not so much with Ravenclaws or Hufflepuff. - Not that you heard that from me, mind you. - Oh, right, Thoarin, you’re here, good. - Listen up, Thoarin is the Gryffindor quidditch team captain. He’ll be helping us. - Now the first thing we are going to do is give the command up, wait for it Mr Ogden.” One of the Gryffindor boys had already jumped ahead, and his broom was now in hand. “Place your right hand over the broom.” “I’m left-handed.” Alma Ashworth offered. A Gryffindor girl. “Unless you plan on sitting on your broom the wrong way around, you might just want to use your right hand. Do not straddle your broom while doing...” One of the boys let out a squeak and crumpled to the ground. “Especially the boys.” Barely canceled laughter bubbled up from the first years. “Do pay attention, and for heaven’s sake don’t go doing anything before I tell you. - Now, place your broom to your right, put out your hand, and command up. - Go on do it.” Nova’s broom responded in an instant, as did Maggie’s, Ruth’s, and many others. Most of the boys had their brooms in hand within the third attempt, but many of the girls who were either muggle-born or having been discouraged to set bottom upon the shaft of wood struggled yet. This was an imposed condition set on the girls by parents and grandparents who held outdated notions about it being inappropriate for girls to ride a shaft of any sort. Especially if it meant putting it between their legs. Beatrice to her credit had her broom in hand within the second command. “Well, those of you who have yet to command your broom, keep at it. - Those of you who’ve managed that much, come with me.” Professor Flieger instructed. “Thoarin, stay with them.” He then directed those who had their brooms in hand a few paces over. “Now, for the girls who have skirts, you’ll want to sit side-saddle.” Professor Flieger began. “Take the shaft, bring it around behind you, take hold behind you, bring it down, sit, twist forward, and shift your left hand forward. - Gentlemen, drop the sweep down and step over. Bring the shaft up, and sit. - You three girls who have Riding outfits may do the same. - Once you are aboard, grip tight the shaft of the broom with both hands, and your feet will gently lift up off the ground.” He waited a few moments. “Now.” Professor Flieger began. “Your target will be the far end of the pitch, around the three-goal rings, back to the goal rings at the other end. Take a steady pace, and fly no higher than you wish to fall. - Now, one by one, will your brooms forward, and be off with you.” Immediately several boys took off and raced for the goal. Maggie, Ruth, Nova, and Beatrice followed quickly. Several more looked unsure as to how to ‘will’ a broom to do anything. Nova revealed at the feel of the wind in her face and longed to soar into the sky. But no, she had to stay with the rest least someone tries to follow. She also doubted the broom could manage it, and she’d be forced to transform. Far ahead the boy in the lead made a hard landing as his broom failed. He got up and kicked at the broom. “We’d best not go too fast.” Ruth offered. “These brooms I fear have seen better days.” “I suppose I could call it a school expense,” Nova said softly to herself. “Pardon?” Maggie asked. “A gift I think to make, but I shall have to do so anonymously, and time it so that it won’t be delivered until after such decisions are made as to whether or not I’m to be advanced to the next grade or not.” “Would you leave me behind?” Maggie asked. There was a quiet hurt in her voice. “My dear Maggie, the time when we must part, will come far too soon.” Nova offered. “I linger here but a short while, and then I must be on my way.” The girls said nothing more as they contemplated Nova’s words. ✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍ Come Saturday Headmaster Scrimgeour met with those teachers whose opinions he felt mattered. “Never have I seen a student so at home in the sky.” Professor Flieger offered. “As I’m sure you are aware the Gryffindor Quidditch team had their tryouts today. Allowed to use her own broom she danced upon the zephyrs as though she’d abandoned her task at catching the Snitch.” “Yes, I saw.” Scrimgeour offered. “I suspect she’d caught the Snitch right from the start, and only came down when she’d drunk deeply of the joy of flight.” “Indeed she did.” Flieger offered. “When she came down, Thoarin asked if she’d perhaps given up, indeed many of the hopefuls had given up hope of finding it. She apologized explaining that once she was in the air she’d no desire to come down so soon, pulled the Snitch out of her pocket, and gave it to him. Not one person can say when she had caught it.” Phineas Black made an account of how Nova somehow managed to accomplish the tasks given her despite her partner Beatrice, who while improving under Nova’s tutelage was a complete dunderhead. “I will have to have one of my more patient apprentices keep an eye on Beatrice. I fear teaming her up with any of the other first-years might prove disastrous.” “You speak as though the decision has already been made.” Galatea Merrythought asked. “And have you any reason why we should not?” Black asked. “If I had my way I’d evaluate the skill of all new students, and place them according to skill.” “Which could potentially place a lot of muggle-born at a disadvantage.” Scrimgeour reminded him. “Better to place them at the level that is appropriate to their skill or lack thereof then to hold back bright young minds. They’ll just have to catch up or fall behind.” Black stated flatly. "It's a pity we can't start them sooner." Next came Griselda Marchbanks who made an account of how much better Nova was doing now that she no longer felt the need to hold back. She was followed by the charms teacher, and the herbology teacher who’d discovered that Nova had a vast knowledge of herbs, her only fault being she knew most by different names. “We’ve not heard from you yet, Castor?” Headmaster Scrimgeour asked. Professor Castor Steorra thought for a moment. “I’ve never seen a child soak up knowledge so fast, and yet, it’s as though she has never laid eye on the night sky before. That is to say our night sky.” He said at length. “Well, she is from a different country.” Dietrich offered. “That’s not it,” Castor replied in contemplation. “Surely her country would see the same night sky. She should know the same stars only by different names, just as with the herbs. - She doesn’t know the night sky at all. What’s more, it is on the first night of the first year Gryffindor class, at the end of the class, something occurred that I can’t quite place my finger on. I’d ushered the class downstairs only to discover she’d hung back, so I went back to get her. What I saw… at first I thought surely this girl is a Veela. True I was mesmerized, but what I felt wasn’t the sort of thing one would expect from a Veela. Her eyes were like silver, her hair billowed out even though the night air was still, stars danced about her, and she glowed as though a piece of the very moon had descended from the heavens. She was looking up at the moon with what I took to be a deep longing, the sort of look one often sees in a child’s eyes who longs for home. I felt the power as well. There was more power in her at that moment than I’ve ever felt from another human being in my life. Some ancient power fearsome and ominous. And then it was over and she was back to being just an ordinary girl. She turned to me, and I saw such sadness in her eyes that I nearly wept. She must have known I’d seen everything. She looked me in the eye and said in a soft voice ‘It’s so cold, so lonely’ as though she’d expected to feel some familiar presence on the moon.” He stopped for a moment, the room remains silent as the others contemplated what he’d said. “She turned away, said she needed to go back to her room, and that was it.” “What do we know of Celestial foxes?” Merrythought asked. “I too felt that surge of power.” “Not much of anything I’m afraid.” Scrimgeour offered. “Only rumor, legend, and conjecture of what kind of creature they might even be. I can’t help but wonder if what you saw was a manifestation of her blood curse. - I felt that surge as well. Most ancient it felt. - Still, though, we should not fear what we do not know or understand, for if we do, we will be little better than muggles ourselves. - What I can tell you is what I know of Princess Celestia who’d been a silent partner in the founding of this institution. From the first-hand accounts of her, and the palace that Princess Nova has in Gryffindor tower, yes, a palace. Princess Celestia’s power must truly be awesome.” On the following Saturday Nova was presented with a battery of exams, and by Monday morning she was presented with third-year books and told not to be late for class. Nova was ecstatic, gave all her friends a hug, and called for Daisy Dartford to wait up as Nova had no idea where she needed to go. 👻 All hallows Eave Moonie delighted at this holiday more so than Nova and was delighting in hopping out of paintings, crossing whatever room hall or stairwell she might be in to jump back into another. After all, it was to her, but a variation of her maker’s own holiday. No one could be sure when she’d do it, and people began eyeing dark horses in paintings suspiciously. Now the thing about Halloween at Hogwarts is that it was the one time of year that pranks were not only tolerated but encouraged. And only now did Nova begin to understand what Celestia had done to her guardian as Moonie engaged in some very Princess Celestia like pranks. Among other things, hot sauce seemed to be finding its way into some interesting things. Halloween was also Mrs Krasnodar’s least favorite holiday next to All Fools day owing to the fact that she was universally disliked. Nor was the tentacle coming out of her coffee cup appreciated. Meanwhile, the students who could make the ghost balls had discovered they could pack multiple tufts together to create rideable clouds, but only by the people capable of packing the things. Nova couldn't help but speculate that these most talented in the packing of clouds might have pegasi counterparts in Equestria. Students could be seen belly surfing on tiny clouds down hallways and across rooms throughout the school. Those who’d yet to figure out the trick would fall right through landing painfully on the floor. Other areas were full of strange mists due to the use of expansion spells on the little clouds, and a few enterprising individuals had even sculpted spooky ghosts that both alarmed and amazed many. Even the ghost were fascinated by them. Meanwhile, Fergus having figured out how to make mini thunder clouds, would set them adrift, and then activate it with a wand from a distance. A close call happened with the clouds when one of the boys found himself on a slowly diminishing cloud high over the well of the grand staircase. Watching him attempting to swim in mid-air would have been comical if not for the immediate danger. Several professors got their wands out to levitate the lad to safety just as Moonie swept up underneath and carried him aloft. She circled around a few times landed, and walked into a painting, the boy dropping to the floor with a plop. “Then I shall tell you the tale of that which lead to my coming here.” Nova offered to a small group, one of whom had asked her. She’d gotten her hands on a strange instrument that couldn't seem to decide if it was a guitar or a harp, and strummed it now and then. “I’m afraid it’s all on account of the cake. The thing is... The Queen of the day she loved her cake, and never a bite would she share it. But the queen of the night looked on in delight and swore she’d dine upon it. Stealthily she crept while her sister slept, and stole it out from under. But before she could be away, her sister they say awoke from her slumber. - And the chase goes on to this very day.” “So what you are saying is we now have night and day thanks to a theft of cake?” Someone asked bemused. “Wait, what? What’s night and day have to do with cake?” “She’s been pulling your leg.” Beatrice offered having joined the group. She’d a smirk on her face. “Not that you didn’t deserve it, what with asking about personal family matters that are none of our business. - The Queen of the Day is the sun, and the Queen of the Night is the moon.” Nova gave Beatrice a hug. “I knew you were clever from the moment I set eyes on you. - By the way, how are you doing in potions?” “Do you mean since you abandoned me?” “I suppose so, but that too is a lesson.” Nova offered. “Rely on your friends when they are by your side, but remember that there will be times when they won’t be there to help you.” “I confess it’s a hard lesson.” Beatrice offered. “I floundered at first, but after my potions had failed no less than three times I took to heart what you’d been trying to get through to me. - Potions are indeed a serious business. - Now, on the other hand, I’m quite good at creating teacups.” “I imagined you might be.” Nova offered with a smile even as someone came running to where they’d gathered. “Miss Moon, Miss Moon.” said a boy gasping for breath as he approached. “Can we help you?” Nova asked. “Bathroom. Hole. Down.” He gasped. “Must be some new riddle for us.” Nova Mused. “Take a moment, and try again.” “Harold, bathroom.” He began again. “You are the Harold of Bathroom?” Beatrice asked thinking it some prank. “No, Harold Ollivander was in the bathroom, and he went down the hole.” “I know he’s thin, but you can’t be suggesting he got flushed can you?” Beatrice asked. “Not flushed.” the boy offered. He’d run a considerable distance and was still trying to get his breath. “Oisin, try explaining with a little more detail.” Nova prompted as she let go of her grip on Beatrice. “We um, a group of us boys that is, snuck into the girls' bathroom...” “You what?” Several of the girls chimed. “Second floor. - To get a look at the big hole in the wall. He slipped, and slid right down the pipe.” Oisin explained. “Oh, and you want me to transform, and fly down after him don’t you?” Nova replied, her voice well flavored with rising anger. The girls had, for the most part, stayed well clear of that hole, and the boys… it was a girl’s privy for harmony's sake! “I wouldn't ask, but you know what the teachers said. We thought...” “You thought you’d come to me when you should be going to the teachers.” Nova all but spat out. “I swear, that boy will be the end of me yet. And I’ve a good idea why none of our professors want to go near it. There is a foul rank smell coming out of there.” “Then you’ll not help?” “I didn’t say that. Duty calls, and away I must go once more into the breach.” Nova said her voice commanding as though it rang with distant thunder. She handed the instrument she’d found to Beatrice, transformed to her fox form, and shot away with blinding speed. “Pray tell, where has my charge gone to in such great haste?” Moonie asked poking her head out of a painting. “To the toilet.” Beatrice offered. “We shall have to counsel her not to wait so long then.” Moonie mused, and then trotted off in the direction Nova had gone. The flight of the celestial fox through the school gathered the attention of more than a few to the point she might as well have been a flare racing through the halls. “Away from there you fools!” Nova shouted on entering the second-floor girl’s toilet. A moment later she dove into the hole. The stench. Surely something horrible waited in that pit. Nor was it toilet stench either. Nova transformed back into her true form, the passage plenty large enough for a small pony, and used the spell of recall to teleport her messenger uniform, the blue-gray Shadow bolt duty uniform, and black armor took but a moment to put on while slowly descending. What the girls had assumed to be shields, were in fact wing guards. Nova made fast her hoof daggers of adamantine, true silver the metal was often called, cast a camouflage spell, and silently drifted down the passage. She stayed close to the ceiling while stealing her nerves less she falter. “Snakes, why does it have to be snakes?” Harold’s voice could be heard from somewhere ahead. A few moments later he let out an odd sort of eep followed by the sound of something hitting the floor. Nova glided into a large chamber, a crypt of some sort. That or a shrine to snakes. There was a stone path down the center which was guarded on either side by great busts of snakes that came up out of dark reflecting pools making it impossible to know how deep the stone snakes went. Up ahead… Nova’s fur stood on end, her fear having taken form there in front of her the great worm raised up, but it did not as yet perceive the silent hunter gliding into the chamber. Beyond that the face of Slytherin. The creature's mind was presently on the now lifeless boy. Nova did not know what this serpent was but thought sure that it could only be the fabled Jabberwock. Her father’s words came back to her, beware the Jabberwock my foal! The jaws that bite, the claws… hang on, this thing had no claws, though it definitely had jaws that bite, and pail eyes of canary yellow. She never did much care for the color. Perhaps it was a Frumious Bandersnatch? Yes, that must be it. That or Wyrm. Wyrm seemed most likely. The Wyrm in offish thought cast its eyes away from its prey. It could smell the fear, and feel the air displaced. It knew not where, and scalled the chamber with eyes of flame. Down she struck, one-two, through and through, her blades of adamantine cut. And then with a crack, the boy she’d snatch, and away once more with a mighty thunderclap before the head could hit the floor. High above they listened with fright, as the Beast thrashed its last, its head now on the floor. Crack! The air shattered as the armored pegacorn appeared in the great hall, the camouflage spell having been abandoned. She took no heed of those around, struck as they were by an odd mix of fear and an irrational desire to hug it, and laid her charge on the floor, his eyes to open never more. Her head did rise and summoned to herself one of Fergus’s black clouds. She held it above Harold, and with a thwack the cloud gave a crack, and dear sweet Harold, did jump to life once more. Harold looked up at the pony, knew that mane, he coughed, and said. “Hi, Nova.” “Idiot,” Nova replied, and vanished with a crack. 🎃 “Nova!” Moonie called, her words echoing in the now still crypt. On realizing what was going on she’d raced down after, but Nova had teleported away, the castle’s wards never having been designed to negate unicorn magic. Nova popped back in with a loud crack. “What in the name of harmony?!” “Harold Ollivander fell in, and found his way here.” Nova offered while producing a swarm of steel balls from a small saddlebag. Each about the size of a marble. “He was mostly dead, and I made quick to return the favor to this serpent.” “Dead?” “He got better.” “He got better?” “His heart had stopped. I jump-started him with one of Fergus’s clouds.” Nova then began to assault the mask of Salazar Slytherin with her heavy steel shot using her levitation spell to fire the shot repeatedly at the mask. The speed of the shot anywhere between eight hundred to a thousand horns distance per second. High above it sounded like the attack of a thousand woodpeckers. Or was it jackhammers? The sound of the shot racing through the air faster and faster emanated forth, the sound twisted so that it sounded like the rumbling of a dragon. “Why art though doing this?” Moonie asked at length, and then the mask of Salazar cracked and fell with a mighty crash. Nova was forced to use her shield to protect herself as a great wall of dust and debris issued forth, and up the pipe forcing the people who’d gathered in the bathroom to flee, and bar the doors. When the dust had cleared a clutch of pale green eggs had been revealed in a hollow behind the mask, among them one egg that clearly did not belong in that clutch. “A pegasus egg!” Moonie exclaimed. “I sensed the eggs...” Her eyes on the pegasus egg. “I never would have guessed there’d be a pegasus egg.” Nova offered. She used her magic to gently lift the pegasus egg to herself and then destroyed the eggs of the serpent. “A task I give you now, my dear sweet knight, search these passages so that we might know if there is a mate. Find the openings, and collapse them, if you dare, so that no other beast may enter and place at threatening those we would call friends. - I’ll take this egg to our Tia, and then I must reappear in human form so that none will be so foolish as to venture down here.” And with that she vanished to reappear in her own hall. “Tia!” Nova called. “I have much need of you! - Tia!” The avatar of Princess Celestia appeared before her, her countenance more of light then of flesh. “A need?” “I have just now rescued this egg from a great worm who’d kept it, perhaps as a snack for later. It’s still warm, but I must be quickly away before I am searched for.” “This little one will need love.” Tia offered. “This little one will need to be kept warm while I must be away, and I see no more perfect incubator than thyself.” Nova segested. “And I’ve no doubt our sweet Princess Celestia has endowed you with a fair share of her love.” “You would make an incubator of me?” Tia said with a smile. “This will likely be a wild pegasus.” “Even so, I could not leave this little one behind. It would be against the Shadowbolt code.” 👥 Outside the girls' bathroom a gathering of teachers waited with wands ready, the students urged away. The door opened and the light shown forth. Nova walked out in human form, while behind her was the golden alicorn. The Alicorn waited but a moment and was gone. The gap in the wall now sealed with the crest of Celestia. Nova stepped out of the room, and the teachers lowered their wands. Those students who’d not as yet left the hall looked on in wonderment. “I have need to speak with the Headmaster,” Nova said. “Concerning this matter.” “What has happened?” Professor Marchbanks asked she is the first to regain her wits.” “An ancient trap that gap, beneath which was a chamber of secrets. But I will not speak of it now. Let the depths of the mountains keep their dark secrets. That which is down there shall never find its way here by that passage.” “Princess Nova.” Headmaster Scrimgeour called as he made his way down the hall. “Come, and we will discuss this.” “Professor Marchbanks, will you come as well, I’ve got a matter I need to speak with you both as well.” Nova offered, and a moment later the three took their leave. 📝 “I was in the hall when you appeared and returned life to Harold Ollivander.” Brutus Scrimgeour Headmaster of Hogwarts said once the three had retired to his office. “I did no such thing,” Nova replied. “Do you deny that was yourself?” Scrimgeour asked. “I do not.” Nova offered. “I did not return his life. I but used the energy in the small cloud to restart his heart.” “What is this I hear?” Griselda Marchbanks asked. “And what was that golden pegasus of light?” “The mare of light was none other than the avatar of my Aunt Celestia.” Nova offered. “There was a great worm in a secreted chamber deep in the mountain. A shrine of sorts dedicated to Salazar Slytherin.” She paused but a moment to collect her thoughts. “Crypt it was. Quite possibly Salazar Slytherin’s judging from the mask. There are a number of underground passages leading out from there as well.” “From what Harold told me, that worm was a Basilisk. Its very look is death if it but looks into the eyes.” Scrimgeour offered. “I then made my way to the second-floor toilets as quickly as I could. And from what I know of Salazar Slytherin he left after a heated disagreement with the founders never to return. - Strange, and troubling this.” “The death that Harold experienced is not a true death.” Nova offered. “Such was the power of that gaze that it caused Harold’s heart to stop. And such is Fergus Potter that he’d unwittingly given me the means to start that heart again. - Granted there is a finite time to do so.” “I see. - And you apparated, you and him to the main hall in the guise of a pegasus.” Scrimgeour stated. “Teleported, it’s a different sort of magic, and the wards bar not unicorn magic.” Nova offered. She then told them all that had transpired. “But how is it you can use unicorn magic?” Professor Marchbanks asked astonished when Nova had finished. “She has a second Animageus form. That of a winged unicorn.” Scrimgeour offered. “That which we commonly name a pegacorn.” “Two Animageus forms?” Marchbanks asked astonished. “And undoubtedly the reason for her presumed blood curse I think. It’s left the permanent mark on her.” Scrimgeour reasoned. Nova’s second form was actually that of a human girl, but she did not as yet wish to correct this error in his thinking. “But you said you retrieved a pegasus egg. What do you intend to do with it now?” “I intend to hatch the little one and raise them as my own. And before you object, my people are well versed in how to raise a pegasus, and I am better equipped than any ordinary mortal man. All I’ll need is milk for the foal once they’ve hatched.” “You speak as though you are immortal.” Professor Marchbanks pointed out. “Well, I’m fairly sure death will find me quick enough if sword or spear should give me grievous injury.” Nova offered. “As to how long I expect to live, only time will tell.” Then she added with a lighthearted smile. “And I shall count every day past today as a gift. Had that Basilisk, as you called it, realized I was hunting it from above the chamber instead of cowering in fear somewhere, I might not be here now but in the belly of the beast. - Though it seemed more to me to be a Wyrm. It was a bit too dragonish, and lacked the limbs that a Europen Basilisk would normally have, and was far too large for a Roman Basilisk.” “Never a truer word has ever been spoken I suspect regarding your good fortune.” Her words troubled him. “Can’t very well go down there to look at it short of going in through the sewers. Pity.” Scrimgeour offered. “I’ll let our master of beasts, Mr Mackintosh, know to be at your disposal. - There is also the issue of the fact that it had eggs in the first place. A Basilisk is something created by a wizard and it’s not supposed to be able to reproduce. Plus there is the possibility of another out there somewhere. - Were you not afraid?” “Afraid?” Nova asked boldly. “I was near ready to piss myself.” She punctuated her statement with a smile and a laugh that spoke of great relief at coming through her adventure un-eaten. “My Moonie is looking to see if there might be another, just as well no one can get down there. - Also, I’d like to keep the presence of the pegasus egg quiet. And it’ll be necessary for me to spend as much time with the egg as possible. That means sleeping with the little one while in my pegasus form as it’s beneficial to the foal inside. Also with your permission, and Mr Mackintosh's permission, I’d like to open a door as close to the barns as possible.” “You don’t mean to keep it in your bed in the tower do you?” Professor Marchbanks asked. “On the contrary, I’ll be sleeping in my own bed, as the tower is a might bit too cool for a foal. I’ve also talked Tia into being an incubator when I’m not there.” “Tia?” Scrimgeour asked. “Princess Celestia’s avatar,” Nova explained. “I believe you got a glimpse. She’s the one who placed the seal on the entrance to the chamber, and I should probably talk to her about providing you with a way in.” she had to think a moment. “I doubt you’d want her setting an egg in my room in the tower. I imagine her presence might unhinge my roommates. I didn’t introduce her to yourselves at Tea when you came to visit as I figured everything would be overwhelming enough.” “I got a good look, and she’s right, that whatever that was would be rather unsettling for the students.” Professor Marchbanks admitted. “This whole affair will be rather unsettling, and I think it best we do some readjusting regarding what people have seen. Rumors will run rampant if we don’t. I can tell Caydence you are working on a special project. - How do we contact you though?” “The two of you can just knock and Miss Aiko will let you in.” Nova offered. “The girls in my dorm room have access as well. And the owls seem to have no difficulty finding their way in. The girls understand to stay out of my chambers, except I’ve allowed Maggie in. I’ll have to bring her into my confidence. Suddenly telling her she can’t come in would be difficult. I let Ruth and Florence use one of the baths, and they have willingly kept the scope of my apartment a secret so they wouldn't have to share the bath I let them use.” Nova gave a wink. “Oh, so that’s it.” Professor Marchbanks said with a smile. “Caydence has yet to see any of the four of you use the girl’s baths, and couldn't for the life of her figure out how you were keeping yourself clean.” “The dorm baths are hardly large enough for the number of girls that are expected to use them.” Nova offered. “I shall have to see about expanding it, or providing more.” Scrimgeour offered. “Especially being that we’ve been saved the cost of new brooms thanks to an anonymous and generous donation. I’ll give you what you want. And we will do our best to keep secret all that needs keeping secret. - I think what we will tell everyone is that Harold fell down an old sewage pipe, you went after him, and there’d been a collapse.” “My greatest fear is that some curious person might do some mischief out of ignorance.” Nova offered. “A pegasus foal is a most delicate treasure. Even more so while still in the egg.” “Now, I wish to talk to Professor Marchbanks, and you may return to your precious bundle.” Scrimgeour requested. “I think that I’d like to check on Harold, it’ll be time for dinner when I’m done, and then I’ll turn in early.” Nova offered as she got up. “Thank you.” Headmaster Scrimgeour waited till she left. “Are you sure letting her keep that egg is a good idea?” Professor Marchbanks asked. “How could I not when she thinks of the egg as a child? And for all we know she may be more of pegasus than human.” His mind went back to the paintings in Nova’s apartments. The paintings featured mostly ponies of the field, unicorns, pegasi of the sky, and pegacorns arrayed in royal remnant. Not a single painting of a human could he remember seeing. The Avatar of Celestia looked very much like one of the royal pegacorns. Yes, he’d gotten a glimpse if not a good look. “I can’t help but wonder why she hasn’t let Caydence know the full extent of her apartments.” “Dear Caydence is a bit of a meddler, and I doubt she’d keep any of this secret for long.” Professor Marchbanks offered. “Oh her motives would be good enough, but in her desire to be helpful, the wrong people are bound to find out.” 🛏 Nova arrived at the school's infirmary to find Thoarin, Fergus, Daisy, and Newt were presently visiting with Harold. The four members of the quidditch team had a worried look on their faces. “How is he doing?” Nova asked. “Nova,” Thoarin said looking at her. “There’s been some queer rumors since he fell in the hole. What's more, is he’s got some idea that you’re a horse. - I think he bumped his head on the way down.” “Now Harold, you mustn't be telling people I’m a horse.” Nova chastised softly. “There was a pegasus, I saw it. A lot of people saw it.” Fergus offered. “It even had armor on.” Nova thought for a moment. “Harold and I were pulled out of the old sewage drain following its collapse. Harold was taken straight to the infirmary, and I went to talk with the Headmaster. Harold bumped his head, and you saw a prank that was ill-timed. - That’s all there was to it.” The others looked at her, blinked, but said nothing to the contrary. Nova wasn’t happy about what she’d just done, but it’d make things easier. “Harold, you’re lucky you even survived the fall,” Daisy said. “So what was it like to have a sewage tunnel collapse while you were in it?” Fergus asked. “Really scary, and not something I ever want to experience again.” Nova offered. Behind her, the sound of one of the professors could be heard approaching. Nova turned to see Professor Merrythought the DADA teacher. How much had she seen? “Miss Nova, I’d like a word with you if I may? - The rest of you, with the exception of Mr Ollivander who will be staying overnight for observation, need to be off to dinner. I’m to understand he got hit in the head by a very large chunk of the ceiling.” Professor Merrythought said to them. “Professor?” Nova asked. “Come, I’ve something I wish to discuss, a little extra credit if you’re up to it.” Professor Merrythought said while indicating that Nova should follow. “Well, now I see why I can’t read you.” Merrythought offered as they went down a hallway. Nova said nothing till after they’d gone into a small library off an office that was used by Professor Merrythought. “Messing with the minds of my friends is not something I do lightly.” Nova offered. “It is a distasteful betrayal of trust, and to do it to my own friends. Nor would you want to read my mind.” “Wouldn't I?” “I got caught up in a war.” Nova shuddered at the memory. “Some of my memories are not the sort of thing any sane person would want to see.” Nova took in a deep breath, and let it out slowly. “Nor do I wish to forget wholly those comrades in arms who I loved so well.” Nova let out a sigh. “Leave me to deal with my memories, and tell me what it was you wanted?” Professor Merrythought said nothing, went to a table where a large book lay and opened to a bookmark. “Is this what you saw in the crypt?” Nova looked at the three-dimensional image that moved about on the page. Its glare gave her a shiver. “Sure is a good thing a picture of one doesn’t become one. - What I saw was more dragonish.” Nova then thumbed through the pages till she found the page for the Wyrm which was a sort of legless dragon while still being considered a serpent. The king of snakes it might be called, though generally considered a dragon. She studied that one for a bit, but no, that wasn’t quite right either, and Wyrms didn’t have the same eyes as a Basilisk when it looked into your eyes. Nova got an idea, pulled out her wand, and then pulled out the images from the book to compare them side by side. Professor Merrythought watched in amazement. “Don’t worry, it’s just an illusion. There are a few things I’m especially good at and illusions are one. - Now, what I saw was very much like a Wyrm having no limbs, more so than the large snake-like creature listed as a Basilisk, but at the same time more snake-like than a typical Wyrm.” She then combined the two images and made a few adjustments. “There, that’s what I saw.” She announced satisfied with her work. “I sent my Moonie to see if there might be a mate being there was a clutch of eggs. - Any chance you have an image cell I can place this in so I can save the image?” “Yes, yes, of course.” Merrythought offered and pulled out a large book with mostly blank pages. She opened the book to a blank cell, and Nova lowered what she’d created into it, the image forming. “So that’s it then. And you killed it?” “I got the drop on it. I was lucky. I’m also battle-hardened.” Nova offered. “Being here has helped… save for this instance.” “Dare say I’d have fared as well.” “Can you fly, camouflage yourself, and teleport?” “Yes, but to dive down, and kill, I’m assuming you didn’t try to use your wand.” “I’ve two daggers of adamantine locked away in my apartments that I summoned to myself.” “Adamantine? - Next, you’ll be telling me you’ve got Andúril and Elvish armor.” “Ah, no… I do have armor that’s made from laminated woven spider silk though. Very durable, resistant to magical attack, and lightweight. - As a message runner my armor had to be lightweight. Won’t save me from being swallowed hole though.” “Was it that big?” “Sure seemed like it. - I’d no desire to stick around to take measurements.” “Can’t blame you. And to think something like that was right under this very castle. Likely an opening out in the forest. No idea if there was another?” “Well unless that thing was plumbed the same way a phoenix is, I’m of the assumption it had a mate.” Nova offered. "The area it was living in was very damp too. With pools of water in the crypt. No proper Basilisk would live in such a place." “Sure hope there aren’t any more entrances here in the castle,” Merrythought said with a shudder. “Why don’t you run along to dinner now. I’m going to save this, and add a few notes.” “Alright, thank you.” “It’s we who should be thanking you.” 🍽 Nova arrived at the dining hall a short time later to find she was the last of the students to have arrived. She found her seat and sat down to wait for the special Halloween feast. Everyone around her was talking about Harold falling down a shaft, Nova diving in, how it collapsed, and the staff rescuing them both. It wasn’t what had actually happened, but Nova was fine with it. None of the students needed to know about the things that lurked deep under the mountain. After dinner, she informed her roommates that she’d be retiring to her apartment for the night. They seemed to understand, believing she’d nearly been buried alive, and let her go without any fuss. “Nova found the celestial avatar in her bed keeping their precious bundle warm. The egg had brightened considerably, it’s muted colors now looking more like a proper Equestrian Pegasus egg. Nova transformed back into a pony, the two switched places, Nova curled about the egg with a wing over it and used her magic to pull the covers over herself. Contented she fell fast asleep. It was Saturday night, and she slept till noon the next day. > Chapter 8: Of brooding and quidditch and winter's gift. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Nova went down to satisfy her hunger at noon, she met the Headmaster who asked her to see him right after she had finished her lunch. Breakfast in her case. Nova ate quickly, apologized to her friends, and left to go find the Headmaster. She made her way to His tower, knocked, and the door opened. Going up the steps she found the way made short, and soon stepped into the office. She was more relaxed this time and looked about too many strange and precious objects. Scrimgeour had his face in a large basin filled with water. She read the runes around the edge and took it to mean it had something to do with memories. Old Ponish it was. How interesting, Nova thought as the Headmaster lifted his face out, took a towel, and dried his face. “Ah, you’re here. - Come have a look.” “What is it I’m to see?” Nova asked. “I found something, a memory that belonged to a past master. Have a look.” Nova came forward, gave him a look, and then placed her face in the basin. “Aunt Tia!” Nova said in surprise. What she saw was a view of the Hogwarts main hall, new from construction. Princess Celestia was in human form, but unmistakable in her radiant beauty, and very much like the Principle Celestia, she had once met. Celestia was speaking with Godric Gryffindor and a wizard that made her think of Starswirl, though Nova had no idea what they were talking about as the view seemed to be from the perspective of a child some distance away. Nova pulled out and shook herself off leading to Scrimgeour having to wipe himself off again. “Thank you for that… it must be a very old memory.” She'd a smile on her face. “I suspect that’s Godric Gryffindor, and if I have to make a guess I’d suspect the wizard with the bells on his hat to be Starswirl in his youth. He’s not much of a beard yet.” Scrimgeour laughed. “Glad you liked it.” He got out a small vial and used his wand to siphon a silvery liquid out of the water in the basin, and into the vial. His expression turned serious. He put the vial in a small safe that receded into a cabinet when he closed it. “About what happened yesterday, we’ve modified the memories of the student body.” Nova looked at him as if to say, ‘and…’ He smiled. “Yes, of course, you as likely noticed. I got a copy of Harold’s memory of what he saw prior to your adjusting his memory. I was wondering if I might get a memory from you?” “I guess it can’t hurt,” Nova said turning to him. “How do you do this?” “Bring the memory forward, and I’ll siphon out a copy with my wand.” “Alright then.” Nova offered, and closed her eyes and remembered, though the memory was anything but pleasant to her. The wizard's wand touched her forehead, and a moment later he withdrew. “Thank you,” he said. “You may go find Master Mackintosh now.” “I hope that helps.” Nova offered as she opened her eyes. He thanked her, and then she went back down the steps. Scrimgeour took a couple of steps and poured the memory into the basin. He placed his face in the bowl and saw once more the crypt of Salazar. Before him, lay Harold Ollivander, beyond him the wyrm, its eyes that of a basilisk. Above him, as the great beast raised its head, a shadow passed overhead. The air stirred not by his reckoning, and yet the beast looked out over the darkness as if expecting, but it did not expect what happened next as the shadow dove down from the ceiling. This pegasus was a hunter. Scrimgeour did not expect what happened next as a memory within a memory suddenly dropped him high in the air. He saw himself flying, riding high on the wind, and below a great host of armored horse on hoof and wing, and every magical creature he could imagine, and more. Here the armies of the day and night, their banners rolling on the wind, lined up to face a host of fell things so horrible the sight of which caused him to spring back from the basin as a great cloud rose up to obscure the sun. The cloud had eyes of green hate and purple smoke. A moment later he found himself sprawling on the floor. He sat there in wonder at what he’d seen. Did he just see some ancient events from before the time of men? He looked once more, the scene in the crypt played out again. Miss Nova’s form shrouded in shadow, no an illusion meant to hide her presence, and the wings, unlike any common pegasus, glided effortlessly in silence. Again he watched her dive, and again he saw the vast armies in the thousands. It was but a fleeting glimpse, and then he was in the hall where Nova had taken Harold. He watched closely as she used the magically created cloud to jolt the boy back to life, and smiled when Harold had somehow recognized her. And now he was back in the crypt. Scrimgeour watched in amazement as Nova propelled steel at the face of Slytherin, over and over they flew chipping away at the mask till it cracked. Could these be meteoric iron he wondered, and to use them in such a way as this? The two ponies hadn’t known what they’d find, Nova had suspected, and the pegasus egg had been a bonus. Scrimgeour sat back as the memory played out. He was puzzled, and couldn't help but wonder if this girl was even human. Not that he need to concern himself too much. If nothing else, Nova had shown herself to be a defender of the light. One who would not willingly suffer any evil to come near those she called friend. ⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔ Nova made her way to the sheds and barns of the family that cared for the animals of Hogwarts oblivious to the landmine she’d left in that memory. The caretaker's house was a modest dwelling with a thatched roof and white walls. She approached and knocked on the door as Phenik flew down, and landed on her shoulder. No sound came from the house so she knocked again, a bit louder. She waited, and just about the time she thought to try again, a voice called for her to hold her horses. She wasn’t too sure what she thought of that. Not like she went around telling ponies to hold their humans. She wondered how ponies would react if she were to say such a thing and smiled. “Well, what kin I do ya?” asked an old woman as she opened the door. “I’m sorry to bother you. My name is Nova Moon. I was looking for Mr Mackintosh.” “He’s out in the barns, but that’s not a safe place for a little girl, phoenix or not. - Come on in. You may call me granny if you like, everyone does.” Granny offered, opening the door wide. “Come on in, you’ll let the flies in.” Nova did as bid, her ears telling her there was already a fair number of flies already in the house. Granny bid Nova follow her back into an expansive kitchen where all manner of things were being prepared. A stack of large oat treacle cookies was stacked up on a counter. They looked so inviting, whatever it was Granny was saying was completely ignored. Nova took one, never once thinking she shouldn’t. After all, ever since she’d been here, anything placed in front of her that wasn’t a potion was there to be eaten. “Hear now, don’t be taking a bite out of that...” Nova took a bite. The flavor of oats, molasses, bits of baked apple, and a heavy seasoning of salt lick assailed her taste buds. She closed her eyes relishing in the flavor. “..that’s for the ponies.” Granny looked at Nova thoroughly perplexed. Most children would have spit it out in an instant. When Nova went for a second Granny swatted her with a wooden spoon. “Don’t be helping yer-self without asking, little Miss.” “I’m sorry,” Nova replied nursing her hand. “I guess my manners have slipped a bit. - That sure was good though.” “Yer an odd little girl. What with coming in here with a phoenix on yer shoulder, and eating oatcakes meant for the ponies.” “Speaking of ponies, you wouldn't happen to have one that will be nursing soon?” Nova asked. “In say about two months?” The old woman looked at Nova, a sadness coming over her. “We did.” A thoughtful expression crossed her face. “A young pegasus made her nest in one of the haylofts. We kept her presence a secret so that none would harass her. - She came to trust, Mac, and I, and laid a single egg.” “One to two eggs is normal.” Nova offered. “So you know something about pegasi, do you?” “More than you could possibly guess.” Nova offered with a smile. Her smile failed. “Did you know what it was that killed her? And stole the egg?” “How, no I suppose that goes without saying, and no, we have no idea what it was.” Granny offered. “Some great serpent slunk in here right in the middle of the day while everyone was inside having fun, leaving a trail of death. Just for one egg.” “The egg is rescued and in my care. One of the foul wyrms that took the egg is now dead.” Nova announced. “What?” Granny was shocked. “Is this the project the Headmaster spoke of?” “The little one will be in far better care in my house than anywhere else.” “In Gryffindor tower, I think not?!” “In, but not in. Allow me a section of a blank wall, and I will show you.” "And what exactly is it you intend to do?" "I need to open a door." “Alright then, there.” Granny pointed at the far end of the kitchen where there was a blank wall just large enough for a door. Nova walked over to it, dropped down on all fours as she was going, and transformed into a winged unicorn, Phenik moving to the top of her head. “Pegacorn?” Granny whispered as Nova touched her horn to the wall. The wall shimmered, and a door appeared as though raising up from out of the water. The door opened to reveal a short flight of steps into a rustic old kitchen with an open hearthfire to the left shortly after entering. “If you can leave your cooking for a little while, I’ll show you my home.” Nova offered. Granny turned down a number of things she’d been working on and followed the little pony up into the kitchen. There were cupboards and a table with chairs. To the far left a place to hang jackets, and to the right a window that looked out over the grounds from the Gryffindor tower of all things. If this wasn’t disconcerting enough, the fire seemed to be looking at her. “Alright, who’s in that fire?” Granny asked turning to look into the fire. “I am a powerful fire demon.” Said the fire. Every so often the fire took on the shape of the head of a unicorn. “Tia, what are you doing in there?” Nova asked. “Making sure you weren’t trying to sneak in a colt friend. One egg to look after is bad enough.” Tia offered from the fire. “Please tell me you haven't cast the egg into this enchanted fire?” Granny asked. “What? No. The little one is in my bed, where I trust my dear Tia has been keeping them warm.” Nova offered. “You know, I can be in more than one place at the same time.” Tia offered. “Of course, I’ve been keeping the little one warm. What have you been doing?” “Making inquiries regarding the need for milk when our bundle of joy hatches. You know I’m too young to be providing milk myself.” She took a big breath, and let it out again. “Be a couple more years yet I think before I’m mature enough.” “Well you’d best switch back, the girls are in the lounge doing their reports.” “Good to know,” Nova replied, and turned back into her human form. “Thank you.” “This is… incredible.” Granny offered. “Ha, you haven't seen the least of it yet.” Tia offered. “You mean the half, don’t you?” Granny asked. “Half?” Tia said then laughed. “This is but the hoof of the horse.” Nova rolled her eyes. “Shall we?” From there they passed through a door into a corridor that looked out at a park, down the corridor passing several rooms inside one of which looked to be a medical examination room unlike any Granny had ever seen. They went upstairs where granny got a glimpse of the rotunda, the balcony that looked out over the school grounds, and then they turned into the lounge that overlooked the greenhouse. “This is truly the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen,” Granny said looking out into the greenhouse. Maggie, Ruth, and Florence having grown accustomed to it, all laughed quietly. They loved seeing the looks on the faces of the adults who’d been allowed to see the place. “My project is in my chambers.” Nova offered to direct Granny to the large door to the apartment. “Just a peek.” Nova opened the door ever so slightly. Granny came and gasped at what she saw. Inside was a large winged unicorn that appeared to have been sculpted from a shaft of sunlight. In the center warmed by this being of light was a small bright egg. “Are you satisfied that I can provide proper care?” “I… I am,” Granny said softly. She stepped away, and Nova closed the door. The two returned downstairs. “What’s she got in there anyway?” Ruth asked once they’d gone. “It’s a project she has been given.” Maggie offered. “It is both precious and fragile. Miss Nova has asked that we not disturb her project. She fears that some great harm might be caused by innocent curiosity. I think it would break her heart if anything were to happen to it. I’ve promised not to disturb it for any reason, nor do anything that might cause accidental harm. I thought it best to stay out.” “Can you tell us what it is?” Florence asked. “I do know, but I’ll not say, not now,” Maggie told them. “You’ll find out soon enough.” 🐲 When Granny and Nova returned to the old house they could hear a tumult of some sort going on outside. “What in ta entire nation!” Granny exclaimed and rushed outside with Nova close on her heels. What they found was another Wyrm, it had been blinded, and was presently bellowing, and thrashing about. Phenik flew into the air and began circling about the beast harassing it, and Nova soon saw why. Several upperclassmen were scattered about in hiding places, and every so often one would cast whatever spell they thought might do the trick. All it did was make the beast angrier. Nova studied the Wyrm, and it seemed the eyes had been struck by swift kicks of a horse's hooves. She got out her wand looking for something that might pierce the thick hide. Granny looked on in surprise for what seemed the longest time, not knowing what else to do she rushed back into her kitchen, and quickly returned with a wand. “Wait!” Nova said catching sight of a dark shape racing through the air. The Night Mare took but a moment to cross the distance, her color black, and she fully armored. Moonie was gone, this was Nightmare Moon, and she had a halberd in her forelegs. She closed the distance, took a moment to judge her timing, and swung the long-handled war ax. The Wyrm roared its anger and lunged at the place it presumed its attacker to be standing. Again the Nightmare brought down the ax with great effort. Ax and beast crashed to the ground. Nightmare Moon raised the poll arm into the air and brought it down again. The beast thrashed about and lay still. The halberd was discarded, making a blaring thwack as it hit the ground. The air was as yet still filled with the cries of frightened beasts and animals. “No, don’t! - That’s my Moonie.” Nova shouted. She hadn’t seen anyone lift their wands at the Night Mare, but she didn’t have to. Nightmare Moon reared up, shook her mane, and climbed high into the air her great black wings blocking out the day… but then she transformed back into the familiar creature known as Moonie. She gave a couple of flaps of her ethereal wings and glided over to Nova and landed. Nova took a few steps to meet her and gave her muzzle a hug as she came up to her. “That’s two,” Nova said softly. “Perhaps now we will be free of such things for a while.” “Who are you?” Asked an older girl. She was wearing a Slytherin robe and had a silver ‘P’ sewed on it. “Nova Moon.” Nova offered. “You must be Cygnus Black’s sister who I was warned to stay well clear of.” Belvina Black looked at Nova, a look of bemusement crossing her face. “How is it you aren’t in Slytherin?” “A lack of ambition, and a lack of caution.” Nova offered with a smile. Belvina cracked a smile and laughed a good hearty laugh. “Come on Moonie, let's go in,” Nova said to Moonie. “I think the adults will want to clean this up without us getting underfoot. - It was good to meet you, Belvina Black.” Nova and Moonie then went inside, passed through the kitchen, and into the door to her apartments. She was cautious to lock the door. “You know, I think she’d make a good sister in law,” Belvina said, followed after Nova, but was disappointed to find her prey now gone. Within her apartments, Nova shuddered, it was as though a shadow had passed over her. 🐲 That night at dinner there was no talk of what had happened in the barnyard. Nor was there any mention of Moonie rushing in, grabbing hold of, and rushing out with a halberd. The incident had been kept quiet. The teachers hadn’t even bothered to ask her about it. Students who were hoping to go out to the barns as part of ‘Care of Magical Creatures’ were disappointed on Monday and the remainder of the week. No one was permitted to go out to the barns who did not have express permission from the Headmaster. There were a handful of seventh-year students who did go back, and forth, but when the Ministry of Magic personnel showed up at the school, no one would say a thing. They asked her about it, but she regretfully informed them that Moonie had been unable to retrace her steps to find the exit. The following Saturday was the first Quidditch game of the year, and if anyone used that opportunity to find out what was being whispered of at the barns they’d be disappointed to find all as it should be. The weather was clear but crisp. The Gryffindor Quidditch team flew out onto the pitch at the sound of a cheering crowd, their red and gold team uniforms bright in the sun. Thaorin, their Captain, lead them onto the pitch, and as the strongest player, he was the Keeper. Fergus Potter, Daisy Dartford, and Harold Ollivander who having been declared fit to play were the chasers. Newt Scamander and a boy named Andon Rusco were the beaters. And lastly came Nova, their new Seeker. The Slytherin team was already on the pitch. The two teams landed, the Gryffindor team marched forward to face the Slytherin team, they smiled at each other and shook hands. The teams mounted their brooms once again, took up positions while referees stood by, and someone in the stands made announcements. The balls were released, and the game began. Nova sprang forward and made haste to circle the pitch, and when she’d gone round one time, turned to the center sped forward, and arched upwards until she looked down on the pitch from the wrong side of her broom. She continued her arch till she was right side up, and then wove her way about the pitch to watch the game going this way and that. Cygnus came up behind her, he being the most agile flier was the Slytherin Seeker. He seemed most interested in her, made a most improper lunge only to have Nova dodge him as though she was but a shadow. Again, and again he lunged, and again and again, she dodged. She looked at him and laughed. The announcer on noticing the odd behavior of the Slytherin began to make various comments, and then the snitch was sighted. The snitch had been using Nova as a shield, she seemed to know, and yet she made no attempt to catch it. Far more fun for her to teas Cygnus who knew of this peculiar habit of the snitch to seek out Nova when it should have been seeking someplace to hide from the players. But then it had been charmed to flee from humans, and Nova was not human. “This has got to be one for the history books people, the Gryffindor Seeker is actually trying to get away from the snitch!” The announcer shouted, their magnified voice echoing over the stands. “The snitch is hot on her tail, and so is Cygnus! - Would you look at that dizzying chase, I don’t know how they’re doing that?” Nova’s broom was by far the best aerial stunt broom ever created up to that point, and Cygnus Black had used Nova’s notes to create a broom of his own that would respond to him just as well. He’d even gone so far as to use one of his own primaries from his swan form in the core of the broom. His broom was fast and could soar to great heights. His broom wasn’t quite as maneuverable, nor did it have the same burst of speed. It favored wide turns and long-distance runs. Nova broke away making a hard about and went into a barrel roll. Cygnus arched around and tried to predict where Nova might go next. If nothing else, it was making for a rather exhilarating chase being he knew exactly where the snitch was going to be. Nova shot straight up, and then seemed to hang there for a moment, Cygnus rocketed towards her wondering what she was up to as she let her broom slide back. He watched in admiration as Nova went into a corkscrew straight down, only to pull out moments before hitting the ground. The Slytherin chasers were passing the quaffle back and forth in an effort to line up for a shot at a goal when Nova suddenly dove down past a Slytherin chaser who had reached out expecting to catch the quaffle. Both he and then everyone else pulled up short a moment later. The chaser had the snitch. They had been reaching for the quaffle and had instinctively grasped the first thing that slapped into their hand. The chaser had gone white as a sheet on realizing what they’d done. “Snitch nip!” called the announcer. “Slytherin forfeits!” People cheered. The Slytherins were furious. It was difficult to decide who to be mad at though. The snitch had apparently been faulty, and Nova had apparently tried to be a sport about it by giving Cygnus a good chase. After all, she could have grabbed hold of it at any time she wanted. And likely be accused of cheating if anyone caught on. Cygnus flew over to his fellow team member and asked, “What ch catch the snitch for?” Later that evening at the Slytherin commiseration party, Belvina walked up behind him, put her arm around him, and whispered… “Marry that girl.” 👰 “Nova, are you alright?” Maggie asked. The Gryffindors were enjoying their victory party. “I just felt a cold shiver run down my spine,” Nova replied. “Listen, I’m going to go check on my little project.” “Will you be back?” Maggie inquired of her, though she seemed to know the answer already. Nova gave her a hug. “No, I feel as though I’ve been down here long enough.” Nova offered. “If anyone misses me tell them I’ve holed up somewhere to study… which when I think of it, isn’t exactly a lie either.” And with that, she turned away and climbed the stairs to the girls' dormitory. “The Headmaster is waiting for you in the rotunda.” Miss Aiko informed Nova as she descended the steps from the steamer trunk. She’d only kept the door for the visit, after which she put it back to being a steamer trunk, and put a mild do not disturb charm on the trunk itself. As for Headmaster Scrimgeour waiting for her, that wasn’t a very big surprise. He’d likely come by way of the farm door. “Let him know I’ll be there shortly, I want to check on our little Sparkle,” Nova replied, and went to her chamber door. On entering she was relieved to find Tia snuggled around the egg, and nothing was wrong. Tia looked at Nova but didn’t get up. She knew Nova had a guest. Nova went over, sat on the bed, and gave the egg a caress. She lingered a few moments and then got up again. “I think I know what he wants, so I’d best get it over with.” Nova offered to the horse of light, turned, and exited the room. 🌌 “Ah Princess, that was a most interesting game,” Scrimgeour said as Nova entered the room. He’d been offered tea, and some biscuits. “I’m afraid your guess is as good as mine when it comes to the behavior of the snitch.” Nova offered as she went to sit across from him. “It does seem to be a pattern though.” “This sort of thing has happened before I gather.” “First time at the Weasleys. I thought it odd, but the information on quidditch says games are to be played with a snitch that’s never been touched. Theirs was used, so I just assumed it was coming to me for protection from the boys.” “The tryouts?” “Silly thing flew into my pocket. - There again I assumed it was a used one. I had to charm our practice one to fly away from me.” “How very interesting.” The headmaster gave her a calculated look. “I can’t help but wonder if it has something to do with your blood curse. Assuming, of course, that is a blood curse.” Nova said nothing but gave him a worried look. “I can’t help but wonder if you are more horse than human… horse fox is it?” “Fox pony.” Nova offered, her pride getting the better of her. She thought about it for a bit. “Forgive me, but...” “Don’t worry. You’ve shown that you have more humanity in you than most men, and I’ll keep your secret.” He offered. “You’ve done us a considerable service, and proven that you have the best interest and safety of everyone here at Hogwarts in mind.” “So then, what are we to do about the Snitch? - At least while I’m still here?” “Are you going somewhere?” Nova got up and walked over to her displayed armor. She looked at it for a moment, turned, and walked a short way back. “It’s going to break my heart to leave Maggie, but then I’d never planned to stay long, or get so close to anyone.” A few moments passed as an internal debate went through her head. “Before the school year is out, I plan to open a portal, and continue on my journey home.” “You can open portals?” “My magic skills are all over the board.” Nova offered. “In many of the more mundane things I am at the level I should be at for one of my age. However.” Nova waved her hand, and Brutus Scrimgeour nearly dropped his tea in his lap. The room was gone – replaced by the night sky. “There are things I can do that are far beyond any ordinary wizard.” Nova offered. “This is just an illusion, but it’s an illusion by which I can see the entire cosmos.” An explanation was in order. “I happened upon an ancient artifact that allows me to do this, and no, I can’t show it to you, it’s not even in this dimension. I can travel across dimensions as easily as you can pull the thoughts out of someone’s mind.” “That’s not always easy, and can be quite dangerous.” Scrimgeour offered. “Crossing dimensions is even more so I think. I can show you what the mathematics is like.” Nova offered, and then symbols in a bright blueish-white began to form in the air. It didn’t take long for the calculations to go well beyond what any mortal man could fathom. But then again who truly understands quantum mechanics in the first place. “There is math taught in Arithmancy, and logic being taught in charms and potions, but I’m afraid you have got a long way to go to get to this level. Divinations, in general, have the potential if we understand the underlying mathematics. It’s all figuring out the patterns after all. Granted I know of only two other individuals who are able to do these kinds of computations, and that was Starswirl, and my birth mother.” “Hang on, you aren’t suggesting Starswirl is immortal as well? - And what of Princess Celestia?” “Him? - I doubt that. He’s known as Starswirl the bearded now. The only reason he’s still alive is he’d trapped himself along with all his best friends in limbo for a thousand years.” Nova offered. “Long story short, mother figured out what had happened, freed them, and banished a shadow that had been the cause. As for Princess Celestia, her magic is on a whole other level I can’t even begin to comprehend. - Not that she hasn’t made her fair share of blunders.” “With great power comes great blunders is it?” “I destroyed my mom's chambers once. Accidental magic. I wasn’t even in the right dimension.” Nova thought about it for a moment or two, and her illusion faded till the room was back to the way it was. “Not my first, and I’ve been dimension hopping for a while.” “So, when you go, will we ever see you again?” “I expect I’ll be back in about ninety years, so I’d have to say no, not likely.” Nova offered. “Short of you’ve got something that can prolong life indefinitely that is. Maybe I’ll get to see some of my friends again, but I doubt it. - Think I’d get used to it by now.” “Then why not settle down somewhere?” “I’ve tried a couple of times. In the end, I just want to see my family again. My real family, and not an imitation. I am, after all, just a little girl.” Nova wanted to change the topic. “So, what became of that Wyrm?” “The unspeakables have it.” he offered. “They won’t say, but I’ve got an idea it’s a hybridization, and no one is willing to go down that shaft. We’ve Aurors out looking for old culverts, or pipes big enough for something nasty to get through. That chamber was likely built in the tenth century after all. They didn't have all the little tricks we have now. We are searching for anything that might be a passage under the mountain that we don’t know about. And the wards have been reconfigured to bar that specific brand of monster. It’d be impossible to exclude every single potential threat. To do so would mean excluding everything, and then no one could get in or out. That pitfall in the girl’s toilet was discovered by chance. When they installed the sink, one of the new faucets kept turning into a snakehead of all things, and then it wouldn't work. Naturally, we had no intentions of just leaving it, but we were at a loss as to what to do about it.” The look on his face was one of consternation. “So we decided to try deconstructing the spell, and that’s how we ended up with that great big hole.” “And the boys were too curious for their own good.” Nova offered with a smile. “And Harold is lucky we have you here. Any chance I could talk you into staying?” “No, I’m afraid not. Besides, what could possibly happen? Short of everyone turning on each other and erupting into two wizard wars, I’d imagine everyone will just go about their lives the way they always have.” 🎄 Yuletide Nova looked out at the slowly falling snow, it was December, and she’d had to break Maggie’s heart. Professor Marchbanks had come round getting a list of those who were staying, and Nova had asked that her name be added to the list. “But Christmas? It’s the Yule season. I thought we’d spend it together?” Maggie asked a tear threatening to fall from her eye. “Cheer up dear Maggie. I must stay. I can’t leave while the need for my special project is as yet unfulfilled. I’m praying that this wizard named Nicholas will bring me something special, and when he does, I will have a bright shining surprise when you return.” Nova added in a whisper. “If you think my pony form is cute, wait until you see a freshly hatched pegasus.” Maggie’s smile returned to her face, and when she went out to take the train back to London, she knew that nothing she got for Christmas would be as delightful as the surprise that waited back at Hogwarts. 🏞 Nova went back up to the Gryffindor common room where she found Daisy with a few others who’d stayed behind. “Miss Nova, they say we can go to Hogsmead.” Andon Rusco announced on seeing her approach. “Will you go with us?” Daisy asked. “Surely you don’t mean to hole up in your trunk over the holidays. You should come with us.” Nova thought about it for a moment. Her little Sparkle would be hatching any day now, but perhaps not today. Phenik flew to her and landed on her shoulder. “Well, alright, I guess it can’t hurt. Just for a while.” On seeing Ruth, who had also stayed behind, she asked if she was going as well? “No, wish I could, I’m only a first year. It’s third years and above, and you have to have a permission slip to leave the grounds unaccompanied.” Ruth explained. “Oh, but you’d likely not have a signed permission slip.” “Anyone have a blank permission slip?” Nova asked. “You don’t mean to forge one do you?” Daisy asked. “It has to be signed by a parent or guardian.” “Don’t have to.” Nova offered. “Moonie, are you about?” “Oh, you aren’t going to have Moonie sign it?” Ruth asked sounding incredulous. The Night Mare appeared in their midst a moment later. “Have I not told you she is an avatar spell?” Nova had a big smile on her face. “Now who’s avatar do you think she is?” “What do you want?” Moonie asked sounding a bit more like a mother addressing an errant child who has just come to them with heapings of praise. “I’ve been invited to go visit the local town, but I’m in need of a signed permission form,” Nova said. “Well, how exactly do you plan to achieve this feet, being we are cut off from home?” Moonie asked. For the others gathered, that was perhaps the first time they’d heard Moonie utter anything more than a few words. Why it was a whole complex sentence. “Are you not my mother’s proxy?” Nova asked. Moonies ears went flat. “Come on, it’s just into town. Can’t be any more dangerous than school.” Moonie let out a snort as if a laugh had burst out. “Alright fine.” Moonie offered, reared up, and then to everyone’s amazement, except Nova, transformed into a beautiful woman of dark complexion. Unlike Nova, Luna looked more like someone from Armenia. She wore a long dress that looked as though it was made of shadows if they were midnight blue, and her long flowing hair looked like it was filled with starlight. The sound of jaws hitting the floor could be heard throughout the room. “Well, where’s the form, and I’ll need a quill.” “Alright those who… who?” Professor Marchbanks said entering the room. “Who are you?” “My mother’s proxy.” Nova provided. “I’m told she needs a signature from parent or guardian if she wishes to visit the local village.” The proxy of Princess Luna offered. “I think it’ll do her good to get out for a while, and it was pointed out that she couldn't possibly encounter any dangers there that are worse than what she faces here in the school.” Professor Marchbanks opened her mouth and then closed it. “You’re mother’s proxy? - Who is she, and how did she get in here?” “She’s Moonie.” Daisy offered as if it should be obvious by now. “Moonie?” Professor Marchbanks asked astonished. “She is technically my guardian while I’m away from home.” Nova offered hopefully. “Like you ever do anything I say.” Luna countered. “You’re not helping,” Nova replied. “Alright fine.” Professor Marchbanks said and retrieved a blank form from the stack of forms she had. A quill was obtained, and Moonie Luna signed it using only her magic and went back to being the Night Mare Moonie. The form was passed over to Professor Marchbanks who inspected it. Even though she couldn't say she’d actually seen who signed it, the calligraphy was undoubtedly a different individual other than Nova. “I guess that will do. - Now, those of you who have permission, it’s snowing out, you’ll want a heavy cloak.” ❄❄❄ Nova arrived in the great hall wearing not the school cloak but a heavy cloak provided by Celestia, on which was the blazon of Equestria. Phenik was on her shoulder. Andon, Daisy, and Beatrice were waiting in the hall. The four went out into light drifting snow and descended the stairs in front of the school. From there they followed a road that crossed the lawns and wound around the school ever dropping as they went. “Is that the train platform?” Nova asked a short time later as the platform came into view. A little further on could be seen the town nestled among some trees. “Ya, they got the idea of bringing in everyone via the lake for some odd reason.” Andon offered. “Would have been nice if they had just let us come by the road instead of making us shiver on the pond,” Beatrice muttered. “And miss seeing me take a bite out of that tentacle?” Nova asked. “Was that you?” Andon asked. “Silly fox girl.” “Yes, that was me,” Nova admitted sheepishly. It didn’t take them too much longer to reach the town. Most of the buildings seemed to be built primarily of brownstone, but there were a few made of timber framing, and some were just timber. With but a few exceptions the majority had thatched roofs. There was one large building with a slate roof that looked like it might be an inn, so they decided to go in, to warm up. It was dimly lit inside, and it took them a bit for their eyes to adjust, during which time brushes levitated out and swept the snow off. For Nova, it felt very much like Ponyville save for the lack of friendly ponies. “Welcome to the Hogsmead Inn.” Offered a portly gentleman behind a counter not too far from the entrance. In front of the counter was a dimly lit room full of tables and chairs. A man was sitting at the far end of the counter, and a handful of older students were already at tables. “So who’s yer friend? - That’s not a Hogwarts overcoat.” “She has a phoenix on her shoulder, and the first thing you notice is the overcoat?” Beatrice asked. “Well, the bird is kind of obvious. Beauxbatons maybe?” He pondered. “Celestia’s School for gifted witches and wizards.” Nova offered. “I’m here on an exchange program. The cloak is warmer than my Hogwarts cloak.” “Oh, where might that be, I’ve never heard of it.” The innkeeper asked. “Far East.” Nova offered while wondering if maybe she should have worn the lighter-weight school winter cloak. “Any chance we can get something hot to warm us up a bit?” “That would be butterbeer.” “Beer?” Nova asked. “What’s beer?” “Oh, it’s a wonderful amber brew made from hops and barley.” “Barley? Can I order that? Sounds good.” Nova said. “Afraid you’ll have to settle for the butterbeer. - I’m not supposed to sell alcohol to anyone under the age of seventeen. And by the looks of you, you probably shouldn't be here at all. What year are you?” “Third year. I got permission.” Nova offered. “Yes, she’s good, Professor Marchbanks OKed her to go.” Andon offered. “And what about your little Slytherin friend?” The innkeeper asked. Daisy, Nova, and Andon looked at Beatrice, and said, “Whoops.” “What is whoops?” Beatrice asked confused. “Third year and above with a signed permission slip only,” Daisy explained. “No one told Beatrice this,” Beatrice stated, with a tinge of panic. “I’d say we’re all to blame, and we’ll all share in whatever punishment comes of it,” Nova said. “Never even occurred to me to tell her she couldn't come. It would have felt like I’d be excluding a friend.” “Nothing that can be done about it now.” The innkeeper offered. “Four hot butter beers then, is it?” “Yes sir.” Daisy offered. They paid and started for a table when the man who’d been at the end of the counter came up to them. He was thin, had long rusty hair tied up in back, and he'd a healthy growth of stubble on his face. “You, you there, sell me your phoenix.” The man’s request sounded more like a demand. “I’m sorry sir, but Phenik is not for sale,” Nova said as calmly as she could muster. “Then give it to me!” He demanded as he pulled out a wand. “Give me the bird!” The room had fallen silent. Nova gave him a disgusted look and raised her right fist middle finger extended. “You learn that from a Yank?” Beatrice asked stepping forward. She’d seen the small wisp of smoke coming from the end of the man’s wand and knew there was little he could do to them. “Here in England, we use two fingers like this...” Beatrice held up her hand palm to herself, thumb on pinkie and ring fingers with her middle and pointer in a ‘V’ shape while bringing the hand up in what was clearly intended to be a rude gesture. “Oh right, like this then?” Nova said copying Beatrice. “Mr Albus Dumbledore, I think you’ve had a might too much to drink.” The innkeeper warned, his wand aimed at the man. “And for that matter, you should be ashamed of yourself. You of all wizards should know that a phoenix can neither be given nor sold.” Albus didn’t seem to be listening as he was now looking at the end of his wand, his mind trying to comprehend why there was smoke coming out of it. “Now I know life has been difficult for you, but this isn’t...” The Innkeeper continued, but Albus wasn’t listening. He threw his wand across the room and stormed out into the snow. “You two are crazy!” Daisy hissed. “What, she fried his wand.” Beatrice offered. “And if he’d have tried anything physical you can bet Moonie would have popped in, and had something to say about it.” They all had to laugh at the thought of the Night Mare popping into the old Inn. “Wow, this thing is fried.” A boy said as the group went to sit at a table. He’d picked up the wand to have a look. “Say, Miss Moon, did you do something to it?” “It was a feedback loop I created in the wand.” Nova offered. “Fairly easy at close range. The moment he tried to power up his wand it went, poof.” She knew the same thing, or something like it could be done to unicorns, though in the case of a unicorn it resulted in nothing worse than being knocked out and waking up with a big headache. Unicorns seldom did such things to each other though, being the target would be immediately aware of the attempt and it would result in a battle of wills until both decided to back off. Those gathered on hearing what Nova had done, all laughed, but made sure to remember that tactic. Even if they couldn't do it themselves, they had to admit that if little Nova could do it, surely an experienced witch or wizard could do it as well. A moment later the innkeeper brought out the hot butterbeer. “Mmmm, this is good,” Nova said sipping the hot liquid. It had a creamy buttery texture while slightly fizzy at the same time. She pondered for a moment if it might be rich enough to give to a foal as a substitute for mares milk, but dismissed the idea. As rich as it was, it was far too thin, and the bubbles could cause unforeseen problems. “So did you hear?” A boy in the room asked of a friend. Nova hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but it was hard not to. “Old man Hendrixson caught a pegasus mare in his barn the other night with a brand new foal.” “What?!” Nova exclaimed more than asked spinning round in her seat. “Ya, sometimes they come out of the forest to lay their eggs in the tops of haylofts.” The boy offered. “Can you take me to see the pegasus?” Nova asked. “I doubt the old man will let you see it.” the boy offered. “He’s not exactly the nicest sort.” “I see,” Nova replied. “Never the less I’ll regret it if I don’t at least try.” “Well if you are that set on it I’ll take you there.” he offered. “You sure this is a good idea?” Daisy asked, as Nova finished off her butterbeer, and got up. “Positive.” Nova offered. “How could I possibly resist the lure of a pegasus foal. Trust me, this will be worth it.” Doubly for her as she intended to liberate mother and foal. So the group, now larger, made their way through town, and beyond to where an old house and barn stood. “So are we going to try to sneak a peak or what?” One of the boys asked. “I thought the full-frontal approach might be best.” Nova offered. “So where’d Phenik go?” Daisy asked suddenly missing the bird. Andon Rusco, on the other hand, looked at Nova as though he was seeing a ghost. He smiled and hoped no one else would notice that the snow wasn’t sticking to Nova’s cloak. They walked up to the door, and at Nova’s bidding knocked on the door. Unseen by the others, a white feather winged fox with black ears, legs, and tail tip, whose main and tail feathering resembled Nova’s own hair flew into a window in the barn that it had just jimmied open. A phoenix flew in behind her. What she found was a small sable mare whose wings had been bound nursing a new foal. Both were tethered. What’s more, the mare was quietly singing in old ponish. Nova transformed to her pony form and made herself known to the mare. Startled at first, she moved to guard as best she may, her foal. The young, mostly white unicorn standing a few paces away startled her even more. And then she saw the wings. Nova was a young mare, but as yet not quite old enough to have foals of her own. And yet, winged unicorns were as rare as hens' teeth. Who was this pony, and where had she come from? “I have need of you, will you come with me?” Nova asked in the old language. “Who are you?” Life in this world for a pegasus went by all too fast, and to the sable mare, the young teen in front of her was nearly an adult. “Does it matter? - I can rescue you.” “My foal?” “She will ride on my back.” Nova offered, her horn glowed, and the ropes fell away. The foal was lifted up onto Nova’s back, and Nova bid the mare to follow. Meanwhile, the encounter with the old man wasn’t going too well. “I said that I would buy the pegasi.” Stated the illusion of Nova. “Name your price.” “Not for sale, now get, the lot of you!” The doors of the barn burst open with a loud crash hitting so hard they came off their hinges. Out flew Phenik, followed by two pegasi who flew up into the clouds. “Fly you fools!” Illusion Nova said, and ran back to the town with surprising agility. Andon Rusco was hot on her tail hoping no one would notice that this Nova wasn’t leaving any tracks. The others startled ran without question as the old man swore and ran to the barn. It only took a few moments for the real Nova to return to Hogwarts, her new nursemaid holding tight to her tail. “Focus on me!” Nova shouted as they rounded the Gryffindor tower. “You won’t be able to see the opening.” The sable mare looked on in amazement as Nova landed on seemingly nothing just beyond the wall of the tower. She aimed for the same spot as Nova vanished, and found herself standing on a balcony she had not been able to perceive a moment before. “Miss Aiko, Miss Aiko, I’ve found us a nursemaid!” Nova called. A plain white pony came trotting out. The sable mare looked on in astonishment as this seemingly ordinary pony was dressed as a maid. “Who are you ponies?” “I’m Princess Nova Moon of Equestria. That’s Eques to the humans.” “Equestria, but that’s just an old foals fable?” “No, it’s real. I brought you not just to rescue you either.” Nova offered. “I retrieved an egg from certain death, and expect my little bundle of joy to hatch any day now, but I’ve no way to provide nourishment. - Will you help?” “I will. - I am called Alalme, daughter of the Silver Wood, and my foal is Alya. - Long ago we gave up living among men and chose to live in sky, and tree and mountains were no man dare trek.” Nova lifted Alya off her back and onto the hard marble floor. “Don’t worry, there’s an anti-slip spell on the floor. - Now, I must be back to the humans I call friends before they realize I left a proxy in my place.” “You are friends with humans?” “Not all are like that old man. Nor do I let them know the full truth of what I am. Can you not transform yourself into human form? You speak the old language of Equestria, and yet you are in pony form? Most transform the moment they pass through the portal.” “Legend has it that our ancestors could do such things, but gave up attempting to interact with humans long ago.” “I see. Stay within these apartments or enjoy the park. Go nowhere else, less you find yourself in peril yet again.” Nova warned. “I’ll only trust these humans so far.” and with that Nova and Phenik flew out into the ever-increasing snow. Nova found her friends a short time later looking about calling for her. Her illusion had failed at some point which had left the others to think they’d simply lost her in the snow. “I’m right here.” Nova offered as she approached. She was back in her human form. “I think we better head back to school. This snow is getting worse, and here comes the old man.” They all decided to run. Old man Hendrixson, on seeing Phenik, began shouting. They didn’t stop running until they’d passed the station platform, winded as they were. The blinding snow and the climb to Hogwarts slowed them down further. The storm was getting worse. Bad enough they decided it’d be best if they all held hands so no one would get separated. When they approached the castle it was barely visible as the conditions had turned to white out. And yet, they had gained the steps despite the storm seemingly thanks in part do to Phenik who everyone could see no matter how bad it got. Nova also had no trouble leading them up the path due to some uncanny ability of her own. When they cracked the door and entered in, they found several professors gearing up to go out in search. “Where have you been?” One of the professors asked accusingly. “It’s only a little after three, and we’d been given permission to go.” One of the boys protested. The group had grown considerably on the way back as well, there being a mix of all four houses now. “I think everyone started to head back when we realized the weather was turning nasty.” Nova offered. “We did say they could go.” The headmaster offered. “Not like we expected this storm to hit like this, quite so soon.” “And where are you going, young lady?” Asked a Slytherin professor accusingly. Beatrice was trying to sneak on past. “I’m sorry, it’s our fault for letting her go with us.” Nova offered. “Be it as it may, we’ve already done a headcount of who was here, and know exactly who is not. - No one is to go anywhere until we’ve checked you off the list. - Beatrice Lulamoon, you may go now, but we’ll be talking later.” The door burst open again, and standing in the doorway was the silhouette of old man Hendrixson. “Your students stole my ponies!” he shouted. “You want us to turn out our pockets as well?” Nova asked. “Oh do please close the door.” Professor Marchbanks protested. “And unless there is a pony under one of these cloaks, I’d say you are looking in the wrong place.” Nova tried her best not to look guilty. “That bird, I saw that bird fly out of my barn followed by a white pegasus, and then my sable flew out after them,” Hendrixson stated. “I’m sure she was just curious.” Nova offered. “Mr Hendrixson, obviously what you saw was likely the mate of the pony you snared in your barn. Nor was that pegasus ever really yours.” Headmaster Scrimgeour stated. Oh, he’d a good idea what had happened, but then Hendrixson wasn’t exactly at the top of his people I like list. “The sable was a wild pegasus. There’s been quite a few nesting in barns lately. Most decent wizards let them, unmolested, on the off chance the foals might decide to stick around. You, on the other hand, chose to trap the one that chose your barn.” His tone was stern. “Now, if you don’t want to be stuck here until the snow stops, you might want to head home as quickly as you may.” Hendrixson let out an angry grunt, turned, and walked into the storm. “Anyone want to bet he was born and spent his formative years in a barn?” One of the older students said as they were about to close the door. They stopped, went back out into the storm, and returned with one more student. “Oh… hi,” Ruth said as the door was closed. “Anyone else out there that we don’t know about?” a professor asked. Of course, the verdict was they couldn't know until they checked the students off the list. 🛀 “I can’t wait to get into a nice hot bath,” Ruth said as she, Nova, and Daisy were allowed to go. “Bath?” Daisy asked accusingly. All the dorm had were showers. “You’ve been holding out on me, haven't you.” “Aaahhh...” Ruth said realizing she’d just given away the secret. “Good thing it’s just the three of us,” Nova muttered. “What about us?” The guys asked. “I’ve got a bath in my luggage, and it’s in the girl’s dorm, so you lot are out of luck.” Nova chastised. “And don’t be telling people. The last thing I want is the whole dorm up there.” She looked about to see if anyone else had overheard. Fortunately, there were very few students about, and no one else nearby to hear. “Alright,” Nova said standing by her sea chest with her wand held high. She’d prompted Daisy to do likewise. “Solemnly swear that you will reveal nothing of my bath, nor anything to do with it, nor of the splendor that is to be found beyond this portal. Swear it.” “This is silly, and what if you’ve hidden something I should tell someone about?” Daisy asked. “The Headmaster already knows what I have in there.” Nova countered. “Now swear, or no bath.” “Alright, alright, I do Solemnly swear that I will reveal nothing of thy bath,” Daisy stated while taking on a serious expression. “Nor anything to do with it, nor of the splendor that is to be found beyond this portal.” Nova Prompted. “Nor anything to do with it, nor of the splendor that is to be found beyond this portal.” Daisy echoed. “Now, may we?” “In a moment, I have to check on something?” Nova opened up the sea chest and went down the stairs. “Hang on, I thought she’d just a little apartment in there?” Daisy said looking down. “What do you think she needed to check on?” “She’s got some sort of secret project the Headmaster gave her.” Ruth offered. Nova went down through the large sitting room calling for Aiko. She was glad when Aiko appeared in human form. “Where’s Alalme and Alya?” “Bed down in your chambers for now.” “Oh good.” Nova thought for a moment. “Any chance they are, well you know, housebroken I believe the term is? - I swear I never thought I’d be asking that about a fellow Equestrian.” “I was able to explain the issue to Alalme, she finds it fascinating. Little Alya is newly hatched and has a nappy on.” “Oh good,” Nova said, and then went back up to let the girls know it was alright for them to come down. Nova then went to her chambers, opened the door, went in shutting the door behind her. She could feel the eyes of Alalme on her. Alalme had both Nova’s egg and her Alya snuggled up to her. “It’s alright, it’s me,” Nova offered in old ponish. “I have two guests so we must be careful. I also need to get these wet garments off or they’ll be just as soaked when I next transform.” Alalme said nothing, but relaxed. Nova took that to mean everything was fine for the moment. Just to be sure, Nova transformed. “A cutie mark!” Alalme exclaimed. “I’d been so intent on getting away I hadn’t seen it.” Nova transformed back, took off her cloak, and went back to the bath. She returned a few minutes later back in her pony form. “I’m going to get a bath, I’m soaked through and through.” “How long?” Alalme asked. “I don’t expect I’ll be too long in there.” Nova offered. “Not that, how long will I be able to stay in such splendor?” “Oh. - I know this is sudden, and you are older than I am, but I’d be happy if you stayed as long as you like. Not quite family, but more than a servant. I imagine all that is holding you here for the moment is the need for a safe place and the storm outside. - I suppose that all depends on how long you'll stay." “There is your need as well. The little one is not yours I gather.” “Rescued from a wyrm.” Nova offered. “My ponies were forced to scatter our nests, thanks to such a beast.” A sadness overcame her. “Many will fly no more. - I fear I have no way to contact any of my remaining kin. If any yet live.” “We will have time yet to search for kith and kin once this storm passes, but we will need to be careful.” Nova offered. “I killed the first wyrm I encountered, and a servant of mine, companion and guardian she, killed another,” Nova informed her. “I’m hoping those things were territorial enough that we can expect only the two in the area. Nor would I wish to openly inquire of the wizard folk on any matters as there are few I trust.” “I’d heard there was a great worm killed at the school farm. - My sister...” She let out a sigh. “Then I’d say that the egg I’ve laid claim to and have been keeping warm all this time may well be your kin, which makes us sisters in a fashion. - I’ll not surrender my precious prize lightly, mind you, as I’ve come to feel as though that egg is my own. - Now if I may, I need to get warmed up, and dried out.” Nova turned with a smile on her face and retreated to the bath. Nova returned after about a half-hour, she looked quite the floof ball. Alalme looked at her and snickered under her breath. “What have you done to yourself?” “Drying spell. I always hated it when one of my mothers did this to me, but I understand now that one does not always have the time to do it properly.” She transformed back into her human form. “Your cutie mark shows even in human form… and I see the outline of your wings as well. And the medallion you wear matches your cutie mark. Do you wear the medallion always?” “My mother gave me the medallion. It has a tracking spell which she can use to find me should I become lost.” Nova looked away for a moment as memories threatened to flood in. “The human form is my second, and less than complete.” Nova offered while keeping her answers short, and began to pull various items of clothing from dresser drawers, and wardrobes. “Human’s are impossibly enamored with clothing, and I must be at dinner, or they’ll come looking for me.” “How have you managed?” “I have my helpers. You’ve met Aiko. There are two others who are giving you your peace until you’ve had time to adjust. - I’m so greatly relieved to have found you.” “I’ve never met an ordinary pony who could speak. - Your Miss Aiko that is.” “Oh, she’s no ordinary pony. I will attempt to explain her later.” Nova offered as she got dressed, and put one of her better wizard robes on. “Now before I go to dinner, I’d best make sure to see about your needs. Be right back.” Nova went down to the door that opened to the farmhouse, knocked, and entered. “Oh Miss Moon, I’m so sorry we’ve been unable to find a pony yet,” Granny said in apology. “I’ve found one,” Nova said. “But not a word mind you.” Nova gave a wink. “Can you perchance provide me such vittles as would be appropriate for a pegasus of Eques?” “Eques?” “I have not stolen a pony, I’ve rescued kin it seems,” Nova explained. “I do not know why, but they gave up trying to be human in favor of the sky. - She can speak but in an old language known only to my kin. The pony that had nested in your barn had been of my kin as well it seems. I guess they tired of living in a world of men, but gave it up for the wilds.” Granny looked at her amazed. “She’s a bit jumpy and wild, but if I haven't won her over, my need has.” “Yes, yes of course.” Granny finally managed. “Granny Smith, has someone come through this storm?” Asked a big man coming back to the kitchen. “It’s Miss Moon, and don’t be worried, she came by way of the cupboard.” Granny offered. “Hello, Mr Mackintosh. I’ve found a pony. Flew right into my window she did.” Nova said by way of a greeting, with a big smile on her face. “Did she now?” “She’s nested up with my egg and a small foal of her own. A little filly named Alya.” Nova offered. “You’ve named her, have you?” Mackintosh asked with a smile. “Oh no, her mother has named her.” Nova offered. “She is Alalme daughter of the Silver Wood. Her kin are not descended from the Pegasi of Olympus but of the lords of Arcadia, and Eques. Long ago they gave up living among men as men and chose to live in the sky, and tree, and mountain glens.” Nova said, coloring her words just a bit. Her words were not quite the truth, but not quite a lie as she knew all too well that the two different types of pegasi had a shared ancestry. Whereas one continued to advance the other remained aboriginal in nature. “To give up one’s humanity to be free of muggle persecution,” Mackintosh said softly. “I can only wonder how many Animageus have done the same if only to be free of their own wicked kind. Living among animals is something I can understand. - Well then, what did you need?” “Provisions for one in the guise of a pegasus.” Nova offered. 🛍 Nova returned a short time later with a small crate. “Hey, what’s that?” Ruth asked Nova. Ruth and Daisy had finished with the bath and were enjoying the lounge. “Just something for my project.” Nova offered, went into her chambers, and closed the door behind her. She came out a few moments later without the crate. “They’ll be expecting us downstairs I think.” Nova offered and escorted the two girls out. 🎄 On Christmas day Nova gave a wondrous cloak and witch’s cap to Beatrice, dark purple covered in bright stars. She’d been afraid Beatrice might not get anything, and while the day reminded her most of Hearth’s Warming, she was dismayed to learn that the people who should keep it best seldom did, and that of the people to whom the day held little meaning often kept it far better. To this end, Headmaster Scrimgeour told them of a tale of a miserable old muggle miser who had become such a blight on society, that a group of wizards took it upon themselves to see if they couldn't scare the love of his fellow man into him with some world-class pranks. With the help of the ghost of the man’s former business partner they set to work on him, Scrimgeour informed everyone. The students all laughed uproariously at the many things they did to the miser. From the Weasley’s Nova got a sweater with a note saying they intended to make it a family tradition. Still, though, the gift she wanted most had not yet arrived, and she fretted about it not wishing to leave Alalme and the two little ones any longer than she must. Nova insisted that she’d be the one to warm her egg at night though, and on the morning after Christmas day, the egg hatched. Nova looked on in wondrous delight as a little golden head with a mane like the color of a soft blush Chablis, not quite burgundy with stripes of peach and pinks which reminded her of a mix between Celestia and Luna's mane, lifted their head up after kicking half the shell off to have their first look around. “Alalme, come quick, Alalme,” Nova said in a gasp. “Nova, is something wrong? Who’s Alalme?” Ruth asked poking her head in the door. Ruth had come down to tell her it was going to be a beautiful day, and they’d be allowed to go to Hogsmeade. All Ruth saw was a pretty little pegasus in Nova’s bed with a foal fresh hatched. “Um… Nova?” “Ruth, my foal has hatched,” Nova announced. Nova was beside herself with wonderment and joy. She was also quite oblivious to the fact that she was presently a little horse who’d just announced that ‘her’ foal had hatched. Nova cleared away the bits of eggshell, and nuzzled the baby, drying, and cleaning him with her magic. Yep, him, a little colt. “Alalme, he’s a colt!” Alalme who’d ducked out of sight so as not to be seen by Ruth couldn't take it anymore and nudged her way on past the girl. Nova had forgotten herself and was presently using the common tongue, but Alalme understood it well enough. “You’re a pegasus?” Ruth asked, and sank to the floor. “Oh my, he’ll be a gorgeous stallion when he grows up,” Alalme said as a little filly in a nappy trotted into the room. “So cute!” Ruth exclaimed in barely a whisper and passed out. Daisy was the next to enter the apartments, and on seeing the display of unbridled cuteness let out a squee that shattered crystal for miles around. Next to enter the scene was Professor Marchbanks who’d come in search of whatever it was that was making that high-frequency tone, saw Daisy standing like a statue, the emitter of the tone, and Ruth passed out on the floor. She rounded the corner with a wand in hand and promptly dropped both wand and chin to the floor. Granny Smith arrived a moment later and shut Daisy up by placing her hand over the girl's eyes. Granny had seen her fair share of pegasi cuteness, and as such had built up an immunity. “Thank you, Granny,” Nova said in gratitude. “Our little bundle of joy is a colt. A little pegasus colt.” “Well, congratulations.” Granny offered. “Professor Marchbanks, what say we usher the girls out, and then I’m going to see about getting those two some breakfast. Something tells me, Miss Moon will not be coming down any time soon.” “You knew about, I mean… I’m confused?” March banks asked. “If I understand right, they are from a clan of Animageus who favor the shape of pegasi.” Granny offered. “Miss Moon, have you decided on a name?” “I wanted to use Sparkle, which is a family name from my family, but I haven't decided completely.” Nova offered. “A noble Chieftain we once had by name of Goldwine.” Alalme offered. “It seems to fit him nicely I’d think.” “Then it is decided, he shall be named Goldwine Sparkle,” Nova said proudly. “And now, a bit of privacy if you please. Our dear Goldwine will undoubtedly be hungry, and I fear Ruth and Miss Daisy are overstimulated enough as is.” “Understood,” Granny replied with a smile. “Come along Miss Daisy.” “I’ll… I’ll get Ruth.” Professor Marchbanks offered, picked up her wand putting it in a pocket in her robes, and then picked up the stricken girl. “I must confess it’s all I can do to maintain my composure as well. They are so adorable.” “All this has challenged my notions regarding the superiority of Wizardkind as well.” Granny offered as they went. “We are supposed to be better than the beasts, and yet those who take on the form of beasts more often than not have considerably more power. I can not help but wonder if they are tapping into some ancient power that is denied to those who call themselves more civilized.” “Can you take your hand off my eyes now?” Daisy asked. 🏚 Meanwhile, at the home of old man Hendrixson, three pegasi have paid him a visit. “Where is our kinsmare.” Growled a gray stallion with a white mane, his hoof on a broken wand. Behind him are a pair of chestnut paints, their colors a mix of browns and grays. “Gone!” Spat out the old man. He was looking worse for wear thanks to the attention of the pegasi. Old man Hendrixson was at his wit's end. Ponies that could use human speech were well beyond his mindset. “Where!” demanded the gray. “Away! They flew away!” “They?” Asked one of the paints in old ponish. “What do you mean by they?” The gray asked. If ever a pony had a determined look on their face it was this one. “Who took our kinsmare?” “A white pegasus and a phoenix.” This news was even more confusing to the ponies. The man wasn’t lying, but they knew of no white pegasus. However, they had heard rumors of a phoenix that had fought with the worm that had been felled at the Hogwarts barns by a Night Mare. Rumors of that fight confused them all the more. Had a pegasus of legends told only as foal stories actually come to Hogwarts? “What more can you tell us of this white pegasus?” The gray asked. “Black ears, legs, there was what looked like a pendant of some sort hung about her neck, a mark on her flank of a crescent moon, two stars, and a tail that was more fox-like than pony.” Hendrixson offered. “This tale of yours gets stranger still, old wizard.” “There is a girl at the school who owns a phoenix, go ask her? I know nothing more.” “I’ve a mind to do just that.” The gray stated. “And if you attempt to hold any of my tribe against their will ever again, it will not go well for you. This I promise.” And with that, the three pegasi of the Silver Wood left. > Chapter 9: Nova's 1904 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well that was interesting,” Fergus said shortly after entering the main hall. Everyone was back from the winter break. Daisy was sort of his girlfriend, and he didn’t give one knut if the girl’s parents were muggles. She was a faithful girlfriend. Just like clockwork she came straight to him, with a gleam in her eye, and went right past. Daisy had been followed by Ruth, who had that same fire in her eyes, and went past the boys like they hadn't even been there. The two girls sought out Maggie and Florence, and after a freakish display of bouncing up and down, and unintelligible squeaks, all four girls took off as fast as they could go without getting scolded for running. “What was that all about, I wonder?” Newt asked. “What’s to explain, they’re girls.” Harold offered. “Come on, let's get up to Gryffindor Tower, and Maybe Andon will know something.” 🦊 “Nope, don’t know a thing,” Andon said when confronted. “All I can tell you is that Miss Nova Moon has all but sequestered herself in her room. She comes down for dinner, and that’s about it. - Ruth and Daisy are nearly as bad.” - I’m kind of feeling abandoned. - What’s more, is our professors don’t seem to mind one bit.” “Well, then why didn’t you sneak up there, and find out?” Newt asked. “Oh like that’s even going to work.” Andon protested. Newt placed an arm around his shoulders. “What about if you tried using your Animageus form?” “Oh no, no, not going to happen.” Andon protested. “Even if I got past the stairs, I’d never get past the girls. - It’d be just like when those damned fox hounds went after me.” “Well, go on up during dinner then.” Thoarin prompted. “And I’m making it an order.” “You can’t order me to do anything that’s not Quidditch related.” Andon protested. “True, but I can bench you though,” Thoarin informed him. “Any time I want, for absolutely no reason. That night at dinner the five girls came down with the biggest smiles on their faces, and Nova looked absolutely radiant. The girls sat down at the table, and Phenik joined them a moment later. “So, how’d your holiday go?” Fergus asked. “I’ve had a wonderful Christmas.” Maggie offered. “Thank you for asking.” “Well, you did go home,” Fergus replied. “Daisy… you didn’t even say hi to me when I got back.” “Oh, I’m so sorry.” Daisy offered. “It’s just that I wanted to show Maggie and Florence something.” “Phenik, fetch Andon,” Nova said. “What, he’s just running late.” The boys all stated at the same time. Phenik vanished with a pop. “Interesting that you all said that at the same time,” Caydence observed. “What are you up to?” “Up to? Us?” Harold offered. Phenik reappeared and deposited a small red fox in an open seat. “Tell me, little fox, what pray tell, were you up to?” Nova asked with a vicious gleam in her eye. The fox shrunk down. “You do know what a vixen does to a male fox, that’s not her mate or kit, what attempts to sneak into her den, don’t you?” The little red fox shook his head no. “She uses their fur to line her bed.” The little red fox shrank down even further, and let out a diminutive eep. “Now transform back, and make yourself ready for dinner. - As for the rest of you, he made no such attempt while you all were away, though we neglected him.” Headmaster Scrimgeour and Professor Marchbanks having seen the exchange gave each other a smile. “So how do you think she knew?” Scrimgeour asked, and Marchbanks whispered that a mother knows. He then got up and welcomed everyone back. Nova enjoyed the meal as well as any, though her thoughts went constantly back to her little Goldwine. He was developing much faster than a foal in Equestria would, which had prompted her to foal proof just about everything, starting with the exits. Both she and Alalme dreaded the thought that the two foals might get outside. Stairs, on the other hand, stopped being an issue by the end of the first week. The foals loved to glide down the steps to the lower landing, would turn around, climb back up, and do it again until they’d worn themselves out. The rotunda now had a large double door with stained glass panels that only the adults could open, and the outer doors were locked. Just in case. The open-hearth kitchen now had a door preventing access from the hallway, and the lounge upstairs had been completely reconfigured. Everything that need not be accessed regularly was locked, and breakables put away. It was all the girls could do not to talk about the foals at dinner Nova having allowed them limited access. Their furtive glances, giggles, and fits of barely contained exuberance, had convinced Caydence that they were up to something. After dinner, Caydence quietly ascended the stairs and followed the girls up to their room. She wasn’t happy that Nova Moon was being allowed to sleep in her own trunk apartment. Nor was she happy about the fact that she couldn't get in there to make sure they weren’t up to something. Caydence watched furtively as the girls went down, into the trunk, followed, and then went down into the trunk before it could be closed. “Alright, I’m going to find out what you’ve been up... to… wow, this is nice.” To the right was a large mural of a park that looked almost real. Though we already know it’s just a window. Nova having foreseen that sooner or later someone would make it down those stairs, and the need to keep the foals in had devised a subterfuge. The window now had a picture frame around it and had been enchanted so that if anyone looked close they’d see brush strokes, and the image they saw would take on a two-dimensional appearance. Directly in front of her was a small lounge with chairs, a table, lamps, and a writing desk. Beyond the desk was a wall filled with books. She’d have no way of knowing the wall was a front. The shelves were real enough and held all the books Nova had purchased in Diagon Alley. To the left was a doorway into the guest apartment which had been fixed up to look like that’s where Nova had been sleeping. The access to the rest of the complex was hidden in the back of a large walk-in closet, that opened into the library. “Can we help you?” Nova asked as she placed a book over a magazine. “This place is...” Cadence stopped, the motion of Nova hiding something registering. “What are you hiding?” “Nothing.” Daisy, Nova, Ruth, Maggie, and Florence all chimed. “Nothing is it? Give it here.” “But?” Nova protested. “Now,” Caydence demanded. Nova reluctantly uncovered the magazine, ‘The Pugilist’ took one last look at the cover, and surrendered it to Caydence. Caydence took it with a snatch. The magazine was none other than the manly art of fisticuffs, a magazine on boxing. On its cover a stalwart gentleman in tight pants, boots, did I mention the tight pants, boxing gloves, a magnificent mustachio, and little else. It was a wizard magazine as well, and within the publication were other stalwart gentlemen similarly attired, taking up various poses. There were articles as well, but whoever really reads those. “Girls your age should not be reading such… Oh my.” Caydence said as she looked at the pages, turned, and slowly went up the stairs to the dorm room. “Ooo, ten points for Gryffindor.” “I wonder if Professor Marchbanks is going to get her magazine back?” Nova said in a whisper. It was all they could do not to bust up laughing. Later she would restrict the girl’s access to the colts even further, which lead to them being properly downcast. In the Headmaster’s office, Brutus Scrimgeour met with two of the local officials. The three pegasi that had, assaulted Mr Hendrixson, had been seen going from place to place as if in a desperate search. Scrimgeour thought it possible the ponies in question might be looking for Miss Nova’s new wet nurse, but he only said the ponies were likely looking for the pony that got away from Hendrixson. They now suspected that a heard had been scattered by the wyrm’s taste for pegasus eggs. The weather wasn’t making things any easier on them in their search. Nova had of course done the sensible thing, what any new mother might do, and that was to stay indoors with the new arrivals. Nova said goodnight to the girls, walked into the closet, took her clothes off, and walked out into the other room once more a pony. She closed up the bookshelf wall and went to the large shared bedroom. Goldwine sat up looking at her. He was snuggled up with Alalme and Alya in the big bed. She went over to him, nuzzled him, sniffed, and levitated him to the bathroom for a quick clean up and change. When she returned, Alya needed a change. Finally, she was able to snuggle into bed and pull the covers up. ✨ Nova had Care of Magical Creatures on Tuesday, and as luck would have it, the weather cleared, and it turned into a nice day. Her class went out through a back entrance and trudged through the snow, and across an old stone bridge that was slick with ice. On arrival at the barns, they were handed shovels and put to work clearing snow from the various paths to and from the barns. Nor could they use magic as that could potentially upset a number of the more magical creatures in the barns. “Art thou not a princess? How is it thy teachers put one such as yourself to work doing such menial chores?” Asked a voice from within a paddock. It took Nova a moment to realize she was hearing old Ponish. She looked up to see a hippogriff. She bowed politely and whispered back in the old language that it was the lot of a student to do as their teachers bid, regardless of rank. “I had a teacher back home that would make me move water from one trough to another and back again to teach me patience, and perseverance,” Nova added whispering, and went back to her task. “So why is a noble hippogriff such as yourself living behind a fence?” “I’m old, and it’s a nice place to rest.” He offered. “Except for when that wyrm showed up. Twice it did. I must confess, I did not expect you to be conversant in the language of the beast, but then you have both a phoenix and a Night Mare at your beck and call.” “That Night Mare is the avatar of one of my moms. The one who nursed me when my own mother could not. And I know the language as the old language of pony kind. We call it old Ponish.” “Your mother? - Old Ponish you say?” “I’m no human princess if that’s what you thought.” Nova offered with a smile and a wink. “I also rescued Miss Alalme of the silver wood, and her little filly Alya.” “She’s alright then? That’s good. And she’s got a filly. That is good. Foals are so young and tender. Her kin have been looking for her. When no one could find her we feared she’d been lost in the snow, or the other Wyrm got her. They always come in pairs you know, and folks are mighty worried the other will show up.” “Well, spread the word that the mate is dead, to include a clutch of eggs.” Nova paused in her labors. “Alalme didn’t know how to contact any of her kin. I gather the last she saw of anyone they’d left her in old man Hendrixson’s barn with the assumption she’d be safe.” Seeing the teacher was watching, she quickly went back to shoveling snow. “Dead you say, that is good news. And that old fool has made a grave breach of trust, but then I expect little better out of many wizards.” “Mr Mackintosh and his family are, I imagine, an exception to the rule. They are good people. They remind me of some ponies I once knew. - The Wyrm was discovered in a secret place deep under the castle, and nearly got a boy who I’d call a friend.” Nova shuddered at the memory. “And you say you are, a pegasus was it?” “A pegacorn. I can do magic, and transform.” “Show me.” “Now would be a bad time.” Nova protested. “There are only ten who know of my pony form. Not all of those have guessed that it's my true form. I can transform into a small white fox with wings like an owl as well.” “Oh ho, so that little spitfire is you is it?” The hippogriff asked, and then laughed. “Ya. Flying in that form is so much fun, and everyone sees me as a wizard Animageus so I don’t need to hide that form. They also think I have a blood curse because my human form is less than complete.” “Haha, the assumptions of wizards. But tell me, what is your name, little one?” “Nova Moon.” Nova offered. “And Alalme and I have a secret place where we share the joy of caring for our foals.” “Foals you say? - But surely you are not yet old enough to have a foal of your own? But forgive my manners, I’m called Raumo, he who rides upon the storm. Now, what’s this you say, more than one foal? You only mentioned the one?” He clacked his beak and quickly licked away some drool. If Nova noticed, she made no indication. “I rescued an egg from the wyrm, and have a beautiful golden colt I now call my own for lack of a mother to return him to. Nor would I gladly give him up as he is my pride and joy.” Nova paused in her shoveling once more. “From what I’ve learned I suspect his mother was the same Brighteyes who was slain in the hay barn on the very same day I retrieved the egg, and the beast was slain.” She studied him carefully, no she wasn’t going to tell him who it was that killed the Wyrm. “There is much you are not telling me. But it is good that at least one foal was saved from that creature.” He clacked his beak. “Oh, and that Alalme has hers as well.” “I’m not sure you’d believe me if I told you the whole of it anyway. And I think I’d best get back to my task.” Her instructor had indeed been watching her, though what was going on in their mind was anyone’s guess. Theirs was a mixture of concern due to the proximity of the hippogriff mixed with irritation and confusion due to the fact that Nova was both slaking in her task, and appeared to be holding a conversation with the hippogriff. As for Nova, she’d stopped completely at the sight of a large blood-red roan draft horse with a palomino mane pulling a snowplow with no supervision. Nova was mesmerized by the rippling muscles on the stallion that so resembled Applejack’s elder brother. “You’re drooling.” Teased Raumo. “Who?” Nova asked. “Why that’s Mr Mackintosh.” “He’s been holding out on me, he has.” Raumo laughed, followed by Nova’s teacher going up to them, bowing to the hippogriff, and moving Nova a good distance away from the old gray beak. Nova couldn't resist luring Alalme out to see if they might spot Mr Mackintosh hard at work later that day. Nova had decided to venture forth in her pony form, and the foals were presently taking a nap in the care of Moonie. Moonie had been a bit of a shock to Alalme at first, but she soon grew accustomed to the appearance of the Night Mare. As luck would have it, Mackintosh was still hard at work along with a number of older students who’d picked up where the previous classes had left off. To the students, the sight of a pair of cute pegasi sneaking out of the cottage didn’t really seem all that strange. Watching them teasing the big draft horse had been hilarious. But alas, all good things must come to an end. “Alright knock it off the both of you.” Mrs Mackintosh ordered with her hands just above her hips. She’d rushed to her husband’s rescue the moment she got wind of what was going on. “That’s my Stallion, keep your hooves off him.” Nova and Alalme nickered, horse laughter it was, and as it’d been a while since either had had a good chance to really stretch their wings they lifted off and soared heavenward. Raumo, having witnessed the exchange, recognized Nova by her markings, and could only laugh at the antics of the young mares. “Mrs Mackintosh… correct me if I’m wrong, but do you have a pegasus and a pegacorn which just happens to be one of the rarest of magical creatures, living in your house?” The care of magical creatures teacher asked walking up to her. “Wouldn't be the first magical creature that wandered into the house.” Mrs Mackintosh offered as though there were rare exotic creatures tramped through her house every day. “There’s a pegacorn tramping around, and you never said a thing? To anyone? - We are talking a flying unicorn here.” “The headmaster knows, and I’m under no obligation to tell anyone about the comings and goings of wild pegasi.” “Wild pegasi?” The teacher protested. “Three of them put old man Hendrixson in the hospital.” “And if he’d ‘ave provided support instead of a tether, he’d not ‘ave got the beating he got, now would he? Pegasi are intelligent creatures that form strong bonds with those they care for and can be every bit as gentle as a mother cat with her kittens. Woe be on those who threaten their foals, so don’t be poking around try’n ta figure out where they’ve nested.” ⛅ As for Nova and Alalme, they were high overhead enjoying the brisk cold air. “You have got to be the most interesting pegasi I’ve ever met,” Alalme called. “Is that good or bad?” Nova called back. “It’s good. I find you very likable despite your being so different.” “So is it the eyes or the teeth?” There was silence between the two, with only the sound of wind rustling past feathers reaching their ears. “You have the look of a predator. Right now your eyes are down to narrow slits, and they reflect light at night. Not so much when you are in human form though.” “Not so much? I seriously need to work on that. Listen, the old hippogriff, calls himself Raumo, he who rides on the wind. He told me that there are ponies looking for you. I let him know that you are alright, and asked if he could get the word out. No point in us trying to find them.” She thought about the gray beak for a moment. “Though to be honest I don’t know if he’ll pass the word on or not. Not the sort I’d trust with foals.” “Even if we wanted to find those pegasi, we couldn't go far, and you have your studies.” “I suppose so. If I knew where they were, and they weren’t too far away I could fetch them. I'm capable of covering vast distances in a very short amount of time.” They continued on in silence for a bit, till Nova broke the silence. “Would you want to go back to your herd?” “Why do you ask?” “I have to go. In spring. I’d like very much for you to come with me, and we can be sisters.” “Where are you going?” “Through a portal that’s going to open up.” She'd a thoughtful expression on her face. “It’s a one-way trip, no going back, and I’ll likely never see anyone here ever again.” “When?” “Easter.” “That’s too soon to wean Goldwine.” “I thought it might be. I’d consider letting him stay with you.” “Even though it’d break your heart and his?” “I want to go home, and it’s going to require going through that portal. The portal will take me about eighty-eight, maybe ninety years, give or take, into the future.” “How’s that get you home?” “I don’t belong here. I belong to another world and another time. That portal gets me closer to home.” “Goldwine doesn’t belong here either. He can’t come to the forest. His color is too bright. Such foals don’t last long, and then there is the issue that he and my foal have no fear of you despite your look of a predator. They could mistake a wolf for yourself.” “I’d never thought of that. I’m a fox pony. I’m nocturnal. I never thought my own heritage could be a liability for a foal. I’m so sorry...” Nova was a gasp. “My fate was sealed when I followed you. I will go with you, and I’ll not regret it.” “Really, you will? - Yes!” At that Nova did a loop, followed by a victory roll. Alalme had to laugh at Nova’s antics, nor was she that much older than Nova. Life in the forest was hard, short, and sweet. They were lucky to live into their twenties. In Equestria, Alalme would be considered underage, but that was Equestria where even an earth pony could live a hundred years or more. Heck, after a ninety-year jump she’d be the oldest pony in her clan since the fall of the Princess of the Night. The idea of becoming a figure of legend had its appeal, and Nova was going to make a good sister. Nova was an enigma to Alalme as well. Nova could demonstrate maturity and level headed thinking, and yet she seemed very much like a foal under that exterior. “You ready to go in, it’s getting cold?” Alalme asked once Nova had settled down. “Probably a good idea. I don’t have a flight suit on, and all this soft living makes my fur thin. - Too many people at the cottage let's just go to the tower. If we are quick they won’t know where we went.” “How do you know where the opening is?” “I use my internal navigation. Come on, just follow me.” Nova looped around to line up with the hidden opening, reached out with her magic, swooped down, and opened the doors to land in the rotunda. Alalme dropped in right behind her. “How’d you know the doors were open?” “They weren’t.” Nova offered as she closed the doors. “Advantage to having a horn. I could teach you magic that doesn’t require a horn. It’s what wizards call wand-less. Um, dare I ask what your reading skills are?” “I know some of the ruins, and can read and write just enough to leave messages, or read messages.” “Nothing like what you can do, and that wyrm destroyed our little schoolhouse.” “In that case, I think I’ll get out my primer in old ponish.” Nova opened the door to go into the rest of the apartments where two foals waited. "It'll do you good to improve on what you already know." “Mama!” Goldwine called to Nova. Nova dropped down and gave him a hug and a nuzzle. Her fur was ice cold, he squealed, broke free, and ran away squealing.” “You’re next,” Alalme said to Alya with a grin on her face. Alya saw her doom, her eyes growing wide, squealed, turned, and followed after her nest sibling. Nova and Alalme couldn't resist chasing after them. 💨 That night at dinner a growing rumor that there were pegasi nesting in the top of the Gryffindor tower was nearly Nova’s undoing. People had seen them approach, but lost sight of them. No one saw where, but as the two pegasi hadn’t simply gone past the tower, it was assumed they’d somehow gained access to the tower. “Aha! So that’s it!” Caydence said standing up. She then began pointing an accusing finger at Nova, Ruth, Maggie, Daisy, and Florence. “You lot figured out how to get into the attic, there are foals up there, and you haven't been sharing!” Headmaster Scrimgeour having overheard, along with practically everyone in the hall, banged his goblet on the faculty table and stood up. “Miss Caydence Luyif, sit down.” He waited a moment while she sat down. Newt, Fergus, and Cygnus looked at Nova not quite sure what to think. Had she laid an egg? Is that what her secret project was? “Now...” Headmaster Scrimgeour said in a tone that left no doubt in the minds of anyone who heard him. “It seems that there is an interesting rumor going around.” He wasn’t entirely sure what the whole story was, though he did know about the two fillies teasing Mr Mackintosh. “The attic spaces and crawl spaces are off-limits. If there is indeed a pegasus pair nesting at the top of one of the towers, they are to be left alone. No one is to approach any space suspected to contain a pegasus nest, nor pester them in any way. Any harm done to any of the pegasuses will be dealt with severely.” Having nothing more to say he sat back down and went back to his meal. After dinner, nearly every girl in the Gryffindor tower wanted to know where the access was. “You heard the headmaster, there’s to be no going up there.” Caydence admonished, and then asked where the access was. “I know nothing about any access,” Nova said, went down into her trunk, closed, and locked the opening behind her. She then raced through, not bothering to switch, ran downstairs, and asked Granny if any of the eggshell was left. She then told her, and Alalme what the problem was, said she needed lots of sticks, and raced to the stairs that went up. She’d yet to even go up that way as there’d been no reason to. What she found was a typical attic space filled with things Princess Celestia had thought Nova might need inside boxes with lists attached to each and every box. And then there was one more set of stairs going to a flat section of the ceiling. Nova climbed the stairs, drew a bolt, pushed a hatch open, and climbed up into the Attack of Gryffindor Tower. She didn’t know how that worked and wasn’t going to ask. It was dark, cold, and full of cobwebs. Nova transformed, and used her horn to light up the attic space. Aside from an attic ghoul that had been minding its own business, there wasn’t a thing in there. Nova saw another hatch slowly start to open. It made a terrible creak. In a flash, she jumped on the trap door sending whomever it was crashing to the floor. By the sounds of the yells and complaints, it’d been the boys. Another hatch started to open, and Alalme quickly stepped on that one. “So now what?” Alalme asked in a whisper. “We need to give them something to find,” Nova whispered back. “Look, there’s a shuttered window. We build a nest, leave some old feather floof, and what’s left of Goldwine’s eggshell. How fast can you build a nest? I’ve never built a nest in my entire life!” “Can’t we just fasten the hatches?” “Won’t work. They’ve been told to stay away. That’s like mooning an angry Manticore.” “So what you are saying is they are no different than a typical foal.” “Pretty much, only with fewer self-preservation instincts.” Granny Smith popped up a moment later with a bundle of sticks. “Start ta building.” “I guess you figured out what I wanted,” Nova said with a smile. “Mister Mac has more,” Granny announced as Nova’s hatch started pushing up despite her being on it. “Oy, get up here.” Mackintosh came up with two bundles, saw the problem, set the bundles to one side, climbed the rest of the way up, sat next to Nova, and transformed. Nova found herself getting scooted away, the hatch slammed shut, the floor creaked, and dust sifted through the cracks down to the room below. Nova squeezed out from between Mackintosh, and a very confused ghoul, and went to sit on the hatch to the girl’s rooms. Alalme quickly set to fashioning a nest with the material Granny had brought up, along with additional material, and the eggshell. “What should we do with the eggshell?” Nova asked. “Let the ghoul chew on it.” Alalme offered. “We usually just discard them. What were you doing with it?” “Grinding it up and giving it to you as a calcium supplement,” Granny informed her. “Makes for strong healthy foals.” Nova offered. “Oh,” Alalme said. “I’d never thought of that.” “Keep building,” Nova said with her horn pointed at the hatch. She then hit the latch with a powerful locking spell. “That’ll hold the girls. - For a while at least.” “Can you do that to the other one?” Alalme asked. “Mac and Granny are going to have to go back down so I can position, and finish the nest. We can fly out the window. Don’t think it’s going to be very convincing though.” “On my way. Mac?” No sooner had Mackintosh turned back into a human, and stepped away from the hatch, the hatch flew open, and a boy’s head popped up. Nova hit him with a jinx right between the eyes, trotted over, and started taking potshots at everyone down there. Pew pew pew… And there was much cursing and scrambling. “You are enjoying that entirely too much,” Mackintosh said as he crossed the floor. He and granny went back down, closed, and latched the hatch. Alalme pushed the nest into position and finished it up complete with padding made of feathers. They hoped no one would notice that the feathers were mixed feathers from the farm. “The shutter’s locked from the outside?” Alalme said half panicked. “Stand aside, and close your eyes.” “What?” “Just do it.” Alalme did as directed. Her ears heard an explosion. She opened her eyes to discover the shutters had been blasted clean away. Even part of the sill was gone, and that which was left was smoldering. Nova slammed the hatch to the boys' dorm down and hit it with a locking spell. “That won’t last long!” Nova announced, and the two jumped out the window to circle down to their balcony even as the boys burst the hatch open. “Core, there’s a nest up here!” Nova popped her head out of her trunk to witness Professor Marchbanks reading the riot act to the girls. Through the wall could be heard the sound of one of the men doing much the same. The next morning, the welts on quite a few of the boys convinced the girls to never try that again. Detention for those known to have been involved wasn’t pleasant, and the lecture in Care of Magical creatures included showing everyone the remains of the shutters. “This is what happens when you corner a pegacorn.” The instructor said sternly. “You boys are lucky she held back.” The boys all replied yes sir as they fidgeted uncomfortably in their seats. To be true, the welts Nova had given them had faded much faster than the welts the teachers had given them. The remainder of the month went without incident. The weather swung back and forth between rain and snow, and by the time February came around everyone was looking forward to the Valentine dance. Nova went if only to stem off suspicion. She didn’t really want to be there but wore her best wizard robe. She mingled, danced with some of the boys, and when she felt she’d stayed long enough, made her excuses, and left. Upstairs in her apartments, the house-elves had prepared a candlelight dinner out on the lawn of her greenhouse. A dinner for two. In there at least it was nice and warm. “You know, you just might civilize me yet,” Alalme said with a smile. “I thought you might enjoy it. Back in Equestria, we call this Hearts and Hooves day. It’s a different time of year, but it’s the same sentiment. - You’ve been such a blessing, I couldn't go to a party, and leave you out of all the fun.” The weather was mild for the remainder of the month, even so, they'd yet to hear anything about the ponies who’d been looking for Alalme. With the mild weather, everyone began to look forward to the quidditch game coming up. The game was scheduled for the last Saturday of the last full weekend of the month, Hufflepuff against Gryffindor. There’d been a light dusting of snow the day before the game, but the day of the game was a beautiful sunny day. So much so Nova needed her goggles from her shadow bolt messenger uniform. They fit her human face a little funny, but they were better than nothing. The teams flew out, landed, shook hands, lifted off again, and took up their positions. The balls were released, and the game began. This time the snitch had been jinxed to fly away from Nova any time it got near her. It’d fly to her, turn, head in some other direction, and then come back and do it again. Almost like it was teasing her. The Hufflepuff seeker saw this, and before long the two players were jockeying back and forth in an effort to see who might catch it first. And then it happened. There was a stillness in the air, and a lack of all sound save the activity of the game itself. Nova became aware of it, the lack of bird song as birds sing even in winter was unnerving – her hair stood on end. She felt where it was coming from and turned her broom just as the wind exploded with a mighty crash. Most of the players were immediately grounded, the snitch had turned into the wind, and the Hufflepuff seeker had copied Nova simply because he’d seen her do it. He was being pushed back, no matter how much he willed his broom forward. Nova was getting buffeted by the outfit that had been made extra baggy to camouflage her girlish shape. It’s a Victorian thing. The girls hated flying in those outfits, it slowed them down, but it was what the ministry wanted. For those who were still watching they saw Nova’s outfit get torn away save for bits of it, to reveal a blue-grey jumpsuit with gold lightning bolts around the cuffs, and a vapor cone began to form in front of her. She was also, more or less, stationary the wind was so strong. The stands began to creak and sway prompting spectators to abandon them. Nova knew she had to finish this quickly. The snitch for its part was still racing into the wind as fast as its little wings could go. It wasn't making much headway. Nova maneuvered behind it, sparks began to fly from the sweep of her broom, followed by bright red and yellow flame, then white fire streaming back making more racket than the wind itself. If that could even be possible. She punched through the vapor cone and snatched the snitch. “She’s got the snitch, Gryffindor wins, everyone inside!” Shouted the announcer, their sentence being punctuated by a loud crack. Nova was nowhere in sight. At the moment she’d caught the snitch she’d angled up, and rocketed into the stratosphere. It was as though she’d fallen into the sun. She looked at the snitch and asked it if it was having fun. As for the view, it looked to Nova as though she could see the entire world. Far below was Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, the barns, greenhouses, the forest, and the rail line snaking away into the distance through the highland hills. To the west, she could see the Atlantic, and to the east high mountain peaks, and beyond that the North Sea. All about the land is rugged, and more peaks can be seen to the south and southeast. Getting back down was going to be a challenge. Nova angled down, tucked the snitch into her gut, and blasted forward into the wind. By the time she made it back the wind had toppled the quidditch stands. She angled over, and then down to land in the relative shelter of a large courtyard, and made her way to the great hall. Bits of her quidditch outfit still hung to her, and about her neck, her pendant was clearly visible, a chain of lilliputian silver horseshoes, from which the moon pendant hung glistened in the light. Her goggles were also about her neck as she’d pulled them down the moment she’d entered the building. “Where have you been?!” Her friends and several faculty members asked as she walked in. Outside the wind sounded like it was trying to pull the place apart. “In orbit.” Nova offered. She’d her broom in one hand, and the snitch in the other. “Fifty thousand horns at least.” Fifty thousand whats, they asked themselves? “I’ve never seen the like.” Professor Marchbanks said looking at her. “What on earth, I thought your broom had burst into flame. And what are you wearing?” Several girls were presently covering the eyes of the boys around them as Nova’s flight suit fit very tight with the bits of her quidditch outfit only making the effect that much worse on the minds of the properly modest Victorian mindset. “I used a propulsion charm.” Nova offered. “And it’s my flight suit. I sort of summoned it when my clothes ripped apart. Not sure how I did it though, I just needed it, and suddenly I’m wearing it. Kind of looks like long underwear doesn't it?” Nova was a healthy fourteen-year-old, her birth date being November twentieth by the Equestrian calendar, and had she been home she’d likely be in an apprenticeship now. The behavior of a number of the girls seemed rather odd to Nova that they’d react that way over an Equestrian flight suit, and then she wondered how they’d fair in pony society where clothing, when worn, was nothing more than an accessory. “That fire, was that more of your wand-less magic? - Or is it this pendant you wear?” Professor Black asked. “Not exactly either.” Nova offered. “My broom has the same elements as my wand. Granted there’s more to it, but it can, in a pinch, be used to cast a spell.” She looked at the end of the sweep. Numerous ends were curled, and or smoldering. “And I’ve only singed it a little.” The wind continued unabated, and many of the students and staff had been worried the towers might collapse. Nova more than most, and went upstairs despite protest, to retrieve her suitcase. She placed her broom in a holder inside the first apartment, extinguished the smolders, went into the walk-in closet, put a skirt and blouse on, and summoned her waistcoat to herself putting that on not having taken the time to remove the flight suit. She then let the snitch go into the library for the foals to chase, exited the trunk, reconfigured it into a suitcase, and brought it back to the main hall where everyone was gathering. She regretted not telling Alalme what was going on but didn’t think she had the time. Gryffindor students and Ravenclaw students were temporarily relocated to unused ground floor classrooms due to their dorms being located in towers and provided cots and blankets. For perhaps the first time in their life, the Slytherins were glad to be in the dungeon. Nova set her suitcase in a corner, reconfigured it to a steamer trunk, and went in. She passed through the closet making sure to close and lock the bookcase, and went and found Alalme. “What’s happened, all the outside doors are gone?” Alalme asked. “Where have you been?” “I moved the primary location. The front door so to speak. The wind is blowing harder than I’ve ever seen it before, and there’s a fear the Gryffindor tower might collapse. - I’ll see if I can reconnect the farmhouse door.” She then went down to the open-hearth kitchen, and with a little effort reestablished the connection. “Is everyone alright in here?” Nova asked as she opened the door. The place sounded like it was about to fly apart. “Miss Nova!” Granny shouted over the wind. “What happened to the door? It vanished.” “I had to move the apartment. We’ve evacuated the Gryffindor tower.” Nova shouted in turn. “Where’s Mrs Mackintosh, have her grab her little ones, and come into my kitchen. You should come too.” “And Mr Mackintosh?” Granny asked. “Well, I figured he’d be out trying to tie things down. - I can’t help. This is too much for me.” “Aye, you’re right. He’s out in the thick of it.” Granny shouted back. Just then there came a pounding at the outer door. Granny opened the door with an effort to discover three pegasi outside, a gray and two chestnut paints. “Don’t just stand there!” Nova shouted in old ponish. “Get in here! This way.” The three hesitated only a moment and made their way into Nova’s kitchen. Once inside they marveled at the realization that the only sound of the storm came from the doorway. Granny and Mrs Mackintosh came in with two young very alarmed children a few moments later. “I’m going to assume you three are the ones who have been looking for Alalme?” Nova asked. “You picked a fine time to come calling.” “We got blown here.” One of the paints offered. “Who are you, and how do you know about Alalme?” “There was a big stallion out there throwing chains over roofs to fasten everything down.” The other paint offered. “I’ve never seen the like. - He told us to go to the house.” “That’s Mr Mackintosh. Big Mac to his friends.” Nova offered. “He’s a wizard, though I suspect he’s more horse than wizard.” “And who are you?” The gray asked as the door was shut. The sound of the storm vanished. Outside the window could be seen the farmyard, and things were not well. “What happens if the house gets blown away?” Granny asked. “So long as there is a wall there, the door will remain.” Nova offered. “I’m Nova Moon. Alalme and I have a sister pact.” “But you?” The gray asked. “Come, follow me, all will be explained.” Nova offered and headed for the door to the hallway. She opened the door, and the three ponies looked through to see a park outside a window where none should be. Nor was there any wind despite the wind raging outside the kitchen window. Nova walked down the hall until she was out of view. “Well?” Said a unicorn with Nova’s hair and voice looking back around the corner. “Are you coming or not?” “Who are you?” The gray asked. “I’m Nova Moon. Though you’ve yet to introduce yourselves.” Nova walked back in, and their jaws dropped. For whatever reason, her entire outfit had transformed with her, and it was clearly a pony uniform of some sort. Or at least that’s what it looked to be to them. Nor had they expected her to come trotting back as a winged unicorn after vanishing from sight. “I am called Gadgull, and the mares are Istel and Talma.” “Well, Gadgull the Gray of the Silver Wood, come and I will introduce you to our foals.” They hesitated a moment longer, and then followed Nova upstairs. Gadgull marveled at the armor still on the clotheshorse. The skull and wing was a symbol out of legends. “Alalme, we’ve got visitors,” Nova called. Alalme came out of the bedroom, let out a squeak, trotted to them, and there was much wing hugging and nuzzling. “How is it that you are living like humans,” Gadgull asked in astonishment. “And what is this place.” “Humans, this is how Equestrians live. Well, maybe not this grand as I’m to understand this estate is large even by Equestrian standards. We’ve been living in the wild, in our little village so many generations we’ve forgotten what it is to live as a civilized pony.” Alalme responded with a smile. “Do not our oral traditions say we once lived like this? - And this, my dear brother, is Princess Kitzumi Nova Moon of Equestria. And my new sister.” “You’ve found yourself an interesting sister, she is half beast.” Gadgull protested. “I’ll not deny it,” Nova responded as a small golden mechanical bird landed on her. Nova looked at it, it was clearly the snitch, but it now looked more like a proper bird. Had the Equestrian magic changed it, or was that Tia’s doing? Was there a difference? She looked back over to Alalme. “By the way, where’s Phenik?” “With the foals. I put them down for a nap.” “Well, you are coming with us. Now!” Gadgull ordered. “You have got to be jesting?” Nova said in disbelief. “I invited you in to bring you to safety, and now you wish to throw my hospitality in my face? - Have you forgotten what it’s like out there in the brief time you’ve been inside?” She glared at him. “Nor will I suffer my sister to be compelled to go anywhere that is not of her choosing.” “Nor would I willingly give up toilets.” Alalme offered. Nova smiled. “So what you are saying is you love me for my indoor plumbing, is that it?” Nova teased. “I must confess, not having to go out into the weather to poop does have its appeal,” Alalme replied with a wink. “And the window where the balcony normally would be is evidence enough, that the weather outside is not fit for mad dogs, nor English men.” “Tell us of this thing called indoor plumbing?” Istel and Talma chimed. “Well I did offer to show you the foals, so let's see if they are asleep.” Nova offered, went to the chamber door, and slowly opened it. She peeked in and was rewarded with the exclamation of mama. A moment later a little golden foal was under her, pressing against her legs. “So much for naps,” Alalme said as Alya came out as well. She saw the strangers and dashed to her mother. Alalme and Nova gave Gadgull withering looks so as to impart on him the stupidity of his word as Istel and Talma cooed over the cute foals. “They are beyond precious.” Istel offered. “Especially now when our heard is scattered.” She turned on Gadgull and gave him the same look that Nova and Alalme were giving him. “And to even think about taking foals out into that wind is beyond insanity,” Talma said as she too added her glare. “I may have been a bit hasty.” Gadgull offered as he took a step back. “Well, now that that is settled, Miss Aiko, Can you provide our guests with accommodations?” Nova asked. “Yes, Miss.” Offered a white pony with a maid uniform. Gadgull jumped at her sudden appearance. “I can only imagine what he’ll think of Moonie.’ Alalme whispered. “Let's find out,” Nova said with a smile. “Moonie?” The Night Mare appeared as from nowhere. Gadgull’s wings popped out in a display of arousal at the sight of the mare. Moonie nickered under her breath while Istel and Talma gave Gadgull an icy stare. “Well, now we know. - Moonie, can you keep an eye on the foals? I need to go back out to the school.” “Awwww,” Goldwine said and held tight to Nova’s leg. “I know, I know, I just got here, but I need to get back before they miss me.” She gently extracted herself from his grip, levitated him to Moonie's back, transformed, and teleported to the entry lounge of the smaller upstairs suite. Nova’s sudden appearance put a temporary halt to an argument that was going on. The suite was filled with seven-year girls who had been arguing with Nova’s roommates, plus Daisy. “How’d she do that?” One of the seven-year girls asked. “Never mind that. We are commandeering this apartment for the seven-year girls.” Commanded another seven-year student. “This apartment is the sovereign territory of Eques.” Nova scolded boldly. The last thing she wanted was girls that might find their way through the deception, and these girls were being rather presumptuous. Add to that the weather, and Gadgull’s attitude earlier had her on edge. “Listen to the princess, thinks she’s so high and mighty.” One of the other seven year girls said. They all laughed. “It’s ours now.” another informed boldly. “Now get out. Senior girls privilege.” “Tia, dungeon,” Nova said in an angered breath. There was a flash, and the seven-year girls were gone. “Keep them locked in, and lock the outer door.” “Where’d they go? How’d you do that?” Daisy asked astonished. “They wished that I accommodate them, and I did.” Nova offered. “They are in my dungeon.” “Hey, um… where’s everyone?” Caydence asked coming down the steps. “I provided them other accommodations. Would you like to join them?” “Ummm… no. I’m good.” Caydence replied figuring she knew where that other accommodation was. “I’ve room for the first years.” Nova offered. “That is if I’m to offer accommodations in here.” “Alright, what is going on down here?” Professor Marchbanks asked as she descended the steps. “Where are the seven years?” “Nova locked them up.” Daisy offered. “They were being a bit presumptuous.” Nova offered. “Just how presumptuous?” Marchbanks asked. “Attempted seizure of the sovereign territory of Eques, and gross disregard for the inhabitants,” Nova informed her. “Such statements were made that I’d be well within my rights to seek a formal apology from the ministry.” “They were going to try to kick Nova out,” Maggie added. “And take the apartment for themselves.” “Well, they had to learn the hard way sooner or later,” Marchbanks said as she gazed into the park mural which she knew to be just a window with an enchantment. The park was filling with magical creatures. Nova took one look, vanished, and then a pegacorn appeared in the painting, wearing the same outfit Nova had on a moment ago. “Ahhh, what am I seeing?” Caydence asked. “She vanished, and then a winged unicorn appears in the painting...” “Raumo, what’s going on?” Nova asked as she glided down. “Our barn was in danger of collapsing. Gadgull was generous enough to invite us into this wonderful enchanted shelter.” Raumo informed her. “Well, I guess I can’t very well say no. Do you think you can keep everyone in line?” Nova asked still hovering in the air. “Why of course.” “And tell them that this is not a shelter, but the garden of a princess of Equestria. If anyone destroys anything, so help me I’ll have their hide.” And with that, she sped off to the entrance. Nova was relieved to find that Tia had added a large door to exit straight from the kitchen plus two more to restrict access to the downstairs corridor. “Miss Nova, I hope you don’t mind,” Granny said on seeing the pegacorn enter the kitchen. “Gadgull said you’d be alright with it.” “Well he’s not wrong,” Nova said her apprehension about the whole situation showing. Her care of magical creatures teacher was standing there looking at her with a perplexed expression. “Mr Percival,” Nova said acknowledging the man. His jaw dropped when Nova transformed back to her human form. “Mr Percival, please tell me you have other emergency shelters for the more quarrelsome, and or destructive creatures?” “You can turn into a winged pegasus?” Mr Percival asked astonished. “Yes, and I’ve three pegasus mares and two foals upstairs,” Nova informed him. “This space is inside my luggage. The nest in the tower was just a diversion to keep people from putting two and two together, and realizing there was more inside my trunk than just a deluxe apartment.” A thought suddenly hit her. If anyone moved her steamer trunk, this entrance would slam shut. “I need to go!” Snap! Nova climbed the stairs just as two girls were about to pick up and move the steamer chest. “Stop! Fix position.” “We’re just… It won’t budge?” Nova breathed a sigh of relief. “What’s going on?” Marchbanks asked her in a whisper. “The back door is being used to bring in animals to shelter them from the wind,” Nova replied in a whisper. “Move the trunk, and the door will slam shut.” “Oh my. What’s going on?” “I’m to understand a barn is in danger of collapsing. - Animals are being evacuated. - For whatever reason, one of my guests decided to open my doors to all comers, and it’s making me mighty jumpy. They are not being very selective, and I’m not happy about it. - Now, I’m going to go back down there, and see what all is being done.” “What’s going on?” Caydence asked as Nova went back down, and vanished once more. “Nothing you need to be concerned with dear.” Marchbanks cautioned. Nor did she wish to mention that there was a potential for any number of magical creatures to come out of Nova’s trunk at any moment. Nova turned back into her pony form and flew over the gardens. There was any number of creatures running about, squabbling, and staking out territories. Nova cast a bright light spell about herself, and called out in old ponish with the royal Canterlot voiced, “Silence, and be still! By our leave, thou have come, and by our hoof in thine backside will thou leave if thou faileth to behave! Pick a place to rest, and sit quietly!” And upon the field a hush fell, none daring any utterance. Nova continued to the kitchen entrance, still shining brightly. Gadgull was standing in the entrance, but he grew week in the knees and bowed low on her arrival. “You started this mess, I expect you to follow through, and see to it that some semblance of order is kept,” Nova said as she walked past him. From there she walked into the kitchen, wings not quite fully closed up, with light streaming off her like she was some heavenly being. “What, what was that?” Mr Percival asked. He hadn’t understood any of it, but it was clear that a powerful magical creature wasn’t pleased by the goings-on. The sight of Nova back in her pegacorn form, ears and wings telegraphing agitation, and glowing like a celestial being… the realization that he’d just invaded the nest of a powerful magic creature began to creep up his spine. “That was me.” Nova offered and changed back to human form. “You’re, um, glowing.” Granny offered. Things had gotten out of hand, nor had she realized Mr Percival would start bringing in dangerous animals when she’d told him it was alright to use the garden. “Ah, so I am,” Nova said looking at her arm. She took a deep breath, let it out slowly. She countered the spell she’d cast on herself, and the light faded till she was back to the ordinary mild-mannered Miss Nova. “There is a lot of squabbling going on. Creatures who have the mistaken belief they can take and hold territory, trampling my lawns, and my gardens. Coming dangerously close to my nest.” Nova let that sink in a little. “I trust every last one that isn’t a pegasus will be out as soon as you are able to do so.” Mr Percival nodded his head, Nova said thank you, and teleported upstairs. “What was that shouting?” Alalme asked, on seeing Nova. “That was me.” Nova offered and turned herself back into a pony. “It’s pandemonium. I do hope the foals can’t get out.” “We seem to be locked in.” Alalme offered. “That’s just as well then,” Nova replied. “Tia is likely weighing the need to provide shelter with the necessity to keep the foals safe. - How are they?” “Looking out the window at all the goings-on.” “Maybe I can get them to settle down. At the very least I need a nap. All that magic wears a pony out.” Nova tried working a kink out of her neck. “There’s resistance from the Hogwarts wards every time I teleport, and it wears on me.” Nova went into the lounge, picked out one of the large sofas, and lay down. It didn’t take long for Phenik, and Goldwine to join her, Phenik on her back, and Goldwine burrowing in under a wing. Nova and colt soon fell asleep, while Phenik kept one eye open. 🍽 It was decided to risk having dinner in the main hall that night. “Professor Marchbanks, where are your seventh-year girls.” Brutus Scrimgeour asked as they waited for everyone to settle down. The wind outside had died down a bit but still made an ominous racket. “As the muggles are prone to say, they are at Her Majesty's disposal.” She offered dryly. “Miss Nova hasn’t come out since the last time I saw her, so I haven't been able to ask her to let them out.” “She sent me an owl to let me know she’ll be staying in until something can be done about the animals trampling her garden,” Scrimgeour informed. “Not that I can blame her.” “Lawns?” Merrythought asked. “You remember the memory I showed you, of the Wyrm under the castle being killed?” Scrimgeour asked. “She’s the one who killed it. - She recovered a pegasus egg, and as she was able to demonstrate she could take care of it, I allowed it. Since then she brought home a nursing pegasus mare with a foal.” “Where is she keeping them, surely you aren’t going to say her luggage?” Merrythought asked. “She’s got a small estate in her luggage. It’s the reason we did the red tags for the train. I allowed her to set up access out at the barns, where she linked her kitchen to the Mackintosh kitchen so that they’d be able to provide them with some support without anyone knowing.” “She opened a door from the dorm to the farm?” Professor Black asked astonished. “I’m to understand that’s the limit of the estate. Or at least the range.” Scrimgeour offered. “It worked out perfectly well until one of the barns started to topple. Mr Percival it seems was given access to the estate and decided to use it as an emergency shelter for pretty much everything. - Needles to say, she’s none too happy about it but has allowed it out of concern for the creatures. The downside is any number of those creatures pose a threat to the foals.” “And the seventh year Gryffindor girls tried to commandeer the portion of her apartments that are accessible to the people in the dorm.” Marchbanks offered. “She’d be within her right’s to request a formal apology, and she’s said as much. She did make that section available to the first years. And I think she did the right thing. The apartment is isolated from the sound of the wind, and the younger girls needed that. The older girls were just expecting privileges that weren’t theirs to take. I suspect she may not be able to get them out, without leading them past all the animals. She mentioned that moving her luggage would cause all the outside doors to shut, and I’m assuming disconnect.” “Which would cause the door at the Mackintosh kitchen to disconnect, creating an even bigger headache.” “But didn’t she already move it?” Professor Black asked. “Reconnected.” Scrimgeour offered. “I’ve already heard the door had vanished. She reconnected it, and then let in three more pegasi who were looking for shelter. She sets up space for pegasi, and then gets creatures that hunt pegasi added to the mix.” “Surprise house guest, followed by a flood of house guests.” Professor Black commented. “That’s enough to put anyone on edge. Guests that might eat your kids? It’s no wonder she didn’t come to dinner.” “My biggest concern is the student body will learn the truth concerning that specific piece of luggage,” Marchbanks commented. “They’d all want a look, and try to get her to make improper connections.” “How do we know she hasn’t already added improper connections?” Merrythought asked. “She wouldn't need to.” Castor Steorra offered. “With her fox form alone she could zip back and forth to Hogsmeade, and we’d be none the wiser. Add to that the fact that she can use Unicorn magic. A winged unicorn.” “She can apparate within Hogwarts grounds, I’ve seen her do it, despite the wards.” Marchbanks offered. “This afternoon she was racing back and forth in her estate.” “And she did it to save Harold.” Scrimgeour offered. “She abides by the rules because it’s in her nature to do good. She’s not going to break the rules without a good reason. In that, we can be sure of.” “I want to see,” Newt said on hearing about all the magical creatures that were presently occupying the mural in Nova’s apartment. “We can’t get into the girls… hang on, they aren’t in the dorm, are they?” Fergus said as a big grin formed on his face. “You behave yourself, Fergus Potter.” Daisy scolded just as the headmaster banged his goblet on the head table. “Well, this wind has certainly gotten us all just a little bit unhinged.” Headmaster Scrimgeour said. “Hopefully everything will have calmed down by morning. When it does, there will likely be a need to do clean up. Make sure to check with your dorm supervisors first thing in the morning. - Now then, let's eat.” “Say where are all the seven-year girls?” One of the older boys asked. “Miss Nova locked them up for treaty violation,” Daisy informed the boy. “Come on Daisy, you’ve got to sneak me in, I just want to see the mural.” Newt pleaded. “It’s true, he’s more interested in animals than girls.” Cygnus teased from the Slytherin table. There was much laughter, more so when Newt admitted he couldn't dispute the claim, and that he was never the less, dead set on penetrating the sanctity of the girls lodging. No one heard the word ‘lodging’. ⛅ The wind quit sometime in the early morning, and the grounds were a mess. “A week?!” Nova asked in shock. She’d just been informed that it’d be at least a week before they could rehouse any of the animals in her garden. “You can’t be serious? It’s a miracle they lasted overnight. Not to mention that there are a number of them that eat meat. Not just small prey, but large prey, and the only thing keeping them from gaining access to the student body and my baby is a pane of glass.” The workmen and professors looked at her stunned. Did she say her baby? As in she had a baby? At her age? Of course, the issue regarding the student body was simple, close off or remove the access to the other end. “Oh sure, lock them in with me, and mine in here with them.” Nova protested. “If the entrance within the school is moved, all other entrances close, and must be opened anew.” “I can take some animals.” Offered old man Hendrixson. “Least I can do for the harm I did. - You have that pegasus and foal I so mistreated, don’t you? You have ponies in there, and you fear for them.” “I do, and if you will do this, I will gladly reimburse you the repairs on your barn.” Nova offered. “Won’t be necessary.” Hendrixson offered. Several other locals offered to house the various beast, and before the day was out, they’d managed to find a place for every animal, save the pegasi which nova gladly invited to stay. That is to say, she’d actually gained a few pegasi in the night. The last creature to leave was Raumo. “Surely you wouldn't cast me out into the weather?” Raumo asked. “Perhaps not, but I would.” Offered a commanding voice he did not know. He turned and beheld the sight of the celestial alicorn ablaze in light as though she was a shaft of sunlight come to life. “You’ve been offered a nice warm barn, and I can’t help but think your reasons for wanting to linger where foals play might be less than wholesome.” “Y-y-you judge me harshly. I’d give them only the kindest care, anoint them with oils, and rub herbs and spices...” *!! “Before or after you pluck them?” Nova asked. Her eyes lit up, and her mane began to flow as though blown by an unfelt wind. “I should be going!” Raumo said, and hurried to the exit with more spring in his step then he’d shown in many a year. “Tia, my dear Tia, could you possibly do a sweep, and see to it there are no more hangers-on” “He was the last, not counting the ghoul in the holding cell.” “Oh no, I forgot! - The girls. - Please tell me the house-elves at least fed them?” “They’ve been well cared for, and I myself have seen to their reeducation regarding the errors of their ways.” “I do so love you,” Nova said with a smile. Nova went out to the Mackintosh kitchen, and let them know she’d be disconnecting the door soon. Their kitchen and house were worse for wear, but it was still livable. She then went back upstairs to the now vacant classroom. Professor Griselda Marchbanks was waiting. “It’s been a long day I gather,” Marchbanks said as Nova ascended the steps out of the trunk. “It has. - Back to the dorm?” “Afraid not. To much damage to the roof. The tower is intact, but the top bedroom is now off-limits until it’s repaired. We’ve reshuffled everyone, but the Headmaster feels it might be better to place you in a guest room.” “All I need is a blank wall after all.” Nova offered with a smile. “Too many people know about the estate now anyway. Not sure I could keep it in the dorm without somebody… I nearly forgot again. - It’ll be safe to let the girls out now.” Nova unlocked the position of her trunk and opened it to the door that opened into the holding cell. Sitting inside the guard space was the ghoul from the Gryffindor tower. The ghoul had on the rags of an old pair of pants on its thin frame, but nothing else, and it was just sitting in a corner. “Oh, there you are. Sorry, but you can’t stay in there. Out you go.” Professor Marchbanks pulled out a wand, and the ghoul hissed at her. “Professor, just stand back, it’ll go find a corner in the attic somewhere.” “Ghouls are dangerous.” “Not to ponies, they aren’t. - They are normally quite docile, and great for keeping pest under control.” Nova explained. “Maybe it’s just humans they don’t like. This one seems to be fine with Animageus as well. Come on out you go.” The ghoul got up on all fours, and being more or less a humanoid, looked quite gamely. It ambled out hissing at Professor Marchbanks and swallowed hard so that the gulp was a rather unnerving gollumn. It ambled over to a window, climbed the window frame, and vanished into an unseen hatch to a crawlspace in the ceiling. Just before the hatch closed up, they heard it say ‘preciousness’ gulped again, and was gone. If Professor Marchbanks was unnerved, it said nothing for the mental state of the girls when Nova let them out of the cells. “There, there was this thing...” One of the girls said as she slowly walked out. “Yes, I saw the ghoul, but being locked in with a ghoul can’t be that bad?” Marchmanks asked. “Not the ghoul.” Another girl corrected. “I think it was an elder god.” “She lectured us for hours!” Announced another. “What about food?” Marchbanks asked. “Oh the food was quite nice, and the beds very comfortable.” They all agreed. “I’m sorry I left you in there so long.” Nova offered. “I know what my aunt’s lectures can be like.” “That was your aunt?” “Her avatar to be exact.” Nova corrected. “She’s even more intense in person.” “We promise we’ll never try to bully anyone to get that which isn’t ours ever again.” The girls all chimed as they dropped to their knees. “And we're sorry about the way we treated you.” “Apology accepted,” Nova said. “Now, um, can I get you to leave, I need to move my luggage to wherever it is I’m to be housed.” “Housed?” One girl asked. “The top of Gryffindor tower received extensive damage, and the top floor is no longer usable.” Marchbanks offered. “Everyone is going to be a little cramped until the repairs can be made. There isn’t going to be enough room for everyone, and as Nova has her own apartment, all we need to do is provide her a place to put her luggage until the repairs are done.” “Oh, that’s… hang on, what happened to the pegasi?!” “I imagine they found shelter somewhere.” Nova offered. “After everyone rushed the attic, they left. Took their foals with them, and now I can’t finish the report I was working on.” Nova turned to wink an eye at Professor Marchbanks, who rolled hers. “We’ll never know though. Poor little foals, out in that horrible wind.” Nova shuddered at the thought. “You know, I wouldn't mind getting a report of what you can tell me.” Professor Marchbanks said. “You know, just in case we ever need to provide assistance.” She prompted the seven-year girls to be on their way. The girls walked out looking more downcast than before. Nova folded up her suitcase and waited for Professor Marchbanks. The seventh-years were sent back to the dorm to freshen up for dinner, and Nova was taken to the medical wing where she was given an unused private room. There was a window that looked out in the direction of the barns where a great many people could be seen scurrying about like ants. “You’ll find that’s nice and quiet, and it’ll be easier to come and go from your balcony as this will be a blind spot in regards to what students will be able to see.” Headmaster Scrimgeour offered walking in behind them. “I thought it best that perhaps you should consider distancing yourself from your friends. - Assuming you do plan to leave us.” “To be honest, I won’t know myself until I attempt the spell, and I’ll have a finite window of opportunity.” Nova offered. “If it doesn’t work, you’re going to be stuck with me.” Nova set the suitcase down, propped it against the wall that was right of the window so as not to tempt the configuration, and pulled up the large door to the rotunda. “They’ll be looking for a steamer trunk, most of the students at least, not a big door like this.” “And your roommates will know the door when they see it,” Marchbanks commented with a smile. “Will we see you at dinner?” “I imagine I should, or people will be wondering what became of me.” Nova offered. She then opened the door to a small group of Pegasus who’d somehow managed to guess right concerning which door she’d open. She said thank you, went in, closed the door behind her, and turned back into her proper self. “Tia, you can push the bookshelf back into the library, we won’t be needing it to block off the other apartment for a while.” She gave Alalme a hug. “I need a bath, and then I have to get dressed to go back down for dinner.” “You look worn out.” Alalme offered. “Having all those potential threats so close… how did you manage out in the forest?” Nova asked. “I guess we just got jaded enough, it seemed normal,” Alalme replied. After dinner, Nova was halfway to the Gryffindor tower before she remembered that she wasn’t up there anymore, and on Monday morning showed up late to class because her new nestmate had thought she should be allowed to sleep in. Detention was helping to clean up the aftermath of the wind storm that had blasted thru. The weeks wore on, with one thing or the other keeping Nova from many of her friends except those she had classes with. Often she’d see Maggie only at dinner time. They, in turn, had been kept so busy they had precious little time to go looking for wherever it was Nova had been secreted away to. It was right around Easter, that Maggie found Nova waiting in the dorm room with her owl, Owldrey Hepbarn, and her broom. “Nova?” Maggie said on seeing her. She went to her, and they hugged. “We see you so seldom now, what brings you here?” “And with broom and owl.” Ruth pointed out. “I have a momentous decision ahead of me.” Nova offered. “Maggie, I’d like you to take care of my owl, and my broom. In fact, I’ll be giving you Owldrey. I’ve neglected her far more then I should, I’ve so many other responsibilities now.” “Mmm, alright, I guess. I suppose I should say thank you, but why am I getting this feeling like you are going away?” Maggie offered. “And I’m giving you my broom to keep. Take good care of it, and it will take care of you.” Nova continued ignoring the pleading question. “Ah, Nova?” Florence asked sounding concerned. “This doesn’t have something to do with the flock of pegasi that have been flying about the castle, does it?” “And I couldn't possibly take your broom?” Maggie said, her voice wavering. “Don’t be silly, Maggie, of course you can. I’ve already made a better one.” Nova said trying to sound cheerful, though it was becoming difficult. “And yes, I have to return to my people, my kind. I have a son. I can’t stay here. I need to go.” The truth was Nova was going to go to the future, but she’d rather the girls think she was going to be leaving with the pegasi to go live in the forest somewhere in the highlands. At least perhaps that way they’d have some comfort in believing she was out there enjoying life, and raising a family. At dinner that night there was an atmosphere about the girls that seemed wrong to those around them. They were cheerful enough, but it was a forced cheer. Nor could they know that Nova had already seen to certain financial necessities either by owl or in person at the bank in Hogsmeade, as she had seen fit to give the goblins as much information as seemed prudent. To their mindset, she was simply going away for a few years. If one could consider a time period approximately eighty-seven and a half years just a few years, but then goblins were rather long-lived and such an absence was a trifle. After dinner, Nova went back to her apartments, informed every pony there what was about to happen, and if they didn’t want to be dragged along, they’d need to be out within the hour. Naturally, Alalme stayed, there would be the two foals they shared, and to her delight, Gadgull, Istel, and Talma were staying. Istel and Talma had laid a couple of eggs in one of the ground floor bedrooms, were brooding those eggs, and were not about to budge. Or leave indoor plumbing. They were informed they’d never see any of their friends or relatives again. They replied that Alalme and the foals were their only remaining close relatives, and they’d no sooner give then up then Nova would want to give up Goldwine. The clan of the Silver wood was effectively no more anyway as it really only consisted of themselves. Those remaining had been of other clans. Once everything was settled, Nova closed up her suitcase and went down to the corridor that leads to the dungeons. For Nova, it just seemed to be the best place to attempt the spell. Waiting for her was Griselda Marchbanks, Galatea Merrythought, Brutus Scrimgeour, Phineus Black, Sir Arthur Weasley who’d been requested to come, but not why, Mr Percival, Dietrich Flieger, and Castor Steorra. “So, how does this work?” Headmaster Scrimgeour asked. “Right now the border between now, and then, today and tomorrow is paper-thin.” Nova offered, popped open a compartment on her suitcase, from which came seven small lamps, orange, pink, blue, purple, vermilion, magenta, and green in color. They took up positions, hovering in a circle in the hallway forming a sort of gateway. A mist began to form, and the hallway that could be seen framed by the lamps began to take on a completely different look. “The link between will form a time warp if it works.” “It’s astounding,” Marchbanks said. “Time is Fleeting,” Castor offered. “Madness takes its toll,” Beatrice whispered as she approached. She’d figured something was up and had gone in search of Nova, and the Gryffindor ghoul was strumming quickly on a guitar. “But listen closely,” Nova continued. “Not for very much longer, I’ve got to keep control.” And then a ghost started playing the piano while singing. I remember doing the time-warp Drinking those moments when The blackness would hit me And the void would be calling… And all the ghost sang: Let's do the time-warp again Let's do the time-warp again And then nova instructed, “It’s just a jump to the left.” All, “and then a step to the right.” “With your hands on your hips,” Nova instructed. And then everyone sang You bring your knees in tight But it’s the pelvic thrust That really drives you insane let’s do the time-warp again let’s do the time-warp again And then Nova said in a soft voice, “It’s so dreamy, of fantasy free me So you can’t see me, no, not at all More singing In another dimension, with voyeuristic intention… Nova was gone, but as in all songs sung in the MLP franchise, everyone was compelled to continue till the last note died. “What just happened, and why are we all standing here?” Professor black asked as all the ghosts and ghouls melted away into the shadows. “Miss Lulamoon, why are you out of your dorm at night?” Beatrice Lulamoon wanted nothing more than to follow after Nova. Nova was her first, and best friend. Three years later she found the room of requirement, and within was stored the mirror of Erised. Seeing herself stepping into the mirror, she did just that. The passage seemed to take forever, and then she found herself in a small storeroom in a ruined old castle. What’s more, she was now a light blue unicorn with a white mane. “Yes, I am the great and powerful Trrrixie!” > Chapter 10: Enter the Crusaders > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova looked down the dimly lit hall and wondered if there was anyone about at all. She wasn’t even sure which corridor it was. Surely the school was never so dark as this, and what was that stench? She’d put the mini lamps away but was tempted to get them out again. As her eyes adjusted she beheld the form of a great hulking mountain troll lumbering through the corridor dragging what looked to be a tree trunk. Her first reaction was one of perplexion, and she asked herself, where are the moderators when you want one? “Ahh...” Moonie said appearing by her side. “Maybe it’s on the faculty?” Nova whispered. The two watched the troll as it tried the door to the girls' toilets. The door opened, and the troll went in. “Ah, maybe that’s why the doors are so big?” “But the toilets are too small?” Moonie offered just as two boys ran up, locked the door, and congratulated themselves. They started walking away when there was a scream, followed by a gleeful call to arms along with the sound of things being smashed. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Troll Wranglers!” The boys rushed back, opened the door, and plunged into the fray. “Oh harmony,” Nova said and rushed to the door. What she and Moonie saw so befuddled them they weren’t quite sure what to do. There was a human girl who was being protected by Sweetie Belle who was presently in pony form. Sweetie Belle was managing a fairly decent shield spell in addition to using her levitation spell to launch broken bits of the room at the troll. She was nearly as good at it as Nova, and the troll was covered in welts. Not all of which was Sweetie Belle’s doing. Pony Apple Bloom was galloping around the troll bucking at its shins. The troll would let out an angry shout, and try to kick Apple Bloom. There was a boy hanging on the troll's back, a wand shoved up the troll’s nose, and Pony Scootaloo was flying around in circles about the troll’s head. Scootaloo having matured in the same manner as Nova, though a bit later, also sported a small horn, and was casting jinxes at the troll. Meanwhile, a redheaded boy was trying to wrest the troll’s club away with a levitation spell. The troll was not having any of it and had a good grip on the club. “Um, who are we supposed to help?” Moonie asked. “Well, I think the best course of action would be to put the troll out of his misery as quickly as possible.” Nova offered. Moonie dashed into the fray, positioned herself in front of the troll, back to him, crouched down, braced, and… Apple Jack would have been proud of that buck. The troll let out a barely audible eep, and the ceiling exploded raining dust and debris down. The redheaded boy finally gained control of the club and swung it around like a Louisville Slugger. Moonie shouted “Timber!” and dashed away pulling Apple Bloom out of the way as the troll came crashing down. “Luna?” Apple Bloom asked startled. “Is it dead?” The girl asked. “I don’t think so, it’s out cold though.” Offered the boy who’d been on the troll’s back. He pulled the wand from the troll’s nose. “Eww, troll boogies.” “Moonie, vanish,” Nova said on hearing several people running. Moonie disappeared. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo taking that as their cue, all transform into human girls moments before the adults rush in. Nova quickly stepped aside as an older witch, a man that made her think of an angry sulky raven, and a man with a turban all rushed in. The stench of death filled the room, and Nova took it to be a troll fart. “We were just here to use the toilet.” The CMC said in practiced unison before anyone could say a thing. “We didn’t know anything about a troll, honest.” So far as Nova could tell they were genuine, though she suspected that something wasn’t being told. “The boys came to warn us.” Offered the girl Nova didn’t know. “If Harry, and Ron… and that girl hadn’t come, and found us.” Nova put her finger to her lips indicating she’d like the girl to be careful what she said. “If they hadn’t come and found us...” The girl offered and stopped before saying what she expected might have happened. “Why didn’t you just run?” Asked the woman perplexed. “It had us cornered.” Sweetie Belle offered. It really hadn’t but there wasn’t a ready excuse that the crusaders did not know by heart. “Very well then, I’ll not take points away.” The woman said. “Harry, Ron, in the future tell someone, and don’t go rushing into danger.” “I’d think taking five points each would be in order.” Said the man like a raven, but then the man with the turban suggested that perhaps the boys should get rewarded for their quick thinking. “Which leaves us at zero.” The woman offered. “Now, I want the lot of you up to the dormitory.” “Yes mam.” everyone who wasn’t an adult said, including Nova. The group filed out, and Nova was just going to follow along until the sulky raven man spoke up. “You there, why are you carrying a suitcase?” “Me sir?” Nova asked while turning to face the adults. “I don’t know you, who are you? Who’s your Head of house, and what were you doing here in the first place?” The tall dark man asked in a most suspicious way. “I was just on my way to use the toilet. My Head of House is Professor Griselda Marchbanks, sir.” Nova offered as she turned to face the adults. “If you’re going to lie, you might as well try using the name of someone who still serves as an instructor here at the school.” the man sneered “How do we know you aren't the one who let that troll in?” “Me sir?” Nova looked at him wondering if he was balmy. “Severus, be reasonable.” the woman said. She then looked at Nova. “What’s your name, and no lies.” “Nova Moon.” Nova offered. The Crusaders looked back but hurried along after getting a withering glare from the teachers. “Very well then, Miss Moon, come with me.” Professor McGonagall said. “Yes, Mam.” Nova offered and hurried after her. Meanwhile, Professor Quirrel having spotted the hole in the ceiling was peering up through it, the odd shape of the hole, sending a cold shiver down his spine. “Do you know who I am?” The woman asked as she and Nova traversed through the castle. “I’m sorry, but I still haven't learned who everyone is yet.” Nova offered. “You are wearing a Gryffindor robe, and yet you don’t know who I am?” She said and stopped. Nova pulled up as well. “I’m Minerva McGonagall, head of Gryffindor.” And as she was saying this a group of ghosts issued forth from a wall to include one Sir Nicholas deMimsy – Porpington. “Oh, my,” Nicholas said going over to them. “My Dear Princess Nova, you haven't gotten yourself in trouble have you?” He gave a bow with a flourish. “Good evening to you Sir Nicholas.” Nova offered with a curtsy. Sir Nicholas had just presented her with a golden opportunity. He remembered her but had no concept of time. To him, it was as though she'd just stepped out for a bit. “Afraid I’ve landed in the thick of it, and everyone has forgotten me.” “Oh, that’s too bad. Well, I haven't.” Nicholas offered cheerfully. “You know her?” McGonagall asked astounded. “Don’t you?” Nic asked. “Oh my, you have forgotten her, haven't you? She’s in our house. Gryffindor.” “But I’ve never laid eyes on her.” “Oh, this is bad,” Nick said and made a tsking noise. “No matter, I’m sure you’ll get it sorted out whatever the problem is.” He then went and rejoined the other ghosts. “Mortals have such bad memories.” One was heard to say as they drifted away. It was all Nova could do not to start laughing. Count on a ghost to remember everyone they met, but don’t expect them to have any concept of time. “Come,” McGonagall said, and they were off again. They caught up with an old gray wizard in a hall right where there was a large statue of a griffin in an alcove. “Minerva, what have we here?” The old man asked. “Albus, we may have an issue. - This child says she is in Gryffindor, Nicholas deMimsy knows her, has confirmed she is in Gryffindor, and yet I’ve never seen her in my life?” “Oh dear, that is a quandary. Afraid I don’t know who she is either.” He stroked his beard as he took a moment to study her. “Well, she looks harmless enough, come on up, and let's see if we can figure this out.” He stepped onto the platform and began to rise up as a spiral staircase pushed up out of the floor. Nova and McGonagall followed quickly after. The office was fairly familiar, though there seemed to be quite a few additional curious odds and ends from the last time she'd been there, and that griffin was new. “Sorted everything out have we?” The sorting hat asked from its stool. “Ah, Miss Nova, not in trouble are we?” “I’m not entirely sure, but thank you for asking.” Nova offered. “You know who she is?” Dumbledore asked. “Princess Nova Moon of Eques.” The sorting hat offered. “Princess?” Dumbledore and McGonagall chimed. “I put her in Gryffindor.” “When?” Dumbledore asked. “Do I look like a day planner to you? - I sorted her, and that’s that.” A magical artifact's recollection of time wasn’t much better than a ghost’s. “Perhaps we should contact Griselda Marchbanks.” McGonagall offered. Nova, on the other hand, had spotted a large phoenix on a perch and started over to have a look. She’d only taken a few steps when there was the flash of another phoenix appearing in the room. Nova’s Phenik was smaller and considerably thinner. The older phoenix made a startled squawk, Phenik landed on Nova’s shoulder, and then the two birds started making all manner of noise. “Will you two hush,” Nova said in a commanding tone. “Honestly, Phenik, I was just going to say hi.” “She’s got a phoenix?” McGonagall said though she could hardly believe it. “It can’t be, can it? No, she can’t?” Dumbledore said in a hush. “Miss Moon, this might be an odd request, but could you go like this?” He held up two fingers in the British workers' salute. “Are you sure, it’s kind of a rude gesture,” Nova said and held up two fingers. “Extraordinaire,” Dumbledore said adjusting his hand to a more contemplative gesture. “What, she looks cute while making a rude gesture?” McGonagall asked confused. Nova lowered her hand. “Not that, I remember a girl who looked just like her doing the same thing. It was a long time ago, and she had a phoenix that was identical.” His smile faded. “Not one of my prouder moments either.” “Oh, you can’t possibly think she’s the same girl?” McGonagall asked. The words, sweet harmony mother bucker, went through Nova's mind as she realized who this man was. “Nova, may I call you Nova?” “I guess,” Nova replied. She’d just have to humor him and hope he wasn’t holding a grudge. “What year are you in?” “First, but I was being allowed to do third-year.” “Headmaster?” “Brutus Scrimgeour.” “Head of House.” “Professor Marchbanks.” “Potions?” “Professor Phineas Black.” “Extraordinaire,” Dumbledore said. “Care of Magical Creatures?” “Mr Percival.” “Defense against the dark arts?” “Galatea Merrythought.” “Extraordinaire,” Dumbledore said again. “What is?” McGonagall asked. “Miss Nova, what year was it when you entered that corridor?” “It’s 1904, the night before Easter.” Nova offered. She knew it wasn’t, but that was the last date she knew before doing the jump. “Nineteen oh four...” Dumbledore said, went to the records of names entered in as students, not the official enrollment book, just a record. He got out the book for the 1903-04 school year and thumbed through it. “And there she is. Enrolled in 1903, but never finished the school year. Excellent marks across the board. Turned fifteen in November of that year." “You can’t seriously think she somehow jumped from 1904 to now?” “It would seem a distinct possibility.” Dumbledore offered. “But it is getting late. Take her up to Gryffindor Tower before it’s too late for her to get any of the sweets, and we’ll put her in with the first-year class.” “First-year, she belongs in third-year, no make that fourth-year.” Protested one of the portraits before McGonagall can. “Hi Professor Black,” Nova said with a smile. “There’s no documentation saying she’s passed any standardized test. My hands are tied.” Dumbledore countered. “I’m headmaster now, not you.” “Despite what people say about my methods, the results speak for themselves.” Black protested. “Good students should not be held back to the same pace as muggle-born coming in without a clue.” “Let's not forget I was a teacher back then, I know how you rode the muggle-born students.” “It had to be done. They had to be brought up to speed as quickly as possible, and the fact that many were getting higher OWL scores than wizard-born who’d had it easy proves I was right. They should have thanked me.” “Maybe I should go now?” Nova offered. The argument between Dumbledore and the portrait of Professor Black was just making her feel a little like a third wheel. “We’ll be going now then,” McGonagall said and directed Nova back down the steps. As they went Nova could hear Black saying, what about Tom Riddle? According to Black Tom Riddle was the worst mud blood to ever step foot inside of Hogwarts, and should have had his magic removed. Nova knew Professor Black could be hard on students, and she knew that humans had a propensity towards being violent and aggressive creatures. She didn’t always agree with Professor Black, but she did agree with some of his policies to include weeding out those who might pose a threat to the community. Cozy Glow was proof enough that even Princess Celestia could only forgive so much. They arrived at the portrait of the fat lady a short time later, Phenik having taken off to harass Peeves. The fat lady had no trouble remembering Nova, and McGonagall was beginning to wonder if Professor Dumbledore might be right. She gave the password and entered to a jubilant celebration. There were Halloween decorations and food in abundance. “I’ll need to get settled.” Nova offered. “Your attention please,” McGonagall called. The room slowly quieted. “We’ve got a new student, or perhaps an old returning student. We’re not really sure which at the moment, but she’s been sorted into Gryffindor.” A new Gryffindor student everyone cheered. “Settle down.” She waited for the room to quiet. “I’d like to introduce you to Miss Nova Moon. She will be in first year despite her age owing to a lack of any appropriate paperwork saying otherwise.” The announcement created a mixed reception at the name Moon, and the ruffles on Nova’s witch's robe just screamed old school wizard family. There was also the issue of yet another student being put in First Year who was obviously at least two to three years older than what was normally proper for that year level. Nova was starting to feel a bit self-conscious, and she wasn’t even sure why, but then three familiar faces rushed over, and each gave her a hug which she gladly returned. “I was called away right after the sorting, and I'm only just now getting back.” Nova offered what seemed to her to be the best and easiest way to explain herself. McGonagall looked at her and then smiled realizing they’d not likely remember if she had been there or not. Not after the year they’d had. Not to mention that had she entered at the age of eleven she'd have been here three years ago. Louise, Miss Belle, and Miss Bloom had also started late and were much older than their classmates. Only their petite sizes allowed them to fit in. “Louise, Sweetie, Miss Bloom, I’d like to ask something of you.” McGonagall began. They looked up at her with attentive eyes. “Now I know I’ve told you to sleep in your own beds, and not to all pile into one bed, but we are going to be a bit tight, and one of you is going to have to share so that Miss Moon will have a place to sleep. “I’m sure that’s not going to be a problem.” Offered an older girl with a ‘P’ sewn into her robes stepping up to them. “Idda, if you could see to it that all her needs are taken care of.” McGonagall requested. “Miss Moon, this is Idda Peverell, she’s the Prefect on the girl’s side. “Names Percy...” offered a redheaded boy as he approached. He also had a ‘P’ on his robes. “No, don’t tell me, you’re a Weasley, aren’t you?” Nova offered. The room erupted into laughter. “Why don’t we introduce you after we get you settled.” Idda offered. She then directed Nova to the stairs leading up to the girls' dorm. Scootaloo who’d been identified as Louise, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and the girl who’d been in the girl’s bathroom during the battle with the troll followed. They stopped a short time later so Idda could point out the girls' toilets, and showers. “Scabbers? - Honestly, I just don’t get why Ron’s rat keeps hanging out in the girl’s showers?” Idda said with just an edge of disgust on seeing the large fat rat. “Hermione, could you take that back to Ron.” “I’ll be right back,” Hermione said as she went after the rat. “Come here you.” Nova squinted her eyes as she looked at the rat. There was definitely something off about its aura. They continued climbing till they got to the top floor. It all looked so familiar, and yet so oddly different. There was even a Wonderbolt poster depicting them as Quidditch players on brooms. “I’ve actually got a room.” Nova offered quickly before any arguments could start as to who would be sharing with whom. “I didn’t say anything, because I thought it’d be best. I wouldn't want the entire school to know.” She then found a blank section of the wall and opened the suitcase up to a simple door. The door opened inward and had replaced the steps that went down from the steamer trunk. The bookshelf was also back in place so that anyone looking in would see just the deluxe apartment and not the whole estate. Nova went in and waved clandestinely to a gray pegasus in a large mural, and gave them the OK sign. The pegasus did a flip and flew off. Miss Idda was so overwhelmed by what she was seeing she completely missed the exchange. The Crusaders did not. “I should be set for everything with the possible exception of books.” Nova offered. “What I do have is all second-hand.” She looked at Idda to judge the girl's reaction. “My circumstances being what they are.” Granted they were all brand new when she'd bought them, and was simply using a diversionary tactic to explain why all her books dated to 1903. “You seem to have plenty of what you do have,” Idda commented going to the bookshelf. “This is an excellent selection. Many of these are out of print though. Your history book will do till you get up to fifth year, but you might want a more recent copy of the History of Hogwarts. This is a wonderful first-year potions book, wish I’d had a copy when I was in first year.” She looked over the books. “You’re missing a few books you’ll need, but you can borrow or share until we can get you a set of your own.” Idda spun in place as the room filled with light. Her jaw dropped at the sight of a phoenix that’d entered the room. “Philomena?” The trio all chimed as Phenik landed on Nova’s shoulder. “Her name’s Phenik.” Nova offered. “She’s one of Philomena’s babies.” “You’re from...” “Eques.” Nova cut in before the girls could say Equestria. “Well, you’re all from the same place then.” Miss Idda said with a smile. “Who knows, once we’ve compared notes we might find we even have mutual relatives.” Nova offered. “Well then, I’ll leave you to it, but don’t wait too long, or there’ll be no food left.” She started to turn and then turned back. “Oh and one other thing, there is pegasi living in some of the attics. You are not to climb up there under any circumstances, nor are you to help yourself to any eggs.” And with that, Idda turned and went back downstairs. Eggs??? “Alright, spill it?!” the girls asked. Nova was a bit taken aback by Idda’s parting warning, but she’d have to ask the girls about it later. “Did you hear about the older Kitzumi who foal-sat her younger counterpart… though I’m not sure if that’s even happened yet?” “That was you?” Sweetie Belle asked astonished. “I’d have to say it’s a good possibility.” Nova offered. “And what about that Luna?” Apple Bloom asked. “A very elaborate bit of spellwork. Sort of chaperon slash bodyguard.” She explained with a big smile. “Now, before anyone comes up the step, follow me.” “Where?” The girls reply smelling a conspiracy. Nova goes to the door, closes it, and then motions for them to follow them to the closet. “You have to swear never to reveal what I’m about to show you to any of the humans,” Nova said. “In fact, you have to Pinkie swear.” “Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” The girls recited. They then followed Nova into the walk-in closet, where she reached over, pushed a piece of molding at the edge of the wall, and pushed the wall open like a big door. Nova walked through transforming to a pony as she did. Delighted at this the girls followed, transforming as they went. When they were all through, Nova used her magic to close and securely latch the door. “It’s a library. You have a secret library.” Sweetie Belle said delightedly. “Oh, I’ve got more than just a library. And if you come in here, make absolutely sure to close that. It’s very important for multiple reasons, two very important reasons, and I’d consider it a breach of your promise if you leave it open.” “It’s just a library, isn’t it?” Scootaloo said as they followed Nova. “Wow.” “Mama!” called Goldwine rushing to greet Nova. Nova dropped down and gave him a hug. “Mama!?” The girls all chimed. “So, we made it?” Alalme asked as she walked up to Nova to give her a nuzzle. “And who have you brought us?” “The pegacorn is Scootaloo, also known as Louise.” Nova offered. “Louise Magnus.” Scootaloo offered. “Magnus?” Your mom’s relationship has gone that far with Flash has it?” Nova asked with a grin. “Well, it beats calling myself Louise Anon.” Scootaloo offered. “I’m just glad mom finally got her life back on track, and she’s in my life again.” “Alrighty then,” Nova said with a smile. “Our little marshmallow unicorn is Sweetie Belle, and last, but not least is Apple Bloom.” “Who are you calling a marshmallow?” Sweetie asked accusingly. “You're so floofy and cute it just fits.” Apple Bloom teased. “And besides, Nova is technically your cousin.” “And this little colt is my son.” Nova offered while nuzzling him. Little Alya, not to be left out of the nuzzling came galloping over, and piled into Goldwine. The two tussled a bit and then settled down between Nova’s front legs. “And this is Alya.” “They’re so cute.” Apple Bloom said. “And this is my nest-mate, Alalme. She speaks old ponish, and she is picking up a few phrases of the modern language. “So, is he the daddy then?” Scootaloo asked seeing a Gray Stallion approaching. “Him? Oh no, not their father.” Nova offered. “I could say he’s part of our little herd, but he’s not my stallion. Alalme figure’s Goldwine’s father was a stallion named Feawine who was the son of Fea.” “Figures? You don’t know?” Sweetie asked astonished. “And you’re Scootaloo's age.” “I rescued his egg, and Alalme has helped me take care of him. - We don't really know for certain but figure his mother was Alalme's previous nest mate who was killed. - We’ve gotten rather close, and call each other sister now. I really don't know what I would have done without her." “Oh. Alright.” Sweetie Belle said quietly. The shock to the crusaders abated though they couldn't help being a little jealous. “If you don’t mind my asking, how is it his color is so Equestrian and their color is so, well English countryside?” Scootaloo asked sounding a little subdued. “Just curious.” “He was exposed to Equestrian magic while in his shell. Or at least that’s what I figure.” Nova explained. “Alalme, and he’s Gadgull, they and the others are to the best of what I can figure are descended from some of the survivors of Nightfall. And just so you know, their legend paints Princess Celestia as the instigator. It seems their ancestors were Princess Luna’s private staff and guard.” She held up a hoof to forestall questions. “And yes they did become human when they found themselves in this world, but they quit living as humans sometime after they figured out how to transform back. Their subdued earthy colors developed out of the need to survive in a world without an Alicorn Princess.” “Hello, where is everyone?” “It’s Hermione.” Apple Bloom said. “Quick, back through the closet,” Nova ordered. “I’ll be right there. And don’t forget to transform.” “You’re going?” Alalme asked. “I’ve landed on Nightmare Night of all things, and there is a huge party. As the newcomer, I’m going to need to make an appearance.” Nova explained. Alalme pouted. “I could maybe get a house-elf to send something up?” “We just had a big Easter dinner.” Alalme countered. “True, but that spell I used has left me hungry so I’d better see if I can get something to eat. I’ll be right back, just as soon as I can sneak away.” “Alright, I guess it can’t be helped,” Alalme replied as Nova extracted herself from the foals. Nova smiled sheepishly and followed after the Crusaders. 🎃 “What were you doing in the closet? And for that matter, where’d this room come from?” Hermione asked. “It’s my portable room.” Nova offered as she stepped out of the closet. She and the trio were back to their human forms. “Everything I need in one tight package. I could try explaining the mathematics behind it sometime if you’d like?” “Could you?” Hermione asked. “Come on you two, you can talk shop later.” Scootaloo prompted. They arrived in the common room a short time later where there was still more food than even Nova knew what to do with. She of course helped herself to a goodly amount of her favorites. Her first few bites were as big a shock as the first time she’d eaten wizard food. “Ya, I know, everything is full of sugar.” Apple Bloom whispered. “You kind of get used to it.” “But there’s even more in it now, what’s wrong with humans anyway?” “I think the use of magic burns most of it off.” Scootaloo offered. “Ya, but it can’t possibly be healthy,” Nova muttered. “You’re talking about all the sugar in the food aren’t you.” Hermione prompted. “I just assumed that was a wizard thing.” Hermione had to wonder why the amount of sugar was such a shock to Nova. “You are from wizarding families aren’t you?” “Oh, ya.” Scootaloo offered. “I can trace my family back over a thousand years.” Nova offered. “Sweetie Belle’s mom married into the family as well.” “Ya, we’re kind of cousins.” Sweetie Belle offered. “Wizards still weirded out about pony marriages?” Nova whispered. “Worse than finding out my sister is my mom,” Sweetie whispered back. “You told her?” Apple hissed. “Not like I didn’t already know,” Nova whispered back. “Excuse me, Hermione.” Said a dark-haired boy approaching. By his side was another redhead. “Another Weasley I’m guessing.” Nova surmised. “Name’s Ron.” Ron Weasley offered. “Listen, Hermione, about what I said, I wanted to apologize.” “Well, you did come to rescue me, I guess I can’t very well refuse. Apology excepted.” Hermione replied. “Say, did you know, no, of course, you couldn't. Turns out that Miss Belle and Miss Moon are cousins.” “No kidding. Not that that’s not that uncommon. Pretty much everyone in the wizarding community is related in some way or another.” Ron offered. “So, um, you wouldn't happen to be a Potter would you?” Nova asked of the dark-haired boy with glasses. “Oh like you don’t already know,” Ron said. “No, I don’t.” Nova offered. “He reminds me of a boy I knew named Fergus Potter. I just thought he might be related?” Nova figured Fergus was likely an old man now if he was even still alive. “Core, you don’t say” “you’ve never” “heard of” “Harry Potter?” Asked a pair of redheaded twins. They were older, and more than likely Ron’s brothers. “I’m Fred.” “I’m Fred.” “No, I’m Fred.” “I thought you were George?” “No, You’re George” “Hi, I’m Fred,” “And I’m George.” “Hi, Forge. - Hi Ged.” Nova replied with a smile. “And no, I haven't. Should I?” She tilted her head for a moment. “He survived a wizard attack when he was a baby, and then the wizard got all depressed, and went into seclusion because he failed. And for that Harry is famous.” Apple Bloom offered. “He’s the boy who lived.” the twins said in unison. “If not dying makes a person famous then these three should be superstars by now.” Nova offered in a sarcastic tone. “What?” The Crusaders asked in a sort of mock protest. “Accidentally revived the lord of chaos, the time you got captured by changelings, wanton destruction of property with pyrotechnics, the time you tried to be pirates, or how about the time when...” “Stop!” The crusaders exclaim. “And let's not forget about all the times you’ve gone into the Everfree forest.” Nova continued. “Ya, ya, we should be famous, we get it,” Scootaloo said. Harry was laughing having heard about the forest. “Ya, I don’t get it either.” Harry offered. He’d stopped laughing and was looking serious now. “My whole family was murdered, and this wizard...” Harry paused for a moment. “Everyone says you know who murdered my family, and, and when he tried to kill me the spell backfired.” Nova had no idea who you knew who was, but what he'd done was horrible. Had Fergus been murdered as well? “He’s got a cool scar.” Forge offered. Harry lifted up his hair to reveal a lightning-bolt-shaped scar. Nova looked at it and tilted her head, one way, and then the next. “It looks infected, did no one ever try to do anything about it?” Nova asked. To her eyes, the scar had a sickly green aura with black edges about it. Harry’s aura was a mix of gold and light yellow save for around the scar where it was gray. “We’ve already asked why they never fixed it.” Sweetie Belle informed her. “What makes you think it might be infected?” “You remember a time when Pinkie nearly blinded a bunch of um people with a bunch of flash-bulbs on a camera?” “Do I, I was seeing dots for days, but you… Oh, OK I see.” Scootaloo offered. Scootaloo didn’t remember a Kitzumi Nova in that group, but then she could have been if she was from a different dimension. “I was blind for a week.” Nova offered. “I can see magic auras now. Pretty much all auras, but the magic ones are the easiest to spot. That’s about it though. Short of finding my way in pitch dark, it’s kind of a nuisance. Pretty much everything around here has a magic aura so I just tune it out for the most part. - Harry’s scar just looks off to me.” “It does kind of hurt sometimes,” Harry admitted. “I’ve had it since… well, you know.” “And in all that time no one ever did anything about it,” Nova said softly. “Well I guess there’s no need to worry about it now, but if it keeps bothering you, you really should have someone look at it.” “Ya, I’ll do that,” Harry replied. “Not like my aunt and uncle ever really cared.” Harry started talking about his life at the Dursleys. Maybe it was because here there were these girls who hadn’t known, and weren’t in awe just because he’d allegedly done something he couldn't possibly have done, and genuinely cared. The wizard's spell had backfired, and that was it. What was he going to do against a wizard when he was just a baby? The trio had shown that they cared about everyone even Slytherins. Harry just started talking, and it turned into a full-on vent. Everyone in hearing distance was shocked. “Harry, we...” Nova began, she’d every intention to find a way to fix it, but then an odd thing happened. Harry's aura flared a dark purple, and she’d this urge to just drop what she was about to say. She fought it, and her own power surged. “Damn it, Harry, we will fix this!” She had to take a breath like something was trying to hold her back. “I don’t know how yet, but I’ll figure something out, even if I have to take you to Eques, to get you away from those horrible waists of flesh. I swear by the elements of Harmony, Princess Celestia would have sent them to Tartarus a long time ago.” Harry looked up at her and smiled, his aura went back to normal, and for the first time in his life, he truly believed his life was going to get better. That night Nova would do more than just let Princess Celestia know she’d made it. Nova wrote a detailed report of everything that had happened, including everything she now knew about Harry Potter. ✍ Nova got up the next morning, and gave Goldwine a snuggle, he giggled, and then he remembered that he was hungry. “You couldn't have let him sleep,” Alalme said with half-opened lids. “You know I need to get up and get ready for school.” She let out a yawn. “Besides, it’s not like you have to actually get up. I mean you could just lay there.” Alalme just gave her a dirty look. “Just be grateful he isn’t my own flesh and blood.” Nova teased and pointed at her sharp teeth with a hoof. “Why do you think my birth mother couldn't nurse me, eh?” Alalme smiled and chortled a little. “That poor filly.” “My other mom was a lot tougher.” Nova offered and went into the shower. She decided to shower in her human form being which was so much faster to dry, got dressed, and went out to the dorm room. Not a creature was stirring, not even a perverted rat. Nova went over to Scootaloo. “Hey, wake up.” She gave the girl a shake. “Wake up.” “What… what time is it?” Scootaloo asked. “Celestia’s not even up yet.” “Isn’t it time for breakfast?” Nova asked. “What? No.” Scootaloo looked at the alarm clock on her nightstand. “We don’t have to be up for another two hours.” “Wow,” Nova said as the reality of what time travel had done hit her. “My internal clock is all messed up.” “Go back to bed.” “The sun’s coming up.” “So.” “How many people know about you being a pegasus?” “Hermione says I’m a pegacorn.” “Well, that is the technical term for it. At least here at any rate. Sometimes they’ll say winged unicorn.” Nova offered. “The only true winged unicorn I know is my mother, and both of us combined don't amount to half of Princess Celestia's power. Pegacorn just fits better. Sometimes when I was traveling ponies would say I was a false alicorn or a dirty alicorn impersonator.” She clenched her jaw thinking about it. “Ask a wizard what alicorn is, and they’ll say it’s what our horns are made of. But forget about that, come fly with me.” “What?” “Who all knows you can switch back and forth?” “Hermione, Ron, and Harry. We’ve been really careful about that.” “Then if anyone else sees you flying about they’ll just see a pegasus out for a morning flight. Come on, what do you say? You’re the only one who can keep up with me outside of Rainbow Dash.” “But how do we get in and out without anyone seeing us?” “Follow me, and learn of my mysterious ways.” Nova offered with a big grin. Scootaloo looked at her and smiled. Sure flying on a broom was great and all, but to fly free as herself. “Led on,” Scootaloo said and got out of bed. Nova directed her back into her room and through the closet. Hermione had woken up, half-listening to the exchange, saw the two go into Nova’s room, and went back to sleep. “Hey, you can go back to bed,” Nova said to Alalme. She’d just poked her head in. “Seems we need to reset our clocks. Scootaloo and I are going to get on a quick morning flight.” “Just as well I fed the foals now then. Are you sure going out is a good idea though?” “I’m to understand that there are pegasi nesting in the attics. I think we may have started something. Anyway, it’s early, no one is up except maybe the house elves and no one is going to notice two more pegasi.” “Have fun then. I might have a look-see myself later on.” Alalme offered. “Be back in about an hour.” Nova offered and took Scootaloo out to the rotunda. “Wow… hang on, that greenhouse, that great big huge greenhouse is real isn’t it?” Scootaloo said as she gazed out the window at the bottom of the stairs. “Sure is.” Nova offered closing the door after Scootaloo followed her. “This is another door we need to keep closed.” “How’s that?” “Those precocious little darlings of ours can already fly. Let them out while they are too young to understand the danger, and who knows what could happen to them.” “Seriously?” Scootaloo was shocked. “At their age, and not just spurts?” “And they are only fifteen weeks, and… five days I believe, yes I think that’s right. This world has been hard on them. - Come on then.” The two went out onto the balcony, Nova making sure to shut that door as well. “Wow, this is impressive. Aren’t people going to see this balcony though?” “Nope.” Nova offered with a smile. “You’ll need to feel for it with your magic. I can find it with my internal senses.” “You mean like your ability to see magic. - What was that, you just shimmered?” “Pegasus shield. I can activate it at will and helps keep some of the cold out. You should be able to do it too. All pegasi have the ability, it just doesn't normally kick in until we get going really fast." “It is mighty cold out here, hang on.” Scootaloo concentrated, there was a slight flash of her horn, and then a shimmer raced across her body. “Ooo tingly.” Nova was the first to take off followed by Scootaloo. “Now, sound caries, so keep your voice down, or use old ponish,” Nova cautioned, pumped her wings, and sped away. Scootaloo, not one to be left behind raced after her. Before long the two were racing about the castle and decided to do a bit of precision flying. “Lesson two, use your magic to push yourself along,” Nova called over to Scootaloo. “It makes it possible to do some really cool stuff.” Scootaloo thought about it, applied the appropriate magic, and suddenly she’d lurched forward without having to flap her wings. Nova pulled up beside her. “Flap, delta, push,” Nova said, and demonstrated by flapping her wing for a push, setting them to the delta position, and using her magic to push herself forward. In the blink of an eye, Nova was racing away at a speed that normally required a considerable amount of effort. It took Scootaloo about three tries to maintain the push for more than a moment or two, and before long the two were all the way out over Hogsmeade. And it hadn’t taken them any time at all. Nova spread her wings, made a big U-turn, a vapor trail forming off the tips of her wings, and headed back to the school. Scootaloo followed and was delighted to see she’d vapor trails off her wings as well. There was just something extra about this kind of flying. When they got back, they did some precision aerial maneuvers, loops, and rolls mostly, and then it was time to head in. They showered in their pony form, used magic to dry themselves, and went back to the dorm room, transforming prior to entering. Nova had checked on Alalme, and the foals, but they’d gone back to sleep. Nova made a mental note to see if maybe the farm had been moved as she hadn't seen the house or barns. All she'd seen was a bunch of rickety old sheds and makeshift pens. Even more disturbing is all the buildings in Hogsmeade were now nearly identical. Each has a high-pitched gabled roof, and all are made of the same weathered brownstone. “So, do you want to tell us what you were doing in there?” Hermione asked as Scootaloo quickly got dressed. Hermione was dressed and sitting on her bed with her arms folded. “Why are you even up?” Sweetie Bell asked from her bed. Apple Bloom wasn’t in the room at the moment. “What, we were looking at quidditch books.” Nova offered on seeing her old broom by Scootaloo’s wardrobe. The Wonderbolt paraphernalia was a dead giveaway as to whose wardrobe it was. On her nightstand was a picture of a group of young women, all of whom Nova knew well. “You’re not cheating on me are you?” Sweetie Belle asked Scootaloo. “Maybe,” Scootaloo replied with a wink and headed down the stairs. “You better hurry up if you want to catch up with us.” Nova offered and headed down the stairs after Scootaloo. They met Apple Bloom on her way back up. “You two sure got up early.” Apple Bloom said on meeting them. “We went out for an early flight,” Scootaloo whispered. “Ya, well don’t get caught sneaking out.” Apple Bloom scolded. “I have my ways.” Nova offered and then continued downstairs. “We’ll see you at breakfast.” Nova and Scootaloo were stopped by a seventh-year girl in a towel just as they’d come to the girl’s toilets and showers. She was holding Ron Weasley’s rat. “Can you give this rat back to Ron, or whichever of the Weasleys it belongs to.” She asked. “I just can’t figure out why it keeps coming up here.” “Ya, sure,” Scootaloo said taking the rat. Nova studied the rat, there was definitely something wrong with that rat, but she couldn't quite put her hoof on it. When they reached the ground floor Scootaloo handed Scabbers off to a boy who handed him off to another boy who handed him off to another until Scabbers was eventually returned to Ron, who set him down without a second thought. As soon as the boys were on their way downstairs, Scabbers was on his way to the girl’s shower. Nova and Scootaloo made their way down to the dining hall, and Nova somehow seemed to know the way. “Are you sure?” Scootaloo asked as Nova indicated a direction that just seemed contrary. “Look at who’s in the painting.” Nova offered. “Luna?” The Night Mare nickered as she watched them as she followed the paintings along the corridor. “That’s my Moonie.” Nova offered. “She scouts out routes for me. Comes in rather handy, and no one ever seems to notice an extra character in the paintings.” “That’s cool. Oh just one thing they probably haven't told you, we aren’t allowed in the third-floor corridor.” “Whatever for?” “They’ve got a Cerberus in there,” Scootaloo whispered. “What, they’ve locked a Cerberus in the third-floor corridor? That’s not a very nice thing to do. Locking a poor dog up in such a tight place. I bet Fluttershy would have a thing or two to say about it.” “We figure it’s guarding something.” “What, a Cerberus?” “It’s huuuuuge, and viscous.” “Viscous?” “It slobbered all over me. All three heads. Hates humans for some reason. Somehow it seems to know that Apple Bloom, Sweetie, and myself are ponies.” “Well dogs are very perceptive, and it’s the humans who’ve locked it up in there. I’d be resentful too.” Nova offered, and the fact that the Crusaders had already encountered the dog came as no surprise to her. “As to using one to guard something, all you’d need to get past one is a decent singing voice.” “What, that’s it?” “It’s in my introduction to magical creatures.” “Why do you have a book on introduction to magical creatures anyway, it’s not even in the first-year curriculum?” “Hello, who’s my counterpart’s mother, and ergo my mother?” “Oh ya, you’ve your own library don’t you,” Scootaloo said and then laughed. “Just out of curiosity...” Nova asked. “Our trunks are just ordinary trunks,” Scootaloo informed her. “We’ve got an address set up in Walthamstove London. All our contacts go through that location. Princess Celestia didn’t want to use the portal that was near Diagon Alley, so Twilight set up a new portal. - We were told that if things got bad, we were to call for an extraction.” “Why are you even here, I thought you’d be at the academy?” “And suffer through magic kindergarten?” “And first-year here isn’t much better.” “True, but at least I’m closer to my own age group. When Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle found out they insisted on going too.” “So which one of you is best at magic?” “Apple Bloom is. I don’t get it?” Scootaloo replied. “She’s an earth pony, and Sweetie is really struggling.” “Makes sense to me, and it’ll make sense to you when you know a little more.” Nova offered as they walked into the entry hall. “How about just telling me?” “Human magic is earth-based magic, and the flow of magic goes out through the arm, that is to say, the forelimb, and through the hand, or hooves in our case. - For an earth pony, the pattern is set at birth.” “Oh, I get it. And Sweetie Belle’s natural pattern is through her horn. - Of course, I get it now.” Whatever else they might have had to say was interrupted by the words, oh my it’s her it’s really her… “Nova, Nova Moon?” Nova looked in the direction of the person who’d just called her name to see a very elderly couple, standing with Professor McGonagall. “Ah, do you know them?” Scootaloo asked as Nova walked over to them. “I think that I just might.” Nova offered. The careworn visage of the woman in the rich purple robes was the easiest for Nova to recognize. “Professor Marchbanks, is that you?” The woman smiled. “Incredible, and to show up after all these years, and hasn’t aged a day,” Marchbanks said softly. “Just keep in mind that we are telling the student body and professors who don’t need to know that she was called away right after the sorting,” McGonagall said giving Scootaloo a cautious look. “This is Louise, she’s a friend of the family.” Nova offered. “Is she now?” The man offered. He was dressed in a gray suit with a black wizard robe haphazardly thrown on like an old overcoat. “She, um, just like you?” “Is she… we are both female, both about the same age, different hair color though. Why do you ask, Mr Scamander?” Nova did not wish to give a direct answer to that question, especially as there were more people about. “Listen, things have changed, and you’ll need a magical guardian,” Marchbanks informed her. “And why would that be?” Asked the commanding voice of a woman not too much further away. “She’s already got a mother and a father.” Nova cast her glance over to who it was and discovered a tall woman, a dark complexion, with long black hair that seemed to shimmer, and she was wearing a dress that looked as though it was made from the night sky. To say she was beautiful would be an understatement. There was an essence of power and majesty about her as well. “Um, Princess Luna, what are you doing here?” Scootaloo asked wondering if she was about to be pulled out of the school. Celestia knew there’d already been plenty of reasons to do so. But no, Luna’s eyes were on Nova, she smiled and beckoned Nova to come to her. A moment later the two embraced, Phenik flew into the hall and began trilling happily while circling the two. “I hear you’ve been having quite the adventure,” Luna whispered. “After your aunt all but burned down our breakfast room, she consented to let me know what was going on.” “Does Twilight know?” Nova asked. “She only knows you are a Kitzumi Nova, and that you need looking after,” Luna informed her. “About that other issue. We are going to do some clandestine investigations so don’t worry if you don’t hear anything right away.” “Does that mean I can expect a visit from Rarity in her gumshoe outfit?” Nova teased. “We’ve persuaded her not to. She’s not exactly inconspicuous. - You alright?” “I’m trying very hard to keep my emotions in check. Wouldn't want anyone thinking I haven't seen you in years, would I?” She took a deep breath and let it out in a sort of ragged sigh. “I was just about to go in, and get some breakfast.” “Well then, how about I join you? - If that is permitted?” Luna asked looking at the two elderly adults. “I think we might just get away with it just this once.” Marchbanks offered. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Hermione arrived just as the group was sitting down at the Gryffindor table. “Princess Luna?” Sweetie asked. “Didn’t I tell you to call me Aunt Luna?” Luna scolded mildly. “Don’t worry, I’m not here to pull you out of school. Harmony knows I’d have more than enough reasons to do so. Sit, and dine with us.” There seemed to be plenty of space at the table so the girls sat down, and joined them. Even Professor McGonagall had decided to join them so she could talk to Nova’s mother. Luna couldn't help but talk about some of the things Nova had done when she was little. As in things her counterpart had recently done, but it was still Nova she was talking about. “Muma.” Nova protested, but she had a smile. This was almost as good as being home again. It was right about then that Professor Dumbledore came rushing into the hall wearing a house robe and bunny slippers. “My dear Griselda, I should have been here to welcome you. Do please forgive me.” Dumbledore said addressing Professor Marchbanks. “Might I ask what’s brought you here so early in the morning?” “Professor McGonagall sent me a note to let me know that a certain young lady had arrived, one head of Gryffindor to a former mind you, and I rushed out first thing this morning.” “Oh, yes, yes of course.” Dumbledor offered. “Afraid the matter had completely slipped my mind. - And who is this lovely young lady you’ve brought with you?” “Oh, I didn’t bring her. This is Luna Moon, Nova’s mother.” Marchbanks offered. If the room hadn’t already been a buzz over the surprise visitors, it was now. “She just popped in to make sure Nova had arrived safely. As mothers are prone to do sometimes.” “Yes, yes of course, what with showing up in the middle of the night having come on her own.” Dumbledore offered. He knew a subterfuge when he heard one. Not that this one was aimed at him. No, this one was aimed at the student body. “Mind if I join you?” “By all means, join us. It does you good to sit with your students from time to time, see what’s on their mind, and all.” Luna offered with a smile. “And it is your school after all.” “Yes, yes, right you are,” Dumbledore replied with a smile. Ron and Harry showed up a short time later. Their jaws dropped at the sight. Why was Dumbledore, wait, one look at the tall supermodel explained that but who was she, and the two old people? They found a place to sit just as the morning mail was arriving. Nova received a letter, and on opening it found it was from the bank. “Might we see that?” Luna asked. Nova passed it over, and she scanned through the pages. “So how is it you are the principal stockholder of the London and Hogsmeade railroad?” “It’s Aunt Tia’s money.” Nova offered. “It’s in your name.” “I’m underage.” “So what you are saying is I own a railroad.” “Pretty much.” Nova offered with a smile. “You’ll need to talk to Aunt Tia if you want to be able to access that account though.” “I’ll be sure to do that,” Luna said. She set down the letter and picked up a newspaper. “Now this is interesting. A new crater has appeared on the moon, believed to have happened sometime around eighteen to nineteen hundred hours Greenwich time. It is believed we dodged the bullet in that speculation is that the asteroid slingshotted around the earth, and split prior to hitting the moon. Due to the unusual shape of the crater, it has been unofficially dubbed the Ball-sack crater. - What an odd thing to call a crater." > Chapter 11: Bludger Jinxes and a Dirty Rat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova headed off to class that morning about as happy as she’d been in a long time, longer than she could remember it seemed. She’d gotten to see Luna, her mama, and she’d be staying for the next two nights though she hadn’t said where. Luna had talked about a lot of embarrassing things, but when it came right down to it, Nova didn’t care. It was like being home. She’d even been provided with all the books she’d need inside a carry all that was no bigger than a typical school bag on the outside, and just big enough for everything she might need for the day on the inside. It also meant no more using the backpack of Ensign Nightfoal. She ran everything up to her room, put away what she wouldn't need, and placed everything she would need in the carryall. Potions was going to be her first class now that she was back, and along the way, she happened to spot a dust-colored cat with large lamp-like eyes. The students didn’t seem to care too much for the scraggly old cat, which Nova decided was just fine when she’d recognized the mottled patchy aura that looked to be full of holes. Nova knew well what type of aura that was having seen it before and knew exactly what she needed to do. Nova walked right up to the cat, snatched it up, holding it tight, right arm about the front paws, and the left holding the gut. “Forced loving!” Nova exclaimed while holding the startled cat in tight. It could honestly be said that everyone else was just as startled as the cat. Mrs Norris hissed and spit as Nova poured on the loving while rubbing her cheek on the creature's head. Mrs Norris tried to kick, but the position of Nova’s left arm had all but immobilized the hind legs. Her front legs were immobilized to, and when she tried to bite the arm that had hold of her, all she got was a taste of pegasi magic, with a hint of alicorn and something else that had a suspicious Canidae flavor. And then she gave up… Mrs Norris hadn’t felt so much love in such a long time, and it was being freely given, not taken. What’s more, the love was being poured on at a rate that was staggering. Mrs Norris slowly closed her lids down to slits, and began to purr. “I thought you could use a little love,” Nova said, gave the cat one more head rub, set her down gently, and walked away. Mrs Norris just sat there stunned, oblivious to the goings-on around her. “Would ya get a load of that?” Someone said. “I think she broke Mrs Norris.” When Mrs Norris finally did get up she wandered off staggering about and mewing loudly as if drunk. “What was that?” Hermione hissed. “That was Filch’s cat. Mrs Norris.” “That was insane,” Harry said with a smile. He’d nearly forgotten that they were on their way to potions. “What, I saw a cat, I hugged it?” Nova offered with a sly smile. “She watches the students, and any time anyone does anything even remotely out of line, she runs and gets Filch, the caretaker of the castle.” Apple Bloom explained sounding a bit too bitter. “Well, I think I know the cure for that.” Nova offered. “A good swift kick?” Ron asked. “I’m guessing Filch is a miserable person with no love or compassion.” Nova mused. “Never was there a more miserable wretch.” Sweetie Belle offered. “Worse than old Ebeneezer?” Nova asked. “Oh, far worse.” Hermione offered, suspecting she knew who Nova was talking about. “Filch actively seeks to cause misery.” “And poor Mrs Norris has been surviving off scraps of praise.” Nova offered. “And I’ve got a mind to take her from him.” “You have got to be barking,” Ron said as they entered the potions lab. Nova hung back a bit as everyone found their work stations. Segregated. It was double potions with Slytherin, and everyone was segregated by house. Nor was there the friendly banter she’d grown accustomed to. “And why are you just standing there?” Professor Snape sneered as he entered the room. “I’m terribly sorry sir, but I haven't been assigned a workstation yet.” Nova offered. “Well if you’d bothered to be here at the beginning of the semester, you’d have been assigned a workstation. - So what was it, that was so important that you couldn't see fit to grace us with thy presence?” “Sir?” Nova asked. “The reasons I wasn’t here is a private family matter, but if you’ve got a mind to dig further perhaps you’d like to take it up with Professor Marchbanks. I am her student.” A deathly silence fell over the class. Nova had the feeling that Griselda Marchbanks was fairly high up considering the way Dumbledork had tried to be all chummy with her. Perhaps they were good friends, but Nova was having a hard time seeing anything other than the man he once was. As for Snape, his mind was going a mile a second. When Nova said that Professor Marchbanks was her Head of House, had she, in fact, meant head of her family, and who was that woman? Oh yes, he’d seen them all at the Gryffindor table, being all buddy-buddy. Maybe he’d best not push his luck, but that didn’t mean he had to actually teach this insolent brat. “There. Use that work station.” Snape said pointing at an unused station towards the back. “Thank you, sir.” Nova offered with a polite bow and went to the station. She’d cautioned Sweetie Belle to tie up her hair on the way back, and then fastened up her own. Nova turned, set her carryall on the workbench, and waited. Snape didn’t say a thing. He turned to a blackboard and wrote out some instructions. “You may start now.” He said, and then looked about to see who would do what. Nova looked at the instructions, the man’s writing was atrocious, figured out what it was he wanted, got out what she’d need, and set her bag on the floor in the back of the room. She then took a piece of paper and quickly wrote out a checklist of everything she’d need to do. Snape’s eyes had turned to her. Once Nova was ready, she began. Snape was still staring at her intently, and there was a tingling sensation right on the tip of her mind. Nova looked up at him thinking, you’ve got to be out of your bucking mind and gave him far more than he’d ever bargained for. She’d realized Snape was trying to read her thoughts, and rather than just try to block him, she let fly the horrors of war. Not just from her own personal memories mind you, but scenes from some really intense movies. She filled his mind with every horrific thing she could come up with, slamming them in one after another. He wanted to read her thoughts, then have them damn it. Khamûl Lord of the Nine spiced with a healthy fear of King Sombra sent Snape staggering backward. It was over. Nova went back to her task at hand. When class was over Nova presented her work. Snape looked at everyone’s work, and awarded a point for each successful attempt, but ignored Nova. All the Gryffindors had been successful including Sweetie Belle who was usually at the center of disaster. His tone was only mildly subdued as he wasn't quite sure what to make of the images that had flooded into his mind. He knew she'd done it deliberately. Snape had been violating her privacy, and his reward had been images of a wizard war on a scale he could scarcely comprehend, against such horrors... “I don’t know if I should be pissed at you, or thank you,” Sweetie grumbled as they made their way down to lunch. “Snape started it,” Nova said with just an edge to her voice. “You were putting thoughts in my head.” Sweetie Belle stated as she came to an abrupt halt. “What’s Snape have to with it?” “I caught Snape trying to read my mind,” Nova informed them. “So I filled his head full of the worst stuff I could think of.” She all but spat out. “Really put me off my good mood too. Anyway, because he did that, and I was at such a good vantage point, and couldn't physically tell people when they were about to mess up without Snape seeing, and getting on my flank about leaving my work station, I prompted people telepathically.” “You can do Legilimency?” Hermione asked. “And you and Snape were battling it out in the classroom?” “You’ll get suspended for sure,” Ron said horrified. “Suspended? What’s he going to do, go tell Dumbledore I wasn’t going to let him read my mind? - Harmony knows who else he’s been messing with.” “You don’t think he’s been doing that to us, do you? Poking his mind in where it doesn’t belong, invading our privacy, do you?” Ron asked. “And who’s Harmony?” “Trying that on me, invading my privacy. I wouldn't put it past him.” Nova offered. “Come on let's go get something to eat.” “One other thing,” Sweetie Belle asked, “why’d you insist I tie up my hair?” Nova leaned in, and whispered, “Unicorn hair is reactive to potions.” “You mean all those disasters were because of her Animageus form?” Hermione asked dumbfounded. The others laughed as their previous good mood returned. A little while later at lunch, Nova was dismayed to find that Potions was the only class they had on Friday. “Yes, it is a rather light scheduled for the first years.” Hermione offered. “I do my fair share of self-study.” “Speak for yourself.” Ron protested. “Quidditch team will be practicing. There’s going to be a game next weekend, and we’ve been doing a lot of practice.” Scootaloo informed her. “You can come out and watch.” “So are you the Seeker this year?” Nova asked. “No, Harry got picked for that,” Scootaloo replied. “I’m alright with it.” “Everyone thinks she’s got it on account of the Nova broom.” Ron offered. “Nova broom?” Nova asked. “It sort of picked me.” Scootaloo offered. “Neville got in a hurry on our first time out, and went shooting straight up about twenty-thirty feet, and then fell off his broom.” Ron offered. “And then they’re all like Cutie Mark Crusaders emergency medical response, made a stretcher using their robes and a couple of brooms.” “They are well-practiced in making stretchers.” Nova offered. “Neville was out cold, and the three of us carried him to the nurse's office. Apple Bloom offered. “That broom followed her.” “And then I was told to keep it,” Scootaloo replied. “It followed you?” Nova asked. She’d certainly never added that spell. “It’s picky about who it lets fly it too.” Ron offered. “It’ll go nice and easy for weak fliers, but if it doesn’t like you, it’ll put you in the hospital. It’s been nicknamed the widow maker. Won’t let Fred or George touch it.” “Gee, I wonder why?” Nova said sarcastically. “Kind of sounds like it’s possessed though.” “Legend says it was made by a mad genius who had both a phoenix and a pet Night Mare.” Ron continued. The crusaders gave Nova a curious look while Ron continued on with the story about how Harry was chosen to be the Seeker. “Oliver Wood, the captain, is a little iffy under the circumstances about putting Harry in the game, but it was Professor McGonagall who brought Harry to Wood’s attention. - Kind of hard for him to say no.” “Way to pile the pressure on Harry, Ron,” Nova said with a smile. “Harry will be great, I’m sure of it,” Ron said quickly. “I actually know something about that broom.” Nova offered. She leaned over and whispered. “It’s got a pegasus primary feather in the shaft.” “So do you think it chose Louise because of her pegacorn form?” Hermione asked. “Anything is possible.” Nova offered. “What worries me is it might be possessed by a previous owner. - But don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” “You’re a lot of help, you know that don’t you.” Scootaloo offered sarcastically. “I do try.” Nova offered and turned to Hermione. “Any chance I can get a list of assignments, I’m going to have a lot of stuff I need to catch up on if I’m going to get full credit for the year.” “You’re not asking us?” Sweetie Belle asked sounding wounded. “I know what your notes look like,” Nova replied with a smile. “You keep forgetting that she knows us.” Apple Bloom offered while Scootaloo did her best not to laugh. “Well, I’m done,” Scootaloo announced. “I’m going to head on up, and get my haunted broom.” “I’ll go with you, I want to get a better look at that broom.” Nova offered, and Hermione followed them up. When they’d arrived Nova picked up the broom and gently caressed it. It lifted up into the air at just her touch. Owing to the Equestrian preservation spells she’d used on it, it was still in really good shape. “I see...” Nova mused, and then cast a foxfire spell on it causing it to glow. “What spell is that?” Hermione asked. “Afraid it’s not one I can teach you,” Nova informed her. “Has to do with my mixed heritage. It’s a unique form of magic that’s from my father’s side of the family. They have some rather unique ancestry.” “Do you mean like Veela?” Hermione asked. “I’ve read about them.” “Nope, not Veela,” Nova informed. “Dad is descended from a Byakkosan-tenko.” Nova wasn’t too worried as she figured that not even Hermione would be able to figure out that reference. “Yes, there’s been a considerable amount of spell work added to this.” “What makes you think there’s been spell work added to it?” Hermione asked. “And how can you even tell?” “Would you believe me if I told you I built this?” Nova offered. “Maybe,” Scootaloo said with a twinkle in her eye. “But you’ll have to tell us later, I need to get to practice.” “Alright,” Nova replied, her magic seemed to soak into the broom, and then she passed it over to Schootaloo who took it and went downstairs. “Alright, let's study. We can sit in my little reading room, there’ll be fewer interruptions.” It wasn’t long before books and parchment was scattered all over the place, as the two happily went over everything that had been covered up to that point. As to the volume, Nova found she was just a little disappointed in how little there was. “Light scheduled is right,” Nova said as she leaned back to stretch. “I know right?” Hermione affirmed. “Seems to be all the guys can do to manage though.” “What about the trio?” “To be honest, they are handling the workload fine. If anything I think they need more just to keep them out of trouble. Personally, I think they are brilliant, they just tend to lose focus.” “Ya, they do have that quality,” Nova said with a smile as she looked out the picture window. Gadgull was flying about as if to find something, and there was an air of panic about him. “I’m going to use the toilet.” Nova got up, went into her bedroom, into the toilet and bath area of her bedroom, closed the door, and teleported to the other side of the bookshelf. What she found was Princess Luna in all her Alicorn glory giving Alalme the third degree, the door to the rotunda was wide open, and no sign of the foals. “Nova, I think there’s something wrong with Moonie?” Alalme said casting a glance to Nova. “That’s not Moonie, that’s my mum. Where are the foals?” Nova asked as Miss Aiko came running in from the rotunda. “They’re outside, the door was left open, and they got out before I could get to the door!” Miss Aiko called. “Sweet Luna mother of ponies!” Talma exclaimed as she came up the steps. She’d just done a sweep downstairs. Gadgull came up behind her. Princess Luna had a rather odd look on her face. “Foals?” Luna asked, the news sinking in as Nova transformed to her pony form, cautious not to transform her clothing as well and stashing everything into that sort of temporary pocket dimension where such things went. Nova galloped for the exit with Alalme, Talma, and Gadgull following quickly on her heels. Luna realized a moment later what she must have done, transformed herself to look more like the local pegasi, and followed quickly after. Goldwine and Alya delighted in their new freedom. They flitted from place to place exploring the towers, and roofs, while concerned pegasi looked out from their nests wondering who the out-of-season foals were? And what were those white puffy things around their bottoms? The foals turned, and on spotting the activity at the quidditch pitch made a beeline right for it. Now the local pegasi were a little more than mildly concerned. Nest mates started issuing forth from their various windows. Scootaloo was out at the pitch at this time practicing her broom flying, while the Gryffindor team practiced passing the quaffle, and clubbing bludgers. Scootaloo caught sight of a familiar gold colt in a nappy out of the corner of her eye, and when she saw the bludger headed straight for him. The twins would later plead that the bludger had gotten away from them, but the who and why wasn’t on Scootaloo’s mind. Scootaloo’s one thought was to protect that colt, and to get there before the bludger could. The mother instinct had hit her hard earlier that month owing to an ill-conceived spell the Crusaders had cast, and her own personal safety was now the last thing on her mind. Not knowing how fast her broom could go she abandoned human form, and using the technique Nova had shown her, raced to intercept. Somehow she’d gotten there just in time, wrapping her forelegs around Goldwine just as the bludger hit. It grazed her left-wing and slammed into her body. Both hits causing intense pain. That wing was now useless, and she couldn't fly on a wing and a prayer. She didn’t even know the right prayer. Down they went while the bludger circled around for another go. What the majority of the people in the stadium saw was a golden pegasus with a magenta mane come out of nowhere to shield a foal of similar hue with a mane the color of wine, who by her actions took the hit, and was downed by the runaway bludger. This was followed by a mostly white pegacorn blasting the bludger with a beam of intense magic driving it so far into the ground it would take a mining operation to retrieve it, and then she turned her magic to the falling pegasus cushioning the landing. She was followed by a sable foal, two sable mares, a chestnut paint, and a gray stallion while more pegasi flocked overhead. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom ignoring all calls not to approach the pegasi ran to the fallen pony. Madam Hooch was hot on their heels to stop the girls, or at least pull them to safety. And then they were gone. “Gadgull, go back out and let those pegasi know what happened,” Nova commanded. Nova was now in war mode. “I’ll take the foals to the room,” Alalme said. “Come on you two, you’re getting a time out!” “Anything I can do?” Asked Sweetie Belle. “Sweetie, Apple, just stand over there until I say otherwise,” Nova ordered. “Scootaloo, your wing is broken.” “I think a few other things are broken too,” Scootaloo said in a pained tone. “Let me.” Luna offered. “No, I’m a trained battle medic as well as a message runner.” Nova offered while pointing at her armor. Luna had wondered about that and was curious to hear the tail, but not now. “Aiko!” “Got it.” Aiko offered while dropping a large white box. On it was a red cross overlaid with a heart. “I’m going to realign the bone, and set it,” Nova said. Scootaloo cried out in pain. “Talma, take Apple Bloom down to the lab, and bring us a mild pain killer, and bone restorative.” Apple Bloom transformed to her pony self, Talma brightened in realization, and the two raced downstairs. “Is there nothing I can do?” Sweetie Belle asked. She transformed, and sat on her plot. “You can come around to Scootaloo’s head and offer encouragement.” Nova offered as she braced the wing and fixed the brace in place. “Scootaloo, how are you doing?” “I’ve been worse.” Scootaloo offered. Nova smiled and refrained from making any comments that might make Scootaloo laugh. Scootaloo had indeed been worse on more than one occasion. Through all this Madam Hooch watched in dumbfounded astonishment. The gray pegasus who’d been identified as Gadgull returned a few moments later with a trio of concerned pegasi, and pony Apple bloom came running back into the rotunda a few minutes later with a couple of vials in a small basket she carried in her mouth. She also knew Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, Louise, to her, by their cutie marks. Scootaloo’s mark, a sort of birthmark, but it wasn’t a birthmark, had been brought to her attention by the other girls in the team, and then they’d learned that all three girls had similar marks like they were part of some club. Most of the Gryffindor girls had been aware of the marks but never said a thing. An inspection by Madam Pomfrey had revealed the marks to be magic in origin, but no known removal spell could touch them. A couple of attempts had even done physical harm to the skin while doing nothing to the marks. The pony who seemed to be calling all the shots had a mark as well, as did an appaloosa sable. What was more, these ponies were conducting themselves in much the same manner as witches and wizards would. Three were pegacorns, Sweetie was apparently a unicorn, or at least could turn into one, and Apple Bloom had the appearance of an ordinary pony save for the bright pastel colors. Scootaloo let out a yell as Nova used her magic to snap some ribs back in place. The potions Apple Bloom had brought up were at least starting to work in providing relief, and Scootaloo let out a soft sigh. “You’ve got this.” Sweetie Belle offered encouragingly. “Muma, if you could lift her up, I’m going to do a chest rap.” Nova offered. “So now what?” Scootaloo asked. Being suspended like that actually made her feel better. “Am I going to be stuck like this? What do we tell people? Did anyone see me transform?” “Um, I, I could ask around for you?” Madam Hooch offered. She’d actually considered herself as something of an expert on pegasi, but all this was on a whole new level. It was like she’d just discovered the home of one of the legendary high elves. In the center of the rotunda was displayed a petite suit of horse armor, banners hung from the columns, paintings hung on the walls, and a fresco depicting day and night ruled by pegacorns on the ceiling. They were definitely fae of some kind, extremely intelligent, and likely very powerful. If pegasi had a ruling class, this would be it. The excitable phoenix flying around also meant that the student who suddenly showed up at school two months late was also connected to these, these ponies. “Oh horse apples.” Apple Bloom swore on realizing the quidditch teacher had been there the whole time. “Um, this might be an awkward time,” said one of the pegasi who’d come with Gadgull, and spoke in the old ponish. “There is an issue of an egg that was given to the trio at the top of this tower, by the human. We don’t seem to know where it came from or who it belongs to?” Scootaloo understood just enough to know they had an egg and didn’t know who it belonged to. “Mine!” Scootaloo called. “It’s my egg.” “Yours?” Luna asked. Surely Scootaloo was too young to be laying eggs yet? “You mean Hagrid didn’t eat it after all?” Apple Bloom asked. Madam Hooch made a mental note to keep Hagrid away from all pegasi eggs. “Tell us what his name is so that we might banish his nether regions to the moon,” Luna said with the air of a parent about to commit murder. “Haven’t we already done that joke?” Sweetie Belle asked. “It wasn’t any colt’s doing it was Sweetie Belle.” Apple Bloom offered. “Sweetie?!” Luna, and Nova exclaimed. “Wait, what was the spell?” Luna prodded. “It’s not like that.” Sweetie protested. “We turned Moaning Myrtle into an egg.” “Who?” Nova and Luna asked. “So that’s what happened to her.” Madam Hooch said. “Moaning Myrtle is, or rather was, a ghost in the second-floor toilets.” “Second-floor Toilets where the large sun pegacorn seal is?” Nova asked. “Yes, that one.” Madam hooch offered. “That’s just a little too coincidental. Do you know what she died from?” Nova asked. “I’m to understand it was a spider bite.” Madam Hooch offered. “What kind of spider?” Luna asked. “An acromantula.” Madam Hooch informed them. “I’m going to need to see that egg.” Luna offered. “Might be a good idea to see if it’s even a viable egg and weather or not there is a pony, or a girl in that egg.” Nova suggested. “Hadn’t thought of that.” Luna replied. “I was more concerned about residual memories. No pony wants to wake up into a new life remembering about being bitten by an acromantula. - Sweetie, I’d like to see the spell, what kind of spell is it, and where’d you get it?” “Well it’s a unicorn spell, that’s why I was the one who cast it, and it was Auntie Twili.” Sweetie Belle explained. “I am definitely going to have to talk to her about what sort of spells she gives the three of you.” Luna grumbled. “Well, I’m all done here. What say we take Scootaloo into the lounge. She can lay on one of the sofas in there for now.” Nova offered. “So how long am I going to be like this?” Scootaloo asked. “The wing bracing will need to stay on for a couple weeks at the least,” Nova informed her. “No flying for a month, though I’d prefer to keep you grounded for two. I wouldn't even think about trying to transform for a few days. On the one hand, it’ll be a great way to keep the wings immobilized, but on the other hand it’s going to hurt like that time you tried to nail your own horseshoes and missed.” She paused to let what she'd sais soak in. “I don’t want to rush the healing process anymore then I have to because it could cause a deformity of the wing.” “Ah, what about school? What are we going to tell people?” Sweetie Belle asked. “That’s easy, she can’t come to class because she’s a little horse with a broken wing.” Apple Bloom offered. “No, that’s probably not a good idea.” Madam Hooch offered. “We could just say she got thrown off by that broom she’s riding. People will believe that. - Listen, your taking me here is going to be fairly easy for me to explain as I’m the person who looks after the school flock when there is an issue they can’t handle on their own. - Now, in order to keep the scope of this under wraps, I’m going to need to bring in some co-conspirators?” “You know I could just erase your memory of this whole incident.” Luna offered. “You could, but then there’d be the issue of their not getting proper medical treatment, such as when Scootaloo got sick last month.” Madam Hooch offered. “Scootaloo, you got sick right after you participated in that spell, didn’t you?” “Maybe.” Sweetie Belle offered. “I heard something about it from her father, her new father I should say.” Luna offered. “Mind telling me what it was?” “It was a severe mineral and calcium deficiency, and she was showing signs of anemia. As a result of which she was suffering from numbness, muscle cramps, and poor apatite, along with fainting, and lethargy.” Madam Hooch offered. “Sweetie Belle, could you go get that spell Twilight sent you?” Luna asked. “We’ll need to bring Madam Pomfrey in on this, she’s the school nurse.” Madam Hooch offered as Sweetie belle got up and went to find the library. “And what about Dumbledore?” “I’d rather not,” Nova said. She’d completely forgot about Hermione back in the lounge. “I don’t really know what sort of man he is now, but the first time I met him he’d had too much to drink, and was ready to relieve me of my phoenix without my leave.” “When was that?” Madam Hooch asked. Her phoenix? That meant this pegacorn was Nova Moon. Yes, the mane was the same. “The man I’ve known has always been the most upstanding citizen of our community.” “Christmas, nineteen oh three.” “Nineteen oh three?” That proved it, they were Fae. “School records should show that that was the year Slytherin’s crypt was discovered. Two Wyrms were found to be on the grounds, and killed as well.” “Hagrid?” Madam Hooch prompted. “Can’t keep a secret to save his life.” Apple Bloom countered. “Now what makes you say that?” Madam Hooch asked. “The three headed dog is named Fluffy, and he’s guarding sumt’m important that belongs to Nicholas Flamel.” Scootaloo offered. Nova’s ears dropped at the name. She already knew why the man was famous, and what that stone really was, but decided to keep it to herself. For now at least. As for the trio, if they hadn’t have been avoiding Hagrid for allegedly eating Myrtle, they’d have had the stone by October. “I see.” Madam Hooch said in a dry tone. “You haven't gone in there have you?” “Slobbered all over us.” Apple Bloom offered. “I suppose that would happen, he was raised with a bunch of Shetland ponies. Probably thinks he’s a horse.” “You go any further?” “He don’t like people, and no.” Apple Bloom offered. “We’ve done some crazy things, but experience has learned us not to go jump'en down holes what we don’t know what’s at the bottom of.” “I see.” Madam Hooch offered. “Muma, what say we move Scootaloo.” Nova prompted. “You probably don’t want to put too much trust in Hermione, her heart was in the right place, but she is the one who told us about the egg.” Meanwhile Hermione is outside Nova’s small bathroom in the little apartment. “Um, Nova, are you alright in there?” “Best let her be.” Sweetie Belle offered. She’d just come out of the closet. “You sure she’s even in there?” Sweetie Belle went to the door, knocked, and then opened it. “Nope, looks like she’s gone. Say, maybe she went down to the Quidditch pitch.” “What, just wander off, and not say anything?” “Well, you know how egg heads are.” Sweetie teased. “By the way, there was an incident on the quidditch field. The twins tried to bludger a pegasus foal, and hit its mother instead.” “They did what!” Hermione exclaimed. “So help me, when I get through with them!” Sweetie Belle waited till she was gone, and then fetched the spellbook. 🦄 “Ya, we figured as much.” Apple Bloom offered as they moved Scootaloo. Scootaloo had fallen asleep. “She even helped us with figuring out the spell that created the egg, and spells that would keep Myrtle warm while we weren’t there. - Sweetie did most of the translating of the old ponish.” “And I’m liking this less and less.” Luna offered as she placed Scootaloo on a lounge. Alalme brought a blanket to put over her, and then Nova went down to the kitchen to get a plate of Granny’s oat crackers. She gave one to all the ponies, and made sure there was some for Scootaloo. “Whatever became of the Mackintosh farm?” Nova asked just as Sweetie was returning. It was a book of spells, mostly academic, and a good deal of it in old ponish. It is a collection of spells from earlier works, some intended for banishing ghosts, some for finding or detecting, and then there was the egg spell. The egg spell was a complicated ritual, and a wonderment they’d managed it at all. Luna wasn’t liking what she was seeing. It called for a unicorn to cast the spell and a pegasus mare preferably of foal bearing age. Luna had a mind to truly lay into the girls big time, but by the looks of the spell, just the side effects of casting it wrong were going to be punishment enough. “It calls for a drop of blood, who’s did you use?” Just the three of us.” Sweetie offered. Luna’s face developed a twitch. “So, how am I going to get out of here?” Madam Hooch asked a short time later. “I should probably take you back the same way I brought you. And understand that we are going to trust you because the local pegasus trust you, but keep in mind what they sell in apothecaries.” Nova offered. “And Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom should go back the way they came as well.” “Um, Hermione was in the dorm room.” Sweetie offered. "I might have sort of sent her out to the quidditch pitch." Nova’s ears went flat again, and then she facehoofed. “I sicked her on the Twins though.” Sweetie offered. “Alright then, that might keep her distracted.” Nova offered. “Change back.” A few moments later, Pony Nova deposited Madam Hooch, Sweetie, and Apple Bloom back on the pitch. She gave Sweetie and Apple Bloom a nuzzle, and lifted off into the air. She circled, spotted her old broom drifting towards the forbidden forest, raced to it, and brought it back to the pitch like a dog with a bone. She gave it to Apple bloom. “Maybe we can play fetch sometime.” Apple Bloom teased. Nova snorted, and then took off again. Several teachers hurried over having heard about the abduction. “I’m well. A bit bemused, but alright.” “Chasing after pegasi even after you’d been told to stay well clear of those animals, that’ll be fifty points...” McGanagall began, and then her jaw dropped.” “Awarded to Gryffindor.” Madam Hooch stated firmly. “What?” Snape said not quite sure he’d heard what he thought he’d heard. “And we were wrong about that egg. The girls had been taken into the confidence of a clutch of pegacorns, and our meddling may have caused that egg irreparable harm in that in our ignorance it had not been returned to the right mother.” Maddam Hooch stated. “Oh, and Miss Magnus injured herself earlier, and might be out of action for a while.” She had to take a moment to catch her breath. “Bloom and Sweetie demonstrated excellent equine management in the care that they rendered this afternoon as well.” “Ya, we pretty much live and breathe everything horse back home.” Apple Bloom offered trying not to smile. “I’ve got a mind to take points from Fred and George Weasley for their recklessness, but that wouldn't be fair to the rest of Gryffindor.” Madam Hooch stated. “But I am going to give them detention.” “But what all happened, where did you go?” McGonagall asked. “Well, we were all apparated in one go straight to where they nest. And it was the easiest smoothest transport I’ve ever experienced. Like blinking, and finding myself suddenly in a different location. Assistance was provided for the stricken pegacorn, and we were brought back.” “How badly was it hurt?” McGonagall asked. “Broken wing, and cracked ribs. The wing has been mended, and the chest cavity wrapped. - I shudder to think what would have happened had that bludger hit that foal.” Pegasi were known to drop rocks from beyond wand range when sufficiently angered. Of course, they had bombs of other kinds as well. The kind that went splat. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go talk to Madam Pomfrey.” Madam Hooch said once everyone had a chance to process what she’d said. “Girls, you can go back to your free time, though you may want to make sure you are caught up on assignments.” “Yes Mam.” Apple Bloom, and Sweetie said, and hurried off. Nova landed on the balcony, entered, closed the door, walked past several pegasi that were still there, and apparently just hanging out. “Be sure and close the door when you go.” Nova said in the old ponish. She continued to the next door. Luna had the egg now. “Muma, if you find anything that we might want to look into, I’d like a copy of it. There are memory vials in the clinic room.” “What sort of things?” “Well if the spider bite wasn’t an accident, or anything having to do with Salazar Slytherin or the chamber of secrets.” Nova offered. “We sealed up one entrance, but they never found any others, nor how the wyrms were getting in and out of the school while I was here last. - Now, I’m going to go lay down with my son.” “Excuse me?” Luna asked as a vein bulged on her forehead. “Tell us his name that we might slay him.” “He, and his egg mother were killed by a Wyrm. I killed one of the Wyrms rescuing Goldwine’s egg. Now, there are wards that resist my teleportation spell, and I’m worn out.” Nova then went into the bedroom, climbed up onto the bed, and lay down with the foals who were more then happy to snuggled up. “So, what kind of a relationship do you have with my daughter?” Princess Luna asked Alalme, she was sitting a short distance away, and was watching Scootaloo. “Before I came here an injury like that would have ended a life.” Alalme said quietly. “As for our relation, it’s complicated.” She thought about what she wanted to say. “She rescued me. I was tethered in a barn, along with my new foal Alya. Even if I could free myself it was the dead of winter, and Alya too young to do much of anything. - And there she was, half pony, half predator, and she was beautiful because she was liberation.” Alalme smiled thinking of that moment. “Sometimes we are like siblings, just like sisters. Sometimes she seems so much like a little foal, and at other times she gives me the feeling of a pony aged beyond my comprehension. Nor had she come after me for my own sake. She wasn’t there to rescue me. She’d rescued an egg from a creature that we were helpless against, and the mother instinct had taken hold of her. - She’ll do anything for Goldwine.” “I see.” Luna replied as she cradled Myrtle. “I got a taste of that duality of hers today. This morning she was my delightful little foal. This afternoon she is an accomplished member of my personal guard. - I’m finding it difficult to wrap my mind around it. And I am all too familiar with the lengths the mother instinct will drive us. Seems to hit winged ponies the hardest. - Scootaloo has it bad.” “How simple it would be to just drop an egg, and go about our lives leaving it behind without a second thought. And yet we brood over that egg even to the point of daring to face our worst nightmares head on for the sake of the little one inside.” Alalme offered in quiet contemplation. On noticing that Scootaloo was restless in her sleep Luna took Myrtle, and placed her under the blankets next to Scootaloo. Scootaloo did her best to cuddle the egg, and then quieted. “You are such a broody little hen, you know that don’t you?” Luna whispered as she gave Scootaloo a loving cares on the top of her head. 🥚 That night after everyone had turned in, Nova was on the prowl. She was a fox on a mission. Her target: Mrs Norris. What with everything that had happened she’d nearly forgotten about Mrs Norris, but now, now she’d a need for that specific feline that was forcing her to push her plans regarding Mrs. Norris ahead. She needed her, and she needed her tonight. The only question was would she cooperate? Nova had learned of Mrs Norris’s habit of patrol the halls at night from the Weasley twins who were more than willing to provide whatever information they might. They’d even given her a rather unique map in an effort to get back into the good graces of all those around them. Silently the owl winged fox glided through the halls. To the casual observer she was just another pet out wandering the halls. To Peeves, she was a predator to be avoided. Peeves had no desire to be made into a pinball ever again. But would Mrs Norris even be out prowling after what Nova had done to her? Nova had to think about it, and the answer was yes. Mrs Norris wasn’t just reporting every little infraction for the sake of praise, she was doing it to maintain order within the hive. There. Target sighted. Prepare for glomp. Nova glided into position, dove down, snatched up Mrs Norris, and teleported away. “What was that? Who’s there?” Filch called as he issued forth from a secret passage. “Mrs Norris?” He looked about. “Now where has that cat gotten to?” Suddenly Alicorns. Mrs Norris had been doing her patrols for the sake of order if for no other reason when the beast struck. The hallway vanished – oh Bucking sweet mother of Chrysalis – Princess Bucking Luna!!!! Princess Luna was sitting on the floor next to a golden pony who looked to be another alicorn sleeping on a large cushion, and was presently drawing silver tendrils from an egg, and depositing them in crystal vials. Mrs Norris knew what that was, but what sort of memories might an egg have? Shouldn’t she be placing memories in the egg so that the hatchling will understand its place in the hive? Mrs Norris looked to see who her captor was, black pony legs, white chest, head, wings, oh buck another bucking alicorn! Her doom was upon her. “Oh don’t tell me you’ve foal-napped a kitty?” Luna asked looking puzzled. “You are a puzzle.” “This is Mrs Norris, and she is the answer to our little problem.” Nova offered. “A cat?” Luna asked with a bemused expression. “And which problem? We seem to have many.” “Mrs Norris is a changeling. - Come along, change back to your ever-loving love bug self, Mrs Norris.” Nova prompted. Mrs Norris let out a sigh and transformed into her little black buggy self. Her visage marred only by a small white placard glued to the outer shell of her left wing with the number fifty-three on it. “What? But how did you know?” Luna asked. “And why bring her here?” “I’m a fox pony. Fox ponies can sense the life forces of living things, and my own inner sight is so sensitive I can actually see the aura of just about everything. Changelings have a particularly interesting aura that is unmistakable to any fox who can see it, and knows what they are looking at.” “What do you want with me?” Mrs Norris asked grumpily. “Aww, is that any way to talk to the pony who topped you off with love this morning?” Nova asked rubbing her chin on top Mrs Norris’s head. “Well you do want something, though I don’t see why you are bothering. Changelings are a threat to foals and weaker ponies. I’m surprised you didn’t just kill it.” Mrs Norris shrunk back into Nova. At least Nova didn’t want her dead. ‘Dead, bucking dead, buck buck bucking dead, bucked, buckety buck, bucked to the bone, buck, buck, buck...’ Mrs Norris’s thoughts were filled with her bucking doom while she clucked. “Muma. Please. You’re frightening her. Honestly, you've got her clucking like a chicken.” Nova protested. “Besides, she’s only a threat in her present form.” If you could possibly impart on her how the changelings evolved, I think we’d have ourselves a most cooperative love bug.” “Evolved?” Mrs Norris asked. “Ya, those that have evolved are no longer dependent on the need to feed off the love of others.” Nova explained. “Show me. Please.” Mrs Norris prompted. She’d gone so long living off scraps of emotion, this was something she wanted. Luna contemplated for a moment, her eyes grew bright as she locked eyes with Mrs Norris. The link only took a moment, and then she leaned back to see what Mrs Norris would do with the information she’d given her. Mrs Norris seemed to be contemplating, or perhaps analyzing the information, and then a look on her face as though an epiphany had struck her. Nova decided to scoot back a few spaces. Mrs Norris lifted up into the air, light shined, a pupa formed about her, and vanished a few moments later to reveal a brand new bug. She was now mostly metallic gold, with iridescent green legs, belly, wings, horns that came up on either side curved forward in the look of a tiara, and a black dot towards the end of each wing shell. “Wow. You’re all sparkly now.” Nova offered. “I am, aren’t I?” Mrs Norris said turning around several times in one direction, and then switching to go the other. “Ahh, that fifty three is still there though.” Luna pointed out. “Oh, that was stuck on me by a pony entomologist.” Mrs Norris offered. “I am outcast subject number fifty-three.” Luna let out a sigh and shifted hoof to face. “Outcast?” Nova asked. “You didn’t just get stranded here?” “Stranded, I came here on my own volition.” She explained. “Our queen was doing crazy things, I dared to speak up because what she was doing was contrary to order and harmony. - I was forced to flee.” “You don’t say?” Luna mused. “We were able to live off the ambient love of pony communities.” Mrs Norris offered. “And a community must be healthy and harmonious to produce that ambient love.” “And doing things like invading and putting ponies in cocoons would have shattered that harmony, so you spoke out.” Luna Offered. “I did.” Mrs Norris replied. “I was deemed defective.” “Now, there is a big favor I need from you.” Nova prompted. “I need you to impersonate a student.” “Wouldn't that be considered a bad thing?” Mrs Norris asked. “Well normally yes, but in this case, it needs to be done for the sake of order,” Nova informed her. “Order? How would impersonating anyone preserve order?” “We don’t want people being concerned, and subsequently finding the truth about our dear friend Scootaloo.” Nova replied. “I don’t know a Scootaloo?” “You might know her as Louise Magnus.” Luna offered. “She’s our yellow pony here with the egg.” “Oh yes, the human who is friends with the two ponies.” Mrs Norris offered. “She’s this alicorn?” “Yes, she is.” Nova assured her.” “Strange name for a pony. I'd have sworn she was human.” Mrs Norris mused. “Strange name even for an alicorn pony.” “Her mother has spent a lot of time in the human world and was fond of the name Louise. Louise was given up to foster parents, for reasons I won’t go into, who started calling her Scooter Louise, and that morphed to Scootaloo.” Nova offered. “How do you know all that?” Luna asked. “Traveling through time and dimension a pony learns things,” Nova replied. “In fact, the pegasi here actually remember you as the heroic figure of Night Fall. 'Unto the goddess of the night was given a foal of dazzling beauty so much so that ponies thought he a star descended from the heavens. But the goddess of the day did covet the colt and attempted to take him. Bla bla bla, supporters scattered to the wind.' Best I can figure is the pegasus in this area are descended from members of your household staff, and possibly some of the guards. How they got here is beyond me.” “Oh they probably came in through the mirror of Erised. It connects to a storeroom in an old castle not far from Ponyville, and Professor Dumbledore is hiding the Philosopher’s stone in it.” Mrs Norris offered oblivious to the importance of what she was saying. The stone meant nothing to her, so she'd no reason not to tell the ponies about it. “What is a philosopher’s stone?” Luna asked. “You’d know it as a bloodstone,” Nova replied. “A what?!” Luna spat remembering the stones Sombra had made. When she’d learned how they were made she was horrified. Twilight presently had one, it was fixed to the Alicorn Amulet. No one was really quite sure why she hadn’t destroyed it. She hadn’t even placed it in a vault somewhere, no, it was on display under glass in her castle. “Alright then, that’s two things we need to take care of,” Nova offered. “First I’d like you to step in for Louise, all you need to do is simulate the injuries typical of falling off a broom that hates you. Make it an injury to the right arm as well, and some nice convincing bruises.” “I can do that.” Mrs Norris offered. “Why the right arm?” Luna asked. “Scootaloo is right hoofed. If Mrs Norris wraps up her right arm no one will expect her to write or cast spells.” “I know wizards have spells that speed up the healing process, but Scootaloo being a pegacorn, we can’t speed up the healing process too much. It has to happen as organically as we can allow. - Mrs Norris, what we’ll do is get you to the infirmary, and if we can stall for a week, I’m sure Scootaloo will be able to transform back into a human by then. But first, I’d like you to take me to that mirror.” “But you can’t go out in the halls at night?” Mrs Norris said. She was more concerned about Nova, then worried about rule infractions. “Well no, pony me definitely can’t go wandering about the halls, and if human me gets caught there’ll be Tartarus to pay, but there’s nothing that says fox me can’t.” And with that Nova transformed to her fox form. “You’ve wings on your fox form now.” Luna remarked. “The wings showed up when my flight feathers came in.” Nova offered. “Mrs Norris, you ready?” “Hold up, your pendant?” Luna asked. “They’ll think it’s a dog tag, and it makes it easier to cast magic without horn or wand.” “What about if someone tries to force you to transform?” Mrs Norris asked. “I’m not an Animageus, it won’t work, I’ve tested it. That and this seems to be my default form in this world for some reason.” “Just one more thing,” Luna said sounding like she was hesitant. “Mrs Norris, were you here when a young man named Tom Riddle was here?” “I was. He terrorized the school one year. When he was a prefect.” Mrs Norris told her. “He, he wasn’t human. Not in the normal sense.” “Why do you say that?” Luna asked. “He’d no emotions. No empathy. None what so ever. He was just blank like a gaping hole from which no light could penetrate. Gave me the creeps. And I’m a changeling. He killed Miss Myrtle, I saw him. I ran to get someone, and then he turned around, and blamed little Hagrid.” “And you did nothing?” “I’m a changeling. What could I do? For all their talk of how bad muggles are, wizards can be far worse, and they would as likely killed me on the spot if they knew.” She had to take a moment to calm herself down. “At least being a cat all the time is a lot safer.” “I guess I’m asking a lot of you,” Nova asked. “I’ll do it. For the sake of order like you said. After all if Louise isn’t produced fairly soon, they’ll start asking too many questions, and then we’ll all be in the soup.” Mrs Norris offered. “I knew I was making the right choice by bringing you in.” Nova said and turned into a girl again. “Turn back into a cat, and lets see if we can’t sneak out of here.” Mrs Norris transformed. “You’ve gone all floofy.” “Mrow.” The two made their way out to the dorm room, where they discovered Hermione was awake. Nova picked up Mrs Norris. “I’m just going to go put Mrs Norris out. She followed me to my room.” Nova informed her holding the cat. “I might sit by the fire for a bit too.” “Mrs Norris… seriously?” “What, she was starved for love.” Nova offered, and went downstairs. “Now I’ve seen everything,” Hermione said and dropped back down into her bed. At the base of the stairs a winged fox and a cat passed into the common room, and out the portrait hole unseen by all save the fat lady. The two then made their way to the seventh floor where Mrs Norris stopped at a blank wall. “It’s right here, not sure how to get in though?” the cat whispered. “I can see where the opening is, I might be able to jimmy it open with a little fox magic.” Nova offered. Wisps of fog drifted from her and felt out the entrance. “Oh, right, yes, of course, I do really need to get in there.” Nova said, and then a door appeared. She used her magic to open the door, and then the two went in, closing the door behind them. There in an empty room stood the mirror. Nova transformed into her pony self, and Mrs Norris transformed back to her bug self. “Afraid all I ever see in this thing is me not having to chase after rule breakers, and everyone doing as they are supposed to.” Mrs Norris offered. Nova looked in the mirror. “Ya, I see myself with my family, and all the friends I’ve made and left behind, but that’s not what I want right now… aha, that’s it!” “What?” “Well if you don’t define what you want it shows you your deepest desire, but if you tell it what you want, it’ll show you that. Come on.” And at that Nova stepped up to, and into the mirror. Mrs Norris wanting to follow after did exactly that. They found themselves in a grubby little room with no light save for what drifted through the mirror, and that wasn’t very much being the room hadn’t been well lit. On the floor was a grubby little package. “Don’t touch it. It’s dangerous.” Nova said as she went to the door. When she tried it, it wouldn't budge. “Well then, I guess I’m just going to have to blast it open.” She took a couple of steps back, aimed her horn… In the hall outside two guards are startled by the eruption of a section of the wall. Fortunately they weren’t anywhere near it. Other guards start running to see what the explosion was, and are startled to see a smallish young alicorn, and a gold changeling step out of the opening. “I need a magical hazmat team, stat!” Nova ordered. “What, who are you?” “I am the High Priestess of Arcadia. There is a dangerous magical artifact in here. It can not be touched, and no magic is to be used to handle it. The only safe way to deal with it is with the elements of harmony.” “Yes mam.” A guard said, turned, and ran to inform a superior and request a hazmat team. “Who wallpapers over a doorway anyway?” Nova asking of no specific pony. “They bricked it up too.” Mrs Norris pointed out. A captain of the guard showed up a short time later. “Who, and how did you even get in here?” “There is a portal to another world in here. I’d recommend it be properly monitored from now on.” Nova informed them even as more guards came running. This time they were followed by Princess Twilight. It was all Nova could do not to run to her. She smiled though, and bowed her head. “It’s a portal from Hogwarts.” Nova offered sounding a little sheepish having been thrown off her bluster. “And who are you and what brings you here?” Twilight asked. “I am Princess Luna’s number one shadow,” Nova said, removed her amulet, and offered it to Twilight. Twilight took it and examined it. “And I am Princess Celestia’s agent in Hogwarts.” “This is indeed something made by Princess Luna.” Twilight said… Twilight examined the pendant with a probing spell and the large blue stone in the amulet turned green and burst with light. “A harmony stone!” “And now I have to recast the spell to make it match my cutie mark,” Nova said sounding a little put-off, and requested its return. “Do not tamper with or attempt to analyze the stone in the package in this room. It’s the same type of stone as what’s in the Alicorn Amulet. It needs to be destroyed, and will destroy any pony that attempts to use it.” “But how am I supposed to destroy it?” Twilight asked as she passed Nova’s pendant back to her. “I destroyed a small one with an artificial element of hope, so I’m guessing a full element blast should do the trick.” Nova offered hopefully. “Also, I don’t know if you’ve gotten word yet, but Scootaloo got hit by a bludger.” “Oh no. Is she alright?” Twilight had been about to ask about the artificial stone. “Broken wing, and cracked ribs.” “Broken wing? - What was she doing flying around in her pony form?” “It’s complicated, oh, and… don’t give the crusaders any more dangerous spells.” “But I didn’t?” “They’re the crusaders. Trust me, you did. But I’m going to leave that chewing out for Muma, er I mean Princess Luna.” Twilight’s eyes grew wide. “Kitzu?” “As soon as that package is on its way, I’ve got to get back.” Nova replied. “Nor is it safe to use this portal.” “Alright, we’ll get it dealt with, there should be someone on the way now.” Twilight offered, hesitated a moment, and then went in search of the Evergreen palace’s hazmat team. Twilight came back a short time later with five ponies in hazmat suits, and a large container that looked to be a cross between a cooler and a strong box. They carefully scooped up the package, placed it in the box, and latched the lid tight. This time Nova didn’t hold back, she went to Twilight and gave her a hug. When she’d let go she ran at the far wall of the old storeroom, jumped, transformed into a fox and vanished through the wall. Mrs Norris followed quickly behind. “High Priestess of Arcadia?” Mrs Norris asked on the other side. “Well, technically it’s not exactly a lie. Now turn back into a cat, and lets get phase two of tonight’s mission accomplished.” From there they made their way to the infirmary were they found Professor Dumbledore arguing with Madam Pomfray the school nurse. “I’m the Head Master of this school, and you’re telling me I can’t even check on one of my own students?” Dumbledore asked in disbelief as a cat crept on past. “She needs her rest.” “Excuse me?” a very good likeness of a rather beat-up looking Scootaloo asked. She was presently in one of the school nightgowns that were kept in the infirmary, and had an arm in a sling. “Can I go back to my room so I can get some sleep?” Madam Pomfrey proved a true veteran of the comings and goings of that school and somehow managed to not jump out of her skin. “Well, Head Master Dumbledore, being how you’ve woke her up, how about escorting her back to her room?” Madam Pomfrey asked as nicely as she could muster. Dumbledore was at a loss. He’d been put off so many times, not to mention the fact that no one could remember Miss Louise being taken to the infirmary, that he’d become convinced the girl simply wasn’t there. He had the nagging suspicion members of his own staff were hiding something from him, and he was at a loss as to why. Nor could he see through changeling magic. If he could he’d have surely known that Mrs Norris wasn’t a cat. He still had the feeling he was being played but couldn't fathom why? “They really are Fae.” Madam Pomfrey said once Dumbledore and Mrs Scootaloo Norris had left. Somehow they managed to pull it off. Mrs Norris had hung in there for a week. Not that there hadn’t been a number of close calls. Monday started out unpleasant. Potions first thing in the morning and Snape took a point from ScootaNorris for having the audacity to have her arm in a sling. The explanation as to why she hadn't already been healed, was that she was allergic to the healing potion, and would just have to mend naturaly. Nova had attempted to hand in the past homework assignments having completed them over the weekend with the help of Hermione only to be told that he did not accept late assignments. And in Defense against the dark arts, poor ScootaNorris nearly had a meltdown. “She’s not feeling well, I’ll get her to see Madam Pomfrey,” Nova informed everyone, and rushed her out of the classroom. The two stopped a short distance from the room. “Are you going to be able to hold it together?” Nova asked as the two leaned against the wall. “I know it smells bad. Kind of reminds… troll fart.” Nova’s eyes widened. “That wasn’t a troll fart, that was Quirrel. He smells of death.” To be true the room stank of garlic, but the garlic was there to cover the smell of Quirrel. “Why didn’t I see it before?” ScootaNorris said once she’d calmed down. “But then why would I pay any attention to members of the staff, they can do whatever they want. He’s so hollow. It’s like there’s no one there. - What little I could detect was that of the remains of a shattered mind.” This statement, halting as it was, set Nova’s mind to racing, she’d been actively filtering out auras so that they wouldn't be a distraction, but now that she thought about it… Nova’s hair on the back of her neck stood on end. Professor Quirrel had all the earmarks of one of Sombra’s drones. “What are you two doing out of class?” It was Mr. Filch. Mr Filch was the last human Nova wanted to see, but exactly the person Mrs Norris needed at that moment. Both Filtch and Nova were at a bit of a loss. ScootaNorris had just hugged Mr Filch. A moment passed, and then in a whisper, Mr Filch asked, “Care to explain why you’ve recruited my cat in your little clandestine operation?” “Sir, I don’t know what you mean?” Nova asked. She was honestly and rightly flabbergasted. “You knew?” ScootaNorris asked. “You’re nearly as old as I am, maybe older for all I know.” Filch replied. “Why no one else ever caught on is beyond me.” He gave her a pat. “Though a few have suggested you might be a lover hiding from a jealous husband. Still, you’ve been a good ally, and if I said anything now I’d be condemning myself. - Now, Miss Nova Moon, if that is your name. And you’re no first year, that much is obvious. I’m guessing a small sixteen, Maybe even a petite twenty, and that Madam Marchbanks sent you here to investigate those girls calling themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They’re not exactly first year either. We tried to remove those dark marks off those girls, but gave up because they couldn't do it without causing irreparable damage.” “They did what?” Nova exclaimed. “We are from Eques. If you know your Latin you’d understand ‘Eques’ to mean that we are from the country of horsemen, or knights as it’s sometimes translated. We have large herds of unicorn and pegasi who we work with on a daily basis. That mark is a manifestation of magic identifying someone in our community who can work with the equines, and such is the swiftness of our armies they are known as the Cohorts of Rohan,” Nova explained, her tone seasoned with anger and bravado. She wasn’t exactly making it up on the fly either, having worked out the explanation if she should ever find herself having to explain her cutie mark. As for rohan, well that was just in intransitive verb meaning to rush, hurry, run, or sprint. Back in the 1903-04 school year, it had never come up because those who knew about her cutie mark had just assumed it to be a manifestation of her alleged blood curse. “I myself have a rather elaborate marking, not just on my hips, but all the way up my back,” Nova added. “They are not dark marks. Miss Magnus is especially good at caring for injured pegacorns, few though they may be, and is tending the injured mare. And yes I am Professor Marchbanks’ student, and yes there is something going on here. And no, the Crusaders have nothing to do with it despite their propensity towards finding trouble. No, what seems to be going on here if I’m to make a guess from what I presently know, is that Headmaster Dumbledore seems to be playing a very dangerous game.” “Dumbledore?” ScootaNorris asked as she let loose of Mr Filch.” “I suspect he’s baited a trap for a very dangerous creature and put everyone in danger in the process.” Nova offered. Mr Filch just stood there. He knew more then enough to know that the traps that had been set up to protect whatever it was that was being protected weren’t going to be that difficult to get past. Not to mention the fact that Dumbledore had even gone so far as to advertise it before it was even ready. Granted it might take a few tries to get past the first three traps, but still... “So what is he trying to trap if I may ask?” “I’m not sure what it is.” Nova offered. “But whatever it is, it’s passing itself off as Professor Quirrel. As soon as Mrs Norris came in close proximity of him, and really paid attention to him, she nearly fell apart.” “He gives me the same queer feeling that the Riddle boy did.” ScootaNorris replied. Filch turned white as a ghost. “We’ um, we are going to run to the infirmary. I want to see if they have any Athelas. It’ll counteract the effect that thing is having on Mrs Norris.” “I should talk to Dumbledore,” Filch said. “If he doesn’t already know he’s twice the fool.” Nova replied, and then she escorted ScootaNorris to the infirmary. Nova’s assumption was that Dumbledore the elder was likely just as rash as his younger self, only more calculating in the effort. Dumbledore was a man playing a game of Chess against an unseen opponent who was playing a game of Shoji. Madam Pomfrey had never heard of Athelas. Nova let out a sigh, went to a small room which she was well familiar with, touched her wand to the wall, and produced from which a door. She then opened the door to reveal her own small clinic, went in, and retrieved a small sample of the herb. Madam Pomfrey pronounced the heard to be known as Chimpaphila umbellata with the common name of King’s cure. King’s cure was widely used in many healing brews. “Care to tell me what’s going on?” Madam Pomfrey asked. “If I’m to be an effective healer, I need to know.” “It’s just that...” Nova began as she placed the herbs in cups of hot water, one for Mrs Norris, and one for herself. “Defense Against the Dark arts was a bit much for Louise. What with her weakened condition.” The room began to fill with the sweet aromatic smell of wintergreen. “I see.” Madam Pomfrey said quietly. “I’ve had a number of students coming to me with an assortment of complaints they couldn't quite put their finger on after being in his class. I imagine Louise must be extra sensitive to the smell. Why Professor Dumbledore puts up with it is beyond me, I can barely stand the smell myself, and it can’t be very healthy. Are you going to be alright going back in there again this afternoon?” “I’ve an idea.” Nova offered as ScootaNorris sipped her broth. Nova went back into her infirmary and returned a short time later with a container of the herb, a sheet, scissors, and string. Nova sipped some of her broth and set to cutting circles out of the sheet. When she’d a number of circles, she placed a good sized pinch of the herb in one, pulled up the cloth, and tied it with a string. That one she placed in ScootaNorris’s school bag. She then proceeded to make several more, and placed those in her bag. After she’d finished, she finished off her broth. To Madam Pomfrey’s astonishment both girls ate the soggy leaves. “I’m going to let you have the remainder of what I’ve got in the container.” Nova offered. “And I’m going to give a small packet to everyone in my class. It should help.” “Seems I’ll need a lot more.” Madam Pomfrey mused. “Can’t hurt to recruit students to make those pouches as I can’t very well ask you to make enough for the whole school. I’ll just have to distribute this to students as they come in. And as thanks for bringing this cure for the mystery ailment, I’m going to award you ten house points, and another twenty for the use of the herb.” “Thank you.” Nova said delightedly. “That should just about make up for what was wrongly taken from the girls.” “It’s a shame that happened. Though I can’t help but think that had the girls tried to explain it, no one would have believed a word.” Madam Pomfrey offered. “There is one other issue.” Nova prompted. “Regarding the girl’s cutie marks. It’s not some kind of dark mark whatever that is? It’s a manifestation of magic common to those of Eques, which is the country we live in. Most of us get one, and it signifies a vocational relationship with equines. Please pass that on and let people know it’s nothing that needs to be removed. If you’d succeeded, the results would have been extremely harmful.” “I’m terribly sorry that happened.” Madam Pomfrey offered. She was sincerely sorry about what had happened, and had insisted the effort to remove the marks be stopped when it was clear that they were more likely to do some real harm to the girls who’d found the whole ordeal quite traumatic. “It’s nearly lunch, why don’t you go find your friends.” Nova and ScootaNorris thanked her, and departed. The door to Nova’s infirmary had been left, but it was locked, and for what reasons she could only guess at, was only visible to herself, and Madam Hooch. Nova gave out the herbs to each of her classmates with the explanation that it would counteract the smell of Professor Quirrel. After she was done with classes for the day she wrote a full report to Princess Celestia, who felt bound to share the information with the parents. Luna having only just returned so as to report her finding in person, wanted to go right back. Twilight advised it’d be to risky to confront whatever it was in the school. They’d need to get it out of the school. Luna sent out her best squad of Night Guard, and twenty-four hours later a Harley came flying out of the portal in London. The rider was a woman dressed in black leather, she wore a helmet to match from which gold and red locks of hair protruded. Embroidered on the back of the jacket a two folded sun that resembled a yin yang symbol. And the music was good and the music was loud. “Unplottable my plot.” The woman said momentarily after coming to a stop. She’d been told not to go. No one tells her what to do. She looked about to get her bearings and then started out for Hogwarts. She was going to find that school no matter what it took. That night Nova and the other ponies were surprised by the arrival of a fully armed squad of Shadowbolts. The week went by, Nova gaining points in Charms, Astronomy, Herbology, and even in history for outstanding work, and showing the initiative to get in the assignments she’d missed. Professor Binns had been no different then the other ghost, and seemed delighted that she could make it to class. Which in itself was rather odd being he seldom showed anything resembling an emotion. Nova was given detention in Transfigurations. Sure several students had hissed, no don’t do it, but she just couldn't resist giving the kitty some forced loving. Scootaloo was finally healed up enough to transform in time to go watch the quidditch game, and Mr Filch actually demonstrated genuine affection on Mrs Norris’s return. As for Mrs Norris the cat’s sudden change in behavior, if anyone had noticed that she was being more personable, and less likely to go fetch someone for every little rule infraction, they kept it to themselves. Hermione went out to the game with Ron. The trio of Ron, Harry, and Hermione had grown close since the incident with the troll. The Crusaders might have joined them, they considered Hermione a friend, but they’d even more reason to keep her at arm’s, or rather, foreleg’s length. Non of the ponies wanted her to learn the secret of Nova’s room for fear she’d run straight to Professor McGonagall. Nova was no where to be seen having begged off, saying she had too much studying to catch up with. Hermione had volunteered to help, but Nova insisted she go watch the game. Not that Nova had any intention of missing the game, she just wanted to watch the game with Alalme and some of the other pegasi who were curious about the game. “I can understand bringing snacks, and drinks,” Alalme asked as they landed on top the canopy above the stands, “but why bring those little rocks?” Nova had placed a hoof full of river rocks in the bag they’d brought. “I did a divination reading prior to placing my bet on the game.” “Is that even allowed?” Alalme asked. One of the nearby pegasus guards was chuckling quietly to themselves. “Well, let's just say that divination isn’t always one hundred percent dead-on. You could even say I’m betting on my accuracy.” “And the rocks?” Alalme asked. “Something I saw in my reading suggested it’d be nice to have some rocks to fling at a certain pair of dark wizards.” Nova offered. “Princess?” Asked a small gray pegasus who was sitting close by. Her wings looked suspiciously like bat wings with feathers atached. “Lt Mouse, I expect Troll Fart to go after Mr Potter. No idea why, but I figured a good stone in the hooves of a practiced unicorn, or in my case a seasoned pegacorn, is as good a counter curse as any.” “You think you can hit him from here?” Lt Mouse asked. “Oh ya. I can hit him.” They watched as the teams walked out to Madam Hooch, she said a few words, blew a whistle, and then the teams lifted off. “No handshake?” Nova asked. That’s when it hit her, all the animosity towards the Slytherins wasn’t pretend, and the Slytherins seemed not just resentful, but downright belligerent towards everyone else. “I swear, I’m gone for a little while and everything turns to Tartarus in a handbasket.” “It’s just a hoof, er I mean, handshake.” Alalme offered. “It’s not just that, it’s the way everyone behaves towards each other. That’s not Gryffindor and Slytherin out there, not the ones I used to know. It’s more like House Lannister versus House Targaryen.” “Who?” Mouse and Alalme asked. “Take too long to explain.” They all cringe at the sight of one of the players being hit in the back of the head by a bludger. “He just shrugged that off?!” Alalme exclaimed. “Hey, the head is the hardest bone in the human body.” Nova offered. “Why I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it’s at least a hoof thick on some of them.” “Wow, that’s harder than a bison.” Lt Mouse offered. “Makes for a mighty small brain though.” Down below Hagrid has joined Hermione and Ron. Hagrid was looking for the snitch with a pair of binoculars that looked like the sort one would see on a naval ship. “Would you look at that, there’s some pegasi on the roof of a grandstand, watching.” Hagrid offered. “Oh say, one of em is a unicorn.” “Now how’s a unicorn going to get all the way up there?” Ron asked. “Well it’d have to be a Pegacorn.” Hermione offered. “Harry still hasn’t found the snitch,” Ron reported. And then the snitch had been sighted. “He sees it, look at him go! Go Harry! Go!” The Slytherin seeker had seen the snitch as well, and the two raced after it. “Foul!” Ron, and about half the spectators shouted as Marcus Flint, the Slytherin captain slammed into Harry to keep him from catching the snitch. “Well, that’s not very sportspony of him.” Lt Mouse said as she looked at him in disbelief. Gryffindoor did at least get a free shot out of it, and Harry, to the ponies relief seemed to be alright. “No worse then what goes on in a hoof ball game though.” Nova offered as the game went on. “Ah, what’s going on with Mr Potter?” Alalme asked a short time later. Harry was flying about in a rather jerky fashion almost as though his broom was having some kind of clutch problem and him a new driver trying to drive a stick shift. He was all over the place, and barely hanging on as the broom bucked like a new bride. Harry was going higher, and higher, and the people on the ground began to look up at him in dismay. The broom rolled several times, jerked violently, and harry swung off, barely hanging on. Hermione grabbed Hagrid’s binoculars looking through one eyepiece studying the crowd and saw Snape. Nova had also picked out her targets. Vip – THWACK! Vip- THWACK! “I’ve got him!” Said a large gray Pegasus just as Harry let go of the broom. Nova was faster and dove down catching Harry lightly on her back. Harry was nearly as big as she was despite his small frame for a boy his age. Nova spotted the snitch, wheeled, dove, Harry reached out and grabbed the snitch. The crowd went nuts. Everyone was cheering, everyone except the Slytherins who were jeering. Foul, they cried, it didn’t count they cried. Madam Hooch called for the official rule book, she and several other professors peered over the book to try to find out if it counted or not. Nova landed and sat down causing Harry to slide off her back and land flat on his back. Snape and Quirrel lay in heaps up in the stands having been completely forgotten. “Well, there’s nothing that says a Seeker must be on their broom.” Madam Hooch offered. “Animal interference, if a bludger hits an animal, the game is to be halted until the animal can be removed.” Professor McGonagall offered. “The interference rules all deal with the quaffle or snitch being removed from play.” Professor Flitwick offered. “Oh, look here, if an animal not owned or trained, should cause the quaffle to pass through a hoop it will be considered good.” McGonagall offered. “But if domestic, any aided action will be considered invalid.” Nova was feeling glad she’d had the forethought to use a spell to camouflage her pendant, and the chain it hung from. “True, but this is a Seeker being rescued by a pegacorn mare in the manner a foal might be rescued.” Madam Hooch offered. “There doesn’t seem to be a thing that covers this. Harry caught the Snitch in the Process of being rescued. Now the rules clearly state that he does not need to be on the broom.” “But doesn’t it count as an assist?” McGonagall asked. “Players are allowed to be assisted by another player in the event of a fall.” Flitwick pointed out. “There’s nothing that says the seeker can’t reach out and grab the snitch on the way down.” “But that pegacorn is not a player. If she was human, or any other recognized sentient being it’d be an eighth man ruling.” McGonagall offered. “I heard, I heard.” Professor Dumbledore said as he arrived. He seemed slightly winded. He’d been in the hall when someone ran in announcing ‘Harry caught the snitch’. Good lad Dumbledore thought, and then the words ‘while riding on the back of a white pegacorn’ assailed his ears. Say what? He looked over at the small pegacorn. A large Gray pegasus bigger then Gadgull stood nearby. Dumbledor wasn’t quite sure what to think of that stallion. The stallion had a few scars indicating it’d been in some fights, and the wings though feathered were shaped more like a thestral’s wing than a pegasus. Never the less, a mostly white pegacorn was considered a powerful ally of the forces of light, and everything seemed good. “We can’t continue without a new snitch. If there is nothing that specifically prohibits scoring in this case then there is no reason not to award the catch. Either way, the snitch has been taken out of play. - The game is ended." “The rules say no bird or other flying animals may catch and deliver.” Madam Hooch offered. “To the best of my knowledge, there is nothing that says the player can’t catch a snitch while riding on the back of an animal. Had this young mare simply flown through, or been present somewhere that didn’t interfere with the game there would have been no halt to play.” She then flew out into the center of the playing area and placing wand to throat spoke in an amplified voice. “On revue of the publicly documented list of rules, and faults, we can find no reason to disallow the catch.” Sure Madam Hooch knew who that pegacorn was, but she wasn't exactly in a position to reveal that bit of information. Nor did she care to for that matter. “Gryffindor wins the match.” Nova danced on her front hooves, trotted clear of the people, and launched into the sky. She was joined by the big gray, and then Alalme, Mouse, and several more pegasi followed, looped about the pitch a few times, and left. Scootaloo watched them go, and let out a wistful sigh. “If that wasn’t the darnedest thing I’ve ever seen,” Hagrid said from his place in the stands. “Can’t say I’ve ever seen flying like that either. One moment speeding past the Gryffindor team, and the next catching Harry like he was a baby. Where’s Hermione?” “She took off after Snape,” Ron said. “It looked like Snape was jinxing Harry’s broom.” “Snape? He’d do no such thing, he’s a Hogwarts teacher.” “Well someone else thinks he was responsible as well.” Hermione offered as she rejoined them. “Professor Snape is out cold with a welt on his head.” “He what?” Out cold?” Hagrid asked. “Somebody threw a rock at him.” Hermione offered tossing a rock up in the air and then catching it. “Pity they hadn’t thrown it sooner,” Ron said. “Harry could have been killed. “Poor Professor Quirrel fainted,” Hermione informed them. “Let’s get Harry.” “What about the Crusaders?” Ron asked, we bringing them along too?” “I, I don’t think they’ve completely forgiven me for telling McGonagall about that egg.” Hermione offered. “And Hagrid, you only made it worse making them think you’d eaten it.” Hagrid looked downcast. He’d heard about what Madam Hooch had said about the girls, and how they were friends to the pegacorns, but he’d not had the chance to apologize. Somehow they managed to extract Harry from the crowd and the four went off to Hagrid’s hut to discuss things. Snape trying to kill Harry among them. Hermione was also beginning to wonder if Louise might actually be a pegacorn that could transform into a person. It would explain her attachment to the egg even though she knew it had been created by magic. She’d have to do some research. She’d asked Ron about the fallen pony, but he hadn’t gotten a good look. Harry had no comment, and there was the issue of Sweetie Belle being in two places at once, and all four girls just vanishing from the dorm room from time to time. Ah, but lets get back to the ponies. Nova had gone back to the dorm. She transformed, got a short coil of rope, her wand, and a stopwatch. She then went down to the celebration in the common room, gave the rope to Apple Bloom, and the stopwatch to Sweetie Belle. “Who we roping?” Apple Bloom asked as they headed for the showers. The girls in the quidditch team were presently showering off, and Scabbers was sitting there watching. “Sweetie Belle, when I say go, you start timing. Apple Bloom, get ready...” The two girls watched curiously as to what, or who Nova was after. Nova produced her wand and blasted Scabbers sending him heavenward. She then blasted him several more times, the girls in the shower ducking wondering what was going on, and assuming Nova had snapped. Scabbers had no idea what was going on, thou he’d a few ideas, but couldn’t do a thing about it short of transforming. As for the crusaders, Scabber's tendency to hang out in the shower, along with the rope and timer meant one thing, there was someone that needed hogtying. And now Nova had Scabbers clear of the girls who were in the shower. The beam of her wand flashed out spiraled white, purple, and vermilion, driving Scabbers into the far wall. Scabbers dropped, but what hit the floor was a full-grown man. “Go!” Apple bloom rushed in, grabbing arms and legs, her rope whipping about at lightning speed. And then just as suddenly she stopped, jumped up with arms in the air. “Three point four seconds!” Sweetie Belle shouted. “Oh man, I’m off my best time by point three seconds.” Apple bloom complained. “Maybe some of the boys will let you practice on them,” Scootaloo suggested from the doorway. The girls who’d been in the showers screamed, grabbed towels and ran from the room. Idda Peverell showed up a short time later followed by Professor McGonagall. “Peter Pettigrew,” McGonagall said nearly breathless. “Never in all my days… we thought he’d been killed, and now here he is in the girls showers?” “He was masquerading as Ron’s rat.” Nova offered. “That or he is Ron’s rat. - I’m not really sure which.” “But how could you possibly have known?” McGonagall asked. “I have a magical malady that makes it possible for me to sense, and see magic auras. I’ve been suspicious of Scabbers from the first night I got here. And I owe you another apology. I wasn’t just being cheeky. I, um, used you as a test subject. After that it was just a matter of cornering him.” “Why didn’t you just say something? We, teachers, are good at magic you know.” McGonagall quipped. “Excuse me, Professor McGonagall, I – being a student in first year just having come here under unusual circumstances – suspect Ron’s perverted rat, affectionately known as Mr Scabbers, to be an Animageus.” Nova offered. “Don’t be cheeky. Just out of curiosity, what kind of wand do you have?” McGonagall asked. “Blackthorn, with pegacorn hairs.” Nova offered. “Hairs as in more then one?” McGonagall asked. “My magic is a little erratic, I needed a custom build.” Nova offered. “I’ve found that in the hands of anyone else the triple-core will feedback preventing them from using it to its full potential. It’s a one-person wand.” “You don’t say,” McGonagall replied. “Girls get Dressed. Someone get Professor Dumbledore.” “Oh, and that cord is enchanted to prevent him from changing back.” Nova offered. “No, I didn’t do that enchantment. I have people for that.” “You don’t say,” McGonagall replied dryly. “There’s a crazy woman in the entry hall on a motorcycle who wants to know where Louise Magnus is!” Shouted a girl running up the steps. “Hair like the plumage of a phoenix?” Nova asked. They answered yes. “That’d be my mom.” Scootaloo offered. “Well, being we are just in the way now, what say we go calm her down.” Apple Bloom offered. The four decided it might be a good idea, and went downstairs. They found Mrs Magnus confronting several teachers, including Snape who had an ice pack on his head. “Mom, knock it off!” Scootaloo called. Mrs Magnus cut through the teachers, and rushed to her, only to be blocked by the other girls. “No hugs, you’ll break her!” “Louise, I will not have you here with...” “We just caught the dark wizard,” Nova informed her. She was a bit worried that Shimmer was about to tip off the real target. Troll Fart was standing a short distance away, and unlike Snape, showed no sign of having been struck by a rock at high velocity. Catching rat boy sure was convenient. > Chapter 12: An escalation of arms. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer’s presence was all but forgotten when Nova and the Crusaders informed the staff members present that a man had been caught in the girl’s shower in the Gryffindor tower. Nova then had Phenik teleport the motorcycle to the rotunda, followed by the four of them dragging Shimmer off to the Infirmary being that was going to be the easiest way to get her into Nova’s apartment since they’d no way to know if she knew how to transform or not. Sure she could pony up, but that wasn’t quite the same thing. Then again why she didn't just teleport them just hadn't occurred to her at the moment. Filch had quietly watched the goings-on, and when an Auror asked if he knew who they were he just smiled, and replied, “Must be above your pay grade if you don’t already know.” “It was Snape, he wouldn't take his eyes off you.” Ron was explaining to Harry. Hagrid continued to insist the idea was rubbish. Hagrid had prepared a fortifying tea to help Harry’s nerves and was presently pouring out some tea. “The thing is, we found out that Snape tried to get past Fluffy on Halloween.” Harry offered. “We think he’s trying to steal whatever it’s guarding.” “How’d you know about Fluffy?” Hagrid said dropping the teapot. “Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Louise told us,” Hermione informed him. “And Snape knows Harry knows that he tried to get past Fluffy.” Ron offered. “So he jinxed Harry's broom to get rid of him.” “Snape would never. He’s a Hogwarts teacher.” Hagrid protested. “Hagrid, there is something going on, surely you must have noticed?” Harry protested. “Snape got his leg mangled by Fluffy, and whoever that Louise was this past week wasn’t the Louise that we all know.” “Hang on, Harry… why do you say that?” Hermione asked. “Louise got hit on the left, not the right.” Harry offered. “She did seem a bit off.” Ron offered. “Wait, you don’t mean it was her who got hit by the bludger?” “Oh, now you’re just talking rubbish.” Hagrid protested. “It was a pegacorn that got hit by a bludger. Miss Magnus just fell off her broom.” “To be honest I had suspected that the Louise from this week was someone else using a polyjuice potion.” Hermione offered. “I kept a close watch on her, and Polyjuice wears off after twelve hours if not re-administered, and she never left my sight, save a couple of times throughout the week.” “Hagrid, Louise is...” Harry began, but then the hut began to shake, and a menacing voice came out of the fire. Nobody breaks a Pinkie promise. “What was that?” Hagrid asked. The hut was back to normal. “Nothing.” Harry, Ron, and Hermione all said at the same time. The conversation quickly switched back to Snape, Fluffy, and whatever it was that Fluffy was guarding. Fang had curled tighter into his bed looking at the fire with doom in his eyes. When the three returned to the school there were Aurors all over the place, and they were informed that Professor McGonagall was looking for Ron. “Is that a minion?” Hermione asked as two men carried a strange little yellow man with blue coveralls and large thick goggles on his face. They were headed for the door with him. He was in a cage that had heavy wire mesh spaced so that not even a mouse could get out, and he was bound around all four limbs, as well as gagged. His beady eyes darted about. “No Idea.” Fred Weasley offered. “I hear the seventh year Gryffindor girls did that to him,” George said with a shudder. “Ah, there you are.” Percy Weasley said walking up to the three. “Professor McGonagall wants to have a word with all four of us.” “Whatever for?” Ron asked. “I’m sorry to tell you this, but Scabbers...” Percy began. “Scabbers, has something happened to Scabbers?” Ron asked as a cold fear welled up. Scabbers was the family pet after all. “Arrested.” Fred offered, putting a hand on Ron’s shoulder. “For voyeurism.” George supplied. “Get off, quit joking around, what’s happened to Scabbers?” Ron asked starting to get upset. “That little yellow man they just hauled out in a cage was Scabbers,” Percy informed him. “Pretty sure Mom’s going to want her pound of flesh when she finds out the family rat was an Animageus.” “I think” “you broke him.” The twins offered. Ron was standing, but his eyes weren’t seeing. Upstairs the resident Equestrians were presently trying to placate a concerned parent. “That Minion, or whatever that was is not the dark menace Princess Celestia told me about.” Shimmer pointed out. “I didn’t get too upset when I’d heard you got hurt, but I never dreamed you got hurt bad enough that you had to sit out a week of classes.” “Mom, I’m fine. Nova has been tutoring me, and Mrs. Norris covered for me till I could get back on my feet.” Scootaloo protested. Sunset, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom were presently still in human form owing to Sunset Shimmer just seeming to be more at home in that skin and had shown no indication she could transform. Alalme was sitting on a mattress in the middle of the floor in Nova’s lounge with an egg, and two foals while watching the goings-on. “We are just as safe here, maybe more so, then back home.” Nova insisted. “This apartment is well guarded, Princess Luna has sent her top squad, and there is a portal here at Hogwarts that leads straight back to the palace in the Everfree forest.” “And who are you?” Shimmer asked. “Nova. - I’m one of Prince Silvermane’s foals.” “So does he name all his fillies Nova,” Shimmer asked accusingly. “He didn’t name Estar, Nova.” Nova offered. She then transformed into her pony form. “Just so we are clear on this, I am Luna’s filly.” Sunset Shimmer transformed. “I’ve got wings and a horn too.” She was quite a bit taller as well. “Can you do this?” Nova asked, and transformed into her fox form. “So cute! - Quit trying to distract me.” “Well, you can’t go pulling… hang on.” Nova went back to her pony form. “You can’t pull Scootaloo out of school because she can’t travel yet.” “Just transforming was difficult.” Scootaloo offered and sat down. “I’m going to be fine.” “Well, I’d like to talk to the doctor who set your wing.” Shimmer stated. “That would be me.” Nova offered. “My designation was as a message runner, but I’m a trained medic as well. Right now the only other medical pony is Ensign Loki. At the time of the accident, it was me or trust the humans, and humans shoot ponies. - Muma said she was going to get an actual doctor out here for us, but there seems to be a logistics issue. Otherwise, we did have Madam Hooch and Madam Pomfrey the school nurse double-check my work once we were sure they’d support us. But they are human, and have limited resources and knowledge of pegasi anatomy.” “Muma?” Sunset asked. She was registering Muma and wanted to know who that was. “Princess Luna.” Alalme offered. “And she said that Nova did as fine a job as any white-coated doctor.” “You nearly tipped off the individual who we believe to be the greater threat,” Nova explained to Shimmer. “..and right now the only thing stopping him, or it or whatever turban head is, from moving against us is the fact that it, and the wizard we suspect to be supporting him, don’t know we are on to them.” Deep breath. “And Mrs Norris has recruited the animals in the school to help us keep tabs on both of them.” “She’s not another Fluttershy is she?” Shimmer asked. “No, she’s a changeling.” Scootaloo offered. “She’s lived here for years, and she’s reformed now.” Nova offered before Shimmer could protest. “And her primary motivation is to maintain order. We can work with that.” “Seriously?” Shimmer asked, and then it was as though her mind had screeched to a halt. “Maybe I could hire a changeling or two at the Cloudsdale academy?” “Anyway, despite my misgivings about Headmaster Dumbledore, we have to trust that he knows what he’s doing.” Nova offered. “Which reminds me, I need to go find Harry Potter. Oh, and Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, this is the perfect moment for the three of you to explain about that egg.” “Way to throw us to the Timberwolves.” Apple Bloom said as Nova walked away. “Egg?” Sunset Shimmer asked giving the trio a suspicious look. “This had better be good.” Nova went down to the common room where she found Harry and Hermione sitting together at the victory slash we caught a Pervert Party. Well, technically they were on the same sofa. The two looked stunned. Ron’s rat Scabbers had been a wizard. Nova went over to them and plopped down between the two. “So, tell me, Harry...” Nova began. Harry was beginning to feel a bit awkward about how close Nova was. “Why does the gruesome twosome want you dead?” “Two?” Hermione asked. “It was you, you threw that rock at Snape, wasn’t it? - And there are two people involved?” “Divination is the mathematics of large numbers and the understanding of patterns.” Nova offered. “That’s not a denial.” Hermione accused. “In that case, I refuse to answer on the grounds I might incriminate myself, and the two of you might unknowingly tip-off Sulky Raven, and Troll Fart.” “Troll Fart?” Harry asked a smile cracked his lips, and he started laughing. “I think I can guess who Troll Fart is.” “So spill, why did they try to kill you?” Nova pressed. “Snape tried to get past Fluffy. I saw his leg, it was all mangled.” “Well, in that case, my recommendation is to keep well clear of those two. And keep in mind Snape can read minds. Guard your thoughts well, and if you suspect Snape is trying to read your mind, fill your head full of useless junk.” “But they’re trying to get at whatever it is that Fluffy is protecting.” Harry protested. “Then let him.” “What?” Hermione asked. She was stunned. “Right offhand I’d say Sulky Raven can’t sing, and Troll Fart st-st-st-st-stutters to much.” “Sing?” Hermione and Harry asked. “Hermione, do you mean to tell me you haven't been through all my books yet?” “They’re just outdated copies,” Hermione replied wondering why Nova seemed to think it important. “They are full of information that’s not in the newer versions. Seems the Ministry doesn’t want students knowing how to tame a Cerberus.” Nova informed her. “What?” Hermione said, shocked. “No, OK, I think I can understand the reasoning, but...” “Older wizards who’ve read the older books would already know how to get past Fluffy. What comes next is the pit. Also easy for a mature witch or wizard to get past.” “I don’t get it, why have traps that’d be easy to get past then?” Hermione asked. “What’s Dumbledore playing at?” “Have faith in Dumbledore, and don’t be talking to Hagrid, he can’t keep a secret. Keep in mind that the Crusaders had no trouble getting information out of him. The man is an open book to anyone who knows how to stroke the pages, and Dumbledore knows it.” Nova offered. “Look, it’s a trap, it must be, and the package is the bait. Though I imagine the gruesome twosome know it’s a trap otherwise they’d already have been in it. - Once they figure out how to get past Fluffy they’ll have to figure out the other traps and spring each and everyone till they’ve made it to the final boss. All we have to do is sit back and hope that Dumbledore is smarter than they are.” “Well, going after Harry in broad daylight sure wasn’t very bright.” Hermione offered as a smile formed on her face. “Harry, if you play with my hair I’ll have to insist you marry me.” Nova scolded. “I wasn’t, I swear.” Harry lied as he pulled his hands away. Nova’s hair had caught his eye, and he couldn't get over how similar her hair was to the pegacorn that had rescued him. That night Sunset Shimmer got a room at the local Inn using local currency Nova had loaned so Sunset would have a cover in regards to where she was staying. She’d also been provided with Dumbledore’s old wand being Shimmer hadn’t a wand, and given some tips on how to redirect her magic. Nova had kept the wand after the incident at the Inn back in the winter of 1903, and refurbished it using one of Shimmer’s own hairs. It worked perfectly. Breakfast the next morning came with a surprise no one was expecting. Sure they’d expected an article about Harry catching the snitch, but what they hadn’t expected was the heroic picture of a dashingly heroic Harry on a magnificent heroic shining white charger that looked remarkably like the Tri-Star pegasus with a horn added. Harry’s fist was held aloft clutching the snitch in triumph, the two gliding over the pitch while passing cheering crowds in the stands. “The Phuck is this shit!” Nova said putting the paper down. Laughter could be heard throughout the dining hall “Blatant Sexism I’d say.” Idda Peverell commented. Scolding Nova for her language was the last thing on her mind, and the boys had felt as though they were on thin ice with the girls, and chose to keep their mouths shut. “Look at that, they’ve given that poor mare a sex change, and substituted a body double for Harry.” “And a mighty sexy one too,” Scootaloo added. Most of the people at the table just assumed she meant Harry. “Miss Moon, do mind your language.” McGonagall scolded. She’d gone over to the table the moment she saw the photo. Harry looked more like Michelangelo's David than a student of Hogwarts. Malfoy was presently doubled up while pounding his hand on the Slytherin table saying “I can’t, I just can’t,” between fits of laughter. “In other news...” said Ron looking at the second page. “A peeping Minion was discovered in the girls' showers of the Gryffindor tower at Hogwarts. The alleged minion was later identified as Peter Pettigrew, who had been presumed to have been murdered by Sirius Black. It is the opinion of this reporter that Pettigrew had faked his own death to frame Sirius Black who was presumed to have been the secret keeper – Harry, listen to this – the secret keeper of the Potters.” Ron continued. “It is the opinion of this reporter, and many of our colleges, that it would behoove the Ministry to reopen the investigation concerning the attack, and the subsequent massacre of the Potters by you know who and his followers. It is also our opinion that the Ministry ought not to have been so hasty in convicting Black without a trial. Nor should they have been so hasty in granting forgiveness to the Death Eaters. - Wholly sheeeee...” Ron was about to swear, but then McGonagall gave him a dirty look. “And if I ever get my hands on that rat again, I’ve a mind to skin him, beloved pet or not.” “Understandable I assure you Mr Weasly.” McGonagall offered. She then turned away from the table to go in search of the Headmaster. “What do they mean by Minion?” Nova asked, turned the page to discover a moving image of Peter Pettigrew looking very much the part of a yellow Minion. “Minions are in Fantastic Beasts and where to find them, by Newt Scamander.” Hermione offered delighted that she seemed to know something Nova didn’t. “Newt, you silly goose,” Nova said softly with a smile on her face. “And you all did this to Peter Pettigrew based on the Minion in the book.” Nova had told Newt Scamander about the show called Despicable Me. Nova cracked up thinking about it. Poor Harry, thanks to that photo on the cover of the paper people kept asking him to flex his muscles, and then they’d laugh. The Slytherins delighted at teasing Harry, and they weren’t the only ones either. When Quirrel asked Harry to show him his muscles it was just disturbing. Otherwise, it was mildly amusing, at first, and then it simply got old. They’d forget about it a week later when the newspaper came with a large picture of a rather insane looking Sirius Black. The headlines read, Sirius Black escapes from Azkaban. The article made several assumptions concerning Mr Black’s mental state, calls to investigate the security of Azkaban, and finger-pointing at the Ministry for dragging their feet regarding the matter concerning Peter Pettigrew. Just being reminded of ‘you know who’ was enough to unnerve many, and the school quieted down. Relief to the tension came a few days later when the snow started to fall. November twentieth. Nova and the other first years returned to the Gryffindor common room to discover a little itty bitty present on the table in the center of the room with a fancy ribbon that was nearly as big as the present. Attached was a tag that said ‘Happy Birthday Nova Moon. Sorry about missing so many, will make up for it, signed Pinkamena Diane Pie. “Is that a party bomb?” Apple Bloom whispered. “Miss Moon looks like someone sent you a present.” Percy Weasley informed her. “The twins tried to open it, but no one can touch it. No one seems to know how it got there either.” “It’s a Pinkie Pie party bomb,” Nova said with a smile. It’d been a while, and even though Pinkie overwhelmed her, she suddenly found herself anticipating pulling that ribbon. She went up to it, took hold of the long ribbon end, ducked down while looking away from the present. “What” “are” “you” “doing?” the twins asked. “Fire in the hole!” Apple Bloom Shouted. “Party in the house!” All three Crusaders shouted. Nova pulled the ribbon. There was a loud bang, confetti flew everywhere, a happy birthday banner hung itself up, a punch bowl full of punch popped out, party favors, food, poppers, and presents for all! “Land sakes!” Professor McGonagall exclaimed entering the common room. Everything and everyone is covered in confetti. “Sweet.” The twins said in unison. From that moment on, they knew their life's calling. 🎉 “But I can’t leave Myrtle.” Scootaloo protested come December. “And I can’t go stuffing her in my luggage like you can. Nor do I understand why you can’t come with us.” Professor McGonagall had announced that she’d be taking names on the ninth of those staying behind, and Nova was telling the Crusaders to go home. “Go, and come right back,” Nova told her. “As to why I have to stay, this has to do with me not interacting with my younger counterpart.” “Run that by us again?” the Crusaders asked. “I know it’s not particularly safe to use the Mirror of Erised as a portal, but there is no reason why you can’t do just that. - I’ve asked Lady Aiko to create a view screen for the portal so you can tell if there is anyone there, and then it’s simply a matter of having Princess Luna, or Sunset Shimmer teleport you in.” “I don’t get it, why go to all that trouble?” Sweetie Belle asked. “And why can’t you interact with your younger counterpart?” “Well if no one knows you are here, you won’t be expected to do any of the winter activities. You can stay up here for the whole winter break, or go back and forth to Equestria without anyone here wanting to keep tabs on you.” Nova took a deep breath. “As for the other thing. She and I are the same pony.” “What?!” The crusaders exclaimed. “Luna knows. So does Princess Celestia. I’m taking a risk just by interacting with anyone from Equestria. - I’m trusting that Princess Celestia knew what she was doing by sending you here.” “I’d say she sent us here so you wouldn't be isolated from every pone you care about.” Scootaloo offered while giving her a hug. “So will we be adding them to our little-heard?” Alalme asked. “Maybe,” Nova replied while blushing. “I wonder what would happen if I were to teas little you?” Scootaloo asked with a grin. “Don’t you dare,” Nova warned. “She admires the three of you, a lot. - Don’t spoil it, alright? - Also, don’t worry about a milk mother for Myrtle, I’ve several candidates lined up.” Outside the storms of December had grown to the point it was all Sunset could do to get back and forth from Hogsmeade. She’d had enough, checked out of the Inn, and took up residence in one of Nova’s spare rooms. Nor did she spend the time doing nothing. There were pegasi who needed educating and she was an educator. Many of the attics where the pegasi lived were miserably cold but not as cold as the dungeons for some reason. Being underground a person would think they’d be the same temperature all year, and yet… Students were forced to huddle by their cauldrons in potions, and Nova modified her flight suit to use it as long underwear. She’d also used cobwebs from the attics to increase the thickness of the material after stretching it. Magically combined of course. The Crusaders tried to do a partial transformation so they’d have fur under their clothes, but their ears were always the first thing to change. They were tempted to push their luck anyway, but then Shimmer cautioned that this was not Canterlot high where people were open to odd forms of magic, or even magic, in general, it is a rare community where magic and non-magic lived side by side. The human Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie had gone to Ilvermorny. Human Apple Jack had gone to a big agricultural school, Rarity went to a prestigious fashion institution, and Rainbow Dash was now in the Naval Academy. Rainbow just had a need for speed. Sunset Shimmer had returned to Equestria after High School to try to make up for all the damage she’d done by running away in the first place. She went back to school and soon found herself in the position of an administrator at the Cloudsdale Academy from which she was presently taking a sabbatical. But I digress. Draco Malfoy had spent the better part of the run-up to the Christmas vacation going on about people staying because their families didn’t want them, only to get ordered to stay by a Great Aunt Belvina Black he didn’t even know he had, along with the instructions to make himself available to the Nova Moon girl. “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#” Draco was heard to say. Malfoy had tried to taunt Harry about what had happened at the quidditch game, but when it came right down to it, everyone had been impressed by how Harry had managed to stay on his bucking broomstick, and being rescued by a pretty pegacorn didn’t happen every day. Harry had, of course, signed up to stay because anything was better than going back to the Dursleys. He was delighted to hear that the Weasleys would be staying as well. “Don’t be too excited that I’m staying,” Nova said to Harry as they left potions class. “There are only a few days left to the train home, why didn’t you say anything?” Ron asked as a big evergreen came walking down the hall towards them. It had Hagrid’s feet. Ron asked Hagrid if he wanted any help, but Hagrid said he could manage it on his own. “Would you mind?” Draco asked in a cold angry undertone. “Not trying to earn some extra money are you, Weasley? Hoping to be a gamekeeper yourself when you leave Hogwarts, is it? Move-in with Hagrid I suppose. His hut must seem like a palace compared to the squatter shack your family lives in.” Draco was being downright vicious. Ron made a lunge for Draco only to get pulled back by the collar by Nova. A moment later Snape came up the stairs from the classroom. Ron clasped his hands, and smiled. “Five points from Gryffindor,” Snape said. “He never touched him, and if he had he was provoked.” Hagrid protested. Hagrid had been dearly tempted to smack Draco himself. “He was about to, and fighting is against Hogwarts rules provoked or otherwise,” Snape said in his cold tone. “Now step aside.” Hagrid pulled the tree over just far enough to let people pass. He waited till the Slytherins had gone. “Can’t blame you for not liking him. Not that you heard me say nothen.” “Never heard a thing.” Nova offered and scooted on past the tree followed by the others one by one. “One of these days...” Ron muttered as he passed by the tree. “I hate them all.” “Don’t be like that. After all, it’s not their fault they are so anal retentive.” Nova whispered. “Cheer up, we’re decorating the great hall.” Hagrid offered as he lumbered along after them. He’d missed Nova’s comment, and was delighted to see the mood improving. “What are you doing down here with that tree anyway?” Apple Bloom asked. “I was going to ask if Snape wanted a tree in the Slytherin common room.” Hagrid offered. “E’s not getting one now though.” “Not like he’d miss it, and what would the Slytherin’s want with a Christmas tree anyway?” Ron offered. “They were a lot more generous back in nineteen oh three,” Nova said to herself. Whatever sour feelings they still had quickly left them as they entered the great hall a few minutes later. There were enormous Christmas trees, holly garlands everywhere, and everything decorated in sparkling extravagance. The candles in the trees were magic candles, and icicles made of crystal that looked like the real thing. “This never ceases to impress me.” Nova offered. “This’ll be my second time.” “Seriously?” Ron asked. “Too bad you missed all that time and had to start over.” “It’s worth seeing, and I imagine I’ll be just as impressed in a hundred years from now. Would love to see how it’s changed a thousand years from now.” “You think you’ll live that long?” Scootaloo asked. Scootaloo couldn't help but be curious. Until Princess Cadence, and Princess Twilight there just hadn’t been what Nova called pegacorns. Not that she was aware of, and no pony really knew what the life expectancy of a pegacorn really was. And then one-day Sunset came through the portal sporting a pair of wings she hadn’t had before. And there were others, at least two in Loss Pegasus that she knew of. No, they weren’t Alicorns like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, but then when compared to the rulers of Equestria, they were barely infants. “Father is, what, two hundred forty-something I think?” Nova offered. “No one knows how old my great gran the Lady Aiko is.” Nova's father was a three-tailed kitsune type fox pony. “Get off, no one lives that long.” Ron protested. “Luna is over a thousand.” Apple Bloom offered. “Luna Moon, Nova’s Muma.” Apple Bloom wasn’t known for making outrageous claims, but the none Equestrians just laughed. They stopped laughing when they realized Nova, Apple Bloome, Sweetie Belle, and Louise were quite serious. Were there people in their country who really lived that long, or were they just putting them on? “You can’t be serious, can you?” Hermione asked. “Ya, we’re just pulling your leg,” Nova said with a wink. “Maybe.” She then addressed the Crusaders, “Well if I should beat the odds to live to a ripe old age, I hope you three are still around.” Nova offered. “Them, what about us?” Ron asked. Nova went over to him, stepped up side by side, dropped her chin, and sort of look over her shoulder at him. “You um, want to be in our herd then?” Wink wink. “Say, I think there, yes there’s something I need to do, ya that’s it,” Ron said quickly putting some distance between them. “But Ron?” The Crusaders said pouting. They then turned their attention to Harry who decided he’d best follow Ron and right quick-like. “Did they just run away?” Hermione asked. Hagrid left them as well as he was called over to help with the decorating. “You’re not going to ask me to join your herd are you?” “We like you and all.” Sweetie Belle offered. “Ya, I get it,” Hermione replied. “I told about the egg even after I helped create it. Question though, what Madam Hooch said about the egg being returned to the right mother. We were the ones who created it. Wouldn't that make us the mother? I’m confused?” “You’re right, the four of you are the mother. Technically.” Nova offered. “Also, in our society in our kingdom agreeing to form a heard means agreeing to be bonded together to share the burden of raising our families.” “Hang on that sounds like a group marriage?” Hermione asked. “It kind of is.” Scootaloo offered. “Those kinds of arrangements are common,” Nova informed her. “I’ve got two moms, one father, and at least two siblings that I know of.” “What?” Hermione asked not quite sure she could believe what she was hearing. “Names us all Nova too. It makes it easier for him to remember the names.” “That does it, I’ve heard enough, can’t pull that one on me!” Hermione exclaimed, and walked off. “Nothing more fun than telling someone the truth knowing they’ll never believe you.” Apple Bloom commented as they watched Hermione walking away. “Or frustrating for that matter.” Sweetie Belle offered. She let out a sigh, not just because she’d like to include Hermione in their herd, but because the incident involving the cutie marks will forever haunt her. They’d tried to explain, but no one would listen. Sunday was the big Christmas dinner for the whole school prior to sending everyone off, and then on Monday morning, December twenty-third, Nova saw the Crusaders, and Hermione off to the Hogwarts express. Soon as they’d gone out the door Nova hurried back to her room where the pegasus security detail was waiting. Out of the balcony door, they went racing to catch up with the train for one more farewell. No uniforms mind you. Nova and the others kind of wished they could as the weather was anything but pleasant, but then the cold air did have a tendency to make their fur thicker. As luck would have it they arrived only a few moments after the train had left the station. People at the station were startled, even awestruck by the pegasi that flying pass overhead, having never seen pegasi fly in such defined formations without riders. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Hermione were in a compartment sitting quietly when the squad leveled off right outside their window in two perfect diamond formations. “Look, look, look!” Someone shouted from a neighboring compartment. The girls looked out the window to see the pegasi. Nova was with the leading group, on the side closest to the train. The crusaders waved, and then Nova did a quick snap roll all the way over. “Show off,” Scootaloo shouted. The squad put a little distance between them, and then they all did a snap roll following first to last in quick order. Nova did one more snap roll, and then the squad pulled away from the train to vanish into the winter sky. “Just as soon as I can get the go-ahead to start flying again I’m going to be out there with her,” Scootaloo stated. “Do you mean to tell me you’ve been flying with them? And that looked like precision flying too.” Hermione asked astonished. “That was a princess, and that was the security detail her mother sent out.” Sweetie Belle offered. “Surprised I don’t get a security detail too.” “We’re not staying behind with Sulki raven and Troll Fart.” Apple Bloom offered. “True, but we’ll be back. Mom wants me to get into a doctor first to get my wing checked before she’ll let me fly again though.” Scootaloo offered as the train rolled through the highlands, and the further away from Hogwarts, the antsier she became. “Go on back, I see someone I want to check on,” Nova said to the lead flier as they returned to Hogwarts. “You going to be alright out here?” Asked the big pegasus. “I’ll be fine.” Nova offered and then transformed into her fox form. “I see someone out by the edge of the forest.” She then peeled away and glided out to the figure. Quietly, ever so quietly she glided down, landed right behind the boy with barely a sound, and transformed into her human form. “You weren’t thinking of going out there were you?” Nova asked. The boy spun around to reveal Draco Malfoy. Draco lost his footing, startled as he was, and proceeded to tumble backward into the snow. His heart was racing a mile a minute. Where had she come from? A quick glance at the snow revealed only his tracks. “What are you?!” He spat out in an accusing manner. “I’m a minor demigod.” Nova teased with a smile. “So what are you doing all the way out here? Not planning on running away now that your parents don’t want you?” “Why I’m here is none of your business.” “Oh, I’m afraid it is,” Nova said picking up snippets of the reasons he had remained at school. She'd dared to read his mind, but just the surface thoughts. “You were told to stay, to make yourself available to a Nova Moon, where you not?” “Why is that any business of yours?” Draco asked. He was starting to get apprehensive. “Because I am...” She leaned over him, and touched her finger to the end of his nose, “Nova Moon.” “You are?” Draco asked. He wasn’t quite sure what Nova had just done, but he felt totally discombobulated. “Oh don’t tell me Belvina Black put you up to this? - Though to be honest I’m amazed she’s even still alive. Hundred and five not bad though, and Madam Marchbanks is older by far. Belvina has designs on getting me into the family, and she’s using you as bait. Not that I’d be interested, what with you being a total prat. Why can’t you be more like Thomas Malfoy?” “Who?” “He was one of the founders of the Hogwarts Express. Even had a friendship with a Weasley believe it or not.” “Friends with a Weasley?” Draco was aghast. Everything about this girl just seemed off. “The Malfoy family called him a blood traitor, and here we are eighty-eight years later, and Malfoys are using the very train they opposed. - Back then people actually had friends in other houses.” Nova straitened out. “You and Harry might even have been friends if you hadn’t have reminded him of his muggle cousin he has to live with.” “Don’t you go comparing me to no muggle!” “And why not? You’ve got a mindset unwilling to accept anything different, or anyone who dares to have a difference of opinion. No, but that’s not you, not quite yet. It was that mindset that got Harry’s family massacred. Oh, I know all about it. Been doing some digging. Some grand wizard calling himself Voldemort got a bunch of the purebloods in an uproar and went about cleansing the community of muggle-born and anyone who stood in their way. Truth is he’s a mud-blood named Tom Riddle, good luck finding any info, but I bet your great aunt knows the truth. Harry comes from a pureblood family. He’s related to you believe it or not. It’s a distant relation, but he’s kin none the less. Didn’t stop them from going after him, and all because of some prophecy. Harry got sent off to live with his squib aunt, only she’d gone full muggle.” The research done by Princess Luna’s agents had discovered that the Evens family had in fact been squibs who’d all but left the wizarding community after the first wizard war. And every last bit of the misery seemed to be connected to Dumbledore in some way. Dumbledore could have talked sense into Grindelwald but did nothing until things had gotten so bad that Dumbledore had to resort to extreme measures to stop him. It was also Dumbledore who’d brought Tom Riddle to Hogwarts knowing the boy had some serious issues. Tom Riddle killed Myrtle by faking the bite of an acromantula, framed Hagrid, and terrorized the school by convincing everyone that the horror of the Chamber of Secrets had been unleashed once more. Dumbledore should have known Hagrid wasn’t guilty, but it was easier to blame Hagrid than to continue the investigation and risk the school being closed down. Riddle’s crowning triumph came upon him as the inspiration of a severe affliction of eighth-grade syndrome where he renamed himself, Lord Voldemort. Princess Luna’s shadows were convinced that the very name was some kind of come find me spell. Hagrid was the Hogwarts groundskeeper because he'd saved Dumbledore's life and Hagrid who'd released Aragog into the forest. “Well he’s had it better than I have!” Draco shouted. Nova wasn’t sure if what he was saying might be the truth. Sure, the Dursleys were horrible people who’d neglected and abused Harry, but could they even measure up to the Malfoy family? Luna had shown Nova the report on the findings regarding the Dursleys, and it was all they could do not to go murder the Dursleys. The Dursleys all seemed to have compulsive disorders which were compounded by Harry’s Aunt Petunia having serious resentment issues towards her sister. That said, the snatches of memories that were flooding up in Draco’s mind… His was a family of psychopaths and sociopaths. Some of them quite violent in their behavior. “You know what. Maybe you’re right. Maybe you just admitted that your family is worse than muggles.” Nova offered as Draco looked up at her with horror in his eyes. “But that’s up to you to decide, it’s up to you to break the chain, and be your own person.” She held her hand out to him. “Come on, I’ll help you if you want it.” “I don’t need your help,” Draco said shifting to stand. “I never said that. I asked you if you wanted my help, not if you needed it.” Nova offered, pulling her hand back. “There is a difference, and you’ll never get very far if you aren’t willing to accept a little help now and then. - So what brought you out here in the first place?” “I saw something. Not sure what it was.” Draco offered. He wasn’t really sure why he was even telling her, other than a relative he knew nothing about seemed to know about her. That and she just seemed to know things. “How did you get out here without leaving any footprints either?” “Featherweight spell.” Nova lied. “I’m not very heavy, to begin with, and with it, I can walk on top of the snow without sinking in. The downside is I’m vulnerable to wind.” She flashed him a smile hoping he wouldn't realize she'd just made that up. “So have you ever been out to Hagrid’s hut? I’ll tell him I found you wondering about the snow, and as a Hogwarts teacher he is duty-bound to warm you up so en you can make it back to the school.” Draco looked at Nova like she’d gone nuts. “He’s actually rather likable. Harry is enamored by him because Dumbledore sent Hagrid to fetch him from the Dursleys, Harry’s relatives that he has to live with, on account of they weren’t going to let Harry learn about magic.” “Not learn about magic?” Draco said stunned. Not letting a wizard learn magic was like pulling a fish out of water. “Maybe he has had it worse.” “Now, the best way to deal with Hagrid is to first, not be a prat, second, be genuine. Don’t try to be the person others want you to be, be yourself. Assuming, of course, yourself isn’t a prat. And lastly, never tell him anything you don’t want him to repeat.” “Wait, what? Hang on if he repeats everything you tell him why would Dumbledore even keep him around?” “Because he’s useful as a groundskeeper, and he repeats everything he's told." “Does he know what the dog is protecting?” “I imagine he does, fluffy is his dog after all.” Nova offered as she got her wand out, and tried a Featherweight spell on herself. The fact that Draco knew about Fluffy hadn’t phased her at all. She was delighted to find that the Featherweight spell actually worked as advertised. Also as predicted, Nova found herself drifting across the snow. She was about to stop when she realized Draco was following her in much the same manner having figured out the spell. Draco completely missed when Nova’s hair inexplicably billowed out for a moment. They hadn’t been going in a good direction, but then the breeze shifted. Nova smiled in delight to discover she could manipulate the weather. The two stumbled into Hagrid’s hut a short time later covered in snow. They’d fallen in several times when the spell had worn off. Fang set to barking, and Hagrid pulled him back. “Hagrid, there’s a set of footprints going straight out to the forbidden forest!” Draco announced in mock alarm the moment Fang was under control. “You lot wait right here,” Hagrid ordered, put his overcoat on, and took Fang out into the snow. “I can’t believe you just did that?” Nova asked as mirth bubbled up. “Nova?” Harry asked as she shook the snow off. “Oh my god, it’s Malfoy,” Ron said. He was flabbergasted. “What are you doing hanging out with him?” “Truce, guys.” Nova offered. “Just for the holidays, alright. Not that it’s going to make much of a difference since we’ll likely all be hanging out in our own common rooms.” “Truce?” Draco said offering his hand. “We can go back to hating each other when school starts up again.” “Just one thing,” Harry asked, “Were there really tracks headed to the forbidden forest?” “Mine actually.” Draco offered. “And then Miss Moon here showed me that it’s possible to walk across the snow using a Featherweight spell on ourselves.” “It’s kind of tricky. That’s why we are covered in snow.” Nova offered with a grin. “Alright truce,” Harry said taking hold of Draco’s hand. “You can’t be serious?” Ron asked. “Why not, and besides, they just out Fred and Georged, Fred and George,” Harry said. “And it’ll be a nice break. - And Draco, you really need to switch up your insults a bit more.” “They’ll never believe it. Out-pranked by Draco.” Ron replied with a strange look on his face. “Ya, I’m going to go. I need to get some dry clothes on.” Draco offered after an awkward pause. “See you then, we’ll likely see you at lunch or dinner.” Nova offered, and then Draco went back outside. “Did you do something to him?” Ron asked. “I might have pushed him a little.” Nova offered going over to the fire to dry off. “Wonder if it’ll take root or not?” She held her hands over the fire. “Listen, guys, Draco is the way he is because his family are a bunch of wackos.” Nova paused a moment. “Harry, we are still working on a way to get you away from the Dursleys, but it’s not going to be easy.” “Why is that?” Harry asked. “It was Dumbledore himself who put you there.” Nova offered. “It was for your protection, but if it’d been up to me I’d have sent you to America. Maybe even live with the Mackintosh family, and give you a new name. They used to be the caretakers here, and Dumbledore would have known them. They were good people Harry. They got driven out, and to be bluntly honest, I don't trust Dumbledore's motivations. Don’t know if you’ve noticed the outlines of foundations out there or not, but all this, Hagrid’s hut, and the pens and ramshackle buildings are part of what used to be their farm.” “Seriously?” Ron asked. “Seriously. - This hut is a modified silo.” Nova confirmed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve some reading I want to do.” “Reading?” Ron asked, as Nova turned, and headed for the door. “You might want to let Hagrid know he’s been pranked.” Nova offered, pushed the door open, and went outside. Harry thought of something he wanted to say, rushed to the door, pushed it open, and looked outside. “She’s gone,” Harry said looking out the door. What Nova had said had given him a lot to think about. He turned to find Hagrid outstanding in his field with a bemused expression as he scanned the area. What he saw was one track leading to two people, and then nothing. There were some suspicious depressions in the snow at various locations leading up to his hut, but it just wasn’t clicking. Hagrid wasn’t a complete idiot, as it was obviously a trick of some sort. What was throwing him was how do they get back? Harry went out to Hagrid. “You’ve been tricked you know.” “I figured as much.” Hagrid offered. “And this has got to be Fred and George. One rides the shoulders of the other to get out here, but how they got back short of doing the same in reverse is beyond me? It looks like they teleported, but that ain't possible.” “I’ll be sure and tell them you were impressed,” Harry said with a smile. For once the twins really would be innocent while pleading innocence. Nova had transformed back into a fox and raced back. She drifted down, into the Gryffindor attic space pushing through the window to gain entry, transformed to her pony self, and walked down a staircase into her own attic. She waved to her guests who’d decided her attic was much better than the one they’d been using, and then went downstairs. She was tackled a few moments later by Goldwine and Alya. “Captain Hoofstrong?” Nova called. “Downstairs,” Alalme offered. “Situation room I’m guessing?” Nova asked. “Also we got a message from Princess Celestia. They’ve discovered a detection spell on the mirror.” “A detection spell?” “It’s set to detect human presence.” “And Mrs Norris and I wouldn't have set it off because neither of us are human on coming through the mirror. At least I’m hoping that’s the case.” Nova thought about it for a moment. “And every pony else turns into a human when they come through. Aww, Crab apples! Fine, I’m going to talk with Captain Hoofstrong.” Nova went downstairs with foals in tow like little ducklings to find the captain. She found him in a makeshift command center in a raised pavilion on the lawn behind which were tents for housing, and dining. In a panel on the floor under a pain of nonbreakable glass was the Marauder's Map, and thanks to Nova’s Tia, a three-dimensional enlarged projection of Hogwarts all but filled the room. Every single room, hall, and secret passage was laid out for them except Nova’s bag that only showed up as a door in the Gryffindor tower. “Mr Malfoy saw something go into the forest,” Nova announced. “I’m guessing one of our targets is no longer on campus.” “You would be correct in that. Troll Fart went out to the forest near Mr Hagrid’s hut while we were sending off the fillies.” “Shame we can’t expand the scope of this map.” Lt Mouse offered. “Tia, can that be done, can the range be extended?” Nova asked. She was answered by a rare appearance of the Alicorn of light. “It’s beyond my scope I’m afraid.” Tia offered. “I can only work with what I’ve been given.” “If you could analyze the spell and provide me with a copy, I could send that off to your maker, and maybe they can come up with something,” Nova suggested. “I can do that.” Tia offered and vanished. “Thank you, Tia,” Nova called. “I swear that’s more unnerving than the real thing.” Lt Mouse commented. “Why do you think she stays hidden most of the time?” Nova offered with a smile. Her smile faded. “Your duty lies here, but I won’t stop you if you’ve got a mind to put on some winter gear, take a few ponies, and have a look.” “Wouldn't hurt to have some locals with us.” Lt Mouse offered. “Wouldn't want to get too close to that acromantula colony. Not even in winter.” Nova offered. “Blasted things. If I could fry every last one I would.” “I’m told there used to be a beautiful valley there.” Lt Mouse offered. “It was. Meadows, and trees with white bark and silver leaves.” Nova offered. “I got to see it in spring when everything was in bloom. The locals were all proud to call themselves the ponies of the silver wood. They had parks, gardens, and all their buildings were high up in the trees.” Nova turned to a map on the wall. “It’s just a memory now.” “Nova,” Alalme called. There was concern in her voice. “Alalme, what’s wrong? I thought you were going to sit on the egg this morning?” “Scootaloo is back.” “What? - Oh for Celestia’s sake!” Nova rushed upstairs to find a contented Scootaloo under a pile of blankets. “Scootaloo?! Does Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle know you went back? What about the staff on the train?” “Yes, and they are going to cover for me.” Scootaloo offered. “I couldn't do it, I couldn’t leave. I finally figured out teleport. Soon as I had that they said go, and I went.” “At least it was only a train. Don’t ever do that from anything moving faster, or while in flight.” Nova scolded. “Why?” Scootaloo asked. “It’s because of the kinetic energy transfer. The faster you are going, the greater the pop from the implosion – explosion. And now I need to send word to let them know not to expect you on the train.” Sunset Shimmer had been in another part of the train riding with the adults, and there was going to be Tartarus to pay. When Nova went down to go to lunch she was all but accosted by Professor McGonagall in the common room. “Nova where have you been? Miss Magnus isn’t on the train. Please tell me you’ve seen her?” “What makes you think she’s not on the train?” Nova asked, her guilt showing. “Headcount spell that keeps track of everyone. Where is she?” McGonagall demanded. “Did something happen to Louise?” Harry asked. He and Ron were just on their way down to lunch. “She’s being a broody little hen.” Nova offered. “Otherwise she’s fine.” “Would you like to explain that?” McGonagall said in a threatening tone. “Might be easier if I just show you.” Nova offered, knowing this battle was already lost. “And not a word out of you two.” “What? I wasn’t going to say anything?” Ron asked not quite sure what she was talking about. “She means about Louise sneaking back.” Harry offered. Harry might have been a bit faster on the uptake, he wasn’t sure what broody meant, but he was sure he knew what Nova meant by hen and he knew that Louise could turn into a pegacorn and that there was likely an egg involved. “You don’t mean she flew in that storm?” Ron asked. Hearing this McGonagall stormed up the stairs with Nova following close behind. “Well, where is she?” McGonagall asked once they’d reached the top. “This way.” Nova offered while heading to her room. She then bid McGonagall follow her into the closet. “Oh and before you say anything, the Ministry knows, and the confines of my luggage is by Ministry charter the sovereign territory of Eques. What goes on in here happens at my discretion as governed by the laws of Eques.” As for the Ministry knowing, sure it was on file, somewhere, under 88 years of records. “Now see here...” Nova opened the back of the wardrobe to reveal the library. “After you.” McGonagall strode into the library, and then came to an abrupt halt. Nova was closing the door, and two men in winter camouflage uniforms were waiting at the entrance of the library. “This way.” Nova offered to direct McGonagall out of the library and into the lounge space. Everywhere could be seen Christmas, or in this case, Hearth's warming decorations, and a vast garden could be seen outside the window that Professor McGonagall had never seen, even though she’d swore she knew every square inch of the castle. Not a flake of snow could be seen either, despite the growing storm outside. “Minerva?” Madam Pomfrey asked on seeing McGonagall. “Et-tu Poppy?” McGonagall asked. Madam Poppy Pomfrey was presently sitting on the floor talking to a golden unicorn under a pile of blankets. The unicorn pulled a blanket over its head with its magic. “Is that a unicorn?” “That is Miss Louise Magnus.” Madam Pomfrey offered. “And she’s a pegacorn, not a unicorn.” “What am I to tell Professor Dumbledore?” McGonagall asked. “Tell him she got off the train at the last moment, and that she is resting in her room with a cold.” Madam Pomfrey offered. “Just say that she’s a little horse and resting.” “If you could possibly leave out the part about her being a pegacorn brooding over an egg in an embassy in a handbag, we’d most appreciate it.” Nova requested. “It’s very important that all this remains secret even from Professor Dumbledore.” “And why should I, pray tell?” McGonagall asked. “Why don’t I take you downstairs and show you Harry’s profile?” Madam Pomfrey offered standing up. “Harry’s profile?” McGonagall asked. “What’s Harry have to do with this?” “I’m a princess of Eques.” Nova offered. “We have files on everyone that I come into contact with.” That wasn’t entirely true, but it was close, being all the persons of interest had been investigated by this point. “Minerva, at the very least, Professor Dumbledore can be insulated from blame in the event of an international incident.” Madam Pomfrey offered. “Show me Harry’s profile.” The short trip down to the in-house infirmary was mind-boggling. What appeared to be outside was a vast garden inside an enormous greenhouse in which were several large tents that looked to be military in origin, and were being manned by pegasi of all things. Or is that ponied? “What’s going on? Is everything going to be alright?” Alalme asked using the common language while sticking her head in the door from the garden. Two foals stood nearby. “She talks?” McGonagall asked. “Minerva, you have a student who is a pegacorn, and a talking pegasus surprises you?” Madam Pomfrey asked. “We are just ironing things out.” Nova offered. “Seems they figured out that Scootaloo jumped train.” “Oh, alright,” Alalme said and closed the door with a hoof. “This, this is outrageous!” McGonagall said with a medical file in hand a few minutes later. “I didn’t want Professor Dumbledore to know about us originally because I wasn’t sure I could trust him.” Nova offered. “It was Dumbledore who pushed through Sirius Black’s conviction without a trial, and Black is or rather was Harry’s legal godfather. Had there been a trial they might have found out about Peter Pettigrew. Dumbledore assumed magical guardianship of Harry, and then placed him in a home that was neglectful at best… Can you understand why I don’t want him to know about any of this?” Dumbledore may also be at the root of the Ministry’s dragging of the case involving Peter Pettigrew, but Nova chose to keep that to herself. “But I don’t understand, why… I even checked up on Harry on a regular basis.” “Right offhand, I’d say the very spells that were intended to keep him hidden, were interfering with your ability to recognize that he was not being taken care of properly,” Pomfrey suggested. “We had to keep him safe, but we never meant for any of this to happen,” McGonnagal said. “Keeping him safe for his own sake would have been better served by getting him as far away from here as possible, that scar removed, and a new name given him,” Nova suggested. “Harry is bait.” “Bait?” McGonagall asked. “You aren’t going tell me Dumbledore meant to serve him up on a platter do you?” “No of course not. That’s why he brought the Sorcerer's Stone here.” “You know about the stone too?” McGonagall was shocked. “Dumbledore cares only about defeating you know who once and for all, and he knew he’d resurface just as soon as Harry did. The stone is the second bait.” “I, I just don’t know what to say?” McGonagall said quietly. She looked faint, so Madam Pomfrey helped her to a seat. “Afraid you're getting all this at once.” Madam Pomfrey stated. “Harry’s medical records are what prompted me to bring him in for a physical. Though removing that scar could be tricky. It seems to be a piece of dark magic embedded in his skull.” “I am hopeful that Dumbledore’s gambit pays off without anyone getting hurt.” Nova offered. “I feel like such a fool.” Minerva offered. “Harry resurfaces, and of course you know who would come after him, finds out about the stone... You aren’t suggesting he’s already here?” “I’d rather not comment, but I think you can guess considering the military presence on my lawn. Trust me, my family is not happy about the situation. I’m here to continue my education, not clean up the messes of others.” About the only reason we haven't pulled up and left is because it would be irresponsible on our part to do so.” “Harry’s broom?” McGonagall asked. “Not an accident. Not an unexplained malfunction. It was a deliberate act of sabotage.” Nova offered. “The pegacorn who caught him is some pony near and dear to my heart.” “I see,” McGonagall said giving Nova an odd look. “That might be one mystery best left unanswered.” Madam Pomfrey suggested as she took the file, and placed it in a locking cabinet. “And it was Louise who got hit by the bludger wasn’t it.” McGonagall surmised. “So who all knows about this?” “Yourselves, and Madam Hooch. If Madam Hooch knows about ‘You know who’ she hasn’t said.” Nova offered. “The Crusaders, of course, being kin know, but they don’t know about ‘You know who’ and I’m not telling them if I don’t have to. All they know is he’s a person of interest Professor Dumbledore means to catch in the act of trying to heist something valuable. Mr Filch knows who he is.” “Filch?” Both women asked in astonishment. “He doesn’t know anything about this. He thinks I’m an Auror.” Nova offered. “Considering you should be in fourth-year I can see where he might get that idea,” McGonagall replied as a slight smile formed on her face. “Does Hermione know about any of this?” “We’ve gone to a considerable amount of trouble to keep her from finding out,” Nova admitted in a tone of regret. “Afraid our friendship with her has been kind of strained as well.” “Can’t say I blame you for keeping all this from her. Might have helped if they’d have just told us the truth about that egg.” McGonagall offered. “Would it?” Madam Pomfrey asked. “They told us about the marks, and we traumatized them in an effort to remove them.” “I’m under the impression they never told anyone back home or you’d have had some mighty pissed off parents to deal with,” Nova cautioned. “There are only two ways to remove a mark that I know of. One is to switch it with another, and the other is to take the magic away from the individual until it fades. Take too much magic and the effort will break us, leaving nothing but an empty shell.” “So in our ignorance, we behaved no better than muggles.” Madam Pomfrey informed McGonagall. “And that egg. The egg is, or rather was, a ghost by name of Moaning Myrtle.” Nova offered. “Run that by me again?” Madam Pomfrey asked. “Scootaloo, Louise to you, did not lay that egg. She’s much too young.” Nova explained. “My birth mother gave them a book of spells pertaining to the management of ghosts, and they, with Hermione’s help, extrapolated a complex, and a rather dangerous spell. My mom was rather impressed that they managed to do it without anyone dying in the attempt.” “And that’s when Louise got sick.” Madam Pomfrey offered. “So it wasn’t the egg that made her sick as Hermione had thought?” McGonagall asked. “Oh no, there’s nothing wrong with that egg, there is a perfect little pegacorn growing inside.” Nova offered. “It was the spell that did the damage. The spell took from the Crusaders the raw material needed to create the egg, and the greater burden fell on Louise. Which may also explain why she’s being so broody.” “Now then, back to my request that you do not say anything to anyone about what goes on behind my bookcase? Nova asked after a short pause in the conversation. “I’d like to talk to her,” McGonagall replied. “Feel free to chew her out as much as you like.” Nova offered. “Minerva?” Madam Hooch asked entering in from the door to the Nurse’s office. “Can I take it this means we’ve found Louise?” “I’m afraid she’s too broody to leave Hogwarts. Even for a couple of days.” Nova offered. “A couple of days?” McGonagall asked. “Well, the idea was to sneak her back in so no one would know she was here.” Nova supplied. “Well, the young ones do tend to be mighty broody.” Madam Hooch offered, as though a student being a pegacorn who’d laid an egg was normal. Professor McGonagall agreed she’d keep quiet, and then the group went back upstairs to check on Scootaloo only for Nova to discover that Scootaloo was still damp. “Why are you still damp? - We dried you off already.” Nova said as her mind raced a mile a minute. “Out, off with the blankets, up, or I’ll start plucking tail feathers, come on, get up.” “But?” “No buts. - I’m just betting your clothes are all wet.” Nova insisted, Scootaloo relented, and sure enough, her clothing was sopping wet. “Why is she so wet?” McGonagall asked. Scootaloo had teleported to the top of the train prior to transforming, only to have a waterfall of slush slam into her. She nearly fell off the roof before she could transform. “On transforming from human to pony, the water gets trapped and slowly wicks out. - I’ve done it myself. It’s a miserable feeling.” Nova offered. “Alright, everything off. Tia, new mattress, and bedding please?” And low the angel of Celestia did appear, and the humans fell upon their knees in great wonderment. “Sure, treat me like a maid and an incubator to boot,” Tia said in mock complaint. “You know you like it,” Nova said as she stripped Scootaloo. The avatar of Celestia removed all but the egg which was held suspended in the air. A new mattress was put in place along with new bedding, and the egg returned to its place this time with Tia the wonder sun horse warming it. “Alright change back, and remind me to talk to you about wearing underwear. Humans were undergarments.” Nova instructed. “Why do humans wear so much clothing anyway?” Scootaloo asked as Nova used a drying spell. Scootaloo went floof, and the humans were overcome anew by the cuteness. “Better?” Nova asked as Scootaloo climbed back onto the mattress and became enveloped in the light of the solar alicorn. “Better,” Scootaloo replied making herself comfortable. “Mmmm much better.” “Come on, snap out of it,” Nova said to the three women. “Just a fancy spell and a fluffy pony. Move along, nothing to see here.” Nova somehow managed to get the three women downstairs. She’d forgotten that only one of the three had come up that way, fortunately, it worked out. “Did you find Miss Magnus?” Dumbledore asked seeing the three women coming into the hall. “She’s a little horse,” McGonagall informed him. “That is, she came back, she’d changed her mind, and got soaked in the wet snow.” “Something will be brought up to her.” Madam Pomfrey offered. “She’s not feeling well.” “I’ll be handling her detention for the scare she gave us.” Madam Hooch offered. She wasn’t actually going to do anything mind you. After all, scolding a young mare for doing what nurture dictated was hardly something to be punished. “That’s good to know,” Dumbledore replied. “Go on into lunch and I’ll let the people on the train know she’s here.” Snape sat at the high table looking as dower as ever when the ladies entered. Quirrel was nowhere to be seen, but being it was lunch it wasn’t considered too unusual. Nova went to the Gryffindor table while clandestinely waving at Draco on the way. Draco was presently sitting by himself. There were other Slytherins who’d had to stay, but his goings-on about people staying because their parents didn’t want them hadn’t gained him much support in his own house. He had no friends. “So what’s going on with Louise?” Harry asked as Nova sat down. “She couldn't bring herself to leave me by myself.” Nova offered. She thought it best not to say a word about why Scootaloo had really come back. Nova was also quietly delighted in that Scootaloo had unwittingly given her the perfect excuse to just disappear into the top of the Gryffindor tower. Later that afternoon she’d be glad for the relative safety of the school and tower. When Nova returned from lunch she found that a unicorn had been brought in. Something had brutally attacked a mare and left her for dead. Ensign Loki the medic that had been sent with the guards had used every means at his disposal to save the unicorn. He is a fox pony, like Nova, which meant he’d more tricks than the average pony. He couldn't save her. Nova sat down at her desk and wrote a long letter to Celestia regarding the situation. They needed more ponies, and they needed a surgeon. The ponies celebrated Hearth's Warming on Christmas Eve, and Christmas on Christmas day, though it brought them little cheer. “Come on, we need to make an appearance at dinner,” Nova said to Scootaloo. Scootaloo was presently in one of Nova’s outfits her own luggage having been left on the train. It was anyone’s guess as to whether it would be brought back to the school. Nova was wearing her Weasley sweater. Hers was white with a purple and vermilion stripe running the length to match her hair with black trim on the collar, cuffs, and bottom edge “Myrtle will be fine.” “Will you look at this,” “She’s got a Weasley Sweater.” The twins said as the two girls entered the common room. Percy had taken his off and was presently putting it back on. “Oh don’t be daft,” Percy said pulling his sweater on. “It was a gift I got a while back. It was made by the Dowager Duchess Laurel deClare widowed wife of Sir Percival Weasley.” Nova informed them. “No way,” Percy said softly. “No, "that’s "definitely "a Weasley "sweater.” the twins countered. “I didn’t say that.” Percy countered. “Mother has a photo book of the Abbey before it burned down in the blitz. There’s a painting of Nova in one of the pictures. - Not that you two ever paid attention when mother got out the old photo albums.” “The Abbey burned down?” Nova asked. “Did they not rebuild it?” “Afraid not.” Percy offered. “Family was deep in debt, so they sold the property.” “Does the family still have the old Tudor hunting lodge then?” Nova asked. “Hunting lodge?” The twins asked. “I think she means the Burrow.” Percy offered. “Afraid the old lodge is long gone. We live in one of the croft buildings now. It used to be the building they kept the pigs in. It’s been modified quite a bit as well. Sure is a small world. Miss Nova here is wearing a Weasley Family heirloom.” “I’d have to say it’s a Moon family heirloom now.” Scootaloo countered. “Well I’d say “that Miss Nova "is practically "a Weasley.” The twins offered, and then both proffered an arm for escort. “You do know she comes as part of a package deal?” Scootaloo said taking George’s arm. “Come along Fred,” Nova said taking Fred’s arm. “I’m George,” Fred said. “No, I’d say I have George.” Scootaloo offered. “Did it not occur to you we might be able to tell who is who?” Nova chastised playfully. Considering how difficult it could be to tell one pony from another, The fillies had no trouble telling the two boys apart. “I suspect they just might know who is who.” Percy teased. Harry and Ron came down a moment later not entirely sure what to think. “What’s going on?” Ron asked. “Seems Miss Nova here is practically part of the family,” Percy informed them. “What?” Ron asked. “That sure escalated quickly,” Harry remarked. “But aren’t you two kind of young?” “We’re older than they are.” Nova offered. “Not like we are in any kind of serious relationship though.” “But you’re first-year, and they are in third-year.” Ron protested. “And but for the lack of appropriate transcripts, I’d be in fourth-year,” Nova informed them. She had celebrated her fifteenth birthday. At least she thought it was her fifteenth. Celebrated it twice within the same year by her reckoning. Scootaloo was sixteen, and Alalme figured she was seventeen turns of the seasons, and so far as anyone could tell Nova wasn't much younger. If not for their petite frames as humans they'd have looked very out of place with the first years. “I kind of got a late start.” Scootaloo offered. “I’m older than she is, it’s just that my magic only recently kicked in.” “I thought you girls looked kind of mature for first years.” Percy mused. “Apple Bloom is about the same age as Nova, and Sweetie is twelve.” Scootaloo offered. “Sweetie is a protege.” Nova offered. “She was attending the school my Aunt runs, but when she found out Louise was coming to Hogwarts she wanted to come here too. And then Apple Bloom wanted to come. Most just assume they are all the same age, and Sweetie has no trouble passing for an eleven-year-old. And we are all a little on the petite side. - Now, shall we go down to dinner?” “Yes indeed,” Fred answered. “I thought she was the same age as us?” Ron asked as they issued forth from behind the portrait of the fat lady. “Won’t mother be thrilled to hear we’ve added a new member to the family?” George beamed. “George, do have a care you don’t go giving your mother a heart attack,” Scootaloo warned him. Dinner was everything one could imagine, and then some. Scootaloo was glad to have come as the humans did partake in quite a bit more meat than ponies typically did. Though they did find that the local pegasus did have a taste for fish. They were in the habit of smoking it over fires in pits or just roasting it. When they’d first arrived in this world food wasn’t always the best, or easy to come by. Many had allowed themselves to be penned up by wizards so as not to starve to death in hard winters. Alalme had told them when they had dinner with the ponies the night before just how difficult living free in the forest was. And here was Nova and Scootaloo on their second feast of the day. “I keep eating like this I’m going to be too fat to fly.” Scootaloo joked. Harry and Ron laughed all the louder knowing full well what she really meant. After dinner, the two fillies climbed the steps a little slower than they normally would have, went into the apartment, climbed into the large shared bed, and groaned. “I haven't eaten this much since the last time I was at the Apple Farm.” Nova offered. The two were back to pony form, but it didn’t seem to help. She caught sight of Alya and Goldwine coming in for a belly dive, and grabbed hold of them with her magic. “No bouncing around Myrtle, or my over-full belly.” Harry Potter stood in the room of requirement looking into the mirror of Erisid. He had on Nova’s advice given up on whatever it was Fluffy was guarding, but to an eleven-year-old boy, an invisibility cloak is an invitation to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life, new civilizations, and to boldly go where no first year has gone before. He’d nearly got caught by Snape and Filch in a pincer movement that had been purely coincidental. Unknown to Harry Filch had been keeping tabs on Snape and Quirinus Quirrell. Filch kept a log of everyone who went up to the off-limits corridor and would provide Dumbledore a copy once a week. He did not leave off staff members. The list was disturbing. Sure there was the occasional lost, or misdirected student, but Snape and Quirrell seemed to be going up there quite a lot. What are they doing? Dumbledore asked himself after the most recent list of trespasses. He knew something was off about Quirrell and was likely being used by the dark lord, may even be possessed in a fashion, but was Snape helping him? Surely Snape had to realize he wanted Voldemort to walk into his trap? As for Filch, he seemed sharper than ever and had even mellowed considerably since the day the pegacorn got hit by the bludger. Dumbledore reasoned that Filch must have been deeply moved by the news of the injured guardian of light. And now back to Harry Potter at the Mirror of Erised. It had finally occurred to him that what he was seeing, was his family. It was his family, and then it was men and women in winter camouflage military uniforms, medical personnel, equipment, and crates were issuing forth, a woman in black leather and hair like a phoenix, Nova’s mother came through next… what was she doing here? An old wizard, a man that looked like a Roman soldier, and a very large man who looked like he’d be right at home on board a Viking longboat. How Harry didn’t get trampled under his invisibility cloak was anyone’s guess. There was a flash of light, and suddenly Harry was in a large rotunda. There was another flash of light. Harry awoke and sat up in his bed. Had it all been a dream? The next night Harry and Ron went out exploring and were nearly about to give up when they found the room again. Once more Harry saw his family. He also saw Nova towards the back giving him a dirty look. Ron saw himself as a head boy holding the quidditch cup… and Nova. And then the room filled with people, there was a flash of light, and the boys woke up sometime later back in their own beds. Both had splitting headaches like someone had slapped them upside the backs of their heads. “No, I am not going back,” Ron stated flatly when Harry suggested going back again. “That thing makes you hallucinate.” “Ya, I guess you’re right.” Harry offered. Harry thought about it and then decided that perhaps a third time probably wasn’t a good idea. After all, neither one of them had a clue how they got back to their own beds. Dumbledore paid the mirror a visit that night to see who it was who’d discovered the mirror. No one showed. He’d suspected it might be Harry and had gone to the mirror on the second visit but had somehow missed him. After all, he had given Harry the means to find the mirror without being discovered. Harry was part of his plan. Still, though, he’d hoped to have an opportunity to explain how the mirror worked. But then again, Dumbledore didn’t really know how that mirror worked. All he knew was that it showed one’s deepest desire and that he could put things in it, and retrieved them. The spells he’d added had assured that only someone who wished to protect the stone could retrieve it, and he’d need Harry’s innocence to achieve that aim once Voldemort was trapped inside. He’d also made the erroneous assumption that once something went in, it wouldn't be able to get out on its own. Nova made Rockhoof put a rubber stopper on his spade, and took it away from him. After the third hole in the tile, she’d had enough. “Now what do you think would happen if you did that on board a ship!?” Nova yelled at him on the third hole. “This palace is like a ship, and if you go jamming that big thing where it doesn’t belong it’s going to be mighty unpleasant. You know what I mean! You’ll get it for missions, nothing more!” Seeing the small pegacorn chewing out Rockhoof was nearly more than many could take, and it was all they could do not to bust up laughing. They also had a proper medical staff now. Shimmer was relieved to learn that Scootaloo had healed up perfectly. “Why some of the best trauma specialists are fox ponies.” The doctor had told Shimmer. “They just seem to have an innate ability to see what needs fixing.” Shimmer was relieved, but she was still troubled by the fact that Scootaloo couldn't bring herself to leave Myrtle behind in the care of others even for a couple of days. Had Myrtle been anywhere other than directly above the girls, would Scootaloo have gone looking for it? But then the half-giant Hagrid had played a mighty cruel joke on the girls to keep them from looking for it. Scootaloo and Myrtle had been moved in with Nova, and Alalme, and a pair of changelings, delighted at the chance to do a top-secret mission, was sitting in for Nova and Louise in the dorm room so the two could have more time with the foals. The last thing any of the ponies wanted was for someone in the dorm to discover the girls were missing and start looking for them. When the changelings weren’t needed for that task, they would be a reliable set of eyes and ears who could work with Mrs Norris to keep an eye on the comings and goings of their primary individuals of interest. Sure the map showed where the individuals were, but it couldn't tell them what they were doing. At least they knew who was in the castle at any given time. And everyone on the security force was fitted with tiny magical communications devices so that every creature could stay in contact. Whenever Troll Fart decided to go for a stroll in the woods, pegasi would be dispatched to shadow him, and hopefully, thwart him without his knowing. Why he was attacking unicorns didn’t make much sense to the Equestrians either. These unicorns were about as feral as a unicorn could get, but they were still unicorns. Whatever it was Quirrel was, he was fast. Whether or not the local unicorns were in any way descended from Princess Luna’s staff would forever remain a mystery as there was nothing about them that would have identified them as having ever been Equestrian unicorns. The pegasi had at least stuck together maintaining a community, and the oral history of their tribe. The locals were proving invaluable scouts to the Nightguard who’d volunteered. Flash Magnus was the only Day Guard, not due to a lack of eager volunteers, but because of the oral history of the local pegasi. It was feared that Celestia’s finest might be viewed with considerable suspicion. Nova herself had become something of a legend as there had been five generations from the time of the appearance and slaying of the Wyrm that had so devastated the pegasi community. And thanks to Nova’s Moonie, Luna was even more of a legend. Luna was presently staying in a pavilion in the garden so as not to kick out what was rapidly growing into a small family in what was essentially a duplicate of her apartments. Back in Equestria, there would be much discussion as to whether or not Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle would be going back. Especially Sweetie Belle as no pony wanted her in a classroom that was being taught by the Unicorn Killer. “So why is it I’ve never seen this other me?” Luna asked Nova. She was presently sitting in the lounge with Alalme, Nova, the two foals, and all in their pony bodies. So long as they didn’t have to interact with humans every pony was just more at home in their pony selves. The mattress had been removed and Scootaloo had to contend with leaving the doors to the bed chamber open to feel like she was being included. Sitting on an egg was proving to be rather dull. Nova had been lots of help by giving her plenty of books to read. Mostly her school books, and not just the books from Hogwarts, but courses of study that would have been required in Equestria. “She’s a representation of yourself and has been tinkered with by every Princess and or Queen Luna I’ve met in my trans-dimensional travels. Her function is to provide me with a bodyguard, and chaperon.” Nova offered. “Well, that doesn’t sound so bad.” Luna surmised. “You’re sister fiddled with her personality.” “My sister...” “Not that I’m complaining mind you.” Nova offered. “She’s actually a lot more fun as a companion now, it’s just that she has a tendency to act less like your dignified self, and more like a Golden Retriever.” “Ah, so that’s why you said ‘your sister’ as opposed to say, Aunt Tia.” “She will act seriously enough when the situation demands it.” Nova offered. “You should have seen her take on the Wyrm she tracked to the farm. She put its eyes out with her hooves, and then while students kept it occupied went to the castle and retrieved a halberd to kill it. One of the old rusty ones displayed with the armor.” “Impressive. No wonder I have such a good reputation.” Luna offered. “So what is she doing now?” “I have her keeping an eye on Dumbledore,” Nova told her. “He hasn’t seen her?” Luna asked. “She moves through the paintings,” Scootaloo said from the bedroom. “Wizards tune out the activity inside paintings.” Nova offered. “Many of the subjects in the paintings have a tendency to move from painting to painting, so a Night Mare or gorgeous woman in the wrong painting just gets ignored. It’s like she’s not even there.” “Well, I’d say that at the moment, that must be her next to your chair,” Luna announced. Nova looked down, and sure enough, laying on the floor, nose between her hooves, and tail wagging was Moonie. “Moonie?” Nova said. “Can I assume this is important being I told you not to let Princess Luna or any pone else see you unless it’s important?” “Dumbledork moved the mirror to the base of the trap,” Moonie informed them. “As in bait?” Nova asked. “Do you think our activity has him thinking Troll Fart found the mirror?” Luna asked. “Moonie’s analysis would suggest that Dumbledork is hoping that Troll Fart will go through the portal.” Moonie offered. There was a moment no one said anything. “Nope, not going to happen.” Nova and Luna said at the same time. “So now what?” Alalme asked. “First I’m going to confiscate that mirror, and then we are going to take matters into our own hooves,” Nova replied. “Ooo, goody,” Luna said as a wicked gleam of blood lust brightened her face. “Behave yourself, Muma, we can’t move against him openly,” Nova cautioned as she was getting up. “Keep in mind that with the exception of Filch and the possible exception of Professor Dumbledore, all the other humans still think he’s lovable old stinky Pr-pr-Professor Quirrel. We’d find ourselves and every other pegasus the targets of every human for miles around. We either catch him in the trap, or draw him out, and away from the school.” “Shouldn't be too hard to pin him down in the forest, and this sitting around waiting for the rat to figure out how to get into the trap needs to change,” Luna suggested as she and Nova went down to the map pavilion where they found Rockhoof, Starswirl, Sunset Shimmer, and Flash Magnus studying the map. It hadn’t taken them long to figure out how to reverse the effect of the portal and were all in their native form. “We have an issue.” Princess Luna announced as they entered. “Professor Dumbledore’s end game is to use the mirror of Erised to send Mr Riddle, AKA you know who, code name Troll Fart, to Equestria. We can’t let that happen.” “Starswirl, if we stick to our pony forms will we trigger any detection spells that might have been added?” Nova asked. “My analysis has indicated the spells in place only detect bipeds, and I doubt Dumbledore would think to have spells that detect the presence of what to him are just dumb animals.” Starswirl offered. “What exactly do you have in mind?” Shimmer asked. “It’s Equestrian property, we confiscate it,” Princess Luna informed them. “I can teleport to the mirror, open up a door into here, and then we can just help ourselves,” Nova informed them. “That’d be a mighty risky teleport young miss,” Starswirl cautioned. “I’m confident I can do it. We just need to make sure there are no Equestrians about while in human form when we do it.” Nova offered. “Also, I can teleport in, in my fox form so I’ll be smaller. I’m really good at teleporting and could teleport it here, but I don’t want to risk triggering any alarms by using magic on it.” “Just leave it to me then and I’ll hoist it on my back,” Rockhoof provided. “What about a replacement?” Princess Luna asked. “I built it, I think I can manage to transfigure a replacement.” Starswirl boasted. “Alright then, I’ll see every pony at the kitchen door in a few minutes,” Nova replied, transformed into a fox, and vanished with a pop. Nova found herself on a cold stone floor, not a snippet of light to be had. To say it was black would be an understatement. The room was a total absence of light blacker than Princess Luna’s coffee. Before the cream and sugar that is. For nova that wasn’t a huge problem as she could still use that fox sense that allowed her to perceive auras. She felt deep down that if she was not careful, if she used too much magic, even to shapeshift and use her horn, it might set off an alarm. Her mind slowly created a mental sketch of the room, and she went over to a wall. Once there she placed her amulet against the wall, and a doorway shimmered into existence. Light streamed through the cracks. Nova couldn't help but feel nostalgic. The last time she had opened that door, the Mackintosh family still lived on the Hogwarts grounds. She let out a sigh and scratched on the door. A moment later Luna opened it. Nova went inside and transformed back into her pony form. Rockhoof went into the room guided by the light from the door, picked up the mirror, balanced it on his back, while Luna and shimmer steadied it. “Let's take it down to sub-basement number one,” Nova said. “Number one? How many basements does this apartment have?” Shimmer asked. “No idea and I don’t really care to find out.” Nova offered as she directed the other to the stairs that went down to the basement. From there they located another door that she had to ask Tia to unlock, and then they went down a sloping ramp into a wide corridor with many doors. Nova opened a door that seemed to be some kind of reception hall. “I guess this is as good a place as any.” She offered, so they carried it in, and set it down at the far end. By the time they got back upstairs, Starswirl was ready with a replacement. “You’re a genius, how’d you do it so fast?” Nova asked. “And it even shows me my desires.” “Dare I ask?” Luna asked teasing Nova. “No, you may not. I am a teenager after all. Sheesh.” Nova protested. Luna gave her a dirty look, and Nova smiled. “Just teasing. I see us all back in Equestria with all my friends.” “Understandable.” Rock hoof replied as he hoisted up the mirror. “I see much the same sort of thing. If I could go back, I most certainly would.” “It doesn’t have a portal, and the Desire Enchantment is a parlor trick.” Star Swirl offered as the mirror was taken to the darkroom. Rockhoof gently set it down, and they placed it in the exact spot the original was. A light turned on in a hallway at the far end. “Everyone back inside, Quick!” Nova hissed, and there was a mad scramble. Nova shut the door as torches started to flair in the big room, locked it, said hide outside door, and peeped through a small hole in the door. “It’s Grid and Forge Weasley.” Nova offered. “You know what, I know just the thing.” Nova teleported away and popped back a moment later with a book in hand. Best Party Favors Ever, by Pinkamena Dianne Pie. Nova looked through the peephole and teleported the book right in front of the mirror. It dropped with a bang. “What, I’ve extra, Pinkie sent a whole box load.” “Well, I’m going to see what I can do about disabling the detection charms on that mirror,” Starswirl announced and headed for the subbasement. “Make sure to shut and lock the door. We don’t want the foals getting down there.” Nova said as he went out the door. “Where’s Phenik? Phenik?” Phenik came swooping in and landed on her back. “The Weasley Twins are in yon room, could you be a dear and transport them back to the Gryffindor common room? Before they get caught?” Phenik gave a chirp and vanished. Nova looked into the peephole and watched as one boy, and then the other vanished. “Something tells me we’re going to need to have Starswirl add some modifications.” Princess Luna mused. “Maybe add a trap for Troll Fart and Sulky Raven. Can’t figure out why they haven't gotten past Fluffy yet? - Think I’ll go down to the Gryffindor common room.” Nova offered. “Tia, disconnect this door please.” The door all but vanished leaving only the door jam with a section of wall where it had been. Well if Dumbledore comes looking I don’t want him to find our back door.” “Good thinking.” Luna offered. “You run along, I want to talk to the adults now.” Nova gave her an odd look. “Princess Luna, in my time she’d be considered an adult.” Rockhoof corrected. “That’s alright, I understand.” Nova offered. “Princess Luna wants to talk strategy. In my opinion, we are going to need some elements of harmony other than mine and Sunset’s and a few more bearers.” “You have elements of harmony?” Shimmer asked. “I figured out how to create artificial elements. Not sure I can count on them in a pinch though." Nova explained. “Also the stones in my pendent seem to have taken on the properties of true element stones. I’ve no idea when or how it happened.” “Looks like we’ve some people and ponies to contact,” Luna commented followed by the group departing the kitchen. “Hello, Ged, and Ford,” Nova said a few minutes later as she approached the twins in the common room. The two had their noses glued to the book Nova had given them. Phenik was on the outermost part of the fireplace hearth warming her bottom with her tail held heavenward. “Nova, best Christmas present ever!” The twins said without looking up. “Let's just say I thought you’d be less likely to get into mischief. Though I imagine we might all come to regret my giving you that book in good time.” Nova offered with a smile. The two seemed oblivious to the fact that they’d been plucked from the room where the mirror was. Perhaps to them, that was exactly what they’d expected. To them, the challenges were like living the ultimate video game. Assuming they even knew what a video game was. At the end of the winter break, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle returned to Hogwarts under the protests of their families. The situation was tense, but Princess Celestia reminded them that the fillies were in no more danger there than they would be at home wondering off into the Everfree, and while Sweetie Belle could attend the school for gifted unicorns if she wanted they’d only be breaking the trio up. They also had full access to the mirror now, could go back and forth at will, and there was plenty of back up. During classes, there would be changelings disguised as various animals to act as bodyguards – just in case. Nova made sure the changelings all had satchels of the King's cure herb to help counter being in the presence of the wraith passing itself off as a teacher. > Chapter 13: Chasers and Seekers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Snape is refereeing the next quidditch game?!” Nova exclaimed on hearing about it from the boys. January had been miserable both in the weather and in their attempts to deal with the menace that was Voldemort. Troll Fart had gone on the hunt twice, and each time they’d failed to pin him down. Luna had even gotten her hooves on a minigun, but the bastage had been too fast. Sections of the forest were starting to look worse for wear because of it. At least the thing was useful in blasting spiders whenever Luna was feeling especially frustrated. Spiders would rush in only to fall as a rain of bullets descended upon them, while Luna laughed with glee. It looked very much like a scene from the attack on Zion. “I’m thinking maybe Harry shouldn't play?” Ron asked referring to the upcoming Quidditch game. They were presently in the Gryffindor common room. “Maybe, and then again, maybe that’s what they want,” Scootaloo commented. “What are you talking about?” Apple Bloom asked. As she and Sweetie Belle joined them. “Has to do with why you and Sweetie Belle almost didn’t come back to Hogwarts,” Nova explained. “Harry’s broom mishap wasn’t the fault of the broom, and we’ve good reason to believe Professor Snape was in on that little nearly fatal accident. And even if he was somehow trying to help, his efforts were only making things worse. A jinx can only be properly countered at the source.” "Totally agree," Hermione said in regards on what was needed to counter a jinx. “Snape’s not going to be able to do much of anything with all those eyes on him.” Scootaloo offered. “Ah, I hadn’t thought of that,” Ron replied. “Do you mean to say he should play?” Hermione Asked. Both she and Ron had been against Harry playing. Just then Neville Longbottom came bunny hopping in through the entrance to the Gryffindor tower. Draco Malfoy was back to his old self and had put a leg-locker curse on him. “Honestly Neville, why don’t you stand up to him?” Hermione asked as she performed the counter-curse. “That or start learning some counter curses,” Nova suggested. “Why do you let him walk all over you anyway?” Hermione asked. “You have got to stop rolling over for him. Quit being his whipping boy.” If there was one thing Hermione was bad at, it was knowing when to shut up. “Ge thanks,” Neville replied moving one leg about and then the other. “Look, you don’t have to tell me I’m not brave enough to be in Gryffindor, Malfoy has already done it.” “No one here ever said you weren’t brave enough, and Malfoy wouldn't be pestering you if you weren’t.” Nova offered. "Personally, I think he targets you because he knows you can take it." “Come on Neville, cheer up,” Harry said offering him his last Chocolate frog. “Thanks, Harry. Here, you can keep the card. You collect them don’t you?” Neville said in reply giving Harry the card. “Dumbledore again,” Harry replied looking at the card. “Oh hey, it’s Flamel. Apparently, Dumbledore worked with him on alchemy.” “Oh, stay there, I’ll be right back,” Hermione ordered, and took off running up the stairs to the girl’s dorm. “Where’s she going?” Ron asked. “Didn’t we give up on that rubbish?” “Just because we gave up doesn’t stop a person from being curious.” Harry offered. Hermione came running down the stairs a few minutes later with a very large book. “I got this… for a bit… of light… reading.” Hermione said between catching her breath. “Light reading?” Ron asked as Hermione thumbed through the enormous book. “Nicolas Flamel is the only person known to have ever successfully made a Philosopher's stone. The stone can be used to turn anything into gold, and produces an elixir known as the elixir of life which grants immortality.” She announced excitedly. “Don’t you see, that’s what Fluffy is guarding.” “Fluffy’s not actually guarding anything.” Nova countered. “Just Ask George and Fred.” “What?” Ron asked sounding incredulous. “They’ve already been down there.” Nova offered. "Just don't be saying anything to anyone." “They have?” the others all asked. “Well then, I guess Dumbledore put it someplace else,” Hermione said. “Where though?” “I’m sure that wherever it is it is well secured.” Nova offered knowing full well the stone was no longer in this world. “Well, it says here that Nicholas Flamel had been a prosperous scribe and bookseller when he faked his own death in 1418 after having successfully created a Philosopher's stone.” “And he also lived during the hundred years wars, and that thing was the catalyst that started the goblin wars,” Nova informed Hermione. “In Eques those things are called Blood Stones, and they don’t grant immortality or unlimited life, they grant the user extended years, health, and vitality from stolen life.” The other’s looked at her stunned. “There is a reason why Wizards have gone to such great lengths to hide all knowledge of how to make the stone.” She waited to see if everyone was paying attention or not. “Flamel faking his own death might suggest he stole it from someone else, but even to use something like that knowing the truth.” “How do you know about all that?” Hermione asked. “I heard about the stone, and wanted to know what it was.” Nova offered. “You heard about it?” “I told a ministry official a while back that my Aunt Tia is over a thousand years old, and they asked if she had a philosopher’s stone.” Nova offered. “I’d never heard of such a thing and decided to do some extra research. Took a bit of doing too. In doing cross research to see if any were known about back home I discovered that there had been two known stones in Eques that matched the description. They were created by a mad king we know only as King Sombra. One sat upon the Blood Moon crown, and the other was an amulet known as the Alicorn Amulet. When combined with unicorn magic, it can grant the user immense power.” Nova was well familiar with both. Twilight had the Alicorn Amulet, and when Nova had been in Equestria in the past the Blood Moon Stone had been destroyed by a powerful cleansing wave generated by one of her artificial harmony stones. The wave had been generated purely by chance, and Nova hadn’t even known the stone had been destroyed until an ancestor of Prince Blueblood brought it to Princess Celestia’s attention. When asked where he’d gotten it, he’d no idea. He simply couldn't remember. “I was able to gain access to various books that provided just enough information that I was able to extrapolate the true composition of the stones, and how such a stone can grant an unusually long life span.” “Oh my gosh… Princess Luna pressured Princess Twilight to get the elements of harmony and destroy that thing just recently.” Apple Bloom announced. “I heard she refused to do it. Only when Princess Luna said she’d get Starswirl to do it that she finally relented.” Nova had a stricken look on her face. “No one ever said anything, I never knew about that.” She turned for the stairs and began to walk away. “I’m, I’m going to go write a letter home.” “Maybe you shouldn't have mentioned that little detail.” Sweetie Belle said as Nova hurried away. “Hang on, she’s known about it the whole time, and never said anything,” Hermione stated. “And the last pon–person who tried to use the Alicorn Amulet went crazy and enslaved our entire town,” Scootaloo informed her. “It wasn’t fun. - Even kicked Nova’s mother out of town. Right off hand, I’d say she doesn’t want us having anything to do with it.” “Kicked Luna out of town? She seems like she’d be a mighty powerful witch.” Ron asked. “Oh no, she didn’t kick Luna out, it was Princess Twilight who got kicked out.” Apple Bloom offered. “And that was before she got married. “Wait I thought Luna was her mother?” Harry asked. “Oh, Luna is her mom too.” Sweetie Belle offered. “How can she have two moms?” Hermione asked starting to get confused. “Princess Twilight is her birth mother, but they are both married to the same Prince.” Sweetie Belle supplied. “There are people who still do that sort of thing?” Hermione asked sounding as though the idea of it horrified her. “I don’t have a problem with that.” Fred Weasley said from a chair nearby. “Neither do I.” George offered also from the same chair. They presently had their nose buried in the book Nova had given them. “Nobody asked you.” Hermione protested. 🕷 “Neigh-palm sticks like Elmer's glue, doo-da, doo-da, sticks to the itty bitty spiders too...” Luna was singing as she looked through an arms catalog. “So help me if you blow up my house,” Nova warned. “We would never dream of doing such a thing.” Luna offered. “We're putting everything in off-site storage.” “That’s good, not in town though I hope.” “An old barn some distance away. Alalme showed me where it was. She says it belonged to a man named Hendrixson.” “Long gone I imagine. I’m glad he found his heart.” Nova said remembering the man. “Muma, did you have a fight with Twilight?” Luna said nothing at first. She set down the catalog. “High Priestess of Arcadia was it?” Luna asked. “Muma.” “I found out from the guards, and your mother hadn’t done a thing,” Luna informed her. “She was keeping it safe. Or so she said.” Luna sounded disappointed. “She had excuse after excuse, and that’s when I realized the amulet had the same enchantments as the blood moon crown. Your instinct to destroy it was dead on.” “That wasn’t just instinct, I found out what they are. They are made by distilling the life force of sentient beings.” “I see.” The horror of King Sombra's madness all rushed back into Luna's mind. “All those wars to protect the Chrystal Empire was just more of Sombra’s madness then.” “The key to how they are made was in one of the books from home. I’d made copies of your own private library to include the books you had hidden away. Even then I only had hints. I used a find spell in the Hogwarts library and was directed to the restricted section. Getting the book I needed took all my cunning. I also kept the book. I locked it up with some of the more dangerous books I brought from Canterlot. Those stones are the vilest black alchemy ever conceived so I told Twilight to destroy them.” “I had to do some tail twisting to get her to follow through.” “So I hear.” Nova offered. “Lady Aiko has told me many times in many worlds that when in doubt, I should go with my heart.” “Dare I ask what you are planning to do?” Luna asked giving Nova a calculated look. “I think it time Princess Hope, and family paid Princess Twilight a visit.” “You sure that’s a good idea?” Luna asked. “Not really, but then what’s one more state visit?” Nova asked. “Besides, Princess Celestia took a big risk by sending the crusaders here in the first place. I can’t go as myself, can't do anything that would impact my younger self, but I should be able to get away with being Princess Hope from another dimension.” Nova had to think about what she was suggesting. "And I just thought that Twilight getting a chance to meet Goldwine and Alya when we aren't trying to corner a killer might be a nice break for her." “I’ll see about getting you penciled in then, though it might be best for her to come here. The best time will be during the quidditch match.” Luna offered as a pony came galloping in. “Troll Fart is on the move!” “I’m going with them,” Nova announced and dashed for the rotunda. “You can’t, he’ll recognize you.” Luna protested following quickly behind, her catalog forgotten on the floor. She passed through the archway just in time to see Nova, along with Nova’s old uniform, lift up into the air, both wrapped in Nova’s magic. Nova went from pony princess to hardened warrior in a matter of seconds. It was a trick worthy of Nightmare Moon. That or an anime magical girl, feel free to take your pick. “Captain Hoofstrong, I’m taking point,” Nova said, her tone indicating she had no intention of arguing about it. “Ensign.” Captain Hoofstrong said looking her over. “Let her.” Lt Mouse replied as she strapped on her gear. Her feathery wings gone, replaced with bat wings. “Lt Mouse, ready.” “Lt Ansaldo, ready.” offered a blue pegasus with a white mane and tail. “Corporal Pfalz, ready.” announced a sable and gold bat pony. “Petty Officer Morane, ready.” Morane was another bat pony, sable with a purple mane and tail. “Gunny Gotha, ready.” Gotha, a pitch black pegasus with a platinum mane and tail. “Ensign Loki, ready.” Like Nova, Loki was white with patches of black, but his mane and tail were blue. “Ready.” Captain Hoofstrong announced. They were all wearing the purple livery of a shadowbolt save Nova who wore the blue-gray of a message runner. Each had a different colored gem in the eyepiece of their armor for protection, thanks to Nova who had her pendant fitted into her peytral. “Line up, helmets on!” Capt Hoofstrong ordered. “Shadow leader, radio check.” “Shadow one, check.” “Shadow two, check.” “Shadow three, check.” “Shadow four, check.” “Shadow five, check.” “Shadow six, check.” “Knave one,” Nova said into her mic. The other’s gave her a strange look. “What? It’s my call sign.” “I’ll follow with the elements,” Luna said. It was a well-practiced routine, except... “Teleport!” Nova shouted, and the flight vanished in a flash, and a large pop! 💫 “Give a pony a little more warning!?” Lt Mouse shouted over the radio on finding herself plummeting over the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Wings were quickly spread. “On-line to my right.” Captain Hoofstrong ordered, and they lined up wingtip to wingtip with the Captain on the left of the line. Nova took the position on the far end. “Moonie,” Nova said followed by the image of Nightmare moon appearing by her side like a Klingon bird of prey uncloaking. She came complete with theme music played over the radios. “Well Knave looks like you’re calling it.” Captain Hoofstrong said. “Right then, Moonie, sniff him out.” The image of Nightmare Moon dropped into the canopy of trees, Nova dove quickly after her followed by the others. “You’re going in to fast!” Gunny exclaimed. “This is it.” Corporal Pfalz said excitedly as he and the others dropped into the canopy behind Nova. “These trees are too thick, we can’t keep up this speed!” Gunny warned. “It’s just like Beggar's Canyon back home,” Loki told him. “Moonie has the sent,” Nova called over the radio. “Listen if you heavyweights can’t keep up then drop back. If Sombra’s drones were after you, you’d be toast by now.” “Alright, that’s enough chatter!” Captain Hoofstrong exclaimed. The speed they were going at, was extremely dangerous, but the filly was right, and this thing they were after was even faster. Trees sped by in the darkening gloom, and before long only Loki and Lt Mouse had managed to keep up with Nova. Back at the rotunda the elements of harmony are only just now gathering. Dash has brought the Wonderbolts with her. All of them were still in human form. “We came as quickly as we could,” Twilight said. “Transform already.” Luna requested while prancing in place. “The chase is a hoof!” “This may be faster if the none fliers remain in human form.” Dash offered, and a few minutes later ponies and riders were out of the gate racing for the forest. Pinkie was riding Luna dressed like a world war one fighter pilot complete with a leather flight cap, and a flowing white scarf. No one knew where the uniform had come from, and no one was going to ask. Apple Jack was being provided a lift by Soarin, and Rarity was given a lift by Silver Zoom also of the Wonderbolts. “Darling, how are we to find them?” Rarity asked as they flew towards the forest. A bright light erupted from somewhere deep in the forest. “Right off hoof, I'd say we go there.” Applejack suggested just as another flash could be seen. There were several more flashes followed by a mind-boggling lightning bolt coming down from the dark clouds. The shock wave nearly causes every pony to lose control of their flight. “I just wanted one little lightning bolt,” Nova said as she extracted herself from the branches of the tree she was in. She’d been thrown about a half dozen Celestia wing spans back into the trees. Celestia’s wingspan was close to twenty-five horns, a horn being the average length of a unicorn horn or a little over seven and a half meters. She didn’t come out unharmed either, and yet her first thought was not about herself. “Moonie, are you alright?” Moonie did not answer. “Moonie?” “What about me?” Loki asked. He wasn’t in much better shape then Nova having taken his share of scrapes, cuts, and a splinter or two. “Lt Mouse? - Any pone hear me? - Great, you fried the radios.” “I am not taking credit for that!” Nova protested while pointing at a huge crater. The trees around it were scorched, and or shredded. Many that were still standing either had their tops broken off or were now leaning out from the blast. “Lt Mouse?!” “Over here.” Lt Mouse offered from another tree. “Any chance you got Troll Fart?” Her voice sounded strained. “We should be so lucky,” Nova replied sarcastically. “Loki,” Mouse called. “Could you get your medic kit, and extract me, my wings are pinned.” “I’ll be right there,” Loki said, and rushed over to her. She had several branches piercing her wings. The remainder of the team arrived a few moments later to the scene of Loki, and Nova gingerly removing Lt Mouse from the remains of the tree. They weren’t exactly unscathed either but had been far enough back to where the blast had been muffled by the trees. “And I thought Princess Luna was bad.” Captain Hoofstrong said as he surveyed the damage. “I am not laying claim to that, I didn’t do it, I just wanted to hit the bastard with a lightning bolt, not whatever in Tartarus that was.” Nova protested. “Sweet!” Dash exclaimed as she flew down to have a look. The other’s followed. “What happened here?” Twilight asked with concern. “She did.” The Shadowbolts said pointing at Nova. “I did not.” Nova protested. “Ah ha, a clue!” Pinkie exclaimed from the bottom of the pit. She was now dressed as Sherlock Holmes the ace detective. Pinkie reached down and picked up a large war hammer. “Says here, if found please return to Stark Tower 200 Park Avenue, Manhattan, New York. Ha, they spelled Manehatten wrong.” “Well, there then. You can’t go blaming me just because some pony lost their war hammer.” Nova protested. “Rather interesting timing if you ask me.” Loki accused. “And hit right where you were aiming.” “Coincidence.” Nova protested. “You’re hurt,” Twilight said going up to Nova. “Mother, Lt Mouse has branches in her wings. We’ll deal with the splinter in my plot later.” Nova scolded. “Princess Twilight, I mean Princess Twilight.” Nova had forgotten to treat this Twilight like someone she wasn’t already very close to. As for the splinter, it was a fairly sizable chunk of wood that had penetrated Nova’s armor and blood could be seen oozing out. If Twilight had any doubts before, she knew right then and there that this filly was definitely the daughter of a Princess Twilight. “So now what?” Dash asked. “We don’t know if we got him or not.” Lt Mouse offered as she was freed. She was in no shape to fly either. “All we can do at this point is send out sweeps.” Captain Hoofstrong offered. Lt Mouse was temporarily patched along with the other ponies who’d received injuries, and when they were ready they started back. Nova’s splinter had been removed with a bit of gauze placed between flight suit, and armor. “We might want to teleport the rest of the way,” Nova suggested when they’d reached the edge of the forest. Their activities hadn’t gone unnoticed, and a number of the instructors could be seen near Hagrid’s hut looking towards the forest. “I’ll get this.” Luna offered, and a moment later they were back in the rotunda. “So who do you think this belongs to?” Pinkie asked. She was still holding onto the hammer. “I’ve a mind to kick them in the plot when I find out.” Lt Mouse offered as they escorted her down to the infirmary. “Is every pony alright?” Alalme asked entering the rotunda. “Nova, there’s a hole in your plot armor!” “My plot shielding failed. Always the plot shielding for some reason.” Nova offered as she removed, and hung up her armor on the clotheshorse. She retrieved the pendant and hung it about her neck again. She stopped about halfway when she’d gone to remove her flight suit. “You going to be alright?” Twilight asked. “I’m going to need some hot water, it’s scabbed into the uniform,” Nova explained. Twilight and Alalme wanted to get her down to the doctor. “Doctor Hawkeye is going to be busy fixing Alice Mouse’s wings. Well get my flight suit off, put some ointment on it along with a simple dressing and it’ll be fine. It’s not the first time I’ve had wood in my plot.” Twilight Looked stricken. “Phrasing dear heart, phrasing,” Alalme whispered. “What are you… Alrighty then, moving right along.” Nova said blushing, checked her pendant, and then proceeded into the back where she found Miss Aiko looking after the foals. She checked her pendent one more time whispering, “Come on show yourself already?” No Moonie. “Woona?” Luna was about to go check on her security team but stopped instantly going to Nova. She knew from experience that Nova never used Woona unless it was dire, and Nova was looking distressed. “Nova?” Luna asked going to her and nuzzling her behind the ear. “Moonie isn’t showing herself,” Nova said and used her magic to pass the pendant over to her. “Could you possibly have a look? It’s not like her to just vanish, and not come back when called.” “I’ll see what I can do,” Luna said, took the pendant, and went downstairs. “Mama?” Gold wine asked as Nova and Alalme passed through the lounge into the bedroom followed by Twilight. Twilight let out a strange prolonged squeak as Nova nuzzled Goldwine. “Who’s foal is that?” Twilight asked once she’d regained control of her vocal cords. Twilight's previous visits had left her no opportunity to encounter the foals. Nor had it occurred to her that there might be any here at all. Let alone one that was apparently addressing this version of her daughter as Mama. “Ours,” Nova replied quietly, as she went into the bath “Ours, ours who?” Twilight asked as Nova’s response played havoc with her sensibilities. “Ours.” Alalme offered. Her answer wasn’t helping. “But, but, but?” Twilight asked. Her head kept going back and forth from the foals to the doorway Alalme and Nova had gone into. “Hey, what’s been going on?” Scootaloo asked as she approached. She was presently in human form not having bothered to transform. “Tell me his name so that I may kill him?” Twilight asked Scootaloo. “Um, context?” Scootaloo asked. She’d seen some interesting moods out of Twilight and this was by far the most interesting. “The foals.” “Oh them. Ya, he died eighty-eight years ago is what I understand.” Scootaloo informed her. “Eighty … eighty...” Twilight said, and proceeded to repeat the word. The data did not compute. Error error... “And you broke her.” Aiko offered. “By any chance are you Aiko the Avatar, or Aiko the fox pony?” Scootaloo asked giving her an odd look. “That’s for me to know, and you to ponder for eternity.” Aiko offered. “Ya, no, the avatar would never say something like that,” Scootaloo replied with a smile. “She got you.” Nova offered coming out of the bedroom. She had a small patch of gauze stuck to her plot, and Alalme was right behind her. “Scootaloo is right. Your avatar is a lot more straight forward with her answers.” “So what happened out there? The whole castle shook.” Scootaloo asked. “I dropped the hammer of the gods.” Nova offered. “Seriously? You’re going to ruin your hearing listening to Led Zeppelin that loud.” Scootaloo cautioned. “Seriously though, what happened out there?” “I tried to blast Troll Fart with a lightning strike spell, and got a war hammer in the bargain, along with a big hole in the forbidden forest.” “Seriously? You can even do that?” Scootaloo asked. A controlled bolt of lightning was some seriously advanced weather magic. “Pinkie’s got the hammer if you want to see it.” Nova offered. “Pinkie!” Twilight exclaimed snapping out of her stupor. “I should probably take that away from her.” “Would you like to meet your grandson?” Nova asked Twilight. “My what? Grandson?” Twilight looked like she was about to break again. “Well technically.” Nova offered. “I rescued him, and then I liberated Alalme and Alya.” “By the way, who’s looking after Myrtle?” Scootaloo asked. “Don’t worry, Tia is on incubation duty.” Nova offered. “Tia? Incubation?” Twilight asked. She’d been so distracted by Nova and the foals that only just now was she registering the Alicorn of light on the large bed in the bedroom. Twilight had at first taken the image to be a sunbeam coming in through an unseen window or skylight. “Celestia?” “And she’s broke again,” Nova commented. “Come on mother, what say we have a nice lay down while you process all that information.” “Um, alright,” Twilight said as she was directed to a sofa. “One thing though, why are you so much older than my Kitzumi Nova? You are her counterpart, aren’t you? She’s only five years old.” “I think you’ve had enough difficult information for one day.” Nova offered as she set Twilight down. “Later, after I’ve had a nap, I’ve some notes I want you to see.” Nova then sat on a nearby sofa, lay down, and all but passed out. Goldwine, undaunted by this, jumped up and snuggled under Nova's right-wing. “Did she just pass out?!” Twilight exclaimed. “And when she wakes up she’ll be famished.” Alalme offered. “This is normal?” Twilight asked. “Only happens when she overextends herself.” Scootaloo offered. “I guess that whatever it was that happened out there caused her to use too much juice.” “That’s not very comforting,” Twilight replied. “And this whole set up isn’t working. Trying to catch, and contain that wraith in human guise is going to require a different tactic. We can’t just go chasing after it every time it comes out in the open. Something has to change. And what is that, that creature of light that looks like Princess Celestia?” “I’m to understand she’s an avatar created by Princess Celestia, and she's a darn good incubator too.” Alalme offered. “Any chance I’ll get to meet the real Princess Celestia someday?” “Well, I can’t really make any promises, but I won’t say it wouldn't happen.” Twilight offered. “Nova said that she rescued you? Sit, and tell me about it.” 🐉 Nova woke a short time later wondering why some pony was shining a light in her eye. “Hey, that hurts you know?” Nova protested and hid her head under her wing. “I’m checking for signs of a concussion.” Madam Pomfrey informed her. “Will she be alright?” Luna asked. “I’m fine,” Nova said, and then looked up at the worried faces. “I am fine, aren’t I?” “You got hit hard enough to knock Moonie out of commission,” Luna informed her. “I’m hungry,” Nova said. "Moonie?" “She looks like she’s fine.” Madam Pomfrey offered. “Miss Nova, no headache? Aches, pains, nausea?” “The only thing that hurts is my plot,” Nova informed her. “I think what happened is I put up a barrier in front of me when I realized there was way too much power. I didn’t factor in the kickback. So is it time for dinner, and what about Moonie?” “She seems fine.” Madam Pomfrey offered. "Don't worry about Moonie." Luna offered. "I can fix her." Nova decided to transform into her human self only to find that her injury had somehow affected her human clothes. And she’d need more gauze as the one she’d had on fell off when she went to transform. Goldwine was still snuggled up to her and redoubled his efforts being the transformation usually meant she was about to get up and go somewhere he couldn't. Nova couldn't resist tickling him so she could watch him giggle and squirm. “Come on, let's have another look at that injury of yours.” Madam Pomfrey offered. Twilight tried to pick up Goldwine, only to have him push in tighter to Nova. When Scootaloo tried, he gave in. “Don’t worry,” Scootaloo said to Twilight as Nova got up and went with Madam Pomfrey, “He’s always a little shy around strangers.” “Hi Goldwyn,” Twilight said. “Goldwine.” Goldwine corrected. “He’s so cute!” Twilight said as she held in a squee. “And already knows his name.” Scootaloo offered. “And very snugly.” Twilight couldn’t resist stretching her pony nose over to him, he looked at her, and for a moment their noses touched. His head immediately swung back to hide in the crook of Scootaloo’s arm. Madam Pomfrey had just come out of the bedroom, and couldn't hold back the squee. She regained her composure and went downstairs. “Aww, he’s so cute.” Twilight was delighted when Alya flew up and landed on her back between her wings. “They can fly already?” “Yes, and I am so grateful for this contained area for them to fly around in.” Alalme offered. “They can be a hoof-full. No idea how my parents managed.” Her question had a touch of regret. She simply hadn’t known her parents very long. “Is Rarity still here?” Nova asked as she came back out of the bedroom. She’d a fresh outfit on, and had a skirt in her hand with a finger through a hole. “She’d be downstairs if she’s still here.” Twilight offered. “Thinking of having her fix that?” “If she’ll do it. It’s kind of an old style.” Nova offered. “Why not use magic to fix it?” Twilight asked. “And if someone casts a spell to undo spells the hole will come back.” Nova offered. “No, I’d rather it be fixed the old fashioned way.” Nova went downstairs followed by Goldwine squirming free, and half trotting half flying after her. Alya not to be left behind took off after them. “You go on, I want a word with Scootaloo,” Twilight said to Alalme. “Here’s hoping we can have some time together,” Alalme said as she prepared to take off after Nova and the foals only for Nova to come running back. “I almost forgot!” Nova announced with a slight edge to her voice. She'd draped the skirt around her neck. She’d a proverbial bone to pick with Twilight and had only just remembered. Nova went into the bedroom where she could be heard opening a cabinet, the cabinet closed, and she returned with a book bound in lurid red leather. The foals were standing nearby. “Mother, sorry, I know I should be calling you Princess Twilight. I’ve something for you, and I doubt you are going to want or like it.” Nova was hesitant but felt that this had to happen. “Is that leather?” Twilight asked. She was stunned that a pony, even a fox pony would have such a thing. But this was a world of humans were such barbarism was common. Still, though, Nova was a pony. “Yes, it is.” Nova offered. “I’d had several printed up by a muggle printer who wouldn't realize the contents of this is real. And I had them use this color specifically.” “I don’t understand, why would you do that? “How could you take a life for a book?” Twilight asked horrified. “The hide is from a dumb beast, not a sentient one. Not that that alone could justify it, and I’d like to think I haven't become just as bad as the humans.” Nova offered. She sounded as though she wasn’t sure herself anymore. “I chose this instead of card stock and canvas binding because it’s my notes on the Blood Stones. I want the very cover to proclaim the horror of what those things are. I’m to understand Princess Luna had to do some tail twisting to get you to destroy those stones." Nova informed with an edge to her voice. "I heard about it from Apple Bloom. By my estimates, it takes a thousand lives to produce even the smallest of stones. A spell cast over a potential battlefield to distill the essence of the life force of sentient beings. Ferment war. Gain virtual immortality at the expense of others. And they can be enchanted. And no I don’t know what the spell was, and I don’t want to know what the spell was.” Twilight was horrified. “I don’t want you being mad at Luna because she made you destroy that stone,” Nova said softly. She knew that this confrontation could potentially mar her future relationship, but felt compelled to it. “You knew that Sombra made the Alicorn Amulet, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there was a spell on it preventing you from discarding or destroying the stone.” “I’d thought to keep it as a memento?” Twilight offered. “A memento of an episode that was best forgotten? Placed on a shelf like a trophy? I always wondered about it. And I could sense it’s malevolence. That’s why I never went anywhere near it if I could help it.” “And here I was about to chew out Scootaloo for her part in creating that egg. My Nova wouldn't go near the amulet either. It never occurred to me there was more to it than her just not liking it.” Twilight said feeling as chastised as though Celestia herself had done it. No this was worse, this was being chewed out by one’s own foal. Or at least an older copy of her foal who seemed to have seen some hard times as well as the good. If Princess Celestia knew about the amulet, she’d stayed out of it. “Could you possibly wrap that up so I don’t have to touch it?” She’d except it, maybe even look at it, but she’d do it reluctantly. “I think I can manage that.” Nova offered. “I’ve grown desensitized to the leather bindings. A good deal of the textbooks we use have leather bindings on them. I prefer putting book covers on them myself so I guess I haven't lost all my poneanity. The idea that it might have belonged to a creature I could have been friends with still bothers me.” She shuddered. “Also, I have the Blood Crown, so you don’t have to worry about finding it.” She held up her hand to forestall Twilight saying anything. “The stone was destroyed, and the spells stripped from it. It’s been completely renewed into something I can use.” Nova went to a desk, got out a roll of parchment with which she made a book cover, and from a drawer retrieved a book bag that said Paw’s Book Barn, Beaver Town, Pearl, and Mount villa. “Here, now you don’t have to touch…” “You’ve been to Paws books!?” Twilight asked wistfully. Thoughts of the legendary book store momentarily superseding the seriousness of the moment. “I’ll have to take you there someday. We’ll have a mother-daughter outing.” Nova offered as she gave Twilight a hug rather than just telling her to focus. Twilight returned the hug hesitantly. “My intentions with the copies is to see to it they are distributed as a sort of warning. I used a Fidelius charm with the help of Tia to hide the origin of the book. Those of us in this room will be the only ones who’ll know where it came from.” “Including the foals.” Twilight pointed out. “It’s just a boring book they can’t as yet read, and I’ve every intention to take them back to Equestria as soon as I may. They’ll soon forget about the book, and they’ve the attention span of Rainbow Dash.” Nova offered with a smile, but then she switched back to being serious. “I sent the books anonymously to Gringotts with the suggestion that they place a copy in the vault of anyone suspected of trying to create a philosopher's stone as a sort of an implied warning. The Goblins fought several uprisings, not just for a measure of equality, but because they feared wizards would create philosopher’s stones, and flood the economy with the gold created by it. I suspect they’ll prove a good ally in seeing to it no one else ever attempts to make one.” “You are really serious about this aren’t you?” Twilight said as she took the book bag by the handle. Later when she would open it, she’d see the author listed as I M E Mortal, and tell herself, I sure hope my daughter doesn’t turn out like her. Granted she’d yet to spend any time with Nova when she could just be herself. All Twilight had seen of her was the filly who’d had to grow up way too fast. “Those who gain by the suffering of others are beyond contempt, and if I can curb such behavior by even a little I will.” Nova continued. “You also have to understand that if a creature like Tom Riddle were to gain access to Equestria...” “And me with the means to their gaining unstoppable power right on my shelf,” Twilight said finishing Nova’s thought. Everything was coming into focus, and it was the sort of feeling she often got after coming out of one of her manic obsessive moods. Why had she kept that amulet where any pony, or any other creature, could just walk right in and take it. The thing had survived the destruction of the library tree for Celestia’s sake. “I just can’t understand why I didn’t destroy that stone years ago, now that I think of it?” “I'm to understand it had similar charms as the Blood Moon crown had on it.” Nova offered. “Sombra made that with the end game of turning Princess Luna into one of his drones.” “What?” Twilight asked. This was a tidbit of information she hadn’t known about. “Luna found out what he was up to, and could no longer justify his actions.” Nova offered. “That’s when she went to Celestia.” “And now, I know the rest of the story,” Twilight commented softly. “Scootaloo, I’m sorry, I’ve no business chewing you out either. It was my own bias that led to my not realizing how dangerous that book was in the hooves of an inexperienced magic-user. I simply couldn't bring myself to believe that ghosts could be real. Had I been willing to accept that my assumption might be wrong I’d likely have thought twice about giving you that book.” She let out a sigh. “Celestia knows we intentionally limited how much money you had access to so you couldn't go blowing it all on something like buying your own train for instance.” “We just wanted to give her another chance at life,” Scootaloo explained ignoring the train comment. She knew full well who owned a whole railroad. “We just plowed right into whether or not we could do it without ever once asking if we should.” The memory was difficult for her. “And then I got sick, and they found out about the egg. Having that egg taken, and then thinking Hagrid had made an omelet of it nearly broke me. I’d wake up in a panic in the middle of the night for several weeks to follow. I’d cry, and Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom would climb into bed with me.” Alalme went to her and gave her a wing hug. "Losing an egg isn’t easy. You did get her back though.” “Yes, I did,” Scootaloo replied, dropped back down to her pony form, and went into the bedroom to take over the incubation duties. Later at dinner, they were disappointed to discover Professor Quirrell was on time for dinner, and apparently no worse for wear. On the other hand, they couldn’t know how many shorts the man had been through. 🍽 Quidditch. It was time for the big game, Gryffindor against Hufflepuff. Win this, and they’d pass Slytherin. The cute pink haired Hufflepuff cheerleaders cheered their team on unaware that their team was about to lose in record-breaking time. One of whom was rumored to be a little more than good friends with a tall dark Slytherin girl. Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle was presently swinging about a certain hammer with wild enthusiasm up in the stands with Apple Bloom, and Miss Nova. Princess Nova wasn’t actually there having been replaced by a changeling so Nova could spend some time with the Foals, Luna was working on Nova’s moon amulet, and Twilight was expected. Scootaloo presently sat in a section reserved for the Gryffindor team as a relief chaser. Dumbledore had decided to come out to watch the game himself, and Snape was looking as sour as he ever had. The two had had words when Snape insisted on refereeing the match. Dumbledore didn’t like it anymore then the Gryffindor’s did, but had relented, all be it reluctantly. He’d come out not to watch the game, but to keep an eye on the troublesome pair. Quirrel was the primary concern, but then Snape was a double agent and one could never be quite sure who’s side such a person was on. Heads of house were not supposed to referee quidditch games either. Not to mention that Snape wasn’t exactly qualified to be a Quidditch referee. The teams marched out, the game started, shortly followed by a fight erupting in the stands. Draco Malfoy and Ron Weasley were presently having a go at each other along with Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle piling on top of another boy. Well at least they’re not using wands, thought Dumbledore. Neville Longbottom couldn’t quite explain why he jumped into the fight save to keep the other two boys off Ron and found himself being knocked back down almost immediately. His hands reached out hoping to grab something, anything that might arrest his fall tumbled down, and was just regaining his footing as Crabbe and Goyle jumped down to start pounding on him. The stands erupted in cheers as Harry raced after the snitch, past Snape within inches of colliding with him, and caught the snitch ending the game. Neville’s right hand grasped the handle of Mjolnir. Now for whatever strange reason the enchantment of the hammer had no effect on the ponies. Not so for Mr Longbottom. “What act of darkness is this?” Dumbledore asked in alarm as a bolt of lightning struck the stands where the fight was happening. Students had gone flying, all save Neville who now stood tall and proud holding a great war hammer over his head, his body having instantly grown in stature, muscles on top of muscles, he wore an armored chest plate, and a red cape billowed from his back. “What omen can this be?” It took him but a moment to realize that Professor Quirrell, Snape, and Harry were now gone. He cursed under his breath, and nearly missed the squad of armored pegasi making haste towards the forest. Clearly, there was something going on at his school that he was not privy to, and just how advanced were these pegasi? He’d have to solve the mystery of the pegasi later. Neville needed to be disarmed, and then… Dumbledore began to wonder if perhaps he’d best find Harry first?” ⛅ Nova had been patiently waiting in Luna’s pavilion while Luna worked on repairing the charms of her moon amulet. They were both in pony form, and Nova was laying down forelegs forward and had Goldwine and Alya climbing on her. The amulet itself hung in the air suspended in Luna’s magic, the color shifting every so often, and Luna appeared to be staring off into space while in a sitting position, her eyes glazed over. Twilight had just arrived and waited outside with Alalme, the two looking in. Twilight couldn't help but smile as this was a side of Nova she’d yet to see even in her own foal. “They are climbing all over her, and yet she just sits there and takes it,” Twilight said in a whisper. “She’s a good mother,” Alalme whispered. “Were you as patient?” “Me? She doesn’t get that from me.” Twilight said, and then corrected herself. “Perhaps her Twilight was. I wasn’t a proper mother to Spike at all, and always to busy for my own little foals. Mine and Luna’s. They are with foal sitters right now. This Nova had expressed a desire to spend some time with me when we weren’t otherwise engaged in tracking down and containing that creature. And yet here she is laying there waiting for Luna to finish fiddling with that pendant.” “I’m to understand it has something to do with why Moonie hasn’t been around,” Alalme replied. “Who or what is Moonie anyway?” Twilight asked. “Moonie, I’m to understand, is a magically generated copy of Princess Luna.” Alalme offered. “She is patient, caring, protective, mischievous, and I must confess I find it hard to think of her in terms of being nothing more than a sophisticated copy of the real thing.” Alalme had a smile on her face. “She feels very much like a real pony to me.” Just then Moonie appeared in the space between Luna and Nova. She wasn’t quite solid yet and looked rather like she was an old analog image on a TV screen that had bad reception. Nova sat up sending the foals sprawling behind her. “Almost...” Luna said quietly, and then a moment later Moonie was in full focus. Moonie, who was presently looking more like a young Luna with a white mane and tail than the adult version, bounced over to Princess Luna and gave her a hug. “You’re as much my daughter as Nova is, aren’t you?” Luna replied as she returned the hug. Moonie broke from the hug, bounced over to Nova, and tackled her, followed by the foals tackling her as well. “You’re back, I thought I’d lost you,” Nova said giving Moonie a hug. Tears could be seen in her eyes. “Let's go play in the garden,” Nova suggested, followed by the four trotting out the door oblivious to Twilight’s presence. “Now that’s more like my Nova,” Twilight commented as she watched the four flit about. “That spell has surpassed her original parameters, and is no longer distinguishable from a living being.” Luna offered as she walked over to Twilight. She still held the pendant. “She is also this Nova’s anchor. Kind of how your Smartypants was yours, only more real.” “Smarty is… alright, I get it.” Twilight said feeling a bit protective of Smartypants. “How attached might you have been to Smartypants if the doll could take on the form of a real pony, interact with you, talk with you, really protect you, not just from imagined threats, but real threats, as well as provide comfort when needed?” Luna asked. “Now imagine you are lost in time and dimension and that doll is the one permanent thing in your life.” “That’s… wow.” Twilight said as the implications hit her. Moonie was equal to a sister to Nova in every way. “Princess Luna, Troll Fart is on the move.” Offered a guard approaching quickly. “But it’s the middle of the day?” Twilight asked. “And we haven't the surveys to do the interactive map of the forest yet.” “He snuck away from the game.” The guard offered. “Also the game seems to have ended, Sulky Raven followed, and then the Potter boy followed them.” Luna stood back and armored up. This time she’d two Mini guns each having a small ammo case that’d been spelled to be bigger on the inside. It took hours to fill them. Minutes to empty them and Luna could power the mini guns with magic so that the need for electricity was never an issue. The ammo containers were referred to by the industry as Hollywood magazines. “You know, I think you are enjoying this entirely too much,” Twilight said, and gave Luna a kiss. “I’ll never grow weary of the thrill of the hunt,” Luna offered. “..and overkill is fun.” And with that, she teleported away. “Mom, what’s going on?” Nova asked rushing over to Twilight, and Alalme. “No time – get Scootaloo!” Tia the horse of light commanded popping in, right in front of Nova. “Now?” “Any moment!” Tia exclaimed. Nova was gone in a flash. 🐣 Harry had seen Snape hurrying into the forest and as he was still on his broom it was a simple matter to follow him into the trees from the relative safety of the air. Harry circled about over the treetops and then dropped down to a Beech tree. Snape and Professor Quirrel were arguing, nor did it take Harry long to find out what it was about. They still hadn’t figured out how to get past Fluffy. As unbelievable as that was. Harry nearly laughed out loud and had to clap a hand over his mouth. Nearly every boy in Gryffindor fourth-year and older had penetrated the depths of the vault by now. Professor Quirrel began looking about apprehensively. Harry froze thinking that perhaps he’d heard him. There was another movement in the trees as well. Harry looked about to discover armored pegasi taking up strategic positions around the two wizards. A small black and white pegasus with a blue mane and tail landed in Harry’s tree. “You really should get back to the castle before you get caught in the crossfire.” The pegasus whispered. Harry's eyes widened. Down below Quirrel cussed, popped smoke, and flew away at a blinding speed leaving Snape standing there somewhat confused. This was followed by the forest floor erupting on either side of him in long straight lines going past him accompanied by the sound of thousands of woodpeckers all pecking away at once. And it was loud too. Snape made the mistake of pulling out his wand and was blasted back into the trees by a powerful beam of magic. What Harry saw next was the Queen of Nightmares cruising down through the trees with strange multi-barreled muggle devices held in magic fields to either side of her. Fire erupted from the barrels, trees toppled, the nightmare continued into the forest, and was followed by the pegasi. At this point, he decided to get back to the castle while chanting nope. Elsewhere in the forest three heroes stand at the edge of the crater the hammer had made. “OK, right off hand I’d say it definitely hit here.” Offered a man in red armor. The other two had on tight fitting outfits of red white and blue, one having a red cape, the other having a red and white band around his waist, a star on his chest, and a large round shield that looked like a target with a star in the middle of it. “Well, it’s not here now.” Captain America offered. “I can see that,” Thor replied testily. “It’s not like anyone can just pick up my hammer and walk off with it.” “Well maybe if you weren’t so reckless in flinging that thing around we wouldn't be...” Iron man was saying but stopped as his sensors picked up two objects coming through the forest stupidly fast. “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” Quirrel screamed as he flew past. “What was that?” Cap asked. “Kind of gave me the sense of a wraith, but what could possibly frighten something like that?” Thor asked looking in the direction Quirrel had gone. “His ex?” Ironman offered and then decided doing the same might be a good idea. “Running might be a good idea,” Tony said, started to power up to take off, but found himself caught in Luna’s magic. Luna dropped down a few paces away transformed to her human appearance. “Hello Tony, going somewhere.” “Um guys, a little help?” Tony asked. “That depends, ex-girlfriend?” Cap asked. “Um, well, you see...” Tony started. “Nope, sorry, you’re on your own,” Thor replied. “Tony, you really need to quit ignoring me when I call.” Luna cautioned. “Luna, I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Tony said his thrusters still at full power. “Will you relax, I’ve been married for six years,” Luna informed him. “Oh, hey congratulations…” Tony said backing off on the thrusters. “So um, what was it you wanted?” “War hammer, who’s is it?” Luna asked in a very kind yet alarming tone. All eyes slowly went to Thor. “You see, there was this dragon...” Thor offered rather sheepishly. > Chapter 14: Here there be dragons. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova flew down to the quidditch area where she pretty much ignored the goings-on around Longbottom, found Scootaloo, dove down, and snatched her up by the belt of her team uniform. “I can fly on my own you know?!” Scootaloo protested as the two flew away. “No time!” Nova announced and dropped her in the process. Scootaloo let out a squeak, instinct kicked in, and a moment later there were two pegacorns flying together. “Seriously, what the buck!?” Scootaloo protested. “The egg!” Nova said excitedly. “Egg?” “Egg!” “EGG!!” The two pegacorns speeding away was not missed by Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. The two quickly extracted themselves from the innocent bystanders and ran for the castle. Meanwhile, instructors were ordering Neville to drop the hammer. Not knowing that doing so was generally considered a bad idea he did just that. The hammer crashed through the bench, and down through the stands snapping several supports before hitting the ground where it made a small crater. Neville snapped back to himself, and the grandstand just sort of started to sway back and forth. A mad scramble to get off the stricken stand ensued. Crabbe and Goyle came to there senses, partially at least, and looked about wondering what was going on. “Run, you idiots!” Malfoy shouted from the safety of a neighboring stand. He, Ron, and a few others had been helping others to scramble across the gaps between the stands. “Listen Malfoy, just because your father is a big shot doesn’t mean you get to tell me what to do all the time!” Crabbe shot back, as the stand cleared. “Ya.” Goyle echoed. “Suit yourself then.” Draco offered as the stand started to teeter. “Why do you hang out with them anyway?” Ron asked as the stand started to tilt into the pitch. All animosity had been momentarily forgotten. “You know, I’m really not quite sure.” Draco offered as the stand started to fall. “And they picked a really stupid time to assert themselves.” “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!” Crabbe and Goyle screamed on their way down. ` Scootaloo arrived at the bedroom just in time to see a section of eggshell fall away to reveal a pair of tiny hooves with white legs. Scootaloo moved in, climbed onto the bed, lay down, and started clearing away bits of eggshell. A little ivory freckled head popped up covered in curly sweaty red mane, and a small white horn scarcely protruding from the mane. When more of the back was revealed ivory and gold wings were revealed. Myrtle had a band of gold on her back from the base of her skull to her plot bordered by golden dapples, but her overall color was that of ivory. “So, um...” Scootaloo began as she nuzzled, and cleaned Myrtle with a combination of soft magic, and little kisses. “..you had a milk mother lined up?” “Ahh, be right back,” Nova announced and dashed for the stairs going right past Alalme, Goldwine, and Alya who’d been looking on in excitement. “Nova!” Alalme called. Nova stopped to look back. “I’m still nursing.” “Oh,” Nova said. “But I can't ask you to nurse three foals.” “That’s quite alright. Istel, and Talma will be able to help out once their eggs have hatched.” Alalme offered. “I should go tell them Myrtle has hatched.” Nova offered and dashed downstairs. Alalme smiled, turned, and went into join Scootaloo and Myrtle. Alalme looked Myrtle over checking to make sure Scootaloo did a proper clean up, removed the remainder of the shell and joined Scootaloo and Myrtle on the bed. “You are blessed to live in the world you do.” Alalme offered. “How’s that?” Scootaloo asked. “She’s brightly colored, and a button head.” “It’ll be a while before a proper set of flight feathers come in is what you mean,” Scootaloo replied. “Nova and I were the same.” She told Alalme with a look of bliss on her face. “I always kept my mane up to hide that little button. It didn’t hide so well when the horn started growing. Far too many ponies back home don’t seem to understand that having a horn and wings don’t make a pony a royal pretender.” “Royal pretender?” Alalme asked. “Attitudes of some of the ponies at home can be kind of out there.” Scootaloo offered. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are seen as deities. They are taller than every pony else and have considerably more magic. On top of that, ponies with both wings and a horn are extremely rare.” “They are here as well. Few survive into adulthood.” Alalme offered. “But then ours is a much harder world to live in.” “In my world, it’s ignorance that harms ponies like myself.” While Alalme and Scootaloo discussed the hardships of being labeled an artificial alicorn, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom having thrown caution to the wind are presently galloping through the halls of Hogwarts on all four hooves. Yes, hooves. Had not the majority of the student body been out watching the game and subsequent collapse of one of the viewing stands, our two little ponies might have been in serious trouble. Even so, they realized their mistake when the battle cry, “Ponies in the halls!” began to ring out. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle narrowly dodged several flying glomps from boys and girls alike. “Pig snout!” Apple Bloom called as the two skidded up to the portrait of the fat lady. The portrait swung open, they dove in and found themselves in the midst of a group of excited Gryffindor girls who hadn’t gone to the game but had heard there were ponies in the school. “Oh, horseapples!” “PONIES!!!!” Sweetie Belle immediately teleported away. Which was something being she hadn’t as yet figured out how to do that. Panic, the great motivator. “Sweetie, you bi...” Apple Bloom began, but then Sweetie teleported back, and then teleported them both to the rotunda. “I wouldn't forget you.” Sweetie Belle offered apologetically. “I swear I have never felt closer to death than at that moment.” Apple Bloom replied. They both had to take a moment to calm down. When the two had decided they were calm enough, they went back to check on Myrtle and were delighted at the beautiful little filly. Scootaloo was bottle feeding Myrtle. Sunset Shimmer having anticipated the need had procured donations only just that morning from mothers in Ponyville who were told only that it was for a young pegasus who she anticipated would be in need. As for going down to dinner, it was decided to send a changeling in Scootaloo’s place. No pony was going to ask her to walk away from that cute baby so soon, and Scootaloo would be provided for from the in house kitchens that provided for the pegasi guard force. “She’s beautiful.” Sweetie offered once the shock of seeing Scootaloo in a much more mature light then she was accustomed had faded. “You don’t mind if I give her a new name do you?” Scootaloo offered. “What did you have in mind?” Apple Bloom asked. “I mean, it’s going to be difficult to think of her in any terms other than as Myrtle.” “Rose, I want to call her Rose.” Scootaloo offered. “She can be Rose Myrtle, which is a good pony name, and she is a pony now.” “Which is a good thing,” Sunset said from the doorway of the bedroom. She had a smile. “Otherwise this would be even more awkward then it already is. Sure would be nice if there’d been a boy involved.” Sunset didn’t really have a lot of room to talk, but then at least these girls would have a lot more support than she ever had. Sunset could only wonder what life would have been like if she’d had swallowed her pride and gone back to Celestia when she needed her the most. Pride had always been her downfall. As for the crusaders, their undoing would ever stem from a desire to help others combined with a heaping helping of a lack of caution. When Nova, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and let's say Louise number 2 went down to the Gryffindor common room there was a lot of chatter about everything that had happened that day. “Ponies here, in the common room?” Nova asked one of the older girls and then added that it had to be a prank. Of course, she suspected otherwise and gave Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle a dirty look as they went out the door ignoring the suspicious looks of the girls who’d clearly heard the brightly colored Shetland pony use the name Sweetie in Apple Bloom's voice. “Oh right, and who was it who swooped down, and snatched up Scootaloo.” Apple bloom hissed. “There is a unicorn killer on the loose,” Nova informed the two. They froze in the hall. They’d never heard the full story. “We haven't actually caught him in the act, but we’ve a good idea who’s doing it. Apple Bloom, about all you have to worry about, is getting snuggled to death by the girls.” “Ahhh….” Apple Bloom started but wasn’t sure she knew quite what to say. She had definitely seen that predatory look in the eyes of the girls in the common room. “OK, point taken.” “So if I was found out?” Sweetie Belle asked. “We don’t really know why they are doing it.” Nova offered. “We do have a theory but it’s kind of a stretch.” Nova took a moment before continuing. “Claiming you are Animagus or telling them you are a Metamorphmagi may not be enough to insulate you.” As more Gryffindors began to file out of the common room, the four decide it’d be best to keep quiet about their activities and anything concerning things the majority of the student body need not know about. When they arrived in the great hall, they found there was a large gathering of students and faculty. In the middle of it was Princess Luna and three men. Being somewhat on the short side they’d no idea who was in the center of the crowd. Nova pushed through to see who it was and discovered Luna talking with a rather unlikely group of individuals. They weren’t wizards, but they weren’t muggles either. “Um, Muma?” Nova asked as she made her way through the last ring of people. Nova looked at them feeling like she should know who they were. “Nova, I thought you might show up right about now,” Luna said beckoning Nova to her. “I’d like you to meet an old friend of mine.” “Um, hi.” offered the man in the red suit of armor with no apparent helmet. “She’s kind of old for, what was it…?” “It’s complicated.” Luna offered. “Nova, this is an old friend of mine, Tony Stark, and with him are Steve Rodgers, and Thor Odinsson. “Hi,” Nova said. “So, can I get my hammer back?” Thor asked. “Sweetie Belle, you still have that hammer Pinkie found?” Nova asked. “I think I left it out at the quidditch stand.” Sweetie offered. “Neville had it last, we’ll have to ask him.” Apple Bloom informed them. “So that was yours then?” Professor Dumbledore asked looking at Thor critically. “I’m Thor… you know, the whole god of thunder thing. And what do you mean by he had it last?” He gave the girls a puzzled look. “Oh, you’re a god, I’d no idea,” Dumbledore replied sounding just a bit bemused. “From Asgard.” Thor offered. “I’m sorry about the hole in the forest, and I’m to understand there...” Luna was looking him right in the eye. He got the message to shut up about what she’d told him about operatives in the forest. “He was chasing down a rogue dragon.” Mr Rogers offered. "We were just helping him retrieve his hammer." “A Norwegian Ridgeback.” Thor offered. “I kind of lost track of the hammer over your forest.” “I see,” Dumbledore replied. “It’s a very powerful magical artifact. “It was made by Sindri of Niðavellir in the mountain kingdoms of the dwarfs of old.” Thor offered. “Not goblin made?” Dumbledore asked. “By thunder, no.” Thor protested. “Well, I’m afraid it’s at the bottom of a pile of rubble.” Dumbledore offered. Which is still being cleared. A viewing stand collapsed, two boys were injured, and we are missing a member of the faculty.” “If you’re talking about Professor Snape I saw him out in the forest. I’m sure he’ll be along sooner or later… provided nothing got him while he was out there.” Luna offered with a rather guilty smile. “Well then, that’s everyone accounted for,” Dumbledore remarked. “Muma, why don’t we show these gentlemen to the quidditch stands so they can retrieve Mr Odinsson’s hammer.” Nova offered taking hold of Thor’s hand. He’d caught sight of Professor Quirrell and was looking at him like he was set to throw down with the wreck of a man at any moment. “Yes, that might be a good idea.” Luna offered, maneuvered to Thor’s other side, and the two escorted him out the door followed by the other two men. “Remarkable,” Dumbledore said as they left. “The man with the round shield, Mr Rogers, he looks remarkably like a man who was part of a mixed task force that fought in the war against the Wizard known as the Red Skull. He was called Captain America.” “I’d have taken them for muggles if not for Mrs Moon.” Flitwick offered. 🎯 Nova returned a short time later and took up her place at the Gryffindor table. Dumbledore stood up, said a few things, took five points away from each individual involved in the fight, and then rewarded ten points each to Ron and Draco for their ability to put differences aside, and decisive thinking which helped to clear the damaged viewing stand before it collapsed. Though it was a pity about the two boys who proved too stubborn to be helped. He also found the need to tell everyone that if ponies are spotted in the building, students are not to chase them, as it will only make things worse. Snape came shuffling in just as Dumbledore had finished, apologized for his tardiness, and sat down. Snape was looking somewhat disheveled as well. His robe was dirty and his normally straight black hair was anything but straight. There was a stick in his hair as well, leading to whispers suggesting the stick had migrated from its usual location. “What happened to him?” Ron asked. “I saw him go out into the forest.” Harry offered. “And?” the twins asked. “He got blasted by a Nightmare,” Harry informed them. “A Nightmare with Gatling guns of some sort.” “Oh, get off!” Ron protested. “A Nightmare with Gatling guns my foot.” “They’re called Miniguns.” Louise2 offered. “Now Louise, didn’t we tell you to be careful about what you tell people?” Nova reminded her. “Oh, sorry. - You are absolutely right Ron, it is get off.” Louise2 replied. “I don’t suppose you want to tell me what the real Louise is doing?” whispered Hermione. “Don’t know what you are talking about?” Apple Bloom offered. Meanwhile, Seamus Finnigan was going on about Avengers, and how can you people not know who Thor is? “Is he some kind of famous dragon hunter?” Nova asked. “Dragon hunter?” Seamus asked in astonishment. “He’s the God of Thunder.” “I thought I was the god of thunder?” Nova asked. “No, you’re the God of tsundere.” Apple Bloom teased. “Am not.” Nova protested with a pout on her face. “The tsundere is strong with this one.” Sweetie Belle teased. “What’s tsundere?” Hermione asked. “Someone who seems cold, distant, and can even be hostile if their personal space is invaded, but is actually a warm caring individual once you get to know them.” Sweetie Belle offered. “Do I seem cold and distant?” Nova asked. “You do, kind of.” Idda Peverell offered. “You’ve warmed up since you got here.” “I’ve moved around a lot.” Nova offered. “It’s always hard to leave those I care about behind.” Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom gave Nova a hug. “Well if it helps, those two bonehead teachers of ours still don’t know how to get past Fluffy.” Harry offered. “Seriously?” Apple Bloom asked with a big grin. Fluffy had been replaced with a first-class illusion created by Lady Aiko several weeks prior, for the benefit and safety of both dog and students. Anyone other then the intended targets would just get slobbered on. The Troll was also replaced with an illusion along with other adjustments to prevent students from getting injured once it had been discovered that the only detection charms had been on the mirror itself. “What do we have to do, replace Fluffy with a kitten?” “At this point, I doubt they’d be able to get past that.” Nova lamented. 🍻 Meanwhile, at a local bar known as the Hog’s Head, Luna is presently sitting at the bar talking to a man who’s looks were hard to define. He is of average build, short black hair slicked back, and a long thin black mustache that blended down into a well-manicured beard. He wore black trousers, and an immaculately tailored black jacket with a white lapel, under which was a white shirt with a large oversized collar fastened in front with a black bow tie. At first glance, one might mistake him for a muggle, but to do so would be a grave mistake. “So where’s my bug spray?” Luna asked. “I’m afraid I’m having some difficulties on that bug spray.” He said. “Seems the customs agents don’t think napalm counts as bug spray.” “Bet they’d change their mind soon enough if they saw the spiders I want to spray with it,” Luna said with a smile. “Oh don’t tempt me.” He replied with a smile. “Not to but in, but what’s napalm?” The bartender asked. “A highly flammable sticky jelly.” Luna offered. “To kill spiders?” The bartender asked. “I’ve a mind to burn out the acromantula colony in the forbidden forest.” Luna offered. “Acromantulas?” he asked horrified at the idea there could be a colony of the giant spiders so close. “Hundreds of them, some as big as a shed, and they’ve been venturing into what you’d call muggle areas.” Luna offered. “They are a non-native invasive species, they are dangerous, and they’ve got to go.” “Hundreds?!” he said with a squeak and dropped the glass he’d been polishing. “Wizards can use wards to keep them out, but by not taking proactive measures, people outside the wizarding community are being affected. Are there no foresters, or game wardens who keep an eye on the health and well being of that forest?” Luna inquired. “Just Hagrid.” “I wouldn't be a bit surprised if that dull-witted buffoon was responsible.” Offered the man in black. “Hagrid is a good groundskeeper.” The bartender offered. “Who is, I’m to understand, doing a job that was once done by a large team of wizards and witches who actually graduated.” Luna pointed out. “And yes, he’s a good sort, very likable.” “I sense a but in there.” The bartender commented. “He’s got some judgment issues.” Luna offered. “The Master here is at least partially right. Hagrid did release an acromantula when he was a student at Hogwarts. Granted it takes more than one to establish a colony. However, that spider had been suspected of killing a girl, and the release of that creature prevented the Aurors from confirming whether or not the spider was responsible. Had Hagrid not released that spider, the investigation would have turned to one Tom Riddle, and it was Tom who would become Voldemort.” The barkeep and the handful of others in the bar looked at her in horror. “So you see, by one selfish act a murderer went on to kill again, and again, and… well, I don’t really need to tell you now do I? Oh, how the purebloods flocked to him, and he with a muggle father.” “You shouldn't be saying stuff like that!” A wizard shouted standing so fast that his chair toppled. He pulled out his wand, and then to his perplexion found he was now pointing his wand at his own head. “Such fools these mortals be.” The Master said, and chuckled. “Princess, you know, you could rule this world.” “If I ruled this world I’d have to govern it,” Luna replied. “No thank you. I’ve more than enough to keep me busy.” “What about him?” The master asked referring to the man now staring down the business end of his own wand. “Oh, that’s not my doing. Surely you didn’t think I’d come here without a shadow or three to watch my back?” “Don’t you trust me?” The Master asked in feigned hurt, sounding a bit like Discord. “You? Of course, I can trust you. I can trust you because I know what to expect from you. You are a businessman who’d like nothing more than to get one over on Mr Fixed Point in Time.” He started laughing. “True, too true.” 🌌 Elsewhere, Captain Hoofstrong has given Rodgers a lift so that he wouldn't have to hoof it all the way back to their pick up point. Tony Stark -Iron Man was with them with his helmet back on, but Thor had gone on ahead. “This is sweet, sure you don’t want to partner up?” Captain Rodgers offered from the back of the large pegasus. “My duty is to my Princess.” Hoofstrong offered as Stark dropped down to get a better look at something in the forest. “I wouldn’t get too close!” Hoofstrong called after him. There were several flashes of bright light a moment later. Iron Man came rocketing back up covered in sticky gray netting of some sort. “Can’t say I didn’t warn you.” “What the absolute heck!” Stark said as he rejoined them. “Heck?” Hoofstrong asked. “The big boy scout doesn’t like it when I swear.” Stark offered. Rodgers just rolled his eyes. “I’ve a princess who swears like a longshore teamster, and can kick plot to back it up.” Hoofstrong offered. “We aren’t talking about Princess Luna, because I don’t recall her using a lot of bad language?” Iron Man asked. “The little one, her daughter. She’s been through some rough stuff. Displaced in time I'm to understand.” Hoofstrong replied. “So, what do you think of our little spider problem.” “F***!!! - Little he says?! - Those are the biggest F’ing sons of Bytches I’ve ever F’ing seen!!!” Iron Man exclaimed. “Hang on, the bug spray thing in the news!” “Wait a moment, that report about a seizure of napalm marked as bug spray, that was you guys?” Captain America asked. “Just how big are these spiders?” “Oh, I’d say about the size of a Sherman tank. To use a point of reference you’ll understand.” Stark offered. “There was one that looked like it was bigger than a King Tiger.” “No. - There is no way.” Rodgers protested. “We’re clear of the forest.” Hoofstrong offered. “I see some military personnel, I’ll drop you with them, and I’m curious about what they are doing.” Hoofstrong set down a short distance away from the farm and transformed back to his human form resulting in Steve Rodgers riding on his shoulders. “You think you could perhaps set me down now?” Rodgers asked as Hoofstrong jogged around to the farm. What they found were some rather unfriendly men and women in camouflage BDUs and light blue berets on which was a cap badge of a globe with wings stretching out and under the globe the word UNIT. “Don’t move!” One of the soldiers shouted as a number of guns were pointed their way. “Is this how Brits greet everyone, and where’d Mr Stark go?” Hoofstrong asked. “I’m to understand those blue berets are United Nations." Rodgers offered. “Names Hoofstrong, and I’m with the Eques corporation.” Hoofstrong offered. “And this is Steve Rodgers.” “Why are you wearing uniforms?” Demanded a woman. “I’m private security, and he’s Captain America.” Hoofstrong offered. “I’m going to get down now, try not to shoot us.” Rodgers offered. He slowly dropped down to stand on his own two legs, and then slowly stepped up to the left of Hoofstrong. “Alright, who are you, and what are you doing here?” Demanded a dark-complected officer as she approached. “And you are?” Rogers asked. “I’m Brigadier Bambera. - Who are you?” “I’m Captain America.” “A likely story.” The Brigadier cut in. “I believe that is who he is.” Hoofstrong offered. “And who are you, is that some kind of uniform, you aren’t the person supplying weapons to the ranchers around here are you?” The Brigadier asked in an accusing manner. “I’m with the Eques Corporation. I’m with the private security unit of the Eques Corporation. We sell supplies for horses.” “That’s not a denial.” The Brigadier shot back. “We’ve sold nothing that’s illegal.” Hoofstrong countered. “Explain this!” She then produced a long arrow with a canister at the end where the tip would be. “And explain the ballista at the top of the silo.” “One, it’s not illegal to have, and two, there have been a lot of attacks on the local livestock by stray dogs. The canister has a repellent, and the ballista just makes it faster to get the repellent to where the dogs are.” “Repellent, for dogs? - I doubt that.” Offered a funny little man coming out to them. He had on an off white pork pie hat, a brown jacket, and a sweater that was covered in question marks. “It’s the Riddler.” Captain America said on seeing the man. “The who?” Hoofstrong asked. “The Riddler isn’t even part of your franchise.” “I’m the Doctor. I am not the Riddler, nor The Who. And the rest of you, put those guns down before you shoot someone.” “Doctor?” Hoofstrong asked. “How do I know you are who you say you are?” “You know this Doctor?” Captain America asked. “The Doctor I knew had white hair, and always dressed impeccably. I did meet him again recently, but he’d really let himself go. His hair had gone from white to brown, and it was all spiky. He’d taken to wearing pinstripes as well.” “Pinstripes? Oh, dear,” The doctor said. “Well, I don’t know how I’m to prove I’m Who to you.” He rummaged around in a pocket and produced a small white paper bag. “Jelly Baby?” “Don’t mind if I do,” Hoofstrong replied and took one of the offered sweets trying it. “Just like what the Doctor ordered from Sugar Cube corner. I guess that is you. A word in private, just you and me?” “Now hold on Doctor, you aren’t going to trust him are you?” The Brigadier cautioned. “Seems like a reasonable sort. I don’t see why not?” The Doctor offered. The two walked a short distance away. “Doctor, it’s a bit of a mess here. And no, that’s not dog repellent in that canister, it's spider spray. Specifically formulated for one especially nasty large spider.” “Spider?” “Ranging in size of a small cab to a lorry, and no, they are not native. Also, I can’t tell your friends about it thanks to British law.” Hoofstrong offered. “There’s a rather serious schism within the government of the United Kingdom, and only one side even knows about it.” “Why ever for.” “There is in this world as in mine individuals who have abilities that are for lack of a better explanation, magic. Persecution of those who have these abilities by those who have not, forced a large segment of this world's society to go underground, figuratively speaking of course. Beyond the hedgerow on the other side of the field is a forest. It’s a nature reserve set up in the tenth century, and it is so secret, that the majority of the people on this planet don’t have a clue it’s there. The very laws of this land prevent me from openly acknowledging any issue derived from the magical community to individuals not part of that community.” “So why tell me? Aren’t you breaking that very law right now by telling me this?” “Equestrians never agreed to the secrecy accords, and there is nothing that says that I, as an alien, can’t tell you, as an alien, anything I want.” “There is always a loophole, isn’t there.” The Doctor replied with a wry grin. “The branch of the government that manages that reserve are their own separate government answerable no one else.” “No one?” “They’ll report to the Prime Minister when horse apples hit the fan, but that’s about it so far as I know.” Hoofstrong offered with a resigned air. “But to make a long story short, rather then go through endless bureaucracy we decided to take matters into our own hands.” “Hooves don’t you mean?” “Well, that too.” “So how is it Equestrians even got involved?” “Private school, a couple of princesses in the school, and the local pegasi population are Equestrians.” “The local pegasi are Equestrians?” “The Unicorns are native. Dumb as rocks too.” “So there are still Scottish Unicorns left.” The Doctor had to remind himself that there were two types of unicorns involved, one that had created an advanced society, and the other not having even hit the stone age yet. “Possibly why the reserve was set up in the first place. There are some really nice perception filters around it too. What started our involvement with the forest is a poacher killing the unicorns. I try to tell myself they are just dumb animals, but visually there isn’t a big difference between the Scottish Unicorn and the Equestrian Unicorn. That and just the fact that it’s happening makes it a concern, plus there’s a portal involved.” Hoofstrong contemplated for a moment if he should say more, and decided it might be for the better. “Something else, perhaps you might know why our poacher is sucking the blood from his victims?” “Sucking the blood?” “That’s all they are doing. They kill the unicorn and drink the blood. It’s such a waste of life too, what with what these wizard types are capable of, the killer could just immobilize their victim, take some blood, and let the unicorn go, but no, they run their victim half to death and then kill them.” Captain Hoofstrong had to take a deep breath. “The only thing I can think of is it would sustain a person who is neither dead nor alive. They’d be a walking dead man. Not just taking the blood, but draining the very life force so that they could pass themselves off as human. Without it, their true state would soon become far too apparent.” “We’re hoping to deal with him first, but it’s a matter of drawing him out in the open, and getting him cornered. He can fly, and move fast. Once we’ve done that, we were planning on roasting those spiders.” “He?” “At one point in time, he used to be a man.” “And you were going to drop those napalm canisters yourselves I suppose?” “And why not?” “You’ll get fried, extra crispy KFC. That’s why not.” “We were going to drop them from our maximum altitude, and then fly away as fast as we could.” “Still seems mighty iffy to me. The heat those things produce is over 2,700 degrees Celsius. And it pulls all the oxygen out of the air. You can boil rivers with the stuff.” “Well then we are in a bit of a fix, aren’t we,” Hoofstrong said, and even as he was saying it, a patrol was coming in accompanied by Ironman. They’d encountered the spiders. Nova, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle knew little of the schemings of their elders and had plenty of other things to occupy their minds. Istel and Talma’s fillies hatched a week after Rose and were named Laire Oighrig, and Sorcha Raoghnailt. Laire was a chestnut paint like her mother, and Sorcha was white and gray. If keeping an eye on two fillies was difficult, keeping an eye on five was an even bigger challenge. Watching Rose Myrtle was even more nerve-wracking as it required unicorns to snatch hold of her with their magic every time she tried to fly. As far as Rose was concerned, the other foals could fly, she had wings, and therefore she too must be able to fly. “Ugh,” Scootaloo said as they went into Transfigurations. “When is she going to understand that she can’t fly? Was I like that I wonder?” “Considering where we live and how often we managed to get hurt, I’d say it’s a good possibility.” Apple Bloom offered as they sat down at their seats. “At least I don’t have to worry about Goldwine falling to his doom. Crashing maybe, falling no.” Nova offered. “Talking about your little siblings back at home?” Lavender Brown asked with a smile. The inquiry was friendly enough and seemed genuinely interested. She was a pretty girl with long curly hair. She had also been the first to be sorted into Gryffindor that year. “To hear them talk a person might think they were going on about their own children.” Hermione quipped as she took her seat. “Are we that bad?” Nova asked. “Every time you think no one is paying attention.” Ron bemoaned. “I actually look forward to Classes with the Slytherin’s, it’s the only time you shut up.” “Proof they trust us enough to talk within earshot of us.” Lavender offered. “Can’t say I blame them for being on guard around the Slytherins either. That and I’m more inclined to think they are talking about pegasi babies.” “What makes you say that?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Rose can’t fly.” Lavender offered. “That wouldn't be an issue if you were talking about a sibling, not unless being able to fly is common for people in your families.” “Well no, it’s not.” Apple Bloom replied. “I’m also betting Rose is that egg you had,” Lavender added. “You knew?” Hermione asked, her voice accusatory. “All the first-year girls knew,” Lavender informed her. “I thought it was hurting her,” Hermione replied in her defense. “I guess I hurt her far worse.” “Seats, please,” Professor McGonagall said as she entered the room. “Today we’ll be turning Beatles into buttons.” John, Paul, Georg, and Ringo weren't too sure they were ready. 🎺🎩🎸🥁 Over the next few weeks, Hermione spent more and more time with Harry and Ron. She knew now where she’d gone wrong. She’d looked over her notes on the spell, and the spell required a pegasus. Not someone who could turn into a pegasus, but an actual pegasus. She’d assumed Louise was an Animagus who turned into a pegacorn. She was beginning to have doubts that suggested the other way around was true. If she’d really cared she’d have not helped them figure out that spell in the first place. And when it came right down to it, she only told about the egg because she feared the reprisal that would have eventually happened. Once she’d agreed to help, it’d become a lose-lose situation, and she’d had the ability to put a stop to the experiment before it went too far. She hadn’t. Hermione had realized that her friendship might not be so strained if she’d chosen to support the girls rather then betray them. They’d gotten in trouble for something they hadn’t done, and she’d been praised when she hadn’t told the whole truth. When she discovered Hagrid had a dragon egg she was torn. She’d even been horrified at first as she’d assumed he’d gotten his hands on a pegasus egg, and was roasting it. Finding out it was a dragon egg had been a relief at first. But unlike pegasi, having a dragon was illegal and could land a person in Azkaban. She couldn't tell anyone, no she couldn't repeat her last mistake, but a dragon wasn’t a pegasus. Hagrid could not keep it. 🐉 The first Nova, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle knew anything about a baby dragon it was May, and they were up to their eyeballs in pegasi foals thanks to their interaction with the Hogwarts herd. Ron was in the infirmary with a swollen hand and a high fever, and Alalme had earned her cutie mark in taking care of pegasi foals owing to the local pegasi taking their foals to them so they could get out and forage without having to keep an eye on their little ones. Nova, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo had been wondering why they hadn’t seen Ron in class and decided to go pay him a visit after dinner having seen the condition his hand was in earlier the day before. “It’s just a little dog bite.” Ron offered. Madam Pomfrey looked worried. She’d tried all the dog bite, and infection cures she could think of and was presently administering a series of tests that would identify the culprit of the infection, and or venom. She was leaning towards venom by this point. “Dog bite my fat Aunt Fanny.” Nova accused. "Madam Pomfrey would never have let a dog bite get so bad." “No really, it’s just a dog bite.” “Ya, no. You can't-fool me, my sister is the Element of honesty.” Apple Bloom stated. “What bit you?” “There isn’t a dog this side of Tartarus that could have caused an infection like that.” Sweetie Belle added. “Ron, you can tell us the truth, or...” Nova began, but the answer was right on the top of Ron’s mind. She hadn’t meant to read his mind, but he seemed so determined that no one fond out that it was all he could think of to the point of broadcasting his guilt. “Fine, have it your way. Go on, and die from a venomous lizard bite, or whatever that thing was.” All Nova was getting was images, and what she was seeing simply hadn’t registered as anything other than a large winged lizard. At least that’s how she perceived it at first. Had Ron found a wild Fire Lizard? “Ron, dying is not a better option than getting in trouble for doing something stupid.” Scootaloo implored. “No, really it was a dog… Lizard?” Ron insisted. “Who said anything about a lizard… what are you doing?” Nova had begun to form a foxfire screen to get a better look at what the culprit was. “You’re insisting on doing this the hard way, the hard way it is.” A mist began to form about her feet spiraling up, and her ears and face began to take on some very fox-like features. Ron’s eyes grew wide. Was he hallucinating? He must be because the other girls weren’t reacting at all. They did take a few steps back from him. Madam Pomfrey looked on in fascination. This was a form of magic she had no knowledge of, and her tests had just shown her the infection stemmed from the venomous bite of some creature. Ron felt a warm tingling sensation as Nova’s venom cleansing spell washed over him. When you live and work in close proximity to the Everfree forest you learn some spells for cleansing venom from someone, and Nova had a good one that relied on her kitsune heritage. Ron dropped back down, the magic faded, and Nova stepped back a couple paces to find herself being braced up by Madam Pomfrey. It was a spell of last resort, and the greater the spread of poison, the greater the toll on herself. Her features slowly returned to that of a human girl. “What spell was that?” Madam Pomfrey asked. “An anti-venom spell.” Nova offered. “It tends to make me a little dizzy.” “I get this feeling it’s not one you can teach.” Madam Pomfrey remarked. “Afraid not. It’s kitsune magic. I’ve kitsune ancestors.” Nova offered. “It’s powerful magic but it takes centuries to master. I’m lucky I can do that spell at all. Hopefully, you’ll be able to undo the damage now.” “Centuries?” Ron asked. He felt groggy, but he had to admit that he was feeling better. “Yes, and depending on how much of that heritage I’ve got in my blood, I could potentially live well beyond the longest-lived wizard.” Nova offered, and then a bit of information collated in her head. “A baby Norwegian Ridgeback? That’s it isn’t it?” A look of panic washed over Ron’s face telling everyone gathered that Nova had hit on the correct answer. "Bing Bong!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “Some idiot stole a baby, that’s why Thor had to chase down that dragon,” Nova added as more of the pieces began to fit. “Look, I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Ron pleaded. “No, I don’t imagine you would, though you can’t deny having come into contact with a baby Ridgeback.” Madam Pomfrey said. "Still, a half a truth is better than dying to avoid getting in trouble for foolishness.” She then went to her potions that were kept handy, retrieved one, and brought it over to him. “This will speed up the healing process.” “What’s it taste like?” Ron asked. “Oh, it’s about as nasty as everything our Potion’s Master makes.” Madam Pomfrey offered. “And if you don’t drink it, we’ll make you drink it.” Apple Bloom informed him. “One way, or another,” Scootaloo emphasized with a rather sinister smile. Ron took the vial hesitantly. “Best not to smell it.” Madam Pomfrey cautioned. He gave her a pleading look. “Well if you had owned up to what bit you, we could have given you something far less nasty. Drink it up fast, it won’t be so bad if you don’t let it linger.” They all watched as Ron drank the contents as quickly as he could. “God, that taste like Percy’s dirty socks,” Ron said when he’d finished. “Oddly specific?” Sweetie Belle mused with a smile. “My guess is the twins have shoved dirty socks in his mouth.” Apple Bloom offered. “And he’s asleep,” Nova announced. Ron was sitting while breathing softly. “Is he supposed to be asleep?” “Are you sure it was a baby dragon that bit him?” Madam Pomfrey asked. “Try not to take this the wrong way.” Nova began cautiously. “I can read minds. Sometimes whether I want to or not. I don’t know for a fact it was a baby Norwegian Ridgeback that bit him. All I can tell you is that’s what he believes. He also seems to be protecting someone, though I could probably take a guess as to who." The fillies had no love for Hagrid. "As for my ability, I was born with it, and had to learn how not to use it.” “I see.” Madam Pomfrey replied. “Can you, well, to put it mildly, make people do things?” “I can’t make people do things they don’t want to do. I can put suggestions into people’s heads. Make an annoying person go away, tell storm troopers these are not the droids they are looking for, but the suggestions do wear off. Which can be disastrous if I’m counting on someone. Help of any kind has to come willingly.” “So then you never did anything to me.” Madam Pomfrey remarked. “I didn’t really need to. Not once we’d shown you the info we had on Harry.” “No, I suppose not.” Madam Pomfrey said on thinking about it. “Now, it’s getting late, and you should probably get back to your dorm.” “We’d best take the short cut.” Apple Bloom offered. The others agreed and went into one of the private rooms only moments before Dumbledore entered the infirmary. “Madam Pomfrey, perhaps you may want to check for venom of some kind.” Dumbledore offered. “Hagrid seems to be secreting away a new pet in his hut.” “Already one step ahead of you, and right now we are leaning heavily towards Norwegian Ridgeback.” “Considering Hagrid’s track record, I can’t help but think that the first years might best be banned from his hut.” “I’ll have a word with him in the morning.” Dumbledore offered, sounding disappointed. “A Norwegian Ridgeback? It would have to be a Ridgeback, wouldn't it? I made some inquiries and found out that someone took an egg. The mother tracked that egg across muggle areas at which time that Thor person was forced to put it down. That’s when he lost track of his artifact. It went down in the forest, and there is a sizable crater where it hit. What I can learn of this Thor person seems to be steeped in ancient lore, and deemed godlike even among wizardkind. That such a being as that would make an appearance now concerns me deeply.” “You don’t say.” Madam Pomfrey offered in a deadpan tone. “I saw what just dropping that hammer onto a bench can do.” “There’d been a number of ponies, pegasi, out there as well. Out at the crater site.” “Likely curious about the lightning strike.” “Picked up the hammer, and brought it back here.” “You think that’s likely how it made its way to Neville Longbottom?” “He told me that Sweetie Belle had brought it out to the grandstand.” Dumbledore offered. “During that same incident, I saw a flock of pegasi in armor of some sort, well-made armor, flying from the school out to the forest. And they were in formation without the aid of riders. I also saw that Black and white pegacorn come fetch Miss Louise Magnus by the belt, hoisted her up into the air, dropped her, at which time Louise transformed into the very same pegacorn that had been injured by a runaway bludger.” “Are you suggesting Miss Louise is a pegacorn?” “A pegacorn who can turn into a human? God, I hope not, otherwise, we’ve done her a terrible injustice. Being able to turn into one, however unlikely as that may seem, is our other option. I’m also concerned that we aren’t seeing any more foals. The pegasi seem to be keeping them hidden.” “So, we are faced with the possibility that one of the students may be a pegacorn, of which we know very little of because they are so rare, or that Miss Louise is an Animagus who can turn into one of the rearrest creatures known to wizardkind. Add to that, our mishandling of that egg.” “There were also reports of a unicorn yearling and a bright pastel yellow Shetland pony with a red mane and tail running through the halls. Oh and that unicorn had purple and pink mane just like one of our first-year Gryffindors.” “So now three students are ponies?” “Maybe four, perhaps?” “Now who might that be I wonder?” Madam Pomfrey asked thinking she knew who he was about to suggest. She was also ready to shoot him down. “Miss Nova Moon.” “Well unless she can manage more than one transformation you’d be wrong.” Madam Pomfrey had already guessed that Nova must have two transformations. Just seeing her picture in the old file had been shocking enough. And then there'd been the revelation about where the egg had actually come from, and that really was Louise's egg, plus the golden pony of light. Everything she knew was causing her to question Dumbledor's judgment. “Pardon?” “I looked up her medical file, she has a blood curse and turns into a fox. She also seems to be ninety-nine years old. Care to elaborate?” “It would seem she passed through a portal through time.” Dumbledore offered. “Madam Marchbanks has confirmed that she is indeed the student she had the pleasure of teaching. And before you say anything she needs to have taken her exams before I can move her up.” “Because doing otherwise would invite too much scrutiny from the ministry, wouldn't it?” “Why Madam Pomfrey, whatever are you getting at?” “Now Professor Dumbledore, surely you aren’t going to deny that you are playing a very dangerous game, are you? And I know that he’s here as well.” “He?” “You know who.” Her statement rang like a death bell. “And you’ll find the pegasi are a lot smarter then you could possibly imagine. You knew that he’d come after Potter the moment he resurfaced. You kept the boy where you could keep him close by, condemned an innocent man without a trial, so he wouldn't get custody of the Potter boy. Brought Harry back here, and then you brought the stone here as a secondary lure. Only it’s not working. This grand scheme of yours. Has he seen through your traps, is he waiting for some reason I can’t guess, What could it be? Maybe in his diminished state, he can’t get past Fluffy?” Dumbledore was stunned. “Students haven't exactly stayed out of that corridor. Meanwhile, he’s been going out into the forest killing unicorns, which has gotten the pegasi riled up.” “How do you know all this?” “Princess Luna Moon of Eques has been keeping tabs on things. How do you think she managed to show up so conveniently when those three men wandered in? Everything is ready to blow up right in your face. You know who is at your door, and there is an army in your attic you have no control over. Who’s move is it I wonder?” Dumbledore just stood there at a total loss. Somewhere during all his strategy, he’d gone from chess master to pawn. Nova had napped for a while in the pony pile that was quickly becoming her family and feeling restless decided to shift Goldwine over and got up. She and the Crusaders were right in there with Hermione when it came to studying, though they did most of their studying behind closed doors while their doubles covered for them. They wanted to do more than just pass, they wanted to impress upon the testers that they were deserving of being bumped up a couple of years. Nova went out to check on the night shift and found Ensign Loki and Princess Twilight of all ponies. “Late Saturday night rendezvous?” Nova teased. “We’ve got activity tonight.” Loki offered, ignoring the dig. “Activity?” “Harry Potter and Hermione are at the top of the Astronomy Tower.” Loki offered. “Aren’t they a bit young to be sneaking around like that?” Nova asked. “Aren’t you a bit young to be setting up a family?” Loki quipped. “According to my medical file, I’m ninety-nine years old.” Nova pointed out. “Still a pup.” Loki countered. “So says the one-tailed Tenko.” Nova teased in reference to his being part of a group who’d wound up being banished along with Nightmare Moon. The very same group that was presently assigned to keep an eye on her. “So what else do you have?” “Neville Longbottom is in a corridor on his way to being caught out of dorm at night.” Twilight offered. “Where is he?” Nova asked. Twilight pointed out his location on the map. “I’m feeling restless, think I’ll go get him myself.” “Not going to send Phenik?” Twilight asked. “Send Phenik? I might as well fire a flare down the corridor.” Nova replied, picked up an earpiece in her magic, shrunk down to her fox form, shrunk the earpiece to fit her ear, and teleported away. Neville spun in place at the sound of a loud snap nearby, felt the impact of an animal hit his gut, his feet going off the ground, the cold nothingness of between, followed by landing on his bed with a girl on top him. “Hi Neville, you’re sure up late.” Nova teased. “What, who, how?” Neville squawked. “A girl, Miss Nova, girls can climb the stairs, and don’t ask why just accept it.” His roommate supplied with a note of caution. “Hush… it’s just a dream.” Nova offered in a breathy voice, and began to hum, followed by singing. “Come, little children, I’ll take thee away, into a land of enchantment. Come, little children, the time's come to play here in my garden of shadow...” Nova knew the song well having grown up listening to it. The boys drifted off to sleep and would remember nothing of what happened the night before. “Got four bogies headed for the Astronomy tower.” Loki offered over the radio. Nova transformed back into a fox and flew out a window. “Let's see what’s going on before we make any contact,” Nova suggested. “I’m on my way, we’ll have back up shortly.” Loki offered. “Confirmed,” Nova replied using the old ponish. She then flew over towards the tower where she saw Harry and Hermione handing off a cage containing the very same winged lizard that bit Ron, to four cloaked individuals who’d come in by broom. “Looks like Harry and Hermione are passing off Ron’s dragon to four humans.” Nova offered in old ponish over the radio. “And here I thought they were just up here for the stars.” Loki offered in the old ponish as another celestial fox took up position on Nova’s left. “Hi, Loki,” Nova said with a smile. They watched as the baby dragon was attached to a harness between the four humans, and was carried off into the air. Going going gone. Harry and Hermione satisfied with a good day's work went down the stairs. “Well, that’s it unless Trollfart decides to show.” Loki offered. “Hang on,” Nova said and dropped down to land on the tower. “What are you doing?” Loki asked dropping to the parapet of the tower. Nova was gone. “Nova?” “I’m right here, can you see me?” “Ahh, no, hang on… wow, I can just barely make out your aura.” He nearly fell off the parapet when Nova’s little fox head appeared as though it’d been disembodied. “Can you see me now?” “OK, that’s just creepy.” “Shizen!” Nova exclaimed, took hold of the invisibility cloak, and took off after Harry and Hermione. She arrived at the base of the tower just in time to see Harry and Hermione being caught by Filch. To Nova’s dismay, Loki came bounding down the stairs, crashed into her, and the two went sprawling out into the corridor. At least they were still in their fox forms. “What are you doing?!” Nova scolded in the old ponish language. To humans, it just sounded like guttural animal noises. Loki just dropped his ears and head, and just whined pitifully. “Oh, and left the hatch open too by the looks of it.” Filch scolded. To filch the two foxes with wings were just more exotic animals typical of the wizarding world. He’d no idea what sort they were, but he’d not been able to actually attend Hogwarts as a student being a squib. Thinking quick Nova ran back to the cloak, snatched it up, raced to Harry, wrapped it about his legs, and then raced back over to Loki, and seemed to Harry to be scolding him some more. Hey, hey, shoe, get out of here!” Filch yelled waving his arms around. “And don’t you two...” Harry and Hermione were gone, and to keep him from going after them, Nova preceded to race about Filch’s legs, even to the point of running between them. Loki decided this was the best of fun, and joined in. Filch breathed in a sigh of relief when the two foxes decided to leave him in peace. Harry and Hermione entered the Gryffindor common room and pulled off the invisibility cloak. “You’re not out of the woods yet,” Nova said as she took the cloak. “I’d better hang on to this for a bit.” “Filch will know who we are. That or he’ll just lay in wait to identify us.” Hermione bemoaned. “And Malfoy will have told them about the dragon.” “And once again Nova seems to know everything,” Harry said. “And why should I let you have my invisibility cloak?” “I don’t know who had the dragon, and I can hide the cloak where McGonagall can’t find it.” Nova offered. “Also, I was one of the foxes that returned your cloak, and distracted Filch.” “They are bound to come looking for the cloak.” Hermione offered. “Tell you what, Hermione, just tell them you heard from the older students it was a good place to see dragons, and you took Harry because you heard you had to have a guy with you.” “What?” Hermione asked. “Trust me, it’ll work.” Nova offered with a smile. > Chapter 15: When every little bit of hope is gone. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First thing Sunday morning, all the first years were rousted out of bed and made to line up in the main hall so that Filch could identify the culprits that had gotten away. Many were in their night robes as they’d been rousted from bed, it being Sunday few had gotten up yet. The doors were open to let the fresh morning air in, and it was a bit on the cool side. If Nova and Scootaloo looked nervous, it was because they weren’t Nova and Scootaloo. Other students just shivered in the cold. Otherwise, most of the first years looked confused and dismayed by the early morning. Hermione and Harry had a pretty good idea of what was going on. Both looked like they hadn’t had much sleep either. All four house heads were there, and Filch slowly walked the line eyeballing each person. He stopped at Harry. “Harry Potter,” Filch said dryly. “Did you really think you’d get away with it?” “Please, sir it was my fault.” Hermione pleaded. “I drug him up there because I’d heard we might see dragons flying by. That is I heard we could see dragons, but there had to be a boy, and just the two of us, or there’d be no...” Hermione slapped her hands over her mouth, her eyes growing wide. She’d been had. What kind of lame excuse was that? The other first-years burst into laughter. “I’ve changed my mind,” Draco announced. “I must have misheard, and want nothing further to do with Harry’s dragon.” More laughter. “Oh, you naive little girl,” Snape said in his usual condescending tone. “Miss Granger,” McGonagall said sounding very disappointed, and then announced that she was very disappointed. “Twenty points from each of you, detention, and when we find that invisibility cloak it will be confiscated.” Her words were not punctuated by any complaint from the students, but the clip-clop of tiny hooves. A small golden pegasus with a mane and tail the color of wine was now standing a few paces away from the Nova changeling. The colt was also wearing a nappy. Goldwine had only just left his mother, and was wondering how she’d gotten down here so fast? And for that matter, what was she doing, and why was she pretending not to know him? Apple Bloom and Sweetie bell had half panicked looks on their faces, and the two changelings were at a complete loss as to how to handle the present situation. Most of the girls coed at the sight of the impossibly cute colt, the boys were interested but dared not betray whatever thoughts they might have, and the instructors looked like they were hoping it’d leave without any incidents. Snape was looking very nervous. A moment later the real Nova, in her pegacorn form, came gliding into the hall, Goldwine saw her coming in, and dashed to hid behind the girls. “Don’t anyone move.” Flitwick cautioned. “Come here,” Nova whispered in old ponish. Goldwine pressed against Sweetie Belle and smiled. “Goldwine, behave.” Sweetie Belle hissed. He looked up at her, hesitant, she smiled and motioned where he needed to go with her head. Sweetie watched as his face filled with fear and pain accompanied by a loud crack! He bolted to his mama, who wasted no time in scooping him up under a wing and locating the wand that had produced the hex that had hit Goldwine. Nova channeled a devastating amount of magic into the offending wand. Slytherin students who a moment before had been giggling now cried out in dismay. A black-haired heavy set girl named Millicent Bulstrode cried out in agony. Her hand now a mangled mess. “Stupid girl!” Snape shouted even as Mama and colt teleported away. Snape, to his credit, scooped her up and rushed her to the school's infirmary. “As for the rest of you, care of magical creatures class. Eight O’clock.” McGonagall said in nearly a shout. “Dismissed,” McGonagall uttered a frustrated sound, and stormed off. “I didn’t even know who did it.” Draco offered in his defense moments after the other teachers had left the students. Girls from the other houses were converging on the Slytherins. “I doubt even Crabbe and Goyle would be dumb enough to cheese off a pegacorn.” “Hey… yes, that’s right.” Crabbe replied. He and Goyle weren't entirely sure if they should be insulted or not. “My Gramps has Pegasi, and they’ll shit bomb people they are mad at.” “Well, then you’d better stay indoors.” Apple Bloom suggested in a cold voice as she and the other Gryffindor girls walked past. From there they rushed upstairs, not just to get ready but to find out how Goldwine was. On seeing Sweetie Belle, Goldwine began to cry and hid under Nova’s wing. The two were presently in the big shared bed in Nova’s primary bedroom. “Goldwine, it wasn’t me.” Sweetie pleaded. Sweetie remembered to transform into a pony, and tried again. “Goldwine, it wasn’t me.” Sweetie dropped her head on the edge of the bed with a frown and looked like she was ready to cry. “That hex ripped a hole in his tender hide,” Nova informed them trying to stay calm. “It’s probably going to leave a scar. Loki stitched it up as best he could. Afraid I was too emotional to do anything.” “How did you know who did it?” Apple Bloom asked. “I didn’t. I looked for a hot wand. One that had been recently used, and then I overloaded it. I really wasn’t paying attention to who it was. All I could see was red.” “I know that trick, it’s a unicorn thing. They want us in Care of Magical creatures at eight.” Sweetie Belle announced. “Can Cornicle cover for me?” Nova offered as Alalme came in with Alya right behind her. Alya went straight to Goldwine. “Gently, Alya, he’s been hurt.” “What happened?” Scootaloo asked as she came in behind Alalme with Rose hot on her heels. Rose climbed up on the bed too. “Millicent Bulstrode hexed Goldwine.” Apple Bloom announced. “She did what?!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “I’ll kill her!” “Nova blew up her wand and half her hand.” Sweetie offered. “Killing is too good for her anyway.” Nova offered, her tone giving witness to the rage simmering underneath. “Her and every Slytherin who laughed.” “Stupid Slytherin’s” Rose said softly. Rose had been learning to talk far faster than would have been normal and seemed to have a far better grasp of what was going on around her than other fillies her age. Well except for the flight thing. Rose still wanted desperately to fly and could only manage with the assist of a unicorn, or Scootaloo who would use a levitation spell to compensate. “So what happened?” Alalme asked once more, her tone was soft and sympathetic. She gave Rose a pat on the head. “The front doors were open, and he saw the girls standing in the hall,” Nova explained. “I thought you weren’t going to let him out?” Apple Bloom asked. “A group of us took our foals out to show them around the grounds.” Alalme offered. “I’m to understand the locals have been doing that for a while now. The foals need to get out and exercise their wings so that they’ll be strong enough to leave the area. And they need to know their way around. Flying around inside our park isn’t enough.” “Where do they go?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I’m to understand that a large number of the tribe has been migrating around late spring to early summer to a number of small islands north of the northernmost tip of Scotland located within a triangle of which the northern tip is the Shetland Islands, and the furthest westward reach is the Faroe Islands. There is grazing, plenty of fish, and sod house shelters they can use to shelter from storms.” Alalme offered. “It was a move they made after the forest became unsafe, I’m to understand.” She paused a moment. “Originally it was only the strongest who’d go up there, and the local wizard farms can only take in so many pegasi. They’d fish, smoke what they caught, and bring the catch back before the weather got too bad to fly.” “So what you are saying is they winter here, and then move up there in the summer?” Apple Bloom asked. “They are living like refugees.” “Princess Luna has told them they can believe what they want to believe, but they don’t have to live like refugees. No, they don’t have to live like refugees.” Nova offered. “She’s invited them to come back to Equestria.” “Any takers?” Apple Bloom asked. “Quite a few have shown an interest.” Scootaloo offered. “Can’t say as I blame them.” Apple Bloom admitted. “Suppose I better get dressed and go get something to eat.” Sweetie Belle offered. “Scootaloo, they want all the first years in Care of Magical creatures at eight. You coming?” “I’m not leaving Goldwine till he’s had a chance to calm down.” Nova informed them. “You mean till you’ve calmed down, don’t you?” Apple bloom asked. “That too,” Nova replied. "The way I feel about the Slytherins right now, one person says something inappropriate, I might kill them on the spot." “I’ll go,” Scootaloo replied, her tone cold and devoid of expression. When Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Cornicle disguised as Nova arrived in the dining hall it became obvious that the house-elves were upset about what had happened as well. The only thing the Slytherin Students were being given for breakfast was a gray lumpy gruel. “So where’s Millicent Bulstrode?” Scootaloo asked, her tone anything but kind, just as someone came marching in with horse dung smeared all over them. “Who cheesed off the Pegasi!” the boy shouted. “First-year Slytherin’s.” Someone called from the Ravenclaw table. “It was the girls.” Goyle offered as he picked at his gruel. “Even the house-elves are mad at us now.” The Care of Magical Creatures classroom was standing room only. All four house heads were waiting along with Madam Hooch and Professor Dumbledore. In front of the class was a number of black and white photos of boys with welts, in the center of which was an old pair of scorched and shattered shutters. On a table in front was a silver tray on which looked to be the scorched remains of a wand. “I don’t think I have to explain why you are here,” Dumbledore said coldly. “There will be a hundred points taken from Slytherin house,” Snape announced. “Not fair!” Protested a Slytherin girl. “It was just a stupid little foal.” “His name is Goldwine Sparkle, son of Freawine Chief of the pegasi of the Silver wood,” Scootaloo exclaimed in nearly a shout. “Who’s sire was Frea son of Aldor, who was the son of Brego, son of Eorl, son of Leod, son of Gotha.” There was shocked silence. “His ancestry goes back more than a thousand years, can any of you say as much?” “Miss Magnus, I think you’ve made your point.” Madam Hooch offered. Dumbledore and the other instructors gave her an odd look. “There will be no Quidditch until such time as peace can be reestablished.” “Do you think that will be necessary?” McGonagall asked. “Despite appearances and commonly held misconceptions, the English Pegasi have a society that is every bit as sophisticated as our own." Madam Hooch informed everyone. "I’m to understand they had a large settlement in the forbidden forest in a place known only as the silver wood. Someone released acromantulas into the forest, and the infestation devastated their community. They were forced out of their homes. I know this because many can speak our language when they care to speak to us and have a language of their own. The pegacorns are likened to the nobility, and are powerful users of magic.” Madam Hooch explained further. “The sky is all they have left they can call their own, and we are but intruders.” She let that sink in. “I’m afraid a cooling-off period is going to be needed.” “Well why are they even allowed to stay at Hogwarts?” asked another Slytherin. “And why do we trust House-elves?” Dumbledore asked. “And who do you think it was that introduced acromantulas to the forest? Judging by the breakfast served to the Slytherins this morning it should be fairly clear how easy it would be for our house elves to poison us all. And no they were not told to serve anyone gruel. Leastwise not that I’m aware of. They did that on their own.” He let that sink in for a bit. “Pegasi are much sought after by wizards. Allowing a wild heard to stay here at Hogwarts was my predecessor's decision, and it’s one I support. Furthermore, if you wish to stay here at Hogwarts you must, no you will respect the animals.” He gave them a moment to think. “The pictures you see are the Gryffindor boys back in 1903 who invaded the nest of a pegacorn. The shutters give us an idea of what that pegacorn was truly capable of.” Professor Dumbledore took a few steps and picked up the tray. The pieces had been fixed in place allowing him to turn the tray so everyone could see it. The blackened remains stood out in sharp contrast and gave testimony as to why antagonizing such a creature was a bad idea. “Wow, she really did do a number on that wand,” Scootaloo said softly. Dumbledore gave her a calculating look. By the girl’s reaction, this was the first time she was seeing what had happened as though she hadn’t been there, and was expressing familiarity with the pegacorn that had been responsible. “Miss Magnus, does this pegacorn have a name?” Dumbledore asked. “Her name is Kitzumi.” Scootaloo offered, giving the fox pony name. “She’s the daughter of the Princess of the night.” “The princess of the night?” Snape asked. “She’s a tall Night Mare.” Madam Hooch offered. “I understand a lesser, or perhaps younger Night Mare took on and killed a Wyrm back in the 1903 – 04 school year.” “Entirely possible I’ve met her,” Snape replied and shuddered. “You’ve met her?” Dumbledore asked. “And yet I live.” Snape offered in a dry tone. “I made the mistake of pulling my wand. Though in hindsight I believe I know what she was hunting, and I’ll say no more on the matter now.” “You fared far better then Millicent Bulstrode.” Dumbledore offered. “Miss Bulstrode was sent to St Mungo’s to get her hand rebuilt.” Professor McGonagall informed everyone. “Is she going to be alright?” Scootaloo asked. She and the others had switched from being mad at Millicent to honest concern. True if anyone hurt Rose, she’d be furious too, but once that anger has died down every pony is usually able to forgive, even if the forgetting might be a bit difficult. “What she did is no different then what unicorns do to each other.” Sweetie Belle offered. “It generally doesn’t result in anything more than a headache. That being because the individual being targeted can resist the effect.” “Ah, yes of course. Whereas a wand user won’t know there’s an overcharge being sent.” Madam Hooch surmised. “Since when is she an expert on unicorns?” Crabbe asked. “She grew up around unicorns.” Madam Hooch informed everyone. “In which case, I’d say it’s fair to say that Miss Sweetie Belle might just know a thing or two about the animals,” Dumbledore remarked. A thought struck him, and it occurred to him that a talented witch or wizard might be able to disable a wand in much the same way. Looking back through his earlier days he was suspicious that Miss Moon had done just that. “At least we can be sure the attack wasn’t directed directly at Miss Bulstrode, but at her wand. It’s also fairly clear to see the action was one intended to neutralize a threat. Now, I want a report to be presented to your heads of house first thing Monday Morning explaining why you should never mistreat animals. And I’m not just talking about the ones that can kill you if you make the mistake of angering them. I’m talking all animals. - You may go now.” He waited until the students had all left. “Severus?” Dumbledore asked. “You never talked about your little misadventure. Why is that?” “I believe that Quirrel is working for the dark lord,” Snape announced. “And I also believe that the Night Mare I encountered was after Quirrel.” “After Quirinus?” McGonagall asked. “I met with him out on the edge of the forest, and he seemed to know the Night Mare was coming before I did, and I watched him fly away using a spell the Dark Lord himself knew, but Professor Quirrel would never have been able to do on his own. Not that I don’t blame him for running, the nightmare was ripping up the forest with muggle made multi-barreled boomsticks. Somehow she was able to levitate the devices, and activated them at the same time.” “So the Night Mare is after the servant of the dark lord.” Dumbledore mused. “Perhaps Professor Phineus Black had been right, and I am too black and white in my thinking. He once told me that nightmares are not our enemies and that all we have to do to befriend one is to not be afraid of it.” “What are we to do?” Madam Pomona Sprout asked. “Do? Why we do nothing.” Dumbledore offered. “He either walks into the trap I laid for him, or the Night Mare will get him. Confronting him in the school is out of the question, as we can not elevate the level of risk for the students. Something that Night Mare seems to be aware of." “Doesn’t this put us in a rather dangerous position?” McGonagall asked. "I was aware that there was perhaps an agent of the Dark Lord if not the Dark Lord himself skulking about, but this means he's trapped between a rock and a hard place." “I’m afraid it does.” Dumbledore replied. “Trap? I thought we were trying to protect the stone?” Snape asked. When Dumbledore had acknowledged the protections around the stone to be nothing more than an elaborate trap, Snape had been at something of a loss. “I had to have some kind of bait that the dark lord would want badly enough it would distract him from Harry Potter, and with luck be enough to get him to walk into the trap thinking he’d be able to get out again.” Dumbledore explained. “I must say that Fluffy has proven a far greater deterrent then I’d imagined he would.” 🐶🐶🐶 When Nova heard that she’d blown apart Millicent Bulstrode’s hand she too felt bad for the girl. Not so much that she’d call off the general strike by the animals of Britain's wizarding world. As word spread, otherwise obedient animals decided to simply refuse to cooperate, and a few were downright aggressive towards witches, and wizards they didn’t like. Horse spit can be difficult to clean. Millicent Bulstrode returned to school a week later but still had her hand wrapped. She along with Draco, Harry, and Hermione were to do detention together the week after that, and the ponies had the break they’d been longing for. Troll Fart had been overheard having a monologue with himself. He’d be going out again, and this time the ponies would be ready. Harry and Hermione went down to meet Mr Filch at eleven on Tuesday. In all the teasing Hermione and Harry had been getting about their alleged midnight get together he’d forgotten that Draco and that girl would also be there. He at least had some solace that Slytherin was now dead last for the house cup. Granted that Gryffindor was second to last, but at least they were beating Slytherin. Millicent Bulstrode was looking far more humble than any Slytherin ever had, and Draco just looked the way he always did. “Follow me,” Filch said sharply, and directed the four out the front door of the entry hall. “It’s a pity they don’t use the old punishments anymore,” Filch said as they went out into the dark. He closed, and locked the door. “I hear they showed you the pictures of what that pegacorn did to those boys back in oh three. My father was one of them. They used a cane on him I hear. Any time that sort of punishment proved insufficient they’d hang the students up with chains around the wrists. Sometimes for days.” He lit a lamp and continued on down the steps. “I bet you’ll think twice about breaking school rules again after tonight, won’t you. And if you don’t I’ve chains in my office just in case I get the opportunity to use them.” The small group continued on through the dark, but Harry wasn’t so disoriented he didn’t know where he was going. After all he’d been that way himself plenty of times. The light from the windows of Hagrid’s hut filled him with both hope, and dread. On the one hand, they’d be with Hagrid. On the other hand, they’d be with Hagrid. What could they possibly have in mind for them to do out here in the middle of the night? Whatever it was it wasn’t likely to be very pleasant. “Is that you Filch?” Hagrid called from the dark. “Hurry up, I want to get started. I’ve been waiting for a half-hour.” “I’ve only just fetched them, why on earth would you be waiting out here so long?” Filch called back. Filch turned back to the students, “Don’t be too hopeful, Hagrid has a most unpleasant task for you this night.” He informed them in a low warning tone. Hagrid came striding out of the dark, fang his dog at his heal. He was carrying a large crossbow, a quiver of crossbow bolts hung over his shoulder, and a lamp was held in his left hand. “It’s about time,” Hagrid said as he approached. “What’s the ballista for?” Draco asked. “That’s in case one of you decides to make a break for it.” Filch offered, laughed, and returned to the school. Hagrid watched the man go wondering if he actually had a sense of humor, or if he was serious? “I was supposed to have you lot clean out the Thestral caves, but something else has come up,” Hagrid informed them. “We're going into the forest.” “I I’m not going into the forest.” Draco protested. His bravado was gone and sounded a bit like Neville had on many occasions when faced with a task he dreaded. “You will if you want to stay at Hogwarts.” Hagrid said as the sound of wings flapping somewhere overhead could be heard. Millicent Bulstrode cringed down. “But we’re first years, I thought we’d be copying lines if my father hears about this...” Draco protested. “He’ll tell ya that’s how it’s done at Hogwarts.” Hagrid said crossly. “If you think your father would rather have you expelled then get back to the castle and start packing. What good is copying lines anyway? Go on.” Malfoy didn’t move, he knew a trap when he saw it. All Hagrid had to do was say he’d refused to do his assigned detention, and he’d be gone. “I’m not going anywhere. You’ll not be rid of me that easily.” Draco said as anger began to boil up. Harry found himself having to reassess Malfoy. In a way, Draco was right, they really had no business going into the forest, especially at night. And yet here they were, and they’d no choice in the matter. They had to do whatever it was Hagrid had dreamed up. No matter how dangerous. Harry couldn't help but feel a little resentment as well. After all, he’d gotten into trouble helping Hagrid. “Listen up, if there’s no more argument,” Hagrid said giving Draco a look. “What we are going to do is dangerous, do as yer told, and no one need get hurt. Now follow me.” They followed Hagrid somewhat reluctantly as he marched into the forest. Silently they went, the only sounds being their own footsteps, and Fang’s panting. Moonlight shown down through the trees here and there illuminating misshapen old snags. Some of the trees even looked like they’d been ripped apart by some irresistible force, and the forest floor was all mounded and cratered with the trunks of trees laying every which direction. Some even looked charred. “See there?” Hagrid asked coming to a stop at a cross trail that looked to be little more than an animal track. Small pools of dark liquid that shown silvery in the pale moonlight could be seen. “That there is unicorn blood. They've been hurt badly by someth'n. This is the second time in a week. I found one dead last Wednesday. We’re going to try to find the poor thing, and put it out of its misery.” “Are we not even going to try to give it aid?” Hermione asked sounding appalled. “There’s blood all up and down this trail,” Hagrid stated flatly. “Not like it’s a dragon or an acromantula, or something else cool like that.” Hermione felt a cold shiver run down her spine. “Now listen up, we are going to split up.” “Um, what if whatever hurt the unicorn comes after us?” Draco asked hesitantly. “There’s nothing in the forest that’ll hurt cha if yer with me or Fang,” Hagrid informed them. “I want Fang then.” Draco requested. “Fine, but I should warn you, he’s a brazen coward,” Hagrid informed him. “I’m going to take Hermione and Millicent on the left path, Harry, you go with Draco. If you see the Unicorn send up green sparks. If you get into trouble send up red sparks. Now get your wands out, you’re going to need them.” Hagrid handed Fang’s leash over to Harry and then went down the left path. “Stay on the path.” He instructed as he made his way through the forest. Harry and Draco stood there in the dark as they watched Hagrid and the girls disappear into the forest. Draco lit up the end of his wand, reached into his pocket, pulled out a letter, and offered it to Harry. “Ron’s letter. - For what it’s worth, I never showed it to anyone.” Harry took the letter, and put it in his pocket. “Thanks. Everyone thinks Hermione and I were up there snogging. Why… that is to say, why didn’t you give this to Professor McGonagall?” “Don’t know really.” Draco offered. “You first.” “Why me?” “Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart who’s daring nerve and chivalry, set them apart,” Draco replied in a teas. “I’m just a Slytherin.” “Aren't Slytherins supposed to be strong leaders?” Harry asked, and then lit up his wand. “I’m more the shrewd cunning type.” “Which explains why you kept that letter to your self,” Harry replied, as he started out on the trail. “Now I owe you one, and have to be nice to you.” “Don’t be too nice, it might get weird.” Draco quipped. The two continued on in silence, their wands illuminating the occasional spots of blood. “Might a werewolf have gone after the unicorn?” Harry asked after a while. “You’d have to ask Hermione, she seems like she’s really book smart.” Draco offered. “I doubt it though. Unicorns are fast, and have magic.” Fang suddenly dropped to the ground and whimpered. The two boys waited quietly, their ears pricking at the sound of something slithering through the underbrush. “What was that?” Draco asked in a whisper once it had gone. “Something tells me it wasn’t a werewolf.” Harry offered. “So now what?” “I guess we go on.” Harry offered. “This has got to be the stupidest thing ever,” Draco replied. “As much as I like Hagrid, I can’t help but agree. Now come on. Come on Fang, get up. Fang up.” Fang didn’t want to budge at first, but with a bit of pulling by Harry, and gentle coaxing by Draco, they managed to get the dog moving again. Harry was surprised that Draco could actually be nice, but then again, maybe he was just more comfortable with dogs. They hadn’t gone much further when a figure approached from a moonlit clearing. “You shouldn't be out here.” Called the voice of a man. Harry and Draco looked on in shocked bewilderment. From the waist up a man with red hair, but below that a chestnut horse. “I see you’ve got Fang with you.” “D-detention.” Harry managed to say. “Hagrid’s back that way.” The centaur looked up into the sky and announced that Mars is bright tonight. “A unicorn was hurt. We’re trying to find it.” Draco offered. “Always the innocent are the first victims.” The centaur said after a long pause. He looked the two over. “I will talk to Hagrid. He should not be bringing foals into the forest.” And with that, the centaur cantered off. “Well, that was interesting.” Draco offered. “He agreed with you,” Harry commented. “Half beast and he’s more common sense.” “Come on.” “Wouldn't be a bit surprised if this is Hagrid’s thanks for getting rid of that dragon, and keeping him out of Azkaban.” Draco offered in his usual smarmy tone. Harry said nothing. What could he say? Draco was probably right. The two continued on, plunging once more into the trees. “Mars is bright tonight.” Draco mimicked as they walked deeper and deeper into the forest. “Mars is the fourth planet, and represents the god of war.” Harry recited. “And?” Draco asked. “I’m wondering if Mars being bright might be important,” Harry said. He also had the odd feeling they were being watched. “By the looks of this forest, I’d say it probably means we are about to walk into a war and die.” “Now that you mention it, this place reminds me of a documentary I saw on the Ardennes and the battle of the bulge.” Harry offered and then pointed out a large patch of blood. As they progressed further they began to see blood splattered everywhere as though the animal had been thrashing about. There, in a clearing ahead of them, lay a gleaming white lump illuminated by the moon. It was both a sad sight and an oddly beautiful site. As they cautiously drew forward they could make out the shape of the animal. Its mane was spread out in the grass of the clearing, and its legs were haphazardly splayed about. Harry took another step forward when the sound of something slithering through the grass caused him to freeze from fear. Harry, Malfoy, and Fang stood transfixed as a hooded shape slithered towards the unicorn. The creature leaned over the unicorn and began to suck its blood. Fang let out a yelp and bolted. The creature stopped what it was doing, looked up, and looked right at Harry, blood dribbling down its front. The creature rose up and made straight for Harry. Blinding pain shot through Harry’s scar, he staggered back, hooves could be heard galloping, and Draco did something that seemed totally out of character. Draco did something both incredibly brave, and incredibly stupid. “Incendio!” Draco shouted pointing his wand right at the fiend's oncoming face. The condition of the forest had been plenty of motivation for Draco to think of a good attack spell, and now seemed the best time to use it. It did little more than enrage the beast, but it also blinded it to the approach of Rockhoof. Draco wasn’t quite sure what he was seeing when the shovel came flashing past him wielded by a massive draft horse of all things. A mighty clang gave witness to spade hitting head even as pegasi swooped in, and airlifted the stricken unicorn. Rockhoof struck, again and again, driving the fiend back. Now came powerful beams of magic wielded by five pegacorns, one white, two that looked to be black, and two that were golden in color with fiery manes. More pegasi rushed in, some with riders, powerful magical artifacts began to glow, light beams struck out enveloping the fiend. Draco had no way to know he was witnessing Nova, Luna, Twilight, Scootaloo, and Sunset Shimmer all teaming up on the fiend. Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Starswirl, and Flash Magnus were all part of the gathering as well. Those who could fly were in pony form, the others were in human form riding on the backs of Wonderbolts. Luna’s seven Shadowbolts were there as well, and the power of multiple elements of harmony lit the forest brighter than the sun. Draco Malfoy watched in utter astonishment as a rainbow of magical light ripped a hole in the very fabric of time, space, and relative dimension. They cast the fiend into the rift and slammed it shut. The light was gone, and everything had gone black. Draco could hear Harry crying out in pain, lit a light on the end of his wand, and found Harry clutching at his head while curled up on the ground. “Help, Harry’s hurt!” Draco called. He watched helplessly as pegasi swooped in, snatched Harry up, and flew away with him. “Don’t just stand there a jaw’n, mount up!” Called a woman with a heavy southwest American accent. Draco turned to find himself face to face with a Night Mare. The woman who'd spoken to him astride another Pegasus nearby. Oh, and that Night Mare wasn't just any Night Mare, but The Night Mare. Princess bucking Luna in full battle mode. Draco had hung back to listen into what the teachers were saying in the Care of magical creatures class on the morning they’d all been drug to the main hall so Filtch could identify Harry as having been wandering about at night. He’d heard much of what had been discussed, and the words of Albus Dumbledore came to mind concerning what Phineus Black had said about Night Mares. Just don’t be afraid of it. He approached cautiously, found himself lifted up onto the Night Mare’s back, and rocketed heavenward on the wings of the night. It only took a moment to clear the forest. Draco looked about at the night sky, in places clouds could be seen illuminated by the light of the moon, and the stars were brighter then he’d ever seen them before. “Beautiful,” Draco whispered. “The sky or the pony?” Asked the American woman. “Both! - He called back. “Is Harry going to be alright?” “I don’t know? - I sure hope so.” “Who are you?” “Name’s Applejack.” “What about Hagrid?” “He had no businesses taking you into that forest chasing after somethin’ he didn’t have clue one about. Let him stew.” The Night Mare nickered her approval, and then they landed in front of the main door of Hogwarts. The Night Mare cast her magic on the doors, and they swung open. She then lifted Draco off and set him down. “I’m still in detention,” Draco said not quite sure what to do. He turned to discover Nova’s mom, Luna Moon, standing there. “Is Harry going to be alright?” “Detention canceled.” Luna offered. “If anyone asks why? Tell them you wandered right into the middle of a military action and nearly got killed. I believe the muggles call it a firefight." That explanation was going to sound strange being wizard kind didn’t technically have a military. Just Aurors. They were bound to understand what a firefight was though. “As for Harry, I’m sure he’ll be alright.” Draco blinked, and they were gone. He stood there looking out at the night sky, for how long he couldn't be sure, turned and entered the open doors and decided to just leave them that way. A strange feeling came over him like a wave of hope had washed past, and returned to his dorm heedless of whether or not he should happen upon anyone or not. A moment before that wave of energy had washed past, Dumbledore had been quietly sitting in his bedroom adjacent to his office reading when numerous loud alarms began to go off. Startled out of his repose, he took a moment to collect his thoughts and rushed to see the cause of the alarms. “Oh no, oh no!” Dumbledore said as a cold dread sank to the pit of his gut. These were the monitors on Harry Potter. He watched in horror as every last one of them, stopped their racket, and went dark. Dumbledore threw on his night robe and rushed down to the cave where the Thestrals were boarded. All the monitors going dark could only mean one thing, the unthinkable had happened, and in his panic, he missed that gentle wave of hope. No one was there. Why were they not there? All they had to do was clean out a creepy old cave at night. Why were they not there?” The Thestrals themselves were there and were looking oddly plump as they happily munched away on a strange fruit with yellow flesh he’d never seen the likes of. What did it matter though? Dumbledore rushed back up to find Filch. Filch confirmed that he had indeed left Harry and the others with Hagrid. Dumbledore rushed downstairs where he found the main doors wide open. Why were the doors wide open? Filch having followed after Dumbledore, rushed out into the night to see if he might locate Hagrid to find out what he was about? Draco climbed into his bed unaware of the boiling panic of Dumbledore. Dumbledore apparated to the chamber where he’d left the philosopher’s stone. The mirror was still there. At least it looked like the mirror of Erised, but there was no sign of his detection spells nor could he feel the presence of the stone. Dumbledore sank to the floor. He’d been totally defeated. Voldemort was now unstoppable. > Chapter 16: The end of the day. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Centaur who’d talked to Harry and Draco had gone straight away to Hagrid and had nearly been shot for his effort. Hagrid just seemed a bit too itchy to use that large crossbow. Hagrid apologized to Ronan, pleasantries, and introductions were made, and then Ronan brought up the businesses he had with Hagrid. “Hagrid, you should not be here this night.” Ronan cautioned. “There’s a wounded unicorn, and I need to put it out of its misery,” Hagrid explained. Ronan looked up into the sky. “Mars is bright tonight.” Ronan offered as though that was supposed to explain all. “Take the foals out of the forest. They should not be here.” “They are serving out their detention.” Hagrid countered stubbornly. “It’s Hogwarts businesses.” Hermione and Millicent just looked at the Centaur dumbfounded as their sense of propriety warred with their reason. Ronan, part man part horse hadn’t a thing on, and he was definitely part man. His manly features could have been chiseled by Michelangelo himself, and the horse half was a fine stallion that could cause even the stoutest of mares to swoon. “He’s huuuuge,” Millicent whispered. “Oh god,” Hermione replied. Hermione hadn’t even thought about that. “Oh – my – god.” Another centaur emerged from the trees a moment later triggering a giggle fit from the two girls. “Hello Hagrid, I hope you are well.” “Hello, Bane.” Hagrid offered while turning to look at the girls. “Fillies can be so strange.” the new arrival commented. “There’s a unicorn that’s been hurt, have you seen anything strange?” Hagrid asked turning back to the centaur. Ronan looked up at the sky. “Always the innocent are the first victims.” He let out a soft sigh. “So it has been for ages past. So it is now.” “Um ya, but have you seen anything strange?” Hagrid pressed. “Anything unusual?” “Mars is bright tonight.” Ronan offered. “Unusually bright.” “The moon grows in brightness too.” Offered Bane. “But Mars is bright. Venus dances with the moon as well.” He contemplated the signs for a moment. “Artemis hunts tonight.” “The signs are indeed unusual tonight.” Ronan offered. “Ya, but I was meaning unusual as in a bit closer to home. Here, in the forest?” Hagrid pressed. “Artemis is hunting Mars.” Ronan offered. “I’m asking about the forest,” Hagrid asked with a hint of exasperation. “The forest hides many secrets.” Ronan offered after having to think about his answer. Most wizards would have understood a statement Artemis was hunting Mars. It meant that an individual associated with war had entered the forest, and a powerful huntress was after him. “Bane, would ja know anything about someth'n going after unicorns?” Hagrid pressed. Bane walked over to Ronan and replied that Mars is bright tonight. “Ya, we’ve heard. If either of you sees anything, let me know. We’ll be off then.” Hagrid grumbled. Hagrid continued down the trail with the two girls trailing behind. “Hagrid?” Hermione asked as she looked back in the direction they’d come. “Hagrid, there’s light.” “If it’s not green or red I ain't interested,” Hagrid grumbled. “But should there even be light? It’s in the direction the boys went. - Hagrid, I see blue light, now pink, and now orange. Now there’s purple, magenta, and vermilion. A green light!” Hagrid turned to see the colors of the rainbow lighting up the forest. “I said green if they find it, not light up a bleeding disco tech.” Hagrid watched in dismay as the swirling lights pulsed, converged, and pulsed again. Light washed out over the forest. And then a column of light blasted straight up into the stratosphere. Higher and higher the column went, and then crashed down again. Silence. It was as though the forest itself was holding its breath, and for a brief moment, it was as though the stars and moon had vanished. Hagrid couldn't even begin to comprehend the forces being brought to play. The light was gone. What was going on?” The three stood there looking into the blackness. They heard the rush of wind and were nearly bowled over by it when it hit. And then everything was as it had been before. Hagrid started walking back in the direction they’d come and then broke into a run. “Hagrid?!” Hermione called. Hermione pulled out her wand and illuminated the end. “Where's he going?” Millicent asked sounding frightened. “Come on, I’ve had enough of this forest.” Hermione offered. “I know I deserve to be punished, but this just doesn’t seem right to me.” “What do you have in mind?” “Find our way back to where we left the main trail, and find our way back to Hagrid’s hut. That’s assuming he doesn’t come back for us.” “What if we can’t find our way back?” “We will. We have to.” 👥 Harry was brought down to Nova’s infirmary and placed on an examination table. Blood was dribbling from his scar. On another table, nearby Doctor Hawkeye, a brash young pegasus surgeon, was patching up the unicorn while a nurse hooked up a bottle of plasma via an intravenous tube and needle. Hawkeye had volunteered when he heard about the opportunity to prove himself, and he was every bit as nimble with his hooves as any unicorn surgeon. *“Come on, stay with me, don’t give up, don’t let the bastard win!” Hawkeye exclaimed as he worked feverishly. “Come on Harry, what’s going on with you?” Nova asked shortly after he’d been placed on his table. “It hurts.” Harry pleaded, clutching at his head. He was in so much pain he was oblivious to the fact that he was surrounded by talking ponies. “Tia, what’s going on with Harry’s scar?” Nova asked. “It seems to be reacting violently to the fact that Troll Fart was banished. Almost as though it were a piece of him?” Princess Celestia offered. “Aunt Tia?” Nova said in surprise. “Can you do anything?” “It needs to come out, but I’m afraid the attempt might kill him.” Celestia offered. “I’m afraid it’ll kill him if we don’t.” “Would it come out if he was, shall we say technically dead?” Nova asked. “It would. What did you have in mind?” Celestia asked, concern in her voice. “I’m going to need a small thunderhead!” Nova shouted, and started making cloud balls. “I’m going to stop his heart, you pull that thing out of him, and then zap him with the enchanted lightning to get his heart going again.” “Harry, you have to trust us, there’s no other way!” Nova explained as she passed over a cloud ball to another pegasus, and started making another one. “Don’t just stand there, start packing. Aunt Tia, there are containment jars on the shelf behind me. Once you get it out, put it in there, and seal it up.” “Well have you a cloud in a minute.” Rainbow Dash offered as she joined in packing clouds. “Alright, I don’t want to wait any longer,” Nova said as she passed another cloud ball over to the pegasi who were packing cloud balls into a small thunderhead. She placed her hooves on Harry’s chest and willed up the Foxfire. It took but a moment for the aura to envelop them both. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing?” Aiko asked rushing in. “What I have to do, to save Harry,” Nova informed her. The magic poured into Harry, his body convulsed, Nova found herself fighting spell after spell that had been intended to keep Harry safe. All they were doing now was preventing her from helping him. Harry let out a gasp and went limp. “Go,” Nova ordered breathless. She then slumped to the floor to be caught by Aiko. “I’m alright, that just took a little more then I thought it would.” “You’ll have left a little of yourself behind, in the form of your magic and a little of your spirit energy, you know that don’t you?” Aiko asked. “And a little of him migrates over to replace it.” Nova offered. “It doesn’t break away pieces of my soul or anything like that. I’ve little pieces of every pony I ever saved or tried to save. Along with a little of everyone I ever cared about or loved. It happens naturally between individuals who care about each other. The way I see it, I gain far more than I ever lose because I carry a little piece of everyone I ever cared about, and it’s the only way to balance out the lives I’ve had to take. Taking lives of ponies, when I found myself in that war against Sombra, it hurts. It hurts something awful. Giving a little piece of my heart to those I care about is the only way I know to heal the hurt. And then sometimes I feel like even that’s not enough to make the pain go away.” Aiko looked at Nova with care and concern and gave her a hug. “Got it!” Celestia announced. “Dash, where’s that cloud? - Aiko, I need that jar, quick! This thing is trying to get away from me!” Hermione and Millicent slowly made their way back along the animal track. “Don’t you have a wand?” Hermione asked as they made their way through the dark. “Just a school wand I can’t really use. My hand hasn’t fully healed yet.” Millicent offered. “The doctors aren’t sure if I’ll even be able to do magic again.” “Why ever did you hex that little baby in the first place?” Hermione asked. She might as well be asking what were you thinking, why’d you do something so stupid, and cruel? All questions that had been asked repeatedly by people from other houses, people from her own house, the teachers, the medical professionals, her parents, and the greatest insult of all, even from the person who’d dared her to do it in the first place. “I just did. - I survived my brothers hexing me.” “And how did your parents react?” “My father said it would make me strong.” “That is just messed up.” “Harry!” Hagrid called as he raced down the path. He’d slow down every so often to check the forest floor for spots of unicorn blood, and then raced on again. He slowed to a walk when he came in sight of the clearing where the unicorn had been. He saw the trail of splattered blood growing dark in the cold, the pool of blood in the clearing, the depression where the unicorn had been, and hoof tracks everywhere. “Harry!? Harry!” “What av I done, what av I done?” Hagrid asked himself as he raced about looking for signs of Harry and Malfoy. When he found where Harry had lain it looked to his mind that there had been a struggle. “Malfoy,” Hagrid growled. It really did look like the one boy had knocked down the other, and then someone must have flown in on pegasi, snatched them up along with that valuable unicorn carcass. Oh yes, he’d made a tidy profit selling the last one on the black market. He'd made a good deal of money recently. He could only guess at who had this one. “I’ve got to tell Dumbledore,” Hagrid said at length. But what was he to tell him? Ronan had told him that he shouldn't be here. Ronan always seemed to know when something was about to happen, though it was beyond him, and the way centaurs talked just befuddled his mind. Hagrid knew better than to take first-year students into the forest, but then the lure of finding that unicorn had clouded his judgment, just like the thrill of having his very own pet dragon had. He’d even gone so far as to tell a total stranger how to get past fluffy just to get that egg. True, he missed Norbert something terrible, but Ron, Harry, and Hermione had been right. Hermione?! He’d left the girls alone in the forest! Hagrid turned and went crashing back in the general direction he’d come. Moments before he was due to intercept them, the girls on hearing the sound of a great beast crashing through the forest chose to hide. Not knowing what could possibly be approaching them, Hermione doused the light of her wand and pulled Millicent under a fallen tree. She needed little prompting. They waited till the unknown behemoth had passed, scrambled back to the path, and hurried as fast as they could, not wishing to encounter anything else in that forest. Getting suspended was better than getting eaten any day. By some miracle, Hermione and Millicent found the path they’d come in on and turned back for Hogwarts. They met Filch on their way out. “What are you doing out here?” Filch asked as he hurried to meet them. He wasn’t angry at them. He wasn’t accusing them of anything. He was honestly surprised that he’d actually found them, and bewildered as to why they’d be out in the forest in the first place. “You’re supposed to be mucking out the Thestral caves, not traipsing about in the forest? Where’s Hagrid?” “We don’t know?” Hermione offered. “He left us by ourselves.” “Two first-year girls, on your own in the forest?” Filch said astonished. “You could have been killed out there! What is he thinking? Where is he? What’s happened to Potter, and the Malfoy boy?” “We don’t know.” Millicent offered. “After Hagrid left us, we thought it best to go back to the hut, and take whatever consequences there might be.” Hermione offered. “I’d have done the same.” Filch offered. “Let's get you back to school.” “Are we going to be suspended?” Millicent asked as Filch escorted the girls out of the forest. “I can’t see how you can be faulted if you were never put to the task you were supposed to have done in the first place.” Filch offered. “And for that matter, leaving girls out in the forest by themselves is a bit much even for my tastes. Dying is not learning.” Finding Fang cowering on the doorstep of Hagrid’s hut did not bode well. Filch took pity on the dog, and let it inside so Fang could go in and curl up on his bed. From there they returned to the school where Filch roused Professor McGonagall. “What’s going on?” McGonagall asked as she opened the door. Filch told her about Professor Dumbledore coming to him, about finding the main hall doors wide open, and that Hagrid for reasons known only to himself had taken the students into the forest, and left the girls to fend for themselves. The whereabouts of Hagrid, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, and Professor Dumbledore were presently unknown. “Girls, return to your dorms. - Mr Filch, we need to wake the staff.” Hermione climbed the stairs to Gryffindor tower a short time later, she was weary and worried. There was no one in the common room, and no one in her shared dorm room. How could there be no one in her room? Maybe they were in Nova’s room? Hermione thought about knocking on the door but decided not to wake them up. She was too weary to do anything but change, and when she’d changed she pulled the covers on her bed back and sat down. Why is there a pony poking her head out of Nova’s room? “Louise?” “You made it back. That’s good.” Scootaloo said. “Harry...” “He’s going to be fine.” Scootaloo offered. “Did Millicent make it back too?” “Harry’s alright? - Yes, she did.” “Good, that’s everyone except Hagrid. He’s a big boy, and can take care of himself.” “I think McGonagall is about to organize a search?” Hermione offered as a little filly in a nappy bounced up onto her bed. Hermione was just too weary to question anything at this point and wasn’t sure if she might be dreaming. “Hermie-ne.” Rose said with a smile and sat down. “So cute,” Hermione whispered. “Come on Rose Myrtle. If you are satisfied that she’s alright, we need to get you back to bed.” Scootaloo said, her voice warm and caring. “Myrtle?” Hermione asked. “Ya, that’s Myrtle,” Scootaloo confirmed. “If we had wanted to make her human we would have needed a drop of your blood.” “You aren’t human then.” “Afraid not. I hope that isn’t going to make things worse. I really do want to be your friend. And Rose wanted to see you. I think she remembers things. She was worried too. I think she somehow knew something was going on.” “What does she remember?” Hermione asked sounding concerned. “Don’t worry, Princess Luna went through and removed anything that wasn’t a happy memory.” “Tank you,” Rose said to Hermione. “I have to go now.” She then got up again, walked to the edge of the bed, spread her wings, and jumped. “Well, at least your landings are spot on.” Scootaloo offered. “When fly?” Rose asked. “When you’re older. Come on now.” Scootaloo offered. “Oh, and Hermione, you’ll find Harry in the hospital wing in the morning.” “The hospital wing?” Hermione asked. “We got 'you know who'. What we did affected Harry’s scar, and they had to remove what was inside of it. - Good night. I’ll see you in the morning.” “We? What have you been doing, how do you even know what’s been going on?” Hermione asked. “Shortly after Princess Nova got here, a security detail from back home showed up. Things kind of snowballed from there. Listen, they’ll probably ask you a lot of questions in the morning about what happened. Might be best to leave out this little conversation. Might be problematic.” “I’m so weary I might not even remember,” Hermione admitted, and lay down. Scootaloo went over to her, helped her the rest of the way into her bed, pulled the covers over her, said goodnight one more time, and escorted Rose back to the apartments. “Excuse me?” Twilight said as she approached the growing number of faculty in the entry hall. Twilight was in human form and looked possibly more like a muggle than a witch being she was wearing clothing that was more fitting to the town her counterpart had grown up in. “Who are you?” Professor McGonagall asked momentarily after her mind acknowledged the newcomer. “Princess Twilight Sparkle. I’m Nova Moon’s Mother.” “I thought Luna Moon was her mother?” Snape asked suspiciously. “We both are. I’m her birth mother” Twilight offered. Never mind that Twilight looked far too young to have a daughter Nova’s age, or that she was presently fairly sure Nova was some other Twilight’s daughter. For the wizards, Twilight's apparent youth strongly suggested to them a reason why Nova might have two mothers. “I wanted to let you know that your students are all accounted for. Luna brought Draco in, he should be in bed, and Harry is in the hospital wing.” “What’s going on?” Pomona Sprout asked. “Hagrid took the students out into the forest, and right into the middle of a black ops operation.” Twilight informed them. “We haven't told him because he’s racing back and forth like a chicken with its head cut off, and we thought it best to let him wear himself out first. That and he has a large crossbow, and we are a little worried he might shoot at anyone he doesn’t recognize.” “Understood. You wouldn't happen to know where Professor Dumbledore is would you?” McGonagall asked. “Stuck in his own trap I’m afraid.” Twilight offered. “Luna is going to see if she can’t get him out. I hear he’s being petulant.” “And what exactly was this ‘dark ops’ operation you speak of?” Snape asked suspiciously. “In a nutshell. There won’t be any more attacks on innocent unicorns in the forbidden forest.” Twilight offered. “Oh and don’t bother looking for Quirrell as he’s long gone as well. We can’t really say for sure what happened to him, but the person you thought was Quirrell, wasn’t Quirrell. - I pity him if he ever was. - And if that serpent sprouts any new heads, we’ll cut them off too.” Twilight turned and walked out the door. As she went down to the steps mist drifted by, and when it had gone, she was gone. She'd left leaving them with more questions than they'd started out with. “I’m going to go check on Mr Potter,” McGonagall announced. “Otherwise I’d imagine everyone can go back to bed. That is unless someone wants to try to fetch Hagrid?” “Might be best to let him wear himself out. Serve him right as well.” Snape sniped, turned, and headed for the Slytherin dorm. He’d a mind to make sure for himself Draco Malfoy was indeed back in his room. Snape was not happy. And no it had nothing to do with the apparent defeat of Voldemort’s plans. That woman hadn’t named him, but he knew who Quirrel was working for. For Snape, there was the issue of that unbreakable vow he’d made to keep Draco safe as well, and he’d trusted Hagrid to do as he was told. Snape wondered if Dumbledore would ever blindly trust Hagrid again after this night? 👩‍⚕️ McGonagall arrived at the hospital wing a short time later to find Madam Pomfrey up, and Harry sleeping soundly. Harry’s forehead was wrapped in gauze. “They’ve removed the thing that was in his scar.” Madam Pomfrey offered. “I’m to understand that it nearly killed him. A sort of poison pill that would kill Harry if anyone succeeded in doing anything to you know who.” “So what did they do, to Mr Riddle?” McGonagall asked. “Mr… ah, I suppose it can’t hurt to use the man’s real name.” Madam Pomfrey mused. “They didn’t say. All they’ve said is that he won’t be a problem anymore. I suppose I should be elated, but I'm just too weary.” When Harry woke the next morning he was not surprised to find himself in the school's infirmary. He dimly remembered the creature coming straight at him, a flash of fire from Malfoy’s wand, and rage. A rage that blinded him, and it felt as though an anvil had hit his head. After that everything was rather confused. He dimly remembered Professor Quirrel shouting something about getting away with it if not for the meddling ponies, and he’d swear the people in the operating room had all been ponies, but that can’t be right, can it? “Hey, Potter, how’re you feeling?” Harry was sure he was still hallucinating. Draco Malfoy was sitting by his bed in one of two chairs and seemed genuinely concerned for his well being. “Well...” Harry began, “Either I’m still hallucinating or you’re Draco Malfoy, and you actually care what happens to me.” Malfoy laughed. It wasn’t his usual fake laugh either, but a genuine goodhearted laugh. “Last night was pretty messed up.” Draco offered. “And don’t be telling anyone I blasted you know who right between the eyes with an Incendio spell. I did what I did because what I saw wasn’t even human. That and when it comes right down to it, you’re probably the closest thing I’ve got to a real friend in this place.” “More like rivals if you ask me.” Harry offered with a smile. “True, but rivals can be friends.” Nova offered having just entered the small room Harry was in. She hadn't come in from the hospital wing. “Glad to see you are better.” “Do you know if that unicorn is going to be alright?” Draco asked Nova. He wasn’t sure why he asked her, he just had a strange feeling she might know. “She made it through the night.” Nova offered. “She lost a lot of blood though. Be a while before we can say for sure if she’s going to be alright. - Draco I heard about what you did. That was mighty brave.” “What I may or may not have done was mighty stupid on multiple levels, and I’ll thank you not to go spreading rumors.” Draco cautioned. “Understood, and don’t worry, no one outside of those who were involved in last night’s operation knows.” “Know what?” Hermione asked as she entered. “Is Harry alright?” “Draco stayed by Harry’s side until help came.” Nova offered. “Best not tell anyone. We wouldn't want to tarnish his reputation.” “Until help came?” Hermione asked. “What exactly happened out there?” “We caught up with the creature that was killing the unicorns and nearly got killed ourselves.” Draco offered. “That’s the way it is at Hogwarts my arse. I’ve already been told by Professor Snape and several other teachers that Hagrid had no business taking us into the forest. Even Dumbledore admitted it. I saw him this morning. He wanted me to tell him everything that happened, and he was livid.” “I see,” Hermione replied softly. “That was pretty reckless, taking us out into the forest after something capable of pulling down a full-grown unicorn,” Harry admitted. Hermione walked over, and sat on the end of the bed, followed by Nova sitting on the other side. “Oh ho ho, what have we here?” Malfoy teased just as Ron came bursting into the room. “Harry!-Malfoy!?” Ron exclaimed. He was delighted to see Harry alive, and just assumed the worst of Draco. “What about us?” Nova asked. “He gave the letter back. Never showed it to anyone.” Harry offered. “Wait, what?” Ron asked confused. Up to this point, everything Ron had heard concerning last night’s incident had all been second hand. Hearing that Draco had returned his brother's letter detailing their plans to evacuate Norbert simply went against everything he knew to be true about Malfoy. “And saved Harry’s life.” Nova offered. “Or at least had a part in it.” Draco got up, walked over to Ron, “Now you have to be nice to me.” He teased and then left the room. “What just happened?” Ron asked sounding very confused. “Nice? To Malfoy?” Draco went down to the dining hall where he found Millicent sitting by herself, and sat down next to her. “I’m guessing by the good food you’ve got that the House-elves aren’t mad at you anymore,” Draco commented, and was delighted when he was provided with the best breakfast he’d seen since Millicent had jinxed the foal. “How do you two rate such good food?” One of the other Slytherin's asked accusingly. “Might be because we went through hell last night.” Draco offered even as the morning papers came in. “Draco, what was all that light last night?” Millicent asked. “Harry and I got caught in the middle of a firefight between several powerful wizards, and the thing that was killing the unicorns. "Though you probably don’t know about unicorns being killed.” Draco offered to the others at the Slytherin table. He looked at the Daily Profit, the headlines read ‘Students left in Forbidden forest to die’. How the Profit had found out so fast was beyond him. They were lacking a lot of details as to what had actually happened, but when did that ever stop Rita Skeeter? “You should have seen it, it came straight at us. That’s when an Animagus in the form of a draft horse comes galloping in, and bats its head with a great big shovel sending it flying like its head was a bludger. The next thing I know the air is full of wizards, and pegasi, and they were casting spells the likes of which I’ve never seen. When it was all over I even got to ride a nightmare back to Hogwarts.” Any suspicion he had that the nightmare and Luna Moon might be one and the same he kept to himself. He also suspected that not one of them believed him when he said he’d got to ride a nightmare. “We saw the light.” Millicent offered. “Hagrid was going to ignore it till he saw a green flash. The light show went out, and a few moments later we were nearly bowled over by a blast of wind. After that Hagrid took off and left Hermione and me to fend for ourselves. Hermione decided she’d had enough and to Azkaban with the consequences. I wasn’t going to argue either. On our way back a great beast comes crashing through the forest, so we hid till it had passed. Though in hindsight I think it might have been Hagrid.” Draco laughed. “Filch was actually happy to find us. We were supposed to be mucking out a cave that was full of Thestrals and not traipsing about in the forest. As bad as that sounds I think I would have preferred it. I imagine it lacks the potential to die a horrible death.” “Me too.” Draco offered. “Harry and I nearly got killed, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if that big oaf gets fired this time for sure.” 🐝 What could possibly happen next? Dumbledore asked himself. He’d received an urgent summons to see Minister Fudge at the Ministry of Magic. He’d gone the gantlet of emotions and didn’t need anything more to happen. He’d honestly believed Harry had been killed, he had been trapped in the Mirror of Erised, and Luna Moon had come to his rescue. At first, he hadn’t wanted to be rescued. Luna had been bewildered by his not wanting to be freed from the mirror. How did she even know-how in the first place? Bad enough she was able to get past all the traps without even so much as a scratch. He could do it because the wards allowed him to apparate. Was Luna Moon able to apparate within Hogwarts? It was inconceivable. He’d been overjoyed that Harry was alright and furious that they’d defeated Voldemort without him. Logic suggested he should be overjoyed, but he wasn’t. Luna Moon never told him what had become of the stone either. All she’d say is that it, along with Tom Riddle, was gone. As inconceivable as it seemed, Dumbledore had come to the conclusion that his trap had indeed failed, Voldemort had gained the stone, made an attempt on Harry’s life which was nearly successful, and that the family Moon of Eques had taken matters into their own hands to clean up his mess. It also begged the question, just how powerful was this family? “Professor Dumbledore?” Asked a young woman on approaching him. Dumbledore had been on his way to Fudge’s office. “Beatrice Lulamoon. I was asked to escort you. I’m Minister Fudge’s new assistant.” “Is he not in his office?” Dumbledore asked wondering who the strange woman with silver and pale blue hair was. She also wore a purple wizard robe and hat covered in blue and yellow stars he found to be quite delightful. “No, I’m afraid not. - Now, please follow Trixie.” “Trixie?” Dumbledore asked. “It’s what my friends call me.” Trixie offered as she made her way down a corridor, checking every so often to see if he was still following. “By any chance do you know where you are going?” Dumbledore asked one eternity later. They’d been back and forth up and down staircases and even cut through a few offices. “Trixie knows exactly where Trixie is going.” Trixie offered followed by directing him into an elevator. Just as the door was closing she flicked a beetle off Dumbledore’s shoulder out into the hallway. “Inconceivable,” Dumbledore said under his breath and watched in bemusement as Trixie pressed every single button. He let out a sigh as the door closed. The beetle was locked out in the hall, and Dumbledore seemed oblivious to it thinking only that this young witch was wasting his time. “Trixie is also well known for getting lost.” She said, took hold of his robe, and teleported the two of them straight to the Hall of Prophesy on the ninth floor. If the destination hadn’t been surprising enough, the teleport was most startling. Apparition wasn’t supposed to be possible within the Ministry, and that transport hadn’t felt anything at all like they had just Apparated. “Inconceivable! - Where did you go to school?” “Oregon State University,” Trixie replied with a smile. “They have a wonderful course on defense against the dark arts.” Trixie couldn't very well tell Dumbledore she was a drop out from Hogwarts, and telling anyone about Equestria was out of the question. When Trixie had learned about Princess Celestia’s incursions into the human world, she immediately inserted herself as an adviser and was presently working undercover. They’d even managed to recruit Griselda Marchbanks who’d nearly blown Trixie’s cover when she had recognized the girl. It’d been easy enough, the question who sent you was asked by Madam Marchbanks, followed by Trixie informing her that Nova Moon’s parents had sent her. The question where have you been, and why haven't you aged past what looked to be her twenties was a little more difficult to answer. All Trixie could say was that her age had something to do with the portal. Nova’s parents were concerned about the state the country would be in when Nova reemerged, and Trixie wasn’t the only undercover agent they had. “I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of it?” Dumbledore asked wondering what an Organ state was? “This way.” Trixie directed Dumbledore further and further into the Hall of Prophesies. The place was never really well lit relying on the prophecy globes to light it, but today the place seemed darker than normal. It wasn’t until Trixie pulled out a wand to cast a light spell that Dumbledore realized why. Now with vision unclouded he beheld orb after orb that had gone out. “Ah, there you are!” Cornelius Fudge called as they turned a corner. “Took our good sweet time at it.” Bartemius Crouch Sr said as they approached. “Trixie always arrives when Trixie intends to.” Trixie offered. Minister Fudge smiled at her answer. In addition to Minister Fudge, and Mr Crouch, there were two other men who were looking at the burned-out Globes. “Minister Crouch, Cornelius, and I see Mr Bode and Mr Croaker. What seems to be the problem?” Dumbledore asked as though he hadn’t noticed that there was an entire row that had gone dark. “What seems to be the problem?!” Crouch exclaimed with a tone that suggested he thought Dumbledore had finally lost it. “The prophecies! They’re all going dark! And it seems to have started with the prophecies that center around Voldemort!” “Professor Dumbledore.” Fudge began quietly. “The boy who lived, Harry Potter I believe his name was? How is he?” “He seems to have died last night.” Dumbledore offered as though what he was saying was, oh Harry, yes he has the sniffles. “Dead?” Fudge asked with just a hint of horror. “He got better.” Dumbledore offered. “He got better?” Crouch inquired with an air of Now I know you’ve gone quite mad. “How do you get better from having died!?” Dumbledore had to think for a moment. He let out a sigh and began. “Last night, a small group of our students went out with Hagrid to do detention. Hagrid did not stick to the planned activity, and chose instead to go unicorn hunting.” Dumbledore was not happy with Hagrid’s actions. Hagrid had at least been more than remorseful, but… Dumbledore simply could not just let this latest transgression go. Dumbledore knew about Norbert. If he’d had dealt with the dragon himself, Harry would never have been caught out of his dorm and been subject to detention in the first place. Dumbledore had done nothing when he should have, and his inaction had once again resulted in disaster. “Speaking of which I need to have a word with you concerning Hagrid and a unicorn later,” Crouch replied. “But go on.” “You can put a warrant out for the capture and arrest of Quirinus Quirrell,” Dumbledore informed him. “He’s the one that was killing the unicorns, betrayed my trust last night, helped himself to the Philosopher’s stone, and tried to kill Mr Potter on his way out. He was nearly successful.” Oh, Dumbledore knew full well they’d never find the man, not if he could believe Draco Malfoy’s account. And Draco wasn’t the sort to make up a tale like the one he’d told. Dumbledore was suspicious Draco had left a few things out as well. If Luna Moon hadn’t shown up to let him out of his own trap… He wasn’t entirely sure it was even his trap anymore. Luna Moon had also assured Dumbledore that the creature they’d trapped would no longer be an issue. Quirrel, or what was left of him was lost in the bargain as well along with the stone, or so he believed. Not that he needed to tell anyone at the ministry the whole truth of the matter as he knew it. “As far as the prophecies go, I believe Quirrel was working on behalf of the dark lord. His failure to kill Potter has likely caused a domino effect where prophecies dependent on the prophecy about Mr Potter could no longer stand once that prophesy failed. The effect will undoubtedly spread. Prophesies depending on other prophesies all falling apart one after another being the conditions for the prophecy to come true no longer exist. I’ve no doubt we’ll be completely in the dark in a matter of days.” Dumbledore also suspected there’d be a mad dash by Voldemort’s supporters to find a man that no longer existed in this world once the word got out that Quirrel was presently on the run with the Philosopher's stone. Dumbledore could take solace in that Voldemorts followers would likely turn on each other and that the Philanderer's stone was still safe. “I set policy based on the prophecies. What am I supposed to do now?” Fudge asked sounding frightened. “You could try doing what your heart feels is the right thing to do,” Dumbledore suggested. Fudge just looked at him as though he’d gone mad. Dumbledore was also glad he’d told the staff not to talk about what had happened. Luna Moon was going to cover the Defense against the Dark Arts class, and they’d decided it best not to let on that a wraith had been teaching the class. Granted ‘wraith’ really wasn’t the correct term, but he was at a loss as to what Professor Quirrell had become? 🕕 “Come on Harry, it’s nearly time for dinner,” Nova announced as she brought in a wheeled chair. Harry was at least dressed, Ron, having brought him some clothes earlier. The clothes he’d had on in the forest were muddy and bloodstained from unicorn blood and had been removed shortly after they removed that fragment of Tom Riddle's soul. “You aren’t planning on making me use that are you?” Harry protested. “Harry, your heart stopped. You were clinically dead.” “About that, I seemed to have had this strange dream that you were the one who did it. Only you were that black and white pegacorn.” “Best not say anything.” Nova offered. Or they might take that Quidditch win from you.” “Hang on, what?” “If anyone asks, I turn into a little fox, not a pegacorn.” “You turn into a fox?” Hermione asked as she entered the room. Ron was right behind her. Nova jumped up onto the bed and transforming into her fox form mid-jump. She turned and sat on the bed looking back at Hermione, and Ron. “What kind of fox is that?” Ron asked. “One of a pair who tried to help us when we forgot the invisibility cloak.” Hermione offered. “That other one anyone we know?” “Oh, he’s the real deal.” Nova offered. “I think he wants to be my boyfriend. And if we can keep this quiet, I’d really appreciate it.” “She can talk while she’s an animal?!” Ron exclaimed. “Ron, lots of animals can talk.” Hermione offered. Nova shifted back as Hermione edged forward. “You weren't thinking of snatching me up, I got wings you know,” Nova said sounding a bit accusatory as she transformed back to a human. In her mind, she saw herself displaying a wing, but she was in human form… right? To Nova’s bewilderment, and embarrassment a wing materialized, and smacked Harry right in the face. “Harry!” Hermione exclaimed. “You’ve killed Harry!” “Harry, I’m so sorry, are you alright?” Nova spun around, and as she did her other wing popped out smacking Ron in the face nearly knocking him over. And these weren’t her little compressed fox wings, but her full-sized wings. Each protruded from a slit that had magically appeared in her clothing. “Why are they even doing that? This is so embarrassing!” “Oh my?” Madam Pomfrey said on entering the room. “Harry, speak to me!” Hermione ordered the now prone Potter. Ron had retreated to a safe distance. “Just take a deep breath, and let it out slowly.” Madam Pomfrey suggested to Nova. “Alright,” Nova replied. “Harry?” Hermione asked as Harry reached for his head. “I’m alright.” Harry offered. “Just got knocked over. Her wings are really soft.” Nova took a few moments and somehow managed to get her wings back to where they looked like they were tattoos on her back. She then got out her wand and cast a binding spell on herself. “You think that’s going to be necessary?” Madam Pomfrey asked. “Until I can get this new issue under control, I think it best.” Nova offered. “You don’t think it could be your condition worsening?” Madam Pomfrey prompted. “My… oh that. Celestial foxes, also known generically as kitsune or Oukitsune in Nippon can transform into humans when they are old enough, so that’s not really going to be an issue. It’s more a matter of my getting control of the transformation spell.” Nova explained. “So then, you are turning into a little winged fox that can turn into a human?” Ron asked. “That’s just weird.” “Don’t be so sure she’s not a fox who’s turned herself into a human who’s slowly turning into a fox who can turn into a human.” Harry offered. “Or maybe...” Ron began. “No, stop. If I let this continue, we’ll never make it to dinner.” Hermione protested. “So what’s the wheelchair for?” “That was for Harry. I stopped his heart so we could get that fragment of dark magic out of his head.” Nova informed them. “You did what?” Ron asked. “And what were you doing out of the dorm in the middle of the night?” “It worked, he’s here, alive… Ah, that’s probably what’s going on with my transformation. When I did it, my spell, our magic mixed a little. I sure hope it’s not going to affect my spell work. Oh, and I wasn’t out of the dorm either, not technically.” “Your magic mixed?!” Hermione asked accusingly. “And how can you be out of the dorm, and not out of the dorm?” “It was that or let him die.” Nova offered. “Madam Pomfrey?!” Hermione asked accusingly. “I’m afraid I wasn’t there at the time.” Madam Pomfrey offered. “I can assure you that they were successful in their endeavors. And what Nova said about not technically being out of the dorm is true. Whatever else she might have been involved in doesn’t really matter for two reasons, Headmaster Dumbledore is going to let it slide, and the Ministry can’t touch her short of asking her to leave the country, and the Ministry of Magic doesn’t have the authority to do so.” “I’m a trained medic, and it was my Aunt Celestia who did the extraction. They brought him right back here, and I pitched in.” Nova offered. “Miss Nova’s family has a full security detail with medical personnel keeping tabs on her.” Madam Pomfrey offered. “She is a princess after all, and they were the ones that went after the creature that was killing unicorns. One more thing, we need to keep the details confidential, there’s to be no talking about what you may or may not know.” “Oh, I see,” Hermione replied. “I guess that explains a lot. How Miss Moon here always seems to know what’s going on.” “And Harry, perhaps you should use the chair, just for tonight?” Madam Pomfrey offered. “There are no ramps in this place.” Harry pointed out. “How am I supposed to get down to the ground floor?” “OK, maybe we’ll just leave the chair after all,” Nova replied with a sheepish grin. They arrived at the great hall a short time later and took up their usual seats. To Nova’s delight, the second year Gryffindors were excitedly talking about the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. The classroom had been cleaned and aired, nor was there any sign of the previous instructor to remain. Quirrel had been replaced by a beautiful witch who really knew her stuff. Granted it also begged the question, what had become of Professor Quirrell? “Your attention please,” Dumbledore said to the student body moments after going to his place at the head table. He waited while everyone went to their places, and sat down. “I have got a few words.” He paused a moment. “As some of you may already be aware of, Professor Quirinus Quirrell is no longer with us. Madam Luna Moon has agreed to cover the class for the rest of the year.” “Madam, he says?” Nova mused. Luna was giving Dumbledore an odd look and smiled when she realized that she hadn’t told him she was a Crown Princess. Under the circumstances, he could be forgiven if he’d forgotten that Nova Moon was a confirmed Princess of Eques, and hadn’t made the connection. “As for Professor Quirrell, I might as well tell you now before you read about it in the papers.” At that moment the evening edition of the Daily Profit was arriving. The headline: Quirrel attempts murder of Harry Potter! “I had secreted away a certain valuable artifact here in the school with the assumption that there could be no place safer. Unknown to me, one of our own had already betrayed me, and simply been waiting to strike. Professor Quirrell took that artifact late last night, and even went so far as to attempt to murder Mr Potter.” There was stunned silence. “In that regard, we have to thank Mr Draco Malfoy for sticking with Harry and bringing his plight to the attention of a group of Aurors who were hunting a dangerous non-native beast that had been preying on the local unicorn population. Fifty points will be awarded to Slytherin.” The Slytherin’s erupted in cheers. Who cared who Malfoy had saved, he just regained fifty house points. Dumbledore waited for the Slytherins to quiet down. For keeping their head after having been abandoned in the Forbidden Forest, Hermione Granger and Millicent Bulstrode will be awarded twenty points each.” Dumbledore waited till the dining hall quieted down. “For abandoning his duty, and the students in his charge, I regret to inform you that Hagrid has been suspended for the remainder of the year. On his return next year, he will be on probation.” “Hagrid’s been suspended?” Harry asked. Sure Hagrid had really screwed up big time, but Harry never thought Dumbledore would actually suspend him. “Dumbledore must really be mad at him.” Percy offered. “That’s all I’ll say on the matter for now,” Dumbledore announced over the chatter. “I’m sure there will be plenty about it in the morning papers. Now it’s time to eat.” Dumbledore sat down, and the food appeared moments later. “It’s not going to be the same without Hagrid around.” Ron offered as he helped himself to a plateful of roast beef. “Say, Nova, why is it you never eat beef?” “A little too close to cannibalism.” Nova offered as Sweetie Belle piled the meat onto her plate. “I never eat anything that is equine, or bovine. Not if I can help it.” “I gave up trying to avoid it when I found out how good it is.” Sweetie Belle offered just as Phenik came in for a landing. “Phenik likes it too.” “Traitor.” Nova accused Phenik and then offered up some fish from her plate. “Besides, she likes fish best.” Phenik hopped over to Nova took the offered morsel, and then lifted off. Phenik went straight to Princess Luna and landed on her shoulder. “Alright, what does the head table have that we don’t?” Apple Bloom asked just as Dumbledore’s Fawkes showed up, and landed at the head table. The two phoenixes proceeded to squawk at each other. “I wouldn't know, but I’d be more inclined to think Phenik can’t figure out why we aren’t sitting together when we are in the same room,” Nova replied. Luna offered Phenik a morsel of what she was eating, and then Phenik went back over to Nova followed by Fawkes. “Oh, now it’s my turn again is it?” Nova asked, and offered up some more fish. Phenik took it and then flew back to Luna. “Well, at least she’s getting her exercise. Fawkes, you didn’t want something did you?” Fawkes flew back to the head table and went back to squawking at Phenik. “Speaking of which, now that things are going to quiet down, what about that extra training, we still on?” Scootaloo asked. “What’s this about extra training?” Oliver Wood asked. “Louise sneaks into Nova’s room every morning.” Hermione offered. “Um, never mind then.” Wood replied. “Harry, are you going to be up to playing quidditch against Ravenclaw?” “How about putting Louise in?” Nova asked. “I can fly.” Harry protested. “How’s your magic though?” Nova asked. “My magic… you don’t think I might have a problem too?” Harry asked. “Hang on, too? What’s this too?” Wood asked suspiciously. “Go on, tell them.” Hermione prompted with a smile that looked a bit like a cat who’d caught a snitch. “I um… Harry helped me with a spell the other day that sort of destabilized my magic due to a transfer of some of our magic.” Nova offered. “You used a bonding spell on him, didn’t you?” Idda Peverell accused. “That’s a dirty rotten trick to be pulling on Hermione.” “I didn’t use a bonding spell.” Nova protested. “That was sort of the side effect though, but it’s not like that.” She gave everyone a moment so they'd hear. “He and I will be a little like brother and sister now.” Nova was quick to defend herself and try to explain without having to go into detail. “It’s not like he’s going to suddenly fall in love with me, and I’ve kind of got a colt friend.” “She said colt.” Sweetie Belle said and started laughing. “Boyfriend, I meant boyfriend.” Nova corrected. “Along with a wife, a son, a daughter, and a girlfriend.” Apple Bloom offered with a grin. “I thought I had three girlfriends?” Nova asked her with a wink. Sweetie Belle stopped laughing, and Apple Bloom blushed. “Oh, you’re not saying the four of you?” Ron protested. “And why not?” The twins asked. “I find I’m having difficulty deciding if you girls are really immature, or just the opposite?” Idda said as she studied the girls. The part about the wife, son, and daughter simply did not add up. “So then who’s who?” “Alalme Silverwood would be the wife.” Scootaloo offered. “You haven't been introduced to her yet.” “The son and daughter are Goldwine and Alya.” Apple Bloom offered. “And if we add Scootaloo to the family that brings in Rose Myrtle.” Nova offered. “Rose?” Hermione asked startled. She vaguely remembered meeting a foal named Rose. The details concerning who Rose was, was a bit hazy at the moment. “Ah-ha, they are talking about the pegasi herd. You are so lucky you get to spend time with them.” “If you’d like I can make it up to you by letting you join our study session.” Nova offered. “Just the five of us though.” “You’re not inviting Ron and Harry?” Hermione asked. “It’s going to be up in my room, be kind of hard to let the boys join in.” Nova offered. “That’s quite alright, you don’t have to include us, we won’t feel slighted in the least.” Ron offered. “Hang on. She has her own room?” Percy asked. “There wasn’t a bed for her,” Idda explained. “She’s sleeping in a deluxe trunk. It’s quite nice actually. Wouldn't mind getting one for myself.” “So we’re on then?” Nova asked. “Just us roommates “Sure, I’d like that,” Hermione replied. 🚪 After dinner, they went up to the room at the top of the tower. Hermione gathered up the books she’d need and went into Nova’s lounge where Nova, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle were waiting. “Um, why are you just standing there?” Hermione asked. “I thought we’d use my library.” Nova offered. “Sounds good to me,” Scootaloo added. “Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, do you concur?” “I think she’s ready.” Apple Bloom offered. “Me too.” Sweetie Belle added. “Tia, open the bookcase.” Nova requested. Hermione’s eyes widened in surprise as the bookshelf at the far end of the room began to slide into the wall to the left. When she saw what it opened up to she dropped her books. Five pegasi foals stood expectantly, along with Alalme, Istel, Talma, Gadgull, and Twilight Sparkle. “Pegasi,” Hermione said softly. “This is my family.” Nova offered. She transformed herself into her pegacorn form and walked over to the waiting foals. “Some of my family, not quite all.” Goldwine went up to Nova and snuggled against her. Rose walked up to Hermione. "I should probably mention that Goldwine is still a little shy around humans." “Hermie-ne?” Myrtle asked. Hermione dropped to her knees. She was now surrounded by ponies, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo now back to their true selves. “You… you have two transformations?” Hermione asked. “And you are all ponies?” “Yep, sure are.” Apple Bloom offered. “About the two transformations, I’d just assume not have to explain that to anyone.” Nova requested. “She and Ensign Loki are the only ones who can do that, that I know of, and they both have the fox transformation.” Twilight offered. “My Name is Twilight Sparkle. You can call me Twilight if you like.” “Twilight is my mother,” Nova announced. Hermione noticed Twilight’s ears twitched when Nova announced that she was Twilight’s foal. Twilight didn’t know the full truth of the matter but was growing suspicious. Nova dropped down and gave Goldwine and Alya wing hugs. “These two cuties are Goldwine and Alya. And this beautiful sable mare who’s sneaking up on my left is Alalme. Alya is her filly.” “The wife, I assume?” Hermione asked with a smile as Alalme nuzzled Nova’s left ear. “We’ve got a sister pact.” Alalme offered. “It is good to meet you, and I hope we can be good friends.” “Ya, um… likewise.” Hermione offered. “Hermie-ne?” Rose asked looking at her. “I think we broke her.” Scootaloo offered. “Let's just give her a bit to catch up.” Twilight offered with a smile. ✨ Meanwhile, Princess Luna was meeting with Professor Dumbledore. “It is so good of you to offer to cover the Defense Against the Dark arts class,” Dumbledore said warmly. “And please forgive my petulance from early this morning.” “I understand completely. We had hoped the Dark Lord would be trapped in your trap. I fear I must tell you that we felt the need to make a few modifications to the obstacle course due to students daring it. It’s a little less lethal now. Oh, and we replaced Fluffy altogether with a very clever illusion. Although, I don’t understand why Quirrel didn’t just blast his way in, short of some diminished faculties. Getting past the dog should have been easy.” “I see...” Dumbledore said slowly as he processed what Luna had just told him. “I… I’m a little curious myself as to why he wasn't trapped?” “He’s trapped now.” Luna reaffirmed. “We placed him in a limbo from which there can be no return.” She paused a moment. “I fear we may not be fully rid of him just yet.” “And your reasoning?” “It concerns Myrtle Warren.” “Do you know what became of her I wonder?” “Oh yes, I know exactly what became of her.” Luna offered as she retrieved a crystal vial from a handbag. “It’s the memory of her murder.” “You’re suggesting her death was deliberate?” Dumbledore gave no hint of emotion. “It was Tom Riddle. Granted Hagrid has some judgment issues, but the real criminal is Mr Riddle. He didn’t just kill her and frame young Hagrid, he performed some kind of ritual as she was dying.” Luna said nothing for a moment or two. “The memory is rather disturbing.” “I suppose I’d better have a look.” Dumbledore offered. He took the vial over to the Pensieve, poured the contents in, and put his face in it. “It’s worse than I feared,” Dumbledore stated a few minutes later as he pulled his head out. “He was reading her his fan fiction.” “But why? It’s bad enough he killed her, but why force her to listen to bad fan fiction as she was dying?” Luna asked. The very notion of it made her feel ill. “Not even the worse villain in Eques would subject another to something so horrible.” “It’s my belief he may have been trying to make a Horcrux.” Dumbledore offered. “It’s a way to cheat death. Tom Riddle had been asking about it when he was a Prefect in Hogwarts. I located a book in the school library that had enough information that he could have figured out how to do it, so I removed the book for fear he might actually try it.” “Seems he tried it anyway, and it would explain why we couldn't kill it. So what exactly is a Horcrux?” “A Horcrux... the individual splits their soul by committing murder, and by means of spell and ritual. They take a portion of their soul, believed to be about half, and then lock it away inside an object to be kept safe. So long as that object is safe the individual cannot be killed. At the same time, they are not truly alive either.” “What we pulled out of Mr Potter’s forehead seems to have been a piece of a corrupted soul.” “You got it out?” “My Sister did, with Nova’s help,” Luna explained. “It, the fragment, was reacting violently to what we did to Riddle. I’m to understand they had no choice, and they took a big risk to remove it.” “There are three things I deeply regret, and bringing Tom Riddle to Hogwarts was one. I knew what sort of boy he was when I found him in the orphanage. I honestly believed I could redeem him.” “And the Horcrux?” “All I saw was a book so it’s hard to say. The memory ends before the deed was finished. And given there was a piece of his soul in Harry’s head, it suggests that he’s done it more than once. What became of the piece that was extracted?” “It’s sealed up in an unbreakable jar. It crystallized shortly after it was placed in the jar.” “So are your people any good at finding a needle in a haystack?” Luna gave him an odd look. “The trouble with finding needles in haystacks is sometimes you get stuck by the needle.” “Understood,” Dumbledore replied. “It may not be as difficult as it might seem. Tom was enamored by power. I think it shouldn’t be too difficult to make a list of items he might have used. If I trace his activities in the past, I may be able to narrow down that list. For now, there is little more we can do.” “If he did use a book, I know an individual or two who’d be delighted to search for it.” Luna offered with a smile. > Chapter 17: End of year exams, part one. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Harry’s magic had been affected by the transfer of magic from Nova, it didn’t show. At least not in class. Harry had come into his own, his magic was stronger now. Everything he did seemed to come easy, and he hadn’t been plagued by any more headaches now that the thing in his head was gone. Quidditch practice didn’t go so well. Harry’s newfound confidence fell flat about the same time his face went splat. No one was quite sure how he even managed to survive. Harry was all over the place and had made several small craters in the ground. Sure he could still fly, but he couldn't control the broom with any consistency. With a week to go till the big game, Wood had little choice but to bench Harry and put in Scootaloo. Let us not forget that end-of-year finals were coming up as well. Nova had taken to taking the CMC into her own potions lab to practice and was interviewing students regarding what they’d been tested on in previous years. A chart was soon developed. Sure Nova had near-perfect recall, but even she had her limits. She was also very aware that many of the humans who were seeing the material for the first time were at a distinct disadvantage. Even Apple Bloom who’d had potions lessons couldn't be expected to memorize all the possible potions they might be expected to be tested on. As for Sweetie Belle. She needed to be watched like a hawk. How was she going to manage on her own without being held back due to dismal failure? Or worse yet, catastrophic disaster. “Miss Peverell! Come see my chart!” Nova called rushing downstairs once she’d completed her findings. A moment later Nova had drug Idda upstairs followed by several six and seventh-year students who were mildly curious. “You’ve made a potions chart,” Idda said sounding unimpressed. “This is brilliant.” one of the seventh-year girls announced. “But how is it brilliant?” Idda asked. “There is a pattern,” Nova announced. “And the man has no imagination. He always repeats every seven years. That is if the information you and other students have given me is correct.” As Nova had asked about what people remembered of classes ahead of them she’d actually managed to glean information from the past fourteen years. “All potions assigned are limited to the time allotted for the test which means if you are given seven hours to complete your test, you can bet the potion takes at least six and a half hours to accomplish. Though I wouldn't put it past him to assign a potion that takes exactly seven hours.” “We can predict which potions he’s likely to test us on,” Idda said with a smile. “Wish we had more time, but this will make it easier for people who are struggling.” “Oh one other thing, I’ve learned from a reliable source...” the source being Moonie “..that Snape has been tipping off the Slytherin students regarding what their next assignments will be.” Nova offered. “Anyone interested in a nightly briefing? - Granted we’ve only four days till the finals begin.” “That dirty rat fink!” One of the girls spat out as the news sank in. “So who’s your source?” Idda asked. “My guess is that it’s that Night Mare that follows her around in the paintings.” “I’ve noticed that too.” “Miss Moon?” Idda asked Nova. “I have a pet Night Mare in addition to a phoenix.” Nova offered with a sheepish grin. “Night Mares are extremely intelligent, and like Thestrals, are just the opposite of their reputation. This specific one is actually a magical construct. A three-dimensional rendering if you like.” “You mean she’s just a spell?” “Just a spell?” Nova scoffed. “Not hardly. She’s so sophisticated I can’t tell the difference between her and an actual flesh and blood being. She’s capable of independent thought, emotion, and learns on her own.” Naturally, the girls wanted to meet Moonie. “Ladies, I’d like you to meet my Moonie.” Nova offered moments after calling for the mare. Moonie had come through the closet instead of just materializing, and to Nova’s dismay, the foals followed shortly after. “Moonie!? - Why’d you bring the foals with you? You know I don’t want them too habituated to humans.” “They're so cute.” the girls all chimed. “Moonie...” Nova pressed as Goldwine pressed up against Nova’s legs. His golden coat and wine-colored mane and tail set him apart from Alya’s dark sable. Myrtle’s ivory with gold dapples, red mane, and tail caused her to stand out even more than Goldwine. “I was foal sitting.” Moonie offered. “You couldn't just pop in real quick? What if there was a deranged mad man in here?” Nova countered sounding cross. Moonie looked down. She knew there was no threat, but she also knew she’d screwed up and wasn’t quite sure why she’d done it. “Mama?” Goldwine asked looking up at Nova. Moonie was looking a bit contrite at her error in judgment. “It’s alright Goldwine, not your fault.” Nova offered, dropping down to give him a hug. “That foal seems mighty habituated to you.” Idda accused. “Mama was it?” Nova let out a sigh. “He’s my son.” The room fell silent. “Hi, Miss Idda,” Myrtle said looking at the girl. “I’m Myrtle.” Myrtle’s announcement left the girls stunned and confused. Nova had just announced that a pegasus foal was her son, and a foal was actually talking to them. Not just mimicking the word mom, but actually talking. “Well, this is awkward.” Nova offered. “She had to think about what she wanted to say. “The thing is, I’ve a blood curse. Also, I’m telling you this in complete confidence. I have two animagus forms. Professor McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey, and Madam Hooch know. I’m a pegacorn. I rescued Goldwine, and now he is just as much my son as if I had laid that egg myself. Harmony knows I spent plenty of time sitting on that egg.” The girls just looked at her with that deer caught in the headlights of a fast-moving vehicle look. Nova transformed into a pony, got up, walked over to Idda, and nuzzled against her. “Say anything and it could cost us the game against the Slytherin team.” “That was you at the game, and it was you who blasted that Slytherin girl.” One of the girls announced. “Don’t think I didn’t get scolded for blasting that wand.” She hadn’t. At the time, Nova was seen standing with the rest of the first years giving her the perfect alibi. Granted Madam Hooch had her suspicions but decided to just let it go. “Granted I had no idea who it was, and I’m very protective of my foal. Though to be honest I was kind of hoping it was Crabbe or Goyle.” Nova offered as she transformed back into a human. Hang on, how did you do that in the first place?” “I can sense magic. I traced the source, and overcharged the wand.” Nova explained. “I’ve done the same to Dumbledore.” “You fried Dumbledore's wand?”Idda asked. “Ya, that was a while back.” Nova offered. “I doubt he remembers, and I didn’t explode his wand, just burned out the core. I’m pretty sure he remembers the incident, but if he does remember his wand burning out, and has made the connection he’s never said anything. Then again it could explain why he stuck me in first-year when I should have been in third. - I have to take the tests, my plot. I didn't have to take tests on my last go-round. They evaluated me, and bumped me up two years.” “Well, I tell you what...” Idda said while producing a rubber curry comb. “..I won’t say anything if...” “Oh, you can’t be serious?” Nova protested. “I’m working towards a vocation in animal husbandry. Being able to say I’ve worked with a pegacorn would be a nice feather in my cap. Figuratively speaking.” “And you’ve talked to Madam Hooch about this?” Nova asked. “Madam Hooch? Hagrid doesn’t take care of all the animals? I’ve been working with Hagrid.” Nova rolled her eyes. “You’ve been here how long, and you didn’t know that it was Madam Hooch who looks after the pegasi? - Let me guess, Hagrid told you he could teach you everything ya needed to know. And I bet he’s been teaching you all manner of things about creatures the likes of which are either illegal to have or require special handling permits. Not that there is anything wrong with knowing how to handle such creatures. It’s just that his judgment is a bit skewed, and from what I hear about him, he kind of looks down on creatures that look dainty, if you catch my meaning. Add to that the fact that he never finished school. I wouldn't trust anything he teaches you. That is to say, that man thinks giant spiders are cuddly from what I hear.” The girls all shuddered. “English pegasi can be just as dangerous as any of his favored beasties. - You know why because they are smart.” “So it’s a no then?” Nova let out a sigh. “Alright, and if you do a good job of it I’ll put a good word into Madam Hooch. And there will be no teasing the foals and don’t let them wander downstairs. I catch a hint of one thing out of line, and I’ll blast the offender, and march the foals right back to where they came from.” A short time later Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Hermione return to find the six and seventh-year girls brushing Nova, Moonie and otherwise taking turns cuddling or playing with the foals. “Care to explain?!” Scootaloo demanded. “Um hi… It’s um, complicated.” Nova offered. “Miss Idda does a mighty good massage too.” “I’m next.” Sweetie Belle announced as she transformed. “Baby unicorn!” the girls chimed with glee on sighting Sweetie Belle’s diminutive and impossibly cute form. As for Scootaloo, she transformed as well, but the scowl on her face and swept-back ears suggested she was not in the mood. She walked up to the girls, picked up Myrtle by the scruff, and vanished into the closet. “Aww, mom!” Myrtle protested as they passed out of sight. “So, um, how exactly are we going to keep us a secret?” Apple Bloom asked with crossed arms. “Not to mention we were trying our best to keep the foals from finding that exit so that there was no chance of another hexing incident. - Or worse.” “It was my fault.” Moonie offered as Alalme ventured in, picked up Alya by the scruff, gave Nova a look that was unreadable, and returned in the direction she’d come. Goldwine decided to follow before he got the scruff treatment. He gave Nova one last look before continuing into the closet. “Something tells me I’m sleeping out here tonight.” Nova bemoaned. “Ya think?” Apple Bloom asked none too kindly. “What were you thinking? You should have herded them right back.” “I was going to introduce the girls to Moonie.” Nova protested. “Moonie came walking out with the foals in tow. - The damage was done.” “I kind of pressured her to let them stay.” Idda offered. “It’s my fault.” “So no ear scratches then?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I mean now that the pony is out of the bag.” “Louise seems more than just a little upset.” one of the other girls offered. Owing to a widespread rumor that Louise had in fact been the pegacorn who’d been injured by the bludger, her transformation had not been a complete shock. “Myrtle is kind of sorta her egg. The egg that was taken from her. As you saw, Louise’s animagus form is pegasi, which apparently isn’t as much of a secret as we’d like it to be, and I can tell you from experience that the instinct to protect, and care for that foal hits mighty hard.” Nova explained. “Being an animagus doesn’t negate that nesting instinct.” “Oh quit beating around the bush.” Hermione protested. You saw the spell we did. That foal is just as much hers as if it had come from her body.” “Hermione, we don’t need to discuss that.” Apple Bloom scolded sharply. “We all know we screwed up big time. No one else who doesn't already know needs to know.” “Maybe I do need to know.” Idda implored. “The Headmaster knows.” Nova offered. He didn’t actually know the whole truth, and Nova would just assume keep it that way. “Nova?” Apple Bloom queried as it was the first she’d heard that Dumbledore had been told anything. “And now we shall put a spell on them to prevent them from ever speaking of this.” Nova offered with a smile. “Fox magic.” The girls gave her an odd look. “Fox magic?” Hermione asked sounding skeptical. Nova transformed to her fox form, dropped her ears, made her eyes as big as they would go, tilted her head slightly, and dropped her nose. “Please don’t say anything to anyone.” Nova pleaded. When Sweetie Belle followed suit as her pony self the effect was almost lethal. “I’m sorry I caused you trouble.” Idda offered. “Something like this was bound to happen sooner or later.” Nova offered as she got up. “I’d better go see if my lost puppy look will work on Louise.” “Scratch the ear?” Sweetie asked as Nova trotted on into the back. “Sweetie, you’re not helping this situation.” Apple Bloom prompted. “I’m not the one who all but told everyone that Louise is a pegacorn, and that filly is her baby.” Sweetie countered giving Hermione a dirty look. “I know Scoot’s had it rough, but I think she’s overreacting a bit. Goldwine’s the one with the scar on his flank. Speaking of which, have you noticed the scars Nova has? Kind of puts ours to shame. Now if Nova was OK with the situation, then that tells me she’d decided to trust these girls so far as allowing the present situation to continue. You know as well as I do what she’s capable of.” “Alright point taken.” Apple bloom offered. “You all sound like you are ponies who turn into humans, and not the other way around?” One of the girls asked. Sweetie Belle replied by saying maybe. Nova found her way back to the master bedroom where Scootaloo and Alalme were cuddling Alya, Goldwine, and Myrtle. The foals weren’t quite sure what they’d done wrong. Nova sat on the floor with her nose between her paws. “That’s not going to work.” Alalme scolded softly. Nova replied with a whimper. Alalme turned and buried her head in Scootaloo’s flank. “Don’t look. Whatever you do, don’t look.” Looks. “Oh gods, not the wiggle!” “Aw come on, have you no pride at all!?” Scootaloo protested. She’d looked to find Nova was now on her back with all four paws in the air, and her tail tucked. “Shameless little ball of floof. Come here.” Nova flipped over, bounded up, and curled up between Scootaloo’s front legs. “So what have you to say for yourself?” Scootaloo asked. “Would it help if I mention that I put a confidentiality spell on them?” Nova offered. “Maybe.” Scootaloo consented. “You want to tell me what happened?” “I think my Moonie has become sentient.” Nova offered. “And I’m not joking… Haven't we had this conversation?” “How about running that by us again?” Alalme asked. “As I said earlier, I wanted to introduce the girls to Moonie. Moonie has been spying on Snape for me. Walking through the closet with foals in tow is a stupid mistake she never should have made.” Nova explained. “I know it looked like all I was doing was indulging myself, but it seemed the best way to do a little damage control. Hopefully, they will think keeping quiet is their idea. Though to be honest, Scootaloo’s transformation doesn’t seem to be much of a secret due to the incident at Quidditch practice.” "Let's not forget about you grabbing me at the end of the game as well. Hang on, your study suggestions for potions?” Scootaloo exclaimed. “Moonie? Isn’t that cheating?” “Mr Sulky Raven has been telling the Slytherins what he’s going to cover in the next class, and I think I can make a good prediction as to what he’s going to test us on.” “Say what?!” Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom chime from the doorway of the bedroom. “Is that why you have me going over stuff that hasn’t been covered?” Sweetie Belle added. “Snape is notorious for assigning potions he hasn’t actually covered in class on end-of-year exams.” Nova offered. “And by interviewing as many people as would talk to me, I have got a good idea which potions he’s likely to pick.” “Why you sneaky little vixen you,” Scootaloo said, moved in to nuzzle Nova to discover she’d turned back into a pony. Their lips touched, Scootaloo pulled back, and blushed. “You sneak.” “Feeling better now though?” Nova offered, as foals piled on her upturned belly. “A bit.” Scootaloo offered. “I’m worried about the game too. There is a lot riding on this game. If we win, we will win the Quidditch cup, and be in striking distance of the house cup.” “Don’t worry about it.” Nova offered. “Well, what if the Ravenclaw team is just better than us? What if their Seeker gets the Snitch first?” “Not going to happen.” Nova offered. “You sound rather sure about that.” Apple Bloom commented. “Sure enough to bet the Slytherins that you’ll have the Snitch within the first five minutes of starting the game.” Nova offered with a grin. “Oh sure, way to put the pressure on.” Scootaloo protested. “First five minutes, followed by explosions from the Forbidden Forest, and muggle jets going over.” Nova offered with a grin. “That sounds strangely specific.” Apple Bloom offered. “Malfoy was the only one smart enough to back out.” Nova offered with a big grin. “Though I kept quiet about the possibility of jets.” “So what makes you think I’ll even be able to catch the snitch before what I assume is going to be a bombing raid on that Acromantula colony?” Scootaloo asked. “When they release the practice snitch, what does it do?” Nova held up a hoof in the air and made a little whistle. Before anyone could react, a very lifelike Golden Snitch landed on Nova’s hoof. “It comes to me,” Scootaloo said softly as she looked at the Golden Snitch on Nova’s hoof. “You’re not suggesting that’s not just a quirk of the practice snitch, are you? Is that?” “One of the Snitches I caught. There should be a couple of them in here. Saved might be a better description.” Nova offered. “They fly around in here going mostly unnoticed, and the ambient magic keeps them well charged.” It took off moments before Phenik flew in, and perched on the outstretched hoof. Nova dropped her hoof, and snatched Phenik up in a hug, Phenik protesting loudly. “The mechanical snitch is spelled to fly away from humans. I told them about this issue, but it’s evident they never did a thing. - Moonie… I forgive you.” Moonie the magical Night Mare peeked her head around the corner. “Come on, your forgiven,” Nova called. “She is forgiven right?” “Yes, I forgive her.” Scootaloo offered. “So is she our foal now too?” “I blame Celestia for sticking her horn in where it doesn’t belong. That and the incident where I nearly lost her seems to have changed more than just her hair. I can’t blame her if her judgment is a little off.” Nova offered as Moonie came into the room, and joined them on the bed. “Dear sweet Moonie, for everything you can do, sometimes your as much a filly as Alya.” Nova offered as she reached over to nuzzled her. Nova couldn't help but ponder whether or not the spell used on Myrtle would work on Moonie. Did Moonie have a soul, or was she just a magical extension of herself? Was Moonie nothing more than the Djinn that lived in the amulet? Finals hit on Monday and ran through to Friday. Nova was desperate to prove that she deserved to be advanced to her proper year. Charms proved way too easy, and there was little she could do to prove herself. After all, making a pineapple dance wasn’t that hard. To mix things up a bit Nova got up on the table and challenged the pineapple to a dance-off. A person would almost think she was born to be a hoofer. “Yes… um, that’s… you may go now.” Professor Flitwick said once he’d snapped out of the stunned stupor he was in. Nova wasn’t sure if he was happy or disappointed. The Transfigurations assignment was turning a mouse into a snuffbox. Before Nova could even begin, she had to reassure the mouse that she wasn’t going to eat it and that it would be perfectly safe. Nova then began to chant the spell, and flourish her wand about. Professor McGonagall’s jaw dropped when the beam from the wand split into three and began swirling about the mouse. As for the mouse, it seemed to expand, and shrink at the same time, and within moments the mouse could be seen as an animated mother of pearl inlay within the panel of a golden framed snuff box of exquisite craftsmanship showing life in Equestria on the sides, and Luna, and Celestia in rotation on the top. McGonagall looked closely at the panel with the mouse and saw a golden pegasus with a pink mane pick it up, and give it a cuddle. “I… I’ve never seen the like,” McGonagall said softly. It’s truly a work of art.” “Princess Celestia has many such treasures.” Nova offered. “Only hers aren't made from a living animal. May I change it back? It just doesn’t seem right to leave it that way.” “Change it back?” McGonagall asked. “Part of the test is to see how long the transfiguration holds.” “I’ve Oukitsune ancestry. I possess living magic. I can assure you the charm will hold so long as there is a source of ambient magic.” Nova explained. “And there is my being part pegacorn.” “I see. Nevertheless, the requirement still stands.” “I see. If you could perhaps place a little food and water inside the box from time to time, I’m sure our little friend would appreciate it. Am I done?” “Yes, yes, you may go.” 🐭 Potions. Professor Snape was not a happy camper, not one bit. Owing to a couple of words, or more, having been said to just the right witch, cough- Griselda Marchbanks -cough -cough, Snape had been saddled with an observer. Snape did not like having anyone looking over his shoulder. After all, they might discover what a woeful teacher he was. But then again the observer was not likely to pick up on anything untoward during a test. As for the testing area, each student had been separated into cells lower in the dungeons. Snape had grown suspicious over the year that Nova Moon was somehow helping the first-year Gryffindor students, and was nothing more than a plant. Not the brilliant student she appeared to be. She was no first year, that much he was sure of. He was also highly suspicious of Louise Magnus, and Miss Apple Bloom as well, and devised a way to prove it. But what of Sweetie Belle you might ask. To be true, her efforts hadn’t been much better than Longbottom’s, and Snape expected her efforts to be a dismal failure no matter what task he gave her. Snape was going to go easy on her in hopes that she wouldn't somehow blow the place up. Nova walked into her assigned cell, looked at the instructions she’d been given, raised an eyebrow, smiled, and set to do the task. The observer entered a short time later as Nova was gathering up, and laying out everything she would need. Nova had yet to do that specific potion and had memorized it only the week prior, along with several other potions that had found their way to her list. “Miss Moon?” Asked the observer, a tall thin witch. “Do you feel you can manage that potion? That’s not exactly a first-year potion.” “It’s a fourth-year potion.” Nova offered as she continued in her preparations. “As Professor Snape has seen fit to give me this opportunity to prove that Professor Dumbledore misplaced me, it would behoove me to accept the challenge. - I’ll be alright.” “You feel confident you can do that potion?” Nova generated a heads-up display in front of her using her foxfire showing a list of every step that needed to be done. “Fortunately it’s one I recently memorized.” The witch looked at the enchanted display with eyes wide. “Well… I’ll leave you to it then. - You wouldn't happen to have kitsune ancestry would you?” Nova cast her a glance and smiled. “Divine kitsune. My teacher back home is a Tenko.” Nova offered as she ignited the fire under her cauldron. The woman smiled, and slowly backed out. Yes, she’d heard tell of such witches, they were said to be endowed with great power. It was no wonder Madam Marchbanks was so interested in this princess. Who cared from what nation she or her ancestors originated from, a child of the Sluagh Sidhe by any other name was indeed precious and needed to be carefully nurtured. Nova continued, carefully following her instructions, going through each step, checking things off the list. The sound of an explosion from one of the other chambers prompted her to pull out her wand and cast a shield spell on the open doorway. She could only hope that the rest of the first-year Gryffindors remembered the shield spell she’d tried to teach them. She also hoped that the explosion hadn’t come from anyone she liked. She worried about Sweetie Belle, told herself Sweetie Belle wasn’t a total disaster anymore, concentrated on her task at hand, and went back to work. Smoke began to fill the hall beyond the barrier, and there was a funny tingling nagging sensation in the back of her head like someone was watching her. Nova did her best to ignore the goings-on in the hallway. Seeing a woman beyond her shield, Nova simply indicated she was fine. A few moments later the smoke was cleared by a rather striking-looking woman who looked suspiciously like Snape. Nova did her best to ignore the fact that several Slytherin girls were being escorted past her doorway. Wait, was that Crabbe and Goyle? It was all Nova could do not to laugh when a very cute Draco Malfoy walked past a little while later. Unlike the other Slytherin students, Malfoy had vials in hand filled with a completed product. One by one the other first years filtered out, to include a very cute, all be it somewhat distressed redheaded girl who looked suspiciously like Ron’s little sister. Hang on, was that Ron? Things quieted down, and Nova set her brew on low heat. The instructions next step called for stirring starting in the west, arching inwards to south, then to the east, then back to the west, and repeat one hundred times more. One hundred and one bowed motions four times around the pot. If nothing else, making that potion was rather tedious. As time wore on, Nova saw the rest of her friends leaving. Sweetie Belle came by, looked in, and gave a thumbs-up before going on. “Well well well, if it isn’t the protegee no one is talking about.” Sneered a familiar voice. Discord. His voice was both in the room, and not in the room. Nova was presently standing motionless legs apart, and arms behind her back, hand in hand as she watched her pot, and an egg timer. She’d sensed his approach and put up a barrier to keep him out. Why him? Why now? Especially now. “Go away.” “Well that’s not very… hang on… I seem to be stuck.” “Teleported yourself inside the wall, did you?” Nova asked with a smile. “I did no such thing. - Now how do I get out? - Can’t say I can remember this ever happening before.” “This isn’t Equestria.” “Thank you, Sherlock. I might have never known.” He retorted testily. “So, um, why are you just standing there like that?” “The instructions say not to stir for twenty minutes.” “. . . - You mean, don’t stir the pot, don’t you?” “If the requirement was not to stir the pot it would say not to stir the potion.” Nova countered. “It’s a vibration thing.” “In that case, should you be talking?” “Do you see my lips moving?” “Ahhh... - You’re in my head, aren’t you?” *“Never mind that noise you heard, it’s just the beast under your bed, in your closet, in your head.” Nova mocked. “I sensed your presence, why do you think you are stuck?” “You dare, I am the lord of chaos.” Discord blustered as his head filled with some rather distracting music. “Not here you are not. Here you are just a sub-par, all be it, imaginative wizard.” “Sub par?!” “Who’s stuck in a wall.” “You’ll pay for this.” Discord growled. “If I ever get out of here that is.” “You could try backing out the same way you came in.” “Can’t.” “Yes, of course, that would be too logical. - Well if you care to wait, I’ll get to you just as soon as I’m finished. - Ah, good. Times up.” Nova said, no longer using telepathy, and checked her notes. “Add one pegasus pin feather...” How had she missed the fact that she’d need a pin feather, and hadn’t had one? “And that bastard didn’t give me a pin feather.” “What about using one of your own?” Discord offered as his draconic head slowly emerged from the ceiling. Nova’s shield about the room had begun to crack. “I’m an alicorn!” Nova protested. “A foxicorn even. Unless...” There was a sound of body parts hitting the floor from several locations. Nova let out a sigh. “Well, I can’t say you aren’t imaginative.” “I do seem to be all over the place, don’t I?” “Do please, pull yourself together, and turn yourself into something less noticeable.” “How’s this?” Nova cast him a glance to discover all he’d done was place a lampshade over his head. Several body parts were in the wrong place as well. Nova let out a sigh, extended her left-wing, reached up, and plucked a pin feather. “Saw you flinch.” “I’ve been through Tartarus and back, and a little thing like plucking a pin feather still bothers me.” Nova offered. “Tartarus?” “A figure of speech.” Nova offered as she tentatively held the feather over the cauldron. “I can honestly say that Tartarus is one place I haven't been.” She took in a breath and let it out slowly.“Well, if this ends in the biggest bomb since Solo, tell my mother I love her.” “What makes you think I’m going to survive if you don’t?” “Two reasons, one, I know that you are a true immortal, and two, from your perspective, you haven't bucked up my life yet.” Nova let loose the feather. The two watched it slowly drop into the murky muddy liquid and were delighted when it turned into a shimmering ivory color and texture. “Congratulations. It didn’t blow up. What is it?” “Shampoo.” Nova offered and began transferring the liquid into crystal vials. “I’m sure Severa Snape will be most delighted.” Discord offered with a slight lilt to his voice. “Severa? - Oh, you didn’t.” “I didn’t. It was a boy named Vincent Crabbe.” Discord offered. “Though I imagine she’ll likely go by Millicent or something like that now. Not my fault he didn’t notice me switch ingredients.” “And here we all thought it’d be Sweetie Belle or Neville who’d somehow manage to mess up that bad. And for that matter, you had no business doing that. These tests are important, and this is not your playground. You don’t even care if someone gets hurt, do you?” Nova scolded. She paused a moment, and added, “At least I won my bet.” “Bet?” “Never bet against a friend unless it’s a sure thing.” Nova offered. “I bet Sweetie and Neville would not blow up their assignments. - Now, I need to finish cleaning up my workstation and turn in my assignment. And don’t let anyone see you. They might shoot first. Not that I’m not tempted.” “You don’t like me, do you?” “You screwed up my life.” “But I’m good now.” “And every good deed you do comes with a high price.” Nova scolded. “And you know what? Stay away from me. Just stay the buck away from me. Even trying to be good, you end up being a menace.” Her tone was sharp and scolding. “Just leave me alone and we’ll get along fine.” Nova finished up, picked up her things, took down the shield on her door, and left Discord to ponder the reality that there was a pony who truly hated him. He could tell if it was just dislike. Lots of ponies disliked him. They were the ones who didn’t understand, and many were afraid of him though he was at a complete loss as to why. Nova wasn’t afraid of him. And she had a point. He was vulnerable in this world. She at least cared enough to give him good caution. He couldn't help but wonder what he’d done to her to make her hate him. Had they been friends in another time and place. If so, he must have really blown it. And for that matter, why had she put the shield on the door back up after leaving? Somehow he'd make it up to her, preferably by spending more time with the Nova that didn't hate him. Nova found Madam Snape in the classroom desperately looking through potions books. “Professor Snape. I’ve finished my assignment.” Snape rounded on Nova. “Well, aren’t you going to laugh?” “Why?” Nova asked. She was honestly puzzled. “Don’t I look comical to you?” “Um, you actually look good.” Nova offered. “My assignment?” Nova offered while holding up the vials in a small case. “You finished it?” “I, um… didn’t have a feather...” Nova looked down and unfolded her wings so that she looked like an angel in witch's clothing. “I substituted, used one of my own, so I don’t know if it’s safe to use or not.” Snape just looked at her dumbfounded. “Wings?” Nova folded up her wings, and they vanished from sight. Snape pointed to a shelf and told her to leave the potions. “Thank you, Professor Snape.” She went over to the shelf, made sure the vials were properly labeled, and set them down. She turned, headed for the door, stopped, turned, and thanked them for not laughing at her. She stepped out leaving Snape to ponder on what had just happened. While the other Gryffindors had been a little shocked, none had laughed. None had dared to laugh at Snape. Not in his, or rather, her face. The Slytherin girls had laughed at what happened to the boys, and him. Not all the boys had been affected though. Most of the Gryffindor students had cast a shield spell that had kept the enchanted smoke out of their work areas, and the smoke only seemed to have affected the boys. No idea why. The girls weren’t going to be laughing by bedtime if he couldn't reverse the effect of the potion. Nova arrived at the Gryffindor common room to find that Neville and Ron were now indeed girls. Neville was presently being protected by several of the older girls. Ron, or Rhona as the twins were now calling her, was presently at the mercy of the twins. “So are you alright?” Scootaloo asked on seeing Nova. “Snape gave me a fourth-year potion and left out one ingredient. Add to that Discord showed up.” Nova offered. “Who’s Discord?” Idda asked. “Think Peeves on steroids.” Apple Bloom offered. “Nova, if you didn’t have what you needed?” “I substituted. I’m going to go have a lie-down." “Any idea what to do with Nelly and Rhona?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Send them to the hospital wing.” Nova offered. “That or make room for them in the girl’s dorm on the off chance they aren’t going to turn back into guys.” “I don’t want to be a girl!” Ron wailed. “Now now, Rhona, that’s no way for a lady to behave.” The twins said in near-perfect unison. “Won’t mother be delighted to have another girl in the family?” “Careful how you tell her, or she’ll think one of you is getting engaged.” Nova cautioned and headed for the stairs. She climbed slowly, went to the bed that was accessible to the dorm, transformed to her pony form, climbed onto the bed, and lay down spent. “Nova, are you alright?” Idda had followed her up. “I’ll be alright.” Nova offered as she closed her eyes. “It’s just that keeping Discord from screwing up my potion took a lot out of me.” “Nova… Nova?” Idda prompted, but Nova was out cold. Somehow this just didn't seem right to her and rushed downstairs to find the Crusaders. Her news that Nova had collapsed resulted in not just the CMC rushing upstairs, but half the girls in the common room. All of whom assumed they’d know what to do. Finding a pegacorn in Nova’s bed was not what anyone expected. Even the CMC assumed Nova would have collapsed in her human form. This was bad. Princess Luna was presently moderating students taking the Defense against the Dark Arts test. Her first clue that Discord was in the vicinity was when the students' written exam suddenly turned into a practical exam. And then things got downright strange. Desks turned into urinals, the walls became cluttered in printed bold text that had been cut from various publications, mouths began separating from students, bodies turned to boxes, tentacles sprang from faces, and birds replaced heads. A few students even developed see-through skin. “There. Isn’t that so much better?” Discord offered while riding on the back of the skeletal wyvern that normally hung from the ceiling. It was now flying about the room threatening to scoop up panicked students. “DADA at its finest.” “Discord! Stop this at once!” Luna shouted. Dust sifted down from the rafters at the impact of the Canterlot Royal voice. “But I’m having so much fun?” Discord complained. “Discord. Now!” This time Luna’s voice was low and threatening. “Oh, I should tell you that one of your students was quite rude to me, dear Lulu. I just can’t see what you see in that brat. You are spending entirely too much time on her when you could be spending time with me.” “I am under no obligation to spend any time with you!” Luna growled. As for the students, by this point, they’d begun to figure out that the thing presently taunting their favorite teacher, was more than likely the cause of the pandemonium. First one student, and then others started throwing every curse and hex they could think of. Discord did his best to dodge but soon found there were too many spells being flung about. “Whatever you do, don’t cross the streams!” Discord shouted as several beams of magic connected. Luna looked on in shocked bewilderment as discord began to struggle to break free. “I want to break free, I want to break free... god knows, I want to break free.” Discord sang very badly. “Oh horseless, these humans mean business!” Nova had warned him after all, but who was he to listen to a voice of reason. The worst part was that the humans seemed to be using his own energy against him. Luna’s lips curled into a malicious smile as she lifted up her wand. It was a powerful wand featuring one of her own hairs. “Metamorphoses est lapis!” Luna shouts leveling her wand at Discord. The room returned to normal for the most part save for the addition of a statue of a draconequus now riding the wyvern suspended from the ceiling, and a number of students who’d been injured during Discord’s playtime. “What do you know, he’s vulnerable to Terran magic,” Luna said with a delighted grin. “And I suppose I’m going to have to pass everyone who helped subdue him.” Students who had wands in hand cheered. “Alright those of you who weren’t injured, help the others to the hospital wing.” “Princess Luna!” Scootaloo shouted as she burst into the room. “Nova collapsed! -Discord!” “Discord has been dealt with.” Luna offered. “Nova?” “She had a run-in with Discord.” Scootaloo offered. “We can’t get her to wake up.” “Where is she?” “In her room.” “I’ll be right there just as soon as I take my class to the hospital wing.” Luna offered. She was torn between running straight to Nova, but she had a duty to see her students to the hospital wing. At least she’d be able to use the shortcut through the infirmary. “Come along every pony, er I mean everyone.” Luna arrived at Nova’s apartments a short time later to find She’d been moved to the master bedroom, and that Twilight was already there along with Alalme, Moonie, Scootaloo, and the foals were all pressed around her. “How is she?” Luna asked. “Low on manna reserves, but she’ll be fine.” Twilight offered as she cuddled Nova’s head. “I hear she had a run-in with Discord.” “I did as well. Several of my students were injured during his antics. His little stunt.” Luna offered with more than a little anger in her tone. “With the help of the students, I was able to turn him to stone.” No idea how long it’ll last.” “Humans thrive on chaos.” Nova offered softly. “Welcome back.” Twilight offered. “You gave us a good scare.” “I sensed his presence, and used a good deal of effort to keep him from screwing up my assignment,” Nova explained in a quiet almost whisper. “Snape would have been fine had I failed. He set me up to fail, and I wasn’t about to let Discord screw everything up. So, um, why are you here?” “I just had a feeling that you needed me.” Twilight offered. “That and Sweetie Belle came through the portal to let me know there was something wrong. Sure is a good thing my magic is the same as your mother’s or you’d have been in trouble.” Nova cast a glance at Twilight and just let out a sigh. “So how’s Moonie?” Nova asked. “She kind of runs on my magic.” “She’s got a fair amount of mine as well.” Luna offered. “And she’s right here. You are in the middle of a pony pile.” “Ah, no wonder I feel so snugly,” Nova replied with a smile. “Now what do we do with Discord?” Twilight asked. “Well whatever you do with him, that draconequus is not to come in here under any circumstances,” Nova ordered. “Not one hair, toe, talon, scale, spleen, or any other part of him. - Oh, and something else you might want to know about. Discord claimed to have switched one of Crabbe’s potion ingredients. Good luck trying to get a straight answer out of him as to what it was.” “I think I’m going to send a sample to Zecora.” Twilight offered. > Chapter 18: End of year exams, part two. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That evening’s walk down to dinner proved, interesting. Nova was back on her feet and was a little annoyed at how many of the Gryffindor girls were now not just overly worried about her well being, but obsessively protective of her. “What’s going on?” Nova asked of Idda. “You collapsed in your outer bedroom in your pony form.” Idda offered. “It’s going to be difficult to keep it a secret.” What Idda didn’t say was that had Nova been an ordinary human animagus she’d have remained human, not transformed. “They do understand that if a certain pony were to be found out to be a student it could put our win against Slytherin in jeopardy?” Nova asked. The girls all looked about at each other, and without having to say a word, agreed to keep quiet. Dinner conversation had other things to discuss. Finding Draco and the other first-year Slytherin students who’d wagered against Sweetie Belle proved all but futile. Nova found Draco, eventually, at the Slytherin table sitting by himself, or rather, herself, her long blond hair cascading down her back. “Malfoy...” Nova prompted. “You going to make fun of me too?” Draco said softly. “Um, no… We had a bet, along with several people in your class. Any idea where they got to?” “A bet? - I’ve been turned into a girl, and all you care about is a bet?” Malfoy protested. There is some laughter nearby. Others just glare at Malfoy as though she was somehow guilty of a horrendous crime. “Ya, that’s all I care about. We had a bet. You said that Either Sweetie or Neville would blow up their potions. Not my fault someone made a gender swap potion. - It is reversible isn’t it?” “I don't know.” Malfoy offered. “The others have been taken out of school.” “Well, I guess the money doesn’t really matter.” Nova offered. She leaned in and whispered, “If things get to the point you feel you can’t manage, I’ll help you out any time you’ve got a want for a little help.” “Consorting with the enemy, is it? Coco.” Marcus Flint, the Slytherin Quidditch team captain jeered. There was venom in his tone. “The enemy? - Are we not all students in the same school?” Nova asked as she straightened out. “Are we not all equal?” “Equal she says?” Flint spat out. “Just because they let you in, doesn’t make you equal.” “All right, that is quite enough out of you, Mr Flint.” Snape scolded. The students looked at her with wide-eyed astonishment. Sure it was Snape, but Snape now looked like a supermodel. She was still tall, her robes now form fit, and thanks to Nova’s potion her hair seemed to be blowing in a breeze no one else felt. Shimmering highlights, light that seemed to originate from her hair, and background singing every time she moved. L’Oréal deAlicorn, because you’re worth it. Jaws dropped. “Um, Professor Snape, maybe you shouldn't use that potion I made?” “Nonsense.” Snape retorted. “Best shampoo I’ve ever used. - Now, I’ll have no more trouble out of any of you.” Snape turned, her hair fanning out in slow motion as she turned, and then walked up to the head table with a spring in her step. “I am very conflicted right now.” One of the boys said in a low tone. “That is just downright strange.” another Slytherin boy offered. “He, or she… is actually smiling.” “Oh, and Mr Flint...” Nova said just loud enough for the boys to hear. “..on the matter of equality, I own the Hogwarts express, have enough money to buy the school outright, and I’m a princess.” Nova gave a slight bow of her head, turned, and went back to the Gryffindor table. “I guess that’s why my great Aunt Belvina is so interested in her.” Coco offered in a contemplative voice. “She’s going to be mighty disappointed if you don’t get changed back.” Millicent Bulstrode offered as she sat down next to Coco. “Don’t be so sure about that.” Nova offered from her seat. “I think Coco is cute.” “Disgusting.” Flit said in nearly a growl. “She lives in a harem.” Hermione offered as though saying that’s just the way it is. “I’m to understand it’s fairly common in her country for one man to wed multiple women.” “I doubt Flint would know what to do with even one woman.” Idda teased, generating a round of laughter from the Gryffindor table, and even a few stifled laughs from the Slytherins. “Your attention please,” Dumbledore called out over the gathered students. “Do to unforeseen circumstances that took place in several classes today, those who were effected will be given the opportunity to retest. Stand by after dinner, and you will be told if you need to retest or not, and I’m to understand the Defense Against the Dark arts class that was interrupted is to reconvene right after dinner. What about potions, Professor Snape?” “I’m going to try to shoehorn in the first years who were unable to complete their assignment tomorrow.” Snape offered. “I’m also awarding ten points each to Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, and Mr, or should I say, Miss Malfoy, for having the guts to stick it out. Those individuals who left will get an incomplete if they aren’t back in time to retest. And no I do not consider getting one’s gender-swapped to be a valid excuse to skip out on a test.” “And is there a counter-potion?” Dumbledore asked. “Afraid I’ve had to send the offending potion off to the Unspeakables to see if they could identify what the individual in question actually did.” “And what have we done with the, what was it?” Dumbledore asked. “A draconequus.” Luna offered. “Cut up into manageable pieces, and shipped him home. I must say it never occurred to me to just throw random curses at him. It seems to be a most effective tactic.” “She cut him up?” Sweetie Belle asked astonished, and slightly horrified. “Not like it’s going to hurt him.” Nova offered. “It just makes him more manageable. I think my moms intend to de-stone his head and interrogate him for whatever good that does.” “Wait, they can do that?” Rhona asked. “No different than freezing Peeves.” Nova offered. “Discord is not a being of flesh and blood, he only simulates being flesh and blood. His body can be cut up into pieces, and will snap right back together.” “Ya, I kind of forgot about that.” Sweetie Belle offered. After dinner Nova was relived that she wouldn't need to do the potions test again. Nova was worn out and wanted nothing more than to get in a good nap prior to the Astronomy test. Fortunately, the test was scheduled for ten instead of the usual midnight class. The Crusaders woke her up when it was time to go, collected Hermione, and then collected Nelly, and Rhona who’d been provided a deluxe trunk in the common room as it was uncertain when, or if the potion would wear off. The situation was most awkward for the two. The school rules stated that girls could not be in the boy’s dorm, and for the moment they were girls. It was unknown just how long they’d remain that way. “I don’t know why they can’t just sleep in their own beds.” Harry lamented. For Harry, not having two of his roommates was making for a rather quiet dorm room. “Same goes for me.” Seamus Finnigan offered. “It’s mighty quiet up there without you two.” “Um, guys… which toilet do I use?” Rhona asked sounding desperate. “Isn’t there a toilet in your trunk?” Hermione asked? “I can’t go in the trunk, that’d be unsanitary.” Rhona protested. “Oh for… come on.” Nova offered and directed the two up to the girl’s toilet. “So um, how do I do this?” Nelly asked when they got there. “Um, ya, not like I’ve ever, you know...” Rhona offered. Nova placed a palm on her forehead. “You pull up your robes, pull down your panties, and sit.” “Which way?” Nelly asked. “And then what?” Rhona asked. “The same way you always do, and it’s the same set of muscles. Just get in there, and try not to over think it.” Astronomy proved rather anticlimactic. Herbology was Nova’s best class. Pomona Sprout was convinced that the four students from Eques were by far the brightest students she had ever had the pleasure to teach. Apple Bloom and Miss Moon had clearly been taught about herbs. The fact that even little Sweetie Belle already knew the majority of what they’d need to know for first-year had never crossed her mind until she learned of the King’s cure. Athelas Nova was calling it, and it took a considerable amount of time for Madam Sprout to locate any references to the name Athelas. She found it in texts that were so old the pages had to be preserved with magic. Athelas, King of Arkadia of old, praised as a great healer, son of Adrastus, who was the son of Herakles, who was sired by Onkios King of Arkadia, who had been sired by King Areion who’s sire was called Zephyrus god of the wind. The most surprising thing of all is that Zephyrus was, according to the sources she’d looked at, sired by none other than Poseidon himself. The records indicated something about a cataclysmic event that devastated the empire, something they themselves had created, and then the records stopped. It was even speculated that references to Atlantis coincided with the fall of the Arkadian empire. What they did know came to them from Mycenaean records written in ‘Linear A’ which the muggles thankfully had yet to translate, as a good deal of the information in the old records contained a good deal of information about magic. Then it hit her, what she’d thought had been doodles in the margins were a variation of the Mycenaean Linear A. The girls had been making notes in what had been thought to be a dead language. Professor Sprout looked over the class of first years. Hermione, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Louise, and Nova were all writing very detailed answers to the questions. The necklace that Nova normally kept hidden was hanging out, on it a crescent moon, and two stars bracketed by Mycenaean symbols circling around the edge. The chain was a chain of tiny horseshoes, and the gems seemed to glow with a light of their own. “Miss Moon, can I have you hang back after everyone is done?” Professor Sprout asked. “Yes, mam,” Nova replied without looking up from her test. When Nova had finished her test, she took her work up to the front, handed it in, went back to her seat, sat down, and waited. When the last of the first years had left, Professor Sprout went over to Nova and sat down at a desk across from her. “Can I ask you about your necklace?” “Is there something about it you were curious about?” “The script on it, what is that?” “It’s the native language of Eques commonly referred to as Old Ponish.” Nova offered. “It’s taught in all our schools along with the Roman script. The Roman script was introduced sometime in the last millennium.” “May I have a look at it?” “I’d rather you didn’t. You might trigger the anti-theft spell.” “Anti-theft spell? - Are you telling me this is an enchanted artifact? Would you object to my using a detection spell?” “If it feeds back, the feedback wave it produces could banish every ghost within a five-mile radius. More or less depending on the amount of feedback. I’m sorry, but you really need to direct your questions to Professor Moon. She made it. It was enchanted to provide me with protection when there is no one to watch over me. I hadn’t been wearing it, but the appearance of the draconequus yesterday has me a bit jumpy.” “My dear, you are perfectly safe in Hogwarts.” “Considering that Professor Quirrell had been Lord Voldy, I’m surprised you can say that with a straight face,” Nova said in a scolding manner. Professor Sprout stepped back as though she’d been physically slapped. “You… So how much do you know?” Professor Sprout asked. “This pendant is also a badge of office. - I had to be briefed on the matter, and we were poised to pull out of the school.” Nova informed her. “I’m glad it never came to that.” “The matter concerning you know who is being kept quiet.” Professor Sprout offered. “Even so, I dare say Professor Dumbledore has had to answer a lot of questions. But you know who and that draconequus are gone now.” “That draconequus is never every truly gone, any more then you can rid the castle of Peeves.” Nova offered. “And he is far more dangerous. Calls himself Discord, and delights in causing havoc.” “Potions.” “He told me he switched an ingredient,” Nova admitted. Up to that point Professor Sprout had been unaware of where the information had come from. “No way of knowing if he was telling the truth or not. The reason I collapsed yesterday after potions was because I tried to contain him, but without my pendant, it took too much effort, and I was unsuccessful. After that… I barely remember returning to my room. - Being turned to stone is only an inconvenience to him.” “I see.” “May I go now? My friends are waiting.” “Yes, you may go.” Professor Sprout offered. ‘Thank you, mam.” Nova said, got up, gathered her school bag, and quietly exited to the hall were a good deal of the first year girls, and Harry was waiting. “So what did she want?” Scootaloo asked. “She was curious about my pendant.” Nova offered. “Come on, let's go get some lunch.” That afternoon was the defense against the dark arts class. “I do hope everyone has studied diligently,” Luna said as she looked out over the group. In the time Luna had been their instructor, Luna had done overviews of everything they should have been learning. They were woefully behind from where they should have been. The exams were passed out, Nova and the others wrote their names on the top, and then they were given permission to start. “Nova breezed through the first few pages, and then the questions started getting harder. How curious? Nova thought as she continued. She was beginning to have to actually think about her answers. She paused for a moment, and a smile formed on her lips. Nova was finished with the first year test and was presently working on second-year questions. Invigorated, she dove back into the test. “If you don’t know the answer to something, make your best guess, and skip to the next question.” Luna offered to the class. She couldn't help but notice that students were struggling. “And you have my permission to make a joke out of it if you’re going to get it wrong anyway. At least that way we’ll get a good laugh out of it.” This announcement had the effect of energizing students who’d been struggling. “Oh, and everyone has a different test. Looking at the paper of another will do you no good.” There was an audible groan out of one of the girls. “Better get on that. Won’t do to have the right answer on the wrong question.” There’s some good-natured snickering. Nova couldn't really be sure how long it had been before Luna called time. Several students groaned, and a few voiced their need for more time. Nova made one last mark, set her quill down, leaned back and smiled. “The reason I told you to skip anything you didn’t know the answer for was because I gave you all more questions then you could possibly hope to answer.” Luna offered. “What I’m going to do considering the teacher you had, is throw out the bottom ten percent, and then grade on a curve according to what you actually answered.” She let that sink in a moment. “You should not have to suffer more than you already have.” Luna’s eyes caught Nova’s smile. “You seem rather happy considering I gave you the most questions.” “I finished it.” Everyone turned to look at her. The pile of papers stacked on her desk a testament to how much she’d had to go through. Luna picked it up and began thumbing through it. Most of the answers were academic in nature. A few were first hand, or rather hoof, accounts. Luna read through a few, stepped up to Nova, wrapped an arm around her, and gave her a long hug. “Alright, hand in your tests, and you may go,” Luna said after a while. “What was that about?” Scootaloo asked a short time later. The Gryffindor first years were slowly making their way back to the common room. “Since it was Luna, I wrote down some real life experiences I went through.” Nova offered. “What?!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “The thing is… what they put in the book is just one way to defeat a creature, or other, that’s intent on doing you harm. I once drove off a boggart by sicking Phenik on it. didn’t even know about the spell that renders it powerless.” “Do you think that’s why she told us to just guess?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I’d imagine she’s going to look at what people put down, and consider whether or not it has a chance of working.” Nova offered. “I had a Basilisk go after me once, one of them half snake half chicken things. I pulled out my signal mirror and showed the blasted thing it’s own reflection. - The number one thing about a potentially life or death situation is to never lose your head. Number two is to be creative.” “I hear that’s what brought down that Discord creature.” Harry offered. “From what I hear tell, about a dozen students realized he was the root cause of everything going on, and just started casting random jinxes at him.” “Everyone teaming up on him must have been more then he could cope with.” Sweetie Belle surmised. “Back home the method to try to keep him under control has always been a well-orchestrated single attack.” Apple Bloom offered. “I doubt it ever would have occurred to just use a bunch of random attacks.” “Wonder if the same thing will work on Peeves?” Rhona asked. “He keeps trying to flip my robes.” “Just tell him if he doesn’t behave I’ll turn him into a pinball again.” Nova offered with a grin. “Hang, on what?” Scootaloo asked. “Trapped him inside a spherical shield spell, and sent him bouncing down the main stair well.” Nova offered. “Though technically I did have help. Peeves was hiding, invisible, I figured out where he was, initiated our retaliatory attack, our Prefect, a boy named Albert Armor cast the bubble spell around Peeves, and then Moonie gave him a good solid buck. - It was glorious.” “Hang on, I’ve heard legends about someone doing that?” Rhona offered. “You are not seriously going to tell me you were there? That was like eighty ninety years ago from what I understand.” “Truth is I stepped through a time warp.” Nova offered. “Come on, I’ll prove it.” “I believe you, but how exactly are you going to prove it?” Scootaloo asked as Nova directed them towards the main hall. “Wait and see,” Nova replied, and a short time later they were in the Quidditch trophy room. “See there, the nineteen oh three oh four Quidditch team. Look at the name, and look at the picture of the seeker.” She gave them a moment to look. “This is why no one but the ghosts remember me.” “Wicked,” Rhona said looking at the picture. “That really is you.” “And the Nova broom too.” Dean Thomas announced. “I made it.” Nova offered as she cast a glance at the 04-05 team. Maggie Weasley had replaced Nova on the team and proudly displayed Nova's broom. “Lots of witches and wizards made their own brooms back then.” Nova couldn't resist looking at the different pictures to see who all had used her broom. “You didn’t seriously make your own broom.” Lavender Brown scoffed. “Why do you think it’s called the Nova broom? Mind you the spell work has been tampered with over the years.” Nova informed them. “I’ve been working on a new one. Any one want to see it?” “Can we?” Harry asked. “But first years aren’t allowed to have their own brooms?” Hermione protested. “It’s alright, I’ve shown it to Madam Hooch, and she’s declared it an extra credit project. I’m just not allowed to ride it until she’s given her approval.” The first years arrived at the Gryffindor common room a short time later, and Nova told them she’d bring it down momentarily. The boys had little choice, but to wait, but the girls, including Nelly and Rhona, followed her upstairs. Nelly and Rhona quickly turned and went back down to the common room blushing madly on seeing girls in various states of undress. “I sure hope for their sake's they aren’t stuck that way.” Apple Bloom offered as the others giggled. On arriving at Nova’s apartment Nova dropped her school bag, and went back into her closet. She returned a short time later with her latest broom. This time she’d left the bark on it. It had rough areas and a black surface. The new broom also had the same fine weaving as her old broom and had been bound so that the straw tapered to a tight end in a sort of teardrop shape that had been shaved at the end. It also featured silver foot rests made from a metal that had been forged in Equestria. “You didn’t remove the bark?” Parvati Patil asked. “What’s it made of?” Scootaloo asked. “It’s Blackthorn. Same as the last one.” Nova offered. “I haven't done all the spell work yet, being how busy I’ve been, so it doesn’t actually fly yet.” “Wouldn't having the bark on it adversely affect the speed?” Hermione asked. “I did a lot of sanding, followed by layers of black lacquer, more sanding, and more lacquer.” Nova offered. “I wanted to take advantage of the bark’s natural roughness at the grip points. - Well come on, let's go show it to the boys, and girls.” By the time they got downstairs, the entire Quidditch team had shown up along with a few other boys who were interested. “Core, that looks wicked,” Rhona said. “I’ll be the judge of that.” Wood said sounding a bit pompous. “Hand it over.” “It’s not fully enchanted yet. I’ve only done the primary preservation spells.” Nova informed him as she handed it over. “Nice ergonomic curve to the shaft… kind of the look of a black Nimbus 2000...” Wood reported as he looked the broom over. “Lightweight… what are the foot rests made out of?” He tried giving one a tug. Then pulled even harder. “That’s on their really good. What’s it made out of?” “Adamantine.” Nova offered. “Not easy to get, and costly.” “I’d imagine.” Wood offered as he began to inspect the braided straw, and finely wound cording that held it all together. “Wow, you’ve duplicated the workmanship of the Nova broom… did you say adamantine?!” “As in True Silver.” Nova offered. “Kind of expensive.” “Kind of!?” Wood said as his hands began to shake. “How…?” “I’m stupidly rich.” Nova offered. Nova had actually shipped various goods to Fancy Pants to be able to pay for the foot rests as she had no money in Equestria. One thing led to another, and now Nova owned a logistics company that would fill orders set up by Fancy Pants who in turn was putting aside a percentage of the profits so Nova would have money on the Equestria side of the portal. “She kind of is.” Scootaloo offered with a grin. “I’d say she did a better job on the braiding too.” Katie Bell, one of the team’s chasers offered. “The fact that she can afford adamantine doesn’t surprise you?” Wood asked. “Her deluxe apartment has its own bath, a bedroom, a walk-in closet that seems to connect to the attic space somehow, and a large reading lounge that’s as big as some deluxe apartments I’ve seen.” Katie offered. “She’s a princess, she has money. And I’ve seen her working on that broom, so I know she didn’t buy it.” “You can’t buy a broom like that. Not that I’m aware of.” Rhona offered. “I’ve seen pictures of some high end one of a kind brooms.” Wood offered. “Every last one is nothing more than an attempt to copy the Nova broom.” “Seriously?” Nova asked. “What are you using for the twine?” Angelina Johnson asked. “It’s pegacorn hair.” Scootaloo offered. “Ah, so that’s what makes the difference.” Wood mused. The girls, Nova and the Crusaders weren’t about to tell them it had a primary feather inside the shaft of the broom. “And you have access to them.” “Ya, and I should probably finish the spell work on it so it’ll be ready for Madam Hooch by tomorrow afternoon.” Nova replied. “I’m seeing white, reddish, purplish, magenta...” Wood was saying as he studied the hairs that made up the cording. “I guess that’s black… kind of seems to shimmer, and gold that’s really catching the light.” “Broom… I need to finish it?” Nova prompted. “Oh, right, here. Sorry.” 🖌 The next day was history of magic in the morning. The test was grueling. Not because Nova didn’t know the material, but because it was just so tedious. Question after question about the Goblin wars. Oddly enough there wasn’t word one concerning why the wars had happened. After class everyone met in the common room, and then went down to lunch. For Many of the first-years, this was going to be the last chance they had to fly on a broom until returning in the following school year. Nova could certainly understand the sentiment as she went upstairs to retrieve her project. Her living situation over the summer was as yet still undecided so far as she understood. The problem of avoiding influencing events in Equestria, and at the very least, not interacting with her younger self still hung over her head. “Hey, wait up!” Scootaloo called as she hurried to catch up with Nova. “I have to fetch my broom too.” “I nearly forgot.” Nova offered with a smile and gave her a hug. “So which one of us is the elder I wonder?” Scootaloo asked as they climbed the stairs. “Be hard to say. I’m not really sure how old I am. - Fifteen by my reckoning, but I could be off by any number of years.” Nova offered. “Not that it really matters. What matters is what we share together in the future.” “Maybe I am older than you in years, but when you say things like that, I can’t help but see you on the same level as Princess Celestia.” “Perish the thought. I am in no way on the same level.” Nova offered. “I’ve yet to make the same number of mistakes.” “Mistakes?” “Why if I’m to measure up to her, you and I would have to banish Discord, Sombra, and have a knock down drag out fight in which one of us ends up on the moon.” “Oh harmony no.” Scootaloo protested, and then laughed. “And besides, dealing with Troll fart was hard enough.” “He was a slippery one.” Nova offered with a smile as they continued down the corridor that took them to the portrait of the fat lady. The two retrieved their brooms and made their way to the quidditch pitch. Gryffindor was paired up with Slytherin, and a number of other students were simply enjoying free time. Most of the Slytherin first years were in one group, and the Gryffindor first years had gathered in another. Malfoy was standing off by herself with the most pitiful broom Nova had ever seen. “Madam Hooch, surely Malfoy can’t be expected to test on that old thing?” Nova called. “I’m aware of the issue, and if the one you’ve made is up to snuff she can use the one that was brought out for you.” Madam Hooch offered. “Fair enough.” Nova offered. Malfoy for her part didn’t say a thing. The old Malfoy would surely have objected, but this new Malfoy was quickly learning to keep her opinions to herself. Nova went over to the boy turned girl. “Come on, thing’s get better. Just chuck that thing and use that one over there, and if the prick who set you up with that one don’t like it, I’ll give him what for.” Out of the corner of her eye, she could see some older Slytherin students who’d undoubtedly been tasked to help, only to bring out what looked to be one of the brooms from nineteen oh three. “Well then, Miss Moon, front and center. Let me see that broom you’ve made.” Madam Hooch requested with a smile. Nova walked up to her and presented the broom by holding it out in front of her at a slight angle, her feet together, her form straight. Madam Hooch took the broom, raising an eyebrow as Nova’s arms quickly went to her sides. Nova was standing at attention, her face giving away no emotion. Madam Hooch inspected the broom with equal seriousness and then set it on the ground. She held her hand over it, and was surprised when the shaft slapped into her hand at just the thought of the command of up. “What’s the shaft… is this Blackthorn?” “Yes, Mam. Same as my wand.” Nova offered. “I reasoned that the wood would respond to my magic better than any other woods.” “I see.” Madam Hooch replied. She handed it back to Nova, who took it without saying a word. “Now place it on the ground, and lets put it through its paces.” Nova stepped away from the group, set the broom on the ground, held her hand over the broom, and commanded up. Nothing happened. At least not at first. Schootaloo who’d been watching intently, eager for Nova to succeed turned her head to look at her broom. The Nova broom was vibrating. “My back hairs just went all tingly.” Sweetie Belle whispered. “I feel a heart song coming on.” Apple Bloom said in the same hushed tone as Nova’s new broom slowly lifted up into the air. Shaft now in hand Nova swung the sweep down, and stepped onto the footrests. She crouched down and sat. Somewhere up in the stands, our old friend the Gryffindor ghoul began strumming his bass guitar. Nova gave the Crusaders a wink, and then fire roared from the back of the sweep. *“Revvin’ up your broom, listen to her howling roar.” Scootaloo sang knowing better than to fight it. Nearby she caught the bewildered looks of Slytherin boys trying to jinx the broom while they began to chant it needed a proper test in a deep counter tone. “My broom's under tension, begging me to touch and go.” Nova sang out followed by her and the Crusaders singing, “Highway to the danger zone. Right into the danger zone!” “Heading for that horizon, I’ll be spreading out my wings tonight!” Nova sang out and then rocketed forward and upward as though launched with a catapult. Behind her, the Slytherin boys wands have snapped. “She’s jumping off the deck, and shoving into overdrive!” the Crusaders sang. Everyone present sings, “Highway to the danger zone! I’ll take you right into the danger zone! - You’ll never say hello to you until you get on the red line overload, you’ll never know what you can do until you get it up as high as you can go!” Nova sped down the pitch, rounded the goal hoops so fast the air complained in protests. “Out along the edges, always where I burn to be. The further on the edge, the hotter the intensity!” Nova sang, pulled up on her broom and rocketed heavenward. Down on the pitch, students went into singing the chorus three times through while someone opens up with a saxophone. As the last notes die away Nova goes racing by. “What just happened?” Rhona asked. “Heart Song,” Hermione offered. It’d been a heart song that had been used to convince her to do that spell to turn Myrtle into an egg. “Madam Hooch, permission to join Nova. My brooms got an itch that’s got to be scratched.” Scootaloo asked. “Yes, go ahead.” Madam Hooch offered. “I’m going to have some words with my helpers.” Scootaloo mounted her broom and chased off after Nova. “Wish we could fly like that.” Apple Bloom lamented. “What are you talking about? You are a good flier.” Harry offered as he looked up. “Not like that.” Sweetie Belle said as she watched Nova and Scootaloo do a synchronized barrel roll. ✈✈ > Chapter 19: The Raid > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's early Saturday morning, a group of RAF aviators along with one US Naval Cadet with short rainbow-colored hair are sitting in a hanger undergoing a mission briefing. Outside can be heard the sound of jet engines warming up. “So why’s Pride Day here?” One of the aviators asked. “No offense to the Midshipman mind you.” “Why does everyone harp on my hair? It grows that way!” Dash complained. “Midshipman Dash is going to be riding along in the Hunter acting as a spotter.” The mission commander explained. “It’s a dead zone. Our very own Highland triangle.” “What, not that Falkirk triangle rubbish?” One of the men asked. “Don’t be daft, that’s our own aircraft people are spotting.” Offered an older man in an army officer's uniform. His name, Lethbridge-Stewart, retired Brigadier. “Not that a few of those sightings might be legitimate.” He added with a wink. “Midshipmen Dash here was chosen for this mission because it was brought to our attention that she was immune to the localized effect that caused people to literally look the other way. And she can’t say no. There have been numerous unexplained disappearances in the area, and most recently there’s been an issue regarding a none native species that have taken up residence in a forest in the region.” A large poster-sized card was turned over to reveal a picture of a large upturned spider with a man standing nearby with an automatic rifle trained on it. The body of the spider was as big as the man. Some more poster cards were turned over showing satellite imaging. “Here’s the thing, the majority of you are not likely to be able to see any of what can be seen on satellite.” The Mission Commander offered. “The Brigadier here is acting as a liaison officer with UNIT.” “I’ve seen more than my share of strange.” The Brigadier offered. “This one is actually one of the milder ones.” “Now, each of you will have precise coordinates dialed in by satellite. There is a town not too far away, and a large private school. Neither of which you’ll find on any maps.” The Mission Commander informed them. “Do not stray from the GPS, unless the Midshipmen waves you off. Do not attempt to go into this area with any other aircraft. These birds have had their avionics shielded from the effects of the radiation specific to the area. And don’t worry, it’s only harmful to electronics.” “Seriously?” One of the pilots asked. “Seriously.” Offered the pilot who’d been out with Dash. She was a training officer with the call sign of Spitfire. “I’ve been over that forest about three times now. The first two times all I saw was Scottish moors. About halfway into the third flight that moor vanished, and was replaced by forest.” She looked at each one in the eyes to make sure they were paying attention. “This is quite possibly the most dangerous mission you will ever do because you’ll be going in completely blind to what you are flying into. - Listen to the radio. There will be a spotter in the civilian area identified as Moondust. If she says pull up, if she says turn left, or turn right, then you bloody well better do it.” Three pegacorns glide silently over the quidditch grounds, one mostly white with black, a golden orange-yellow with magenta hair, and a larger mare of midnight blue with black dapples and plot. Students have begun to gather, but there are no other pegasi about. “You’re serious about the jets, aren’t you?” Scootaloo asked as they rounded the goal hoops. “Now what lead you to that conclusion?” Nova asked with a grin. Luna just nickered. “You asked the pegasi to either move on to their summer homes, or return to Equestria by first light today, and insisted that no pony remaining be in the air, or anywhere near the forbidden forest.” “A few of my new friends got together, buried the hatchet, and managed to get an airstrike scheduled to go after the acromantula colony.” Luna offered. “As this is the last game of the year, most of the wizard folk will be at the game, and there won’t be any students or staff anywhere near the forest,” Nova added. “That leaves pegasi accidentally flying into the path of an aircraft.” “I feel a little sorry for Hagrid,” Luna informed them. “It’s a good thing he’s nowhere near here. I can see him rushing straight to the colony. Being that at least one of them was his pet. And yes, I did a lot of networking to make this happen. Even the Prime Minister knows about the raid. Well, we wouldn't want him to be blindsided, and we’ve some of our best agents keeping a close watch for when the Ministry of Magic people go ballistic.” “In case you are wondering, no, we did not tell the fliers to go right over the quidditch grounds,” Nova explained to Scootaloo. “I’m to understand they were told to stay well clear of the school. It’s just that the human Rainbow Dash and Spitfire are in one of the airplanes, and if those two are anything like our Dash, and Spitfire...” “They’ll buzz the school the first chance they get and bring company.” Scootaloo offered, finishing Nova’s thought. “I’ve an idea, let's loosen up a bit.” Nova offered while propelling herself forward a little faster. She did a quick snap roll, followed by a loop. Scootaloo and Princess Luna couldn't resist and followed so that it turned into a game of follow the leader. The three were frolicking about when Wood’s voice rang out over the pitch. “It sure would be nice if our seeker would quit horsing around, and get ready for the game!” “Um, do you think he knows?” Scootaloo asked looking towards the team changing rooms. Wood was standing there with his wand to his throat glaring at the trio. “They know your cutie mark, and we know several people saw you transform to shield Goldwine. Who knows how many people saw you transform when I snatched you up? - Sorry about that." Nova offered. “They were bound to figure it out sooner or later. Might be best to circle around though.” “I’m going to head for the Astronomy tower.” Luna offered. “I’ve a radio set up there I can use to scold the pilots if they get too close to the school.” “Alright mom, see you. I’m heading in, and will be out in a bit.” Nova offered as Luna glided over towards the school. “Scootaloo?” “Oh darn it all anyway. If he knows it’s only a matter of time till everyone has figured it out.” Scootaloo stated, and glided down to where Wood was waiting. Nova watched from above as Scootaloo dropped down, and walked into the team room as onlookers watched in astonishment. Wood turned around and followed. Nova circled a couple of times, and then went back to the Gryffindor tower. There she transformed to human form and went downstairs gathering Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Hermione, Harry Potter, and Rhona Weasley along the way. Ron was still a girl owing to the fact that no one had figured out a counter-potion yet. They arrived at the quidditch grounds a short time later to discover a large gathering of students and staff gathered around the entrance to the team rooms. “Guys, you’ll never believe it!” Nelly called on seeing the group. “A pegacorn landed, and walked right into the Gryffindor team room!” “Oh for...” Nova said as palm found face. “A pegacorn… anyone we know?” Apple Bloom asked crossly, as she gave Nova a dirty look. “Wood figured it out.” Nova offered. “And I’d imagine the whole team knows. You can’t actually believe we were going to keep a lid on that forever. I mean about Louise being an animagus.” She added a wink knowing full well there’d be people who could hear her. “Now hang on one minute?!” Apple Bloom protested. “Up in our room, she was being protective. A might bit overprotective I might add.” Nova countered. “And I told her to go around. It was her idea to just go straight down.” “Be it as it may...” Apple Bloom protested. “What say we see what we can do about this crowd?” Sweetie Belle offered, and started working her way forward. Apple Bloom followed, followed by Nova. But when they’d gathered where the teachers were, they were told to stay back. “Hey! You guys got a pony in there!” Apple Bloom shouted, and a fine impersonation of the Royal Canterlot voice it was. The teachers, and gathered students all cringed, followed by Wood venturing out a moment later. “What’s this all about then?” Wood asked as he looked about. “By any chance is there a pegacorn in there?” Nova asked. “Ah, no. Whatever gave you that idea? No one in here save team members.” Wood replied. “Well then, nothing to see here, move along, move along.” Sweetie Belle offered as she made a shooing motion with her hands. “Come on, let's go find a place to sit.” Apple Bloom prompted as instructors began to poke their heads in the team room to have a look. “Nova, you’re joining us this time I’m assuming?” “Yes please, if you’ll have me?” Nova offered with a touch of a dramatic flair. “Come on you little floof ball.”Apple Bloom called as she made her way to the stands. “Hey, only Alalme gets to call me that.” Nova protested. “Floof ball.” Apple Bloom calls with a smile. “Hey, don’t land on my head!? What are you doing?” Nova had transformed into her fox form. “Distraction.” Nova offered as she dropped around Apple Bloom’s neck to rest on her shoulders. Students and staff alike look on with jaws dropped. “Alalme is a little disappointed she can’t come.” “She understands about the possibility of aircraft coming in?” Apple Bloom whispered as she made her way through the crowd of curious onlookers. “Ya, she’s not sure she’s ready for humans flying in machines.” “But are you going to be alright if one or more should buzz us?” Apple Bloom asked. “What? How big can they be?” Nova asked, followed by Sweetie Belle laughing. “What?” “You there!” Filch called coming up to Apple Bloom. “Is that your animal? That animal is not an approved animal.” “Um, actually, no, she’s not mine.” Apple Bloom replied. With Quirrel gone, Filch was right back to looking for any infraction he could find. “Then why is that animal sitting on your shoulders?” Filch asked in an accusing tone. “I really have no idea, she just landed...” Nova the fox blows a raspberry at Filch, “..there.” Apple Bloom offered. Apple Bloom proceeded to bite her lip in an effort to keep herself from laughing. “She’s mine.” Offered the familiar voice of an old woman joining them. Nova turned to discover Madam Marchbanks and wagged her tail. “She runs errands for me. Now if you’ll excuse us, you are holding up the line.” “I’m terribly sorry,” Filch replied and backed away. From there it didn’t take them long to climb the steps up into one of the viewing stands. “You girls don’t mind if I join you?” “No, not at all.” Apple Bloom offered. “So how’s your special project going?” Madam Marchbanks asked of Nova. “Is it alright if I sit with you?” Malfoy asked from behind. Nova got off Apple Bloom's shoulders as the others found seats, dropped down to a seat herself, transformed back into a girl, and invited Malfoy to sit with them. Malfoy just stood there with jaw agape. “Well come on.” Nova prompted as everyone sat. “And my little project is quite energetic.” “I guess it’s alright.” Harry offered Malfoy. “Are you sure we want Malfoy sitting with us?” Rhona asked. “Well right now she is in the same boat you are in, and I don’t hear Malfoy trying to antagonize you about it.” Nova pointed out. “You’re an Animagus?” Malfoy asked. “Yes, I am at that, now come have a seat.” Nova offered. “Thank you.” Malfoy offered as she went around to sit down. “They giving you a hard time?” Nova asked. “I just don’t understand them. There is harassing people, and then there is just plain… It’s a nightmare.” “Perhaps I could have a word with Professor Snape?” Madam Marchbanks offered. “What was your name?” “Malfoy, Draco, though I guess you could just call me Coco now. Plenty of other things I’m being called, but I guess I can live with Coco if I have to be stuck like this. And Professor Snape knows. He’s moved me to the hospital wing. It hasn’t been easy for him either. Get hit with a gender-swapping potion, and suddenly no one gives him any respect anymore. And they are treating me like I’ve done something horrible.” “Welcome to the female gender.” Madam Marchbanks offered with a sarcastic air. “Madam Marchbanks, you knew the winged fox was Nova?” Hermione asked after a short and slightly awkward silence. “She used to be my student. It was a long time ago, and then something happened that I don’t fully understand, but I’m glad she’s here, whole, and well. We used to give her a lot of leeway, but she behaved for the most part.” “I don’t understand?” Malfoy asked. “I was displaced in time,” Nova informed Malfoy with her voice low so only those right next to her could hear. “That’s the real reason I was late.” “Are you sure it’s a good idea...” Sweetie Belle said voicing her concern. “It’s pretty much common knowledge for anyone capable of connecting the dots.” Nova offered. “The ministry knows, I’m the individual who made the Nova broom, all the ghosts remember me, but no one else at school knew who I was.” “So that’s what that was all about.” Malfoy offered quietly as more people filed in, including Professor Dumbledore. It was not Professor Dumbledore's normal place to sit. “Ah Griselda, so good of you to join us.” Dumbledore offered as he found an empty seat. “I’m looking forward to an exciting game today.” 💫 Meanwhile in the Gryffindor team room, Wood is looking out the door with a worried expression. “Something wrong?” Katie Bell asked as she finished buttoning her uniform. “I am definitely going to have to get this let out a little. What do you think? I mean, I’d hate to have my buttons pop out on the pitch. - Oliver? - Katie to Oliver Wood?” “Where are the pegasi? I don’t see the pegasi?” Wood commented. “What pegasi?” Katie asked. “The ones that usually hang out on top of the viewing stands.” Wood said sounding frustrated. “Well, you could try asking our resident pegasus.” Katie pointed out. “Most of them have moved to their summer residences,” Scootaloo informed him. “But tell me, how long have you known I was an animagus?” “We saw you transform that day you got plastered by the bludger.” Katie offered. “You were our little secret until recent events.” Angelina offered. “Recent events? What are you talking about?” Wood asked turning to look back. Nothing, the girls chimed. Outside Lee Jordan, the Gryffindor student who did commentary at the quidditch matches had begun talking about what a momentous day it was. “So all this time you knew?” Scootaloo asked. “And never said a thing?” “Considering how they reacted to those tramp stamps you and the others have.” Katie offered. “They are called cutie marks. They are a manifestation of Equestrian magic.” “Which means...” Alicia Spinnet said as she collected her broom. “That your favorite mare is likely a certain girl from Eques, and is probably in the stands right now.” Thanks to Nova having collapsed in her pony form, Alicia had a pretty good idea who it was too. “You think… hang on that’s bad, that’s very bad.” Wood said. It seemed he might start rambling. “Not to Worry.” George offered. “The Slytherins have already challenged the call,” Fred informed. “And they were told that they’d still lose,” George added. “Seems.” Fred began. “That round robin they did at the goal hoop.” George continued. “While we were otherwise distracted,” Fred added. “Is one of the fouls that aren’t listed in the book.” George completed. “Yes of course. Any time a goal is made the quaffle is taken by the referee, and handed over to the opposing team.” Wood said with a smile on his face. “The goals didn’t count.” “Still though, it wouldn't do to let on that she’s a student.” Angelina offered. “Who knows what kind of fall out it could create if it were commonly known.” “Absolutely right.” Wood stated firmly. “Can't have another incident like the Cutie Mark incident. That simply will not do. Not at all.” “It’s time,” Alicia informed them. “Indeed it is.” Wood offered with a smile. “Oh, and if you hear thunder, hit the deck.” Scootaloo cautioned as she retrieved her broom. “What? Thunder?” Wood asked sounding panicky. 💥 Nova and the others watched with anticipation as the teams entered the field. Sure she had a good idea how it was going to end, but there was still that chance her prediction was wrong. Her predictions seldom were, being how they were backed by mathematics. The teams squared off, Madam Hooch blew her whistle, the balls were released, Players lifted up into the air, Scootaloo stretched her arm out, was seen to snatch at something, and then held up her fist with the snitch firmly held in hand. A moment later the forest out where the spider colony was, erupted into flame. For those who were in the stand facing that part of the forest it looked like Scootaloo had been framed in a background of flame, players to either side of her, followed shortly by the sound of thunder, the howling roar of engines, and muggle jets passing right over the viewing stands. Up in her tower Luna was presently chewing out the pilots as more incendiaries and napalm hit the spider's little glen, and the silver wood erupted into golden fire. Wave after wave flew over the forest until the entire colony had been burned to cinders. With any luck, the spiders being nocturnal, they’d all be extra crispy KFS. If not there were plans to have members of the Equestrian guard force do a walkthrough. Dumbledore looked out over the forest dumbstruck. Nova who had absolutely no idea how big and noisy human aircraft were, was presently in Apple bloom’s lap clinging on to her for dear life. Along with Sweetie Belle, and Coco who was equally startled having never seen a muggle warbird. Coco was also a little white ball of fluff with tufted ears, a blond mane, tail, and leathery wings. Rhona and Nelly were clinging to Harry, and Hermione was without words. “Shit’s going to hit the fan on this one.” Madam Marchbanks offered as she recovered from the momentary surprise. “What a finish! That has got to be one for the books. Fastest finish ever, and what a spectacle!” Lee Jordan shouted over the quidditch stands and proceeded to go nuts. “Nova, what are you doing?” Hermione asked having finally found her voice. “You predicted this, and look at you!” A broad smile formed on her lips, and then she started laughing. “I was not expecting that!” Nova protested. “I’ve never seen a muggle jet in my life! - I nearly wet myself!” “Oh god,” Coco whined. “Me too.”Sweetie Belle offered quietly. “Well, that doesn’t do me a whole lot of good.” Apple Bloom complained. “Nor me,” Harry added. “I’ve never been more scared in my whole life.” Rhona protested bitterly. “Hermione...” Harry said softly. “You wouldn't happen to have a good clean up spell?” “Coco, by any chance you wouldn't happen to have a mandrake leaf in your mouth?” Hermione asked as she got her wand out to do a little cleanup. “Maybe,” Coco replied. “Why?” “Look at yourself,” Hermione suggested as Scootaloo did a victory lap around the pitch. “I don’t have to look at myself to know I soiled myself,” Malfoy said tersely. “Before or after you transformed?” Harry asked. “What? - I transformed?” “Well, would you look at that!” George called from his broom a short distance out. “Seems our little girl has found herself a boyfriend,” Fred called. Rhona froze but relaxed on feeling the effects of Hermione clandestinely using a scourgify spell on the group. Madam Marchbanks did the same for Apple Bloom’s huddle and then looked around to see if anyone else had a similar experience. “Hang on, who’s the floof ball?” Scootaloo asked as she pulled up on her broom. Madam Hooch was presently trying to get all the quidditch players grounded just in case another muggle aircraft buzzed the pitch. “I transformed?” Coco said again as she untangled herself. “Hang on, what am I?” “You appear to be a baby Thestral.” Madam Marchbanks offered. “She’s a Caribbean Thestral Alba.” Hermione offered. “Aww, I wanted something cool,” Coco complained. “Hey, nothing cooler than being a bat pony.” Offered a gray thestral hanging from the underside of the overhang. “Friend of yours?” Madam Marchbanks asked. “Bodyguard.” Nova offered. “Mouse, what are you doing up there?” Nova called as she extracted herself from her little pile on top of Apple Bloom. Dumbledore stood up and apparated. “Not like I’m in any real danger now that Troll fart is gone.” “It gives me something to do.” Mouse offered. “Why don’t you drop down, and introduce yourself?” Nova inquired. Mouse thought about it for a moment, dropped, tumbled to right side up, spread her wings to slow herself down, transformed into her human form, and dropped down to the stands. She was presently wearing a uniform that looked like an Auror from nineteen oh three. “Lieutenant Mouse, at your service.” She offered with a polite bow. “Her Majesty's own Shadow Bolts.” “I see.” Madam Marchbanks replied. “On loan from home.” Nova offered. “What say we go inside? - I’ve got the distinct feeling the Hogwarts staff are in a mild state of panic.” “You are a fine one to talk.” Apple Bloom pointed out as more explosions erupted in the forest. “I’ll catch up with you as soon as I can get changed.” Scootaloo offered and then flew off towards the team rooms at the far end. “Professor Marchbanks, Pro… Madam, we must evacuate! Where’s Dumbledore?” McGonagall called as she climbed up to their viewing platform. “My dear Minerva, do calm down.” Marchbanks scolded. “But, but?” McGonagall protested. “The muggles were after the spider colony. Not the school.” Marchbanks offered. “Yes, I was aware that something was up. As the ministry had seen fit to ignore a problem that had been brought to their attention, those who were being most affected, the very farmers and ranchers this school gets its provisions from, they chose to turn to others for a solution.” “I see,” McGonagall replied. “Where has Professor Dumbledore gone then?” “I’d imagine he's going to have words with the Minister of Magic.” Madam Marchbanks offered. “Perhaps we should go inside?” Nova suggested. “Just in case of stray acromantulas.” “Perhaps that would be prudent,” McGonagall replied. “Just one thing first, where did you get that creature, and where is your mother?” “Hey!” Malfoy protested. “That’s Malfoy, and mom is at the top of the astronomy tower with a radio.” Nova offered. “I’ve no doubt she is chewing out those pilots via the radio, and will likely do so in person later on.” “I see,” McGonagall replied with fire in her eyes. “Young Malfoy has figured out the animagus spell on their own.” Madam Marchbanks offered. “Tell me young pup, by any chance, can you change yourself back?” “Maybe after she’s calmed down a bit.” Lt Mouse offered. “Oh, your father is going to be thrilled.” Professor McGonagall stated. “Do you know that he never even bothered to come to check on young Malfoy when he was informed that his son had been turned into a girl? He sent a letter informing us to be sure and transform him back prior to sending him home.” “Well, what if I want to stay a girl?” Malfoy stated stubbornly. Malfoy’s statement is followed by stunned silence. “I mean, aside from the fact that half of Slytherin House hates me even more, and would just assume dissect me if they catch me like this, I really don’t mind being a girl.” “OK, the dissecting part has me a little worried.” Lt Mouse stated. “That is to say, I wouldn't put it past some of the members of that house to do it if they thought they could get away with it.” “Has anyone ever been resorted into a different house?” Nova asked. “It’s never been done.” McGonagall offered. Just the idea of even wanting to try it astounded her. “Even if it can be done, the year is nearly at an end anyway.” “Malfoy is cunning and manipulative, but when he’s not being a total prat Malfoy is also brave, daring, and has plenty of nerve.” Harry offered. “If Draco had grown up with a different set of parents who’s to say he might have been sorted into Gryffindor. - He’s not the same person he was when he first arrived.” “Malfoy? In Gryffindor?!” Rhona protested. “He faced down the creature in the forest.” Harry offered. “Would you have done the same? - Miss I can’t stand spiders.” “Hey, spiders are just creepy, and I don’t blame the muggles for wanting to kill a spider with fire.” Rhona protested. Professor McGonagall rolled her eyes at Rhona’s statement as a pegasus flew in with one of the twins tied up and strapped to his back. He was followed by another with the other twin. “Trying to go to the blast zone.” The first pegasi offered as they unceremoniously dumped the pair. “Fifty points from Gryffindor, from each of you,” McGonagall stated flatly. She then went to the edge of the viewing stand, and with wand to throat, projected her voice out with the order for everyone to return to their houses for a headcount. “I think perhaps Malfoy should be my guest for the duration of the school year.” Nova offered. “Yes, that might be a good idea.” Madam Marchbanks mused. “I’ll be sure to let Professor Snape know,” McGonagall replied dryly. 🦇 A short time later Bat pony Coco is being given a pony back ride right to the balcony exit of Nova’s apartments. At first, she was convinced they were going to crash, but then the balcony appeared. “Wow,” Coco whispered as she slowly walked into the rotunda. “This is in the Gryffindor tower?” “Oh ‘eaven’s no.” Lt Mouse offered as she followed Coco. “It’s a very special sort of wizard space, that is both in the world and not in the world at the same time. Displaced space. This is just one entrance, and it belongs to Princess Nova. There is even an entry in the hospital wing, which is where we are going.” “We can get to the hospital wing from here? Without having to go through the hallways?” “Sure can, come on.” Lt Mouse offered and led the way to the stairs. Coco looked at the large door that led to Nova’s personal apartments on the other side of the stair landing. It’d been added to keep the foals from racing down the stairs when no one was watching, and likely would be kept there to help keep the foals in during nap time. “That’s Princess Nova’s private apartment. We need to go downstairs. - Come along.” “Wow, where is that park at?” Coco asked as they descend to the lower landing that looked out into the greenhouse. “We are still inside Princess Nova’s palace. All that is inside the palace.” “Seriously?” “This way.” Lt Mouse offered and opened the door to the lower hall. They’d only gone a short way when they turned in through the door that entered the infirmary where a curious white unicorn watched from her hospital bed. At this point, Lt Mouse transformed back into her human form. She went to a door at the far end and looked through a peephole. “Seems you’ve visitors from your house.” Malfoy paled. As if it was possible for a white bat pony to get any whiter. “I can’t let anyone from Slytherin house see me like this. - Is that the entrance to the hospital wing?” “Sure is. Doesn’t exactly look like a social visit either.” “My stuff is in there.” “Hang on they are leaving the room.” Lt Mouse waited a moment. “Wait here.” she then opened the door, quietly slipped in, and shut the door behind her. Madam Pomfrey could be heard berating the boys who’d been in the room. LT Mouse walked out to the ward where there were a number of open beds. The fact that the leader of the boys was Marcus Flint was no big surprise. “You boys sure seem to be unusually preoccupied with young Malfoy.” Lt Mouse offered as she leaned up against the door jam. “Turn a twelve-year-old boy into a girl, and you lot can’t seem to get enough of her.” “Malfoy is a freak.” Flint sneered. “Who are you anyway?” “It’s just a potion mishap, Mr Flint.” Madam Pomfrey scolded. “I declare, add some tentacles and you’d think it was cool or something. Turn a boy into a girl and you are on her like hounds after a fox intent to rip her apart. Malfoy will be back to being his old self just as soon as a counter potion is devised.” “I think I know what’s going on here.” Lt Mouse said as a sly sort of smile formed on her face. “He thinks Malfoy is cute.” She waited a moment to judge the boy's reaction. “Yes, that’s it. How old are you, boy, seventeen? You’ve got them urges don’t you.” Mouse winked. “Cute little firstie suddenly gets turned into a girl, and oh my is she cute. And you, you are attracted to her. A first-year, a girl of only twelve, only that’s creating havoc in your mind. Bad enough she’s just a little kid, but she used to be a boy. The fact that she used to be a boy is driving you mad.” “Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!” Flint demanded as his anger boiled. “Could it be you’d rather she was still a he?” Lt Mouse suggested. “Now Lieutenant, don’t you think you are pushing it?” Madam Pomfrey advised. “Pushing it? I’m just getting warmed up. Back home they call boys like him colt cuddlers.” “You take that back!” Flint demanded. “Or what? What are you going to do? Little cult cuddler.” Mouse offered with a wicked grin. “You can’t do shit. You are a weakling. That’s why you like to harass little girls. You’re too afraid to go after anyone else.” “When Voldemort comes back, you’ll see, I’ll make you all pay!” At this, the other boys began to back away. Their bravado only went so far. “Voldie? That fraud?!” Mouse exclaimed and started laughing. “I’m warning you!” Flint said with a clenched jaw as his rage boiled. His hand went to his wand, he pulled it out, pointed it at Mouse. “Shut up, or I’ll shut you up!” “Flint put that away, this instant!” Madam Pomfrey ordered. “What? What’s he going to do?” Mouse asked with mirth in her tone. “Avada Kedavra!” Flint shouted, rage making his decisions for him, Followed by Mouse lurching back as she’d just received a full-on Apple buck as sickly green, red, and black arches of energy ripple out from the point of impact. “Flint!” Madam Pomfrey shouted, a look of horror on her face. Flint slowly turned to face her. ☠ Meanwhile… Inside the Gryffindor common room, they weren’t quite sure if they should be ecstatic about winning the Quidditch cup, or furious with the twins for losing one hundred points. “That was pretty stupid of them.” Harry offered as Nova sat down next to him with a plate full of goodies, and a drink hovering nearby. “Oh, someone is blowing up a whole glen, let's go have a look-see.” “We’ll just have to call it the hero and the goats' party.” Nova offered as Hermione joined them on the other side of Harry. “Listen, Harry...” “No luck on getting me away from my Aunt and Uncle,” Harry said guessing at what she was about to say. “I’m told our lawyers are trying, but the court system won’t budge. Not even your Uncle’s manic episode seems to be enough. I’m told that even if we could somehow get him committed, you’d still be at the mercy of your Aunt.” “I’ve spent the better part of my life in a cupboard under the stairs,” Harry replied bitterly. “I don’t think they believed it.” Nova offered. “We need something big enough to force child protective services to respond to the house, and then they need to see something that they can’t ignore.” “Maybe I could just run away.” Harry offered. “That might not work out so well.” Hermione cautioned. “I don’t even know what I’m going to do,” Nova said with a sigh. “How’s that?” Hermione asked. “I can’t go home just yet.” “Hang on now, why ever not?” Hermione asked. “There’s a risk of a temporal paradox if I go home, and interact with my younger self. Seems to be alright while I’m here though.” “Temporal, what?” Harry asked. “Younger self?” “Have you seriously been doing time travel?” Hermione asked. “I have, and not just time, but across dimensions.” Nova offered. “We are from another dimension. Technically speaking. Eques is in a natural displaced space that is staggering in proportion. I suspect the presence of the portals to our world is why we can speak English. A little cultural contamination from time to time from individuals finding their way through the portals.” “You can’t be serious?” Harry asked. “Having seen the true interior of her luggage I’m inclined to believe her,” Hermione informed Harry. “You haven't seen the half of it.” Nova offered. “I haven't seen the half of it.” Harry laughed. “I could get lost in there.” “I can see the headlines, Princess lost in her own luggage.” Harry teased. “I’d never live it down.” “Tell you what, why don’t you come to stay with me,” Hermione suggested. “It’s not like you take up a lot of room.” “Do you think your parents would be alright with it?” Nova asked. “I wouldn't feel right imposing on the Weasleys.” “What are you talking about?” Scootaloo asked as she plopped down onto Nova’s lap. “I was going to invite her to stay at my house.” Hermione offered. “Nova, we have a place in Walthamstove, London.” Scootaloo scolded. “Did you forget?” “Um, ya, kind of.” Nova offered sheepishly. Back in the hospital wing. “Flint, please, don’t.” Madam Pomfrey pleaded. But wait, we need to check in on Professor Dumbledore who has been waiting for Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, to come back from having words with the Prime Minister, John Major. “Excuse me, Professor Dumbledore, the Prime Minister will see you now.” Announced a young woman in a muggle business suit. She was pretty, fairly ordinary, with hair the color of blue-gray… or at least she’d be ordinary if not for the fact her suit was the color of new parchment, and there was a shock of pink in her hair. It kind of reminded Dumbledore of Sweetie Belle. The fact that this woman was presently informing him that the Prime Minister would see him now, simply wasn’t computing. “This way sir.” Agent Bon offered, directing him to the doorway Cornelius Fudge had gone into a short time ago. Seemed like hours at this point, and where was Fudge? “I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name,” Dumbledore asked. “Bon. Bon Bon.” “Oh she’s good, I’ll vouch for her myself,” Trixie announced from Fudge’s chair. Dumbledore startled. How long had she been there? Well, the white hair with streaks of gray wasn’t that unusual, but they were broad well-defined stripes. Miss Nova Moon had well-defined stripes in her hair as well. Dumbledore decided to dismiss it as some new fad he wasn’t aware of. “This way sir.” Bon Bon insisted. > Chapter 20: Fall out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dumbledore wasn’t sure what to think, or what he should do other than to just follow the girl. A Short time later he found himself walking out from behind a bookshelf into a small cozy room with a fireplace over which glared the sternest matron he’d ever laid eyes on. Now there was a woman who could put the fear of God in Voldemort himself, Dumbledore mused. The woman glared at him. They’d enchanted the portrait to have her spy on the muggles only to have the painted woman tell them to shove off. It’d been Churchill all over again. In front of the fire were two chairs and a round table. On the table lay a vanilla folder with his name on it. Curiosity getting the better of him he opened it to discover an aerial photograph of Hogwarts. Well, this will never do, Dumbledore thought as he reached for his wand. He casually placed the photo off to one side to see a photo of a rather large acromantula laying dead in a farmer's animal pen. Flipping through the folder he found photo after photo of acromantulas in places they simply did not belong. He also discovered that his wand was not where it belonged, and neither was his back up, or that woman anywhere to be found. “Ah Professor Dumbledore, so good of you to join me.” Offered the voice of John Major as he entered the room. “And let me start by saying how sorry I am about what happened this morning.” “Where is Cornelius Fudge?” Dumbledore asked tersely. “He, I’m afraid to say, is presently at Her Majesty's pleasure. Care for a spot of tea? We’ve much to discuss.” He motions to a chair. “Oh and we have the support of the portraits, and quite a few disenfranchised Aurors who have grown quite weary of business as usual.” Dumbledore paled. “Not to worry, letting any of this get into the press is the last thing any of us want. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to hush up news of such things as giant spider attacks?” If Dumbledore had been back at Hogwarts, and anywhere near the hospital wing, he’d have heard the sound of angry bat pony noises followed by the sound of a face being rearranged via a hoof to the jaw. Lt Mouse was alive and kicking… in addition to punching, she was kicking. “You stinking ape!” Mouse shouted. “I am going to buck you up big time for that!” The boys weren’t quite sure what was going on, only that a creature halfway between Human and thestral seemed to want them dead for some reason. Lt Mouse had gone anthro, and damn sexy too. The boys were very confused. Aroused and confused. “Hey, quit enjoying your beat down! Gah!” Mouse shouted as she clotheslined one of the boys with a wing, and smashed a hoof into the gut of another. As to why she wasn’t dead, well there were any number of factors that could have played a role. There was the pendant she wore that was a base unite not unlike the one used to make nova’s pendant. It provided access to restricted areas and provided a level of protection against a magical attack. There was the fact that Lt Mouse was part of a small group who’d been banished for a thousand years along with Nightmare Moon simply for being too close to their mistress during those last moments of the fight between the two sisters. There was also the issue that Lt Mouse’s entire body was covered in the very stuff that made the Elder Wand such a prize. Bat pony/thestral hair did have a fairly good charge on it. There was one other factor we’ll get to in a bit. Lastly, there was the fact that Marcus Flint was practically a squib with his one decent talent being the ability to fly a broom. The boy was the sort that muggles referred to as a rock. Meaning he had all the intelligence, and natural charisma of a rock. He was the Slytherin Quidditch team captain only by virtue of bullying his way into the position. No, the spell had not killed her, but it had kicked worse than her husband while sparring, and then she wore padding. And never would they do any of the sort while she was carrying a baby, which she presently was. Lt Alice Mouse was enraged and in excruciating pain. Did I mention enraged? Magic be damned, Alice Mouse was going to give these boys the beat down of their lives, and the only thing that saved them was more Shadowbolts rushing in to restrain her. Flint and the others lay on the floor either unconscious or in extreme pain. Never in their lives had anyone laid a hand to them. Punishments, in general, had always been a stern talking to and extra chores. Chores would routinely be ignored because they knew they’d get away with it. “Alice… how are you still alive?” Madam Pomfrey asked with a shaky voice. “Alive?” Captain Hoofstrong asked. “Flint used the killing curse on her,” Pomfrey informed them. The captain switched holding her back, to embrace her. “Poppy… is my baby alright?” Mouse asked as tears began to flow from her eyes. The Slytherins would wake the next morning to the news that they'd lost all their house points, the decision came late in the evening. Back at the Gryffindor party, Rhona is still chewing out her brothers. “You’ve got less than two days to make up one hundred points!” Rhona exclaimed. “Two days!” Nova on the other hoof was up on a table dancing with a rather large mug in hand. As a matter of fact, pretty much everyone had a mug in hand by this point, and the cheer within the room was growing. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle had knives and forks in hand which they were thumping on the table, and striking the flagons to create a beat for Nova to dance to. “Hey, hey, stop that, you’ll blunt the knives.” Percy scolded. “Oh lay off, Percy… perfect Prefect Percy.” Idda chided. Idda had a mug as well. Idda was swaying, but not necessarily to the music. *”Blunt the knives, bend the forks, smash the bottles, and burn the corks.” The crusaders chanted. “What, no, stop that.” Percy implored. "Idda, your flushed, are you alright?” *“Chip the glasses, and crack the plates, that’s what Prefect Percy hates.” The Crusaders continued. “Cut the cloth, tread on the fat, leave the bones on the bedroom mat. Pour the milk on the pantry floor, splash the wine on every door. That’s what Prefect Percy hates!” *“Heave ho to the bottle I go, to heal my heart, and drown my woes.” Nova sang out and then laughed. She takes a pull on the mug and then starts in again. “Rain may fall, and wind may blow, but there still be many miles to go.” “There’s a mug of cider inside of me!” Apple Bloom shouted out. “Aww, you messed up the song.” Sweetie Belle protested. “Another song!” Nelly shouts. She too is nursing a large mug, and Hermione is on the sofa, getting frisky with Harry who seems quite concerned about the situation. “All right then, another song,” Nova announces, staggers, and extends her wings to the shock of many. Well at least to the boys who’d no clue she could transform. *“I bang on your door, but you won't let me in, because your sick and tired of me reeking of gin. Locked all the doors, from the front to the back, and left me a note telling me I should pack. I walk in a bar and the ponies all cheer, ‘en order me up a whiskey and beer. You ask me why I’m singing this song? Some call it a tavern, I call it Gryffindor Common.” “What?! - Get down from there!” Percy ordered at his wit's end. *“Sod off I’m drunk, sod off I’m drunk. Pour my bear down the sink, I’ve more in me trunk.” Nova and the crusaders sang, and then started laughing along with quite a number of other Gryffindors. “My god, you’re all drunk as lords.” Percy pronounced. “All right, stop drinking. Everyone. Stop! Where’d the alcohol come from? Who’s responsible. Do you people seriously want to come in dead last?! - Points from everyone!” “Fred! - George! - Are you responsible for this!” Rhona demanded to know from the two twins. “It’s just a little fun.” Fred offered. “What harm can it do?” George asked sheepishly. “You’re as bad as mom,” Fred protested. “Oh, and just wait till Mother finds out about this!” Rhona shouted at about the same time Sweetie Belle dropped to all fours, turned back into a pony, and relieved herself of the contents of her stomach. “Why is there a ghoul in here?!” Percy asked in exaggerated exasperation. The answer, he’s playing bass. 👻 On the following morning Nova and the crusaders, in addition to waking up with hangovers, received the shocking news that Lt Mouse had lost her foal in a miscarriage induced by an attack on her life. They, that is Nova, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo found Mouse resting in the infirmary with Captain Hoofstrong sitting in a chair, and Coco in one of the other beds across from the unicorn mare they were presently calling Moonflower. Captain Hoofstrong was asleep, Coco was still a bat pony, and Alice was still half and half.” “Hi, Princess.” Lt Mouse said in a soft voice. “I heard.” Nova offered as she entered the room. “It’s my fault,” Alice said softly. Her tone was that of one who feels defeated. “Don’t say that.” Scootaloo protested as she, and Apple Bloom followed Nova. Sweetie Belle was presently indisposed owing to a sudden urgent matter. “But it is.” Alice protested. “I deliberately provoked the boys who were after Coco. I thought I could handle anything they threw at me. - I never dreamed that one of them would try to use a killing curse on me.” “A what?!” Nova exclaimed. “If I was human I’d be dead now,” Alice informed them. “Felt like getting bucked full force without padding.” The fillies waited while she collected her thoughts. “When I’d picked myself up that Flint boy, he was the one who did it, was threatening Poppy. I ignored my own pain… OK, I flew into a rage, and beat the ever love’n stuffings out of them.” “Good for you.” Apple bloom offered. “You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to put a hoof in a Slytherin’s face.” “You three don’t look well yourselves,” Alice observed. “Hungover,” Nova replied, causing a slight upward movement on the corners of Alice’s mouth. “Something in last night’s punch.” "So is this your first hangover?" Alice asked. "Maybe." the fillies offered with a guilty grin. A knock came on the outer door, and then it slowly opened to reveal Professor Dumbledore. “Um, good morning.” He offered. “May I come in?” “Yes, please, do come in.” Nova offered. “She was among those who faced Riddle, and she nearly gets killed by Flint.” Something I should probably mention is that Nova, Scootaloo, Captain Hoofstrong, and Apple Bloom are ponies right now. “Marcus Flint is in Custody now. He and the others were sent to Saint Mungo's. Seems Madam Pomfrey refused to provide anything other than basic first aid.” Dumbledore offered as he pushed the door open. He froze momentarily at the sight before him. “They were going to kill her too.” Alice offered. “You are?” Dumbledore asked as his mind raced. “She’s animagus.” Nova offered. “Thestral.” “This is what that spell did to me.” Alice offered. “Killed my baby, and left me stuck like this.” “You are lucky to be alive.” Dumbledore offered. “Am I?” Alice asked. Nova went to her and gave her a hug. “Alice, in my travels I’ve had to leave behind a lot of good friends and seen those I was very close to killed right in front of me. I know this isn’t going to be easy for you. I mean, the Bolts are nearly all we’ve got. Don’t ever leave me behind. Alright?” Alice didn’t say anything, and just let a hug do the talking for her. “Anyway, you should be able to switch back once you’ve healed up. - Want me to tell you about the time you rescued me from a recruitment flight?” Nova asked. “I saved you?” Alice asked. “One of your counterparts actually.” Nova offered. I should probably mention that the girls are too hungover to realize they are presently in their true forms. “Counterparts?” Dumbledore asked as he slowly entered the room, took a chair, and set down. At the sound of the chair scraping the floor, Captain Hoofstrong woke up along with Moonflower who began to eyeball Dumbledore. Captain Hoofstrong looked about and gave a weary smile. “Well, the thing is, I didn’t just come through a portal from the past, I’ve been using such portals to jump dimensions ever since I got ejected from my own, presumably by the very creature responsible for what happened in the first year potions class, along with several other incidents I’m aware of. It is fortunate that the form of magic you teach here is so similar to the type he uses or there is no telling how far he’d have gone. Our own world is an abnormally large displaced space set aside from the physical world you know. - Anyway, getting back to the time Lt Mouse rescued me, I was actually drafted into the Night Watch in one world where I served with honors and despite only being a message runner I was allowed to count myself among the elite fliers and trained as a medic when it was found that I could be useful as more than just a message runner. The time Lt Mouse saved me from being drafted yet again I’d fallen asleep on a train and found myself being deboarded with the recruits. It took a bit to convince anyone I wasn’t one of their recruits.” “Extraordinary… but who are you really?” Dumbledore inquired. “Ahh…?” Nova looked at him, then herself and the others. “She’s Princess Nova.” Scootaloo offered, followed by transforming. She was still wearing what she’d put on prior to the party. “Oh, horse apples.” Nova offered as she too transformed herself. “It seems I’ve done you a disservice by forcing you into the first-year class. You and Miss Magnus.” Dumbledore offered. “I also got quite the wake-up call yesterday. After the muggle flying machines went over the Quidditch pitch, I went straight to the Ministry of Magic, and demanded Cornelius Fudge, who is, or rather was the Minister of Magic, go have some sharp words with their Prime minister. To put it lightly. Sometime later I found myself being called on the carpet by that same Prime Minister who reminded me that he is also our Prime Minister as well, and if he is not then we have a serious problem. He then told me that we had best start learning how to communicate.” “Was, you said?” Captain Hoofstrong asked. “Yes, it seems they had the audacity to arrest him and seems they know more than enough to press charges of corruption in either court.” Dumbledore offered. “And yet the secrecy act is being upheld in a rather odd fashion in that the leaders of the Muggle government don’t want the general population to know about the wizard community any more than we do. And there will be changes so that they can advise our authorities if they think there is something we need to look into rather than letting things stew until it boils over. In return, they will provide whatever material, logistics, and legal support within their capacity to do so where it pertains to our interaction with the more mundane world. Which I'm to understand is nowhere near as mundane as we'd led ourselves to believe.” “So it’s a win-win then.” Nova offered with a strained smile. “You know, back in nineteen oh three, there were unofficial teams of muggle law enforcement and Aurors that would investigate things together. I gather that was in case the cause of an incident turned out to be, something muggles can’t handle.” “Ah, perhaps we could revisit that idea.” Dumbledore mused. "Granted the muggles involved would need to know about magic." He looked about him with a puzzled look. “Something puzzling you?” Nova asked as she went over to a medical cabinet. “I can’t as recall ever seeing this room?” He offered as Nova opened the cabinet, and began rummaging about. “Should you be just helping yourself like that?” “It’s her cabinet.” Apple Bloom offered. Up to this point, Dumbledore had thought she was a brightly colored Shetland pony. “You’ve never seen it because I never allowed it till now.” Nova offered as she began to prep a potion. “You left Hogwarts when you crossed that threshold. Granted that this place is still technically on school grounds. No, it’s not a vanishing cabinet. Not the sort you are familiar with. What this place is, is displaced space. There are strict limits to how far from the primary point of contact I can connect to. I only opened the door to the hospital wing as needed in our efforts to corral Riddle. - And just so we are clear on this, this is the Eques Embassy. With all rights and privileges. I’m sure you’ll find the Ministry of Magic has records of it somewhere.” “I see,” Dumbledore replied as he watched Apple Bloom with a curious look on his face. “What’s that you are making?” “Hangover cure,” Nova offered. “Ah yes, I heard about Gryffindor’s race to beat the Slytherins to the bottom,” Dumbledore replied with a smile. “Don’t worry, you can’t get any lower than Slytherin right now. The boys involved in last night's incident have had the maximum amount of points taken. For what little good that will do.” “That Flint boy. He’s dangerous. If it was up to me he’d have his magic nullified, and sent to one of them muggle institutions for the mentally insane.” Alice suggested. “Not Tartarus?” Scootaloo asked. “Buck no, the creatures in Tartarus have it bad enough as is,” Alice replied with just a hint of a smile. “He’ll likely spend the rest of his life in Azkaban,” Dumbledore informed them. “Tartarus sounds rather severe.” “Severe? From what I’ve heard tell of Azkaban, Tartarus is a cakewalk. It might be a miserable hot place, but at least there are no dementors.” Nova offered as she filled small glasses with the potion she’d made. “No, I suppose not.” Dumbledore mused. “Has Princess Celestia ever let any creature out.” Apple Bloom asked. “Far as I know, just the dog to let him get some air.” Nova offered as she gave Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo a glass. “It’s a general restorative. Alice, might do you some good if you’d like?” “Let creatures out?” Dumbledore asked as the words registered. “Oh ya, Princess Celestia has the key,” Scootaloo informed him. Dumbledore's eyebrows went up, and his eyes widened. “She has the key? - To hell?” “Hell? No, she has a key to Tartarus.” Nova corrected. “I doubt Hell even exists. - Or if it does, it’s in another dimension that I’m unaware of.” “I’m confused, doesn’t someone have to die to go to, well Tartarus?” Dumbledore asked. The girls all looked at him like he’d suddenly grown a frog head in his scalp. “If’n they were dead we wouldn't need ta lock em up in Tartarus.” Apple Bloom informed him. “You mean it’s an actual place?” Dumbledore asked with astonishment. “Um ya. We’ve even been there.” Scootaloo offered. “Just to visit that is.” “I haven’t.” Nova offered as she handed a glass of the potion to Alice. “Professor Dumbledore, Eques is a remnant of the ancient empire of Arcadia. Try to think in terms of the ultimate high-security prison for immortal beings, and anything too dangerous to be allowed to roam free. - Although in extreme cases where a being is deemed too dangerous even for Tartarus they get banished to their own private pocket dimension from which there is no escape.” “And that’s what was done to Voldemort I gather.” “Exactly what we did.” Nova offered and drank down her potion. She paused a moment to fight the urge to cough as the potion burned its way down. “We?” Dumbledore inquired. “Princess Nova was the primary architect.” Alice offered. She drank down her potion and then coughed. “Princess, what do you call this potion?” Scootaloo and Apple Bloom drank theirs down, followed by letting out a gasp complete with a puff of smoke coming out of their mouths. “Hair of the dog if I’m not mistaken.” Dumbledore offered with a smile. “Hair of the dog,” Nova confirmed. “Don’t tell Snape, she’ll deduct points from Gryffindor just for my knowing that one.” “And you were involved with the fight out in the forest?” Dumbledore pressed. “The spell requires individuals with specific qualities to them.” Nova offered. “The spell combines the magic of the individuals and harmonizes that magic to create something greater than the sum parts. I am such an individual. I also know a great deal about opening up, and closing pocket dimensions. Scootaloo was valuable because of her animagus form. - We had quite a few of our people involved. First to track him any time he left the school, and secondly, so we’d be able to corral him. - I swear he could go through trees faster than I can. - If not for one lucky shot, he might have gotten away.” “And that would have been a very bad thing.” Dumbledore mused. “Of course you do understand that the two of you were breaking a whole lot of rules.” “Can’t say it’s going to make much of a difference house points-wise at this point.” Nova offered. “If I thought we still had a chance of winning the house cup I wouldn't have been so forthcoming.” “Indeed, indeed. Granted that you really shouldn't be keeping things from your teachers.” Dumbledore offered. “And then, on the other hand, I could give you points as well. You and the others did us all a favor for which we could never repay.” “And how will you award those points without tipping off his followers as to what really happened?” Nova asked. “Ya, I’d just assume no one knew I had any part in that,” Scootaloo added. “Me either.” Malfoy seconded, having woken, and was presently listening in. “It talks?” Dumbledore asked. “Are you aware there is a baby thestral in the other bed that can talk? - And you have got a unicorn in here, or is that another Gryffindor.” “The thestral is Malfoy, and the unicorn was rescued from the forest.” Apple bloom informed him. “She’s one of the unicorns Voldemort went after. The only known survivor.” “Malfoy transformed right in front of you when the jets went over.” Scootaloo offered. “Well, there was a lot going on.” Nova reminded the others. “Nova, dear, have we got something for Sweetie Belle? She’s not doing too good.” Alalme asked, sticking her head in the room. Dumbledore’s eyes widened once more at the vision of an English pegasus talking and behaving like a concerned parent. She was definitely a pegasus… wasn’t she? “I just made up a small batch of hair of the dog potion.” Nova offered. “I’ll bring her a glass.” Apple Bloom offered. “Come to think of it, Hermione could probably use some too.” “Just take the whole thing then, and come back if you need more.” Nova offered. “Based on what I remember of last night, you might want to make another batch,” Scootaloo suggested. “I guess I’d better get busy then.” Nova offered just as Rose Myrtle came into the room. “Dumbiedoor!” Myrtle sang out and then trotted on over. She went straight to Scootaloo and rubbed up against her. “Hi, Profwessor.” To say that Dumbledore’s mind was going a mile a minute would be an understatement. He started to get up, Moonflower shifted as to spring, and growled. Scootaloo transformed back into a pony and went over to her to reassure her it was alright. “Rose, perhaps you best leave the room, I don’t think Moonflower wants Professor Dumbledore anywhere near you,” Scootaloo said softly. “Um, Moomflwr?” “Why don’t you go check on Hermione?” Nova suggested. Myrtle brightened, nodded her head, and trotted out of the room. Moonflower relaxed as soon as she was gone. “Moonflower accepts us because we are ponies.” Nova offered as she finished up another batch of the Hair of the Dog potion. “She’s also not the brightest candle in the chandelier.” “I’d wondered what your secret was.” Dumbledore offered as he sat back down. “But correct me if I’m wrong, I thought your animagus form was a fox?” “I have two forms. One of which just happens to be a fox. A Celestial fox.” “Ah, yes, that must be what caused the blood curse.” Dumbledore proclaimed. The idea that Nova might not be human at all was something Dumbledore could not allow himself to consider. “Listen, I need to take this potion back to the dorm room, and see who all needs it.” Nova began. “Probably best if you don’t linger. I don’t think Moonflower likes you, and Lt Mouse needs her rest.” “Yes, I’ll just show myself out then,” Dumbledore replied. He slowly got up, keeping a wary eye on the unicorn from the forest, and made his way out the door. Once outside, he turned back to discover the door had all but vanished. Sure it was still there, but he was being sent a very clear message. He wasn’t wanted snooping about. Granted the presence of the Unicorn was problematic as well and raised a number of questions in his mind to include the pastel Shetland. Judging by the mark on the flank she was probably Apple Bloom. Now Dumbledore knew a vanishing cabinet when he saw one, but then the idea that one could be made with such a large interior… no, Miss Moon had said that it wasn’t a vanishing cabinet. A displaced space. Wizard space was another way to describe it. A typical space usually consisted of a room in a trunk, or a wall, and there were legends about abnormally large spaces. From what he could discern, this one was large enough that it wasn’t limited to only one entrance. He also wondered if he should be concerned. After all, she could, and by the sounds of it had already brought in a number of witches and wizards. Granted that the unicorn was testament enough that they were indeed on the side of the light as it was a rare individual who could even approach such an animal. Add to that, both Nova, and Louise had as their animagus forms pegacorn. Nova even had a second form, that of a celestial fox. Both being unheard of. In all the records of wizard’s use of the animagus spell, none had ever taken on the form of a magical creature. Taking on the form of two magical creatures boggled the mind. Dumbledore had a mind to see if there was anything about Celestial foxes in the library. 🦊 Meanwhile back in Equestria, Fluttershy is presently having tea with Discord's head. Just his head. The rest of him is presently being used as a garden ornament. “Um, Fluttershy, deer🦌… how am I to drink my tea?” Discord asked. “Oh I don’t know, you always think of something.” Fluttershy offered. “Are you perchance just a bit miffed at me?” “Miffed? Why no, of course not.” Fluttershy offered demurely. “I’m downright peeved. Irritated even.” “Oh, deer🦌. - Was it something I said?” “Something you said? - Discord, I am very disappointed in your performance.” “I don’t know, you seemed to enjoy it.” Discord teased with a wink. “I’m talking about your behavior at Hogwarts.” Fluttershy scolded. “You are making me very irritated, care to try for a bit cross?” “I was just trying to liven things up.” Discord offered apologetically. Fluttershy hadn’t been ‘a bit cross’ since the time twilight got turned into stone by a cockatrice. “What did you put in the potion?” “And why does it matter?” “The boy who thinks he was responsible, I’m to understand, tried to take a walk off the top of a building. Humans are rather melodramatic in how they respond to stress, and I’m told that walking off buildings tends to be fatal for humans. Another boy who was dogging one of the other victims tried to kill one of our own, and she lost her foal because of it.” “Where did she see her foal last?” “DISCORD! - The foal is dead. - Humans do not take well to your brand of humor, and they are prone to fits of violence if anything upsets them. Your antics caused harm to several children, and the fall out has lead to ruined lives, and the death of an unborn foal.” Fluttershy scolded quite harshly. “Consequences! Actions have consequences. Nor does one good thing negate all the bad things. Fluttershy's present mood was actually frightening Discord. “When are you going to stop and think about the potential harm? Look at me! Look at this horn you stuck on my head!” “Well I didn’t know you’d become a real alicorn, and I’d be unable to undo it?” Discord pleaded. “And how is violent behavior out of a species that is naturally prone to violence my fault? I swear, turn a few boys into girls and they start acting like their furrier ancestors.” “What did you put in the potion?” “It was just a little poison joke. - Interesting that it affected all the boys the same way.” “Discord?” “Well, the girls who were exposed to it all had different reactions.” Discord offered. “Funny thing is, not one of them seemed to have noticed. - I just don’t understand their reactions? Especially about the gender reversal. Ponies use gender-swapping potions all the time?” Oh, it just gets better and better, Fluttershy thought to herself as she wound up the Canterlot voice. “In the privacy of their own home and the potion wears off after four hours!” Discords facial features had all pulled back as though he was in a wind tunnel. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to let Twilight know that they need a potion to counteract the effects of poison joke.” 🌺 Later that afternoon, at Dumbledore’s office the man himself is sitting back quietly contemplating life while smoking some fine Longbottom pipeweed. He’d much to think about. Especially after making inquiries of the ministry. Miss Nova was a confirmed Princess of Eques, and her luggage really was listed as an embassy. Size unknown. Dumbledore pondered if the whole thing moved around, or just the point of entry? All the records would say regarding her luggage is that it was huuuuuuuge. The records also mentioned that she was in exile owing to her mother, one Princess Luna, having attempted regicide. Luna? And she seemed like such a sensible person… Luna? Luna Moon was a crown princess? A knock at his door startled him out of his contemplation. “Yes?” “Professor Dumbledore, might I enter?” called the voice of Princess Luna. “Yes, yes of course,” Dumbledore called cheerfully enough, though he wasn’t exactly in the best of moods. Never the less the mask of geniality was one he had plenty of experience with. “And once again, I am so sorry about what happened.” “It’s been difficult for her. She’d lost her entire family due to circumstances beyond her control and was so looking forward to starting a new family.” Luna offered from the doorway as she opened it. She did not elaborate. “Professor, I had something I wished to bring to your attention prior to tomorrow night’s end of year banquet.” “Yes, of course, do come in your highness.” Dumbledore offered as he stood up, and made a polite bow. Luna stopped for a moment, gave him a funny look, let out a sigh, and returned the bow. “Please, Luna will do. After all, am I not one of your employees while I am teaching your students?” “Yes, of course. No need to stand on formalities.” He offered, waited for her to sit down before retaking his seat. “Well if we were to stand on formalities it’s Her Royal Highness, Princess Luna of Arcadia, Second Crown Princess of Equestria, Shepherd of the moon, and Steward of the night.” Luna offered with a smile. “Though most of our subjects just know me as the night princess or just Princess Luna.” “Ma’am,” Dumbledore said meekly. “You um, aren’t still in exile if I may be so bold as to ask?” “Oh no. We are very much back in the good graces of our sister who is the First Crown Princess of Arcadia as well as Equestria. That is Eques. - We had a knock-down drag-out fight. If you were wondering. I imagine if we’d been, say, for example, Weasleys, I’d have been sent to my room without supper.” “I see… Arcadia?” “Arcadia doesn’t exist anymore, save for a few relics such as the pensive you have, and a few antiquated titles.” “Ahh, I’d thought it might be of Arcadian origin,” Dumbledore replied with delight. “It’s intended use is to analyze dreams.” Luna offered. “I understand you use it to look at old memories.” “Dreams you say?” “Yes. Quite a lot can be learned from dreams.” Luna offered. “We live in a multiverse, and our dreams can at times cross those boundaries to catch snippets of events remembered, or being experienced by our counterparts. Add to that the fickle nature of quantum mechanics, and you get to see little snatches of the future.” “Prophecies then?” “Certain types of dreams can be thought of as prophecies. Though I’d be cautious as to letting anyone learn such information who does not have a need to know. Each bit of information is only a maybe, it’s never written in stone. - Take the prophecy about Voldemort’s presumed demise. It’s very likely that had he not learned of it, he would not have targeted the Longbottoms or the Potters.” “I’m afraid I am to blame for that.” Dumbledore offered apologetically. “I wanted a Divination teacher with a true calling. - To be true, her knowledge of divination is sub-par, but she does have the gift. - I made the mistake of interviewing her in a crowded bar.” He stopped speaking, and Luna chose to simply wait. “And then you showed up and shattered the prophesies,” Dumbledore announced breaking the silence a few moments later. “How do you do it?” “By doing what has to be done when it needs to be done. By being honest and sincere, by being kind and compassionate, by giving others a reason to hope with laughter and integrity, by generosity and honor, by loyalty, duty, and bravery, by respect and wisdom, and most important courage, and empathy. Of these are the elements of harmony.” Luna offered. “Well, that and I’m an immortal goddess.” “And is Princess Nova an immortal goddess?” “Don’t really know yet. Check back with me in about a thousand years.” “A thousand years?” Dumbledore was beginning to think she was pulling his leg at this point. “She’s part divine kitsune, Celestial fox if you like. The projected life span is about a thousand years. A few individuals, if their magic is strong enough, will live with their days unnumbered. - Even if she doesn’t have that kind of a life span ahead of her, being mixed, she still has the potential to live longer than most wizards.” “I see...” “You are wondering how old I am?” “It would be imprudent to ask.” “I can’t really give you an exact amount.” Luna offered. “I’ve noticed that Nova has that issue.” “Her issue stems from jumping across dimensions. Keeping track of one’s age under such circumstances can be difficult. What I can tell you is that I am well over a thousand years old.” *“We were born to be Princesses of the universe. And now here we are, fighting to survive in a world filled with darkest power. I am immortal, and I have inside me the blood of Athelas of old who was the great-great-grandson of Areion born of the wind who’s sire was Poseidon lord of the waters.” Dumbledore, knowing what Professor Sprout had told him found he dared not dismiss this woman’s claims entirely. Indeed the power to shatter the prophesies truly did speak of divine power. But then again, how many opportunities had he had in which he could have changed the course of history. He lived in Godric's Hollow, he was there the night of the attack and had been aware that it was happening. He like so many others failed to provide aid in favor of his long plan. Had Voldemort been successful that night, his long plan would have been unattainable, and he knew that now. How much more suffering might have been avoided if he’d have gone straight away to talk some sense into Grindelwald? “But that’s not why I’m here.” Luna offered with a smile derailing Dumbledore's train of thought. “I have here a list of every student who braved the challenge on the third floor.” “Challenge?” Dumbledore echoed in dismay. “Well, it’s not like it was that difficult.” Luna mused. “Boggles the mind why Riddle couldn't seem to master it.” “Undoubtedly waiting for an opportunity to snatch the stone, and kill Potter on the way out,” Dumbledore grumbled. “Anyway, of those who gave it a shot, unlocking the door to the third-floor corridor was too easy, there were quite a number of first-years who had a look. Afraid I’ve only an estimate on how many students had a look-see.” Dumbledore cringed at the news. “Now getting past Fluffy was simple enough once word got out that all they had to do was put him to sleep with music.” Dumbledore cringed again. “No lock on the trap door and most of the students thought to bring a school broom with them, or some means to lower themselves safely. The broom made it possible to drop down without getting ensnared by the devil’s snare. Even if they did get tangled in the Devil's Snare, a simple fire spell was enough to free themselves.” Dumbledore cringed yet again. “Now the room of keys did weed out the week fliers.” “Well, that’s good to hear.” “Oh, and some of the students who brought brooms discovered that they could fly over the chessboard without triggering the enchantment.” “Well, we’ll just have to fix that, won’t we,” Dumbledore muttered. “Oh yes, creating a new challenge for next year could be lots of fun for the students.” Luna offered enthusiastically. “Now what I wanted was to award house points to everyone who made an attempt, points depending on how far they made it, or how many times they tried.” “How many times they tried?” “Perseverance has got to count for something.” “I seem to remember telling the students not to go to the third-floor corridor.” “I am to understand that you declared the third-floor corridor out of bounds to anyone who does not wish to die a painful death.” Luna offered. “The general consensus seems to be that you did not expressly forbid anyone from tempting the third-floor corridor.” “I suppose that’s true enough,” Dumbledore replied in a rather drawn-out fashion. “Anyway, the first to get all the way to the mirror, and figure out what it did without getting trapped was the Weasley twins.” “I put the Philosophers stone in that thing.” Dumbledore protested wondering why he’d never been alerted? “Yes, we figured as much, but being none of the students knew it was there, none of them would have known to try to retrieve it.” “Ah yes, I suppose there is that. - How do you know all this though?” “We were keeping tabs on Quirrel, and that meant we’d need to keep a watch on your trap. - Equestrian magic is based on three primary forms of magic, unicorn, pegasi, and what we call earth ponies. Think of an earth pony as a unicorn without a horn. They have magic but must deploy it through their hooves. I’m afraid your wards did little to stop us from doing anything we wanted. Ergo, when we realized students would be risking life and limb we employed a number of spells to make the challenges a little less lethal for the students. It was still plenty dangerous for Mr Riddle.” Dumbledore was floored. “Fine, just give out all the points you want as you seem to do whatever you want anyway,” Dumbledore said in a pout. “Are you sure? - You aren’t still upset that we left you out of the loop are you?” “What if I wanted to secure something here in Hogwarts again?” “Then I’d suggest not placing it where it’s accessible to students, using a hidden door that can not be unlocked by a first-year, trap doors that are hidden as well as locked, and traps that are a little better thought out. Even Snape’s was easily defeated by a fire walking spell or potion. - And there were students who thought of that possibility. - Why exactly did you use traps that could be defeated so easily? Bad enough Snape gave the intended intruder the means to get through his fire spell. And for that matter… no sorry, under the circumstances I can hardly blame you for advertising the fact you had something being safeguarded. Still though, given your quarry was among the staff you needn't have said anything to the students other than to expressly forbid them from the third-floor corridor.” Dumbledore wasn’t about to admit he’d had no idea who Voldemort was working through. “Also, I think Harry would be better off somewhere else. That family he’s with is horrible.” “And who should take him in?” Dumbledore snapped. “You perhaps?” “Yes. He’d be safe. And he could learn magic at my sister’s school. - Even with Riddle gone, Harry is still in danger from Riddle’s followers, and we’ve yet to find any sign of the Horcrux Mr Riddle presumably made.” “And Harry’s money has nothing to do with it?” “Money?” Luna asked in dismay. “My Nova owns the lion's share of the outstanding interests in the Hogwarts express. And is presently within the top ten of the wealthiest account holders at Gringotts. My own discretionary account is in the top ten as well. - Harry’s money? Please be reasonable.” “It’ll take some doing, so he’ll have to remain with his relatives for now.” “Well, what do I need to do?” “What you’ll have to do is go to the ministry and request custody of young Mr Potter.” “I’ll do that. Thank you.” When Luna left, a sly sort of smile formed on Dumbledore's face. He had no intention of letting the status quo regarding Harry be changed. He still had control over the boy’s destiny, and he intended to keep it that way. “Have a care.” Spoke the portrait of Scrimgeour Senior, former Head Master. “These are beings of light, and will not suffer your scheming easily.” “Quite right.” Phineus Black affirmed. Princess Luna waited till she was well clear of the headmaster’s office before she let any of her emotions go. “Damn that old windbag!” Luna knew full well Dumbledore was just putting her off. It was Dumbledore who had magical guardianship of Harry Potter, Dumbledore who’d railroaded Sirius Black, and Dumbledore who was behind the gridlock regarding the muggle authorities. After all, she’d more than enough spies in high places to know who was pulling all the strings. Perhaps it was time for some friends in low places. 🦇 Down in the open grass of Nova’s greenhouse, Nova is presently helping Coco figure out her transformation back into a human while Moonflower is having a walk about the park to get some exercise. Moonflower still has quite a few gauze pads on her being her injuries have been slow to heal, and a nurse unicorn from Equestria is presently accompanying her. “What if I can’t do it? I wasn’t ready when I transformed.” Coco pleaded. “You can do this.” Nova offered. “Just rear up on your hind legs, and picture your human self.” “You didn’t say old self.” “Your old self was a boy. You can’t turn into something you’re not. - Come on up you go, I’ll catch you with my magic if you lose your balance.” “But what if I can’t do it? - What if I’m stuck like this?” “Well then Mom will adopt you, and you can come live in Equestria.” Nova offered, hoping to reassure her. “I did it!” Squeaked out the voice of a little girl. Nova and Coco turned to see a toddler surrounded by foals. “Myrtle?” Nova said. The process of elimination suggested the little girl anywhere from two to four years old had to be Myrtle. She was wearing not but her diaper, but then ponies generally didn’t wear a lot of clothing. “How old is she?” Coco asked. “A little over fifteen weeks from hatching if I’m not mistaken.” Nova offered. “Ponies mature physically faster than humans.” “Fifteen weeks!?” Malfoy exclaimed, stood up, and transformed back to her human self. She stood there with a big smile. “Not going to be shown up by a little filly are you?” Nova teased. “Darn straight I’m not.” Coco pronounced. “Mommy Noeha, look at me, I’m human again!” Myrtle exclaimed triumphantly. “So you are… by any chance can you switch back again?” Nova asked as Alalme slowly approached with a worried look on her face. Moonflower was watching from a distance with a curious look on her face. Rose Myrtle thought about it for a moment, dropped down, transformed, and then danced in place with a triumphant smile. Coco not to be outdone transformed back and forth a couple of times, and was back to being human just as Twilight showed up announcing she had a cure. She was in her pony form so as to not stress out Moonflower. “A cure?” Coco asked. “You make it sound like I’m sick.” “Sorry. Make that a counter-potion. Assuming you want to take it that is.” Twilight offered. “Do you?” Nova asked. “I...” Coco started. “I’m not sure. - I’m afraid that if I do I’ll go back to being my old rotten self. And besides, there’s nothing wrong with being a girl… is there?” She looked at them with a pleading look on her face. “Despite what some may think, I find I am still myself. Just not as obnoxious as I was.” “I’m perfectly happy being a girl, and your present self could simply be the result of being separated from people who you wished to impress.” Nova offered. “As for who you are in your heart, and how you behave, that is a matter of the heart and has little to do with what you look like on the outside. It is better to impress people by being a good person than by being a rotten person.” “Gah!” Coco exclaimed as she turned and paced back and forth a few times. “My father… what would he say? I mean if I decided to stay this way.” Stop, turn, walk back in the other direction. “And for that matter, why am I even thinking this way? People were being horrid to me. - Going back to being a boy would be so much easier, would it not?” “I’m sure your father would accept you with open arms regardless of what you decide.” Twilight offered hopefully. “Ya, doubt it.” Nova offered. “Not from how the girls described him.” “My father is very conservative,” Coco said slowly. “He didn’t even bother to come to check up on me. I’m to understand all he did was send an owl with the message that I’d best be back to being a boy before I come home. He might as well be saying don’t bother to come home if your not a boy. My mother might be alright, but the rest of the family...” Coco shuddered. “They supported Voldemort. - Some of them are locked up in Azkaban, and for good reason.” “As soon as he knows there is a counter-potion he’s as apt to force you to take it, isn’t he?” Nova asked with concern. “He would.” Coco offered. There was a moment of awkward silence. Coco let out a sigh. “I guess I might as well get it over with.” “I sure wish you didn’t sound like I’m about to lead you into Tartarus,” Twilight said sounding distressed. “Is there nothing we can do?” “I don’t think so,” Nova replied. “Marry her.” Myrtle offered. The other’s looked at Myrtle with confused expressions. “Ah… you could adopt me into your family as part of a prearranged marriage agreement.” Coco offered. She'd turned sharp to look straight as Nova. “It wouldn't have to be an official marriage until I’m seventeen. - This is assuming my parents would agree to let me live with your family. - Normally it’s the other way around.” “Alalme?” Nova asked looking at her herd sister not sure if she was looking for a good reason to say no. “Scootaloo is practically part of our herd, we’d have to run it by her.” Alalme offered. “Otherwise I’ll support it if it gets her out of the cords that are binding her. If it looks like you’ll be expected to go live with his family then I’ll say no.” That night at dinner, Ron, Neville, and Draco were back to being boys. Ron was ecstatic, Neville relived, and Draco subdued. At least Flint and his gang of thugs were gone. “So what’s it like being back to normal?” Millicent asked as she sat down by Draco. “Strange, it feels strange.” Draco offered. He then stood up, and in a loud voice stated, “All right every one of you who took that sucker bet owes Princess Nova a galleon.” “Sucker bet?” one of the boys asked. “Anyone paying attention to the Gryffindor team practicing would have seen the snitch going straight to Louise,” Draco informed them. “She’s an animagus, a very rare one at that. The snitch simply doesn't fly away from her, and when I looked it up I found out that the Ministry is aware of the problem.” “So why didn’t you tell us?!” demanded a boy jumping to his feet. “Well, when it would have made a difference you’d all suddenly gone deaf to every word I’d said just because of a stupid potion mishap,” Draco announced sharply, and then sat back down. Ron was the first person to stand to his feet, and start clapping. Neville was the second, followed by a number of girls from both houses. If there was one thing Draco had learned from the experience was that no matter what he looked like on the outside, he was still the same person on the inside. He’d also become painfully aware of how wizards treated witches. The applause died down, and people sat down as Dumbledore banged his goblet on the table. “Ten points to Draco Malfoy,” Snape said. She was still a woman having made several excuses as to why she wasn't going to trust the reversal potion. As stubborn as Professor Snape could be, she was just as likely planning on staying that way just to prove she could be just as formidable as a woman as a man. Then again maybe Snape just preferred being a woman. “You’re attention please,” Dumbledore called out. “Yesterday’s Quidditch game had quite the ending.” Dumbledore had skipped going to the evening meal that night leaving many wondering what was going on, and there had been pictures in the morning papers along with scathing remarks about the ineptitude of the Ministry of Magic. “What I can tell you regarding the flying machines...” Dumbledore continued, “and the explosions. The explanation is that due to the carelessness of unnamed wizards, a certain number of acromantula were released into the forbidden forest. Those spiders had established a sizable colony and had begun to prey upon the livestock from farms and ranches surrounding the area. Preliminary surveys suggest they may have been going after people as well.” He let that sink in a moment. “And yes, the ministry was aware of the issue. Saying they are just muggles is not an excuse for inaction. - I’m to understand the muggle government went to considerable effort to keep the public from finding out about the spider predation on farms. And this was going on while we twiddled our thumbs. - What we saw was their response. - There will be some changes in the future. Least they turn their eyes toward our community, and they have demonstrated to me an ability to counter some of our best wards. Bottom line, we need to do a better job of policing ourselves if we don’t want to attract unwanted attention.” As he was saying his piece the evening papers came in. Headlines, Minister of Magic arrested along with dozens of others. The paper was calling it a political blood bath and hinted at a possible coup d’état. “And now, Professor Moon has a few words, and house points to give out.” Dumbledore sat down, and Luna stood up. “I’d like first of all to thank everyone for making me feel welcome. Even the Slytherins.” Luna offered. “You all have no idea what a pleasure it’s been to teach you all in the short time I’ve had the pleasure to be among you.” “Are you coming back next year?” Shouted out one of the Ravenclaw students. “Unfortunately I will not be able to.” Luna offered. Her news was met by an audible sound of dismay and disappointment throughout the hall. “Now, as you all know, at the beginning of the term, you were all admonished not to venture into the third floor unless you wanted to die a horrible death. - Seems quite a number of you want to die a horrible death.” This remark created a burst of laughter that traveled about the room. “Ernie Macmillan of Hufflepuff seems to like dying the most and has racked up a whopping death count of seven hundred, and eighty-three deaths. - Ernie, what in harmony were you doing?” “Um, when I died the first time and realized that all that happened was I’d been sent back to my dorm, I started using that as a short cut.” Ernie offered sheepishly. Dumbledore placed his face in his hands as he muttered to himself. “You do realize that had the safety protocols that had been put in place had failed you’d be dead for real, don’t you?” Luna offered? The boy paled at the thought. “For the most deaths, I award you ten points. I was going to give you more for perseverance, but I’ve changed my mind.” At the news of what Ernie had been doing there’d been a lot of laughing followed by cheers and applause. “Am I the only one who didn’t go down that trap door?” Harry lamented as name after name was called out with points being awarded. Those who made it through on the first try were awarded more points than those who had made several attempts. Dumbledore cringed every time an individual was listed as having failed the challenge. Even Draco Malfoy had completed the challenge, but at the sacrifice of Crabbe and Goyle along the way. “Quirrel would have gone after you the moment you tried.” Draco cautioned from the Slytherin table as the twins were awarded the highest points. “He’s got a point, you know,” Hermione added. “The challenge is still set up, what about going tonight?” Scootaloo asked oblivious to the presence of the baby pegacorn that had just climbed onto her lap. A baby bottle appeared on the table, and Scootaloo began bottle feeding her. “Ah… what’s Rose doing down here?” Draco asked from his table. The other Slytherin students looked on in horror. “What are you talking about?” Scootaloo asked. Girls around her began to experience critical systems failures as wide smiles formed on their faces. [.exe has failed to execute, attempting to reboot.] Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle just started laughing, and Nova facepalmed. “What?” “You’ve got her on your lap, and are bottle feeding her.” Nova offered as she got out a small two-way radio. “Care to share the joke?” Luna called from the head table, wondering what was going on. “Rose snuck down here, and Louise started bottle feeding her, and was oblivious to what she was doing.” Draco offered with a big smile. By the looks on Harry, and Ron’s faces he could tell that they hadn’t known. “I’m on it,” Nova called with the radio held to her face. “Ten points for Gryffindor for taking such good care of Rose Myrtle.” Madam Hooch offered followed by good-natured laughing. “Well, that’s all I have.” Luna finally announced and sat back down. “Well then, let us begin our dinner.” Dumbledore offered, followed by food appearing on the table. “Probably a good thing she’s not nursing, how awkward that would have been.” Madam Hooch whispered to the others at the table. “Oh if I’d a bit for every time that happened in court,” Luna replied with a lilt to her voice. Dumbledore had a stricken look on his face. “In court?” Professor Dumbledore asked sounding appalled. “It’s a perfectly natural thing, but can be a bit distracting when someone is trying to argue their case before the court.” Luna offered. “Case in point, several of the girls at the Gryffindor table have yet to put anything on their plates due to cuteness overload.” “So have you ever been the guilty party?” Professor McGonagall asked. Luna smiled a rather guilty smile. “On occasion, I’d do it deliberately just to annoy some noble with an overgrown sense of propriety.” Luna offered. Madam Hooch and Professor McGonagall started laughing just at the thought of it. “So what are they laughing about up there?” Scootaloo asked Nova. “Why are you asking me?” Nova asked in reply. “Your ears have gone all foxy, and one is zeroed in on the head table.” Apple bloom teased. “She’s telling them about the time she nursed Estar and me in court just to antagonize Prince Blueblood. Nova offered, her ears going flat. “I remember hearing about that.” Scootaloo offered with a big smile. “She’s so cute.” Lavender Brown squeaked. “I want one.” “She’s not a pet.” Scootaloo chastised. Myrtle having understood the implications of what Lavender had said decided to transform herself. “Rose? How long has she been able to do that?” “Since this afternoon.” Nova offered as Rose Myrtle took hold of her bottle. At this point, several individuals began making unintelligible noises. “She’s an animagus?” Pomona Sprout said a gasp. “How old is that child?” “She's not an animagus, it's Equinethropy. Kind of runs in the family, and she’s only a little over fifteen weeks old,” Luna informed them. “Fifteen weeks? But how is that possible?” Dumbledore asked in amazement. “And another pegasus yet?” “It’s part of our family tree so to speak.” Luna offered. “Anyone connected to me, my sister, or Eques, by heritage and blood will have a pony form should they succeed in triggering the transformation. - Curious that young Malfoy has a pony form. From what I hear of his father I’d hate to think I was in any way related to him.” “I think he’d have similar feelings if he knew the full truth of the matter.” Madam Hooch offered with a knowing smile. “Even so, to be able to transform at such a young age without even having to go through the long arduous process normally required to do it?” Dumbledore said in dismay. “Except for one thing. She’s not human. Not technically.” Luna offered. “She was born a pegacorn. Though I will need to ask for the details concerning her transformation. - She’s also got the majority of Myrtle Elizabeth Warren’s memories. It’s all rather complicated, and I see now I should have buried her knowledge of magic a little deeper.” “I think a full explanation is in order.” Dumbledore implored. “Do you remember that egg you confiscated?” Luna asked. Dumbledore nodded. “Myrtle Warren was that egg. And before you say anything, we’ve taken the book that had the spell they used. - What they did was place Myrtle’s spirit inside an egg, Louise’s egg.” “Are you saying that Louise is the mother?” Snape asked astonished. “Oh it gets worse,” Luna offered. "Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are the fathers. And no they did not use any kind of gender-swapping spell. The deed was done using a very complicated ritual. Those three are lucky to be alive. But yes, Louise is the mother. She is after all a young pegacorn mare in her non-human form.” “It was the casting of the spell that caused Miss Magnus’s health scare,” Madam Pomfrey offered. “You know, there are laws against raising the dead?” Snape stated. “Oh, but they haven't raised the dead, they circumnavigated the normal process of reincarnation and renewal. From our understanding, when a being dies, from death comes a seed. The energy that makes us special, our spirit, never goes away. Sometimes that energy, or seed, will manifest as a ghost. All they did was control where that seed went.” Luna explained. “When a being dies they can choose to linger, and in some cases become vengeful spirits, or they can let the winds of fate take them where it will, and be reborn again. I'm to understand Myrtle had chosen to become a vengeful spirit, but the interaction with the girls had redeemed her - Grater is the tragedy of Tom Riddle in that he will never know this renewal. - Rose Myrtle is a brand new life who just happens to have many of the memories of her past self.” “Are you saying there is no hell?” Dumbledore asked remembering what Nova had said. “Hell exists, humans create hell right here on earth. Every chance they get. Or at least that’s what it seems like.” Luna offered. “The list of dangerous creatures should, by rights, list humans at the top.” “I must confess I would find it difficult to argue against that assessment.” Dumbledore offered. “But we are also capable of great good.” “And therein lays the paradox of humanity,” Luna replied. Meanwhile back at the Gryffindor table Rose is back to pony form, and pressing nervously into Scootaloo as girls begin to press in to have a better look. “Alright, everyone back in your seats.” Idda Peverell chastised. “Amazing that she can change back and forth at that age.” Alicia Spinnet remarked. “Is that common for pegacorns? I mean you can do it. She is yours isn’t she?” The students gathered around grew strangely quiet. Scootaloo looked down at Rose, who looked up at her. “I couldn't switch back and forth until after I came to England.” Scootaloo offered. “It seems to have something to do with the type of ambient magic that pervades wizard areas. Rose being able to switch back and forth at her age is…” “Unheard of.” Nova offered. “I guess there is a first for everything.” The Gryffindors looked at Scootaloo, one question unanswered, assumption yet to be shot down. Scootaloo looked down at Rose. “I really should be more careful about when I transform into my Pegacorn form. Certain times of the month.” Scootaloo offered softly. “Pegasi do lay eggs you know.” Those who had heard all had an expression of impending dread on their faces considering everything already known concerning that egg, and Scootaloo. Most of the Gryffindor girls knew that Louise could turn into a pegacorn, along with Nova who seemed to be an actual pegacorn. Even quite a few of the boys had figured it out by now. “We, um… used magic, and that made the egg viable. I got sick because of the strain the spell put on me. That and the worry.” “Why didn’t you say something?” Katie Bell asked as tears began to gush from her eyes. Everything had come into focus. Louise had laid an egg while in her pegasus form and had tried to keep it quiet, only to have the egg confiscated. “We were all in panic mode.” Hermione offered. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom nodded in agreement. After all, no one needed to know what spell, or the fact that it had been the spell that brought forth the egg so prematurely. Let everyone think Louise had laid an egg while in her pegacorn form and leave out any inconvenient details. Not a one would realize they’d just been told a half-truth and a white lie. “And it sure didn’t help much thinking Hagrid had made an omelet out of her,” Scootaloo said with a bit of a hitch in her voice. “We all knew, we all knew how devastated you were.” Lavender offered. “I don’t think any of us guessed the full reason why though. If only we’d known.” “We’d have found some way.” Idda offered. “Do I want to know what’s going on over here?” McGonagall asked having approached the table half the girls were crying. Even a few nearby at other tables look stricken. Luna was with her, both looking rather worried. Nova stood up and whispered Scootaloo’s new version, of how the egg came to be, in Luna’s ear, who quickly let McGonagall know. It was all Luna could do to maintain a serious expression, while McGonagall looked stricken. That egg had been Louise's baby. Luna walked over to Scootaloo and gave her a hug. Even though she’d found the variation of the story of Rose Myrtle’s origin humerus, Scootaloo was still hurting. “You going to be alright?” Luna asked. “I will be if everyone else will quit crying.” Scootaloo offered. “Alright, you heard her, suck it up,” Luna said with a smile. “What’s done is done.” Luna’s voice quieted. “She’s got her baby back, and lots of goodhearted people to support her.” The girls all smiled and did their best. “Now that’s better...” Luna offered just as Nova said horse apples. Luna gave her a curious look, turned in the direction Nova was looking only to see Moonflower. “Oh buck.” Moonflower’s ears were down in agitation, her legs ready to spring, her tail swishing back and forth. “You, aaaa, didn’t happen to lose track of Moonflower too did you?” Nova asked into her little radio, her ears had flattened. “You were going to tell us when? She’s in the entry hall looking in at us.” “Why don’t I walk her back to the infirmary, being my secret is kind of out anyway.” Scootaloo offered. “Wait, Malfoy?!” Draco had gotten up and was slowly walking over to Moonflower. “Draco Malfoy that’s a wild unicorn, what are you doing?!” McGonagall hissed. “No one move.” As Draco approached Moonflower bobbed her head up and down, and shifted back and forth. Draco stopped, let out a sigh, dropped to all fours, and transformed. “See, it’s me.” Coco offered. One eyebrow lifted on Luna’s forehead. Draco’s colt form seemed rather feminine. “Um, Scootaloo, she’s not likely to want to go back until she knows Rose is safe.” Nova offered. Coco took a few more steps, Moonflower calmed down and met the little bat pony halfway. Scootaloo, got off the bench, transformed, and walked over to join them. Rose followed suspended in the air supported by Scootaloo’s magic, and was flapping her wings, and paddling with her legs as happy as any filly could possibly be. “You know that’s pretty ballsy.” Scootaloo offered to Draco as the three escorted Moonflower back up to the hospital wing. “Considering your pony form is still female.” “What?” Malfoy asked as a feeling of dread came over him/her. “Perhaps we should hurry before anyone figures it out,” Scootaloo said with a smile. She was momentarily surprised when Coco somehow managed to vanish. She was aware of her presence, Scootaloo’s magic told her that much, and her ears could hear the sound of Coco’s little hooves. Yes, twelve-year-old bat pony Malfoy was considerably smaller than Louise. Moonflower nuzzled him to make sure he was still there. “I think it’s a bat pony thing?” Scootaloo offered when the unicorn looked back at her. “What, come on hurry up, I don’t want anyone getting a good look at me.” Coco offered. “You’ve made yourself invisible somehow?” Scootaloo offered. “I have? Good.” Nova’s quiet chortling overhead gave evidence to a little celestial fox silently drifting overhead. Moonflower looked up at her with suspicion but decided she was alright. “You weren’t planning on teleporting us were you?” Scootaloo asked. As she set Myrtle down. “Not if I don’t have to.” Nova offered as Myrtle bumped into Coco. “I think it might be a bit much for Moonflower so only as a last resort.” At this point, Nova decided to land on Coco’s back so everyone would know where she was. Whatever the spell was the Thestrals used, it had no effect on her other than she could tell they were using some kind of natural ability similar to a look the other way spell. “You’re heavy, you know.” Coco protested. “What, I’m just a little fox right now.” “And I’m not much bigger than Rose.” Coco protested. Nova laughed and lifted up into the air again. Coco was at least twice the size of Rose. Which isn't saying much. Getting Moonflower back up the stairs to the hospital wing proved harder than it needed to be owing to her dislike of the moving stairs. In this, Rose Myrtle led the way on multiple occasions as she triumphantly trotted ahead of everyone. Myrtle knew her way around this place. She even knew secret passages no one else knew of. They were also quite fortunate as to not come across anyone along the way save for Ensign Loki who met them on the way up in his fox form. Captain Hoofstrong was repentant in that he’d been lax in his duties, as was the remainder of the squad. With the primary threat gone, they’d relaxed. Alalme had been distracted as well as she’d been engaged in her self paced studies, and it had been Istel and Talma who’d been the first to raise the alarm after the foals had let it slip that Rose had snuck out on her own. A quick check found that Moonflower was also missing, along with the door into the hospital wing being left open. “Fortunately we got them back with no harm done.” Nova offered having transformed back to her pony form on arrival. Shortly after both Rose, and Moonflower were sent to their perspective rooms for a time out. “I think everyone in Gryffindor, maybe half the school by now, know I can transform back and forth.” Scootaloo offered. “I gave a story they could believe regarding where Rose came from. Though the idea of a human laying an egg while in their animagus form might be a bit hard to swallow, it beats telling anyone her real origin. - They’ll know Draco can transform now too.” “Well come on, maybe there’ll be some food left when we get back downstairs.” Nova offered. “Coco, I think it’s safe for you to turn back into a human.” “You know, I think this is getting easier every time I do this.” Malfoy offered as they changed back into a human. “What? Why are you all looking at me like that?” “Um what say you do it one more time, and this time aim for your male self.” Nova offered and transformed to her human self. “Why… why is my voice…? - Why am I back to being a girl?!” Malfoy asked dismayed. “Your transformation was premature so I showed you a kitsune spell.” Nova offered. “Go back to your pony form, and shoot for your male persona. Normally this shouldn't be a problem. - I’ll have to ask Lady Aiko if she has any ideas? I wonder if it's because your thestral form is also considered a flying fox?” “This is going to be a huge problem if I can’t switch back.” Malfoy offered, dropping back down to pony form. Malfoy took in a breath, let it out slowly, took a moment, and then stood back up. This time he was back to being a boy. Just to be sure he decided to check himself. “Yep, I’m back.” The girls all had to laugh. “I’m learning the transformation spell too.” Alalme offered. “Pretty much every pony coming over from Eques can do it.” “Do you think you’ve got it now, maybe you can give it a shot?” Nova asked. “Hang on, let me see, I think I’m ready to give it a go...” Alalme reared up on her hind legs, and a moment later she was replaced by a beautiful young woman with dark brown skin, and long black hair cascading down her back. “I did it! First time!” “Congratulations!” Scootaloo offered. “Took me a bit to figure that trick out, and our spell isn’t near as convoluted as the one the wizards use.” Nova also congratulated her and gave her a hug. Malfoy made a strange choking noise. “Wow, my udders sure got big,” Alalme commented as she fiddled with them. Post-pregnancy boobs. Malfoy’s nose hemorrhaged, and he passed out. “Do you think maybe that’s why humans wear clothes all the time?” Scootaloo asked looking down at Draco. It being Alalme’s first transformation she was presently attired in what she’d been wearing prior to the transformation, which was nothing. “Well, he’s got a long way to go if he wants to be part of our herd.” Alalme offered. “He’s come a long way over the past year, give him time.” Nova offered. “Humans can take a little longer to mature from what you are accustomed to.” “Part of our herd?!” Scootaloo protested. “When exactly were you going to tell me?” “There just hasn’t been a good time, and he seems to prefer being a girl, filly, despite the drawbacks, and how she was being treated.” Nova offered. “And the only way we could think of to get Coco out of her present situation with her family is to adopt Draco into the family as part of a marriage agreement. And that’s if his family will even go for it. It wouldn't even have to be permanent, just till he’s an adult.” Scootaloo transformed back into her human form, just so she could facepalm without hurting herself. “Just so we are clear on this, I’m not too crazy about the idea. At the very least we should hold off for a year or two, and see how Apple Bloom and Sweetie feel about it. Who’s Idea was this?” “Myrtle.” Nova offered. “And Myrtle doesn’t know what a jerk he’s been. Plus she’s just a filly, and Luna removed all her bad memories.” “Which would mean she only remembers the good stuff about him.” Nova offered. “And the deal was contingent on Coco being stuck as a girl.” “In that case, if Malfoy wants to be part of the herd, he and or she is going to have to demonstrate they are worth our love. There is just too much water under that bridge.” “So, shouldn't we do something about him?” Alalme asked sounding concerned. “Maybe you should go back to being a pony first?” Nova offered. “That or put some clothes on.” Scootaloo mused. “Though your human form is pretty hot.” “You, um think so? - Nova…?” Alalme asked giving Nova a smile. “Maybe it’s the lack of fur...” Nova offered as she blushed. “But, ya, you are beautiful. Both your forms are beautiful. - Hey, if we can scrounge up some clothes for you, you can come down to dinner tomorrow.” “And we will miss tonight’s dinner if we don’t get back.” Scootaloo pointed out. Scootaloo and Nova arrived downstairs a short time later with Draco propped between them. They’d managed to wake him up, but his legs were like jelly, and he’d a big smile on his face. “It doesn't affect you like this when we are ponies?” Nova asked. “We got fur then. Fur, and feathers.” Draco offered. “Draco, what happened to you?” Millicent asked seeing blood on his shirt. “He got kicked in the head for his efforts.” Scootaloo offered with a smile as Madam Pomfrey and Snape rushed over. “I’m alright, it was just a nose bleed.” Draco prompted. Luna came over to find out what had happened, and Nova quickly whispered into her ear what had really happened. Luna smiled, turned, and whispered to Madam Pomfrey, who in turn quietly informed Snape that Draco had walked in on a girl with her clothes off. “I’m surprised it wasn’t fatal.” Snape offered in a drawl that would have been standard for her old self. For those who knew the scoop, it was all they could do to keep a straight face. “So what really happened?” Ron asked in a whisper as the girls sat down. Scootaloo leaned into the table, and in a conspiratorial whisper replied that it had to do with a mature woman and full frontal nudity. “Anyone, we know?” Apple Bloom asked. “Alalme Silverwood.” Nova offered with a sheepish grin. “I thought Alalme was a pegasus?” Hermione asked, sounding just a little confused. “She is.” Sweetie Belle offered as she gave Nova and Scootaloo a puzzled look. “She figured out Rose Myrtle’s trick.” Scootaloo offered. “Transformed her self right in front of Draco, and then she was like, why are my udders so big, starts playing with them, and Draco fainted.” The other’s looked at them with an incredulous look on their faces as Nova, and Scootaloo loaded up on food. “Alalme?” Apple Bloom asked. She knew Alalme had been studying magic, but then none of the other English pegasi had shown any aptitude for such things. “I think they are pulling our leg.” Harry offered. “One never knows with these fillies.” Alicia Spinnet offered in a hushed tone as she looked over the desserts. After all, Scootaloo was an animagus who could turn into a pegacorn. Assuming it wasn’t the other way around, and it was highly probable that Nova was a pegacorn herself. Add to that the unicorn yearling and brightly colored Shetland pony was likely Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. “If you had told me that Scootaloo laid an egg while in her animagus form resulting in a pegacorn who could turn herself into a toddler this morning, I’d have said you’d gone daft.” Her statement had caused quite a few to lean back in their chairs in wonderment. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle wouldn’t find out for sure till the next morning in that by the time they got upstairs, Alalme had bedded down with Alya, Goldwine, and Rose. > Chapter 21: End of year banquet. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning following the test was free time following breakfast. Most of the staff would soon be cloistered for the better part of the next three days going over exam results. But Nova needed to get permission for Alalme to attend the end of year banquet and had every reason to believe that Professor McGonagall would sequester herself as soon as breakfast was over. “I do believe Phenik has a message for you.” Luna offered as the Phoenix landed at McGonagall’s place with a note. “Well, it’s not every day I get a message by Phoenix,” McGonagall replied taking the note and offering Phenik a morsel of bacon. “Hmm, Luna, she wants to know if it’s alright for Alalme Silverwood to attend tonight’s banquet.” There’s a note of puzzlement in her voice. “Surely she doesn’t mean…? Is there another Alalme?” “Only the one that I’m aware of.” Luna offered. “I’m to understand Draco’s nose bleed, was due to her figuring out Rose Myrtle’s trick. One moment the boy is looking at a pegasus, the next he’s standing in front of a very good looking woman without a stitch of clothes on.” “Oh is that what that was all about,” Minerva replied with a big smile. “Even so, the girl is still a pegasus regardless of any abilities.” “I must say I’ve never heard of a pegasus learning the animagus spell though.” Madam Hooch offered. Dumbledore quietly sat back choosing to keep his peace for the moment. “She’s extremely intelligent.” Luna offered. “I’m to understand that many of the pegasi of the Silver wood could read and write. At least about a hundred years back. That and it’s not quite the animagus spell as you understand it. - After all, they are going from a magical creature to a human.” “Did they? Reading and writing suggest they were fairly civilized at one time.” Madam Hooch asked. “What happened?” “I’m to understand Salizar Slytherin’s monster happened. The thing took a liking to their eggs for some reason.” Luna offered. “It devastated their community's tenuous hold on higher learning. And they were further devastated by the introduction of the acromantula to the forest. It seems the spiders decided that they wanted that valley for themselves.” “And they’ve been living like refugees ever since.” Madam Hooch surmised. “Can she really read and write?” Dumbledore asked. “I’m to understand she started out with a rudimentary understanding of the ancient Arcadian language and script. I’m also to understand that many of the more intelligent magical beasts of England can speak it, or a variation of it. Nova got Alalme started on a primer that covered both the Arcadian and Roman script. After that, it was a matter of teaching her enough modern English that she could communicate with those who didn’t know the old language. Gadgull is fairly fluent in the old script, and Istel and Talma can also read and write in the old language. The three have been helping teach the other pegasi much of what had been lost to them. - Every last one of them can speak the old language with a few learning English well enough to communicate their needs.” “I recall a rumor of sorts that claimed that among the English pegasi there was a family descended from witches and wizards who chose to give up their humanity rather than suffer the constant warring of our own kind.” Dumbledore offered. “I’m afraid there is more truth in that than you may have guessed.” Luna offered. “From the oral traditions of these pegasi, I’ve come to understand that they were once servants of my own household. The manner by which they came here is a bit of a mystery yet.” Luna had a fairly good idea how they’d come to England, but she wasn’t about to let Dumbledore know the mirror of Erised was a portal. The original mirror that is. “Well then, tell her to come to tonight’s dinner, and she will be an honored guest.” Dumbledore offered. “But will she be alright around so many people?” Minerva asked. “After all she was born, raised, and lived as a pegasus her whole life.” “I’m sure Nova can whisk her away if there are any issues.” Luna offered. “If nothing else, she and her closest kin have certainly taken to the luxuries of civilized living.” “That apartment she keeps is certainly luxurious.” McGonagall offered. “Well, she is the mother of a young chief,” Luna replied thinking of Nova. After all, the apartment is Nova’s. “Mother?” Dumbledore asked. “How old is she?” “She says she's fifteen, but I'm leaning more towards seventeen. - And yes, that’s young to be taking care of a foal.” Luna offered. “Alalme is about the same age.” “I’m afraid it’s fairly old compared with the rest of our pegasi population.” Madam hooch offered. “Hang on, you said Alalme is about the same age? Which is the mother of a young chief?” “Nova is. She’s no fifteen-year-old, that I’m sure of.” Luna offered. “She took into her care the last male heir of a noble line of pegasi.” “So can she come?” Asked a little white-winged fox who’d only just scrambled up on to Luna’s lap. “Little sneak.” Luna scolded. Nova pressed up against her, looking up at her. “She can come, now get back to your own table.” “Yes, Muma.” Nova offered and vanished under the table. She reemerged a short time later back in her place at the Gryffindor table. “Any idea how she did that without our seeing her cross the open space between the tables?” Dumbledore asked puzzled. “Loose floorboards?” Luna guessed. “That or she’s learned an undetectable concealment charm even I can’t spot. - I blame her father mostly.” “What’s he like?” McGonagall asked suspiciously. She'd an idea that Nova had the invisibility cloak they'd been looking for. “He can be most serious when he wants, quite playful at times, very clever, handsome, and has three tails.” Luna offered. “Three tails?” Pomona Sprout asked sounding quite confused by the pronouncement. “I married a 237-year-old celestial fox.” Luna offered. The others looked at her with a look of dismay and horror. “He’s very good at transforming himself. In fact, I didn’t have a clue what he was until after he’d asked Twilight and ourselves to marry him.” “So then it’s true, you, and that Twilight girl we met are both married to the same man, and he’s a magical creature?” Pomona asked sounding as though she was horrified. “I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they are all magical creatures.” Snape offered with a rather suspicious smile on her face. Her statement had Dumbledore wondering if perhaps they might be guilty of teaching magic to non-humans. But then they had done what he’d been unable to do. The question of whether or not certain individuals were witches who all had similar animagus forms, or if the opposite might be true, lingered on his mind. Could they all be a race of magic ponies? The very thought of which seemed quite absurd. “And I just blew a perfect opportunity.” Luna lamented. “And what might that have been?” Madam Pomfrey asked. “I just had my daughter on my lap.” Luna pointed out. “It was a perfect opportunity for a little forced loving, and I blew it.” “Oh, so that’s where she gets that from,” Minerva replied with a smirk. 😼 “She can come,” Nova announced excitedly shortly after returning to her seat. “Who’s this Beatrice Lulamoon person?” Ron asked as he looked at the paper. “Trixie?” Nova asked. “Is she in the paper?” Nova had learned that Trixie and her Beatrice were indeed the same person, and couldn't be more delighted. Though it did beg the question, who was the Trixie who had attended Canterlot High School? Could she be another pony run away? “Trixie?” Ron asked looking at her. “Beatrice Lulamoon is better known as Trixie to those who know her.” Nova offered. “Trixie?!” Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo chime. “They’ve made her the interim Minister of magic,” Ron announced. “Who’s crazy idea was that?” Apple Bloom protested. “She’s a native of England, knows how things work in the wizard community, and I’ll bet she’ll make a good minister.” Nova offered and proceeded to finish off her breakfast. “She’s from an old pureblood family so she’ll likely have a certain amount of credit right there.” “Trixie!?” All three crusaders chimed. “Well, she can’t be any worse than Fudge.” Ron offered. “And yes, he’s in the papers again. ‘It seems a certain former Minister of magic attempted to bully his way out of his hearing in front of the muggle magistrates by telling them exactly who he was. The minister had to be cautioned against speaking about things we all know aren't real, or risk being put in a care facility.' Add breaking the statute of secrecy to the ever-growing list of crimes." “How does someone like that become Minister of magic in the first place?” Hermione asked. “Apparently by bribing his way to the top.” Ron offered. “Dad has been working overtime doing raids, and the whole thing has been making a lot of people very nervous. - Get this, the Muggle government has told all the muggles he’s the head of the Ministry of Thaumaturgy, which is chiefly concerned with tracking meta-humans. - Metahumans? - And reports to the Prime Minister, and falls under COBRA. - Cobra?" “People with abilities above and beyond what is considered in the normal range of mundane humans. People like that Thor person. The irony is that Thor isn’t even human.” Nova offered as she got up. “Now if you’ll all excuse me, I’ve some quality free time ahead of me. And don't ask me what cobra is, I've no idea." “Not without me, yer not,” Scootaloo called to Nova, finished off her last bite, and was after Nova moments later. "COBRA has something to do with the Prime Minister's cabinet." Hermione offered as Nova and Scootaloo were walking away. "It basically means they report to the Prime Minister." “So you get the feeling we are being left behind?” Sweetie Belle asked Apple Bloom. “Um, they just did.” Apple bloom announced. “You know what I mean. I feel like we are slowly growing apart.” Sweetie countered. “They go flying every morning before anyone else is up, and have foals. - I may not be ready for my own foal, but I have never wanted a pair of wings more than I do right now.” “What about just using a broom?” Harry asked. “It’s not the same,” Sweetie replied sounding a bit dejected. “I’ll be lucky if I even pass. You’ve seen me on a broom.” Apple Bloom reminded them. “Even if I was any good, it won’t do me a lot of good once we leave Hogwarts.” “Live in a muggle area, do you?” Ron asked. “Maybe you can come to visit?” “That might be fun.” Sweetie Belle offered. “I doubt Nova will be able to get much flying in over the summer either.” “Well, then it’s settled.” Fred began. “You’re all invited.” George finished. Nova and Scootaloo hurried upstairs and were greeted with hugs from the foals, as well as Alalme. “Any pony want to get in a little airtime outside?” Nova asked. The foals all responded enthusiastically. “Moonie, you can come too.” Moonie appeared among them with a delighted grin. “Can I come?” Rose asked. “Of course you can,” Scootaloo replied, transformed to her pony form, and nuzzled her. “I mean if you don’t mind my supporting you with my magic?” Rose gave her a calculated look. “Don’t worry, Moonie, and I will be there too.” Nova offered as she transformed into her pony form. “So if Louise here gets distracted, and drops you, we’ll be there to catch you.” “Oh kays,” Rose responded with a big smile. A short time later Nova, Scootaloo, Moonie, Alalme, Rose, Alya, and Goldwine had been joined by Istel, Talma, and Gadgull along with their fillies Laire, and Sorcha. “You know you don’t have to paddle your legs,” Nova said to Rose, with a hint of a smile on her face as they exited the balcony to soar out over the school grounds. “Tuck 'em up to reduce drag. Your wings will give you a little control over your direction. Go on, give it a try.” “Just don’t get too far from me.” Scootaloo cautioned. She couldn’t help but smile as Rose tried out her wings to see what would happen according to how she held them and was soon sashaying back and forth in a slalom-like manner. “Wee!” Rose exclaimed with glee. “You’re not even flapping.” Goldwine pointed out. “How’s that flying?” “I’m not flapping either, Goldwine Sparkle Silverwood.” Nova cautioned. Goldwine knew immediately he’d erred, and nearly lost control of his flight, as they rounded around the castle towards the lake. Goldwine flew over, did a very impressive roll for one so young, and landed on Nova’s back. “How you do that?” Goldwine asked Nova. “You’re as solid as da grownd.” “Lots and lots of flying.” Nova offered, dropped out from under him, causing him to flap his wings frantically, she pulled her wings in, flipped upside down, spread her wings again, lifted back, up, grabbed Goldwine, and snuggled him. “No fwar! You use magic!” He complained bitterly. “Not right now I’m not. I’m taking advantage of the updraft, and when Rose is older she’ll be able to fly just like me.” Nova offered, and let Goldwine go. He took the opportunity, spread his wings, and climbed away from Nova. Nova did a tight snap roll and chased after him. Alya joined in on the impromptu game of tag followed by Laire, and Sorcha. Rose had to follow along as best she could with Scootaloo, and Moonie following close behind. Alalme, Istel, and Talma followed along delighting in the antics of the foals as they flew out over the lake. How different this new life was from their old. Within the castle, Princess Luna is looking over tests, making notes, and marking down scores. She had to sigh at the responses put down by many of the Slytherin students. Slytherins just seemed to think all problems were a nail that needed to be hammered. Looking out the window hadn’t helped either as it didn’t take her long to spot the small flock of pegasi out over the lake. Also happening over at the quidditch pitch the Ravenclaw team has challenged the Gryffindor team to a grudge match. To begin right after lunch. The Ravenclaw students were understandably upset when they’d heard that Miss Magnus had had an unfair advantage. Nova dropped down and skimmed the surface of the water of the lake, and when she was satisfied there was nothing bigger than a lake trout nearby she set down gently on the water and bobbed about much like a duck. Goldwine settled down next to her, and circled around one way and then the next as he inspected the dark green depths of the lake. Scootaloo, Myrtle, Alalme, and Alya were next to set down on the lake followed by the others a moment later, and began paddling along the shoreline. “Oh hey, some seven-years,” Nova called quietly. “Let's all quack like ducks as we paddle past.” Along the shore were several couples, who on hearing the quacking would look up only to see pegasi swimming past… quacking. A most peculiar sight it was. Everything was going along swimmingly until one of the foals was suddenly pulled under. Pegasi wings beat heavenward, while Nova, Moonie, and Scootaloo plunged into the depths. Nova came up a moment later with a tentacled creature in her mouth, killed it, threw it up onto the bank, and dove down again accompanied by the sound of running hooves. The students watched as a young unicorn, and a yellow pastel pony dove into the water. Nova came up again with the stricken foal and ferried them to the shore. Three sea ponies propelled themselves out of the water, transformed into a pegasus, unicorn, an earth pony, and joined Nova who was presently performing CPR. The colt coughed up water, vomited, and began to cry, followed by Nova hugging him while crying herself. Alalme and the others landed. Moonie surfaced a moment later with one of the creatures skewered to her horn. “Come on, let's go home,” Alalme said as she placed a wing over the two. Alya snuggled up to her little brother joined momentarily by Rose and the other foals. “I think we’ve had enough excitement.” “What are those things?” Apple Bloom asked. “Grindylows.” Offered a nearby seventh year Gryffindor boy. “They lurk in the shallows mostly.” “What the absolute buck!?” Loki called as he and Gunny Gotha landed on the bank and folded up their wings. “I swear I can’t let you out of my sight.” To Nova’s surprise, Loki abandoned all pretense of professionalism and went right in for a nuzzle and a hug. “I don’t think I could bear it if anything happened to any of you.” “Loki?” Nova asked in a soft tone and blushed. “Was I too forward?” Loki asked as he slowly pulled back. Nova shook her head no. “Goldwine, let's have a look at you.” Loki looked Goldwine over, cast a foxfire spell on him which resulted in Goldwine coughing up some sludge. “Feeling a little better?” Goldwine nodded. “Come on, let's go back to the apartment and get cleaned up in a nice safe bath.” “Thank you.” Nova offered. “And I didn’t mind the hug. You are sort of an older brother.” “Is that all I am to you, and older brother?” Loki asked quietly. “No, no… but then if you wanted to be something more, you’d need to ask Princess Luna, say if you wished to court me.” Nova smiled, as the others looked back and forth at the two. “I certainly wouldn't mind the extra attention.” Alalme offered with a smile. “Well, this sure escalated in an interesting direction,” Scootaloo said with a rather curious smile on her face. “Come on, let's get back upstairs.” Loki offered. “Also, we should probably get word to Princess Luna.” “No need to worry her unnecessarily.” Nova offered. “She has tests to score, and if some pony goes running to her it might put her into a panic.” “Fair enough.” Gunny offered. It took a few moments to untangle from the group hug. Loki did a quick medical inspection of Goldwine and then offered to carry him. “I can carry him.” Nova protested softly. “You are soaking wet, and your feathers need straightening. Can you even get off the ground?” Loki asked as Nova shook herself off, used a drying spell, and looked herself over. She still looked like a half-drowned fox. She’d been so soaked the drying spell hadn’t quite done the job. Goldwine was no better. “Also, I think a nice walk might help calm everyone down,” Loki added. “I guess it’s going to take a bit to straighten my feathers out.” Nova offered while managing a smile. “Goldwine needs new nappies too. The dry spell failed when he got pulled under.” “And from now on no swimming in water that you can’t see what’s beneath you without us.” Apple Bloom ordered as they began to make their way around to where they could gain access to a path, and Moonie rid her horn of the thing she’d impaled. “Sweetie Belle, can I ask a question?” The Gryffindor boy asked as he and his date followed along. Sweetie looked at him and transformed back to her human form. “It’s an enchantment placed on the three of us by the queen of the kingdom under the sea.” Sweetie Belle offered, nor was she going to tell him it was the pendant she wore. “Long story. How’d you know it was me?” “You transformed in front of everyone at the party.” He offered. “You’d had a bit too much to drink.” His girlfriend was presently hanging back a bit. She was a Hufflepuff student and wasn’t quite sure what to think given the turn of events. “A bit he says.” Apple Bloom said with an air of sarcasm. “What exactly did I do last night?” Sweetie asked. “I don’t actually remember much.” “You and the others were kind of the life of the party, till you transformed, and vomited.” He offered as they found their way to the boathouse. His news wasn’t something Sweetie wanted to hear, nor did she want Rarity to ever find out. From there they climbed their way up the winding path to the entrance courtyard where they cut over to the Quad, ignored all curious onlookers, and made their way up to the Gryffindor tower being it was the shortest route from where they’d come. “Why are they going to the Gryffindor dorm?” the Hufflepuff girl asked her boyfriend in a whisper. “There’s access via the girls' dorm, and I gather none of the ponies feel much like flying after tangling with the Grindylows,” he informed her. When they arrived, Nova gave the password, and everyone climbed in. Fortunately, the dorm was empty as everyone was outside enjoying the warm weather. “Thanks for the escort, I’ll take them from here.” Sweetie Belle said to the seventh-year boy, as the group went up the stairs to the girls' dorm. “Ah, Loki, the stairs?” Scootaloo cautioned. “The spell only reacts to human boys.” Loki offered as he climbed the stairs. “Otherwise a certain rat would never have managed it. Not to mention all the real male pets.” Sure enough, he had little trouble with the stairs flattening, and turning into a slide as what was normal for the boys whenever they attempted it. And when they retired to the apartment, Loki insisted on everyone involved going down to the infirmary to give everyone a proper check-up. Doctor Hawkeye joined them as well, and it was soon apparent that Nova and the Crusaders had earned some new scars from where the Grindylows had bitten them. Goldwine on the other hoof was found to still have some water in his lungs which was quickly dealt with by the use of a potion and a little more fox magic. Madam Pomfrey had to be summoned regarding the Grindylow bites as well resulting in Miss Idda, and several other girls coming along with her. Madam Pomfrey had all those who’d been bitten drink a detox potion that would counter the venom, after which they were all bathed in Nova’s greenhouse by the girls. “Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve been treated like a proper princess.” Nova teased as Idda scrubbed her down. Her bath was taking the longest as she’d been the dirtiest. “Oww, that’s a bite.” “Sorry,” Idda replied. She was oblivious to the fact that the whole operation was in Nova’s luggage being the girls had come in through the infirmary and were under the delusion it was a portion of the school they simply hadn't known about. “Soon as we get you cleaned up we’ll get some ointment on those bites.” “How’s Goldwine doing?” Nova asked. There was a sound of deepest concern to her voice. “Loki?” “I’m to understand the foals have been bathed, and are down for a nap.” Idda offered. “Your brash young stallion is keeping an eye on them in another part of the greenhouse. He’d look a lot like yourself if not for the blue mane and tail.” “He is Ensign Loki Moon, and I’d say his true age might be close to your age.” Nova offered. “He’s sort of an adopted brother. Today’s the first time he’s ever acted like he was part of the family.” Nova was quiet for a moment as if lost in contemplation. “It’s my fault. I forgot just how dangerous this place can be, and nearly lost the foal I’d won.” “Won?” Ida offered as she poured water over the top of her. “I rescued his egg from Slytherin’s great wyrm. Eyes like a basilisk it had and could kill just by looking at its victim. The people from the ministry thought it might be a hybrid, and here I nearly lose my Goldwine to a damn freshwater octopus thingy. And don't tell anyone about what I just said. It's a matter for the Unspeakables. - So why is it we have to have a bath?” “He’s safe now, and there is nothing more calming than a good scrub down, and a hot bath.” Idda offered. “Now let's see what we can do about those wings.” “No.” “No?” “It’s a thing of, how should I say it, an act of intimacy normally reserved for family and close friends.” Nova offered. “It’s not really that big a deal, but I’m kind of particular regarding who I am comfortable with enough to let them do it.” “Oh?” Idda said dismayed. “How intimate? I mean I just bathed you.” Nova climbed out of the bath, shook herself off, and then dried herself with a spell. “And now I’m all wet,” Idda complained. “Sorry about that.” Nova offered and then used the same drying spell on Idda. “It’s just that to preen properly I need the oil from my uropygial, or preen gland. That or a partner’s.” She then transformed to her human form and pointed right about where her tail was a moment before. She was also now fully clothed, her clothes having the look of just having been washed save for being torn in a few places due to the magic of the creatures that had gone after Goldwine. “The gland is right about there. It has to be licked to get the oil out, and it can be kind of sensitive too. It’s right under my purple and vermilion tail feathering. You kind of need to be part of our herd.” “Oh,” Idda said nearly breathless. “Um, ointment?” “I think I can manage. It’ll be easier this way, I won’t get any ointment in my fur. I’m also anxious about Goldwine.” “Well then, let's go find him.” Idda offered. The two went up to Nova’s bedroom first to get the ointment and were a little disappointed when they didn’t find anyone there. “Where is this?” Idda asked as she looked around the bedroom. The bed looked like it could fit a half dozen grown ponies. Up to that point, she’d thought they were in a section of the hospital wing, but now she wasn’t too sure as she followed Nova into the bath and lavatory. “Should we even be here… why are you disrobing?” “So I can put ointment on the bite marks,” Nova replied. “Truth is, this is my real bedroom. What you’ve seen up to this point is just a front. A spare apartment. My luggage is actually a portable palace. Best not say anything, wouldn't want anyone trying to snoop about. And my clothes are all shredded where I got bit. I’ve got a mind to go do some night hunting of those cursed things. Thin their numbers down.” “You’ve quite a number of marks on your back… Oh, I see the outlines of your wings, and your, what’s it called?” “Cutie mark.” Nova offered. “All the little jagged marks are scars. My weakness seems to be chunks of wood for some reason. I can wear armor, project a shield about myself, and I’ll get stuck in the plot every time. I had my guard down this time around. I never should have had my guard down around here. No one ever said anything about the lake not being safe!” “They accentuate the bite mark well.” Idda offered timidly as Nova retrieved some ointment, applied the ointment to the bite marks, and then retrieved new clothing. “Miss Aiko, where are the foals?” “Out in the greenhouse where the sun pavilion is, enjoying the sun.” Aiko offered, causing Idda to jump. Miss Aiko simply hadn’t been there a moment before. “Thank you. - Idda, would you and the others like to join us for lunch? I’m thinking we’ll skip going down to lunch, and have lunch out in the greenhouse.” “I, I’d like that.” Idda offered, and a short time later they were out in the greenhouse where they found everyone in a patio area sunning themselves with wings outstretched. Idda was astonished at the sight of a perpetual sunbeam that defied any reason for being there. “Come on, transform yourself and let's see what we can do about those wings.” Alalme offered. “Oh alright,” Nova replied, transformed, and walked on over like she hadn’t a care in the world. Goldwine was nearby on a cushion being fussed over by the fillies. “So how is he?” “He’ll likely need a new nappy before too long.” Loki offered. “Side effect of the potion I gave him.” “How much did you give him?” Nova asked. “I estimated for his size, and then halved that to be on the safe side,” Loki replied. “Which came out to four drops of the potion. The potion itself was one for removing fluids on the lungs.” Nova tilted her head. “It makes him pee a lot.” “Alright. I understand.” Nova offered as Alalme began working on Nova’s wings. Idda watched a bit, and as Nova had said it really wasn’t a big deal. At least not the part where feathers were being straightened out, and repaired. She found herself turning away when Alalme went down on Nova’s Preen gland. Feathers had to be lifted, and Idda discovered that it often came very close to exposing Nova’s nether region. Granted that Nova was a pony, Idda was fairly sure of that, but the fact that Nova was an intelligent sentient being who could take on human form was warring with Idda’s sensibilities. Age wise Nova was no first year, and quite possibly should be in fourth-year, possibly even fifth or sixth. Definitely should be in fourth-year, if not fifth. But then Idda began to wonder what it must be like to be preened? It certainly wasn’t on the same level as being brushed. There was that extra little bit that made it the sort of thing one didn’t ask just anyone to do, and if done wrong it could ground the flier. “Maybe Miss Idda would like to join the herd?” Loki said in a sort of teasing way. He’d seen the furtive glances Idda had been giving the two mares. “Get a load of him, no one’s agreed to anything yet, and he’s already adding to the harem.” Scootaloo scolded. “Alalme, perhaps that’s enough for now?” Nova suggested. “Just a bit more,” Alalme said matter-of-factually. “It’s nearly lunchtime, and I think Idda may have misunderstood what I said concerning preening being a family thing,” Nova said coyly. Alalme gave Nova a funny look and began to chuckle. “I, um, was kind of wondering what it’d be like to have that kind of closeness bordering on intimacy with someone I cared about.” Idda offered with a smile and a blush. “I’ve rounded up the others.” Miss Aiko offered. “If you’d like to join them, lunch will be ready shortly.” “Well then, my feathers will just have to wait.” Nova offered with a smile. Meanwhile down in the hall, those present for lunch were talking about the challenge match that was to take place shortly. “Has anyone seen Louise?” Wood asked. “It doesn’t really feel right playing, and not telling her.” “It’s not like she can play.”Katie Bell offered. “Not to be fair.” “Hermione, have you seen her?” Wood asked. Hermione presently had her nose buried in a book. “She went out with Nova right after breakfast.” Hermione offered. “I wouldn't worry about them.” “So what is it you are reading?” Katie asked her. “It’s a short study on the issues concerning animagus playing Quidditch. The Ministry did indeed know about the issue and went so far as to commission a study. It was deemed a rare enough issue that it wasn’t deemed worth the effort to adjust the spell on the snitch. The recommendation was that if anyone was found to be using that specific tactic that they should be barred from professional games or any game in which is awarded a prize of any sort. The catch will be null and void, and the match replayed as soon as appropriate, with the player removed from the team. Oh, dear. That means the game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw doesn’t count.” “What?!” Wood protested. “It’s an unpublished foul,” Hermione announced. “Harry, Harry, you have got to catch that snitch. Do you hear me?” Wood ordered as he turned on Potter. Shortly after lunch the teams went out to the pitch and made ready. Nearly everyone in school was present. The teams faced off, the balls were released, Harry careened off at a wild angle, crashed hard enough to leave a small crater, got up brushed himself off unharmed, and presented the snitch. Hermione was just a little suspicious something wasn’t quite kosher, and she’d a mind to find Nova. Her inquiries as to the whereabouts of Nova Moon, Louise Magnus, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom proved more frightening than helpful. Sweetie had been last seen escorting a small herd of pegasi. Rumor had it that a foal had drowned, and it was a funeral procession of sorts. What little Hermione could find out concerning Nova was a rumor that she had to be treated for Grindylow bites after having fallen in the lake. Hermione’s heart was sinking fast. She had to know and hurried as fast as she could back to the Gryffindor tower where she discovered yet another party. “Hermione, you made it!” Ron called. “We were beginning to wonder whatever became of you.” “No time, I have to find Nova,” Hermione replied, worked her way through the crowd, and up the stairs. Not finding anyone in the apartment wasn’t very comforting. From there she made her way through the closet to the library, where she found Corporal Pfalz on sentry duty. “I’ve heard some horrible rumors,” Hermione said on approaching the pony. “Please tell me that’s all it is?” “We had a scare, and everyone is going to be alright.” He offered. “I’m to understand that Goldwine was pulled under by Grindylows.” “Oh no?!” “He’s alright now. You’ll find them in the greenhouse.” “Thank you,” Hermione said, and hurried downstairs. Entering the greenhouse caused her to stop and ponder. Sure she’d seen it before, but this would be the first time she’d actually gone into the greenhouse. Nova had shown her the mathematics behind it, and yet it was still more than Hermione could take in. “Oh hi. If you are looking for the ponies, they are that way.” Idda offered. “Hang on, what are you doing here?” Hermione asked. “Several of us came in through the entrance in the hospital wing to help out.” Idda offered. “I’m going to assume you came in through the dorm? I kind of found out the truth by accident. That is to say, our princess had to explain to me who’s bedroom it was we’d walked into uninvited. The other girls just think it’s a secret area behind the hospital wing. You know what with the way wizard space works.” “I’m to understand this place is actually some kind of technical marvel… still looks like magic to me.” “Magic… The idea that all this fits in one tiny suitcase... This is well beyond any magic we know.” Idda offered as she looked about. “This shit is god level.” “Ya, it sure does seem that way. - Which way are they?” “Down that path, you’ll find a pavilion where they are presently indulging in an after meal nap.” “Thank you.” Later that afternoon, in Paris France. ✨Rarity✨ Rarity had just debuted a new fashion line at her first Paris fashion show. The models have walked the runway, strutted their stuff, the audience seemed to like the fashion line, and Rarity is walking down the runway to take a bow. The room fills with the light of a phoenix, Rarity bows, the phoenix lands on a shoulder, wings outstretched, and with a snap, the two are gone. “I don’t know what we are going to do, nothing fits, and none of us know any spells for adjusting clothes.” Nova protested. Alalme was standing in the bedroom in her human form with a robe on. Clothes are scattered everywhere. The room fills with light, Phenik appears sitting upon Rarity’s shoulder and lets out a triumphant squawk. “Aunt Rarity, just the pony we need,” Nova said sounding delighted. Rarity looked about, marked well the presence of Louise, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, and straightened up. All of whom were in human form at that moment. “Sweetie Belle, you’d better have a good explanation for this, and who is this person who’s the brazen audacity to call me Auntie? - I was about to take a bow at the end of my fashion show!” “Oh no,” Nova said softly. “I’m ruined, ruined I tell you!” Rarity said in a rather melodramatic way, made to swoon, and stopped on seeing a fainting sofa slide over to her on its own. “But mom, weren’t you just going to go to some stuffy meet and greet in Canterlot today?” Sweetie Belle asked sounding quite confused. Rarity looked at Sweetie Belle with a look of horror. “Um, Sweetie, I don’t think this is our Rarity.” Nova offered. Phenik for her part vanished with a flash. “Phenik!?” “You’re Rarity?” Rarity asked, her eyes opening wide as several foals rushed in, ran about, and ran out again. “Should I have scolded them or something?” Alalme asked. “No, not after the morning we had. Let them play.” Nova offered. “So where am I and how do I get back?” Rarity asked sounding cross. “You’re in Scotland.” Nova offered. “Getting you back...” “Scotland!?” Rarity protested just as Phenik appeared presenting a very fashionable pony. “Phenik, will you stop that?!” Nova ordered. “Sweet harmony, where does she get the energy to do teleports like that?” “Rarity?” the two Raritys ask as they look at each other. “I’m so sorry.” Nova offered. “We were having a wardrobe crisis, and Phenik seemed to think the thing to do is to fetch you… both of you apparently.” “End of year banquet?” Pony Rarity asked. “I invited Alalme, even got permission for her to come, and we’ve nothing for her to wear,” Nova explained. “Well, this will never do.” P Rarity declared as she transformed into a human. “Indeed not.” The human rarity offered. “Well as long as I’m here, and between the two of us, we are bound to come up with something. When did you need it?” “Tonight.” Nova offered. “Fabric?” P Rarity asked. “I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there is fabric in the attic,” Alalme suggested. “There seems to be just about everything imaginable up there.” “One thing though...” Human Rarity began in a cautionary tone. “The morning you’ve had? Before I do anything I’d appreciate you spilling the beans as they say.” “I’m a bit curious myself now.” P Rarity added. “We had, that is to say, there was an incident this morning.” Nova offered. “Incident?” P Rarity queried. Her concern grew when it became apparent it was something unpleasant that no pony wished to talk about. “What happened? Come on, out with it.” “We were paddling around in the lake when something, some creature in the water, pulled Goldwine under.” Scootaloo offered reluctantly. “He drowned,” Nova said quietly. “I nearly lost him, and right now … I don’t want to dwell on it. I was able to revive him. Got all the water out of his lungs so he could breathe. - Did so just as soon as we’d pulled him out of the water, and he seems to be fine now. And hopefully, this incident won’t scar him emotionally. - It sure hasn’t done me much good, and right now, right now I just want to do whatever I can to distract myself from thinking about what nearly happened. I’ve lost far too many ponies I’ve loved. As Harmony is my witness I had no idea such creatures lurked in that lake. A person would think the presence of a giant squid would drive out all competitors.” “A giant squid?” H Rarity asked. “It stays well clear of me. I bit it the first day I arrived at this school.” Nova offered. She couldn't help but smile at the memory, but then she wondered what had ever become of Maggie. Dear sweet Maggie, leaving her behind had been so difficult. Pony Rarity went over to Nova and gave her a hug. “You know what, I think you could use a new dress too. Let’s see what we can scrounge up.” So with that in mind, the party decided to go explore Nova’s attic. That evening not only would Alalme attend dinner in a new outfit, Nova, and the crusaders did as well. “Pity we have to wear our school robes over the top of our new outfits.” Nova lamented, as the now five girls entered the dining hall. All eyes were on Alalme who sported only the new outfit Rarity and Rarity had made for her. Rarity and Rarity had also finagled their way into the banquet as Princess Luna’s guests. Luna had yet to hear about what had happened regarding the incident at the lake though. “How’s Goldwine?” Hermione asked as the herd approached the Gryffindor table. Overhead hung the banners of Ravenclaw. “One would hardly know he’d been drowned only this morning.” Nova offered, hoping to keep the mood light. “Istel and Talma are keeping an eye on the foals right now along with Alice and Captain Hoofstrong.” “Gadgull has gone on to Eques to help with the resettlement of our community who chose to return.” Alalme offered as they found their seats. “How’s everyone?” Idda asked as she gave Nova a hug. Meanwhile, Rarity and Rarity were meeting Professor McGonagall in a faculty lounge where they were introduced as identical cousins. “So what brings you two to Hogwarts, and at the same time?” Luna asked. “Kidnapped. - Foalnapped.” The two Raritys offer at the same time. “Kidnapped?” Professor McGonagall asked. “By Miss Nova’s phoenix no less.” Human Rarity offered. “I must say I was a bit bewildered at first being my cousin’s daughter is the spitting image of my sister. - I just assumed she and her friends had been the culprits.” “Sweetie.” Pony Rarity offered. “And yes, they do have a tendency to get into all manner of mischief." “Yes, Miss Peverell mentioned you were her mother.” McGonagall offered. “Won’t being spirited away by a phoenix cause problems for you?” “What’s this?” Dumbledore asked as he entered the lounge. “I was just on my way in. Who have we here?” “This is Rarity Belle, in fact, they both have the same name.” McGonagall offered. “Look-alike cousins who for whatever odd reason somehow ended up with the same name. - Our Miss Sweetie Belle is the Daughter of one.” She looked the two over. “This one I think?” She offered, indicating the last Rarity to speak. The two at least had on different outfits, the human Rarity being dressed to put on a fashion show, and the pony Rarity dressed for a state dinner. “Yes that’s right, Sweetie is my daughter. - Other than gossip about skipping out on a state function I’ll be fine.” P Rarity offered. “Might be problematic for me.” H. Rarity offered. “I was just taking my bows at the end of a fashion show. I do hope my handler can manage things.” “A fashion show?” Dumbledore asked. “What I believe you’d call a muggle thing.” H. Rarity offered fairly sure no one in the wizarding world had a clue about fashion. “My handler is a graduate from Beauxbatons so hopefully they’ll be able to deal with the issue.” “We sent word to our contacts in London to let her people know where she is.” P. Rarity offered. “Forgive me, but you’re not…?” Dumbledore inquired. “A no maj? Hardly.” H. Rarity offered. “I was recruited by Ilvermorny but turned them down to attend a prestigious fashion institution in Paris. - My handler has been helping me with a correspondence course on magic that was made available to me by Madame Olympe Maxime. I must say, she is an impressive woman. And fully supports my desire to follow my passion.” “Have you been to Beauxbatons?” Dumbledore inquired. “Only the once to meet Madam Maxime.” H Rarity offered. “An impressive place is it not.” Dumbledore offered. “It’s nice.” H. Rarity offered. She’d seen better. “Nice?” Dumbledore asked wondering if this woman had even been to Beauxbatons. “I’m afraid the entire place could fit into even the smallest compound of the Canterlot palace.” H. Rarity offered. Having been there as an honored guest at her counterpart’s wedding, she’d seen Canterlot at it’s finest. “Canterlot?” Dumbledore asked perplexed at the name. “The capitol of Eques.” Luna offered. “But Canter lot?” Dumbledore asked. “What, you think maybe we should call it Camel Lot? Now there’s a name that hearkens to old Bob Hope road pictures.” Luna teased. “We do have an impressive city.” P. Rarity offered. “Eques is a unique place that is neither here, nor their, and both places at the same time. What you might call wizard space.” “I see,” Dumbledore replied not sure what to think. Was there really a whole city in a wizard space? Could there be a wizard space large enough for a whole city? Nova’s trunk, what he’d seen of it, seemed to be quite large. The thought that her luggage may simply be a moving door to lodging in another place weighed heavily on his mind. “Shall we go into dinner now?” “Yes of course, but there is one other thing, Luna darling...” P Rarity began. “Nova asked we relay some news to you before you hear it from anywhere else.” “Oh my, this does sound dire.” Dumbledore remark teasingly. “They are all alright.” P Rarity continued with a very serious expression. “Goldwine was pulled under while out on the lake by a Grindylow, whatever that is?” “What?” Luna asked. “Why wasn’t I informed sooner?” “Goldwine?” Dumbledore asked. “No one wanted to interfere in your duties, and there is the issue of maintaining a certain amount of separation while you decide the fates of the students.” P Rarity offered. “He’s alright, everyone is alright. Nova wanted to go about the rest of the day as though nothing had ever happened, possibly in hopes that the little ones would soon forget it ever happened.” “Who’s Goldwine?” Dumbledore asked with concern now in his voice. “The presumed Chief of the Silverwood clan, and not even a year old yet.” Madam Pomfrey offered as she joined the group. “Are you saying there are children, little babies here at Hogwarts.” “He’s a pegasi, and yet to figure out Rose Myrtle’s trick.” Madam Hooch offered as she too joined the group. “Miss Nova Moon took in a family of pegasi who are descended from a wizard family. Little Goldwine is far more advanced than any ordinary human baby. He can already talk in near-complete sentences. English. He can speak English. And I was just about to ask Luna about a rumor regarding the matter. Seems they decided to walk back to the dorm rather than fly, and it took on the tones of a funeral procession in the minds of a number of witnesses. I’m glad everything is alright.” “Give him time, and we’ll soon have him on two legs.” Luna offered. “Shall we go in? I’d like to see how my Nova is holding up.” When Luna approached the Gryffindor table there seemed to be some miscommunication concerning Goldwine’s status on being pulled out of the lake. “He wasn’t dead. Are you dead when you hold your breath, or asleep? No!” Nova scolded. “All we did was get the water out of him, and he started breathing on his own.” “But when someone drowns they are dead… aren’t they?” Ron asked. “No, they are not.” Luna scolded. “Even a muggle can revive a drowned person so long as the time elapsed is short enough. - Has no one instructed you on basic first aid and emergency resuscitation?” “Um… no,” Ron replied sheepishly. “I have received training in first aid myself.” Hermione offered. “Goldwine is perfectly healthy. There’s not a thing wrong with him.” “It was a close one, but I doubt he has a clue.” Nova offered. “He got pulled under, swallowed some water, and muck, at which point his brain decided it’d be best to stop trying to breathe. He was pulled out of the water, his lungs cleared with the help of a little magic, and he started breathing all on his own. He’s no worse off than had he fallen off a bed.” “I fell off my Gran’s feather bed once.” Neville offered. “How bad could falling off a bed be?” Harry asked. *“Well, it was nine feet high, and six feet wide, soft as a downy chick. It was made from the feathers of forty ‘leven geese, took a whole lot of cloth for the tick.” Neville offered. “My gran has a bed just like it.” Apple Bloom offered. “It’ll hold eight kids, four hound dogs, and a piggy we stole from the shed. Not including ourselves mind you.” “Didn’t get much sleep, but we sure had a lot of fun.” Scootaloo offered with a smile and a lilt to her voice. “Maybe you’d better stop.” Luna offered. “I can hear banjos. - And Nova, I sure wish you would have told me directly about what had happened?” “Sorry, Princess. We’d thought it best not to get you worried.” Loki offered. Loki was in human form and wearing his dress white uniform. He cut the figure of a fine young man of perhaps twenty, mixed heritage, and very good looking. “Loki?” Nova asked, her heart racing. Why was he here? “Is everything alright? Goldwine?” “Everything is fine. The little ones are sleeping off their dinner. They are worn out from all the activity today.” Loki offered reassuringly. “No, this is concerning that question you said I should ask, and now seemed a good time.” “Oh, you can’t be serious?” Nova asked. “Well, it was your suggestion,” Loki replied with a smile. “But now? In front of all these people?” Nova protested. “It seemed the best time.” Loki offered. *“Tu ne quaesieris, scire nefas, quem mihi, quem tibi, finem di dederint, Kitzumi, nec Eques, temptaris numeros. Ut melius, quidquid erit, pati. Seu pluris hiemes seu tribuit Iuppiter ultimam, quae nunc oppositis debilitat pumicibus mare Tyrrhenum. Sapias, vina liques et spatio brevi spem longam reseces. dum loquimur, fugerit invida aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.” “Seize the moment, and trust to tomorrow as little as you may, is it?” Luna said as she gave him a calculating look. “Out with it. What do you want?” “Your permission to court the fair Kitzumi Nova,” Loki informed her, and all those within hearing distance. Luna gave Nova a calculated look. “By chance did you tell him he needed permission to put him off?” “A little yes, a little no.” Nova offered while blushing. “I’m not averse to his advances.” “I see,” Luna replied in a rather dry tone. “Loki, did I not adopt you?” “Yes, Ma’am,” Loki replied. “To forestall certain shoestring relatives of mine from dragging me home as they considered me to be far too young to be in thy service.” “Well then, as the two of you are technically brother and sister I will not object to the two of you spending time together.” Luna offered in a cold tone devoid of emotion that sent chills down the spine. “See to it you behave appropriately.” And with that Luna turned, and went to her place at the head table. “Well, that went better than I could have imagined.” Loki offered. He felt oddly weak in the knees. “It seems we have another guest, do sit down, and let's get started,” Dumbledore called from the head table. “Oi look, twins.” Fred and George said on spotting the two Raritys. “They’re not twins, they are identical cousins.” Sweetie Belle offered. “The one talking to Luna is my mom.” “That’s your mom?” Idda asked sounding astonished. “She, they both look so young.” “It’s complicated.” Sweetie offered. “He’s made a declaration of intent.” Luna was saying as she sat down. “He wants to court Nova.” “Oh my, that is a juicy bit of gossip.” P Rarity replied with a smile. “No names.” Luna cautioned. “Let's keep in mind that there is a five-year-old Nova as well. There could be confusion.” Dumbledore banged his goblet on the table to get everyone’s attention. “It would seem that we have arrived at the end of another year.” He waited for everyone to quiet down. “It is time to award the house cup, and I must say that it has truly been a momentous year.” He paused a moment. “I’m sure you are all aware of Slytherin’s recent drastic lack of points. It’s not some kind of mistake, and the lack of certain individuals should be a clue as to why. Other than that I’ll say nothing more. Slytherin house, you were so close. It’s a shame a handful of individuals spoiled your chances of gaining the house cup yet again.” He paused and looked about before starting again. “Gryffindor presently has three hundred and twelve points, and Hufflepuff stands at three hundred fifty-two points. And in the lead, Ravenclaw presently has four hundred and twenty-six points.” He paused a moment while the student body applauded Ravenclaw’s achievement. “I feel that some corrections need be made.” Dumbledore offered as he continued. “We have among us some of the most unique animagus in recorded history, and given certain facts that have come to light concerning Miss Louise Magnus, I feel that it would be appropriate to restore the fifty points taken from her, Miss Bloom, and Miss Belle regarding the egg they had. Under the circumstances, I can appreciate why they were so close-lipped about the origins of the egg. Miss Louise, I’d like to extend my most sincere apology for what we put you through in making a difficult situation worse.” Dumbledore paused, this time not a sound came from the hall. “It is important, that we as members of the magical community maintain an open mind to possibilities that would never have occurred to us. We need to think about our actions before we do them, act when it’s appropriate, and we need the wisdom to ask the right questions before making our conclusions.” “Never before in our recorded history has anyone ever obtained an animagus form of a magical creature. Least of which so little is known. In our attempts to remove certain marks from the persons of these same three girls we behaved little better than muggles.” “You did what!?” P. Rarity exclaimed as she jumped to her feet. “Mom, sit down!” Sweetie Belle called. “We can discuss it later.” Luna cautioned. “The man is apologizing. Let him.” P Rarity reluctantly sat down. “Those points will also be restored.” Dumbledore offered wary of the fact that both Raritys were presently giving him a dirty look. “As such, the house cup will go to Gryffindor.” His news led to a great cheer erupting from the Gryffindor table. He waited a moment or two for the hall to quiet down. “It seems we need to switch out the banners.” He clapped his hands, followed by the Ravenclaw banners rolling up, and Gryffindor banners unrolling. “And one last announcement before we begin. I am to understand that the pegasi that tangled with the Grindylow are all doing well despite their misadventure.” He paused but a moment to make sure everyone had heard. “And with that. Let us begin our dinner.” Once more food appeared on the tables, and all seemed right with the world. “Any chance Snape is going to stay a woman?” Harry asked. He’d soon be going back to number four Privet Drive and the Dursleys, and yet he didn’t seem bothered by it. Granted he’d give just about anything to not have to go back, but at the moment he was at peace. “Planning on asking her out is it?” Fred asked while bouncing his eyebrows. “No. She just seems more settled, nicer even.” Harry offered. “She hasn’t leered at me once since the test.” “Things are going to get better.” Nova offered. Nova wondered if the thing that had been lodged in Harry’s skull might have had something to do with the animosity aimed towards him as Snape hadn’t taken a point from Harry since its removal. “So tell us about this adopted brother of yours?” Idda asked with a smile. Nova spent the better part of Dinner trying to explain who Loki was without giving away inconvenient truths. No point in telling anyone he had been born over a thousand years ago, that he was a fox pony, or that thanks to being banished with Nightmare Moon he’d the embarrassment of being a Tenko with only one tail. Normally a thousand-year-old fox would have nine tails. In short, his actual physical age placed him in his late teens, to his early twenties. What Nova told them is that Loki had run away at a young age, and joined the Night Watch. When Luna learned of him, she took him under her wing and adopted him when self-serving relatives had tried to take him away. Loki was surprised that she knew so much about him, and rather pleased as well. Inevitably the talk turned to the finals. Nova was satisfied with her efforts, though Hermione could always think of something more she could have added or done. “Any chance they’ll bump us up a year or two?” Scootaloo asked Nova. “What with all the tutoring you did for us, those tests were easy.” “Be nice to be a little closer to our proper age.” Nova offered. “I’m not holding out much hope. I imagine if they hold me back, I’ll just go back to Celestia’s school in another year.” “In another year?” Scootaloo asked sounding concerned. “Maybe apply for the academy.” Nova offered. "Reapply? - I seem to recall I was due to start next year anyway?" “You think I could get in?” Scootaloo asked. “Don’t see why not, though I’m not sure if they’d even know what to do with a pair like us,” Nova replied. “I’m not sure what to do with the pair of you half the time myself.” Apple Bloom chided with a smile. “I’m sure you’ll figure something out.” Scootaloo offered. “Alalme, you doing alright?” Nova asked. Alalme had been unusually quiet. “I’m alright.” Alalme offered. “It is rather overwhelming. So much food, and all the people.” “And loud.” Sweetie Belle offered. “Took me a bit to become accustomed to it.” “And we’ll likely miss it when we’ve gone.” Nova offered. “On the plus side, I’ll get to spend more time with the foals. Loki?” “It’s just that actually being down here is a bit different than I’d imagined. Kind of like a chow hall only louder.” “Brings back memories, doesn't it?” Nova offered with a smile. “I’ve been in a chow hall once or twice.” “Once or twice?” He asked. “A good deal of my enlistment was spent in the field.” Cook tents don’t hold very many.” Nova replied. “They gave me first aid training as a medic because there’d be times I’d arrive where I was to deliver a message, and there’d be wounded, and no medic.” “I was a scout.” Loki offered. “That’s how I ended up with the elite team. - Alalme, what was it like for you growing up?” “We had a nice little cabin high in one of the silver trees of the forest, everyone here calls the Forbidden forest.” Alalme offered. “It was safe from most predators, and our guard could drive off most.” “And then the Wyrm found your village.” Nova offered. “My father was one of the first to fall. Along with our chief. Goldwine, and Alya’s father.” Alalme continued. “We didn’t know the beast could kill just by looking at us.” She let out a sigh. “After that the free herds of the Silver woods scattered.” “And I found you shortly after.” Nova guessed. “You did indeed,” Alalme said with a slight tinge to her cheeks. “A beautiful young mare stole into the barn where I’d been held captive, along with this magnificent bird.” Phenik, who’d been going from person to person to see what delights they had, realizing she was being mentioned, held herself up, and puffed up a bit. A moment later she was joined by Fawkes who playfully bumped into Phenik. Fawkes had become much more active with the younger phoenix about, and the two had often been seen about the school and grounds in the company of each other. Later, after the dinner had concluded, and everyone returned to their rooms, Nova was troubled to find that Goldwine had insisted on staying awake until she’d returned. This meant that the fillies had been restless as well. Nova, Alalme, and Scootaloo bed down with the foals, each snuggled up to their perspective mamma, and every pony was soon fast asleep. Alalme woke sometime in the wee hours of the night at some feeling of distress, found Nova was having another nightmare, and nuzzled her to drive the unpleasant dreams away. > Chapter 22: Hogwarts™ express, return to London > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both Raritys departed the morning after the dinner via the mirror in Nova’s basement with Dumbledore being told they’d returned the same way they came. Nova was just sure they’d try pulling a fast one on Princess Celestia in Canterlot. From there the Human Rarity would go by portal to London where she could catch a flight back to Paris and hopefully salvage what was left of her career. Little did she know, the Phoenix incident had rocketed her to stardom. Owing to the fact that witches and wizards weren’t the only people with abilities far beyond the norm, a phoenix had not come as a great shock but had been a marvelous surprise. As for the students in Hogwarts, the test results were released on Thursday. Nova, Scootaloo, and Hermione got Outstanding on their results. Apple Bloom got a mix of outstanding and Exceeds expectations, save in broom riding where she received a grade of acceptable. Sweetie Belle got mostly exceeds expectations save for Potions where she received an Acceptable. Following the test results, the remainder of the week and the better part of the next was devoted to reviewing, and home assignments. Of which Luna was particularly dismayed at the news that no one was allowed to actually do any magic. This left only reading assignments, and reports on said assignments. Among those assignments Luna included a chapter from a book on magical creatures, detailing the dangers of inbreeding. Early Friday morning it was decided it was time to return Moonflower to the forbidden forest. They got up early, roused her, and quietly crept out into the infirmary. They were all in their pony forms to keep Moonflower calm. Nova had been tempted to open up a doorway as close to the forest as she could, but she did not want Professor Dumbledore to know a door could be opened that far out. After all, the distance from the Gryffindor tower and the hospital wing was relatively small. A distance that made it very convenient for Gryffindor students who were studying medicine. Dumbledore would have to be satisfied with the idea that the distance a door could be opened was far more limited then it truly was. Nova, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Moonie quietly escorted Moonflower out to the Clock courtyard, passed through the North wing of the medical classrooms. From there it was out onto a covered bridge that now crossed the gap that separated the school from the owlrey, animal pens, and Hagrid’s hut. Nova couldn't resist saying that in her day there was no roof on the bridge. "Yes, granny." Apple Bloom teased. From there they made it as far as the stone henge, a great stone circle. Moonflower froze. “Moonflower, don’t you want to go home.” Sweetie Belle asked. “Home?” Moonflower asked. It may well have been her first word. “The forest. Don’t you want to go back?” Apple Bloom asked. “No!” Moonflower replied emphatically. “No!” She then spun around and began trotting back in the direction they’d come. “No! No! No!” She chanted as she went. If she'd had fingers, the middles fingers would surely have been extended. "No, no, no, no, buck no..." “Now what?” Nova asked as they watched her go. “We escort her back, that’s what.” Apple Bloom offered and took off after Moonflower. “Not like I can blame her.” Sweetie Belle offered and galloped after her. “Right off hoof, I’d say we are stuck with her.” Scootaloo offered, unfolded her wings, and lifted herself up into the air. A few moments later, she, and Nova had caught up with the barn soured unicorn. Along the way back they met up with a number of early risers, staff and students alike. Not a one of whom wanted any part in the procession, and would duck out of the way as it really looked like a unicorn from the forest had wandered into the school with a group of yearlings. “What on earth?” Madam Pomfrey exclaimed as the procession marched past her office. “We tried to take her back to the forest, and she refused.” Nova offered as she passed by. "She's even said her first swear word." There was a moment's silence followed by Madam Pomfrey bursting into laughter. Nova and the other’s in the know did their best to ignore rumors concerning the pony sighting that morning while at breakfast. “Ah, Princess Luna,” Dumbledore called on seeing her later that morning. “I’ve heard a rather interesting rumor going around this morning.” “I’m to understand you’ve met Moonflower?” Luna asked. “I have, in a fashion.” “The girls tried to take her back to the Forbidden forest this morning, and she flat out refused.” “Oh dear.” “Good news is she can say three words now, home, no, and buck no,” Luna informed him with a smile. “And you can guess where home is.” “Any idea what you are going to do about it?” He asked sounding concerned. “I imagine I have little choice but to adopt her as a special needs daughter.” Luna offered. “Adopt her? - You can’t be serious?” “Well I can’t expect Nova to take care of her, Harmony knows she already has plenty on her plate. - I know Moonflower is good around foals, though I’ve yet to find out how she’ll react to Spike.” “Your dog?” “Spikes a dragon.” “You have a pet dragon?!” “Oh, he’s no pet. One might even go so far as to suggest he’s Twilight’s son. You see, she hatched him with her magic.” “Hatched a dragon with magic?!” “Well dragon fire has a high magic concentration, and the fire the mothers use on their eggs is a very special blend of magical fire. Roasting them over a fire like I'm to understand Hagrid did, just makes them crazy. Now in Spike’s case, it was Twilight’s use of Unicorn magic that caused him to hatch. And she only a filly herself at the time.” Luna explained. “Sure wish I’d have been around to help out at the time. Poor Twilight was really in over her head, and being it was her magic that hatched him, he bonded to her, and they couldn't be separated.” “A dragon?!” Dumbledore exclaimed as he attempted to process everything Luna had said. “Dragons, where we are from, are fairly intelligent.” Luna offered. “Spike would be considered gifted even by human standards. Though he is an exception.” “Dragons, intelligent?” “I’ve yet to meet any of your dragons, though I hear they can be rather difficult.” “Difficult, they are murderous beasts,” Dumbledore said in dismay. 🐉 Later that evening up in the girls' room. “Aren’t any of you going to pack?” Hermione asked sounding exasperated. “The train home is tomorrow.” Sweetie Belle looked at her, tossed the few things that were still in the dorm room into her trunk, and drug that into the outer apartment of Nova’s luggage. “Packed.” “I suppose I should grab my posters,” Scootaloo said, and started in on pulling things down. “I’ve already moved most of my belongings into Nova’s luggage.” “Same here.” Apple Bloom offered. “They are going to make me carry all their stuff,” Nova complained in mock irritation. By the following morning, everything had been loaded into Nova’s luggage, the link to the hospital wing had been disconnected, and the balcony pulled in so no one would be tempted to use the entrance. On the outside of the building, a note had been attached to the side of the tower letting any local pegasi remaining know the entrance was no longer there. Written in the few old ponish characters that many of them knew. They all went down to breakfast in eager anticipation of going home. At least most were eager to be home. Both Harry and Draco were less than enthusiastic. At least Draco had begun to make amends with a number of other Slytherin students. Having a thestral as an animagus form had gained him a certain amount of credit as well. Even if it was an unusually cute one. Not to mention the ability to approach a wild unicorn. They’d also all agreed not to tell anyone who didn’t already know as there wasn’t a one who hadn’t agreed that Marcus Flint had taken his bull way too far. There wasn’t a Slytherin who didn’t want to be successful in the wizarding world, and making enemies of a powerful family was not the way to get ahead. When breakfast was over, Dumbledore reminded the student body that underage wizards were not allowed to perform magic outside of school, and then everyone returned to their dorms to gather their trunks. Nova gave hugs to Alalme, Goldwine, Alya, Rose, as well as Istel, Talma, and their two foals. Istel and Talma had decided that they were going to go through the mirror prior to the move, as they weren’t too sure about being in the trunk during the move, and were anxious about getting cut off from Gadgull. It was also decided that they’d be taking Moonflower with them. As for the changelings they'd brought over, they'd all decided to stay behind so that Mrs Norris would have some of her own kind to socialize with, and to make sure the Wizards were taking care of the local thestral herd properly. Nova and the crusaders escorted Istel and Talma, their foals, and Moonflower down to the mirror, hugged again, and watched as the four passed through the mirror. The mirror itself had several shock absorbing braces on it to protect it should the luggage it was in receive any harsh treatment, though Nova wasn’t sure it was really needed. In all the moving the suitcase had had, the only damage the interior ever incurred had been phoenix derived. “Now, you go wait in the master bedroom on the bed. Moonie will be waiting for you there.” Nova instructed Rose, Goldwine, and Alya a short time later. “And when I set the suitcase down on the train, the window will open up, and you’ll be able to see what’s outside the train. I’ll open a door into the closet as soon as I can, but keep in mind that I may not be able to open the door right away.” “I’ll be in to check on you as soon as I can,” Scootaloo said as she gave Rose a hug. “Should I turn myself into a people?” Rose asked. “Why can’t I just go with you?” “By all means yes, turn yourself into a human when the door opens,” Scootaloo replied with a smile. “And no, it’s best you stay in here. I’m afraid there might be too many awkward questions, and you’ll be safe in here. If I call you, then you’ll know it’s safe to come out.” “Might be a good idea for you as well,” Nova said to Alalme. “When the door opens, it might be a good idea for all ponies to hide till every pony knows who all is going to be poking their heads in. - Alice?” Alice and the other six Shadowbolts who’d originally been assigned to her were still there. “I’m good. I’ve got my transformation back in order.” Alice offered. Nova gave each of the seven Shadowbolts a hug and exited once more into the dorm room followed by Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo who gave Rose one more hug. Hermione was waiting with her trunk. “We aren’t leaving them.” Nova offered reassuringly as she closed the door. Phenik flew up and landed on her shoulder. Nova opened the door again. “In.” She ordered. “Go on, get in there, or do you want to be left behind, and you can not be seen by non-magicals.” Phenik gave her a look, Alalme transformed to her human form, sans clothes being she still hadn’t figured out that trick, walked forward, took Phenik, and went back inside. Nova closed the door again, reached up, pressed a hidden button, and folded the door back down to a suitcase. “That’s a mighty nifty trick you’ve got there.” Hermione offered as Nova picked up her footlocker. “Let us help you with that.” Apple Bloom offered concerning Hermione’s trunk. “It’s not heavy, I used a featherweight spell on it.” Hermione offered. “Just awkward.” “Shall we promenaded?” Sweetie Belle asked as Hermione, and Apple Bloom picked up the trunk. “I nearly forgot.” Nova offered, opened a small flap on the suitcase, pulled out a red tag, and closed the flap again. “Red tag,” Hermione said rolling her eyes. “Red tag?” Sweetie Belle asked. “To let railroad personnel know it’s bigger on the inside.” Hermione offered. “I saw a few being loaded on board the train at King’s Cross.” “I’m ready.” Nova offered, and they made their way downstairs to the entry court where a number of carriages were waiting. Nova smiled as she looked over the rather healthy thestrals. “I just don’t get it?” Snape was heard to say. “I’ve had to use an expansion charm on all the harnesses.” “That’s because the standard diet proscribed by wizards is a starvation diet.” Nova offered walking up to her. “Thestrals can eat twice their weight in mangoes alone. I might be able to survive on a bucket of oats mixed with molasses, and chunks of meat, but I’d soon suffer from malnutrition. It’s not enough, and not what they should be eating. A thestral has similar dietary needs as the Indian flying fox. Fruit is at the top of that list, not meat. They eat primarily sweet fruits and supplement their diets with insects, grubs, leaves, flowers, bark, cones, and the occasional twig. - Maybe the small mammal or two, but they don’t generally eat a carnivorous diet as wizards seem to think. And yes, I’m the one who’s been providing them with the food Hagrid failed to give them. And what he was giving them was barely enough to keep them alive. - I’m fairly sure the people in nineteen oh three knew how to provide for the thestrals? - Think about it, if they were as carnivorous as wizards seem to think, they’d be quite dangerous as they are more then large enough to prey on humans. Humans who’d never see them.” “Are you telling me they are not supposed to be thin as rails?” Snape asked. “Not carnivorous?” “No, they’re not,” Nova stated emphatically. “And strictly speaking no, they aren’t. At least not as a primary part of their diet. They are omnivores.” “Fine, just get in a carriage,” Snape said as she rubbed her temples. “Sure wish I knew who’s idea it was to put them on a starvation diet?” Scootaloo asked as she and the others approached. “I’ll let Professor Dumbledore know about your concerns.” Snape offered. “Just get into a carriage.” “Come on, let's go.” Apple Bloom said. They lingered a moment and went on to find themselves a carriage. For those who could see the thestrals, they noticed a rather curious behavior, and for those who could not, they saw the evidence as wagon tongues dipped as Nova and the Crusaders walked past. The girls would nod their heads each time in response to the polite bow of the thestrals. Hermione just looked confused. “Why are the tongues of the carriages dipping down like that, and what are you doing?” Hermione asked. “You can’t see them?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Bat Ponies. Human’s call them Thestrals.” Nova offered. “They employ a sort of notice me not aura about themselves resulting in people not seeing them even if they look right at them.” Nova took Hermione’s hand and held it up to one of the bat ponies. She drew back quickly at the sensation of sleek animal fur. “Why doesn’t anyone just walk right into them?” Hermione asked. “Witches and wizards are subconsciously aware of their presence.” Nova offered. “And will simply walk around them without even realizing what they are doing. - I’m immune to the notice me not effect.” “Hey, get a load of Malfoy,” Ron announced as he ran up to them dragging his trunk behind him. “He’s lost it. He’s petting horses that aren’t even there.” “I’m going to assume he can see them too.” Hermione speculated. “He can even do that notice me not thing too.” Scootaloo offered. “Say, how is it I couldn't see Malfoy, but I can see the thestrals?” “Malfoy didn’t want anyone seeing them.” Nova offered. “You’re able to see the thestrals because you are aware of them, and likely they are allowing you to see them. They see you as a princess too. - All three of you.” “Wait, seriously?” Apple Bloom asked. “Go on, me a princess.” “Your sister was knighted.” Sweetie Belle offered. “And just look who my mom married. All three of us are right up there even if we did start off at the bottom.” “At least the two of you don’t have to contend with being called a royal pretender,” Scootaloo stated. “Come on, let's get in a carriage.” “Trust me, I know what it’s like.” Nova offered. “There sure are some strange characters out there. - I see Harry, you don’t think he’ll mind sharing a carriage?” “We’re all friends, aren’t we?” Hermione offered and began to walk over to Harry pulling her trunk, and Apple Bloom along with her. A short time later, they were loaded up, and on their way down to the train platform. The platform hadn’t changed much from nineteen oh four save for the addition of a station building made of graying brownstone with a slate roof. Neither had the school for that matter, though what Nova had observed of the local village suggested big changes, as many of the buildings had a very uniform appearance. Instead of the mix of styles and building techniques, they were now all made of that same brownstone, with that same slate roof, and all had the exact same gabbled roofs. It just didn’t look like a wizarding community anymore. Nova had wondered why the drastic changes, and if they had anything to do with what had become of the Mackintosh farm? It all looked very planned, and very … muggle. Nova and the others were about to climb on board the train when one of the station personnel stopped them and asked where their trunks were? “In here. Sir.” Nova offered as she presented her suitcase with the red tag. “Miss, this tag is dated nineteen oh three.” The man said while inspecting it. “And why’s it red?” “Maybe because she owns the train.” Malfoy quipped as he walked by. “No, the tag is red because the luggage is bigger on the inside.” Nova corrected. “Wait, you don’t mean that’s…?” Draco inquired taking a moment to look back. Nova nodded. “That little suitcase?!” “Saw her fold down the door myself.” Hermione offered. The mathematics behind the spell work is on a level I can’t even begin to comprehend.” “Wow. Must have been some kind of mad genius who created it.” Draco offered. “And it’s stable?” “Reason for the red tag is people were afraid it might implode if placed in a smaller displaced space.” Nova offered. “There does seem to be a safety spell as well. The one time someone tried, it popped right back out again.” “Hang on, how is it Malfoy has seen your luggage, and we haven't?” Ron protested. “Hang on, that means he’s been in your room!” Ron was a gasp. “In the Gryffindor girl’s dorm even!” “Only while he was under the influence of a certain potion I’m sure you’d rather I not mention, and his animagus form made it really easy for Malfoy to get around without being caught. And you had your opportunity, and couldn't make it past the seventh year girls.” “See you on the train,” Malfoy said with a big grin, and stepped up, and climbed into the train. Draco was delighted that he’d seen Nova’s palace in a handbag, and neither Ron nor Harry had. “Ya, well you just watch, I’ll get an animagus form just as cool as his.” Ron pronounced and followed after him. Harry and Hermione followed next with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom helping them with their luggage. “If there is going to be a problem, I can just buy a new ticket,” Nova told the man. “Alright, climb aboard, and I’ll let the conductor know. What was your name?” “Nova Moon.” “Alright, Miss Moon, I’ll tell him.” He then went to help someone else with luggage. Nova and Scootaloo climbed onboard, and soon found Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Hermione in a compartment together. “So where’s Harry, and Ron?” Scootaloo asked as she sat down. Nova’s suitcase was quietly slipped under the seat. “In the next compartment.” Hermione offered. “Think I’ll have to get onto the Hogwarts Express board about refurbishing the train.” Nova offered as she looked about. To her eyes, the train was looking considerably run down. After all, when she’d first boarded the train it was brand new. Eighty-nine years later it was looking rather run down. “Looks fine to me.” Hermione offered just as Luna entered the compartment. “Ah, here you are.” Luna offered. “What are you doing all the way back here?” “Um, it’s an available compartment?” Nova asked in way of an answer. “You have a private car,” Luna informed her. “I do?” “She does?” The other girls chimed. “It’s not bigger on the inside is it?” Nova asked. “What? No, well the bedrooms are, otherwise it’s just a fancy parlor car with a few rooms, a kitchenette, and a bar.” Luna offered. “A blank wall?” Nova asked. “I think we can manage.” “And the girls can come too?” Nova asked. “If you wish to invite them.” Luna offered. “The station personnel were supposed to look for you and direct you there as a surprise.” “I think I’ll join Harry and Ron.” Hermione offered. “I suppose we can invite them… it’s just that Neville is with them, and he doesn’t know about my luggage.” Nova mused. “Granted, I did set it up to configure to show only my big walk-in closet slash changing room.” “Neville’s not a bad sort, let's ask the boys, but just them.” Scootaloo offered. “You guys want to ride in a private car?” Nova asked Harry, Ron, and Neville a few moments later. “Core, a private car?” Ron asked. “Who’s is it?” “Apparently it’s mine.” Nova offered with a sheepish grin. “Owns the rail line, boards in third class.” Luna teased. “Come on those who want to ride up front.” “Surely not with the prefects?” Ron asked. “Oh, we are ahead of the prefects.” Luna offered. “Gather up your luggage if you wish to come, as I don’t imagine you’ll want to leave anything behind. “Come on Hedwig,” Harry said as he lifted the cage down from the rack. “I’ll help with the luggage.” Apple Bloom offered, and a moment later they were making their way forward. “And Ron, no gloating, just say we are moving forward to sit with Professor Luna.” Hermione cautioned. “Say anything to Draco, and I’ll invite him too,” Nova informed the boys. “You won’t hear a peep out of me,” Ron replied, and when they went past where Draco was, it was all Ron could do to keep his piece being there was still a certain amount of animosity between the boys. Going past the Prefects was even harder. “Sorry Percy, special invitation only.” Nova teased. “But I’m a prefect? Surely the prefects would be invited?” Percy protested. “And you still have your duty to attend to until we arrive in London,” Luna instructed. “As opposed to myself having been sacked.” “I swear all he cares about are what sort of perks he can get,” Ron said as they left the car the prefects, and seven years were in. The next car had a number of teachers. “Not lost are we?” Snape asked. “Just bringing Nova forward with me, and she’s invited the others to ride with us.” Luna offered. “Shouldn't there be more luggage?” Pomona Sprout asked. “It’s all right here.” Nova offered while holding up her suitcase. “All?” McGonagall asked. Her tone might just as well have been a resounding you've got to be kidding? “All,” Nova replied with a wink as she went by. The next car was the one they wanted, and even had a porter in a red jacket who also acted as a guard who was waiting at the entrance inside the car. To Nova, it looked a bit like entering a house. Here there was a small porter’s room that was shared with a person who acted as both cook and barkeep. The passage doglegged to the left past a small toilet to the side of the train where they had to pass through a door. If the entry seemed lavish, what they saw next was very palatial. There were three very nice rooms, each with its own separate bath. One look told Nova not to try to take her suitcase into one as they were definitely bigger on the inside and told the boys they could put their luggage in one. After all, they’d need to change to clothing that was more muggle in appearance to get through the station at King’s Cross. This was followed by a kitchen, a small bar, and a lounge area. Everything was trimmed in mahogany, plush upholstery, and decorative designs in mother of pearl, inlaid wood, and accents in gold. “Welcome aboard.” offered a man at the bar. “My Name is Ragnar Black, and if you’ve a need for anything, all you have to do is ask.” Aside from the fact that he was clean shaven, with his hair pulled back into a ponytail, he was the very image of Sirius Black who was still on the run. He also wore a crisp white uniform jacket with gold trim, and epaulets. “Are you any relation to Sirius Black?” Harry asked as the conductor entered sporting a blue uniform. It seemed every person working for the rail line had a different uniform. Harry had kept every picture of Sirius black that had shown up in the newspapers when he’d learned the man was his godfather and had been wrongly accused and imprisoned without a trial. “Oh, I dare say I couldn't say.” Mr Black offered with a wink for Harry. Harry’s mind began to race. “Oh, good to see everyone's aboard.” The conductor offered, making no indication that he’d heard what Harry had said, and never once cast his gaze directly at Mr Black. “We’ll be pulling out of the station shortly.” “Thank you.” Luna offered. “The rail line has truly honored us by providing such luxurious accommodations.” “Yes, thank you.” Nova offered as she looked about. And then she spotted just the spot. There was a diagonal flat section of the wall where the bar connected to the kitchenette. “Oh, you shouldn't put that there, Miss.” The conductor said as nova set her suitcase down. “Oh, but this is the perfect spot.” Nova offered, as she fiddled with dials. She then pressed a button and pulled up the handle which brought the top of the suitcase upwards. A moment later it had transformed into a small doorway. “Oh, and we’ll likely have additional guests from time to time.” She opened the door inwards to reveal Captain Hoofstrong, Lt Ansaldo, Petty officer Morane, and Loki, all in human form in their uniforms. Beyond them was Nova’s changing room. “Princess, is everything alright?” Hoofstrong asked as the group slowly entered the room. “We were moved to a private car. Nothing to worry about.” Nova offered. “Where’s my Rose?” Scootaloo called followed by a little girl bursting out from an interior door and rushing to give Scootaloo a hug. “Our own security.” Luna offered as the four Shadowbolts in human form fanned out. “Just wanted to get them on board without raising any eyebrows.” “I see.” The conductor said as he raised an eyebrow. “Well being it’s you, there’ll be no need for extra fair.” The conductor made a polite bow, turned, and exited towards the rear of the train. “Is this the espress?” Rose asked looking around. She broke away from the hug and dashed to the center of the lounge area to have a look around. “So is this where you had to sleep?” Ron asked as he looked into the doorway Nova had just opened. “Thas just the closet.” Rose offered from where she was. “Closet?” Ron asked. “There’s more, but don’t let it bother you.” Nova offered, took him by the arm, and directed him to a seat in the car’s lounge area. “Alalme!” Nova called as her partner exited the closet dressed in one of Nova’s yukatas. Nova abandoned Ron and went to give Alalme a hug and a kiss. “How are Goldwine, and Alya?” “Mesmerized by everything presently being displayed outside the bedroom window. - Alice and Moonie are keeping an eye on them.” Alalme offered. “And a little disappointed they can’t come out to have a look.” “When they are older and can manage a transformation.” Nova offered in a whisper. “We’ll bring them on a trip, and act like tourists.” “Tourists?” Alalme asked. “People who go to visit faraway places, spend money, and otherwise make a nuisance of themselves.” Nova teased. The sound of the locomotive’s whistle could be heard blowing, a moment later the train started moving, and everyone decided to find a place to sit and watch the highlands of Scotland roll past. “Good morning, I’ve a hankering for some boiled bits of roasted leaves from exotic lands.” Luna offered as she sat at the bar. “Pardon?” Mr Black asked. “You’re right, tea’s not really my style. Make it a coffee, extra cream.” “One coffee ole’ coming up.” “You know, Mr Black, I was rather hoping to catch up with you before anyone else did,” Luna said softly. “I know you are innocent. Also, I know full well you’re not the man who was supposed to be standing behind that bar.” Sirius Black all but froze up. “I can offer you asylum until such time as your good name has been cleared.” She gave him a moment, and added, “Which I’m afraid is going to be difficult because it seems Dumbledore himself doesn’t want you being exonerated. - Oh, and a good deal of the Aurors are actually working for me now, and don’t even know it.” “I see. But why would Dumbledore want me locked up for a crime I never committed in the first place? Hell, my crime was trusting someone I thought a friend.” “Why? For the greater good, of course.” Luna offered. “Coffee?” “Right, coffee, let me just see how this contraption works...” “Perhaps I’d better get that.” Loki offered, now behind the counter with him. “Dumbledore has some rather grandiose aspirations and has spent the better part of his life trying to be the hero of all humanity. As such his machinations were either indirectly, or directly responsible for every woe that has begotten the English Wizard since the early half of the twentieth century by your calendars.” Luna explained. “And he’s had his teeth sunk into Harry from the moment Harry was a babe. - You wouldn't happen to know of anyone who might have some dirt on him?” “And here I wanted to kill Peter Pettigrew,” Sirius said in a low tone that was nearly a growl. “Oh, I don’t want to kill Dumbledore. I want to turn the screws till he begs for mercy, and then turn them some more.” Luna offered. “He needs to suffer slowly as his victims have.” “Muma, you aren’t plotting something over there are you?” Nova called from her seat in the lounge. “Just strategizing a way to get Harry away from the Dursleys,” Luna called back. Harry looked there way and smiled confident that Mr Black was his God Father, and Princess Luna really was trying to get him away from the Dursleys. “So what do I need to do?” Sirius asked quietly. “For now, all you have to do is walk through that door,” Luna replied. “That closet door that Nova just opened up a few moments ago. Captain Hoofstrong can escort you, and if anyone asks about you, I’ll simply say that you are at my disposal to do with as I see fit. It won't be long before we pick up the main line passing by Beauly. - From Hogwarts to Inverness only takes about a half hour.” “Your coffee, Mum.” Loki offered, setting a cup of a dark brown frothy liquid down on the bar. “Loki, you make the best coffee.” Luna praised as she picked up the cup. “Well then, it seems it would be in my best interest to accept your invitation, as I’m sure the conductor will have likely put two and two together.” Sirius offered and began to unbutton his jacket. “You know, wizards can be just as blind as muggles at times. Seeing only what they want.” He took off his jacket to reveal a rather shoddy shirt underneath and offered the jacket to Loki. “Sir, seems you are better suited to this job than I.” He then made his way around through the kitchen, and with a nod from Luna, Captain Hoofstrong escorted him into the wardroom, and beyond. Loki took the jacket and had it on moments later. “Hey, where’d Mr Black go?” Harry asked looking back at the bar and seeing Loki standing there creating some kind of concoction that probably wasn’t a potion. “And why is your boyfriend wearing his jacket?” “Don’t really know?” Nova replied. “He does look good in that.” Alalme offered. “He does indeed,” Nova replied. “Cute, but I’d have to say his dress uniform is much nicer.” Scootaloo offered. “The dress uniform is nice.” Alalme offered. “Even if Nova’s is a bit tight.” Scootaloo gave Alalme a funny look and smiled. “Yes, she’s cute too,” Scootaloo admitted. “Why’s the train stopping?” Ron asked a short time later. The train had only recently dropped down from the highland hills into farmed land, and hedgerows. “Don’t know?” Hermione asked. They were presently stopped at Beauly. What they could see of it was some brownstones towards the end of the train, shipping containers along a frontage road, and a handful of white cottages to the left of the train. To the right all they saw was fields. If there was a station of any kind they couldn't see it. To get their answer all they had to do was wait as it didn’t take long for the train Conductor to return with a pair of oddly dressed men who were as likely Aurors. “So, where is he?” One of the Aurors asked. “Unless he’d used a poly juice potion, I’d say he’s gone.” the other Auror offered. "That or our conductor is mistaken.” “What happened to the man who was here when we left Hogwarts?” The conductor asked the occupants of the car. “Don’t know.” Ron offered. “He seems to have left.” Hermione offered. “I’m Luna Moon,” Luna said introducing herself. “Mr Black will be at my disposal for the foreseeable future.” “Mam, that man is a murderer.” “And yet the man he supposedly murdered is being held by the ministry.” Luna offered. The man who’d spoke, hesitated but a moment, his partner whispered something in his ear, he turned to look at him and then turned back. “Well then, it seems everything is in order then.” He offered, they pardoned themselves for the intrusion and returned the way they’d come. The conductor was not sure what to think hesitated but a moment and followed after them. A few minutes later the train pulled away from the small town as a handful of photographers who’d come through a gate at the end of a street snapped pictures furiously. Moments later they passed through some trees, and over a river. From there it was more farmland, followed by more trees, and more farmland. It really wasn’t much different than being back in Equestria and made Nova a bit homesick. And then the land dropped away to the left side of the train revealing a large waterway. “Couldn't really see much on our way up.” Apple Bloom offered as she looked out at the view. “A filly could get used to living here.” Sweetie Belle offered. “There sure are a lot more houses then there used to be.” Alalme offered. Their first taste of Inverness was a plunge into hedgerows only to find themselves upon an elevated line minutes later. Harry and Ron found the rail yards interesting but Nova was disappointed on discovering that the big roundhouse she remembered was gone. “Looked like shopping malls.” Hermione offered as the train pulled away. “Oh, I want to go shopping.” Sweetie Belle proclaimed. “Somehow I doubt they are going to stop the train just so you can go shopping.” Apple Bloom teased. The others just laughed. Inverness was soon replaced with housing tracts and more farmland, and that soon vanished as the line plunged once more into the rugged landscape of Scotland. Granted even the wilds had a fair amount of farmland, and for the girls, it was a bit like passing Ponyville over and over, save in slightly different flavors and a mite bit less interesting. What’s more is that much of the view of the villages were often obscured by hedgerows and buildings, or ran through cuts with very little of the communities being visible. It was as though the muggles themselves wanted nothing to do with the very lifeline of their communities. Even passing through the highlands proved less interesting then they’d hoped. The one saving grace was that everything was a lush green and the heather was in bloom presenting a rich tapestry for the eyes. There was even a bridge set up to look like it had castle towers. Granted that it was a bit tacky for someone who’d been living in an actual castle. The first real railroad station they saw was in Birnam, and when they did see a decent sized community or city, what they did see was the industrial areas mostly. By the time they’d reached Carrbridge the novelty had worn off for Alalme, and Rose was fast asleep. Alalme got up, picked up Rose, and quietly went back into the apartment to check on Alya and Goldwine. A few moments later Alalme was followed by Nova, and then Scootaloo a moment later. They were in turn followed by Loki, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. All of whom were in nova’s luggage when they passed Kirkcaldy Bay and crossed the Firth of Forth railway bridge, and made their way into Edinburgh. Hermione had all but missed seeing Edinburgh castle. She knew where it was, knew it was right next to the rail line but hadn’t realized they’d be coming out of a subway, and be down in a cut. About all, she could see of it was the rock itself, walls, and the tops of buildings high overhead. They plunged into a hidden platform in Waverly station moments later. There was plenty enough that could be seen from the train once they’d emerged yet again, but it only helped to whet the appetite for more. From there on out it was more farmland, glimpses of the North Sea, small communities, more farmland, and the occasional city. Come eleven, Hermione realized she was alone with Ron, Neville, and Harry. “Would you like that, they’ve ditched us,” Hermione announced as she looked around. There was of course still a couple Shadowbolts in the car, but aside from that, everyone else was gone. “Maybe they went to the loo,” Ron suggested. “You know how girls are.” “And left me behind,” Hermione stated flatly. “Maybe they wanted to explore the train?” Neville suggested. “They got bored and went back into the apartment.” Lt Ansaldo offered. “You think it’d be alright if I went back to check on them?” Hermione asked. “You’re alright. The boys will have to stay out here.” the Lieutenant offered. “Fair enough, they might be changing or something.” Harry offered, shortly followed by Hermione vanishing into the cabinet. “Anyone want to play chess?” Ron asked. 🏵 “Will you be dining in the rail car, or would you like to dine in the dining room?” Miss Aiko asked Nova shortly before noon. Nova had to think about it for a bit. “Worried about Ron, aren’t you?” Hermione asked. “I am,” Nova replied. “I don’t want to exclude the boys. I think we could possibly trust Harry, and Neville, but Ron can tend towards being something of a bragger.” “You mean you’d just assume the whole world not know.” Apple Bloom commented. “World smorld, it’s his brothers I’m worried about.” Nova offered. “Draco is immature, but far less problematic because I’m fairly sure they’ll keep their own counsel, and deep down Drako is actually a good person. Ron is lacking in maturity as well but in a slightly different way. Ron wants people to be impressed. Now, Percy, Percy bothers me. He craves power. And yes I’ve seen it before. He’s the sort who’ll do anything, even turn his back on his own family to get that power. Quite frankly I’ll trust the twins to behave before I’ll put too much trust in Percy.” “Aww come on, he’s not that bad.” Apple Bloom protested. “No, I’m afraid she’s right.” Luna offered from a lounge chair. Luna was presently watching the English countryside roll on bye outside the window while sipping a glass of wine. “He made an absolute pest of himself from the moment I took over the DADA class.” “I never even realized.” Apple Bloom replied. “I don’t want to just abandon them so I suppose we can have our lunch in the car,” Nova suggested. “Might be fun.” “What about the foals?” Alalme asked. “Do we dare let Goldwine and Alya in the train car?” Nova asked. “I think they kind of already know,” Sweetie Belle offered. “What about the people running the train?” Nova asked. “Perhaps it would be best to feed them first, and put them down for their naps, and Moonie can snuggle with them to keep them from trying to watch every square inch of landscape that goes by.” Alalme offered. “Might be best,” Nova said relenting. She knew it was a bad idea to let it get out that there were pegasi foals on the train. Not so much she was worried about people wanting to see, but a worry that she might be violating some wizard law that really shouldn't apply to them but was bound to cause issues. 🚂 “Don’t eat anything, we’ll be having lunch just as soon as the little ones are seen to,” Hermione said as she returned to the train car. “Lunch, but there isn’t even anyone in the kitchen?” Ron asked, but was immediately proven wrong when Miss Aiko emerged from the kitchen and began setting tables for lunch. “Where’d she come from?” “Maybe she came from the basement?” Neville suggested. At first Harry, and Ron were going to point out that it was a train car… but then again... “And here I thought all I’d get to eat was whatever they have on the trolley,” Harry said delightedly as lunch was served a short time later. “Eat up Harry. You’ll not likely get good food like this at home.” Nova instructed with a smile. “I’m not likely to get hardly anything at all.” Harry countered with a grin. “All the more reason to eat as much as I can.” “That’s the spirit.” Ron offered. “And don’t worry too much, as I think there isn’t a one of us who won’t be checking up on you.” Hermione offered just as Professor McGonagall walked back into the car. “Do pardon the intrusion.” McGonagall offered. “I just wanted to see that everyone was alright.” “Have you had lunch?” Nova asked. “Care to join us?” Luna added. “Oh, I wouldn't want to intrude.” McGonagall protested. “Nonsense, and there is plenty to go around.” Miss Aiko offered and directed her to a chair. “Sensei?” Nova asked looking at Aiko. “What makes you think I’m your Sensei?” Aiko asked. “You’ve been distracted by the scenery, and our Miss Aiko is standing behind you with the food cart.” Nova offered. “Come sit.” “Well, I wanted to have a train trip.” Lady Aiko offered, as she and McGonagall sat down in a couple of unoccupied seats. “Though I imagine my handlers are having a fit right now.” “Sensei, you are incorrigible.” Nova offered with a big smile. Lunch started out with a vegetable soup which was followed by a salad of tender spring greens, mandarin oranges, and dried cranberries served with a ranch dressing. The main dish was asparagus shoots, pasta with Equestrian salmon, and for dessert, fresh apple tarts made by Granny Smith that morning. 🍽 “That was very good.” McGonagall offered after lunch as the adults relaxed with a glass of wine. “Never was there a finer meal. - Are those muggles taking pictures of the train?!” She exclaimed on passing a group parked on the edge of the motorway where the line was visible from the road. They all seemed to be driving station wagons too. “Worse, they are rail fans.” Apple Bloom offered. “I swear the same group has been chasing us since that stop at Beauly.” “Not quite all the same people. Though we seem to be picking up three for everyone we drop.” Luna offered. “I’m sure we’ll lose them once we get into more densely populated areas.” Nova offered. “But the notice me not spells on the train?” McGonagall asked sounding rather dismayed. “Must not have much of an effect on this specific brand of muggle.” Hermione offered. “Kind of how Nova can see Thestrals.” “Miss Nova, you can see Thestrals?” McGonagall had gone from alarmed to concerned. “Is that a big deal?” Luna asked. The Thestral notice me not spell had never had any effect on her. But then, Nightmare Moon had been more Thestral then alicorn. “Well normally people can’t see a thestral unless they’ve experienced death, and has an emotional understanding of what death means.” McGonagall offered. “Young Malfoy may be an exception.” “I could see them, and I can’t say I’ve ever really experienced death.” Scootaloo offered. She did not want this conversation to go down that path. No matter what. Nova had seen more than her fair share of death. “Maybe it’s just our animagus forms? They also seem to be selective on who they allow to see them. Draco seems to be able to do the same thing.” “Oh,” McGonagall said softly. “His animagus form.” Scootaloo offered. “It’s alright Louise. - Yes, I’ve seen death, I’ve seen plenty of death.” Nova offered. “Please, you don’t have to talk about it.” Scootaloo offered. Alalme put an arm around Nova. “We’ve both experienced more than our fair share of death.” Alalme offered in a quiet sort of tone. “Not something we’d just assume bring up at the table.” “I’m so sorry.” McGonagall offered apologetically. “Of course, you’re from the forest. I kind of forgot. I’ll not say another word.” “I’m not,” Nova said quietly. “Not like it matters much.” “You forgot I was from the forbidden forest, or that I’m actually a pegasus?” Alalme inquired. “You’re more articulate, and better mannered than a good deal of my students.” Professor McGonagall offered. She paused a moment. “What was life like in the forest?” “It hadn’t always been such a dangerous place.” Alalme offered. “We had a beautiful glen full of tall stately trees of silver bark, and leaves. They’d fill with white blossoms in the spring, and our homes were built high in the canopy of the trees which helped protect us from most predators.” For a while, the only sound was the sound of the train rolling down the line. “It’s all gone now.” “It was the most beautiful place I’d ever seen.” Nova offered. “Perhaps someday we can restore it as I’ve a number of saplings I collected that are in my garden now.” “One small piece of the silver wood, now in miniature resides among such flora of which from distant lands have come.” Alalme offered. “I know of one such tree that resides in Equestria within an arboretum in the Citadel Of Arkadia.” Nova offered. “It’s a massive tree which radiates a sort of cleansing magic that keeps all things of evil far away, up on a mountain top. The mountain is an oasis of calm in a sea of madness as it’s situated right smack in the middle of the worst part of our own forbidden forest. A place called Everfree. - Only the highest and fastest fliers are capable of reaching its gates.” “I’d love to hear about the Everfree?” McGonagall prompted. Her prompt turned into tale after tail as told by the crusaders that gave Professor McGonagall plenty of reason to presume that forest was far more dangerous than the one that bordered on Hogwarts. Indeed the Hogwarts forest might be far less dangerous if wizards had been less cavalier about letting dangerous creatures loose into the forest when they’d done with them. The afternoon had worn on till evening, and London approached. Professor McGonagall bid them a good day, suggested that they might wish to change, and returned to her own car to do the same. “Oh, no no no, that will never do.” lady Aiko said shortly after Harry and Ron emerged from changing. “Come here Harry, dear, let's see what we can do with your clothes. Harry approached cautiously as Aiko produced a long slender willow branch that not only was still green but had leaves on it. “Salad kazoola, magic ka boobala, G-Q G-Q G-Q.” Aiko chanted as she twirled the switch. “Put them together, and what have we got, G-Q G-Q G-Q.” To Harry's amazement, he felt himself being lifted up off the floor, and slowly twirled about as his clothes transformed. When she’d done, and he’d set his feet back down upon the floor, his clothes had been transformed. Now the changes hadn’t been huge, he still had on Dudley’s old hand me downs, the distressed genes, the old gray T-shirt, the brown and purple plaid woolen shirt, only now they fit, and the shirt had transformed into a tweed jacket. “Wicked,” Ron exclaimed. "You've gone all tweedy." “Oh, hey… Harry…” Nova said as she and the girls emerged from Nova’s luggage in their own outfits. Nova for whatever reason had insisted on wearing the same outfit from nineteen oh three. The Crusaders all had on distressed genes with patterned prints over T-shirts, and Hermione had on genes that showed no sign of wear and a denim jacket over a T-shirt. Ron was back to his gray slacks, dark checked shirt, dark blue sweater, and an olive drab jacket that looked suspiciously of war surplus, fortunately, everything fit him just a little better then it had on the trip to school. “What are you wearing?” Ron asked Nova as Luna emerged dressed in business casual. “Yes I know, she insisted on wearing it.” Luna offered. “And we should have just enough time for Tea, as the English say.” “Hey, we just left the mainline,” Hermione announced as the train turned down what looked to be an old abandoned line. “You’re attention, please. Attention.” The conductor's voice was heard as if over a train-wide intercom. “Owing to an issue with a number of railfans who’ve been tracking the train, we’ll be returning via the subway route. - Sorry for the inconvenience.” “I guess that means we’ll be underground the rest of the way.” Loki offered as he emerged from Nova’s Luggage. Lt Mouse, Captain Hoofstrong, Lt Ansaldo, Petty officer Morane, Gunny Gotha, and Corporal Pfalz followed, all dressed in dark gray suits, white shirts, black ties, and sunglasses. “Why are you all dressed like that?” Hermione asked. “We are to understand that security details for VIPs dress this way.” Alice offered. “And I’m coming too,” Rose announced as she emerged from the luggage. She too was sporting a gray suit, and even had her own little fedora. “Where did you get that cute little outfit?” Scootaloo asked. “Auntie Rarity provided them.” Rose offered. Scootaloo rubbed her temples. She wanted to say no, but then again, she wanted to say yes. “Be a shame to let that outfit go to waste.” Nova offered. “And most of the student’s at Hogwarts know about her.” Apple Bloom offered. “They will as likely expect to see her get off the train.” “Alright, all right I give in.” Scootaloo relented. “Can we come too,” Goldwine asked from the doorway of the luggage. Alya was next to him. “Not until you can manage a transformation.” Nova scolded. “I can just see trying to get you past the muggles.” “They don’t know pegasi exist, and there is no telling how they’ll react. And Rose Myrtle, no transforming back and forth, no matter what.” Luna said in a tone that left no room for argument. “You understand?” “Yes mam.” all three foals replied. “I’ll be staying in the luggage with you, and we’ll have Moonie, and both Aikos to keep us company.” Alalme offered. “I long for the day when we can all travel together openly,” Nova said and gave Alalme a hug. A moment later Aiko and her twin emerged with tea, sandwiches, and little cakes. This time Nova relented, and let Goldwine and Alya come out to see the car, and join them. At this point, the chances were slim that anyone would come wondering back, and see the two impossibly cute pegasi foals. The atmosphere was quiet, but everyone got their fill. “So will you be closing up now?” Alalme asked looking at an indicator on the wall that told them that arrival was imminent. “Think I’ll wait till we are pulling into the station.” Nova offered as she gave Goldwine, and Alya a hug. The wait seemed like the longest part of the trip, and when they could feel the train slowing, Nova decided it was time to close up her suitcase with the remains of the tea going into the kitchen. “I have got to get one of those.” Hermione offered as Nova closed up the suitcase. “Sure is right convenient.” Ron offered as the train pulled into the station. Now it was time to wait just a little longer till the railroad personnel opened up the exits. Nova was anxious to get to her new home. Or at least home away from home as Luna had indicated that they'd be spending some time playing the role of a tourist. Nova was also anxious about Harry’s situation. “Harry, why don’t you just stick with us for now,” Nova suggested. “Just in case.” “You mean in case there’s no one to pick me up?” Harry replied. “Between you, me, and everyone here, they dumped me at the station, convinced that Platform 9 and ¾ didn't exist. I can’t for the life of me see why they’d come to pick me up.” “Did you write to them to let them know when the train would be returning?” Luna asked. “I did and gave them my best guess as to when the train would arrive. - Still though...” “So what are our plans, are we headed straight for the Walthamstove house?” Nova asked. “We are going to stay in the Royal Horseguards hotel for a couple of weeks, as the guests of the Doctor.” Luna offered. “Interpret that as Honored guest of the Crown if you like. I’m to understand he pulled some strings and arranged everything. Someone is supposed to meet us at the station. We are to get the ‘Royal treatment’ whatever that means.” “I sure hope they’re not going to make a big fuss,” Nova said. “We aren’t even from this world. How would they explain us?” “Friends of the Doctor I’d imagine.” Luna offered. “Pardon the intrusion, but you are free to disembark now.” Offered the conductor as he approached. “And thank you for coming on board.” “Thank you for your hospitality.” Luna offered. “And don’t worry about our little issue, I’d been hoping to snare that specific man.” Luna had a delightfully wicked grin on her face, which proved just a bit contagious. “I’ll pretend it never happened.” He offered, and then directed them to the exit. > Chapter 23: First day back in London > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They all filed out of the train, one at a time, with Scootaloo picking up Rose prior to stepping down onto the platform and holding her so her face could face Scootaloo’s body if Rose got to feeling bashful. The presence of reporters and wizards with cameras was not helpful. Unexpected as well, and they’d some interesting questions for Princess Luna. Nova had her suspicions that Luna had expected something as many of the reporters seemed to think she was now in charge of the government. After all, why have the entire detail escorted them out of the station? The reporters were probably more surprised by a security detail that seemed to know exactly how to deal with reporters. “All right buck off, the lot of you!” Shimmer yelled as she pushed through the crowd. She turned to face several of the reporters. “If you all don’t shut it right now the muggles are going to hear. I swear you lot are just as bad. All pressing in here and asking a whole bunch of silly questions, and all at the same time! Knock it off!” “I’m not in charge of any part of the British government, muggle or wizard,” Luna stated. “I have a cordial relationship with Beatrice Lula Moon, and believe me when I say that she will do whatever she wants with little regard to what I want. She may not be the Minister you want, but she is definitely the minister you deserve. Now if you’ll excuse us, we’d like to make our way out of here.” Luna had deliberately made it sound like Beatrice was actually part of the Moon family. One by one the press turned and wandered off into the crowd, each having gotten some idea into their heads. “Your nose is bleeding,” Hermione said to Nova as she offered a handkerchief. “It’s not magic,” Nova said in defense of what she’d just done. Luna was giving her a dirty look. “I managed to get a trolley for Harry, Ron, and Hermione if they don’t mind stacking their trunks.” Apple Bloom offered having finally made it through the crowd. “Any chance we can fit Neville’s up there too?” As for Harry's broom, he had thought it best to leave it at school where it'd be safe till next year. “Not detectable magic is what you mean, and don’t be doing that sort of thing.” Luna scolded Nova. “And right off hand, I’d say we are going to need another trolley. You can’t be stacking four trunks, and an owl cage on one cart.” “We should hurry, it looks like people have already queued up to get out of here.” Ron offered. “What about your parents?” Luna asked Hermione Ron and Neville as they made their way through the concourse. “My Gran should be here somewhere.” Neville offered. “My parents will be waiting out in front under the overhang most likely.” Hermione offered. “I think I hear my mum, chewing out Fred and George.” Ron offered. “Well then, lead the way,” Luna suggested. A short time later they were face to face with the rest of the Weasley family. Nova took one look at Ginny, rushed to her, and embraced her in a tight hug. “Um… do I know you?” Ginny asked sounding alarmed and confused. “I’m so sorry,” Nova replied as she quickly let the girl go. “It’s just that you look so much like a dear friend of mine I’ll not likely ever see again.” Nova gave her a weak smile. “I kind of forgot for a moment.” “Then let me.” Molly offered and gave Nova a hug. “Princess Nova Moon I'm to assume. You are her, aren’t you? You look just like the girl in the old photos. It’s all true isn't it?” “I am.” Nova offered. “Though I hesitate regarding what’s true, and what isn’t.” “Arthur’s gran used to tell me I had to pass on a message from Maggie to Princess Nova Moon should I ever happen to meet her.” Molly offered. “She wanted you to know she loved you very much and cherished every moment she had with you.” “Leaving her behind was so hard, and I guess she figured out the truth, even after I’d tried to tell her I was simply going to live with my own people. Is she still around?” Nova inquired as she returned the hug. She backed off a moment later, her emotions showing as the tears freely flowed. She pulled out a silk scarf to wipe her eyes. "Unfortunately I can't say what became of her as we lost touch many years ago." Molly Weasley offered. "All I know is she got married and left England. Owls just seem to know where to go so I've no addresses." She offered with a smile. "So, who do you have with you?" “I’d like you to meet my mum, Princess Luna, and my kin and cousins, Louise Magnus – Scootaloo to her friends, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. The little one is Rose Myrtle.” “Oh, she is such a precious little darling.” Molly proclaimed, followed by Rose pressing her face against Scootaloo to avoid getting her cheeks pinched. “And this is my mother, Sunset Shimmer.” Louise offered, indicating Shimmer. “And such interesting names.” Arthur offered only to get elbowed in the ribs by Molly. “People from Eques tend to have interesting names.” Hermione offered. “Oh, this is Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, and Harry I’m sure you know Harry,” Nova added. “And these people who are with you?” Arthur asked as he looked over the security detail. “Our shadows.” Luna offered with a smile. “But with those outfits, the muggles will notice you,” Molly said sounding concerned. “I’m a princess.” Nova offered. “I’m supposed to be noticed.” “It’s a rather interesting drill.” Luna offered. “The typical muggle will want nothing to do with someone dressed like that, and yet they’ll be terribly fascinated by the person or persons being escorted.” “I see,” Arthur replied. “Arthur Weasley, my wife Molly, and I see you’ve already met my son Ronald.” “Ronald,” Sweetie said with a smirk. “Associating with the riffraff is it Weasley?” Sneered the voice of a grown man, who sounded remarkably like an older version of Draco before he started growing up. Lucius Malfoy had no idea who they were, therefore they were inconsequential. Funny how some people's minds work. “Um, father...” Draco attempted to caution. “And you would be?” Luna asked sounding just a bit affronted. “Draco’s father and I see he’s as magnificent as rumors say.” Nova drolled with a wink to Draco. “Oh, and Draco, don’t forget to write, and let us know how you are doing.” “He’ll be doing no such thing.” Lucius Malfoy snapped. “Draco will not be associating with anyone I don’t approve of. Now move aside.” Mr Malfoy actually took a step back as the Shadowbolts stepped in. “Perhaps you’d best be using the space not otherwise presently occupied, Sir.” Captain Hoofstrong offered in a cordial enough manner. His body language signaling I don’t need magic to buck you up. He even went so far as to flex his biceps, and pop a button. The button hitting Mr Malfoy right between the eyes. For perhaps the first time in his life, Lucius Malfoy had met someone who scared him more than Tom Riddle. He backed off, and hurried Draco around the group, to be followed by a woman, presumably Draco’s mother. She gave an apologetic look and hurried after Lucius. “Well, that was rather entertaining.” Arthur offered with a smirk on his face. The twins stood with mouths agape. “Come on, let's get in the queue to get out of here.” Shimmer offered. Now the thing was, the wizards didn't want everyone streaming out at the same time lest the muggles notice. The procedure was to have a lookout let them know when groups of people would be going by, at which time a few of the people on platform 9 and ¾ would slip out. Unfortunately, it was a procedure that took a considerable amount of time. A time that was spent talking mostly. “Yes, I took up the position that had been left open when Quirrel offscounded with the stone.” Luna offered. She’d intentionally made sure everyone in hearing distance heard her say Quirrel offscounded with the stone, and they’d likely figure out which stone. Harry smiled knowing full well what had really happened and suspected Princess Luna was intentionally setting rumors loose. “I did my best to make up for the damage that had been done to the education of the students, but I’m afraid that nearly everyone is quite a bit behind from where the education department says they should be.” “I’m not behind am I?” Hermione asked with a mild touch of panic. “No dear, you are ahead of just about everyone in your year. Notwithstanding Nova who by rights should have been put in fourth-year. I swear I just don’t understand what Dumbledore was thinking? Needs to take the tests my plot, all they needed to do was evaluate her, and place her accordingly.” “Well if it’d been up to me, she’d have been in third-year. Between you and me I think he was just making up excuses to put her off.” McGonagall offered having joined the group. “Now no promises, but Nova and Louise did well enough that I’ve recommended they be given a proper evaluation, and allowed to move up, at least to third-year, if not forth.” “Seriously?” Apple Bloom asked. “You know all that sitting around she did after she fell off her broom?” Nova offered with a wink. “Grilled me day and night, she did, and made sure I was up on my mathematics, literature, and writing.” Scootaloo offered. “You two didn’t get the full treatment, because you were able to escape.” “Oh right, all that sitting you did.” Sweetie Belle confirmed. “And having Miss Nova around was good for all of you.” McGonagall offered. “All your grades went up.” “Mathematics, literature, and writing?” “I wasn’t aware I was that big of an influence.” Nova offered. “And there is hardly any mathematics at Hogwarts.” “Mathematics, logic, and proper sentence structure are crucial to being able to do the more complicated forms of magic.” Luna offered. “I really can’t understand why it’s not part of the curriculum, and the history really should include what the rest of the world has been up to as well. Turning a blind eye to what the muggles have been up to is a recipe for disaster.” “Well, the improved performance of the Gryffindor first-years is the result of putting a third-year in with first years.” McGonagall offered as she quietly thought about what Princess Luna had just said. Classes in reading, writing, and arithmetic had been dropped from the school's curriculum sometime in the past as unnecessary. Logic is simply a part of transfigurations and charms. “And Louise, for someone your age, you had a very rocky start.” She gave Louise a guilty smile. “Granted that a good deal was misunderstandings. No hard feeling I hope?” Both Raritys had had more than a few choice words concerning the cutie marks following the end of term feast. Both had cutie marks, even though one wasn't actually from Eques. “No hard feelings, and you’ll never know how glad I am that Nova joined us,” Scootaloo replied with a smile. “And I was a late bloomer. A lot of the first-year stuff is usually taught at a much younger age back home.” “I imagine I have an idea just how grateful. Considering the damage we nearly did.” McGonagall replied, and gave Rose a pat on the head. “And you learn magic at a younger age back home?” “Next group.” came the call. “Finally,” Scootaloo said as they started forward. “Yes, most who have an aptitude for magic start when they are four or five.” “That group will need to split up.” The wizard at the archway ordered. “You go first.” Molly offered. “I imagine once you get going no one is going to pay much attention to the rest of us.” “Fair enough.” Luna offered. “And my sister Twilight started using magic when she was four.” Luna had found that just saying sister was a lot easier than explaining how she was married to another woman and had a husband that they shared. McGonagall just smiled. “See you on the other side.” “Should I stay with the Weasleys?” Harry asked. “No, I want to make sure you have a home to go to.” Luna offered. “What?” Molly asked taken back by the statement. “His relatives might not show up to pick him up.” Luna offered. “Go now, or you’ll have to wait.” “Let's go.” Scootaloo prompted, and started moving forward. This prompted the rest of the Moon party to move forward. Hermione hung back with Ron. “A bit anxious to go?” Sweetie asked as they passed through the archway out into the strip between platforms nine and ten. “Rose is asleep, and it’s like holding a sack of potatoes.” Scootaloo offered. “Here, I’ll hold her for a bit.” Apple bloom offered. Scootaloo hesitated a moment, and then they carefully transferred Rose. “Light as a feather, and it looks like she drooled all over your blouse.” “Figures. You try holding that feather for an hour or more.” Scootaloo offered as she shook out her arms to get the circulation going, and wish she dared use a spell to clean herself up. "Nova, can I borrow your hankie?" "Ya, sure." Nova offered and attempted to wipe her up. "Come on you two," Luna whispered. "Nova, just give her your jacket, you're driving the stallions nuts." "All right then," Nova said, and took off her jacket. It was tight on Nova and an extremely tight fit on Scootaloo's chest. "It doesn't fit." Scootaloo protested. "It fit the last time you tried it on?" Nova replied. The gravity-defying fact of the situation hadn't quite clicked for the two. "That was last winter." Apple bloom reminded. "Everyone's gotten a little bigger since." "Ya, that's more than a little." Sweetie offered. "Come on, let's go." They continued on out through the front doors where Nova stopped to look up at an overhang that had been added along with a bunch of shops. By the looks of it, it’d been added shortly after she’d been there last. “Something wrong?” Luna asked. “Who’s idea was this overhang and all this? I can’t see the street.” Nova asked. There was also a parcel post office, a diminutive police station, a pharmacy, and a coffee shop that hadn’t been there. “Who puts a mini-mall in front of a railway station?” “Must be rough knowing what the place looked like when it was brand new,” Harry commented. “Let's see if my Uncle is here. He’ll likely be parked by the Saint Pancras.” Harry made his way for the street, and the first person they saw was a car that’d been sent from the Horseguard Hotel driven by a man named McGuffey. It was a small car that could seat five people tops counting the driver. They had thirteen people counting Shimmer, plus a baby. He’d had a sign that read Luna Moon. “I’m so terribly sorry.” The driver said apologetically. “It seems they were expecting a retired couple.” “I see my uncle.” Harry offered. “I hope there isn’t going to be a problem? Why don’t you make a call, and we’re going to see this young man off.” Luna offered. Shimmer decided she’d best stay with the driver. The Dursleys had been sitting in their car, watching and waiting, and when Harry came walking over accompanied by four girls, an adult woman, a baby, and seven suits they immediately assumed the worst. Why they were there, they couldn’t rightly say as they all detested Harry very much. “Whatever he has done I assure you he will be punished severely.” Vernon Dursley said as he hurriedly got out of his car. “What have you done this time, Potter?” Said a rather fat boy sitting in the car. “He’s certainly done nothing to be punished for.” Luna corrected sharply. “Though if you so dislike him as to assume the worst at the drop of a hat, I’d gladly take him off your hands.” Vernon flinched noticeably and began to twitch. Uncle Vernon would like nothing better than to be rid of the boy, but just couldn't get himself to say it. At this point, Aunt Petunia got out of the car and announced that they loved Harry very much and would never dream of abandoning him to a stranger. She didn’t sound very convincing. In fact, her words sounded rather forced, almost as though she’d been compelled to say it. “Somehow I thought you’d say as much.” Luna offered as she studied the Dursleys. “Princess Luna, I am so sorry about the mix-up.” Their driver said rushing over to them accompanied by Shimmer. “There’s going to be a bit of a delay getting a proper motorcade. However, and I hesitate, but I could escort you on foot via the tube to Charing Cross station, and from there it’d only be a short distance to White Hall. That is if you don’t mind the extra adventure.” Of course, he meant White Hall Court, but for the Dursleys hearing ‘Princess’ and ‘White Hall’ was nearly enough to cause an aneurysm. "I'm aware this is all highly irregular, but it seems he is our best option at the moment." "My idea." Shimmer offered. "Beats sitting here waiting for someone to get their act together." “Princess?!” Vernon squeaked out. “This is Princess Luna, Princess Nova, Miss Belle, Miss Bloom, Miss Louise, and Mrs Magnus.” Harry offered. “And the suits are their personal escort.” “You don’t really want to be here do you,” Luna said softly as she looked Vernon in the eye. “And yet here you are, sitting here waiting for a boy you got saddled with, and you can’t for the life of you figure out why. It’s like it’s some kind of compulsion. Oh, you were perfectly happy to dump him off at the station last year.” “I did come back,” Vernon said defending himself. “Just in case.” “Did you now?” Luna replied sounding oddly delighted. “I know perfectly well that place exists.” Petunia stated flatly. “We swore we’d make sure Harry knew nothing of that school. If he couldn't find his way to the train it wouldn't have been our fault.” “Trying to keep Harry from his special talent is a bit like locking a bird in a cage, and trying to keep it from flying.” Luna chastised. “No, but I suspect there is far more going on here. You were envious of your sister, were you not? Even resentful. Don’t deny it. And deep down you don’t want Harry to suffer the same fate.” “Well, no, I don’t. Why would I?” Petunia admitted tersely. “Well, then I suppose Harry will be well enough in your hands for the time being.” Luna offered with a smile. She turned to Harry and gave him a hug. “Take care Harry, and be sure to write.” “I will.” Harry offered and received hugs from the girls. “And now, good sir, it seems we’ve got a tube waiting on us,” Luna said turning to the driver. “So, um, what exactly is a tube?” “It’s the underground railway.” Harry offered as his trunk, and Hedwig’s cage was being loaded. “How can someone not know what the Tube is?” Dudley derided. He’d been eyeballing Harry’s seemingly new tweed jacket. “I imagine they don’t have an underground where they’re from.” Harry offered. “Might not be a bad idea to put some in though.” Luna offered. “Lead on McGuff, lead on.” “It’s McGuffey.” he corrected kindly enough and proceeded to direct them into King’s Cross station. “By any chance is there any other luggage?” “It’ll be sent by courier.” Shimmer offered. “Oh, you haven't left yet.” Mr Weasley said as he, his family, and the Grangers approached. “Just going on a little adventure.” Luna offered. “We are going to ride the tube.” “Sounds splendid.” Mr Weasley offered as the Moon party continued on down into the subway, and was heard to ask, “Whatever is a tube?” 🚇 Poor Mr McGuffy found himself having to swipe his own transit card for each member of the party to get them through the gates, and no one seemed to be carrying any spendable money. All they seemed to have on them was foreign currency of some sort. Gold, with the exception of Mrs Magnus who at least had a credit card though she hadn’t a clue about the train, and it just seemed easier to pay for them all. Especially being he didn’t want any of the more unscrupulous people seeing all that gold being flashed about. “It’s alright, we’ll just pop on over to our bank just as soon as we get settled.” Nova offered, as they waited. Fortunately, they’d not long to wait and were soon on their way. A short time later they deboarded the train at a station of enormous proportions. “Wouldn't surprise me in the least if all of Hogwarts could fit in here.” Sweetie Belle commented as they made their way for the exit, and a short time later they found themselves at the intersection of Northumberland Avenue, Whitehall Place, and Embankment Place, the latter being a small shopping arcade under the elevated lines. From there it was indeed a fairly short walk to Whitehall court. Before them was a grand building in the ornate Victorian style, and yet the entrance looked as though they were entering through the back door. This despite the lavish red flower boxes bordering the entry, the doormen, or the richly stained wood doors with large windows. Inside they were delighted to see a wonderful array of earth tones, gold, dark mahogany, and red velvet upholstery. It even reminded the girls of the Gryffindor common room, only much nicer. The desk clerk looked on with a mild state of panic on their face. “The Moon party,” McGuffey announced as he approached the front desk. “I trust you’ve remedied that little issue we discussed.” Meanwhile, Rose had woken up and was beginning to get fussy. “I thought you were joking!” Hissed the receptionist. “There’s only the one modest room.” “Well, then that will have to do until you can straighten things out.” Luna offered. Rose announced that she needed to go potty wasn’t helping. “Mommy?” Rose added plaintively. “Give her here,” Scootaloo said, followed by Apple Bloom passing her over. “If the Princesses could possibly check in to their room?” Hoofstrong suggested. “The rest of us can wait until some accommodation is provided. Granted that all they really needed was a place to set Nova’s luggage down where they could discreetly slip into it. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to go fetch my car.” Mr McGuffey offered. “Thank you so much for all the extras you did for us,” Nova said going up to him and handing him a small gold bar from Equestria. “Oh I couldn't take this.” he protested. “So far as I’m concerned you’ve earned it, and I dare say you’ll be lucky to get a fraction of the value.” Nova countered. He smiled, took the bar, and thanked her. “Ladies, I shall return shortly, till now I leave you in the capable hands of the desk clerk, Mr Morgan.” McGuffey tipped his hat and was out the door a moment later. Mr Morgan called a bellhop a moment later who escorted them to the room. “Yes, thank you, this will do.” Luna offered as Nova was setting down a trunk on its end in the small closet. “Will there be more luggage on its way?” the bellhop asked as he looked at the trunk wondering where it came from. “Yes, do please let us know when it arrives?” Shimmer offered, as everyone filed into the small room. “Princess Luna, aren’t we supposed to be on an official state visit?” She asked. “Officially unofficial.” Luna offered. “After all, our country doesn’t officially exist.” “I’ll um, I’ll just go see if they can come up with any more rooms.” the bellhop offered and retreated in the direction they’d come. The ponies, all filled in, Nova opened up the trunk, and everyone climbed in. “Listen, I’m going to make a phone call, and have some luggage delivered.” Sunset offered as she emerged moments later. “Can’t have this many people, and no visible luggage. - Hang on, someone is at the door.” She closed up the trunk and went to open the door. This time the bellhop had returned with the manager. “I’m so terribly sorry, everyone just stepped out for a moment. I’m Mrs Magnus, Princess Luna’s private secretary. By any chance are you the manager and were about to tell me you’d found some more rooms for all our people?” “Yes, I’m the manager. State visit?” “Some of us are to meet with a Mr Robin Butler tomorrow.” Shimmer offered. “The others will be seeing the sights. - Listen, I have a credit card if it’s a matter of a damage deposit?” “I’m going to get over to my banker.” Nova offered as she exited the bathroom now dressed in some of Scootaloo's more casual clothing. Shimmer just gave her that look that said, I see what you did there. A short time later Nova and Luna were stepping out of the fireplace at the Leaky Cauldron. “This place hasn’t changed one bit.” Nova offered as they walked away from the fireplace. “Did you just seriously teleport us into the floo network?” Luna asked. The fact that they were presently dressed like muggles had gathered every eye. “It’s just another form of teleportation. Not that hard to splice into.” Nova offered. “Come on, they are expecting us at Gringotts. Oh, dear.” Nova stopped short on spotting Hagrid sitting at a booth drowning his sorrows. At least trying to. Due to his size, it was nigh on impossible for him to drink enough beer to actually get drunk short of downing pony kegs like they were mugs along with bottles of firewater like they were shots. Possibly why giants tended to be so grumpy, being it was so difficult for them to actually get drunk. “Hagrid, are you alright?” Nova asked momentarily on approaching the table. “Gone, they’re all gone.” Hagrid lamented. There was a copy of the Daily Prophet in front of him detailing the eradication of the acromantula colony plastered all over the front page. The center front page was a picture of a very large pile of smoldering spiders. The creatures being semi-sentient had attempted to ball up to protect their leaders. “Aragog wouldn't hurt nobody.” “Hagrid?” Luna asked kindly. “Seems like only yesterday e’ was jus a pup.” Hagrid bemoaned. “Come on, he’s oblivious,” Nova said with an air of resignation. “All them years scuttle’n bout the forest by himself, e’ was so happy when I brought him a friend.” “You brought him a friend?” Nova asked stopping dead in her tracks. “You were the one who introduced those monsters to the forest?” “Now see here, Aragog wouldn't o’ hurt no one.” “They wiped out an entire town in the forest, and it was their attacks on Muggle farms that forced the muggles into action,” Nova said as her anger boiled. To her pegasi were equal to wizards, better even -any day of the week. Never mind that she herself had wanted the creatures exterminated simply for destroying the Silver wood community and glen. The muggle authorities might never have known of the existence of the acromantulas if they hadn’t been preying on muggle farms. “There is evidence those things were going after people! How many lives are you responsible for? Well, Hagrid? How many? I wouldn't be one bit surprised if your body count surpasses Lord Voldemort!” Nova had yet to see the article, and it was just as well she hadn’t or she’d have fried Hagrid on the spot. The bar was dead silent. Nova didn’t say another word, turned, and headed for the back alley, and was shortly followed by a stunned Luna. “And here we were thinking you were upset about all the people.” a patron said as he approached. “It’s not true, what she said. I’d have known.” He swallowed hard. “I’d have known if there had been anyone liv’n out there.” Hagrid protested. He had yet to open the article. Rita Skeeter had done what no one else dared to do, she’d gone into the blast zone to take pictures. The man who’d approached Hagrid slowly opened the paper to reveal picture after picture of horror. Within the remains of charred cocoons, victims could clearly be seen to be human forms along with a variety of many creatures. There were also stone works of lavish gardens that had been there, and even structures could be made out in the branches of the charred remains of the once magnificent trees. All having been partially preserved by the very webs that had held them. Rita was calling it the home of the high elves. She’d initially gone there hoping to prove there had been nothing there and that the muggles were simply crazy. What she’d found had rocked her to the core. Hagrid could not deny the evidence of his own eyes. Nova stood in the back alley, willing herself to calm down. “You, um, going to be alright?” Luna asked cautiously. She’d never seen Nova so angry. “I just need a moment,” Nova said softly. “Probably just as well I’m not Aunt Tia. Even so, bad things can happen when I lose it." “I think I’m still trying to comprehend it.” Luna offered. “You’ve more of a personal stake in this than I do as well.” “I can at least console myself in that many of the ponies of the Silver wood did at least escape.” Nova offered, took a moment more, reached out, and tapped the keystone that would cause the arch to open up. Nova looked out over Diagon Alley. Little had changed in her absence. “Hang on,” Nova said as she made a sharp turn mid alley. She’d made right for Ollivander’s wand shop. Moments later the sound of a small bell could be heard tinkling as Nova opened the door. She smiled. Here was a place of permanence, a place that was undeniably familiar. “Good afternoon, and how may we be of service to you? Ah, Princess Luna. A fine afternoon, and how may we be of service to you?” Nova looked him over for a moment. “Is Harold available?” “Harold?” Garrick Ollivander asked. “Harold, you have a young lady asking for you,” he called. He sounded just a bit annoyed. A moment later a rather mature Harold Ollivander emerged from the back. “A young lady you say?” He looked at her but wasn’t quite sure what to think as he’d not yet recognized her. “Yes, I’d like you to check my wand for me. Afraid I’ve been abusing it.” Nova offered. Harold looked at the senior Ollivander who just gave him a withering look as Nova produced her wand and offered it up to him. He gingerly took hold of the wand and began to inspect it while doing his best to ignore the now beaming girl. Luna looked on, not sure if she should be happy that Nova could bounce back so easily, or be concerned? Nova was undeniably up to something and seemed to know who this man was. “Blackthorn… seems to be in excellent shape… ?! - It’s been a long time since I had a wand blow up on a customer.” Harold offered in a deadpan tone while giving his father a sideways glance. “Father, I’m afraid I’m at a bit of a loss here, this girl seems to have a wand with a triple-core.” He handed the wand over to Garrick Ollivander who took hold of it with a look of annoyance. He’d only held it a moment when his eyes widened. “Princess Luna, might I make a personal inquiry?” Mr Ollivander requested. “You may if it’s not too personal,” Luna replied doing her best to hold back a smile. “By any chance are you related to a Miss Nova Moon?” “She’s my daughter.” “Oh, your daughter is named Nova Moon. No, but the Nova Moon I’m thinking of would surely be old enough to be your mother, grandmother even.” Nova started laughing as she couldn't keep it in any longer. “No way am I that old!” She exclaimed a moment later and proceeded to laugh some more while placing a hand over her mouth. “You always were the most surprising girl.” Harold offered as he looked at Nova, a smile now on his face. “Thought I wouldn't recognize you, was it.” The fact that she hadn’t seemed to age wasn’t really bothering him. “You didn’t.” Nova offered. “Not that I can blame you. You recognized my wand fast enough.” “That’s because to the best of my knowledge, in all the world, there is none other like it.” Harold offered. “And I’ve still the scars from when we first met,” Nova said with a smile. “Surely not?” Harold protested. “Scars?” Luna asked. “Just a slight reddening from a dogwood wand that blew up in my hand.” Nova offered, showing her hand. “It’s only been, what, about a year and a half?” Nova asked herself as she attempted to calculate the actual amount of subjective time. “Nineteen months at most, or thereabouts if I’m not horribly mistaken. I went through a time warp. A portal from the past to the present.” She added quickly while addressing Garrick. “Let me see your hand,” Luna ordered, followed by Nova letting her take up her hand and inspect it. “I see. It’s a little bit of magical residue. Should clear up eventually. Does it bother you?” “Not really, no.” Nova offered. “Maybe a bit when I have to do long-winded reports by hand.” “Pity I can’t go back in time, and have a word with some of your teachers,” Luna replied. Nova had told Luna all of her adventures, trials, and tribulations. “I remember my father working on this wand. It was his crowning achievement.” Garrick offered. Even Luna’s wand contained but a single strand of her own hair. “It was her mixed heritage that required three strands. It was so the magic could be harmonized.” “I’ve found that it’ll work no better than an ordinary wand in the hands of anyone else.” Nova offered. “Well the wand does choose the owner, and in your case, and all Equestrians, the wand is as much a part of you as the horn upon your head.” “Wait, you can see that?” Luna asked sounding stunned. “After years of working with wands, I can see the auras of enchanted things, and beings.” Garrick offered. “I knew you were a powerful being the moment you walked into my shop.” “That being able to see auras is kind of annoying, isn’t it?” Nova offered. “One gets accustomed to it.” Garrick offered. “Can you see the auras?” “Yes, I can,” Nova admitted. “Been able to see auras since I was six. I got used to it. Bout the same time I started using magic.” “Well, you’ve done a fine job of taking care of your wand.” Garrick offered as he handed the wand back. “Just out of curiosity, what does my aura look like,” Nova asked as she took her wand and put it away. “Yours is a very beautiful aura.” Harold offered. “You both have beautiful auras, almost blinding. And yes, I can see the auras. Been able to from the day you saved my life. Princess Luna’s is very equine. Yours is fluid, hard to pin down, almost vulpine.” “I don’t see my own aura,” Nova confessed. “And they don’t really reflect in mirrors either. Mirrors reflect light, but not auras. I imagine that we aren’t perceiving auras with our eyes.” “An astute observation.” Garrick offered. “Comes in quite handy when a sneak thief comes in here using some kind of invisibility charm. The eyes may be fooled, but that extra sense that senses the aura is not. Why just the other day I had a rather distinguished visitor trying to sneak a new wand. I must say he hadn't expected me to be able to see him.” He gave a wink. “Might explain why certain members of my guard force are so good.” Luna mused wondering who it was who'd tried to sneak a wand. “Well it’s been nice chatting, but we really must be going.” “Harold was in school with me in nineteen oh three.” Nova offered. “Different school year, but that didn’t stop us from being friends. We were both on the Quidditch team together.” “Ah, so that’s the real reason you wanted to come here when we need to get to the bank.” Luna surmised. “You wanted to look up an old friend. Not that I can blame you. Now we really must be going.” “Just one thing more.” Nova requested. “Harold, whatever became of Maggie?” “Maggie? Maggie moved to America during the first wizard war. Last I heard she’d moved to some town called Canterlot.” “Canterlot?!” Nova exclaimed and turned to Luna. “Muma?!” “I’ll make inquiries, now come on, we need to get going.” Luna offered in a scolding but reassuring tone. Nova was nearly bouncing, and they were off to Gringotts a short time later. 💷 “We thought you’d come looking for muggle money sooner or later,” Griphook said sounding almost delighted. “How you’ve gone so long considering where you set up a residence… well, I guess that’s a perk of being a princess. You have people to manage those sorts of things.” “Something tells me you are going to make a lot of money off of us.” Nova drolled. “Oh, you wound me to the heart.” Griphook protested. Though to be true he was far more personable with the ponies, and they with them for that matter. After all, they weren’t human. The very notion that ponies had put one over on the humans was a means to endless mirth for the goblins. “And yes, we will be making money. Every time you use your bank card we will be making money. Muggle banks are so devilishly clever when it comes to making money.” Nova quietly chuckled as he laid out a couple of billfolds. “Now what we have for you...” He continued as he opened up the billfolds. “We’ve set up discretionary accounts for you in the Bank of England, to include a Coutts account. Each billfold has a Coutts World silk Card, an identification stating Eques as country of origin, a passport supplied by your own people to UK specifications with a letter from Princess Celestia requesting you be allowed in the country as her representatives, a working and holiday visa for Princess Luna, a student visa for Nova, and one hundred pounds each British sterling in paper currency. Miss Bon Bon proved a most capable mare in gathering up everything you’d need.” “Is a hundred pounds a lot of money?” Nova asked. “Not really.” Griphook offered. “Use the card for most of your purchases, and if you need more cash, you can go into any Bank of England office, or come directly to us to get more. Oh, and don’t be tossing gold around like it’s loose change.” He cautioned. “In fact, don’t let anyone know you’ve gold on you. Not if you don’t want problems.” “What kind of budget should I hold myself to?” Nova asked. “Try not to spend more than a million pounds British sterling per month, and you’ll be fine.” Griphook offered. “Not that it’ll put much of a dent in your primary account, it’ll just cause too many people to start scrutinizing you, and possibly try to figure out where the money is coming from.” “Thank you very much,” Luna said as she accepted her billfold. “Should the picture in the ID be moving?” “Don’t worry, it’ll freeze any time you are among muggles.” Griphook offered. “We’ve set some enchantments on them to prevent theft.” 🌆 When Luna and Nova returned to the hotel they were confronted with police. The hotel had gotten it into their heads they were working some kind of scam on them. The fact that no one had any local identification didn’t help. Scootaloo, Sweetie, and Apple Bloom had Canterlot palace identification, and the Shadowbolts had similar, only theirs were military. They were all foreign ID from a kingdom no one had ever heard of, and as far as the police were concerned it was all some kind of hoax, and not a one had a proper visa or passport. Not even Shimmer who should have known better, but then again, she’d been an undocumented alien when she had attended Canterlot High. “Is this how you people treat state visitors?” Luna protested as she handed over her identification, passport, and credit card. She didn’t know she wasn’t supposed to hand her credit card over to the police, and just simply did so as it was just another form of identification to her. Just one she could use to make purchases up to a million pounds British sterling per month allegedly without raising suspicions. In truth, the card had no limit and signaled to merchants that she had an account with at least a million pounds in it. One look at the credit card caused the manager to faint. A few moments later someone from the Ministry arrived having been called by Shimmer on her phone. Shimmer had been provided with emergency numbers, just in case. A short time later they’d been moved to a sizable duplex also located in the building having two floors and three bedrooms. The downside, it looked out at the old War Office which was in much need of repair. Upside, it was a private duplex, and no one was going to ask about who was actually sleeping in it. Nova decided to set her suitcase to mimic the closet door in the reception slash dining room, and the Shadowbolts took the bedrooms and sofa. Any surprise guest would find only seasoned warriors. Meanwhile, Nova’s balcony had chosen to open out between two apartments in the true front of the complex, looking out over the river. “So anyone wants to do anything?” Alalme asked once every pony had settled down. “Not really,” Nova replied. “It’s been a long day. Maybe a late dinner, and call it a day?” “Ya, me too.” Sweetie Belle seconded. “We nearly got thrown out on the street a short time after we got here. It's the reason why we closed up and moved. And that after a long train ride.” “Followed by having to take the subway because they only sent one little cab.” Apple Bloom offered. “I think they were expecting some old couple.” Luna offered. “If everyone had climbed into the trunk in the train, we might have been fine.” “Except we needed our squad when we got off the train.” Nova pointed out. “Paparazzi are the same everywhere, and a job at a ‘news’ publication still doesn’t excuse rude behavior.” “What, what happened?” Alalme asked. “We got swarmed by people with cameras, and note pads,” Scootaloo informed her. “I had no idea,” Alalme replied. “I’ve just had a normal ordinary day.” “Maybe next time we’ll all climb in the trunk, and arrange to have it sent through the post,” Nova said with a smile and nuzzled Alalme. “Hang on, have we ever mailed ourselves?” Scootaloo asked. “Tried to once.” Apple Bloom offered. “We got it into our heads we could just put a stamp on ourselves, and we could mail ourselves to Manehatten to visit Babs Seed.” “Oh ya,” Scootaloo replied. “Didn’t work too well. But then we didn’t have a magic suitcase that has a palace on the inside.” "One of those reporters asked me what brand of panties I buy." Luna offered. "I heard that." Shimmer replied. "I was about ready to bust his chops." "Why, what are panties anyway?" Luna asked. "You don't know?" Shimmer asked sounding shocked. "It's not some kind of undergarment is it?" Nova asked. "Humans seem rather obsessive about undergarments." "Princess Luna, are you not wearing any underpants under your skirt?" Shimmer asked. "Now why would I want to wear anything under my skirt?" Luna asked honestly perplexed. “Tia, can you pull in the balcony?” Nova said a short time later. She’d just come in from the balcony and had decided that it was uncomfortably close to the neighbors. “No balcony?” Scootaloo asked. “Far too close to the other apartments, it might get noticed.” Nova offered as the balcony melted away to leave only a large picture window. “I think if we want to sneak in and out, it’d be best to connect from the attic. What say we set up some tables in here, and have our dinner here.” “Splendid idea.” Lady Aiko replied, followed by tables appearing, complete with table cloths, and place settings. She then proceeded to hand out menus from all the local restaurants. “Are we ordering out?” Luna asked. “Sort of.” Lady Aiko said with a grin. “Where’s Loki?” Alalme asked. She seemed excited at the prospect of everyone eating together. “The bolts were going to take their dinner in the duplex.” Nova offered, and on thinking about it headed for the door. She’d used the door on the rotunda, it having been set to look like a closet door on the duplex side was quite a bit smaller than it normally would have been. It’d also been set with a spell that would cause muggles to look right past the door even if it was wide open. “Well I’d say it’s high time he started taking his meals with his family,” Luna suggested, followed by Scootaloo marching through the door to go fetch him. “Nova, there is a strange woman here to see you,” Scootaloo called a few moments later. “Aha! The closet, Trixie should have known!” “Beatrice!” Nova called as the somewhat familiar woman barged in. A moment later the two were hugging. “How’d you know we were here?” “Saw you arrive from my new office. We have the wing just down the hall from the Ministry of Silly Walks.” Trixie offered. “Why were all the muggle police here?” “They botched up the reservation, and got it into their heads we were trying to pull some sort of scam.” Shimmer offered. “Now what’s this about a new office?” “We’ve moved all the more mundane aspects of the ministry into the old war Office across the street.” Trixie offered. “Now that muggles know we exist, we have to give them something, and it’s oh so nice to get out of those old bunkers. Naturally, everything we do is rated secret to top-secret, confidential, with the modifier of need to know M-I six and above.” She had to take a deep breath after having rattled all that off. “And just to be on the safe side, everyone in an above-ground office is muggle-born.” “Oh, we were just about to sit down for dinner, why don’t you join us?” Nova asked. “Hang on, Loki? Some pony go tell Loki he’s joining us for dinner.” Whether he wants to or not.” “Don’t mind if I do,” Trixie replied as she found an open seat at the table. “Just wait until the wizards see the data on the metahumans.” Nova just had to laugh as she imagined what their reactions would be. "Oh, and why does Scootaloo look like she needs to get into a maternity shop?" Everyone looked at Trixie with a bewildered expression. Mouths began to drop into great big huge smiles as the implication of what Trixie had said sunk in. "What?" Scootaloo asked after she reentered the room with Loki in tow. "Your blouse," Nova informed her. "What the? I just put this on?" Scootaloo protested. "You're lactating!" Alalme exclaimed, and gave Scootaloo a hug... which made things worse. "Come on, I've just the cure for that leakage problem." Alalme offered and directed Scootaloo towards the back. "I'm what? How?" Scootaloo protested. "Well, you are technically old enough." Luna offered. "I'd say it's a delayed reaction from the spell, or perhaps it has something to do with you carrying Rose for so long." "OK, I'm not carrying Rose anymore." Apple Bloom announced as Scootaloo, and Alalme vanished into the back. "More than likely a delayed reaction from that spell you lot did." Shimmer offered. "She wasn't ready when you did the spell, but now she is." "Hang on, that's not going to happen to us is it?" Sweetie asked sounding horrified. "Maybe." Shimmer replied with a devilish grin. "And it'll serve you right for messing with things you don't fully understand. Once every pony was ready the family all sat together at the big table that had been set up followed shortly, by a series of waiters coming in through various doors. Not one of whom seemed to realize they weren’t still at the restaurants at which they worked. As for Alya, Rose, and Goldwine, they’d all been put to bed following a surprise that had left Scootaloo with a big grin, and were snuggled with Moonie. As for the bill, let's just say they’d be getting a call from the muggle bank in a few days asking how it is their brand new account had dinner charges at several different locations all on the same day, at nearly identical times. Luna’s explanation that they’d split up, and she’d paid for them by phone seemed to suffice. The following morning saw a slight change in plans. Every pony that was going to be out and about who didn’t already have proper muggle identification was going to need identification. Bon Bon came in-person to escort them to the various offices they’d need to go to that morning with everyone dressing in a sort of business casual. > Chapter 24: These ponies go to eleven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The equestrians marveled at the large, mostly empty, government building. It being a Sunday the place was nearly as empty as an abandoned ruin, and the people needed to set up the identifications for the Equestrians had to be called in. Not that they minded too much when they saw that they’d be helping cute girls, all of whom were very well dressed. The men weren’t bad looking either. “How come we weren’t provided with ID’s and passports when we went to school?” Sweetie Belle asked. Photos had been taken, documents signed, and all they need do now was to wait for everything to be put together. The wait in the boardroom provided for them was proving a little boring. “Because, while you were at school you didn’t need it.” Bon Bon offered. “Being it’s an exclusive private school, they already knew who you were before you went, and they already had all the paperwork that was needed. - And for that matter, you had been scheduled to come in on Monday. The incident at the hotel changed that.” “Oh.” Sweetie Belle replied unaware there had even been paperwork. There had actually been none beyond the acceptance letter she'd received. At the time, all Dumbledore knew, or cared about, was that their names had been added to the master enrollment book in that other handwriting. It had never occurred to him to require any sort of identification other than the letter they’d received. Even now Dumbledore just assumed Eques was just another country. The answer also seemed to satisfy a number of hangers-on who’d either been called in or were there to try to catch up on paperwork. No one seemed to really know anything about them, nor had anyone even heard of the Kingdom of Eques. What they did know was that the Queen herself was keen on seeing to it they were welcomed, and when some enterprising individual decided to do an inquiry on them, they found out that the Moon family had a sizable account in the Bank of England. No one could be sure how much they were worth, only that the money had been wired from an offshore account some years back. It was an influx of foreign capital right when the economy needed it. Add to that, at least one individual had recognized Nova’s simple sundress that she’d worn along with Alalme’s outfit as being original Rarity creations. The entire party was wearing clothing made by Rarity, their Rarity, and the human Rarity was presently one of the fashion designers to watch. What Nova had worn was an old pony dress she’d received in another dimension with a few modifications to make it pas human sensibilities. Being a typical pony dress it was rather drafty in the front prior to modification. There was as yet one remaining issue regarding the ponies, and that was what to do about identification for Alalme? Alalme was not a citizen of Equestria. Luna, Nova, Sweetie, Scootaloo, and Apple bloom would all have identification appropriate to visiting state VIPs. And the Shadowbolts were provided with embassy credentials, despite the fact they’d yet to have an established embassy the muggle government could recognize. I’m working out of my suitcase simply didn’t cut it. “I was born in Scotland,” Alalme replied when asked if she was also an Equestrian. “She, that is her family, are what you’d call ex-pats.” Shimmer offered. “They’ve been living in Scotland for more generations than I can name.” “I’m from Coille Airgid.” Alalme offered while using the language native to Scotland to name the Silver Wood. Somehow it just made it sound more like a place that might actually exist within the human world. She did know the language but had few chances to use it these days. As is, her command of the English language had more than a few words that’d gone out of usage in the last ninety years, and a bit of a Scots Gael accent. Without knowing it she was projecting herself with all the airs of a fine young Scot’s dame. “I’m afraid I’m unfamiliar with that town.” The clerk offered. Where is it?” “Well, it was in the highlands.” Alalme offered. “Was?” “Well, you English blew it up,” Alalme stated. She was feeling a bit cheeky. “Now see here, we haven't blown up any towns in Scotland… at least not in the last...” She had to stop and think about it. Now when was the last time the English destroyed a town in Scotland? “It was just shy of two weeks ago on account of the spider infestation.” Nova offered. “I doubt we’ll ever find any of her records.” “Nova, do you mind? That’s a confidential matter.” Bon Bon scolded. “She doesn’t have the clearance. - Or any of the other people listening in.” Bon Bon added. “None of you heard anything.” “Oh. I’m sorry.” Nova replied. “We blew up a town in Scotland?” the clerk asked sounding stunned. “Just to kill a spider?” “Sounds reasonable to me.” one of the other clerks offered. “For what it’s worth I’m adopting her into our family,” Luna informed the clerks. “It was a big spider.” Alalme offered. “The closest town is Hogsmeade, though they’d not likely have any records as they’ve no government offices to speak of.” “It’s an undocumented region nestled right between County Aird, and the Muir of Ord.” Bon Bon offered. “We’ve only just recently discovered it. - There’s a whole community of people who’ve no documentation aside from their own family records. - In fact, since the advent of Satellite surveying, we’ve been discovering little pockets all over the United Kingdom.” “I see.” The clerk replied sounding stunned. The fact that the citizenry of the UK tended to resist any kind of national identification only helped lend credence to what she was hearing. She also recalled seeing an article about a village in Japan that had been completely cut off from the modern world due to its remote location. “Miss Silverwood, when were you born?” “In or a-boot eighteen eighty-five.” Alalme offered. “Let’s just use a projected date.” Luna offered. “Eighteen Eighty-Five!” The clerk exclaimed. “Part of the reason they are getting preferential treatment. - Miss Alalme’s case is rated as a matter concerning The Doctor.” Bon Bon offered. “It’s all rather confidential, but to put it in terms you’ll understand, it’s a similar situation to that of the Scandinavian countries offering dual citizenship to that Thor fellow. - Also, keep in mind that what I just told you is highly confidential.” Eques literally intersected with England in several locations thanks to the mirror portals. There was also a connection in the states, as well as a known naturally occurring connection on a remote semi-tropic island in the Caribbean, but the clerk hardly needed to know any of that. Not at the moment. The island having been found to be uninhabited for ‘reasons’ was now undergoing a makeover to tame and/or outright eliminate some of those reasons, and to make it look like a former British colony. Many of the reasons being due to the other end of the connection being located in the Everfree and all manner of extremely dangerous plants and creatures had found their way through the portal. “Oh, I see.” The clerk offered. “They aren’t going to become involved in some super battle are they?” “Super battle?” Apple Bloom asked. She wasn’t sure if such a thing was a good thing or a bad thing. Could a pony get a cutie mark battling supers, she wondered? Having their cutie marks would not stop the crusaders from exploring, and categorizing every known cutie mark. “If called upon by the Queen of England to assist in any matter that pertains to the protection of this land we will act, but as a rule, we do not wish to become involved in internal, or external affairs any more than we can help it.” Luna offered. “So is that a no?” The clerk asked. “I sure hope so.” Sweetie Belle offered. “We do not wish to become embroiled in the dealings of metas.” Luna offered. “Not if we can help it. - Part of the reason we are being so secretive is so that we do not attract the attention of such individuals, criminal elements, or other governments who might get it into their heads to try to exploit us.” Luna also knew full well the higher-ups in the government of the UK would be measuring well her words. “Ah, yes of course.” The clerk offered. “Quite sensible really.” “And in that light, the Prime Minister would appreciate you saying only that you were called in to help provide identification to a visiting Princess due to an oversight.” Bon Bon offered. “And if anyone asks where Eques is, you may tell them it’s a former colony that got swallowed up by the Bermuda triangle. - It’s in the Caribbean, and we thought discretion best.” The island in the Caribbean wasn’t unknown to any of the equestrians present, as they’d all been briefed on its approximate location and Celestia’s intentions for it. After all, they would need to go public, sooner or later. Later was preferred as the Island needed a lot of work to make it look like people had been living there ‘continuously’ for years. The island itself was surrounded by dangerous reefs where many a lost ship lay to include a recent cruise liner. Details of the wreck had been heavily covered by the tabloid press and squelched in the mainstream press due to the fact that none of the survivors could account for how they ended up in a small town in the middle of nowhere, USA. On the island, itself could be found the remains of a number of makeshift huts along the shoreline, along with downed aircraft scattered about. The area around the portal was surrounded by a number of stone ruins that looked more Greek than South American and featured reliefs of winged unicorns. What became of the people, well most of the people, was open to debate with three likely possibilities. One they got off the island, two they found their way to Equestria and were subsequently transformed, and three… well, they’d found the remains of a few who’d succumbed to the third option. “Yes of course. With all due discretion.” The clerk and the various other people in the office agreed. No, it simply did not do to be saying things that would fall upon the ears of the wrong sort of people. “Now what about the foals?” Alalme asked. “Foals?” The clerk asked. Bon Bon took that moment to facepalm. “Our children. They were born in Scotland in the Hogsmeade area, and have had all their appropriate inoculations for their ages.” Nova said quickly. “And are presently at an estate I am in possession of in the care of our staff.” She herself had received several inoculations shortly after Loki had arrived to include such things as Tetanus, Equine Encephalomyelitis, Rabies, Equine Herpesvirus, and Equine Influenza. If they ever had to show their shot records to the humans it was going to be quite a surprise. “I don’t imagine that’s going to be an issue.” The clerk offered while looking the girls over. They all seemed far too young to be having babies, causing her to reevaluate the ages of the girls. At Luna’s prompting Alalme’s age was put down as twenty with Louise, and Nova being put down as seventeen. “You may wish to make sure you have birth certificates. - Married?” “Widowed.” Alalme offered. “His name was Freawine, the young Chief of clan Coille Airgid.” A sadness crossed her face. “There aren’t many of us left.” Nova announcing that the father of her foal child had also been the Chief, raised quite a few eyebrows. As for Scootaloo, well she couldn't very well name a father now, could she? Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are the fathers, just wasn’t going to cut it. Alalme came to their rescue and informed everyone that Nova’s son was actually her elder sister’s child who never saw her own, and the father of Scootaloo’s child had been her elder brother Angus. Both having been killed. For the clerks, it was sounding like the young lord had married the elder sister, who’d died in childbirth, married Alalme followed by the lord and the brother passing away. This was followed by Nova taking in what was left of the family following some horrific event no one wished to speak of, and had been given primary custody of the infant son. There were of course concerns, but Luna impressed on the government officials that the girls had plenty of support. When they’d finished, Luna leaned over to Alalme, and quietly suggested she be more careful about what sort of information she volunteers. “I’m so sorry.” Alalme offered as Nova gave her a hug. “It’s alright. I screwed up too, and you’ve never really had to guard what you say. Just keep in mind that they have a whole slew of laws concerning what they think of as livestock. - They might get it into their heads to demand we surrender our babies.” Alalme shuddered at the thought. “You did make up for it though.” Nova gave her another hug. “As long as we remember to use the human terms we should be good.” “So where to now?” Scootaloo asked as she too leaned in and gave Alalme a hug. “Are we done now?” “Well...” Bon Bon began. “The family have all been invited to have lunch at Ten Downing Street.” With the exception of Luna, the ponies all looked at Bon Bon wondering if that was supposed to mean something. “You’ll see.” From their present location, they were escorted through the building, down to an inner parking area, through an archway, and out onto Downing Street via a gate. Number ten was right across the street at a slight diagonal. They also took note of the police standing about, along with the iron fences surrounding the building, at either end of the street along with more police, and quite a few onlookers on the other side of the fence. “Thought we were going to Number ten?” Sweetie Belle asked as they walked right on past to Number Eleven. “This group goes to eleven. You'll meet the Prime minister and tour the offices, but for the sake of deniability we'll actually be in number eleven.” Bon Bon offered as she presented her pass to the officer standing outside number eleven. “Now, we kind of need to split up at this point, as the security detail isn’t to go inside. - Princess Luna, Nova, Alalme, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom.” “Let's not leave Loki out,” Nova stated more than requested. “Loki?” Bon Bon asked giving her a puzzled look. “Ensign Loki Moon.” Loki offered. “He is legally my son after all.” Luna offered with a smile. Technically they are all family, but we won't push it." “He is?” Bon Bon asked sounding surprised. "They are?" It was a tidbit of information that wasn’t widely known. The Bolts were also technically family in that they’d been banished right along with Luna during that fateful night so long ago. Princess Celestia wanted to break up the group and send them all out to pasture as it were. Celestia’s idea of making it up to them for what had happened. They were offered a pension, and the opportunity to go forth and do all the things they ever dreamed of. Being Princess Luna’s personal guard was the one thing they’d all dreamed of. Luna made them her legal wards complete with titles and put the decision in their hooves. They had nowhere else to go. So the bolts all chose to stay together and continue their duties towards Princess Luna. All be it in a somewhat more relaxed fashion. “And Loki has got ideas about changing his status from adopted son to son in law.” Shimmer offered. There was a high possibility Shimmer and Luna would wind up as mothers in law, and if the herd didn’t split, that would also include Rarity, Princess Celestia, and the Apple family in that group as well, which meant Loki had his work cut out for him. The next Apple family reunion had the potential to be really big. “Oh does he now?” Bon Bon said with a smile for Nova, and the other fillies. “He’s got his work cut out for him,” Luna emphasized with a wink. “Well then, we’ll be including Loki.” Bon Bon offered. “What about our security team?” Nova asked. “I do so hate to leave them in the lurch.” “Yes, of course.” Bon Bon offered and had a quick word with one of the officers who said they’d find them an escort. “Alice...” Nova called softly to the Lieutenant. She then pulled out the cash she had on her and gave it to Alice. “I’m fairly sure you’ve no local currency, and you can pay me back whenever it’s convenient. Preferably while in Eques because I'm poor as a church pony back home.” Church ponies were likely descended from humans who'd found their way through a portal, but when one is in a world where the reigning goddess is both tangible and can tell you what they think without the need for an intermediary, it kind of puts a stop to people trying to make things up to suit their own selfishness. As such, the places of worship that had been established quickly morphed into simple shrines with the ponies running them having to go out and work for their living. “You’re giving her money, and no one else?” Captain Hoofstrong asked teasingly. “I know she has a good head for finances.” Nova offered as Luna decided the cash Nova had given her might not be enough for the six and gave them the cash she had on hand. A few moments later the now smaller group entered number eleven. What they entered looked more like a modest apartment converted to office space than a proper government building. Bon Bon led them into a modest entrance hall, through a corridor, and into a lounge with green curtains and upholstery. Bon Bon asked them to wait, left the room, and they were joined a short time later by a Mister Robin Butler, a gentleman by name of Colin McColl along with Prime Minister John Major, and his wife Norma. “Gentlemen, Mam, Her Royal Highness, Princess Luna.” Bon Bon offered, followed by polite bows, and then Bon Bon introduced everyone else. “Princess Luna, it is so good to finally get to meet with you in person.” Mr Butler offered. "We've much to discuss." “Yes, indeed.” John Major echoed. “And it seems we owe you a debt of gratitude.” McColl offered. “Just one thing though, how many of our people are your people?” “Norma, why don’t you take the young people for a tour of number ten.” John Major suggested. Mr McColl has some concerns he’d like to address before lunch. “Yes, yes, of course.” Mrs Major offered and escorted Nova, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Alalme, and Loki back out into the hallway. “Spies, you mean don’t you?” Luna teased once the others were out of earshot. “Don’t think of them as spies, think of them as bodyguards. - Extra special advisers.” “Bodyguards? Do you mean to sit there and freely admit to infiltrating our government?” McColl asked. “It’s not like we tried to hide that we are from Eques.” Bon Bon offered. “It’s on my application as country of origin.” After all, no pony wanted to get in trouble for falsifying an application. How the applications went through without ever being questioned had baffled the Equestrians. “Churchill’s stroke wasn’t natural,” Luna informed the three men before they’d a chance to react to Bon Bon’s revelation. “Let’s just say that when we discovered the schism within your government where one side was completely unaware of the other… well, let's face it, you’ve got organized crime running a secret branch of your own government. I might even go so far as to say a nation within a nation. - It was in our best interests to do something about it, starting with the most dangerous individual of the bunch. - The spiders were just a side project, and you can’t deny that needed to be done. - Either way, we knew that sooner or later we’d start ruffling feathers, and if they couldn't strike at us, they might go after you.” She gave them a moment to mull what she’d said, and then continued. “There is absolutely no oversight of what goes on in that community, and a few have been responsible for some serious collateral damage. If the worst of the magic users were to gain power over their government, and yes, they’ve come very close to doing it, and if they were to discover one of our portals...” Luna paused for a moment. “Well, I think you might possibly just be able to imagine the damage it could do.” “It looks like I owe Miss Bon here far more than I realized.” John Major offered. “These people are mired in the feudal age with attitudes to match.” Shimmer offered. “They are just touching the edges of the industrial revolution, and yet it’d take an army of metas to even have a hope of stopping them should they ever unite against the non-magic users.” “War on a scale you can’t possibly imagine.” Luna offered. “Starting with terrorist actions you’d be powerless to stop. - They could topple your government overnight.” “Ergo the meta department we were helped to set up at MI6.” Mr Butler offered, sounding resigned. “Military Intelligence Black ops unit,” McColl said dryly. “Can’t say we didn’t need it. - Even before Prime Minister John Major and Mr Butler informed me of the issue, we needed a special unit. - And you are saying Churchill’s stroke wasn’t natural, that he’d been, well... assaulted?” “My understanding is his staff all knew. It’s why it was hushed up.” Luna offered. “Churchill wanted to reign in that government. He didn’t like the idea that there was a shadow government he had no control over. - That no one had any control over. They don't even answer to the Queen, and we find that most distressing.” What Luna told them had left a rather cold sinking feeling in their guts. The idea that they could get their brains scrambled, and be powerless to do anything about it was rather unsettling. Nor was the idea that an outside government had infiltrated their government any easier to take. Regardless of how beneficial that infiltration might have been. “And this from someone who doesn’t want to get involved in our affairs.” Mr Butler drolled. “A strong unified England under wise beneficial leadership is our best defense strategy.” Luna offered. “I’ve given you what you need, and pray that our faith in you is not misplaced.” “Last year’s mortar attacks?” McColl asked. “Completely unrelated to the wizard community I’m afraid.” Luna offered apologetically. "At least so far as we've been able to determine. There were some German connections in the 1940tys to certain organizations, but that seems to have been some time ago." From there she decided it best to tell them about the island they’d found, and their plans for a cover story. The fact that Equestria had no individual using the title of King or Queen would help cement the notion that they were indeed a former colony now seeking a relationship with the mother country. The caveat, or perhaps icing, depending on one’s point of view, was that the region was plagued with naturally occurring electromagnetic phenomena, as well as what could be considered magical radiation, that made compasses and electronics all but useless. Fortunately, the equestrian tech had a way around these issues, but that was going to be maintained as a state secret. 🏢 Elsewhere, the young ponies are being introduced to James, John Major’s son, who was kind enough to offer them some biscuits prior to lunch. He’d just graduated high school and was now in his first year of college. He was also prone to pranks and was quite bemused when his latest victims actually liked the biscuits his older sister had brought back from college. “James, what have you done with the biscuits I brought back from school?” His sister called as she came down the hall. “Those are for the ponies.” “Once again, I’m undone by a cookie,” Nova muttered and took another bite. “James?! How could you?” Elizabeth asked with a horrified expression on the realization that the horse biscuits had been given to guests. “They are actually quite good.” Alalme offered as she looked at hers. “Should I be concerned as to what’s in them? - The thing is, I’m nursing right now, and I wouldn't want to be ingesting anything that might be bad for the babies.” “No, they are relatively harmless.” Elizabeth offered. “They are a mineral and vitamin supplement. - Don’t you find them a bit salty though?” “No more so than salted licorice.” Apple Bloom offered while James muttered something about aliens. “Nursing, as in you have a baby?” Norma Major asked sounding stunned. “At your age?” “Hi, I’m Nova.” Nova offered to the newcomer hoping to deflect the awkward question that was about to be asked. “This is Alalme Silverwood, Louise Magnus, Scootaloo to her friends, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Loki Moon.” “Those sound like pony names,” Elizabeth said with a smile. “Did you say Loki?!” James asked sounding as though he wasn’t sure if he should be thrilled or horrified. “Not that Loki.” Loki offered. James deflated a little. “And you have a baby?” Mrs. Major asked. “Yes, she has an adorable little girl named Alya.” Scootaloo offered. “My daughter is Rose Myrtle, and Nova has a son named Goldwine.” “I was rather hoping to avoid that conversation.” Nova offered with a smile. “Well, I figured, I might just as well get it out there.” Scootaloo offered. “All three of you have babies?” “I took in Alalme, Alya, and Goldwine after their family was killed. By our customs, I’m Goldwine’s surrogate mother.” Nova offered. “And we aren’t really supposed to talk about what happened.” “Oh, the spiders, I heard about that. - You’re from there aren’t you?” James asked with an edge of excitement to his voice. “That’s supposed to be a confidential matter.” Nova protested. She wasn’t about to mention the wyrm, but apparently, the spiders weren’t quite the secret she’d hoped they’d be. Surely he hadn't heard about it from someone in the office? News travels fast, but he was far more likely to have heard it from some other source. “So it’s true,” James stated excitedly. “I heard about it from...” Loki had maneuvered behind him and placed his right hand on the young man’s shoulder giving it a hard squeeze. “Alalme lost her entire family. Do please have some decorum.” He whispered. “And have a care who overhears such talk.” By rights the two looked like they were around the same age, no, Loki was closer to Elizabeth’s age in general build and appearance. Granted that Loki’s physique was that of a full-grown horse who was battle-hardened. He let loose once he was satisfied James had gotten the message. “Let's see if lunch is ready, shall we?” Mrs Major offered. She’d seen the look on her son’s face and chose to ignore it. The boy was being impertinent. “Goldwine’s birth mother was Alalme’s sister,” Nova explained as they headed for the corridor. “They are with a sitter right now.” “Still though, the three of you seem rather young, if you don’t mind my saying so. - Alalme, dear, when were you born?” “Eighteen-eighty-five.” Alalme offered. “They put nineteen-seventy-two on my identification.” “We all had to use projected dates.” Loki offered. “Still using the lunar calendar.” “I see. - And when were you born, if you don’t mind my asking.” Mrs Major asked. “Oh, I’d have to say some time around the end of the tenth century.” Loki offered. “He’s teasing.” Nova offered with a smile. “He’s twenty.” “I’m an Ensign in our country's military.” Loki offered as they turned down the hall and made their way back in the direction they’d come. They found their way back down to the Green Room of Number eleven, whereby this time, those gathered had switched to far lighter topics of conversation. They all had a seat, and a short time later, the household staff came and let them know that lunch had been served in the small dining hall in number eleven. The girls have been telling me that they’ve got babies.” Mrs Major announced as they sat down for lunch. “Dear Alalme is a widow.” Luna offered. “Her family were victims of some rather dangerous nonnative animals that were illegally imported, bred, and set to roam.” “Probably not the best topic for the table.” John Major offered. “The school for all its exclusiveness isn’t up to standards either.” Luna offered. “Though I’m not too concerned with Nova’s education. She actually understands quantum entanglement.” “I’ve kept up on my mathematics on my own.” Nova offered. “Quantum entanglement? Impressive. - Are you saying they don’t teach mathematics?” Mrs Major asked. “They teach logic.” Nova offered, casting a glance at her as servants brought in the food. “But yes, their mathematics is lacking.” “No higher mathematics, limited literature, no formal writing courses, and their history class is abysmal. It’s mostly a trade school.” Luna offered. “I had the opportunity to teach there for a short time, and I’m afraid to say that they aren’t even up to their own standards.” “That sounds like you are going to pull us out,” Sweetie suggested. “Not that it’s been a bed of roses.” “It’s been an interesting, and educational experience.” Scootaloo offered. “But I’d understand if you wanted to pull us out.” “Far as I’m concerned, you got too much education.” Luna said in a mildly scolding manner.” Mrs Major raised an eyebrow figuring she knew what Luna’s comment meant. Scootaloo opened her mouth and then shut it again on realizing the implications. Nor could she explain the egg to the humans. “Still though, I’d want Rose to be a part of your life, no matter the circumstances, and I’m sure you miss Mr Angus a great deal.” Luna continued giving her a smile. "Louise is also a widow." Might just as well stick with the dead husband story. “And no, I don’t have any plans to pull anyone out just yet. I’ve still got it in mind to do a bit of meddling yet. See if we can’t bring them up to standards first.” “Hear hear.” John Major offered with a smile. Luna then went on to tell Mrs Major how Louise had suffered similar circumstances as Alalme had. Returning to Equestria was going to be another problem as it was going to look like Scootaloo had been fooling around, and had to be sent away because of it. Elsewhere in the depths below Whitehall, Dumbledore has arrived at his government office to find a delegation from the ICW waiting on him. Concerning as this visit was, it wasn’t anywhere near as concerning as the smirk on the face of the painting of the Roman goddess of the moon. It was the exact likeness of Princess Luna. Indeed it was Princess Luna for all intents and purposes. “I’d suggest you take a seat and make yourself comfortable, but I see you already have.” Dumbledore offered not bothering to look at them. The painting had been there as long as he’d had the office, and yet it was Princess Luna. Was she also a time traveler, or was she really that old? “Professor Dumbledore.” One of the wizards said addressing him. Dumbledore continued to gaze at the painting. “We have serious matters to discuss.” “For what it’s worth the muggle government has carefully orchestrated the evidence against former Minister Fudge and certain others to look like a rather mundane case of corruption.” Dumbledore offered. He didn't have to be told why they were there. “It’s his own undoing for telling the muggle court what his real job is.” “And have you done anything about it?” a member of the delegation asked. “By any chance have you seen the photo spread in the Daily Prophet?” Dumbledore asked. His tone was noncommittal, casual, and seemed to be a bit off-topic concerning the issue of Minister Fudge. “We have. - Care to explain how the situation got so bad that the muggle government had to clean it up for you?” “You’ve dodged my question, Professor. What have you done about the muggles?” “They’ve confiscated my wands,” Dumbledore replied tersely. Granted that he suspected that the elder wand had never fully accepted him else it shouldn't have been so easy to pick his pockets. “They are being helped.” “Who?” Dumbledore pointed at the large painting of the goddess Luna. “Oh, you are not seriously going to tell me the Roman goddess Luna is behind all that’s been going on?” “So don’t believe me.” Dumbledore offered with a shrug. “They’ve taken Hagrid’s dog too.” “I have got a report from our people inspecting the bombed-out village.” Offered a Japanese member of the delegation. “They reported being watched by armored unicorns the entire time they’ve been out there.” “We have in our school this year some of the most interesting students.” Dumbledore offered and made his way to the seat behind his desk. They watched him while wondering what any of that had to do with armored unicorns, and weren't that a bit off-topic? This was the first Dumbledore had heard of armored unicorns but then considering there had been armored pegasi… “We’ve several new students who have the most amazing animagus forms.” He offered as he sat down. “A Gryffindor first year can turn herself into a unicorn. Another Gryffindor first year can turn herself into a horned pegasus. A first-year Slytherin achieved the form of a white thestral. There is another who seems to have two forms, that of a horned pegasus, and a small white fox with wings. - Would you happen to know anything about celestial foxes?” “A student who can turn into a winged fox?” Asked one of the delegates with a look of confusion. “Do you mean an albino flying fox?” “No, they have wings just like an owl. Rather fluffy, and would be easy to miss when folded up.” Dumbledore offered. "Mr Yamada, did you have something?" “Just the one fox?” Mr Yamada asked. His expression indicated he’d a good idea what sort of fox was being spoken of. “I’m to understand there are two, counting a wild one. Assuming there aren’t three, counting our student.” Dumbledore offered. “Number of tails?” “I wouldn't know,” Dumbledore replied the others looked at their colleague wondering what it was he knew? “Same girl that attended school in nineteen-oh-three. Back then Slytherin’s monster was smoked out, and killed by a Night Mare.” “Kami-Sama,” Mr Yamada hissed under his breath, followed by the announcement, “I’ve heard enough.” as he got up. “Now hold on Mr Yamada, we aren’t finished here.” One of his colleges chastised. “You may not be, but I am.” Mr Yamada corrected. “Professor Dumbledore has just told us that he has at least one individual identified as, or at least suspected of being a divine personage, possibly more, and at least two byakkosan. More commonly known as Inari foxes, but could be thought of in terms of a Tenshi kitsune, an angel fox, or Divine Celestial Fox. Granted they aren't generally depicted with wings in mundane art, but it's well known that they can fly. And yes, the wings can be hard to spot if tucked up due to the texture of the wing. They also have powerful magic and can use that to augment their flight. Humans don’t transform into magical beings, it’s the other way around. Young byakkosan always serves a powerful master, and they aren’t paying me enough to get involved. You could very well be facing an uprising of powerful magical creatures who have grown sick and tired of English business as usual.” “For what it’s worth they went after Voldemort.” Dumbledore offered to give himself time to process what he’d just been told. From everything he presently knew it might be worse than just an uprising of magical creatures. “Telling everyone he got away with the Philosopher’s stone was just a way to get his old followers to turn on each other. - And the boy who obtained the form of a white thestral is well known to me. He's no divine being.” “It doesn't mean he's not somehow in league with such beings. They've taken an interest, that you can be sure of, and I suppose it was only a matter of time till the dark wizards in England attracted the attention of some heavy hitters.” Mr Yamada offered. “They’ll likely not stop until they’ve turned your world upside down. - Good day gentlemen.” And with that, he bowed to them and left. “I do believe he’s serious.” “Well then, short of losing my job I’d say I’m in the clear,” Dumbledore stated. The idea that he might be on the hit list could never cross his mind. After all, he was always striving for the greater good. Still, though, he was troubled. How far would Princess Luna go to obtain her goals? “Now here’s the thing...” Dumbledore continued as though nothing untoward had just happened. “We tell the Prime minister about magic. There is nothing that says he can’t discuss the matter with former Prime Ministers. It allows them to confirm that our little visit wasn’t some kind of prank. They may in accordance to the law tell their family, and those working for them who’ve got a need to know.” He raised his hands momentarily to forestall any protests. “The thing is, they don’t want the average muggle to know about magic any more than we do. They fear it could lead to hysteria, and I’d say it’s a justified fear. At the same time the office of the Prime Minister wants to have a more open relationship between their office, and the Ministry of Magic to better cope with issues such as our recent spider infestation. I honestly had no idea the problem was as bad as it was, and if they could have come to me, and told me what they knew, we could have acted much sooner. - And presumably with fewer witnesses.” “The ICW isn't going to like it.” “Well if Mr Yamada is right,” Dumbledore cautioned, “they may not get much say in the matter.” As for Mr Yamada, he hadn’t gotten far when he was stopped by Trixie. “Can I help you, Miss?” “Trixie, the great and powerful, Minister of Magic, and no, I’m not a fox." She said on approaching him. She'd a rather devilish smile as she knew full well what had been discussed in Dumbledor's office. "I do know a few, and yes, there is a nine tail involved.” Trixie couldn't help but smile at the look on the man’s face. “Dumbledore endangered all the students this year by bringing both the Philosopher’s stone to the school, and a Cerberus which was placed in a corridor the students had access too.” She handed him a file folder marked INTERPOL, Eyes Only. “And this?” “Someone stole a dragon egg, all but gave it to Hagrid to get information out of him. The egg was tracked by its mother. The dragon had to be put down by Thor, the Nordic god of thunder. The muggle governments tracked the incident and did your job for you in hushing it up. If Dumbledore had not brought the Philosopher's stone to Hogwarts that incident would never have happened." She gave him a moment to soak in what she'd just said. "I do hope you have a nice trip home.” And then without another word, turned around, and began to walk away. “Hang on, dragon?” He called rushing to catch up. “What became of the egg, and what do you expect me to do with this?” “The egg hatched, certain students managed to talk Hagrid into getting rid of it and organized a plan to get it out of the country. It was taken to a Romanian Dragon sanctuary. Harry Potter was one of the students involved in doing what Dumbledore should have taken care of himself, was caught out of the dorm at night after having passed off said dragon, and given detention along with two others. The students, all first years, were placed into the very care of the man responsible for bringing not only a dragon on campus but releasing class 5X creatures into the forest as well. Hagrid then took those first years out into the forest to help him go unicorn hunting, he abandoned them, and our boy in question, one Mr Harry Potter, who nearly got killed. - Surely the boy who lived deserves better than that?" “And I’m assuming I’m supposed to show this to someone?” “Indeed. Present it to the ICW when you make your report concerning Professor Dumbledore's activities that have brought about this new understanding we have with the muggle government.” “You know they want blood.” “We are counting on it,” Trixie informed him with a big smile on her face. “We are counting on it.” She started laughing, he stopped dead in his tracks, and just watched as she walked down the hall. He figured she was likely quite mad, and he’d just been ensnared in her madness. > Chapter 25 : An afternoon in London > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the five young mares, the remainder of the day was going to be spent shopping. At least once they’d seen to the foals. Princess Luna went back to Equestria shortly after they were satisfied their point to point protocol had stabilized on the portal with a proper link control protocol in place. Moving a portal was effectively moving a wormhole, and it needed a little time for the stream to settle into its new path. That dial-up sound was always reassuring. As for the reasons, she needed to find out how the Island Equestria project was going. “I want to go shopping too,” Rose protested. “And tea.” They’d received invitations to go to one of the Queen’s garden parties on this coming Tuesday and had made the mistake of talking about it in front of Rose. “She is going to need some clothes anyway,” Nova relented. “Next stop, Harrods.” “Can we go too?” Alya and Goldwine asked with bright faces rapt with anticipation. “And what did we say about going out where there are humans?” Alalme asked pointedly. The fall of the frowns was heartrending. “Aww, I’ve tried to show you how to do it,” Nova offered while giving Goldwine a hug. “When we go to Equestria you’ll be able to go wherever I go.” “Really?” Goldwine asked, his frown lifting. “Really?” Moonie asked. “I mean openly?” “Well it might cause some confusion with you, but I don’t see why not? But then you look more like Muma’s daughter now.” Nova offered and gave the night mare a hug as well. Moonie did indeed look like a much younger Luna, and her mane and tail had gone white following the incident with the hammer, and Nova was wondering if she might possibly give Moonie a new name. After all, she couldn't keep calling her Moonie. “If I didn’t need you to help look after Goldwine and Alya you could have come today.” A short time later Nova, Alalme, the Crusaders, Loki, Shimmer, and Rose in a jumper made by Rarity, are on their way to the subway station with instructions on how to get to the department store. Mrs Major had said it was expensive, but well worth going. As for Loki, well he’d planned on just wearing his dress uniform to the Tea, but then Luna thought it might be a bad idea as it could lead to questions they didn’t want to answer just yet. First stop, a ticket booth to buy the transit tokens they’d need to get past the gates, and then down into the subway. They’d thought about hiring a car, but as small as the London taxis were, they’d have to take two. Taking the tube just made that much more sense. So from the Embankment underground at Charing Cross, they boarded their train and were soon back out onto the surface streets at Knightsbridge. From there they decided to walk the block to the department store with a happy Rose bouncing on Scootaloo’s shoulders. Poor Alalme had never seen quite so many humans all gathered about in one place, and the vast majority just seemed to be milling about aimlessly. “All these people?” Alalme asked as she pressed close to Nova. “They are tourists.” Shimmer offered. “They come, they annoy, if you are lucky they spend money. They leave trash everywhere, and go home.” “I see,” Alalme replied sounding a bit more like Fluttershy then herself. “Are you going to be alright?” Nova asked. “This is a new experience for you.” “I’m good.” Alalme offered. “Doubt I could have drug myself all the way down here by myself. - Who’s that yelling?” “Seems to be a protester outside the store we want to go to,” Scootaloo offered. Sure enough, there was a man outside the store with a megaphone, and a sign declaring that fur was murder. “What a crazy mixed-up world this is,” Sweetie offered. “Still though, we came to shop, and I’ll not be deterred by the paradoxes of the species.” “I appreciate the sentiment,” Nova offered. In the human world, Nova was, after all, considered to be a fur-bearing animal. True she did eat meat, but only out of necessity. “Ya, we kind of already know the species are barbarians.” Apple Bloom said as they walked past doing their best to ignore the man. “Welcome to Harrods.” Offered a man in a green jacket at the door. “We need outfits for the Queen’s garden party, we don’t have to wait in line do we?” Nova asked. “That’s for a promotional offer.” He explained as he opened the door. “Come right on in, and be welcomed.” “Thank you very much,” Nova replied. “Children’s wear?” Shimmer asked. “Take the escalator up to the fourth floor, and you’ll find Children’s wear on the other side of the building, halls seven through sixteen.” “Thank you very much.” Shimmer offered as Scootaloo dropped Rose down to her arms, and entered the building. Soon as they were past the entryway Rose was right back up. One, two three four they counted, as they traveled up the escalator. Lighting, gift cards, stationary… Nova zeroed in on the book store. “Books!” “You’re as bad as your mother.” Shimmer protested. “I thought it’d be best to get Rose outfitted before she got worn out.” “That’s what I figured too.” Scootaloo seconded. “Come on Twilie, we can come back to the book store later.” “Awww.” Nova protested. They continued on around the floor they found only bed, bath, and furniture departments. “Where can we find the children’s clothing?” Apple Bloom asked a store clerk. The answer was on the next floor. The floors started from the ground floor and then numbered one, two, and so on. So they went up one more escalator and found themselves smack dab in the middle of the children’s department. “She’s such a cutie, how old is she?” A clerk asked. “She’ll be four months tomorrow,” Scootaloo announced proudly. “Bee day bee day bee day!” Rose chanted gleefully. “She’s rather mature for four months.” The Clerk commented, and to be fair Rose Myrtle looked more like a two-year-old, and likely had the mental capacity of a four-year-old. But then that was fairly normal for ponies. Fairly. Rose did have quite a head start on her counterparts when it came to actual knowledge. “She is at that.” Nova offered. “Gets into all manner of mischief too.” Rose just sat there and giggled having realized the consternation she was causing. “And a genius too.” “We need some outfits for her, to include something for the Queen’s garden party that’s coming up,” Shimmer offered. “Oh, oh dear. I don’t think they allow babies. - Even if they did, you’ll be there all afternoon.” “Let's get her an outfit anyway.” Scootaloo offered. “And she can have fun being all dressed up.” Rose slumped down. “Don’t feel too blue, you usually have your nap in the afternoon anyway.” “Want to go,” Rose whispered. “We’ll see what we can do.” Nova offered, ruffling the top of Rose’s head. “But I have got a feeling you’d be board out of your skull.” “Well then now, let's see what we can find that both fits and suits her best,” The clerk offered. “And if I’m not mistaken, that jumper looks suspiciously like a Rarity creation? - Though I wasn’t aware that she did children’s wear?” “We’re sort of related to her,” Sweetie Belle offered. “She does a good deal of our outfits.” “I see,” The clerk replied as a smile formed on her lips. Sweetie Belle’s human form looked very much like a teenage version of Rarity. A quick study of the group led to the realization that the entire party was dressed in unpublished Rarity creations. A short time later they’d more baby clothes and accessories then any of them had known existed, and Rose was taking a nap in a stroller. Shimmer had offered to pay with her credit card and flinched when she saw the price. From there they decided to stop off at the Georgian restaurant, as it was on the same floor. “Why don’t I cover the cost of everything from now on.” Nova offered as they waited to be served. They’d been placed in a quiet little corner of the restaurant, which was fine so far as they were concerned. Scootaloo quietly covered Rose with a baby blanket they’d just purchased. Everything they wouldn't need with them was shipped off to the Horseguards hotel to be taken up to their duplex. “She’s gone and ponified herself in her sleep,” Scootaloo whispered. “Can I join you?” asked a young white-haired Luna. “Moonie?” Nova asked. “What are you doing here?” her tone had dropped to a hiss. “Miss Aiko is with the foals, and Istel and Talma returned once they knew the portal was stable.” Moonie offered. “That doesn’t answer my question,” Nova scolded. “You took the pendant with you, and you are past the limit of my range,” Moonie offered apologetically. “Oh,” Nova replied sounding shocked. “Well then, I guess you might as well join us. - Can you even eat? - I mean it won’t just fall right through you when you go all intangible will it? - Please forgive me for asking.” “Oh yes, I’ve found that I can,” Moonie offered cheerfully. “I’ve found that it allows me to generate my own magic.” The later she said in a low tone. “Wow, I had no idea,” Nova replied in astonishment. The news meant that Moonie would no longer be dependent on Nova’s magic. “She keeps this up she’ll become independent.” Shimmer commented. “I’ll have to admit I’ve mixed feelings about that.” Nova offered. “Still, should she ever become fully of flesh and blood, I’d be thrilled.” “The waiter is coming.” Apple Bloom cautioned. “Welcome to Harrods, my name is Henry, and I’ll be your server.” “I was just thinking we should have the high tea,” Nova offered. “Oh, and I’ll be paying for the oddly dressed people at the tables surrounding us.” She pointed to specific tables. “Those groups specifically.” “They followed us?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Well, it is kind of their job,” Apple Bloom offered. “And a valiant effort at blending in,” Nova said plenty loud enough for the shadow bolts to hear. Several of them had to chuckle to themselves. “So how long did you know we were following you?” Lt Mouse asked. “From the moment we left the hotel,” Nova replied with a grin. “So what else do we want…?” A short time later, after taking the orders, Henry let his manager know that the family they’d stuck in the corner has a security detail, and also requested that there be no red meat in their selections. The person that had helped them find everything they’d need for Rose Myrtle was quickly located. Sunset Shimmer had a credit card from an American bank and an identification that had been issued by the British government that very day. Red flags were going up. The entire party came in wearing unpublished designer clothes and were allegedly related to said designer. More red flags. The manager contacted the hotel, and was informed the girls in the group were all princesses, and there was at least one Coutts World silk card holder in the group. Panic ensued. “Mark me a quisby, and bugger me with the queen’s grenadiers.” The manager cursed under his breath. “Should we move them to better seating?” One person asked. “Good god no, they’ll know we screwed up.” The manager proclaimed. A small child nearby - “Mummy, there’s a baby pony in the stroller.” Said accused baby was presently being fussed over by a young lady with bright magenta hair. The last thing on the radar of the ponies turned human was the dangers of a small child unchecked. A few moments later… “I’m so terribly sorry about that.” The restaurant’s Maitre d’ said on approaching the group. “I do hope your baby wasn’t upset.” To this he addressed Shimmer. “Louise, you aren’t too terribly upset are you?” Shimmer asked. “I’m good,” Scootaloo replied as she lifted up a now human, and very grumpy Rose Myrtle. Nothing like being roused from a nap, and being told to transform. It’d taken a few moments for Rose to even figure out what was being asked of her. As for lifting her up out of her comfy stroller, that was because a certain child was still insisting there was a baby pony, and they wanted it. The restaurant's manager was presently having words with the mother who for whatever reason seemed to think her child was entitled to the miniature pony. “My daughter is not a toy for your brat.” Scootaloo scolded as the mother approached with billfold in hand. The empty stroller now bore witness to the fact that there was nothing in that stroller other than Rose. A stroller which just happened to be a top of the line, and extremely expensive. “I’m the grandmother.” Shimmer informed the Maitre d’ to assuage his confusion. He smiled. Of course, nobility should all be young and beautiful. As for the woman, the realization she was way in over her head began to dawn on her as several well-built individuals began to raise up out of their seats ready to step between her and her intended target. There was no pony. She backed away, pulled some money out of her purse, slammed it down on the table she’d been at, took hold of her child by the wrist, and stomped out to be followed by every eye in the place. Figuratively speaking, and it was probably a good thing Discord wasn’t around. “I am so terribly sorry about that.” the Maitre offered. “We’re good.” Nova offered. “We good?” “Oh ya.” Apple Bloom offered. “I think so.” Scootaloo offered and set Rose back down into the stroller. Rose just humphed and looked about the room at the people who’d been quietly watching the drama taking place. That same day at the home of the Dursleys Mr Dursley was up on a ladder installing bars on Harry's window. Mr Dursley had locked Harry in his room shortly after arriving home and shoved his Hogwarts trunk into the cupboard under the stairs. No, no one had come to call causing Harry problems. Dudley-kins got it into his head that Harry had no business having nice clothes, and pulled the tweed jacket off Harry the moment they got inside the house following the ride home from Kings Cross. To everyone's astonishment, followed by Harry’s absolute joy, the jacket, took hold of Dudley with the cuff of one sleeve, drug him into the kitchen while suspended in the air, took hold of a cheese board by the other cuff, forced Dudley out to the sofa, bent him over it, and gave him the paddling of his life. That was until Uncle Vernon could beat the jacket off with a broom. Into the cupboard under the stairs, it went. Harry had laughed hysterically while professing he had nothing to do with what was happening. Aunt Petunia was also hysterical, but not from mirth. Nor did the Ministry catch wind of it because they weren’t set up to detect fox magic. While the ponies enjoyed cucumber sandwiches, Mr Dursley was putting bars on Harry’s bedroom window. A short time later the ponies at Harrods were on their way downstairs to the first floor and the women’s wear department. The staff had been told they were on their way, but nothing could have prepared them for the sight of the stones on the pendant Nova had under her blouse. As for Moonie, she was now being presented as Nova’s Aunt Selena. If the store was hopeful their guests would spend a lot of money they were in luck. The ponies really didn’t appreciate just how much money they were actually spending. With the exception of Shimmer who blanched every time she found out how much something cost. “Will you quit fussing about how much everything is?” Nova protested in response to Shimmer objecting to how much they were spending. “Our banker told us we could spend a million pounds a month without it causing any impact. - And we’re not likely to go shopping every day.” “A million pounds?!” Shimmer protested while the eyes of the store's staff lit up. “I could go shopping every day,” Sweetie announced. And if Loki thought they had forgotten about him, he was sadly mistaken. Not only did they get Loki outfitted Nova also got it into her head to outfit the entire security detail so that they could better fit in as well. “Oh, that’s alright,” Shimmer replied when asked if they’d need a car when they’d finally finished shopping. The group had been all over the store by this time. Alalme and Scootaloo had been whisked off to the maternity section, and Nova now had more books and a new player for her favorite songs. Schootaloo had the stroller sent back to the hotel, and now sported a baby backpack that would allow her to carry rose on her back. She wouldn't have to worry about her falling asleep, and possibly falling off, and didn’t have to fuss with a stroller. It was now late in the afternoon, and the weather was nice enough to walk. “If we wanted to go to the Horse Guard on foot, how might we do that?” Nova asked. Going back by way of the subway would be the easiest, but then they simply wouldn't see any of the sights. “Well if you really want to go on foot you’ll want to go east on Kingsbridge to Hyde Park. Although you may wish to take a bus to Hyde Park, just watch for the Wellington Arch. You really don’t want to walk the whole way. From there follow Constitution Hill east. That will take you to Buckingham Palace.” “Bucking ham.” Apple Bloom repeated with a smirk. Sweetie couldn't help but giggle. “Behave you two.” Shimmer cautioned. The doorman gave Apple Bloom an odd look and then smiled. To be fair he probably wasn't thinking the same thing she was. “Well from there, you just need to follow the lake in Saint James’s park, and that will take you right to the Horse Guard.” The doorman offered. “We don’t have bus passes, and we are really low on cash.” Nova pointed out. “All we have are our tube passes.” “Oh, they don’t take cash. - Your tokens for the subway should also be good for the bus as well.” “Oh,” Nova said sounding delighted. “Well, that’s solved that problem. What about...” Shimmer asked, and then realized the Bolts had melted into the crowd. “I imagine they will get back the same way they got here.” Selena offered with a big grin on her face. “Bus stop?” Sweetie Belle asked. “It’s right over there.” The doorman offered. “Just stand by the sign, and a bus will be along shortly.” “Thank you,” Sweetie offered. The other’s thanked him, and then they went to wait for the next bus. The bus took far longer then the train had in arriving, and there was a good-sized crowd by the time it got there. “Um, Moonie?” Nova whispered. Moonie held up a simulated transit token. “OK, never mind.” “You know, we really should get the bolts transit cards so they don’t have to resort to using magic to follow us,” Scootaloo whispered as the bus pulled out into traffic. For any wizard or muggle in the area capable of seeing through the thestral notice me not spell they would see seven ghostly figures bus surfing. > Chapter 26: By Her Majesty's leave. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone riding on the bus would have thought the ponies were just ordinary tourists. They marveled at the old buildings, delighted at the new buildings, and went into a panic when they saw Wellington’s arch. The driver just smiled, he’d seen the same behavior thousands of times and pulled over at the next stop placing the ponies across the street to the south of the small park extension where the arch was located. To their back, while facing the arch was a tall wall. Their location, the 'Hyde Park corner stop F' and Constitution was further down. And they would have gone that way except for a combination of factors. Alalme was starting to get antsy about being around so many people, and a large black gate that led to a park that had next to no one in it. Granted the gate was locked, and there were electronic alarms and surveillance, but when did that ever stop Moonie. After all, unlocking locks and disabling security were some of her original functions. The lock was sprung, the electronics crashed, and a hefty notice me not spell was employed. They walked a short way in, shutting the door like gate behind them, and seeing people down the large dirt path, decided to take a path to the right that plunged into some trees. Alalme just needed some time. “It’s alright.” Nova offered as she gave Alalme a hug. Scootaloo moved in and gave her a hug too. “Ya, you have been kind of isolated.” Scootaloo offered. “It’s going to take you a while to get accustomed to being in crowds.” “My village never had that many pe… ponies, and I’ve never seen so many people.” Alalme offered as they walked down the path less trodden, unaware of a security team rushing to check the gate. The system booted back up, and it would end up looking like an anomaly, leaving the security people scratching their heads. Granted had they checked for footprints first before rushing to the gate they’d have known someone had indeed come through. Not to say that no one saw them. After all, the garden party was in a couple of days, and everything had to be perfect. That meant there was an assortment of gardeners out and about. So yes, they were seen, but the gardeners had no reason to suspect a group consisting of two good-looking women, five teens, and a baby all wearing expensive designer clothing. “Should we even be here?” Shimmer asked. Being the only one in the group who was familiar with the human world, she was a bit apprehensive about the park they were in. “We are probably just in the back end of that Saint James park the man in the green jacket mentioned.” Apple Bloom offered. Being Apple Bloom was often the voice of reason {cough-cough} the others decided that she was probably right and just kept going. “Who do you suppose they are?” A gardener whispered to another as the princesses passed. “Now you know I don’t know who, hang on?” The other gardener said as the very equestrian mane styles began to register in their pony head. Yes, they’d infiltrated Buckingham Palace. “Dark complexion with a black mane cascading down her back, flowing white mane like looking at a full moon, red and yellow like a firebird, red like an Apple, and, and that has got to be Miss Sweetie Belle.” “You know them?” “If I’m not horribly mistaken, the dark-complected woman with the long black mane is Princess Luna of Eques, and that bright red and yellow is Princess Sunset Shimmer, and the teen with the magenta hair carrying the baby on her back is Princess Louise Scootaloo Magnus… baby?!” A pegasus carrying a foal on their back was generally a good sign for who’s foal it was. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Scootaloo has a baby!” On coming to a branch that went to the left, the party continued straight, and on coming to a branch that went right, Shimmer seeing activity down the main path, prompted everyone to go to the right. “Just to avoid the crowds.” Shimmer offered, though she’d a sinking feeling they shouldn't be where they were. The path they’d taken took them right to an area with a greenhouse, workshops, and sheds. And there was a fair amount of activity, but not one knew what to do about the princesses wondering about. Why yes, there were Equestrian’s working here as well. “Princesses, I didn’t know you were visiting today?” asked a young woman with magenta and pea-green hair as she approached. She made a polite bow. “Daisy Blossomforth wasn’t it?” Shimmer asked, and made a polite bow in turn. She’d likely never get used to being bowed to, but once bowed to it was simply polite to bow back. “Yes, Mam,” Blossomforth replied, delighted that Sunset Shimmer actually knew who she was. “We kind of got sidetracked, and should probably get back to our hotel, could you help us out?” Shimmer asked. “Yes, of course, someone can just take you over to the Mews where I’m sure they can arrange a car.” Blossomforth offered. “Miss Blossomforth, do you know these ladies?” An elder man asked approaching. “Yes, sir. They are visiting VIPs from Eques.” Blossomforth offered. “May I introduce to you Princess Eliana Sunset Shimmer, and her daughter Princess...” “Louise.” Scootaloo offered. “Oh right. I’m so sorry.” Blossomforth apologized. She’d remembered Scootaloo, they’d gone to school together in Ponyville, but had suspected that using the nickname might not go over so well with her supervisor. Shimmer’s official title of Princess Eliana was also seldom used outside of official ceremonies, but Daisy felt it might be a good idea to use it. By bestowing that name on Shimmer, Princess Celestia had sent a powerful statement to the ponies who’d been harassing her for daring to have both wings and a horn. The wings had manifested within the portal on a trip to Equestria. “Oh, and Miss Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom. - I’m afraid I don’t know the others. I’m so sorry. Is that a baby?” “Rose Myrtle.” Scootaloo offered with a smile. “She’s mine.” Blossomforth lit up with delight on spotting the little redhead and on hearing who’s baby she was. “And my sisters...” Scootaloo gave Nova, and Alalme an inquisitive look, and got happy smiles as an answer. “Princess Nova, and Lady Alalme.” Loki cleared his throat. He’d clandestinely rejoined the group and wasn’t going to be left out. “This is Loki Moon and Princess Selena Moon. Princess Luna’s adopted wards.” Shimmer offered. “I wasn’t aware you were visiting Buckingham today?” The supervisor offered. “We, um, aren’t. We kind of sneaked in.” Shimmer admitted realizing what that gate was that they went through. They’d used a back gate not meant for public access. “Any chance we could possibly sneak out before someone makes a fuss?” Nobody sneaks into the gardens at Buckingham Palace. Certainly not while wearing designer clothes. Which to the mind of the supervisor meant that surely someone must have let them in. “Alright then, Miss Blossomforth, go ahead, and escort them to the Mews, and see what they say. - Where was it your party was staying at?” “We've got a duplex at the Horseguards hotel.” Shimmer offered. “Oh yes, of course, the special guests.” He offered with a smile. “Well then, I do hope you enjoy your visit. - Hurry along Miss Blossomforth, and hurry right back.” “Yes, sir,” Daisy replied. “This way.” Blossomforth directed the group through the yard, past the shops, and down a back alleyway that opened out onto the street through a guarded gate at the end closest to them. Their path took them away from the gate, and a few moments later they passed through into the Mews. For those who don’t know, the Mews is a combination of horse barns and garages where all the conveyances available to Buckingham Palace were housed. The equestrians soon found themselves in one of the barns that housed horses. Here were some of the most magnificent black stallions the mares had laid eyes on. “So, one of them a colt friend?” Apple Bloom teased. “I wish.” Daisy offered. “They are dumb as rocks and the whole bunch have been gelded.” “Gelded?” Loki asked nervously. “The English deprived them of their balls,” Daisy informed, her tone one of disgust. “Still though, I suppose it was for the best.” “Don’t worry, we won’t let them do that to you.” Sweetie teased Loki. “It helps if I remind myself that they aren’t Equestrians.” Daisy offered, “And if they were they’d be special needs ponies.” She started to introduce them to the geldings, all of whom were quite delighted to meet the mares. Yes, they weren’t so dumb they couldn’t tell a pony from a human. However, the introductions were about to be cut short. The passage of the ladies had not gone unnoticed by the security people who were now keen on finding out who the unannounced guests were. Daisy heard the sound of security hurrying about, closing in on their location, and panicked. “Quick, the jig is up, every pony into a stall, and make like a horse!” She transformed into a little golden pegasus and hid behind one of the geldings. The other Equestrians were not sure what to think but did likewise. The ponies watched from their hiding places as security converged on their location. Security teams looked about, even looked right at them, and then fanned out again. After all, they were looking for girls, not colorful ponies. “I really don’t know what the fuss is?” Offered a little old lady as another group entered the barn. “How dangerous can they be if they are dressed in designer clothes?” “The thing is, we can’t seem to find them.” One of the men offered. “They haven't taken Daisy, have they?” the woman asked sounding genuinely concerned. “I do hope nothing has happened to her.” “Here I am, your majesty,” Daisy announced and trotted out from her hiding place. “I’m right here, I’m alright.” And all the ponies face hoofed. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth had a momentary look of surprise which morphed into a smile of delight. “Well, the Doctor did tell me the people from Eques are ponies. Though I must admit I hadn’t realized he’d meant that literally.” She said as she reached out, and gave Daisy a pat on the head. “Not that I haven't had my suspicions about certain members of the staff. Come on, the rest of you, you can come out of hiding.” “Your majesty.” Nova offered as she timidly walked out while still in pony form. She bowed. “I’m Princess Nova of Eques.” “Please don’t geld our colt friend.” Sweetie pleaded as she too ventured forth. “We might need those.” The latter was said with a blush. “We promise not to geld your colt friend.” The queen offered with a smile. One by one ponies stuck their heads out from the stalls while Nova introduced them, only to stop as two men who were decidedly wizards walked into the horse barn. They were about as out of place in that setting as a muggle housewife would have been at Hogwarts. They simply did not belong there. The two men looked about, at the people who they perceived to be muggles, at the magical ponies, and pulled their wands out intent on obliviating the muggles. Wumpf! Wumpf! One moment they were getting ready to cast their spells, the next they were flat on the floor with a large winged pony on top of each. One a large dark gray pegasi thestral mix with a midnight blue mane, and the other a stout black thestral with a platinum mane. Captain Hoofstrong, and Gunny Gotha. One man was out cold, and the other was presently attempting to reach his wand. He hadn’t a chance, but Nova decided to make sure. She walked over, and stepped on his hand, pinning it tightly. “You stupid beasts!” The wizard exclaimed in agony. “Stupid? I have got an IQ higher than most humans.” Nova countered. The man looked up at her with horror in his eyes. Eyes that rolled back in his head with the sound of a good thump. Captain Hoofstrong had given his head a thump with a hoof. “That’s for insulting my princess,” Hoofstrong stated. “Um, is he going to be alright?” Nova asked as she lifted her hoof. “He was about to assault the Queen, and you are worried about him,” Gunny said from the top of his victim with a lilt to his voice. “He’ll be fine.” Captain Hoofstrong offered. “These wizards are made of tough stuff.” A look of concern fell on his face as he looked up at the queen. Nova turned to discover Queen Elizabeth had a wand in her hand. “Um, your majesty, are we good?” Nova asked just a little bit concerned. “Yes, yes, you’re alright. You are ponies after all.” She offered with a smile on her face. “To be truthful we have a number of pegasi that like to winter here. Not all the barns are accessible to tour groups.” She smiled a mischievous smile that echoed Daisy’s smile. “Just don’t tell Diana about any of this, she’s a bit too high strung.” “Can I ask, how you knew?” Shimmer asked stepping out. She then took a moment to transform and bowed while in human form. “You mean aside from the fact that there is a beautiful sable wearing a designer dress?” Queen Elizabeth asked. “I’d know Daisy’s mane anywhere.” This she said while absentmindedly scratching Daisy’s ear. “Oh, well… that does make sense.” Shimmer said with a smile on her face. “And the pony in the dress...” Nova began as she transformed. She then walked over to Alalme. “This is Alalme. - Come on Alalme, transform, and I’ll help you adjust your clothing.” “Alalme was born in Scotland, and is technically an English pegasus.” Shimmer explained as everyone save Daisy and Scootaloo transformed back into human form. Schoootaloo had yet to come out from the stall she was in. “Alalme’s family are descended from Equestrians, that’s how she’s able to transform. She just hasn’t figured out the clothing trick.” “I see.” The Queen replied, and stopped scratching Daisy’s ear. “Alright Miss Blossomforth, your supervisor will be wondering what became of you.” “Yes Ma’am,” Blossomforth replied, bowed. “Thank you for the ear scritches Ma’am.” she backed away, turned, and started trotting back in the direction she’d come. “Daisy?” The Queen called. “Yes, Ma’am?” Daisy asked stopping to look back. “You may wish to transform yourself.” The queen suggested with a smile. “Oh!” Daisy replied, thought about what she needed to do, and was back to being a human employed in the garden a moment later. She bowed again and hurried on her way. “I gather you can do magic?” Nova asked. “I could in my youth. Still have my wand, but I’d be hard-pressed to use it now. Like any other talent, if not used, soon atrophies.” The Queen offered. “Well now, we have welcome guest, and unwelcome.” “One moment please?” Nova asked. For Nova, it didn’t matter if her Majesty was telling the truth as to whether or not she currently practiced magic. The plain simple truth is that she radiated enough magical energy to be on par with many of the most talented unicorns, and could well be a close second to Luna or Twilight. Was it any wonder that lesser beings would be intimidated in her presence. “Bolts, the rest of you might want to show yourselves. We don’t want any further misunderstandings.” One by one the remaining ponies dropped out of hiding and transformed into their human forms. “So many different types.” The Queen said remarking on the diversity of the ponies. “We ponies do our best not to let differences divide us. Otherwise, we’d have far too many little groups all trying to be the top group.” Shimmer offered. “Our society would break down if we were like that.” “It’s not perfect either.” Nova offered. “No, I suppose not.” Shimmer admitted. “Speaking of which, these two?” “Can’t rightly say.” Captain Hoofstrong offered as he got up. Gunny got up as well so that the palace security could cuff the two, and haul them off to some holding cell. “Perhaps we should take the wands?” Nova asked. “I think I can manage those.” Offered a security officer who’d a white stripe running through blue hair. “Well, then, that just leaves Louise,” Nova replied. “Louise, you can come out.” “I would, but Rose has had other ideas,” Scootaloo called. “She’s latched on. - Take it easy would you?” “Rose?” Her Majesty asked. “Her foal,” Alalme informed with a smile on her face. “Rose Myrtle. She’s rather aggressive in her nursing habits.” “I’m curious?” The Queen said looking in on mare and foal. “They are so adorable, but weren’t you traveling in human form?” “Rose is exceptionable in that she’s figured out how to do the transformation.” Shimmer offered with a proud smile. “My grand filly.” “Your Majesty.” Scootaloo offered, giving as polite a bow as she could without causing issues with Rose. Scootaloo was also just a little bit embarrassed. “A grand foal.” Her Majesty said as though thinking aloud. “The pegasi I’ve meet all seem to live such short lives.” “It seems to be the environment, and a lack of proper adult supervision among the local pegasi.” Shimmer offered. “Not to mention that few have access to any medical or education. The free ponies here just don’t seem to live very long. - It’s not like that in Eques. Back in Eques, it’s not uncommon to live well past a hundred years. - About the same as wizards I’d imagine.” “Such a shame.” Her majesty offered. “The ones that come here do fair better. Are you up on your inoculations?” “Oh yes, we are strong supporters of immunizations.” Shimmer replied. “Getting all the right ones for all the Equestrians already here was a bit tricky though. Even though we can take on a human form, we are still susceptible to equine illnesses common to this world.” “I do hope there haven't been any problems.” Her Majesty inquired. “We’ve been lucky.” Shimmer offered. “We first became aware of the risk back in 1903 by your calendar. Steps were taken back then to get every pony immunized once the culprit was identified.” “Back in nineteen oh three?!” Nova exclaimed. She’d been overcome with a feeling of dread. “But that’s...” “Fortunately no pony died during that outbreak.” Shimmer offered. “Since then, we’ve made sure to take precautions when traveling through the portals, and we quickly made sure we had all the latest vaccines.” “How is it I never got sick?” Nova asked. “Quite possibly for the same reason Princess Celestia never gets sick.” Shimmer offered. Nova just gave her a confused look. After all, Nova wasn’t really an alicorn, just a talented pony who had both wings and a horn. “Let me explain. Princess Celestia is immune to just about everything because her normal body temp is higher than most viruses can handle.” “That’s not me.” Nova countered. “And she’s got an immune system that is well in advance of us mare mortals.” Shimmer continued. “You have a unique heritage that gives you an equally robust immune system. Getting you vaccinated was more so that you didn’t become an unwitting carrier. - I am to understand that when you first got here conditions for equines were grievously horrific.” “You mean it was a cesspool of filth and abuse.” Nova offered. “No offense Ma’am. I originally came through in 1903, and things are a lot nicer now. Back then, seeing all those hard-working horses pushed to their limits pulling carts and wagons, and the smell of coal smoke permeating the air, it was nearly more than I could take. - Maybe if I had stayed there as planned, I might have gotten sick.” “You were in London in nineteen oh three?” Her Majesty asked. “Dear Nova has been having dimensional issues.” Shimmer offered. “A very powerful entity popped me into another dimension,” Nova explained. “I’ve been bouncing back and forth since. Each time and place that I’ve stopped at was just a stopover till I could catch up with my own timeline. The downside is it takes time, and I’m aging.” Nova took in a ragged breath as the weight of the emotions threatened to overwhelm her. “I’m not a little filly anymore.” “Nova,” Alalme began, she went up to her, and wrapped her arms around her. “If you could stop all that from happening, would you?” “If it were somehow possible, I’d lose you, Alya, Goldwine, and all the other wonderful ponies, and people that are in my life.” Nova offered. “Now I think I understand why Mom said she couldn't rescue me. The true reason.” Nova turned and gave Alalme a hug. “I would never have known you, you’d have spent your life in captivity, Goldwine would have been eaten, there are all the lives that I impacted along the way, and I’d never have had a chance at having the kind of relationship I now have with Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.” Nova let out a short little laugh. “I’m still going to do my best to kill Discord though.” “Come on you two, you’re getting all mushy in front of the queen.” Loki cautioned, and then gave the pair a hug. “I’m so sorry.” Nova offered to Her Majesty while breaking from what was threatening to be a group hug. “That’s quite alright.” The Queen offered. She walked up to them and gave her a hug as well. “It seems you’ve had a difficult road. You persevered though.” She seemed thoughtful, taking a moment to collect her thoughts. “I grew up during a time of great hardship for England, and I was not ready to take on the mantle of the office of State when my father died. He was much too young, and I too young as well. It was all very sudden, and I was not ready. I know that now, and wouldn't wish this burden placed on Charles any sooner than need be. I have seen good times as well as bad. Crisis, and war. We soldier on because we must. Even the least of us will impact the lives of a great many souls. Whether we chose to admit it or not. When I became Queen of the United Kingdom, I chose to accept my fate, and do the best I can. - And you must do likewise.” “Yes Ma’am,” Nova replied with a hint of a smile. Her ears picked up a tiny little gasp. “And I think some pony just came up for air.” “Well, now I can say I have truly seen the prettiest baby.” Her Majesty stated as a big smile formed on her face. Rose stepped up a couple of paces and did her best rendition of a pegasi curtsy. When the ponies returned to the Horse Guards Hotel, Rose would be so keyed up that she pronged about the place as she told the other foals about getting to meet the Queen of England. “Crouch!” Trixie shouted as she stepped out of the fireplace at the home of Bartemius Crouch. They were just sitting down for a later dinner. “Madam Lulamoon, what brings you to my humble home?” Crouch asked hoping she wouldn't realize that a certain man sitting at the table should not be there. “Two Aurors have been arrested by the muggle authority for attempting to assault the Queen of England,” Trixie exclaimed in all but a shout. “I, um, I...” Bartemius Crouch stammered out while casting a glance at his son. “I’m not asking Barty, I’m asking you.” Both men looked at her with wide-eyed astonishment. “Come on Minister, this is me, Beatrice Lulamoon. Trixie is a Hogwarts alumnus, dropped out in nineteen-oh-seven. It’s not in our interest to do anything about your son. So long as he behaves himself. What I want is an explanation as to why a pair of Aurors went into a royal compound without our express permission, and what the buck were they trying to do?” “Buck?” Barty Junior asked. The whole scene had him completely flummoxed. “I’ll get onto Rufus Scrimgeour, and we’ll get an investigation going.” Minister Crouch offered. “Find him, and I’m going to want some kind of an explanation first thing in the morning,” Trixie demanded. “You know about…?” Barty asked. “I’m not going to hold it against you for falling for a complete and utter fraud. Yes, that’s right, a fraud. The man’s real name is Tom Riddle, and he was a mudblood,” Trixie stated. “Just ask Dumbledore, he knows the truth. - Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve things to do.” And with that Trixie whirled about, and returned the way she’d come. “It can’t be… can it?” “And who had the most to gain by ‘You know who’s’ defeat?” Minster Crouch stated as he slammed a hand down on the table. “Riddle. I knew him. Yes of course… he was an exemplary student, very likable, with lots of followers, mostly Slytherin students. He had a promising career ahead of him, and then he vanished. Dropped off the face of the Earth right before Volde...” “You mean everything I did was a lie?” Barty asked his tone that of stunned horror. “If he had managed to accomplish his goals the wizarding community would have been devastated. - I honestly believe he wasn’t going to be satisfied until we were all dead. - I need to find Scrimgeour, and when we’ve done with that mess I have got a mind to have a few words with Dumbledore. Greatest wizard of our time. The greatest manipulator is more like it.” "So what do you know about Ms Lulamoon, did she really drop out of Hogwarts in nineteen-oh-seven?" "That lovely little lady is a hundred years old, and may well be as powerful as she boasts. - Keep in mind that she and her allies from Eques have been watching us, and likely know everything." > Chapter 27: Problems with the rotation. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova woke to the sensation of another pony nudging her, she was in her familial pony pile, and had no intention to get up. “Goldwine, go bug Alalme if you’re hungry,” Nova said softly. “Nova,” Scootaloo called softly. “Don’t you want to go flying?” Nova opened her eyes to discover an expectant Scootaloo. “We are in downtown London.” Nova reminded her. “We can’t.” “So how are we supposed to get our exercise, by flying in circles inside the greenhouse?” “There is absolutely nothing stopping you from going to the Palace of the Sisters.” “And you can’t because you are worried about temporal anomalies.” “Right.” Nova offered. “What about the time you foal sat for your younger self?” Apple Bloom asked from her place in the pony pile. “I remembered that, so it was supposed to happen.” “Wouldn't that mean any interaction is supposed to happen?” Scootaloo asked. “Let's just say that’s true. My younger counterpart can read minds, I can read minds. I've learned how to block it, but it might be difficult around Minni me. When I foal sat I knew intuitively what she wanted because her thoughts were flowing into my subconscious. And mine were flowing into hers. At least I hadn’t been through anything really bad yet. Do you want her knowing she’s going to have to face down King Sombra in the future?” “What?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed bolting to a sitting position. Scootaloo gave Nova a worried look. Apple Bloom sat up, and Alalme just stretched a wing over Nova. “Our forces were heavily outmatched, and outnumbered. I obtained double rain-boom speed straight at his ugly smoky eyes with a pop teleport right at the last second before he’d time to react. The resulting implosion ripped a sizable hole in his front lines.” Nova offered quietly. She took a deep breath, and let out a sigh. “I’m not proud of what I did. I killed hundreds of ponies, griffins, and dragons. - No pony really knows what became of him after that.” Her words were echoed by silence. “I think he got sucked into the void.” “She is plagued with nightmares about everything she had to go through in that world.” Alalme offered. “Seriously?!” Scootaloo asked with wide eyes. “That has got to be the most awesome thing I’ve ever…” Her voice trailed off. “I’m sorry.” “I was scared out of my mind, Scootaloo, and thought I was going to die,” Nova said, and snuggled closer to Alalme. Her voice was soft and contemplative. “It was an act of desperation, and I’m lucky I didn’t end up in Townsville like when Dash managed to get going that fast. - my only consolation is that my act of wanton destruction put an end to the war, and saved thousands of lives.” “I understand.” Apple Bloom offered quietly. “Listen, we could go through the mirror, and find out what her schedule is.” She suggested. “Alya, Goldwine, and Rose might love it.” “Well, we wouldn't want to drag them over at this our of the morning.” Scootaloo offered. “How about I go find out where your counterpart is going to be, and maybe you can come over and we can give our wings a proper stretch? Otherwise, I’d think every pony else could go over any time they wanted. I just want you to be able to come with us.” “I’d like that,” Nova replied. “Meanwhile I’m going back to sleep.” “Sleep?” Apple Bloom asked. “We’ve nothing scheduled today, and the Queen’s Tea is tomorrow.” Nova offered. “Keep in mind I used to be nocturnal, school is out for the summer, and it’d be nice to just lay about doing nothing for a change.” “I heard that,” Sweetie said, and lay back down. “And I’m awake with nothing to do.” Apple Bloom muttered. “I bet your sister could use a hoof on the farm,” Nova suggested. “You know, that’s not a bad idea.” Apple Bloom said as she got up. “It’s been a while since I did some chores, and I kind of miss it.” “I’m with Nova. I need my beauty sleep.” Sweetie informed them. “Alright then, we’ll check back in with you a little later.” Scootaloo offered, nuzzled Rose, Nova, Alya, Alalme, Goldwine, Sweetie who blushed and then trotted on out followed by Apple Bloom. 💫 “Hi, Guys.” Apple Bloom and Scootaloo said to the guards outside the portal room a short time later. “Is Princess Twilight in?” Scootaloo asked. “Just the security today, Miss.” One of the guards offered. “Alright. Do you know where they are? It’s kind of important.” Scootaloo pressed. “Afraid we aren’t at liberty to say.” The other guard offered apologetically. “You’ll have to consult with the watch commander.” “Listen, I’m going to go on to the farm.” Apple Bloom offered. “Granny will probably insist I stay for breakfast.” “Depending on what I find out, I may bring guests.” Scootaloo offered as the two made their way down the corridor. The two separated a short time later, each receiving a security detail whether they wanted one or not. Scootaloo went to find the watch commander, and after a fair amount of run around and borderline rudeness, Scootaloo was informed she’d have to go ask at Twilight’s castle. Scootaloo took off flanked by two guards who inextricably found themselves having to flap their wings as hard as they could despite Scootaloo’s apparent lack of effort. Scootaloo was poetry in motion. Her escort couldn't help but admire her effortless flight and began to seriously doubt some of the rumors they’d heard. After all, Princess Celestia had publicly proclaimed that the alicorn they knew as Sunrise Shimmer was her daughter, and according to the briefs, this specific young mare was Shimmer’s daughter. Are these Equestria’s finest? Scootaloo asked herself as she kept an eye on her escort. She really wasn't going that fast. And then it occurred to her that a security team sent out to the Everfree when no VIPs were about, probably weren’t the cream of the crop. Her ears went back as she wondered why she even needed a security detail but could she ditch them? Should she? Nova’s words came back to her about Scootaloo being one of the few ponies that could keep up with her, and a wicked smile formed on her face. Ever so slowly she started to speed up. Faster and faster she went as her escort struggled to keep up. The guards stopped trying when Scootaloo rocketed into the stratosphere. She dropped back down a short time later on spotting a small community along a river that ran out of the Everfree and located about halfway between the palace, and Ponyville. The place was brand new, and Scootaloo couldn't resist dropping down to have a look. She was delighted to find pegasi from Hogwarts. They’d built homes in the big trees of the Everfree, along with a number of transplants from the silver wood that had shot up in size thanks to the magical rich environment. Many of the local pegasi were down by the river working with nets. Scootaloo dropped down skimming over the water allowing her speed to slow considerably, and then started using her magic to pop fish out of the river, and into waiting nets. Many of them called her by name, laughed, and thanked her. “Miss Louise, what brings you out here on this beautiful morning, and where is your princess?” Gadgull called as he drifted over, giving the occasional flap of his wings. “Gadgull, you know you don’t have to use any honorifics when it’s just us. My princess, as you say, has chosen this morning to be lazy.” Scootaloo called back. “Not that I blame her.” “I thought she loved to get up early to fly?” “That’s while we were in Hogwarts. We are in London now.” “Why not just come through the portal, and get your flying in, here?” Gadgull asked. “I never really did understand her reluctance to come through the portal.” “There is a slight hitch.” Scootaloo offered. “Little Nova, and my Nova, they can hear each other’s thoughts, and may even be able to see each other’s memories. My Nova doesn’t want little Nova to have access to her memories, and I fully concur. She’s seen things that give her nightmares. She doesn’t wish to share that with a five-year-old.” “I see.” “I am presently on my way to Twilight’s castle to see if I can’t get an itinerary.” “They wouldn't tell you anything at the palace I gather.” “Not a thing. Even assigned Apple Bloom and me security details.” Scootaloo complained. “I don’t need a security detail in Ponyville. - There are other places I need one, but not Ponyville.” “I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they see you as one of us.” “Now what’s that supposed to mean?” “Nightmare Moon’s loyal followers.” Gadgull offered grimly. “I’ve heard some of them talking like they are here to prevent Luna from establishing a stronghold.” “Excuse me?” Scootaloo was floored. “Our oral history being different doesn’t help. There have already been a number of brawls at the local pubs, and they’ve been keeping tabs on me. - This will be the first time they’ve elevated to assigning escorts. They don’t have enough ponies to be doing that if everyone decides to go through at different times.” “From what I’ve learned from Nova, Princess Luna, and from what Princess Celestia will admit to herself, your oral tradition is actually a bit closer to the truth.” Scootaloo offered. “My understanding is that Princess Celestia got it into her head to drag Princess Luna out of her seclusion. Celestia’s actions endangered Luna’s foal, and believe you me, if anyone were to do something to endanger my Rose, I’d probably go Nightmare on their plot too.” “Considering the nasty weather you flew in, I can believe it.” He smiled and had to laugh. “Nightmare Scootaloo. Kind of makes me shudder.” “Nova’s been teaching me.” “And now I am scared.” “You better be.” Scootaloo teased with a smile. “I’d better get going. See you when you get back tonight.” “Will do,” Gadgull called, as Scootaloo powered back up into the sky. Scootaloo soared high over the normal pegasi flight height, circled around to see if she could spot her escort. It only took her a few minutes to spot the two racing for town. They did seem keen on catching up, or at least not too far behind. Probably wouldn't do to have them knowing she was flying circles around them, so she raced on ahead, and dropped down in front of Twilight’s castle. The unicorn guards barred her way. “What are you doing? I just came from the Palace of the sisters, and need to see Princess Twilight.” “Where’s your escort?” “They are on their way.” “Captain’s orders, no one from there goes anywhere without an escort, and you aren’t allowed access to the Princess without an appointment.” “Since when do I need an appointment? She’s practically my mother in law.” Scootaloo was both stunned and irritated. “You know what, never mind.” Pop! The guards rushed the doors on realizing Scootaloo had simply teleported past. “Twilight!” Scootaloo called as she entered the kitchen. “Scootaloo, you’re back,” Twilight called. “Good morning. Want some breakfast?” Twilight’s face changed to shock as the guards rushed in, slamming Scootaloo to the floor. “What in Celestia! - What are you doing? Release her!” Prince Reynard Silvermane and Luna were sitting at the table with Twilight. “Un-hoof our grand niece and future daughter in law!” Luna shouted. “What is the meaning of this?!” The Canterlot voice left little to interpret, and yet the two guards stuck to their guns pronouncing her a gatecrasher, and a phony. Their first realization of how wrong they were was when Scootaloo snatched them up in her magic and shoved them up against the vaulted ceiling as she got up. “Oh, this is getting exciting.” Discord said momentarily after appearing, he was seated in a theater chair suspended in mid-air. He also had a large tub of popcorn which he proceeded to scatter as he ate. “Discord, did you have something to do with this?” Luna growled. “I didn’t do a thing. I didn’t have to.” Discord protested. “It seems a number of individuals in the present rotation have been spreading rumors ever since the new ponies arrived.” “First I get the runaround, and then I get treated like a common street thug!” Scootaloo growled. “But I thought Miss Scootaloo was a little filly who can't fly?” One of the guards pleaded as the reality of their blunder began to sink in. His eyes went to her flank. Scootaloo, despite being petite, was hardly little and had all the outward appearance and charm of an adult pony. “My eyes are up here you creep!” Scootaloo scolded just as the winded escort staggered in. The two just sat on their plots not quite sure what to do next. “Oh hey… what’s going on?” Fizzlepop Berrytwist asked as she entered the hall, also known as Tempest Shadow, and in charge of the local garrison. She was also sporting a new horn made from crystal. “Um, Scootaloo? - Could you perhaps set my guards down? Twilight, Princess Luna?” “Scootaloo, be sure to leave something for me,” Luna suggested. “They just assaulted her,” Twilight stated. She was still just a little confused. “They did what?!” Fizzlepop exclaimed. “All I wanted was an itinerary,” Scootaloo said in a growl. “I’m so sorry this happened, I’ve no idea what got into them?” Fizzlepop offered. "The old group was rotated out shortly after the special operation was rapped up. I just don't know why they'd assault you? I've had nothing but trouble with this group." “Why do you need an itinerary?” Twilight asked. “My guess is because the two Kitzumi Nova’s can hear each other’s thoughts.” Reynard offered. “They can?” Twilight asked. “My nest mate, Nova, says she figured it out when she foal sat. Since then she’s had some experiences she doesn't wish to share.” Scootaloo explained. “So where are the foals anyway?” “Upstairs in their room.” Twilight informed her. “They don’t get up till eleven. You know that.” “I’m back.” Spike offered as he walked into the kitchen. He retrieved a box of Soylent Emerald cereal, a bowl, a jug of heavy cream, and took it to the table. He poured cereal into the bowl, poured cream over it, and started eating. He was oblivious to everything around him. He was in his teen years. He’d been out all night. "Spike, you and I are going to be having a talk later," Twilight warned. “Scootaloo, could you possibly?” Fizzlepop asked as she looked up at her guards. “Oh, alright, fine,” Scootaloo said and dropped the two guards. “Good catch.” Discord cheered while waving a banner. Fizzlepop had managed to catch the two right before they hit. “Your classes seem to have paid off.” Twilight offered. “More likely Nova’s influence.” Luna offered, getting up. “The school has steadily dumbed down their curriculum over the years.” “It’s just the Windgardium spell. - Do you think it’d be safe to bring Nova to the Apple farm?” Scootaloo asked. “I mean, my Nova.” “If she guards her thoughts, she should be fine.” Luna offered as she glared at the two guards. “Just be out before eleven. In fact, you should be good from midnight to eleven every morning when little Nova is asleep. Except perhaps when we are at the Everfree palace. After that, we’ll see about coordinating an itinerary so big Nova can spend time here without having to worry about crossed wires. - Now, let's see if we can’t figure out what the major problem here is?” Luna walked out into the hall. “Why are there pegasi guards-ponies out here?” “My escort,” Scootaloo complained. “They made Apple Bloom take an escort too. - I can see having an escort where no pony knows me, but this is home. Once ponies got used to the idea I'd had a horn all along, they just accepted it. - Anyway, if they are going to insist they’d better supply faster fliers. I had no trouble leaving them behind, and Nova can outstrip me with ease.” “Sounds like we need to get the two of you over to the Wonderbolt academy to get the two of you evaluated.” Twilight suggested. “Might be fun.” Scootaloo offered with a smile. “Somewhere along the line some pony taught her a flight spell, she taught me, and we use it to amplify our flight abilities.” “Hang on, you are using a flight spell?” Twilight asked perking up. “When we combine it with a pegasi shield spell we can get going really fast without a lot of effort,” Scootaloo informed her. “There’s a pegasi shield spell?” Twilight asked. “It’s normally autonomic, but Nova helped me figure out how to activate it at will,” Scootaloo informed her. “It’s what protects us from all those crazy crashes.” Schootaloo had to smile as a flood of questions poured out of Twilight. “I think maybe I’d better head over to the Apple farm, and let them know we’ll be good for breakfast, and then retrieve the rest of the herd.” “Come on you two, we are heading back,” Scootaloo said to the pegasi guards as she made her way for the exit. “Do try to keep up.” She didn’t bother to tell them she was going over to the Apple Farm first as she knew full well she’d have no trouble leaving them behind. The city of Townsville, home of the Power Puff Girls, and oh how the mighty have fallen. Let us look in on a humble suburban family. A dark gray pony stretches his front legs in a desperate attempt to crawl away, three innocent little girls cling to him, his black mane tied up with pink ribbons and his horn ground flat. For safety. There is a look in his eyes that leaves no doubt he now knows what true horror is. > Chapter 28: Free flight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Nova walked through the portal with family in tow, they didn’t see any guard ponies until they made their way to the main hall. Rainbow Dash, Soarin, and Spitfire were chewing out the entire command. Nova and Scootaloo both had goggles in anticipation of some serious flying. Rose was sitting on Loki’s back, Alya on Alalme’s back, and Goldwine was on Moonie’s back. Nova had even gone so far as to give Moonie the pendant so she’d be able to move about independently. “What’s going on?” Nova asked as she and the others approached. “We had a little incident earlier, on my first visit.” Scootaloo offered while Phenik bobbed up and down on her head. “Princess, I’m so terribly sorry about what happened.” Spitfire offered as she trotted up to them. To Scootaloo’s horror, Spitfire bowed to her. For the assembled Guard force, seeing three young alicorns they knew nothing about was a bit disconcerting, and having General Spitfire actually bow to them was a strong indication that they were not impersonators. “You don’t need to bow to me,” Scootaloo said quietly. “Just return the bow, and accept her apology,” Nova advised. “So what happened?” “I accept your apology.” Scootaloo offered. She was unsettled by what was happening and did as Nova had suggested. Scootaloo was feeling just a bit uncomfortable about being bowed too, and simply wasn’t comfortable being treated like a royal. “I don’t understand though. This morning’s incident happened at Harmony Castle. The only thing this group did was, be difficult.” “Incident?” Nova asked as Spitfire straitened out. “The incident at the castle, while inexcusable, was a result of misconceptions, misidentification, misinformation, and a lack of proper training that originated here.” Spitfire offered. “I arrived shortly after you had left. There have been a number of complaints concerning the garrison, and I came to do a full inspection.” “What happened?” Nova asked, her tone beginning to indicate a level of frustration. “I was given the run around when I got here. They wouldn't tell me where Twilight or any pony else was, my assigned escorts were way to slow, and when I got to the castle the unicorns wouldn't let me in.” “I’m to understand that shortly after your teleport, they flattened you,” Spitfire added. “They what?” Alalme asked. “And then I introduced them to the ceiling,” Scootaloo informed the others. “Never thought we’d need IDs in our own home town.” Sweetie Belle said. She was stunned. “If I’d have stayed with the escort I probably would have been fine. Though to be honest they might still have refused to let me in.” Scootaloo offered. “I can see where the confusion came in, it’s just that those two were barely above Alalme’s stall speed.” “I see,” Spitfire replied. “So what’s your stall speed?” “We don’t actually have a stall speed,” Nova informed her. “We kind of picked up Dash’s hover technique.” “I see,” how about top speed?” “If you are talking top sustained flight-speed, I don’t rightly know. I know I can reach double rain-boom speeds.” Nova offered. “If you’d like, we can make a dash to Canterlot and back, and you can time us.” “What about breakfast?” Scootaloo asked. Scootaloo wasn’t going to question Nova and just figured that if Nova said they could do it, they could do it. They were certainly capable of covering a lot of ground over the Forbidden Forest. “I don’t imagine we are going to do a whole lot of flying after breakfast,” Nova replied. “Oh right. Granny is probably going to stuff us like a wizard turkey on Thanksgiving.” Scootaloo said with a big smile. “You can’t be serious?” Spitfire asked giving them an odd look. “You got radios?” Nova asked. “What’s this I hear?” Dash asks as she heads over to them. “These two rookies want to race over to Canterlot and back, and expect me to sit around timing them,” Spitfire informed her. Nor was she being disrespectful in that she was fully aware that Scootaloo preferred being called ‘Rookie’ over ‘Your Highness’. It was just a way to bring her back into her comfort zone. “Hey, I know we can see Canterlot from Ponyville when the sun reflects off the gold roofs, but that’s a haul for a rookie.” Dash offered. “So how long does it take you to do it?” Nova asked. “About an hour, more or less, and that’s hard flying,” Dash informed them. Dash could do it in less but seldom admitted to it. “Two hours in the air,” Spitfire added. “What if I told you we can do the round trip in, oh say, about fifteen minutes?” Nova asked with a big smile. “Dash, get a couple of radios,” Spitfire ordered. “Mam?” Dash asked. “You can’t be serious, she’s pulling our tails.” “Well, only one way to find out,” Spitfire stated. “But if I don’t hear the tower complaining about you two in fifteen minutes, you have to turn around, and own up that you can’t do it.” “I’ll bet you a hundred bits they can do it.” Loki offered. Rose was sitting up looking excited. “Are you serious?” Spitfire asked in stunned disbelief. “Sure those two can move pretty fast through trees, but that was nowhere near the kind of speed they’d need to accomplish a time like that. - it’s not possible. No pony can maintain that kind of speed outside of a dive.” “Know what? No way am I going to take that bet because for all I know it’s some sort of alicorn thing.” Dash cautioned. “It’s all I can do to keep up with Princess Celestia when she decides to stretch her wings.” “I did teleport that far once, but it wiped me out,” Nova admitted. “This is going to be both of us, there, and back. I’m confident Scootaloo has progressed enough that she can do it. And yes, it is an alicorn thing. Sort of. We are boosting our speed with a flight spell. That means we can maintain a constant high rate of speed without having to do a whole lot of wing flapping. How do you think we were able to cut through those trees so fast without ever losing altitude?” “OK, OK, now I want to see this,” Spitfire replied as a smile dared to show itself on her face. “Alalme, Loki, Sweetie Belle, Moonie, why don’t you head on over to the farm with the foals,” Scootaloo suggested. “We’ll meet up with you there.” “I can’t come?” Moonie asked. Nova nuzzled Moonie. “Sorry, but if you were to buzz the Canterlot tower, they might mistake you for Nightmare Moon.” Nova cautioned. “But I don’t look anything like the Nightmare?” Moonie protested. “No, I’m afraid she’s right.” Dash offered. And then in a voice loud enough to be heard by the assembled command added, “Because some ponies can’t seem to tell the difference between ponies they are supposed to protect, and the monsters they are supposed to protect them from.” She gave a pointed look at the guard ponies. “I’m sorry. You can fly up with us another time.” Nova offered. “Yes, next time.” Scootaloo offered. “And now, as Trixie would say, it’s time to get this show on the road.” ✈✈ A few minutes later in the Canterlot tower. Canterlot Tower, this is Knave one and Scooter requesting a high-speed fly by. “Blasted foals.” Grumbled Colonel Tower the senior tower control operator on duty. He reached over and pressed his mic. “Negative Knave, the pattern is full.” He let go the mic button and poured himself a cup of coffee. Two ponies go flying by so fast the windows shake like there’d been an explosion, one window cracks, and the operator splashes hot coffee all over himself. “Sweet Celestia! Who are those hotshots!” He goes back to the mic and pressed the button. “Whoever it was who just did that, I want you in my office!” No can do we’ve got breakfast waiting in Ponyville. Nova says over the radio. “Who in Tartarus is that!” “No idea sir, but they are keeping a tight formation.” One of the other tower controllers say. “Princess Celestia is not going to be happy, they just buzzed the palace. Jeez, look at ‘em climb.” Princess Celestia is sitting in her breakfast nook with Rarity. Both have spilled tea on themselves. Celestia gets up. “Going somewhere?” Rarity asked. “To have a word with the Pegasi Flight Commander,” Celestia growled. “I bet we just woke up every noble in Canterlot!” Scootaloo shouted as they climbed up to ten thousand horns. “Freedom, glorious freedom!” Nova shouted as she went into a roll. “Freedom to soar high above the clouds without a care in the world. Nobody up here but us!” The two would arrive at the apple farm before Celestia arrived at Colonel Dynamic’s office. Colonel Tower would arrive at about the same time. “Well, you heard him tell us to report to his office,” Nova said with a big smile as she set down in the yard outside the farmhouse. “We buzzed Princess Celestia too just for good measure.” “No way!” Dash exclaimed. “And you're under fifteen minutes round trip.” “Yeah! That was totally awesome!” Scootaloo shouted as she pulled off her flight helmet and goggles. “Whoo!” She laughs and snatches up Rose into a hug. Nova pulled off her flight helmet, goggles, kissed Loki and thanked him for believing in her. Loki got a shocked look on his face and began to blush madly. “What about me, I believe in you too?” Alalme asked and was awarded a kiss as well. “I just know I’m going to catch Tartarus for this.” Spitfire pronounced. An actual smile had formed on her face. “Well, it’s not like you can’t honestly say we were all at the Apple farm for breakfast.” Loki offered as Applejack came out of the house to greet everyone. Loki now had a contemplative look on his face as a distant memory of a similar occurrence during their banishment with Nightmare Moon and he was only now remembering it. Nova had come to them in their limbo and given them all hope. “Boy howdy looks like I better tell granny to get more fix-ins ready.” Applejack pronounced. “Scootaloo! Would ja just look at you? You look all grown up,” Applejack said as she gave her a hug. “And who all ‘ave you brung with you? Who’s little cutie is that?” “This is Rose Myrtle, and she’s mine,” Scootaloo replied with a big smile. She then set Rose down so she could run about, and explore. “Rose, Goldwine, Alya, don’t go too far.” “Scootaloo, you want to run that by us again?” Dash asked. “Did Twilight or Shimmer happen to mention what it was that had caused her to get so sick?” Nova asked. As it was Scootaloo who’d gotten sick, very little had been said to Applejack at the time. They didn’t find out about Rose till sometime later, and there again, very little had been said to Applejack as Scootaloo was Sunset Shimmer’s, aka Sunrise Shimmer’s responsibility. The other’s did share responsibility but weren’t legally responsible in the eyes of the law in that a case of this nature had never come up. The final reason Applejack had never been told was thanks to all the activity surrounding the banishing of Voldemort. The matter had simply dropped off the radar. “Was it Rumble?” Dash asked. “I’ll kill him.” “It wasn’t Rumble,” Scootaloo said in protest. “Yes, we can be sure that this is at least one world where Rumble doesn’t knock up Scootaloo,” Nova added. “It’s partly my fault.” Sweetie offered, sounding a bit unsure. “We were fiddling around with magic we didn’t understand.” “And it resulted in a premature egg.” Nova supplied. She had no intention of going into detail if she didn’t have to and just wanted to get this awkward moment over with. “Does it really matter how it happened?” Scootaloo asked. “So are you honestly going to stand there and tell me there was no father?” Applejack asked. She knew full well they were holding something back. “Hey, why’s every pony standing around out here?” Apple Bloom asked. She’d just come out of the house. Her older sister looked at her, her mane and tail matched Rose’s mane and tail. “Apple Bloom?!” Applejack asked in shocked dismay. “What?” Apple Bloom asked. “We were just introducing her to Rose.” Scootaloo supplied on seeing the confused look on Apple Bloom’s face. “I can explain.” Apple Bloom said dropping her ears and taking a step back. “Sweetie Belle was the one who cast the spell, all I did was provide a drop of blood.” “I have another niece, and you couldn't be bothered to tell me.” Applejack scolded. She had to take a step back when a very defensive little filly placed herself between the two, to be joined by her nest siblings a moment later. “Settle Down, that’s no way to treat your Aunt.” Alalme scolded. It was only a mild rebuke, and she’d a big smile on her face. “How the hay am I going to explain this to Granny?” Applejack asked a moment later. “What say we eat first, and then try to explain it?” Nova asked. “Ya, otherwise we might not get anything to eat.” Sweetie Belle predicted. “She’s going to ask.” Applejack pointed out. “Then we’ll all say she is ours,” Alalme suggested. “Trying to explain that Apple Bloom and Sweetie are technically the fathers might be a little difficult.” “Works for me,” Nova replied, and nuzzled her. “Am I included in this?” Loki asked. “I think it may be important to make it clear you had nothing to do with bringing Rose into this world,” Nova suggested. “But I carried her through the portal?” Loki said sounding confused. “Not what I meant, and if you don’t want your next posting to be at the Royal Mews in London, you’ll make it clear you are not the daddy.” Nova cautioned. “Understood,” Loki stated, his voice going up two octaves, and his ears flat back. “Royal Mews?” Applejack asked followed by a rather shocking explanation. One in which did garner a chuckle at Loki’s expense. Inside they discovered Apple Bloom’s escort, a white and gold unicorn named Bright Star, and a roan earth pony with a black main. If the two had thought they’d just be standing around they had another thing coming. Applejack put the two mares to work, and they had dearly earned the breakfast they were about to receive. 🥞🥞🥞 Princess Celestia had been furious, at first, and then her mood shifted to bemusement when she heard the description of the two miscreants. A quick letter to Twilight confirmed that Nova and Scootaloo were planning on visiting the Apple farm. It was a bit of a stretch in her mind, but the complaints were starting to pour into the palace, and there was only one way to find out for sure. The sky chariot was hitched up, and she was off to Ponyville. 💨 Princess Celestia stepped into the home on the Apple Farm just in time to hear the words, “..why in my day fillies didn't go around knocking up other fillies!” “Princess Celestia?!” Granny exclaimed momentarily after her mind registered the presence of the Princes Regnant. The two Guard ponies jumped to attention, and Apple Jack got up to welcome her in. “Auntie Tia, I made my own booster seat,” Rose proudly proclaimed. She and the other two foals were presently sitting on little clouds. “Good for you. - Ladies, as you were, go on, sit down, and finish your breakfast.” Celestia offered, doing her best to smile. At the table were the two guards from the local garrison, Granny, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Rainbow Dash, Soarin, Spitfire, Alalme, Scootaloo, Nova, Sweetie Belle, Loki, Big Mac, Sugar Belle, Mac and Sugar’s daughter Apple Bun, Rose, Alya, Goldwine, and Moonie. Celestia was just sure the table and room had some kind of enchantment as there always seemed to be room no matter how many ponies were present. “General, what brings you all the way to Ponyville?” Celestia asked Spitfire. “I’m afraid there have been a number of complaints regarding the present rotation of guards ponies.” Spitfire offered. She had somewhat of a guilty feeling when she asked, “So what brings you all the way to the Apple Farm?” “Oh, a couple of ponies using unregistered call signs broke a few windows in Canterlot a little over an hour ago,” Celestia informed them. “I was wondering if any pony here might have any idea who it might have been?” “Your majesty, every pony here has been in the Ponyville area all morning.” One of the guards offered. They’d been cleaning up before breakfast and had completely missed the radio traffic and knew nothing of what had happened prior to breakfast being served. “Windows?” Scootaloo asked. “I didn’t think...” Her voice trailed off. “So how many windows did I break this time,” Nova asked dejectedly. “About two dozen last count. Not to mention poor Prince Blueblood’s shattered nerves.” Princess Celestia informed her. “Not much of a loss… oh right, the windows.” Rainbow Dash replied. Dash had broken her share of windows. “I thought we were going to deny everything?” Spitfire asked. “She came all the way here, I think she figured it out.” Nova offered. “Indeed I did, now come here, and give me a hug,” Celestia ordered as a smile crossed her lips. Nova got up, went over to Celestia, and gladly accepted the hug. Next thing Nova knew she’d been scooped up with a wing. Rather than fight it, she just folded up her legs and stuck her head out. “Hey, I want in on that.” Sweetie protested as she got up from the table. A moment later she was snuggled in on the other side. “Does this mean you’ve become accustomed to thinking of me as your mom?” Celestia asked giving Sweetie a nuzzle. “When you first did this to me, I was so freaked out.” Sweetie offered in quiet contemplation. “I actually found myself missing it while at Hogwarts.” “And you?” Celestia asked Nova. “I’m not afraid of you anymore. Isn’t that good enough?” Nova asked. “Fair enough.” Celestia offered as Nova pulled her head back in. “Princess Celestia, care to sit down? There’s still food left.” Granny offered, looking like she was ready to get up. “Don’t mind if I do. Thank you.” Celestia replied going to one of the now unoccupied chairs. “Now what’s this about fillies knocking up fillies?” she asked as she, Applejack, and the two guards sat back down. “We were trying to explain Rose to Granny Smith.” Alalme offered as Applejack got Celestia a clean plate, and offered up various goodies. “Oh, oh dear,” Celestia replied. “Granny, it’s probably not quite what you are thinking. Pegasi lay eggs. Young mares will even lay unfertilized eggs just like a chicken, just not with such alarming regularity. Pegasi and alicorns for that matter are winged creatures, just like birds, and like birds, we lay eggs. - This allows for the foal to continue to form in a protective shell and makes it possible for the mother to go out and forage. Before we became ‘civilized’ a pegasus pony heavy with foal simply wouldn't be able to fly to avoid predators. Laying eggs was nature’s way to preserve pegasi.” “You do?” Granny asked. “You lay eggs?” “You should have seen Twilight the first time she dropped an egg.” Dash offered. She couldn't help but laugh at the memory. “Poor dear wasn’t even married yet, and there she was clucking like a chicken she was so shaken up,” Applejack added with a smile. “We never said anything about it, because it was an unfertilized egg.” “I had a hard time explaining to her that her transformation included more than just wings. - Unfertilized eggs are typically quietly disposed of,” Celestia explained. “What the Crusaders did was to bring forth one of Scootaloo’s eggs prematurely, and somehow succeeded in fertilizing it without the need for a stallion. - it will be a boon for our medical ponies if they can figure out how to duplicate the process without the risk involved.” “Oh, I see,” Granny said sounding contemplative, but her tone quickly turned back to scolding. “Still should have told me.” “The humans took her egg from her because they didn’t understand,” Nova explained. “They’d gotten it into their heads the CMC had stolen it from the local pegasi.” “When she got Rose back, afraid we were all preoccupied with the Leach Wraith that had infiltrated the school.” Celestia offered. “I remember,” Granny replied. “I think I can see how it could have slipped every pony’s mind. I was dead set on pulling Apple Bloom out of that school, and never would have let her go back if you hadn’t agreed to let Sweetie go back.” Celestia let out a sigh. “If Nova hadn’t been there, I’d have gladly cut ties with that place.” “Could you have done it knowing there were little ones in need?” Alalme asked. Her ears perked up, and she smiled. “I hear purring.” “Purring?” Applejack asked. “Nova,” Celestia replied as a big grin formed on her face. “Fox ponies purr just like kitties. They’ve both snuggled in for a nap.” This news resulted in Goldwine launching himself into the air. He flew up, landed on Celestia’s back, and burrowed into where Nova was. A moment later Alya and Rose were up on Celestia’s back. Celestia just beamed as the two attempted to burrow under the same wing. When Rose realized there wasn't going to be enough room she decided to join Sweetie Belle. Granny was shocked at first. That Princess Celestia would allow it, but that look of pure bliss on the Princess’ face was all the argument needed. Celestia was loving every moment of the attention she was getting. “So, um, just how many foals can you get in there I wonder?” Granny asked with a big smile. “No idea, but it’d be fun to find out,” Celestia admitted with a silly grin on her face. “I’m afraid most foals are too intimidated to even think of doing such a thing.” “They are accustomed to snuggling with the avatar of yourself that you provided to Nova.” Scootaloo offered with a smile. “They’re not likely to be intimidated by you short of ponies putting ideas in their heads.” “Then that has proven a double blessing for me for it has been a joy often denied to me.” For the two guards at the table, seeing their princess like this was proving to be quite the eye-opener. > Chapter 29: What was that about a herding agreement? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “And now, I have got a puzzlement that is bothering me?” Princess Celestia offered, giving the two guards an odd look. “Everyone here has been here all morning?” “I don’t really understand it myself?” Bright Star offered. “Palace of the Sisters, up to Canterlot, and finished here at the Apple Farm in under fifteen minutes.” Spitfire offered. “Assuming you aren’t in on an elaborate prank to make me think they did it.” “Ff-fifteen minutes?!” Celestia stammered out. “If old widebody tried it, she’d break every window from here to Canterlot.” Moonie offered with a grin. “What?!” Celestia asked glaring at Moonie and then turned to the wing that had Nova tucked up in it. The wing seemed to me shaking. “Laugh it up fuzzball.” “You’re the one that gave her a sense of humor.” Nova offered. Luna could be heard laughing from the doorway. Nova was trying not to laugh, but she just couldn't seem to stop herself. “She’s got you there, dear sister.” Luna offered from the doorway. She’d a big smile on her face. “Yes, I heard. - Shame on you Moonie, you should know my sister is sensitive about her weight.” The two guards were looking mighty confused by the friendly banter. “Oh, I’m sorry.” Moonie offered with a mischievous smile. “So what brings you here?” Celestia asked of Luna while giving Moonie a dirty look. “I was actually about to bed down for a few hours when I saw your chariot heading out to the Apple Farm. I just thought I’d fly on over.” “Nova and Scootaloo buzzed the Canterlot control tower and the palace, and I’m being led to believe they did the round trip in less than fifteen minutes,” Celestia informed them. “Did they now?” Luna said with pride in her voice. “You don’t doubt it for a moment do you?” Celestia asked curiously. “I figured out their trick.” Luna offered. “It’s quite liberating. Pity, it can only be done by a pony who has both wings, and is proficient in magic.” “You don’t say. I wonder if there are any other horned pegasi that can do it?” Celestia mused. “Not planning on making a fighting wing out of them are you?” Luna asked. “Hardly enough to do something of that nature, and I’m sorry to say the magic in most isn’t fully developed due to a lack of appropriate nurturing when they were growing up.” Nova poked her head out. “I think our two guard friends are really confused.” Nova offered. If the friendly banter had their minds going a mile a minute, the idea that there might be pegasi with unicorn horns was bit much. “A pony might think I’m an alicorn because of the things I can do, but in reality, it’s just me being clever. My base level of magic isn’t much different than a typical unicorn. I’ve yet to ascend.” “I think you may be underselling yourself a bit.” Celestia offered in assurance. “I’m just learning.” Scootaloo offered. “I don’t think mom has ascended yet either.” “Horned pegasi or immature alicorns. One can never be too sure until the individual has been given the chance to shine. When Twilight ascended she was using a lot of magic at the time, and you are all infants when compared to ourselves.” Celestia offered. “Unfortunately it is far too common for individuals such as yourselves to be called artificial, impersonators, and pretenders. Yes, there are impersonators, but there isn’t a one that is presenting themselves as more than they are.” “Doubt I’ll ascend any time soon.” Nova offered. “I’ve a hard time controlling that reserve of raw power I seem to be able to tap into. When I open up a gateway to another world all I’m doing is tickling it open. Once I get it started, I use the energy it’s creating. I’ve found I can use that same energy to generate some really nice lightning bolts.” “Is that what you were trying to do when you dropped that hammer?” Loki asked. “That was unintentional.” Nova offered. “I must have snagged it without realizing I’d done it. I certainly would never want to do that intentionally, knowing the harm it did to Moonie. - I was really going for a small sliver in hopes of stunning our quarry.” “Fluttershy has ascended.” Celestia offered a moment later. She’d been told about the incident and had wondered how it was such a seemingly slightly above average power level could have managed it. “And none too happy about it either. Discord was playing one of his typical pranks, and now the poor thing is the ponification of nature itself.” “So, um, Princess Luna, care for anything?” Granny inquired. “I thank you, but I should turn around, and go get some rest.” Luna offered. “Oh, and Tia, I don’t know if they said anything yet, but Scootaloo got assaulted by a couple of our own guards this morning. Part of the reason I followed you over was to tell you in person. Afraid they overreacted, and went straight to excessive force.” “Before you ask, I’m fine.” Scootaloo offered. “My body shielding kicked-in the moment they hit me. Subsequently, I’ve only a little bruising. - I may have been partly responsible. When they didn’t want to let me in and showed no signs of being interested in finding out if I was alright to come in, I just teleported right on past them.” Princess Celestia let out a sigh. “Don’t blame yourself. You’ve as much right to enter that castle unannounced as any of the primary occupants, and they should have known that. - They’ll be looking at a court-martial now.” “Court-martial?” Sweetie asked moments after sticking her head out. Luna smiled and walked over to Celestia. “Afraid the penalties for any form of assault on any pony with both wings and a horn are very steep. - In the line of duty is not a valid excuse if they can’t demonstrate that the individual was an active threat.” Luna offered. “Scootaloo, it might surprise you to learn that I’ve had some similar experiences. There are just too many ponies who seem unable to think for themselves. Nor does it help my reputation when I’m forced to defend myself from zealots who can’t accept that there would be ponies with both wings and a horn other than Celestia.” Luna peered through the cracks that revealed what Celestia had under her wings. “I thought you were looking a little wider than normal.” Luna offered and chuckled as eyes peered up at her. “How many do you have in there?” “One mare, a teen filly, and three foals.” Loki offered with a smile. “You have such a contented look on your face you and Rarity should go find yourselves a stallion.” Luna teased. She leaned over and nuzzled the top of Nova’s head. “Nova, be sure to be back through the portal by eleven.” “I will.” Nova offered. “As full as I am someone may need to carry me.” “Why would she need to be out by eleven?” Princess Celestia asked. “They can hear each other think.” Luna offered. “Right now Little Nova is asleep. Which is what I should be doing.” Luna turned towards the door. “I don’t suppose it’ll be a problem too much longer.” “No, I suppose not.” Celestia echoed. There was a hint of sad resignation to her voice. “Well then, I’m going to get some sleep. Good day to every pony.” Luna offered. “Night mom.” Nova and Loki say as she walks out. “I adopted him over a thousand years ago,” Luna calls as she exits. “So you're the son I tried to drop the palace on,” Celestia says with a smile. Her statement purely for the benefit of the two guards as she was aware of the animosity between the guard force now at the Palace of the Sisters and the English pegasi. As for the fights, it seemed the guards would start them, and the English would end them. The English pegasi were of much tougher stuff then the Equestrians. Not only were they strong fliers, but they had the strength of earth ponies. Princess Celestia was quite surprised when she learned that Alalme was showing an aptitude for magic even without a horn. “I did kind of get caught up in that banishment,” Loki added returning the smile. “I suppose I’d have had a roof collapse in on me if I hadn’t.” He had a good idea of what Celestia was up to. “What happened back then is still fresh on my mind. Kind of like, I think the phrase is, watching a train wreck in slow motion. - Waking up a thousand years later with the palace looking like… well, it was a big shock.” “And my bad choices are coming home to roost it seems. We’ve ponies whose lives were turned upside down, and now, many generations later, their descendants have found their way home. Only they never had the fiction about my sister being jealous drilled into their heads by the nobility, generation after generation.” “Your majesty?” Morning Glory asked. “It was my selfishness and my rash actions that caused my sister to transform. To be possessed. - I endangered what was left of her little family. Very few ponies know she had a family, and King Sombra had targeted her in his war against me. The war was hard on her, she needed time, and I just needed to be more understanding. Instead, I pushed her over the edge.” Granted that Princess Celestia was intentionally leaving out important bits of information, but then the two guards didn’t need to know any of it. They didn’t need to know that Luna had intended to join in a herd agreement with King Sombra, that she intended to become his queen, or that she’d foaled the stallion's son. All they needed to know was that the English pegasi remembered far better than the ponies of Equestria. Applejack looked at Princess Celestia and was dumbfounded and shocked. She could tell there had been a bit of impromptu performance art going on, little white lies for the benefit of the guards, but Princess Celestia truly believed what she was saying about causing Nightfall. “Aunt Tia, it wasn’t all your fault.” Nova offered. “I honestly believe Sombra had found a way to taint her. I saw the thing that had possessed her. It just hadn’t taken root right away.” “As true as that may be, a lot of lives were disrupted because I made the wrong decisions.” Celestia offered and then decided it was time to change the subject. “So how is your summer vacation going in the human world?” “Well, so far we all got proper identifications for moving about among the non-magical humans, went shopping, and broke into the Royal garden at Buckingham.” Nova offered. “One Miss Daisy blew her cover, but her majesty was delightfully surprised.” Loki offered with a big smile. “Long story short – she knows we are all ponies now.” “So I hear,” Celestia replied. “Now I’m to understand that none of the present rotation has been through the portal?” “The mirror is in our control, and the primary threat has been eliminated.” Loki offered. “We simply hadn’t needed anyone, it is our home on the other side, and I don’t know if they’ve even been trained for it.” “We’ve the one squad of dedicated security, and they are more like family then security.” Nova offered, giving Loki a smile. Alalme and Scootaloo had a smile for him as well though Apple Bloom and Sweetie just gave him a smirk. “I suppose we can trust these two.” “What makes you say that?” Scootaloo asked. “Well if Applejack let them sit at her table, they can’t be all that bad.” Nova offered. “They showed me they were hard workers, and that makes em good ponies in my book.” Applejack offered. “Unlike some of them others. Coming onto the farm, and just helping themselves to apples as they please.” Granny offered. A slight frown crossed Celestia’s face at the news of the thievery. “Sure I was wary about them English pegasi when they first come here, but they’ve proven themselves to be industrious hard workers. To think they’ve built a small town right on the edge of the Everfree. And they’ve gumption enough to drive off timber wolves, and other dangerous critters all on their own. Best part is the way they build up in the trees doesn't get the forest riled up.” “So where are the guards we did have?” Scootaloo asked. “We rotated them to the Island Eques project,” Spitfire informed her. “We’ve only just recently learned that the place is known locally as Skull Island. The locals and I use that term loosely being the locals are inhabitants of other islands, only remember the island in folk tale and legend. From what we’ve learned, and discovered on the island, it had been favored among pirates who were daring enough to brave the reefs, and the dangerous creatures inhabiting the island.” “Ah, so I’m to be a pirate princess am I?” Scootaloo asked with a big grin. “Awesome.” Dash just had to laugh. “Well, it’s certainly going to flavor the history we are going to present to that world.” Spitfire offered and added to Dash’s laughter. “It won't be long and I’ll have to be away, and I’ve way too much food in me to do any serious flying.” Nova offered as they made their way out into the farmyard shortly after finishing their extended breakfast. “I figure by the time I get back to the portal it’ll be time for me to go.” Princess Celestia slowly made her way over to her waiting chariot with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Spitfire. Alalme and Loki were playing with the foals in the yard, and Nova had hung back with Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. “Best I get back.” Nova offered a moment later. “Listen the rest of you can hang out if you want. Apple Bloom, I’m sure you’d like to spend some time here on the farm, and Sweetie, why don’t you head home, and we’ll see you later, say this evening? Maybe you might even want to spend the night?” “Home?” Sweetie asked. “You know what I mean.” Nova offered, giving her a nuzzle. “As much as we want you and Apple Bloom to be an official part of our herd, which isn’t actually official till we go down to the courthouse, neither of you has that option until you are a little older.” “So what about you?” Apple Bloom asked. “Luna says I’m seventeen, I must be seventeen. To be honest, I can’t really dispute that. Try to imagine finding yourself bouncing from world to world and how difficult that would make it to keep track of your age. Alalme is an adult by both English, and Equestrian standards, we know Scootaloo is old enough now, and Loki is an adult as well. Granted I doubt Luna will let any of us get an actual marriage certificate for a while yet. - I’m surprised he hasn’t been made lieutenant yet.” Nova explained while casting a glance towards the young stallion. “Look, if the two of you can get permission from your elders we can all sign one of them ‘Intent to Herd’ agreements.” Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom’s eye lit up. Just the mares though. We won't be bringing Loki in officially until we've all decided how we wish to proceed. Sure I'd marry him right now, but it's against the old laws to pressure anyone into a marriage agreement they don't want." "I'm perfectly fine with Loki." Scootaloo offered. "I mean, he is starting to grow on me, and it's no secret you have a huge crush on him. What about you two?" “You know, I should go help Granny.” Apple Bloom announced with a smile on her face and rushed back inside. Sweetie smiled and trotted over to Princess Celestia. "Something tells me that's your answer." Nova offered with a big smile. Inside Apple Bloom found Moonie, and the two guards helping Granny clean up the breakfast table. Apple Bloom pitched in stopping a short time later her eye-catching a rather unusual scene out in the yard. Princess Celestia had Loki backed up to a fence, he was in a seated position, and they were nose to nose. Goldwine, bless his heart, was on Loki’s head trying to stare down Celestia while Alya and Rose pressed to either side of him in a protective manner. “What in tar-nation?” Granny asked on looking out the window. Celestia’s mood seemed stern, but the foals were making it hard for her to maintain her resolve. The others out in the yard were torn between concern, and the desire to start laughing. “Bad timing is my guess.” Apple Bloom offered. “Poor Loki probably doesn’t even know what’s going on.” “Well, perhaps you’d like to let me in on it?” Granny inquired. “Nova and Scootaloo were discussing the possibility of filling out an intent to herd with Sweetie and me - that is adding our names onto an official form with Nova, Alalme, Scootaloo, and presumably Loki will be added on at some future point in time.” Apple Bloom explained while Granny began backing her into a wall. “You ain’t old enough to be going around getting yourself hitched to no pony’s post,” Granny warned. “Sweetie is even younger.” “It’s just an intent form, not a marriage license.” Apple Bloom pleaded. “Nova just didn’t want us feeling left out. - She and Alalme already have one of them what you’d call common law agreements and they’ve included Scootaloo being as they’ve all got foals to take care of.” “And Loki?” “The idea hasn't even been discussed with him yet, and Princess Luna would geld him if he tried anything.” Apple Bloom announced. Granny’s eyes widened, a smile formed on her lips, and she just started chuckling. “Darn toot-en she would, she’d do it,” Granny said as she backed off. “Tell you what, I’ll talk to your brother and sister 'bout it, and then we’ll see.” “You’d say yes?” Apple Bloom asked. “I’m not again’ it. Not with a colt deterrent like Princess Luna as part of the package. - come on now, let's finish up here.” “Princess Celestia.” Nova scolded. Celestia was still trying to stare down Loki and Nova had decided it had gone on long enough. “Need I remind you what happened when you did that to me?” Celestia’s gaze broke, and she shifted to Nova. Nova, for her part, couldn't help but wonder what her life might have been like had she the fortitude to not back down all those years ago. “Furthermore, the intent to herd agreement is between us mares. We haven't even discussed the matter with Loki.” “Oh,” Celestia said softly. “Right now the only one he is officially dating is myself,” Nova added as Celestia backed off. “Save your ire for the guards at the palace. For Harmony’s sake, it’s just an intent to herd form between mares.” “Mom says the sooner I can get him down that aisle the better,” Scootaloo added with a smirk. “I think I can understand that.” Dash offered. “Considering your circumstances.” “Does my sister know about this?” Celestia asked. “Considering he boldly proclaimed his intent in front of the entire student body and faculty of Hogwarts, I’d say she’s got a pretty good idea,” Nova informed her. Nova had a big smile. “Granted that at the time he was only asking for myself, and of course an interest in Alalme was unspoken being humans have some strange notions concerning herds. Their word is harem and seems to have some awkward connotations. - They don’t herd.” “They don’t?” Celestia asked. The idea that humans didn’t herd was completely alien to her. “Not really no.” Alalme offered. “And when they do they’ll even hide it from their own partners,” Nova informed. “That is the most bizarre thing I’ve ever heard of.” Celestia offered, her ears cocked at different angles. “Downright unhealthy too. It’s no wonder they are so prone to violence.” She turned back to Loki. “I’m sorry, you can get up.” She smiled. “You’ve some staunch supporters in those foals too it seems. - they are so cute when they are being protective.” The three foals were still giving her the stink eye. Celestia dropped her ears and lowered her head. “Forgive me?” Fortunately Rose, Alya, and Goldwine were quick to forgive and forget and a moment later they were back to climbing all over Princess Celestia. “I’ve decided to head back to Canterlot,” Celestia announced a moment later. “I think it best I do not interfere in the investigation as it could impact Berrytwist’s future career. She being a friend of the crown, we need to avoid any sign of favoritism.” “I don’t really understand it myself.” Spitfire offered. “She was an excellent officer under Princess Cadence in the Crystal Empire.” “I can,” Nova said. Her voice was devoid of emotion. “In the Empire, they were actively seeking out, and driving off threats whereas the guard force here seems to be little more than glorified security.” “Afraid I can’t really dispute that,” Spitfire admitted. “What would you suggest?” “Now hang on, you can’t seriously be asking Nova, she’s hardly any older en Apple Bloom?” Applejack protested. “And she’s the first pony who agreed with your idea to corral that critter we were after.” Dash pointed out. “More importantly, she’s a combat veteran from what I hear,” Spitfire added. “It changes a pony. Not always for the better, but it does change a pony. Makes the young ones grow up really fast.” “Combat separates the wheat from the chaff.” Nova offered. “The ponies protecting the Crystal Empire, those out on the frontier, they are seeing combat. All be it in limited forms. The guard force here, all they are doing is standing around with nothing to do.” “And guards with nothing to do lose focus on where the real enemy is.” Soarin pointed out. “What I’d suggest, concerning Commander Berrytwist is that you send her to the Ghosts.” “You know about the Ghosts?” Celestia asked. “I do now,” Nova said with a sly smile. “Keep in mind I’ve been to several different dimensions. Each with its own unique traits, each having remarkable similarities. - Sending her to the Ghosts will look like a demotion to the crowd who will want her demoted.” “You’ll make a fine officer someday,” Celestia said with a smirk. “I already am an officer.” Nova corrected. “Speaking of which, how is it my potential future husband is still an Ensign?” Loki's ears dropped. “OTS is waiting for any of the Bolts who wish to further their career in the guard.” Princess Celestia replied. “They don’t want to give up being Bolts.” Dash supplied. Nova looked at Loki who just shrugged his shoulders with a sheepish look on his face. “Any chance we could keep certain elements of our uniforms?” Nova asked as she turned back to Celestia. “Such as pins, and combat gear like my daggers? - not to mention I can’t fly in daylight without my goggles.” “Regulating who’s allowed to wear what, and when might go a long way towards reigning in the fakes.” Spitfire offered. We could make it a crime to present oneself as something they are not. Add it to the laws concerning fraud and misrepresentation.” “Because of my experiences, I’ll never be anything less then a Shadowbolt,” Nova stated. Loki got up, and stood at attention.” “It is I who stands against the dark.” Loki quoted. Nova joined. “While the land sleeps I stand watch. Ever vigilant. Ever faithful.” “Oooo, they are giving me goosebumps.” Dash teased. “Me too. Stop that.” Moonie scolded. She was glowing. “You know what happens if I get worked up.” “Whoops, sorry about that,” Nova replied with a big smile followed by a laugh. “Hang on, what?” Applejack asked. “Dear sweet Moonie is the pendant she’s wearing,” Celestia explained, with a big smile on her face. “If she gets too worked up it super-charges her, and the excess magical energy gets expelled in a cleansing wave of energy that radiates outward.” As if to emphasize her words Phenik chose that moment to show up and landed on Moonie’s back. Moments later she was joined by Peewee, Philomena, and several of the local phoenix. “She was originally nothing more than a bodyguard spell.” “I sure hope that doesn’t happen at the Queen’s tea tomorrow,” Scootaloo commented as she watched the antics of the phoenixes. “Ya, wouldn't that be awkward.” Nova concurred. “Hang on one minute here.” Applejack protested. “You mean to tell me that, that there Princess Luna look-alike isn’t even real?” “She’s real enough.” Nova offered. “She learns, she’s capable of independent actions, thinking, and experiences emotions just like any other pony. - and the best friend a pony could ever have.” On hearing what Nova had to say, Moonie trotted over to her, and they nuzzled noses. “And that’s why I fiddled with her programming,” Celestia whispered, mostly to herself. “And now,” Her volume back up, “come along Sweetie. I’ve much to do.” “Oh, I could try fixing the broken windows with a spell I learned.” Sweetie offered. She started to follow Celestia, but then she turned back and gave each of her potential herd mates a hug. “Don’t worry about missing tomorrow's tea with the queen,” Nova called, as Sweetie climbed onto Celestia’s chariot. “If you’re not on time I’ll send Phenik to fetch you.” Celestia looked back with a big smile on her face, closed a wing around Sweetie Belle, and gave the guards pulling the chariot the go-ahead to take off. Celestia turned back, the pegasi guards pulled forward, running down the field to gain speed, and slowly lumbered aloft as the ponies on the ground waved. It'd be a while yet before Celestia and company were out of sight, but that didn't mean any pony on the ground was going to just stand there waving. Rose had a brilliant idea. She rushed back into the house, grabbed hold of her cloud booster seat, and propelled it out the door while jumping on top. The cloud scooted on out over the yard, and as she began to flap her little wings things started getting interesting. It wasn't quite flying in the normal sense, but she was airborne. Nor did it take her very long to figure out how to turn it. Goldwine and Alya seeing her scooting past rushed inside, retrieved their boosters and were soon racing about the yard with Rose. "Now how is it I never thought of doing that?" Scootaloo asked as the three went scooting on bye. "You and me both," Nova replied as she watched the three foals race about the yard on their little airborne scooters. > Chapter 30: Sweetie Belle part one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle looked out over the edge of the chariot and watched the land roll away below. Her position under Celestia’s wing made her feel safe, and she was pleasantly warm. “Sure is a nice view from here.” “Should you be looking… oh yes, the landscape below. - Yes, it is a mighty fine view.” “What? Oh, you mean the backfield view.” Sweetie said delighted at catching Celestia engaging in a little misbehavior. “Don’t you dare say anything to Rarity.” Celestia chastised playfully. “I would never dream of doing such a thing.” Sweetie protested. “Granted it could come out accidental like.” “You surely aren’t trying to blackmail me? Are you?” “What? No. I wouldn't dream of it.” Sweetie had a mischievous smile on her face. “As for myself, I only have eyes for my herd friends. That and I hate to say it, but even Alalme is built better than these charioteers. Nova is likened to chiseled stone, and Loki is by far one of the most stacked stallions I’ve ever met. And cute too. Of our little herd, I’m likely the weakest one. - Oh, and what I wouldn't do for a pair of wings.” “You’re not craving immortality are you?” Celestia asked cautiously. “What? No.” Sweetie Protested. “I just want to be able to fly with Nova, Scootaloo, Alalme, Loki, Moonie, and the foals. Apple Bloom and I kind of get left out of a lot of bonding time simply because we are land-bound.” “I see,” Celestia replied, and gave her a sympathetic hug. “That is a problem.” For Celestia, the gulf was more than just an issue of flight. She knew now that fox ponies had the potential to live far longer than regular ponies. What this meant was that while Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle grew old, Nova and Loki would not. Scootaloo was an unknown, but not likely to hold her age any better than any other pegasus. Granted the level of magic a pony had did tend to influence the length of the expected life span of the pony. When Princess Celestia first proposed the idea of Scootaloo attending the wizard school she knew that there was a likelihood the other Crusaders would want to tag along. If nothing else the experiment had proven that pegasi and earth ponies have just as much magic in them as unicorns did, but the conditions at the school were far worse then she could have imagined. She also knew the fillies would quickly form a friendship with Nova. She hadn’t expected that friendship to grow to the point it had, any more then she could have imagined the difficulties that would be placed on them. Not to mention Nova arriving with a nest mate, two foals in tow, an extended family, or the shock of learning Scootaloo had produced a foal of her own while there. Naturally the three fillies with foals, no make that three young mares with foals, had banded together. Apple Bloom and Sweetie having been lifelong friends with Scootaloo were eager to be considered a part of that little growing herd. Everything was happening way too fast for Celestia. “Princess, Mom...” Sweetie began in a contemplative tone, “..I may not be the one who sat on that egg, but Rose Myrtle is my foal just as much as she is Apple Bloom and Scootaloo’s foal. All three of us provided a drop of blood.” “And Scootaloo provided the egg. Kind of makes Rose primarily Scootaloo’s foal. But tell me, how do you see your role? Do you see yourself as a father figure? Does Rose look up to you as a father figure.” “I think I’m more of an older sister in her eyes. I’d say that little defensive display is a strong indication of who they’ve chosen as a father figure.” Sweetie offered. “Even so, I want to be as much a part of her life, and of Apple Bloom’s, Nova’s, Alalme’s, and Scootaloo’s life as I can.” “And Loki?” “I have time before I choose to commit myself to a stallion. Not like we have to have just the one.” Celestia looked at her and just started laughing. “What?” “You are so innocent.” “Since when?” “Two stallions are not likely going to want to share a herd unless they are the best of friends.” “Oh.” Sweetie had to think about it for a moment. “I guess I’ll just have to cross that bridge when I come to it.” “I suspect that they will always see you like family, no matter what decision you choose to take.” Celestia offered. “And I imagine one reason Nova wanted to take this move is so that you’d have some say if anything should happen to her, or the others. Should the unthinkable happen and the foals were left without their parents.” “Nothing is going to happen.” “No, of course not. But do take into consideration what her life has been like.” “Well, she doesn’t have to go it alone anymore. Not if I have any say in the matter.” Sweetie’s declaration was just as good as any declaration of love. Nor did the fact that the object of her admiration was a completely different pony type bother her one moment. Growing up, Sweetie was the filly adult ponies would whisper about behind her back. Apple Bloom had lost both her parents and had to be raised by her grandmother, and later her own sister. And Scootaloo was a flightless pegasus who grew up with Aunts, foster parents really, who where almost never there for her do to their commutes to and from where they had jobs. Sure the two sisters were loving, but the fact of the matter is that they’d missed every single significant moment of Scootaloo’s life. What their connection to Sunset Shimmer was, was still a mystery to Sweetie Belle. A big smile formed on Sweetie's face as the spires of Canterlot came into view. The large castle Keep, the gardens behind it in a large bailey, the small bailey in front of the keep, the apartments for the nobility in another large bailey below that, and government offices on a lower terrace below that. Beyond the third ring of walls was the city of Canterlot. The entire city was perched on a number of terraces high on the side of a mountain out of which rose an enormous volcanic plug that defied reason. The plug itself could be seen from nearly every point in Equestria so long as the view wasn't obstructed. The city itself was adorned with cascading gardens, and streams that came together to form a magnificent set of waterfalls that plunged off a cliff to a valley far below. Sweetie had been to Canterlot on several occasions by train. Arriving by train was an adventure in itself as the line had to snake its way along some very steep mountainsides. Glimpses of the city were few until one was nearly there, at which point the city could be seen climbing up the mountain high above the rail terminal. The first time Sweetie got to see it from the air, her mind had all but shut down it was so overwhelming. Rarity had been there with her, just like she always was. Rarity was always there for Sweetie Belle. Her… well, her grandparents hadn’t always been around. Granted that at the time she’d thought it was her parents that were constantly off on vacations leaving her ‘sister’ to look after her. When her sister turned out to be her mother Sweetie had been filled with conflicting emotions. Betrayal was one of them. It was Rarity’s relationship with Princess Celestia that finally brought out the full truth of the matter. Her grandparents on her father’s side had paid Rarity off on the condition that no pony find out who’s foal Sweetie really was. It certainly explained how a middle-class family suddenly had the money for the parents to live the life of the idle rich, and where the seed money came from to start Rarity’s Boutique. And then Twilight and the elements of Harmony came into Rarity’s life. Things were happening that would eventually lead up to Rarity’s courtship with and marriage to Princess Celestia. Rarity acknowledged Sweetie as her daughter, in private, and then Princess Celestia adopted Sweetie so they could both call her daughter in public. Her father’s family, whoever they were could just lump it. A thought came to mind, and she had to laugh. “Care to share?” “Well, Sunset Shimmer, AKA Sunrise, AKA Princess Eliana, is technically my sister, right?” “I did give ponies the idea that she is my daughter. And?” “That would make Scootaloo my niece. I’m fixing to enter into a herd agreement that will presumably led to marriage to my own niece.” “Which will make your sister your mother-in-law,” Celestia added with a grin. “The Royal Genealogist are going to hate us!” Sweetie exclaimed, and laughed some more. “I wouldn’t be too concerned. Worse things have happened. Sunset is actually my granddaughter via adoption. A great-granddaughter several times removed via the Platinum bloodline” Celestia offered. “The nobles do tend to be a bit inbred as well. There isn’t a one who isn’t at least a third cousin.” “I’m not related to my father am I?” Celestia gave her an odd look. “He’s your father.” Celestia thought for a moment, the smile returning to her face, “He’s not your mother’s cousin or anything like that if that’s what you are worried about.” “That’s a relief. Do you know who he is?” “I’m afraid it’s not my secret to tell.” Celestia offered apologetically, as the chariot turned for its approach to the palace landing pads in the royal gardens behind the Keep. “Any pone I know?” “Not my place to say.” “I bet all the gossips know.” “And that’s not a bet I’m going to take,” Celestia stated, and punctuated her words with a chuckle as they landed. “Your Highness. Miss Sweetie Belle.” Offered a palace Hoof-colt as a step was brought up to the back side of the chariot. He opened the gate on the back of the chariot and swung it open. “Thank you, Jarvis, and ask Kibitz to see to it that word is sent to make sure they set a place for Sweetie at the luncheon,” Celestia replied as she stepped down. “Sweetie, I must attend to the morning session of court, and there is a luncheon at twelve-thirty. Rarity will likely be attending to her business downtown but will be back for lunch. Did you have any ideas as to what you planned to do today?” “Well, I suppose I should go see about finding an outfit for the luncheon.” Sweetie offered as she followed after Celestia. “Probably should go get my spare identity card, and a purse first though.” “Let us hope you do not experience the same difficulty here as Scootaloo had in Ponyville.” Sweetie followed Celestia into the castle’s keep to turn down a hall that would take her to the stairs that went up to the royal apartments. She hadn’t gone far when she spotted a number of cracked windows. She looked at the window and decided that what the school didn’t know wasn’t going hurt them. She pointed her horn at the window, spoke the words ‘speculo reparo’ while channeling her magic through her horn, and towards the window. The window pane made a sort of ‘squick’ sound, and the crack in the glass vanished. “Good as new,” Sweetie announced to no one in particular. The day was young so she decided to just fix the cracked windows on her way to her room as she came to them. Sweetie found herself being scolded by a maid a short time later. “You can’t be doing that. Where’s your outfit?” The maid protested. “I can’t?” Sweetie asked. She didn't recognize the maid and protested that she’d be getting her outfit later. That would never do. The maid informed her that she must be properly dressed at all times. 🎀 “Rarity!” Celestia called. The two had decided to meet up in their chambers. “How was your morning? Have you seen Sweetie Belle?” “Sweetie? Is she back?” “Yes, I fetched her this morning.” “Wonderful. I imagine she’ll be along shortly, if not we’ll have to go down without her.” Rarity said sounding delighted. “Did you find out who it was that buzzed the palace?” “Scootaloo and a certain Ensign Moon.” Celestia offered with a wink. “Surely not Loki. I would think he’d know better than that?” “Not him, the elder Kitsumi Nova. Seems they discovered that they can push themselves forward with magic alone while in flight. It gives them the ability to maintain a sprint speed over a much longer duration. They literally sprinted from Ponyville to Canterlot and back. When I got there, they were stuffing their faces at the Apple Farm, and it seems General Spitfire had egged them on.” Celestia let out a sigh. “And the entirety of the morning court was filled with complaints about their little stunt.” “That’s too bad.” Rarity offered. “Perhaps we should head down?” “Sweetie did say something about wanting to get a new outfit.” “Well, then she’s gone shopping, and likely lost track of the time.” A short time later they were on their way into the dining hall when one of the maids standing buy caught their eye. Rarity walked up to the maid cautiously. The maid gave her a sheepish smile. “Sweetie?” Rarity asked while giving her a hug. “Why on Equestria are you dressed like a maid?” “I’m not sure? I thought I’d fix a few windows on my way up, and next thing I knew I’d been drafted into the household staff.” Sweetie offered. “Well, run upstairs, and get out of that thing.” Rarity ordered. “You’ll find some new outfits. Yes, I anticipated you’d need new outfits. Now hurry along, we can’t stall them too long.” “Yes, mother,” Sweetie said with a smile, left her place in the lineup, and hurried upstairs. “And leave the repair work for the staff.” Rarity called, but Sweetie was already out of earshot. Princess Celestia and Rarity went into the reception area to meet and greet everyone who’d come, and Sweetie Belle returned a short time later wearing a pale blue summer dress. Fancy Pants and Fleur deLis were Sweetie's first target as Rarity had said that she should always give a warm greeting to her supporters. Upper Crust and Jet Set came next, but then the sounds of an argument caught her attention before she'd a chance to really say anything to them. Rarity was having another argument with Prince Blueblood, the two discussing something in hushed tones. Celestia had a pained look on her face, and the gossips were just soaking it in until Prince’s mother decided to put a stop to it. “Prince! That is quite enough.” Duchess Blueblood scolded. “You know my feelings on this matter. Must you hash it out in public?” Fortunately what looked to be a row in the making was defused by the head waiter coming out and announcing that the luncheon had been served. Sweetie followed in with every pony else and went to the seat she’d been directed to. She stood by her chair and waited for Princess Celestia to sit down. Only when Celestia moved to sit down was it appropriate for anyone else to sit. Princess Celestia welcomed everyone and welcomed Sweetie back from her overseas school. Princess Celestia sat down, followed by everyone else at the grand table sitting down. Sweetie sat quietly as the first salad was brought out. Slices of bread were brought out, and a very nice sauteed dish. The conversation was light, polite, and without substance. As too seemed the food and not a scrap of meat. “Sweetie Belle, are you home now?” Sweetie looked up from her lunch, her mind taking a moment to register that it was Prince Blueblood speaking to her. “Just for tonight.” Sweetie offered. Why is he talking to me, Sweetie asked herself. “I’ll be headed back in the morning. I have an invite for tea with their queen. After that, we were going to do a bit of sightseeing, before coming back. It would be a shame to spend all that time, and not see anything but the inside of a school.” “I suppose that’s understandable,” Prince replied in as cordial a voice as he might use with a dignitary. “Any chance you will be returning to Princess Celestia’s school?” “We had planned on going back again next year.” Sweetie offered. ‘Is he actually concerned with my welfare?’ Bad enough there was no meat in the food, Prince Blueblood was actually being nice. To her. It was creeping her out. “Planned on?” Prince asked. “Any chance we can talk you into not going?” “I could never abandon my friends.” “Yes of course.” He then turned to Princess Celestia. “Auntie, weren’t you considering expanding the outreach of your school?” “I wasn’t aware you were interested in supporting it?” Celestia asked. “If half the rumors concerning that British school are true, I’d support anything to get Sweetie out of it.” Blueblood declared. “Is it true that you sent a squadron of the Night Watch?” “There was an issue which concerned national security, which has been dealt with.” Celestia offered. “To the best of my knowledge, the school is safe. Even if it isn’t up to our standards.” “Then you admit that that school is not up to our standards?” Prince Blueblood asked. “If it’ll help...” Sweetie began, “..if things don’t improve, then I think it’ll be time to come home for good. - I just feel sorry for the students who are trapped in that system and culture with no way out.” “Well, we can’t help everyone.” Prince Blueblood offered apologetically. “No, I suppose not.” Sweetie offered quietly. “But that won’t stop me from helping those I can. And then maybe they’ll help those that they can help, and it’ll spread out until all creatures can say their life is better for it.” “If only it really worked like that.” Prince Blueblood replied. “But you go right on helping those you can. Maybe someday it’ll catch on, but in the meantime, you are going to find that there is a lot you can’t do. Ponies that can’t be helped no matter how hard you try.” Rarity was giving him a dirty look from her place next to Celestia. “Sweetie, tell us about everything you learned while you were there?” “I learned a lot about magic.” Sweetie offered. “The type they use. Their magic relies on sticks with a bit of something from a magical creature. I didn’t get much on theory as to how it works. I learned a lot about herbs too, and how to use them. Can’t say I learned too much about potions.” “Oh?” Rarity asked. “Our instructor would write instructions on an old slate with chalk, tell us to do it, and then basically sit back, and watch to see who would mess up first.” Sweetie let out a small sigh. “I had several potions go horribly wrong. Miss Nova showing up was a lifesaver. She knew potions well enough to be able to help us out, and made sure I had my mane tied up so I wouldn't get it in my potion.” “Well, how are you doing in math?” Prince asked. “We didn’t have any.” Sweetie offered. “No math?” Prince asked sounding incredulous. “Non that I’m aware of,” Sweetie replied. “I’m to understand they do teach logic in the higher classes.” Princess Celestia offered. “I must confess the only reason I suggested Louise go was so she wouldn't have to endure the callousness being shown to her here.” “Well she is just a button head, isn’t she?” Lady Duchess Blueblood offered dismissively. “What sort of name is Louise anyway?” “As it just so happens she is named after my father, Louis le Roi Soleil, High King of the Alicorns, King of Akkadia.” Celestia quipped knowing full well the ripples this tidbit of information would cause. No one had connected Sunrise Shimmer to Sunset Shimmer, and the fact that she had seemingly dropped out of nowhere had led to a good deal of wild speculation. After all, there was no way this Sunrise pony could possibly be Celestia’s daughter as Princess Celestia had not had any foals in recent history. Few knew anything about Celestia’s ancient history or how old Princess Shimmer was. “Akkadian?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Arcadia, as Miss Nova calls it.” Celestia offered with a smile for Sweetie. “I’m sure it’s buried in some history book somewhere.” “Not in my history books.” Sweetie lamented. “I thought I’d be learning about their history, but all I got was endless droning on about goblin wars. History isn’t even taught by a proper instructor.” “How’s that?” Prince asked. “Our history teacher is a specter. A real honest to gosh ghost.” Sweetie offered. “The novelty wore off really fast.” “Now Sweetie, what did I say?” Rarity asked in a mild rebuke. “But it’s true.” “I’m afraid Luna was able to confirm it. Her teacher really is a specter.” Celestia offered. “Now how can she be expected to learn in an environment like that?!” Prince exclaimed while pointedly looking at Rarity. “Prince.” Lady Duchess scolded. “Sweetie is Lady Rarity’s responsibility, and while we may not approve of the school, it is not our place to question where she sends her foal.” “Well, I can certainly understand his objection.” Offered Lord Blueblood. He’d been quiet up to that moment, not wishing to get involved. “An adopted Princess along with a young filly who we are to understand is of the noblest bloodline, really should not be trusted to any school outside of Equestria.” > Chapter 31: Sweetie Belle part two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It is our intention to develop peaceful relations with England.” Princess Celestia stated. "A couple of years in their school of magic isn’t going to hurt Sweetie academically.” Celestia hesitated a moment. “Sweetie, I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like you to attend the summer session here so that you don’t fall too far behind. Louise and the others will be invited as well.” “Including Nova?” Sweetie Asked. “I think we can schedule around any difficulties.” Celestia offered with a big smile. “Oh, and how about Hermione?” Sweetie asked. “Hermione?” Celestia asked with just a slight tilt of the head. “Just a friend, close, but not so close I’d want to include her in any future plans as to who I’d want to herd with,” Sweetie explained. “She loves learning. - Though she did make a certain problem worse.” “Certain problems?” Lady Duchess Blueblood asked. “Could that mean a certain rumor is true?” “The filly in question is of age, and has joined into a herd agreement with two other mares.” Celestia offered. “If that is what you are referring to?” “Forgive me, but I’ve only heard rumors.” Duchess offered apologetically. “Will there be any public announcements?” “These other two mares, what sort of social background do they come from?” Lord Blueblood asked. “One is the widowed bride of a local chieftain, and the other a fairly formidable alicorn.” Celestia offered. Her smile had shifted to a smirk. Princess Celestia had no qualms about building up Nova and Alalme’s credentials in the eyes of the Canterlot elites. “But I thought?” sweetie asked in a whisper. “There is more to being a princess then simply ascending,” Celestia whispered back. “She has a remarkable command of weather magic and I even witnessed her raise the moon once.” “She raised the moon?” “Somehow convinced Nightmare Moon to lend her power, and kept the shadow pony who’d possessed her at bay while she did it,” Celestia answered softly. “Seriously?” “It may not have been by her power alone, but she did indeed do it. Which is a far cry above any average unicorn.” Celestia offered. “Wow,” Sweetie said softly. “So um, Hermione?” “We’ll just have to have Luna see about inviting her. I’m sure it’ll be very interesting, and possibly even an enlightening experience for her.” “I bet Harry wouldn't mind coming. He’s not exactly the most studious individual, but then he’d as likely do anything to get away from his Aunt’s family.” Sweetie offered. “Downside is he’s, well, ignorant of pony kind.” “What’s that?” Duchess asked. “With the exception of the Pegasi, most of the English know little to nothing about Equestria.” Celestia offered. “Something we are not in a hurry to remedy due to concerns of national security.” Celestia took a breath. “While I feel I can trust that Sweetie and our other precious ponies will be safe enough, I do not trust the English. Specifically the magic users in their society. Instead of rising to leadership positions to lift their world into prosperity, as has been done in Equestria, they antagonize, marginalize, and withdraw into authoritarian camps. They look down upon their fellow beings. So much so that they have disdained all knowledge derived from the non-magical, and have become quite ignorant of the advancements of the mundane society that surrounds them.” Celestia gave her words a moment to sink in. “To be bluntly honest about the only thing the Wizards offer us is their unique methods of magic use. We have far more to gain from the mundane nonmagic user. They are clever and innovative.” “But why do we even bother?” Prince asked. His tone a mixture of concern with his usual haughtiness. “Because they are aware of us. Fortunately, they do not as of yet know the full truth of the matter, and owing to the inherent nature of the species, we are crafting a nice fiction that we hope will throw them off the sent.” Celestia offered. “In the meantime, we wish to learn as much about their societies as we may.” “I see.” Lord Blueblood said in quiet contemplation. “Well, I still don’t like it,” Prince grumbled. Prince Blueblood's response was from a place of ignorance having been left out of the loop, and yet if he had known the full truth he might well have reacted with more than just grumbling. What’s more is that he was determined to find out as much as he could, and spent the remainder of the luncheon plying Sweetie Belle for information. Something Sweetie found rather confusing, but saw no reason not to tell him, but did take care concerning what she actually revealed. “Sweetie, have you put any thoughts into who you might wish to herd with?” Duchess asked causing a halt in Prince’s line of questioning. Even he gave her an odd look. It hadn’t occurred to Prince that his mother might want to arrange something for the filly she all but denied the existence of. No doubt to gain more political clout for herself. “I’ve kind of already got a herd.” Sweetie offered. “It’s just a matter of filing an official declaration of intent.” “Declaration of intent?” Rarity asked feeling like she’d just been kicked in the gut. Celestia shifted a hoof over to rest it on Rarity’s hoof. “We were going to discuss this issue later,” Celestia said softly. “Princess Celestia, I just happen to know of some ideal candidates who are well placed.” Duchess offered. “Mother, it would seem to me that you’d have less say in this matter than I do.” Prince protested. “And you don’t exactly have any say. At all.” Rarity reminded him. Sweetie just looked at the two as a feeling of horror began to slowly creep over her. “Now now...” Celestia said softly. She cleared her throat, and then in a voice, everyone could hear, announced that Sweetie had been invited to join into an 'Intent to Herd' contract. “It’s a good offer, and as we have yet to discuss the issue, all competing offers will simply have to go through the standard channels to be considered in their turn.” Celestia smiled realizing that Nova must have known something like this was coming up. “Dare I ask who?” Rarity asked giving Celestia a curious look. “Princess Nova Moon. The same alicorn who took Louise Magnus into her herd.” Celestia offered. “Did this Princess go through proper channels?” Duchess asked with her usual haughty tone. She was presently racking her brains as to who Princess Celestia could be talking about, but the only Nova Moon she knew of was Twilight’s little mutt. “She made her intentions known to me this morning,” Celestia replied. “Her rank allows her direct access.” Princess Celestia’s pronouncement caused every eye in the place to widen in surprise. “The herd in question presently includes Princess Louise Magnus, Lady Alalme Silverwood, and Princess Nova Moon of Arcadia.” “Um, what about Apple Bloom?” Rarity asked. "I always just assumed it'd be the three of you." “She was invited too.” Sweetie Belle offered. “Princess Nova and Lady Alalme are widowed, and as they’d developed a close relationship with the Crusaders, they brought Louise into their little herd as soon as they knew there was an egg involved,” Celestia explained. Her smile faded. Going with a variety of the fiction they told the humans was certainly a reasonable way to avoid having to explain the truth. “Seems the father was a member of Lady Alalme’s family.” “Was?” Fleur deLis asked. “Their family was devastated by a monster that had taken a liking to pegasi eggs,” Celestia announced. “The new settlement on the edge of the Everfree is made up of her clan's ponies. They were forced from their homes thanks to the irresponsible practice of releasing nonnative creatures into the forest they lived in.” “Creatures?” Jet Set asked. “Giant pony eating spiders,” Sweetie informed her. “The glen they lived in was torched to exterminate the spiders. This was one case where killing the spiders with fire really was the most appropriate response. The bulk of the clan really had nowhere else to go, so we invited their families to move to Equestria.” Celestia informed them. Celestia was also well known for using extreme measures to kill spiders that were unwary enough to crawl into her apartments. Just ask Luna. “They’ve chosen that specific patch of Everfree because it is the place their ancestors once called home. These English pegasi are the lost foals spoken of in legends concerning the battle between myself and Nightmare Moon. They have lived in England for countless generations, and now they are home.” Princess Celestia, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle casually walked down a palace corridor shortly after the luncheon had ended. Sweetie wasn’t too sure if she’d ever get used to ponies bowing as they passed by, but then, she was in the company of the ranking princess of Equestria. But then that’s not what was troubling her, not this day. “Care to share?” Rarity asked Sweetie. She knew there was something bothering Sweetie. Sweetie worked her jaw for a moment as she formulated what she wanted to say. “What is going on between you and Prince Blueblood?” “Right offhand, I’d call it a love-hate relationship.” Celestia offered with a smirk on her face. “He does seem to have matured over the years.” “Sweetie, Prince and I go all the way back to when we were in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.” Rarity offered. “And I am so glad you are not the same pony now that you were then.” Celestia offered with a nuzzle. “My behavior was rather out of line wasn’t it?” “You cared less for your studies than you did in trying to convince the foals from noble families you were one of them.” “I so wanted to be part of the elite and everything that goes with it,” Rarity offered, sounding rather wistful. “I realized later that they knew I was a fraud.” She let out a sigh and moved to give Sweetie a hug. Sweetie backed off. “I’m sorry, I’m not proud of what I did.” “What you did?” Sweetie asked. “Prince Blueblood was my colt friend at the time. He was just using me, I knew it...” Rarity had a hurt look in her eyes. “It’s only fair I tell you before you find out from the gossips. I tried to entrap Prince. All I cared about was gaining that status. It never occurred to me his family would never recognize me as his wife.” “You did get a sizable stipend out of it.” Princess Celestia offered. “Which my parents squandered on trips around the world,” Rarity stated. “My business success is thanks to my hard work. Would you believe that when I went to that first Gala I honestly thought things would be different? That I could rekindle that relationship. After all, I had a successful business, I’d helped save the world, and had even been knighted.” “You can’t rekindle a relationship that never truly existed though.” Celestia offered. “Entrapment?” Sweetie whispered. Denial had set in. “I know that now, and it was a hard lesson to learn,” Rarity offered with a tone of resignation. “Sweetie, he’s your father.” “You know that in the eyes of the law you are married to him.” Celestia offered to Rarity. “What? - How does that even work?” Rarity asked. “Any coupling is automatically registered via a citywide detection spell.” “What?” Rarity asked. “Father?!” Sweetie exclaimed breathlessly. Anger. The Nile would break its banks at any moment. “It was put into place to protect the nobility from false claims and has the added benefit of discouraging the nobility from playing the field with their servants. The fact that they gave you a stipend only helps to cement the union. In the eyes of the law at least, he’s your husband, and the only way to change that is to get a divorce. Dear sweet Duchess would never do that because she doesn’t understand how the law works. The only thing she cared about was getting rid of a gold digger, and doing damage control.” “Where does that leave us then?” Rarity asked sounding like she was getting ready to go into a panic. “Well, I’d imagine that it makes him our consort.” Celestia offered as she mulled it over in her mind. “I wonder if he knows?” At that moment the rubber band that kept Sweetie’s brain going snapped, and she let out a high-pitched scream. A continuous high pitched scream. A talon reached up to cover the ear that was sticking out of the wall, discord fell out of said wall, and began rolling on the ground laughing while every window within the space of a thousand of Celestia’s wingspans shattered. Putting a hoof on Sweetie’s mouth only stopped her momentarily. > Chapter 32 Good morning! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loki slowly roused from sleep with the sensation of a pony laying on top of him. He was presently in human form owing to the necessity to bunk in the duplex. Granted the only reason any of them bunked in the duplex was in case of surprise visits. Normally the Bolts would sleep in pony piles, and he’d bunk with Corporal Pfalz. The Corporal was not in the habit of nuzzling him and was predominantly sable with a gold mane. He certainly never straddled him, and it was probably a good thing ponies were not much bigger than people. Loki cracked an eye open discovering the mostly white lithe form of Nova. “Mmmm morning,” Nova whispered in a husky voice. The cold look in her eyes, with her pupils unnaturally dilated, was sending all the wrong sort of chills through Loki. This morning was proving a bad time for morning wood. “Nova?! What are you doing?!” Loki protested as he shook himself awake, and he’d definitely mixed feelings concerning his present predicament. At least there were blankets between the two. Nova’s breathing seemed heavier then it should be, she was perspiring ever so slightly, and there was a heady musk about her that threatened to derail his sense of self-preservation. Over the past few days their relationship had indeed been blossoming, but this? He was at a loss as his mind raced. “Let's do it brony style,” Nova whispered seductively. “What? No!” Loki protested. “Luna will geld me for sure. - What’s gotten into you? - Someone? Anyone? A little help?” Meanwhile, in Trixie’s office across the street, the entire drama can be seen through the duplex’s large street-side window. “Good morning.” Trixie offered to a young man as she entered her office. He was a new intern freshly graduated from Hogwarts and presently transfixed by what was going on across the way. “Something amiss?” “There’s a winged unicorn over there, and it has a man pinned.” The intern offered. Trixie went to the window to have a look. What she saw was a couple of the bolts trying to talk sense into Nova who seemed dead set on doing something inappropriate. Nova’s head was down low in an aggressive posture off to one side, ears back, and mouth agape like she was ready to bite anyone who came too close. Trixie couldn't help but chuckle as she was fairly sure Nova had just said, ‘mine’. “Shouldn't we do something?” “I’d imagine a perception filter on that window might be a good idea. - That or some drapery.” Trixi offered as a little gray pegasus flew in from another part of the duplex. “She is being rather aggressive.” “Now there’s a pegasus in there? - Hang on, what is…?” “She's making a cloud.” Trixi offered to explain the actions of the pegasus. “Pegasi can manipulate the weather.” The two watched as the cloud was maneuvered over the top of Nova, and with a thump of a hoof a shower of cold water cascaded down onto the pair. ☔ “Alice!” Nova protested as she sat up. The world had gone gray. No wait, she’d stuck her head in the cloud. “By any chance are you sensible now?” Alice offered. The cloud rotated back and forth. Alice, who was in her pegasus form, gave the cloud another thump causing more cold water to pour out of it. Nova gave a violent shake of her head and broke up the cloud. “What the hay?!” Nova protested and blinked as she looked about. “What was I doing?” “Sleep molesting apparently.” Alice offered. Nova looked at who she was presently sitting on. Loki had a rather sheepish look on his face, his hands up in the bunny paws position with his covers pulled tight. “Oh,” Nova replied. “So um, what’s going on with you switching from bat pony to pegasus anyway?” “I’m actually a pegasus. I’ve a similar issue as Princess Shy. Nightmare Moon put a whammy on me. - It’s primarily an external thing.” “Which do you prefer?” Nova asked. She was actually hoping to distract from the present situation. “Bat pony actually. Bat ponies are faster in a sprint and very maneuverable. I just can’t do any weather magic while I’m a bat pony.” Alice offered. “As long as you are going to be out here, what say we change back to humans?” “That might be a good idea.” Nova offered, and the two transformed. Alice had a slinky nightgown on and across the way the young intern hemorrhaged at the nose and passed out. Nova wasn’t wearing anything. “How is that supposed to help?! Loki protested. He was relieved when Scootaloo and Alalme came in search of Nova and escorted her back into the closet each having a knowing smirk on their faces. A short time later the mares, including two Aiko’s and Trixie, are sitting around the breakfast table while the foals scamper about in play. Trixie had popped in presumably for a spot of tea and a bit of marmalade. Scootaloo and Alalme had book-ended Nova each with a wing over her, not like they were holding her down or anything, and Istel and Talma were looking on with mirth on their faces. Alice was also at the table and was presently peering over a cup of tea. Everyone was in their pony form. “Drink,” ordered the Aiko not presently in a maid’s outfit. “Blah!” Nova protested momentarily after drinking the potion. “What is that? Why are you even here?” “I felt a disturbance in the force. As though a thousand zippers were straining to hold back a great swelling pressure.” Trixie announced followed by a moment of silence while everyone gave her a puzzled look. “What?!” Trixie asked as a big smile formed on her face. A chuckle escaped from somewhere deep inside. "Your antics were on full display." “Nova, you’ve gone into season,” Aiko offered. “You are in heat. Your libido has gone into overdrive.” “Congratulations,” Istel offered. “It’s not like it’s the first time.” Nova protested with a grumble. “No doubt, but you’ve got it bad right now. Likely a result of the move from Scotland's dreary weather to the brighter southern weather, plus your little jaunt back home giving you an influx of the ambient Equestrian magic.” Aiko explained. “How is it I’m not having issues?” Scootaloo asked. “You’re still nursing. Equestrians typically don’t go back into estrous if they are already nursing.” Aiko offered. “Alalme?” “Yes, but it’s not driving me to jump the first stallion I see,” Alalme admitted. “I’ve already jumped my stallion,” Alice admitted coyly. Her news prompted Talma and Istel to get up from their seats to give her a hug. “And no, I don’t know yet.” “Well, it’s still good news to hear that you are bouncing back.” Aiko offered. “As for the potion, it calms the libido, alleviates some of the more uncomfortable side effects of being in estrous, and provides birth control just in case.” “You know you might have told me before you made me drink that stuff.” Nova protested. She wasn’t too sure she liked the idea of that decision being made for her. After all, she was of age, or so she’d been led to believe and all but engaged. “You’re not being given a choice.” Aiko countered sternly. “You’ll need to take the potion once a month until such time as it would be more appropriate for you to be having a foal. - It’s going to be a big enough strain to look after Goldwine and attend the Hogwarts school.” “Alright,” Nova replied sounding just a little defeated. “Try not to be too disappointed.” Trixie offered. “Now, regarding why I’m here. Your little episode was observed by ministry personnel.” “I’m already in the Ministry records as a maledictus,” Nova informed her. “Well, it’s not like it’s a proper Animagus spell in the first place.” Trixie offered. “On the one hand Trixie could be considered an animagus, but I never did any of the things normally associated with the spell as the transformation is dependent on the effects of the portal and Equestrian magic. Oddly enough, Equestrian magic is known as light or white magic here in England. The English brand of magic is more of a gray magic easily swayed to the dark side.” “Hang on, are you suggesting that our foals should be able to transform now?” Alalme asked concerning what Trixie had said regarding transformations. “I imagine that the only reason they didn’t transform when they came back through is for the same reason Istel and Talma don’t. They started out here as pegasi. That is their form here.” Trixie offered. “And because Mrs. Hoofstrong here was seen by ministry officials we need to register her as an Animagus or she faces a year in Azkaban.” “Hang on, run that by me again?” Alice asked. “Are you saying I could end up in prison just for being an Equestrian?” “She’s embassy personnel.” Nova offered. “Any chance my protections extend to those in my service?” “They may, but the Ministry of Magic as a whole hasn’t recognized Eques as a sovereign nation outside of the charter.” Trixie offered. “Which puts us in limbo,” Nova said with a hint of irritability. “At any rate, I should take Alice over to the Ministry to get her registered. After that, I’m going to see what I can do about getting that silly law amended.” Trixie offered. “No one should have to go to that horrible place simply for omitting that they’d achieved the ability to transform themselves.” “What kind of a prison is Azkaban?” Aiko asked. “It makes Tartarus look like a daycare,” Trixie replied. Her tone devoid of emotion, save a hint of resigned hatred. “I want to close that place down, it’s… it’s inhuman. It’s a vile place beyond the imaginings of the worst pony nightmares guarded by inhuman things. Dementors they are called.” “Have you been there?” Aiko asked. “I dare not.” Trixie offered. “Dementors, I’m told, cause a person to relive their worst moments, and I’ve some doozies.” Trixie shuddered involuntarily. “They torment a person in such a way as to rob them of all hope. A dementor’s kiss sucks the soul right out of a person. It is a wraith not unlike Nazgul only they aren’t land-bound.” “Yurei, akin to some form of Gaki.” Aiko said softly. She was aware of the various western mythos, and Trixie’s comparison to the Nazgul in the sagas of Middle Earth was especially troubling. Reading up on all the western cultural phenomenons had been part of the training of Equestria’s agents as no one wanted to be caught out simply by not knowing something as simple as what ‘badger badger badger mushroom’ was. And yet, here there were things within the wizarding society that threatened to trip them up. To Aiko and the rest of the ponies, being forced to sign a registration or face a year in a hell hole simply for being who they are was unconscionable. At least Alice Mouse could honestly say she hadn’t been in the country a year, a year being the deadline for registration. But what about every pony else? They’d have to be extra careful no pony else blew their cover. Scootaloo would have to register. Meanwhile, Aiko had plans to see what could be done about the wraiths. “So, um, is she safe?” Loki asked as he poked his head in the door. He stepped into the rotunda, transformed back into a pony, and was answered by Nova’s wings flying out tangling with Alalme and Scootaloo’s wings. The display was followed by Loki dropping to the floor with his wings displayed. “Loki, why are you down on the floor like that?” Trixi asked as Nova began to squirm and cry to be let loose. “It’s a fox pony bonding ritual.” Aiko offered. “Go on, let her go so she can reciprocate.” “I think we’re stuck.” Scootaloo offered. A moment later all three were on the floor, and upside down. It wasn’t quite how it was supposed to work, but the moment their muzzles touched Loki’s muzzle, all their wings relaxed. “So any pony want to go work off some of that excess energy?” Loki asked innocently enough. Unfortunately, the three mares misinterpreted, and three sets of wings attempted a full display. “Flying, we can go get in a little air time,” Loki added with a big smile on his face. > Chapter 33 Alice visits the Ministry of Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice Mouse and Trixie made their way through the back halls of the old War Office and entered a room that had been lovingly restored complete with a walk-in fireplace. “Have you ever used the Floo network?” Trixie asked as the two approached the fireplace. “I don’t even have a wand,” Alice replied. “How’d you get to Hogwarts?” “Took a commuter train to the closest station, and flew from there. - Not like it’s that far.” “Mmm… kay,” Trixie replied in an almost sarcastic tone. “Only took a few hours. If the wizards weren’t so opposed to modern technology the Hogwarts Express wouldn't take all day.” “Take it up with your princess, she owns the thing,” Trixie grumbled. “Getting back to the floo, all you have to do is take a handful of Floo powder, throw it into the fire, step in, and state the name of the location you wish to go to. In this case, we will say ‘Ministry of Magic’ and we will be whooshed off to the ministry.” “I thought we were in the Ministry?” “This is the ‘Old War Office’ which is what we’ll say to get back,” Trixie instructed. “Now take a handful, and I’ll be right behind you.” Alice Took a handful of the powder, cast it in the fire, stepped in gingerly, and spoke the required word. Having the floor drop out from under her was not what she’d expected. She had brief glimpses of a magical conduit as she raced through, first straight down, then horizontally, and before she had a chance to say a proper expletive, she found herself sliding across the floor of a large atrium on her backside. Trixie stepped out a moment later the travel being rather old-hat to her by this time. “Don’t feel too bad, Trixie has had more practice.” She offered with a smile, and a hand up. “Impressive.” Alice offered as she got up, and looked about. The place was packed with people coming and going, all coming in via large ornate fireplaces on one side of the grand hall, and exiting on the other. “And this is just the entry.” Trixie offered and then led the way down the crowded corridor. Alice followed trying not to gape in wonder as the grand entryway opened out into a magnificent grand atrium. Before them, a grand statue of a house-elf, a goblin, a centaur, and a witch looked up towards a statue of a wizard with longing gazes while the wizard looked as though reflecting on some deep contemplation. Self-absorbed is what Alice thought. Beneath the statues, a grand fountain sparkled with crystal-clear water. Everywhere Alice looked people were thronging back and forth, with towers of hexagonal bay windows lining the walls. “Where, if I may ask, is all this?” “We are presently in a large bomb shelter complex that was taken over by the ministry back in the first muggle world war and expanded on by wizards. Of course, the cavern we are presently in was natural. The nonmagical discovered this place and thought what a wonderful place to put emergency shelters and government offices to avoid bombs being dropped on them by zeppelins. Just as soon as wizards learned of it, they commandeered it, and made sure that none of the people who’d done the original construction would remember any of it.” Trixie explained. Which is just as well. You see, wizards already had many subterranean chambers down here the oldest of which is so old no one is quite sure who built it.” “Minister Lulamoon.” Offered a wizard at a gated counter. “Not planning on moving back into the old office are you?” “Goodness no,” Trixie replied as she placed her wand on a scale. “I much prefer natural light, and need to be available to the Prime Minister, and Her Majesty the Queen.” “But muggles, really?” They offered derisively. “Her Majesty is no muggle.” Alice corrected with a sharp tone. “She owns a wand, I dare say she knows how to use it, and I’m to understand that she houses wild or at least semi-wild, pegasi.” “Does she?” Trixie asked. “Oh yes, there was something about that.” “No way of knowing how many of the nobility can wield magic.” Alice offered. “Or where they’ve learned their craft.” “They can use magic?” The clerk asked in astonishment. “Wand?” Trixie prompted. “Oh right, Scots pine, and winged unicorn?” “Any pony I know?” Alice asked with a smile. “My wand originally had a unicorn hair, but unicorn hairs wear out.” Trixie offered. “I’d admit I thought about trying one of my own, but then I thought why not ask Twilight.” “And she let you have one of her hairs. That shows she’s come to trust you.” Alice offered. “I’m not the individual I once was, and it took a long time to gain her trust,” Trixie admitted as she retrieved her wand. “Mam, we’ll need to weigh your wand.” The clerk said to Alice. “Oh, I don’t carry a wand,” Alice replied. “Never learned how to use one. I can do some wandless magic, I believe that’s what you’d call it.” She then cuffed her hands, and created a small cloud ball as a demonstration, and casually set it loose to roam about. I can control my magic, and know a few basic spells, but aside from that, I’ve never had any formal training in spell casting.” “Why didn’t you go to Hogwarts?” The clerk asked honestly perplexed. “She’s from Eques.” Trixie offered. “Eques is interesting in that everyone there can do some magic, but less than a third of the population ever get any higher education in its use.” “True, but when we consider the level our magic is at compared to other magic communities, that’s not really so bad. I mean, how many wizards can even do wandless magic?” Alice offered. “I – I don’t know. I didn’t even know it was possible.” “Alice dear, Trixie doesn’t have all day.” “Oh, yes, sorry. Sorry, we need to go.” Alice offered as she followed Trixie through the gate. “As close as you are to the princesses, did you know about Hogwarts?” Trixie asked as the pair stepped away from the gate. “To the best of my knowledge, it hadn’t even been built yet,” Alice admitted. Her words echo in the mind of the person at the gate. ‘No, no no’, the wizards at the gate told themselves. The young lady had been ignorant of Hogwarts, and she did come from another country after all. But then again, their new Minister of Magic, Miss Beatrice Lulamoon was known to have been born in 1892 and looked to be no older than a young woman in her early twenties. Trixie and Alice continued into the ministry, and down several back halls until coming to a little office in which only one old witch sat. She was presently sound asleep in her chair, her head lolling back. Nor did Trixie even bother to wake her. Trixie went around behind the counter, retrieved the required paperwork, and brought everything up to the counter. “That’s quite the stack,” Alice observed. “I swear these people generate more paperwork than their muggle counterparts,” Trixie grumbled. “Might explain why so few come forward about being animagus.” She retrieved a quill, handed it over to Alice, and then the two set to filling out the stack of papers. “Now what do I put here?” Alice protested about an hour later. “This whole section wants me to detail the steps I took to obtain my transformation?” “Give it here.” Trixie offered taking quill and parchment. She then wrote out a note at the top stating that the transformation was due to a spell reliant on ‘light’ magic, and was as yet classified. Signed it, and proceeded to line out the rest of the page, followed by the next, and the next, and the next. “OK, description, gray pegasus, dark gray main and tail with a white stripe. Cutie mark?” “A white mouse making a rude gesture on a black shield.” Alice offered. “A rude gesture?” “Flipping the finger. Mice have digits.” Alice offered. “You know I had no idea what that was until I came here.” Trixie looked at her for a moment and just started laughing. “Oy, what, who’s there?” Asked the old witch on waking. “It’s just Trixie, your great and powerful Minister of Magic.” Trixie offered. “And a companion I needed to get registered.” “So what about my secondary transformation?” Alice asked. “We list that as a magical blood curse,” Trixie explained. “Two transformations?” Asked the old woman as Trixie finished up the paperwork for Alice. “A little gray pegasus and she can turn into a thestral thanks to a curse that was put on her over a thousand years ago.” Trixie offered. “A thousand years?” the witch asked skeptically. “I was, how should I describe it, put on ice for the majority of that time.” “No one knew how to counter the effects of the curse, so she was placed in magical stasis for the majority of that time.” Trixie offered as she indicated places for Alice to sign. “The culture shock after waking up a thousand years later was, well, a bit like waking up in a foreign world. I couldn't even speak the language anymore.” Alice offered. “But what about the curse? If you can transform, aren’t you still cursed?” “The more harmful effects of the curse have been removed.” Trixie offered. “I maintained the ability to switch back and forth because there is very little difference between the two forms.” Alice offered. “A form once learned can then be maintained indefinitely.” That last part she’d made up, but who could say she was wrong? “I see, I see.” The old witch offered. “Can I see?” “Trixie, should I?” “Can’t be any harm in it,” Trixie replied. A smile formed on Alice’s face, followed by the human transforming into a little gray pegasus that was for all practicality about the same size as her human form. And as she was now a pony, her center of gravity had shifted, and her front hooves dropped to the counter for support. “So what do you think?” Alice asked. The old witch was speechless for a moment before asking, “You can talk?” “Um, ya,” Alice replied sounding just a bit annoyed. “It’s a common trait among those who have animal forms in Eques.” Trixie offered. “Now, if we are done here, there is a committee meeting I need to go to, and Alice, I’d like it if you could join me.” “Considering I’d not likely find my way out on my own, I will accept your gracious invitation,” Alice replied with a smirk on her face and then dropped down to all fours. Trixie gave her a look, started chuckling, and headed for the door to be followed momentarily by a dutiful little gray pegasus. They hadn’t gone far when someone suggested that perhaps Trixie had best have a lead on that animal. “The only one allowed to put a lead on me is my husband,” Alice replied in a rather short scolding tone. “Great Cesar’s ghost, she can talk?” Trixie just laughed, and Alice decided to just stick her tongue out at anyone who dared to suggest she needed a lead. The two arrived at their intended destination a short time later. Trixie went to sit in the chair reserved for her and directed Alice to sit in a vacant chair. “That’s a mighty well-trained pegasus you’ve got there.” Offered one of the ministers as they all filed in and took up a seat. On the agenda for the day was a bill to reform many laws that were rather draconian in nature. A copy of the agenda was passed around, including providing Alice with one. “Gentlemen, and ladies...” Trixie began. “So why’d you bring the Pegasus?” Bartemius Crouch Sr asked and then did a double-take on realizing the pegasus was reading the agenda. “Her name is Alice Mouse-Hoofstrong.” Trixie offered. “I brought her as a material witness as to why I want the law regarding animagus changed. Alice, say hello.” “Ministers.” Alice offered. “Alice is a lieutenant in the Eques military,” Trixie added. Alice transformed back to her human self and watched the mouths drop. “We are of the opinion that a year in Azkaban for failing to register an animagus form is excessive.” Trixie offered. “Yes, I know, you all decided to shelve that one the last time we got together, but tell me… those of you who keep pegasi, would you be willing to let your ponies be sent to Azkaban for even so much as a day?” “Now see here, it’s not the same thing.” One of the ministers protested. “We’ve discovered that a large percentage of the English pegasi are in fact from Eques. Seems they went native several generations ago.” Alice offered. “And yes, the pony form is quite common among our people.” “Princess Nova took in a pregnant English mare, and that mare later learned how to turn herself back into a human,” Trixie informed them. “Should we then lock her up in Azkaban? What about the foal? Yes, she gave birth to a foal. Granted she was still a pony at the time.” “There is a foal that figured out the trick as well.” Alice supplied. “True, but she is an Equestrian.” Trixie countered. “So far as I know, there is only the one English pegasi who can transform.” “The idea that any of my pegasi might be former humans is staggering,” offered a minister. “They are exceedingly intelligent.” Bartemuis offered. “What I propose is amnesty for anyone willing to come forward, and a simple fine in the future. In fact, I’d even go so far as to make it a secondary offense so that people who are guilty of nothing more than not wanting the whole world to know they can change into something aren't penalized unless they used said form to commit a crime.” Trixie offered. “And a blanket pardon without restrictions and to be made indefinite for all people from Eques.” “A blanket pardon?” “Eques is looking to join the world stage.” Trixie offered. “This is a brand new entry to the world community of a society that has been cut off from the world. Eques is a group of islands in the Caribbean, of all places, which was known as the Polyphemus islands to the ancient Greeks. That’s right, a Greek Island in the Caribbean. The islands are ringed by dangerous reefs that formed on the ring of what looks to have been either an ancient supervolcano or a meteorite crater in which volcanic islands formed. Such is the magnetic and natural magical interference that the place has gone completely overlooked by the modern muggle world. What they will be telling the world at large is that they are a former British colony. The truth is that they are the last vestiges of the ancient Arcadian empire of which Atlantis was the capital.” “Atlantis?” “It’s not Atlantis.” Mouse offered. “Our own records suggest a volcanic island in the Mediterranean.” “The reason we want amnesty for the citizens of Eques outside the fact they are not currently members of the wizarding community...” Trixie began, “Is because every last one of them can transform. Any attempt to enforce the old law on them is bound to lead to a war we can not win.” “Now see here...” Bartemuis protested and then stopped dead when Trixie transformed into a unicorn with sky blue fur. “I also want an absolute moratorium on hunting unicorns, pegasi, and any pony that has pastel-colored fur,” Trixie requested firmly. “When the animals of Britten went on strike when that little snot injured a foal, it was because the foal is a citizen of Eques.” Trixie paused a moment. “Now do you still think you can win when you might be faced with having to fight your own animals?” They all looked at Trixie with their jaws agape. No, Trixie wasn’t going to tell them about Princess Celestia and the other Alicorns. They’d never believe it. Facing a possibility they knew to be a reasonable possibility was far more realistic. What’s more, they also had to face the reality that Eques might well be the place of myth wherein inhuman creatures did dwell. Did the god Pan truly reside there? And what of Hermes and other gods of old? And if the people themselves could indeed transform into pegasi or unicorns, then it was not inconceivable that such creatures might be seen cavorting in abundance. And then it hit them that perhaps the real reason a Princess of Eques was listed in the charter as untouchable was that such an individual might truly be likened to a god. And then there was Trixie as proof of what the people of Eques could obtain. No, it would not do to upset the people of Eques. > Chapter 34 Derby day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A large gathering is taking place at an undisclosed location somewhere in Southern England. There are a few houses and other buildings within sight of the gathering of man and horse, but rest assured the owners are definitely not muggles. One other thing, most of the people gathered are wearing wizard robes, and the ponies all have wings. “Hermione!” Nova shouts on spotting the curly-haired girl. She’s not alone, the Weasley family, Ron, Ginny who was wearing a cute jockey outfit, Fred George, Mr and Mrs Weasley are with her. Nova is with Alalme, and it was all she could do to not rush up to Ginny to give her a hug and decides to give Hermione a hug instead. Scootaloo has Myrtle with her on her shoulders dressed in her own impossibly cute jockey outfit, and they are accompanied by Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Lt Loki, Lt Mouse, and Captain Hoofstrong who was presently in horse mode. Alice was entering a scramble with him. There was no sign of Percy. The rest of the Bolts were there, but they’d blended in with the crowd. They’d also brought Goldwine and Alya who had cute little turnout blankets on, and tags saying who they belonged too sans diapers. Yes, they were in pony form as they’d yet to figure out the trick, but as there would be lots of ponies, no one would question the presence of the foals. The lack of diapers was a calculated risk and likely not going to be a huge issue if there was an accident. Goldwine was also wearing the moon amulet as a precaution. Should either get separated it would be Moonie’s job to remedy the situation. “Nova!” Hermione called rushing to greet her. “Scootaloo, oh and Rose is with you. Oh, and you've brought Goldwine and Alya. Alalme, Apple Bloom, Sweetie. I saw you in the news at the Queen’s garden party. You and Phenik. Where’s Phenik?” Hermione asked as she gave each a hug. "I imagine Phenik is about somewhere." Nova offered. The tea with the queen had been a fairly sedate event with no one paying much attention to the Equestrians until Phenik showed up and perched on Nova’s head. Pictures were taken and it hit the news before the garden party was even over. When asked, they were from an island nation where the birds were fairly common. Which for that specific grouping of islands was true. When they'd finished the surveys they'd found that their little island had been a group of islands within a huge caldera. “Is Harry not with you?” “No,” Nova said with an air of frustrated disappointment. “He never wrote back. Hasn’t acknowledged any of the letters we’ve sent, and when we went by the house a House elf told us they were out.” “A house-elf?” Mr Weasley asked as he joined the group with family in tow. “They are muggles.” “Foals!” Ginny squealed and tried to hug one and then the other. The two darting behind their parents to avoid the hug. “And muggles don’t typically have house-elves do they?” Nova asked the Weasleys feeling she already knew the answer. “We sort of let ourselves in to check up on him.” “We’re kind of worried about what his relatives are doing to him.” Scootaloo offered. “We’ve got agents doing spot checks, but their taking off like that is rather suspicious considering we’ve been using the Queen’s post to send letters. The old Muggle can’t possibly object.” Alice offered. “The Queen’s post?” Molly asked. “Buy a stamp and the muggle postal service delivers your letter with no owls involved,” Nova explained. “Wizards really need to consider using muggle post when sending letters to muggle homes. Owls showing up causes people to start asking questions.” “Yes, yes, I see.” Mr Weasly replied. “I sent my letters by post as well.” Hermione offered. “Which suggests that someone’s house-elf is playing dirty games,” Alice remarked as an announcement to line up for a race could be heard over the crowd. “Come on Dear, that’s us.” “Have fun,” Nova said as the two walked in the direction of the race line up. “I’m going to need to talk to someone at the HEMD.” Mr Weasley offered. “HEMD?” Alalme asked. “House Elf Management Department.” Mr Weasley informed her. “Maybe we should take care not to tip off the elf’s master.” Nova cautioned. “Master?” Hermione asked. “The witch or wizard they answer to,” Nova explained. “It’s a peculiar arrangement where the elves willingly become indentured servants and will do whatever their master tells them to.” “That’s terrible.” Hermione gasped. “They’ve lived that way for more generations then recorded history.” Molly offered. “Despite the occasional abusive witch or wizard, they truly enjoy their lives.” “And that’s where the Office for House Elf Relocation Department comes in.” Mr Weasley offered. “Should a house-elf find themselves without a master, or their plight requires relocation for any other reason, they can be offered a new station. Getting a house-elf to leave an abusive family can be difficult though. Especially if they’ve been with the same family for many generations.” “I’m actually responsible for the Hogwarts house-elves wearing tea towels.” Nova offered. “They had been wearing nothing but old pillow sheets, and I told them that they were dressed inappropriately to serve a princess. So improving there lot in life requires getting them to think it’s their idea. In some ways, the English pegasi have a similar relationship, but they’ll up and leave if they aren’t being treated right.” “Well, there’s nothing that can be done about it now.” Molly offered. “Let’s go watch the race.” Nova was about to follow as Mr and Mrs Weasley walked away when she found herself flanked by the twins. “Gentlemen, that’s...” Loki began in a warning tone, but Nova held up her hand. “What do you two want?” Nova asked. “There’s “a “junior “scramble.” The two boys informed her. “Um, hi,” Ginny said. “They kind of talked me into signing up to race and said you’d be able to provide a fast pony.” “Did they now,” Nova replied in a deadpan tone. “And have you ever rode a pony? Ever?” “I can ride a broom.” Ginny offered sheepishly. “I’m saying no.” Alalme offered. “Not you, me,” Nova replied quietly. “I've no doubt it'll be common knowledge by now that I can transform into a pony, and I’ll not ask Scootaloo.” “You?” Ginny asked. What Alalme and Nova were saying had her quite confused. “And there’s no rules against it?” Apple Bloom asked. "Oh, I'm sure there'll be rules against it after today." Nova chastised none to happy about the position the twins were putting her in. “And those two idiots have probably made a substantial wager,” Sweetie suggested. The look on the face of the two boys told all. “Alright, fine. But under protest. And I hope you are prepared for the consequences. There’ll be more than just your little bet, and I won’t guarantee a win because I won’t be able to fly faster then Ginny is physically capable of handling.” Nova said, looked about to see who all was paying attention, dropped forward and transformed, complete with riding gear. That’s a saddle and a Western hackamore bridle with a fuzzy strap over the muzzle, as in a bit-less bridle. A fuzzy bit-less bridle. Nova had looked over the different types of bridles at Harrods and had decided that if she found herself in a position to play the part of the horse, the Western riding gear looked like it'd be the most comfortable. The Australian hackamores looked far too much like S&M wear. Ginny just stood there with her jaw hanging so Nova used her magic to lift her up to her back. Ron wasn’t in much better shape, and the other Equestrians just sort of raised an eye at the fact she’d had fuzzy riding gear prepped. Sure there’d been rumors, concerning Nova having a horse transformation, but Ron hadn’t known for sure that Nova was also a pony. “Oh, and Ginny,” Nova began as she started walking towards the lineup, “..have a care how you phrase your words when you tell people I let you ride me.” “Come on Ron.” Hermione prompted as the others started walking towards where the racers were to start. “Core,” Ron said quietly and looked about. There were so many pegasi about no one seemed to notice. “Are you still at the Horse Guards?” Hermione asked as she and Ron caught up with the group. “Pulling out tomorrow.” Scootaloo offered with a big smile for Nova. “We’ve been all over London, and are ready for a break.” “Imagine that, needing a break from Summer break.” Ron quipped. “A couple of days and we will be home, at least I will.” Apple Bloom offered. “Back on the farm.” “Nova, Scootaloo, and I are going to attend summer classes at Canterlot Academy.” Sweetie offered. “Apple Bloom, it’s to bad you can’t come.” “Granny wants me home for a while. And besides, we can’t use our wands.” Apple Bloom replied. “We aren’t supposed to use magic at all though.” Ron pointed out. “English wizard law has no say back home,” Scootaloo informed him. “We use magic in our daily lives from the very moment our magic is kindled, and for many of us, that’s when we are still babies. I was considered handicapped because my magic didn’t start to mature until I hit my teens. In a way, I was a lot like Neville.” “Only with a lot more spunk,” Apple Bloom added. “Kind of like you were, Ron,” Hermione offered. “And then one day you just seemed to bloom.” “We replaced the old hair in his wand with one of mine.” Sweetie offered with a smirk. “Seriously?” Ron asked. “It wasn’t Ron, it was that old hand-me-down wand.” Apple Bloom offered. “Ya, the strand of hair was looking mighty thin.” Sweetie pointed out. “Wait, you were able to see it?” Hermione asked. “We bought a viewing glass in our wand maintenance kit.” Apple Bloom explained. “It never occurred to us to buy separate kits, so we bought a single deluxe kit.” “Well, I’ll be,” Ron said softly. “And if there’s one thing I know, it’s unicorn hair,” Sweetie added, followed by the crusaders laughing. Nova turned her head back wondering what they are laughing about. Scootaloo stepped up beside her. “Ron had an old hand-me-down wand and we replaced the unicorn hair with one of Sweetie’s without telling him.” Scootaloo offered. "Oh, and Hermione, you are invited to come with us to attend Princess Celestia's school over the summer." Nova offered as they ambled through the crowd. "But we aren't allowed to do magic?" Hermione asked wondering how that would work. "No one said you can't study." Sweetie offered. "We are going to leave our wands at the Walthamstove property so there'll be no chance they'll get used. If our wands never get used, they can't prove we did magic. I figure that's the only way we'll get into any real trouble." "There's always a loop "hole." The twins offered as Hermione brightened. Elsewhere, Alice and her Captain are lined up ready for their race. {Say, big boy, that’s a cute jockey you’ve got there.} Said a chestnut mare in something akin to old ponish. To the witches and wizards, it just sounded like horse noises. “Riders ready!” Said a wizard in a booming voice with a wand to his throat. {Bet you wish you could ride her.} The mare teased. {I do.} Hoofstrong replied. {She's my mare.} “Mounts ready!” {I ride him all day, and he rides me all night.} Alice informed the mare in the old language. “GO!” A rocket of energy shot up from a wand, and then the energy popped with a loud bang. Hoofstrong and Alice jumped from the pack and were instantly in the air racing out ahead of the pack. As for the pack, they’d all hesitated a moment and were further distracted by ponies waiting their turn to race laughing in their pony nickering. They did get going though. With much cursing, the four-letter kind, from their riders. Up they flew in pursuit of the Captain and his bride across the field over a hedge, round a barn, across another field and over more fields and hedges until coming back around to where they’d started. The winners were the Hoofstrongs by more than a few lengths, and he’d not even broke a sweat. “Junior division up next.” Nova stepped up with Loki at her side and Ginny just sort of sitting on her back. A hush fell over the crowd as the three stepped up to join the line of racers followed by a quiet murmur. No one had paid much attention to the white filly with black stockings. Not when there were ponies all over the place. Race officials quietly gravitated over to them. “This is the Weasley entry,” Loki informed them. “Are, are you the trainer of this magnificent animal?” an official asked. “One does not simply train an animal such as this.” Loki offered after having contemplated his answer. “Is she really a winged unicorn?” “A pegasus with a horn would be more accurate.” Loki offered as the men began to press in. “Have a care, her dam was a Night Mare.” Nova curled a lip at a hand that was getting uncomfortably close. This caused the men to back off warily. “Is she even safe?” One man asked. “Safe?!” Trixie’s voice rang out over the crowd followed by her laughter. “Treat her with the same respect you would a member of the nobility...” She said after she’d had her laugh. “..for that is Princess Nova of Eques in her pony form.” “And hello to you too, Beatrice,” Nova called sounding just a bit annoyed at having been outed. Sure she figured there were plenty of people who suspected or thought they knew, but now they'd know for sure. “I’ll let you give me a hug, but if any of these wizards start treating me like a racehorse I’m going to bite them.” “As well you should,” Trixie offered as she approached and gave Nova a hug. “Um, hi.” Ginny offered. She was starting to feel really nervous. The other young mounts and their riders were starting to get antsy to start, while at the same time very curious about the young mare who could speak the human language so well. “So what’s the course?” Nova asked. “All you have to do is loop the field,” Trixie informed her. “That’s it? That’s hardly even a challenge.” Nova replied. “Tell you what, just to make it fair, I won’t start until the leaders turn onto the backstretch.” “Sounds fair to me,” Scootaloo said as she ambled up to Nova, now in her horse form with Rose now wearing a helmet someone had given her. “Race! Race! Race!” Rose Myrtle chanted. Goldwine and Alya were with Alalme and were looking rather excited themselves. “Well if it’s only once around the field.” Scootaloo offered in way of explanation. The gathered wizards were gobsmacked, to say the least. Scootaloo, the little golden-winged unicorn with the magenta mane had come from seemingly nowhere. “Well, I don’t see why not?” Trixie announced. {Um, excuse me?} asked a young sable mare who was in the group that was lining up for the race. “Now Wildfire, mustn't get chummy with the competition.” Wildfire’s rider cautioned nervously. Wildfire’s ears went back in annoyance at her ‘owner’. {We don’t go all out, the humans can’t take it.} {I doubt she understands what you are saying.} Stated a colt. {Oh I understand well enough.} Nova replied in the old language. {And I suspected as much. Which is why I’m a little unhappy about getting pressured into racing with a rider that’s had no experience.} “Wait, wait, what are they saying?” Trixie asked. “Come on Trixie, you’ve seen some of the craters Crash has made,” Nova said to Trixie. “What would happen to a human in that situation?” “Ooooooo,” Trixie replied. “So I guess an all-out race between you and Dash is kind of a no-go then.” “Not with riders, no,” Nova replied. “Just the two of us without riders and we’d be limited only by how fast we can navigate a racecourse.” During this exchange, the Wizards and witches just looked on in stunned silence. The idea that a foreign princess might have as an animagus form one of the rarest of creatures, but that she could also communicate with the beasts was a bit much to take in all at once. The only wizards who weren't completely gobsmacked were the ones who’d been in a certain meeting where Trixie revealed that she could turn herself into a unicorn of all creatures, and a few others that were aware that their ponies could talk. “I don’t understand? Who’s Crash, and how does she make these craters you are talking about?” One of the wizards in the know asks. “She’s a pegasus named Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo offered. "Sometimes she loses control and smacks into the ground hard enough to leave a crater. Most of the time she just shrugs it off.” “Affectionately known as Crash.” Nova offered. “She and I are both capable of flying faster than the speed of sound.” “Any chance we can get a demonstration?” “What say we just have the race, and if I’m to do that, we should leave it till last.” Nova offered. “The byproduct of breaking the sound barrier has a tendency to attract a lot of attention.” “Yes, let's get the race started,” a race official prompted. “Let's line up now.” He then motioned with a wand where he wanted the racers to line. “Rider’s ready!” he called out with his wand to his throat. “Mounts ready! - Go!” The locals all took off and began jockeying for position as they headed for the first curve. “See you in a bit,” Scootaloo said, spread her wings and lifted up into the air with a grace not yet seen in any of the other fliers. Nova waited. “Miss Nova, Princess?” Ginny asked. “I did say I was going to wait until the leaders are on the backstretch.” Nova offered as she watched the progress. When she spread her wings it was clear to the connoisseur that she was not like the other pegasi. “Now, Ginny, I need you to keep low. Do not sit up, you could lose your head. And I’m not joking. I can extend my shielding around you, but if you stick your head outside my field of energy it’ll be like hitting a brick wall.” Nova had turned her head all the way around to look her in the eye. “Lay down, grip with your legs. Are you gripping, I can’t feel anything?” “Will you just go already?” George protested. “We’ve a lot of money riding on this,” Fred added in an admonishing tone. “And we might “Have “added “you “in “the bet.” “What?!” Their mother protested. Nova gave them a withering look, physically pushed Ginny into position with her magic leapt into the air and with a powerful downstroke raced forward. Nova was rounding the first turn before the trailing ponies, including Scootaloo, had finished the turn. “Oh, it’s on!” Scootaloo called, lifted up out of the pack and was in chase of Nova by the time she was rounding the second turn. Rose Myrtle was giggling in delight as Scootaloo came wing tip to wing tip of Nova on the inside track. Down the backstretch, they streaked passing pegasi who were strung out along the way. The leaders were in the third turn, Nova and Scootaloo exercised a perfectly synchronized turn. When the two slipped past the leaders they started beating their wings harder so as not to be humiliated by the newcomers. Nova and Scootaloo went into the final turn with wings outstretched looking much like a pair of fighter jets. They didn’t flap their wings once, and yet not only did they not lose speed, Nova maintained her position on Scootaloo’s wingtip while the English pegasi had to beat their wings all the way through the turn. And then they were out of the turn, Nova’s ears went back, Scootaloo’s ears went back, their wings swept back and the two shot forward racing past the finish line well ahead of the pack. The two young alicorns hadn’t beaten their wings once past the initial sweep of their wings into the delta position. To the people on the ground, it was as though they’d gone into a dive while remaining horizontal to the ground. The leaders of the English pegasi were nearly two minutes behind when they crossed the finish line, after which they followed Nova and Scootaloo to circle out into the field letting their speed bleed off and land in a group facing the astonished crowd. And then with a look towards each other Nova and Scootaloo transformed back into humans, each ending up with a rider on their shoulders in the process. “Well aren’t we all horse people?” Trixie offered to break the silence. “So which one of us won?” Nova asked as Goldwine dashed to her, and jumped in her arms. “I’d hate to think I’d lost my freedom because someone promised something that wasn’t theirs to surrender?” Nova asked. “That was awesome!” Ginny shouted. Her shout managed to break the frozen shock that had gripped the people gathered, and they all started cheering and clapping. Meanwhile, the ponies all wanted to know how they had flown and accelerated the way they did, and soon it was both humans and pegasi chattering away asking questions. They soon cleared the field and waited for an official pronouncement. It had been too close to call, and they were waiting on a photo. “So what’s the verdict, do I still have my freedom?” Nova asked. “Wait, you’re not serious are you?” Scootaloo asked. “Seems Grid and Forage made a bet they can’t back, and used whichever one of us would race for them as collateral.” “Forage hadn’t though – ow, geez Woman!” One twin leaned away from his mother and rubbed the back of his head, followed by the other. “Ow!” Molly had slapped both boys on the back of the head and likely hadn’t been the first time since finding out about the bet. “Not to worry, that bet has been declared null and void.” An official offered. “Awww-owww!” both twins said as they got smacked upside the head by their mother. “Witches and wizards...” an official called with a wand to his throat. “The race was too close to call, but as Miss...” He looked to Scootaloo “Louise Magnus and Rose Myrtle.” Scootaloo offered. “..Miss Louise Magnus and Rose Myrtle were not official entrants, the purse goes to Princess Nova and Ginny Weasley.” “Give the purse to Mrs Weasley,” Nova offered. “It’s not like we need it.” “Are you sure about that?” Molly Weasley asked. “Louise and I are princesses, I’ve more gold then I know what to do with, and Ginny could use it for her school supplies.” Nova offered. “It’s only a small purse, barely enough to outfit a student for Hogwarts.” An official offered. “Photos!” Someone called. “For the Daily Prophet.” “Yes, yes. Photos.” Trixie called. So a picture was taken of Nova, Scootaloo, Ginny, Rose, and yes Goldwine. Another picture with the two horse-girls as horses with all the foals, one with Mr and Mrs Weasley in the picture, and then… “Scootaloo, Nova, any chance we can get one with Rose transformed?” Trixie asked. “Trixie, what are you doing?” Nova asked. Trixie's request was entirely unexpected and unwelcome. “Ah, Trixie?” Scootaloo asked dumbfounded. “I’ll explain...” Trixie offered as she pulled her wand out and placed it to her throat. “Witches and wizards, this little girl can transform too.” Trixie announced. “I have authored a bill to be presented to the Wizengamot that will overhaul the animagus laws. Would any of you be so heartless as to send this child to Azkaban? I see that some of you are confused, but let me tell you that people from Eques have a natural ability to transform into ponies. Transforming for them is as easy as learning to walk. They should not have to be burdened with an old draconian law that hasn’t changed in centuries. Would you send this foal to Azkaban?!” “He’s an English pegasus!” Nova protested as Trixie pointed at Goldwine. “He can’t transform.” “That’s beside the point.” Trixie countered. “My friends. Friends of ponies! I am counting on you to overturn an outdated draconian law!” Leave it to Trixie to use a derby to punch a chink in the armor of the old guard. Granted that Rose was not about to transform now. Once people realized the gravity of what Trixie was saying and was assured that there was indeed an entire nation that had an inborn ability that made it possible for them to transform, and not just transform, but transform into ponies – suddenly everyone there was a supporter regardless of what school or house they’d gone to. They all loved their ponies. Of course, there were still races to be flown, and the entire event became something more than just a derby day. “I’m a native to England.” Alalme offered during one of many conversations. “The place you read about in the papers had been my ancestral home. I am Alalme Silverwood of the Silver wood, Coille Airgid in the native tong of Alba. It was called that due to a rare white tree with silvery leaves that grew there. Our home and our kin, all who could take on the pegasi form, were killed and scattered, not by muggles, but by the carelessness of wizards. We survived an attack on our village by a Great Wyrm only to be driven from our homes by giant spiders. Though I must confess it’s looking like the spiders were the work of a half-giant named Hagrid. He’s likable enough, but doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions.” “And can you transform?” One of the gathered witches asked. Her defining feature, horn-rimmed glasses. “Well, I am an English pegasus, but I’ve Eques ancestry.” Alalme offered and then transformed. She then transformed back. “I was driven from my home at an early age, and it was Nova who took me in, and she helped me to realize I was something more than just a pony.” She and Nova had carefully thought of the sort of things they would tell the wizard community if it ever came to it and if anyone were to check the records for wyrm attacks in the area there was a record of an attack on Hogwarts itself of a creature believed to be Slytherin's monster. “Wait, hang on?” Someone asked as the news that she counted herself as an English pegasus. “She was a pony when I found her.” Nova offered. “Or I should say in the form of a pony and simply didn’t know any better. A good deal of the English pegasi are in some way related to her family. Alalme just didn’t know she had been human.” “So then there is some truth to the legend of the family that gave up their humanity?” “An animagus takes on their beast form, and just stays that way to avoid persecution, or in a recent criminal’s case, hide from justice.” Nova offered. “Since those from Eques are naturally prone to taking on pony forms, that meant entire family units transforming to ponies to avoid persecution from muggle and wizard alike. When you think about it no one is going to suspect a pony. And if the young were separated from their parents, they might just stay that way and forget they were ever human. And they can’t be forced to transform the way people using the animagus spell can. It literally acts like a blood curse where each successive generation risks losing what little humanity they have left. In fact, there are a number of your ponies that can in a fashion speak, and are using a rather guttural dialect of the ancient Arcadian.” “You’re serious?” “They were talking to the ponies.” A wizard offered. “It’d be easy enough to prove even if you can’t speak the language, a translator enchantment on a listening device that can translate the old language should be enough. At the same time, if they've a mind to it, they can learn to speak English. Many can understand it well enough, and a few can speak it.” “Nova had to teach me, I only knew the old language.” Alalme offered. “And these little foals you have with you?” “I rescued Goldwine myself.” Nova offered. “He was still in his egg, and being able to turn into a pegasus sure came in handy. Setting an egg is downright boring though.” This bit of news brought a gasp followed by laughter. “I spent a lot of time studying,” Nova added. “Seems a handy skill to have if one is to raise pegasi.” Offered a wizard with a chuckle added on. “Alya is my daughter. I was a pegasus. I knew nothing else.” Alalme informed them. “She’s yet to figure out how to transform herself as Rose has and we don’t know if she can.” “I’ll figure it out, just watch me.” Alya offered followed by stunned silence. Being told they were intelligent, well, that was a given. Being told they could talk, and actually believing it? Even when faced with a foal that by her colors was obviously an English pegasus that could indeed speak the Queen’s English just as well as any other child was such a revelation that it warred with everything they’d been told to believe. There was no telling how many of their ponies were more then they seemed. Trixie stepped up to the woman with the horn-rimmed glasses who’d been asking the most questions. She leaned in putting an arm around her, and whispered, “You know, a good article could possibly keep you from having to go to Azkaban. Should anyone find out, my nosy little bug.” “Mam, are you alright?” Nova asked. Rita had gone quite pale. “She’ll be fine.” Trixie offered. “Oh, and here comes the last race set. Didn’t you offer to do a demonstration?” “Yes, we did,” Scootaloo replied with a smile. “Loki?” Nova called. “I’m right here, my love.” Loki offered. “And yes, I’ll keep an eye on the little rascal.” He gave Nova a kiss on the lips as she passed Goldwine over to him. All the attention had made her nervous about letting him wander about even with her moon pendant on him. “Thank you, dear,” Nova replied and turned back to Rita. “It’s been nice talking to you.” She turned to Scootaloo who’d just placed Rose on the back of a gray pegasus who was presently being surrounded by several English ponies. Captain Hoofstrong was there as well but was back to being human. “You two have fun.” Alalme offered reassuringly. She gave Nova a kiss and then Scootaloo as well. “May the wind raise to meet you and your burdens be light.” Nova gave her another hug, and then she and Scootaloo walked back over to where the racers had been lining up. “Gentlemen, witches, and wizards, we did offer you a demonstration,” Nova called as she approached. “Yes, yes, of course.” One of the men offered. “Let's show them the routine we put together.” Scootaloo offered. “Pity we don’t have any music for it.” “Then we shall simply make our own.” Nova offered, transformed and nuzzled Scootaloo who laughed and complained that it tickled. “Witches and Wizards, don’t go just yet, we’ve been promised a special treat.” Echoed the announcement a few minutes later. Nova and Scootaloo, now both in their pony forms glided out a short distance into the open field and then climbed effortlessly until they were about a hundred feet up. They split, looped, came back, linked wings, and did a flat spin that looked a lot like turning one’s partner in a community dance. The two split and spiraled upwards in defiance of gravity. This was followed by a number of synchronized loops, turns, and tumbles. It was like watching a dance in the air, but now the intensity started to ramp up as they began moving faster. Suddenly the two split racing for opposite ends of the field where they each did a big showy loop, and then raced back at each other mere feet off the ground. Sure they were high enough that the majority of the gathered spectators could see, but one mistake… The crowd gasped as they turned on their sides, each other’s back coming in inches of the other as they passed. Up in the air again they rose and went into a synchronized tailspin that looked like it was sure to make them far to dizzy to recover from the dive. But pull out they did, and now the chase was on, Nova after Scootaloo as raced to the far end, and then angled to orbit the crowd going ever faster and faster. Wings tucked to the delta. No flapping. “How are they doing that?” One of the seasoned riders asked as they watched. Loki smiled and then without the need for a wand spoke out in the Canterlot voice while covering Goldwine's ears, “What you are seeing is a flight ability only available to a horned pegasus.” He looked about at the awed faces. “What they are doing is using their magic to create a force push that eliminates the need to flap their wings. They are going so fast that they have to tuck their wings like that to minimize the potential for damage, and to reduce drag.” Nova broke away from the vapor trail the two were creating and shot for the center just as a vortex began to form, and then angled straight up. “Now watch Nova as she demonstrates why she is known as the Queen of the sky!” The excitement in his voice was infectious as he watched Nova raising so fast she was soon lost to sight save for a tiny vapor trail and then light scattered out in concentric circles followed by a wave that hit with a resounding boom that caused everyone to cringe for a moment. Scootaloo slowed, flew over to where they’d started glided in, transformed back into human form and lightly touched down. Crack! Crackle pop crackle. All eyes turned to spot where the new noise was coming from to discover Nova slowly gliding in as arches of electricity danced about her, some racing to the ground. She dropped down to the ground, waited for the energy to bleed off, transformed, and walked over to Scootaloo. Loki’s ears had gone all foxy. “What, what’s with all that electricity?” Loki asked. “Seems to be a byproduct of teleporting right after breaking the sound barrier,” Nova offered. “I did let my speed bleed off before teleporting. I know better than that.” She gave him a smile. “Now, the muggles are bound to have noticed that so I think it’s time to go.” “You think?!” Draco Malfoy asked incredulously. Make that Coco. Coco was with her mother with no sign of Malfoy senior to be seen. A smile cracked on her face, she started laughing and was soon joined by quite a few more who’d heard what Nova had said. It was time to go, and Nova said goodbye to all her new and old friends as everyone slowly drifted away to vanish just like the circle of mist that had been hanging in the air above them. > Chapter 35 Mission Inconceivable. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A strange-looking bird that looked more like a fox than a bird silently glided through the back yards of Privet Drive. You know, the mostly white one with black legs and a black-tipped foxtail. Sure the muggles saw it, but their minds could only compute - wings - must be a bird, and then they go about whatever it was they were doing. From its mouth hung a bag from a popular fast food outlet. She glided up to a house with bars on one window in the back and landed on the topmost of the bars. “Harry. Harry.” Nova called quietly while pinning the bag with a paw. Pop! “Give it here! Nasty fox. Mustn't help Harry.” Said a strange little man with not but a pillowcase for clothing. “Harry must not go to Hogwarts.” “Bucking elf!” Nova growled, dropped the bag through the bars, and lunged at the house-elf. Nova had gambled that if she were to fly in looking like an owl delivery the House Elf might not realize the funny fox with wings was anything more. Nova snapped at the fingers of the right-hand good and hard drawing blood and eliciting an anguished cry. Again at the left hand, grabbed his body with her front paws and with a mighty stroke of her wings pushed it strait for the ground transforming into her pony form as she went so as to slam him down with her hooves. It was all over in seconds, and barely that. The house-elf known as Dobby now lay unconscious at the bottom of a sizable crater. A moment later agents in black suits came streaming into the yard. They descended on the scene pulling Nova to the side, and then quickly wrapped Dobby’s fingers in thick heavy gauze. A moment later they had him in a specially enchanted cage with cuffs of meteoric iron set apart to keep the house-elf from pulling the bandages off its fingers. Or at the very least prevent the poor thing from punishing itself for failing in whatever mission it had been sent on. “Hear now, what’s all this!” Mr Dursley demanded as he burst out the back door of number four Privet Drive. He stopped short at the sight of what could only be government agents caging an enormous hideously deformed rat. Or at least that’s what he thought he saw. “Nothing to see here, Mr Dursley.” Nova offered and made a motion with her hoof that perhaps he’d best go in. Now see here, I’ll not be ordered about by a pegasus no matter how cute.” Mr Dursley said sternly. “Pony!” Shouted Dudley. “Shit no!” Nova exclaimed, reared up, and transformed into her human form. “You stop right there Mister!” “Mummy!” Dudley exclaimed as he skids to a halt, spun… he was surprisingly agile for his girth and ran back into the house. “You?!” “Yes, and no, I’m not one of them. I just know how to play their game. And a damn sight better then they do.” Nova offered. “That thing that looks like a cross between a rat and a hobbit is a familiar of sorts, sent here to do heaven knows what.” Nova turned back to the agents to look at Dobby as the cage was then transferred into an animal crate. The house-elf was still breathing, but then again, Nova wasn’t feeling too charitable considering the trouble the creature had caused. “Now...” Nova said as a smile crossed her face. “I believe you were in a meeting with a Mr Hooker and Gondoriff. It’s quite alright they are my agents after all. I am a princess of another country, and your company does make excellent drills. Good quality drills are difficult to come by in Eques.” “Well just let ourselves out through the gate. It’ll be like we were never here.” One of the agents offered as they carried the crate around to the side of the house. “Good job gentlemen,” Nova said as they rounded the corner of the house, and then she let herself into the house and saw her way through to the parlor where they were meeting. Mr Flim and fl… I mean Mr Hooker and Gondoriff stood up and bowed. The two men were presently wearing pinstripe suits, their short cut red and white hair had been dyed to a sensible auburn bordering on a rather boring shade of dark brown. Nova’s own outfit, the latest from France, was in stark contrast. “Your highness.” They both said at once. “It’s the foreign princess.” Mrs Dursley said in a hushed voice. Dudley was presently hiding behind her. “I’m sorry I gave you a fright,” Nova said to Dudley and made a polite bow to him. “And a big man like you doesn’t really want a pony anyway. What you need is a horse. A nice big one. I’d say a Shire horse is what a young man like you needs.” The Shire is also the largest of the Draft horse breeds. “Your Majesty.” Mrs Dursley offered while giving a rather awkward curtsy reminiscent of a giraffe. Nova returned with a correct curtsy rather than point out the woman’s gaff. “Do please pardon my intrusion into your lovely home.” Nova offered. “That’s perfectly alright.” Petunia replied. “Would you like some tea?” “I’d love a cup,” Nova replied and moved to an open seat while Petunia silently ordered her son and husband to sit down. “One lump or two?” Petunia asked as Dudley and Mr Dursley returned to their seats. “Just the one, thank you please.” “You’ll forgive me if it’s not as good as her Majesty's” Petunia offered while fiddling with the teapot. “If you mean the tea at the garden party I suspect it’s a blend of Black tea from the Kandy region of Sri Lanka and Earl gray likely from the mainland of India. Robust, yet mild with hints of herbs de Provence. It’s loose leaf tea, and they serve quite a lot of it at the garden parties. Though I am to understand Her Majesty takes Twinings tea with her when traveling.” Nova reached over and accepted. She paused a moment as the not so gentle fragrance of the tea assaulted her nose. Church tea it was, with its distinctive aroma that hinted at melting Styrofoam. “Oh do forgive me. Would you like some milk?” Petunia asked. “Oh, yes, please,” Nova replied setting the cup down. Petunia picked up a pitcher and poured in some milk, took a spoon, started to stir it in a circular motion, stopped, and gently moved the spoon back and forth. “Thank you,” Nova replied with her best warm smile. She leaned in and whispered conspiratorially, “Her Majesty will give it a good twirl if she thinks no one is watching. - Mum’s the word though.” Nova gave a wink picked up the teacup and leaned back again. “And now I fear I’ve interrupted an important meeting. - Oh, but you are probably wondering about what was going outback. “What I’m going to tell you is strictly confidential.” Nova offered. “M. I. Six stuff. And yes, it has everything to do with the M-word. I and a specially recruited task-force are working for Her Majesty’s government in an effort to reign in the excesses of a certain criminal element of a certain underground society. I can tell you this much because you and yours have been, rather, unfortunately, have been, and still are being victimized by them. Our agents just rounded up a creature that had been helping themselves to your mail.” “Our Mail?” Mr Dursley asked. “Indeed they have, and Her Majesty's government frowns on such activities.” Mr Hooker offered. “We were indeed aware that this had been happening.” Mr Gondoriff offered. “Which, I’m sad to say is why we brought up the request that you sell us your home as well as the drill order.” Mr Hooker explained. “Mrs Figg is one of them. She spies for Dumbledore.” Nova informed them. “Sweet Mrs Figg?” Petunia asked. “I’m shocked.” “Always the person you least expect.” Mr Gondoriff offered with a hint of disappointment in his tone as though he himself had known the woman. “Mr and Mrs Dursley, I authorized these fine gentlemen to not only make an order for your company’s fine drills but to give you the means to quietly slip away. Go on vacation, buy a house on the Mediterranean, get a new house in a respectable neighborhood, and get away from the wizards. We are also offering to take one Mr Potter off your hands. He is the sole reason you are being targeted, and it’s only a matter of time. Mail theft today, unexplained accidents tomorrow.” Nova could see the Dursleys were struggling. They wanted to sign, greed and fear are powerful motivators, but then Professor Dumbledore's spells started to kick in. Not that Nova hadn’t been prepared. “I know you want to say yes. I know that deep down you do care about Harry even if it doesn’t always show.” Nova offered as she silently began pulling at the frayed strings of Dumbledore's spells. “And trust me when I say my family can keep him safe. Her Majesty trusts me, and so can you.” That did it. “We’ll sign.” Mr Dursley said sounding quite determined. Nova smiled as the compulsion spells crackled and dissipated like so much dust in the wind. “What about my stuff?” Dudley asked. “Buy new stuff.” Nova offered. “Take only the things that matter the most and leave everything else. As far as the neighbors are concerned, you are going on vacation. It’ll be a brand new start. Think of the places you’ll see, and all the new things you’ll get.” Outside a pair of Aurors can be seen coming down the street. They stop and watch as the men in suits load a crate into a van that has only just arrived. A couple of men get in, close the doors, and drive off. The other’s wait outside by a couple of large black sedans. “Something I can do for you gentlemen?” asked a man now standing right behind them. They were sure he hadn’t been there a moment before. They wore gray suits so as to not stand out, but these men were in black. “Uh, we were just passing through.” One of the Aurors offered as they slowly turned to face the man. “We live just up the road.” “Do you now? I could have sworn you were Aurors. - Her Majesty's Postal Service, investigations division. We were having issues with someone pilfering the mail. You wouldn't happen to know anything about it would you?” “You’re not with the postal service.” “How about Postal Intelligence Special Investigations Bureau.” Offered another agent. The two were now surrounded by agents. “Or PIB if you like. We take mail theft very serious.” “I’d say you two gentlemen need to come with us and answer some questions.” Other agents said. They clearly weren’t giving them a choice in the matter. “It’s alright, I know those two men.” Offered a small woman in a yellow faded paisley dress, and oversize fluffy novelty slippers that looked like a cat may have vomited on them. She also smelled. Not so much an old person smell, but the sort of musty urine stench of someone with way too many animals. “And do they live in the neighborhood?” Well no. The next thing Mrs Figg new she and the two gentlemen callers were being loaded into a police van and carted off. Minus their wands which had mysteriously gone missing. Inside the Dursley residence, the activity outside had gone completely unnoticed. “She can be a bit of a pest.” Nova was saying. Petunia wanted to know all about Nova’s bird. “She’s a Caribbean Phoenix. They are part of the parrot family. There are quite a few on our home island as we never had people coming in and shooting them all like elsewhere. And it’s impossible to trap them because they are the world’s best escape artists.” “Well, how’d you get yours then?” Dudley demanded. “I impressed on her when she was a tiny baby. Now she follows me just about everywhere I go whether I want her to or not.” And upstairs Harry had been alerted by the activity going on outside his window. Seeing the bag he thrust open the window, snatched it into his room for fear Dudley would see it, and take it from him. Inside he found not only a burger fries and shake, but there was also pelleted food for Hedwig. “Hedwig, food,” Harry said as he got out the owl food. Hedwig squawked excitedly. “Shhhh shhh, we wouldn't want Dudley to know we have food up here.” Hedwig greedily gobbled up the food. “Not too much at once.” Harry cautioned, and then retrieved the burger. He unwrapped it, his mouth-watering as the aroma tantalized, and took a big bite heedless of the juices dripping down his chin. It wasn’t until he’d licked every last morsel of food clean from the packaging that he finally noticed the note. Pack your things and be ready. Harry’s heart leapt for joy and gathered up what little he had. Having no suitcase he chose to wrap the few belongings that were his in an old warn shirt. At least Dudley’s clothing was good for something. As for his trunk, and everything from the wizarding world, that was all downstairs in the cupboard under the stairs. Worse come to worse he’d leave it all behind. The Dursleys didn’t have his vault key after all as he’d thought to fasten it to his neck on a string. He could buy everything from scratch. “Ah!” Harry said in alarm as his room filled with light. Hedwig had been alarmed as well, but then stopped. Harry looked in the direction of the cage only to see Phenik sitting on top of where Hedwig’s cage had been a moment later. Portions of the old dresser the cage was on had vanished as well. Harry’s smile erupted just about as big as it could go with the realization that Nova must have exhausted all avenues, and was now making it possible for him to run away. Phenik let out a chirp and vanished. Harry pulled the cloak down wondering why the Phoenix couldn't just spirit him away. He pulled Hedwig’s cage down, took it, his meager possessions, and the cloak over to a corner of the room near the door. He wasn’t about to leave Hedwig behind. Once there, he sat down and covered himself and Hedwig up with the invisibility cloak. And there he sat. He’d been sitting there the better part of an hour when he heard someone coming up the steps. From the sounds of it, it was Uncle Dursley by the sound of the heavy footfalls. Harry could hear the sound of locks being unlocked, and the door started to creak open. Something, some insect – small bird, something zipped into the room, and suddenly Harry saw himself sitting on his bed. Harry was gobsmacked. “Look alive Harry, sneak out while I cover for you,” the Harry on the bed whispered. The door opened, and Mr Dursley walked in. “Harry...” He took a few steps in and then stopped. “I, um...” Mr Dursley seemed to be struggling about something? “I, um...” Harry wasn’t sure why but it occurred to him, that Princess Nova might be downstairs at that very moment trying to procure his release, but for whatever reason, Mr Dursley had inexplicably found himself at an impasse. The fact that he wasn’t registering the lack of an owl suggested heavily that Mr Dursley was under the influence of some kind of spell. It would also explain why Phenik didn’t simply take Harry out the same way he’d come in. Harry had to get himself out. Harry stood up, picking up his things, Hedwig’s cage, and slipped out the door behind Mr Dursley. “Harry, where’s your owl?” Harry cringed on hearing that, but on hearing his own voice answer that Hedwig was at Mrs Figgs he decided he’d better hurry along. Down the stairs, he went as quickly and quietly as he could. And there she was, sitting in the parlor having tea with the Dursleys. Though who the two men were was a mystery to him. There she was smiling, and chatting away, she looked right at him, held up her teacup to shield her mouth from Aunt Petunia and Dudley and mouthed the words, don’t just stand there. Mr Dursley was coming down the stairs. Back door, mouthed Nova. Harry quickly flew into action, and made for the back door, which he found was wide open. Mr Dursley was now back in the parlor giving some mouthy excuse as to why he, Harry, wasn’t coming down. “Oh, that’s a shame. I was so hoping he could come with us now. We’ve a car waiting out in front.” Nova said plenty loud enough for Harry to hear. Out the back door, Harry went, and around the side to the gate, which was also open. Harry shuffled out the gate into the front and had a quick look around. There were a couple of large sedans out front, and a few houses up, one of the neighbors was letting the water run down the street while they pretended not to be looking at the goings-on at number four. Harry made his way to the car, and then wondered what he was supposed to do next. “You’re Highness, the water is running down the street, and the grass has bent.” A man said from one of the cars. Harry looked at him thinking to himself, what a strange thing to say. Harry looked about wondering what would happen next. He realized that he couldn't very well open the door of the car with the woman down the street watching, and then the front door of the house opened. Nova was standing in the doorway, a man got out of the car, and opened the back door of the lead car. The way into the car was open. Harry bent down, and maneuvered himself into the back, pulling Hedwig's cage along with him, and shuffled over to the other side with Hedwig in the middle. Nova exited the house followed by the two men she’d been with, went to the car with the open door, and got in. The two men went to the car that was behind them and got in. “We can go, there’s nothing more for us here,” Nova said. The door was closed, the man who’d opened the door for her, presumably for her, got in the front, and they drove off. “Don’t uncover just yet.” Nova offered. “There’s a spell of some kind designed to keep me there, isn’t there?” Harry asked. “Indeed there is, but it doesn’t stop you from leaving of your own accord,” Nova offered. “Funny thing about running water. It’s known to disrupt area effect spells. Soon as you crossed that little trickle of water running down the street you crossed outside of the effective range. - At this point, I just don’t want anyone to see you in our car.” “So, um, who was that in my room?” “Would you believe an associate of Mrs Norris?” Nova replied with a lilt to her voice. “Mrs Norris?” “Oh, what would Dumbledore think if he knew?” The driver offered while the man who’d opened the door chuckled. “Dumbledore?” Harry asked. “Let's not forget that it was Dumbledore who put you with the Dursleys. That much you know.” Nova reminded him. “The thing is, he didn’t put you there to keep you safe as we first believed, he put you there so you’d be grateful to him for taking you into his school. And no, Hogwarts is not the only school of wizarding. Harry your life is still in danger. The reason why you haven't heard from anyone is because a house-elf was making sure you stayed isolated. Why I can’t even begin to guess other than to try to convince you that no one cared. He wanted to break you, Harry. That’s all I can think of. He wanted to break you.” “Does that have something to do with the scuffle I heard outside?” Harry asked. If what Nova had just told him had made him angry, sad, or upset in any way, his tone wasn’t showing it. “You didn’t have a look?” Nova asked sounding concerned. “Afraid the only thing I cared about was eating that burger before Dudley smelled it, and demanded I give it to him.” “Was it that bad?” Nova asked softly. “Yes. And the worst part is my wand is still there.” “I was afraid that might be the case.” Nova offered. “It’s in your trunk I gather. No matter, you won’t need it until school starts.” “And right now I’m glad you kept the invisibility cloak. - How are you able to see me anyway?” “It’s not like I can see you per se, I can see magical auras. Afraid that right now you just sort of look like a blob to me.” “How’d you know it was me then?” “Process of elimination. That and I can kind of feel your presence. You know, the whole you got a little of me, and I got a little of you?” Nova offered. “Bottom line is I kind of know when you aren’t happy, and it gets under my skin making me antsy.” “I guess I can kind of feel that connection too. Kind of helped keep me going because I knew that wherever you were you were happy.” For a while, there was just the sound of the road and the traffic, the conversation having hit an awkward pause. “I didn’t understand how bad it was.” Harry continued. “I was happy at Hogwarts. And miserable with the Dursleys. No friends. I’ve never been so alone. And you’re saying Dumbledore wanted me to be miserable?” “It was to keep you safe, Harry.” Nova offered. “At least that’s what he tells everyone. Possibly even himself.” Nova had to take a moment before continuing. “If he truly wanted to keep you safe he would have gotten you out of the country. Given you a new name. You would never have known. He could have sent you to America to live with the Mackintosh family. He would have known them, they used to be the caretakers and gamekeepers at Hogwarts. They are good people, Harry. They left during the first Wizard War. They moved to a little town in America called Canterlot. You would have been safe and happy with them. Dumbledore could have sent you anywhere. Get you as far away from England as possible. Not like there weren’t plenty of orphans being sent off to relatives. You’d have been just one of many, and quickly lost in the shuffle. Why even tell anyone that you lived? Dumbledore could have taken the credit to keep you safe, but no, he gives you credit for something you didn’t even do.” “You were bait, Harry. You’re his insurance against Mr Riddle.” “You mean Volde...” “Call a scoundrel by his true name, Harry. Always call them by their true name. That’s the thing about bullies with delusions of grandeur, they always like to give themselves grandiose names. Call them by their true name because they hate it.” “You’re a princess.” Harry offered. “A princess who’s perfectly happy being called by name without titles tacked on.” The driver offered. “Princess by birth.” Nova offered. “All it means is I’ve an old family who is well placed in their country. Accident of birth. Goddess of thunder. It’s a nickname, not an actual title. I can break the sound barrier and manipulate lightning.” “Neither of which I can do.” Harry offered. “I can’t seem to do much of anything.” “That’s what friends are for. Getting past Dumbledore's trap was a team effort. Why even one of your neighbors helped. Not that they were aware that they helped.” “Did you put a spell on her?” Harry asked. “Didn’t have to. It was her own curiosity working in our favor.” The agent in the front passenger seat offered. “Although, I will have to say that the tendency of the people wizards call muggles to water pavement seems a bit odd to me.” “I never really thought of that.” Harry offered, and then let out a short burst of laughter. It was a quiet sort of laughter that spoke more of relief then mirth. The sort that hinted the individual might also be on the verge of breaking down to have a good cry. “The irony is that if she had been a spy for Dumbledore, witting or not, she actually helped us by running that water.” Nova offered with a cheeky smile. Harry just quietly chuckled. “So where to now?” Harry managed to ask. “You’ll see. Just stay undercover until I tell you it’s safe.” “Alright. Have you heard from anyone else?” “Of course I have. We’ve all been writing to you. It’s when you didn’t write back that we started to get really worried about you. We saw Hermione and Ron at a derby. I tried to pick you up, but you’d gone somewhere. No one there but that house-elf.” “The Dursleys had suddenly gotten it into their heads to go to a museum of all places the other day.” Harry offered. “Would that be when you came by?” “That would be it,” Nova replied. “Miss Nova won the junior race at the derby.” the driver offered. “You rode a pony?” Harry asked. “Don’t be silly, I am the pony,” Nova informed him with a big smile. “Ron’s little sister was my jockey.” “Ron has a little sister?” “It’s not like they never mentioned having a sister. And I’m gathering you’ve figured out that I’m also a pony.” Nova teased. Harry laughed. After that Nova told him all about the derby and how Trixie had put Louise and herself on the spot. Nova hadn’t been too happy about it as it wasn’t widely known that she and Louise could transform. Though she did have to admit that with the rumor mills working, it was bound to get out sooner or later. She was even less happy about Rose being outed, but the people at the derby had all shown themselves to be quite friendly to the Equestrians. At least they only knew for sure about Nova and Scootaloo. Secrets that weren’t likely to remain secret too long because far too many people knew. “Now, there’s something I need to warn you about so that you don’t go into a panic.” Nova offered as they drove down the streets of central London. “We are going to pull into an alley that’s about a block up from Diagon Alley. There is a portal there that leads to Eques. There will be a car waiting. I’m going to get out and make it look like I’m stretching my legs. The portal is in the wall, and I’ll walk over to it, and stretch. I want you to go through the portal. “Harry, this is important,” Nova stressed. “It’s going to be a bit topsy turvy, and when you emerge from the other side you will have probably been turned into a horse. Or to be more precise a pony. There will be someone waiting, and they will all be ponies. Do you think you can manage without having some kind of freak out?” “I’ll be turned into a pony?” “More than likely yes. The thing is we kind of misled people. We aren’t people who can turn into ponies, it’s the other way around. And we aren’t from an island in the Caribbean. “That’s just a portal location, and we’ve set up a front for the sake of appearances. Equestria is in an area some might call wizard space. But to be perfectly honest, it’s a whole different dimension. At least so far as we can tell.” “And what about school?” “That will be entirely up to you. Not like we can’t go back and forth at any time we want.” Nova offered. “We’ve already invited Hermione to come to visit.” “Not Ron?” “Not just yet. Though I may or may not abduct Coco as well. We saw her at the derby with her mother. There was no sign of her father so we’ve no idea how he feels about her, or if he even knows.” “Does seem kind of strange that Draco might be happier as a girl.” Harry offered. “Harry, for what it’s worth, from what Draco has said to me, he may have had it worse than you have. On top of that, he’s been trying to live up to some very unreasonable expectations. Wanting to be a girl with all that piled on top and the potential outcome of how Wizards might react to him... Draco should have been in Gryffindor because I’ve never met a braver girl in my life. As for the whole switching genders, we have potions for that. It’s not some big taboo like it seems to be with humans.” “So what’s it like being a pony?” “Ponies don’t really have the same kind of hang-ups humans have. They are much more loving and accepting.” Nova offered. “It’s not like we don’t have hang-ups, it’s just that I doubt any pony would care if a pony wanted to switch genders permanently.” Nova had to admit to herself that Ponies did have some interesting hang-ups, but at least they weren’t as bad as humans. “We’re not perfect mind you, but it’s nothing compared to what I’ve seen of Wizard society.” “Do you really have, like, group marriages?” “We are ponies. We herd. It’s a perfectly natural thing. It makes taking care of the little ones easier, and we all share in the cost of keeping a roof over our heads. In many ways, it’s just practical.” “I guess I never really thought about it. I mean the whole being a practical thing. - Oh, hey, that was the Leaky Cauldron.” “We are almost there,” Nova replied. “When you go through, that’s when it’ll be alright to take off the invisibility cloak.” The next few minutes were silent. The car slowed, turned down an alley, slowed, and stopped. The agent in the passenger seat got out, closed his door, opened Nova’s door, and then went to open the door on the car that was ahead of them. Nova got out and started milling about the way some people do after a long drive. She waited as Harry slowly got out of the car, and walked forward of the cars and stopped. Harry followed along feeling the wall, and then stopped when the wall just wasn’t there anymore. Sure he could see that there was a wall, but his hand was telling him it wasn’t there. Harry looked at Nova who seemed to be watching the people go by out on the street. She had a smile on her face and gave him a wink. Harry faced the wall, held Hedwig’s cage tight, and stepped into the wall. Nova walked forward and got into the lead car. The doors were shut, the car drove down to the other end of the alley, and turned back out onto the streets of London. Even if they had been tracked, the portal was going to be closed as soon as Harry emerged on the other side leaving nothing but a trace of magic that would blend in with the trace magic of wizards who routinely teleported in and out of that very same alley. > Chapter 36 Marginalized > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova sat quietly as the car she was in continued down the street. Getting Harry to safety had worked. But how long would they be able to keep him safe? After all, they wanted to give Harry the option to return to Hogwarts. She had to let him go if that’s what he wanted. No, she would not do the same thing Dumbledore was doing to Harry. She would not take the choice away from him. It was his life after all. “Your stop Ma’am.” The driver offered as he pulled up to the curb outside a row of shops fronting a large apartment complex. Nova smiled as Loki opened the door to the car a moment later. “Loki, my handsome prince,” Nova said as she got out of the car. She leaned in and gave him a kiss. “We’ve a special treat for you.” Loki offered as he leads her to a small cafe. “Sushi burrito?” Nova asked on seeing a colorful sign out front. “Sushi? Not that I’m complaining, but I thought we were meeting up with Hermione?” “She’s inside with Scootaloo and Alalme.” Nova needed no more encouragement and rushed in. “Nova!” Hermione called. She got up and went to give Nova a hug. “Where’s Harry?” She asked a moment later. “Did you catch that errant house-elf?” “Harry, I’m sorry to say, could not make it.” Nova offered. “But we did bag the elf.” “Nova?” Scootaloo asked with a worried look on her face. “Not to worry. My meeting with the Dursleys went as expected. In fact, everything went as expected.” Nova offered as she sat in an empty seat at the small table they had gathered around with Loki taking another and Hermione returning to hers. “Thanks to the efforts of Mr Flim and Mr Flam I now own Grunnings drills and hold the mortgage on the Dursley’s home.” “No,” Hermione said in a tone that was almost a whisper. Schootaloo cracked a smile and started laughing. “If everything goes according to plan, they are going to go on vacation somewhere on the Mediterranean coast.” “And then boom!” Scootaloo exclaimed slapping her hand down. She winced at the sensation. “Remind me not to do that with hands.” “Shall I kiss it, and make it better?” Alalme asked. “Please do,” Scootaloo said offering up her hand. “But what about Harry?” Hermione asked. “And what does she mean by boom?” Hermione was sure she had missed out on something. “Harry will be fine,” Nova offered as she was having a look about. “Don’t worry,” Loki offered in a whisper. “The proprietor is kin on thy father’s side.” He gave Nova a wink. Nova gave him a puzzled look. How could he possibly know that? And then it hit her, the proprietor was kitsune. A big smile formed on Nova’s face, she leaned in, and whispered, “I’m going to have the bastard arrested for embezzlement.” Hermione’s eyes grew wide. “It seems that in the process of doing the sale he transferred all the company assets to his bank account.” “But what about Harry?” Hermione asked. She wasn’t sure if she should be appalled or not. “Signed custody over to mom,” Nova replied with a smile. “Now all we have to do is deal with Dumbledore.” “Dumbledore, why Dumbledore?” Hermione asked. “Professor Dumbledore is Harry’s ‘magical’ guardian,” Loki informed her. “Harry’s legal guardian within the wizard world,” Nova added. “It would have been Sirius Black after the death of Harry’s parents, but as we all know, Mr Black got railroaded. And it was Dumbledore who did it.” “Dumbledore?” Hermione asked. She hadn’t exactly been in the loop. “Dumbledore who placed Harry with the Dursleys knowing what sort they were, and Dumbledore who brought Harry to Hogwarts knowing that Mr Riddle would resurface the moment Harry did. Though it seems Harry’s location wasn’t exactly a huge secret.” “He used Harry for bait!” Hermione declared as the pieces began to fit together with what she knew. “Not bait, sushi.” The proprietor called. “Sorry, not your food,” Nova called. “Can you bring us a sushi sampler?” The food they brought out proved both a delight and a treat for Nova and the others, but every sweet must have a bit of sour. In this case, the sour came in the form of three girls who looked to be around the same age as Hermione and did indeed know her. "Well, look who we have here? It's Granger." Said the lead girl sounding as though she'd just stepped in something moments after entering the cafe. She was a short girl, large of girth, and gave every indication of being a female version of Dudley. Her friends were tall, of average build, and all three had poofy hair and pink sweaters. "Oh, and look, the bookworm has friends. Will wonders never cease?" "Hello, Fifi." Hermione offered. She was clearly doing her best to be polite while wishing the three would just go away. "So, who are your friends, more bookworms?" Fifi asked in a derisive tone. "Fifi?" Scootaloo said under her breath with a sort of half-smile. "We went to primary school together." Hermione offered. "May I introduce you to Fifi Wooster, Livvy Birtwistle, and Skyla Brimble." A wicked smile formed on Hermione's face. "And this is His Royal Highness Prince Loki, Her Royal Highnesses Princess Nova, Princess Louise, and the Lady Alalme Silverwood." It was at this point that a most interesting and peculiar thing happened. Fifi started to build up a good fake derisive laugh while her escorts pulled a magazine from a purse, began frantically flipping pages while looking back and forth, let out little squeaks, grabbed their glorious leader, and drug her from the cafe. "Are humans always so strange?" Alalme whispered. "Generally, no," Scootaloo replied as she watched the trio arguing out on the sidewalk in front of the cafe. When the three girls realized they could be seen, they scurried off. "How utterly curious?" Loki asked as he watched them go. 🍣🍱🍙 Professor Dumbledore found his way through the halls of the old War Office and poked his head into a board room where Minister Trixie was engaged in a meeting. He had to squint from the light streaming in through the windows. He'd used a scrying orb to look in on Harry Potter and had seen nothing amiss. Harry was happily making sculptures out of some sort of green goo. Dumbledore just assumed it was some muggle product. It was the news concerning Mrs Figg that had brought him here to these above-ground offices, the light of day hurting his eyes. “Professor Dumbledore, how may we help you?” Trixie asked. “I was just looking for Minister Crouch and or Minister Scrimgeour.” Dumbledore offered. “Professor, if this is about Mrs Figg I’m afraid I can’t help you.” Minister Crouch informed him. “The woman was breeding Kneazles in a muggle neighborhood and didn’t even have a license for it in the first place. Further, I’m to understand the conditions in her home were appalling.” “Professor Dumbledore, Mrs Figg is at Her Majesty's pleasure, will likely be found incompetent, and placed in a home.” Trixie offered. “Now I know she was an old friend of yours, but with the ICW up in arms, we simply can’t let it go.” Scrimgeour offered. “So long as the muggle authority is concerned she is a cat hoarder. It’s the best we can do. The alternative is time in Azkaban.” “Azkaban?” Dumbledore asked sounding appalled. “Professor, this is for the best.” Trixie offered. Trixie smiled knowing that with Mrs Figg gone there was now one less pair of eyes to watch the Dursley home. “They were just Kneazles.” Dumbledore protested. “With a three X classification,” one of the other ministers at the meeting offered. “Not the sort of animal one wants loose in a muggle neighborhood. “Professor Dumbledore, there have been two major breaches of the secrecy accords in the past year, both related to your activities at Hogwarts,” Trixie announced. “The first being related to a dragon egg brought into the country by agents unknown now confirmed to have been delivered to one Rubeus Hagrid.” “But the egg-the dragon was...” Dumbledore began. “Taken to a sanctuary. Yes, we know.” Trixie offered. “The breach was when the egg’s mother tracked the thief cross country in an effort to reclaim it. It was put down by the individual known as Thor, and the whole incident hushed up not by wizards, but by the muggle governments.” “And the second incident would be the spiders no less.” Dumbledore offered as he slowly entered the room they were in. “Which is also related to Rubeus Hagrid.” Trixie supplied. “Now we don’t know that he had anything to do with establishing that colony.” Dumbledore protested. “On the contrary we do,” Minister Crouch offered. “Several witnesses inside the Leaky Cauldron heard him admit to it while talking to Princess Nova Moon. He released the first one shortly after the death of Myrtle Elizabeth Warren in nineteen forty-three. Resulting in the true killer, one Tom Riddle getting away with the murder. Your protege, wasn’t he?” Minister Crouch continued without giving Dumbledore a chance to say anything. “Hagrid admitted to intentionally setting the second one free so the first would have company. - Witnesses. He said that in front of witnesses, and the ICW wants answers.” “Professor Dumbledore, Hagrid is looking at life in Azkaban for the part he played in both breaches of the secrecy accords,” Trixie informed him. “Might be best to not worry about Mrs Figg. And Harry’s a miner. Though you may have to answer a few awkward questions being both his magical guardian and headmaster of the school.” “Yes, yes, I suppose you're right. Dear God, I knew Hagrid had that damn egg. You said related to my activities?” Dumbledore asked. “Well, first off you hired on one Rubeus Hagrid who had been expelled in his third year of school for contributing to the Death...” Trixie began. “He was innocent.” Dumbledore protested. “And yet you failed to take that pet away from him before he could set it free, the same way you failed to take that egg from him. You failed to do anything that would have proven Hagrid’s innocence.” Trixie shot back. “I know full well who killed Myrtle, a boy with known anti-social narcissistic paranoid behavior by the name of Tom Riddle that you yourself brought to Hogwarts. Oh the ICW was quite interested in his case file. He was already a killer when you decided to teach him magic. So then you decide to make it up to little Hagrid by arranging for him to stay on as a sort of helper to the groundskeepers, and later the Care of Magical Creatures instructors where he goes through a long list of dangerous pets that put students in harm's way time after time. His pets cost Professor Silvanus Kettleburn an arm and a leg. And now he is the groundskeeper and even does a bit of teaching despite never having taken an O-W-L to show that he has any competence. Further, if he hadn’t have been there this year, or if you hadn’t brought the Philosopher’s stone to Hogwarts, there would be one less dead dragon. One less breach of the secrecy accords. If you had seized that damned spider from him way back when he was in third-year the authorities at the time might have found the true culprit and saved hundreds of lives not counting the body count coming out of that forest.” Dumbledore was stunned. “And what would you know of Hogwarts?” Dumbledore asked defensively. “I dropped out of Hogwarts in nineteen-oh-seven,” Trixie stated as she folded her hands together on the desk in front of her. “Don’t believe me, check the records. Princess Nova was my first lab partner. I learned potions under Professor Phineus Nigellus Black. He was my head-of-house. He had a rough exterior, but deep down he was a good man.” “It can’t be?” Dumbledore refuted. “Oh, I’m afraid it’s true. The man you vilified was, in fact, a good man.” Trixie countered. Dumbledore's arms started to come up, his hands balled into fists, he turned and marched out in a huff. “I’d love to see his face when he finds out what your Animagus form is.” Minister Bartemius Crouch offered with a big smile. The others had to chuckle at the idea. “There are cameras in all offices now.” Rufus Scrimgeour offered. “I say we leak the best shot to our favorite bug,” Trixie suggested followed by uproarious laughter. Dumbledore had been oblivious to the fact that he was being seriously marginalized, and now there was a strong possibility he was going to lose everything. > Chapter 37 Next stop, Canterlot. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova, Scootaloo, Loki, and Alalme met with Hermione’s parents shortly after lunch. Mr and Mrs Granger had mixed feelings about Hermione going away again so soon but we're thrilled that their daughter was going to be the guest of royalty. Hermione packed a small bag and expressed her concern that she wasn’t bringing enough despite having stuffed all her Hogwarts books into it. Being the clever girl that she was she’d already figured out a basic expansion charm. Her suitcase now held as much as her Hogwarts trunk had. “Hermione, you’re not going to need much of anything outside of an overnight bag and you’ve likely more stuff in there then you had in your trunk.” Nova offered. She’d gone to see what was taking her so long. “Everything else can be provided for you on an as-needed basis.” “Are you sure?” Hermione asked. “I’m sure. Now come on.” Hermione gave her room one last look, closed up the suitcase, and the two made their way back out to the living room of the flat. There everyone said their goodbyes to Hermione’s parents and made their way down to the ground floor, and out the back way to a waiting car. Hermione’s suitcase went into the boot of the car and everyone piled into the car. A moment later they were on their way. “There wasn’t a faster way to get there?” Hermione asked about an hour later as they made their way through heavy afternoon traffic. “It’s in a gated community.” Loki offered. “No wizard connections.” “And I can’t teleport you there as I’ve never been.” “What about the foals?” Hermione asked. “They are in the boot with the rest of the luggage.” Alalme offered. “Do you have any idea how bad that sounds?” Hermione asked with a teasing tone. “The children? Oh, we stuffed them in the boot.” “Well, they are in the portable mansion.” Scootaloo offered. “Though it does make me nervous having it out of sight when we are traveling.” “You’re nervous?” Nova asked as they turned down a street into a residential area. “I’m out and about knowing my home away from home is on the move with the foals… I’ll not be able to fully relax until we’ve come to a stop where I can open it up and hug our little darlings.” Outside the car, the residential area gave way to a more park-like setting, and a moment later they had to stop at a gate. The driver showed a pass to a guard, and they were allowed to continue. Now the houses were considerably larger, and the yards liken to small parks each having its own fence and gate surrounding it. To say it was a posh neighborhood would be an understatement. “Wow, this place looks really exclusive,” Hermione said as they turned down another lane. “Most of these places are owned by rock stars, millionaires, and corporations.” Their driver offered. “The place is as quiet as a cemetery during the week, and party central on the weekends. Even then it’s only about a third of the properties. There are a few mostly permanent residents. Retirees mostly. Aside from that the people you are more likely to see are gardeners and security. A few of the places seem to be abandoned as well.” “Just out of curiosity how is Fancy Pants getting those various exotic goods in and out that I’ve been buying?” Nova asked. “Displaced space spell inside a package, and send it by post. Everything goes to an off-site facility where it gets packed up for shipment back to Equestria.” Their driver offered as rain began to strike the front windshield. “I imagine if the human doing the deliveries ever finds out, they’re going to get a retroactive hernia.” Nova and the others couldn't help but chuckle at the idea of it as their driver turned on the windshield wipers. Here they’d been smuggling all manner of things to the house. “What sort of things have you been sending back?” Hermione asked as they turned into a drive of a fairly large estate. “Fancy Arabian breast collars, halters, and saddle blankets seem to be all the rage right now. Along with Egyptian ones too.” Nova offered. “They are pricey, but we can get them cheaper than at home. We turn around and sell them at a considerable profit.” “And we’re here.” Scootaloo offered as the car pulled in and stopped under an overhang. A moment later the doors were opened, and the luggage retrieved from the trunk. “Come on, show me to a place where I can set this thing up,” Nova asked with her precious suitcase in hand. The house itself was a fairly large mansion in the style of a typical English Manor. And to be true, it was just as likely larger then the building it was modeled after. Which also meant they’d not likely have to go out of their way to hide Nova’s apartment. Assuming they ever had a guest that wasn’t already in the know. “Wow, this place is amazing.” Hermione offered as they went in through a side door. Normally they would have gone in through the front, but as it was raining there was no point in getting wet. “Nice kitchen.” Nova offered as the passage lead them past a fairly nice kitchen. They rounded a corner, went up a short flight of stairs, rounded another corner, and walked out into the main hall. “Nice,” Nova said having a look around. “Nice?” Hermione asked, and then started laughing. “Forgive me, for a moment I forgot that the apartment in your luggage is larger.” From there Loki directed them up from the ground floor to the second floor where he showed Nova to a long hall with nothing in it beyond a couple of fireplaces and an elevator. To be true it was the entire wing of the house and didn’t even have a set of doors on it. “For you.” Loki offered. “But there’s nothing here? It’s just one big empty room?” Hermione said sounding rather confused. “Are you a witch or not?” Nova chastised. “Alright, every pony out in the hallway, that means you too Hermione.” Hermione gave Nova an incredulous look, and then her eyes widened as Nova set her suitcase right where the doors would normally have been. Everyone rushed out, Nova opened up the luggage to the rotunda door and fit it into the open space. On opening the door the three mamas were all but bowled over by their respective foals. Inside the rooms looked as they always did with but a few exceptions. The windows, elevator, and fireplaces had all been integrated into the floor plan. Out of the windows, they saw the gardens, a fence beyond that, and another large house. “I know we are a ways from the next house…?” Hermione said as concern grew regarding the possibility of people outside seeing the foals. “Perception filters.” Loki offered as he sat down on the floor to give the foals a hug. “Now, listen up you three. The staff are all from Equestria, but you are not to go outside. And, you are not to allow strangers to see you. Is that understood?” They all looked at Nova. “You’re just going to get the same lecture out of me,” Nova said with mock sternness. “However, isn’t there a portal to Equestria here?” Nova looked at Loki expectantly. “We connected it to the fireplace, and Princess Twilight even managed to get it to work like the floo.” Scootaloo offered. “This fireplace?” Nova said going to a large fireplace now in the rotunda. “Does it connect anywhere else?” Nova asked. “We didn’t want to take that chance.” Loki offered. “And there’s no need for floo powder. Just don’t ever put an actual fire in it.” Just as he was saying this the alicorn of light stuck her head up out of the brick floor of the fireplace to have a look around. “Who?” Hermione asked. “Tia, the avatar of my Aunt Celestia.” Nova offered. “Ooh, I can see through to the other side.” Tia offered as her head passed into the back wall. “So how’s it work?” Nova asked. “Step in, say Canterlot, and step through the back wall.” Scootaloo offered. Just as they were saying this Sweetie stepped out, walking right through Tia the wonder horse followed by Phenik. “You finally made it!” Sweetie called and rushed over to give everyone a hug. A moment later Harry Potter stepped out. Of course, they were in human form do to the interaction of the portal. “Harry!” Hermione called out and met him halfway with a hug. “I thought you were still at the Dursleys?” “Nope, sorry, not me. A stand-in.” Harry offered. He then went to Nova and gave her a hug. “And it’s important no one knows.” Nova cautioned. “What about going back to school?” Hermione asked. “We’ll pull a shell game maneuver if we have to.” “Not sure if I want to go back right now.” Harry offered. “No?” Scootaloo asked. “Hermione, this is going to sound really strange, but I’ve got parents there. Family. I’ve got a family. And wait till you see what I turn into. Wait till you see Hedwig.” “Family? Turn into?” Hermione asked. Harry was looking far too thin to her. “Hermione, it’s a dimensional portal. And when you go through, you are probably going to turn into a pony.” Scootaloo offered. “Or something else,” Harry added with a big smile. “Something else?” Nova and Scootaloo both asked. “You have to come through to find out,” Harry offered, went back to the fireplace, said Canterlot, and passed through the back. “Wait for me,” Sweetie called and followed after. “Are we going?” Moonie asked as she approached from the back. She had on the amulet. “Moonie, where have you been?” Nova called going over to embrace her. “Of course you can. You haven't been sulking have you?” Moonie dropped her head. Alalme transformed back to her pony form and gave her a wing hug. “Now Moonie, you know the reason we left you inside was in case something happened to cause us to lose track of the suitcase. We were counting on you to keep the foals safe.” “Come on Moonie, cheer up.” Scootaloo offered. She too transformed, and in her case, went in for a nuzzle. A moment later all three foals were on her back. “Are you ready for Canterlot?” Loki asked. “I am. Let's go.” Hermione stated, walked to the fireplace, hesitated a moment, walked in, said Canterlot, and vanished through the back. Nova took the pendant, “Just in case.” She offered, transformed, put Goldwine on her back, and then the trio stepped through followed by Alalme and Alya, then Scootaloo and Rose, and finally Loki brought up the rear. When Nova came out the other side she found a violet pony sitting on the floor with midnight blue floofy mane and tail, and a winged deer of all things standing next to Sweetie Belle. A Peryton of all creatures with luminous forest green fur with wings that had violet primaries with black hash-marks and all of two points counting both antlers. Both the deer and Sweetie were watching with big grins. So startled was Nova that she failed to get out of the way and a pony pile soon ensued. “Harry? Harry Potter?” Nova asked from the bottom of the pile. Well, almost the bottom. Hermione was on the bottom and Nova was acutely aware that Hermione had a horn under that bouncy mane. Goldwine and the other foals had bounced away the moment the pileup had begun. Nova was definitely going to check Pinkie’s mane for a horn. “Cool, isn’t it?” Harry asked ignoring the fact that his friends were one big pony pile right now. “Harry, you’re a Peryton,” Hermione’s voice said from the violet filly. “Yesterday I didn’t even know what that was,” Harry said excitedly. “And today I am one!” He exclaimed emphasizing with a pronk. “Watch the ceiling their young buck.” Princess Celestia offered from the doorway. “Welcome home, my little ponies.” “Good welcome to you all.” Offered a beautiful alabaster doe with a white front, underside, and a light strawberry colored mane festooned with gems that flowed off her head and down into white chest floof, and tiny silk flowers adorned those long pony like strands. Assuming they weren’t actual flowers, and she was dressed in a long flowing gown of silken pale lavender embroidered with such images as might be found in a deep forest in silver thread. She had accompanied Princess Celestia and seemed to be trying her best not to laugh at the entanglement of the ponies on the floor. Even Moonie seemed unable to extricate herself for some reason. “Hi.” Nova offered as she extracted herself from the pony pile. She stood up and made a polite curtsy. “Princess Kitsumi Nova Moon.” She returned the curtsy. “Lilly Ifans of the Woodland Elk and wife of James the Potter.” > Chapter 38: Arriving in Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❂ It hadn’t taken too long for the tangle of ponies to untangle themselves, although, Nova was curious as to why Moonie hadn’t simply dematerialized and reformed herself. She was also looking oddly younger, but Nova had decided it best not to worry about it, and help Hermione figure out how to walk as a pony. Progress out of the mirror room was slow as it was necessary to wait while Hermione figured out how to horse. Nor were they surprised to find that it was in a heavily guarded area deep within the mountain itself. And not just Princess Celestia’s personal guard, but guards who wore a stone gray uniform. During their progress Harry pronked about babbling on about all the things he’d seen, occasionally spreading his wings to glide while Hermione did her best to keep up with the slow pace. She'd also gasped the first time Harry had spread his wings. Harry was rail-thin but seemed in good spirits if not the ideal of helth. He also mentioned that Hedwig was presently in the Castle infirmary but was going to get better. It was all proving a lot to keep up with especially with Harry pronking about. “Lilly’s husband is the Elk ambassador.” Princess Celestia offered to a series of questions from Hermione that bordered on impertinent. “When Harry came through the portal he became an elk, a very special type mind you, but as such, I needed to contact the Elk ambassador to avoid any potential misunderstandings.” “Hermione, this is a whole new dimension, a near parallel world. Save for the obvious differences.” Nova offered and then shifted her focus to Harry. “Harry, why are you so sure this Potter family are the equivalents of yours?” “Aside from the fact that they have nearly identical names and live in a place called Godric’s Hollow just as my parents did,” Harry offered with a big smile on his face. “Their sun Airry, is my twin. - he and Dad are Peryton the same as me. We’re like the pegasus version of a deer.” “Seriously?” Nova asked. “A pegasus version and the Lady Lilly must surely be a princess among her type? Not that I have anything against pegasi having started out as one myself.” Hermione gave Nova a dirty look. She seemed like she wasn’t too sure what Nova meant by her comment. True she was of dark complexion, which seemed to be an issue among humans. It wasn’t like there was any sort of biological compatibility issue where a pony and a donkey produced an infertile offspring. All humans were, well, humans. As Nova saw no distinction between colors in ponies she saw no distinction between colors among humans. What Nova knew of the Elk was that they seldom mixed and in some cases were as exclusive in their tribes as a good deal of the Unicorn Nobility. “Scandalous, isn’t it?” Lilly teased. “Such unions are generally frowned on among the forest Elk.” “So then, that sort of thing exists even in a magical world of ponies then,” Hermione said softly. “In this case, it’s more a preference of where we each chose to live.” Nova offered. “The Forest Elk have their Principalities deep in the forests, whereas pony lands are the grasslands, fields, and scrub woods. And in some cases the mountainsides. Unicorns love their mountains.” Nova added in a conspiratorial whisper, “It’s so they can look down on every other creature, and I’m to understand there’s a bit of that mindset among the Elk if I’m not mistaken.” Once more Nova was getting a dirty look from Hermione. Lilly just laughed. “We don’t mix very often.” Lilly offered. “The ponies see the elk of the deep wood in an almost mystical reverence save for certain elements of the Unicorn Nobility. The Nobility of the Elk tend to look down on ponies as well as those among their own who are considered to be lower down on the social register, with certain exceptions. As Princess Nova alluded to, there is a bit of classism among the nobility of each species as well as speciesism. You may also be shocked to hear that reasons for not mixing the species are not entirely unfounded. There is an issue of compatibility where if a couple is too dissimilar they may not be able to have babies, their offspring may not be able to produce offspring of their own, or be in some way seen to be disfigured. When Princess Twilight and Princess Luna married their stallion there was a lot of talk despite his being of pony kind. The young Princess Nova having neither magic or the ability to fly was pointed out as proof that they should never have married.” “A very ignorant point of view. More importantly, because they didn’t marry into one of their families.” Nova quipped. She chose to ignore the new look Hermione was giving her. Hermione’s parents were a mixed couple, worse yet, Hermione was muggle-born in a world of wizards and pureblood elitism. It had never occurred to her that Nova might be seen in a similar light. Worse yet, Nova was a member of a nobility that saw her as an outsider of mixed-species who’d been handicapped as a foal. The critics of that marriage had yet to see the fine young alicorn Nova would become. “So, how did they feel about James?” Scootaloo asked Lilly. “Your family that is.” “James came to us as a fawn.” Lilly offered. “We practically grew up together. “Let's just say he managed to become one of the exceptions and is counted as a member of the elite now, and Perytons are compatible with forest Elk being they are also Elk. They just happen to have wings. Of course, it doesn't hurt that his father and mother had been celebrated warriors.” “Speaking of warriors, grey uniforms, and where is this place?” Nova asked. She thought she knew every square inch of Canterlot and she was starting to feel that the present topic had gone on long enough. When Nova was found to be a button head, Twilight’s decision to marry her father had been blamed. Nova was seen as a mixed breed, often looked down on by species purist, and cited as a reason not to mix. Fox ponies were ponies, and somehow not ponies at the same time. “Fortified positions in the mountain itself.” Princess Celestia offered. “I’ve moved a number of items that I wouldn't want casual snoopers with access to the palace to be able to access up here. This place is very ancient, and had been abandoned for countless generations.” Her words were punctuated by the presence of bird nests nestled in among various sheltered locations. “The Grays are a brand new Mountain division that was formed shortly after the Changeling invasion.” “Invasion?” Hermione asked. “It’s alright, we are friends now.” Sweetie offered. “Princess Celestia, the wind is picking up.” Offered a member of the palace guard on approaching her. A number of chariots had been set up to ferry everyone down. “It’s looking like taking the long road might be advisable.” “Oh, dear,” Princess Celestia said sounding dismayed. Despite the best efforts of the local weather ponies, Mount Canterlot, the peak of which was known as the Canterhorn, had a tendency to create its own weather patterns whether any pony liked it or not. “Let's see if I can do something.” Nova offered, held her head up, her horn began to glow, then her eyes, followed by her mane billowing out. A moment later the wind had died down to almost nothing. “What?” Nova asked moments after reverting back to normal. “We should probably get going while it lasts.” “Yes, we should get going.” Princess Celestia added giving Nova a curious look. “So how big is this mountain?” Hermione asked as they approached the waiting chariots. If Hermione had been unsure of her hoofing, her proximity to an edge that looked like the rest of the world was a very long way down wasn’t helping. “Harry no!” Harry had pronked right up to the edge, and then suddenly he was out over the edge. His wings spread wide, and he circled back and landed near where Hermione was. “I can fly.” Harry offered as he walked over to her. “Well, the foals aren’t.” Hermione protested. “I remember mama explaining the dangers of high altitude flying.” Goldwine offered. The other two foals nodded. To be true, the height had them a bit unnerved as well. “Harry, I’d appreciate you let the experienced fliers take us down.” Lilly prompted. “It is your first day of flying with your own wings after all.” “Oh, alright,” Harry said sounding just a bit reluctant. “Mama says it’s really easy to get going too fast and lose control,” Goldwine explained. “Nova, why don’t you ride with Sweetie and me.” Celestia requested as she picked out a chariot. “Why do I have this weird feeling I’m not being given a choice?” Nova asked with a big smile on her face. “How many can we get per chariot?” Alalme asked. “You can ride with me.” Scootaloo offered with a nuzzle. To be true neither had ever been as high, even while flying. “So, um, what did you want to know?” Nova asked momentarily after climbing up next to Princess Celestia. “How did you stop the wind?” Princess Celestia asked. “I, um, might have shifted some weather patterns around.” Nova offered. “Seriously? Sweetie asked as she snuggled into Celestia’s other side. “Weather isn’t even your affinity. How are you able to do something like that on such a grand scale?” Princess Celestia asked. “When I can only raise celestial bodies.” “Only, she says.” Nova teased. “I might have come into contact with a certain ancient magical artifact, and I might not have been blustering when I said I was a Priestess of Arcadia. That is to say, I count as one, do to my alleged contact with said device.” “If that is true that makes you a very dangerous pony.” Princess Celestia said softly. “I’ve always been dangerous. For one reason or another. And then maybe that’s why he did it. Sent me across time and dimension.” “And what if you were to turn to the dark side. Become a Night Mare?” Celestia asked. She wanted to know who ‘he’ was, but knew better than to ask. Not that she didn’t have her suspicion. The worst part was there was nothing she could do about it. “Don’t be silly, I was born a Night Mare. I’m a fox pony. I am in balance with my darkness.” Nova offered. “In some ways, I am a lot like a human, capable of committing great harm or great good. All depending on what I think is the appropriate choice at the moment. - Take into consideration what Trixie is going to have to do to Professor Dumbledore just so we can help Harry and the rest of England. Trust that I'll never side with elitists, not after the life I've lived.” “Great harm or great good,” Celestia said softly. “There too is the paradox of leadership. You’ll be a good princess someday.” “Am I not now?” “Just a mildly obnoxious one.” Sweetie teased. “We should get going. The natural weather patterns will resume soon enough.” Nova suggested and then stuck out a tong at Sweetie who laughed. “Commander, anytime we are ready,” Celestia called to the pegasi tasked with the honor of pulling the chariot. Hermione let out a tiny ‘eep’ as the chariot she was on moved forward, and Nova couldn't resist yelling out, “Backfield in motion!” Which lead to several of their stoic guards breaking character, even if only momentarily, as an unbidden laugh burst out. Below them lay the city of Canterlot. Even Hermione had to have a look despite her trepidation over the extreme height. Canterlot with its glistening towers terraced gardens and avenues that switched back and forth across the side of the mountain. “Maybe I’ll put in for the Grays,” Nova said as they slowly made their way down the side of the mountain. 🏰 “Wow, this is all really hard to take in all at once,” Hermione said once they had landed. Harry’s twin had chosen that moment to emerge from a building. They were indeed identical save in that Airry had a lot more meat on his bones, and both seemed to have an equal amount of energy despite the obvious difference in build. “Are we going to lose Harry?” Hermione asked. Her concern for Harry was admirable if not misplaced. “Far better to lose him to a loving family then to the machinations of Professor Dumbledore.” Nova offered. “And what of your machinations?” Hermione asked as she rounded on Nova. The motion resulted in her sitting down hard. “Are you alright?” Nova asked. Hermione’s accusation had stung, and it showed on her face and in her ears as they drooped. “Hermione, she didn’t know about Airry.” Scootaloo offered. “But you did?” Hermione asked. “While there are a lot of doubles, we tend not to run across those doubles very often.” Princess Celestia offered. “Harry is happy here. Would you take that away from him?” “Even if he does decide he doesn’t want to go back, you can still come to visit.” Nova offered. “Come on Hermione, we could have left you in the dark, and you’d have never known. You’re his friend.” “And Ron?” Hermione asked. “Maybe in a year or two,” Sweetie suggested with a smile. “And now, we have a reception waiting, and you and Harry are the representatives from England.” Princess Celestia offered. “Also, it’s not common knowledge that you are from another dimension. - Now up you go...” Princess Celestia lifted her up resulting in a rather indignant look on Hermione’s face. “Hermione, do keep in mind that Princess Celestia is the head of state here.” Scootaloo hissed fearing that Hermione might be working herself up again. “Behave.” “A reception?!” Hermione gasped as she managed to get her hooves under her properly. “Hang on, reception?” Nova asked. “Aunt Tia, shouldn't I be keeping a low profile? And for that matter, none of us are dressed for it.” “Come on Hermione, how were we supposed to know Airry and Harry were each other’s counterpart?” Sweetie offered quietly as they followed after Princess Celestia and Lady Lilly who were chatting amicably. As for Rose, Goldwine, and Alya, they were still riding on their mama’s backs totally gobsmacked. “I could have worn my dress uniform.” Loki lamented as he followed along. “Nova, dear, have you forgotten who I married?” Celestia called back. “Come, Rarity and Moonflower are waiting.” True to form, Rarity, along with her new assistant Moonflower, had outfits for every creature to include new dress uniforms for both Nova and Loki. So it was that a short time later the company entered the grand ballroom appropriately attired to include the foals who were not going to be left out this time around. “Ladies and Gentlecolts...” Celestia said in a tone that wasn’t quite the Canterlot voice. “I have the pleasure of introducing to you Princess Kitsumi Nova who is a Lieutenant in our sister's personal guard from long ago, and also holds the rank of Priestess of Arkadia.” “So much for a low profile.” Scootaloo offered in a whisper. “Lieutenant?” Nova asked in a whisper. “Those are Lieutenant boards on that uniform.” Loki offered. “Yes, I saw that. I wasn’t going to say anything.” Nova replied while managing a fake smile for the ponies assembled. “She is accompanied by her Sisters in betrothal the Lady Alalme Silverwood...” Celestia continued, “..and my very own grand Filly Princess Louise Scootaloo Magnum, their foals Goldwine, Alya, and Rose Myrtle. Our own Sweetie Belle is one of two sisters in intent, and their stallion presumptive, Prince Loki Moon. For those of you who don’t know, Loki was adopted by my sister well over a thousand years ago and is also one of her original Shadowbolts having been trapped with her. And the little violet earth pony...” “Unicorn.” Nova interjected. “Unicorn?” Celestia asked looking back at Nova. Nova reached over and scrunched down Hermione’s mane. “Ah, but how’d you know?” Celestia asked. “I landed on it when we bum-rushed the door.” Nova offered with a big smile. Celestia enjoyed a chuckle. “Our little unicorn there is Hermione Granger. She’s here from the United Kingdom as one of two exchange students, the other is a young Peryton named Harry Potter who as fate would have it is a near-identical twin to Her Excellency Lady Lilly’s own little buck, Airry.” And then Celestia’s gaze fell on Moonie. How was she to explain Moonie? Especially now that she was looking oddly younger. Had the magic of the portal done something to her matrix? Moonie was an exact double of Luna in nearly every way, save for the white mane, tail, and at the moment she was presently looking more like how Luna looked when she was still a much younger mare. “Are you not going to introduce Selena?” Rarity asked in a whisper. “I must confess that I am at a loss as to how I should introduce her,” Celestia admitted. “The same way you introduced Cadance, I’d think.” Rarity offered. “Yes, of course,” Celestia replied and then announced, “Lastly we have a new niece, welcome Princess Selena, also of the Moon clan.” > Chapter 39: Poop > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wow, I mean wow.” Hermione offered as we walked down a back hall of the main Keep of the castle. “I feel like I just escaped a Manticore’s den.” Nova offered. Goldwine was on her back, but he’d had enough of that meet and greet. “Now I’m glad I wasn’t able to go to her majesty's garden party.” Rose groused. The three foals had grown weary of the ‘party’ shortly after arriving and had attempted to escape the first chance they got. The presence of guards in armor inspired them to make sure they didn’t get separated from the rest of the group. At the moment she was back on Scootaloo’s back, and Alya back on Alalme’s back. It had become rather obvious that the three were ready for a nap when each decided to get under hoof of their mothers. When the opportunity came, they all escaped in mass. As for Harry, Harry and Airry had snuck out a long time ago. “So… do we have rooms?” Scootaloo asked. “I mean while we are here at the castle?” “I suppose I could always teleport us.” Nova offered. “I mean back up to the portal room.” “You can do that?” Hermione asked astonished. “It’s wizard magic that I don’t know, Hermione. Pony magic I’m kind of good at.” “Kind of she says,” Sweetie said as she caught up to them. Poor Loki was still stuck with all the nobles as he’d no ready excuse that would get him out of there. “I know that was kind of rough, but I think she did that to assuage the curiosity of the nobles a little. - Anyway, you’ll be in Luna’s wing, second floor.” “And passes, we are kind of going to need passes until the guard force has become a little more accustomed to our presence.” Scootaloo reminded. “What happened to the one you had?” Sweetie asked. Sweetie is wearing her pass badge. Her experience with finding herself drafted into the household staff had taught her to be sure to have a pass on her whenever she was in Canterlot. She was also mindful to carry a small hoof bag with a few basic items to include a bit of change in case she felt like sneaking out for some of the more common fair which could be found downtown. Not to mention shopping. Any excuse to go shopping. “I think mom’s got it. Not like I needed it.” Scootaloo mused. “You’ll just have to ask for a new one.” Sweetie offered. “You are taller, more mature now. More – how should I say it – regal. And looking more mature, I think.” “You mean all the awkward questions as to who’s the father, don’t you?” Nova asked. “At least I can honestly say I rescued Goldwine and don’t have to do a lot of explaining.” “I don’t like telling every pony I’m a widow,” Scootaloo said softly as they stepped out into the front entry hall. “It’s alright, I understand.” Sweetie offered while cautious to keep her voice down as well. “The tabloids will be pushing the limits of propriety as it is.” “You have tabloids here too?” Hermione asked as they started up a grand staircase in view of what looked to be a tour group. “As assured as death and taxes.” Nova offered. “Tell someone not to gossip and they put it in print so they can spread it to even more ponies or people as the case may be.” “It’s alright, they are special guests,” Sweetie called to the two guards at the top of the stairs. From there they made their way to the Moon wing. “By the way, I didn’t see any of those fancy saddles?” Hermione asked as she gazed out the windows that looked out over Canterlot. They’d turned down the front lounge that ran the length of the south wing. During legislative sessions, the area was often used for informal meetings by the few who had the privilege to be up here. The view was breathtaking. “Hermione, Equestrian ponies don’t typically wear saddles and riding gear in public,” Scootaloo informed her. “Why do you think we were all giving Nova funny looks about having riding gear?” “I don’t understand? I wasn’t.” Alalme said sounding confused. “In Equestria, riding is typically an act done by lovers and foals.” Sweetie offered. “With the notable exception of period and or cultural dress.” “Oh,” Alalme offered while blushing ever so slightly. “Aww, come on!” Sweetie protested. “We are of age. Sorry.” Scootaloo quipped. “I think you’ve given Hermione a little too much education.” Moonie offered as she trotted to catch up with them. Hermione had turned beet red. They were greeted a moment later by the massive black doors that opened into the Moon wing, two guards, and the doors were shut. Nova eyed Moonie suspiciously as she took Nova’s pendant and placed it in the spot that activated the door lock. “You weren’t going to just pass into the door or something to unlock it?” Nova asked as the door opened. “I think I ate too much.” Moonie offered, and then trotted on in. “What’s your hurry?” Nova called. “I need to poop,” Moonie called back. “Since when?” Nova called. “Since right now,” Moonie called back, turned, and passed through an archway. “Since when does she have biological functions?” Alalme asked as they stood staring in the direction she’d gone. “Maybe we should ask Twilight. She’s the one who made that particular portal.” “Should we be talking about this in front of the guards?” Hermione asked. “The portals are a security issue. They’ve all been briefed on what it is, and does.” Sweetie offered. “And they’ve been briefed on Nova’s amulet.” The two guards gave us a curious look. “Hermione, Moonie is, or at least was a magical construct, that much you know, right?” Nova asked, and Hermione nodded. “The spell that makes her work is contained in my amulet. Pooping is not something she’s programmed to do.” “Well, she has been eating though,” Hermione said as though thinking out loud. “Where does that go?” “She said she was converting the food into magical energy. How I can’t even begin to know.” Nova offered. “And it never stopped her from going intangible.” “Perhaps she was storing up the material that couldn't be converted to magical energy, and there is a limit as to how much she can store?” Hermione theorized. “You’re not suggesting she’s created a pocket of displaced space in my amulet for shit are you?” Nova asked as her mind worked to solve this latest puzzle. “Well, that or she’s created a little pocket dimension.” Sweetie offered. “Might be that’s what she’s done, and it acts as a sort of bladder that expands. It can’t expand indefinitely, and the walls push back allowing only so much at a time before the strain of holding it forces her to dump it.” “Yes, that would make sense. Otherwise, there would be no need for urgency.” Hermione added. “By Jove, I think you’ve got it,” Rose said. Even she was curious about Moonie’s behaviour. “Wonder which toilet she’s assaulted?” “Discord!” Celestia yelled. She’d just been given a rather bizarre report from the palace waste management manager in charge of the sewage. The system simply hadn’t been built to handle a discharge of Super bowl proportions. “Discord! Show yourself!” “Don’t blame me, it was Nova’s toy pony that blew up the sewage system.” Discord offered as he walked past with a tray of goodies. He was also dressed much like a French waiter. “Oh, hi… are we too late to meet every pony?” Fluttershy asked. “They have retired to their rooms if you’d like to go see them,” Celestia said with a scowl on her face. “Somehow, I don’t think you want to go back there right now.” Discord offered. “Hi, Aunt Tia.” Nova offered as she walked up to Celestia. “I hope you don’t mind, but the foals are taking a nap on your bed. I’m afraid the Moon wings are going to need to be aired, and there’s a bathroom that needs replacing.” “Don’t you mean a toilet?” Discord asked. “No, I’m pretty sure the whole facility is going to have to be refurbished.” Sweetie Belle offered as she too joined them. “It’s pretty bad.” “I must say, I hardly feel like I’m even needed around here.” Discord offered and then walked off. > Chapter 40: Hedwig > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova lay in the guest bed she was sharing with Scootaloo, and Alalme, thinking about what she wanted to do that day. The foals were huddled together in another bed and the light of Celestia's morning streamed through the window. Scootaloo nuzzled Nova. “Nova let's go fly.” Scootaloo prompted, and nuzzled her again. “What about me?” Alalme asked dreamily with eyes closed. “I actually thought we might pop down to see Apple Bloom.” Scootaloo offered. “Maybe after breakfast, we’ll do the tour of Canterlot?” “We need to go report in for flight camp after breakfast. They are having it at the Wonderbolt Academy.” Nova reminded them. “Not like we don’t have time to swing down to Ponyville.” Scootaloo offered. “Count me out of the Ponyville run,” Alalme informed them. “I’m guessing it’s a bit of a long haul for any pony who can’t use that force push you two can use.” “True.” Nova offered and started getting up. “But then again, if you keep making progress with your wand-less magic I just might be able to teach you how to use it. - Come on let's see if we can scrounge up some radios. We can’t take off from the palace without getting clearance first.” “What about our stuff?” Scootaloo asked as they trotted out of the room into the corridor. “I suppose we could run on over to the other side and get our goggles and radios,” she said as she walked up to a guard. “Excuse me, can you pass the word that Princess Nova and Princess Louise will be arriving at the mountain hanger bay in a few moments.” “A few moments?” Scootaloo asked. “Soon as they know to expect us, I’m going to pop us up there.” “You can do that?” The guard asked, his eyes going wide. “I can teleport all the way to Ponyville if I’ve a mind, but it wipes me out.” Nova offered. “Running up the mountain is going to be easy.” “It took us twenty minutes to get down yesterday, and now you tell me you could have popped us down?” “Now where’s the fun in that? - Guard, Flash wasn’t it?” “Yes, Ma’am.” 💫 “What are you talking about? I never heard anything about any pony getting flight clearance?” said a pony in a gray uniform in the hanger up in the mountain. Pop! “Never mind.” He said into the radio. “Who said anything about flying?” Nova asked as the two alicorns walked past. He waited till they’d left the big hanger, and then muttered, “Bucking Alicorns.” “-I heard that!” Nova shouted from somewhere in the back. His ears dropped, but he could hear the tinkling laughter of the two young mares and had to smile. Nova and Scootaloo stepped out of the fireplace just as Alice was about to step in. Scootaloo was now in human form, but Nova was still a pony. “Hi, Alice.” Nova and Scootaloo said as they stepped past her. “Were you about to come looking for us?” Nova asked. “Dumbledore is in the foyer,” Alice stated, and then turned around. She had an unspoken question on her mind. “Came up to get our flight goggles and radios.” Scootaloo offered. “And flight suit.” Nova offered stood up while taking human form, stretched out her arms, lifted up into the air, her clothing stripped away and was replaced by her flight suit. “You can’t do that from the other side of the portal?” Scootaloo asked. “Out of range.” Nova offered as the alicorn of light approached with a white bathrobe that looked like it was made of white fox fur. “Tia, what’s that made out of?” “Your own floof. I’ve been saving it up.” Scootaloo and Alice broke into fits of laughter. “Sigh… Give it here, and I’ll go see what Dumbledore wants.” Nova put on the robe to make it look like she’d just gotten up, and went downstairs where she found Professor Dumbledore. He’d wondered from the entry to the main hall with it’s lofted ceiling. “Ah, Miss Nova. Princess,” he called. “Mighty early in the morning to come calling, isn’t it?” Nova asked. “I am terribly sorry about that, it’s just that a lot of things seem to be happening lately. What were you doing at the Dursleys yesterday I wonder?” “Don’t beat around the bush, do you? But then I don’t see as that’s any of your business.” “It is when it affects Harry Potter.” “I’m buying Grunnings.” “You’re what?” “Grunnings Drills. I’m buying the company.” “I fail to see what that has to do with the Dursleys.” “You can’t be serious? He’s a high-level employee there. How exactly did you think he earned a living? Do you seriously know so little about them? Are you so removed from common ordinary people that the idea of someone having to earn a living is foreign to you? “He dresses Harry in rags Mr Dumbledore. I bought the company so I could get a supply of drills for Eques and I thought I’d give Mr Dursley a raise so that he could afford better clothing for Harry. It’s a considerable expense raising children you know?” “Yes, yes, of course, I wasn’t thinking.” Dumbledore offered as though it had simply slipped his mind. “But there seems to have been some activity going on while you were there?” “Pest control. There was some sort of magical creature in their back yard.” “Creature, do you know what it was?” Now he sounded concerned. “Now how am I, a mere first year going on… what year did you say I was going to be in next year?” He opened his mouth and then shut it as a butler came out with a message on a silver tray. “Message, your highness.” “Thank you Jeeves,” Nova replied and took the message. She opened it and read it. She looked at Dumbledore and smiled. “House Elf.” “A house-elf? What would a house-elf be doing at the Dursleys?” Dumbledore protested. “Making Harry’s life miserable,” Nova informed him. “I always suspected there was more going on there then just financial difficulties.” Granted that if everything went to plan the Dursleys would be on their way to the south of France in a few days. If they weren’t already out the door. One of the spells on the Dursley family was a compulsion spell that caused them to spend any income above basic living wages on themselves. Not on Harry. They would live the life of Riley and Harry would be the poor orphan they so grudgingly took in. “According to the message, the owner was identified, and the raid started at first light.” “I should get to the Ministry,” Dumbledore announced. “Not friends of yours I hope?” Nova asked with a smile. “And I imagine someone will be having a look at the sort of spells that have been put in place on the Dursleys.” A look of horror crossed his face. “Th- thank you for your time, I really need to get to the Ministry.” “This way, sir.” Jeeves offered as he gestured to the front door. “Good day, Mr Dumbledore.” He gave her an annoyed look and then left as requested. “Mister, indeed,” Dumbledore grumbled as he walked down the walk. He’d a considerable walk as the entire area had an anti apparition field on it which had proved iron tight. Not that the Equestrian's hadn't given themselves an opening mind you. But just ponies. No other creature with the exception of phoenixes could penetrate the field. Nova went back upstairs, and then she and Scootaloo went back through the fireplace. “Nave-One and Scooter requesting clearance from Mountain home base, destination Ponyville,” Nova said on the radio as the two ponies walked towards the edge. {Negative Nave, Princess Celestia wants you at the Sunrise dining room,} replied the pony working tower operations. “Thank you tower,” Nova replied. “We’re going to go on down to the palace landing zone then.” “You don’t want to go straight to the hallway?” Scootaloo asked. “It’s getting too late in the morning. Too big of a risk.” Nova offered. “Now, follow me, do as I do, pay attention, and I’ll show you how to get down from a high altitude. Also, if in doubt, use your magic to slow yourself down.” “Not going to wear drag shoots?” The guard stationed in the hanger asked. “They make you were drag shoots?” Nova asked. “Just the beginners, Ma’am.” “Ya, I can kind of see that.” Nova offered. “I’m no beginner, and I can always grab her with my magic if I think she’s going to fast.” Nova trotted for the edge, said, “Come on rookie,” spread her wings and slowly glided out into the void. “Who you calling rookie?” Scootaloo protested and followed after her. 🌠 “Wow, that was intense!” Scootaloo yelled as they came into land. “Ya, it’s kind of scary the first time. Especially when you’re aiming for a specific spot.” Nova offered as she trotted up to her following her landing. “I learned to do that in Cloudsdale. Let's just say it’s a little less lethal for fliers who misjudge their speeds.” Nova looked at a pegasus guard noticing a smirk on their face. She smiled when his head gestured towards the guard standing next to him. “Piled into a cloud did he?” Nova asked, and then trotted off with a big smile. Scootaloo looked, laughed, and then trotted after Nova. When they arrived they saw a big black pegasus sitting next to Princess Celestia. The two seemed to be sharing some private joke. Harry, Hermione, Sweetie, Rarity, Alalme, Loki, and the foals were there. “Who’s he?” Nova asked as she sat down between Alalme and Loki. “He’s Serious.” Alalme offered. “Doesn't look like he’s very serious to me,” Scootaloo said as she sat down on Loki’s other side. “I think she means Sirius, as in Sirius Black.” Nova offered. “Good morning Aunt Tia, Mr Black, Harry, Hermione, Sweetie, Aunt Rarity, Goldwine, Alya, Rose, and dear sweet Alalme.” Nova leaned over and gave Alalme a kiss on the cheek. “Where’s mine?” Scootaloo teased, and Nova turned, reached across Loki’s back and gave her a kiss.” “Don’t I get at least a good morning?” Loki asked plaintively. “Mmmorning.” Nova and Scootaloo say, each giving him a kiss at the same time. Fwomp! Out came the wings. “Good morning, did you get a chance to get some flying in?” Celestia asked. “Just a bit.” Scootaloo offered. “We popped up to the portal to get our flying gear, and found Professor Dumbledore waiting for us downstairs.” Nova offered. “And what did that old curmudgeon want?” Mr Black asked. “He didn’t seem too happy about my meddling with the Dursleys.” “Do you think he knows?” Harry asked. “I don’t think so,” Nova replied. “Anyway, he’s got something else to think about. I told him about the house-elf. But only after getting word that they’d identified him, and went to raid the master’s house at first light.” Nova began to help herself to a stack of pancakes. “He seemed most distressed by the news.” “Well, we can add a little bit to that news.” Mr Black offered. “It seems Ron Weasley and the twins orchestrated a daring early morning raid on the Dursley home using a flying car of all things.” “I’ve been rescued,” Harry announced. “And they got my school trunk.” “Congratulations Harry.” Scootaloo offered. “I imagine the twins are going to think it the world’s best prank when they find out they’ve rescued a changeling.” Hermione offered She’d been confused when she first heard the news and had to have it explained to her. “Speaking of changing, did I mention Hedwig.” Harry offered. “You said she was in the infirmary. Hang on, owls don’t typically go to the infirmary, we have Vets for owls. Did Hedwig change into something other than an owl?” Scootaloo asked. “She turned into an adolescent Griffin,” Rarity offered. “And downright cute too.” “Fortunately the cage sprung.” Harry offered in response to Nova and Scootaloo’s look of horror. “She’s going to be alright. It’s mostly malnourishment.” “She will be alright. The cage did little harm.” Celestia offered. “I’m afraid she suffered far worse at the hands of the Dursleys. - And let me tell you, explaining it to the Griffin ambassador was not easy. He and his family, being owl types themselves, they weren’t very happy. Fortunately, Harry also being skin and bones was enough to convince him it wasn’t Harry's fault.” “Are they going to press the matter?” Nova asked. “We were able to impress upon the Ambassador that everything was well in hand, hoof, or talon as the case may be.” Sirius offered. 🥞 When they’d finished breakfasting, Nova, Scootaloo, Harry, Sweetie, and Hermione went down to the infirmary to check in on Hedwig. “Harry!” Called a voice that could easily be either a filly or girl as they entered the room. “Oh God, she’s so cute,” Hermione said softly. The ultra fluffy combo of owl and Snow Leopard kitten was almost too much. “Princess Nova, and Louise. You came to visit me too?” “How could we not?” Scootaloo replied cheerfully. “We’d have come down yesterday if we hadn’t been so busy.” Nova offered. It had been a long day, but if any of what Harry had said had registered she’d have been down to the Infirmary to say hello. “This is so cool. I just knew you were more then just an ordinary owl.” Scootaloo offered. Harry pulled up a chair and sat down. “It’s alright, Harry.” Hedwig offered. Though to be honest, Hermione looked far more concerned then Harry. “It’s not like either of us were given much of a choice.” “Still, I just can’t help but feel bad.” Harry offered. “It’s wrong, it’s just wrong,” Hermione said softly. “No creature should be made a slave to another. No creature should have to live in captivity forced to work for another.” “Hermione, for what it’s worth, I didn’t know any better and I was happy with Harry.” Hedwig offered. “I was born an owl in captivity. But then, when it comes right down to it, the only time I wasn’t free to come and go whenever I wanted was when we were with the Dursleys. Coming here opened my eyes to possibilities I’d never dreamed of, and yet, I’d go back if it was to be with Harry.” “Oh.” Hermione found she was at a loss. “The Dursleys made me cook and clean for them.” Harry reminded Hermione. “And I spent the first eleven years of my life in a cupboard under the stairs. - I’ve a world of reasons to never go back. Can you blame me? Even for one minute?” If Hermione had been upset about the owls being little better then slaves, the not so subtle reminder that Harry had been little more then a slave himself in a home that was supposed to be his refuge had brought her to tears. Hermione went to Harry and did the best she could to hug him without falling down in the process. “Well, I think it’s time for Scootaloo and me to get going to flight camp.” Nova offered. “Harry, will you be at flight camp?” “No, they want me to build up more muscle. I’m doing physical therapy.” Harry offered. “They said I was too thin.” “You are, Harry, you are way too thin,” Hermione said softly. “The difference was painfully evident when you were next to your double.” Hermione couldn't help but feel guilty too. All she’d worried about was the possibility that Harry might not come back to Hogwarts. “Is Alalme and the foals here to?” Hedwig asked possibly hoping to get past what was turning into a very awkward moment. She was likely thinner then Harry was but there’d been no benchmark. “They’ll be by later. No pony wanted to overwhelm you.” Nova offered with a smile. “And we’ll try to swing by just as often as we can.” “Alright, we’ll see you later,” Scootaloo said and a moment later she and Nova were out the door. “They are so cool,” Hedwig said moments later. “All of you are.” “Wait, how’s that?” Hermione asked. “Well, just think about it. Imagin we were back on earth and I’d suddenly turned into a human?” “They… would likely assume you’d been an animagus.” Hermione offered as she mulled it over. “They are ponies that can turn themselves into humans. Do you honestly think wizards would be able to accept it if they knew the truth?” Harry asked. “I… Probably not,” Hermione admitted. “Princess Nova and Princess Louise are way up at the top of the pecking order, and they’re willing to accept me on equal terms. Me. Who used to be just another owl prior to coming through that portal. - That’s what makes them cool.” “Say, wouldn't that be cool if you could learn our transformation spell?” Sweetie prompted. “Ooo, that would be super awesome. Then if we were to go back we could all hang out together and I wouldn't have to travel in a cage either.” Hedwig replied delightedly. “Good morning Harry.” said a Nurse as she wheeled in a wheelchair. “Good morning Nurse Blossom. What’s with the wheelchair?” Harry asked. “Today Miss Hedwig gets to go with you.” “Hurrah,” Hedwig said delightedly. 🚪 “Where have you been!” Mrs Weasley shouted at the four boys. Fred, George, Ron, and Outcast Number Eighty-six. Agent Eighty-six as they preferred, and they were presently playing the role of a very emaciated Harry Potter. *“Beds empty! No note! Car gone – could have crashed – out of my mind with worry – did you care? Never – as long as I’ve lived – you wait until your father gets home, we never had trouble like this from Bill or Percy.” *“Perfect Percy,” Muttered Fred, and then Mrs Weasly started in all over again starting with *“You could do with taking a leaf out of Percy’s book!” Agent 86 just stood there and tried to look like they were overwhelmed by the onslaught, but then again, being a love bug had it’s advantages. The amount of love pouring out was staggering, and it was all they could do to not overindulge and get drunk off of it. Mrs Weasley kept going for what seemed hours and then rounded on Agent 86, AKA Harry Potter. *“I’m very pleased to see you, Harry, dear...” Her mind seemed to come to a screeching halt at the sight of the malnourished boy in front of her. A moment later Harry found themselves at the breakfast table as Molly began dishing up a heaping pile of food. She then plopped it down in front of him and ordered him to eat. “That’s alright, I’ve had plenty to eat.” Harry offered as Ron and the twins sat down at the table to have breakfast. “Not by the looks of you, now eat.” Mr’s Weasley’s tone gave Harry to understand they’d no choice in the matter. ‘Mother never said there would be days like this.’ Agent 86 said to themselves as they picked up a fork. The kitchen was small and quite cramped, more so do to the clutter than the size of the space. A wooden table and chairs took up a sizable portion and cupboards lined most of the wall. There were cutting boards, a sizable sink, and an old wood stove. And the most curious thing present was an old grandfather clock with a multitude of arms on it, each with a small picture of a member of the family. The arms for Ron, Fred, George, and Mrs Weasley all pointed at home. Percy Weasley’s pointed to work, an individual named Charlie had theirs pointed to work, it moved to mortal peril for a moment, then back to work, and Mr Weasley’s seemed to be stuck at Mortal peril. ‘Well, that can’t be good.’ Agent 86 wondered as they made a valiant effort to shove food into an already compacted body. It was beginning to look like if they were going to consume all that food they were just going to have to let the belt out. Every now and then Mrs Weasly would look at the clock, fret a bit, and then go back to fussing over the boy she thought was Harry. Upon one of the shelves, an old radio in a wooden box played soothing music. It didn’t seem to be helping. She relaxed when the pointer for Mr Weasley switched to work. She pulled up a chair and sat down and let out a heavy sigh. “Mom?” Ron asked. “Are you alright?” “You take off to who knows where, your father has been in mortal peril all morning, and you want to know if I’m alright?” > Chapter 41: Flight Camp > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot: Wonderbolts training compound. Nova and Scootaloo glided into land, both with big grins on their faces. Their little stunt the other day had made something of a name for them, and the local tower controller couldn't believe that Knave One and Scooter were a couple of seventeen-year-old fillies on their way to Summer Flight Camp. “Looking for pointers.” Nova had replied. “Even the best of us never stop learning.” “So, do you think Princess Celestia was serious about bumping you up to Lieutenant?” Scootaloo asked as they made their way to where a large group of ponies were gathering. Most were pegasi. A few were non-pegasi parents dropping off colts or fillies. “No idea. Let's camouflage our horns before any pony notices.” Nova said with a devious grin. Scootaloo looked at her, smiled, and a moment later they were nothing more than a pair of lanky young adult pegasi. “Scootaloo?” called a familiar voice. Scootaloo turned to see Rainbow dash looking at her with her head sideways. She had her Wonderbolts jacket on. “Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo trotted over to her followed by Nova. “We used a spell to hide our horns,” Nova whispered. “OK,” Dash said. “You are Scootaloo though...” “Of course I’m Scootaloo.” “You’re looking rather mature.” Dash offered. “Eyes up here buddy.” Scootaloo chastised playfully. Dash gave her a look and laughed. “What? No. You’ve gotten taller. You both have.” Dash protested a moment later. “You’re taller then I am, and Nova nearly as tall.” “I see that, but then you’re not exactly the tallest of ponies. Come on by the house, and I’ll introduce you to Rose Myrtle.” Scootaloo replied with a grin. “Come by the house she says.” Nova teased with a smirk and then whispered. “We are staying with Princess Celestia right now.” Dash couldn't resist a big grin. “Otherwise how are you at high altitude flying?” “I’ll have you know that I’m the best,” Dash boasted, and then added, “At least among ordinary mortal pegasi.” “We are at the London location now.” Scootaloo offered while ignoring the quip. “Captain Dash, do you know this Shadow-bolt?” Asked a Sargent as he approached. “Sargent Thruster,” Nova said in greeting. He stopped and looked at Nova, a curious expression on his face. “Ya, I know her.” Dash offered. She gave me a look. “Let's just say he reminds me of an old training instructor I knew named Thruster.” Nova offered. “So what are you doing here instead of at OTS?” Dash asked “I’m supposed to be at OTS?” Nova asked confused. “I’ve still got a year at Hogwarts before I can seriously think about doing anything.” “Personally I think you're wasting your time over there.” Dash admonished. “I liberated a Peryton and a Griffin yesterday so no, I’m not wasting my time over there,” Nova replied. “Anyway, ponies need to tell me what’s going on.” “Oh… I heard about that.” Dash offered. “Are they going to be alright?” “Ya, they’ll be fine.” Scootaloo offered. “Are you talking about Miss Hedwig?” asked a blue Griffin with a light amber underside who was about the same age as Nova and Scootaloo. It was entirely possible every single griffon in Canterlot knew about Hedwig by now. News flies fast when you’d rather it not. “Hi, Gallus.” Scootaloo offered. “Princess?” Gallus asked. “Hang on, where’s your horn?” “We used a spell to camouflage them,” Nova offered. "..and for that matter what’s being done about the ponies that hurt Hedwig?” Gallus added. “Just so no creature makes a fuss I will be dealing with them personally, and they aren’t ponies. Creatures called humans. Bipedal like a minotaur without the good looks. Right off hoof, I’d say they are more like the Storm King’s kind only with a lot less fur. As to what’s being done about them… Sargent Thruster, have you ever encountered a fox pony on a vendetta?” The Sargent thought for a moment and then smiled. “Devilish bastards when someone has crossed them,” he replied. “And they crossed me when their stupidity devastated my Alalme’s family and then her ancestral home. The ones who call themselves wizards that is. Granted I was willing to let it go at first, bring all the ponies back to Equestria that are willing, but then I realized that they posed a threat to Equestria as well. We simply can not turn a blind eye. I’m going to turn their world upside down, and the chief architects of misery in that kingdom will pay, that I guarantee.” There was a moment no one said a thing. “At least the ones I can get. There is one that has gone beyond even my reach.” “We got that Riddle character at least.” Dash offered. “And between Selena and myself we’ve killed two giant dragon snake monsters,” Nova added. “Killed?” Gallus asked shocked. “They were mindless killing machines that were killing pegasi to eat their eggs,” Nova explained. “Created by an evil wizard for one reason only, and that was to kill.” “Wow,” Gallas said softly. “I’d heard about when the Storm King attacked Equestria. I remember the Griffins rallying an army because it was going to be us next.” “So what brings the two of you to Flight Camp?” Dash asked. “We signed up,” Scootaloo announced. “The advanced group for our age group,” Nova offered. “I want to make sure I’m not passing on bad habits to Scootaloo, and maybe smooth out some of my ruff edges.” “Well, then you’re going to want to go find Spitfire’s group.” Dash offered. “Alright, thank you,” Nova replied. “And Sargent, good catch. I didn’t think anyone would recognize the old grey flight suit. - come on Scootaloo.” “Hey, maybe we’ll see you around later.” Scootaloo offered as the two went in search of Spitfire. “So, are you telling me she’s the real thing?” Sargent Thruster asked Dash. “I’m to understand she was a combat veteran at the age of twelve in the war against King Sombra way back.” Dash offered. She knew there was something more, but there wasn’t any point in saying anything. “Just one more pony having to live with the consequences of mistakes made long ago.” “Wow,” Gallus said. “Do you think she’s ever killed, well, you know, other ponies?” “There is definitely something about her eyes.” The Sargent offered. “I’ve seen that look in ponies who gave as good as we got during the invasion by the Storm King. Never thought I’d see it in some pony so young.” --- “Good morning… princess?” Colonel Spitfire looked Nova and Scootaloo and then zeroed in on Scootaloo. “You know, you look suspiciously like a little filly I know...” she said as she started to close into eyeball Scootaloo. “Careful, you could lose an eye that way.” Nova cautioned just loud enough for the colonel to hear. She stopped her forward advancement, and waved a hoof over Scootaloo’s forehead. Clunk “Oh, I get it,” Spitfire said with a smile. “Princess Louise, you’re so grown up?” “Please call me Scootaloo, at least out here.” Scootaloo requested. “Alright, I can do that. It’s not some kind of time shift is it, I mean between here and there?” Spitfire asked. That was as likely just as good of a story as any other, but not one they could spread to too many ponies. An unconfirmed rumour on the other hoof… “I suppose that’s as good an explanation as any,” Nova offered. “I’m to understand she was just a filly when she left, and now she’s a grown mare, widowed with a foal, not even a year old, and in a relationship with two other young mares in similar circumstances.” “Similar circumstances? You are definitely too young.” “I rescued my foal from a monster.” Nova offered. “Ambushed it while it was getting ready to chow down on one of my friends.” “Turned it to stone, did you?” Spitfire asked. “No, I don’t actually know that spell.” “Sent it to Tartarus?” “Don’t know that spell either.” Nova offered. “And no, I didn’t send it into its own pocket dimension either.” “You’re not saying...” Spitfire began. “I killed it. Cut it’s head off without a moment's hesitation. I saw no other options that would have saved my friend. The thing had the ability to stop a heart just by looking into the eyes of its victim and I only had seconds to eliminate the threat and revive my friend.” “Wow, that’s hardcore,” commented a greenish-white hippogriff with a two-tone cyan turquoise mane. “Hi Terramar,” Scootaloo said. He was momentarily joined by Rumble and Pipsqueak, both of whom had grown up quite nicely. They were then joined by a light purple young mare with a grey-blue pink combination mane. Rumble was giving Scootaloo a worried look for some odd reason that only he seemed to know the reason why. Spitfire pulled a clipboard out from under her wing. “Answer up when I say your name, Nova, Scootaloo, Terramar, Rumble, Wind Spirit, and Pipsqueak,” Spitfire called out, each individual acknowledging their names in turn. “I’m under the understanding that you are all proficient fliers. However, you are to do as I say. If I’m not available Lieutenant Nova Moon will be the group leader.” “Lieutenant? You mean it’s not a put on?” Nova asked. “Technically it’s a brevet rank,” Spitfire explained. “Or to be more precise, you are a second lieutenant because the rank of Ensign doesn’t exist anymore. Now if you want the full authority you need to go to Officer Training school.” “Ah, now it makes sense.” “No pony told you a thing, did they?” Spitfire asked with a grin. “They stuck her in a lieutenant’s jacket for the meet and greet and never explained a thing,” Scootaloo explained with a smile. “We were all clueless.” Spitfire let out a chuckle. “Alright, alright. Now, as I was saying, I’m to understand you are all proficient fliers. But that’s not good enough or you wouldn't be here. - Am I right?” “Yes, Mam,” Nova said with enthusiasm. “Well, at least one of you agrees. Are you here to learn?” “Yes, Mam!” They all said enthusiastically. “Better. Try again!” “Yes, Mam!” Nova and Scootaloo had gotten a little too enthusiastic, and slipped into the Canterlot voice. “Well at least two of you know how to project. Come on, time waits for no pony.” Spitfire said with a big grin on her face. Her mane looked like she’d just flown through a hurricane as well. “Come with me,” she said and then lead them to one of the Wonderbolt obstacle courses. “Lieutenant, you be sure and do that to your training instructor at OTS,” She added a moment later. “Any chance that’ll be Sargent Thruster?” Nova asked. “Does he do the hip thrust when he tells new recruits his name?” Spitfire gave her a puzzled look. “Let's just say I trained under an identical Sargent.” “Ya, he does,” Spitfire admitted with a smile. “Alright, the first thing I’m going to do is some evaluation drills. And you will be going in pairs. Nova with Terramar, Scootaloo with Rumble, Wind Spirit with Pipsqueak. Line up.” “Nova and I always fly together.” Scootaloo offered. “Not for this exercise. I need to see how well you fly with a stranger.” Spitfire explained. “Scootaloo and I aren’t actually strangers.” Rumble offered. “You do a lot of flying together?” Spitfire asked. “Sort of.” Rumble offered with a blush. “Rose is not your filly,” Nova stated. “Nova?!” Scootaloo protested while blushing. Rumble went red as a beet. “And all this time you knew?” “I only knew that you two had been something of an item.” Nova offered. “And Rumble has been acting weird from the moment he laid eyes on you.” “Alrighty then,” Spitfire drawled as she made a few marks on the clipboard she had with her. “Rumble with Pipsqueak, and Scootaloo with Wind Spirit.” “As Celestia is my witness...” Rumble began. “Yes?” Princess Celestia asked. Celestia knew how long she’d been standing there. Seriously, Not even Nova had seen her sneaking upon them. Terramar, Wind Spirit, and Pipsqueak all looked at Celestia with eyes like saucers and quickly bowed low to the ground. Rumble to his credit only made a quick polite bow. Nova, Scootaloo, and Spitfire also made polite bows. “Do have a care what you say Mr Rumble.” Spitfire drolled, and then in a tone filled with cheer, “Princess Celestia, how may we help you?” “Well, I was rather hoping I’d get a chance to see the fillies fly together,” Celestia said, and it was kind of obvious which two fillies she meant. “And do please get up.” She added in an aside to the ponies who were all but prostrating to her. “Oh… Well if you can wait for a bit, I just needed to see how well they do with someone they aren’t familiar with.” “Yes, of course, don’t let me interfere.” Princess Celestia offered. She sat down looking expectantly and was joined momentarily by Alalme, Loki, Moonie who had grown or rather shrunk quite a bit since her assplosion, and the foals who each sat down to watch. Nova was a little concerned regarding Moonie's apparent shrinkage as well but had put it out of her mind for the time being. “Alright. Nova, Scootaloo, let’s have the two of you fly the obstacle coarse. Don’t get crazy, it’s not a race.” Aside from Rumble, the others were still looking rather gobsmacked by Princess Celestia’s presence and weren’t likely to be able to concentrate on flying Nova and Scootaloo looked at each other, grinned, trotted towards the starting line, spread their wings and were in the air. Their take-off seemed effortless. At first, they were wingtip to wingtip, and then Scootaloo dropped back so one wing was right behind Nova, and then they raced through the course. Every so often they’d shift positions on sharp turns where the trailing pony would cut under and take the lead position. Each time they did this they’d resume their alignment of one behind the other in close synchronization. On a few wide turns, they’d go wingtip to wingtip again followed by whoever was on the inside track taking the lead. When they landed they weren’t even winded. “O-K, O-K, not bad.” Spitfire said slow like. “Why do you keep switching leader?” “Efficiency of motion, Mam.” Nova offered. “The wing pony on the outside of a turn ordinarily needs to increase their speed. It’s also a good way to throw off a pursuer as they’ll never be sure who’s actually calling the shots.” “I see,” Spitfire replied. “It’s an old Shadowbolt manoeuvre. Hard rights and lefts.” Princess Celestia said while absolutely beaming. “I’m to understand that it’s a very difficult technique to master and requires considerable situational awareness.” “I would imagine. One pony gets it wrong and they’d be separated in an instant.” Spitfire commented. “Easy enough on a course where we know where our turns are going to be ahead of time.” Nova offered. “It’s a different story under actual field conditions. Normally only used to switch positions on long runs or while using a scissors manoeuvre. Each taking turns at slipstreaming behind the other.” “I’d say we got pretty good tracking that wraith.” Scootaloo offered. “Oh, right. I forgot about that. I swear, that creature could turn faster then a golf ball hitting a tree.” Spitfire commented. “Now, being as you two haven't even broken a sweat, I want you to go again, but no switching leads this time.” “Aren’t they going to clip the gates if they stay side by side like that?” Wind Spirit asked as Nova and Scootaloo proceeded to fly the course wingtip to wingtip. “Apparently not.” Spitfire drolled as the pair swept back their wings prior to diving through a tight gate. They’d close the distance, Nova overlapping Scootaloo, and then go right back to wingtips. “You see this is why I like to break up fliers that know each other. It’s impossible for me to do a proper analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. There also seems to be a rather unnerving lack of wing flapping. Yes, they are good, but they are making that obstacle coarse look deceptively easy.” “Nova was telling me if I keep working on my wand-less magic she’ll be able to teach me that.” Alalme offered. “Run that by me again?” Spitfire asked. “I’m to understand they are combining unicorn magic with their pegasus magic.” Princess Celestia offered. “It’s a flight spell.” “They are calling it a force push now.” Alalme offered. “Alright, but you're a pegasus.” Spitfire offered. “Who, thanks to some exercises practiced by fox ponies, can now do limited unicorn magic.” Celestia offered. “I find it rather exciting.” “Pegasi doing Unicorn magic?” Spitfire asked. “I’ve already commissioned a study,” Celestia stated. “There are pegasi that have lived their entire life in Equestria, plus some of the English pegasi participating. So far our home pegasi can’t do anything beyond simple pegasi magic, but the English pegasi have shown an aptitude for Earth pony magic as well as Pegasus and Unicorn magic. All three tribes amalgamated into a new tribe that takes the best of all three.” “Wait, wouldn't that make them...” Spitfire wanted to say it, but just couldn't bring herself to say it. Princess Celestia bobbed her head as a funny grin formed on her face. “Maybe not in the classical sense, but pretty darn close. Near Alicorn. If they start producing foals like little Rose now that they are in a relatively safe magic-filled environment, there’s no telling.” “But that would make Alicorns the fourth tribe, would it not?” Spitfire asked. “This may come as a shock to you...” Princess Celestia began in a slow deliberate tone, “..when I was but a filly, Alicorns were a fourth tribe.” “But then what happened to them?” Spitfire asked. This news was quite a shock to her. “And were they all as powerful as you?” “As powerful as myself? I don’t think so. Far as I can recall the average individual wasn’t really all that powerful. It was the ability to use all three magic types that made them formidable. Not raw power. As to what happened to them… I can only faintly recall mentions of a war, and I remember being spirited away in the night. Luna hadn’t even been born yet.” “Princess?” Spitfire asked. It’s the first she’d ever heard of it. “It’s in my published memoirs, but the only remaining copies are stuffed away in the vaults of the Canterlot library. The only ponies that even know about them are a hoof full of mouldering old academics.” Celestia explained as Nova and Scootaloo came in for a landing. “So how are we doing?” Scootaloo asked. She gave a glance at Alalme, the foals nowhere to be seen. Alalme nodded her head at Celestia. Scootaloo smiled on realizing where the three had gone. “You want the truth?” Spitfire asked as she turned back to the two. “The truth is I’ve no idea how to judge your flying.” “She said that you make the obstacle course look deceptively easy.” Princess Celestia offered. “Yes, it is kind of easy. I mean after all that flying through the Forbidden Forest.” Nova offered. “I mean, we could do it faster, a lot faster, but you did say it’s not a race, and we probably don’t want any pony else trying to mimic us if they can’t do the trick.” Moonie and Princess Luna being the only ponies she knew besides themselves who could do it. Whether or not Princess Celestia could do it was a bit of a mystery. “You got that right,” Spitfire stated knowing full well there wasn’t likely to be any pegasi who could do it. “I’ll be honest with you, I don’t know as there really is anything I can teach you, short of helping you learn and practise routines for a Wonderbolt show. Afraid the scope of this class doesn’t quite cover your skill level. I could have you stand by as a student teacher, and maybe do some drills, but that’s about it.” “We’ve kind of already worked out a routine.” Scootaloo offered. “I’d love to see it, but not right now.” Spitfire offered. “And now, Princess Celestia, with your leave, I think it’s time for another pair to go. Terramar, Rumble, let’s see what you’ve got. Come on, snap out of it Terramar. That goes for you too, Wind Spirit, Pipsqueak, you are just going to have to get used to Princess Celestia dropping in on us. Yes I know I just switched partners, but you’ll just have to be flexible.” “Perhaps I should let you see to your students,” Princess Celestia offered as she stood up. “Nova, Scootaloo, as there doesn’t seem to be much for you here, will you be coming.” “I was hoping to fly on down to Ponyville to see Apple Bloom.” Nova offered. “Yes, we can catch up later,” Scootaloo added just as Rainbow Dash walked over to the group like she was looking for some pony. She’d a single foal in tow. “Let us know how many foals you managed to foal nap when we get back.” “Princess Celestia...” Dash began with a cautious tone. “You wouldn't happen to have some foals tucked in under your wings would you?” Dash was answered by a chorus of fairy giggles, while the foal at Dash’s side turned their head sideways. “Why Captain, whatever might you be suggesting?” Princess Celestia asked while feigning innocence as she scooped up the foal that had been with Dash. “Nova, Scootaloo, any chance you’ll be back in time for lunch?” Alalme asked as Princess Celestia began to walk away. “We should. That is, short of the Apples insisting on feeding us.” Scootaloo offered. “If ever there was a pony who understood an alicorn’s apatite, it’s Granny Smith,” Nova added. “If you don’t see us, assume we’ve taken the train because we are too stuffed to fly.” “I hear that.” Spitfire offered as Terramar and Rumble take off. “Alright, we’ll see you when you get back.” Alalme offered with a big smile. “I’d better get after Princess Celestia, she’s got our foals again.” “I’ve got the strange feeling she’s got more than just our foals. I can see moonie's tail sticking out.” Nova offered with a grin. Alalme laughed and trotted after Celestia. Loki gave Nova and Scootaloo a kiss and followed after the others with a grin on his face. “Colonel Spitfire, you wouldn't mind if we keep coming out here to do some warm-up on the obstacle course?” Nova asked. “So long as no pony else is using it, be our guest.” Spitfire offered. She let out a sigh as she watched the two racers. Granted that they were supposed to be flying as a team. “Come on Scootaloo, we should probably use the flight line like every pony else.” Nova offered. “I’m wondering if I’m going to get Rose back at this point,” Scootaloo asked as she watched the others tailing after Princess Celestia. “You’ll get her back fast enough when she gets hungry.” Nova offered and then laughed. “She’ll be hungry around lunchtime so we’ll need to make this quick.” Scootaloo offered as she followed after Nova. “And we’ll need to be out of Ponyville before eleven anyway.” Scootaloo reminded Nova as they turned to make their way to the cue to take off. A short time later the two were standing in line waiting their turn. “You two have call signs yet?” A pony at the gate asked. “Knave One and Scooter.” Nova offered. “Colonel Spitfire doesn’t know what to do with us so we are making a run down to Ponyville.” “Now you can’t just go and use some pony’s call sign because you – think--- ep!” He’d started out intending to admonish the two, but then they dropped the illusion that was hiding their horns. “I’m Princess Louise, and she’s Princess Nova.” Scootaloo offered. “I also seem to be a second lieutenant,” Nova informed. “That raw speed we are capable of is an alicorn trait as well.” “Shouldn't you have a security detail?” The guard at the gate asked. “They’d never keep up. Besides, it’s only Ponyville.” Scootaloo offered. “Only time I’ve had any trouble down there was because of overzealous guards.” “I see.” They replied. “Wait, was that, I mean, were you the royal who got jumped?” “She was, and those idiots are lucky I wasn’t there.” Nova supplied. “She can be very protective, and used to be a member of Princess Luna’s elite guard,” Scootaloo informed them. “And all you did was rub their faces in the ceiling, and then drop em from what I heard.” Nova quipped in a teasing tone. “After they rubbed my face on the floor.” Scootaloo pointed out. “Well, all that’s behind us now. Come on, we’re up.” Nova said, now a bit more serious. The guard watched the pair walk out towards the flight line while he and the others gathered around listened to the radio. {'Nave one and Scooter requesting permission for take-off,} Nova’s voice said over the radio. {'Nave one, thought you were at Flight Camp?'} asked the tower. {‘Colonel Spitfire doesn’t know what do do with us.’} Nova replied. {‘We’d like clearance for a zero-altitude-limit takeoff as well.’} {‘Zero?’} the tower operator replied a moment later. {‘We are going to jump off the deck and shove it into overdrive,’} Scootaloo said over the radio. {‘Next stop ten thousand horns,’} Nova’s voice said. “Ten thousand?” The guard asked of no one in response to what he’d just heard. “They’re kidding, right?” asked a flight trainer waiting in line with their class. Suddenly every pony was at the fence watching the two fliers. {‘Nave One and Scooter, you are clear to proceed onto the runway,’} the tower operator announced. {‘Happy flying.’} The class all watched as the two trotted out onto the runway, took up positions Nova in front, and Scootaloo behind and slightly to the right. They spread their wings took a few steps, and with a downstroke were in the air. They pumped their wings gaining speed, angled up out near the end of the strip, and shot heavenward until they were lost from sight. > Chapter 42: Silly winged Earth pony. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Nova and Scootaloo arrived at the Apple Farm they found that Apple Bloom was out in the Everfree visiting Zecora. “Hello,” Scootaloo called tentatively as she slowly opened the door into Zecora’s home. “Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom called, rushed to the door to hug her… “Apple Bloom, you brew our doom!” Zecora called in warning as Apple Bloom hugged Scootaloo, but it was too late. Boom! “Zecora, are you alright?” Nova called as the three young mares ventured back in. She was also curious as to why the two were wearing cloaks. Zecora looked at Nova through the smoky haze. There was a look of perplexity mixed with dread as recognition set it. “Do my eyes deceive, or do I see what should not be?” “I’m Princess Nova from a long time ago, but yes. And if you’ve a mind to teach little Nova some survival skills, then I will come to you and say, thank you.” “But?” Zecora asked. She found herself to be at a loss for word and rhyme. “That I can not say, nor would I. The price is high and higher still if this thing that had befallen me be somehow undone,” Nova answered. “But tell me, what have you been working on?” “We’ve been going over potions from Hogwarts.” Apple Bloom supplied as Zecora gave Nova a hug. “Most convoluted potions never before have I seen, one wrong step and the results you have seen.” Zecora offered. “As dangerous as Sweetie’s cooking.” Scootaloo offered. “Hey now… not that it’s not true, but some pony has to defend her.” Apple Bloom offered. Nova broke away from Zecora and went to give Apple Bloom a hug. She then ran a hoof over Apple Bloom’s side. Apple Bloom stiffened immediately. “Apple Bloom?” Nova asked. “Potion mishap?” “What’s that about a potion mishap?” Scootaloo asked. “Zecora?” Zecora’s ears drooped. “You know the saying when pigs have wings?” Apple Bloom prompted sounding a bit sheepish. “Let me guess, there’s a potion for that, and it works on ponies?” Nova prompted. “Maybe.” Apple Bloom replied. “Not like we intended to use it on ourselves.” “Wings?! Show us!” Scootaloo demanded and had Apple Bloom disrobed a moment later. “Oh my gosh, they are so pretty.” “My sister is gonna kill me!” Apple Bloom protested. “She’s not going to kill you,” Nova reassured her. “So, how long does it last?” “It was supposed to wear off an hour ago.” Apple Bloom offered. “We were working on a counter potion.” “Well then, on the off chance it’s permanent, I’d say it’s time for a flight lesson.” Scootaloo prompted, and Apple Bloom soon found herself being herded outside and being told to spread em. “I’m underage!” Apple Bloom protested as she tried to run away. “Your wings, you silly winged Earth pony,” Nova called and laughed. “Oh… right, I knew that.” Apple Bloom replied as she stopped and turned back. “Um, how?” “I think I know how to spread those wings,” Scootaloo offered in a sultry tone, walked over to Apple Bloom, and planted a passionate kiss on her. This was answered by the sound of two sets of wings spreading right quick-like. The three looked back to see Zecora standing in front of her house, wings spread, looking rather flushed. She looked at her wings and laughed. “Go on, it yet may wear off.” Zecora offered a moment later. “What happens if I manage to get airborne and then the potion wears off?” Apple Bloom asked. “We’ll catch you.” Scootaloo offered. “OK… how do I get my wings to flap now? - Hey!” Apple Bloom let out a protested as she felt Nova’s magic lift her into the air and manoeuvre her around like a glider. “I am so going to get you back for this!” A short time later they were gliding in over the apple farm. “Apple Bloom? Carn-sarn it, what ‘ave you gone en done to yourself!?” Applejack called from an orchard. “Get down here right now!” Apple Bloom had finally got the hang of using wings only to have the potion take that exact moment to wear off. “Aaaaaaa!!!” Apple Bloom yelled as she fell. Applejack's eyes grew wide, and she ran to catch only to find herself colliding with Rainbow Dash who’d seen Apple Bloom and had rushed to catch her. The two scrambled about, righted themselves, looked about frantically only to discover Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Nova standing nearby watching with curious looks on their faces. “It’s not what it looks like!” Dash protested. “I was going to catch you? What were you doing anyway?” “Flying, she was flying,” AJ stated. “With wings, and then poof!” “Now Mrs Appledash, we were right there to catch her.” Nova offered in a half teasing way. Both mares looked at her with wide eyes. And then Dash rolled over onto her back and started laughing. “You know, it’s getting mighty close to eleven.” Scootaloo teased. “You mean we should probably run for it before Applejack makes up her mind.” Nova offered, laughed, and the two were in the air about the same time Applejack shouted, ‘come ear!’ “Apple Bloom, don’t forget to come up to Canterlot first chance you get so we can do the declaration of intent,” Nova called. “Hey, Dash, I thought you were teaching young fliers?” Scootaloo called. “Princess Celestia foal-napped my group so I took the short cut to come and check on you two. You’re not really supposed to take off on your own after you’ve checked in.” Dash replied. She sprung into the air, “Race you back!” She only waited a moment, and then took off for the forest. “Ha!” Nova called back, and a moment later she and Scootaloo were racing into the stratosphere. “I don’t know what you see in those two.” Applejack protested to Apple Bloom a moment later. “Might just be the same thing you see in Rainbow Dash.” Bloom offered with a smirk. “Come ear!” AJ called and took after her sister who’d the good sense to run for it. > Chapter 43: Escort > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You think she’s got a chance?” Scootaloo asked as Canterlot rapidly approached. “Rainbow Dash or Apple Bloom?” Nova asked. Scootaloo had to think for a moment, “Let's stick with Dash for now.” Scootaloo had a grin on her face that suggested she wasn’t holding out much hope for Apple Bloom. “Dash has got to get clearance from the tower to fly down off the mountain. The airspace around Canterlot is too crowded to just jump in any time we want, and every pony has to take their turn.” Nova offered. “Tower, this is Knave One and Scooter on approach.” ‘Where? I can’t see you?’ the tower operator replied over the radio. “Tower, by the time you see us you’ll be wearing your coffee.” Scootaloo teased. ‘Inbound is open, come on in, just be mindful of the airship.’ offered another voice over the radio. “Roger that tower,” Nova replied. ‘Flight One-Oh-One heavy, I thought we had the clearance?’ asked a concerned voice. ‘They’ll be down before you are even lined up for your final approach.’ The tower offered. Nova and Scootaloo angled down towards the airstrip. A large airship was coming around loaded with happy tourists. Nova activated her aura spell to light herself up, followed by Scootaloo doing the same, and the two zipping past the airship like a couple of shooting stars. They waited until they were on their final approach before slowing down, and came gliding in with a high angle of approach, wings spread wide, feathers splayed out. ‘Tower, Rainbow Crash requesting clearance from Mountain Base,” Dash’s voice could be heard over the radio as Nova and Scootaloo slowed to a slow glide, angled off the runway, set down softly, and started walking towards the arrivals gate. ‘Sorry Crash, you’re going to have to wait,’ the tower offered. ‘What?!” Dash protested. “Use the stairs, it’ll be faster,” Scootaloo suggested. ‘You’ve got to wait too.’ Dash replied. “Already on the ground.” Nova offered as she canceled her light spell, followed by Scootaloo doing the same. ‘What, no way?!’ Dash protested. ‘Diverting to the Wonderbolt auxiliary field.’ ‘Captain, please keep your chatter to a minimum,’ the tower chastised. ‘Diversion approved.’ Nova and Scootaloo couldn't help but laugh as they made their way through the gate and past a dumbfounded crowd, some of whom looked like they weren’t sure if they should bow or not. When an escort of six guards moved in to flank the two, quite a few decided they’d best do it. “So why the escort?” Nova asked as they made their way out of the terminal area and headed back to where the training camp was. “Higher-ups thought it might be a good idea,” the Sargent offered. “Too many ponies who still have it in their heads that Princess Celestia is the only true Alicorn. Some are known to be more than vocal, and the Air Terminal has too many ponies we don’t know anything about.” “So what you are saying is you are here to keep me from stomping some pony’s flank.” “Trust me, she’s fully capable of stomping flank,” Scootaloo replied to the barely suppressed smiles. “Don’t let her petite size fool you. Seriously, just look at that chiselled physique.” Whether or not the escort believed her they didn’t show it by their conduct. Some smiled, but most just looked forward with a look of grim determination. Over the radio, the tower could be heard calling operations to deal with a rogue thunderhead that had formed. “Belay that tower, this is Knave One, it’s not rogue. It’s mine.” Nova said over her radio link. The sky overhead was indeed getting dark. “I’ll dismiss it when my escort has delivered me safe without incident.” Ears on the guards escorting her suddenly dropped back as nervous looks overtook their faces. They’d been taking a rather circuitous route and it was bothering Nova to the point she was ready to blast every last one of them at the slightest provocation. The fact that there were little minor issues with their uniforms and armor was bothering her too. These were not Canterlot’s finest, and Nova was wondering if she should just ditch them? “Seems like it’s taking us a lot longer to get back,” Scootaloo whispered. “Tell you what, when I brush my wing against you stop, don’t move or say a thing,” Nova whispered back. “Th-this way,” a Corporal directed. Nova brushed her wing against Scootaloo, the two stopped, and to Scootaloo’s stunned delight, they also kept going as Nova wove a fine illusion that would make the guards think they were still walking with them. The two followed at a discreet distance as the escort turned into a blind alley. “What, no, that’s not right,” the Sargent cautioned at the mouth of the alley. “Hold up.” “Well, I do believe we are lost.” Nova’s doppelganger offered. “Perhaps we should turn around and try again?” The guards seemed to be hesitating. “Guys, you really should turn around.” Scootaloo’s doppelganger suggested. “Um, guys?!” Scootaloo’s eyes went wide as one of their escorts pulled out their sword. “Care to explain?” Nova asked just as the guard who’d pulled his sword laid it down, bowed low and began begging for forgiveness. Nova let the illusions fade away to reveal their true location. The guards each, in turn, turned back just as Rainbow Dash, and two dozen of Princess Celestia’s finest landed nearby. “I know those guards, they are from the Temple of the Sun.” Dash offered. “They are a bunch of radicals.” “We just wanted to make ourselves useful,” The Sargent offered as each bowed. “So, what is it, you just don’t know your way?” Scootaloo asked. They each nodded in agreement. “No harm done, I guess,” Nova offered. “Perhaps if someone could escort them back to their temple? Let their own supervisors do the chewing out.” “You sure about that, Princess?” Dash asked. “Well that and give them to Sargent Thruster so he can make proper guards out of them,” Nova suggested with a devilish grin. “Couldn’t you just zap us with a thunderbolt instead?” One of the Temple guards asked in an almost pleading tone. Sargent Thruster was the training Sargent for an elite combat group, and as such had developed something of a reputation. As for why he did Flight Camp, he liked to look for ponies he thought had the temperament, and would, if possible, direct them along the appropriate career paths that would place them within striking distance of joining the elite group. Nova and Scootaloo continued on this time with a proper escort. “Where’s my baby?” Scootaloo called as they approached Princess Celestia’s group only to have the wind knocked out of her as Rose and Goldwine latched on. “Told you they’d show themselves come feeding time.” Nova teased with a lilt to her voice. “You just wait till it’s your turn,” Scootaloo muttered having caught her breath a moment later. “Aww, they’re so cute.” Offered a group of fillies who only a moment before had been playing with the babies. Alalme approached with Alya trotting alongside a moment later and gave each a kiss and a warm hug. Alya who’d yet to be fully weened took that moment to dive in under her mother. “We were just about to go in, check on Harry, Hermione, and Hedwig, and then have lunch.” Princess Celestia offered. “We’d be delighted to join you.” Nova offered. “Excuse me but I’m a little immobilized here.” Scootaloo pointed out. “I could levitate the three of you.” Nova offered with a grin. “You are not parading me like a Macy’s Day balloon.” Scootaloo scolded. “Macy's Day?” Nova asked. She’d no idea what that was a reference too. “Just start walking.” Alalme offered and began to move forward. Alya had no choice but to let go. “Mom!” Alya protested as she fluttered her wings in distress. “Oh, now you tell me.” Scootaloo protested, took a tentative step, and a moment later the group was on its way while the three foals protested and flapped their wings like the little impatient fledgelings they were. > Chapter 44 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova, Scootaloo, Alalme, Moonie, and Sweetie Belle, found Harry, Hermione, and Hedwig in Princess Celestia’s library. Hermione seemed to be very aggravated, Harry quite bemused, and Hedwig was sleeping. To be true, Hedwig normally slept through most of the day and was presently curled up in one of Princess Celestia’s chairs looking very much like a large cat. Harry and Hermione both had what looked to be preschool primers. First reader workbooks to be exact. “Arrrgh, this is so frustrating.” Hermione bemoaned. “What’s that?” Sweetie asked, causing Hermione and Harry to jump a little. “Oh, hi, um, every pony.” Harry offered with a big grin on his face. “There’s a library full of books and I’m having to do an elementary level workbook because I can’t read any of it!” Hermione lamented. “What’s with that funky alphabet of yours anyway? The only stuff I can read is the stuff for little foals.” “What? It includes all the characters.” Scootaloo offered. “What’s with that alphabet the wizards use? Trying to do spells that require precise pronunciation with letters that can be pronounced a half dozen different ways isn’t easy.” “Alright, you got me there.” Hermione offered as she sat back. “I think you’ll find that a great deal of what we use dates back to ancient Greek.” Nova offered. “If you can learn our alphabet it’s going to open up all manner of texts that weren’t available to you before. - But enough studying, lunch will be served soon.” “I suppose I have to go?” Hermione inquired. ‘It’s kind of expected.” Scootaloo offered. “We are guests of the crown after all.” Alalme offered. “So where are the foals?” Harry asked. “Sleeping.” Scootaloo offered. “Maybe Hedwig can join them.” Sweetie Belle offered. “What, and miss lunch?” Nova asked with a smile and an eye on the sleeping form of Hedwig. “And a chance at real food?” Slowly one eye opened as Hedwig looked out at them. “And sit at the table just like every other creature,” Nova added. “Not that I’m saying she shouldn't, but I doubt she has proper table manners.” Hermione offered. “It’s an informal luncheon, and we can work on table manners as we go,” Sweetie replied. “Do you need help getting back to your wheelchair?” Hermione asked. “I’m good.” Hedwig offered as she gingerly climbed down out of the chair she’d been in. If she noticed a bit of blue aura about her she didn’t say anything. “And to think that when I got up this morning I couldn't wait to be out of that bed.” “One step at a time.” Nova offered as Hedwig climbed into her wheelchair. “Should we leave everything here?” Harry asked as he got up. “Being it’s a private library it’ll be fine.” Scootaloo offered. “Yes, I leave stuff out all the time,” Sweetie added. “I hate to leave anything behind.” Hermione bemoaned as she too got up. “So where is lunch going to be served?” “Out in the garden,” Sweetie informed. “Something tells me we are going to be horribly underdressed,” Hermione muttered, and a short time later they were on their way with Harry pushing Hedwig’s wheelchair. They made their way down the hall and into a servant area where they took a freight elevator down to the ground floor. From there it was out the back way to the grand gardens that were situated behind the keep. And for once they weren’t under dressed as the list of attendees was refreshingly small. Among the attendees was the Griffin ambassador and the Elk ambassador with their families, and when they saw Harry and Hedwig they all gathered around the two to give them a warm welcome. The Neighpon ambassador was there with his wife and was presently talking to Loki. Nova gave a nod to the others and made her way over to Loki followed by Scootaloo and Alalme. Sweetie Belle and Hermione chose to split off to be with Harry and Hedwig. “Nova,” Loki called on seeing the trio approach. “Louise, Alalme. I’d like to introduce to you the Lady Morningdew and Lord Silvermane.” He then introduced the three mares each giving a polite bow in turn. “I must confess that if I didn’t know better I’d swear that you were an adult version of our granddaughter Nova.” Morningdew offered. “Except her mane is mostly black whereas yours is mostly white.” “Mine was indeed mostly black.” Nova offered. “A friendly fire incident turned it white I’m afraid to say.” “Oh, but then you?” Morningdew asked leaving off what she specifically wanted to know. “I haven't just come from the past I’ve been dimension-hopping.” Nova offered as a small flock of phoenix decided to join them. Philomena, Phenik, and Dumbledore's Fawkes were among them. The three of which have no issues with landing on Nova’s back. Nova’s heart fell when she spotted a familiar white bat pony at the heals of Alice. “Hang on, I see someone I need to talk to.” “Hang on, is that Coco?” Scootaloo asked. “We saw her with her mom, do you think something happened?” “I’ve this horrible feeling her family was connected to that house-elf.” Nova offered and trotted over to the pair followed by Scootaloo and Alalme. Loki, Morningdew, and Lord Silvermane followed at a slow walk. Coco had yet to recognize anyone, the new world she was in was overwhelming her, and after the morning she’d had she cringed and dropped her head down low on seeing Nova. “I – I didn’t know.” Coco offered. “I didn’t know what Dobby was doing?” “It’s alright.” Nova offered softly as she slowed to a walk. She went up to Coco and gave her a hug with a wing. “You are not responsible for the actions of others that are beyond your control, only your own actions.” “Did you know?” Coco asked. “Did you know Dobby was my Family's house-elf?” “They didn’t tell me who’s house-elf we’d caught, only that they’d identified the master.” Nova offered. “I hope Harry is alright. I never wanted him to get hurt. He’s been through so much and it’s just tearing me up inside that my own family could be responsible. Voldemort is no more, and still...” “We are going to fix things. A little at a time.” Nova offered. “A Horcrux was found.” Alice offered. “Riddle's own diary.” “Damn,” Sweetie said having joined the group. “So was it destroyed?” Scootaloo asked. “Lady Aiko came in with a sizable soul crystal in a sealed jar, and said something about using Shia LeBeouf’s butt cheeks to squeeze the soul fragment out of the book.” Alice offered. “That poor book,” Hermione whispered as an involuntary shudder cascaded over her. “Hi Coco, you alright?” Hedwig called as she and Harry approached. “Um… I guess.” Coco offered. She looked about wondering who that could be. Not to mention that it wasn’t everyday one sees a Peryton Pushing a Griffin in a wheelchair. “It’s me, Hedwig.” “Hedwig? Harry’s owl? Is Harry alright?” Coco asked. “You’re a griffin now?” “And I’m a Peryton,” Herry informed her. Coco recognized the voice and looked at the deer with her head cocked sideways. “Harry, that you?” “Cool, huh.” Harry offered. “I’m sorry Harry. I’m sorry.” Coco offered and began to cry. Harry walked around the wheelchair and gave Coco a hug and a moment later Moonflower nuzzled her way in. Moonflower was, of course, fashionably dressed in one of Rarity's latest creations. Moonflower had become a much sought after model and had become quite the clotheshorse. “It’s alright, it’s not your fault.” Harry offered. “We are friends. That is, we are now. Even if we did have a rocky start.” “Princess Luna dropped her off prior to heading to Ponyville.” Alice offered. “Afraid the rest of his family have all been incarcerated and I’m to understand that there is enough incriminating evidence to send them all to Azkaban for a long time.” “It’s difficult for me to take in.” Coco offered. “Sure, I wanted to get away from them, but they are still my family.” “Speaking of family, I’m to understand that the Dursleys have taken the bait and are on their way to France.” Alice stated “France?” Harry asked. “We kind of arranged it so that they’d have a run-in with the authorities,” Nova explained. “Let's just say it’s not going to be the vacation they thought it was going to be, and we’ve contacts who are going to see if they can’t do something about the compulsion charms that are on them. Who knows, maybe by the time they are free they’ll learn to be decent human beings.” Later that afternoon at the Weasley home. “Fred! George!” Molly called out the door. The boys were outside doing a bit of maintenance on their brooms. “Get in here and explain to me why my cupboards are filled full of jars of green goo!” “What are you talking about?” the twins asked in confusion as Mrs Weasley storms out with a jar in hand. “This stuff. The cupboards are full of it.” Molly Weasley demanded as she all but shoved the jar in their faces. “No idea.” the boys offer as each plunge a finger into the goo and taste it. “Oh, I bet this would make a good syrup for fizzy water.” Fred offered. “Let's call it Slurm,” George suggested. “Molly!” Mr Weasly called from the door. “We got him! We finally got Lucius Malfoy.” “Arthur?” Molly asked turning to him. “I was so worried about you.” He went to her and the two embraced. “We raided Malfoy Manner this morning,” Arthur informed her stuck a finger in the jar, tasted it, and commented that it was good … whatever it was. “Is Coco alright?” Fred asked sounding concerned. “Coco?” Arthur Weasley asked. “Draco.” George offered. “Their animagus form causes them to switch back and forth.” “And Coco is a lot nicer then Draco.” Fred offered. “Afraid I was with the team that was looking for contraband.” Arthur offered. “On the first wave that is. We went in with several teams, the first team was to secure all the occupants, my team’s job was to search for anything nasty.” “And did you find anything?” The twins asked. “You know who’s diary among other assorted items of interest.” Arthur offered. “The Equestrians had provided us with goggles that would highlight anything with dark magic, and that book … it was so vile it required special handling, and had to be shipped off in a shielded container.” He gave Molly another squeeze and then broke away from the hug. “So how was your day?” And then Molly Weasley went into a tirade about Ron and the twins taking off with the car followed by thrusting the jar of sweet syrupy green goodness in his face and announcing that the cupboards were full of it. “Would you believe us if for once we said that we are innocent?” the twins asked. “So what you are saying is I’ve been eating some sort of mystery goo, and neither of you knows what it is?” Mr Weasley asked. “Yes, yes, that’s about it,” the boys offered. “Show me.” Mr Weasly said to Molly, and a moment later they were inside looking at bare cupboards. “It was right here?” Mrs Weasley protested. “What was right where?” Fred and George ask as they enter the house. There is a moment’s hesitation followed by the Fred and George that were already inside the house snatching the remaining jar and dashing out the door. “Molly, dear … I thought there were only two of them?” Arthur Weasly asked. Molly pulled out a chair and sat down. “I suppose it kind of makes sense in an odd sort of way.” 📜 Omake *The Weasley family was gathered at their table when a cloud of ash erupted from the fireplace that was connected to the Floo network. "Ah, Professor Dumbledore, you are just in time for dinner." Mr Weasley called as the aged wizard stepped from the fireplace. Dumbledore took a moment to straighten himself out. "Do join us," Molly called. "No, no, that's quite alright." Dumbledore offered, rejecting the invitation. He looked weary and Molly's heart went out to him. "I just dropped by to see Harry." "Hello, you sure you won't join us?" Harry offered. "Yes, do." Fred seconded. "Indeed, you should." George urged. "No finer repast." Gred pointed out. "Join us." Forge beckoned. Dumbledore stood transfixed by the sight of not twins but quintuplets. "Yes, Professor, there are four of them," Percy informed him. "I'm sure we'll sort it out eventually." "What say we sort it out now." Professor Dumbledore announced while pulling out a wand that looked worse for wear. "Is that a school wand?" Mr Weasley asked. "Now see here!" Molly exclaimed standing up. "We do not point wands at members of our own family." "But?" Professor Dumbledore objected. "No buts." Molly proclaimed. "There's no harm being done, I've no doubt it's just a prank, and as Percy has stated, we will sort it out. Furthermore, I don't care if they are a pair of Fae come over from Ireland. They are guests and as such will be treated as members of the family." Molly's speech resulted in the quids standing up and applauding. "Professor Dumbledore, you've seen that Harry is alright, perhaps you should go now?" Mr Weasley said. His tone suggested what he'd said wasn't so much suggestion as it was an order. "I ... I'm terribly sorry to have disturbed your meal ... I should get going." "Curious that Lucius Malfoy was one of Dumbledore's staunchest supporters." Mr Weasley commented moments after the man's departure. "The nerve of him. And for that matter how did he even know Harry was here?" Molly protested. "Harry, does he check up on you often?" "Not really no," Forge replied followed by Harry clearing his throat and announcing that he wasn't aware of Dumbledore ever stopping by. > Chapter 45: The trial > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova had just heard the most preposterous, not to mention long-winded fantasy about how Marcus Flint had in fact defended himself, and the other Slytherin boys. He was presently sitting in a chair in the center of a round room that might just as well be a theater in the round. Nova was sitting with Alice to her right who was beside Captain Hoofstrong, and Madam Pomfrey was to Nova’s left and Loki sat beside her. The remaining bolts sat behind them with a grim determined look on their faces. Marcus Flint had a rather smug look on his face. “That’s not true!” Madam Pomfrey exclaimed rising to her feet. “The testimony of the boys would suggest otherwise.” Offered the defense. He a rather greasy man by the name of Honesty Nuttall. The Presiding Justice one pink-clad squat toad-like woman by the name of Dolores Umbridge. “The testimony of the boys clearly shows that the individual known as Alice Mouse Hoofstrong to be a dangerous half-blood creature with little to no humanity. We the defense implore Her Honor to find Marcus Flint innocent and that his use of the killing curse was justified.” His words echoed throughout the chamber. “This is an outrage!” Madam Pomfrey exclaimed. “Madam Pomfrey, sit down or I will hold you in contempt,” ordered Justice Dolores Umbridge. Nova stood up, placed a hand on Poppy’s arm. “Please,” Nova said softly. Poppy looked down at her with a stricken look in her eyes. “And what do you want?” Umbridge demanded of Nova. “Must you insist on dragging this out? The boy is clearly innocent.” “I'm Princess Kitsumi Nova of the House of Nightfoal, daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Adopted daughter of Princess Luna Princess of Arkadia and Shepherd of the moon.” “And you have no authority here,” Umbridge stated with a derisive air. Nova smiled. “I, a Priestess of Arkadia, do humbly request the arbitration of the Justice of Arkadia.” When Nova had stepped foot into the chambers the place had given her a feeling similar to that of the Moon Viewing Hall or the grand hall of the cosmic clock. The entire place was an Arkadian artifact. What’s more is that the entire time this mockery of a trial was going, Grandmother Aurora had been whispering from across the cosmos telling Nova what the place was. The short version, it was the reason that a Princess of Equestria was all but untouchable. When the wizards dug down to discover the many hidden chambers they’d no way of knowing that they’d dug down into a complex that was over eight thousand years old, nor of its true nature. They only knew that a certain freestanding gateway, the Veil, gave them an easy way to rid themselves of undesirables. Before Dolores Umbridge could utter another word the dimly lit hall was bathed in light while a great shaking forced anyone standing to the floor with the exception of Nova who’d steadied herself on the railing. When Nova righted herself what she beheld was a transformation of the entire room. The gray and black marble now replaced by gleaming white with hints of blue and pink. The furnishings now overlaid in gold, and a great veiled archway was now standing in the alcove behind Dolores Umbridge. Above them all stood three figures, humanoid with pony ears, a unicorn horn protruding from their forehead, white wings on their backs, and their hooves stood upon mist. In their hands, one held a book, one a scale, and the third a spear. “You are out of order!” Dolores Umbridge screeched. “Cease this at once! I order this illusion dispelled at once. Seize them!” Boom! Dolores Umbridge stopped for but a moment as her attention was drawn to the figure with the spear. “Silence!” commanded the figure holding the spear. “I will not be silenced in my own court!” Dolores Umbridge bellowed. She then made the mistake of pulling out her wand and attempting to cast the killing curse on Nova. Attempting. “Avada-gaugh!” Those assembled watched in horror as a chain shot forth from the veil, like a tentacle wrapping itself around Umbridge’s mouth, and gagging her in the process. All save Nova who was only mildly surprised knowing full well what she’d unleashed. Umbridge flailed about, only to have two more chains come out and bind her wrists. “Contempt of court, an attempt on the life of a priestess of Arkadia,” spoke the being holding the book. “Guilty.” Stated the being holding the scales on which could now be seen a heart on one side and a feather on the other. The side with the heart having dropped as far as it could go. “You are hereby sentenced to Tartarus,” spoke the figure with the spear immediately followed by more chains coming out of the veil and dragging a struggling Dolores Umbridge who upon realizing it wasn’t some elaborate illusion peed herself moments before vanishing. “He who is called Honesty Nuttall is charged with conspiracy against a priestess of Arkadia, and did advise defendants to purger themselves,” spoke the figure who held the book. “Wait, no!?” Honesty Nuttall exclaimed as he too gained the same verdict and sentence as Dolores Umbridge and found himself bound in chains to be dragged into the veil. “He who is called Marcus Flint, attempt upon the life of a servant of the House of the Night who is also a servant of a Priestess of Arkadia, said attempt resulting in the death of an unborn.” At this, Marcus Flint attempted to make a dash for the door. “Contempt of court, attempting to flee from justice,” came the added charges as chains whipped out to snare him. This was followed by Flint senior pulling out his wand along with a number of his supporters. “Please have mercy?” begged one of the accused Slytherin boys dropping down on his knees. The room was now empty of the Flints and anyone who dared to pull a wand. “A call for leniency has been levied,” spoke the figure with the book. “Will the Priestess of Arkadia intervene?” “It is my belief that these boys were but unwitting accomplices and did not partake in the actual attack, if they are indeed repentant then I will ask for clemency.” Nova offered. Her words were followed by the boys groveling on the floor, several of whom no longer had a father. Of the boys, three were found to be false and were dragged post-haste into the veil. And then it was over. The lighting went back to its normal dreary gray, and the veil went back to its normal position somewhere else in the complex. Nova walked over to the judge’s seat, picked up the gavel, and struck it down to break the stunned silence. “Those wishing to see any of the persons removed to Tartarus will have to petition Princess Celestia, Crown Princess of Arkadia, Princess of Eques. No, they are not dead. It’s a high-security magical prison.” She waited for a moment. “I think it best to end this court session.” She struck the gavel again, set it down, went back to her companions, gathered them up, and then they exited the room filing out one by one. ⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓ “Would someone care to tell me what the actual fuck just happened?” Poppy asked in a hushed tone a short time later as they exited the floo into the Old War Offices. “You and me both,” Alice added. “It’s an old Arkadian justice center.” Nova offered. “I sure hope that doesn’t make things worse, but I couldn't sit there and allow that mockery of justice to continue.” “You … you did all that?” Loki asked hesitantly. “The system powered up the moment I stepped foot on that floor,” Nova informed them. “All I had to do was make a request of it, and if the wizards don’t like it, they’ll have to abandon the entire complex if they’ve got a mind to bring charges against any member of the Equestrian nobility who is related to either Princess Celestia or Princess Luna.” “Damn, girl,” Trixie said as she approached them in the hall. “Yes, Trixie already heard. Serves 'em right too. Though to be honest, I had no idea the veil could change position.” “Kind of hard for me to feel sorry for them though,” Nova offered. “Especially when I plan to close down Azkaban.” Trixie offered. “I’m working on a deal through the Japanese embassy to get a team that actually knows how to deal with dementors. Once that’s been done it’s just a question of who can be rehabilitated.” “So what’s to become of Hagrid?” Nova asked. “I’m to understand he was taken into custody.” “I thought you wanted to fry him?” Trixie asked. “Can’t say there isn’t that temptation,” Nova admitted. “Trouble is, he doesn’t understand. He doesn’t fully comprehend the impact of his actions. He’d be harmless if we could just keep him from getting a hold of dangerous magical creatures.” “Perhaps you could say something to the assembled Wizengamot?” Trixie suggested. “You must be joking?” Loki asked. “After what happened today they’re likely to piss themselves if she even shows up.” “Yes, Trixie did think of that possibility.” Trixie offered with a grin. > Chapter 46: The hunt is on. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova, Scootaloo, and Moonie raced over the English countryside, it was after dusk, Nova and Scootaloo both had gray flight suits, goggles, and a face mask on, and both wore backpacks that included a small flexible hose going up to the facemask. Oddly enough Moonie was back to her adult form. Why Moonie was transforming into a filly on the Equestrian side of the portal was any pony’s guess. “Never thought I’d be flying back to Hogwarts in the middle of the night during summer break,” Scootaloo commented over the radio. They’d both, she and Nova had been supplied with new radios following a crash course on how not to crash while flying in English airspace. The primary concern is the need to not collide with aircraft. This also included the need to file flight plans. They’d both been given special designations, had to keep in touch with Air Traffic Control, and had an additional electronic device that would alert them if they were in danger of coming too close to other aircraft. Their goggles had heads-up displays and the masks were an experimental means to overcome the need to drop altitude due to lack of oxygen. All the ATC knew was that they had a special military designation and were flying small experimental Vertical Take-Off and Landing aircraft. A little something Trixie had come up with on the realization of just how many Meta Humans were flying around. Efforts were being made to get them all on the same page as well. Now the thing that had facilitated this nighttime flight was none other than Tom Riddle’s diary. Lady Aiko had actually disabled the book by ripping the cover off followed by separating the pages. Thus damaged to the point that the spell matrix could no longer function removing the soul fragment had been ridiculously easy. The best part is that once the various spells had been rendered none operational everything Tom had written was laid bare. This included a long-winded rambling manifesto detailing everything he’d planned to do. According to what Riddle wrote there was a good chance that they’d find a Horcrux at the school. As for finding it, they’d discovered that the small fragment that had been removed from Harry pointed to larger fragments just like a lodestone. The pieces wanted to come back together, and they’d utilized this property to create a rather unique compass. ‘A-T-C to SAM Acorns one and two.’ Squawked the radio. SAM: Special Air Movement. However, it had been suggested that their flights be labeled as Aircraft Lite. Acorn signaled that they were with intelligence, and as far as Nova was concerned A L Acorn just sounded too much like reaching for an alicorn joke. “SAM Acorn one, A-T-C?” Nova replied. “Can I get you to go to thirty thousand feet?” “Negative A-T-C, that’s a little above our safe operating range,” Nova replied. They were presently cruising at twelve thousand, they could go a little higher, but it was mighty cold, and going higher would just make it colder. “We could drop down a bit?” “Roger that. Drop down to ten thousand if you will.” “Roger that A-T-C, dropping to ten thousand. SAM Acorn one out.” About thirty minutes later Nova announced that they’d be dropping off-grid and not to panic when they vanish from the radar. To be true the only way Traffic Control could track them was by the signal being sent out by their transponders. They weren’t shielded from magical radiation and Nova expected the transponders to simply quit once they began their approach. They could see the lights of Hogsmeade, but the castle was dark save for a single light that flickered in a window of Professor Dumbledore’s tower. The trio glanced at it as they glided on past and went to land on the Astronomy tower. Nova and Scootaloo transformed into human form, and Moonie vanished to reappear opening the trap door a moment later. “Any chance Dumbledore will come to investigate?” Scootaloo asked. “Hopefully we’ll find it before he shows up, and we can get out of here…? Nova had pulled out the Horcrux compass and to her surprise, it showed two directions depending on where she held the globe. One direction directed them down to the Seventh-floor corridor and the other pointed at Dumbledore’s own office. “Right… Moonie, stealth mode, find Dumbledore, and let us know when he leaves his office and/or comes up here.” “On it.” Moonie climbed up, flew up into the air, and vanished a moment later. “Let’s get going,” Nova said followed by the two mares/girls climbing down the stairs. “It’s dark...” Scootaloo began followed by the light turning on. “Well isn’t that convenient?” “Now how do you think Filch always knew when someone was about? The bloody lights are spelled to turn on if anyone is detected.” Nova offered under her breath. “Still doesn’t make the place any less creepy when no one’s about.” “Ya, well there’s a strong possibility Dumbledore is about, and if Filch sees lights on he’ll come up to investigate.” “Lovely.” Getting down to the seventh floor where the Tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy could be found took entirely too long as far as the two were concerned and then there was the issue of walking back and forth desperately seeking a place to hide things. Finally, the door cracked open to reveal stacks upon stacks, and piles upon piles of junk. “Great. Just great.” Scootaloo muttered. “Close the door, and be glad we have our Jim dandy Horcrux finder, patent pending.” Nova offered with a rueful smile on her face. “Just don’t touch anything. The last thing I want is to become the next ghost of Hogwarts owing to having been buried under a pile of junk.” “It wouldn't be too bad if we were together.” Scootaloo offered. “We’d miss every pony else something horrible though.” “And you are right there. What would I do without my little Rose?” “Or me without Goldwine, or either of us without Alya, Alalme, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom.” 🌃 Dumbledore had been quietly sitting in his office behind his desk, and on his desk sat a large ring with an even larger black stone from which reflected no light. The ring itself took the form of a snake with a head at each end, the mouths holding the stone. “If I were to give it to Harry, I wonder, would it curse him or possess him?” Dumbledore mused. “No, no, I needed Harry to defeat the dark lord, and now it looks like if that’s to happen someone else needs to be possessed by a Horcrux.” He looked up at the empty bird perch. “What do you think Fawkes? - What’s that? Oh yes, she would have made a perfect stooge. A shame she’s not around anymore.” His mind still struggled to comprehend all he’d been told of that court session. “Are you blind or have you finally lost it?” Scolded the portrait of Phineas Black. “Fawkes isn’t there anymore. She’s gone on to greener pastures and purer hearts. Hadn’t you noticed?” “I’ll have you know that I’ll be remembered as the greatest wizard of all time.” Dumbledore declared as he slowly rose to his feet. “Greatest has-bin of all time you mean.” Black scoffed. Dumbledore slammed a hand down on his desk, the ring making a little jump at the impact. He then slowly walked around the desk. “I am the master of death. I have the Deathly Hallows, the elder wand, the cloak of invisibility, and now this...” he snatched up the ring. “And now I have the Resurrection stone!” “You gave the cloak to Harry Potter who seems to have lost it, and you seem to have lost the wand as well. Which you were never master of in the first place.” “I took it from its previous owner. That’s enough.” “And yet you couldn't hang on to it. And I think you know why. You could never be its master because you’d already been beaten by your better. She who’s actions brought low, not one but two basilisk hybrids. One by the actions of her own hands and the other by the actions of her familiar. Not you. You could never jump in where there’s a possibility you might lose.” “I fought Grindelwald.” “Only after the tide had turned against him and you were sure of victory.” “And I will still have my victory!” Dumbledore exclaimed as he fiddled with the ring in his hand. Power without equal. It’s yours, take it. You are meant to have it. “What?” Dumbledore asked. “Did you say something?” Take it, it’s yours. You are the greatest wizard of all time. “You didn’t face Grindelwald until you were assured of victory.” You are unstoppable, no one will dare oppose you now. A string ensemble in a painting begins playing a soft plaintive tone with echoes of wanting. https://youtu.be/k3SYCceyyms Dumbledore cast his eyes to the ring now sitting in the palm of his hand. That which was black without reflection now showed him himself. His true self was made ugly not by age but by years of failing to do the right thing. Failing to act when it would have been for the greater good. When it would have been the right thing to do. Always manipulating to build himself up in the eyes of Wizard kind. He’d had eleven years to find that ring and when he’d finally gone looking it’d only taken a few moments. Eleven years in which he could have saved Harry from the fate he himself had planned for the boy. He’d told himself it was for the greater good but in the end, he’d planned the murder of an innocent boy just to build up his, yes Dumbledore's reputation. He was even willing to go so far as to sacrifice himself in the process, not for the greater good, but to build his reputation so that he’d be remembered for all time as the greatest wizard to ever live. None would surpass his greatness … None would surpass his evil. Grindelwald and Voldemort had been puppets. His puppets … but then Riddle had to go outside his script and complicate things. Everything was falling apart now. Dumbledore dropped the ring with a start as an alarm sounded to let him know a sneak thief had entered the castle. The visage in the ring had frightened him, but now he had other things to occupy his mind. Who would dare sneak into Hogwarts? Dumbledore rushed down the steps into the hall below only to be alarmed further by the sound of children laughing. “Who’s there?!” he called as the hairs on the back of his head rose up. He was answered only with laughter and a strange rustling like the sound of the softest leather folding and unfolding. He looked about frantically as dark shapes drifted past silently overhead. More laughter could be heard further down the hall. “What ill omen is this?” Dumbledore muttered. “Have my sins now come back to haunt me?” Still, the laughter beckoned, and follow he did. Onward and down from one dark hall to the next until they had brought him to the great hall. Dumbledore stood transfixed in the center of the hall listening to the sound of children’s laughter, and sometimes, if he turned quickly he would catch a glimpse of many glowing eyes watching. He stopped turning, pulled out the school wand he’d been forced to use, and ignited the candle chandeliers which revealed that the hall was full of Thestrals. Hundreds of them, young and old, foals and aged. Some even wore armor black in color with a gleaming slotted eye in the breastplate. He ducked low when they all sprang into flight at once while calling to each other in shrill voices filling the air with their high-pitched screeching. They circled the hall and with a rush of wind were out the open windows. Was that a white foal with a gray? Now it was quiet. Until that moment he’d never fully comprehended just how alone he was. Come morning The school's staff would find that the Thestrals had not returned. 🦇🦇🦇 Nova and Scootaloo having located the Horcrux in the form of a Diadem and further having been informed by Moonie that Dumbledore was presently preoccupied, teleported straight to Dumbledore’s office on Moonie's news concerning what Dumbledore had dropped. “Princess? You shouldn't be here,” the portrait of Phineas Black cautioned. “What is that?” Nova had pulled out her compass. “We discovered that the crystallized fragment from Harry’s skull could be used as a sort of compass.” Nova offered as she bent down to look in the direction the compass pointed. “A locator if you like.” “You always were a clever girl.” Black offered as the other portraits watched. Nova pulled out a cloth that seemed to be coated in a glittering substance. Nova slowly picked up the ring within the cloth and passed it to Scootaloo who’d a small box to put it in. “A piece of Tom Riddle’s soul is housed in that ring,” Scootaloo informed them. “We found a Diadem in the room of requirement.” “Anyone who would dare to put them on is guaranteed to be cursed, maybe even become a new dark lord.” Nova offered. “Destroy them!” Commanded the portrait of the former headmaster Brutus Scrimgeour senior. “And I fear Professor Dumbledore is no longer right in the head.” The other portraits who were awake nodded in agreement. “I fear he was never right in the head,” Nova replied as the box was stowed in one of their packs. “And yes, we will destroy them so that the creature known as Voldemort may never return to this plane of existence ever again.” “One thing more before you go.” Black offered. “If you know the whereabouts of young Sirius Black I believe the family house-elf may have something of note at Grimmauld Place.” “We’ll be sure to look into that.” Nova offered with a smile. “We ready to go?” Scootaloo asked. “One thing more.” Nova offered, went to the cabinet that held memories, retrieved one with her name on it, and placed it on Dumbledore's desk. “Now we can go.” “Which memory is that?” Black asked. “The one where I kill the great wyrm that had resided in the deeps beneath the castle. I want him to know what I’m capable of.” “Oh, I think he’ll find that one quite enlightening.” Brutus Scrimgeour senior offered with a wry amused look on his face. “Quite enlightening.” Nova smiled not truly understanding what he meant, transformed to her pony form, followed by Scootaloo transforming to her pony form, and a moment later they were gone in a flash of light. “Did I ever tell you that memory has a nested memory?” Brutus Scrimgeour senior asked of Black. “I can’t as recall you ever did?” Black replied. “What’s in it besides her killing a monster.” “A memory of the forces of day and night aligned to battle a great host of evil. I’m to assume they prevailed.” The forces of light and darkness in a common goal to defeat evil. I dare say Professor Dumbledore is going to have a hard time with that one.” The portraits had gone back to sleep by the time Dumbledore returned to his office, his first thought to find the ring. Nor did it take long for him to end up on his hands and knees as he used his wand like a flashlight to illuminate the dark corners of the office. “Where is it? It has to be here … somewhere?” But no matter where he searched he could not find that oh-so-precious ring. The last of the deathly hallows and he’d let everyone slip through his fingers. “It can’t be gone?” Dumbledore sat back on his legs as weariness threatened to overtake him. He cast his eyes about the room, but nowhere did he find his precious. “Nasty ponies, they’ve taken it,” Dumbledore grumbled his eyes finally coming to the vial on his desk. He slowly lifted himself up from the floor, went to his desk, and picked up the vial. Nova Moon 1903. “Does she mean to taunt me, I wonder?” He slowly turned the vial in his hand wondering how she could have known the ring had been in his possession. For a moment he thought to inquire of the girl’s location, but couldn't see as that would do any good. No, he was meant to see the memory. Sure he was being manipulated. After all, he was the master of manipulation. Being the one who was now bound up with strings controlled by another was leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. Dumbledore went to the Pensieve, poured in the silvery liquid, and slowly lowered his face into the water. He’d be found wandering the streets of Hogsmeade in a near-catatonic state the next morning. > Chapter 47 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova and Scootaloo were snuggled together in the large bed inside Nova’s luggage. They’d come in late and dropped off the Horcruxes in a lab in the basement of the building where they had set up their base of operations. The mansion Nova’s luggage was in. Once that task was done they’d made it as far as the rooms, but instead of going to Equestria decided to just crash in their bed without even bothering to take human form at any point. True, the apartments in the luggage were only supposed to be temporary accommodations, but by this point, it felt more like home than anywhere else. That and as worn out as they were, they just couldn't bring themselves to go any further. Moonie on the other hoof still had plenty of energy, so Nova gave her the Moon medallion so she could go on through and let the others know how the night went. Though as far as Nova and Scootaloo were concerned they’d hardly gotten to sleep when they’d been pounced on by foals. “Ugh.” Nova groaned. “Mommy Lou!” Rose and Goldwine pleaded. “When do I get to wean these two?” Scootaloo protested wearily. “Might as well get up, we need to talk to Sirius.” Nova offered, and slowly dragged herself out of bed. “Pity I can’t open doors across dimensions. Sure would make things easier if I could just open a door and walk right into the castle.” “You ever try?” Alalme asked as she gave Nova a nuzzle which nearly resulted in Nova toppling over. “Tia, is it possible?” Nova called out once she’d regained her stance. Tia the sun horse appeared before them. “Theoretically it should be possible. After all this space is technically a separate pocket dimension anchored to a specific dimension via the front door. So long as the two dimensions are relatively stable to each other, and the relative distance isn’t too far it should work.” “I’ll just have to check into that, and see if I can do it then.” Nova mused as Scootaloo rolled over onto her back. The two foals giving her a momentary puzzled look followed by the two climbing in under the covers. “Talk about lazy feeding habits,” Alalme said with a bemused look. “Her mother has some fox pony in her.” Nova offered as she ambled in the direction of the bath. “Is that a foxy thing?” Alya asked as she watched the two lumps under the bed. “It’s kind of a predator thing. Less of that survival instinct to be on our hooves all the time.” Nova offered just as she was vanishing through a doorway. “She means that if you are the biggest baddest pony on the block you don’t have to worry about some other creature coming along and trying to eat you.” Scootaloo offered. “Speaking of which … Rose, take it easy will you?” 🥞 So it was that a short time later the little family found their way to breakfast in Canterlot Castle where they were surprised to see not only Luna, but Nova’s sire Lord Reynard Tanaka Silvermane. Also gathered was Princess Celestia, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Moonflower, Sweetie Belle, and Moonie. “Good morning.” Luna offered. “Come give us a hug, and have a seat.” “I hear you had a productive night.” Celestia added as the foals trotted over to give her a hug first, followed by Sunset, Luna, and then on to any pony who’d give them a hug prior to getting them to sit down. And that included the staff as well. “Two Horcrux in one night.” Scootaloo offered. Going over to Celestia gave her a hug, and then gave Sunset a hug. Nova went to Luna, gave her a hug, and a polite bow to Reynard. He seemed fine with that much recognition from Nova, at least for the time being. “According to this mornings Daily Prophet, Headmaster Dumbledore was found wandering about town in a somnambulistic state and as there was no sign of foul play it was speculated that he’d as likely had one too many the night before.” Reynard offered as they all found their seats. “By any chance did you do something to him after the Thestrals evacuated?” “There was the memory vial?” Scootaloo offered. “Though the thestrals all deciding they wanted out after years of neglect could have had something to do with it too.” “The contents of the vial was just a memory of when I killed that Wyrm, and he probably doesn’t even know the thestrals left last night. Now that I think of it it’s likely the only reason they stayed as long as they did was because they had been too weak to leave and hadn’t somewhere else to go.” Nova replied. “I’d be more inclined to think he’d been fiddling with that ring?” “Ring?” Luna asked. “One of the Horcrux we retrieved was in his office. It was on his desk.” Nova explained. “Without our little Horcrux finder I doubt we’d have found either of them. Funny how he never bothered to mention that he had found one.” “We only knew to look for the one.” Scootaloo reminded. “Well, the ring was intended to go to the Gaunt house, so I guess we can scratch that one off the list. And I suppose it’s possible he’d only just recently found it.” Luna offered. “Also, don’t forget we are going to London today for Harry’s custody hearing. … There’ll be no going over to the Officer Training School to ogle at Loki this morning.” “Oh, you’re no fun at all.” Nova said in a mock pout. Not like she hadn’t been doing just that ever since Loki started training. “I’ll go ogle for you.” Scootaloo offered, causing Sweetie Belle to giggle at the notion, and the foals chimed in that they wanted to go too. “You two need to be in classes to make up for all the academics you’ve missed.” Rarity reminded Sweetie and Scootaloo. “And you three...” she gave each of the foals a stern look, “will be spending the morning with Moonflower and myself.” “And myself as well.” Alalme offered. “We are going to do a little tour of Canterlot with Harry, Airry, and Hermione.” “So how’s Hermione doing with the Ambassador's family?” Nova asked as she helped herself to some pancakes. “She’s rather enjoying herself.” Rarity offered. “And she says she’s never seen Harry happier. - Is he going to go with you today?” “Don’t be silly, we don’t know where he is.” Nova offered with a wink. “Wouldn't lying be, you know, hazardous? Considering the spell matrix on that place,” Rarity inquired. “This is one of those times rank has its privileges and I can honestly say that I do not know his exact whereabouts.” Nova offered. “We’ll be able to get away with little white lies, and so long as the changelings haven't blown their cover no one is likely to be asking me where Harry is. And if they do I’ll just throw it right back at them. After all, I’m not the one who is his magical guardian. The only thing we have to ovoid is out and out fabrications.” “I thought it was wrong not to tell the truth?” Rose asked. “Rose, this is one of those times when one doesn’t volunteer information. We tell the truth, but we don’t tell any of the wizards things we don’t want them knowing. Things that could hurt Harry.” “I haven't filed our custody papers with the appropriate muggle government agency as of yet either.” Luna offered. “I was waiting for the custody hearing with the wizards to spring that one on Dumbledore. Wouldn't do to have him find out too soon and he can’t counter what he doesn't know about.” “And you are doing this to help Harry?” Rose asked. The whole situation had her flummoxed. Even as knowledgeable as she was, she still had the developing mind of a little foal and the subtle nuances of when it’s permissible to not quite tell the truth was difficult to grasp. “Yes dear, it’s a bit like when you say something nice to be polite rather than tell the absolute honest truth and hurt their feelings.” Scootaloo offered. “Only in this case saying the wrong thing to the wrong individual could hurt Harry, and we don’t want anything to happen to our friend.” “The London Times has an oped asking about his whereabouts this morning.” Reynard offered. “What with the Dursleys being in French custody for embezzlement and no one knowing where Harry is.” “Well there is our extra Harry at the Weasley residence so it’s not like no one knows, they just don’t know that’s not Harry.” Luna offered. “Oh, I nearly forgot, we need to talk to Sirius. The portrait of Former Headmaster Phineus Black let us know that the Black family house-elf may have something of note at Grimmauld Place.” “Portraits can jump back and forth between portrait locations.” Moonie offered as she took a break from stuffing her face. “I asked some of the portraits who seemed trustworthy to keep an eye out for anything anyone may be holding for Riddle.” “We’ll have to get word to him.” Celestia offered. “Not sure he’s going to be too keen to go back though. In some ways, Ambassador James is a bit like getting an old friend back, or perhaps a brother of an old friend.” “He is happy here.” Moonflower offered in a soft contemplative tone. “To go back … for any reason is hard to think. I would not want to go back to that forest.” “Oh, we are well aware of how you feel about that forest, darling.” Rarity teased. “Speaking of which, are they, that is to say, will our Potters be willing to come to the custody hearing?” Nova asked. “Our trump card was it?” Luna asked. “The ICW is already calling for Dumbledore’s removal from the Wizengamot. Having James and Lilly Potter show up with the explanation that they’d been out of country, while leaving out inconvenient truths, would be the final nail in the coffin. Would it not?” Nova offered. “It’ll certainly cause quite the uproar I’ve no doubt.” Reynard offered. “And no doubt people will assume Dumbledore was supposed to send Harry on as soon as it was safe.” “They’ve agreed to come and we’ll be taking every precaution to include vests that will block that horrible curse.” Luna offered. “Twilight figured out how it works, and now we have a way to protect ourselves from it.” “I hope she wasn’t testing it with any of the wands that are taken into the human world? They test wands to see what people have been doing with them. That’s why we all locked ours up.” Nova cautioned. “They can’t fault us for using magic if we never use our wands.” “She made some throwaway wands.” Reynard offered. “Which is a good thing as the curse damages the wand as well. I imagine the soul of the caster as well. She couldn't get the spell to work on even something as insignificant as a little fungus. She just doesn’t have it in her to do it.” “It worries me that you could though.” Luna offered. “We are wired differently.” Nova offered. Her tone was soft with a touch of regret. “What she means is we can in need, dispatch prey or defend ourselves from dangerous creatures without it weighing heavy on our hearts,” Reynard explained. “The spell on the other hoof is the sort of thing a mad dog does. It requires the intent to destroy. It requires hate of the target, and a lust for … well, you know.” He paused a moment not wanting to come right out and say it with three young foals in the room. “I found it difficult as I really haven't it in me to want to just outright destroy anything for no reason.” “Personally, I think it’s a cowards way.” Nova offered. Celestia gave Nova a concerned look. “There’s no mess. It’s all so nice and tidy with minimal risk. Blood magic. Though I can at least give them some begrudging respect in that they face their victim instead of destroying lives from afar. Still, though I can’t help but wonder if they’d be so ready to do such a thing if they had to get their hands dirty in the process?” Scootaloo stretched out a wing and gave her a hug followed by Goldwine climbing out of his chair and up into Nova’s to sit by her side a moment later. “What kind of creatures keep inventing new and better ways to kill anyway?” Nova asked softly. She gave Goldwine a snuggle. “At least they aren’t all like that.” Reynard offered. “Most just want to live out there lives in relative comfort and stability. And perhaps it best we table this conversation in favor of more lighthearted fair?” “Indeed.” Scootaloo seconded. “In fact, I think we should all go over to the Officer Training School so as to liven up our morning.” “Nice try, but you won’t have time if you want to make it to class on time.” Sunset informed her. “And if you’re lucky you might spot his class at the academy today.” “They’re at the academy today?” Nova asked sounding as though she was a little disappointed. “I’m giving an ethics lecture.” Sunset offered. “The lecture by Sunrise Shimmer.” She gave a wink as if no pony in the room hadn’t already known about her dual identity. Her use of the name Sunrise to keep certain ponies in the dark as to her true identity had become something of a joke among the friends who knew. “Well, say hi to him for me if you get the opportunity,” Nova suggested as she stabbed at her pancake. She let out a sigh wishing she’d be able to go too, but she had to be at the hearing as a member of Princess Luna’s family. > Chapter 48: Custody hearing part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova was once more in the old War Office, and this time she was accompanied by Princess Luna, Prince Reynard, Princess Twilight, and Nova’s half-sister Silver Nova. Each wore a wizard robe in their color, dark blue for Luna, white for Nova and Reynard, and violet for Twilight. Silver was dressed in a skirt with a white blouse and had a knit cap on to hide her ears. What appeared to be a bustle under her skirt was, in fact, her tail. Over that she had on a long kimono jacket primarily pink with floral patterns that kind of gave the impression of a short wizard robe. Silver’s transformation was less than perfect. Also accompanying them where the Equestrian equivalent of James and Lily Potter. Lily was dressed in a long flowing silvery gown with a moss green cloak, hood, and sported doeskin slippers. James wore a golden outfit with a long flowing mandarin styled tunic, silver leggings, doeskin boots, and a forest green cloak and hood. Both had their hoods pulled well over their heads leaving them with just enough to see where they were going but affording little to be recognized by. Both had a number of little bells sewn onto their garments so that they made a sound like water flowing gently through a stream when moving about. James also carried a longbow staff as he simply didn’t feel comfortable coming without it. Thanks to the outfits made by Rarity and Rarity the two looked like an Elvin Lord and Lady. Each member of the group also sported a silver badge that Trixie had supplied earlier. Each had a name etched into it along with their reasons for being there. Custody hearing. “I sure hope this doesn’t turn into a huge mistake,” James said quietly. He was also just a little concerned that the requirement for name tags was going to give away their alleged identity a might too soon. “We did agree that we’d need to do this if Harry is to have a choice in whether or not he returns to Hogwarts.” Luna offered. “This is true,” Lily replied. “But I’ll only agree to allow it if I can be assured he will truly be safe.” “Which is why we are here.” Nova offered just as Trixie returned to the room they’d been sequestered to. “Trixie has got them, and no wizard the wiser.” Trixie offered. “Lady Lily, for you...” Lily smiled as Trixie offered her a small box. Inside was a slender wand, ten and a quarter inch willow, and Trixie had inserted one of Lily’s own mane hairs into it to replace the old core. To James was offered an eleven-inch mahogany wand containing one of his own hairs. That being the long hair off the scruff around the neck and tapering down to the chest. Hopefully, no one will ask you to do any magic.” Luna offered. “Doesn’t seem like it’d be a big problem. Elks do use wands on occasion.” James offered while giving his a flourish, the wand lit up and sent out a shower of sparks like it was being reunited with an old friend. Lily’s wand behaved in much the same way. The two put their wands away, and then everyone followed Trixie to the Floo. One by one the passed through into the large chamber in the ministry where all the large fireplaces are located. James and Lily managing to maintain their feet despite having little practice on two legs. They’d also somehow managed to not lose their hoods, and a moment later the party had gathered together once more as they took a moment to take in their surroundings. Despite this, quite a few people were watching their every move. The place was something to behold. Never mind the rows of gilded fireplaces or the black walnut floor of which the ponies were grateful for shoes do to the toxicity associated with the wood. High above their heads a peacock-blue ceiling shown with what looked to be inlaid gold lettering that constantly changed giving one the impression of a giant computer screen. Though at the moment it was sporting the words ‘Bluescreen has performed an illegal operation. Bluescreen must be closed.’ “The tech staff is working on that.” Trixie offered as she directed everyone to follow her. “Well isn’t that lovely,” James muttered sarcastically as they passed by the atrium’s fountains. A witch, a centaur, a goblin, and a house-elf all looking up at a wizard adoringly just struck him as the sort of statue Prince Blueblood might erect in his own honor. Fortunately, in Blueblood's case, saner heads prevailed. That is to say, his dear sweet Ant Celestia wasn’t about to loan him the money, nor grant the necessary permits for such self-aggrandizement. “Princesses.” Professor McGonagall said as she approached the group. “How did you know, Dumbledore changed the date and time only this morning? You knew before he changed the date and time.” “Father is especially good at divination.” Nova offered with a smile. “Our husband, Prince Reynard Tanaka Silvermane.” Luna offered. “Lady Minerva, I presume.” Reynard offered with a polite bow and a rather disarming smile. “It is so good to meet you in the flesh as it were. Pity, it’s not under better circumstances.” Minerva blushed followed by Reynard wincing as Twilight’s elbow found his side. “The shy little girl here is Nova’s sister Silver,” Luna offered, followed by Silver giving a reasonable facsimile of a curtsy. “And our mystery guests here?” McGonagall inquired as she looked the two hooded figures over with a suspicious eye. “Did Madam Pomfrey make it?” Luna asked. “I’m here.” Poppy offered as she joined the group. More introductions were made followed by Trixie hurrying everyone along before James and Lily could be introduced. Yet again. Before them stood the golden gates of the Ministry of magic, and off to the left of that was a desk with a sign hanging over it that read Security. There sat a badly shaved wizard in a peacock-blue robe who was watching them approach. On his desk lay a copy of the daily profit with the headline Dumbledore Daft or Dangerous. “Your Great and Powerful Minister of Magic Trixie is escorting visitors.” Trixie offered. She’d a sly smile on her face as she just loved saying Great and Powerful Minister of Magic attached to her name. Granted she didn’t speak in the third person as often as she once did, it was still fun. “Well, just step right this way.” offered the security wizard nervously. One by one each member of the party stepped up, watched curiously as he waved what looked like the antenna from an old car around them, and then he had each who had a wand on them place it on a scale plate which was suspended from an odd-looking apparatus that spit out ticker tape like one of those machines that were once so prevalent in investment houses. Each time the tape would print out what the wand was made of, and each time he’d have the individual confirm the components is was made out of and that it was indeed their wand. Three wands with winged unicorn hairs one of which was Blackthorn and had a triple-core. There was also wand of willow, and a wand of mahogany both having elk hair of all things. One of which showed as Peryton which made it extremely rare. Neither Silver nor Reynard had wands. “I haven't gotten one yet.” Silver offered. “Will you be attending Hogwarts this year?” The security wizard asked. “I’m attending Canterlot Academy.” Silver offered. “I wasn’t aware I should have a wand? I’ve always used my horn.” “Horn?” “We use a small stone set in an amulet.” Reynard offered as he pulled out a golden amulet with a small round pearl-luminous stone set in it that was about the size of a small walnut. It looked a bit like a white Saturn with golden rings. “Oh yes, I have that.” Silver offered. She’d only been given it recently so she’d have a way to control her magic while in the human world. “Do you need to see it?” “No, that’s quite alright, the machine is only calibrated for wands.” The security wizard offered. “You can all go through now.” They thanked him and continued on their way. So it was that a short time later they filed into the courtroom and took up their seats. Professor Dumbledore walked in a few moments later with a rather smug grin on his face. A grin that vanished like fog on the wind on seeing the Equestrians already waiting. “Et Tu, Minerva, Poppy?” He muttered under his breath. His last moment changing of the time and date was supposed to assure an easy victory. That is if no one showed up he’d be Harry’s legal guardian. Which up to that point he actually hadn’t been. Dumbledore had simply assumed the guardianship of Harry and no one had bothered to question it. They all had more important matters to deal with. And now he found himself in a courtroom with no supporters do to his own manipulations. How far would they go as his eyes wandered to the one man sitting with the group of women? Well if this was Luna’s husband he could certainly see how women might find his roguish yet almost androgynous good looks attractive. “I’m surprised there aren’t more with you.” Dumbledore offered as he went to the other side of the courtroom and found a seat. “I’m surprised that you are here alone.” Madam Marchbanks offered as she entered and Joined the Equestrians. “Your supporters not get word of the change of time and date?” “Well, you know how it is, busy people with busy lives.” Dumbledore offered sheepishly. He wondered if he should have at least made sure Snape would be here? Snape would have supported him, and then these Equestrians would have to demonstrate that he, Dumbledore was unfit to be the boy’s magical guardian. After all, he was Dumbledore, loved and admired by much of the Wizard community. Seeing Mundungus Fletcher enter the room and sit off to himself did not help to assuage Dumbledore’s trepidation. What could he possibly be doing here? Mundungus was about as seedy as they came. He dressed like he was stuck in the disco era save that there was nothing crisp about his clothing having more the look of someone who’d sell his own grandmother a used car with no motor in it, and then repossess her home the first time she missed a payment. A moment later Rita Skeeter of the Daily Prophet showed up followed by Arthur Weasley both taking up noncommittal positions about midway between the two parties. Dumbledore’s eyes shifted back to the Equestrians, Princess Luna he was well acquainted with. Her long black hair and dark complexion gave her a rather exotic look. To say she was beautiful would be an understatement. And then there was Princess Twilight who at first glance seemed rather pedestrian, almost English, but she too while not as dark as Luna, did have a complexion that was darker than most. Their gentleman friend was in stark contrast with a very pale complexion. His short-cropped hair was black save for a white stripe running through it with the exception of a thin braid on the right side. Miss Nova with her pale complexion and white hair definitely took after him, and then there was the younger girl who looked like she might be old enough to start Hogwarts next year. She too had the pale complexion, but her hair was divided almost right down the middle black and white. The two girls also shared their father’s stunning green eyes. Dumbledore’s eyes went wide when a rather nervous looking Honesty Nuttall entered the court and made his way over to him. “Professor Dumbledore, I’ve been assigned as your legal counsel.” Mr Nuttall offered. “But you’re dead?” Dumbledore exclaimed breathlessly. “No, not dead.” Nuttall offered. “The veil leads to a high-security prison that seems to be as old as time itself. All manner of creatures in there. I even turned into a pony of all things.” “A pony? But how are you even here?” “They let me go.” “They let you go?” “I asked. Of course, I had to promise to live up to my first name in the future.” “And Dolores?” Dumbledore asked incredulously. “She turned into some sort of troll. She was being quite petulant too. All things considering, it’s not such a bad place. A bit hot and stuffy, but a damn sight better than Azkaban.” “You don’t say.” Dumbledore scoffed as a tall man dressed in a white shirt, red tie, and blue blazer entered the room and joined the Equestrians. His hair didn’t have the typical color division that seemed to be prevalent among the Equestrians was black and slicked straight back so that the ends stuck out like it had been blown by the wind and just sort of froze that way. A moment later Kingsley Shacklebolt entered the room, his Kufi Kofi cap and Kente Dashiki inspired outfit striking contrast to all the other outfits. “Kingsley, what brings you here?” Dumbledore asked as the man approached. “I will be today’s arbitrator.” Kingsley offered. “Seems no one else wanted to do it. That is to say, everyone else suddenly had other plans.” “You don’t say.” Dumbledore drolled. “In fact, there were some who suggested I just give the equestrians what they want. But I can assure that I will be impartial in this matter.” Kingsley offered. Mr Nuttall, I heard rumors that you’d returned from the dead.” “Tartarus actually. Not really all that bad, and I wasn’t actually dead. Seems we’ve been dumping our worst offenders into someone else’s legal system all these years. Princess Celestia seemed quite delighted in that she’d finally learned where every creature was coming from.” “Well, I suppose that’s something else that needs to be reformed.” Kingsley offered. “Creature, did you say? “Seems everyone transforms into whichever creature best suits their personality. I was a rather handsome pony even if I do say so myself.” “So what do you think I’d turn into?” Kingsley asked. “Oh, I bet you’d be a rather handsome Manticore. They are quite personable.” Nuttall offered. “That or a magnificent black stallion. I can certainly see that in you.” “Are you serious?” Dumbledore asked. “Well, it’s not the first time I’ve ever been compared to a big black horse.” Kingsley offered and then continued on up to the judge's podium. For a moment Dumbledore’s mind wandered to places it needn't be. > Chapter 49: Custody hearing part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Objection!” Shouted the man with the slicked-back black hair. “Phoenix, dear, we haven't started yet.” Luna admonished softly. “Oh, sorry. Just warming up,” Offered Phoenix Wright, Ace attorney. He wasn’t exactly sure where he was, he knew only that he was here in the name of justice. “A bit nervous are we?” Minister Shacklebolt asked. “Y-yes your Honor, just a bit,” Phoenix replied nervously. “Well don’t be. This is just an informal hearing to determine who should be Harry Potter’s Magical Guardian,” Minister Shacklebolt offered in as cordial a tone as possible considering the attorney was obviously a muggle. How they’d even managed to get him inside the Ministry of Magic was something he’d definitely want to look into. But then again, maybe not. “For those who don’t know me and as a point of reference for the record I am Minister Shacklebolt and I will be presiding over the hearing. Representing Princess Luna Moon Silvermane is Mister Phoenix Wright, representing Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Order of Merlin – first class, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and wizardry, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards – for the time being at least – and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot is Mister Honesty Nuttall. Who I’m to understand is recently paroled from Tartarus. Good job that, how’d you do it?” “I asked if I could go home and they said yes.” Honesty offered. “Well, I for one think this is all a complete waste of time,” Dumbledore grumbled while giving Minister Shacklebolt a dirty look. Though the fact that his position with the ICW was in jeopardy didn’t bother him as he’d every confidence that he would weather through. “I’ve always had the boy’s best interest in mind. I see no reason why my judgment should be questioned?” “Your Honor, let it be noted that Professor Dumbledore referred to Harry Potter not by name, but as ‘The Boy’,” Phoenix Wright pointed out. “Professor Dumbledore, we are here because your competence has been put to question and it has been alleged that you do not have,” Phoenix made quote signs with his fingers, “the boy’s best interest in mind.” “Poppycock!” Dumbledore protested. “Indeed, and yet this past school year you brought a certain item onto school grounds for the single purpose of luring one Tom Riddle also known as Lord Voldemort, also known as ‘you know who’ and ‘he who must not be named’ out of hiding.” Phoenix pointed out. “It had to be done, it was for the greater good.” Dumbledore implored. “And yet you lost control of the entire operation,” Phoenix reminded him. He then picked up a manila folder with a stack of papers in it. “Your honor, access to the item to be kept safe, one Philosopher’s stone, was via the third-floor corridor of the school. The first obstacle was a door any first-year could open. Within the third floor corridor, there was a three-headed dog known as a Cerberus. Beyond that, a trap door with no lock, a pitfall, Devil’s snare, which I’m to understand can be quite nasty, along with additional equally deadly challenges along the way. In my hand is a list of all the students at Hogwarts who dared the third floor and failed.” “What?” Minister Shacklebolt exclaimed. “If not for the intervention of the people from Eques this would be a list of casualties,” Phoenix Wright explained and then took that moment to walk over to the podium and pass up the list. “I’d like to also point out that Harry Potter nearly died do to Professor Dumbledore's activities at the school.” “I think that perhaps I should object here,” Honesty offered. “Harry Potter, while on detention, was taken out into the forest, an action that lead to an encounter with the very creature Professor Dumbledore had hoped to attract to the school. A creature best known as Voldemort,” Phoenix explained. “Objection overruled then,” Minister Shacklebolt ruled. “Harry was never supposed to go into the forest. Hagrid did that. I trusted him.” Dumbledore protested. “And did you know about the dragon Hagrid had in his hut? The very same dragon that bit Ron Weaselly and nearly cost him his life because he was too stubborn to admit to what bit him?” Phoenix asked pointedly. Dumbledore slumped into his chair. “Yes. Yes I did.” “And you never intervened?” Honestly Nuttall asked honestly sounding dumbfounded. “Well, the students, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, seemed to have it well in hand.” “And you just stood by and did nothing?” Honesty asked. “Objection!” Phoenix shouted. “Defense is badgering their own client.” “Agreed,” Minister Shacklebolt replied. “Honesty, do try to remember your supposed to be supporting Professor Dumbledore.” “Sorry about that,” Honesty replied sounding a bit sheepish. “Tell me, Professor Dumbledore, about the first time you trusted Hagrid to Harry?” Phoenix asked softly. “That would be the night his parents were killed,” Dumbledore offered. “According to the record the Potter home was attacked by Tom Riddle AKA Voldemort, and presumably a number of Death Eaters the night of the thirty-first of October. My next question is for Professor McGonagall. Professor, what were you doing following the attack?” “I’d been asleep when it happened. I’d encountered Hagrid late in the night or perhaps it’d been in the early hours of the morning when I’d been roused from sleep. Hagrid told me Professor Dumbledore wanted him to take Harry to his Aunt and Uncle and that he was to meet Professor Dumbledore there. I went straight away to the Dursley residence.” “And when did Professor Dumbledore arrive?” “It was nearly midnight the following night.” “That’s midnight on the first of November?” “Leading the witness.” Honesty objected. “Sustained.” Minister Shacklebolt confirmed. “Allow me to re-frame my question,” Phoenix offered. “What was the date?” “It was the first.” Professor McGonagall replied. “I sat out there waiting all day, and Professor Dumbledore didn’t show up until midnight. And when I told him I’d been there all day he suggested I could have been out celebrating.” “Celebrating?” Phoenix asked. “The fall of Voldemort. All I’d heard that morning was rumors. Hagrid hadn’t explained a thing.” “So I’m to assume word must have traveled rather fast on a matter that happened only the night before to which there weren’t a lot of witnesses that had any interest in advertising what had happened at all. Who knew Voldemort had been defeated?” “I’d assume Sirius Black?” McGonagall offered. “Minister Lulamoon, what does the record show regarding Mr Black?” Phoenix asked. “The records show that Sirius Black went after Peter Pettigrew and from what we know, he may not have even known Mr Riddle had fled. He only knew that Harry had somehow survived. When the authorities caught up with him he wasn’t making a lot of sense so it’s not likely anyone learned anything from him.” Trixie offered. “The lack of a trial is troubling as well. Had there been a trial we’d have known that the true betrayer of the Potters was Pettigrew.” “Curious, most curious.” Phoenix mused. “Professor Dumbledore, perhaps you could shed some light on the subject?” “I, um...” Dumbledore began. “You don’t have to answer that.” Honesty warned. “I only spoke to members of the order concerning my suspicions about the fate of Voldemort.” Dumbledore offered. “I haven't a clue how the rumors started, nor how Harry became famous so quickly.” “And Hagrid? What was he doing between the integral of the night of October thirty-first and when he finally arrived at the Dursley residence?” Phoenix asked. “Hagrid arrived shortly after midnight if I remember correctly. Hagrid had been keeping Harry safe per my instructions.” Dumbledore offered. “And Professor McGonagall, why were you at the Dursley residence?” Phoenix asked. He was rather enjoying the loose format of the hearing and was wondering just how much he could get away with. “To talk him out of placing Harry with the Dursley family. The absolute worst sort of people I could ever imagine.” “Surely they aren’t all that bad?” Dumbledore protested. “Unfortunately on that point I can at least partially agree with Professor Dumbledore,” Phoenix offered. “In my line of profession I see some truly horrible people, but we are getting off point. Professor McGonagall, what reason did Dumbledore give you for wanting to leave Harry at the Dursley residence?” “It was to shield him from his own fame.” “Nothing about keeping him safe from harm?” “Not at the time, no. Not word one about keeping him safe from harm.” “Madam Pomfrey, was Harry kept safe? From harm that is?” “In my professional opinion, no. He was not.” Poppy offered. “I’d like to submit this bit of evidence.” Phoenix offered as he picked up another bundle and delivered it to Minister Shacklebolt. “Harry’s physical, which details malnutrition, bruises, and numerous small fractures.” Minister Shacklebolt took hold of the file and slowly thumbed through it. “I’m going to have to admit that this is pretty damning,” He offered after a short time. “And what of the Dursley family now?” “The Dursley family is presently in the custody of the French government,” Trixie offered. “Seems they helped themselves to the company funds where Mr Dursley works and went on a vacation to the South of France. Extradition seems to be dragging out indefinitely.” Her countenance going from a sober face showing no outward emotion to one of delight at the prospect that the Dursleys might be incarcerated in France indefinitely. “I had to use my own funds to keep Grunnings Drills afloat,” Nova offered. Not that she was in any real financial difficulty mind you. “But what about Harry? Where will he go?” Dumbledore asked. “You don’t seem too concerned about his whereabouts?” Minister Shacklebolt asked. “Well, that’s because he’s with the Weasleys right now.” Dumbledore offered with just a hint of smugness. “Perhaps he can stay with them, or even Hagrid then.” Phoenix offered. “You know, I never did get an answer concerning what Hagrid did during the time between retrieving Harry and dropping him off. Mr Mundungus Fletcher, I believe you had some information regarding Hagrid and Harry’s whereabouts. If you could come forward and let us know?” “Don’t mind if I do.” Mundungus offered as he got up. Granted that his primary motivation was a number of bets he’d made concerning the outcome of the hearing. He ambled on down, and when he spoke it sent chills down Dumbledore’s spine. “I was at the Leaky Cauldron fairly late on the night it all went down when in walked Hagrid with a wee babe stuffed in one o’ his pockets. Little tyke had a nasty cut on his forehead, but Hagrid says ti's nothing. This har is Harry Potter. He survived the kill’n curse and you know who is no more. Well, I don’t have to tell you that we was all stunned, and as soon as it done sunk in we set to partying.” “And how long did that party go?” Phoenix asked. “Well into the night and on into the next day. I mean it was late when he arrived, wee hours of the morning and all, but soon as word got out it was party time. Party was still going when Hagrid finally left to deliver young Mr Potter the next night. That man sure can put away a lot of beer.” “I trusted him with my life. He saved my life.” Dumbledore said a gasp. “But, but… never mind that, what about the Dursleys? The protection his mother gave him requires a blood relative.” “I’m well aware of that kind of protection and how it works. What it requires is a family that loves him to have its full effect.” Luna stated. “Will you not release Harry into my custody?” “The boy needs to stay in England. It’s his destiny.” Dumbledore stated emphatically. “Professor Dumbledore, I have a signed statement from the Dursleys stating that they found Harry Potter in a basket on the front door,” Phoenix informed him. “On the morning after you left him there. Outside for several hours, in England, in November.” “He’s lucky he survived the night,” Poppy added. “For multiple reasons apparently.” “Professor Dumbledore...” Phoenix Wright continued, “An exhaustive records search found no documents giving you any rights to assume any sort of guardianship. The only thing we could find was an informational bulletin stating that you were to be contacted regarding any matters concerning young Mr Potter. Can you explain that? Why are you so desperate to control Harry Potter’s destiny?” “Because he’ll be back,” Dumbledore stated with conviction. He stood up and was beginning to look a little manic. “Who will be back?” “Voldemort! All the prophecies said that Harry was the one. No one else. Harry has to face him. It’s for the greater good.” “The greater good?” McGonagall asked. “Forgive me but it sounds like you intended to serve him up as a sacrifice.” “If that’s what I have to do then yes. Whatever it takes to stop Voldemort.” “If you had recognized Tom Riddle for what he was when you took him out of that orphanage, hundreds, perhaps thousands of people who died would now be alive.” James offered forcefully, the anger in his voice showing. James, in his long talks with Sirius about his human doppelganger, had learned much of this world and Dumbledore's methods. Dumbledore looked at James with a look of horror as James pulled back his hood. “But then if you had, you would never have had the opportunity to oppose Lord Voldemort and gain a fair measure of fame for yourself in the bargain. That is the way of it, is it not?” “Y-you, y-you can’t be? Y-you’re dead.” Dumbledore stammered out. “The muggles buried you. What necromancy is this?” “There is what was, and there is what is.” Lily offered as she pulled back her hood. “We are very much alive and well, thank you. We would also appreciate it if you would kindly renounce any form of guardianship over Harry and release any claim to him. Further, I simply can not understand why you failed to smuggle him out of the country?” “James and Lily Potter? Alive?!” Rita Skeeter said breathlessly. “It’s the scoop of a lifetime!” “No, it’s a trick.” Dumbledore insisted. “If you’re really who you profess to be, show me your Patronus.” James pulled out his wand and without even speaking the spell produced a well-formed stag from his wand. Lily looked at what James had done, contemplated for a moment, and then produced a fine young doe. “But they can’t be?” Dumbledore said as he dropped back down into his seat. “James and Lily Potter alive!!” Rita shouted jumping to her feet. She wanted to run out right then, but at the same time she dared not miss one moment of this as her quill feverishly took notes. “Family that wants Harry and loves him.” Princess Luna stated loud enough to be sure everyone heard her short of breaking into the Canterlot voice. “I’ve heard enough.” Minister Shacklebolt said and brought down the gavel to get everyone’s attention. “Princess Luna, by any chance were you going to tell us that James and Lily Potter were indeed alive, and were you going to deliver Harry to them?” “I have and have had every intention to see Harry legally in the custody of a family that actually cares about him. A family that wants him and supports him. We were prepared to take him into our own family. Discovering James and Lily in Equestria was just the icing on the cake, as my sister would say.” Luna offered. “We did take lengths to hide their identities when we brought them here as we did not wish to reveal that someone presumed dead was also alive. Not unless we had to.” “We reasoned that dropping such on the Wizarding community could cause some serious repercussions.” Reynard offered. “It’s a trick!” Dumbledore protested. “And I’ve a mind to see what sort of trick.” SNAP! Dumbledore had pulled out his wand only to have the core overload and send the tip flying in the process. He let go of the other end and grabbed at his hand while wincing in pain. “Professor Dumbledore, under the circumstances I’m afraid I’m going to have to agree that you do not have Harry Potter’s best interest in mind.” Minister Shacklebolt stated crossly. “And if your erratic behavior continues I might even go so far as to recommend you be removed from Hogwarts.” “Professor Dumbledore, did you actually forget what I can do to a wand?” Nova offered. She was trying not to be scolding, but it was coming out that way. “They are my friends and Harry’s parents who is also my friend. Let’s also not forget that the first time we met you attempted to relive me of my phoenix at the point of a wand. I don’t know what you were about to try to do, but I can assure you that you’ve given me little reason to reevaluate my opinion of you.” “Please, try to be reasonable Professor. Voldemort will never be able to come back if we find all the scattered pieces of his soul. You have to stop clinging to old prophecies that are no longer valid.” Luna added. “This cycle of death and misery needs to end. We have his diary, the Horcrux destroyed, Rowena Ravenclaw’s diadem which had also been used...” “And I can assume you’ve got Marvolo Gaunt’s Ring?” Dumbledore asked in an accusing tone. “Were you going to tell us you’d found it, or did you have something else in mind?” Reynard asked. “It’s one of the Deathly Hallows. It contains the Resurrection stone.” Dumbledore offered. “Whatever power it may have had you can be assured that Riddle twisted it to some dark evil.” Reynard offered. “And the only way to remove the Horcrux from the ring is to destroy the stone. Same holds for the diadem. In order to break the enchantment the stones must be destroyed. I’m hoping that at least will be enough. At least then they can be restored, minus whatever enchantments they might have had on them.” Dumbledore finally sat down with a look of defeat. As he did so he missed the confused look from Lily who wanted to know what the Deathly Hallows were but feared to ask. She instead manages to clue Silver to what she wanted to know. “What are the Deathly Hallows?” Silver asked. “Ah yes, the deathly Hallows.” Dumbledore mused. “They are three artifacts said to have the power to give one the power over death itself. The resurrection stone, it is said, could summon the spirits of the dead. The cloak of invisibility renders a person completely invisible and the Elder wand is said to be unbeatable.” “The Elder wand is just a wand made of elder wood containing a thestral hair.” Nova offered. “The only thing special about it is that it’s temperamental and requires a skilled confident user. If you want it back ask Trixie and maybe she’ll let you have it. And for that matter, you could have made dozens as you had access to thestrals. As for the cloak, I can see through it. Not well enough to know who’s under it, but well enough to know there is someone there.” “As for summoning spirits, any two-bit medium can do that.” Reynard offered. “I must confess that it had never occurred to me that I could have made elder wands. I could have made more wands, but I must confess that wand making isn’t something I excel at,” Dumbledore admitted. “James, Lily, if that really is who you are, any chance you’ll be returning to England?” “No, sorry, we’ve responsibilities in Eques.” Lily offered. Neither wanted anything more to do with the human world than necessary. “As to whether or not Harry wishes to continue attending Hogwarts, that is going to depend on him, and certain conditions.” “Conditions?” Dumbledore asked. “First off, assured safety. No bringing dangerous items to the school, no bringing dangerous creatures to the school, and that includes a confidant staff of foresters to keep an eye on the forbidden forest and help return it to its original condition before someone started letting all their failed monsters loose, caretakers, and people who actually know how to take care of animals. No doing anything that’s going to turn the school into a battleground. Efforts at reconciliation need to be made. And be more selective about who is allowed in the school. You simply can not have another repeat of Tom Riddle, or that Marcus Flint boy. I’m also to understand there is no literature courses, no language, not even in their own native language. How are students to understand advanced magic if they can barely read the books?” “Printing in the modern common script would be nice,” Nova lamented. “I’m also to understand that there is no math being taught, and the only logic being taught is within the confines of the spells themselves,” Lily continued. “You need history classes that include what people outside of the wizard community have been doing, and social studies as well.” “Professor Dumbledore, it is my understanding that the people you call muggle are quite adept at certain kinds of alchemy.” Reynard offered. “To include the ability to split the atom. They are capable of committing total annihilation. Taking that into consideration Grindelwald wasn’t wrong in his ideals. Only in his methods. Muggles never needed to be removed from power, save maybe a few of the worst, those who profit on war. Though I have my suspicions concerning the true reason for all that bloodshed. "There was a time that Wizards could have quietly taken leadership and slowly brought about new understandings and cooperation between magic wielders and none magic wielders, wizards and muggles working together, but that day was squandered. You could have stayed by Grindelwald’s side and tempered his actions but you didn’t. You threw away that opportunity so you could be the better man. And now thanks to Voldemort, wizard kind can’t even get along with themselves. The hatred runs so deep the rot may never be expunged from the hearts of the community. And the ultimate irony is that that is exactly what Tom Riddle wanted. From what we’ve gleaned out of his diary so far, is that he wanted vengeance against his mother and against wizards for a long list of crimes against himself. Some valid, but most weren’t. He wanted the wizarding community to rip itself apart, and he wanted the destruction of the wizarding community.” “And I gave him the means to accomplish his goals.” Dumbledore lamented. Having James and Lilly alive and right in front of him had him unnerved. Not to mention that he was about to get raked over the coals by the press. “After all these years I have been so engaged in games of brinkmanship that I failed to see the simple solution that was right in front of me … and to stop Voldemort all I had to do was prevent Riddle from becoming Voldemort.” He thought for a moment. “Yes, I knew what sort of boy he was, and I deluded myself into thinking I could work with that. I set him loose on an unsuspecting world that was still picking up the pieces from my last failure, and yes I gained by it. I always made sure I’d gain by it. Hindsight is an unforgiving judge though, and it never occurred to me just how far Riddle would go. I can see now how things could have gone differently, but there's no going back, is there?” He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’ll ask no more of Harry. Take him, and I will count myself lucky if I ever see any of you ever again. But tell me, can we find Voldemort’s Horcruxes?” “I was able to make a sort of compass using the crystallized piece that was extracted from Harry’s forehead.” Nova offered. “Harry had the key to finding them right from the very beginning. We've even found a list of sorts in the pages of the diary.” "The diary, but is it not destroyed?" Dumbledore asked. "And when is a book not a book?" Luna asked. "When the pages are no longer bound together," Dumbledore replied. "Such a simple solution, and it allowed you to actually read the contents?" "With the pages separated the spell matrix collapsed," Nova offered. “And if I had chosen to abandon the prophecy's and acted, we’d as likely not be having this conversation now,” Dumbledore admitted. “Prophesies are peculiar things.” Reynard offered. “A true prophecy will always find a way to come true, but a false one must be nurtured or it will fall away like so much chaff. And, it is impossible for us to know the difference. Had you hidden Harry away and given him a new name, assuming the prophecy was indeed true, he would have risen to his destiny regardless of anything you chose to do.” Dumbledore looked at him and grudgingly had to admit the wisdom in the words. Dumbledore had put so much stock in the prophesies he had let it cloud his judgment and had eve gone to great length to make sure everything would turn out as prophesied. “It seems I’ve been a fool, haven't I?” he offered followed by Rita gathering up her things and rushing out of the room. He was about as downcast as he could be, but then he brightened. “Rarity and Rarity,” Dumbledore said softly. “Just how many Doubles are there in Eques?” “Figured it out have you?” James offered with a hint of a smile. “We don’t really know,” Luna added. “All I can tell you is that this James and Lily is nearly identical to your own James and Lily in every way save life experiences. Magical identical twins.” “Well, I’ll be,” Kingsley said quietly. “Do I have a double?” “Well...” Luna began. “What say we not get into that.” Reynard cautioned. “Could that possibly be who the extra set of twins at our house are? Equestrian doubles?” Arthur Weasley asked. “Yes, I suppose that could explain it,” Dumbledore mused. “Would you like us to take them off your hands when we pick up Harry?” Lily asked. She knew that the Harry at the Weasley residence was a changeling, as likely were the extra set of twins, but there was no point in letting Dumbledore know. “Yes, please.” Arthur pleaded. “That would be most appreciated.” > Chapter 50: Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, London > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sirius Black stood outside Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, London. With him stood three individuals who were so out of place they fit right in with the dilapidated old neighborhood. One very large man with golden hair and beard who looked like he’d be right at home on the north sea aboard a steed of the waves. One white-haired bearded old man who could have walked into any wizard area of London and no one would have batted an eye. And finally a strapping young man in a camouflaged uniform, sans patches who’d the look of a combat veteran about him. Between the four there wasn’t a whole lot they had to fear from anyone. Their mission, to get to Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, locate what they hoped would turn out to be a Horcrux, and get back to base. “Hiya,” Pinkie offered, startling the men and causing them to jump. “Howdy.” Applejack offered. “Pinkie, Applejack? What are you doing here? How’d you even manage to follow us?” Sirius asked once he’d his wits back. “And what’s that thing you got in that strange-looking orange case?” “It’s a chainsaw.” Pinkie offered. “It’s best not to try to figure out Pinkie Pie.” AJ offered as a way of explanation. “And the chainsaw is for cutting trees down.” “And home improvement.” Pinkie offered quickly. “Ah, I think I know just the project,” Sirius replied as a smile formed on his lips. “Come on in.” “What, we don’t need to look at a piece of paper that says ‘The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London’?” Pinkie asked. “Being it’s the place I grew up in and technically own, no,” Sirius replied. “I can just lead you right on in, and I’m doubting if any of us will be coming back if we find what we are hoping to find.” “Order of the Phoenix?” Starswirl asked as they made their way to the front door. Before them a set of worn stone steps that climbed up to a black door that had seen better days with a silver knocker that was in need of polishing. Sirius climbed the steps, pulled out his wand, tapped the door with it, and was answered by the sound of locks unlocking. A moment later the group was stepping into near-total darkness. “Eww, what’s that smell?” Pinkie asked as she wrinkled her nose as the smell of rot and the leavings of various creatures that had gained access to the building assaulted her nose. Some of the creatures had undoubtedly died as well. “Make it your wildest guess plus rotting and you might just be right.” Sirius offered. “Whatever it is it ain’t natural.” AJ offered. “Boggy bottom swamp don’t smell as bad.” “Hang on, don’t close the door just yet.” Sirius cautioned as he fiddled with a gas lamp. A moment later it flickered to life. “You can’t just cast a spell and turn the lights on?” Pinkie asked incredulously as he moved to the next. “Miracle there’s even any gas.” Sirius offered as a second lamp is lit. “Best keep our voices down as well.” He offered as he continued lighting lamps as he made his way ever further into the gloom of a long hallway that seemed to stretch forever into darkness. “Miracle the place didn’t just blow up from all the methane in the air,” AJ commented sarcastically. Within the hall illuminated by the dim lights was a door that lead into a dark chamber the light revealing it to be a fancy dining room, a pair of dark curtains in the hall that made it look as though they covered another door, followed by an umbrella stand that looked to have been made from a Troll’s leg. Further down the hall, a staircase could be seen in the dim light. The paneling was all dark oak, the trim black. Areas that had any wallpaper remaining were pealing and decayed. “Ewe, gross!” Pinkie exclaimed on seeing the leg. “Kreacher,” Sirius called softly. “Oi! Kreacher!” AJ bellowed out followed a moment later by a blood-curdling scream coming from behind the curtains which pulled back to reveal a large life-sized portrait of a woman who looked as much a corpse alive as dead. Sirius was the only one in the group who hadn’t jumped to hit the ceiling. Pinkie was on AJ, and AJ was on Pinkie. What’s more, is every last one had reverted to their pony form as they clung to one another. And then a strange thing happened. For the first time in Sirius’s life, he witnessed his mother struck dumb. Sure it was just a painting but still. It was a case of the executable file failing to run as the program attempted to make heads or tails of the situation. But it didn’t last. Reboot – execute file… “Filth! Scum! By-products of dirt and vileness! Half-breeds, mutant ponies, freakish equines, begone from this place! How dare you be horse the house of my fathers! What do you think this is? A barn?!” “Oh shut up!” Sirius ordered in exasperation. “We weren’t hurt’n nothin.” Applejack pleaded as she regained her wits. “Yoooou!” The portrait exclaimed as she turned on Sirius, her eyes popping at the sight of the man. “Blood Traitor, abomination, the shame of my flesh! How could the child of my flesh have sunk so low as to become a brony! You horse f...” “I said shut up!” Sirius demanded more forcefully as he took hold of the curtain and attempted to close it. “You know, I bet she could use a hug.” Pinkie offered, and before anyone could register what was happening Pinkie had climbed into the painting. “Aaaa! Get away from me you vile beast!” “I thought Nova’s Moonie was the only pony that could do that?” Rockhoof asked as Pinkie proceeded to chase the old hag about in the background of the painting. “It’s Pinkie. Ours is not to reason why.” AJ stated. “Pinkie, come out of there.” “Not till I give her a hug!” Pinkie called back as she pronked about in the painting. “You know, I wouldn't have missed this for the world.” Sirius offered as a smile formed on his lips. “How do we know she’s not a super sophisticated artificial intelligence spell just like Moonie?” Star swirl pondered. “It’d make sense.” “I’m more inclined to think she fell into a vat of chaos magic.” Applejack retorted. “Get away from me you filthy beast!” Madam Black protested as she dodged an incoming hug and scrambled away while cursing her own spell matrix that kept her trapped in that one specific painting. Meanwhile, the other paintings in the hall were all animatedly chattering among themselves concerning the goings-on. “Come on Pinkie, she’s never going to give in,” Sirius called. “Aww.” Pinkie protested, turned and stepped out of the painting. The moment she had the curtains slammed shut. “Well, I never.” Applejack offered with just a hint of a smile. “Kreacher!” Sirius called. This time he let loose no longer worried about waking Mother as she’d not likely come out again while Pinkie was about. “So, you don’t mind if we take the painting?” Starswirl asked. “You can’t be serious?” Asked the man in fatigues. “Magnus, I’m curious as to what makes it tick.” Star swirl replied. “The old Order of the Phoenix tried just about everything to get that painting off the wall.” Sirius offered, and then a thought struck him. “Never tried cutting out the wall though. - Kreacher!” There in the shadows of the hall about halfway up the first flight on the old grand staircase stood Kreacher. Sirius had to squelch a surge of anger and resentment to heed the words of caution given to him. ‘Fault not the servants of thy father’s house who have no choice but to obey the whims of their masters.’ “Kreacher. It’s good to see you.” Sirius offered though his words were less than sincere. Words that garnered a raised eyebrow from the aged house-elf. *“Kreacher lives to serve the noble house of Black.” Kreacher offered while bowing low. His bow every bit as false as Sirius’ warm words towards him owing to his position on the staircase. *“And getting blacker every day by the looks of it.” Sirius retorted and capped his sentence by muttering, “You little shid.” *“Master always liked his little jokes,” Kreacher replied while giving another bow. And then in an undertone added, *“Master was a nasty ungrateful swine who broke his mother's heart.” *“My mother didn’t have a heart.” Sirius snapped. “Now gentlemen, this isn’t going to get us anywhere.” Applejack offered as she stepped up to intervene between the two. “It speaks?” Kreacher asked, and was further dismayed as the ponies transformed one by one into human form. “We are Fae.” Starswirl offered with a polite bow while doffing his hat. “Fae?” Applejack asked giving him an odd look. “All equestrians are fae. How do you think the old human legends got started?” Starswirl offered with a smile and a wink. “Now, Kreacher, we have been given to understand that you may be keeping something safe. Something that might possibly be related to You know who?” Kreacher looked at them, a growing look of horror on his face. “Kreacher, as master of the Black Household, you have to do as I ask,” Sirius stated. “If you have such an item, you need to surrender it to us.” “No, no, I can’t. He mustn't get the locket back.” “Kreacher, I think you may have the wrong idea?” Applejack offered kindly. “No one wants him to get it, silly.” Pinkie offered. “We want to make it go by-by forever.” “Kreacher, if it’s what we suspect, it needs to be destroyed so that you know who’s followers can’t use it to bring him back.” Flash Magnus offered. “Kreacher already tried to destroy it. And failed.” Kreacher offered while looking downcast. “Kreacher promised but failed.” “Kreacher, show us the locket,” Sirius asked, his voice much kinder this time. “Master Regulus gave his life to gain it.” Kreacher offered. “Swore me to destroy it, but I am unable. I can find nothing that will damage it.” “Not even the fires of mount doom?” Pinkie asked. “Pinkie, that isn’t even our franchise.” Applejack pointed out. “Nor ours.” Kreacher added. “Hey, hey, hey, I’m the only one allowed to break the fourth wall around here.” Pinkie protested. “Well, it’s not like Tolkien isn’t required reading for anyone coming to the human world.” Rockhoof offered. “And all based on tales that were old when I first visited the world of men. It seems wizards tried to sponge the record clean of anything that presented men as anything less than the pinnacle beings upon the earth.” Starswirl offered. “Hang on, you’re not suggesting that the Lord of the Rings is true?” Flash Magnus asked. “To every legend, there is always a grain of truth,” Starswirl replied with a mischievous smile leading the others to wonder if he was yanking their tails or not? “Now, let us deal with the locket. Opening it is actually quite easy if one can speak Parseltongue.” “Oh, oh, you mean like Derpy when she’s talking about package delivery?” Pinkie asked. “No, pinkie, it’s the language of snakes.” Starswirl offered while resisting the urge to roll his eyes. “But can you speak it?” Applejack asked. “Well, of course, I can. I’m the one who taught Salazar Slytherin how to speak it. - I had hoped to win him over to our way of thinking.” Starswirl replied. “And it seemed like I had.” “Could it be that it might be he had been at least partly right?” Applejack offered. “Sure, we’ve all been told that he wanted to keep muggle-born out of the school, but maybe, just maybe what he wanted was to keep out the potential Tom Riddles.” “And there, I think, you may have hit upon the problem.” Starswirl said punctuated with a sigh. “Princess Celestia always wanted to give every pony a chance, and the other founders of Hogwarts were of much the same mindset. I don’t think she truly understood the human condition or the possibility that applicants might need to be screened for suitability. - Now, Kreacher, if you will, lead us to the locket, please.” Kreacher gave them a curious look and looked to Sirius. “If you could?” Sirius asked as kindly as he could given how much he despised the house-elf. Kreacher let out a sigh and started up the stairs while indicating that the others should follow. Up the stairs the followed, the ponies horrified at the sight of the shrunken heads of house-elves mounted on plaques. “It’s a wonder you turned out to be such a decent wizard having to grow up in an environment that practiced such barbarism.” Magnus offered softly. “I ran away at sixteen and moved in with the Potters.” Sirius offered turning on lights as they went. “I hated my family, and for the life of me I can’t understand why I hadn’t left sooner.” They stopped their climb at the first floor where the entered one of three doors into a drawing-room. Within was a grand piano, two sofas, a large china cabinet the sort used to show off expensive collections, and old oriental rug, and a fireplace at each end over which hung large mirrors. There were lamps at either side of the mirrors and a large ornate chandelier hanging from the ceiling. What little light there was came in through cracks in the curtains of two large windows that presumably looked out over the street. Sirius pulled out his wand and used it to open the windows allowing light to come streaming in. Kreacher went to the glass case opened it and pointed out the locket. “Ooo…” Pinkie said as she gravitated over to the cabinet. “Don’t touch it!” Starswirl commanded. Pinkie stopped in her tracks cringing. “I’m sorry Pinkie, but you really shouldn't touch anything in here.” Applejack cautioned. “No telling what kind of dark magic you might encounter.” “Might be easier to just blast the whole place with harmony rainbow laser magic.” flash Magnus mused when Starswirl retrieved the locket with a specially coated handkerchief. Starswirl looked at the locket, then down at the downcast house-elf, and then bend down and placed the locket on the floor. “I’d wondered why Lady Aiko insisted I bring everything I’d need,” he mused softly. He then pulled out a long box that slightly resembled a wand box save in that it was wider and deeper. He opened the box to reveal a basilisk fang set with a silver handle like it was intended to be used as a dagger. “Kreacher, something tells me you’d like the honor,” Starswirl said while offering the box to the old house-elf. Kreacher looked at it, up at Starswirl, and then over to Sirius. “If it was your sworn task, then it’s only right,” Sirius said reassuringly. Kreacher took the box and then removed the fang. A moment later Starswirl produced an unbreakable jar from his pocket and transformed back into his pony form. “We need to capture the remnants of the soul fragment,” Starswirl explained. “Ready?” Kreacher indicated he was ready followed by Starswirl commanding the locket to open while using Parseltongue. The locket snapped open revealing an eye within that looked about as though frantic. Black wraith-like smoke began to issue forth, at first attempting to envelop Kreacher but was immediately drawn into the unbreakable jar due to enchantments placed upon it by the nine tail Lady Aiko. Now the eye was even more frantic and attempted to snap shut even as Kreacher slammed the tip of the fang into the eye. From within the locket, Riddle's voice was heard, “Owe, my eye, you bitch, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!” Once more the locket snapped open as a stream of energy traveled from it into the jar, and when it had all left the locket Starswirl slapped the stopper on the jar and sealed it. A moment later the haze within the jar condensed into a single modestly sized crystal. “Well, that’s clever,” Kreacher offered with just a hint of a smile. “The energy of the soul never truly goes away,” Starswirl offered as he transformed back into his human form. “If we had simply destroyed the Horcrux that malevolent energy would likely have lingered here waiting to infect any heart open to it. This way we prevent that from happening and based on the size of the crystal, and the size of those we’d already obtained we can hazard a calculated prediction of how many were made.” “So how many do you think?” Sirius asked. Starswirl picked up the jar and examined it. “I’d say four, five counting the bit that came out of Harry’s head. Or at least that many up to that point,” Starswirl offered. “There’ll be one more we need to find.” “It’s a pity that compass Princess Nova made has such a short range.” Rockhoof lamented. “What about making a locator from one of the larger pieces?” Applejack asked. “Now that might just be worth looking into,” Starswirl mused. “Now what say we get out of here?” “Don’t have to ask me twice. This place is no fun,” Pinkie replied. “Let's go then,” Sirius offered. He paused for a moment. “Kreacher, you can come too if you’d like. Thing is, I’m probably not going to come back here if I don’t have to, and well, I think I get it. You aren’t to fault for orders you were forced to carry out.” “You would take Kreacher with you?” The old house-elf asked sounding puzzled. “I know we never really got along, and to be brutally honest, I don’t really care one way or the other,” Sirius replied. “If you come, do so because it’s what you want. I’m not giving you an order one way or the other.” “I’ll throw you a party,” Pinkie offered. “Please…” Kreacher seemed like he wasn’t quite sure what to think. Nor could he call these ponies muggle, mud bloods, nor blood traitors. The old bearded one had even gone so far as to say they were Fae, and he was fairly sure that hadn’t been an Animagus transformation. No, it was definitely something different, and all of them having similar forms was beyond anything wizards could do. Not to mention that one member of the ponies, the bearded one, was a unicorn of all things. And the one in the funny green outfit was a pegasus. Most decidedly not something wizards were capable of. “Yes, Kreacher would like to come.” “Yay!” Pinkie exclaimed and then started going on and on about how wonderful the party was going to be. “Simmer down Pinkie, you’ll scare him off.” Applejack cautioned with a big grin. Her expression changed a moment later on remembering something. "Ya know, there's some more thing we forgot ta do." "What was that?" Pinkie asked as Rockhoof picked up the chainsaw. "This," Rockhoof offered as he switching the saw to the on position. He pulled the starter cord and the saw came to life. The curtains sprang open and then quickly slammed shut. Poor Mrs Black, it had never occurred to her to enchant the wall. > Chapter 51: Showdown at the Hog's Head > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova and Moonie now in human form slowly walked along a lane that’d taken them two blocks off the High street of Hogsmeade, and around a corner where they spotted an old dilapidated Inn. Out front hung an old board on which had been painted a Boar’s head. “Hog’s Head Inn is what they said.” Moonie offered while looking at a building that was once the pride of Hogsmeade. Here too stood a handful of buildings that spoke of the former charm of the village prior to so many cookie-cutter cottages being built. “It’s the Hogsmeade Inn.” Nova offered. “Must have changed hands. That or they’ve all forgotten that this is where it all started. An Inn out in the wilds of Scotland no muggle dares venture too.” “Hog’s head indeed, I know a boar’s head when I see one.” Moonie offered while inspecting the sign as they approached. “A boar’s head, you say?” Nova teased. “A boar’s head on yonder sign, bedecked with bays and rosemary,” Moonie sang. Granted they’d been told to look for a bloody hog’s head, but as old as the sign was none could truly say unless they’d seen it when new. “And I pray you, my mistress, be marry, quot estis in convivio.” Nova smiled and joined in the chorus. “Caput Apri defero Reddens laudes Domino. “The boar’s head, as I understand, is the finest dish in all the land; Which thus bedecked with a gay garland. “Let us servire cantico. Caput Apri defero Reddens laudes Domino.” The two sang as they entered the Inn, their song answered by a tall wizard who looked very much like Professor Dumbledore himself. “Our steward hath provided this in honor of the king of bliss; Which on this day to be served is Reginensi Atrio.” And then the three followed up with “Capu Apri defero Reddens laudes Domino.” “Welcome to my fine establishment, Ladies.” The innkeeper called. “Come, what may I serve thee on this fine summer’s day?” “Seems a rather warm day to be singing Yule carols?” Albus Dumbledore muttered from the bar. “Pay my brother no heed.” “Brother?” Nova asked. “Aberforth Dumbledore, at your service. Or just Abe if you like.” “Nova Moon and my companion is Selena Moon. I wouldn't mind a cold fizzy-water. A birch beer perhaps?” “I’ll have the same.” Moonie offered. “Two birch beers for the lovely ladies.” Abe offered and a few moments later he’d produced two tall glasses. “The first one’s on my dear sweet brother.” “Don’t tempt me,” Nova said with a smile as she and Moonie sat down at the bar. “Pardon?” Abe asked. “She means as in she’s tempted to dump it on me,” Albus explained. “Well for what it’s worth, I think we got all the Horcruxes.” Nova offered as Abe set a couple of tall glasses of birch beer in front of them. “All, but how can you be sure?” Albus asked. “Horcruxes?” Abe asked. “The wizard formally known as Tom Riddle and more colloquially referred to as ‘you know who’ split his soul into no less than seven pieces counting the bit he had left in one babe by name of Harry Potter. Each piece successively smaller.” Moonie offered as Nova took a sip. “Seven?” Abe said stunned. “But how can you be sure you’ve got them all?” Albus asked. “We have a way to capture the essence of the soul as the Horcrux is destroyed. Once captured it crystallizes.” Nova offered. “The first one, his own diary. After that, we have Marvolo Gaunt’s ring, Helga Hufflepuff’s cup, Salazar Slytherin’s locket, Rowena Ravenclaw’s diadem, the little bit in Harry Potter’s forehead, and finally that which still remained within himself. The book was located during a ministry raid of the Malfoy home, you located the ring, the diadem was in the room of requirement in Hogwarts, we located the locket in the Black residence at number twelve Grimmauld Place, and the cup was located in a vault at Gringotts.” “And the goblins just let you waltz right on in and help yourself?” Albus asked. “I never waltz, I foxtrot.” Nova quipped. “And no. In fact, they don’t even know we took it. I don’t even know who’s vault it was.” “Moonie waltzes.” Moonie offered with a shit-eating grin. Not a one of the security measures in use by the goblins had even so much as a prayer at keeping Moonie out. “Ah yes, the night mare.” Albus offered with a smile. “All those dark passages would be a playground to her.” He’d no idea that the Selena now at the bar was in fact Moonie. “We are fairly certain, based on the size progression of the fragments, that we’ve gotten them all from the point he was in Hogwarts starting with the book and ending at the point he attacked Harry Potter,” Nova stated. “Any chance he could have made more in the time between that and his banishment?” “You don’t know?” Albus asked, the smile on his face dropping a little. “I’ve been forced out of the ICW and I’m no longer the Chief Warlock of the Wizengmot.” “Well to be perfectly honest we’ve never encountered anyone who was so cavalier with their own soul,” Nova replied. “Grandmother Aiko is over ten thousand years old and she’s never encountered the like.” “Ten thousand years?” Abe asked astonished. “She’s Tenko kitsune. An immortal fox kami. A minor deity if you like.” Nova offered as a way of explanation. “You mean as in people worship her?” Abe asked. “We discourage that sort of thing,” Nova replied. “Nova is worshiped too.” Moonie offered. “Can we not?” Nova scolded. She looked at the two men. “There are things I can do. It’s in another land far far away. Lets just not get into that shall we?” In another dimension to be true. “Anyway, we were hoping you might have some insight?” “Any chance you can get Hagrid out of Azkaban?” Albus asked. “Already out, and has been for a while.” Nova offered. “He’s helping to raise baby dragons at a sanctuary in Romania. - Hasn’t he written?” “Probably having way too much fun.” Moonie offered. “Keeps him out of trouble and undoubtedly having so much fun he’s forgotten all about everyone in England.” “I’m to understand that the dragons have quite taken to him,” Nova added. “You don’t say?” Albus asked astonished. “All he ever needed was a safe outlet for his passion.” Nova offered. “Now, about the possibility that Riddle could have made more Horcruxes?” “Afraid all I can offer you is theory.” Albus offered. “It’s something to go on.” Abe offered. “There was a book in the Hogwarts library in the restricted section titled ‘Secretes of the Dark Arts’ which I removed from the library after I became headmaster and banned the subject. And yes, I know, it was too little too late.” Albus offered. “I’ve been sitting here looking back on my life at all the things I did wrong. My relationship with my parents, my relationship with Gellert Grindelwald, my sister Ariana. And then there was Aberforth who just sort of showed up one day at the age of six. He’d been wondering the streets of London and people thought he was myself.” “So he was adopted?” Nova asked hoping she’d eventually get the information she wanted. “You look so much alike.” “We are nothing alike.” Albus rebuked. “I was always the studious brother, whereas he always did his bare minimum to get by.” “And I always faced my problems head-on.” Abe offered. “Yes, well… perhaps you were the wiser. I should have pulled that book that detailed how to make a Horcrux the moment Tom asked about them.” “If I’d have known what he was up to I’d have taken him out into the forest and have been done with it.” Abe scolded. “Well, I’m not you.” “Don’t be so sure about that.” “The one time I tried your way I ended up making a fool of myself.” “Did it never occur to you to tell her why you wanted the phoenix?” “Hang on, slow down, what?!” Nova interjected between the two men. “The tears of a phoenix might have been able to restore Ariana’s health.” Abe offered as an explanation. “Then you should have said so.” Nova scolded turning on Dumbledore. “Do you know what your greatest weakness is? It’s not communicating. I would have gladly helped you if I had known. And you could have ended Tom Riddle’s reign of terror long before it ever started, but I’m guessing that you never communicated to anyone the danger he posed.” “And why should he?” Abe asked. “It’d be kind of hard to set himself up as the hero if others had known.” Dumbledore looked up at his brother, his double, with anger in his eyes. Anger quickly turned to shame as he dropped his gaze to look at his drink. “The theory so far as I’m aware is that a person might split their soul seven times without losing what little they have of their humanity.” Abe offered. “That’s split into seven pieces, not seven Horcruxes. Yes, I studied that book.” Albus’s eyes went up to him. “I read every book in that library. - I kept a low profile in that regard.” Albus just sat there giving his brother a dumbfounded look. Nova, on the other hand, was looking at Aberforth with newfound curiosity. “I suppose living here you’d need to know as much as you could without tipping off to anyone that you are more then what you seem.” “Let's just say I’d learned my lesson and just wanted a nice quiet life.” Abe offered. “So what condition was Riddle in?” “He’d become a leach wraith drawing the very life force out of Professor Quirrel.” Nova offered. “Tell me about the bit in Harry’s forehead?” Abe asked. “Thereby accident,” Albus offered. “When Voldemort attempted to use the killing curse and the curse backfired, it created an accidental Horcrux.” “Well then, I’d say it would be safe to say that the soul becomes unstable at five Horcruxes. Though I doubt he was ever truly stable.” Abe offered. “And unlikely he could have created more in the condition he was in. He’d have to restore his body and even then he’d be less than human.” “So who are you, really?” Albus asked accusingly. “Why don’t you just go to Equestria and find out. Dear brother of mine.” Abe offered with a malicious grin. “It’s fine,” Moonie whispered to Nova who was looking at her birch beer suspiciously by this point. “It’s fine, it’s fine.” Aberforth offered with a laugh. “Though maybe you suspect who I was?” he inquired with a sly smile. “But as I said, I learned my lesson and wanted nothing more than to just have a nice quiet life. Unfortunately, I didn’t count on my counterpart who somehow manages to bring disaster upon anyone he turns his interest to. Strange how the portals work though. I’m fairly sure I should have passed through the portal long before you ever did.” “Well, can’t say I know who you were.” Nova offered. “As for the portal, it’s dependent on the wibbly-wobbly nature of time and dimension. Linear time flow is just an illusion.” “Albus, tell them what the Slytherins called you when you were a student.” Abe prompted. “Perhaps you could tell them of your activities with goats instead?” Albus shot back. “Something tells me they’re not going to care.” Abe offered. “Miss Nova’s father is a fox I hear. As in a Bushy tailed fox.” “Three actually.” Nova offered. “He’s got three tails. The Celestial fox grows another tail about every hundred years or so.” “Can’t say I know anything about it.” Albus offered. “I contacted Mohoutokuro school of magic, but all they only offered me books that looked more like they’d been written for muggles.” “You need to be able to read the writing forms that are used, and understand the languages if you want more in-depth information.” Nova offered. “Did you try any of the other schools?” “Other schools? There are other schools?” Albus asked. “Why yes, father sent me some pamphlets in case I wanted to try being a road scholar. There is Mysteria Academy, Koryo, Mahora, Constant, Hoshinomori, Endor College, Hagun, Magnoshutatt, and Luna Nova Academy. I think if I go I’ll probably pick Mahora though. It’s part of an enormous complex on a little island known as academy island.” “I had no idea,” Albus replied. “So many?” “According to the stats I’ve seen the population of Japan is over one hundred million souls.” Nova offered. “Of that population, there is anywhere between one to two million people with some level of magical ability. That is according to many of the pamphlets I looked at. As for Mohoutokuro, they aren’t much bigger then Hogwarts. Even if they had full capacity attendance there’s no way they could fill the need. And it bothers me that the numbers at Hogwarts aren’t larger. The dining hall can seat five hundred and fifty at capacity assuming you aren’t prepared to expand the space. And I remember the dining hall had been filled to capacity in 1903 plus older students living off-campus. Yet this year's student body was…?” “Three hundred seventy-five.” Albus offered. “A fair amount, considering.” “Considering the disaster of two wizard wars, and the need for a minimum level of proficiency in magic.” Abe offered. “And families that tend to align with the Gryffindor ideals took the biggest hit.” Albus offered. The bar fell silent for a time. “They want me to do OTS next year,” Nova said breaking the silence. The two men looked puzzled at her. “That’s an officer training school. Imagine a school dedicated to teaching Aurors.” “A whole school?” Abe asked. “Two actually, one for enlisted, and one for the command structure.” Nova offered. “For each service. Land forces, sea, and air.” “Armed forces, just like what the muggles have, made up entirely of magic users.” Moonie offered. Earth pony and pegasi magic might not be the sort wizards would recognize as magic, but it was still magic. “Dumbledore!” Shouted a man slamming the door open. He’d slicked back dirty blond hair, a face that was halfway between a wolf and a man, his clothing tattered. A moment later the scattered wizards who’d been in the bar scrambled out the back door, a few diving through windows, and one even remembering he could apparate. “I guess that’s one more loose end I don’t have to go looking for.” Nova offered as she got up from her bar stool now wearing a faded green poncho with southwestern designs on it. On her head a wide-brimmed stetson that hadn’t been there a moment before either. “Fenrir Greyback,” Nova called softly. “I’m here for Albus Dumbledore, but I can go through you if that’s what you want.” Fenrir returned in an almost growling reply. Dumbledore hadn’t moved, choosing to just simply sit there. He’d looked when the door had slammed open, but then turned back to his drink and let out a sigh. “Dumbledore; don’t have the guts to do your own fighting is it?!” Greyback called. “Fenrir, we don’t have to do this. We have a cure.” Nova offered even as Aberforth got out his wand. Nova motioned for him to put it away. “Fenrir, as much as I’d love to just let you have him, I haven't finished with him.” “And spend the rest of my days in Azkaban?” Fenrir asked. “We are shutting it down.” Nova offered. “Others have tried.” “True, but this time we have allies that know how to deal with dementors. Nor will I see you at the mercy of them. You’d be far too formidable a dementor for me to allow that to happen.” Fenrir gave her a puzzled look. “Everyone who dies there becomes a dementor,” Nova offered while his face shifted to a menacing smile. “Better I just kill you now then allow that to happen.” “You think you’ve got it in you, little girl?” Fenrir asked as he took a step into the Inn. “Mightier then you have fallen before me,” Nova replied as a shadow fell across her eyes. She flipped the poncho over to reveal a colt forty-five semi-auto pistol. Moonie pulled out a pocket watch, opened it, and chimes started playing. “You can’t possibly think you’re better than me?” Fenrir growled out as the music coming out of the watch built. “If we are going to do this let's do this. Enough talk.” Nova replied as she flexed her right hand. Fenrir leaned forward and was racing at Nova less than an instant later. Nova’s hand moved at lightning speed grabbing a silver can on the counter marked Coors Light, sending it forward, its speed amplified with her magic to crush against Fenrir’s forehead in an instant, the beer inside exploding outward. Fenrir’s head snapping back taking his body with him. For the wizards outside looking in through the window, it had all happened in a split second. One moment Fenrir was rushing the girl, the next he was flying back to land on the floor still as death. Moonie closed the watch. Outside a tumbleweed ambled down the road. Albus Dumbledore slowly got off his barstool and went to have a look at Greyback. “He’s dead,” Albus said softly. “What was that?” “Coors Light.” Moonie offered. “Coors?” Aberforth said in a horrified whisper. “Why would you bring that into my Inn?” “Because I was expecting a run-in with Fenrir Greyback,” Nova offered, but the blank faces gave her to know no one understood what she was talking about. “I thought everyone knew that the only way to kill a werewolf was with a silver bullet?” Never mind the snapped neck and blunt force head trauma. “So, um, what was that nickname?” Moonie asked of her stunned audience. “Grogar. They used to call him Grogar.” Aberforth offered, his mind reeling from the deadly pun. Nova smiled. “Professor, I think I can offer you a friendly reception should you ever decide to visit Eques.” She turned to Moonie. “Come on Selena, we’re done here.” Moonie got up, the two walked out, transformed, and flew off into the sunset. Which was a strange thing in that it’d been noon a moment before. > Chapter 52: School on a Caribbean Island Part one final. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Coco, you need suntan lotion!” Hermione called. They were part of a large gathering of people and ponies who’d congregated down by the large lagoon that protected that portion of the island from the ravages of the sea which was further to the west beyond a treacherous reef. Large enough that it was also ideal for seaplanes to land and take off from. Though truth be told concerning the people on the beach, the majority were actually ponies. Leading down to the beach were several sections of well-worn marble steps that showed signs of recent repairs, and beyond that could be seen clusters of white-washed buildings with wide overhangs and slender columns. Many of the structures reflected the English colonial style with tall windows that could be opened to allow the air to flow through or shuttered against storms. There were buildings that showed signs of repairs and a number of buildings in outlying areas that had collapsed long ago by earthquakes. And nearly every building had at least one tower built on which intended more for generating an updraft to pull heat from the buildings then as places to look out over the small city. In fact, one might even go so far as to say the community was stacked. Notwithstanding the occupants all of which looked fit as horses. On a peninsula to the south stood the remains of an old fort which had been built atop the base of a pyramid, and to the east, there was a large complex that had been turned into a learning institution covering all grades. Beyond the village set in the scarcely tamed jungle could be found a large temple complex that included three large step pyramids and a large Parthenon which had only partially been restored. In front of this structure was an avenue that was flanked by statues of winged unicorns. Beyond the Parthenon could be found an even older structure made of massive rectangular stones so finely crafted and fitted it was impossible to find any cracks large enough to fit even so much as a hair into. A good deal of the structure had collapsed long ago and within could be found the portal where the sacred sanctuary once stood. It was also heavily guarded and warded so that no visitor to the island who was not Equestrian nor having come from Equestria could get near it. And should anyone find their way through the portal there would be a welcoming party waiting. Pinkie was always up for a surprise party. Technology abounded as well. On the roofs the tiles all had solar collectors cobbled together from bits and pieces. There were battery storage locations which supplied an underground grid. Every building had equestrian built variations of all the latest technologies and convenience items, and all designed to work seamlessly with magic while having the look of coming from different eras as though they’d been scavenged from wrecks. Anachronism was the name of the game with a number of odds and ends looking like they either belonged to the Steampunk or Diesel-punk genres. A number of items even had the appearance of being more advanced then what could be found in the human community. Perhaps somewhere? As to why create what ponies themselves didn’t use in their daily lives it was intended to hide magic in plain sight should anyone who does not know about magic find their way to the island. Crystals were also in heavy use so as to satisfy those who might expect such a thing. As to where the technology had come from, there was any number of ancient sites on the island that created the impression of a society that had at one point been far more advanced, a few of which were found to still have functional equipment that could easily be thousands of years old. None dating any newer than ancient Greece save for what looked like an attempt at a shipyard that the ponies restored and put to good use. And of course, there were all the wrecks. Of which many had been salvaged of anything of value, a few of which did have some valuable materials such as vast quantities of gold from a Spanish treasure fleet that had wrecked on the reefs. And of course, a cruise ship that had been recently stripped and the passengers returned home – their memories wiped, each believing they’d simply missed the ship. “Come on Coco, you and I need sun block more than the others,” Nova called and laughed at the girl’s antics as she dashed in and out of the surf. The difference between Coco the girl and Draco the boy who’d first stepped foot on Hogwarts grounds was like night and day. The girls all had modest two-piece bathing suits and light wrap around skirts were the fashion of the day. For those who chose to wear it. As for the fashion of the island, the designers had intentionally gone with an interesting fusion of modern warm climate attire, British colonial, and shades of the Golden age of pirates so as to impart history to their clothing that suggested they’d only evolved their fashion when influenced from the outside world. Add to that the tendency of the portal to dress the ponies in whatever outfit their counterpart typically wore. But the Caribbean was hot and ponies being ponies they had a tendency to strip off whatever garments the portal gave them and go with as little as possible. Subsequently, it wasn’t rare to spot men wandering about with not but a loincloth with a wraparound over the shoulders to keep the sun off. The mares were just as bad until they discovered that sunburns in sensitive areas were a bad thing. As for the apparent ethnicity of the population, their natural bright colors subdued to human hues created the appearance of a very diverse population that would later be explained in terms of outsiders becoming stranded and choosing to stay indefinitely rather than attempt to brave the reef and treacherous waters beyond. Harry was looking much better as well, though he’d likely always be a bit smaller than his Equestrian twin. The two of whom were having a blast looking for seashells while in their human forms. Of the two it was decided to explain Airry as a younger brother. If for no other reason then to hammer home how badly Harry had been treated by the Dursleys. Nearby Alya and Scootaloo were keeping an eye on the foals and Luna was talking with a group of wizards under a pavilion where chairs and little tables had been arranged and they were being served tropical drinks by young women dressed no better than those out in the surf. Luna was dressed in a light airy skirt with a floral print and a white blouse that save for a camisole underneath left little to the imagination. The wizards included three men from England, two from France, and two from America. All of whom were horribly overdressed save for the odd Englishman who wasn’t actually a wizard. He had on khaki pants a loose-fitting safari shirt and had even brought a pith helmet. The other two English wizards had on the typical heavy black robes of English wizards, the French pair had on gray robes that were perhaps a bit lighter in weight, and the Americans had on what looked like 1950tys styled suits. And with the exception of the man with the pith helmet the men were all looking rather uncomfortable for more reasons then the heat of the day. “Well, I must say that save for Mr Abercrombie the new Ambassador from England, the rest of you look like you’re about to expire from the heat.” Luna offered with a smile just as a flock of phoenix flew past. “Those were…” asked one of the overheated English wizards as one of the serving girls turned on fans that were in the canopy of the pavilion. Each fan had at the intake a pipe that ran down the legs of the pavilion into the ground where it drew up cool air. “Yes, phoenix.” Mr Abercrombie offered. “I dare say I think that as magic users you’d be more accustomed to such sites?” To be true the islands abounded with all manner of colorful birds not found anywhere else. “Don’t tell me you’re a…” An American began and had his sentence finished by the other English wizard. “No maj – Muggle?” He offered with a smile. “His parents are squibs, as is his wife.” Luna offered. “He’s well placed in English society, and has several degrees to include one in Ornithology.” Luna offered. “The study of birds. Though to be honest, I’m not sure I want to tell anyone about this place.” “And we suspect his children will be able to use magic,” Luna added as she continued her explanation as to why Mr Abercrombie was there. “After consulting with the Prime minister of England he was chosen as the best person to fill the role.” “There simply aren’t any flocks.” Offered one of the French delegates. “And for that reason, I’m going to put through a motion to be sent up to the United Nations to declare these islands a protected conservation zone.” Mr Abercrombie offered. “We want to strictly limit who is allowed to come here.” Luna offered. “These islands are for the most part as they’ve been for thousands of years and while our culture has obviously been contaminated, the natural habitat is as it has always been. Plus there is the issue that we’ve never had to hide who we are.” “Yes, I think I can understand.” One of the Americans offered. “On the one hand, you’re coming out of hiding while on the other hand, this being a community where you never had to hide magic there’s a need to control who can come here and you wish to control not what people see but how they see it.” “That and the danger of exploitation.” Mr Abercrombie offered. “It’s not so much a matter of keeping people out who can’t use magic. I can assure you that from my perspective if I was not aware of magic, I’d have assumed that every wonderful thing I saw was the product of technology I simply did not understand. No, the real issue would be dealing with individuals who can only think of their own personal gain.” “Fortunately the islands protect themselves for the most part.” James Potter offered as he approached. He was presently attired in canvas slops that is to say slightly below the knee baggy seaman's pants, an oversize cotton shirt, an extra-long waistcoat no sleeves on that, and a tricorn hat. “Ah, James, were you going to join us?” Luna asked. A slight smug smile formed on her face at the gobsmacked looks on the faces of the wizards. “Don’t mind if I do.” He offered shortly as a chair materialized out of thin air for him to sit in followed by he and Luna laying out their plans regarding how Eques intended to interact with the rest of the world. Which included numerous restrictions concerning who would be allowed on the island. Number one of which was a restriction on purebloods who exhibited Blood Elitism. No person who’d supported Voldemort either willing or unwilling would be allowed with the same restrictions falling on anyone with extreme views or notions be they of the magical community or not. “You see, the thing is, people with extreme views tend to be easily manipulated. Our reasoning for that restriction is because we found that the Imperius curse simply can not compel an individual to do something that isn’t in their nature. Those claiming that as an excuse could have thrown off the effects save that deep down they wanted to do what they’d been told to do. It was deeply ingrained in their belief system that what they’d been tasked to do was actually a good thing, and they’d have that ready-made excuse should they be found out.” Luna offered. “Worse yet is when reality doesn’t line up with everything such a person believes in. Both valid reasons as to why Salazar Slytherin didn’t want muggle-born in Hogwarts. Such individuals were prone to manipulation and had a tendency to use what they learned not for good but to betray the very community that had taken them in. Likewise, extreme views among the wizarding community lead to the rise of Grindelwald and Voldemort. Both individuals caused more harm to the community than anyone none magical person ever could. Add to that the fact that you’ve allowed yourselves to become ignorant of the achievements of the non-magical world you are headed for disaster and potential extinction if something doesn’t change.” “The non-magical community learned alchemy.” James offered. “With that knowledge, they created science which gave birth to marvels that you can not even begin to comprehend. They also know where nearly every hidden wizard community can be found now thanks to that technology. At least those who are allowed to know as leadership of the non-magical world wishes to keep certain things secret that is best kept from the common muggle who would turn on each other for daring to be different. - And they have harnessed the very power of the atom.” He paused but a moment before continuing. “Nor will I have my sons ignorant of either world. “Professor Dumbledore’s efforts to meet our requirements for Harry’s education have fallen far short of what needs to be done and I fear it may take generations to undue the damage the Statute of secrecy has done.” They looked at him with shock in their eyes. “Would you tell the muggles that magic is real?” One asked. “In time.” Luna offered. “Make no mistake that we will abide by the spirit of the International secrecy accords. But, we have no intention of being bound by them.” “You will have little choice.” “Do you dare threaten us? Have you not heard of the fall of Azkaban. It was our allies in the Far East who laid low the dementors and trust me when I say that those who fled will be dealt with. One ... by ... one.” Luna offered in a tone that gave away no emotion. And to be honest she was perhaps the most frightening when she spoke thus. “But fear not. You see the plan is to introduce magic a little at a time while telling the muggles it is a form of technology.” “The thing is, the technology of the non-magical community has become so advanced that it’s impossible to tell the difference between technology and magic.” James offered. “Can you begin to understand what that means? If the worst of the muggles don’t know it’s magic, they can’t point a finger at it and call it evil. “Harry, along with other select individuals will come here to the School that we have here and learn about both worlds from confidant teachers.” James finished with a confidant smile. “We are offering scholarships to those who meet our criteria.” Luna offered. “We will bring in students from all over the world and they will travel here by airship.” Equestria was no stranger to the use of airships and thanks to information gleaned from the human world plus a few leaps in technology thanks to some interesting artifacts they’d discovered on the islands they now had airships the likes of which looked like futuristic space yachts. In fact, in theory, at least, the latest prototypes were capable of space flight. > Chapter 53: School on a Caribbean Island Part two final. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Somewhere over the Celtic Sea south of Ireland. August 29th O’ six hundred hours. A Royal Navy helicopter is speeding on its way to a rendezvous. Up ahead is a long sleek superyacht with a body that’s about the length of a Boeing 747, a bit wider in girth with short stubby wings about two-thirds of the way back that swept all the way to the rear of the craft that angled downwards. The belly of the craft and all leading edges are black with the remainder of the ship a bright white color. On top of the wings were two large round cylinders that looked a bit like jets but there were no fans visible. At the bow was a radar dome. Beyond the bow, a passenger deck evidenced by a row of round windows which ran the length of the craft with a flat deck above from the bow to a third of the way back that was just open space covered in black solar cells built right into the deck, followed by a large sloping cabin with two floors and a bridge above that. Behind the bridge was a short tower containing a number of antenna and satellite dishes all shielded from the extreme shear forces of supersonic flight, and on the fantail, there was a landing pad for a chopper on either side of which was a tail fin that stuck outwards at an angle. On each tail fin was a logo of two winged unicorns one representing night and the other day. The ship itself appeared to be motionless. Not even the rough waves below seemed to be moving it, and as the chopper approached the reason became all too apparent. The yacht was hovering about one hundred feet above the sea while a number of vector jets built right into the hull were being used to maintain the position. The chopper swung around and guided by an air marshal, landed on the helipad. “What the hell?” One of the pilots said as the electronics all shut down moments after touching down. Moments later the three officers are outside watching dumbfounded as their bird is secured, the pad retracted into the hold, and large cargo doors folded out and closed up. “Sent you out with a machine that’s not properly shielded.” An engineer offered. “It’s the Positron Drive. Tends to kick up a bit of EMP when we are hovering like this. No point in trying to get the chopper going again, we’ll just have to unload you at Heathrow.” EMP, in this case, is Energized thauMaturgic Particles. Maybe a little electromagnetic pulse thrown in for good measure too. “I’m Captain Morris British Airways. My chauffeurs are lieutenants Smith and Jones.” “You can call me Scottie if you like. I’m the chief engineer, and the Lieutenant is Princess Nova Moon.” And with that explanation, they went in through a doorway into a very nice cabin followed by an equally nice corridor. “So, um, why are we here and who are these people?” Asked Captain Morris as he unzipped his Navy jumpsuit to reveal a civilian pilot uniform underneath. “They needed a pilot. Didn’t anyone tell you?” Lt Smith offered. “You’re supposed to fly this into Heathrow.” “What? You’re kidding right?” “Not that kind of pilot.” Lt Nova Moon offered. Nova gave them a smile. “Welcome aboard the Hermes, It’s acting Lieutenant actually. No, you don’t have to fly it, we’ve crew to include myself who can do that. What we need is someone who can bring us into Heathrow. We’re from a small island nation called Eques, and well, none of our people have any experience flying into a large airport. Also if we are to go in at speed it’ll behave a bit like a Concord. We are also chartered through British Airways.” “And I just happen to be a Concord pilot.” Captain Morris replied. “So what do you do at home? I mean as far as landing and take off?” “Vertical take-off – land in a lagoon. More of a large atoll actually… It’s a supersonic flying boat capable of vertical takeoffs and landings. Most of the work is done by a computer. A person would have to defeat the system to crash it.” Nova offered. “We’ve some older airships that aren’t anywhere near as advanced, and likely would never make it across the Atlantic. Believe it or not, this was cobbled together with bits and pieces, some reverse-engineered tech, and a few ideas of our own. The basic configuration is a cross between an Avro CF-105 Arrow and a fancy cabin cruiser.” She couldn't help but smile at the look they gave her. “I imagine the people who did the contract work didn’t have a clue what the parts were for.” The group continued on through palatial lounges to climb the stairs up to the bridge where they met the captain. Sparrow his name was and bore a striking resemblance to his namesake save in his crisp clean white uniform. At first, the bridge looked like most any other bridge, but when the command to get underway was given a large screen rose up out of the floor to position itself in front of the helmsman's position. Two helmsman positions that were configured about the same as a pilot and co-pilot position with two major advantages. Thanks to the screen and a bow camera they had an unobstructed view of what was in front of them, plus the majority of the fiddly controls and readouts were simply not there. Most of the flight instruments had been moved to other duty stations to be monitored by other members of the crew. All the Helmsmen had to deal with were the basic flight controls and readouts most of which were integrated into the monitor screen along with a graphic virtual overlay display that indicated the projected course flight speed altitude and relative position of the aircraft. “Care to take the co-pilot seat Captain Morris?” Nova offered. “Lieutenant, care to take over helm one?” Offered the individual present at the helm. “You’ve flown this thing as much as I have, and you’ve more experience with the proper protocols.” “Alright switch to auto for the moment.” Nova offered. “Just how many hours flying have any of you had?” Captain Morris asked. “In an actual aircraft…” Nova began as she took over the first position. “You don’t want to know. There’s a reason the computer does most of the work. Well, that and this thing would be impossible to fly without it.” “Actual aircraft?” “Do we have our transponder on?” Nova asked. “Actual aircraft?” Captain Morris asked again. “Let's just say I’m a military asset and leave it at that.” Nova offered with a smile and a wink. “Most of our fleet is small lumbering lighter than air aircraft. This one is a neutral buoyancy craft. First-ever built. Actual hours flying it … not a whole lot.” Nova refrained from telling him that this would be the first time landing on an actual runway. “We got a call sign?” He asked. “EQFB flight 100.” Captain Sparrow offered. “Captain looks like that weather system over London is building,” offered a crew member who was presently watching a radar screen. 🌌 Heathrow Airport, outside visibility is dropping and the wind is rising, inside Mr Weasley is geeking out over all the clever muggle devices and making security nervous. Fortunately, airport management had been given a heads up that a number of individuals booked for the flight to Eques might be uniquely challenging but otherwise harmless. Ron and Hermione are there along with a handful of youth from wizard families as well as students from none wizard families. Somehow they’ve all managed to make it out to the far end of terminal three where their flight is supposed come into. “So when do we see Harry?” Ron asked as he followed Hermione. Her parents were presently doing their best to help Molly keep Arthur on track. “But-but…” Arthur Weasley could be heard somewhere behind them. “He’s probably going to meet us on the plane.” Hermione offered. “And wait till you see his brother, they are nearly identical.” “Like Twins?” Fred and George offered. The two boys being unusually well mannered. In fact, they’d been on good behavior ever since the Equestrians had come to pick up Harry and the extra set of twins. Which might help to explain why they’d been invited to come as well. Hogwarts was going to be missing the entire second-year Griffindor class that year along with a number of select ‘muggle-born’ students who’d been invited. Harry’s friends had been invited and before long the entire class wanted to go. Although, at the moment, it was starting to look like no one was going anywhere. Flights were being delayed or canceled even as they made their way to the gate they were to go to. “A bit.” Hermione offered as she looked out the windows at the driving rain. “This might sound a bit odd but little Airry, Harry’s brother, is bigger than Harry. It’s on account of how the Dursleys treated him. Harry that is.” Hermione simply could not keep the disapproving tone from her voice anytime the matter of the Dursley family came up. 🗼 Meanwhile up in the tower, “Sorry Eques one hundred, there’s a bit of a squall going past. Can you divert?” “Tower, be advised that the Hermes is fully capable of landing blind in hurricane conditions,” Nova called over the radio. “That sounds like SAM Acorn One.” The dispatcher said over the radio. “That I am, I’m aboard EQFB flight 100 Heavy this morning. We can see where we are going even in zero visibility and have auto landing if we need it. Wind isn’t going to be an issue. Just give us a slot and we’ll be fine.” “What exactly are they flying?” The dispatcher asked as they turned to look towards their supervisor. “Some sort of experimental flying boat is all I know.” The supervisor offered. “Supposed to be about the size of a seven forty-seven and capable of vertical take-off and landing. Cutting edge radar and computer augmented fly by wire. It’s supposed to be impossible to crash.” “Didn’t they say something similar about the Titanic?” “Weather isn’t throwing icebergs at us just yet. We are right at the threshold, tell them to go ahead and bring it in on R27 and proceed to three thirty-eight.” “Eques one-hundred you are clear to land on runway right two seven.” “Roger that tower, Eques flight one hundred heavy on final approach.” Captain Morris replied with the lights of the Hermes breaking through the cloud layer moments later. “Looks like someone put delta wings on a bleeding cabin cruiser,” one of the dispatchers offered moments later. “Hang on, is that fire coming from the nose?” “Eques one hundred are you experiencing a fire in your nose?” Another asked over the radio. “Negative tower, those are vector engines compensating for the wind,” Nova offered. “Would ya just look at that…” A tower operator asked as they looked through binoculars. As the Hermes set down there were none of the struggles many other aircraft experienced landing in a crosswind. No-slip, no turning it into the wind, no sign of turbulence what so ever aside from vector engines firing to maintain a straight and steady path. 🛳 “It’d take a ship of some kind to make it through that weather.” Seamus was lamenting as he looked out into the weather. “Um, Seamus…” Neville prompted as he tapped the other boy’s shoulder and pointed out towards the taxiway. “Why is a yacht coming down the taxiway?” Ron asked. “It’s the Hermes,” Hermione said proudly. She had actually seen the craft being tested and had even been provided a lift home on it. Only that time they’d slipped in and out of London via the Thames river so no one would know it was a flying machine. Hermione couldn't help but laugh at the gobsmacked expressions of the ground crew. Despite the Hermes having landing gear extended just like any other aircraft it still looked like something that had no business being there. They watched as a member of the ship’s crew came out on the deck in bright red seaman's foul weather gear, lay down, and shout at the men on the ground while pointing at the bow. “What’s he doing?” Parvati Patil asked Hermione. “There’s a camera in the bow just below the radar dome that lets the command crew see everything in front of them just like if they were sitting in a normal airplane cockpit.” Hermione offered. “Pardon, is this zee plain to Eques?” asked a pair of striking blond girls dressed in light blue. “Why yes, yes it is.” Dean Thomas offered. “Dean Thomas, and you?” “Aurélie Dumont, and this Fleur DeLacour. We are zee exchange students from Beauxbatons. “Madam Maxime thought zee experience would be good for us. No?” “Ah, yes, it’ll be a good experience. Learning at a different school. No trolls wandering the halls. No wraiths teaching classes and trying to murder students.” “Trolls? Wraiths?” Fleur asked astonished. “He means no Slytherins.” Ron offered which resulted in the Hogwarts alumni having to explain the previous year at Hogwarts. Granted not everything that had happened could be blamed on the Slytherins. After all, Quirrell had been a Raven claw alumni and it was Dumbledore who’d chosen to bring the Philosopher’s stone to Hogwarts. Outside the Hermes has been parked, a bow door opened, and the extendable gangway fitted to it. At the stern, the bay doors have been opened and the chopper is being rolled out onto a lift platform while luggage is being loaded via a door that’s about halfway back. Also on the main passenger cabin deck with luggage going down a service shoot to the hold with pets going to assigned rooms. Granted there had been a number of requirements. All animals had to be fixed with the exception of intelligent familiars, and every creature had to have a full battery of immunizations. Everything required of all the muggles coming and going through the airport. Moments later Nova and Captain Morris come walking out from the passenger boarding bridge. “Well if you don’t mind getting stuck on a Caribbean island for several months.” Nova offered with a smile. “Well, as tempting as that may sound I’m going to need to get back to work.” Morris offered. “Still though, that has got to be the smoothest landing I’ve ever done. I can’t see why no one has ever thought to add vector engines.” “Adds weight and it’s expensive.” Nova offered. “If it wasn’t for the Positron Drive that beast wouldn't even be able to get off the ground.” “What exactly is that anyway?” “In simple terms, its a type of reactor. It’s the power plant for the main driver and the device that allows us to achieve neutral buoyancy. It has the unique property of negating gravity in its immediate vicinity.But let's not be telling anyone. It’s all rather hush-hush.” “I would imagine. Well, any time you need a pilot give me a call. I wish everything I fly was as nice.” “Maybe next time we’ll see how high it’ll go.” Nova offered. “The idea is to take it up into low Earth orbit to eliminate the sonic boom while crossing land masses.” “I’d certainly want to be on that trip.” “And speaking of which, it’s time we started loading our passengers.” “Just one thing before I go, I can’t see any fans in those large jet engines on the back?” “There’s a small fan underneath that feeds into the big jet to get it going. But aside from that, they are fan-less so far as the primary portion of the engine goes. It starts out as a conventional jet and goes from standard configuration to supersonic. We figured out how to get ion drivers to fire the combustion chamber rather than use fossil fuels. Air can go through at any speed and our actual fuel consumption is minimal. Pity the whole system is reliant on the prime mover.” “You got ion engines?” “Sort of.” Nova offered sheepishly. “We were actually kind of disappointed in them at first because they weren’t putting out enough power to actually push anything by themselves.” “Miss, is the flight-ready?” asked a gate agent. “Yes, yes, we are ready.” Nova offered. “I should get going.” Captain Morgan offered, shook Nova’s hand and made his way through the curious crowd. Curious in more ways then one but he tried not to let that bother him. Behind him Nova picked up a mic at the boarding counter. “Ladies and gentle peoples.” Nova began. “For those of you who have your golden ticket, I’d like to welcome you all aboard the skyship Hermes.” Nova welcomed each and every passenger as their boarding passes were checked. “Is that uniform for real?” Ron asked as he’d approached only to get admonished by Hermione. “I’ve seen her fly it.” Hermione offered. “She’s going to fly it?” Ron protested. “I’ve changed my mind.” “I’m only a helmsman, Ron. There’s an entire crew on board, and Harry is waiting.” Nova encouraged. “That seems to be all.” A boarding agent offered once everyone was aboard. “One more,” Nova replied. She smiled at seeing Millicent Bulstrode hurrying to the gate with parents in tow. “You made it.” “What is that thing?” Mr Bulstrode asked. “It’s a skyship. First of it’s kind.” Nova offered loud enough for all the hangers-on to hear. “You’re not making a mistake by letting your daughter come to the Eques Academy were ability is what matters the most.” “Well, Millicent made a rather convincing argument.” Mr Bulstrode offered. “The world is changing and anyone who can’t change with it will just get trampled underfoot.” “Never a truer statement.” Nova offered. “Thank you for letting her come. I promise you will not be disappointed.” “And how can you be so sure?” Mrs Bulstrode asked. “As sure as I know the rain will stop falling.” Nova offered with a smile, her hair billowed out for a moment, the sun broke through the clouds, and she quietly took up one of Millicent’s carry on bags, and escorted the girl down the passenger boarding bridge. “Dear, I realize I don’t know a whole lot about magic…” Mrs Bulstrode began in a whisper, “But did that young woman just stop the rain?” 🏰 Hogwarts: September first, beginning of the sorting ceremony. There is a new teacher at Hogwarts, his name is Gilderoy Lockhart. But as Dumbledore looks out over the hall he knows that he’s made a huge mistake. The entire second year Gryffindor class is a no show along with the Weasley twins. In fact, there are quite a few missing faces from all the houses. Several Slytherin students transferred to Durmstrang and the group of new students that McGonagall just brought in to be sorted is so pitifully small it’s disheartening. “Minerva, is that all of the new first years?” “Even the train was smaller than normal,” Minerva offered. “But, we sent out more cards then this?” “Have you checked the master enrollment book?” Minerva asked. “We got a bunch of letters from parents saying that they were going to find another option.” Dumbledore got up from his place, went out from the grand hall, climbed stairs, and passed down corridors until finally coming to the room with the master enrollment book. Here the enchanted lock on the door was set that only the headmaster could get in. Dumbledore opened the door, stepped in, and cast his eyes at the open page of the enchanted book. What assaulted his eyes was a crude drawing and three little words. Kilroy was here. > Bonus chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Welcome aboard the Hermes,” offered a cheerful voice over the intercom moments after the last arrival boarded the strange flying boat. “Pets will be located in your assigned cabins. Be advised that there will be a nullifying charm in effect to ovoid accidental magic. Please refrain from using wands while in flight. Refreshments can be found in the various lounge areas located throughout the aircraft. Be advised that Ten Forward is an adult-only lounge. Please familiarize yourself with where your cabin is. In the event of an emergency, your cabin will be your escape pod. Please do not eat the Babel fish, I’m talking to you, Lieutenant Silverwood. The Babel fish goes in your left ear and makes it possible to understand other languages. Oh, and it’s impossible to lie to someone with a babel fish in their ear because it will reveal your true intent. That includes those little white lies we tell so as not to hurt someone’s feelings so I wouldn't recommend using one unless you really need it. For those of you with cell phones, they will need to have shielding added to function properly due to thaumaturgical interference.” “Harry!” Hermione called on locating her friend. “Hi, Harry,” Ron called. “Wow, not so skinny anymore. I guess all that food mom gave you did the trick.” “Oh, that wasn’t actually me.” Harry offered while giving Ginny a dirty look. Harry had gotten a full rundown of what his doubles had to go through and who they suspected to be the culprit of repeated love poisoning. “What, sorry? Not you?” Ron asked perplexed. “Changelings I’m afraid,” Harry offered. “Sorry, Ginny.” “I hear they kept getting sick,” Hermione offered. “Did you find out what was causing it?” “Oh yes, we knew what was causing it,” Harry offered. “It was love poisoning.” “Love poisoning?” Ron asked just as the speaker over the intercom was advising everyone to find a seat and be prepared for take-off. “More commonly known as a love potion,” Harry offered as he directed the small group to their assigned cabin. There were two rows of seats, and all the seats faced forward with the seats in the middle set up so they could be swiveled around when a latch was released. “Wait, you’re not saying someone in our house was trying to use a love potion on, on, well the person we thought was you?” Ginny had turned white as a ghost on hearing the news. “It does look that way.” Harry offered. “We’ll need to put on the seat belts for takeoff just in case things get a bit bumpy.” “But who would? Ginny, did you notice anything strange going on? Did Fred and George… oh hell, they are always up to something, but a love potion.” “I suppose it could be seen as a prank.” Harry offered. “Give me a love potion so I fall head over heels for the first person I look at. Tricky things love potions, or so I hear. And since it was the misuse of a love potion that gave us Voldemort the ICW is moving to ban the things altogether save for breeding animals.” “Vol-vol… what’s a love potion have to do with him?” Ron asked as the flying yacht began the process of taxiing to the runway. “A witch named Merope Gaunt used love potions on a person not of the wizarding community named Tom Riddle,” Hermione supplied. “It was all in the papers. “She gave birth to Tom Riddle junior who would grow up to become the Dark Lord. It’s been theorized that she conceived while using the potion on Riddle senior and it somehow resulted in a baby devoid of any empathy.” “Word is the pureblood fanatics have dubbed her the worst blood traitor of the modern era in their efforts to denounce Mr Riddle junior,” Harry offered grimly. “So, um, what is a Changeling?” Ginny asked. “In a nutshell, they are vaguely pony shaped giant bugs that feed off emotional energy. Usually, it’s just passive,” Harry offered. “They are extremely intelligent and can be very useful.” “Ah, that’s it!” Ron exclaimed. “The week we were all so sure Louise had been replaced, she really had been. Hadn’t she?” “She had,” Hermione offered and then turned to Ginny. “Louise is a horned pegasus. Which isn’t the same as a winged unicorn. A bludger got away from Fred and George and nearly hit a baby pegasus. Louise swooped in and took the hit and was incapacitated for a week only none of us knew just how bad because the Equestrians had a changeling stand-in for her.” “Seriously?” Ginny asked with wide eyes. “The people from Eques all seem to have an innate ability to transform into magical ponies.” Harry offered. He wasn’t about to tell her it was actually the other way around. “Ponies?” Ginny pressed. “Seriously, ponies?” “Yes. And when we get there you will see lots of ponies. Just remember that they are people. Treat them the same as you would anyone else.” Harry then did his best to explain pony society without outright giving away the secret that the people of Eques were in fact ponies to start. By the time he was done the Hermes was lined up and ready to take off. “So why are the forward seats in the cabin facing…” Ron began to ask and was given his answer when the flying cabin cruiser started forward with more than enough speed to force everyone back into their seats. A few minutes later they were climbing rapidly through the clouds. “Ladies and gentlemen we are now at Mach zero point nine five and we’ll be over the Bristol channel momentarily,” offered the voice over the intercom moments after their rate of acceleration backed off to a more comfortable level. “Our Captain will be requesting a transonic climb and acceleration clearance at which point we will climb to fifty thousand feet.” “No way?!” Ron exclaimed as he looked out the window. He’d also yet to realize the window was bigger on the inside then it had been on the outside. “Core, I can see my house from here!” At least he could between breaks in the overcast. “Not to mention all of Somerset, Dorset, Devon, and Cornwall.” Hermione offered with a big grin. “Hang on, if we can see everything from up here, does that mean the Muggles can too?” Ginny asked and got shoved back into her seat by the force of acceleration. “Yes, actually, they can,” Hermione offered. “Notice me not spells have a finite range. Anyone outside that range with a clear view can see anything on the ground that would otherwise be hidden.” Higher and higher they climbed until they burst out of the clouds. Ron, Ginny, Hermione, and Harry all watched as the clouds dropped away until they were far below them. Above them, the sky was a deep almost midnight blue fading to a light blue along the edges that was very reminiscent of Princess Luna’s hair. And on the horizon, the viewers could actually see the curvature of the earth. “ Congratulations, we are now at Mach two, fifty-three-thousand feet above sea level at a speed of one-thousand-three-hundred and ten miles per hour.” The announcer offered. “We are leveling off and you may now feel free to move about the cabin.” “Let's have a look around.” Hermione offered. “I wouldn't mind getting some lunch,” Harry suggested, looked out the window once more, got up, and lead the small group out into a central lounge area where they found a number of other students along with a few members of the crew behind a lunch counter. “Guys, guys!” Fred and George called as they came out of their room. “Excitable, aren’t they?” Hermione observed. “It’s the sun. “It’s not moving.” The two boys offered. “Somethings happened, “We need to get word to Canterlot!” Hermione wasn’t sure if she should laugh or be furious. “Where are Fred and George?” “He’s Fred, “I thought you were Fed? “I thought I was supposed to be George?” “We are presently moving faster then the Earth's rotation If you watch long enough the sun will even appear to go in the wrong direction,” Hermione offered. “Listen, here, it’s the earth that rotates around the sun. Night and day are a result of the Earth’s rotation around its axis. As opposed to, well, say an artificial environment where a small dwarf star orbits the planet.” She tilted her head and gave the two a dirty look. “Wait? “Seriously?” The twins asked. Harry leaned over to the crew member behind the lunch counter and whispered, “Any chance Nova can come down here and tell us if these two are the Weasley twins or Changelings?” Ron on the other hand had gone back into their cabin to discover that the sun really did seem to be lagging behind. “Oh wow…” “Mr Potter,” The crew member said a moment later. “I’m told the real Weasley twins have opened a line of joke items for the Equestrian market. They will meet you at school.” Harry just looked at them speechless. He then turned to Hermione, “Did you hear? These two are changelings, and Fred and George are in Equestria.” “Wait till they hear Percy got an apprenticeship working in the National archives in London. “Everything by the book Percy gets to spend the rest of his life sorting books.” The two Changelings offered. Poor Harry couldn't keep it together any longer and just started laughing. It took a little over four hours to get to the Islands of Eques where the flying yacht glided into a pristine lagoon where a small town nestled into a tropical paradise awaited. Their school uniforms consisted of khaki shorts, skirts, white shirts, a lightweight floral blazer, and a pith helmet. The glory of it was that no casual observer would know the school was anything more than just an ordinary school. The ship pulled up to the dock, was made fast, and everyone was soon given the opportunity to step foot into the heat of a tropical paradise. The luggage was unloaded, and then they made their way to the dormitories where they found that the only thing that would be separating them was gender and age. There would be no houses like at Hogwarts. “I am Princess Celestia, and welcome to the Eques Academy.” Offered a tall woman with hair colored Pink and light blue a short time after everyone had received their room assignments. She was also wearing a wispy white summer dress with an understated floral motif. They’d all formed up in a covered courtyard that had a nice breeze flowing through it. “Now I know that some of you are from Slytherin House, some of you are from Ravenclaw, some of you are from Hufflepuff, and some of you are Gryffindor alumni. You will find no houses here as we feel that segregating everyone from the moment they arrive is not conducive to friendship. And don’t worry about what you are best suited for. Part of the education process is to learn and discover the path you wish to follow. Some of you will pursue a vocation in the magical arts. Some of you may go into engineering. Some of you will go into government, while others may decide to become educators. All of you will change the world, and for the better.” She waited for a moment. “And now, for those of you with watches, you’ll need to reset them. Please stay out of the forest, we don’t want to have to go looking for you. And yes, there are things that will eat you, including the plants. Dinner will be at five, but until then feel free to have a look around. Get some sunscreen and go down to the beaches. Explore the school, explore the town. Thank you, and as that’s all I have for you now, you are free to wander about.” “Hang on, you mean we can just go into town?” Asked someone up close. “Yes. In fact, you are all free to go into town any time you want so long as it doesn’t impact your studies.” Celestia smiled at the ecstatic looks on the faces of the gathered students. What the new students didn’t know was that every single person in town had been hand, or rather, hoof picked with a good deal of the new townsfolk coming out of the Equestria military. Never had there been a more controlled environment. Meanwhile, letting the students go out and explore gave them the opportunity to first off, get it out of their systems so that they’d be able to concentrate on classes and two, keep them awake long enough to counter the effects of jet lag. By the time the ICW was given access to the student body what they’d see would look pretty much like any typical multi-grade level academy.