• Published 22nd Sep 2018
  • 3,609 Views, 367 Comments

Ponies in Hogwarts [Edited] - KittyrinnAiko

A pony stranded in the past must go to another dimension and learn the ways of wizards before she can return to her own time.

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Chapter 45: The trial

Nova had just heard the most preposterous, not to mention long-winded fantasy about how Marcus Flint had in fact defended himself, and the other Slytherin boys. He was presently sitting in a chair in the center of a round room that might just as well be a theater in the round. Nova was sitting with Alice to her right who was beside Captain Hoofstrong, and Madam Pomfrey was to Nova’s left and Loki sat beside her. The remaining bolts sat behind them with a grim determined look on their faces.

Marcus Flint had a rather smug look on his face.

“That’s not true!” Madam Pomfrey exclaimed rising to her feet.

“The testimony of the boys would suggest otherwise.” Offered the defense. He a rather greasy man by the name of Honesty Nuttall. The Presiding Justice one pink-clad squat toad-like woman by the name of Dolores Umbridge. “The testimony of the boys clearly shows that the individual known as Alice Mouse Hoofstrong to be a dangerous half-blood creature with little to no humanity. We the defense implore Her Honor to find Marcus Flint innocent and that his use of the killing curse was justified.”

His words echoed throughout the chamber.

“This is an outrage!” Madam Pomfrey exclaimed.

“Madam Pomfrey, sit down or I will hold you in contempt,” ordered Justice Dolores Umbridge. Nova stood up, placed a hand on Poppy’s arm.

“Please,” Nova said softly. Poppy looked down at her with a stricken look in her eyes.

“And what do you want?” Umbridge demanded of Nova. “Must you insist on dragging this out? The boy is clearly innocent.”

“I'm Princess Kitsumi Nova of the House of Nightfoal, daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Adopted daughter of Princess Luna Princess of Arkadia and Shepherd of the moon.”

“And you have no authority here,” Umbridge stated with a derisive air.

Nova smiled. “I, a Priestess of Arkadia, do humbly request the arbitration of the Justice of Arkadia.”

When Nova had stepped foot into the chambers the place had given her a feeling similar to that of the Moon Viewing Hall or the grand hall of the cosmic clock. The entire place was an Arkadian artifact. What’s more is that the entire time this mockery of a trial was going, Grandmother Aurora had been whispering from across the cosmos telling Nova what the place was. The short version, it was the reason that a Princess of Equestria was all but untouchable. When the wizards dug down to discover the many hidden chambers they’d no way of knowing that they’d dug down into a complex that was over eight thousand years old, nor of its true nature. They only knew that a certain freestanding gateway, the Veil, gave them an easy way to rid themselves of undesirables.

Before Dolores Umbridge could utter another word the dimly lit hall was bathed in light while a great shaking forced anyone standing to the floor with the exception of Nova who’d steadied herself on the railing.

When Nova righted herself what she beheld was a transformation of the entire room. The gray and black marble now replaced by gleaming white with hints of blue and pink. The furnishings now overlaid in gold, and a great veiled archway was now standing in the alcove behind Dolores Umbridge. Above them all stood three figures, humanoid with pony ears, a unicorn horn protruding from their forehead, white wings on their backs, and their hooves stood upon mist. In their hands, one held a book, one a scale, and the third a spear.

“You are out of order!” Dolores Umbridge screeched. “Cease this at once! I order this illusion dispelled at once. Seize them!”


Dolores Umbridge stopped for but a moment as her attention was drawn to the figure with the spear.

Silence!” commanded the figure holding the spear.

“I will not be silenced in my own court!” Dolores Umbridge bellowed. She then made the mistake of pulling out her wand and attempting to cast the killing curse on Nova.



Those assembled watched in horror as a chain shot forth from the veil, like a tentacle wrapping itself around Umbridge’s mouth, and gagging her in the process. All save Nova who was only mildly surprised knowing full well what she’d unleashed. Umbridge flailed about, only to have two more chains come out and bind her wrists.

“Contempt of court, an attempt on the life of a priestess of Arkadia,” spoke the being holding the book.

“Guilty.” Stated the being holding the scales on which could now be seen a heart on one side and a feather on the other. The side with the heart having dropped as far as it could go.

“You are hereby sentenced to Tartarus,” spoke the figure with the spear immediately followed by more chains coming out of the veil and dragging a struggling Dolores Umbridge who upon realizing it wasn’t some elaborate illusion peed herself moments before vanishing.

“He who is called Honesty Nuttall is charged with conspiracy against a priestess of Arkadia, and did advise defendants to purger themselves,” spoke the figure who held the book.

“Wait, no!?” Honesty Nuttall exclaimed as he too gained the same verdict and sentence as Dolores Umbridge and found himself bound in chains to be dragged into the veil.

“He who is called Marcus Flint, attempt upon the life of a servant of the House of the Night who is also a servant of a Priestess of Arkadia, said attempt resulting in the death of an unborn.”

At this, Marcus Flint attempted to make a dash for the door.

“Contempt of court, attempting to flee from justice,” came the added charges as chains whipped out to snare him. This was followed by Flint senior pulling out his wand along with a number of his supporters.

“Please have mercy?” begged one of the accused Slytherin boys dropping down on his knees. The room was now empty of the Flints and anyone who dared to pull a wand.

“A call for leniency has been levied,” spoke the figure with the book. “Will the Priestess of Arkadia intervene?”

“It is my belief that these boys were but unwitting accomplices and did not partake in the actual attack, if they are indeed repentant then I will ask for clemency.” Nova offered. Her words were followed by the boys groveling on the floor, several of whom no longer had a father.

Of the boys, three were found to be false and were dragged post-haste into the veil.

And then it was over. The lighting went back to its normal dreary gray, and the veil went back to its normal position somewhere else in the complex. Nova walked over to the judge’s seat, picked up the gavel, and struck it down to break the stunned silence. “Those wishing to see any of the persons removed to Tartarus will have to petition Princess Celestia, Crown Princess of Arkadia, Princess of Eques. No, they are not dead. It’s a high-security magical prison.” She waited for a moment. “I think it best to end this court session.” She struck the gavel again, set it down, went back to her companions, gathered them up, and then they exited the room filing out one by one.


“Would someone care to tell me what the actual fuck just happened?” Poppy asked in a hushed tone a short time later as they exited the floo into the Old War Offices.

“You and me both,” Alice added.

“It’s an old Arkadian justice center.” Nova offered. “I sure hope that doesn’t make things worse, but I couldn't sit there and allow that mockery of justice to continue.”

“You … you did all that?” Loki asked hesitantly.

“The system powered up the moment I stepped foot on that floor,” Nova informed them. “All I had to do was make a request of it, and if the wizards don’t like it, they’ll have to abandon the entire complex if they’ve got a mind to bring charges against any member of the Equestrian nobility who is related to either Princess Celestia or Princess Luna.”

“Damn, girl,” Trixie said as she approached them in the hall. “Yes, Trixie already heard. Serves 'em right too. Though to be honest, I had no idea the veil could change position.”

“Kind of hard for me to feel sorry for them though,” Nova offered.

“Especially when I plan to close down Azkaban.” Trixie offered. “I’m working on a deal through the Japanese embassy to get a team that actually knows how to deal with dementors. Once that’s been done it’s just a question of who can be rehabilitated.”

“So what’s to become of Hagrid?” Nova asked. “I’m to understand he was taken into custody.”

“I thought you wanted to fry him?” Trixie asked.

“Can’t say there isn’t that temptation,” Nova admitted. “Trouble is, he doesn’t understand. He doesn’t fully comprehend the impact of his actions. He’d be harmless if we could just keep him from getting a hold of dangerous magical creatures.”

“Perhaps you could say something to the assembled Wizengamot?” Trixie suggested.

“You must be joking?” Loki asked. “After what happened today they’re likely to piss themselves if she even shows up.”

“Yes, Trixie did think of that possibility.” Trixie offered with a grin.

Author's Note:

And that's 45 chapters 280,381 words so far.

And to celebrate Kitsumi Nova is offering kisses.

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