• Published 22nd Sep 2018
  • 3,609 Views, 367 Comments

Ponies in Hogwarts [Edited] - KittyrinnAiko

A pony stranded in the past must go to another dimension and learn the ways of wizards before she can return to her own time.

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Chapter 44

Nova, Scootaloo, Alalme, Moonie, and Sweetie Belle, found Harry, Hermione, and Hedwig in Princess Celestia’s library. Hermione seemed to be very aggravated, Harry quite bemused, and Hedwig was sleeping. To be true, Hedwig normally slept through most of the day and was presently curled up in one of Princess Celestia’s chairs looking very much like a large cat. Harry and Hermione both had what looked to be preschool primers. First reader workbooks to be exact.

“Arrrgh, this is so frustrating.” Hermione bemoaned.

“What’s that?” Sweetie asked, causing Hermione and Harry to jump a little.

“Oh, hi, um, every pony.” Harry offered with a big grin on his face.

“There’s a library full of books and I’m having to do an elementary level workbook because I can’t read any of it!” Hermione lamented. “What’s with that funky alphabet of yours anyway? The only stuff I can read is the stuff for little foals.”

“What? It includes all the characters.” Scootaloo offered. “What’s with that alphabet the wizards use? Trying to do spells that require precise pronunciation with letters that can be pronounced a half dozen different ways isn’t easy.”

“Alright, you got me there.” Hermione offered as she sat back.

“I think you’ll find that a great deal of what we use dates back to ancient Greek.” Nova offered. “If you can learn our alphabet it’s going to open up all manner of texts that weren’t available to you before. - But enough studying, lunch will be served soon.”

“I suppose I have to go?” Hermione inquired.

‘It’s kind of expected.” Scootaloo offered.

“We are guests of the crown after all.” Alalme offered.

“So where are the foals?” Harry asked.

“Sleeping.” Scootaloo offered.

“Maybe Hedwig can join them.” Sweetie Belle offered.

“What, and miss lunch?” Nova asked with a smile and an eye on the sleeping form of Hedwig. “And a chance at real food?”

Slowly one eye opened as Hedwig looked out at them.

“And sit at the table just like every other creature,” Nova added.

“Not that I’m saying she shouldn't, but I doubt she has proper table manners.” Hermione offered.

“It’s an informal luncheon, and we can work on table manners as we go,” Sweetie replied.

“Do you need help getting back to your wheelchair?” Hermione asked.

“I’m good.” Hedwig offered as she gingerly climbed down out of the chair she’d been in. If she noticed a bit of blue aura about her she didn’t say anything. “And to think that when I got up this morning I couldn't wait to be out of that bed.”

“One step at a time.” Nova offered as Hedwig climbed into her wheelchair.

“Should we leave everything here?” Harry asked as he got up.

“Being it’s a private library it’ll be fine.” Scootaloo offered.

“Yes, I leave stuff out all the time,” Sweetie added.

“I hate to leave anything behind.” Hermione bemoaned as she too got up. “So where is lunch going to be served?”

“Out in the garden,” Sweetie informed.

“Something tells me we are going to be horribly underdressed,” Hermione muttered, and a short time later they were on their way with Harry pushing Hedwig’s wheelchair.

They made their way down the hall and into a servant area where they took a freight elevator down to the ground floor. From there it was out the back way to the grand gardens that were situated behind the keep. And for once they weren’t under dressed as the list of attendees was refreshingly small.

Among the attendees was the Griffin ambassador and the Elk ambassador with their families, and when they saw Harry and Hedwig they all gathered around the two to give them a warm welcome.

The Neighpon ambassador was there with his wife and was presently talking to Loki. Nova gave a nod to the others and made her way over to Loki followed by Scootaloo and Alalme. Sweetie Belle and Hermione chose to split off to be with Harry and Hedwig.

“Nova,” Loki called on seeing the trio approach. “Louise, Alalme. I’d like to introduce to you the Lady Morningdew and Lord Silvermane.” He then introduced the three mares each giving a polite bow in turn.

“I must confess that if I didn’t know better I’d swear that you were an adult version of our granddaughter Nova.” Morningdew offered. “Except her mane is mostly black whereas yours is mostly white.”

“Mine was indeed mostly black.” Nova offered. “A friendly fire incident turned it white I’m afraid to say.”

“Oh, but then you?” Morningdew asked leaving off what she specifically wanted to know.

“I haven't just come from the past I’ve been dimension-hopping.” Nova offered as a small flock of phoenix decided to join them. Philomena, Phenik, and Dumbledore's Fawkes were among them. The three of which have no issues with landing on Nova’s back.

Nova’s heart fell when she spotted a familiar white bat pony at the heals of Alice. “Hang on, I see someone I need to talk to.”

“Hang on, is that Coco?” Scootaloo asked. “We saw her with her mom, do you think something happened?”

“I’ve this horrible feeling her family was connected to that house-elf.” Nova offered and trotted over to the pair followed by Scootaloo and Alalme. Loki, Morningdew, and Lord Silvermane followed at a slow walk.

Coco had yet to recognize anyone, the new world she was in was overwhelming her, and after the morning she’d had she cringed and dropped her head down low on seeing Nova. “I – I didn’t know.” Coco offered. “I didn’t know what Dobby was doing?”

“It’s alright.” Nova offered softly as she slowed to a walk. She went up to Coco and gave her a hug with a wing. “You are not responsible for the actions of others that are beyond your control, only your own actions.”

“Did you know?” Coco asked. “Did you know Dobby was my Family's house-elf?”

“They didn’t tell me who’s house-elf we’d caught, only that they’d identified the master.” Nova offered.

“I hope Harry is alright. I never wanted him to get hurt. He’s been through so much and it’s just tearing me up inside that my own family could be responsible. Voldemort is no more, and still...”

“We are going to fix things. A little at a time.” Nova offered.

“A Horcrux was found.” Alice offered. “Riddle's own diary.”

“Damn,” Sweetie said having joined the group.

“So was it destroyed?” Scootaloo asked.

“Lady Aiko came in with a sizable soul crystal in a sealed jar, and said something about using Shia LeBeouf’s butt cheeks to squeeze the soul fragment out of the book.” Alice offered.

“That poor book,” Hermione whispered as an involuntary shudder cascaded over her.

“Hi Coco, you alright?” Hedwig called as she and Harry approached.

“Um… I guess.” Coco offered. She looked about wondering who that could be. Not to mention that it wasn’t everyday one sees a Peryton Pushing a Griffin in a wheelchair.

“It’s me, Hedwig.”

“Hedwig? Harry’s owl? Is Harry alright?” Coco asked. “You’re a griffin now?”

“And I’m a Peryton,” Herry informed her.

Coco recognized the voice and looked at the deer with her head cocked sideways. “Harry, that you?”

“Cool, huh.” Harry offered.

“I’m sorry Harry. I’m sorry.” Coco offered and began to cry. Harry walked around the wheelchair and gave Coco a hug and a moment later Moonflower nuzzled her way in. Moonflower was, of course, fashionably dressed in one of Rarity's latest creations. Moonflower had become a much sought after model and had become quite the clotheshorse.

“It’s alright, it’s not your fault.” Harry offered. “We are friends. That is, we are now. Even if we did have a rocky start.”

“Princess Luna dropped her off prior to heading to Ponyville.” Alice offered. “Afraid the rest of his family have all been incarcerated and I’m to understand that there is enough incriminating evidence to send them all to Azkaban for a long time.”

“It’s difficult for me to take in.” Coco offered. “Sure, I wanted to get away from them, but they are still my family.”

“Speaking of family, I’m to understand that the Dursleys have taken the bait and are on their way to France.” Alice stated

“France?” Harry asked.

“We kind of arranged it so that they’d have a run-in with the authorities,” Nova explained. “Let's just say it’s not going to be the vacation they thought it was going to be, and we’ve contacts who are going to see if they can’t do something about the compulsion charms that are on them. Who knows, maybe by the time they are free they’ll learn to be decent human beings.”


Later that afternoon at the Weasley home.

“Fred! George!” Molly called out the door. The boys were outside doing a bit of maintenance on their brooms. “Get in here and explain to me why my cupboards are filled full of jars of green goo!”

talking about?” the twins asked in confusion as Mrs Weasley storms out with a jar in hand.

“This stuff. The cupboards are full of it.” Molly Weasley demanded as she all but shoved the jar in their faces.

“No idea.” the boys offer as each plunge a finger into the goo and taste it.

“Oh, I bet this would make a good syrup for fizzy water.” Fred offered.

“Let's call it Slurm,” George suggested.

“Molly!” Mr Weasly called from the door. “We got him! We finally got Lucius Malfoy.”

“Arthur?” Molly asked turning to him. “I was so worried about you.” He went to her and the two embraced.

“We raided Malfoy Manner this morning,” Arthur informed her stuck a finger in the jar, tasted it, and commented that it was good … whatever it was.

“Is Coco alright?” Fred asked sounding concerned.

“Coco?” Arthur Weasley asked.

“Draco.” George offered. “Their animagus form causes them to switch back and forth.”

“And Coco is a lot nicer then Draco.” Fred offered.

“Afraid I was with the team that was looking for contraband.” Arthur offered. “On the first wave that is. We went in with several teams, the first team was to secure all the occupants, my team’s job was to search for anything nasty.”

“And did you find anything?” The twins asked.

“You know who’s diary among other assorted items of interest.” Arthur offered. “The Equestrians had provided us with goggles that would highlight anything with dark magic, and that book … it was so vile it required special handling, and had to be shipped off in a shielded container.” He gave Molly another squeeze and then broke away from the hug. “So how was your day?”

And then Molly Weasley went into a tirade about Ron and the twins taking off with the car followed by thrusting the jar of sweet syrupy green goodness in his face and announcing that the cupboards were full of it.

“Would you believe
for once
we said that we
are innocent?” the twins asked.

“So what you are saying is I’ve been eating some sort of mystery goo, and neither of you knows what it is?” Mr Weasley asked.

“Yes, yes, that’s about it,” the boys offered.

“Show me.” Mr Weasly said to Molly, and a moment later they were inside looking at bare cupboards.

“It was right here?” Mrs Weasley protested.

“What was right where?” Fred and George ask as they enter the house. There is a moment’s hesitation followed by the Fred and George that were already inside the house snatching the remaining jar and dashing out the door.

“Molly, dear … I thought there were only two of them?” Arthur Weasly asked.

Molly pulled out a chair and sat down. “I suppose it kind of makes sense in an odd sort of way.”


*The Weasley family was gathered at their table when a cloud of ash erupted from the fireplace that was connected to the Floo network.

"Ah, Professor Dumbledore, you are just in time for dinner." Mr Weasley called as the aged wizard stepped from the fireplace.

Dumbledore took a moment to straighten himself out.

"Do join us," Molly called.

"No, no, that's quite alright." Dumbledore offered, rejecting the invitation. He looked weary and Molly's heart went out to him. "I just dropped by to see Harry."

"Hello, you sure you won't join us?" Harry offered.

"Yes, do." Fred seconded.

"Indeed, you should." George urged.

"No finer repast." Gred pointed out.

"Join us." Forge beckoned.

Dumbledore stood transfixed by the sight of not twins but quintuplets.

"Yes, Professor, there are four of them," Percy informed him. "I'm sure we'll sort it out eventually."

"What say we sort it out now." Professor Dumbledore announced while pulling out a wand that looked worse for wear.

"Is that a school wand?" Mr Weasley asked.

"Now see here!" Molly exclaimed standing up. "We do not point wands at members of our own family."

"But?" Professor Dumbledore objected.

"No buts." Molly proclaimed. "There's no harm being done, I've no doubt it's just a prank, and as Percy has stated, we will sort it out. Furthermore, I don't care if they are a pair of Fae come over from Ireland. They are guests and as such will be treated as members of the family."

Molly's speech resulted in the quids standing up and applauding.

"Professor Dumbledore, you've seen that Harry is alright, perhaps you should go now?" Mr Weasley said. His tone suggested what he'd said wasn't so much suggestion as it was an order.

"I ... I'm terribly sorry to have disturbed your meal ... I should get going."

"Curious that Lucius Malfoy was one of Dumbledore's staunchest supporters." Mr Weasley commented moments after the man's departure.

"The nerve of him. And for that matter how did he even know Harry was here?" Molly protested. "Harry, does he check up on you often?"

"Not really no," Forge replied followed by Harry clearing his throat and announcing that he wasn't aware of Dumbledore ever stopping by.

Author's Note:

*May or may not be canon to the story. :trollestia:

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