• Published 22nd Sep 2018
  • 3,596 Views, 360 Comments

Ponies in Hogwarts [Edited] - KittyrinnAiko

A pony stranded in the past must go to another dimension and learn the ways of wizards before she can return to her own time.

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Chapter 36 Marginalized

Nova sat quietly as the car she was in continued down the street. Getting Harry to safety had worked. But how long would they be able to keep him safe? After all, they wanted to give Harry the option to return to Hogwarts. She had to let him go if that’s what he wanted. No, she would not do the same thing Dumbledore was doing to Harry. She would not take the choice away from him. It was his life after all.

“Your stop Ma’am.” The driver offered as he pulled up to the curb outside a row of shops fronting a large apartment complex. Nova smiled as Loki opened the door to the car a moment later.

“Loki, my handsome prince,” Nova said as she got out of the car. She leaned in and gave him a kiss.

“We’ve a special treat for you.” Loki offered as he leads her to a small cafe.

“Sushi burrito?” Nova asked on seeing a colorful sign out front. “Sushi? Not that I’m complaining, but I thought we were meeting up with Hermione?”

“She’s inside with Scootaloo and Alalme.”

Nova needed no more encouragement and rushed in.

“Nova!” Hermione called. She got up and went to give Nova a hug. “Where’s Harry?” She asked a moment later. “Did you catch that errant house-elf?”

“Harry, I’m sorry to say, could not make it.” Nova offered. “But we did bag the elf.”

“Nova?” Scootaloo asked with a worried look on her face.

“Not to worry. My meeting with the Dursleys went as expected. In fact, everything went as expected.” Nova offered as she sat in an empty seat at the small table they had gathered around with Loki taking another and Hermione returning to hers. “Thanks to the efforts of Mr Flim and Mr Flam I now own Grunnings drills and hold the mortgage on the Dursley’s home.”

“No,” Hermione said in a tone that was almost a whisper. Schootaloo cracked a smile and started laughing.

“If everything goes according to plan, they are going to go on vacation somewhere on the Mediterranean coast.”

“And then boom!” Scootaloo exclaimed slapping her hand down. She winced at the sensation. “Remind me not to do that with hands.”

“Shall I kiss it, and make it better?” Alalme asked.

“Please do,” Scootaloo said offering up her hand.

“But what about Harry?” Hermione asked. “And what does she mean by boom?” Hermione was sure she had missed out on something.

“Harry will be fine,” Nova offered as she was having a look about.

“Don’t worry,” Loki offered in a whisper. “The proprietor is kin on thy father’s side.” He gave Nova a wink.

Nova gave him a puzzled look. How could he possibly know that? And then it hit her, the proprietor was kitsune. A big smile formed on Nova’s face, she leaned in, and whispered, “I’m going to have the bastard arrested for embezzlement.” Hermione’s eyes grew wide. “It seems that in the process of doing the sale he transferred all the company assets to his bank account.”

“But what about Harry?” Hermione asked. She wasn’t sure if she should be appalled or not.

“Signed custody over to mom,” Nova replied with a smile. “Now all we have to do is deal with Dumbledore.”

“Dumbledore, why Dumbledore?” Hermione asked.

“Professor Dumbledore is Harry’s ‘magical’ guardian,” Loki informed her.

“Harry’s legal guardian within the wizard world,” Nova added. “It would have been Sirius Black after the death of Harry’s parents, but as we all know, Mr Black got railroaded. And it was Dumbledore who did it.”

“Dumbledore?” Hermione asked. She hadn’t exactly been in the loop.

“Dumbledore who placed Harry with the Dursleys knowing what sort they were, and Dumbledore who brought Harry to Hogwarts knowing that Mr Riddle would resurface the moment Harry did. Though it seems Harry’s location wasn’t exactly a huge secret.”

“He used Harry for bait!” Hermione declared as the pieces began to fit together with what she knew.

“Not bait, sushi.” The proprietor called.

“Sorry, not your food,” Nova called. “Can you bring us a sushi sampler?”

The food they brought out proved both a delight and a treat for Nova and the others, but every sweet must have a bit of sour. In this case, the sour came in the form of three girls who looked to be around the same age as Hermione and did indeed know her.

"Well, look who we have here? It's Granger." Said the lead girl sounding as though she'd just stepped in something moments after entering the cafe. She was a short girl, large of girth, and gave every indication of being a female version of Dudley. Her friends were tall, of average build, and all three had poofy hair and pink sweaters. "Oh, and look, the bookworm has friends. Will wonders never cease?"

"Hello, Fifi." Hermione offered. She was clearly doing her best to be polite while wishing the three would just go away.

"So, who are your friends, more bookworms?" Fifi asked in a derisive tone.

"Fifi?" Scootaloo said under her breath with a sort of half-smile.

"We went to primary school together." Hermione offered. "May I introduce you to Fifi Wooster, Livvy Birtwistle, and Skyla Brimble." A wicked smile formed on Hermione's face. "And this is His Royal Highness Prince Loki, Her Royal Highnesses Princess Nova, Princess Louise, and the Lady Alalme Silverwood."

It was at this point that a most interesting and peculiar thing happened. Fifi started to build up a good fake derisive laugh while her escorts pulled a magazine from a purse, began frantically flipping pages while looking back and forth, let out little squeaks, grabbed their glorious leader, and drug her from the cafe.

"Are humans always so strange?" Alalme whispered.

"Generally, no," Scootaloo replied as she watched the trio arguing out on the sidewalk in front of the cafe. When the three girls realized they could be seen, they scurried off.

"How utterly curious?" Loki asked as he watched them go.


Professor Dumbledore found his way through the halls of the old War Office and poked his head into a board room where Minister Trixie was engaged in a meeting. He had to squint from the light streaming in through the windows. He'd used a scrying orb to look in on Harry Potter and had seen nothing amiss. Harry was happily making sculptures out of some sort of green goo. Dumbledore just assumed it was some muggle product. It was the news concerning Mrs Figg that had brought him here to these above-ground offices, the light of day hurting his eyes.

“Professor Dumbledore, how may we help you?” Trixie asked.

“I was just looking for Minister Crouch and or Minister Scrimgeour.” Dumbledore offered.

“Professor, if this is about Mrs Figg I’m afraid I can’t help you.” Minister Crouch informed him. “The woman was breeding Kneazles in a muggle neighborhood and didn’t even have a license for it in the first place. Further, I’m to understand the conditions in her home were appalling.”

“Professor Dumbledore, Mrs Figg is at Her Majesty's pleasure, will likely be found incompetent, and placed in a home.” Trixie offered.

“Now I know she was an old friend of yours, but with the ICW up in arms, we simply can’t let it go.” Scrimgeour offered. “So long as the muggle authority is concerned she is a cat hoarder. It’s the best we can do. The alternative is time in Azkaban.”

“Azkaban?” Dumbledore asked sounding appalled.

“Professor, this is for the best.” Trixie offered. Trixie smiled knowing that with Mrs Figg gone there was now one less pair of eyes to watch the Dursley home.

“They were just Kneazles.” Dumbledore protested.

“With a three X classification,” one of the other ministers at the meeting offered. “Not the sort of animal one wants loose in a muggle neighborhood.

“Professor Dumbledore, there have been two major breaches of the secrecy accords in the past year, both related to your activities at Hogwarts,” Trixie announced. “The first being related to a dragon egg brought into the country by agents unknown now confirmed to have been delivered to one Rubeus Hagrid.”

“But the egg-the dragon was...” Dumbledore began.

“Taken to a sanctuary. Yes, we know.” Trixie offered. “The breach was when the egg’s mother tracked the thief cross country in an effort to reclaim it. It was put down by the individual known as Thor, and the whole incident hushed up not by wizards, but by the muggle governments.”

“And the second incident would be the spiders no less.” Dumbledore offered as he slowly entered the room they were in.

“Which is also related to Rubeus Hagrid.” Trixie supplied.

“Now we don’t know that he had anything to do with establishing that colony.” Dumbledore protested.

“On the contrary we do,” Minister Crouch offered. “Several witnesses inside the Leaky Cauldron heard him admit to it while talking to Princess Nova Moon. He released the first one shortly after the death of Myrtle Elizabeth Warren in nineteen forty-three. Resulting in the true killer, one Tom Riddle getting away with the murder. Your protege, wasn’t he?” Minister Crouch continued without giving Dumbledore a chance to say anything. “Hagrid admitted to intentionally setting the second one free so the first would have company. - Witnesses. He said that in front of witnesses, and the ICW wants answers.”

“Professor Dumbledore, Hagrid is looking at life in Azkaban for the part he played in both breaches of the secrecy accords,” Trixie informed him. “Might be best to not worry about Mrs Figg. And Harry’s a miner. Though you may have to answer a few awkward questions being both his magical guardian and headmaster of the school.”

“Yes, yes, I suppose you're right. Dear God, I knew Hagrid had that damn egg. You said related to my activities?” Dumbledore asked.

“Well, first off you hired on one Rubeus Hagrid who had been expelled in his third year of school for contributing to the Death...” Trixie began.

“He was innocent.” Dumbledore protested.

“And yet you failed to take that pet away from him before he could set it free, the same way you failed to take that egg from him. You failed to do anything that would have proven Hagrid’s innocence.” Trixie shot back. “I know full well who killed Myrtle, a boy with known anti-social narcissistic paranoid behavior by the name of Tom Riddle that you yourself brought to Hogwarts. Oh the ICW was quite interested in his case file. He was already a killer when you decided to teach him magic. So then you decide to make it up to little Hagrid by arranging for him to stay on as a sort of helper to the groundskeepers, and later the Care of Magical Creatures instructors where he goes through a long list of dangerous pets that put students in harm's way time after time. His pets cost Professor Silvanus Kettleburn an arm and a leg. And now he is the groundskeeper and even does a bit of teaching despite never having taken an O-W-L to show that he has any competence. Further, if he hadn’t have been there this year, or if you hadn’t brought the Philosopher’s stone to Hogwarts, there would be one less dead dragon. One less breach of the secrecy accords. If you had seized that damned spider from him way back when he was in third-year the authorities at the time might have found the true culprit and saved hundreds of lives not counting the body count coming out of that forest.”

Dumbledore was stunned.

“And what would you know of Hogwarts?” Dumbledore asked defensively.

“I dropped out of Hogwarts in nineteen-oh-seven,” Trixie stated as she folded her hands together on the desk in front of her. “Don’t believe me, check the records. Princess Nova was my first lab partner. I learned potions under Professor Phineus Nigellus Black. He was my head-of-house. He had a rough exterior, but deep down he was a good man.”

“It can’t be?” Dumbledore refuted.

“Oh, I’m afraid it’s true. The man you vilified was, in fact, a good man.” Trixie countered.

Dumbledore's arms started to come up, his hands balled into fists, he turned and marched out in a huff.

“I’d love to see his face when he finds out what your Animagus form is.” Minister Bartemius Crouch offered with a big smile. The others had to chuckle at the idea.

“There are cameras in all offices now.” Rufus Scrimgeour offered.

“I say we leak the best shot to our favorite bug,” Trixie suggested followed by uproarious laughter. Dumbledore had been oblivious to the fact that he was being seriously marginalized, and now there was a strong possibility he was going to lose everything.

Author's Note:

Poor Dumbledore seems his house of cards is starting to come tumbling down.

Coming up next Hermione goes to Canterlot and we find out what has become of Harry.

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