• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 1,044 Views, 142 Comments

Great To Visit, Even Better To Leave - Bronycommander

Liberty City, a city with high crime rates, the Police working hard to maintain order. A NOOSE officer is tested a keep a lost foal save from all this.

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Chapter 8: Undertaker

Chapter 8: Undertaker

Niko was entering a village with his comrades. He will never forget what he saw back then. Filthy children, all sitting neatly in a row against the church wall, begging crying for mercy before their throats were cut and their hands chopped off.

“What sick man could do something terrible?” a soldier asked horrified.

“The enemy. This is their revenge for what we did to them,” said Janko, one of the only survivors of the squad after the war was over.

Niko looked at his hands. They were covered in blood. He would never forget this, the screams of the civilians and innocent or the blood.

“No, please! Mercy, I beg you!” a female child pleaded.

“Silver Spoon! No! Spare her; she has nothing to do with this!”

“You’re wrong, Niko! She’s as guilty as they are. The only way to avenge our people is to make an example.” Janko held his knife close to her throat.

Then, Niko woke up in cold sweat, panting from this nightmare. He looked at Silver Spoon. She trembled in fear. “I-I had a terrible nightmare!”

“Shh, nothing bad will happen to you, it was just a dream.” He pulled her close for comfort.

Her trembling stopped and she fell asleep again. The war veteran couldn’t help himself but to kiss her on the forehead and stroking her mane. With a sad smile, he fell asleep again.

The beautiful sunrise was gently waking them. Niko gently got out of the bed and put his clothes on. He looked at his phone. It was 8 A.M. in the morning.

Silver Spoon yawned and stretched herself. “Good morning, Niko.”

“Good morning, sweetheart. I suggest we have breakfast and then we go to your parents. I know a nice place in Hove Beach in Broker. What do you think?” He suggested.

The child smiled. “Good idea.”

He drove with her to the 69th Street Diner. It had its best days behind it but was still a nice and cozy place.

Silver Spoon enjoyed her pancakes with syrup while Niko was eating toast with a coffee. “I like the 50s flair Niko.”

“Me too. Excuse me.” His phone ringed. It was Roman.

“Cousin, I have bought us a present.” Roman sounded happy and proud.

“You bought it, or I did?” Niko asked in return.

“Niko, I’m offended. I’ve got us an apartment in Algonquin. What did I say to you when you got there? Penthouse, model on each arm. And guess what? It’s right next to the penthouse where Silver Spoon lives. So you’re can be her neighbor.”

“And you have paid for this place? It wasn’t so long ago that your debts got you kidnapped by the Russian mob.” His cousin reminded him.

“That was a cold streak. Now I’m hot, cousin. Hotter than the models we’ll be bedding. I can’t lose.”

“Roman, we have spoken about your gambling.”

“Wait until you see the new place, NB. You will change your song. So what, I took a little debt?” the call ended.

“Let’s go to your parents. My cousin bought me a penthouse right next to the place where your parents live.” He explained, still a bit unsure about his new home.

”That’s nice. I am sure they would like to visit you.” The filly smiled,

“Right.” Niko turned the radio of the Bobcat on. Radio Broker played Whitney - Wrap it up.

At the Wagner’s house, Niko knocked on the door.

Sofia opened it. “Hello.”

“Hello. I believe you missed your daughter?” Niko stepped aside to reveal a very happy foal.


“Silver Spoon!” They embraced with happy smiles. “I can’t thank you enough, mister…”

“Bellic. Niko Bellic.”

“Mister Bellic, do you want to come in?”

“Sure why not.”

“Who is it, honey?” Carl asked but recognized Niko instantly.

“Niko? What are you doing here?”

“Bringing you your daughter back.” He replied.

Mason and his sister were very happy to see her. “Silver Spoon! We’re worried about you!” They hugged each other, then played in the living room.

Aiden and his wife were also here. “Where did you find her?” Carl asked.

Niko took a deep breath. “It’s a long story.”

He told them about his past and why he was in Liberty City and how he saved his cousin and her.

“Sounds you have been through a lot. But you have my word, I won't get anyone involved that we can't trust.” The NOOSE officer had sympathy with him.

“Thanks, Carl. In the war… I did some bad things and bad things happened to me. War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other. I was very young, and very angry.” He told with a cold voice as Sofia brought some tea.

Niko let out a little laugh at the playing children. “I thought that things would be different here. Life is complicated. I… I never thought I’d live like this.” He took a sip. “When the war came, I did bad things. And after the war, I thought nothing of doing bad things. I killed people, smuggled people, sold people.” He took another sip.

“And you don’t worry about your soul?” Emily asked.

Niko took a deep breath. “When I saw the fear in Silver Spoon’s eyes, it reminded me of something terrible. After you walk into a village, and you see fifty children, all sitting neatly in a row against the church wall, each with their throats cut and their hands chopped off, you realize that the creature that could do this doesn’t have a soul. When I saw her tied up on the chair, I could swear she was one of them, as she had the same fear.” Niko spoke with disgust and regret in his voice.

Emily gasped at the detail. The children were so busy with playing that they heard nothing of the conversation of the adults.

Nikos phone ringed. “Yes?” he asked annoyed.

“Niko, I need you in my office at once. And this conversation doesn’t leave this room.” It was the agent.

“If your friends know about me, I must eliminate them. Consider this a friendly warning.”

“Do not threaten me!” Niko roared. That alone was enough for Carl and Aiden to know to who he was talking to

“Calm down. I know everything. You are currently in Mr. and Mrs. Wagner Penthouse, drinking a tea with them and Mr. and Mrs. Brown, watching how the children playing together in the living room. Aiden is to your left, his wife to your right, while Carl and Sofia are sitting opposite to you in the kitchen. I could kill all of them within 5 seconds, but you’re no use to me dead.”

Niko sighed. “On my way. Sorry, my cousin needs me. Goodbye.”

“See you soon!” the kids called out.

The next days, Carl and Aiden became good friends with Niko and hanged out together. They even became friends with his cousin Roman, Little Jacob, Brucie Kibbutz, Dwayne Forge and Patrick McReary. All offered their support to defend Silver Spoon from the bad guys. Roman offered his cabs should they need a ride, Jacob offered weapons if they should need them or ammo and Dwayne offered his crew as bodyguards.

Although they were policemen, they got along with Patrick and Dwayne as they had records in the database of the LCPD. The helicopter and boat tours with Brucie were always fun, especially for Silver Spoon.

Manson and Emma watched cartoons with her, played together and even had a sleepover. Sometimes, they visited Niko in his Penthouse right next to them or in Northwood to play pool.

John, Jack, and Ethan also hung out with them.

Right now, Sofia was reading the Newspaper on Liberty Tree.

Today, the LCPD is hungry for blood. They're out to find a killer who took one of their own, Deputy Police Commissioner Francis McReary. McReary was gunned down in a small courtyard park in Algonquin. He was apparently killed with a high-caliber rifle shot from some distance. McReary's recent career has been mired in controversy. Some news outlets claim they have evidence of bribe-taking and corruption by Mr. McReary claims he strongly denied until his death. In an unrelated incident his brother, Gerald McReary, a convicted felon, was recently arrested again on racketeering charges.

Carl was reading the Newspaper of Weazel News.

Liberty City's Deputy Police Commissioner, Francis McReary, was ruthlessly gunned down earlier. To most of us he is a hero, a man dedicated to serving the city who was taken before his time. Liberal "Blame America First" news outlets have been sullying the man's reputation. Rather than celebrate this patriot's great career, they dig up some unsubstantiated accusations of corruption. Francis McReary valiantly served Liberty City until he was murdered. We should remember him as an American Hero.

The radio also had breaking news.

“A policeman is dead and the city mourns. Deputy Police Commissioner Francis McReary was shot dead in Algonquin. Although there were rumors of corruption surrounding Mr. McReary, many believed he was a fine officer who served the city well through difficult times. In an unrelated incident, Mr. McReary's brother Gerald McReary has been arrested on an outstanding warrant.”

Aiden learned about it from the news of Public Liberty Online.

“The Deputy Police Commissioner for Liberty City, Francis McReary, was gunned down in Algonquin earlier. Some were shocked that a member of the LCPD would be the victim of a gangland execution, but not those that knew what he was really like. McReary's own brother, a known associate of the Alderney mob, was recently arrested on racketeering charges. This news organization was approached by two independent sources wishing to expose photographic evidence of Francis McReary's taking bribes. Soon after they made contact, however, both men were mysteriously murdered. One of these men was lawyer Tom Goldberg.”

Aiden called Carl. “You heard about Francis?” He asked with shock and sadness

“Yes, one less cop on the streets of Liberty City. But I couldn’t stand him anyway.” Carl replied as Francis was known to be disrespectful at times,

“Neither do I. Anyway, it’d mean a lot to the family if we’d come to Francis’s funeral. It’s at the church in Suffolk today.”

“We’ll see you there. We married there.”

“Me too. Just don’t forget to wear a suit.”

“Francis funeral is today. It’d mean a lot to his family if we come too.” Carl explained to his wife.

“Sure, he was a co-worker of you. Too bad we have nothing for Silver Spoon.” Sofia tried to get up with a solution as her daughter spoke up.

“It does not matter, mommy. My grey coat should be enough.” Silver said with a sad tone as it reminded her of her parents’ death.

Carl had still the suit he wore at his wedding.

At the church, they were sitting next to Niko, the Browns and Carl’s team was sitting behind them.

“And while no one is suggesting he was an angel, none of us are, that is why God put us on earth and not in heaven. The trials of humanity were sometimes too much for him to bear, but he was a committed family man, and a man of beliefs. God asks us to show faith and that is what he did, in his way. Francis gave so much of himself and will be sorely missed by us all. Amen.”

“Amen.” The crowd said.

“Now, if you all please will join me in the procession to the cemetery.”

Outside, Silver talked with Packie. “I’m sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is. I lost my real parents long ago. My sister is the only one I have left.”

“I’m not. I miss him, yes, but I never got along with him. Sooner or later, it would end like that. I always told him that, but he didn’t listen.” Packie had no sadness or regret in his voice, his expression neutral.

“You have a strange family.”

“Who doesn’t?”

Suddenly a car raced past the church and the passengers opened fire.

“Oh my god, get out of the way!” Aiden, Carl, his team, Niko and Packie returned fire.

“Let’s go inside, it’s gonna be alright.” Sofia comforted Silver Spoon who trembled, not able to bear the screams and gunfire.

“Please everybody, remain calm!” Ethan ordered.

“Niko, will you help me to protect my family?” Packie asked

“Of course, Packie.”

“You can count on us.” Carl managed to hit the gas tank of an incoming car, blowing it up.

“We got more of those bastards coming. Hold them off. You damn disrespectful bastards.” Packie fired at another car coming from the right, but Niko hit the driver causing the car to stop, making the rest of the hostiles easy targets for the cops.

“They’re coming through the alleyway. Watch the alleyway.” Packie shouted.

Taking cover behind the Enforcer, the Tactical officers took them all out.

“There can’t be a lot more where they came from, right? I think we got ‘em! Make a run for the cars!” Packie said to the others. They got into their cars and to safety.

“We will escort you.” Carl got with Aiden in his Police Cruiser, the rest of his team went into the Enforcer.

Aiden drove ahead; the Enforcer covered the rear of the Romero.

“The grave is at the graveyard on Colony Island, Aiden,” Carl told him.

“Let’s roll.” Both police vehicles escorted them with turned on sirens.

Just as they started, another car chased them. It rammed the Romero causing the backdoors to fall off. “We’re screwed if the casket falls out.” Carl leaned out of the window to fire at the chasing car. He hit the gunner in the back, as blood splattered from the window.

John, who was driving the Enforcer rammed the car hard, causing it to spin out of control. It was regaining control behind the Enforcer. Jack and Ethan opened the back doors, firing at the driver and his co-driver until blood splattered on the glass.

With the horn going off, it crashed against the wall. John noticed that the casket was about to fall out.

He rammed it lightly to push it back into the Romero.

“Glad that’s over. Why would Albanians try to destroy a funeral?” The NOOSE member wondered.

“Guess that Francis had something to do with that. He was corrupt all the time. I knew it.” Aiden replied cold.

“Now isn’t the time to talk bad about a dead.” Carl scolded Aiden.

“You know, I’m still not fond of that guy, even in his death. Guess this what happens if you wanna be a cop in a criminal family.”

“At least that is one less corrupt cop in the world.”

“And more room for more honest cops like us,” Aiden added.

At the graveyard, Niko talked with Kate.

“Thanks, Niko.” The woman was glad.

“What for?”

“Guys like you don’t like cops. Being here, helping us out… I appreciate it.”

“It’s not that I don’t like cops, you do what you do to get by. Cops are just regular guys trying to survive. Anyway, I’m not here for Francis. I am here for you and Packie. And Silver Spoon as well.”

“Like I said, thanks.”

Carl was driving home with his family. At home, Sofia made vegetarian lasagna for Silver Spoon.

She smiled then sighed. “Back home, it is one of my favorite’s food and my sister’s food as well.”

She took each bite slowly as it was still hot. But every bite was pleasure for her.

“It’s been a few days, maybe a week, since you found me and I appreciate it that you took care of me, but I miss my sister and friends so much!” She was about to break down, sobbing.

Sofia hugged her tightly and patted her. “Sweetheart, we love every minute with you and we know how much you miss them. But we’re here for you. And Mason and Emma are your friends too. If your sister finds you, we would love it to be your parents.” The young woman smiled at her.

“R-really?” The filly sniffed.


“Actually, I like that you’re my parents and you are like parents to me.” Silver now smiled.

“We know. I and my wife will clean the kitchen. You can watch TV if you want.” Sophia suggested.

“Why not, I love LC kids club!” She exclaimed very happily.

After Carl and Sofia cleaned the kitchen, they looked at the clock. 3 P.M.

“Silver Spoon, what about a walk in the park? It’s a sunny day.” Carl suggested, causing her to grin

“You don’t have to ask me twice!”

In Middle Park, they sat down on a bench. Carl bought ice cream cones. Chocolate for his foal, strawberry, and chocolate for himself and stracciatella for his wife.

Then they went home again. They danced and sang to Hall & Oates – Maneater through the night.

Silver Spoon let out a yawn and fell asleep on the floor. Sofia tucked her in.

“Despite the incident at the funeral, it was fun today.”

“Indeed, Sofia. I’m just wondering if when Silver Spoon returns home, we can go with her. I mean, can we really give up our life here to start a new life in Equestria?” Carl yawned.

“I would have no problem with that. Liberty City is a nice place to live, but some vacation outside the USA would be nice sometimes.”

“I get your point. “ His phone rang. ”Yes, Aiden?”

“We need you at the station. We have reports about a deal at the Libertonian.”

“I’m on my way. Sorry my dear, duty calls.” He gave her a kiss.

“I’ll be waiting for you.”

Carl drove to the station. His team waited at an Annihilator on the helipad. “We don’t know how much resistance there will be. But to be prepared, we got heat-seeking rockets.”

“Good, John. You will be the one who uses it. Get in!”

They got in, unaware, that that mission would have a surprise for them.

Silver Spoon whimpered quietly while tossing, and turning in the big, soft guest bed.

The dream started normally. She was in the guest bed, the sun was shining. She got out of the bed. Then she heard screaming. Taking a look, she was shocked at what she saw. Sofia was on her knees begging for mercy. Carl was motionless on the ground, blood came out of his head and chest.

“No, no please…”

The man with glasses that untied her in the basement pointed a pistol at her. “You caused us problems. Now you pay the price. Goodbye Mrs. Wagner.” He executed her.

“MAMA! PAPA!” Silver cried in terror. Then he pointed his gun at the child. She crawbackwardards against the wall. “No, please! What did we ever do to you? Who are you?!”

“Ruin an important business for me. Goodbye.” He was emotionless and cold.


Suddenly she shot up in the big soft guest bed panting heavily.

This can’t be good. I better go on my own. She walked to the bed room of Sofia.

“I am so sorry but you’re better without me.” She let her tears fall and left.

The streets were empty and she trotted aimlessly through the streets of Algonquin.

A Thunderstorm came. The filly walked into an alley and used an old Newspaper as cover from the rain.

“I should have stayed at home.” She said to herself.

“How right you are.” A voice said in a cold, cruel tone.

In fear, she looked up. An African-American man escorted by two men wearing jackets with the inscription “Angels of Death” looked at her with an evil smile.

“I am sure my buddy in Alderney will pay a lot of money for you. Get her!”

She tried to resist but was knocked out.

Author's Note:

I guess you can imagine what the surprise will be.