• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 1,045 Views, 142 Comments

Great To Visit, Even Better To Leave - Bronycommander

Liberty City, a city with high crime rates, the Police working hard to maintain order. A NOOSE officer is tested a keep a lost foal save from all this.

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Chapter 5: Wrong is right

Chapter 5: Wrong is right

After a few days, Carl and Aiden were released from the hospital.

Right now, he was watching Weazel News with his wife and Silver Spoon. It was a special report about terror and guns in Liberty City.

To counter this, the N.O.O.S.E teams were now equipped with AA-12 shotguns, FN P90s SMGs and M249s MGs. Also an APC was now in their arsenal. Carl’s team still used the old weapons.

“I don’t want to die.” Silver snuggled herself in Carl’s arms.

“You’re safe with us. Dr. Logan said to me before I was released, that he will take care of you should you get hurt.”

“That’s nice from him.” She smiled lightly.

Then Carl’s cellphone ringed. He had “Take the pain” as ringtone. The display showed that the caller was unknown.


I am speaking with Carl Wagner?” An unknown voice asked.

“Who wants to know?” Carl was suspicious

“That doesn’t matter. Come to the United Liberty Paper building at once.” The caller hung up.

“Who was it, dear?” His wife asked.

“I don’t know but he wants me to go to the United Liberty Paper building at once. See you and love you.” He said goodbye. Silver Spoon smiled and waved before he left.

He loved her like a daughter. She loves me like a father. Could we go to Equestria with her?

Outside, Aiden waited for Carl. “Hey buddy, someone called me to pick you up. And I see you’re wearing your N.O.O.S.E. uniform.”

“To get used to it after I was released. Let’s go.” They got into Aiden’s Police Cruiser.

At the building, a woman received them. “You must be Carl and Aiden. Follow me.”

They followed her inside. “We’re going to meet someone. In here. Office three-nine-six.” A man walked out, having brown hair and hazel eyes, wearing the same Russian clothes as Carl did once.

“Hi there.” A middle-aged man with glasses greeted them.

“Here they are.”

“I can see that. Thanks, Karen. Gentleman, sit down please.” Two chairs were prepared for them. “Carl Wagner and Aiden Brown, the only cops in Liberty City who try not to shoot bad guys on sight.”

“Who are you? FIB?” Carl asked.

“FIB? Do I look homosexual? Do you think I care about the size of your Johnson? I‘m not a good guy. But I’m fighting them, like you.”

“Hooray.” Both cops deadpanned.

“That’s the spirit. Nothing like a bit of sarcasm when someone’s got you by the balls. Now, I need you two to assist someone in finding something for me. Find out everything you can about a man called Oleg Minkov. He lives on Iroquois back in Hove Beach.” He took a draft from his cigar.

“And what if we refuse?” Aiden was suspicious.

“We know that your little friend named Silver Spoon isn’t a Citizen of the United States. We also know that she isn’t from any other country. It was interesting that she hasn’t had any past before arriving in Liberty City. If you say no, a police officer goes home and finds that his wife and kids have been murdered, while the other finds his wife also murdered but his ‘daughter’ in a lab.”

“Do not threaten us!” Carl roared.

“Mr. Wagner, I believe that you should calm down. I will make sure that the FIB won’t show up at your apartment. Also, one call and they’re dead. So, shall we try this again?”

“Okay, we got it.” Aiden gave up.

“Good. Join the man that you saw exiting my office. Any problems, call this number.” He gave them both his number.

“What’s your name?” Aiden asked raising an eyebrow.

“Not relevant. Call me. Very soon. Go.”

Outside the man asked, “You’re my backup?”

“Yes. I’m Aiden and this is Carl.”


“We’ll take my Cruiser.” Aiden took the driver seat.

None of them said a word on the way to Oleg’s apartment.

Aiden knocked on the door. “Guess nobody’s home.” Carl kicked it open.

“Mr. Minkov? Anybody here?” Niko asked. He found a Laptop in the living room.

He called his contact and pressed the speaker button.

“What have you got for me?” the contact asked.

“Not much. He keeps a clean house, he got a computer.” Niko reported.

“Check his emails. Call back with any information that would indicate his currents whereabouts. Carl and Aiden, watch for intruders.”

Niko checked the emails while Carl and Aiden watched the door.

Then he called the contact again.

“There’s an email that says he’s meeting someone at Tulsa Street, in Hove Beach.”

“Perfect, I’ll send someone to pick up the hard drive. You go to Tulsa Street, eliminate Minkov.”

“Whoa, killing is very different from gathering information.” Niko replied a bit shocked.

“You’re acting in the interests of your new countryman, and keeping yourself out of prison, while your backup keeps their families safe. For once this is a murder you don’t have to feel confused about. Dispose of Minkov then call me.”

As Aiden was driving to the place he asked Niko, “What brings you in here?”

“Let’s just say, my cousin got me a girlfriend who was an undercover agent for them. They blackmail me to work for them.”

“Looks like we’re in the same boat. Let’s get this over with.” Carl said.

At the location, a Sentinel stopped to talk with a man. The Sentinel drove away.

Aiden turned the siren on and pursued him. “Hey! Where you're going? Hello?” he said via megaphone.

The Chase didn’t last long. Niko fired with an MP10 on the tires then Carl fired a shot from his pistol, killing Minkov as blood splattered from the windshield and the horn went off. The car went out of control and crashed against a wall and exploded.

Niko then called their contact. “Minkov is dead, the country is safe.”

“Not by a long shot, smart ass. Nothing is safe, no one is safe. Maybe something has been averted, maybe delayed. I’ll be in touch. Goodbye.”

“This is where I get off. Thanks for your help.” Niko got out of the car.

“Now what?” Wagner wondered.

“Lunch break. 69th Street Diner?” His friend suggested.

“Why not? I love the 50s flair.” Carl replied.

In the noon Sofia went shopping on Northwood with Silver Spoon. Sure, she was born in a rich family, but she understood her situation pretty well for a kid of her age.

They were driving home. “That was fun!” The young foal grinned.

“Glad to hear that, my dear. I’m sure Carl will be pleased to have pizza for dinner.” It warmed Sofia’s heart to see Silver Spoon happy.

“I hope so too! Vinyl always loves to have pizza for dinner, me and Octavia made one once for her and she was overjoyed.”

“I think my husband will be too. What about-“

A strong force hit the car from behind, the woman barely managed to keep control and to from passing out, stopping the car on the side of the road, turning the warning lights on and stepped out to inspect the damage and to see if the driver of the other car, a Presidente was injured.

A man, having black hair and brown eyes got out of the backseat and ran away. “You’ll never take me alive!” He crashed into the foal.

“Get back into the car!” The driver of the Presidente threatened him, wearing a black jacket, having green eyes, a dark blond buzzed hair and a horseshoe mustache.

The co-driver got out, he was African-American with black hair and brown eyes. “Damn! We have witnesses!” he drew his pistol.

“Don’t shoot!” Sofia raised her hands in surrender.

“Let her go, man. You have seen nothing, got it?” The driver asked calm.

“Y-yes.” Sofia stuttered in fear. She was about to help Silver Spoon up as the co-driver pointed at the foal.

“As Insurance that you won’t talk!” He pushed the woman away and grabbed Silver.

“Mommy!” Before Sofia could do anything, the man shot her into her right leg and she fell to the ground with a cry of pain. Then he got Silver into the trunk and slammed it shut. The woman looked at her leg, it was bleeding badly and the pain was great but she could tell it wasn’t as bad as it looked.

As the car drove away, she dialed 911. “Hello. You're through the Liberty City Emergency Services.”

She pressed 2. “Hello? You're through to the MS Paramedics. In which area is your medical emergency?”

“N-Northwood.” Sofia managed to overcome the pain before grunting.

“We'll send a basically-trained paramedic as soon as we can Ma’am. Don't move, and please have your insurance documentation or credit card ready.”

“Please let me out! I can’t breathe!” Silver shouted in panic trying to open the trunk.

“Dammit Malc, was this really necessary? She’s an innocent child!” The driver of the Presidente scolded his friend.

“What was I supposed to do Johnny? They would call the police if we let them go.”

“Nice idea. Really. Kidnapping a child and hurting her mother. The LCPD will be on our tail in no time.” Johnny deadpanned.

“I regret everything! Everything I ever have done!” The filly cried.

Then, the car stopped. Malc opened the trunk. “Get out!”

She slowly got out crying. Running was no option. They would still get her.

Oh Celestia, please help me. She thought scared.

“Somebody looking for a fat Slav with a bladder problem?” Johnny asked.

“So this is Roman Bellic?” Johnny’s customer laughed. “Not such a tough guy, eh? What is all this fuss about his cousin?”

Listen, buddy. Ashley is square with you now. So do me a favor, go easy on the fat man.” Johnny replied.

“What about her? She witnessed the kidnapping.” Malc asked, the customer looked at the trembling foal.

“Leave her to me. Dimitri looked for her too, and this saves us some time. What happens to them is none of your concern. You, come with me.” He took them away.

Silver was tied up on a chair and gagged. “It’s my lucky day. Two for the price of one. Dimitri will be pleased.”

Silver cried, just wanting that this nightmare would end.

Author's Note:

I think you can imagine how this ends.