• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 1,045 Views, 142 Comments

Great To Visit, Even Better To Leave - Bronycommander

Liberty City, a city with high crime rates, the Police working hard to maintain order. A NOOSE officer is tested a keep a lost foal save from all this.

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Chapter 3 Crime and Punishment

Chapter 3: Crime and Punishment

Carl woke up in the morning. Just like yesterday it was sunny outside.

His wife was still asleep. He got quietly up and looked after Silver. She was also still asleep, her chest slowly rising and falling. His heart melted.

“Silver, my dear, time to wake up.”

The young girl blinked her eyes open, yawned and putted her glasses on. “Good morning, daddy!” She hugged him.

“Morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”

“Yes!” she exclaimed happy.

They breakfasted. “I thought that I show you Broker today. What do you think?”

“I would like that.”

“Okay then. My vacation is over today but showing you the police station should be no problem.” He put on his uniform and holstered his weapons, a Carbine Rifle, a MP10 and his pistol, a Glock 22 out of his safe hidden in the bed room.

He was glad that Liberty City had one of the least restrictive gun laws of the United States and how Liberty City strongly enforced the second amendment. Carl respected the laws for weapons of the USA but he was very protective of children and stored the ammo separate from his guns. But to be completely safe, he always had the safety on.

In the Rancher, the young man turned the radio on. Radio Broker played The Prairie Cartel – Homicide.

“Safety first.” His daughter putted the seat belt on.

On the way to the station Carl asked, “Can I ask you something?”

“Anything you like, daddy!”

He took a deep breath. “How did you get your Cutie Mark?”

“Well, my parents wanted to use special cutlery for Celebrations. I had an idea for a Spoon and then my Cutie Mark appeared.”


The Algonquin Bridge was the best way to Broker as there wasn’t many traffic jams that would be on Broker Bridge or the Northwood Heights Bridge.

At the police station, Aiden was chatting with another officer.

“I tell you, the Glock 22 is the best sidearm a police officer could ask for.”

The other officer chuckled. “Yeah! But when those N.O.O.S.E agents move in with Carbine Rifles, criminals wish they hadn’t push it that far. Did I ever tell you of this girl?”

“What girl?” Aiden asked confused.

“I met this girl on a 459 call... she's the victim's roommate. HOT AS HELL. I told her I may have to question her again.”

Aiden waved his hand in disagree. “Better watch it, not that she will sue you.”

The officer shrugged as he grabbed his nightstick “I got this. And if anything I'll just go to the Triangle tonight.”

“Hey, Aiden.” Carl greeted him.

“Hey. How’s it going?” Aiden asked with a smile.

“Good. I thought I’d show my daughter the station.”

“No problem. But Deputy Police Commissioner McReary is inspecting the station, so you better be careful.”


“Just thought I’d give you a heads up.”

The two cops went side with the filly. “I already thought of something.”

“And that is, Aiden?” The NOOSE officer wondered.

“You’ll see.”

A cop led a handcuffed man away. “Have a nice Day.” Another man, having brown hair and eyes walked in. “Hey Carl, how you doing?”

“Good, Sir. And you?”

“Good as always. I was told that your niece is visiting you. How are you little one?” The officer knelt down to her. “Great, Mister… McReary!” she replied, having read his nametag. Carl looked at Aiden who gave him a wink.

“You can be proud of your Uncle, as he is proudly serving in the LCPD against criminals and terrorists.” McReary smiled at the happy child.

“I couldn’t be any prouder of him!”

“Glad to hear it. If you excuse me, I must now go back to Westminster. Goodbye.”

He left. “Good acting.” Carl complimented her.

“Thanks, daddy.”

Three men in N.O.O.S.E uniforms joined them. The first one was Caucasian like Aiden and Carl but had a beard and his googles were on his helmet. He also had a Carbine Rifle. The second agent was African-American and also had his goggles on his helmet. He had a Pump-Shotgun. The last one was wearing a gasmask and had a MP10.

“John, Jack, Ethan, looking good?” Carl asked them.

“You bet! Want to practice on the shooting range?”

“Sure why not John. Do you want to come too, Aiden?”

He patted his holster. “You bet!”

“Can I look after you uncle?” Silver asked.

“Of course.”

Silver Spoon was never a fan of weapons but it was quite impressive how accurate Carl’s team was. Carl and John took care of the targets in the distance while Aiden, Jack and Ethan shot all targets at close range.

“Impressive and good shooting.” She commented.

“Thanks. As you could see, officers guarding the Rotterdam Tower used the Carbine rifle as we tactical teams do, in 5.56 NATO caliber, which is a good deterrent of both terrorist activity and everyday crime. It has a 30-round magazine and the accuracy and fire rate are both high, along with damage, making it a deadly weapon. The Pump-Shotgun, an Ithaca Model 37 Stakeout, is deadly in close combat and secondary weapon for the LCPD when things get very dangerous. It is loaded with 8 shells. The MP10 is the standard SMG for the N.O.O.S.E. teams. Good for ranges where the Shotgun isn’t effective anymore and also useful to stop fleeing cars. It has 30 rounds in its magazine.

For a sidearm we have the Glock 22 with 17 rounds. A very effective sidearm.”

“Good to know.” Silver corrected her glasses.

“I’m on duty but what about showing you Broker?” Aiden suggested, finding it a good opportunity.

“I would like it, Aiden.” The foal smiled.

“Then follow me. Don’t worry Carl, she’s safe with me.”

“I know. Have Fun!”

“I will!” The grey pony called out.

Aiden helped her into the Police Cruiser. He put his hat on her head causing her to giggle. “Let’s go partner, shall we?”

“Yes, sir!”

And so, officer Silver Spoon and Sergeant Aiden patrolled Broker. Aiden had to chuckle as the radio let out a funny conversation. “A 10-91 in Chinatown.”

“Which Chinatown?”

“Chinatown in Algonquin, chunk!”

Everything was quiet. “What brought you to join the police force, Aiden?” Silver Spoon wanted to know.

“There isn’t much to tell. My father was in the LCPD and I wanted to make him proud, plus to protect my family, as Liberty city suffers from high crime rates.”

“Makes sense. Your father was proud, right?”

“Of course. It may be a dangerous job but it pays well.”

“Yeah, being in the Royal Guard in Equestria is seen of one of the most well paid jobs. I’m pretty sure you and Carl would make good Royal Guards.”

The cop chuckled. “If you say so. The military was never my thing but-“

In a flash, a strong force hit the car from behind. Aiden passed out, he fell on the horn causing it to go off and the Cruiser crashed uncontrollable against a wall.

“Ohh that hurt.” Thanks to the seat belt and the airbag Silver was unharmed. “Aiden, wake up! Please!” She shook him but it didn’t work.

I must get help! She took his hat off and got out.

The Cruiser crashed near a theater named Perestroika. She saw a man with brown hair and hazel eyes, wearing the same Russian clothes as Carl, looking around as he was searching something.

Keeping her distance, the pony could hear what he was saying. “Where are you, Roman?

A man peeked out of a dumpster. “Psst, Niko!”

Niko laughed. “Roman! What are you doing in the dumpster, man?” He asked amused.

Are they here?” Roman had a scared expression and tone.

“What are you talking about...? get out of there, man.” Niko was confused.

“I'm freaking out, man. I'm being followed... I saw them...”

“Don't be ridiculous. You're being paranoid.”

“I'm being…” A car Alarm drowned Romans words. “Everything was fine, and then you showed up... and now we're dead... because Faustin is a psychopath... he's going to kill us... because we killed Vlad. Vlad was his man... that's how it works... you kill their guy, they kill you!” Niko laughed as Roman retreated back into the dumpster.

Niko punched the dumpster and opened it. “Roman, get out of there, man. Listen to me, Vlad was a piece of trash. They don't care about him. All they care about is making money. So, we say we work for them. Now get out of there, you smell like cabbage.” He was calm.

I don't want to, man. I’m…” Roman screamed and pointed to a man with a rifle behind Niko.

In the moment Niko turned around, he got knocked out by him. “Get out of the dumpster, Mr. fat man. Come on, fatty, the boss wants a little chat.” Roman surrendered.

In fear, Silver Spoon wanted to run but tripped. The armed man spotted her. “You there, stop!”

“Al-alright, just d-don’t shoot.” He knocked her out.

She didn’t know when she regained consciousness, but it felt like infinity.

Her glasses were broken and she was short-sighted so she couldn’t see anything. Screaming was not working either as someone had gagged her.

Then there was a conversation. “Wake up. We had to gag him, to stop the screaming. You shouldn't have brought them here, Andrei.” The voice sounded disappointed.

“Why not? You've been a bad boy, Mr. Balkan... and the boss is not happy.” This one sounded angry.

“Oh no! I shit my pants!” Another voice taunted not impressed.

“Not yet, but you will. Who are you working for?” The second voice demanded to know.

“Errr, my cousin, Roman. Don't be an idiot.”

“That's not good enough. I'm going to saw off your damn arm. Speak!” The second voice yelled.

A loud TV drowned one of the voices. “Very funny... Do you think you're so smart?”

“No. I'm tied up in a basement a long way from home, while some ape threatens me with a hacksaw, so no, I'm not that smart.”

“Shut up. My damn wife is watching television. Good lord... what are you doing?” a new voice asked.

“Nothing... I mean... I was finding out who he is...”

“And? Who is he? And who is she?”

“He is... his cousin. About her, I don’t know.”

“You were about to cut up some guy in my house, making all that noise, to find out he is his cousin? Where did you find this idiot?”

“He was a friend of your sergeant, when we were in Vladivostok.” The first voice explained.

“He's an imbecile. So, Niko Bellic. You think it's okay to kill my employees?” The fourth voice asked calm

“If he has bad manners, yes.”

Then she heard a gunshot. “I agree.” The new voice replied.

She started to panic. I don’t wanna die!

“Can you untie Roman? And her?” The voice who belonged to Niko asked.

“What is she’s doing here anyway?”

“Andrei said that he brought her here to avoid witnesses.” The first voice explained again.

“Dear lord… What was he thinking?! That’s still a child!”

Then Roman screamed for help. Then another shot. A man untied her. “Please don’t kill me!” Silver Spoon panicked.

A third shot and she felt great pain in her stomach, causing her to cry.

“Listen, we'll take care of your cousin and her, but you better get a police car, and then you call me. Go, go, go. I... I'll take care of them. Damn! Don’t cry child, you’re gonna be okay.” She heard the first voice in a calming tone. But she passed out from the pain.

After Niko did his work he called his customer. “I've left the van where you say. How are Roman and the child?” “

They’re okay. A little scarred, but ok. You did well. Mikhail needs someone like you. Stop by and see him sometime.” Then Niko called Roman.

“Niko, hello.”

“Roman, are you alright?”

“I was just shot in the stomach and then stitched up in a doctor's office that was dirtier than the basement we were nearly tortured in. I'm great. And the child is safe with Mallorie.”

“You sound calm, actually.”

“That Dimitri guy gave me some painkillers; I'm kind of out of it. If you're near a shop can you pick up some adult diapers for me? See you later, Niko.”

Good that she’s also safe. She reminded me of the war when… No, stay focused.

With a headache the filly awoke. Looking around she was in a Low-end apartment. Not her style but okay. She was on a futon. The furniture included a table, with an ash tray on top, fold-out chairs, an armchair, a TV, a DVD player and coffee machine, a wall clock, a radio and a wardrobe. The apartment had seen better days but was still comfortable.

A young woman with brown hair walked in. “I see you’re awake. My name is Mallorie Bardas. I took care of you after…” She couldn’t finish it as Silver Spoon hugged her tight.

“I was so scared!” Mallorie patted her back.

“Shh my dear child, you’re safe now.”

Silver then noticed something. “My glasses.” I can barely see without them!”

“Don’t worry about that, I fixed them for you.” She handled the child her glasses. “That’s the leas oft what I can do since I am wearing glasses myself.”

“Thank you!” Silver smiled cheerfully.

“You’re welcome.”

Then Silver Spoon, slowly realizing her situation, started to cry. Mallorie hadn’t to ask why she was crying. Silver missed her family and friends. The young woman scooped the filly in her arms. “Shh, I am here for you.”

It was heartbreaking. “Do you want to tell me about your family? With more information’s I can help you to get home.”

“Well,” Silver took a deep breath, “It’s kind of a long story.”

Then she told her host where she really came from, how Carl found her, and how they took care of her. She even told her how the car accident happened and how she got in this situation.

The woman smiled in an attempt to cheer her up. “I get you home right away. Let me call your friends.” She dialed 911.

“Hello. You're through the Liberty City Emergency Services. Please use your touch-tone keypad to select which specific service you require. Press 1 for police, press 2 for paramedics, press 3 for the fire department.” The drowsy Computer voice said.

The caller selected 1. “Hello this is the LCPD. Where would you like us to send an officer?” A woman asked.

“South Bohan. I found a lost child.”

“An LCPD peacekeeper will be there as soon as possible ma’am.”

Once the call was made, a siren of a Police Cruiser could be heard. Both looked out of the window as a Police Cruiser stopped at the house and a single officer stepped out.

He walked to the door and knocked on it. “LCPD, open the door.”

Silver Spoon knew that voice. It was Aiden.

Mallorie opened it. “Did you call the police Ma’am? What’s the problem?”

“Someone missed you.” She stepped aside to reveal Silver Spoon.

“Aiden!” The filly hugged him with glee.

“Silver Spoon! You’re alright!” He exclaimed relieved.

“Yes, thanks to her!” She pointed to Mallorie.

“Thank you, Ma’am. I owe you one.” He was grateful.

“You owe me nothing officer; I only did my civil liability. Name’s Mallorie Bardas.”

“Thank you, Ms. Bardas. I and my friend were really worried about her. But now, let’s go home.”

They said goodbye to Mallorie and got into the Cruiser.

“What happened?”

Remembering what happened, not knowing how they would react, Silver just lied, “I can’t remember. After the crash, I got out and everything went black. I came to in her apartment. How long was I missed?”

“A few hours maybe a day, I lost time. If I get my hands on the one who rammed me…”

At the Wagner’s Apartment, Sofia was glad to see her. “Silver Spoon!”

“Mommy! Daddy!” They hugged each other.

“We were so worried!”

“And so were we!” Mason and Emma hugged her too.

“What happened?” As Emily asked this, Silver began to cry as the pressure became too much. Sofia and Carl never liked seeing kids cry, especially around them.

“Silver, sweetie, please tell me, what’s wrong?”

“I-I was scared to death! I thought I would die!” She was about to break down but Mason and his sister embraced her.

“Don’t worry, we’re here for you.” The young boy calmed her down.

“Thanks, Mason.” With a smile, the filly looked at him.

“That’s what’s friends are for.” He returned it.

After Emma said this, Silver took a deep breath and told them what happened.

“Oh my god. But don’t worry. You’re safe now.” Emily patted her.

“We will protect you from the bad guys.” Aiden added.

“Daddy told us you like classical music, is this true?”

“Well, yes, Emma.” For the rest of the day, the 3 kids had a happy conversation about what they had in common. All liked modern music along with classic music. Silver told them when she was trapped in a foxhole with a unicorn named Sweetie Belle and how they became good friends as they had also a lot in common.

In the evening, they fell asleep on the floor. “Well, time to go home. See you tomorrow.” Aiden carried his son, his wife their daughter.

Carl brought Silver Spoon to bed. “Goodnight.”

They went to bed. “I love you. We are good parents.”

“That’s right, Sofia.”

They loved every minute with her. But this was just the beginning.

Author's Note:

Little reference to a comic I quite like, I hope you like it.