• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 1,044 Views, 142 Comments

Great To Visit, Even Better To Leave - Bronycommander

Liberty City, a city with high crime rates, the Police working hard to maintain order. A NOOSE officer is tested a keep a lost foal save from all this.

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Chapter 10: Union Drive

Chapter 10: Union Drive

Carl and Sofia woke up as someone knocked on the door. “Just a moment!”

Carl got dressed and opened the door. “Hey, Niko. What do you want so early in the morning?” He greeted friendly.

“To say that Silver Spoon is safe.” She was behind him, smiling.

“Papa!” She rammed him.

He returned a smile and patted her. “Thanks, Niko. We were worried sick.”

“It’s nothing. A guy named Glenn Lushbaugh wanted to sell her to organ traders but I took care of him.”

“Good thing that you were there. Silver Spoon, why did you run away?”

She trembled. “I-I had a nightmare where you were killed because of me. I don’t want to make you trouble.” She explained with tears.

Sofia gasped and scooped the filly in her arms.

“Silver, you’re won’t cause us trouble because you’re the best what happened in our lives.”

“Really?” The grey pony asked with a sob.

“Yes. We always wanted to be parents but every attempt failed. With you, our wish came true.” Sofia explained which caused Silver to smile.

“Hey, do you want to go Bowling?” the Serbian asked his friend.

“Sure, why not,” Carl replied.

They all went to Memory Lanes. Carl and Niko played while Sofia and Silver Spoon watched.

Carl got a strike, Niko a turkey. It was fun for all of them.

“That was fun.” Carl had enjoyed it to the fullest.

“Indeed. We should do this again. Goodbye.” Niko left.

“I got an idea. What about showing you the Statue of Happiness?” the young woman suggested.

“That’s a good idea, Mama.” Silver Spoon liked it.

Shortly before they reached Middle Park, a black car pulled up behind them, two sets of red/blue small sirens on both the front and the rear lightened up, causing Carl to pull over.

Four men, wearing vests stepped out, the filly could see that they had badges around their neck reading “FIB”. Silver feared for the worst as they were all armed with Carbine Rifles, looking not too friendly.

“FIB, you’re under arrest!”

“This must be a misunderstanding…” Sofia couldn’t finish her sentence as one agent yelled,

“Do not move! On the ground!”

They obeyed. “What’s the meaning of this?” Carl asked.

“Remain on the ground!” Then, the agents knocked them out.

Aiden was on patrol. At the Caste tunnel, he saw a speeding Super GT. “This guy’s in a hurry.” He tried to turn the siren on but nothing happened. “Great. Just great.”

He gave chase in the tunnel. “L.C.P.D! Let's slow it down!” he ordered via megaphone.

He lost control in the tunnel and crashed. “Darn it.”

“I thought the police might do our job for us for a second. No such luck.” Niko commented as he also chased the Super GT in a Turismo with his friend Bernie.

“This is exciting.” Bernie was full of adrenaline.

The GT crashed at Castle Garden City. Niko got out and finished the goons with clean shots of his MP10. As he wanted to go back into the Turismo, the phone of one of the goons got an SMS.

Alright, we got the kid. Tell the boss that the disguise as FIB agents worked.

Niko knew at once who they meant. Dimitri you…

Silver’s vision was blurry as she woke up. She was in a small room, tied up on a chair and gagged.

“About time you woke up! Now, smile for the camera.” The man with glasses took a picture of her with his phone. She just cried. M-mama, P-papa… please… save me.

Carl and Sofia awoke in Aiden’s and Emily’s house. “I found you knocked out on the streets, are you alright?” Emily asked worriedly.

“Yes. Some fake FIB agents surprised us.” Sofia explained as he held her head in pain.

Carl got an MMS from the same unknown number.

Again, Silver was tied up and crying. “I don’t know what this guy’s problem is, but he will pay when I find him!” He exclaimed in anger.

Mason and Emma were worried. “I hope they don’t hurt her or worse… k-kill her.” The young boy feared they would not.

Emily hugged their children. “Don’t worry, the police will find her.”

Aiden was patrolling again. He knew about the kidnapping and was worried.

He stopped when he saw some smoke in the distance. “Available firefighters respond to, err... a burning building, in Northwood.”

“Dispatch, I,m on my way.” Aiden responded to it.

At the location, two Russians fled the scene. Another police Cruiser that arrived chased them.

Aiden secured the crime scene. “I heard that a child is still in there!” the caller said to him.

“By the time the Fire department arrives, it will be too late!” It was a risky idea, but Aiden couldn’t live with a child dying in a fire.

Crouching and putting a cloth over his mouth, he entered the building.

It was a two-story house. The first floor was empty except for a burned Russian.

In a small and dirty room on the second floor, Aiden couldn’t believe his eyes.

Silver Spoon was on the ground, passed out from the smoke. He gently picked her up and carried her out.

Then, he began to revive her. “No, no! Don't you die on me! Come on, breathe, breathe!” The officer yelled in despair as there was no response from her or a pulse.

A Fire truck and ambulance with paramedics arrived.

“Alright men, let’s do this! Let the water flow!” the fire chief ordered.

“Let me through! I’m a doctor!” Dr. Logan was also an emergency doctor.

He checked Silver Spoon’s condition. “Smoke inhalation. I’ll take her to the hospital.”

“But doc, she’s not breathing!” Aiden replied with a small hint of panic.

As response, Logan used a defibrillator.

The revival was successful as Silver twitched, then gasped for air. “I saw a white light and gates.”

“That was close. Let’s get you to the hospital.” Dr. Logan helped her into the Ambulance.

After the medical treatment, Silver had to stay for a few days for monitoring if she got any worse injuries.

Every day that Mason and Emma visited her, they wished her a quick recovery, talked and played. She was pleased every time. Niko and his friends visited her too. It turned out, that the burned Russian was careless with a cigarette as his friends told the police.

Now, she was released from hospital. She had lunch with her friends and parents at Burger Shot.

“We have a surprise for you.” Sofia smiled at her.

They showed her the Statue of Happiness on Happiness Island. They came with a boat, a police Predator.

Silver looked in awe at the Statue. “Why is she holding a cup of coffee instead of a torch?” Silver wondered.

“It was a mistake by the architect. Rumors say, the Statue even has a beating heart.”

“That sounds weird, daddy.”

“I know. It’s getting late. Let’s go home.”

At they entered the boat, Silver saw another boat in the distance. “Ahoy, sailor!” She called out with a grin.

The sailors drove close and one of them fired with a MP10 as they drove by.

“Do not be messing with Dimitri Rascalov!” Sofia ducked with Silver and Carl.

“That was close! Carl, get them out of here! I will chase them!” Aiden yelled in a fit of rage.

“Okay, Aiden.”

They got on land and drove home. “Why did they do that?” Silver was scared.

“I don’t know. How about a pizza?” Sofia changed the subject make her child feel better.

“Good idea, mommy.” The filly liked it.

Sofia made a margarita pizza for the foal. While Silver was eating, she checked her mails.

One was from Roman.

Great news! Mallorie agreed to marry me! I am so happy. I am going to be a family man. I cannot wait to marry her. And you’re invited.

How’s Silver Spoon?


Sofia replied.

Silver Spoon’s doing well. She misses her family but we enjoy every minute with her. Congratulations for being married. I hope you have more luck in becoming parents then we.


Silver Spoon had fished her pizza. “Yummy in my tummy.” Carl got the plate into the dishwasher, then telephoned with someone.

“Time for bed, sweetie.” The young mother said to her child, who grinned.

“You got to catch me first!”

“Oh yeah?” Sofia laughed.

She chased Silver Spoon through her home. Carl still talking on the phone, smiled at them. Silver was clever and hid herself but her laugher gave her away. Sofia knew where she was and had never so much fun before.

Silver was under their bed but Sofia acted like she didn’t know. “Where could she be? Maybe in her room?” Tricking her, Sofia waited at the door until Silver Spoon came out of hiding.

“Got you!” She tickled her.

“Stop! Please!” After a while, they all were on the ground laughing.

“That was Aiden. The Russians blew up his boat but he survived. Niko took care of them.”

“Can I sleep with you this night?” The filly asked, looking at them with a puppy face.

“Of course, sweetie.” Sofia nuzzled her nose, causing her to giggle.

The grey filly snuggled herself between her parents and fell asleep with a big smile.

“I love you, mommy and daddy.” She said in her sleep.

In the middle of the night, she woke up. She went to the bath room. After leaving, someone putted a cloth on her mouth and she felt very sleepy, not having even a chance to call out for help or to scream.

Sofia and Carl woke up in the morning. Instead of the filly they loved with all their heart, there was a note on their bed.

We have your daughter, and we’ll kill her if you don’t do what we want. Dimitri.

“Oh god! My poor daughter!” Sophia panicked.

Don’t worry Sofia, I’ll make a call and then, Dimitri will wish he hadn’t kidnapped her.” Carl was burning in anger.

Author's Note:

Bad mistake, Dimitri.