• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 1,044 Views, 142 Comments

Great To Visit, Even Better To Leave - Bronycommander

Liberty City, a city with high crime rates, the Police working hard to maintain order. A NOOSE officer is tested a keep a lost foal save from all this.

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Chapter 12: Departure Time

Chapter 12: Departure Time

At the next day, a thunderstorm came. The kids watched happy TV together. It was 11 A.M., Carl got a call from Niko.

“Carl, I thought I should let you, your wife and friends know, I found the man who betrayed me. The guilt has destroyed him. I don’t know. Somehow it was better to walk away.”

“You did the right thing, Niko. You should be proud of yourself. Killing him, had made you not better, and I know how much it hurt you over all those years. It was hard for you, but you did the right thing. We’ve got to celebrate. Your soul is finally free. May I invite you to the Maisonette Nine?”

“Sure, whatever… I’ll speak to you soon.”

“That was Niko. He told me that he found the man he was looking for. He forgave him.”

“He did the right choice. Killing would not make him better.” Sofia added.

“Yes. Hey, what about showing Silver our apartment?”

“Good idea, Aiden. I’m sure she will like it.”

“Indeed!” Silver exclaimed.

“Then, let’s go.” Emily smiled at her.

“Hey, I see smoke in the distance!” Silver pointed it out.

“That’s our house!” Aiden was shocked. A Fire Truck was already on the scene.

“Who would do such a thing?” Emily asked also shocked.

“We don’t know, but it was arson.” The fire chief explained.

Out of nowhere, a Vincent pulled up and four masked men got out. “Nobody moves! Get her!” One of them grabbed Silver Spoon and they escaped. Aiden drew his pistol, but the leader of them shot it out of his hand.

“Quick! Call help!”

“On it!” Aiden said to his wife.

Carl and Sofia couldn’t believe it. Someone kidnapped Silver Spoon again.

Carl got a call from Niko. “Hey, Carl. I have a decision to make and I don’t know who to talk about.”


“I have been asked to work with Dimitri Rascalov again. There could be a lot of money in it. But it would mean going back on an oath I swore to myself.”

“Dimitri...No, no, Niko, you can't. It's his trap! He's the one who had Silver Spoon! He still wants you and her dead!!”


“Yes. And he burned the Brown’s house down.”

“Don’t worry, I will save her.” For Niko it was clear now.


He closed Silver Spoon in his heart. And that crossed the line for the last time. Family was more important than money.

Someone knocked on the door. Two of Dimitri’s men walked in.

“Mr. Rascalov wants to make you an offer: Kill Niko and your friend. You keep your daughter and Dimitri’s becomes your partner. Either that, or we will kill all of you.”

Carl had other plans. “If you think I’ll kill the family of my best friend, YOU’RE WRONG!”

“He wants only Aiden dead. His wife and children will not be harmed.” The other goon added.

“You know what? I’ll make you an offer, you can’t refuse.” Carl did a quick draw and killed both of them.

“Carl, what got into you?!”

“Sorry. It’s just… He expects that I work with him after the kidnaps Silver? He should have thought twice about it.”

“But what now?”

“Let me make a call.”

Silver Spoon couldn’t believe it. Why? Why did he do that to me? Dimitri walked in.

“What are you doing? What do you want with me?!”

“Don’t worry about that, I and Mr. Bulgarin have plans for you, once we’re in Russia.”

He was interrupted by shots. “There’s an intruder on the ship!” One of his men reported.

“Get him!” Dimitri ordered.

Still, the intruder fought his way to him. It was Niko.

He got to cover behind some boxes. Dimitri did the same.

“Hey Dimitri, I don’t think I’ll doing this deal with you. We have other business to finish.”

“Niko, it’s been a long time. I thought your time in America might have calmed you down.”

“America does not change everyone. Look at you, you arrived in this country a spineless rat who would sell out his friends. That is what you will be when you die here.”

Dimitri shouted something in Russian.

Three goons backed him up, but Niko took them all out with his AK. He wounded Dimitri badly.

“You’re about to learn a lesson, actions have consequences. You screwed me over, now you’re paying for it. Kidnapping a child was the last straw. Shame that’ll be the second last thing that goes into your head. Goodbye.”

“You’re the one who’s going to learn a lesson. People aren’t going to be happy if you kill me.”

“I've never been popular. I don't mean to start now.”

“Niko, it's not too late, we can work this out! It was a long time ago that I pissed you off. Forget about it. I didn't mean nothing. Please. Think about Pegorino, he's got nothing without this deal. It was never my idea to set you up. Go easy on me. We were friends, remember? You don't need to do this. You're enraging a lot of people over by killing me. Hey, come on, we got history. Don't do it.”

Then, Silver heard shots.

“I should have put you out of your misery a long time ago. Goodbye, Dimitri.”

“W-whose there?” Silver was scared.

“A friend.” Niko untied her. “I came to save you.”

“T-thanks. Where am I?”

”On the Platypus, the boat I arrived in Liberty City.” He carried her out.

Outside was his orange Infernus he got from Bernie. “Safety firpute putted the seat belt on.

Silver Spoon forgot the traumatic scene that happened moments ago completely. Niko started the engine and she raised her hooves like in a roller coaster, grinning.

Carl and Sofia didn’t know what to do. Silver Spoon would live or die on a phone call. The Browns lived in Niko’s apartment next to them.

Niko went in. “There she is, safe and sound.”


Sofia hugged her tightly. “We were worried sick about you! I don’t know how to thank you, Niko.”

“You don’t. I did what I had to do. “Now, let’s got to my cousin’s wedding, shall we?” Niko was already wearing a suit.

They drove to the church in Suffolk. Aiden used his police uniform.

“Let’s get me married!” Roman couldn’t wait.

”I now, produce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” The priest said.

They kissed. Outside, everyone applauded and cheered.

A black car drove past and an enraged man fired at the crowd with an AK-47. Niko's girlfriend, Kate, fell to the ground, parts of her green jacket slowly turning red. The Serbian checked her with a worried expression, everyone looked at him in shock, Sofia gasped, covering her mouth.

“Somebody call an ambulance!” Roman exclaimed, looking at his guest.

“She’s dead!” Niko shouted in anger, sobbing. “She told me to leave it. I thought I had. I thought it was over!”

“Niko, don’t blame yourself.”

“Of course I can! She’s dead!” Niko almost lunged at his cousin in a fit of rage as Sofia shouted,

“Silver Spoon!” She was still alive but was bleeding from her chest.

“M-mama… I-it hurts…”

“Don’t worry, you gonna be alright.” Sofia comforted her.

“Dispatch an ambulance for, err... Suffolk.” The dispatcher said on the radio.

Dr. Logan arrived and loaded her into an Ambulance. Aiden gave escort to the hospital.

At the hospital, Silver was brought into the OP room. The Wagner’s and Browns waited outside. “Please Silver Spoon, hold on. Don’t die.” They all thought.

After a while, Dr. Logan came out. “How’s she doc?” Sofia asked worried.

“She ain’t good. Her condition is critical. She got shot into the chest. A lung and her heart were hit. Since she’s critically injured, we don’t know if she is going to survive, but I’ll do what I can. You should go home and try to sleep. It’s getting late. I’ll keep you up to date about her condition.”

They all went home and were asleep with worry about Silver.

Carl awoke early in the morning. “Damn, I was meant to protect her!”

His wife was still asleep as Aiden called. “Carl, we found some of Pegorino’s men at Koresh Square in Alderney.”

“I’m on my way. And Silver Spoon?”

“Nothing new yet, but my kids pray that she will make it.”

“Me too, me too.” Carl gave his wife a kiss on the forehead and left.

Aiden was waiting in a NOOSE Cruiser. Niko, Roman and Jacob were also there in a car. “What are you doing here?”

“Kate was my friend.” Niko explained.

“She died on my wedding. I help in any way I can.” Roman added.

“And Silver Spoon is also a family part for me, seen?” Jacob said in his Jamaican accent.

“There they are!” Aiden yelled as two men got into a SUV and drove to their boss.

Aiden turned the siren on and chased them with Niko and his friends.

On the Plumbers Skyway, the traffic was dense so Aiden used the megaphone. “Police pursuit, clear the streets!”

“How do you know he’s going back to Pegorino?”

“There’s nowhere left for these guys to go. The whole city want’s them dead now.”

“Well, I guess we’ll do the whole city a favor when we take Pegorino out, then. The fool thought he could be a big player.”

The SUV was even driving on the wrong side of the street to lose them but Aiden and Niko stayed with him.

He led them to an abandoned casino in the North of Alderney.

Using the cars as cover from heavy fire, they discussed their plan.

“Aiden, you, Jacob and Roman stay back. We’ll going in to get Pegorino.”

“But we’re here to help.”

“Aiden, the best way to help us is to keep Roman and yourself alive. I don’t want to lose you as Niko lost Kate.”

“Indeed. Also, figure out an exit strategy. When this guy is dead, we’ll not go to want to hang around long.” They agreed.

“Let's get to the end.” Niko said as he and Carl got their AKs ready.

They fought their way inside. Before they got inside, Niko got a SMS from Jacob. I got an escape plan for you, star. Keep your eyes on the sky, sight?

“Don’t think for a second that this was anyone’s fault but your own. You coulda worked with me and everything woulda been gravy.” Pegorino was standing on the stairs leading to the roof.

“I wanted out and you killed someone I cared about.”

“And you hurt someone I cared about. It’s over for you now, Jimmy.” Carl added.

“Your problem is you like killing too much.” Jimmy ran to the roof.

Carl and Niko fought their way through Jimmy’s goons. They used AKs themselves so ammo was not a problem. And the NOOSE uniform gave Carl an advantage.

Jimmy tried to escape on a boat at a jetty but Niko and Carl used a dirt bike to chase him.

After a while on the shore, an Annihilator was joining the chase. “We see the boat! We’re going after it!” Aiden used the megaphone.

“Not with us, you’re not.” Niko commented.

They used a ramp to jump and climbed onboard. Niko took the pilot seat, while Jacob and Carl fired at the boat. They damaged it enough that it caught fire. The chopper was hit by a rocket.

Jimmy went on land at Happiness Island; Niko landed the burning chopper and got out with Carl. “Wait here while we finish this.” Niko told his friends.

As Jimmy was only armed with a pistol, Carl and Niko managed to wound him.

He was slowly bleeding to death.

“I told you to leave me alone.” Niko closed in.

“I gave the orders here. Me.”

“You’re not looking so good there, Jimmy.”

“Screw you.”

“What did they ever do to you?” Carl asked.

“I wanted you, Niko.”

“Big talk. You wanna know something funny?”

“Not really.”

“The Commission – the old families – We know some of those guys. And they thought you were a fat joke.”


“A joke! Huh. ”Niko and Carl shared a laugh.

As they walked away, Jimmy raised his gun but Carl turned around and killed him with a bullet to the head.

“Cousin!” Roman, Jacob and Aiden joined them.

“We won, man. We won!” Aiden cheered before they left

Niko and Carl went separate ways now but were still friends. Carl telephoned with Packie. “I never thought this would happen, Carl. Katie and Silver Spoon, sweet, innocent Katie and Silver Spoon.”

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Katie didn’t do anything to anybody. It was us McReary men who were the sinners. We’re paying for that ourselves, she didn’t have to pay too.”

“You’re right.”

“I gotta be with me Ma, Carl. She doesn’t get much left other than me. And that ain’t much… I pray for Silver Spoon. See you, man.”

“Thanks see you, man.”

Then Roman called. “Hey Carl, are you okay?”

“Not really, still worried about Silver Spoon. How’s married life?”

“It’s okay, hard to be happy when you’re wedding goes the way ours did. Silver Spoon’s injury was very unfortunate Carl, don’t blame yourself.”

“I know I’m just worried if she makes it.”

“We’re with you. And I wanted to tell you, Mallorie is pregnant. She carries twins. If both are girls, we’ll call them Kate and Silver.”

“Congratulations, Roman. You’ll make a good father. See you soon.”

Two weeks passed. Aiden and his family regularly visited Silver Spoon. Her condition was stable and she was out of danger but still unconscious. Carl’s teammates along with Dwayne’s goon guarded her, in case someone would try to harm or kidnap her.

He was listing to I Keep on Walking as he took a walk. He got a call from the hospital.


“I missed you, Papa!” a happy young female voice was on the other end.

“Silver Spoon, you’re woken up!”

“Yes, about 15 minutes or so. If you want, Roman can send a cab to you.”

“On my way, sweetheart.”

“What? Don’t shoot!” Dr. Logan begged in the background before shots could be heard and the connection was lost.

“Hello? Hello? “Damn!” That can only be Bulgarin!

Unknown to him, another man was about to solve this problem for him.

Luis Lopez, a Dominican-American, was on his bike on Broker-Dukes Expressway to stop Bulgarin from leaving, as he had some problems with him of his own.

His buddy, Yusuf, arrived in his golden Buzzard to clear the way to the airport.

“Yusuf’s here! A bad-ass A-rab with a mechanical camel!” He destroyed a Russian car with a rocket.

“Damn, Yusuf. You’re resourceful.” Luis commented.

Yusuf destroyed every Russian car on the way to the airport. He had leave Luis at it but wished him good luck.

On the runway, Bulgarin’s jet prepared to take off, so he chased the jet.

As he got closer, the plane's doors opened and one of Bulgarin's guards tried to shoot him, but Luis killed him with a pistol and jumped aboard seconds before the jet took off.

Inside, he took three guards out. Bulgarin emerged from the cockpit holding a grenade and the trembling filly. Louis recognized the filly from the bank.

“I have grenade. You kill me, we all die. You can’t shoot me. You will blow whole plane up.” Bulgarin threatened him.

He shot Bulgarin, and then clenched the filly to protect it from the explosion.

“Don’t worry, I got you.” He said to Silver as he landed with her at the Monoglobe with a parachute.

The Wagner’s and the Brown’s waited for her.

“Thanks, mister.”

“No need. Now, go to your parents.”

She hugged Sofia tight. “I’m so glad you’ survived!”

“What happened while I was in the hospital?”

“Well, the Russians burned our houses down, but we managed to save the most.”

“That’s sad, mama. We’re homeless, because of me.” She looked down, sad and guilty.

“Don’t say that. We still have Niko’s apartment.” Carl cheered her up.

Mason and Emma played with her at the Monoglobe until they were all blinded by a white light. A white Alicorn along with a grey earth pony and a white unicorn appeared in front of them.

“Silver Spoon! I was so worried!”

“Sis!” They embraced.

All humans looked at the happy scene with a mix of happiness and sadness. Then, Octavia noticed something. “Is this a scar from an operation on your chest?”

Silver trembled. “I-I don’t want to talk about this. But without them, I had never survived.” She pointed to the humans.

“I’m very grateful for that. But can you explain how she got that scar?”

“It’s a long story,” Carl replied.

“Then, why don’t we talk in Equestria?” Celestia offered and the humans nodded. Her horn glowed and they vanished in a white light.

They found themselves in a room where Diamond Tiara and Ruby Pinch waited.


“Tiara!” They both hugged.

“Silver Spoon, I’m so sorry about that.” Ruby apologized.

“Don’t blame yourself, it was an accident.” Silver responded.

“Yeah, don't sweat it, kid. It ain't anypony's fault.” Vinyl added.

“Now Silver, how did this happen?” Octavia asked but Celestia putted a wing around her.

“You don’t have to tell us, let me try something.” Her horn touched Silver’s head and they saw her memories.

“Oh my… my poor sister!” Octavia hugged her tightly.

“Sis, I thought since they’re have lost their home and they’re like parents to me, can we make them a part of our family?”

“Of course, Silver. Do you accept, Mr. Wagner?”

“Of course. What about you, Aiden?”

“I would like it. Emma, Mason, what do you think?”

“Please, daddy!” They begged.

Celestia giggled. “I can see you will like it here. Welcome to Equestria.”

A month later.

Carl and Sofia lived happy together as Silver Spoon’s parents. They loved her with all their hearts. They said a final goodbye to Niko, Roman and the others. They were also glad to hear that Silver Spoon was finally back home and they would never forget her.

Aiden lived with his family next to them in Ponyville. Mason and Emma were in the same class as Silver, good friends of Diamond Tiara and good friends of the CMC. They also were members of it. They all were also in Manehattan sometimes but Ponyville was nice and quiet.

“Mama, Papa, I’m home!” Silver called out.

“Welcome back. How was school?”

“Great! I go with Tiara, Emma and Mason to the playground.” She dropped her saddleback and left.

Sofia and Carl looked after her with smiles until she was out of sight. They loved her smile, her sweet eyes, everything.

Carl turned the radio on. “May I have this dance?” He asked.

“Of course.” They danced together.

“So this is what the dream feels like, this is the victory we longed for. Our wish came true” Carl kissed his wife.

They enjoyed their new life without terror and with her daughter. They knew they would enjoy every minute of it.

Author's Note:

End of the line. I hope you enjoyed it.

Comments ( 10 )

Yay. Now I may have a story proposition for you

How familiar are you with Saints Row?

Medium but isn't my style

9189800 yep that's what i love about the lost MC

Okay, Thanks and glad you enjoyed it

9192197 yeah i just had to point that one out

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