• Published 19th Jun 2018
  • 2,517 Views, 207 Comments

Trixd - Koshka5

After the events involving the Alicorn Amulet, Twilight kidnaps Trixie and keeps her as a pet.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Hello! Thanks for reading! I was actually totally not planning on finishing this, but I got some comments and messages from people, and it encouraged me to keep going. I hope you like it! Please let me know if theres something you like or dont like about this chapter, its pretty fuzzy and warm. Also comment about what you would like to see!
Thanks a lot to Wraithy and LewdChapter for helping me edit this!


“Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner, where the sweets are sweet and our prices are sweeter!” shouted Pinkie Pie from her perch behind the register, attending to a customer. Rarity placed herself behind that customer, making sure Trixie followed. The filly seemed to be afraid to step on the tiled floor of the store, rubbing her hooves vigorously on the doormat before tentatively entering. She now stood next to Rarity, looking around a bit before locking eyes with Pinkie and immediately staring at the ground.

“Trixie!” shouted Pinkie once again, spooking the filly. She squished herself against Rarity's hoof, seeming to shrink and trying to hide behind it. Pinkie sent the customer on their way with a bag of goodies, focusing on Rarity and the filly.

“Never seen you around here, Trixie! And without Twilight! We need to celebrate!”

“Indeed, we’re here to celebrate Trixie’s first magic lesson. She did such a great job that a treat was in order.” responded Rarity, while poking at Trixie, hoping to get her to greet Pinkie as well.

Trixie blushed, a sheepish grin on her face as she kept her eyes on the ground, Rarity chuckled a little at her.

Trixie needs to get out more, she’s like a mini Fluttershy!

Pinkie had already begun to dig around in her shelves of sweets, looking for something.

“In that case she needs something magical!” said Pinkie, retrieving a cupcake with dark blue frosting and the shape of a star on the top. It was covered in sparkly sugar, one of the best things Trixie had ever seen. Her mouth watered at the sight, having peaked as soon as Pinkie held the object of her desires toward her.

“Looks delicious, we’ll have that and a hot tea for myself, please and thank you.” said Rarity, levitating her purse and placing the bits on the counter. Pinkie boxed the cupcake and tried to hand it to Trixie, but Trixie flinched and backed up a few steps. Pinkie noticed and scouled for a second before recomposing herself and stepping from behind the counter and lowering herself to Trixies level, who was looking away, behind Rarity's back hooves at this point.
“It's okay, Trixie, just take the cupcake. It's your reward...” softly said Rarity, using her leg to nudge Trixie forward into Pinkie.

“A-alright...” she said, allowing Pinkie to put the box in her hoof. Pinkie patted Trixie on the head, congratulated her, and spun back into place behind the counter.

With this Rarity and Pinkie began discussing why Trixie was out and about, which led to another conversation about the cake twins, and foalsitting in general. Trixie just stood there, holding the cupcake box and looking around the store. The place was immaculate, with colorful sweets decorating the walls and counters. For that reason she chose not to move, she might dirty the floor. After a moment Rarity directed Trixie towards one of the booths to their right, where Trixie approached and placed her box on top of. She didn't know whether she was allowed to sit in the chairs so she just stood next to the table.

“Don't want to sit?” questioned Rarity, already taking a seat herself, her tea floating in her magic. Trixie looked up at her, confusion on her face. She wasn’t used to being asked what she wanted. It was usually whatever Twilight wanted, the princess regularly reminded her that an owners opinions were the only worthwhile things to focus on.

“Do.. do you want me to?” asked Trixie, hoping that Rarity would allow her to get off of the cold floor. When Rarity nodded, Trixie started climbing the side of the booth, her short legs preventing her from hopping on like a normal pony would. After getting comfortable she set her gaze back onto her own hooves, this was only her second time sitting at a table like a real pony, and she wasn't totally sure what was expected of her. She wanted to make sure Ms Rarity didn’t regret her generosity.

“Hurry and eat up, Trixie! We've got a lot of shopping to do before sunset!”

Trixie perked up, remembering there was a cupcake awaiting her, having never eaten one she was very excited. She reached for the box before pausing for a moment. Maybe she could save it for later? She didn't know when she would have the opportunity to eat pony food again. Suddenly Rarity's magic enveloped the box, opening it and leaving just the cupcake behind. Trixie gazed at the confection, her mouth watering at the sugar covering its exterior, and the scent it gave off was irresistible. It reminded her of the piece of chocolates that Twilight had given her during her last lesson. She used her new magic to tear a piece off of the top, a bit of everything on it, and put it in her mouth.

“Mmmmm” moaned Trixie, savoring the flavor of creamy chocolate, and the soft moisture of the bread. It was just a small piece, but Trixie could not get over the assault on her taste buds, her tummy grumbling with desire for more.

Rarity watched, somewhat fascinated by Trixies ability to handle such a small piece so finely. Her skills were way beyond that of a normal filly, and she didn't even know it. More importantly, though, she noticed just how much Trixie was enjoying her morsel. She felt a pang in her heart, the poor thing probably never got treats, she was so thin and small after all. She would have to change that, foals are supposed to be pudgy so they can grow into strong ponies.

“Fank fou mf Rarity,” said Trixie, swallowing mid sentence. “Pony food is delicious, I hope Ms. Twilight doesn't mind.”

Rarity scoffed, “Don't you worry about anything darling! If she gives you any trouble I’ll take care of her.” chuckled Rarity, dabbing at Trixies face with a napkin, her face was covered after devouring half of the cupcake. Trixie got a hold of herself and decided to save the rest, maybe she could squirrel it away for safekeeping. For one of those nights where the food bowl was as empty as Ms. Twilights patience for laziness.

“I.. I already have a blanket Ms...” said Trixie quietly, hoping that they could leave the marketplace soon. There were so many ponies, and some of them stared at Trixie, and not in a good way.

“But Trixie, you’ve said that about everything so far? Twilight sent us here to purchase items for you, there has to be something that you need!” replied Rarity, careful to keep her tone calm. Trixie was easily spooked, she had learned.

“I’m sorry... ” Trixie tried to think fast, maybe if she thought of something they could leave faster. She looked around, there were stands everywhere, ponies negotiating with customers and- There it was, something she actually wanted. Something in her subconscious told her that it was perfect, she had to have it. Trixie pointed at the booth, gesturing to Rarity, who was able to spot exactly what the little filly wanted. They approached, Trixie in awe and anticipation, ran straight into a wagon before hurrying to the stall. Rarity was a bit more hesitant, she could tell why Trixie was gravitating towards it, but didnt know how Twilight would react. Oh well, if its Trixies money, Twilight can’t confiscate it, she thought.

“A fellow designer, I see!” said Rarity, turning on the charm. The shopkeeper grinned, and responded in a foreign accent.

“Yes ma'am! Just passing through these parts and thought id set up my wares. Anything you're interested in?”

“In fact there is! Trixie here was eyeing that little number right there, next to the vampony costume.” replied Rarity, nudging the filly forward, out of her stupor.

“The.. the blue one… I think it's blue...” said Trixie, pointing at the display. The shopkeeper grabbed it and handed it right over.

“As you can feel, it's made of fleece, a deep blue color I like to call ‘starry blue’ and can be yours for only 25 bits!” he said, hoping to make the sale. Trixie looked up at Rarity, she didn't know how much 25 bits was, or if she had enough for that. It sounded like a lot to her, but she hoped against hope that she could have it.

“We’ll take it, if you throw in the matching blanket.” haggled Rarity, a glint in her eye. She knew it wasn't made of real fleece. It was clearly a cheap alternative, but Trixie really wanted it and that was enough for Rarity.

“I-I already have a bl-” mumbled Trixie, but she quickly shut down and stared at her hooves as soon as Rarity shot her a glance. Trixie knew this one, finally. Despite knowing that it meant trouble for her, she was comforted by the fact that Rarity made a move she could read.
Twilight gave her that look a lot, usually followed by Trixie clutching her muzzle.

“Deal!” uttered the shopkeeper, already passing the items using his wing, right into Rarity's magical grasp. Rarity gave him the bits and turned to leave.

Trixie followed closely, mouth shut tightly. Rarity noticed as they walked back, Trixie was sensitive and not very good at reading situations. It seemed to her that her isolation was to blame, things not said explicitly were usually not understood by the little filly.

“Perhaps some snacks, maybe a new toy, Trixie?” asked Rarity tentatively.

Trixie stayed quiet, not even looking up as she was spoken to. She shook her head and kept her eyes glued to the ground. Rarity sighed.

“I’m sorry Trixie, I just wanted to make sure you got your money's worth. You understand, don’t you?” said Rarity, nuzzling the filly. A tender gesture, reserved for Sweetie up to this point, thought Rarity. Maybe she was starting to warm up to Trixie.

Trixie froze, as she usually did, before contemplating what Rarity said. It wasn't a threat, or a promise to hurt her later, or even an insult. She looked up, risking it all.

“I’m sorry for interrupting you, Miss.” she squeaked out, “It won’t happen again...”

Rarity struck a dramatic pose before placing the hat on Trixies head, careful not to bump her horn.

“Don't you worry about that, darling. We should head home, it'll be dark soon!” replied Rarity, already trotting towards her home. Trixie adjusted the hat, it was a bit big on her, but she already felt attached to it. She couldn't wait to put her new belongings in her cage! Trixie hurried to walk at Raritys side, balancing the hat on her head as if it was second nature. As they passed more stalls she noticed that the shopkeepers were looking at her once again. They were clearly just admiring her new hat, but the attention still put a little hop in her step.

They approached the shop a little while later, Rarity thinking silently to herself about what they would do for the rest of the weekend. She hoped to pamper Trixie just a little more, and try to show her a life outside of a cage or basement. Sweetie would be home tomorrow, hopefully she would take to Trixie quickly. Celestia knows Trixie needs somepony more her age. Trixie needed to learn what it was like to be a filly, unaware and uncaring for the demands of Twilight. Perhaps she could borrow Trixie more often, for playdates with Sweetie and the other cmc… with that thought, they reached the door, Trixie wiping her hooves furiously on the doormat.

Rarity entered first, closing the door behind herself after Trixie entered. Trixie stood in place, hoping Rarity would give her a command. She didn't know what to do, was she allowed to put her new things in her bag, was she going to sleep indoors tonight? She was unsure and anxious, despite Rarity's immense kindness, its unfamiliarity was really hitting her. She snuck a look up at Rarity, who was seemingly still pondering something important. When Twilight looked like that, it was usually before she revealed what slight Trixie had committed against Equestria in her failure to clean or tidy something. Rarity didn't look that way at all, Trixie got the sense that she was planning something less painful.

“Would you like to sleep in Sweeties room, or with me, Trixie? I know it's hard to fall asleep in a strange place, I won't mind!” said Rarity, interrupting Trixies thoughts. Trixie considered the question, she wasn't used to being given a choice, today was full of surprises. She batted a piece of her mane, deciding that she did not want to impose on Miss Raritys sleep.

“S-sweetie's room is okay Miss... uh-unless you want me to sleep somewhere else. Ummm wherever is okay, with-with me!” struggled Trixie, her usual grasp of speech crumbling under the questioning gaze of Rarity. Rarity was so hard to read, her facial expressions not relaying a single shred of information as to what she really wanted her to do.

Rarity just guided the filly back to Sweeties room, Trixies things waiting for her on the bed from earlier in the day.

“I’ll be in the other room, if you need me, don't hesitate.” she said, placing some of the shopping and other bags on the floor nearby before exiting.

Trixie grabbed the bag holding her half of the cupcake and her new clothes. She was very excited to show Twilight these things, she hoped her owner would like them. It clashed a bit with her glowing collar, but it felt good to wear it. Trixie went up the stairs and back to the room she was first introduced to, and spotted the gray bag from the morning. Deciding there was nothing useful in it, she grabbed her new blanket and curled up on the floor in front of the bed.

The carpet was so much fluffier than her usual spot at the castle. It felt nice not to feel the bars digging into her side. She began contemplating her day, it was so exciting. She learned magic, had spaghetti, cupcakes, and she even bought clothing. These were all things a real pony did, and Trixie loved the fact that she got to pretend for a day. Trixie hoped to keep practicing her magic, maybe Twilight would teach her? She didn’t know if it was appropriate for a pet to do such things, Twilight regularly reminded her of a pets limits. Pets don’t sit on the furniture, they only speak when spoken to, they address their superiors with proper titles. These were rules she had been taught all of her life. Despite this, she was never told anything about magic, she didn't even know she could do magic. Trixie remembered how proud Rarity was when she levitated the spool. Her chest filled with warmth, today was a good day.
The filly drifted off to sleep, her new blanket covering her, her head resting on the plush carpet.
Today was a good day.