• Published 19th Jun 2018
  • 2,516 Views, 207 Comments

Trixd - Koshka5

After the events involving the Alicorn Amulet, Twilight kidnaps Trixie and keeps her as a pet.

  • ...


Scratch… Scratch…. Scratch…

The quill scraped at the list, methodical in its rhythm as Twilight knocked things off of her checklist.

“Collar, emergency information, weekly stipend...” she mumbled to the pony across from her, who was sipping some tea and reading over an identical list.

“What’s this about a stipend, Twilight?” asked Rarity, her typical red glasses sitting on her muzzle. Rarity's interest in the topic was a relief to Twilight, seeing as the rest of her friends didn't really want to be involved with Trixies servitude. Rainbow being the exception, under the illusion that it was sort of a military arrangement. Twilight shifted in her seat, straight into ‘lecture mode’ as Rainbow lovingly put it.

“Well, all royal pets are entitled to 250 bits per week for their services, this stipend was held in a private account that their owners could not touch. Historically, this was so that their pay could not be held ransom, and prevent some complex tax structures. Interestingly enough...” Twilight continued, but Rarity was used to her long rants, and was focused a bit more on the amount of bits that was. Due to deflation, 250 bits was a lot more nowadays, even her high end clothing was only about 120 bits. Easily a month's worth of wages for the average pony.

“... and after the treasury got involved, the stipend was set to accommodate the ponies family or chosen benefactor.” finished Twilight, finally stopping for a breath. Rarity cleared her throat before responding, some incredulity in her voice.

“Thats a lot of bits for a single pony, wouldn't you agree Twilight?” she said, noticing that Twilight was quite nonchalant about such quantities. Twilight put the list down and waved a hoof,

“Those wages were set a looong time ago, plus the royal treasury has no shortage of funds, I mean just look at Celestia's golden chariot.” replied Twilight dismissively. “Anyway, since I can’t be involved with that money I was hoping you could accompany Trixie to the town square this afternoon?”

Rarity snapped to attention.

“A shopping spree!?” squealed Rarity, already considering all the booths she would take Trixie, and her large bag of bits to.

“Exactly.” said Twilight, rolling her eyes and giggling a bit along with her friend.

Rarity and Twilight chatted for a little while longer before it was time for Twilight to leave for her appointment with Celestia in Canterlot. Twilight began stuffing her saddlebags with the scattered sheets on the table, mentally checking off an imaginary list yet again as she trotted to the door in the front room. She spotted Trixie sitting next to the door, her bag of blocks on her back and her leash in her mouth seemingly ready to go. Twilight put on her fake smile, the false kindness she had to show Trixie in front of her friends was hard to pull off. Trixie of course knew it was all a trick. Twilight would switch back to her cruel demeanor as soon as they were in private.

She’d pay Trixie back, each and every perceived slight was more fuel for Twilights contempt. Trixie could never enjoy her rare times outside of the castle, the fear of what would happen when they returned ruined everything. As a result she was not ready to go, she stared at the ground hoping Rarity would not notice, showing off her fear to the others wasn't acceptable either. It was hopeless, she’d be punished no matter what she did, she was resigned to it.

After a moment Twilight merely brushed the foal aside, softly of course, and announced the plans for the weekend.

“You’ll be staying with Rarity for the weekend, Trixie. Only until my trip to Canterlot is finished.” announced Twilight.
Trixie looked up, stunned, she’d never been away from Twilight for longer than a few hours. She nodded silently, without thinking. Rarity, who at this point was only just emerging from the kitchen spoke up.

“Did Twilight not tell you that earlier? Not to worry, darling, we’ll have a great time together!” assured Rarity, approaching the filly and firing up her horn to take the bag of blocks off her back and the leash from her mouth, clearly uncomfortable with the leash being attached to her at all.

Trixie flinched at the sight of her horn lighting up, only Rarity noticing since Twilight was fiddling with her saddlebags. Rarity brushed it off for now, shooing Twilight out of the shop with her hooves.

“Shoo, or the train will leave without you!” said Rarity, pushing her through the door but not before Twilight shouted back at the filly.

“Behave yourself Trixie! I’ll be back soon!”

Twilight didn't really care, Trixie knew, she just wanted to get rid of her for a while. Thats what was happening, this was probably a test. A trial run before Twilight got rid of Trixie forever, probably to the pound. Trixie considered for a moment what it would be like, a life without Twilight. Trixie hated Twilights short fuse, and her desire to hurt her, but Twilight always gave Trixie plenty of attention. Positive or negative, it still satisfied something within Trixie. She didn't want to go to the pound…

“Wonderful, now we're all alone!” said Rarity, derailing Trixies train of thought and immediately sending it into a dark tunnel of fear that she was all too familiar with.

Trixie took a step back and looked up at the marble white mare in front of her in fear, she had no idea what she was capable of. As Rarity turned and grabbed a dark gray bag, Trixie wondered if she could fit through the gap in the window.

“I’ll show you to your room and we can have some lunch before we head out for the shops! What do you think, does that sound like fun darling?” said Rarity, a warm but tentative smile on her face.

Trixie didn't know where the shops were, but she nodded anyway. She expected Rarity to take her to the basement, just like her room at hom- at the castle, but found that Rarity was leading the way to an actual bedroom.

It was beautiful, it had a big bed with a closet and some rolls of fabric sitting in the corner atop the plush carpet. Despite that Trixie was disappointed to see that there was no pet bed for her. At least the carpet looked softer than the stone floors at the castle. Rarity placed the gray bag on the bed and started pulling things out, Trixie was afraid it was filled with Twilights instruments of pain and looked away. Eye contact only made Twilight angrier, and she didn't know whether Rarity was similar in that respect or not. Rarity turned quickly, causing Trixie to quickly look up in preparation for something being thrown at her. Twilight enjoyed tossing books at her to take back to the library, they were heavy and Twilight was strong.

“Twilight brought all sorts of odd things, I'm definitely not using this water bowl!” exclaimed Rarity, Trixie peeked behind her hooves in confusion. Rarity noticed her confusion, and apparent fear and put it down, before speaking softly.

“Its okay, I won’t hurt you.” Said Rarity reaching a hoof out to reassure her, Trixie squeaked at the touch but didn't move. Rarity took the opportunity to pull the filly into a hug, she seemed to freeze up slightly, not used to a kind touch. Rarity pulled away slowly and spoke,

“I’ll prepare some lunch for us while you settle in, take your time! I’ll just be in the kitchen if you need me.”

Trixie was still a bit confused. She did not think Rarity would hurt her as much as Twilight did, but she didn't expect this. She turned to the bag that Rarity left on the bed and looked through the contents, she found her blanket, tattered as always, along with other supplies. There was lots of woofer chow, Trixie hadn't seen that much in a very long time. On one of her hungriest nights she managed to squeeze her way into the storage closet in the basement and sequestered a small amount of it for emergencies trom the bag. Oddly enough it had an image of paw prints all over it. Sadly, she was caught trying to squeeze her way out after eating her fill from the bag.

Trixie didn't get to eat again for 3 days, even though she apologized many times. She put everything back in the bag and grabbed the bag of food in her mouth since Rarity had clearly forgotten it. Pet food wasn't even prepared in the kitchen, giggled Trixie. She trotted carefully towards the entrance to the home, careful not to dirty any of the floorboards or break anything. Her hooves didn't look dirty to her, but Twilight said that her eyes didn't work as well as a real ponies, and she regularly had to clean the floor after walking on it.

In the kitchen she saw Rarity manipulating multiple utensils with her magic and placing two plates on the table, filled with spaghetti and accompanied by some bread.

“Two plates?” mumbled Trixie before she could stop herself, slapping a hoof onto her mouth which knocked the bag of chow onto the floor. She removed her hoof for a moment to blurt out, “Sorry, sorry! I’ll be quiet.”. Now staring at the ground where her woofer chow sat.

Rarity was a bit stunned, she didn't expect Trixie to be so vocal, but sought to answer her questions anyway. She expected such weird behavior, anyhow.

“Yes, darling, only two plates because Sweetie belle hasn’t returned from our parents’ yet. You’ll meet her soon enough, not to worry!” she chirped, trying to sound casual for Trixies sake. She spotted the bag of dog food and felt her heart ache, she saw the bag within Trixies overnight sack but she didn’t put any thought into what it was for.

Rarity didn't know if this was the worst thing she’d see this weekend, but it was already far worse than expected. She got up quickly causing Trixie to flinch slightly, yet again giving Rarity a punch in the gut. Deciding against using her magic to take the bag she approached the filly and grabbed the bag, giving her an attempted smile but it looked more like a solemn apologetic look to Trixie. Trixie took this a sign that she was disappointed in the filly, and spoke to explain herself before Rarity could say anything.

“Sorry, it won't happen again… please don't muzzle me?” whispered the filly, staring at the ground, her tummy grumbling, “my bowl is too small for the muzzle...” almost under her breath.

“Nonsense! No filly will be eating out of a doggy bowl in my house!” Harrumphed Rarity, launching the bag into the garbage before trotting to the table once again.

“You’ll be sitting with me, at this table, eating the food I made just for you. No buts!”

Despite eating at a table being a foreign concept to the filly, she obeyed and walked towards the chair Rarity was referring to. She climbed up and tried not to touch anything, looking at the seat of the chair she hoped Ms Rarity would calm down. She was obviously not happy. Rarity sat down, picking up the fork in her magic and digging in, trying to make Trixie more comfortable by being the first to eat. Trixies belly grumbled once again, yet she made no effort to touch the spaghetti sitting in front of her.

“If you don't like it, that's okay darling, but at least try some first.” she said, already considering other things to make for the filly, Sweetie used to be this way so it was no surprise.

“Y-yes Miss.” said Trixie, as she was taught to every day by the shock collar whenever she forgot. It was smart like that.
Rarity watched in fascination as Trixie leaned forward and tried to bite the spaghetti like one might bite a hunk of hay. She pulled back with a couple of noodles in her mouth, savoring the flavor and smiling for the first time since she arrived.


“You should really use your fork, Trixie, I need to teach you some table manners! Go ahead, try this time with the fork.”

“I… Okay.” the collar gave a warning vibration, it would not be so kind next time.

She attempted to grasp the fork with her front hooves, sandwiching it between them, clearly struggling to even hold it not to mention using it to pick up noodles. With every moment with Trixie, Rarity felt worse and worse for the little filly. This was clearly neglect! Judging by the fact that the filly thought she was supposed to eat dog food, Twilight did not feed her correctly.

Rarity picked the fork up in her magic and Trixie watched in awe as the fork danced around expertly, collecting noodles and carrying them to her mouth. She opened and the food was gently placed, allowing her to get much more. Despite the clear sound and light of magic, Trixie was not as afraid as she normally was, the wonderful flavor flooding her with happiness and it showed.

“Have you ever used your horn, Trixie? Did Twilight ever help you use it?” chatted Rarity, hoping to spark some conversation. Trixie shook her head silently as she swallowed her latest noodle victim.

“Mistress says only ponies use magic. One time she told me she could take it off but I asked her not to.” chirped Trixie, the food clearly improving her mood. Another scoop floated up to her mouth, which Trixie gladly accepted, a warm glow on her face.

“Sank fou for da food Miss Rarity,” she mumbled through a mouthful of noodles, finishing once again and speaking more clearly. “I like pony food a lot, I wish Miss Twil...”
Wishing for things was not allowed. She stopped talking and started staring at her hooves, her default position to avoid punishment.

Rarity noticed and decided to finish eating later, she knew exactly what to do to cheer the filly up. She got to her hooves, Trixie starting out of her trip into deep thought.

“You're definitely welcome for the food, Trixie. Now,” Said Rarity trotting out to the living room, moving the furniture out of the way to make an area to work in. “let me teach you to use that horn, will you?”

Trixie hopped off the chair and followed Rarity, watching as the furniture was shrouded in her blue aura and moved effortlessly.

“Pets aren't sposed to use magic Miss Rarity” said trixie, skeptically. This was sure to be a trick. First Rarity allowed her to sit at a table, then she gives her pony food. Now she was gonna teach her to use magic? Twilight was gonna pop out from behind a wall any moment, she could feel it.

“I wont tell if you wont!” said Rarity, in a singsong voice. Rarity levitated two small spools of thread onto the coffee table she left in the middle of the room. Trixie chose not look this generous gift horse in the mouth and went to stand at Rarity's side, the mare smiling reassuringly down at the diminutive filly. What used to be a mighty magician was now a small, scared filly, learning to use her magic once again.

“Step 1, relax. Place your hooves at least shoulder length apart and point your head a bit lower.” Trixie attempted to comply, spacing her hooves out and tilting her head.

“Wonderful, I think we should start with some warm ups.” she said, “Try to feel your magic, something like a warmth in your center”

Rarity was no magic master, but training Sweetie provided her the skills for this. Trixie had her eyes closed in concentration, her magical levels warming faster than Sweeties had ever done at that age.

“I can feel it!” announced Trixie, pride in her voice, she looked up catching a glance of approval from her trainer.

“That was quite a bit faster than I expected, Trixie!”

“Sorry...” apologized the little filly quickly, deflating just as promptly.

“No, no its fine darling! It just means you're a great student, and we can move on to the next step.” cleared up Rarity, patting the fillies mane.

I think Miss Rarity is just a really good teacher!

“Now, try to move the warmth, concentrate on willing it towards your horn. Be careful, wouldn't want you to singe the gowns!” instructed Rarity, gesturing to the few gowns sitting in the room for storage.

Trixie got to work and tried to move it, feeling the magic pulsing and flowing like a liquid. She was having an enormous amount of fun, and she managed not to ruin Rarity's patience as fast as she thought she might!

Trixie willed the magic to her horn, and after some encouragement from Rarity, the small spool was floating. It shivered, and shifted, but it floated around the room as Trixie focused.

“Impeccable!” shouted Rarity, lifting the filly in a hug once the spool was on the floor. Trixie melted into the embrace, her stiffness and fear disappearing, her soul filling with pride and happiness she was not aware was possible. She wrapped her hooves around Rarity's withers, enjoying the moment. Rarity realized she was getting caught in the moment and waited for her grip to weaken in order to put the filly down.

“Marvelous work darling, are you feeling okay?” questioned Rarity, brushing Trixie's disheveled mane out of her face. Trixie stiffened again, realizing what she did was way out of line.

“y-Yes Miss, sorry for touching you… do I need to be… punished?” squeaked Trixie, staring at the ground, her ears flattened and nervousness plastered on her face.

“Absolutely not Trixie,” said Rarity, still not used to Trixies expectations of what a guardian was like. “There will be no punishment, only celebration!”


“But of course! Such magical success, and exertion for that matter, must be rewarded with a treat from SugarCube Corner!” said Rarity, already magicing a poofy hat from a mannequin nearby for the trip.

“A r-reward? Really?” said Trixie, almost a whisper, staring in awe at the kind mare.

“You're an inquisitive filly, but yes! Just give me a moment to freshen up. A lady must look her best for such an occasion. Once we get you a treat we can head to the shops too. ” said Rarity, leaving the room and the filly alone.

Trixie sat, excitement bubbling, her belly full, she couldn't remember ever feeling like this. Miss Rarity was truly the kindest pony she had ever met, she was surprised Twilight was friends with a pony like her. Maybe she would rub off on Twilight somehow, Trixie hoped.

For now she would just enjoy this chance, pretend to be a real pony, pretend to believe she deserved Rarity’s kindness.

With a click of the lock, Rarity and Trixie set off to sugarcube corner, the leash lie safely within its gray bag along with a food bowl under the bed. Her collar the only reminder of her status, but it weighed nothing at all to her now.

The birds were singing beautifully today, Trixie thought.

Author's Note:

Hi! Sorry for not posting for moooonths, but I hope you like this chapter! School is out and I dont have any programming projects to do like the other one that I spent my time on last winter break.
This chapter was pretty fun to write and I am actually pretty happy with it! Let me know if theres something you wanna see in the next couple chapters, or just gimme a comment cause those are fun! Thanks for reading!
btw check my program out if you like derpibooru pics Link