• Published 19th Jun 2018
  • 2,517 Views, 207 Comments

Trixd - Koshka5

After the events involving the Alicorn Amulet, Twilight kidnaps Trixie and keeps her as a pet.

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Sniff…. Sniff…

Trixie held onto the tattered blanket, its graying edges stained with the results of her past transgressions against Twilight. Tears darkened it, the occasional droplet of blood speckled it with red in certain places. Despite this, she loved the blanket, and she even spoke to it occasionally on particularly lonely nights. It would wipe her tears, and hold her secrets. Trixie knew nothing else that would be willing to do that for her. As such, she did her best to keep it in good shape. It was there when she first awoke in her cage, in rough condition. Still, Trixie washed it whenever she could, and was careful with the particularly frayed edges that could catch and rip further.

But at that very moment, Trixie just embraced it. Much like herself, the blanket had flaws with its stains and ragged edges. But she didn’t care how dirty it got, it was her only comfort from what was to come. Twilight still had not come down to the basement, leaving Trixie to theorize what would happen. Last time Trixie messed up, she had spilled a whole cup of apple juice all over her owner’s favorite reading chair.

Trixie was forced to act as a footrest for the rest of the night, Twilights heavy hooves laying on her back was a phantom sensation Trixie had ever since. Her stubby hooves still trembled at the memory, she could still feel the electric shocks coursing through her. A tiny falter on Trixies stance resulted in plenty of shocks to burn into her mind. That was a result of such a small accident, some spilled juice. Today she had managed to spill an entire cartload of garbage onto Twilight, and she was sure that Twilight would know all about the filly’s interaction with Pinkie Pie.

She hugged the blanket tighter, shivering. Twilight would surely do something horrible to her, but she knew that it was for the best. Trixie was only punished when she deserved it, and in the end it would make her a better pet. Trixie reminded herself of this a lot, she was thankful that Twilight was so willing to help. This didn't help the fear or the shivers though, instead amplifying them as she thought of just how much more she still had to learn.

Trixie looked around her cage for the millionth time, its chrome metal bars keeping her safe. As long as she was in here, nopony could hurt her. But she knew that the lock opened for Twilight, as it did every morning. She was not ready for her arrival, beginning to think about how she could minimize the punishment. Maybe if she…

She might send me to the pound!

This thought exploded into her mind, overshadowing every other fear. Twilight had told her about the pound. It was where bad pets went, pets who were so unruly, and so useless that there simply was no other option. At that point of Twilight’s speech, Trixie was already covering her ears and cowering in a corner of her cage, afraid that if she kept listening it would happen to her. She didn't know what happened to the pets who went there, but Twilight had said a big word when discussing the end goal. She said that they would give the pet a… a.. Trixie couldn't pronounce it. But Twilight described it as putting something in the pets brain! Trixie didn't think that she could handle having something inside her brain. The pound was shrouded in mystery, so Trixie dreaded ever having to go there. But today, she had made a monumental mistake, maybe something that Twilight would consider pound worthy.

At this point, Trixie’s side was sore from laying on the wire of the cage, but she didn't care because she needed her blanket to hug. She batted at a small thread on the edge of the blanket, her mind racing so fast that it just stopped, focusing on that tiny strand. It was so small, but it was still part of the blanket, and Trixie knew that if she removed it the whole blanket would be worse off. It was miniscule, and somewhat unimportant, but it was still worth something. Trixie thought she might be a little bit like that strand, but she didn't know for sure what she was worth.

This castle was the blanket, and yet Trixie didn't actually believe she was worth as much as the thread. The thread was a part of something, and at best Trixie was just an accessory. Removable at will, and replaced with some other.

Maybe it's for the best, if Mistress sends me to the pound. Maybe after they fix me, I can be a good pet for the Princess… Or they could replace me… I wonder how long it’ll be before they put me down..

Trixie was spiraling, her fear replaced with a deep sadness. Disappointment in herself reigning supreme, convincing her that she deserved such treatment. A good pet would probably get more food, Trixie had not earned a full bowl since she could remember. Only half servings, sometimes less. One time, Trixie recalled, Twilight had given her a piece of pony food. It was a chunk of cookie, crunchy and lightly dusted with sugar. Trixie bit off half of her piece, the flavor storming her mouth with texture and sweetness that she never had experienced. A smile was instantly plastered on her face, her eyes closed in ecstasy. Trixie remembered that experience fondly, Twilight was going to throw the cookie in the trash but she was kind enough to offer it to her pet. That was the only time that Twilight ever rewarded her, though. Trixie believed that if she was a good pet, she could be rewarded more often. She didn't deserve it though, she knew she didn't. She batted the thread another time, before rolling over on to her back and spreading her hooves. This was thwarted when her hooves hit the wall of the cage, and she placed them onto her middle.

Trixie was just starting to doze off, her blanket clutched closely to her chest when the unmistakable sound of hoofsteps began emanating from the doorway to the basement. Trixie remained still, hoping to delay the inevitable. It was all for nothing, as she heard the steps approach the cage, and finally the click of the lock.

“Come out, Trixie. It's time.” said Twilight. She was sitting on her flank a few steps away from the door of the cage. Her head was tilted slightly, casually staring at the little filly in the cage. Twilight seemed very calm, a distinct lack of anger on her face, just a simple small smile.

Trixie took this as a good sign and got up, tucking her blanket neatly into the corner of her cage. She walked towards Twilight, tentatively with her head lowered in a mixture of shame and fear. Trixie stepped out of the cage, stopping just a few hooves from where Twilight was seated in order to await her sentence. Trixie hoped against hope that it would just be more chores, or maybe something as light as the spray bottle. She knew it wouldn't be so, but she chose to believe that it might for her own sanity.

“Do you know why you’ve earned a third strike, Trixie?” asked Twilight, her voice sounding legitimately chipper.

“Uhh.. Yes Miss Twilight… I spilled trash all over my owner… and the ground too...” Trixie peeked up at the princess. Twilight seemed unconvinced, her face falling. Trixie scoured her brain to get more reasons.

“And I didnt finish cleaning the throne room… and I didnt clean Spikes chair.. Ummm” Trixie was stumped, and Twilight didn't look satisfied at all. She chose to stay silent, she could only make things worse if she kept talking.

“It seems like you dont, I dont know what I expected if I'm being honest. You're not known for your intelligence afterall.” giggled Twilight, rising to her hooves and beginning to circle the little filly. Twilight read in the newest volume of “Pouncing Predators” that circling prey was a good way to scare them into staying still until it was too late. It seemed to be working since Trixie was shaking, seeming to shrink in on herself.

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to tell you Trixie.”

Twilight stopped after making a half circle around the filly, remaining behind her. Trixie was too scared to move, only flinching when Twilight started petting her mane. Her hoof stroking from Trixies head all the way down to her mid back. In a second her soft stroking stopped, Twilight's hoof was raised and launched towards the back of Trixies head. Trixies front legs gave out and she face planted, knocking her horn on the ground harshly. She squealed in pain, clutching her horn and nose.

“You got caught!” screamed Twilight, lifting the squirming Trixie in her magic and immediately slamming her back down. She pressed Trixie into the floor with her magic, keeping her head facing upward. She leaned in and looked her in the eyes, piercing and full of anger.

“Pinkie saw you! She told the rest of my friends, Trixie!” said Twilight. In frustration Twilight used her magic to send Trixie sliding towards the wall where she made a thump noise on impact. Trixie was trying to catch her breath in between sobs, her face still throbbing from falling on it.

Twilight began pacing, considering her options, as well as the root of her problem.

“I wasn't ready to tell them Trixie, you're not ready! I needed a quiet obedient pet to help smooth it over, it would have been easier that way.” Twilight paced around while Trixie cowered in the corner of the room. “They'd understand that what Im doing is for the best! Afterall, its best to ask forgiveness rather than permission...”

“I’m really sorry Mistress, I didn't mean to!” cried Trixie softly.

“It doesn't matter Trixie, the fact remains that you disobeyed me, and ruined my plans. Go to the bench.” Said Twilight, her horn lit menacingly. Trixie had gotten over her pain at this point, and heard the command loud and clear.

“Th-the bench?” squeaked Trixie, getting to her hooves, hoping she had misheard. Twilight closed the distance between herself and the scared filly, raising her hoof as if to strike her.

“I didn't know your ears were defective too, Trixie. I’m not going to repeat myself.” threatened Twilight, her hoof ready to strike.

Twilights voice was like ice, which made Trixie bound to the bench in the corner of the room towards the bench. It was a simple wooden table, but only wide enough to fit the fillys body. It had leather straps for her four hooves, as well as a small pillow for her head. Twilight had only strapped the filly on it twice, both times left Trixie in too much pain to move. Twilight was quite adept at using whips and other instruments. Trixie got to the bench and stood on her hind legs to reach the top, hopping to try to reach a strap and pull herself up. It took a couple hops but her fear fueled her efforts, finally succeeding and sitting on top. She composed herself, staring at the wooden platform, afraid that she might make Twilight angrier if she did anything else.

Twilight was watching in mild amusement, the filly’s hooves were so stubby! Watching Trixie climb the bench was a cherry on top, Twilight was going to levitate her onto the bench but watching her climb was much funnier. Regardless, it was time for business, lighting her horn and approaching the scared foal.

“Lay down and put your hooves into the straps Trixie, it's time for a quiz!” said Twilight. Trixie was a bit stunned by the sudden chipper attitude, but it made sense with what Twilight was about to do to her. Sometimes Trixie thought that Twilight enjoyed hurting her, but she knew that she was only doing it to help Trixie become a better pet. She slipped her hooves into the straps and layed on her back, where Twilight fastened them tighter than expected.

“Ouch...” grunted Trixie softly.

“You're gonna need to be strapped in extra tight tonight Trixie, wouldn't want you hurting yourself right?”

“Yes, Mistress.” whispered Trixie, nodding her head softly. Trixie was still gripped with fear, but she knew that this was for her own good. She chose to put on a brave face with the help of a small mental chant.

I'm a brave pet, Trixie is brave. Trixie is brave. Trixie is brave.

With another flash from Twilight's horn, the bench started to tilt, squeals of fear erupting from the victim binded to its surface. Trixie's head was lowering, and her back hooves going upwards. It stopped soon after, the straps holding Trixie in place so that she would not fall. Twilight placed a thick towel onto Trixies mouth, and her magic levitated a small watering can over near the fillies head.

“Whhtf ghnng hn” asked Trixie, trying to speak through the towel.

“Well, we're starting your quiz of course! Are you ready for the first question, Trixie?” asked Twilight, waving the watering can around as she spoke. Trixie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she would try her best to do well on the quiz, swallowing her nervousness. She nodded.

“Great! The first question is: Who am I?” said Twilight, wiggling the watering can near Trixies head.

“ Prnfess Twnlnght” said Trixie, trying her best to articulate her words well enough through the towel.

“Good pet,” praised Twilight, putting the watering can down and patting Trixie on the head. “I’ll remove the towel so you can respond better, but as soon as you answer incorrectly its going back on, ok?”

Trixie didn't know what was the purpose of the towel, but agreed nonetheless by nodding.

“The next question is a tough one, what kind of Princess am I?” inquired Twilight, a sly grin on her muzzle. She knew that Trixie would answer this one incorrectly, her mind wasn't exactly the clearest at the moment.

“Umm…you're not green...” wondered Trixie outloud, racking her brain for a good response. “I… I don't know my colors Mistress..”

In a flash the fillys muzzle was covered by a towel, and water poured onto her face. Water overflowed from her mouth and nose, her passageways inundated. Her hooves flailed uselessly, pinned down by the straps, and her screams coming out as gurgles. After 5 seconds Twilight stopped the flow and stopped to watch filly squirm. Water was still in her airways, Twilight noticed, but she knew just how long she could leave it there before causing brain damage.

Trixie kept screaming, the lack of constant water flow was helping her spit out the water, but the towel made it harder. She could feel herself drowning, her lungs screaming almost as loud as herself, begging for air. The shock of the situation making it even worse, Trixie’s panicked senses making the burning in her chest worse. With her hooves restrained, she could do nothing to satisfy the fight or flight instinct that kicked in, no matter how hard she tried.

Finally, after a couple seconds Trixie was able to get rid of enough water to breathe again, at which point Twilight removed the towel.

“Wrong answer, Trixie, obviously! I didn't ask what color I was, I asked you what kind of Princess. Did you enjoy getting it wrong?” said Twilight smugly, refilling her watering can absentmindedly.

Trixie shook her head as much as she could, tears running down her face mixing with the water.

“No Mistress, please don't do that to me again, I'll be good!” cried Trixie, managing to mutter out the last word before devolving into sobs. Twilight smirked a bit before petting Trixie, running her hoof down the wet fur on the side of her face. Trixie flinched at the touch, opening her eyes to see Twilights soft smile. For a second, Trixie's hopes were raised. Maybe Twilight would let her out, the punishment was over! It was a tough one, to be sure, but she could take it.

“Aww, you poor thing, I didn't ask you to be good. I asked you to give me the right answer!” whispered Twilight, raising the towel again where Trixie could see. “Try again.”

At the sight of the towel, Trixies hopes vanished. In a panic she tried answering again, hoping to get it right out of fear of getting the water again.

“ThePrincessOfFriendship!!” shouted Trixie, saying it as fast as she could and then closing her eyes in preparation for the towel. When it didn't come, she peeked out of the eye closest to Twilight, and saw that the princess was holding something small on the frog of her hoof. It was a deep brown and squared.

“Good job Trixie! Now open your mouth for your prize.” cheered Twilight, putting her hoof to Trixies mouth. Trixie obeyed, allowing the small square to enter her mouth. It started melting almost instantly, and her mouth was assaulted with the sweet taste of chocolate as she rolled it around. She let out a small “Mmmm” in happiness.

This must be pony food too!

“Thank you Mistress!” said Trixie enthusiastically, the sweet taste of chocolate still lingering in her mouth. For a moment, her worries were erased, only the happiness of pleasing her owner filling her mind. She looked up at Twilight happily, reveling in the moment for a second.

“Just two more questions and we’ll be all done, Trixie! The penultimate question is: Friendship is also known as what?” said Twilight, sitting on her haunches.

“Ooh I know this one Princess! Friendship is magic!” said Trixie, her little hooves wiggling in their bonds excitedly. Trixie smiled widely and looked up at Twilight for confirmation, which she found along with another treat.

“Great job Trixie! Here's your treat.” said Twilight putting the treat into the fillies waiting mouth once more. Once again, Trixie was overcome with joy, even despite the circumstances surrounding her bondage. She swirled the chocolate in her mouth, trying her best to savor it and make it last as long as possible.

“We're almost done, so here's the last question," said Twilight. Her tone shifting into a growl. "What is the Princess of Friendship without any friends?”

Trixies grin fell right off of her face, watching as Twilight's favorite whip materialized in front of her forehoof. Twilight's magic gripped the towel firmly onto Trixies face and started pouring water. The all too familiar sensation of water entering her mouth and passageways started again. Her limbs and neck struggling even harder than before, in her panic she did not feel the various muscles she was pulling with her movements.

Her eyes were shut in fear, but were quickly shot open when she felt a searing strike on her soft underbelly.

“I. Can’t. Lose. My. Friends. Trixie.” grunted Twilight, each word punctuated with another strike from the whip. Twilight could see the welts that were appearing after every hit. Twilight's rage manifesting as red lines all over Trixies belly, visible even past her soft blue fur. All the while, the water was still pouring onto Trixie's face, her screams and sobs melding into one. Every impact spurred Trixie to struggle more, her brain forcing her to do her best to escape the pain. Instinctually, she needed to prevent herself from drowning, the strikes only making it worse. The straps held strong though, her lungs burning along with her belly. She could feel her consciousness fading away, lack of oxygen finally getting to her after 30 seconds straight of water flow.

Twilight stopped the flow of water and watched as the filly coughed out what water she could. Her sobbing came quickly, eyes closed, whole body shivering. Twilight put all her instruments down, leaning into Trixies ear.

“I can’t lose my friends, Trixie.” said Twilight, removing the rag and unstrapping the fillys hooves. Trixie didn't move out of fear, choosing to use her hooves to dry the tears from her eyes. A futile attempt considering she was drenched in water, and the tearing sensation she felt when she moved too much as a result of the welts. Twilight levitated the filly off of the bench and onto the floor, she squealed in pain as every move hurt her belly. She was breathing heavily, the change in position from laying down to sitting on her haunches putting stress on her back. Trixie stared at the ground, feeling Twilight's eyes bore into her.

“The Princess of Friendship is nothing without her friends, Trixie.” said Twilight, her tone serious, and still angry.

“And you risked that...” whispered Twilight, getting to her hooves to get more personal with the scared filly.

“Lucky for you, along with being your owner, as well as a princess of Equestria, I used to be the personal student of Celestia herself. I knew exactly how to smooth things over, it wasn't all that hard either! You are, after all, the pony who enslaved them and tried to take over Ponyville. They agreed that rehabilitation was the only alternative to prison,” monologued Twilight, stroking Trixie's wet mane all the while. She was full of it of course, Trixie would at worst be given community service. But Trixie would eat it up, she knew.

Trixie didn't know who Celestia was, or what her owners friends were like. Most of all she didn't remember taking over Ponyville. The only thing she understood was that Twilight had saved her from prison, which cheered her up a bit. She was still too afraid to look up, though, she knew Twilight wasn't done speaking.

“I’ll rehabilitate you, Trixie. I won't let anyone take you to prison, okay?” said Twilight softly, pulling the little filly into an embrace.

Trixie squeaked a bit in pain but quickly leaned into the hug. This was the first physical interaction she ever had with her mistress without involving whips or canes. Much like the chocolate, she reveled in it, astounded by how her fear and pain managed to float away when she was held. She didn’t know what the word rehabilitation meant, but Twilight was going to keep her out of prison. If it meant she could stay here with her owner, Trixie decided that she would do whatever it took. Even if it meant punishment like today. She burst into tears again, feeling a warmth in her chest, she thought it might be love for her owner.

Miss Twilight was right, Im becoming a good pet! Good pets love their owners….

“I'm sorry you had to punish me Mistress… I’ll be good.” whispered Trixie into Twilights chest fluff, hugging her tighter despite the pain it caused her.

I’ll be good.

Author's Note:

This chapter was fun to write! I hope you guys are still enjoying the story, please let me know if you have any suggestions for me!
Thanks for reading! :twilightsmile: