• Published 19th Jun 2018
  • 2,518 Views, 207 Comments

Trixd - Koshka5

After the events involving the Alicorn Amulet, Twilight kidnaps Trixie and keeps her as a pet.

  • ...


Clink… Clink… Clink…

Trixie looked to the source of the noise, the clinking having woken her from her great and powerful slumber. Her eyes were not met with the sight of her beloved cart, but instead a deep darkness through which she could not see the source of the clinking. She felt around with her hooves to see if she could figure out where she was, or at least the texture of her surroundings.

Trixie started wiggling her hooves, they seemed to have fallen asleep thanks to her awkward sleeping position. As they wiggled, she heard the clinking getting louder, serving only to annoy Trixie. She stretched them to and fro, the clinking turning into a dragging sound. After recovering feeling, she rose to stand on all four of her shaky hooves. Laying on the ground wasn't great and powerful at all, totally unacceptable for a mare of her caliber. Her hooves let her know that she was in fact standing on what appeared to be stone. Trixies surroundings remained bathed in darkness, she couldn't even see her own forehooves.

Further action had to be taken, this wasn't her cart at all!

She walked slowly forward, hoping to reach a wall where she could find some sort of switch, maybe there was a lightbulb here somewhere. Clink… Clink.. Pss…

“Trixie doesn't know who is making those sounds but you need to stop, right now!!” Hissed Trixie.

The sound bounced off the walls, the echoes along with silence let her know that she was probably all alone. Her anger was directed at nopony, but it helped her get her wits about her. She kept moving and bumped softly against another wall. She raised her hoof to rub her nose, accompanied by a clinking noise again.

Impossible, I just left the spot I was sitting!

Trixie moved her hoof from her nose and moved it to the wall in front of her, hoping to find a light switch or a door… anything to relieve her of this terrifying darkness. She ran her hoof across the wall, until she hit a gap. A gap! It went up and developed into what seemed to be a doorway, but it was blocked.

Blocked by a door, of course, Trixie!

This wasn't the cart door! It wasn't made of wood, and it didn't have peeling paint. Trixie started beating on the door, hoping that she could either knock it down or somepony would open it. She knocked harder, her hooves almost hurt from the impact.

“Open up! Is anypony there?! THIS IS TRIXIE LULAMOON, DO YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU DONT OPEN THIS DOOR THIS INSTANT?!!” screamed Trixie, beating the door as she spoke.

A series of violent stomps followed, nopony had answered. Was she stuck? Maybe there was another way. As Trixie considered this the door started glowing softly, it painted the walls with its sickly.. Purple. Trixie took the moment to look around, the glow allowed her to see that she was indeed inside of a stone room. This thought was interrupted as the door opened slowly, but purposefully. Trixie couldn’t wait to see which sorry son of a bitch was on the other side, he would be incapacitated faster than his pitiful magic could open a stupid door.

Wait… magic.Trixie mentally facehoofed and warmed up her horn, a quick blast at the ready just in case it was some sort of pervert. She watched carefully, the door opened completely and a unicorn stepped through. Light flooded in, obscuring the pony from view, but Trixie could tell it was a unicorn by the purple glow coming from its forehead.

“Who are you?! Don't come any closer or I'll blast you! Trixie is an incredible magician and is not afraid to use it against you!” said Trixie as she stepped back, obviously very afraid but attempting to wear a brave face.

The figure took a step forward, its horn no longer glowing, seemingly unaffected by Trixies threats. It remained silent and stopped after entering the room completely. It sat on its flank and just stared, probably waiting for Trixie to do something. She wasn't going to take the bait, Trixie took one last look at the unicorn, her eyes adjusting to the light, and made a run for the open door! She wouldn't have blasted the unicorn under normal circumstances, but Trixie could tell there was something off about this pony. Under different circumstances Trixie may have asked their identity a few more times. She could have used a light spell to illuminate the unicorns face, maybe get a good look. There was one last thing she could have done, and Trixie realized that this in hindsight could have saved her a lot of embarrassment. That one last thing? Maybe she could have checked where the celestia damn clinking was coming from.

Trixie shot the blast, roughly aimed at the ponies face, and started running as fast as her hooves could carry her azure body. The blast seemed to connect with the pony, but the second part of her plan didn't work out at all. As soon as she reached the doorway, her hooves stopped moving but her face didn't. Trixie face planted hard, all of her momentum transferred into her snout as it slammed into the floor. Trixie tried to get up, but her hooves wouldn't move, a ring of pressure holding her back.

“Let me go!! HELP TRIXIE! THERE’S A CRAZY PONY!!” hollered Trixie, hoping that somepony would hear and help. She didn't really know why she was so afraid, it was a primal instinct. A deep fear focused on self preservation. Trixie had no idea how well her instincts were working, but she’d soon find out. Nopony responded, and Trixie had no idea where she was at all, she didn't even have time to consider such things as she heard a chuckle from the pony who had just been blasted.

“What was that, exactly?” the pony said between fits of laughter.

Trixie could tell by the voice that this was a mare. She immediately relaxed and caught her breath. She was safe, it’s just some mare. Regardless, Trixie had just embarrassed herself in front of some weirdo. Unacceptable!

“Yes, strange mare, it was an escape attempt. Trixie did not feel comfortable being locked in a dark room, idiot!” spat Trixie, hoping to cover her own mistakes with insults against the mare.

“Hey, its not my fault you didn't even bother looking at your hooves before trying to run away. I guess I can't expect that much out of you, can I?” countered the mysterious mare.

Trixie glossed over the fact that she should have a reason to look at her own four hooves, and zeroed in on the insult against her intelligence.

“Buck you! I’ll have you know The Great and Powerful Trixie is one of the smartest ponies around! Smarter than you, especially! Watch as Trixie performs the incredible act of leaving this nasty place.” said Trixie, backing up a little and rising to her hooves as soon as she felt the pressure lighten. She took a step forward, raising her nose to show the stupid mare that she wasn't worthy, and immediately face planting again. She looked back at her hooves and noticed there was a ring of metal surrounding them, with chains leading to the wall.

The mare devolved into laughter all over again. This laughter had a horrible pitch, nowhere near as pretty as that of the Great and Powerful Trixie! Trixie recognized this pitch, vaguely. Like the floor towards her snout, the realization hit.

“Twilight!” Trixie said, turning her body to get a better look at her. She pointed her hoof accusingly at the purple Alicorn.

Trixies mind started running at a mile a minute, memories of the past few months coming back. In her confusion Trixie didn't even consider where she had been the day previous, but now she remembered. Trixie seemed frozen in thought.

“Are you waiting for me to monologue like a villain, Trixie?” smirked Twilight, still sitting calmly.

Twilight waited for her response, and after a a bit Trixie seemed to compose herself and regain her snooty persona.

“Where am I, Twilight, and why do I have chains on my hooves?” Trixie asked, false confidence evident in her voice as it quivered slightly.

“You didn't answer my question, Trixie. Bad Trixie!” Said Twilight, relishing in her power over Trixie. Twilight had information that Trixie wanted, and it felt delicious to deprive her of it. It was petty, but that just made it better for her.

“Trixie is not a dog, Twilight. Answer her question!” said Trixie, her fear morphing into anger, somewhat slowly. She tugged at the chains and tried to wiggle them off, they were probably toys anyway. Suddenly they glowed purple and started pulling Trixie towards the wall that she woke up near only minutes before. Trixie squealed in surprise, as she was dragged towards the wall by her hooves.

“I need you to sit still Trixie, I’ll at least have that if you aren’t going to answer my question.” smirked the alicorn. “And who knows, you might be a dog, depending on my mood. It’s probably best if you don’t tempt me.”

The chains finally stopped and Trixie was held flush with the wall, only about a foot of slack in them.Trixie was utterly confused, she didn't know whether to be afraid of Twilight or not. She didn’t seem like the type to hurt other ponies, even former enemies such as herself. She seemed like the type of goody four hooves that would pass out cupcakes instead, hoping to befriend them. Even so, Trixie would keep demanding answers until she got them, she was nothing if not persistent! Not just anypony could handle a traveling show of such greatness.

“Where is Trixie, Twilight! Why are you here?! What's going on!?” screamed Trixie, her desire for an answer as well as her emotions grabbing hold.

With a flash of purple magic, Trixie saw stars as it connected with her muzzle and her head was thrown back by the force of the impact.

“Don’t you ever raise your voice at me again Trixie, if you know what's good for you.” Twilight snarled, her face displaying the same aggressiveness of her voice.

Trixie was still in shock from the pain, Twilight's magic packed quite the punch. Her jaw ached, as if the bone itself was ringing, and radiated. It bathed her in shame, as if she hated the fact that she made Twilight angry more than Twilight for hitting her. She took a second to catch her breath and finally spoke up.

“Why the buck did you hit Trixie!? Let Trixie go!” screeched Trixie, her anger building as the pain in her face faded to a subtle throb.

Trixie struggled against the chains on her hooves, trying to push the cuff on her left hoof with the opposite limb. When that didn’t work she started quick yanks against the chain, hoping it would break or detach from the wall. It was all for naught as not only did the chains not budge, but they also began to glow purple again. This reminded Trixie that she was not alone in this room, and she looked back up to where the unicorn was standing. As soon as she did she noticed that this unicorn had wings! The flared, angry, wings were only visible for a second before the chains tightened even more, plastering Trixie spread eagle on the wall.

“My patience is running thin, Trixie! Because of that, I’m gonna start talking and I expect you to be quiet so we can get this over with.” growled Twilight, her voice low but venomous.

“And what is this, Twilight?! Where are we?! Trixie won't soon forg–” started Trixie, cut off as an arcane fist landed on her belly.

Twilight knocked the wind out of Trixie, hoping that would shut her up long enough to get started. It’s like she wasn’t even listening, she was about to explain just that, but Trixie couldn’t stay quiet. For now Trixie was just catching her breath, this was her chance. Twilight got comfortable and started her speech. Hitting Trixie was fun, but shattering her dreams would be infinitely better.

“Now that you’ve finally shut the buck up, I can tell you what’s going on!” said Twilight, clapping her hooves. Her mood flipped like a switch as she pulled out a long piece of parchment from under her wing.

“Okay… step 1…. Check! Step 2… Hmmm kind of? I should ask Spike about that one...” Twilight thought out loud, completely immersed in her list for a bit.

“Oops! I forgot step 1a… gag the victim. Victim is a harsh word, no worries, Trixie.” assured Twilight as her horn glowed once more.

A ball gag popped into existence, a simple teleportation spell thought Trixie. Trixie watched as the gag floated towards her and locked itself around her muzzle. She struggled against her bondage with renewed vigour, her muffled voice coming through as she shouted. Her hooves were starting to get sore from the way the cuffs were digging into them, and the position she was sitting in was not natural, so she fought on. Twilight didn't notice, she seemed to be reading over her checklist one more time before clearing her throat and beginning some sort of rehearsed speech.

“Under EQ 438 part a through b, I, Princess Twilight Sparkle declare one Trixie Lulamoon as a royal concubine. All rights and privileges previously belonging to such pony is hereby transferred to Twilight Sparkle, bound from now until death, or the relinquishing of the concubine for any reason at the discretion of its owner,” recited Twilight, her excitement bleeding through as she spoke.

Trixie tilted her head, muffling a quick “what?” through the gag. Her eyes darted between what she could see of her restraints and Twilight, realization hitting her slowly. Twilight watched her, fascinated by the way Trixies facial expressions shifted so fast. Finally, Trixies face shifted from confusion to anger, and subsequently understanding.

Ultimately her eyes rested on Twilight's list, the hoof cuffs seemed to disappear as she felt an invisible restraint wrap around her. This one wasn’t tangible, it would be impossible to fight this one. Twilight took it all in, Trixies body seemed to relax against the restraints as she hung limply.

Twilight could almost squeal in happiness, but that would ruin the mood so she mentally scheduled some squealing time in between her latest friendship report and bedtime.

“Any questions, Trixie?” smirked Twilight as she removed the magicians gag.

Please tell Trixie this is a joke…. The Twilight I knew wouldn't do this….” whispered Trixie, as if her voice itself was afraid. Trixie shifted against the chains, faintly tugging at them. Twilight took a moment to respond, seemingly deep in thought before she grinned sinisterly.

“You didn’t know me, Trixie. But don't you worry your ugly little head, you’ll get to know me a lot more intimately from now on!” Twilight tapped Trixie on the head, the restrained mare didn't even move. This was too much, this was official stuff! Trixie was royally screwed by royalty.

Back in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, there was a whole class dedicated to the laws of Equestria. Trixie didn't pay much attention in that class, there was a cute stallion there who just loved to talk about fireworks. Trixie happened to have quite the knowledge on such a subject. One could not run a respectable show without a good pyro display for the audience! But some of the older laws still tore her focus away from that stallion's flank, as sexy as it was. Some of them dealt with old wars, and sanctions against certain races, but some were all about the royalty of Equestria. Alicorns were immune from paying taxes, allowed a government pension, and usually allowed for a comfortable life as royalty. Trixie would have enjoyed such a life, but it did not come for free. The price of such an existence required a position as princess which required you to basically give up your life to serving Equestria.

All of that was quite boring, but the reason Trixie remembered it was because of one last little perk that came with being royalty. Royalty was allowed to keep one pony as a companion to help get through the tougher days. Companion was just a fancy word for some sort of slave, Trixie knew. And as a result Trixie knew that she would love to have one of those, at the time she thought she could use it to do her homework, but little Trixie was thinking too small. The older and wiser, but still youthful, Trixie of today believed she could use it to pull her cart and help with her show. It could cook, clean, and even massage the great and powerful hooves.

Trixie did not want to touch Twilights hooves. they may be royal but they were still attached to Trixies arch nemesis. Twilight had taken Trixies entire life, by humiliating her in front of the entire town and destroying Trixie's home.She went months without a place to sleep until she could raise enough bits to build a new cart. It wasn’t easy putting on such fantastical shows without a suitable backdrop, but Trixies natural performance abilities came in handy. Every moment she spent performing in front of tattered banners and broken down taverns was another reason to destroy Twilight. She quickly earned enough bits to buy the alicorn amulet, but she had to resort to physical labor. It would all be worth it though, she would remind herself, as soon as she had Twilight begging for mercy.

Trixies train of thought was derailed by a yank to the chains attached to her hooves. Trixie looked down and saw that they were glowing once again, the source of the magic glaring at her.

“Were you even listening, Tripsy?” Snarked Twilight, glaring at the blue mare.

“Why would Trixie waste her time listening to somepony like you?”

“Hmm I think I need to be careful with your head. You’re a lot more… challenged than I thought you would be.” Twilight pretended to think, tapping her hoof onto her chin.

“Trixie is much smarter than you Twi-oof!” grunted Trixie.
Twilight had yanked the chains forward, toward herself, bringing her victims face as close as possible.

“Are you not understanding how deeply fucked you are? You're mine now Trixie, all those years, all of your stupid shows, your entire life, all of it is going down the drain.” said Twilight, gazing deep into Trixies eyes, waiting for the trapped mare to react.

“Trixie thinks your muzzle would fit well in a freakshow, it's even more horrifying up close.”

The alicorn sighed, dropping her head along with her ears. Her satisfaction was waning. Trixie was starting to get some of her confidence back, despite being condemned to slavery. This would be a good point to lay the facts on her and start the spell. She should be ready by tomorrow! Twilight took a deep breath and began monologuing,

“Fine, fine, you’re not gonna take this seriously so I guess i'll just tell you what's going on. You seemed to stop even questioning where you were! This is not the sign of a smart pony, I would know.” said Twilight as she relaxed a bit.
Twilight tilted her head, gesturing around the room with a hoof without taking her view off of Trixie. She got up and half circled Trixie, intimidating her prey.

“Afterall, it takes an incredibly intelligent mare to ponynap an infamous showmare without arousing suspicion. But that doesn't matter, what matters is that I get to keep you as a pet Trixie! Maybe you at least heard that part from my little contract speech?‘ Twilight grinned.

“Of course Trixie did. Trixie doesn't care! She’ll live in the lap of luxury, it might even be a bit better than living in my cart, except the bugs in this one are purple and a lot bigger.” said Trixie, waving her hooves as much as the chains allowed for.

“What part of the word slavery screams luxury to you?” asked Twilight, mildly entertained by how wrong Trixie was.

“The part where Trixie is a royal concubine, with a royal salary and guaranteed vacation days for life. Gosh Twilight didn't you read the stupid law before using it on Trixie?” laughed Trixie, happy to make fun of the purple mare.

“Well you're partially correct, Trixie,”Twilight chuckled.

“The best kind of correct!” interjected Trixie.

“But you forgot the slave part of the word slave, you'll be expected to follow directions 100% of the time. Or else there will be consequences, of course.” said Twilight.

“Trixie isn't afraid of fines, idiot. And if you think a strong mare like Trixie can't take a couple punches, you've vastly underestimated her.” said Trixie smugly.

"A strong mare, perhaps," said Twilight with a smirk. She charged her horn with magic, firing a jet of lavender light that knocked Trixie out cold, dropping her motionless body to the ground. "But a filly is another matter entirely."

Author's Note:

This is the first chapter of my first ever story, please let me know if you have any suggestions, thank you!
Don't forget to shower me with compliments too, though.

Thanks to my very very very good friend The LewdChapter for helping me write this and editing all of it, he's the best.